

制药工艺流程 英文

制药工艺流程 英文

制药工艺流程英文《Pharmaceutical Production Process》Pharmaceutical production process, also known as pharmaceutical manufacturing, involves a series of steps and activities to produce a final pharmaceutical product that meets the required quality standards and regulatory requirements. The process begins with the discovery of a new drug molecule or the identification of a potential drug candidate. Once a drug candidate is selected, the pharmaceutical production process begins.The first step in the pharmaceutical production process is the development of the drug formulation. This involves the creation of a stable and effective dosage form for the drug, such as a tablet, capsule, or liquid solution. Formulation development also includes the selection of excipients, which are the inactive ingredients that are used to create the final dosage form.Once the drug formulation is developed, the next step is to manufacture the drug product. This involves the actual production of the dosage form in a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility. The manufacturing process may include activities such as mixing, granulation, compression, coating, and packaging.After the drug product is manufactured, it undergoes a series of quality control tests to ensure that it meets the required quality standards. These tests may include checks for assay, impurities, dissolution, and microbiological contamination. Once the drug product passes all quality control tests, it is ready for distribution and sale to patients.Throughout the pharmaceutical production process, regulatory requirements and good manufacturing practices (GMP) must be followed to ensure that the drug product is safe, effective, and of high quality. This includes maintaining a clean and sanitary manufacturing environment, conducting regular equipment and facility maintenance, and keeping detailed documentation of all production activities.In conclusion, the pharmaceutical production process is a complex and highly regulated series of steps that are essential for the production of safe and effective drug products. From drug formulation development to manufacturing and quality control testing, each step plays a crucial role in ensuring that the final drug product meets the required quality standards and regulatory requirements.。



4、1 工艺原理:多级二元互不溶逆流萃取。

全塔物料衡算:RXf+EY0=RXN+EY1 (1)
对第I级衡算:RXf + EYi= RXi+ EY1 (2)
对纯水来说,Y0=0 ;对27.5%过氧化氢来说,Y1=320 g/L

Yi= (R/E)((Xf-Xi)+ Y0,此式称为操作线方程。

由分配系数定义:Yi= m((Xf-Xi)+ Y0,此式称为平衡线方程。

4、2 工艺流程简述
4、2、1 流程简述










过氧化氢的工艺流程英文回答:The process of producing hydrogen peroxide involves several key steps. The first step is the anthraquinone process, which starts with the oxidation of 2-ethylanthraquinone to form 2-ethylanthraquinone hydroperoxide. This is then reduced to form hydrogen peroxide and 2-ethylanthraquinol. The second step is the autoxidation process, which involves the direct oxidation of hydroquinone to form hydrogen peroxide.In the anthraquinone process, the 2-ethylanthraquinone is first dissolved in a solvent and then mixed with air and a catalyst. The mixture is then heated to promote the oxidation reaction, which forms the 2-ethylanthraquinone hydroperoxide. This intermediate is then mixed with a reducing agent, such as hydrogen, to form hydrogen peroxide and 2-ethylanthraquinol.In the autoxidation process, hydroquinone is mixed with air and a catalyst and then heated to promote the oxidation reaction, which directly forms hydrogen peroxide.Both processes require careful control of temperature, pressure, and catalyst concentration to ensure high yields of hydrogen peroxide. The hydrogen peroxide produced is then purified and concentrated before being used in various industrial applications.中文回答:生产过氧化氢的工艺涉及几个关键步骤。



蒽醌法生产双氧水反应方程式1. 介绍在化学工业中,生产双氧水的方法有很多种,其中蒽醌法是一种常见的方法。



2. 蒽醌法的原理蒽醌法是一种通过蒽醌与过氧化氢反应制备双氧水的方法。


过氧化氢(hydrogen peroxide)则是一种常用的氧化剂,化学式为H2O2。





3. 反应方程式蒽醌法生产双氧水的反应方程式如下:C14H8O2 + H2O2 → 2H2O + C14H8O2醋酸盐通过观察反应方程式,我们可以看到,蒽醌和过氧化氢反应生成了双氧水和蒽醌醋酸盐。


4. 实验条件和注意事项在进行蒽醌法生产双氧水的实验时,需要注意以下几点:1.反应溶液的浓度和温度对反应速率有影响,需要根据实际情况进行调整。



5. 蒽醌法与其他方法的比较蒽醌法是生产双氧水的常用方法之一,与其他方法相比具有以下特点:1.蒽醌法相对简单,原料易得,工艺较为成熟,投资成本相对较低。



6. 应用领域双氧水是一种重要的化学品,在生活和工业中有广泛的应用。




粗品肝素工艺流程英文版Crude Heparin Production Process.1. Raw Material Collection.Raw heparin is obtained from the mucosal lining of the small intestines of slaughtered animals, primarily pigs and cattle. The intestines are collected fresh and stored in a cold environment to prevent spoilage.2. Extraction.The extraction process involves digesting theintestinal mucosa with an alkaline solution, typically sodium hydroxide. This breaks down the tissue and releases the heparin. The resulting mixture is then filtered to remove solids.3. Precipitation.The filtered extract is acidified to precipitate the heparin. The acid, usually hydrochloric acid, neutralizes the alkaline solution, causing the heparin to forminsoluble precipitates. These precipitates are collected by centrifugation.4. Purification.The heparin precipitates are dissolved in water and further purified through a series of steps, including:Deproteinization: The heparin solution is treated with enzymes, such as papain, to remove proteins.Ion Exchange Chromatography: The solution is passed through an ion exchange resin, which selectively binds impurities.Gel Filtration: The solution is passed through a gel filtration column, which separates the heparin molecules based on their size.5. Concentration.The purified heparin solution is concentrated by ultrafiltration or lyophilization. Ultrafiltration uses a semipermeable membrane to remove water and other small molecules. Lyophilization involves freezing the solution and then subliming the water under vacuum.6. Precipitation and Drying.The concentrated heparin solution is further precipitated with an alcohol, such as isopropanol or ethanol. This step removes residual impurities and produces a crystalline heparin precipitate. The precipitate is collected by filtration and dried to obtain crude heparin.7. Characterization.The crude heparin is analyzed to determine its purity and activity. Parameters such as molecular weight distribution, anticoagulant activity, and contamination levels are assessed.8. Packaging and Storage.Crude heparin is typically packaged in sealed containers and stored under controlled conditions to maintain its stability. It serves as the starting material for further processing and purification to produce pharmaceutical-grade heparin.Additional Notes:Heparin is a complex polysaccharide with a wide range of molecular weights and structures. The properties of crude heparin vary depending on the source animal and extraction conditions.Crude heparin exhibits anticoagulant activity due to its ability to bind to and inhibit thrombin, a key enzyme in blood clotting.The purification process significantly reducesimpurities and ensures the safety and efficacy of the final heparin product.。



双氧水工艺流程英文版The production process of hydrogen peroxide involves several key steps, starting with the reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to form water and hydrogen peroxide. This initial reaction takes place in a reactor vessel at high pressure and temperature, facilitated by a catalyst such as platinum. The resulting mixture is then condensed and purified to remove any remaining water, as well as to separate out any unreacted hydrogen and oxygen.Once the hydrogen peroxide has been purified, it undergoes further processing to increase its concentration and stability. This typically involves distillation and/or pressure-swing adsorption, which serve to remove any remaining impurities and water while concentrating the hydrogen peroxide to the desired level. After concentration,stabilizers may be added to the hydrogen peroxide to preventits decomposition and extend its shelf life.The final step in the production process is packaging and storage. The concentrated and stabilized hydrogen peroxide is transferred to storage tanks or drums, ready for shipment to customers or for further processing into various end products. Throughout the entire production process, strict quality control measures are in place to ensure the purity, concentration, and stability of the hydrogen peroxide.In conclusion, the production of hydrogen peroxide is a complex and multi-step process that requires carefulattention to detail and stringent quality control. From the initial reaction of hydrogen and oxygen to the finalpackaging and storage of the finished product, each stage of the process plays a crucial role in ensuring the high quality and purity of the hydrogen peroxide that is ultimately delivered to customers.。



过氧化氢的工艺流程过氧化氢的工艺流程的英文和中文描述如下:英文描述:The production process of hydrogen peroxide typically begins with the preparation of raw materials, primarily hydrogen and oxygen gases, which are often separated from air using cooling or adsorption methods. Subsequently, these gases are mixed in a controlled proportion, typically 1:1, and then introduced into a reactor in the presence of a catalyst such as silver or platinum. The reaction takes place under controlled temperature and pressure conditions, typically within the range of 0-30 degrees Celsius and 1-10 atmospheres, respectively. Following the reaction, the product is separated from unreacted gases and impurities through a series of steps including cooling, depressurization, and filtration. The resulting hydrogen peroxide then undergoes further purification processes such as distillation to enhance its purity before being stored for future use.中文描述:过氧化氢的生产工艺通常始于原料的准备,主要是氢气和氧气,这些气体通常通过冷却法或吸附法从空气中分离出来。





一、工艺流程蒽醌法生产双氧水的工艺流程可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 原料准备:将蒽醌和过氧化氢作为主要原料准备好。


2. 反应器配置:将反应器准备好,根据生产需要,调整反应器的体积和操作参数,确保反应器能够容纳所需的原料和产物,并满足反应的热力学条件。

3. 反应:将蒽醌和过氧化氢加入反应器中,控制温度和搅拌速度,使其进行反应。


4. 分离:反应结束后,将反应物进行分离。


5. 精制:对分离得到的双氧水进行精制处理,消除杂质和残余的蒽醌酮,得到高纯度的双氧水。

6. 包装和贮存:对精制的双氧水进行包装,符合贮存和运输要求,确保产品的安全性和稳定性。

二、关键步骤在蒽醌法生产双氧水的工艺中,有几个关键步骤需要特别注意:1. 原料质量:原料的质量直接影响反应的效果和产物的质量。


2. 反应条件控制:反应条件的控制包括温度、搅拌速度、反应时间等方面。


3. 安全措施:蒽醌法生产双氧水涉及到过氧化氢,这是一种有较强氧化性的物质,具有一定的危险性。


4. 产物分离和精制:对产物进行分离和精制是获得高纯度双氧水的关键步骤。


三、工艺优势蒽醌法生产双氧水具有以下几个优势:1. 生产成本低:蒽醌法生产双氧水的原料价格相对较低,生产工艺也相对简单,因此可以有效降低生产成本。



蒽醌法钯催化剂工艺双氧水生产技术要点沈曙光(浙江善高化学有限公司,浙江宁波 315801)摘 要: 从生产实践的角度分析了蒽醌法钯催化剂工艺双氧水生产过程中应注意的一些技术问题和安全事项,并提出了一些建议和措施。

关键词:蒽醌法;钯催化剂工艺;双氧水中图分类号: TQ123.6 文献标识码: B 文章编号: 1672-2191(2007)04-0063-03收稿日期:2007-02-26作者简介:沈曙光(1971-),男,浙江嘉善人,工程师,从事化工生产管理与技术工作。

电子信箱:ssg@e-zgcc.com1 工艺流程蒽醌法钯催化剂固定床双氧水生产工艺一般分为氢化、氧化、萃取净化、后处理4个主工序,其工艺流程示意图见图1。

图1 双氧水生产工艺流程示意图Fig.1 Diagrammatic sketch of hydrogen peroxideproduction technological process2 工艺特点①流程简洁,工艺成熟。



生产双氧水所使用的原料重芳烃、磷酸三辛酯、2-乙基蒽醌、氢气等都是可燃性物质,其中氢气还具有易爆性质,它在空气中的爆炸范围为4.0% ̄75%,在氧气中的爆炸范围为4.5% ̄95%。







AO Process descriptionWork solution (WS) is pumped into filters to remove solid impurity, and then is preheated (or cooled) by going through heat exchanger and preheater. Hydrogen, which comes from chlor-alkali plant, is purified by filter, and then gets into hydrogenator with WS at the same time.The hydrogenator is consisted of three palladium catalyst beds, and each section has gas and liquid distributer. The distributer can make the gas and liquid those get into the tower well-distributed. Any section of the three beds can be used alone or two sections in series and three parts at the same time (in series) if necessary, which bases on the need of process and hydrogenate efficiency and activity of palladium catalyst.When two sections of the hydrogenater are used in series, the WS and hydrogen first get into the top of upper section, and then go through the palladium bed in concurrent downwards. After that, both the two flow out from the bottom of the upper section and then get into the top of down section by pipe outside the tower. The WS and hydrogen (not reacted) flow out from the bottom of the down section and then go into hydrogenater degasser.Hydrogenated WS (HWS) and the not reacted hydrogen, which together come out from the hydrogenator, go into hydrogenator degasser. The gas flows out from the top, and then gets into condenser. Condensate goes into receiver tank, and off gas is exhausted after controlling the flow by flow meter.Determined level of the degasser is controlled by auto valve. 10% HWSfirst gets into alumina bed, and then together with other 90% HWS go through filters to remove solid impurity. After that, HWS going through heat exchanger and then gets into tank. Little hydrogen or other gases, which dissolve in the HWS, resolve in the tank. The gases then go into condenser, and are exhausted by evacuation water seal and flame arrester.Part of the hydrogenated WS, which flows out from the hydrogenator degasser, is pumped back into the hydrogenator. This can make the temperature of the tower well-distributed, and hydrogenated efficiency steady and operation safe.Hydrogenated WS (HWS) and phosphoric acid are pumped into HWS cooler, in which the temperature of HWS is cooled down to 50~55℃, and then both get into upper part of oxidizer. The HWS is stored in HWS tank, and the phosphoric acid is stored in phosphoric acid mixing tank. Phosphoric acid is pumped by metering pump.There are three hollow sections of the oxidizer and the air is introduced into the tower from the bottom of middle and lower sections separately. The air is distributed into small bubble by gas distributor. Air flow based on oxidized efficiency and the concentration of oxygen in the off gas (normally is 6%-9%). Parts of or all the air, which is introduced into the middle and lower sections, flow into the bottom of the upper part of the oxidizer. The HWS and the air, which get into the bottom of the upper part, are concurrent upwards. HWS is partly oxidized and flows out from the top of the upper section and then gets into the bottom of the middle section. The HWS together with the fresh air areconcurrent upwards. The mixture of air and liquid, which flows out from the top of the upper section, gets into degasser to eliminate air. After that, the liquid gets into the bottom of the lower part and together with the fresh air are concurrent upwards. The mixture of air and liquid, which flows out from the top of the middle section, gets into degasser to eliminate air. Determinate level of the degasser is controlled by auto valve. Oxidized WS (OWS), after cooled by cooler, gets into tank, and then is pumped into the bottom of extractor. Off gas of the oxidizer gets into condenser, and then gas and condensate get into aromatic receiver drum. After that, the gas goes into off gas separator. Liquid is recovered into aromatic recover tank, and the off gas gets into handling unit after the pressure of the top of the tower is controlled by instrument. The temperature of the oxidizer is controlled by controlling flow of cooling water into U type pipe which is contained inside the tower.The oxidized WS, which contains H2O2, gets into the extractor from the bottom of the tower. It is dispersed by sieve plate and then floats upwards. Meanwhile, DMW with phosphoric acid is pumped to the top of the extractor from DMW mixing tank. The flow of the water is controlled by auto valve. The water flows downwards by downcome of the sieve plate, and the oxidized WS and water are countercurrent extraction.In this process, the water works as continuous phase and the oxidized WS as disperse phase. The concentration of H2O2in DMW is getting higher as the water flows downwards and at last the water flows out from the bottom of the extractor (now the water is called extract). The extract gets into the top ofpurification tower by potential difference. The concentration of H2O2in the oxidized WS is getting lower as it floats upwards. At last, it flows out from the top of the extractor (now it is called raffinate).Purification column contains fillings and heavy aromatic. The extract, which gets into the purification column from the top of the column, is dispersed in the tower and flows downward. At the same time, heavy aromatic gets into the bottom of the purification column from the overhead aromatic tank by potential difference. The aromatic and the extract are countercurrent contact to eliminate organic impurity in H2O2. In this process, the heavy aromatic works as continuous phase while the extract as disperse phase. The H2O2, after purification, flows out from the bottom of the purification column and goes into crude H2O2 separator to eliminate aromatic that may be carried by H2O2. After that, the H2O2 goes into metering tank, in which it is blowed by air. And then, the H2O2 is pumped to packing or concentration procedure.The heavy aromatic, which flows out from the top of the purification column, enters into aromatic recovery tank. Attention, for safety consideration, before the aromatic is used for distillation or mixing of WS, it must be washed by DMW to eliminate H2O2 (the concentration of H2O2 must be below 0.15g/L). Raffinate flows out from the top of the extractor, and then goes into raffinate separator to eliminate water. After that, it goes through WS metering tank and then gets into the bottom of alkaline tower. The alkaline tower contains fillings and potassium carbonate solution (40% approximately) goes into the alkalinetower form the top of the tower. In the alkaline tower, the H2O2in the WS decomposes, and acid in the WS was neutralized. Besides, the water in the WS can also be further eliminated.The WS, which flows out from the top of the alkaline tower, goes into alkali settler and then into alkali separator to eliminate potassium carbonate solution. After that, the WS enters into alumina bed which contains activated alumina. The alumina is used to recover anthraquinone degradation. And the potassium carbonate solution can also be absorbed by the alumina. The WS flows out from the top of the alumina bed and gets into WS tank. The WS is then pumped into hydrogenator and another circulation is started.2011-3-10。



氧化蒽醌的生产工艺流程英文回答:To produce anthraquinone, a commonly used method involves the oxidation of anthracene. I will outline the process in detail below:1. Preparation of anthracene: Anthracene is first obtained from coal tar or petroleum fractions. It is then purified to remove impurities such as sulfur and metals.2. Oxidation reaction: Anthracene is reacted with an oxidizing agent to convert it into anthraquinone. One common oxidizing agent used is chromic acid (H2CrO4). The reaction can be represented as follows:C14H10 + 3H2CrO4 → C14H8O2 + 3CrO3 + 4H2O.3. Separation and purification: After the oxidation reaction, the mixture is usually extracted with a suitablesolvent such as benzene or toluene. The anthraquinone canbe separated from the solvent by crystallization or distillation. Further purification steps may be required to obtain a high-purity product.4. Byproduct utilization: During the oxidation reaction, chromium trioxide (CrO3) is formed as a byproduct. This byproduct can be recovered and reused in subsequentoxidation reactions.5. Waste treatment: Proper waste treatment methods should be employed to handle any waste generated during the production process. This is important to ensure environmental sustainability and compliance with regulations.In summary, the production process of anthraquinone involves the preparation of anthracene, oxidation of anthracene using an oxidizing agent, separation and purification of anthraquinone, utilization of byproducts, and proper waste treatment.中文回答:氧化蒽醌的生产工艺流程通常涉及蒽的氧化反应。



英文回答,The preparation process of hydrogen peroxide involves several steps. Firstly, the anthraquinone process is commonly used, which involves the oxidation of 2-ethylanthraquinone with air, followed by hydrogenation to produce hydrogen peroxide. Another method is the direct synthesis from hydrogen and oxygen, which occurs in a gas phase reaction over a catalyst. The final step in the process is the purification of the hydrogen peroxide to remove any impurities.






简述双氧水装置生产工艺流程及其原理Double oxide water is a commonly used disinfectant and cleaning agent in various industries, including healthcare, food processing, and water treatment. 双氧水是一种常用的消毒剂和清洁剂,广泛应用于医疗保健、食品加工和水处理等各个行业。

The production process of double oxide water involves several key steps to ensure the quality and efficacy of the final product. 双氧水装置的生产过程涉及多个关键步骤,以确保最终产品的质量和功效。

The first step in the production process is the preparation of raw materials, which typically include hydrogen peroxide and distilled water. 生产过程的第一步是准备原材料,通常包括双氧水和蒸馏水。

Hydrogen peroxide is a clear, colorless liquid that is highly reactive and used as the main ingredient in double oxide water. 双氧水是一种清澈无色的液体,具有高度反应性,并作为双氧水的主要成分使用。

Distilled water is used to dilute the hydrogen peroxide and adjust the concentration of the final product. 蒸馏水被用来稀释双氧水并调整最终产品的浓度。



双氧水生产流程合集英文回答:The production process of hydrogen peroxide involves several key steps. First, the raw materials, which include hydrogen gas and oxygen, are mixed together in a reactor. This reaction produces a solution of hydrogen peroxide and water. The next step is to purify the solution to remove any impurities and by-products. This is typically done through a series of filtration and distillation processes.Once the solution is purified, it is concentrated to increase the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. This is usually achieved through a process called vacuum distillation, which involves heating the solution under reduced pressure to remove water and increase the concentration of hydrogen peroxide. The final step in the production process is to stabilize the concentrated hydrogen peroxide solution to prevent it from decomposing during storage and transportation. This is often done byadding stabilizing agents such as acetanilide or phosphate esters.Overall, the production of hydrogen peroxide is a complex process that requires careful control of reaction conditions, purification steps, and stabilization to ensure the final product meets the required quality and purity standards.中文回答:双氧水的生产过程涉及几个关键步骤。



罐装氧气生产工艺流程英语Oxygen Canning Production Process.Oxygen is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is essential for life. It is used in a variety ofindustrial and medical applications, including welding, metalworking, and medical treatments. Oxygen can be produced in a variety of ways, but the most common method is through the process of fractional distillation of liquid air.Fractional Distillation of Liquid Air.Fractional distillation is a process that separates a mixture of liquids into its individual components based on their different boiling points. In the case of liquid air, the different components are nitrogen, oxygen, and argon.The process of fractional distillation begins by cooling the liquid air to a very low temperature, typicallyaround -196 degrees Celsius. At this temperature, the nitrogen in the liquid air will condense into a liquid, while the oxygen and argon will remain in a gaseous state.The nitrogen-rich liquid is then drained off, and the oxygenand argon-rich gas is compressed and cooled further. This process is repeated several times until the oxygen and argon are separated from each other.Oxygen Canning.The oxygen that is produced through fractional distillation is then罐装d into steel cylinders for easy storage and transportation. The cylinders are typically filled with oxygen to a pressure of around 2000 pounds per square inch (psi).The罐装process begins by cleaning the cylinders to remove any contaminants. The cylinders are then filled with oxygen and sealed with a valve. The cylinders are then tested for leaks and labeled with the appropriate safety information.Applications of Canned Oxygen.Canned oxygen is used in a variety of industrial and medical applications, including:Welding and metalworking: Oxygen is used as a fuel gas in welding and metalworking processes. It helps to create a hot flame that can melt metal.Medical treatments: Oxygen is used to treat a variety of medical conditions, including respiratory distress syndrome, pneumonia, and asthma. It can also be used to revive patients who have stopped breathing.Other applications: Oxygen is also used in a variety of other applications, including:Aerospace: Oxygen is used to provide breathableair for astronauts in space.Food processing: Oxygen is used to preserve foodand prevent spoilage.Water treatment: Oxygen is used to removeimpurities from water.Safety Precautions.Oxygen is a flammable gas, so it is important to take safety precautions when using it. These precautions include:Never smoke or use open flames near oxygen.Store oxygen cylinders in a cool, dry place away from flammable materials.Use oxygen regulators and hoses that are specifically designed for oxygen use.Never use oxygen cylinders that are damaged or leaking.Conclusion.Canned oxygen is a versatile and important gas that is used in a variety of industrial and medical applications. It is produced through the process of fractionaldistillation of liquid air and is then罐装d into steel cylinders for easy storage and transportation. Oxygen is a flammable gas, so it is important to take safety precautions when using it.。



氧化蒽醌的生产工艺流程英文回答:To produce anthraquinone, a commonly used method is the oxidation of anthracene. I will explain the production process in detail.Firstly, anthracene is obtained from coal tar or petroleum. It is a solid compound that is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents. The anthracene is then purified to remove impurities such as sulfur and metals.Once the anthracene is purified, it is oxidized to form anthraquinone. This oxidation reaction can be carried out using various methods, such as the use of strong oxidizing agents like chromic acid or potassium permanganate. Another common method is the use of air or oxygen under high pressure and temperature.For example, in the air oxidation method, anthracene is mixed with a catalyst, such as vanadium pentoxide, and heated to around 300-350 degrees Celsius. Oxygen is then passed through the mixture at high pressure. The reaction takes place in a reactor vessel, and the anthracene is converted to anthraquinone.After the oxidation reaction, the mixture is cooled and filtered to separate the solid anthraquinone from the reaction by-products. The solid anthraquinone is then washed to remove any remaining impurities.To further purify the anthraquinone, it can be recrystallized from a suitable solvent, such as hot ethanol or toluene. The recrystallization process helps remove any remaining impurities and obtain a pure anthraquinone product.Finally, the purified anthraquinone can be used for various applications, such as in the production of dyes, pigments, and pharmaceuticals.中文回答:氧化蒽醌的生产工艺流程通常采用蒽的氧化方法。



双氧水萃取工艺流程英文回答:Hydrogen Peroxide Extraction Process.The hydrogen peroxide extraction process is a widely used method for extracting bioactive compounds from natural sources, such as plants, animals, and microorganisms. It involves the use of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a solvent to selectively dissolve and extract the desired compounds. The process is often carried out in combination with other techniques, such as maceration, sonication, or centrifugation, to enhance the extraction efficiency.The hydrogen peroxide extraction process typically involves the following steps:1. Sample preparation: The starting material is prepared by grinding, milling, or other methods to increase its surface area and facilitate extraction.2. Solvent selection: Hydrogen peroxide is chosen as the solvent based on its ability to dissolve the target compounds and its compatibility with the sample matrix.3. Extraction: The prepared sample is mixed with hydrogen peroxide and incubated at a controlled temperature and agitation speed. The extraction time and temperature are optimized based on the target compounds and the nature of the sample.4. Separation: The extracted solution is separated from the remaining solids by filtration, centrifugation, or other methods.5. Purification: The extract may undergo further purification steps to remove unwanted impurities and concentrate the target compounds. This can involve techniques such as chromatography, recrystallization, or precipitation.The hydrogen peroxide extraction process offers severaladvantages over other extraction methods. It is arelatively safe and environmentally friendly process, as hydrogen peroxide is a biodegradable solvent. It is also highly selective, allowing for the targeted extraction of specific compounds from complex mixtures. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide has a good solvent power for a wide range of compounds, including polar and nonpolar substances.However, the hydrogen peroxide extraction process may also have some limitations. It can be corrosive to certain materials, so it is important to choose appropriate equipment and materials during the extraction. Additionally, hydrogen peroxide can react with some compounds, leading to degradation or modification of the target compounds. Therefore, careful optimization of the extractionconditions is necessary to minimize any potential adverse effects.中文回答:双氧水萃取工艺流程。


































分配系数 备注
沸点低,氢 蒽醌溶解度

密度低,分 配系数高
萃取时水相与油 相中双氧水浓度
On the evening of July 24, 2021
It is applicable to work report, lecture and teaching
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On the evening of July 24, 2021
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n 氢化液中溶解的氢气如何脱除
到达氢化液泵,为氢气逸出提供足够的时间。 n 为何在氢化液泵入口加入磷酸
在这里加入磷酸后可利用泵的叶轮对氢化液充分搅拌,使磷酸和氢化液混合均 匀。
On the evening of July 24, 2021
n 蒽醌溶剂:重芳烃
重芳烃的主要组分分子结构如下: 最差
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其中偏三甲苯(1,2,4-三甲苯)对蒽醌的溶解度,对H2O2的分配系数 最高。
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1AO Process descriptionWork solution (WS) is pumped into filters to remove solid impurity, and then is preheated (or cooled) by going through heat exchanger and preheater. Hydrogen, which comes from chlor-alkali plant, is purified by filter, and then gets into hydrogenator with WS at the same time.The hydrogenator is consisted of three palladium catalyst beds, and each section has gas and liquid distributer. The distributer can make the gas and liquid those get into the towerwell-distributed. Any section of the three beds can be used alone or two sections in series and three parts at the same time (in series) if necessary, which bases on the need of process and hydrogenate efficiency and activity of palladium catalyst. When two sections of the hydrogenater are used in series, the WS and hydrogen first get into the top of upper section, and then go through the palladium bed in concurrent downwards. After that, both the two flow out from the bottom of the upper section and then get into the top of down section by pipe outside the tower. The WS and hydrogen (not reacted) flow out from the bottom of the down section and then go into hydrogenater degasser.Hydrogenated WS (HWS) and the not reacted hydrogen, which together come out from the hydrogenator, go into hydrogenator degasser. The gas flows out from the top, and then gets into condenser. Condensate goes into receiver tank, and off gas is exhausted after controlling the flow by flow meter.Determined level of the degasser is controlled by auto valve. 10% HWS2first gets into alumina bed, and then together with other 90% HWS go through filters to remove solid impurity. After that, HWS going through heat exchanger and then gets into tank.Little hydrogen or other gases, which dissolve in the HWS, resolve in the tank. The gases then go into condenser, and are exhausted by evacuation water seal and flame arrester.Part of the hydrogenated WS, which flows out from the hydrogenator degasser, is pumped back into the hydrogenator. This can make the temperature of the tower well-distributed, and hydrogenated efficiency steady and operation safe. Hydrogenated WS (HWS) and phosphoric acid are pumped into HWS cooler, in which the temperature of HWS is cooled downto 50~55℃, and then both get into upper part of oxidizer. The HWS is stored in HWS tank, and the phosphoric acid is storedin phosphoric acid mixing tank. Phosphoric acid is pumped bymetering pump.There are three hollow sections of the oxidizer and the air is introduced into the tower from the bottom of middle and lower sections separately. The air is distributed into small bubble by gas distributor. Air flow based on oxidized efficiency and the concentration of oxygen in the off gas (normally is 6%-9%). Parts of or all the air, which is introduced into the middle and lower sections, flow into the bottom of the upper part of the oxidizer. The HWS and the air, which get into the bottom of the upper part, are concurrent upwards. HWS is partly oxidized and flows out from the top of the upper section and then gets into the bottom of the middle section. The HWS together with the fresh air are3concurrent upwards. The mixture of air and liquid, which flows out from the top of the upper section, gets into degasser to eliminate air. After that, the liquid gets into the bottom of the lower part and together with the fresh air are concurrent upwards. The mixture of air and liquid, which flows out from the top of the middle section, gets into degasser to eliminate air. Determinate level of the degasser is controlled by auto valve. Oxidized WS (OWS), after cooled by cooler, gets into tank, and then is pumped into the bottom of extractor. Off gas of theoxidizer gets into condenser, and then gas and condensate get into aromatic receiver drum. After that, the gas goes into off gas separator. Liquid is recovered into aromatic recover tank, and the off gas gets into handling unit after the pressure of the top of the tower is controlled by instrument. The temperature of the oxidizer is controlled by controlling flow of cooling water into U type pipe which is contained inside the tower.The oxidized WS, which contains H2O2, gets into the extractor from the bottom of the tower. It is dispersed by sieve plate and then floats upwards. Meanwhile, DMW with phosphoric acid is pumped to the top of the extractor from DMW mixing tank. The flow of the water is controlled by auto valve. The water flows downwards by downcome of the sieve plate, and the oxidized WS and water are countercurrent extraction.In this process, the water works as continuous phase and the oxidized WS as disperse phase. The concentration of H2O2 in DMW is getting higher as the water flows downwards and at last the water flows out from the bottom of the extractor (now the water is called extract). The extract gets into the top of4purification tower by potential difference. The concentration of H2O2 in the oxidized WS is getting lower as it floats upwards. Atlast, it flows out from the top of the extractor (now it is called raffinate).Purification column contains fillings and heavy aromatic. The extract, which gets into the purification column from the top of the column, is dispersed in the tower and flows downward. At the same time, heavy aromatic gets into the bottom of the purification column from the overhead aromatic tank by potential difference. The aromatic and the extract are countercurrent contact to eliminate organic impurity in H2O2. In this process, the heavy aromatic works as continuous phase while the extract as disperse phase. The H2O2, after purification, flows out from the bottom of the purification column and goes into crude H2O2 separator to eliminate aromatic that may be carried by H2O2. After that, the H2O2 goes into metering tank, in which it is blowed by air. And then, the H2O2 is pumped to packing or concentration procedure.The heavy aromatic, which flows out from the top of the purification column,enters into aromatic recovery tank. Attention, for safety consideration, before the aromatic is used for distillation or mixing of WS, it must be washed by DMW to eliminate H2O2 (the concentration of H2O2 must be below 0.15g/L). Raffinateflows out from the top of the extractor, and then goes into raffinate separator to eliminate water. After that, it goes through WS metering tank and then gets into the bottom of alkaline tower. The alkaline tower contains fillings and potassium carbonate solution (40% approximately) goes into the alkaline5tower form the top of the tower. In the alkaline tower, the H2O2 in the WS decomposes, and acid in the WS was neutralized. Besides, the water in the WS can also be further eliminated.The WS, which flows out from the top of the alkaline tower, goes into alkalisettler and then into alkali separator to eliminate potassium carbonate solution. After that, the WS enters into alumina bed which contains activated alumina. The alumina is used to recover anthraquinone degradation. And the potassium carbonate solution can also be absorbed by the alumina. The WS flows out from the top of the alumina bed and gets into WS tank. The WS is then pumped into hydrogenator and another circulation is started.2011-3-10。
