



管理学原理》模拟题一一、填空题:(每题1分,共10分)1.管理的两重性是指管理具有________和_________.ﻫ 2.泰勒被后人称为_______之父,_______被后人称为“管理过程理论"之父。





9.控制是按_____标准衡量所取得的成果,并及时纠正所发生的偏差,确保计划目标的实现. ﻫ10.沟通的四个基本要素是信息源、信息内容、信息接受者和_________。


B. 技术技能、人际关系技能、概念技能都强。

C. 技术技能和人际关系技能强但概念技能弱。

ﻫD. 技术技能和概念技能强但人际关系技能弱。

ﻫ 12.下面哪一项不属于Y理论假设的内容ﻫ A.人们不喜欢负责任,甘愿服从别人领导。

B.外在的控制和惩罚并不是使人努力达到组织目标的唯一途径. ﻫC.人们视工作如游戏或休息一样自然。


13.泰勒认为:实行科学管理的根本目的是ﻫ A.提高企业的经济效益B.有利于人的全面发展C.提高工作效率 D.满足工人心理需要ﻫ 14.环境要素多,要素间彼此不相似但单个要素基本维持不变,未来可以预测,对要素了解的知识要求高。


管理学试题 二
1—5T T F F T6—10F T F F T



管理学英语2试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a successful manager?A. Effective communication skillsB. Strong leadership qualitiesC. Inability to delegate tasksD. Ability to motivate a team2. The term "SWOT analysis" stands for:A. Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, ThreatsB. Strategic, Weaknesses, Opportunities, TacticsC. Situational, Weaknesses, Opportunities, TacticsD. Specific, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats3. In a business context, "B2B" refers to:A. Business to BusinessB. Business to ConsumerC. Business to GovernmentD. Business to Society4. The process of setting goals and making plans to achieve them is known as:A. Strategic planningB. Operational planningC. Financial planningD. Human resource planning5. A company's "mission statement" typically includes:A. The company's long-term financial goalsB. The company's purpose and core valuesC. The company's market share targetsD. The company's product line6. Which of the following is an example of a financial ratio?A. Return on Investment (ROI)B. Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P/E)C. Debt-to-Equity Ratio (D/E)D. All of the above7. The acronym "CEO" stands for:A. Chief Executive OfficerB. Chief Executive AssistantC. Chief Executive AnalystD. Chief Executive Accountant8. In project management, "PERT" is a method used for:A. Risk assessmentB. SchedulingC. Cost estimationD. Quality control9. The "5S" methodology is commonly used in:A. Financial managementB. Inventory managementC. Quality controlD. Workplace organization10. The "balanced scorecard" is a tool used for:A. Measuring financial performance onlyB. Evaluating a company's overall performanceC. Tracking daily salesD. Monitoring employee productivity二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The acronym "HR" in business typically refers to ________.12. A ________ is a document that outlines the steps to be taken to achieve a project's goals.13. The process of identifying and solving problems is knownas ________.14. In marketing, "4Ps" stands for Product, Price, Place, and ________.15. The term "blue ocean strategy" refers to creating a new market space that is not in direct competition with existing________.16. A ________ is a person who is responsible for the overall financial health of a company.17. The "Theory X" and "Theory Y" were proposed by Douglas McGregor to describe different management styles regarding employee ________.18. The "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs" is a psychologicaltheory that explains human motivation in terms of a hierarchy of ________ needs.19. In business, "outsourcing" refers to the practice ofhiring another company to perform ________ that were traditionally performed in-house.20. The "Porter's Five Forces" model is used to analyze the competitive forces within an ________.三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)21. Explain the concept of "corporate social responsibility" (CSR).22. What are the key components of a strategic plan?23. Describe the role of a project manager in a business setting.24. Discuss the importance of effective communication in a team environment.四、案例分析题(每题10分,共20分)25. Case Study: ABC Company is facing a decrease in sales. The management team is considering various strategies to improve the situation. Analyze the situation and suggest possible strategies based on the SWOT analysis.26. Case Study: XYZ Corporation has recently implemented a new performance management system. Describe the potential benefits and challenges of such a system and how it can impact employee motivation and performance.五、论述题(每题15分,共30分)27. Discuss the impact of globalization on management practices and how companies can adapt to this changing landscape.28. Elaborate on the concept of "emotional intelligence" in leadership and its significance in today's business world.六、答案一、选择题答案1. C2. A3. A4. A5. B6. D7. A8. B9. D 10. B二、填空题答案11. Human Resources12. Project Plan13. Problem-solving14. Promotion15. Competition16. CFO (Chief Financial Officer)17. Motivation18. Basic19. Tasks20. Industry。
















《管理学原理》模拟试卷一、单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1、被称为“组织理论之父”的管理学家是( B )A、泰罗B、法约尔C、韦伯D、巴纳德2、被称为“科学管理理论”之父的管理学家是( A )A、泰罗B、法约尔C、韦伯D、巴纳德3、上层主管人员的重要任务是( D )A、监督执行B、协调执行C、监督控制D、决策控制4、决定管理自然属性的是( C )A、生产方式B、生产关系C、生产力D、上层建筑5、决定管理社会属性的是( B )A、生产方式B、生产关系C、生产力D、上层建筑6、环境研究对组织决策有着非常重要的影响,具体表现在可以提高组织决策的( C )A、有效性、及时性、稳定性B、前瞻性、有效性、稳定性C、正确性、及时性、稳定性D、有效性、正确性、及时性7、下列属于管理的内部环境的是( D )A、一般环境和经营条件B、特殊环境和组织文化C、特殊环境和经营条件D、组织文化和经营条件8、下列属于管理的外部环境的是( B )A、一般环境和经营条件B、一般环境和特殊环境C、特殊环境和经营条件D、组织文化和经营条件9、在计划工作的步骤中,计划决策的关键是( A )A、确定目标B、评价各种方案C、选择方案D、制订派生计划10、“用奖赏兼某些恐吓及处罚的方法去鼓励下属;允许一些自下而上传递的信息;向下属征求一些想法与意见,并允许把某些决策权授予下属,但加以严格的政策控制”,是指下列哪种管理方法( C )A、利用——命令式方法B、温和命令式方法C、商议式方法D、集体参与式方法11、使科学、技巧、艺术和人的属性在实现组织目标过程中有机结合起来的是( A )A、指导与领导工作B、组织工作C、控制工作D、计划工作12、被称为决策"硬技术"的决策方法是指( A )A、计量决策法B、主观决策法C、边际分析法D、德尔菲法13、管理过程理论强调( A )A、管理是让别人同自己去实现既定目标的过程B、管理的核心是提高劳动生产率C、在管理中要重视人的因素D、要建立正式的、非人格化的组织体系14、管理的基本原理不包括( D )A、人本原理B、效益原理C、系统原理D、科学原理15、现场控制主要为( A )所采用的控制方法A、基层主管人员B、中层主管人员C、高层主管人员D、非主管人员16、中层管理者比低层管理者更多地依靠( A )A、正式权力与沟通技巧B、个人权力与技术技能C、人际关系技能与技术技能D、沟通技能与人际关系技能17、所谓授权,是指( C )A、在组织设计时,规定下属管理岗位必要的职责与权限B、在组织调整时,规定下属管理岗位必要的职责与权限C、领导者将部分处理问题的权委派给某些下属D、委托代理关系18、要实现管理的目标,必须建立精简、高效的组织机构,如果管理目标比较单一,可以采用( C )A、职能制B、直线职能制C、直线制D、事业部制19、( C )带有非命令性、协商性和双向性的特点A、自上而下沟通B、自下而上沟通C、横向沟通D、斜向沟通20、按控制的时机分类,可把控制方法分为( C )A、预先控制、持续控制、现场控制B、预先控制、持续控制、结果控制C、预先控制、现场控制、结果控制D、持续控制、现场控制、结果控制二、多项选择题(每小题2跟,共20分)1、美国学者波特认为,除了现有厂商和潜在竞争者外,还有一些因素影响到竞争结构,比如( AC )A、替代品生产者B、零售网络C、用户D、供应商E、政府政策2、美国管理学家德鲁克认为管理者的责任包括( CDE )A、管理物资B、管理资金C、管理组织D、管理管理者E、管理工作和工人3、强化的方法按强化的手段来划分有( ABCD )A、正强化B、负强化C、零强化D、惩罚E、学习4、德尔菲法的要点是( BCD )A、背靠背地征询意见B、对专家意见进行统计归纳C、要忠实于专家们的回答D、沟通反馈意见E、给专家们物质与精神奖励5、扁平结构的优点是( BCD )A、易于横向协调B、管理费用低C、缩短了上下级之间的距离D、信息纵向流通快E、严密监督下级6、计划工作的基本原理包括( ABCE )A、限定因素原理B、许诺原理C、灵活性原则D、可控性原理E、改变航道原理7、管理的基本特征有( ACD )A、管理是一中文化现象和社会现象B、管理的主体是被管理者C、管理的核心是处理好人际关系D、管理的任务是减少支出,实现既定目标8、按地区划分部门的优点有( ACD )A、有利于改善地区的协调B、有利于改善地区之间的协调C、有利于培养全面管理人才D、有利于取得地区经营的经济效益E、有利于加强主管部门的控制9、按照决策中变量之间的关系分类有( ABC )A、确定性决策B、风险型决策C、不确定性决策D、战略决策10、现代的观点认为,人员配备要包括( ABCDE )A、选人B、评人C、育人D、使用人E、留住人11、管理的二重性是指管理的( CD )A、科学性B、艺术性C、自然属性D、社会属性E、实践性12、对备选方案的要求是( BCE )A、互相包容 B互相排斥 C具有典型性 D具有一般性 E具有代表性13、俗话说:“一山不容二虎”、“一条船不能有两个船长”。















四、选择题:(每小题1分,共10分)1、目标管理的特点主要有()A 明确目标B 参与决策C 规定时限D 评价绩效2、决策追求的是()A 最优方案B 最理想方案C 最满意方案D 可行方案3、下列哪一项不属于直接环境因素()A 行业性质B 市场状况C 价值观念D 竞争者状况4、影响行业进入障碍的因素主要有()A 规模经济B 产品差别化C 转移成本D 在位优势E 政府政策5、采取多种经营向几个领域扩张的企业多采用()的模式。

A 集权B 分权C 均权6、针对组织结构存在的某些缺陷,通过设立临时性或长久性协调人员或协调组织实现协调,这种协调方式属于()A 人际关系协调方式B 结构协调方式C 制度协调方式7、勒温的三步变革过程包括()A 现状解冻B 变革C 新冻结D 诊断8、工作分析的结果性文件有()A 工作描述B 工作说明书C 工作设计D 工作职责9、马克斯?韦伯在管理学上的主要贡献是提出了()A 理想的行政组织体系理论B 人际关系学说C XY理论D 管理方格论10、根据期望理论,对被激励对象产生最大激励力的情况是()A 期望值低,效价也低B 期望值低,效价高C 期望值高,效价也高D 期望值高,效价低五、简答题(每小题5分,共15分)1、怎样理解管理的作用?2、人际关系的主要论点是什么?3、试分析机械式组织和有机式组织的优缺点。


















二、简答题(每小题6分,共30分):1 “管理技能”与“管理职能”是同一个概念吗,为什么?答:不是同一个概念。













A.正相关B.负相关C.不相关D.不完全相关5.某公司有员工64人,假设管理幅度为8人,该公司的管理人员应为多少人?管理层次有多少层? ()。



如果发展到1 000人,你就不可能留在第一线,而是身居其中。

当企业增至10 000名职工时,你就必须退居到后面,并对职工们表示敬意和谢意。





管理学模拟试题( 二)一、单项选择题( 每小题1 分, 共20分)1. 将企业培养成为一个学习型组织,现在已经成为许多企业领导者的共识。

为此,一些企业的领导者投入大量的人力、物力、财力开展企业内部培训工作,鼓励员工读书,为个人学习创造各种便利条件.这样是否意味着企业已经变成了学习型组织? ( )A. 不是, 因为个人学习并不等同于组织学习B. 是, 因为组织是由个体组成的, 个人学习就相当于组织学习C. 不是, 因为学习型组织更强调创新和对环境的适应能力, 需要从实践中摸索D. 是, 因为学习型组织的本质是挖掘和利用知识生产力,培训是非常重要的手段。

2. 有一个著名的商战案例: 日本两家鞋厂各派一名推销员到太平洋上的一个岛推销鞋子。

这个岛地处热带, 居民四季都打赤脚, 找不到一个穿鞋的人。

一家鞋厂的推销员很失望, 给厂里拍了一封" 没有市场" 的电报, 第二天打道回府; 另一个推销员见岛上没人穿鞋, 则心中大喜, 也给厂部拍了份电报" 市场潜力很大, 速寄 1 00双鞋来。

" ……后来当然是这个推销员打开了岛上的市场, 为公司创造了巨大的商机和效益。

这个案例说明( ) 为源泉的创新可以给企业带来发展和增长的机会。

A. 观念的改变B. 人口结构的变化C. 意外的成功或失败D. 行业和市场结构的变化3. 管理者在扮演传播者的角色中属于( ) 。

A. 人际角色B. 信息角色C. 决策角色D. 领导角色4. 下列关于价值准则的说法正确的是( )A. 同一组织的管理者通常有着相似的价值准则B. 价值准则和道德发展阶段看起来相似, 实质也一样C. 价值准则是关于什么是对、什么是错的基本信念D. 一般来说, 大部分组织成员都在进入组织后, 在具体的组织环境中形成相对稳定的价值准则5. 组织由旧系统向新系统转换时, 突然中止旧系统的运行, 同时开始新系统的运行, 新、旧系统之间不存在交叉, 这种方法叫做( ) 。




















模拟试题一一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)1.管理活动总是在一定社会生产方式下进行的,其中生产力决定了( )A.管理的社会属性 B.管理的自然属性C.管理的艺术性 D.管理的科学性2.下列哪一项是梅奥等人在总结霍桑试验的基础上得出的结论?( )A.职工是自然人 B.人的行为是由动机导向的,而动机则是由需要引起的C.人的需要是有层次的 D.新型的领导能力在于提高职工的满足度3.不确定性最高、对组织管理者挑战最大的组织外部环境是( )A.复杂稳定的环境 B.复杂动态的环境C.简单稳定的环境 D.简单动态的环境4.某化工企业为了在竞争中处于有利的地位,开发了某种投资很大的新产品,投产后非常畅销,企业领导也倍感欢欣。



从计划过程来看,该企业最有可能在哪个环节上做得不够周到?( )A.估量机会,确定目标 B.明确计划的前提条件C.确定抉择的方案 D.制定辅助计划5.“根据组织的使命而提出的组织在一定时期内所要达到的预期成果”称为( )A.战略 B.计划 C.组织 D.目标6.决策按决策对象的内容分类有( )A.战略决策和战术决策 B.经验决策和科学决策C.肯定决策和非肯定决策 D.程序化决策和非程序化决策7.下列选项中属于计量模型预测法的是( )A.德尔菲法 B.先行指标法 C.回归分析法 D.关连树法8.集权的致命弱点是( )A.稳定性差,适应性弱 B.弹性差,适应性弱C.稳定性差,平衡性弱 D.弹性差,平衡性弱9.确定合理的管理宽度是组织设计的一项重要内容,下列哪种说法是正确的?( )A.管理宽度越窄,越易控制,管理的费用越低B.管理宽度越宽,组织层次越少,管理的费用越高C.不同的管理者、下属素质、工作性质等因素将决定管理宽度D.管理宽度的确定仅取决于管理者的管理能力10.某钢铁厂是一家拥有300多亿资产的巨型企业,在目前钢材多样化和高科技化的市场需求面前,你认为最适宜的组织结构形式是( )A.直线型组织结构 B.职能型组织结构C.事业部制组织结构 D.矩阵结构11.去过医院的人也许或多或少对某些医院内部的管理程序感到有些不适应。



管理学原理模考试题+答案一、名词解释题(每小题 5 分,共 25 分)1. 管理2. 目标3. 组织4. 领导5. 决策二、简答题(每小题 10 分,共 30 分)1. 请简述管理的职能和作用。

2. 请简述目标管理的特点和优点。

3. 请简述组织结构的类型及其特点。

三、案例分析题(每小题 20 分,共 40 分)1. 某公司总经理在面临市场竞争压力时,采取了一系列措施,如调整产品结构、提高产品质量、加强市场营销等。



2. 某学校在进行教学改革时,将原来的班级制改为小组合作学习制。



四、论述题(每小题 25 分,共 50 分)1. 请结合我国实际,论述企业如何通过创新提高竞争力。

2. 请论述领导者如何提高领导效能。

答案:一、名词解释题1. 管理:管理是指在特定的环境下,通过计划、组织、领导、控制等手段,对组织资源进行有效配置,实现组织目标的过程。

2. 目标:目标是组织或个人在一定时期内希望实现的具体成果。

3. 组织:组织是指为实现共同目标而按照一定方式协作的人群。

4. 领导:领导是指引导和影响人们为实现组织目标而做出努力与贡献的过程。

5. 决策:决策是指在不确定条件下,为解决问题或实现目标而选择行动方案的过程。

二、简答题1. 管理的职能和作用:管理的职能包括计划、组织、领导、控制等,其作用在于合理配置组织资源,提高组织效率,实现组织目标。

2. 目标管理的特点和优点:目标管理具有目标明确、参与性强、自我控制等优点,能够提高组织成员的积极性和工作效率。

3. 组织结构的类型及其特点:组织结构类型包括直线型、职能型、矩阵型、网络型等,各自具有不同的特点,如直线型结构简单明了,便于指挥;矩阵型结构有利于资源整合,提高创新能力等。

三、案例分析题1. 原因:可能原因包括市场竞争激烈,产品结构调整不成功,产品质量提升不足,市场营销策略不恰当等。



英语管理学原理题库Here are some sample questions in English for a management principles exam, designed to be conversational and diverse in language style:1. Explain in your own words what leadership is and how it differs from management.2. Describe a situation where you had to delegate a task to a team member. How did you ensure accountability and results?3. What's your take on the importance of motivation in the workplace? Give an example of how you've seen it make a difference.4. Discuss the challenges of managing a remote team. How do you maintain communication and collaboration?5. Tell me about a time when you had to make adifficult decision in your role as a manager. What factors influenced your decision, and how did you handle the aftermath?6. What role does conflict resolution play in buildinga strong team? Can you share a conflict you've resolved and how it strengthened the team?7. Explain the concept of organizational culture and why it's crucial for organizational success. What are some examples of positive cultures you've witnessed?8. Talk about the importance of setting clear goals and objectives in a project. How do you ensure everyone is aligned and working towards the same end?9. Describe a time when you had to lead a change initiative in your organization. What strategies did you use to overcome resistance and gain buy-in?10. What do you think are the key qualities of aneffective manager? How have you developed these qualities in yourself?。



Chapter 1 – Introduction to Management and OrganizationsTrue/False QuestionsThe four contemporary functions of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.True (easy)Effectiveness refers to the relationship between inputs and outputs.False (moderate)Efficiency is often referred to as "doing things right."True (moderate)When managers meet organizational goals, they are efficient and effective.False (difficult)According to Mintzberg’s management roles, the informational role involves receiving, collecting, and disseminating information.True (moderate)Technical skills become less important as a manager moves into higher levels of management.True (moderate)The systems perspective underscores and emphasizes the fact that organizations are different, face different circumstances, and thus may require different ways of managing.False (moderate)Multiple Choice_____________ are organizational members who integrate and coordinate the work of others.a. Managers (easy)b. Team leadersc. Subordinatesd. Operativese. AgentsTypically, in organizations it is the _____________ who are responsible for making organizational decisions and setting policies and strategies that affect all aspects of the organization.a. team leadersb. middle managersc. first-line managersd. top managers (easy)e. subordinates_____________ distinguishes a managerial position from a nonmanagerial one.a. Manipulating othersb. Concern for the lawc. Increasing efficiencyd. Coordinating and integrating others' work (moderate)e. Defining market shareWhich of the following is NOT an example of a decisional role according to Mintzberg?a.spokesperson (moderate)b.entrepreneurc.disturbance handlerd.resource allocatore.negotiatorWhich of the following skills are more important at lower levels of management since these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organization’s work?a.human skillsb.technical skills (easy)c.conceptual skillsd.empirical skillsUnderstanding building codes would be considered a _____________ skill for a building contractor.a. humanb. technical (easy)c. conceptuald. empiricale. functionalWhich of the following phrases is best associated with managerial conceptual skills?a. decision-making (easy)b. communicating with customersc. motivating subordinatesd. product knowledgee. technical skillsAccording to the text, _____________ are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment.a.open systemsb.closed systems (easy)c.flextime systemsd.reverse systemse.forward systemsThe _____________ view of a manager's job implies that decisions and actions taken in one organizational area will impact other areas.a. systems (moderate)b. contingencyc. conceptuald. functionale. environmentalWhich of the following best describes the concept that management is needed in all types and sizes of organizations,at all organizational levels and in all organizational work areas, and in all organizations, no matter what country they’re located in?a.the partiality of managementb.the segmentation of managementc.the universality of management (moderate)d.the cultures of managementScenarios and QuestionsThe Busy Day (Scenario)Don Eskew, plant manager at Control Systems, Inc., sighed as he sipped his first cup of coffee at 5 a.m. and read his agenda for the day. He is giving two company tours in the morning; the first to a newspaper reporter who is writing a story on the new plant expansion and has several questions, and the second to a group of Control Systems, Inc., managers from the east coast. He then has a meeting with unit manager, Phil Johnson, to discuss Phil's recent drop in performance (a task he always hates). Next, he is spending a couple of hours reviewing the trade journals he receives from his high-tech association and writing up a brief synopsis for his presentation next week to the Division President. Finally, in late afternoon, he will be reviewing the new equipment malfunction and deciding whether to bring in extra people to get the equipment running as soon as possible. Whew! Just another day in the glamorous life of a manager. Together, all of these behaviors performed by Don during his busy day correspond to the management roles discovered in the late 1960s by which of the following management scientists?a. Herzbergb. Skinnerc. Mintzberg (easy)d. Fayole. MaslowWhen Don was meeting with Phil to discuss his performance concerns, he was operating in which management role?a. leader (difficult)b. figureheadc. monitord. disturbance handlere. spokesperson114. What role was Don performing when he gave the plant tour to the newspaper reporter?a. monitorb. figureheadc. disseminatord. spokesperson (difficult)e. resource allocator115. When Don was reviewing the new equipment malfunction, what management role was he playing when deciding whether to bring in extra people?a. monitorb. disseminatorc. resource allocator (moderate)d. disturbance handlere. figureheadEssay QuestionsIn a short essay, discuss the difference between efficiency and effectiveness and include a specific example to support each concept.Answera.Efficiency refers to getting the most output from the least amount of inputs. Because managers deal withscarce inputs—including resources such as people, money, and equipment—they are concerned with theefficient use of resources. For instance, at the Beiersdorf Inc. factory in Cincinnati, where employees makebody braces and supports, canes, walkers, crutches, and other medical assistance products, efficient manufacturing techniques were implemented by doing things such as cutting inventory levels, decreasingthe amount of time to manufacture products, and lowering product reject rates. From this perspective,that is, not wasting resources.efficiency is often referred to a s “doing things right”—that is, those work activities that will help theb.Effectiveness is often described as “doing the right things”—organization reach its goals. For instance, at the Biersdorf factory, goals included open communication between managers and employees, and cutting costs. Through various work programs, these goals werepursued and achieved. Whereas efficiency is concerned with the means of getting things done, effectiveness is concerned with the ends, or attainment of organizational goals.(moderate)In a short essay, list and explain the four basic functions of management.Answera.Planning –involves the process of defining goals, establishing strategies for achieving those goals, anddeveloping plans to integrate and coordinate activities.anizing – involves the process of determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them, how thetasks are to be grouped, who reports to whom, and where decisions are to be made.c.Leading – when managers motivate subordinates, influence individuals or teams as they work, select themost effective communication channel, or deal in any way with employee behavior issues, they are leading.d.Controlling – to ensure that work is going as it should, managers must monitor and evaluate performance.The process of monitoring, comparing, and correcting is what is meant by the controlling function.(moderate)In a short essay, list and discuss the three essential skills according to Katz that managers need to perform the duties and activities associated with being a manager.Answera.Technical skills – include knowledge of an proficiency in a certain specialized field, such as engineering,computers, accounting, or manufacturing. These skills are more important at lower levels of management since these managers are dealing directly with employees doing the organizationb.Human skills –involve the ability to work well with other people both individually and in a group.Managers with good human skills are able to get the best out of their people. They know how to communicate, motivate, lead, and inspire enthusiasm and trust. These skills are equally important at alllevels of management.c.Conceptual skills – these are the skill that managers must have to think and to conceptualize about abstractand complex situations. Using these skills, managers must be able to see the organization as a whole, understand the relationships among various subunits, and visualize how the organization fits into its broaderenvironment. These skills are most important at the top management levels.(moderate)Chapter 2 – Management Yesterday and TodayTrue/FalseAccording to Adam Smith, division of labor was an important concept.True (easy)In the Industrial Revolution, machine power began substituting for human power.True (easy)“Principles of Scientific Management” was written by Frederick Taylor.True (moderate)Frank Gilbreth’s best-known contribution to scientific management concerned selecting the best worker.False (moderate)。



20. Concern for employee motivation is most closely associated with organizational behavior.
(True; moderate; p. 32)
21. Barnard, Follett, Munsterberg, and Owen are all theorists associated with the early organizational
(c; challenging; p. 27)
35. General administrative theorists devoted their efforts to _________________.
(False; moderate; p. 34)
28. Electronic merce is any form of business exchange or transaction in which the parties interact
18. The qualitative approach to management has also been labeled operations research or management
(False; moderate; p. 32)
(True; moderate; p. 33)
24. Munsterberg’s work in industrial psychology is easily connected with the scientific management
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1.Mintaberg identified ten different, but interrelated management roles which can be grouped into three types of roles. These three types of roles are: ()A、Informational, financial, decisional;B、Decisional, interpersonal, informationalC、Informational, decisional, spokespersonD、Decisional, liaison, interpersonal2. The pizza shop manager determines profit margin to be achieved for the year, he is performing the function of: ()A、planningB、organizingC、leadingD、controlling3.What are some of the skills managers need to have? ()A、Technical, conceptual, and interpersonalB、Conceptual, entrepreneurial, interpersonalC、Interpersonal, intelligence, insightD、Technical, conceptual, charisma4.Written communication is used because: ()A、It is permanent, verifiable, tangibleB、It is easier than oral communicationC、It takes less time than electronic meansD、It is more informal5.Which of the following is not a barrier to effective communication?A、Emotions ()B、LanguageC、PerceptionD、Clarity of expression6.Theoretically, which of the following conflict is functional conflict:A、Low to medium level of relationship conflict ()B、Low to medium level of task conflictC、Low to medium level of process conflictD、Medium to high level of task conflict7.The three key elements in the definition of motivation are:A、Effort, money and organizational goals ()B、Organizational goals, effort and needsC、Needs, organizational goals and moneyD、Work, reward and effort8.The following needs are included in the three needs theory in motivation:()A、Achievement, money, affiliationB、Affiliation, power, esteemC、Esteem, achievement, powerD、Affiliation, power, achievement9.Which of the following is not a trait that differentiates leaders fromnon-leaders? ()A、Drive and intelligenceB、Wealth and positionC、Honesty and integrityD、Job-relevant knowledge10. Members of groups are susceptible to: ()A、Pressures to conformB、Overriding good judgmentsC、Promoting independence among membersD、Causing problems for the organization二、多项选择题(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)请在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择符合题目要求的,请将其代码填在题后的括号内。


1.Group development involves the following stages: ()A. FormingB. DevelopingC. PerformingD. Storming2.Theory X assumes that employees are: ()A. LazyB. Seek responsibilityC. To be controlledD. Like work3.Managers can be divided into different levels, they are: ()A. Non-managerial employeesB. First-line managersC. Middle-level managersD. Top-level managers4.According to the contingency perspective of management, followings arethe common contingency variables: ()A. Organization sizeB. Environmental uncertaintyC. Routine-ness of task technologyD. Individual differences5.The degree of filtering in communication is influenced by: ()A. Organization sizeB. Organizational cultureC. Number of organization levelsD. Organization development三、判断说明题(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)请判断下列每一小题是正确还是错误,请在题后的括号内写上True 或False。

1. It is better to be an efficient manager than an effective manager. ( )2. Decisions in all types of organizations are not influenced by politics. ( )3. Norming is a stage of group development when there is possible emergence of an informal leader. ( )4. Active listening involves listening for full meaning while making premature judgments. ( )5. Managers treat positive and negative feedback in the same way. ( )6. Functional conflict supports an organization’s goals. ( )7. Motivators are those factors that eliminate dissatisfaction. ( )8. A need is an internal state that makes certain outcomes appear attractive. ( )9. Behavior theories of leadership could be used to train people to be leaders. ( )10. Job readiness is the ability and willingness of people to take responsibility for directing their own behavior. ()四、问答题(本大题共5小题,每小题8分,共40分)1. Describe the reasons why people join groups and give one example for each reason.2. Describe the main barriers to effective communication and give an example of each barrier.3.Describe the conflict-resolution techniques.4.Draw the diagram and describe the managerial grid.5.Describe the equity theory.五、案例分析题(本大题共3小题,每小题10分,共30分)CASE STUDY—Managers and Management Jan Stephens was four years out of a graduate school of business when her father died suddenly from a heart attack. As the only child, she responded to her ailing mother's request that she quit her job as assistant manager of the home furnishings section of a David Jones department store in order to run the family business, Stephens Auto Parts (SAP).Jan's father started the business in 1962 and it had grown and prospered ever since. In 1992, SAP had three stores and employed 23 full-time people and another 20 part-time. Annual sales exceeded $3.5 million and profit before-tax was close to 20%.Each store had its own manager and assistant manager, but all the important decisions were made by Jan's father. As a result, none of the firm's current managers was really capable of running the business. Jan's mother inherited everything and knew that she needed Jan to run things. Her proposition to Jan: "If you take over running the business, you can draw a $50000 salary to begin with and I'll give you 50% of the profits.After I'm gone, the business is all yours."Jan had worked for her dad during summer and Christmas vacations all through high school and university. She knew the business in a very superficial way. She had no day-to-day experience in auto parts. As Jan went into work as head of SAP, she hoped her work experience and university degree in marketing-business administration had prepared her for what was to come.Questions:1.What management problems do you think Jan will face?2.Is her prior experience and education valuable? Explain.3.If you were Jan, what things would you focus on during the first month?。
