
2021年上海市高考英语试卷及答案详解(全国统一考试)_年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(上海卷)英语试题本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷两部分.满分150分.考试用时120分钟.注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名.考号涂写在答题卡上.2.每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号.不能答在试题卷上.3.第Ⅱ卷各题的答案,必须答在答题卡规定的地方.第一部分:听力(共三节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)请听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍.1.WhatisJacobgoingtodo?A.Jacobwillhaveaclassat3:00.B.Jacobwillgohomearound3:00.C.Jacobwillgotothelibraryat3:00.2.HowwillMichaelgotoNanjing?A.Byplane.B.Bytrain.C.Bycar.3.Whatdoesthewomansuggest?A.Putthetelephonenearthebed.B.Catchalaterflight.C.Askthehotelstaffforhelp.4.Wheredoesthisconversationtakeplace?A.Inarestaurant.B.Inamuseum.C.Inatheatre.5.Whatdoesthewomanbelieve?A.She1ostherwallet.B.Hermendmayhaveborrowedherwallet.C.Somebodytookherwallet.第二节(共12小题;每小题1.5分,满分18分)请听下面4段对最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置.听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.每段对话读两遍.请听下面一段对话,回答第6至第8题.话.每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选出6.Canyouguesswhothemalespeakeris?A.Heisateacher.B.Heisapainter.C.Heisaguide.7.Whenwillthee_hibitionbeshowninFrance?A.Twelvedayslater.B.Twentydayslater.C.Twoweekslater.8.Tillwhenisitopenduringtheweek?A.Five.B.Si_C.Seven.请听第7段材料,回答第9至11题.9.Whataretheytalkingabout?A.Achangeforthenationale_aminations.B.Somenewguidelines.C.AcomingEnglishtest.10.Whendidthenewguidelinespublish?stmonth.stweek.stFriday.11.Whowillhavethefirsttosetthecontent,formandtimeofthelisteningtests?A.TheMinistryofEducation.B.Localeducationdepartments.C.Englishteachersfromdifferentschools.请听第8段材料,回答第12至14题.12.WhatisBettyworkingonwhenDanielarrives?A.Thee-mailtotheheadoffice.B.Thecomputer.C.Daniel’sorderform.13.HowfastcanBettytype?A.About60wordsinaminute.B.About70wordsinaminute.C.About80wordsinaminute.14.WhatforeignlanguagecallBettyspeak?A.Chinese.B.Japanese.C.English.请听第9段材料,回答第15至17题.15.Whoissickandisgoingtohospital?A.Theman’swife.B.Themanhimself.C.Theman’sdaughter.16.Whydoesthemanspeaktothewoman?A.Tolookafterhiswife.B.Toaskforafewdaysoff.C.Totalkabouthisdaughter.17.Whatdoyouthinkthewomanwilldo?A.Shewillgiveherpermission.B.Shewillhavehime_plainagain.C.Shewillrefusehisrequest.第三节(共3小题;每小题1.5分,满分4.5分)请听下面一段独白,用你所听到的独白中的词或数填空,每空限填一个词或一个数.填入的内容要写在答题卡相应的位置上.在听本段独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间.本段独白读两遍.请听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20题.请听第10段材料,回答第18至20题.WheretoflyTo(18)_______________ThefeelingsofthewriterHappy,e_cited,also(19)_______________ Theperiodlefttheairport(20)_______________hours.MyfamilylearningTolivewithoutme.←上一页12345下一页→上一篇:_年上海市高考语文试卷及答案详解(全国统一考试) 下一篇:_年辽宁省高考英语试卷及答案详解(全国统一考试)。

1. 短篇新闻(5题,共10分)2. 长对话(10题,共20分)3. 短文理解(10题,共30分)二、阅读理解(共40分)阅读理解部分共20题,分为四节。
1. 词汇理解(10题,共20分)2. 长篇阅读(5题,共20分)3. 篇章阅读(5题,共15分)三、完形填空(共20分)完形填空部分共20题,要求考生在阅读短文后,根据文章内容和语境,从每题所给的四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。
1. 完形填空(20题,共20分)四、书面表达(共25分)书面表达部分要求考生根据所给提示,写一篇短文。
1. 书面表达(1篇,共25分)高考英语试卷分值分布如下:- 听力理解:30分- 阅读理解:40分- 完形填空:20分- 书面表达:25分总分:115分高考英语试卷的难度设置较为合理,旨在全面考察考生的英语综合运用能力。

一、听力部分(共30分)1. 听力理解(共25分)- 短对话(10题,每题2分):考查学生对日常生活的简单对话的理解能力。
- 长对话(5题,每题3分):考查学生对较长的对话的理解能力。
- 听力篇章(10题,每题2分):考查学生对较长的听力篇章的理解能力。
2. 听力填空(5分)- 填空题(5题,每题1分):考查学生在听懂短文的基础上,对文章细节的把握和推断能力。
二、阅读理解部分(共40分)1. 完形填空(20分)- 阅读一篇短文,共有20个空格,每个空格1分。
2. 阅读理解(20分)- 阅读四篇短文,每篇短文后设有5个问题,共20题,每题2分。
三、词汇与语法部分(共30分)1. 词汇(15分)- 完形填空(10题,每题1.5分):考查学生对词汇的掌握程度,包括词义辨析、固定搭配等。
- 单项选择(5题,每题3分):考查学生对英语基本语法知识的掌握。
2. 语法填空(15分)- 阅读一段短文,共有15个空格,每个空格1分。
四、书面表达部分(共35分)1. 完形填空(10分)- 阅读一篇短文,共有10个空格,每个空格1分。
2. 写作(25分)- 写一篇100-120词的短文,包括记叙文、说明文、议论文等。



试卷结构如下:四、各大题双向细目表:听力:*Part A选题时,注意该部分的考核目标的比例分配。
* Part B 两篇短文中必须选择一篇新闻广播稿。
* Part C 建议设计一题根据对话归纳后才能得出答案的题,并给出可能的答案。
语法和词汇:* 语法试题命题原则:常见、基础、实用* 词汇试题命题原则:在“语境”下考词汇,不考同义词辨析。
* 其他注意事项:[1]每句只考核一个语言项目。
综合填空:* 此部分不考核语法项目。
* 语篇的第一句不挖空,尽可能做到语篇中挖空处疏密均匀,句内理解题和上下文理解题的比例保持在4:16至8:12之间。
* 注意选用的语篇的体裁和题材的多样性。
阅读理解:* 五个语篇中,必须选用一篇应用文体的文章。
* 选择语篇时,注意渗透文化背景的要求。
翻译:* 所给提示词务必是《词汇手册》里的词。
* 注意6个句子的难度梯度,确保第1~2句是绝大部分学生能够写出的句子。
写作:* 文体:议论文或夹叙夹议(可以以文字叙述、图画、图表、书信等多种形式命题)* 内容:使学生熟悉的话题,确保学生有话可写。
* 命题教师先独立完成此篇作文。

上海英语高考卷分析(考试时间:90分钟,满分:100分)一、选择题(每题2分,共30分)1. 下列哪项不是英语高考卷的组成部分?()2. 上海英语高考卷的听力部分通常占多少分值?()4. 完形填空题主要考察学生的什么能力?()5. 语法填空题通常要求学生填写什么类型的词汇?()6. 翻译题在上海英语高考卷中的分值是多少?()7. 写作部分通常要求学生完成一篇什么样的文章?()8. 上海英语高考卷的阅读理解材料主要来源于哪些领域?()10. 高考英语作文评分标准主要关注哪些方面?()11. 在听力部分,短对话和长对话的比例通常是怎样的?()12. 阅读理解题的题目设计主要考察学生的什么能力?()13. 语法填空题中,虚拟语气的题目占比多少?()14. 上海英语高考卷的难度系数通常在什么范围内?()15. 高考英语试卷的命题原则是什么?()二、判断题(每题1分,共20分)1. 上海英语高考卷的听力材料全部为英音。
()2. 阅读理解题的答案可以直接在原文中找到。
()3. 完形填空题的答案选项都是实词。
()4. 语法填空题中,所有空格都需要填写动词。
()5. 上海英语高考卷的写作部分要求学生必须使用高级词汇。
()6. 高考英语试卷的命题遵循“一纲多本”的原则。
()7. 阅读理解题的题材仅限于日常生活。
()8. 听力部分的题目全部为选择题。
()9. 语法填空题中,名词的题目数量最多。
()10. 高考英语作文要求学生必须使用复杂句型。
()11. 上海英语高考卷的难度逐年上升。
()12. 阅读理解题的题目顺序与文章段落顺序一致。
()13. 完形填空题的答案选项都是介词。
()14. 翻译题主要考察学生的词汇量。
()15. 高考英语试卷的命题注重考查学生的实际运用能力。
()三、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 上海英语高考卷的组成部分包括:______、______、______、______、______。
2. 高考英语试卷的命题原则是:______、______、______。

一,上海高考英语考试分值分布听说部分:大题结构题目数量计分时间说朗读句子2170 分钟朗读短文11情景提问22看图说话1 1.5听快速应答42听短文回答问题2 2.5合计12 题10 分70 分钟读写部分:大题结构测试题型题目数量计分时间听短对话多项选择1020102520 分钟短文和长对话多项选择1015语言语法短文填空10201020100 分钟知识词汇选词填空1010读完型填空多项选择15301545语篇阅读多项选择1122选句填空48写读写综合概要写作161050翻译单句表达中译英415写作单篇表达指导性写作125合计76 题140 分120 分钟二,语法填空训练Grammar and Vocabulary Section A, Directions: After reading the passage below, fillin the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For theblanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; forthe other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Unit 1,Steel, concrete(混凝土) and glass are common materials in any skyscrapers. Butmore high buildings are now using wood. In the last four years, Australia, Norway,England and Canada (21)______ (build) wooden skyscrapers. The latest one is inSweden, (22) ______ new, 19-storey wooden hotel called “ Sidavid Sida ”(side byside). Why are wooden skyscrapers chosen ahead of concrete (23) ______?Wood (24) ______ (use) in many Chinese buildings for thousands of years, but isit strong enough for skyscrapers? “ There are whole bunch of new materials madeout of wood (25 ) ______ are structurally able to build big buildings,”material expe Dr. Michael Ramage told CNN.Architects(建筑师)use woven(编制的)wood to make sure it is. They put layersof wood across one another coated with special glue (26) ______ (create) a verystrong material. Wood also lasts a long time and doesn(腐烂’的trot)(27) ______ it精选文库is well looked after. Many examples can be found, one of (28) ______ is the rooftopsof Beijing ’ s Forbidden RamageCity. also said bamboo (29) ______ be cut in specialways to make it far (30) ______ (strong).Unit 2,Two years after making its first soft (17)_______(land) on the moon, China hasstarted a new round of work focused on lunar exploration. The country is going toland an unmanned (无人操控的 ) spacecraft on the dark side of the moon. The plan(18)_______ (carry out) in two years’ time at most.The moon’ s dark side is never directlyisiblev from the Earth. Although previousspacecraft have taken pictures of the dark side, none has landed on it. The newexploration will be the first time for human beings (19) _______ (land) a spacecrafton the unexplored side. It will also mark another milestone in China ’ambitiousspace program.The exploration will be conducted by the new Chang’e-4 spacecraft. Thespacecraft will make a soft landing on the dark side of the moon. Experts say thelanding will be challenging. The dark side contains the (20) _______ (big) hole in thesolar system, (21) _______ is about 2,500km wide and 13km deep.The ability to explore the space is often seen as a marker of a country’ s na strength and global status. In the past decades, China (22) _______ (spend) a lot ofmoney and energy (23) _______ space programs. However, the country has mostlyrepeated (24) _______ the United States and Russia pioneered decades ago.“ TheChang’e-4 mission will be different,said” Liu Jizhong, China ’lunarsexploration chief.will “helpIt our country make the leap from following to leading inthe field of lunar exploration.”Unit 3,One day, I read an article about The Life of Nick. When I saw it, I made up my mind tobuy that book The“Life of Nick” ( “ Life Without Limits onderful”).Howitwis. Thebook talks about (25) ______ Nick faced his difficulties and what persistence is.Nick is a man (26) ______ was born with no arms or legs. Even though his body isrestricted, he has never give up. To him, the sky is the limit. He challenges everythingimpossible to make it possible. For example, he (27) ______ swim, paint and evendrive. His story taught me that (28) _____ _____ _____difficult problems are, Ishould face up to them. Because of his story, I can always keep up my courage toovercome all difficulties. Moreover, it told me one of the most important points inlife: If I fail, I should try again, and again, and again. Finally, I also learned that if Iwant to be successful, I have to change my thought first.As his book says: In life“you have (29) ______ choice: Bitter or Better? Choosebetter, forget bitter.” Second, I need to stick to my mind all the time. Third, I shouldface my problems and do my best to change them. Don’ tdepend on (30) ______because this is the only way (31) _______(strengthen) myself. The last but not least isconfidence! “The Life of Nick”indeed taught me how to challenge myself and alldifficulties.三,选词填空训练Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Eachword can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.--2精选文库Unit 1,A. enjoyableB. politeC. seatingD. fortunatelyE. producingF. maintainedG. unableH. listeningI. awareJ. smoothlyIt is not unusual for us to gather with our nearest and dearest on the weekends.But do you know that holidays, much li ke relationships, can be(26)“made______and broken ”through conversations? Deborag Tannen, a Georgetown University linguistics(语言学) professor, believes so. She offers suggestions to improve communication at the holiday table and beyond. Let’ s take a look.A round dining table is best for (27) ______ a lively conversation because everyone faces one another.Avoid (28) ______ grandparents at the ends of a rectangular table, even thoughit is the traditional place of honor. Elderly people may feel lonely there because theywill be (29) ______ to hear or keep up with a conversation.Women prefer to face each other and make eye contact when they talk. Menmight look around at other things.“ Guys may be more relaxed keeping staring on the TV,” says Tannen.“ They’ ll still be (30) ______, though.”Be (31) ______ that people have different ways of talking. Each person has a different sense of tone, rhythm,timing and how long of a pause is normal in a conversation. Pay attention to people who seem left out. If you feel you are doing allthe talking, hold back to give others a chance to join in. If you feel you arena chance to speak, try pushing yourself to start talking before it seems natural or (32)______. Some families find that gatherings go more (33) ______ if they participate inan outdoor activity. Going to a park for a walk may be more (34) ______ than sittingaround chatting.Unit 2,A. priceB. easierC. economicalD. automaticallyE. conditionF. worthG. affectH. collectingI. mindJ. headK. consideratelyWhen people need to make purchases, whether large-ticket items or small, theydon’t necessarily consider purchasing that item used. If the thought crosses their32 , they tend to think that finding somewhere to purchase a used item is too much trouble, or that the item won’ t be in the best shape. Whatever the reason, they don bother to buy items used, and instead,33 straight for shiny new things. Whatthese people don ’ t realize is that when it comes to certain items, there is no point in paying full34 . For certain items you can find equal quality with second-hand,and for a small part of the cost. And with some online sites, finding those itemscouldn ’ t be 35 . Why pay full price when you could be saving loads of money?Here are some items that you would be much better off buying used:1. Cars. The new car smell is unforgetable, but what’ s even more unforgettableis the fact that the minute you drive a brand new car off a lot, its value drops36by about 20%. You lose 20% in the first few spins of the wheel alone! Unless youhave unlimited resources, buying a used car is a clear 37 choice. In addition,insurance is a lot less on used cars than new cars. You can find a car in excellent 38that ’ s a few years old. It’肯s定definitely(地)39the savings.2. Textbooks. These days, even high school text books for advanced courses can--3精选文库cost you more than $200 dollars. Most likely, at the end of the semester, that $200 willend up sitting at the bottom of a pile of junk in the corner of a room, 40 dust. Don ’ twaste money on a new textbook. You can find used textbooks in excellentcondition without scribbles( 乱写 ) on the pages or anything that will 41studies.Choose to either rent, borrow, or buy your textbook second hand.3. Furniture. It ’ s no secret that furniture is pricey, and if you’ re in the process furnishing a new space with new furniture, prepare for your wallet to be drained. However,it doesn ’ t have to be that way. Flea markets are one of the excellent places for usedfurniture shopping. Flea markets also tend to have very unique pieces, which you wouldn ’t be able to find in your department store.四,完型填空训练III.Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the followingpassages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blankwith the word or phrase that best fits the context.Unit 1, How many of you drink Cola? Nearly everybody. Did you know that colastarted out not as a soft drink but as a cure for headache back in the late 1800’ s?John S. Pamberton, a druggist from Atlanta, had experimented for many monthstrying to find a35for the common headache. He worked in his backyard,mixing and heating different mixtures of oils and flavors(香料)36he foundone that seemed to work well. Pamberton bottled the mixture and began selling it indrugstores as a concentrated(浓缩的)syrup(糖浆)that the customer had to37with water before drinking. The invention of Cola came about quite by accident. Oneday, a customer came into a drugstore complaining of a headache and38abottle of cola syrup. He wanted to take it39. So he asked the clerk to mix themedicine while he waited. The clerk,40walking to the other end of thecounter to get plain water,41mixing the syrup with soda water. Thecustomer agreed, and after drinking it,42how good it tasted. The clerkcontinued offering the mixture and it grew in43 . Today this kind of Cola issold in most countries around the world. And although they no longer44the ingredients to kill headache, they are still very refreshing.35.A. reason B. mixture C. source D. remedy36.A. as B. until C. after D. since37.A. fill B. mix C. eat D. milk38.A. left for B. accounted for C. applied for D. asked for39.A. right away B. for nothing C. sooner or later D. back home40.A. in addition to B. instead of C. except for D. as well as41.A. admitted B. preferred C. suggested D. enjoyed42.A. told B. proved C. remarked D. wondered43.A. surprise B. popularity C. confusion D. history44.A. support B. provide C. ensure D. containUnit 2,In order to be a success in the American 42world, you must“ get alongh” wit people. You must learn to conduct yourself in such a way that you43theaffection and respect of others. As we all know, Americans 44business with--4pleasure.Therefore, learning how to45informally can be a help with your American business contacts. Americans like to talk about a number of different topics—sports, politics, cars, popular movies and television shows and personal 46 . Many large American cities have sports teams. If you are 47 with Americans in the United States, it would be a good idea to find out about the local sports teams so that you can participate in the almost inevitable discussionsabout “ howour48will do this year ”.Politics can be a sensitive49 unless everyone is of the same mind50 .Limit your discussions to asking questions of your friends. Most Americans are51owners and some are even obsessive about the subject. You can contribute by talking about cars you have owned or by52information you have read in automotive magazines.Americans watch television almost every night and attend movies regularly. 53, television shows and the 54movies become topics for discussions. If you are unable to55American television or attend American movies, reading the56section of such magazines as Time News week will keep you up to date on what is popular in America.42.A. business B. job C. entertainment D. fashion43.A. lack B. earn C. leave D. lose44.A. mix B. enjoy C. like D. manage45.A. conduct B. appear C. behave D. chat46.A. impressions B. interests C. styles D. cultures47.A. meeting B. working C. living D. playing48.A. group B. business C. company D. team49.A. subject B. topic C. hobby D. choice50.A. politically B. economically C. professionally D. personally51.A. house B. car C. business D. land52.A. collecting B. sharing C. gathering D. analyzing53.A. Therefore B. Moreover C. However D. In addition54.A. interesting B. exciting C. excellent D. latest55.A. witness B. look C. watch D. glance56.A. entertainment B. sports C. business D. movie五,选句填空训练Section C, Directions: Choose from the sentences A-F to complete the passage. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.Unit 1,A. However, studies have found a small number of people have amazingface recognition skills.B. Researchers have tried to find how certain people are so good atrecognizing faces.C. It is also found that these people are not particularly smarter than others.D. It is unknown how many people truly have these skills.E. For instance, the skills could be very useful at a passport control checkpoint.F. Many super recognizers say they are good at spotting faces in a crowd.--5It should be easy for you to recognize faces of your family and friends. But canyou remember faces that you’ ve only seen once? Youtthinkmighitis very difficult.53. They are the socalled-“ super recognizers” , who can remember at least 80 percent of the faces they’ ve seen.54. But studies shows that at least one person in every 50 is asuper recognizer, reported the Daily Mail.Bournemouth University in the UK recently carried out research trying to findwhether super recognizers have a different way to process faces. They have foundthat when these people look at faces, they spend more time looking at the personnose.55 . Their super ability is limited to only to recognizing faces. Another important finding is that there are subtypes (子类型) of superrecognition. Some super recognizers never forget faces. But for some, if youpresent a pair of faces to them at the same time, they can quickly decide whetherthe faces are of the same person or two different people.These subtypes of super recognition could be applied to many areas of life.56. Super recognizers could help match faces in CCTV footage(闭路电视镜头) . They could also help police spot bad guys or even missing people in crowds.53-56 ADCEUnit 2,A. It can also help you and your classmates correct some mistakes.B.It isn't interesting but you may find it very useful.C.However, most students don't know how to take notes.D.Don't be afraid to ask your teacher to repeat what you've missed.E.Surely, you will succeed if you follow your teacher in class.F.Different teachers do things differently.Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It canmake you confident when you are studying. ___65___If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, that's great. You can copy them orwrite down the most important facts of all in class. ___66___ For example, some teachers may focus on lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write theimportant ones on the blackboard. Other teachers may not write anything down,but they may repeat them.Don't try to write down every word in class, or you might miss some important points. Some students really learn better with the help of these notes.___67___ If your teacher speaks too fast and you can't follow what he is saying,you can ask him after class.Comparing your notes with your classmates can be good for your learning. ___68___ Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one place, sothat you can find everything easily when a test comes.Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy your notes every morning, you'll surely have less time to watch TV. But you'll save time in the coming test.65-68 CFDA--6。

2、找【关键词】:^p做阅读理解题的时候,大家可以找一下题目中的【关键词】:^p ,然后根据【关键词】:^p 在文中找答案。



二、试卷结构1. 听力部分(30分)听力部分共25题,包括对话和短文听力两部分。
2. 阅读理解部分(40分)阅读理解部分共20题,包括三个长篇阅读和一个短文阅读。
3. 完形填空部分(30分)完形填空部分共20题,要求学生在文章中选出最佳选项。
4. 短文改错部分(20分)短文改错部分共10题,要求学生在给定的短文中找出并改正10处错误。
5. 书面表达部分(50分)书面表达部分共1题,要求学生在规定的时间内完成一篇100-120词的短文。
三、考试要求1. 听力部分要求学生在规定时间内完成听力任务,准确理解对话和短文内容。
2. 阅读理解部分要求学生在规定时间内完成阅读任务,准确理解文章内容。
3. 完形填空部分要求学生在规定时间内完成填空任务,准确运用语法、词汇和语篇知识。
4. 短文改错部分要求学生在规定时间内完成改错任务,准确找出并改正错误。

上海英语2024高考题型分布**Shanghai 2024 English College Entrance Examination Format Distribution**The Shanghai 2024 English College Entrance Examination is a crucial milestone for students, marking the transition from secondary education to higher learning. The examination format, particularly the distribution of its various question types, is carefully designed to comprehensively assess students' English proficiency in listening, reading, language knowledge application, and writing.Firstly, the listening section accounts for 30 points and consists of two subsections. The first subsection presents five questions, with each question worth 1.5 points, totaling 7.5 points. The second subsection is more extensive, comprising 15 questions, each carrying 1.5 points, resulting in a total of 22.5 points. This section aims to evaluate students' comprehension skills in various spoken English contexts.Next is the reading comprehension section, worth 50 points. This section typically includes a variety ofreading materials, such as passages, articles, and advertisements, designed to test students' ability to understand and analyze written English. The questions inthis section may cover areas like main idea, details, inference, vocabulary in context, and author's intent.The language knowledge application section carries 20 points. This section typically includes tasks such as grammar fill-ins, sentence completions, or error correction, which assess students' grasp of English grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.Lastly, the writing section accounts for 50 points, making it one of the most significant components of the exam. This section usually consists of two parts: a shorter, controlled writing task and a longer, freer essay. The controlled writing task might involve writing a letter, an email, or a short descriptive paragraph, while the essay portion allows students to demonstrate their ability to develop ideas, organize thoughts, and express them coherently in English.The overall structure of the Shanghai 2024 English College Entrance Examination ensures that students are evaluated not only on their basic language skills but also on their ability to apply those skills in real-world scenarios. The examination format encourages students to develop a balanced and comprehensive approach to English learning, focusing on all four language skills: listening, reading, speaking, and writing.By preparing for this examination, students are not only gearing up for their academic future but also honing skills that will be invaluable in their personal and professional lives. The distribution of question types across the various sections ensures that students are thoroughly tested in all areas of English proficiency, preparing them well for the challenges of higher education and beyond.**上海2024年高考英语题型分布**上海2024年高考英语作为学生们从中学过渡到高等教育的一个重要里程碑,其题型分布经过精心设计,旨在全面评估学生在听、读、语言知识应用和写作等方面的英语能力。

- 介绍新高考英语卷面分构成的重要性
- 听力部分
- 阅读理解部分
- 完形填空部分
- 语法填空部分
- 短文改错部分
- 书面表达部分
- 听力部分分值占比
- 阅读理解部分分值占比
- 完形填空部分分值占比
- 语法填空部分分值占比
- 短文改错部分分值占比
- 书面表达部分分值占比
- 强调新高考英语卷面分构成的重要性
- 提醒学生注重各部分的学习和提高
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一,上海高考英语考试分值分布听说部分:二,语法填空训练Grammar and Vocabulary Section A, Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Unit 1,Steel, concrete(混凝土)and glass are common materials in any skyscrapers. But more high buildings are now using wood. In the last four years, Australia, Norway, England and Canada (21)______ (build) wooden skyscrapers. The latest one is in Sweden, (22) ______ new, 19-storey wooden hotel called “Sida vid Sida” (side by side). Why are wooden skyscrapers chosen ahead of concrete (23) ______?Wood (24) ______ (use) in many Chinese buildings for thousands of years, but is it strong enough for skyscrapers? “There are a whole bunch of new materials made out of wood (25) ______ are structurally able to build big buildings,” material expert Dr. Michael Ramage told CNN.Architects(建筑师)use woven(编制的)wood to make sure it is. They put layers of wood across one another coated with special glue (26) ______ (create) a very strong material. Wood also lasts a long time and doesn’t rot(腐烂的)(27) ______ itis well looked after. Many examples can be found, one of (28) ______ is the rooftops of Beijing’s Forbidden City. Ramage also said bamboo (29) ______ be cut in special ways to make it far (30) ______ (strong).Unit 2,Two years after making its first soft (17)_______(land) on the moon, China has started a new round of work focused on lunar exploration. The country is going to land an unmanned (无人操控的) spacecraft on the dark side of the moon. The plan (18)_______ (carry out) in two years’ time at most.The moon’s dark side is never directly v isible from the Earth. Although previous spacecraft have taken pictures of the dark side, none has landed on it. The new exploration will be the first time for human beings (19) _______ (land) a spacecraft on the unexplored side. It will also mark another milestone in China’s ambitious space program.The exploration will be conducted by the new Chang’e-4 spacecraft. The spacecraft will make a soft landing on the dark side of the moon. Experts say the landing will be challenging. The dark side contains the (20) _______ (big) hole in the solar system, (21) _______ is about 2,500km wide and 13km deep.The ability to explore the space is often seen as a marker of a country’s national strength and global status. In the past decades, China (22) _______ (spend) a lot of money and energy (23) _______ space programs. However, the country has mostly repeated (24) _______ the United States and Russia pioneered decades ago.“The Chang’e-4 mission will be different,” said Liu Jizhong, China’s lunar exploration chief. “It will help our country make the leap from following to leading in the field of lunar exploration.”Unit 3,One day, I read an article about The Life of Nick. When I saw it, I made up my mind to buy that book “The Life of Nick” (“Life Without Limits”). How w onderful it is. The book talks about (25) ______ Nick faced his difficulties and what persistence is.Nick is a man (26) ______ was born with no arms or legs. Even though his body is restricted, he has never give up. To him, the sky is the limit. He challenges everything impossible to make it possible. For example, he (27) ______ swim, paint and even drive. His story taught me that (28) _____ _____ _____difficult problems are, I should face up to them. Because of his story, I can always keep up my courage to overcome all difficulties. Moreover, it told me one of the most important points in life: If I fail, I should try again, and again, and again. Finally, I also learned that if I want to be successful, I have to change my thought first.As his book says: “In life you have (29) ______ choice: Bitter or Better? Choose better, forget bitter.” Second, I need to stick to my mind all the time. Third, I should face my problems and do my best to change them. Don’t depend on (30) ______ because this is the only way (31) _______(strengthen) myself. The last but not least is confidence! “The Life of Nick” indeed taught me how to challenge myself and all difficulties.三,选词填空训练Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.But do you know that holidays, much li ke relationships, can be “made (26) ______ and broken” through conversations? Deborag Tannen, a Georgetown University linguistics(语言学)professor, believes so. She offers suggestions to improve communication at the holiday table and beyond. Let’s take a look.A round dining table is best for (27) ______ a lively conversation because everyone faces one another.Avoid (28) ______ grandparents at the ends of a rectangular table, even though it is the traditional place of honor. Elderly people may feel lonely there because they will be (29) ______ to hear or keep up with a conversation.Women prefer to face each other and make eye contact when they talk. Men might look around at other things. “Guys may be more relaxed keeping staring on the TV,” says Tannen. “They’ll still be (30) ______, though.”Be (31) ______ that people have different ways of talking. Each person has a different sense of tone, rhythm, timing and how long of a pause is normal in a conversation. Pay attention to people who seem left out. If you feel you are doing all the talking, hold back to give others a chance to join in. If you feel you aren’t getting a chance to speak, try pushing yourself to start talking before it seems natural or (32) ______. Some families find that gatherings go more (33) ______ if they participate in an outdoor activity. Going to a park for a walk may be more (34) ______ than sitting around chatting.don’t necessarily consider purchasing that item used. If the thought crosses their 32 , they tend to think that finding somewhere to purchase a used item is too much trouble, or that the item won’t be in the best shape. Whatever the reason, they don’t bother to buy items used, and instead, 33 straight for shiny new things. What these people don’t realize is that when it comes to certain items, there is no point in paying full 34 . For certain items you can find equal quality with second-hand, and for a small part of the cost. And with some online sites, finding those items couldn’t be 35 . Why pay full price when you could be saving loads of money?Here are some items that you would be much better off buying used:1.Cars. The new car smell is unforget table, but what’s even more unforgettable is the fact that the minute you drive a brand new car off a lot, its value drops 36 by about 20%. You lose 20% in the first few spins of the wheel alone! Unless you have unlimited resources, buying a used car is a clear 37 choice. In addition, insurance is a lot less on used cars than new cars. You can find a car in excellent 38 that’s a few years old. It’s definitely(肯定地)39 the savings.2.Textbooks. These days, even high school text books for advanced courses cancost you more than $200 dollars. Most likely, at the end of the semester, that $200 will end up sitting at the bottom of a pile of junk in the corner of a room, 40 dust. Don’t waste money on a new textbook. You can find used textbooks in excellent condition without scribbles(乱写) on the pages or anything that will 41 studies. Choose to either rent, borrow, or buy your textbook second hand.3.Furniture. I t’s no secret that furniture is pricey, and if you’re in the process of furnishing a new space with new furniture, prepare for your wallet to be drained. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Flea markets are one of the excellent places for used furniture shopping. Flea markets also tend to have very unique pieces, which you wouldn’t be able to find in your department store.四,完型填空训练III. Reading Comprehension Section A Directions: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Unit 1, How many of you drink Cola? Nearly everybody. Did you know that cola started out not as a soft drink but as a cure for headache back in the late 1800’s? John S. Pamberton, a druggist from Atlanta, had experimented for many months trying to find a 35 for the common headache. He worked in his backyard, mixing and heating different mixtures of oils and flavors(香料)36 he found one that seemed to work well. Pamberton bottled the mixture and began selling it in drugstores as a concentrated(浓缩的)syrup(糖浆)that the customer had to 37 with water before drinking. The invention of Cola came about quite by accident. One day, a customer came into a drugstore complaining of a headache and 38 a bottle of cola syrup. He wanted to take it 39 . So he asked the clerk to mix the medicine while he waited. The clerk, 40 walking to the other end of the counter to get plain water, 41 mixing the syrup with soda water. The customer agreed, and after drinking it, 42 how good it tasted. The clerk continued offering the mixture and it grew in 43 . Today this kind of Cola is sold in most countries around the world. And although they no longer 44 the ingredients to kill headache, they are still very refreshing.35. A. reason B. mixture C. source D. remedy36. A. as B. until C. after D. since37. A. fill B. mix C. eat D. milk38. A. left for B. accounted for C. applied for D. asked for39. A. right away B. for nothing C. sooner or later D. back home40. A. in addition to B. instead of C. except for D. as well as41. A. admitted B. preferred C. suggested D. enjoyed42. A. told B. proved C. remarked D. wondered43. A. surprise B. popularity C. confusion D. history44. A. support B. provide C. ensure D. containUnit 2,In order to be a success in the American 42 world, you must “get along” wit h people. You must learn to conduct yourself in such a way that you 43 the affection and respect of others. As we all know, Americans 44 business withpleasure.Therefore, learning how to 45 informally can be a help with your American business contacts. Americans like to talk about a number of different topics—sports, politics, cars, popular movies and television shows and personal 46 . Many large American cities have sports teams. If you are 47 with Americans in the United States, it would be a good idea to find out about the local sports teams so that you can participate in the almost inevitable discussions about “how our 48 will do this year” .Politics can be a sensitive49 unless everyone is of the same mind 50 .Limit your discussions to asking questions of your friends. Most Americans are 51 owners and some are even obsessive about the subject. You can contribute by talking about cars you have owned or by 52 information you have read in automotive magazines.Americans watch television almost every night and attend movies regularly.53 , television shows and the 54 movies become topics for discussions. If you are unable to 55 American television or attend American movies, reading the 56 section of such magazines as Time News week will keep you up to date on what is popular in America.42. A. business B. job C. entertainment D. fashion43. A. lack B. earn C. leave D. lose44. A. mix B. enjoy C. like D. manage45. A. conduct B. appear C. behave D. chat46. A. impressions B. interests C. styles D. cultures47. A. meeting B. working C. living D. playing48. A. group B. business C. company D. team49. A. subject B. topic C. hobby D. choice50. A. politically B. economically C. professionally D. personally51. A. house B. car C. business D. land52. A. collecting B. sharing C. gathering D. analyzing53. A. Therefore B. Moreover C. However D. In addition54. A. interesting B. exciting C. excellent D. latest55. A. witness B. look C. watch D. glance56. A. entertainment B. sports C. business D. movie五,选句填空训练Section C, Directions: Choose from the sentences A-F to complete the passage. There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use.It should be easy for you to recognize faces of your family and friends. But can you remember faces that you’ve only seen once? You migh t think it is very difficult.53 . They are the so-called “super recognizers”, who can remember at least 80 percent of the faces they’ve seen.54 . But studies shows that at least one person in every 50 is a super recognizer, reported the Daily Mail.Bournemouth University in the UK recently carried out research trying to find whether super recognizers have a different way to process faces. They have found that when these people look at faces, they spend more time looking at the person’s nose. 55 . Their super ability is limited to only to recognizing faces.Another important finding is that there are subtypes(子类型)of super recognition. Some super recognizers never forget faces. But for some, if you present a pair of faces to them at the same time, they can quickly decide whether the faces are of the same person or two different people.These subtypes of super recognition could be applied to many areas of life.56 . Super recognizers could help match faces in CCTV footage(闭路电视镜头). They could also help police spot bad guys or even missing people in crowds.53-56 ADCEUnit 2,Note-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork. It can make you confident when you are studying. ___65___If your teacher writes notes on the blackboard, that's great. You can copy them or write down the most important facts of all in class. ___66___ For example, some teachers may focus on lots of dates and facts in class, but they only write the important ones on the blackboard. Other teachers may not write anything down, but they may repeat them.Don't try to write down every word in class, or you might miss some important points. Some students really learn better with the help of these notes.___67___ If your teacher speaks too fast and you can't follow what he is saying, you can ask him after class.Comparing your notes with your classmates can be good for your learning. ___68___ Note-taking also needs organization. Keep notes for each subject in one place, so that you can find everything easily when a test comes.Good note-taking takes time. If you decide to recopy your notes every morning, you'll surely have less time to watch TV. But you'll save time in the coming test.65-68 CFDA。