



电子元件参数大全电子元件参数大全型号参数用途12N20N沟200V 12A通用型场效应管 1DI2002N-140硅NPN 1200V 200A 1400W普通用途1DI3002N-120硅NPN 1000V 300A 2000W普通用途 2N100锗NPN 25V 5mA 音频放大\普通射频2N1000锗NPN 40V >7MHz低频开关管2N1003锗PNP 35V 普通射频2N1004锗PNP 35V 普通射频2N1005硅NPN 15V 25mA β=10-25普通用途2N1006硅NPN 15V 25mA β=25-150普通用途2N1007锗PNP 40V 3A 35W音频功率放大2N1008锗PNP 20V 低频开关管2N1008A锗PNP 40V 低频开关管2N1008B锗PNP 60V 低频开关管2N1009锗PNP 35V 低频开关管2N101(/13)锗PNP 25V 1W *K音频放大2N1010锗NPN 10V 2mA 2MHz普通射频2N1011锗PNP 80V 5A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1012锗NPN 40V >3MHz开关管2N1013锗PNP 60V功率放大\开关管2N1014锗PNP 100V 5A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1015硅NPN 30V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1015A硅NPN 60V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1015B硅NPN 100V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1015C硅NPN 150V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1015D硅NPN 200V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1015E硅NPN 250V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1015F硅NPN 300V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1016硅NPN 30V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1016A硅NPN 60V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1016B硅NPN 100V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1016C硅NPN 150V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1016D硅NPN 200V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1016E硅NPN 250V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1016F硅NPN 300V 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1017锗PNP 30V 1A 音频放大2N1018锗PNP 30V 1A 音频放大2N102锗NPN 25V 1.5A 1W *K音频放大2N102/13锗NPN 25V 1.5A 1W *K音频放大2N10202N1021锗PNP 100V 7A 150W功率放大\开关管2N1021A锗PNP 100V 7A 150W功率放大\开关管2N1022锗PNP 120V 7A 150W功率放大\开关管2N1022A锗PNP 120V 7A 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1023锗PNP 40V 10mA 120MHz普通射频2N1024硅PNP 18V 0.1A β>9普通用途2N1025硅PNP 40V 0.1A β>9普通用途2N1026硅PNP 40V 0.1A β=18-44普通用途2N1027硅PNP 18V 0.1A β>18普通用途2N1028硅PNP 12V 0.1A β>9普通用途2N1029锗PNP 50V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1029A锗PNP 60V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1029B锗PNP 90V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1029C锗PNP 100V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N103锗NPN 35V 10mA 音频放大2N1030锗PNP 50V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1030A锗PNP 60V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1030B锗PNP 90V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1030C锗PNP 100V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1031锗PNP 50V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1031A锗PNP 60V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1031B锗PNP 90V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1031C锗PNP 100V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1032锗PNP 50V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1032A锗PNP 60V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1032B锗PNP 90V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1032C锗PNP 100V 25A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1034硅PNP 50V 0.05A β=15音频放大2N1035硅PNP 50V 0.05A β=30音频放大2N1036硅PNP 50V 0.05A β=60音频放大2N1037硅PNP 50V 0.05A β=30音频放大2N1038锗PNP 40V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1038-1锗PNP 40V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1038-2锗PNP 40V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1039锗PNP 60V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1039-1锗PNP 60V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1039-2锗PNP 60V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N104锗PNP 30V 50mA 音频放大2N1040锗PNP 80V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1040-1锗PNP 80V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1040-2锗PNP 80V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1041锗PNP 100V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1041-1锗PNP 100V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1041-2锗PNP 100V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1042锗PNP 40V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1042-1锗PNP 40V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1042-2锗PNP 40V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1042-2A锗PNP 40V 3A 20W 普通用途2N1042-2ψ锗PNP 40V 3A 1W 普通用途2N1043锗PNP 60V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1043-1锗PNP 60V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1043-2锗PNP 60V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1043-2ψ锗PNP 60V 3A 1W 普通用途2N1044锗PNP 80V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1044-1锗PNP 80V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1044-2锗PNP 80V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1044-2ψ锗PNP 80V 3A 1W 普通用途2N1045锗PNP 100V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1045-1锗PNP 100V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1045-2锗PNP 100V 3.5A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1045-2ψ锗PNP 100V 3A 1W 普通用途2N1046锗PNP 100V 10A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1046A/B锗PNP 130V 15A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1047锗NPN 80V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1047A硅NPN 80V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1047B硅NPN 80V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1047C硅NPN 80V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1048硅NPN 120V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1048A硅NPN 120V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1048B硅NPN 120V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1048C硅NPN 120V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1049硅NPN 80V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1049A硅NPN 80V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1049B硅NPN 80V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1049C硅NPN 80V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N105锗PNP 35V 15mA 音频放大2N1050A硅NPN 120V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1050B硅NPN 120V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1050C硅NPN 120V 8A 40W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1051硅NPN 40V 0.3A 音频放大2N1052硅NPN 200V 0.2A 开关管2N1053硅NPN 180V 0.2A 开关管2N1054硅NPN 125V 0.2A 开关管2N1055硅NPN 100V 0.2A 开关管2N1056锗PNP 70V 0.3A 低频开关管2N1057锗PNP 45V 0.3A 低频开关管2N1058锗NPN 20V 0.1A 低频开关管2N1059锗NPN 40V 0.1A 低频开关管2N106锗PNP 15V 10mA 音频放大2N1060硅NPN 40V 0.2A <50ns开关管2N1065锗PNP 40V 10MHz普通射频\开关管2N1066锗PNP 40V 10mA 120MHz普通射频2N1067硅NPN 60V 0.5A 5W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1068硅NPN 60V 1.5A 10W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1069硅NPN 60V 4A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N107锗PNP 12V 10mA 音频放大2N1070硅NPN 60V 4A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1072硅NPN 75V 2A 2W低频开关管2N1073锗PNP 40V 10A 85W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1073A锗PNP 80V 10A 85W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1073B锗PNP 120V 10A 85W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1074硅NPN 50V 0.1A β=14音频放大2N1075硅NPN 50V 0.1A β=25音频放大2N1076硅NPN 50V 0.1A β=50音频放大2N1077硅NPN 50V 0.1A β=18音频放大2N1079硅NPN 60V 3A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1108锗PNP 16V 5mA 35MHz普通射频2N1109锗PNP 16V 5mA 35MHz普通射频2N111锗PNP 30V 0.2A 3MHz普通射频2N1110锗PNP 16V 5mA 35MHz普通射频2N1111锗PNP 20V 5mA 35MHz普通射频2N1111A锗PNP 20V 5mA 35MHz普通射频2N1111B锗PNP 20V 5mA 35MHz普通射频2N1114锗NPN 25V 0.2A >7MHz低频开关管2N1115锗PNP 20V 0.125A 低频开关管2N1115A锗PNP 20V 0.125A 低频开关管2N1116硅NPN 60V 0.8A 低频开关管2N1117硅NPN 60V 0.8A 低频开关管2N1118硅PNP 25V 0.05A 普通用途2N1118A硅PNP 25V 0.05A 普通用途2N1119硅PNP 10V 0.05A 普通用途2N111A锗PNP 30V 0.2A 3MHz普通射频2N112锗PNP 30V 0.2A 5MHz普通射频2N1120锗PNP 80V 15A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1121锗NPN 15V 20mA 8MHz普通射频2N1122锗PNP 12V 0.05A >40MHz普通射频\开关管 2N1122A锗PNP 15V 0.05A >40MHz普通射频\开关管 2N1123锗PNP 46V 0.4A 低频开关管2N1124锗PNP 40V 0.5A β>40低频开关管2N1125锗PNP 40V 0.5A β=50-150低频开关管2N1126锗PNP 40V 0.5A β>40低频开关管2N1127锗PNP 40V 0.5A β=50-150低频开关管2N1128锗PNP 25V 0.5A 音频放大2N1129锗PNP 25V 0.5A 音频放大2N112A锗PNP 30V 0.2A 5MHz普通射频2N113锗PNP 30V 0.2A 10MHz普通射频2N1130锗PNP 30V 0.5A 音频放大2N1131硅PNP 60V 0.6A 低频开关管2N1131A硅PNP 60V 0.6A 低频开关管2N1132硅PNP 50V 0.6A 低频开关管2N1132A硅PNP 60V 0.6A 低频开关管2N1132B硅PNP 70V 0.6A 低频开关管 2N1132B46硅PNP 70V 0.6A 96MHz普通用途2N1135硅PNP 12V 0.05A 普通用途2N1135A硅PNP 12V 0.05A 普通用途2N1136锗PNP 60V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1136A锗PNP 90V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1136B锗PNP 100V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1137锗PNP 60V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1137A锗PNP 90V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1137B锗PNP 100V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1138锗PNP 60V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1138A锗PNP 90V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1138B锗PNP 100V 6A 60W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1139硅NPN 15V 0.1A >100MHz开关管2N114锗PNP 30V 0.2A 20MHz普通射频2N1140硅NPN 40V >60MHz开关管2N1141锗PNP 35V 0.1A >750MHz用于VHF频段及射频2N1141A锗PNP 35V 0.1A >750MHz用于VHF频段及射频2N1142锗PNP 30V 0.1A >600MHz用于VHF频段及射频2N1142A锗PNP 30V 0.1A >600MHz用于VHF频段及射频2N1143锗PNP 25V 0.1A >480MHz用于VHF频段及射频2N1143A锗PNP 25V 0.1A >480MHz用于VHF频段及射频2N1144锗PNP 16V 0.2A β=34-90音频放大2N1145锗PNP 16V 0.2A β=25-90音频放大2N1146锗PNP 40V 15A 69W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1146A锗PNP 60V 15A 69W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1146B锗PNP 80V 15A 69W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1146C锗PNP 100V 15A 69W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1147锗PNP 40V 15A 87W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1147A锗PNP 60V 15A 87W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1147B锗PNP 80V 15A 87W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1147C锗PNP 100V 15A 87W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1149硅NPN 45V 25mA B=9-20普通用途2N115锗PNP 32V 3A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1150硅NPN 45V 25mA β=18-40普通用途2N1151硅NPN 45V 25mA β=18-90普通用途2N1152硅NPN 45V 25mA β=36-90普通用途2N1153硅NPN 45V 25mA β=76-333普通用途2N1154硅NPN 50V 0.06A 普通用途及驱动2N1155硅NPN 80V 0.05A 普通用途及驱动2N1156硅NPN 120V 0.04A 普通用途及驱动2N1157锗PNP 60V 25A 187W功率放大\开关管2N1157A锗PNP 80V 25A 187W功率放大\开关管2N1158锗PNP 20V 0.1A >200MHz普通射频2N1158A锗PNP 20V 0.1A >200MHz普通射频2N1159锗PNP 80V 5A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N116锗PNP2N1160锗PNP 80V 7A 90W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1162锗PNP 50V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1162A锗PNP 50V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1163锗PNP 50V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1163A锗PNP 50V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1164锗PNP 80V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1164A锗PNP 80V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1165锗PNP 80V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1165A锗PNP 80V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1166锗PNP 100V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1166A锗PNP 100V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1167锗PNP 100V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1167A锗PNP 100V 25A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1168锗PNP 50V 5A 45W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1169锗NPN 40V 0.4A 低频开关管2N117硅NPN 45V 25mA 4MHz低频开关管2N1170锗PNP 40V 0.4A 低频开关管2N1171锗PNP 30V 1A 低频开关管2N1172锗PNP 40V 1.5A 低频开关管2N1173锗NPN 35V 0.2A 低频开关管2N1174锗PNP 35V 0.2A 低频开关管2N1175锗PNP 35V 0.5A 低频开关管2N1175A锗PNP 35V 0.5A 低频开关管2N1176锗PNP 15V 0.3A 音频放大2N1176A锗PNP 40V 0.3A 音频放大2N1176B锗PNP 60V 0.3A 音频放大2N1177锗PNP 30V 10mA 140MHz普通射频2N1178锗PNP 30V 10mA 140MHz普通射频2N1179锗PNP 30V 10mA 140MHz普通射频2N118硅NPN 45V 25mA 5MHz低频开关管2N1180锗PNP 30V 10mA 100MHz普通射频2N1182锗PNP 60V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1183锗PNP 45V 3A 音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1183A锗PNP 60V 3A 音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1183B锗PNP 80V 3A 音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1184锗PNP 45V 3A 音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1184A锗PNP 60V 3A 音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1184B锗PNP 80V 3A 音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1185锗PNP 45V 0.5A β=190-400低频开关管2N1186锗PNP 60V 0.5A β=30-70低频开关管2N1187锗PNP 60V 0.5A β=50-120低频开关管2N1188锗PNP 60V 0.5A β=100-225低频开关管2N1189锗PNP 45V 0.5A β=115音频放大及驱动?2N118A硅NPN 45V 25mA 5MHz低频开关管2N119硅NPN 45V 25mA 6MHz低频开关管2N1190锗PNP 45V 0.5A β=170音频放大及驱动?2N1191锗PNP 40V 0.2A β=30-70低频开关管2N1192锗PNP 40V 0.2A β=50-125低频开关管2N1193锗PNP 40V 0.2A β=100-250低频开关管2N1194锗PNP 40V 0.2A β=190-500低频开关管2N1195锗PNP 30V 40mA 1GHz用于UHF频段及射频2N1196硅PNP 70V 0.1A 普通用途2N1197硅PNP 70V 0.1A 普通用途2N1198锗NPN 25V 75mA 9MHz低频开关管2N1199硅NPN 20V 0.1A 125MHz普通射频\开关管2N1199A硅NPN 20V 0.1A 125MHz普通射频\开关管2N1200硅NPN 20V 0.1A 普通射频2N1201硅NPN 20V 0.1A 普通射频2N1202锗PNP 80V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1203锗PNP 120V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1204锗PNP 20V 0.5A 开关管2N1204A锗PNP 20V 0.5A 开关管2N1205硅NPN 20V 25MHz普通用途2N1206硅NPN 60V 0.15A 3W低频开关管2N1207硅NPN 125V 0.15A 3W低频开关管2N1208硅NPN 60V 5A 45W功率放大\开关管2N1208/1硅NPN 60V 5A 45W功率放大\开关管2N1209硅NPN 45V 5A 45W功率放大\开关管2N1209/1硅NPN 45V 5A 45W功率放大\开关管2N1210硅NPN 60V 5A 30W功率放大\开关管2N1210/1硅NPN 60V 5A 30W功率放大\开关管2N1211硅NPN 80V 5A 30W功率放大\开关管2N1211/1硅NPN 80V 5A 30W功率放大\开关管2N1212硅NPN 60V 5A 45W功率放大\开关管2N1212/1硅NPN 60V 5A 45W功率放大\开关管2N1217锗NPN 20V 25mA 9MHz低频开关管2N1218锗NPN 45V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1219硅PNP 30V 0.1A β>18普通用途2N122硅NPN 120V 0.14A 9W低频开关管2N1220硅PNP 30V 0.1A β>9普通用途2N1221硅PNP 30V 0.1A β>18普通用途2N1222硅PNP 30V 0.1A β>9普通用途2N1223硅PNP 30V 0.1A β>6普通用途2N1224锗PNP 40V 10mA 30MHz普通射频2N1225锗PNP 40V 10mA 70MHz普通射频2N1226锗PNP 60V 10mA 30MHz普通射频2N1227锗PNP 35V 3A 50W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1228硅PNP 15V 0.1A β=14-32普通用途2N1229硅PNP 15V 0.1A β=28-65普通用途2N123锗PNP 20V 0.5A 开关管2N123/5锗PNP 20V 0.5A 开关管2N1230硅PNP 35V 0.1A β=14-32普通用途2N1231硅PNP 35V 0.1A β=28-65普通用途2N1232硅PNP 60V 0.1A β=14-32普通用途2N1232A硅PNP 60V 0.1A β=14-32普通用途2N1233硅PNP 60V 0.1A β=28-65普通用途2N1234硅PNP 110V 0.1A β=14-32普通用途2N1235硅NPN 120V 5A 85W功率放大\开关管2N1238硅PNP 15V 0.1A β=14-32普通用途2N1239硅PNP 15V 0.1A β=28-65普通用途2N124锗NPN 10V 8mA β=12-24开关管2N1240硅PNP 35V 0.1A β=14-32普通用途2N1241硅PNP 35V 0.1A β=28-65普通用途2N1242硅PNP 60V 0.1A β=14-32普通用途2N1243硅PNP 60V 0.1A β=28-65普通用途2N1244硅PNP 110V 0.1A β=14-32普通用途2N1245锗PNP 30V 4A 20W音频功率放大2N1246锗PNP 30V 4A 20W音频功率放大2N1247硅NPN 6V 5mA β>15普通用途2N1248硅NPN 6V 5mA β>15普通用途2N1249硅NPN 6V 5mA β>15普通用途2N125锗NPN 10V 8mA β=24-48开关管2N1250硅NPN 50V 5A 85W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1250/1硅NPN 50V 5A 85W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1251锗NPN 20V 0.1A 低频开关管2N1252硅NPN 30V 1A β=15-45低频开关管2N1252A硅NPN 30V 1A β=15-45低频开关管2N1253硅NPN 30V 1A β=30-90低频开关管2N1253A硅NPN 30V 1A β=30-90低频开关管2N1254硅PNP 30V 0.1A β=25-50普通用途2N1255硅PNP 30V 0.1A β=40-80普通用途2N1256硅PNP 40V 0.1A β=25-50普通用途2N1257硅PNP 40V 0.1A β=40-80普通用途2N1258硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=75-150普通用途2N1259硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=25-100普通用途2N126锗NPN 10V 8mA β=48-100开关管 2N1260硅NPN 120V 2A 85W功率放大\开关管2N1261锗PNP 80V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1261A锗PNP 80V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1262锗PNP 80V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1262A锗PNP 80V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1263锗PNP 80V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管 2N1263A锗PNP 80V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管 2N1264锗PNP 20V 10mA 3MHz普通射频2N1264/13锗PNP 20V 10mA 3MHz普通射频 2N1265锗PNP 20V 0.1A 音频放大2N1265/5锗PNP 20V 0.1A 音频放大2N1266锗PNP 10V 音频放大2N1267硅NPN 20V 0.1A β=4-16普通用途2N1268硅NPN 20V 0.1A β=7-30普通用途2N1269硅NPN 20V 0.1A β=20-80普通用途2N127锗NPN 10V 8mA β=100-200开关管2N1270硅NPN 20V 0.1A β=4-16普通用途2N1271硅NPN 20V 0.1A β=7-30普通用途2N1272硅NPN 20V 0.1A β=20-80普通用途 2N1273锗PNP 15V 0.2A 低频开关管2N1274锗PNP 25V 0.2A 低频开关管2N1275硅PNP 100V 0.1A 普通驱动管2N1276硅NP N 40V 25mA β=9-22普通用途 2N1277硅NPN 40V 25mA β=18-44普通用途 2N1278硅NPN 40V 25mA β=37-90普通用途 2N1279硅NPN 40V 25mA β=76-330普通用途2N128锗PNP 10V 5mA 28MHz普通射频2N1280锗PNP 16V 0.4A >5MHz低频开关管 2N1281锗PNP 16V 0.4A >7MHz低频开关管 2N1282锗PNP 16V 0.4A >10MHz低频开关管 2N1283锗PNP 20V 0.4A >5MHz低频开关管 2N1285锗PNP 40V 10mA 100MHz普通射频2N1287锗PNP 20V 50mA2N1287A锗PNP 20V 50mA2N1288锗NPN 15V 0.05A 60MHz开关管2N1289锗NPN 20V 0.05A 60MHz开关管2N129锗PNP 10V 5mA 30MHz普通射频2N1291锗PNP 35V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1292锗NPN 35V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1293锗PNP 60V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1294锗NPN 60V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1295锗PNP 80V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1296锗NPN 80V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1297锗PNP 100V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1298锗NPN 100V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1299锗NPN 40V 0.2A >4MHz低频开关管2N130锗PNP 25V 10mA 音频放大2N1300锗PNP 13V 0.1A 40MHz普通射频\开关管2N1301锗PNP 13V 0.1A 60MHz普通射频\开关管 2N1302锗NPN 25V 0.3A 5MHz低频开关管2N1303锗PNP 30V 0.3A 5MHz低频开关管2N1304锗NPN 25V 0.3A 10MHz低频开关管2N1305锗PNP 30V 0.3A 10MHz低频开关管2N1306锗NPN 25V 0.3A 15MHz低频开关管2N1307锗PNP 30V 0.3A 15MHz低频开关管2N1308锗NPN 25V 0.3A 25MHz低频开关管2N1309锗PNP 30V 0.3A 20MHz低频开关管2N130A锗PNP 45V 0.1A 音频放大2N131锗PNP 25V 10mA 音频放大2N1310锗NPN 90V 普通驱动管2N1311锗NPN 75V 普通驱动管2N1312锗NPN 50V 普通驱动管2N1313锗PNP 30V 0.4A 12MHz低频开关管2N1314锗PNP 40V 3.5A 125W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1315锗PNP 32V 3.5A 125W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1316锗PNP 30V 0.4A >10MHz低频开关管2N1317锗PNP 20V 0.4A >10MHz低频开关管2N1318锗PNP 10V 0.4A >10MHz低频开关管2N1319锗PNP 20V 0.4A >3MHz低频开关管2N131A锗PNP 45V 0.1A 音频放大2N132锗PNP 25V 10mA 音频放大2N1320锗PNP 35V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1321锗NPN 35V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1322锗PNP 60V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1323锗NPN 60V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1324锗PNP 80V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1325锗NPN 80V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1326锗PNP 100V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1327锗NPN 100V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1328锗PNP 35V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1329锗NPN 35V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N132A锗PNP 35V 0.1A 音频放大2N133锗PNP 25V 10mA 音频放大2N1330锗NPN 60V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1331锗PNP 80V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1332锗NPN 80V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1333锗PNP 100V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1334锗NPN 100V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1335硅NPN 120V 0.3A >70MHz普通射频或驱动 2N1336硅NPN 120V 0.3A >70MHz普通射频或驱动 2N1337硅NPN 120V 0.3A >70MHz普通射频或驱动 2N1338硅NPN 80V 0.3A >70MHz普通射频或驱动 2N1339硅NPN 120V 0.3A >70MHz普通射频或驱动 2N133A锗PNP 35V 0.1A 音频放大2N1340硅NPN 150V 0.3A >70MHz普通射频或驱动2N1341硅NPN 120V 0.3A >70MHz普通射频或驱动 2N1342硅NPN 150V 0.3A >70MHz普通射频或驱动 2N1343锗PNP 20V 0.4A >4MHz低频开关管2N1344锗PNP 15V 0.4A >7MHz低频开关管2N1345锗PNP 10V 0.4A >10MHz低频开关管2N1346锗PNP 12V 0.4A >10MHz低频开关管2N1347锗PNP 20V 0.2A >5MHz低频开关管2N1348锗PNP 40V 0.4A >5MHz低频开关管2N1349锗PNP 40V 0.4A >10MHz低频开关管2N135锗PNP 20V 50mA 普通射频2N1350锗PNP 50V 0.4A >8MHz低频开关管2N1351锗PNP 50V 0.4A >8MHz低频开关管2N1352锗PNP 30V 0.2A >低频开关管2N1353锗PNP 15V 0.2A >低频开关管2N1354锗PNP 15V 0.2A >3MHz低频开关管2N1355锗PNP 15V 0.2A >5MHz低频开关管2N1356锗PNP 15V 0.2A >5MHz低频开关管2N1357锗PNP 15V 0.2A >10MHz低频开关管2N1358锗PNP 80V 15A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1358A锗PNP 80V 15A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1358M锗PNP 80V 15A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1359锗PNP 50V 10A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N136锗PNP 20V 50mA 普通射频2N1360锗PNP 50V 10A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1361锗PNP 25V 0.2A 4MHz低频开关管2N1361A锗PNP 25V 0.2A 4MHz低频开关管2N1362锗PNP 100V 10A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1363锗PNP 100V 10A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1364锗PNP 120V 10A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1365锗PNP 120V 10A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1366锗NPN 18V 25mA >5MHz低频开关管 2N1367锗NPN 18V 25mA >低频开关管2N137锗PNP 10V 50mA 10MHz普通射频2N1370锗PNP 25V 0.2A β=45-165低频开关管2N1371锗PNP 45V 0.2A β=45-165低频开关管2N1372锗PNP 25V 0.2A β=25-105低频开关管2N1373锗PNP 45V 0.2A β=25-105低频开关管2N1374锗PNP 25V 0.2A β=50-165低频开关管2N1375锗PNP 45V 0.2A β=50-165低频开关管2N1376锗PNP 25V 0.2A β=67-165低频开关管2N1377锗PNP 45V 0.2A β=67-165低频开关管2N1378锗PNP 12V 0.2A β=85-330低频开关管2N1379锗PNP 25V 0.2A β=85-330低频开关管 2N138锗PNP 24V 0.15A 低频开关管 2N1380锗PNP 12V 0.2A β=27-330低频开关管2N1381锗PNP 25V 0.2A β=27-330低频开关管2N1382锗PNP 25V 0.2A β=50-150低频开关管2N1383锗PNP 25V 0.2A β=30-150低频开关管2N1384锗PNP 30V 0.5A 35MHz低频开关管2N1385锗PNP 25V 0.1A >250MHz普通射频\开关管 2N1386硅NPN 25V 0.05A 60MHz普通用途2N1387硅NPN 30V 0.05A 50MHz普通用途2N1388硅NPN 45V 0.05A >50MHz普通用途2N1389硅NPN 50V 0.05A >25MHz普通用途 2N138A/B锗PNP 45V 0.1A 低频开关管2N139锗PNP 16V 15mA 普通射频 2N1390硅NPN 20V 0.05A >20MHz普通用途2N1391锗NPN 25V >3MHz低频开关管2N1395锗PNP 40V 10mA 30MHz普通射频2N1396锗PNP 40V 10mA 100MHz普通射频2N1397锗PNP 40V 10mA 120MHz普通射频2N1398锗PNP 30V 10mA >140MHz普通射频2N1399锗PNP 30V 10mA >140MHz普通射频2N140锗PNP 16V 15mA 普通射频2N1400锗PNP 30V 10mA >100MHz普通射频2N1401锗PNP 30V 10mA >120MHz普通射频2N1401A锗PNP 30V 10mA >120MHz普通射频2N1402锗PNP 30V 10mA >100MHz普通射频2N1403锗PNP 15V 0.1A >200MHz普通射频2N1404锗PNP 25V 0.3A 普通射频\开关管2N1404A锗PNP 25V 0.3A 普通射频\开关管2N1405锗PNP 30V 0.05A >250MHz普通射频2N1406锗PNP 30V 0.05A >250MHz普通射频2N1407锗PNP 30V 0.05A >200MHz普通射频2N1408锗PNP 50V 0.2A 低频开关管2N1409硅NPN 30V 0.5A β=15-45低频开关管2N1409A硅NPN 30V 0.5A β=15-45低频开关管2N141锗PNP 60V 0.8A *K音频放大及驱动?2N141/13锗PNP 60V 0.8A 音频放大及驱动?2N1410硅NPN 30V 0.5A β=30-90低频开关管2N1410A硅NPN 30V 0.5A β=30-90低频开关管2N1411锗PNP 5V 0.05A 开关管2N1412锗PNP 100V 15A 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1412A锗PNP 100V 15A 150W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1413锗PNP 35V 0.5A β=25-42低频开关管2N1414锗PNP 35V 0.5A β=34-65低频开关管2N1415锗PNP 35V 0.5A β=53-90低频开关管2N14162N1418硅NPN 30V 0.05A 普通射频\开关管2N1419锗PNP 80V 25A 87W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N142锗NPN 60V 0.8A *K音频放大及驱动?2N142/13锗NPN 60V 0.8A *K音频放大及驱动?2N1420硅NPN 60V 1A 低频开关管2N1420A硅NPN 60V 1A 低频开关管2N1421硅NPN 60V 3A 30W功率放大\开关管2N1422硅NPN 60V 3A 30W功率放大\开关管2N1423硅NPN 60V 3A 60W功率放大\开关管2N1424硅NPN 60V 3A 60W功率放大\开关管2N1425锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1426锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1427锗PNP 6V 0.05A 普通射频\开关管2N1428硅PNP 6V 0.05A 低频开关管2N1429硅PNP 6V 0.05A 低频开关管2N143锗PNP 60V 0.8A 1W *K音频放大及驱动?2N143/13锗PNP 60V 0.8A 1W *K音频放大及驱动?2N1430锗PNP 120V 10A 70W功率放大\开关管2N1431锗NPN 20V 0.1A 低频开关管2N1432锗PNP 45V 10mA 普通射频2N1433锗PNP 80V 3.5A β=20-50音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1434锗PNP 80V 3.5A β=45-115音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1435锗PNP 80V 3.5A β=30-75音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1436锗PNP 15V 0.05A 开关管2N1437锗PNP 100V 3A 23W功率放大\开关管2N1438锗PNP 100V 3A 23W功率放大\开关管2N1439硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=5-12普通用途2N144锗NPN 60V 0.8A 1W *K音频放大及驱动?2N144/13锗NPN 60V 0.8A 1W *K音频放大及驱动?2N1440硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=9-22普通用途2N1441硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=18-36普通用途2N1442硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=30-65普通用途2N1443硅PNP 50V 0.1A β>50普通用途2N1444硅NPN 60V 0.5A 低频开关管2N1445硅NPN 120V 0.75A 低频开关管2N1446锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=16-45低频开关管2N1447锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=36-65低频开关管2N1448锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=50-90低频开关管2N1449锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=70-125低频开关管2N145锗NPN 20V 5mA >普通射频2N1450锗PNP 30V 0.1A 开关管2N1451锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=20-65音频放大2N1452锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=30-90音频放大2N1453锗PNP 30V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1454锗PNP 30V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1455锗PNP 60V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1456锗PNP 60V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1457锗PNP 80V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1458锗PNP 80V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N146锗NPN 20V 5mA >普通射频2N1461锗PNP 30V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1462锗PNP 30V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1463锗PNP 60V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1464锗PNP 60V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1465锗PNP 120V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1466锗PNP 120V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1468硅NPN2N1469硅PNP 40V 0.1A 普通用途2N147锗NPN 20V 5mA >普通射频2N1470硅NPN 60V 3A 55W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1471锗PNP 12V 0.2A 普通用途2N1472硅NPN 25V 0.1A 140MHz开关管2N1473锗NPN 40V 0.4A >4MHz低频开关管2N1474硅PNP 60V 0.1A 普通用途2N1474A硅PNP 60V 0.1A 普通用途2N1475硅PNP 60V 0.1A β=36-88普通用途2N1476硅PNP 100V 0.1A β=12-36普通用途2N1477硅PNP 100V 0.1A β=30-66普通用途2N1478锗PNP 30V 0.5A 低频开关管2N1479硅NPN 60V 1.5A 5W低频开关管2N148锗NPN 16V 5mA >普通射频2N1480硅NPN 100V 1.5A 5W低频开关管2N1481硅NPN 60V 1.5A 5W低频开关管2N1482硅NPN 100V 1.5A 5W低频开关管2N1483硅NPN 60V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1484硅NPN 100V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1485硅NPN 60V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1486硅NPN 100V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1487硅NPN 50V 6A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1488硅NPN 100V 6A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1489硅NPN 60V 6A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N148A锗NPN 32V 5mA >普通射频2N149锗NPN 16V 5mA >普通射频2N1490硅NPN 100V 6A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1491硅NPN 30V 0.1A 250MHzVHF驱动2N1492硅NPN 60V 0.1A 275MHzVHF驱动2N1493硅NPN 100V 0.1A 300MHzVHF驱动2N1494锗PNP 20V 0.5A <35ns开关管2N1494A锗PNP 20V 0.5A <35ns开关管2N1495锗PNP 40V 0.5A <55ns开关管2N1495A锗PNP 40V 0.5A <55ns开关管2N1496锗PNP 40V 0.5A <55ns开关管2N1499锗PNP 20V 0.1A 开关管2N1499A锗PNP 20V 0.1A 开关管2N1499B锗PNP 30V 开关管2N149A锗NPN 32V 5mA >普通射频2N150锗NPN 16V 5mA >普通射频2N1500锗PNP 15V 0.05A 开关管2N1500/18锗PNP 15V 0.05A 开关管 2N1501锗PNP 60V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1502锗PNP 40V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1504锗PNP 80V 3A 25W功率放大\开关管2N1504/10锗PNP 80V 3A 25W功率放大\开关管 2N1505硅NPN 50V 0.5A 普通射频或驱动2N1506硅NPN 60V 0.5A 普通射频或驱动2N1506A硅NPN 60V 0.5A 普通射频或驱动2N1507硅NPN 60V 1A 低频开关管2N1508硅NPN 100V 1A 1W低频开关管2N1509硅NPN 60V 1A 1W低频开关管2N150A锗NPN 32V 5mA >普通射频2N151锗PNP2N1510锗NPN 75V 0.02A 低频开关管 2N1511硅NPN 60V 6A 75W功率放大\开关管2N1512硅NPN 100V 6A 75W功率放大\开关管2N1513硅NPN 60V 6A 75W功率放大\开关管2N1514硅NPN 100V 6A 75W功率放大\开关管2N1515锗PNP 20V 10mA 70MHz普通射频2N1516锗PNP 20V 10mA 70MHz普通射频2N1517锗PNP 20V 10mA 70MHz普通射频2N1517A锗PNP 40V 10mA 70MHz普通射频2N1518锗PNP 50V 25A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1519锗PNP 80V 25A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N152锗PNP2N1520锗PNP 50V 35A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1521锗PNP 80V 35A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1522锗PNP 50V 50A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1523锗PNP 80V 50A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1524锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1525锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1526锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1527锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1528硅NPN 25V 20mA 20MHz普通射频\开关管2N1529锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1529A锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N153锗PNP2N1418硅NPN 30V 0.05A 普通射频\开关管2N1419锗PNP 80V 25A 87W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N142锗NPN 60V 0.8A *K音频放大及驱动?2N142/13锗NPN 60V 0.8A *K音频放大及驱动?2N1420硅NPN 60V 1A 低频开关管2N1420A硅NPN 60V 1A 低频开关管2N1421硅NPN 60V 3A 30W功率放大\开关管2N1422硅NPN 60V 3A 30W功率放大\开关管2N1423硅NPN 60V 3A 60W功率放大\开关管2N1424硅NPN 60V 3A 60W功率放大\开关管2N1425锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1426锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1427锗PNP 6V 0.05A 普通射频\开关管2N1428硅PNP 6V 0.05A 低频开关管2N1429硅PNP 6V 0.05A 低频开关管2N143锗PNP 60V 0.8A 1W *K音频放大及驱动?2N143/13锗PNP 60V 0.8A 1W *K音频放大及驱动?2N1430锗PNP 120V 10A 70W功率放大\开关管2N1431锗NPN 20V 0.1A 低频开关管2N1432锗PNP 45V 10mA 普通射频2N1433锗PNP 80V 3.5A β=20-50音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1434锗PNP 80V 3.5A β=45-115音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1435锗P NP 80V 3.5A β=30-75音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1436锗PNP 15V 0.05A 开关管2N1437锗PNP 100V 3A 23W功率放大\开关管2N1438锗PNP 100V 3A 23W功率放大\开关管2N1439硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=5-12普通用途2N144锗NPN 60V 0.8A 1W *K音频放大及驱动?2N144/13锗NPN 60V 0.8A 1W *K音频放大及驱动?2N1440硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=9-22普通用途2N1441硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=18-36普通用途2N1442硅PNP 50V 0.1A β=30-65普通用途2N1443硅PNP 50V 0.1A β>50普通用途2N1444硅NPN 60V 0.5A 低频开关管2N1445硅NPN 120V 0.75A 低频开关管2N1446锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=16-45低频开关管2N1447锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=36-65低频开关管2N1448锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=50-90低频开关管2N1449锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=70-125低频开关管2N145锗NPN 20V 5mA >普通射频2N1450锗PNP 30V 0.1A 开关管2N1451锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=20-65音频放大2N1452锗PNP 45V 0.4A β=30-90音频放大2N1453锗PNP 30V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1454锗PNP 30V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1455锗PNP 60V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1456锗PNP 60V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1458锗PNP 80V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N146锗NPN 20V 5mA >普通射频2N1461锗PNP 30V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1462锗PNP 30V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1463锗PNP 60V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1464锗PNP 60V 5A 43W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1465锗PNP 120V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1466锗PNP 120V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1468硅NPN2N1469硅PNP 40V 0.1A 普通用途2N147锗NPN 20V 5mA >普通射频2N1470硅NPN 60V 3A 55W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1471锗PNP 12V 0.2A 普通用途2N1472硅NPN 25V 0.1A 140MHz开关管2N1473锗NPN 40V 0.4A >4MHz低频开关管2N1474硅PNP 60V 0.1A 普通用途2N1474A硅PNP 60V 0.1A 普通用途2N1475硅PNP 60V 0.1A β=36-88普通用途2N1476硅PNP 100V 0.1A β=12-36普通用途2N1477硅PNP 100V 0.1A β=30-66普通用途2N1478锗PNP 30V 0.5A 低频开关管2N1479硅NPN 60V 1.5A 5W低频开关管2N148锗NPN 16V 5mA >普通射频2N1480硅NPN 100V 1.5A 5W低频开关管2N1481硅NPN 60V 1.5A 5W低频开关管2N1482硅NPN 100V 1.5A 5W低频开关管2N1483硅NPN 60V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1484硅NPN 100V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1485硅NPN 60V 3A 25W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1487硅NPN 50V 6A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1488硅NPN 100V 6A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1489硅NPN 60V 6A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N148A锗NPN 32V 5mA >普通射频2N149锗NPN 16V 5mA >普通射频2N1490硅NPN 100V 6A 75W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1491硅NPN 30V 0.1A 250MHzVHF驱动2N1492硅NPN 60V 0.1A 275MHzVHF驱动2N1493硅NPN 100V 0.1A 300MHzVHF驱动2N1494锗PNP 20V 0.5A <35ns开关管2N1494A锗PNP 20V 0.5A <35ns开关管2N1495锗PNP 40V 0.5A <55ns开关管2N1495A锗PNP 40V 0.5A <55ns开关管2N1496锗PNP 40V 0.5A <55ns开关管2N1499锗PNP 20V 0.1A 开关管2N1499A锗PNP 20V 0.1A 开关管2N1499B锗PNP 30V 开关管2N149A锗NPN 32V 5mA >普通射频2N150锗NPN 16V 5mA >普通射频2N1500锗PNP 15V 0.05A 开关管2N1500/18锗PNP 15V 0.05A 开关管2N1501锗PNP 60V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1502锗PNP 40V 3.5A 34W功率放大\开关管2N1504锗PNP 80V 3A 25W功率放大\开关管2N1504/10锗PNP 80V 3A 25W功率放大\开关管2N1505硅NPN 50V 0.5A 普通射频或驱动2N1506硅NPN 60V 0.5A 普通射频或驱动2N1506A硅NPN 60V 0.5A 普通射频或驱动2N1507硅NPN 60V 1A 低频开关管2N1508硅NPN 100V 1A 1W低频开关管2N1509硅NPN 60V 1A 1W低频开关管2N150A锗NPN 32V 5mA >普通射频2N151锗PNP2N1510锗NPN 75V 0.02A 低频开关管2N1511硅NPN 60V 6A 75W功率放大\开关管2N1512硅NPN 100V 6A 75W功率放大\开关管2N1513硅NPN 60V 6A 75W功率放大\开关管2N1514硅NPN 100V 6A 75W功率放大\开关管2N1515锗PNP 20V 10mA 70MHz普通射频2N1516锗PNP 20V 10mA 70MHz普通射频2N1517锗PNP 20V 10mA 70MHz普通射频2N1517A锗PNP 40V 10mA 70MHz普通射频2N1518锗PNP 50V 25A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1519锗PNP 80V 25A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N152锗PNP2N1520锗PNP 50V 35A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1521锗PNP 80V 35A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1522锗PNP 50V 50A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1523锗PNP 80V 50A 70W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1524锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1525锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1526锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1527锗PNP 24V 10mA 33MHz普通射频2N1528硅NPN 25V 20mA 20MHz普通射频\开关管2N1529锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1529A锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N153锗PNP2N1531A锗PNP 80V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1532锗PNP 100V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1533锗PNP 120V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1533A锗PNP 120V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1534锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1534A锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1535锗PNP 60V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1535A锗PNP 60V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1536锗PNP 80V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1536A锗PNP 80V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1537锗PNP 100V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1537A锗PNP 100V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1538锗PNP 120V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1538A锗PNP 120V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1539锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1539A锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N154锗PNP2N1540锗PNP 60V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1540A锗PNP 60V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1541锗PNP 80V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1541A锗PNP 80V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1542锗PNP 100V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1542A锗PNP 100V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1543锗PNP 120V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1543A锗PNP 120V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1544锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1544A锗PNP 40V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1545锗PNP 60V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1545A锗PNP 60V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1546锗PNP 80V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1546A锗PNP 80V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1547A锗PNP 100V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1548锗PNP 120V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1548A锗PNP 120V 5A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1549锗PNP 40V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1549A锗PNP 40V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N155锗PNP 30V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1550锗PNP 60V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1550A锗PNP 60V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1551锗PNP 80V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1551A锗PNP 80V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1552锗PNP 100V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1552A锗PNP 100V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1553锗PNP 40V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1553A锗PNP 40V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1554锗PNP 60V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1554A锗PNP 60V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1555锗PNP 80V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1555A锗PNP 80V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1556锗PNP 100V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1556A锗PNP 100V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1557锗PNP 40V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1557A锗PNP 40V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1558锗PNP 60V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1558A锗PNP 60V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1559锗PNP 80V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1559A锗PNP 80V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N156锗PNP 30V 3A 20W音频放大\开关及功率放大2N1560锗PNP 100V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大 2N1560A锗PNP 100V 15A 106W音频放大\开关及功率放大。








2822芯片的主要性能特点如下:1. 低电压工作:芯片工作电压范围为2.0V-4.5V,适用于各种低电压电源供电环境,能够有效减少功耗。

2. 双通道输出:芯片具有双通道输出功能,可以同时放大和输出两路音频信号,适用于立体声音响和多媒体音频系统等应用场景。

3. 高峰值功率输出:芯片最大输出功率可达到2.8W(4Ω负载),在小型音响系统中具有较高的输出能力。

4. 低谐波失真:芯片在高功率输出时具有较低的谐波失真,能够保持音频信号的高保真性能。

5. 内部过电流保护机制:芯片内部集成了过电流保护电路,可以保护芯片免受短路等异常情况的损害。


其主要应用领域包括:1. 便携式音响设备:2822芯片具有低功耗和小尺寸等特点,非常适合用于便携式音箱、蓝牙音箱等便携式音响设备中。

2. 多媒体音频系统:2822芯片的双通道输出能力,使其成为多媒体音频系统中的重要组成部分,包括电视机、电脑音箱等设备。

3. 车载音响系统:由于2822芯片在小尺寸情况下能够输出高峰值功率的音频信号,因此在车载音响系统中也有广泛应用。

4. 电子游戏设备:2822芯片能够提供高品质的音频输出,因此在电子游戏机、手持游戏机等设备中也有应用。






















高清 Blu-ray Disc™播放器


PG: Open drain power good output.
GND: 地面电源开关电路




Exposed Thermal Pad:必须接地

PN8324 PN8326 高精度内置高压启动PSR无辅助绕组LED恒流驱动芯片

PN8324 PN8326 高精度内置高压启动PSR无辅助绕组LED恒流驱动芯片

股票代码【430512】PN8324/PN8326高精度内置高压启动PSR无辅助绕组LED恒流驱动芯片PN8324/6包括高精度的恒流原边控制器及功率MOSFET,专用于高性能、外围元器件精简的小功率LED 照明。






GU10 LED射灯 LED球泡灯 原边反馈和调节可省光耦和TL431
LED电源 恒流输出值可调
PN8324 5W
PN8326 12W隔离外置LED电源参考设计。



● 球灯泡 ● 玉米灯
● 蜡烛灯 ● 景观灯

管脚号 1 2 3 4
5,6 7,8
功能描述 地 线电压补偿输入端 电源端,内置 12.5V 稳压管 内部高压 MOSFET 源极 内部高压 MOSFET 漏极 电流采样端,接电流检测电阻到地
*2:温度升高最大功耗一定会减小,这也是由TJMAX, θJA,和环境温度TA所决定的。最大允许功耗为
规范值 典型
Vcc 箝位电压
Vcc 箝位电流
Vcc 上升
8.3Βιβλιοθήκη 欠压保护迟滞VUVLO_HYS
Vcc 下降
PDMAX = (TJMAX - TA)/ θJA或是极限范围给出的数字中比较低的那个值。



目录电源类(1-10)8.CSD19535 (18)9.INA210 (19)10.INA282 (21)1.TPS28225 (2)7.TPS4021 (16)3.TPS54340 (5)4.TPS56528 (9)5.TPS7A1601 (12)6.TPS7A4001 (14)2.UCC27211 (4)高速放大器(11-17)15.LMH6552 (31)12.LMH6703 (25)17.OPA2356 (34)13.OPA2695 (27)16.OPA842 (32)11.THS3201 (23)14.VCA821 (29)精密ADC/DAC (18-21)18.ADS1118 (36)19.DAC7811 (38)20.DAC8571 (41)21.REF3330 (43)精密放大器(22-27)22.INA333 (45)23.INA826 (46)24.OPA192 (48)25.OPA2320 (50)26.OPA2330 (52)27.OPA2376 (53)音频功放(28)28.TPA3112 (55)其他(29-33)30.SN74AUP1G07 (58)29.TLV3501 (57)33.TS12A4515 (62)31.TS5A3159 (61)32.TS5A3166 (62)零一.TPS282258引脚高频4A吸入电流同步MOSFET驱动器描述The TPS28225 and TPS28226 are high-speed drivers for N-channel complimentary driven power MOSFETs with adaptive dead-time control. These drivers are optimized for use in variety of high-current one and multi-phase dc-to-dc converters. The TPS28225/6 is a solution that provides highly efficient, small size low EMI emmissions.The performance is achieved by up to 8.8-V gate drive voltage, 14-ns adaptive dead-time control, 14-ns propagation delays and high-current 2-A source and 4-A sink drive capability. The 0.4-impedance for the lower gate driver holds the gate of power MOSFET below its threshold and ensures no shoot-through current at high dV/dt phase node transitions. The bootstrap capacitor charged by an internal diode allows use of N-channel MOSFETs in half-bridge configuration.The TPS28225/6 features a 3-state PWM input compatible with all multi-phase controllers employing 3-state output feature. As long as the input stays within 3-state window for the 250-ns hold-off time, the driver switches both outputs low. This shutdown mode prevents a load from the reversed- output-voltage.The other features include under voltage lockout, thermal shutdown and two-way enable/power good signal. Systems without 3-state featured controllers can use enable/power good input/output to hold both outputs low during shutting down.The TPS28225/6 is offered in an economical SOIC-8 and thermally enhanced low-size Dual Flat No-Lead (DFN-8) packages. The driver is specified in the extended temperature range of –40°C to 125°C with the absolute maximum junction temperature 150°C. The TPS28226 operates in the same manner as the TPS28225/6 other than the input under voltage lock out. Unless otherwise stated all references to the TPS28225 apply to the TPS28226 also.特性Drives Two N-Channel MOSFETs with 14-ns Adaptive Dead TimeWide Gate Drive Voltage: 4.5 V Up to 8.8 V With Best Efficiency at 7 V to 8 V Wide Power System Train Input Voltage: 3 V Up to 27 VWide Input PWM Signals: 2.0 V up to 13.2-V AmplitudeCapable Drive MOSFETs with ≥40-A Current per PhaseHigh Frequency Operation: 14-ns Propagation Delay and10-ns Rise/Fall Time Allow FSW - 2 MHzCapable Propagate <30-ns Input PWM PulsesLow-Side Driver Sink On-Resistance (0.4 ) Prevents dV/dT Related Shoot-Through Current 3-State PWM Input for Power Stage Shutdown Space Saving Enable (input) and Power Good (output) Signals on Same Pin Thermal Shutdown UVLO Protection Internal Bootstrap Diode Economical SOIC-8 and Thermally Enhanced 3-mm x 3-mm DFN-8 Packages High Performance Replacement for Popular 3-State Input Drivers APPLICATIONS Multi-Phase DC-to-DC Converters with Analog or Digital Control Desktop and Server VRMs and EVRDs Portable/Notebook Regulators Synchronous Rectification for Isolated Power Supplies参数零二.UCC27211120V 升压4A 峰值电流的高频高侧/低侧驱动器 描述UCC27210 和 UCC27211 驱动器基于常见的 UCC27200 和 UCC27201 MOSFET 驱动器,但是对性能进行了几项重大改进。



三极管参数2SB系列三极管参数2SB系列三极管参数2SB1009 SI-P 40V 2A 10W 100MHz | 2SB1010 SI-P 40V 2A 0.75W 100MHz2SB1012K P-DARL 120V 1.5A 8W | 2SB1013 SI-P 20V 2A 0.7W2SB1015 SI-P 60V 3A 25W 0.4us | 2SB1016 SI-P 100V 5A 30W 5MHz2SB1017 SI-P 80V 4A 25W 9MHz | 2SB1018 SI-P 100V 7A 30W 0.4us2SB1020 P-DARL+D 100V 7A 30W 0.8us | 2SB1023 P-DARL+D 60V 3A 20W B=5K 2SB1035 SI-P 30V 1A 0.9W 100MHz | 2SB1039 SI-P 100V 4A 40W 20MHz2SB1050 SI-P 30V 5A 1W 120MHz | 2SB1055 SI-P 120V 6A 70W 20MHz2SB1065 SI-P 60V 3A 10W | 2SB1066 SI-P 50V 3A 1W 70MHz2SB1068 SI-P 20V 2A 0.75W 180MHz | 2SB1071 SI-P 40V 4A 25W 150MHz2SB1077 P-DARL 60V 4A 40W B>1K | 2SB1086 SI-P 160V 1.5A 20W 50MHz2SB1098 P-DARL+D 100V 5A 20W B=80 | 2SB1099 P-DARL+D 100V 8A 25W B=6K2SB1100 P-DARL+D 100V 10A 30W B=6 | 2SB1109 SI-P 160V 0.1A 1.25W2SB1109S SI-P 160V 0.1A 1.25W | 2SB1117 SI-P 30V 3A 1W 280MHz2SB1120 SI-P 20V 2.5A 0.5W 250MHz | 2SB1121T SI-P 30V 2A 150MHz2SB1123 SI-P 60V 2A 0.5W 150MHz | 2SB1132 SI-P 40V 1A 0.5W 150MHz2SB1133 SI-P 60V 3A 25W 40MHz | 2SB1134 SI-P 60V 5A 25W 30W2SB1135 SI-P 60V 7A 30W 10MHz | 2SB1136 SI-P 60V 12A 30W 10MHz2SB1140 SI-P 25V 5A 10W 320MHz | 2SB1141 SI-P 20V 1.2A 10W 150MHz2SB1143 SI-P 60V 4A 10W 140MHz | 2SB1146 P-DARL 120V 6A 25W2SB1149 P-DARL 100V 3A 15W B=10K | 2SB1151 SI-P 60V 5A 20W2SB1154 SI-P 130V 10A 70W 30MHz | 2SB1156 SI-P 130V 20A 100W2SB1162 SI-P 160V 12A 120W | 2SB1163 SI-P 170V 15A 150W2SB1166 SI-P 60V 8A 20W 130MHz | 2SB1168 SI-P 120V 4A 20W 130MHz2SB1182 SI-P 40V 2A 10W 100MHz | 2SB1184 SI-P 60V 3A 15W 70MHz2SB1185 SI-P 50V 3A 25W 70MHz | 2SB1186 SI-P 120V 1.5A 20W 50MHz2SB1187 SI-P 80V 3A 35W | 2SB1188 SI-P 40V 2A 100MHz2SB1202 SI-P 60V 3A 15W 150MHz | 2SB1203 SI-P 60V 5A 20W 130MHz2SB1204 SI-P 60V 8A 20W 130MHz | 2SB1205 SI-P 25V 5A 10W 320MHz2SB1212 SI-P 160V 1.5A 0.9W 50MHz | 2SB1223 P-DARL+D 70V 4A 20W 20MHz 2SB1236 SI-P 120V 1.5A 1W 50MHz | 2SB1237 SI-P 40V 1A 1W 150MHz2SB1238 SI-P 80V 0.7A 1W 100MHz | 2SB1240 SI-P 40V 2A 1W 100MHz2SB1243 SI-P 60V 3A 1W | 2SB1254 P-DARL 160V 7A 70W2SB1255 P-DARL 160V 8A 100W B>5K | 2SB1258 P-DARL+D 100V 6A 30W B>1K2SB1274 SI-P 60V 3A 30W 100MHz | 2SB1282 P-DARL+D 100V 4A 25W 50MHz 2SB1292 SI-P 80V 5A 30W | 2SB1302 SI-P 25V 5A 320MHz2SB1318 P-DARL+D 100V 3A 1W B>200 | 2SB1326 SI-P 30V 5A 0.3W 120MHz2SB1329 SI-P 40V 1A 1.2W 150MHz | 2SB1330 SI-P 32V 0.7A 1.2W 100MHz2SB1331 SI-P 32V 2A 1.2W 100MHz | 2SB1353E SI-P 120V 1.5A 1.8W 50MHz2SB1361 SI-P 150V 9A 100W 15MHz | 2SB1370 SI-P 60V 3A 30W 15MHz2SB1373 SI-P 160V 12A 2.5W 15MHz | 2SB1375 SI-P 60V 3A 25W 9MHz2SB1382 P-DARL+D 120V 16A 75W B>2 | 2SB1393 SI-P 30V 3A 2W 30MHz2SB1420 SI-P 120V 16A 80W 50MHz | 2SB1425 SI-P 20V 2A 1W 90MHz2SB1429 SI-P 180V 15A 150W 10MHz | 2SB1434 SI-P 50V 2A 1W 110MHz2SB1468 SI-P 60/30V 12A 25W | 2SB1470 P-DARL 160V 8A 150W B>5K2SB1490 P-DARL 160V 7A 90W B>5K | 2SB1493 P-DARL 160/140V 7A 70W 20 2SB1503 P-DARL 160V 8A 120W B>5K | 2SB1556 P-DARL 140V 8A 120W B>5K 2SB1557 P-DARL 140V 7A 100W B>5K | 2SB1559 P-DARL 160V 8A 80W B>5K 2SB1560 P-DARL 160V 10A 100W 50MHz | 2SB1565 SI-P 80V 3A 25W 15MHz2SB1587 P-DARL+D 160V 8A 70W B>5K | 2SB1624 P-DARL 110V 6A 60W B>5K 2SB206 GE-P 80V 30A 80W | 2SB324 GE-P 32V 1A 0.25W2SB337 GE-P 50V 7A 30W LF-POWER | 2SB407 GE-P 30V 7A 30W2SB481 GE-P 32V 1A 6W 15KHz | 2SB492 GE-P 25V 2A 6W2SB511E SI-P 35V 1.5A 10W 8MHz | 2SB524 SI-P 60V 1.5A 10W 70MHz2SB527 SI-P 110V 0.8A 10W 70MHz | 2SB531 SI-P 90V 6A 50W 8MHz2SB536 SI-P 130V 1.5A 20W 40MHz | 2SB537 SI-P 130V 1.5A 20W 60MHz2SB541 SI-P 110V 8A 80W 9MHz | 2SB544 SI-P 25V 1A 0.9W 180MHz2SB546A SI-P 200V 2A 25W 5MHz | 2SB549 SI-P 120V 0.8A 10W 80MHz2SB557 SI-P 120V 8A 80W | 2SB560 SI-P 100V 0.7A 0.9W 100MHz2SB561 SI-P 25V 0.7A 0.5W | 2SB564 SI-P 30V 1A 0.8W2SB598 SI-P 25V 1A 0.5W 180MHz | 2SB600 SI-P 200V 15A 200W 4MHz2SB601 P-DARL 100V 5A 30W | 2SB605 SI-P 60V 0.7A 0.8W 120MHz2SB621 SI-N 25V 1.5A 0.6W 200MHz | 2SB621A SI-N 50V 1A 0.75W 200MHz2SB631 SI-P 100V 1A 8W | 2SB632 SI-P 25V 2A 10W 100MHz2SB633 SI-P 100V 6A 40W 15MHz | 2SB637 SI-P 50V 0.1A 0.3W 200MHz2SB641 SI-P 30V 0.1A 120MHz | 2SB647 SI-P 120V 1A 0.9W 140MHz2SB649A SI-P 160V 1.5A 1W 140MHz | 2SB656 SI-P 160V 12A 125W 20MHz2SB673 P-DARL+D 100V 7A 40W 0.8us | 2SB676 P-DARL 100V 4A 30W 0.15us2SB681 SI-N 150V 12A 100W 13MHz | 2SB688 SI-P 120V 8A 80W 10MHz2SB700 SI-P 160V 12A 100W | 2SB703 SI-P 100V 4A 40W 18MHz2SB705 SI-P 140V 10A 120W 17MHz | 2SB707 SI-P 80V 7A 40W POWER2SB709 SI-P 45V 0.1A 0.2W 80MHz | 2SB716 SI-P 120V 0.05A 0.75W2SB720 SI-P 200V 2A 25W 100MHz | 2SB727 P-DARL+D 120V 6A 50W B>1K2SB731 SI-P 60V 1A 10W 75MHz | 2SB733 SI-P 20V 2A 1W >50MHz2SB734 SI-P 60V 1A 1W 80MHz | 2SB739 SI-P 20/16V 2A 0.9W 80MHz2SB740 SI-P 70V 1A 0.9W | 2SB744 SI-P 70V 3A 10W 45MHz2SB750 P-DARL+D 60V 2A 35W B>100 | 2SB753 SI-P 100V 7A 40W 0.4us2SB764 SI-P 60V 1A 0.9A 150MHz | 2SB765 P-DARL+D 120V 3A 30W B>1K2SB766 SI-P 30V 1A 200MHz | 2SB772 SI-P 40V 3A 10W 80MHz2SB774 SI-P 30V 0.1A 0.4W 150MHz | 2SB775 SI-P 100V 6A 60W 13MHz2SB776 SI-P 120V 7A 70W 15MHz | 2SB788 SI-P 120V 0.02A 0.4W 150MHz2SB791 P-DARL+D 120V 8A 40W B>10 | 2SB794 P-DARL+D 60V 1.5A 10W B=7 2SB795 P-DARL+D 80V 1.5A 10W B<3 | 2SB808 SI-P 20V 0.7A 0.25W 250MHz2SB810 SI-P 30V 0.7A 0.35W 160MHz | 2SB815 SI-P 20V 0.7A 0.25W 250MHz2SB816 SI-P 150V 8A 80W 15MHz | 2SB817 SI-P 160V 12A 100W2SB817F SI-P 160V 12A 90W 15MHz | 2SB819 SI-P 50V 1.5A 1W 150MHz2SB822 SI-P 40V 2A 0.75W 100MHz | 2SB824 SI-P 60V 5A 30W 30 MHz2SB825 SI-P 60V 7A 40W 10MHz | 2SB826 SI-P 60V 12A 40W 10MHz2SB827 SI-P 60V 7A 80W 10MHz | 2SB828 SI-P 60V 12A 80W 10MHz2SB829 SI-P 60V 15A 90W 20MHz | 2SB857 SI-P 50V 4A 40W NF/S-L2SB861 SI-P 200V 2A 30W | 2SB863 SI-P 140V 10A 100W 15MHz2SB865 P-DARL 80V 1.5A 0.9W | 2SB873 SI-P 30V 5A 1W 120MHz2SB882 P-DARL+D 70V 10A 40W B>5K | 2SB883 P-DARL+D 70V 15A 70W B=5K2SB884 P-DARL 110V 3A 30W B=4K | 2SB885 P-DARL+D 110V 3A 35W B=4K 2SB891 SI-P 40V 2A 5W 100MHz | 2SB892 SI-P 60V 2A 1W2SB895A P-DARL 60V 1A B=8000 | 2SB897 P-DARL+D 100V 10A 80W B>12SB908 P-DARL+D 80V 4A 15W 0.15us | 2SB909 SI-P 40V 1A 1W 150MHz2SB922 SI-P 120V 12A 80W 20MHz | 2SB926 SI-P 30V 2A 0.75W2SB938A P-DARL+D 60V 4A 40W B>1K | 2SB940 SI-P 200V 2A 35W 30MHz2SB941 SI-P 60V 3A 35W POWER | 2SB945 SI-P 130V 5A 40W 30MHz2SB946 SI-P 130V 7A 40W 30MHz | 2SB950A P-DARL+D 80V 4A 40W B>1K2SB953A SI-P 50V 7A 30W 150MHz | 2SB955 P-DARL+D 120V 10A 50W B=42SB975 P-DARL+D 100V 8A 40W B>6K | 2SB976 SI-P 27V 5A 0.75W 120MHz2SB985 SI-P 60V 3A 1W 150MHz | 2SB986 SI-P 60V 4A 10W 150MHz2SB988 SI-P 60V 3A 30W <400/2200深圳市同成源科技有限公司发布人:admin 发布时间:2007年06月26日20时09分2SD系列三极管参数2SD1010 SI-N 50V 50mA 0.3W 200MHz2SD1012 SI-N 20V 0.7A 0.25W 250MHz | 2SD1018 SI-N 250V 4A 80W B>2502SD1027 N-DARL+D 20V 15A 100W B>1 | 2SD1033 SI-N 200V 2A 20W 10MHz2SD1036 SI-N 150/120V 15A 150W | 2SD1047 SI-N 160V 12A 100W 15MHz2SD1048 SI-N 20V 0.7A 0.25W 250MHz | 2SD1049 SI-N 120V 25A 100W2SD1051 SI-N 50V 1.5A 1W 150MHz | 2SD1055 SI-N 40V 2A 0.75W 100MHz2SD1062 SI-N 60V 12A 40W 10MHz | 2SD1064 SI-N 60V 12A 80W2SD1065 SI-N 60V 15A 90W | 2SD1073 N-DARL 300V 4A 40W B>1K2SD1088 N-DARL 300V 6A 30W B>2000 | 2SD1113K N-DARL+D 300V 6A 40W2SD1128 N-DARL 150V 5A 30W | 2SD1135 SI-N 80V 4A 40W2SD1138 SI-N 200V 2A 30W | 2SD1140 N-DARL 30V 1.5A 0.9W2SD1145 SI-N 60V 5A 0.9W 120MHz | 2SD1148 SI-N 140V 10A 100W 20MHz2SD1153 SI-N 80V 1.5A 0.9W | 2SD1163A SI-N 300V 7A 40W2SD1164 SI-N 150V 1.5A 10W DAR+DI | 2SD1173 SI-N+D 1500V 5A 70W2SD1187 SI-N 100V 10A 80W 10MHz | 2SD1189 SI-N 40V 2A 5W 100MHz2SD1192 N-DARL+D 70V 10A 40W B=5K | 2SD1196 N-DARL+D 110V 8A 40WB=402SD1198 N-DARL 30V 1A 1W 150MHz | 2SD1207 SI-N 60V 2A 1W2SD1210 N-DARL+D 150V 10A 80W B=5 | 2SD1213 SI-N 60V 20A 50W2SD1225 SI-N 40V 1A 1W 150MHz | 2SD1238 SI-N 120V 12A 80W 20MHz2SD1244 SI-N+D 2500/900V 1A 50W | 2SD1246 SI-N 30V 2A 0.75W2SD1247 SI-N 30V 2.5A 1W | 2SD1254 SI-N 130V 3A 30W2SD1255 SI-N 130V 4A 35W 30MHz | 2SD1263A SI-N 400V 0.75A 35W 30MHz2SD1264 SI-N 200V 2A 30W POWER | 2SD1265 SI-N 60V 4A 30W 25kHz2SD1266 SI-N 60V 3A 35W POWER | 2SD1267 SI-N 60V 4A 40W 20MHz2SD1270 SI-N 130V 5A 2W 30MHz | 2SD1271 SI-N 130V 7A 40W 30MHz2SD1272 SI-N 200V 1A 40W 25MHz | 2SD1273 SI-N 80V 3A 40W 50MHz2SD1274 SI-N 150V 5A 40W 40MHz | 2SD1276 N-DARL 60V 4A 40W2SD1286 N-DARL+D 60V 1A 8W B=1K-3 | 2SD1288 SI-N 120V 7A 70W2SD1289 SI-N 120V 8A 80W | 2SD1292 SI-N 120V 1A 0.9W 100MHz2SD1293 SI-N 120V 1A 1W 100MHz | 2SD1297 N-DARL+D 150V 25A 100W2SD1302 SI-N 25V 0.5A 0.6W 200MHz | 2SD1306 SI-N 30V 0.7A 150mW 250MHz 2SD1308 N-DARL+D 150V 8A 40W | 2SD1313 SI-N 800V 25A 200W 6MHz2SD1314 N-DARL+D 600V 15A 150W | 2SD1330 SI-N 25V 0.5A 0.6W 200MHz2SD1347 SI-N 60V 3A 1W 150MHz | 2SD1348 SI-N 60V 4A 10W 150MHz2SD1350A SI-N 600V 0.5A 1W 55MHz | 2SD1376K N-DARL+D 120V 1.5A 40W2SD1378 SI-N 80V 0.7A 10W 120MHz | 2SD1379 N-DARL 40V 2A 10W 150MHz 2SD1380 SI-N 40V 2A 10W 100MHz | 2SD1382 SI-N 120V 1A 10W 100MHz2SD1384 SI-N 40V 2A 0.75W 100MHz | 2SD1391 SI-N 1500V 5A 80W2SD1392 N-DARL+D 60V 5A 30W B=800 | 2SD1397 SI-N+D 1500V 3.5A 50W2SD1398 SI-N+D 1500V 5A 50W | 2SD1399 SI-N+D 1500V 6A 80W2SD1403 SI-N 1500V 6A 120W | 2SD1404 SI-N+D 300V 7A 25W 1us2SD1405 SI-N 50V 3A 25W 2us | 2SD1406 SI-N 60V 3A 25W 0.8us2SD1407 SI-N 100V 5A 30W 12MHz | 2SD1408 SI-N 80V 4A 30W 8MHz2SD1409 N-DARL+D 600V 6A 25W 1us | 2SD1411 SI-N 100V 7A 30W 10MHz2SD1413 N-DARL+D 60V 3A 20W .O1US | 2SD1415 N-DARL+D 100V 7A 30W 0.8us2SD1426 SI-N+D 1500V 3.5A | 2SD1427 SI-N+D 1500V 5A 80W2SD1428 SI-N+D 1500V 6A 80W | 2SD1432 SI-N 1500V 6A 80W2SD1439 SI-N+D 1500V 3A 50W | 2SD1441 SI-N+D 1500V 4A 80W2SD1446 N-DARL+D 500V 6A 40W B>50 | 2SD1453 SI-N 1500V 3A 50W2SD1457 N-DARL+D 140V 6A 60W | 2SD1458 SI-N 20V 0.7A 1W2SD1468 SI-N 30V 1A 0.3..0.4W 150 | 2SD1491 N-DARL+D 70V 2A 10W B>2K2SD1496 SI-N 1500V 5A 50W | 2SD1497-02 SI-N 1500V 6A 50W2SD1504 SI-N 30V 0.5A 0.3W 300MHz | 2SD1506 SI-N 60V 3A 10W 90MHz2SD1508 N-DARL 30V 1.5A 10W B>400 | 2SD1509 N-DARL+D 80V 2A 10W 0.4uS2SD1511 N-DARL 100V 1A 1W 150MHz | 2SD1521 N-DARL+D 50V 1.5A 2W B>2K2SD1525 N-DARL+D 100V 30A 150W | 2SD1526 SI-N 130V 1A 1W 200MHz2SD1541 SI-N 1500V 3A 50W | 2SD155 SI-N 80V 3A 25W2SD1554 SI-N+D 1500V 3.5A 40W 1us | 2SD1555 SI-N+D 1500V 5A 40W 1us2SD1556 SI-N+D 1500V 6A 50W 1us | 2SD1563A SI-N 160V 1.5A 10W 80MHz2SD1565 N-DARL+D 100V 5A 30W | 2SD1576 SI-N 1500V 2.5A 48W2SD1577 SI-N 1500V 5A 80W | 2SD1579 N-DARL+D 150V 1.5A 1W2SD1589 N-DARL+D 100V 5A 20W | 2SD1590 N-DARL+D 150V 8A 25W2SD1595 N-DARL+D 60V 5A 20W B=6K | 2SD1609 SI-N 160V 0.1A NF/S-L2SD1610 SI-N 200V 0.1A 1.3W 140MHz | 2SD1624 SI-N 60V 3A .5W 150MHz2SD1632 N-DARL+D 1500V 4A 80W | 2SD1647 N-DARL+D 50V 2A 25W2SD1649 SI-N+D 1500/800V 2,5A 50W | 2SD1650 SI-N+D 1500/800V 3.5A 50W2SD1651 SI-N+D 1500/800V 5A 60W | 2SD1652 SI-N+D 1500V 6A 60W 3MHz2SD1656 SI-N 1500V 6A 50W 3MHz | 2SD1663 SI-N 1500V 5A 80W 0.5us2SD1664 SI-N 40V 1A 0.5W 150MHz | 2SD1666 SI-N 60V 3A 20W2SD1667 SI-N 60V 5A 25W 30MHz | 2SD1668R SI-N 60V 7A 30W2SD1669 SI-N 60V 12A 30W | 2SD1677 SI-N 1500V 5A 100W 0.5us2SD1680 SI-N 330/200V 7A 70W | 2SD1681 SI-N 20V 1.2A 10W 150MHz2SD1683 SI-N 60V 4A 10W 150MHz | 2SD1684 SI-N 120V 1.2A 10W 150MHz2SD1706 SI-N 130/80V 15A 80W 20MHz | 2SD1707 SI-N 130/80V 20A 100W2SD1710 SI-N 1500/800V 5A 100W | 2SD1725 SI-N 120V 4A 20W 180MHz2SD1729 SI-N+D 1500/700V 3.5A 60W | 2SD1730 SI-N+D 1500/700V 5A 100W2SD1739 SI-N 1500/700V 6A 100W | 2SD1740 N-DARL 150V 5A 25W B=50002SD1758 SI-N 40V 2A 10W 100MHz | 2SD1760 SI-N 60V 3A 15W 90MHz2SD1761 SI-N 80V 3A 35W | 2SD1762 SI-N 60V 3A 25W 70MHz2SD1763A SI-N 120V 1.5A 20W 80MHz | 2SD1764 N-DARL+D 60V 2A 20W B>100 2SD1765 N-DARL+D 100V 2A 20W B>1K | 2SD1769 N-DARL+D 120V 6A 50W2SD1776 SI-N 80V 2A 25W 40MHz | 2SD1783 N-DARL+D 60V 5A 30W B=2K 2SD1785 N-DARL+D 120V 6A 30W 100MHz | 2SD1790 N-DARL+D 200V 4A 25W B=1K2SD1791 N-DARL 100V 7A 30W 50MHz | 2SD1796 N-DARL+D 60V 4A 25W2SD1802 SI-N 60V 3A 15W 150MHz | 2SD1806 SI-N+D 40V 2A 15W 150MHz2SD1809 N-DARL 60V 1A 0.9W B>2K | 2SD1812 SI-N 160V 1.5A 0.9W2SD1815 SI-N 120V 3A 20W 180MHz | 2SD1817 SI-D 80V 3A 15W B>2K2SD1825 N-DARL+D 70V 4A 20W | 2SD1827 N-DARL+D 70V 10A 30W 20MHz2SD1830 N-DARL+D 110V 8A 30W B=4K | 2SD1835 SI-N 60V 2A 150MHz 60/580 2SD1843 N-DARL+D 60V 1A 1W B>2000 | 2SD1847 SI-N+D 1500/700V 5A 100W 2SD1849 SI-N+D 1500/700V 7A 120W | 2SD1853 N-DARL+D 80V 1.5A 0.7W B> 2SD1856 N-DARL+D 60V 5A 25W | 2SD1857 SI-N 120V 1.5A 1W 80MHz2SD1858 SI-N 40V 1A 1W 150MHz | 2SD1859 SI-N 80V 0.7A 1W 120MHz2SD1862 SI-N 40V 2A 1W 100MHz | 2SD1863 SI-N 120V 1A 1W 100MHz2SD1864 SI-N 60V 3A 1W 90MHz | 2SD1877 SI-N+D 1500/800V 4A 50W2SD1878 SI-N+D 1500V 5A 60W 0.3us | 2SD1880 SI-N+D 1500V 8A 70W2SD1881 SI-N+D 1500V 10A 70W | 2SD1887 SI-N 1500/800V 10A 70W2SD1894 SI-N 160V 7A 70W 20MHz | 2SD1895 N-DARL 160V 8A 100W 20MHz2SD1913 SI-N 60V 3A 20W 100MHz | 2SD1929 N-DARL+D 60V 2A 1.2W2SD1930 N-DARL 100V 2A 1.2W B=500 | 2SD1933 N-DARL+D 80V 4A 30W2SD1944 SI-N 80V 3A 30W 50MHz | 2SD1958 SI-N 200V 4.5A 30W 10MHz2SD1959 SI-N 1400V 10A 50W | 2SD1978 N-DARL+D 120V 1.5A 0.9W2SD198 SI-N 300V 1A 25W 45MHz | 2SD1991 SI-N 60V 0.1A 0.4W 150MHz2SD1992 SI-N 30V 0.5A 0.6W 200MHz | 2SD1994 SI-N 60V 1A 1W 200MHz2SD1996 SI-N 25V 0.5A 0.6W 200MHz | 2SD200 SI-N 1500V 2.5A 10W2SD2006 SI-N 80V 0.7A 1.2W 120MHz | 2SD2007 SI-N 40V 2A 1.2W 100MHz2SD2010 N-DARL 60V 2A 1.2W B>1000 | 2SD2012 SI-N 60V 3A 25W 3MHz2SD2018 N-DARL+D 60V 1A 5W B>6K5 | 2SD2052 SI-N 150V 9A 100W 20MHz 2SD2061 SI-N 80V 3A 30W 8MHz | 2SD2066 SI-N 160V 12A 120W2SD2088 N-DARL+D 60V 2A 0.9W B>2K | 2SD2125 SI-N+D 1500V 5A 50W 0.2us 2SD213 SI-N 110V 10A 100W | 2SD2136 SI-N 60V 3A 1.5W 30MHz2SD2137A SI-N 80V 3A 15W 30MHz | 2SD2141 N-DARL+D 380V 6A 35W B>15 2SD2144 SI-N 25V 0.5A B>560 | 2SD2151 SI-N 130/80V 10A 30W 20MHz2SD2159 SI-N 30V 2A 1W 110MHz | 2SD2250 N-DARL 160V 7A 90W B>5K2SD2253 SI-N+D 1700V 6A 50W | 2SD2255 N-DARL 160V 7A 70W 20MHz2SD2276 N-DARL 160V 8A 120W B>5K | 2SD2331 N-DARL+D 1500V 3A2SD234 SI-N 60V 3A 25W AF-POWER | 2SD2340 SI-N 130V 6A 50W2SD2375 SI-N 80V 3A 25W B>500 | 2SD2386 N-DARL 140V 7A 70W B>5K2SD2389 N-DARL 160V 10A 100W B>5K | 2SD2390 N-DARL 160V 10A 100W 55MHz2SD2394 SI-N 60V 3A 30W | 2SD2395 SI-N 50V 3A 25W2SD2399 N-DARL+D 80V 4A 30W B=1K- | 2SD2438 N-DARL+D 160V 8A 70W B>5K2SD2493 N-DARL 110V 6A 60W 60MHz | 2SD2498 SI-N 1500V 6A 50W2SD2499 SI-N+D 1500V 6A 50W | 2SD287 SI-N 200V 10A 100W 8MHz2SD313 SI-N 60V 3A 30W 8MHz | 2SD325 SI-N 35V 1.5A 10W 8MHz2SD350 SI-N 1500V 5A 22W | 2SD350A SI-N 1500V 5A 22W2SD359 SI-N 40V 2A 10W LOWFREQPO | 2SD361 SI-N 60V 1.5A 10W 70MHz2SD381 SI-N 130V 1.5A 20W 60MHz | 2SD382 SI-N 130V 1.5A 20W 60MHz2SD386 SI-N 200V 3A 25W 8MHz | 2SD400 SI-N 25V 1A 0.9W2SD401 SI-N 200V 2A 20W 10MHz | 2SD414 SI-N 120/80V 0.8A 10W2SD415 SI-N 120/100V 0.8A 10W | 2SD424 SI-N 160V 15A 150W POWER2SD438 SI-N 100V 0.7A 0.9W 100MHz | 2SD467 SI-N 25V 0.7A 0.5W 280MHz2SD468 SI-N 25V 1A 0,9W 280MHz | 2SD471 SI-N 30V 1A 0.8W UNI (EBC2SD476 SI-N 70V 4A 40W 7MHz | 2SD478 SI-N 200V 2A 30W2SD545 SI-N 25V 1.5A 0.5W | 2SD549 N-DARL 30V 1.5A 15W B>4K2SD552 SI-N 220V 15A 150W 4MHz | 2SD553 SI-N 70V 7A 40W 10MHz2SD555 SI-N 400V 15A 200W 7MHz | 2SD556 SI-N 120V 15A 120W 8MHz2SD560 N-DARL 100V 5A 30W | 2SD571 SI-N 60V 700mA 1W 110MHz2SD592 SI-N 30V 1A 0.75W 200MHz | 2SD596 SI-N 30V 0.7A 170MHz2SD600K SI-N 120V 1A 8W | 2SD602A SI-N 60V 0.5A 0.2W 200MHz2SD612 SI-N 25V 2A 10W 100MHz | 2SD613 SI-N 100V 6A 40W 15MHz2SD617 N-DARL 120V 8A 100W | 2SD637 SI-N 60V 0.1A 0.4W 150MHz2SD661 SI-N 35V 0.1A 0.4W 200MHz | 2SD662 SI-N 250V 0.1A 0.6W 50MHz2SD666 SI-N 120V 0.05A 140MHz | 2SD667 SI-N 120V 1A 140MHz2SD669A SI-N 160V 1.5A 1W 140MHz | 2SD676 SI-N 160V 12A 125W 8MHz2SD712 SI-N 100V 4A 30W 8MHz | 2SD717 SI-N 70V 10A 80W 0.3us2SD718 SI-N 120V 8A 80W 12MHz | 2SD725 SI-N 1500V 6A 50W POWER2SD726 SI-N 100V 4A 40W 10MHz | 2SD731 SI-N 170V 7A 80W 7MHz2SD732 SI-N 150V 8A 80W 15MHz | 2SD734 SI-N 25V 0.7A 0.6W 250MHz2SD762 SI-N 60V 3A 25W 25kHz | 2SD763 SI-N 120V 1A 0.9W2SD768 N-DARL+D 120V 6A 40W B>1K | 2SD773 SI-N 20V 2A 1W 110MHz2SD774 SI-N 100V 1A 1W 95MHz | 2SD781 SI-N 150V 2A 1W 0.6us2SD786 SI-N 40V 0.3A 0.25W | 2SD787 SI-N 20V 2A 0.9W 80MHz2SD788 SI-N 20/20V 2A 0.9W 100MHz | 2SD789 SI-N 100/50V 1A 0.9W 80MHz2SD794 SI-N 70V 3A 10W 60MHz | 2SD795 SI-N 40V 3A 20W 95MHz2SD798 N-DARL 600V 6A 30W B>1K5 | 2SD799 N-DARL+D 400V 6A 30W2SD800 SI-N 750V 4A 30W 8MHz | 2SD809 SI-N 100V 1A 10W 85MHz2SD819 SI-N 1500V 3.5A 50W | 2SD820 SI-N 1500V 5A 50W2SD822 SI-N 1500/600V 7A 50W | 2SD826 SI-N 60V 5A 10W 120MHz2SD829 N-DARL+D 150V 15A 100W B= | 2SD837 N-DARL 60V 4A 40W2SD844 SI-N 50V 7A 60W 15MHz | 2SD850 SI-N 1500V 3A 25W2SD856 SI-N 60V 3A 35W POWER | 2SD863 SI-N 50V 1A 0.9W2SD864K N-DARL+D 120V 3A 30W | 2SD867 SI-N 130V 10A 100W 3MHz2SD871 SI-N+D 1500V 5A 50W | 2SD879 SI-N 30V 3A 0.75W 200MHz2SD880 SI-N 60V 3A 30W 0.8us | 2SD882 SI-N 30V 3A 10W2SD889 SI-N+D 1500V 4A 50W | 2SD892A N-DARL 60V 0.5A 0.4W B>2K2SD894 N-DARL 30V 1.5A 10W 120MHz | 2SD895 SI-N 100V 6A 60W 10MHz2SD917 SI-N 330V 7A 70W POWER | 2SD92 SI-N 100V 3A 20W2SD921 N-DARL 200V 5A 80W B>700 | 2SD946 N-DARL 30V 1A2SD947 N-DARL 40V 2A 5W 150MHz | 2SD951 SI-N 1500V 3A 65W2SD958 SI-N 120V 0.02A 0.4W 200MHz | 2SD965 SI-N 40V 5A 0.75W 150MHz2SD966 SI-N 40V 5A 1W 150MHz | 2SD968A SI-N 120V 0.5A 1W 120MHz2SD970 N-DARL+D 120V 8A 40W B>1K | 2SD972 N-DARL 50V 4A 30W B=3K 2SD982 N-DARL 200V 5A 40W B=3000 | 2SD986 N-DARL 150/80V 1.5A 10W2SD998 N-DARL 100V 1.5A 10W B=7K深圳市同成源科技有限公司发布人:admin 发布时间:2007年06月26日20时08分常用彩电行管电源管主要参数73种常用彩电行管电源管主要参数73种型号反压(V) 电流(A) 功率(W) β值阻尼型号反压(V) 电流(A) 功率(W) β值阻尼D1175 1500 5 100 15 有D2498 1500 6 50 无D1279 1500 10 50 20 无D2499 1500 6 50 有D1391 1500 5 80 12 有D2500 1500 10 50 无D1398 1500 5 50 12 有D2253FA 1700 6 50 20 有D1403 1500 6 120 20 无C2027 1500 5 50 15 有D1426 1500 3.5 80 有C3461 1100 8 120 12 无D1427 1500 5 80 有C3552 1100 12 150 20 无D1428 1500 6 80 12 有C3688 1500 10 150 20 无D1429 1500 2.5 80 20 有C3886 1400 8 50 15 无D1431 1500 5 80 无C3997 1500 15 250 15 无D1432 1500 6 80 20 有C3998 1500 25 250 无D1433 1500 7 80 20 有C4111 1200 10 150 20 无D1439 1500 3 50 有C4119 1500 15 250 20 无D1453 1500 3 50 无C4288 1400 12 200 15 无D1497 1500 6 50 15 有C4429 1100 8 60 无D1545 1500 5 50 20 无C4706 900 14 130 20 无D1547 1500 7 50 20 无C4745 1500 6 50 12 无D1554 1500 3.5 40 有C4770 1500 7 60 15 无D1555 1500 5 50 有C4927 1500 8 50 有D1556 1500 6 50 12 有C5132 1500 6 50 无D1651 1500 5 60 有C5132A 1500 8 50 有D1652 1500 6 60 15 有C5207A 1500 10 50 无D1710 1500 6 100 20 无C5250 1500 8 50 有D1878 1500 6 50 15 有C5453 1500 25 250 无D1879 1500 6 60 15 有BU2508AF 1500 8 45 12 无D1880 1500 8 70 有BU2508DF 1500 8 125 12 有D1881 1500 10 70 有BU2520AF 1500 10 45 15 无D1884 1500 5 60 无BU2520AX 1500 10 45 15 无D1885 1500 6 60 无BU2520DF 1500 10 125 15 有D1887 1500 10 70 12 无BU2522AF 1500 10 80 20 无D1910 1500 3 40 20 有BU2522DF 1500 10 80 20 有D1959 1400 10 50 20 无BU2525AF 1500 12 80 20 无D2125 1500 5 50 12 有BU2525DF 1500 12 125 20 有D2251 1500 7 60 有BUX48C 1200 15 175 20 无D2252 1500 7 60 无BUW13F 1000 15 175 20 无D2253 1700 6 50 有D2334 1500 5 80 15 无D2335 1500 7 100 15 无深圳市同成源科技有限公司发布人:admin 发布时间:2007年06月26日20时06分2SA系列三极管参数2SA系列三极管参数2SA1006B SI-P 250V 1.5A 25W 80MHz2SA1009 SI-P 350V 2A 15W |2SA1011 SI-P 160V 1.5A 25W 120MHz2SA1015 SI-P 50V 0.15A 0.4W 80MHz2SA1016 SI-P 100V 0.05A 0.4W 110MHz | 2SA1017 SI-P 120V 50mA 0.5W 110MHz2SA1018 SI-P 250V 70mA 0.75W >50MHz | 2SA1020 SI-P 50V 2A 0.9W 100MHz2SA1027 SI-P 50V 0.2A 0.25W 100MHz |2SA1029 SI-P 30V 0.1A 0.2W 280MHz2SA1034 SI-P 35V 50mA 0.2W 200MHz | 2SA1037 SI-P 50V 0.4A 140MHz FR2SA1048 SI-P 50V 0.15A 0.2W 80MHz |2SA1049 SI-P 120V 0.1A 0.2W 100MHz2SA1061 SI-P 100V 6A 70W 15MHz |2SA1062 SI-N 120V 7A 80W 15MHz2SA1065 SI-P 150V 10A 120W 50MHz |2SA1084 SI-P 90V 0.1A 0.4W 90MHz2SA1103 SI-P 100V 7A 70W 20MHz |2SA1106 SI-P 140V 10A 100W 20MHz2SA1110 SI-P 120V 0.5A 5W 250MHz |2SA1111 SI-P 150V 1A 20W 200MHz2SA1112 SI-P 180V 1A 20W 200MHz |2SA1115 SI-P 50V 0.2A 200MHz UNI2SA1120 SI-P 35V 5A 170MHz |2SA1123 SI-P 150V 50mA 0.75W 200MHz2SA1124 SI-P 150V 50mA 1W 200MHz | 2SA1127 SI-P 60V 0.1A 0.4W 200MHz2SA1141 SI-P 115V 10A 100W 90MHz |2SA1142 SI-P 180V 0.1A 8W 180MHz2SA1145 SI-P 150V 50mA 0.8W 200MHz | 2SA1150 SI-P 35V 0.8A 0.3W 120MHz2SA1156 SI-P 400V 0.5A 10W POWER | 2SA1160 SI-P 20V 2A 0.9W 150MHz2SA1163 SI-P 120V 0.1A 100MHz |2SA1170 SI-P 200V 17A 200W 20MHz2SA1185 SI-P 50V 7A 60W 100MHz |2SA1186 SI-P 150V 10A 100W2SA1200 SI-P 150V 50mA 0.5W 120MHz | 2SA1201 SI-P 120V 0.8A 0.5W 120MHz2SA1206 SI-P 15V 0.05A 0.6W |2SA1207 SI-P 180V 70mA 0.6W 150MHz2SA1208 SI-P 180V 0.07A 0.9W |2SA1209 SI-P 180V 0.14A 10W2SA1210 SI-P 200V 0.14A 10W |2SA1213 SI-P 50V 2A 0.5W 120MHz2SA1216 SI-P 180V 17A 200W 40MHz2SA1220A SI-P 120V 1.2A 20W 160MHz | 2SA1221 SI-P 160V 0.5A 1W 45MHz2SA1225 SI-P 160V 1.5A 15W 100MHz | 2SA1227A SI-P 140V 12A 120W 60MHz2SA1232 SI-P 130V 10A 100W 60MHz | 2SA1241 SI-P 50V 2A 10W 100MHz2SA1242 SI-P 35V 5A 1W 170MHz | 2SA1244 SI-P 60V 5A 20W 60MHz2SA1249 SI-P 180V 1.5A 10W 120MHz | 2SA1261 SI-P 100V 10A 60W POWER2SA1262 SI-P 60V 4A 30W 15MHz | 2SA1264N SI-P 120V 8A 80W 30MHz2SA1265N SI-P 140V 10A 100W 30MHz | 2SA1266 SI-P 50V 0.15A 0.4W POWER2SA1268 SI-N 120V 0.1A 0.3W 100MHz | 2SA1270 SI-P 35V 0.5A 0.5W 200MHz2SA1271 SI-P 30V 0.8A 0.6W 120MHz | 2SA1275 SI-P 160V 1A 0.9W 20MHz2SA1282 SI-P 20V 2A 0.9W 80MHz |2SA1283 SI-P 60V 1A 0.9W 85MHz2SA1286 SI-P 30V 1.5A 0.9W 90MHz | 2SA1287 SI-P 50V 1A 0.9W 90MHz2SA1292 SI-P 80V 15A 70W 100MHz | 2SA1293 SI-P 100V 5A 30W 0.2us2SA1294 SI-P 230V 15A 130W |2SA1295 SI-P 230V 17A 200W 35MHz2SA1296 SI-P 20V 2A 0.75W 120MHz | 2SA1298 SI-P 30V 0.8A 0.2W 120MHz2SA1300 SI-P 10V 2A 0.75W 140MHz | 2SA1302 SI-P 200V 15A 150W 25MHz2SA1303 SI-P 150V 14A 125W 50MHz | 2SA1306 SI-P 160V 1.5A 20W2SA1306A SI-P 180V 1.5A 20W 100MHz | 2SA1307 SI-P 60V 5A 20W 0.1us2SA1309 SI-P 30V 0.1A 0.3W 80MHz | 2SA1310 SI-P 60V 0.1A 0.3W 200MHz2SA1315 SI-P 80V 2A 0.9W 0.2us |2SA1316 SI-P 80V 0.1A 0.4W 50MHz2SA1317 SI-P 60V 0.2A 0.3W 200MHz | 2SA1318 SI-P 60V 0.2A 0.5W 200MHz2SA1319 SI-P 180V 0.7A 0.7W 120MHz | 2SA1321 SI-P 250V 50mA 0.9W 100MHz2SA1329 SI-P 80V 12A 40W 0.3us2SA1345 SI-N 50V 0.1A 0.3W 250MHz | 2SA1346 SI-P 50V 0.1A 200MHz2SA1348 SI-P 50V 0.1A 200MHz |2SA1349 P-ARRAY 80V 0.1A 0.4W 1702SA1352 SI-P 200V 0.1A 5W 70MHz | 2SA1357 SI-P 35V 5A 10W 170MHz2SA1358 SI-P 120V 1A 10W 120MHz | 2SA1359 SI-P 40V 3A 10W 100MHz2SA1360 SI-P 150V 50mA 5W 200MHz | 2SA1361 SI-P 250V 50mA 80MHz2SA1370 SI-P 200V 0.1A 1W 150MHz | 2SA1371E SI-P 300V 0.1A 1W 150MHz2SA1376 SI-P 200V 0.1A 0.75W 120MHz | 2SA1380 SI-P 200V 0.1A 1.2W2SA1381 SI-P 300V 0.1A 150MHz |2SA1382 SI-P 120V 2A 0.9W 0.2us2SA1383 SI-P 180V 0.1A 10W 180MHz | 2SA1386 SI-P 160V 15A 130W 40MHz2SA1387 SI-P 60V 5A 25W 80MHz | 2SA1392 SI-P 60V 0.2A 0.4W 200MHz2SA1396 SI-P 100V 10A 30W |2SA1399 SI-P 55V 0.4A 0.9W 150MHz2SA1400 SI-P 400V 0.5A 10W |2SA1403 SI-P 80V 0.5A 10W 800MHz2SA1405 SI-P 120V 0.3A 8W 500MHz | 2SA1406 SI-P 200V 0.1A 7W 400MHz2SA1407 SI-P 150V 0.1A 7W 400MHz | 2SA1413 SI-P 600V 1A 10W 26MHz2SA1428 SI-P 50V 2A 1W 100MHz | 2SA1431 SI-P 35V 5A 1W 170MHz2SA1441 SI-P 100V 5A 25W <300ns |2SA1443 SI-P 100V 10A 30W2SA1450 SI-P 100V 0.5A 0.6W 120MHz | 2SA1451 SI-P 60V 12A 30W 70MHz2SA1460 SI-P 60V 1A 1W <40NS |2SA1470 SI-P 80V 7A 25W 100MHz2SA1475 SI-P 120V 0.4A 15W 500MHz | 2SA1476 SI-P 200V 0.2A 15W 400MHz2SA1477 SI-P 180V 0.14A 10W 150MHz | 2SA1488 SI-P 60V 4A 25W 15MHz2SA1489 SI-P 80V 6A 60W 20MHz | 2SA1490 SI-P 120V 8A 80W 20MHz2SA1494 SI-P 200V 17A 200W 20MHz2SA1507 SI-P 180V 1.5A 10W 120MHz |2SA1515 SI-P 40V 1A 0.3W 150MHz2SA1516 SI-P 180V 12A 130W 25MHz |2SA1519 SI-P 50V 0.5A 0.3W 200MHz2SA1535A SI-P 180V 1A 40W 200MHz |2SA1538 SI-P 120V 0.2A 8W 400MHz2SA1539 SI-P 120V 0.3A 8W 400MHz |2SA1540 SI-P 200V 0.1A 7W 300MHz2SA1541 SI-P 200V 0.2A 7W 300MHz |2SA1553 SI-P 230V 15A 150W 25MHz2SA1566 SI-N 120V 0.1A 0.15W 130MHz |2SA1567 SI-P 50V 12A 35W 40MHz2SA1568 SI-P 60V 12A 40W | 2SA1577 SI-P 32V 0.5A 0.2W 200MHz2SA1593 SI-P 120V 2A 15W 120MHz |2SA1601 SI-P 60V 15A 45W2SA1606 SI-P 180V 1.5A 15W 100MHz | 2SA1615 SI-P 30V 10A 15W 180MHz 2SA1624 SI-P 300V 0.1A 0.5W 70MHz | 2SA1625 SI-P 400V 0.5A 0.75W2SA1626 SI-P 400V 2A 1W 0.5/2.7us |2SA1633 SI-P 150V 10A 100W 20MHz2SA1643 SI-P 50V 7A 25W 75MHz |2SA1667 SI-P 150V 2A 25W 20MHz2SA1668 SI-P 200V 2A 25W 20MHz |2SA1670 SI-P 80V 6A 60W 20MHz2SA1671 SI-P 120/120V 8A 75W 20MHz |2SA1672 SI-P 140V 10A 80W 20MHz2SA1673 SI-P 180V 15A 85W 20MHz |2SA1680 SI-P 60V 2A 0.9W 100/400ns2SA1684 SI-P 120V 1.5A 20W 150MHz |2SA1694 SI-P 120/120V 8A 80W 20MHz2SA1695 SI-P 140V 10A 80W 20MHz |2SA1703 SI-P 30V 1.5A 1W 180MHz2SA1706 SI-P 60V 2A 1W |2SA1708 SI-P 120V 1A 1W 120MHz2SA1726 SI-P 80V 6A 50W 20MHz |2SA1776 SI-P 400V 1A 1W2SA1803 SI-P 80V 6A 55W 30MHz |2SA1837 SI-P 230V 1A 20W 70MHz2SA1930 SI-P 180V 2A 20W 200MHz |2SA1962 SI-P 230V 15A 130W 25MHz2SA329 GE-P 15V 10mA 0.05W |2SA467 SI-P 40V 0,4A 0,3W2SA473 SI-P 30V 3A 10W 100MHz |2SA483 SI-P 150V 1A 20W 9MHz2SA493 SI-P 50V 0.05A 0.2W 80MHz | 2SA495 SI-P 35V 0.1A 0.2W 200MHz2SA562 SI-P 30V 0.5A 0.5W 200MHz | 2SA566 SI-P 100V 0.7A 10W 100MHz2SA608 SI-N 40V 0.1A 0.1W 180MHz | 2SA614 SI-P 80V 1A 15W 30MHz2SA620 SI-P 30V 0.05A 0.2W 120MHz | 2SA626 SI-P 80V 5A 60W 15MHz2SA628 SI-P 30V 0.1A 100MHz |2SA639 SI-P 180V 50mA 0,25W2SA642 SI-P 30V 0.2A 0.25W 200MHz | 2SA643 SI-P 40V 0.5A 0.5W 180MHz2SA653 SI-P 150V 1A 15W 5MHz | 2SA684 SI-P 60V 1A 1W 200MHz2SA699 SI-P 40V 2A 10W 150MHz | 2SA708A SI-P 100V 0.7A 0.8W 50MHz2SA720 SI-P 60V 0.5A 0.6W 200MHz | 2SA725 SI-P 35V 0.1A 0.15W 100MHz2SA733 SI-P 60V 0.15A 0.25W 50MHz | 2SA738 SI-P 25V 1.5A 8W 160MHz2SA747 SI-P 120V 10A 100W 15MHz | 2SA756 SI-P 100V 6A 50W 20MHz2SA762 SI-P 110V 2A 23W 80MHz | 2SA765 SI-P 80V 6A 40W 10MHz2SA768 SI-P 60V 4A 30W 10MHz | 2SA769 SI-P 80V 4A 30W 10MHz2SA770 SI-P 60V 6A 40W 10MHz | 2SA771 SI-P 80V 6A 40W 2MHz2SA777 SI-P 80V 0.5A 0.75W 120MHz | 2SA778A SI-P 180V 0.05A 0.2W 60MHz 2SA781 SI-P 20V 0.2A 0.2W <80/16 |2SA794 SI-P 100V 0.5A 5W 120MHz2SA794A SI-P 120V 0.5A 5W 120MHz | 2SA812 SI-P 50V 0.1A 0.15W2SA814 SI-P 120V 1A 15W 30MHz | 2SA816 SI-P 80V 0.75A 1.5W 100MHz2SA817 SI-P 80V 0.3A 0.6W 100MHz | 2SA817A SI-P 80V 0.4A 0.8W 100MHz2SA836 SI-P 55V 0.1A 0.2W 100MHz | 2SA838 SI-P 30V 30mA 0.25W 300MHz 2SA839 SI-P 150V 1.5A 25W 6MHz |2SA841 SI-P 60V 0.05A 0.2W 140MHz。



远程通讯 .................................................................... 53
将仪器连接到 PC .......................................................... 53 虚拟串口配置 ................................................................ 55 RMT 操作 ...................................................................... 55 命令协议 ....................................................................... 57
TH2822 系列包装盒按下列清单配置: • TH2822/TH2822A/TH2822C 手持 LCR 一台 • 指导说明书(手册)一本 • Mini-USB 通讯电缆一根 • 红/黑橡胶插头-鄂鱼夹测试线一付 • 短路片一只 • *9V 碱性电池或 8.4V 充电电池一只 • *AC 电源适配器一只 • *TH26027A 开尔文测试线一付 • *TH26009C SMD 测试钳一付 • *TH26029C SMD 测试钳一付 *部分品种是选项配置,按产品实际装箱单或包装盒上
仪器上电 .................................................................... 18
安装电池 ....................................................................... 18 连接外部电源 ................................................................ 20 低电量及充电指示 ......................................................... 22




上门开盖检查,+SVSB没有待机电压(电源板号TV5502-ZC02-01), 最整流桥输出电压为320V,大电容电压为330—360V之间跳变!现场查无果,摘板带回店继续战斗。

此电路图还算比较好找只是不太清晰,该电路用T EA1716T芯片控制PF C+LLC, 待机+SVSB由次级+12V经6脚芯片NY6TB降压所得,测量+12v只有1V输出,测12V也没有短路,换光耦817, T L431依然不变,检查T EA1716各脚周围元件,场管,快恢二极管电阻电容都没有问题,该芯片场管都换新的还是涛声依旧。


(中间有客人拿了—台创维55寸也是电源板烧了,而且烧的—塌糊涂,用的也是T EA1716芯片,更换—大批元件后开不了机,PF C电压开机瞬间下降很厉害,检查后是高压取样电阻下面红胶漏电所致,焊下来弄干净就正常)继续查1716芯片各引脚功能,仔细查阅该板的电路圈,就差1716周围的小贴片电容没有全部吹下来量而已。



该板出现此状况,一开始侧重检查变压器初级电路和次级+12V待机部分,忽略了背光供电组电路损坏导致开机瞬间电流过大,1716芯片保护,PF C电压跳变,导致待机电压输出都没有!—个简单的问题搞得复杂化了,惭愧。

原文:https://www.j /thread-812226-1-1.html。




IR2110:国际整流器(International Rectifier)公司的一种全桥驱动芯片,主要用于高频交流电源、电机驱动等应用,具有高速开关、低通信损失等特点。



LM5104:德州仪器(Texas Instruments)公司的一种全桥驱动芯片,主要用于高电压电源、电机驱动等应用,具有快速反应、低反馈电流等特点。




长虹32寸LG屏等离子电源板EAY40484901/902电路原理简介与维修方法(一)电源输入EMC电路与 PFC电路1、EMC电源滤波电路(1)互感线圈LF101、LF102和电容C101、C104、C105构成一个抗干扰电路,主要是用来滤除交流电源中的高频干扰。




2、PFC(有源功率因数校正)电路FAN5501A个脚功能介绍序号(脚)功能序号(脚)功能1 PFC高压检测 5 过零、过压检测2 参数设定 6 GND3 低压输入7 驱动输出4 电流反馈8 供电14V维修提示:EMC电源滤波电路损坏器件比较少,一般烧保险,多为PFC电路开关管Q602或Q603其中一个或两个损坏造成。

判断PFC电路是否工作,测大滤波电容C617或618两脚电压,如果有300V,说明PFC 电路没工作,需要重点查一下PFC芯片FAN5501A第⑧脚供电对不对,该供电受CPU控制,如果PFC芯片供电14V正常,还没有PFC电压(380V),多为PFC芯片FAN5501A①脚外接检测电阻R614、R615、R616、R617阻值变小所致(电阻下面有胶漏电造成电阻变小),维修过程中只需把电阻拆下来,再把贴片电阻下面和印制板上的胶处理干净从新安装电阻即可;如电压是380V左右,说明PFC电路工作正常,就不用查PFC电路。

PFC开关管:Q603Q602PFC检测电阻R614、R615R616、R617滤波电容:C617 C618(二)电压检测电路1、低压检测电路:220V交流电经D125、R144、 R142、 R123、 R137、 R138、 C126半波整流、滤波后变成直流电压,再经R139、 R140 、R141分压,给U121参考端提供一个大于2.5V电压,此时TL431阴极电位下降,PC151光耦导通,CPU IC701(17)脚有5V开机工作信号,CPU收到信号后25脚由低电位变成高电位控制5Vstb输出电压。

光电二极管 运放型号

光电二极管 运放型号


- MCP6L02T-E/MS:这是一款便携式IC,常用于光电二极管放大器,其工作频率为1MHz,电流为85µA。

- RS622:采用COMS工艺设计,具有7MHz的高增益带宽乘积和0.7mV的失调电压,适合用于电池供电的指夹血氧仪等设备中。

- TSV7722:一款高精度高带宽运算放大器,可实现22MHz的增益带宽和11V/μs的圧摆率,适合在功率变换电路和光学传感器中进行高速信号调理和精确电流测量。



- LTA604x:高速电压反馈运算放大器,具有140MHz带宽和107 V/us的压摆率。



- JI57X:是一款集成低噪声JFET放大器的Si硅光电二极管,可采用单电压电源,具有非常低的漂移和高的动态范围。




上海海栎创微电子有限公司 HAA2820 数据手册说明书

上海海栎创微电子有限公司 HAA2820 数据手册说明书




2.芯片特点◆最大输出功率: 5.06W (4.2V,4Ω,10%THD+N);4.2W (4.2V,4Ω,1%THD+N)◆AGC Function◆AB、D function◆底噪:47uVrms(Gain=16V/V, Class D);30uVrms(Gain=12V/V, Class AB)◆THD+N:0.005%◆效率: 71%(3.6V, 4Ω,2W)◆自适应MUTE功能◆自适应电荷泵升压功能◆UVLO,OTP,OCP◆eTSSOP-163.引脚分布/说明4.功能描述4.1 Ctrl<2:1> ControlHAA2820有四种工作状态,通过Ctrl<2:1>两个控制管脚进行控制,如下图所示。








可调光电子镇流器专用集成电路FM2822的原理与应用设计 摘要:本文系统地描述了专用集成电路FM2822的工作原理,性能特点及其在荧光灯调 光控制系统中的应用设计要点。

关键词:荧光灯 电子镇流器 调光 闭环负反馈 可靠性荧光灯作为气体放电灯家族中的一员,其出现已经有几十年的历史了。







与其他公司的同类产品相比,如IR ,Fairchild ,ST ,Microlinear 等,FM2822在设计上有其独特的地方,可以简化外围系统的设计,大大增加了外围设计的灵活性。


一.引脚与功能单元描述: FM2822是双列直插16PIN 封装,其引脚配置如下图1。


1.CRECT 灯功率反馈补偿端 2.VL 灯电压采样信号输入端/ 过压保护信号输入端 3.DIM 闭环调光控制信号输入端 4.RIND 电流相位采样输入端 5.CF 参考电容设定端 6. RP 预热电流设定端 7. CP 预热时间、起辉扫描设定端 8. FAULT 异常情况输出控制端 9. G1 高端功率MOS 管栅极驱动 10.GND 电源地 11.G2 低端功率MOS 管栅极驱动 12.VDD 供电电源端 13.RF 参考电阻设定端14.EOL 整流态效应保护检测端15 IT1 灯电流采样信号输入端116.IT2 灯电流采样信号输入端2图2为FM2822的内部功能框图。





关键词:FM2822;可调光;镇流器;TF8/36W1 引言在能源日益短缺的形势下,高效节能绿色照明电光源及其电子镇流器越来越受到人们的青睐。













2 FM2822的封装及引脚功能FM2822采用16引脚DIP封装,引脚排列如图1所示。














1. 频率响应:反馈电容能够影响电路的频率响应特性。



2. 功率损耗:反馈电容会产生一定的功率损耗。


3. 交流耦合:反馈电容的电容值需要合理选择,以保证输出信号的交流特性。








PO=0.5W,f=1KHZ,RL=8 f=1KHZ
最小值 典型值 最大值 单位
50 mV
% dB
输入阻抗 总输入噪声 电源电压抑制
f=1KHz B=22Hz
THD=10%,f=1KHZ,VCC=3V,RL=4 THD=10%,f=1KHZ,VCC=3V,RL=32 THD=10%,f=1KHZ,VCC=9V,RL=8 THD=10%,f=1KHZ,VCC=6V,RL=4 THD=10%,f=1KHZ,VCC=4.5V,RL=4 PO=0.5W,f=1KHZ,VCC=9V,RL=8
710k6Fra bibliotek4Vcc 100 F
0.1 F
10 F
0.01 F
静态电流 (mA) 纹波抑制比 (dB)
8 6 4 2
电源电压 (V)
C1=C2=22 F
C1=C2=100 F
10 30 100 300 1000 3000
频率 (Hz)
-------深圳市高地电子有限公司 HIGHLAND SHENZHEN ELECTRONICS CO., LTD------3



TPS28225TPS28226 SLUS710C–MAY2006–REVISED APRIL2010 High-Frequency4-A Sink Synchronous MOSFET DriversCheck for Samples:TPS28225,TPS28226FEATURESDESCRIPTION•Drives Two N-Channel MOSFETs with14-nsAdaptive Dead Time The TPS28225and TPS28226are high-speeddrivers for N-channel complimentary driven power •Wide Gate Drive Voltage:4.5V Up to8.8VMOSFETs with adaptive dead-time control.These With Best Efficiency at7V to8Vdrivers are optimized for use in variety of high-current •Wide Power System Train Input Voltage:3Vone and multi-phase dc-to-dc converters.The Up to27V TPS28225/6is a solution that provides highly•Wide Input PWM Signals:2.0V up to13.2-V efficient,small size low EMI emmissions.AmplitudeThe performance is achieved by up to8.8-V gate •Capable Drive MOSFETs with≥40-A Current drive voltage,14-ns adaptive dead-time control,14-ns per Phase propagation delays and high-current2-A source and4-A sink drive capability.The0.4-Ωimpedance for •High Frequency Operation:14-ns Propagationthe lower gate driver holds the gate of power Delay and10-ns Rise/Fall Time Allow F SW-2MOSFET below its threshold and ensures no MHzshoot-through current at high dV/dt phase node •Capable Propagate<30-ns Input PWM Pulses transitions.The bootstrap capacitor charged by an•Low-Side Driver Sink On-Resistance(0.4Ω)internal diode allows use of N-channel MOSFETs inhalf-bridge configuration.Prevents dV/dT Related Shoot-ThroughCurrent The TPS28225/6features a3-state PWM input •3-State PWM Input for Power Stage Shutdown compatible with all multi-phase controllers employing3-state output feature.As long as the input stays •Space Saving Enable(input)and Power Goodwithin3-state window for the250-ns hold-off time,the (output)Signals on Same Pindriver switches both outputs low.This shutdown •Thermal Shutdown mode prevents a load from the reversed-•UVLO Protection output-voltage.•Internal Bootstrap Diode The other features include under voltage lockout,•Economical SOIC-8and Thermally Enhanced thermal shutdown and two-way enable/power goodsignal.Systems without3-state featured controllers 3-mm x3-mm DFN-8Packagescan use enable/power good input/output to hold both •High Performance Replacement for Popularoutputs low during shutting down.3-State Input DriversThe TPS28225/6is offered in an economical SOIC-8 APPLICATIONSand thermally enhanced low-size Dual Flat No-Lead(DFN-8)packages.The driver is specified in the •Multi-Phase DC-to-DC Converters with Analogextended temperature range of–40°C to125°C with or Digital Controlthe absolute maximum junction temperature150°C.•Desktop and Server VRMs and EVRDs The TPS28226operates in the same manner as the•Portable/Notebook Regulators TPS28225/6other than the input under voltage lock•Synchronous Rectification for Isolated Power out.Unless otherwise stated all references to the Supplies TPS28225apply to the TPS28226also.Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of TexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED this document contains Copyright©2006–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated PRODUCTION DATA information current as of publication date.VDD EN/PG BOOT UGATE PHASELGATE GNDPWMDD)TPS28225TPS28226SLUS710C–MAY2006–REVISED FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMTYPICAL APPLICATIONSOne-Phase POL Regulator2Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2006–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTPS28225TPS28226SLUS710C –MAY 2006–REVISED APRIL 2010TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (continued)Driver for Synchronous Rectification with Complementary Driven MOSFETsCopyright ©2006–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback 3TPS28225TPS28226SLUS710C–MAY2006–REVISED TYPICAL APPLICATIONS(continued)Multi-Phase Synchronous Buck Converter ArrayORDERING INFORMATION(1)(2)(3)PART NUMBERTAPE AND REELTEMPERATURE RANGE,T A=T J PACKAGEQTY.TPS28225TPS28226Plastic8-pin SOIC(D)250TPS28225DT TPS28226DTPlastic8-pin SOIC(D)2500TPS28225DR TPS28226DRPlastic8-pin DFN-40°C to125°C250TPS28225DRBT TPS28226DRBT(DRB)Plastic8-pin DFN3000TPS28225DRBR TPS28226DRBR(DRB)(1)SOIC-8(D)and DFN-8(DRB)packages are available taped and reeled.Add T suffix to device type(e.g.TPS28225DT)to order tapeddevices and suffix R to device type to order reeled devices.(2)The SOIC-8(D)and DFN-8(DRB)package uses in Pb-Free lead finish of Pd-Ni-Au which is compatible with MSL level1at255°C to260°C peak reflow temperature to be compatible with either lead free or Sn/Pb soldering operations.(3)In the DFN package,the pad underneath the center of the device is a thermal substrate.The PCB“thermal land”design for thisexposed die pad should include thermal vias that drop down and connect to one or more buried copper plane(s).This combination of vias for vertical heat escape and buried planes for heat spreading allows the DFN to achieve its full thermal potential.This pad should be either grounded for best noise immunity,and it should not be connected to other nodes.4Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2006–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTPS28225TPS28226 SLUS710C–MAY2006–REVISED APRIL2010 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSover operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)(1)(2)TPS28225/6VALUE UNIT Input supply voltage range,V DD(3)–0.3to8.8Boot voltage,V BOOT–0.3to33DC–2to32or V BOOT+0.3–V DD whichever is lessPhase voltage,V PHASEPulse<400ns,E=20m J–7to33.1or V BOOT+0.3–V DD whichever is lessInput voltage range,V PWM,V EN/PG–0.3to13.2V PHASE–0.3to V BOOT+0.3,(V BOOT–V PHASE<8.8)V Output voltage range,V UGATEPulse<100ns,E=2m J V PHASE–2to V BOOT+0.3,(V BOOT–V PHASE<8.8)–0.3to V DD+0.3Output voltage range,V LGATEPulse<100ns,E=2m J–2to V DD+0.3ESD rating,HBM2kESD rating,HBM ESD rating,CDM500 Continuous total power dissipation See Dissipation Rating TableOperating virtual junction temperature range,T J–40to150Operating ambient temperature range,T A–40to125°C Storage temperature,T stg–65to150Lead temperature(soldering,10sec.)300(1)Stresses beyond those listed under“absolute maximum ratings”may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratingsonly,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under“recommended operating conditions”is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2)These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge;follow proper device handling procedures.(3)All voltages are with respect to GND unless otherwise noted.Currents are positive into,negative out of the specified terminal.ConsultPackaging Section of the Data book for thermal limitations and considerations of packages.DISSIPATION RATINGS(1)DERATING FACTOR T A<25°C T A=70°C T A=85°C BOARD PACKAGE R q JC R q JAABOVE T A=25°C POWER RATING POWER RATING POWER RATING High-K(2)D39.4°C/W100°C/W10mW/°C 1.25W0.8W0.65W High-K(3)DRB 1.4°C/W48.5°C/W20.6mW/°C 2.58W 1.65W 1.34W(1)These thermal data are taken at standard JEDEC test conditions and are useful for the thermal performance comparison of differentpackages.The cooling condition and thermal impedance R q JA of practical design is specific.(2)The JEDEC test board JESD51-7,3-inch x3-inch,4-layer with1-oz internal power and ground planes and2-oz top and bottom tracelayers.(3)The JEDEC test board JESD51-5with direct thermal pad attach,3-inch x3-inch,4-layer with1-oz internal power and ground planes and2-oz top and bottom trace layers.RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSover operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)MIN TYP MAX UNIT Input supply voltage(TPS28225) 4.57.28V DDInput supply voltage(TPS28226) 6.87.28VV IN Power input voltage for the TPS28225332V–VDDT J Operating junction temperature range–40125°C Copyright©2006–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5TPS28225TPS28226SLUS710C–MAY2006–REVISED ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(1)V DD=7.2V,EN/PG pulled up to V DD by100-kΩresistor,T A=T J=–40°C to125°C(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT UNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUTRising threshold(TPS28225) 3.2 3.5 3.8Rising threshold(TPS28226) 6.35 6.70V PWM=0VFalling threshold(TPS28225) 2.7 3.0V Falling threshold(TPS28226) 4.7 5.0Hysteresis(TPS28225)0.5Hysteresis(TPS28226) 1.00 1.35BIAS CURRENTSI DD(off)Bias supply current V EN/PG=low,PWM pin floating350m AI DD Bias supply current V EN/PG=high,PWM pin floating500INPUT(PWM)V PWM=5V185I PWM Input current m AV PWM=0V–200PWM3-state rising threshold(2) 1.0V PWM3-state falling threshold V PWM PEAK=5V 3.4 3.8 4.0t HLD_R3-state shutdown Hold-off time250nsT MIN PWM minimum pulse to force U GATE pulse C L=3nF at U GATE,V PWM=5V30ENABLE/POWER GOOD(EN/PG)Enable high rising threshold PG FET OFF 1.7 2.1Enable low falling threshold PG FET OFF0.8 1.0V Hysteresis0.350.70Power good output V DD=2.5V0.2UPPER GATE DRIVER OUTPUT(UGATE)Source resistance500mA source current 1.0 2.0ΩSource current(2)V UGATE-PHASE=2.5V 2.0At RU Rise time C L=3nF10ns Sink resistance500mA sink current 1.0 2.0ΩSink current(2)V UGATE-PHASE=2.5V 2.0At FU Fall time C L=3nF10ns(1)Typical values for T A=25°C(2)Not tested in production6Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright©2006–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTPS28225TPS28226 SLUS710C–MAY2006–REVISED APRIL2010 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(1)(continued)V DD=7.2V,EN/PG pulled up to V DD by100-kΩresistor,T A=T J=–40°C to125°C(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT LOWER GATE DRIVER OUTPUT(LGATE)Source resistance500mA source current 1.0 2.0ΩSource current(3)V LGATE=2.5V 2.0At RL Rise time(3)C L=3nF10ns Sink resistance500mA sink current0.4 1.0ΩSink current(3)V LGATE=2.5V 4.0A Fall time(3)C L=3nF5ns SWITCHING TIMEt DLU UGATE turn-off propagation Delay C L=3nF14t DLL LGATE turn-off propagation Delay C L=3nF14nst DTU Dead time LGATE turn-off to UGATE turn-on C L=3nF14t DTL Dead time UGATE turn-off to LGATE turn-on C L=3nF14BOOTSTRAP DIODEV F Forward voltage Forward bias current100mA 1.0V THERMAL SHUTDOWNRising threshold(3)150160170Falling threshold(3)130140150°C Hysteresis20(3)Not tested in productionCopyright©2006–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7UGATEBOOTPWMBOOT PWM AT EGNDU G ATVDD EN/PG BOOTUGATEPHASELGATEGNDPWM TPS28225TPS28226SLUS710C –MAY 2006–REVISED APRIL 2010DEVICE INFORMATIONBLOCK DIAGRAMA.For the TPS28225DRB device the thermal PAD on the bottom side of package must be soldered and connected to the GND pin and to the GND plane of the PCB in the shortest possible way.See Recommended Land Pattern in the Application section.8Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2006–2010,Texas Instruments IncorporatedTPS28225TPS28226 SLUS710C–MAY2006–REVISED APRIL2010TERMINAL FUNCTIONSTERMINALI/O DESCRIPTIONSOIC-8DRB-8NAME11UGATE O Upper gate drive sink/source output.Connect to gate of high-side power N-Channel MOSFET.Floating bootstrap supply pin for the upper gate drive.Connect the bootstrap capacitor between 22BOOT I/O this pin and the PHASE pin.The bootstrap capacitor provides the charge to turn on the upperMOSFET.The PWM signal is the control input for the driver.The PWM signal can enter three distinct states 33PWM I during operation,see the3-state PWM Input section under DETAILED DESCRIPTION for furtherdetails.Connect this pin to the PWM output of the controller.44GND—Ground pin.All signals are referenced to this node.Exposed Thermal—Connect directly to the GND for better thermal performance and EMIdie pad padLower gate drive sink/source output.Connect to the gate of the low-side power N-Channel 55LGATE OMOSFET.66VDD I Connect this pin to a5-V bias supply.Place a high quality bypass capacitor from this pin to GND.Enable/Power Good input/output pin with1MΩimpedance.Connect this pin to HIGH to enable andLOW to disable the device.When disabled,the device draws less than350m A bias current.If the 77EN/PG I/OV DD is below UVLO threshold or over temperature shutdown occurs,this pin is internally pulledlow.Connect this pin to the source of the upper MOSFET and the drain of the lower MOSFET.This pin 88PHASE Iprovides a return path for the upper gate driver.TRUTH TABLEV DD FALLING>3V AND T J<150°CV DD RISING<3.5V EN/PG FALLING>1.0V PIN EN/PG RISINGOR T J>160°C PWM>1.5V AND PWM SIGNAL SOURCE IMPEDANCE<1.7V PWM<1VT RISE/T FALL<200ns>40kΩFOR>250ns(3-State)(1) LGATE Low Low High Low LowUGATE Low Low Low High LowEN/PG Low(1)To exit the3-state condition,the PWM signal should go low.One Low PWM input signal followed by one High PWM input signal isrequired before re-entering the3-state condition.Copyright©2006–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback9PWMLGATEUGATEPWMUGATEgoes High and then LowTPS28225TPS28226SLUS710C –MAY 2006–REVISED APRIL 2010TPS28225TIMING DIAGRAMTPS28226TIMING DIAGRAM10Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright ©2006–2010,Texas Instruments Incorporated−4012530034038042046050025320360400440480T J − Temperature − °C I D D (o f f ) − B i a s S u p p l y − µA2.003.504.506.002.503. VL O − U n d e r V o l t a g e L o c k o u t − V−40125TJ − Temperature − C256.508.007.007.500.0P W M − P W M 3−S t a t e T h r e s h o l d − V−40125252. J − Temperature − °C−40125250.000.751. J − Temperature − °C E N /P G − E n a b l e /P o w e r G o o d − VTYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSBIAS SUPPLY CURRENTvsUNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUT THRESHOLDTEMPERATUREvs(V EN/PG =Low,PWM Input Floating,V DD =7.2V)TEMPERATUREFigure 1.Figure 2.ENABLE/POWER GOOD THRESHOLDPWM 3-STATE THRESHOLDS,(5-V Input Pulses)vsvsTEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V)TEMPERATURE,(V DD =7.2V)Figure 3.Figure 4.−40125250.751. J − Temperature − °CR O U T − O u t p u t I m p e d a n c e − Ω−40125250.751. J − Temperature − °C R O U T − O u t p u t I m p e d a n c e − Ω−40125254610121457911138T J − Temperature − °C t R L /t F L − R i s e a n d F a l l T i m e − n s6811131579101214−4012525T J − Temperature − °C t R U /t F U − R i s e a n d F a l l T i m e − n sUGATE DC OUTPUT IMPEDANCELGATE DC OUTPUT IMPEDANCEvsvsTEMPERATURE,(V DD =7.2V)TEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V)Figure 5.Figure 6.UGATE RISE AND FALL TIMELGATE RISE AND FALL TIMEvsvsTEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)TEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)Figure 7.Figure 8.−40125250.012.517.520.02.57.510.05.015.0T J − Temperature − °Ct D T U /t D T L − U G A T E a n d L G A T E − n s20253051015−4012525T J − Temperature − °C t D L U /t D L L − U G A T E a n d L G A T E − n s0.−4012525T J − Temperature − °CV F − F o r w a r d V o l t a g e − V52530101520−4012525T J − Temperature − °C T M I N − M i n i m u m S h o r t P u l s e − n sUGATE AND LGATE (Turning OFF Propagation Delays)UGATE AND LGATE (Dead Time)vsvsTEMPERTURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)TEMPERTURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)Figure 9.Figure 10.UGATE MINIMUM SHORT PULSEBOOTSTRAP DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGEvsvsTEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)TEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V,I F =100mA)Figure 11.Figure 12.2001000120040060080010030050070015001700900110019001300F SW − Switching Frequency − kHzP D I S S − D i s s i p a t e d P o w e r − m W1551010030050070015001700900110019001300F SW − Switching Frequency − kHzI D D − B i a s S u p p l y C u r r e n t − m APWM UGATE LGATE V DD = 7.2 V, C L = 3 nF , T J = 25°Ct − Time − 10 ns/div.V o l t a g e − 5 V /d i v .PWMUGATELGATEV DD = 7.2 V, C L = 3 nF , T J = 25°Ct − Time − 10 ns/div.V o l t a g e − 5 V /d i v .BIAS SUPPLY CURRENTDRIVER DISSIPATED POWERvsvsSWITCHING FREQUENCY SWITCHING FREQUENCY(V DD =7.2V,No Load,T J =25°C)(Different Load Charge,V DD =7.2V,T J =25°C)Figure 13.Figure 14.PWM INPUT RISING SWITCHING WAVEFORMSPWM INPUT FALLING SWITCHING WAVEFORMSFigure 15.Figure 16.PWM 30ns UGATELGATE V DD = 7.2 V, C L = 3 nF , T J = 25°Ct − Time − 20 ns/div.V o l t a g e − 5 V /d i v .PWM − 2 V/div.3−St Trigger, High = 3−StUGATE − 10 V/div.LGATE − 10 V/div.V o l t a g et − Time − 5 µs/div.NORMAL AND 3-STATE OPERATIONMINIMUM UGATE PULSE SWITCHING WAVEFORMSENTER/EXIT CONDITIONSFigure 17.Figure 18.DETAILED DESCRIPTIONUnder Voltage Lockout(UVLO)The TPS28225/6incorporates an under voltage lockout circuit that keeps the driver disabled and external power FETs in an OFF state when the input supply voltage V DD is insufficient to drive external power FETs reliably. During power up,both gate drive outputs remain low until voltage V DD reaches UVLO threshold,typically3.5V for the TPS28225/6and and6.35V for the TPS28226.Once the UVLO threshold is reached,the condition of gate drive outputs is defined by the input PWM and EN/PG signals.During power down the UVLO threshold is set lower,typically3.0V for the TPS28225/6and5.0V for the TPS28226.The0.5-V for the TPS28225/6and 1.35V for the TPS28226hysteresis is selected to prevent the driver from turning ON and OFF while the input voltage crosses UVLO thresholds,especially with low slew rate.The TPS28225/6has the ability to send a signal back to the system controller that the input supply voltage V DD is insufficient by internally pulling down the EN/PG pin.The TPS28225/6releases EN/PG pin immediately after the V DD has risen above the UVLO threshold. Output Active LowThe output active low circuit effectively keeps the gate outputs low even if the driver is not powered up.This prevents open gate conditions on the external power FETs and accidental turn ON when the main power stage supply voltage is applied before the driver is powered up.For the simplicity,the output active low circuit is shown in a block diagram as the resistor connected between LGATE and GND pins with another one connected between UGATE and PHASE pins.Enable/Power GoodThe Enable/Power Good circuit allows the TPS28225/6to follow the PWM input signal when the voltage at EN/PG pin is above 2.1V maximum.This circuit has a unique two-way communication capability.This is illustrated by Figure19.V DD = 4.5 V to 8 V for the TPS28225 orFigure19.Enable/Power Good CircuitThe EN/PG pin has approximately1-kΩinternal series resistor.Pulling EN/PG high by an external≥20-kΩresistor allows two-way communication between controller and driver.If the input voltage V DD is below UVLO threshold or thermal shut down occurs,the internal MOSFET pulls EN/PG pin to GND through1-kΩresistor.The voltage across the EN/PG pin is now defined by the resistor divider comprised by the external pull up resistor, 1-kΩinternal resistor and the internal FET having1-kΩR DS(on).Even if the system controller allows the driver to start by setting its own enable output transistor OFF,the driver keeps the voltage at EN/PG low.Low EN/PG signal indicates that the driver is not ready yet because the supply voltage V DD is low or that the driver is in thermal shutdown mode.The system controller can arrange the delay of PWM input signals coming to the driver until the driver releases EN/PG pin.If the input voltage V DD is back to normal,or the driver is cooled down below its lower thermal shutdown threshold,then the internal MOSFET releases the EN/PG pin and normal operation resumes under the external Enable signal applied to EN/PG input.Another feature includes an internal1-MΩresistor that pulls EN/PG pin low and disables the driver in case the system controller accidentally loses connection with the driver.This could happen if,for example,the system controller is located on a separate PCB daughter board.The EN/PG pin can serve as the second pulse input of the driver additionally to PWM input.The delay between EN/PG and the UGATE going high,provided that PWM input is also high,is only about30ns.If the PWM input pulses are synchronized with EN/PG input,then when PWM and EN/PG are high,the UGATE is high and LGATE is low.If both PWM and EN/PG are low,then UGATE and LGATE are both low as well.This means the driver allows operation of a synchronous buck regulator as a convertional buck regulator using the body diode of the low side power MOSFET as the freewheeling diode.This feature can be useful in some specific applications to allow startup with a pre-biased output or,to improve the efficiency of buck regulator when in power saving mode with low output current.3-State InputAs soon as the EN/PG pin is set high and input PWM pulses are initiated(see Note below).The dead-time control circuit ensures that there is no overlapping between UGATE and LGATE drive outputs to eliminate shoot through current through the external power FETs.Additionally to operate under periodical pulse sequencing,the TPS28225/6has a self-adjustable PWM3-state input circuit.The3-state circuit sets both gate drive outputs low, and thus turns the external power FETs OFF if the input signal is in a high impedance state for at least250ns typical.At this condition,the PWM input voltage level is defined by the internal27kΩto13kΩresistor divider shown in the block diagram.This resistor divider forces the input voltage to move into the3-state window.Initially the3-state window is set between1.0-V and2.0-V thresholds.The lower threshold of the3-state window is always fixed at about1.0V.The higher threshold is adjusted to about75%of the input signal amplitude.The self-adjustable upper threshold allows shorter delay if the input signal enters the3-state window while the input signal was high,thus keeping the high-side power FET in ON state just slightly longer than250ns time constant set by an internal3-state timer.Both modes of operation,PWM input pulse sequencing and the3-state condition, are illustrated in the timing diagrams shown in Figure18.The self-adjustable upper threshold allows operation in wide range amplitude of input PWM pulse signals.The waveforms in Figure20and Figure21illustrates the TPS28225operation at normal and3-state mode with the input pulse amplitudes6V and2.5V accordingly.After entering into the3-state window and staying within the window for the hold-off time,the PWM input signal level is defined by the internal resistor divider and,depending on the input pulse amplitude,can be pulled up above the normal PWM pulse amplitude(Figure21)or down below the normal input PWM pulse(Figure20).TPS282253-State Exit Mode:•To exit the3-state operation mode,the PWM signal should go low and then high at least once.TPS282263-State Exit Mode:•To exit the3-state operation mode,the PWM signal should go high and then low at least once.This is necessary to restore the voltage across the bootstrap capacitor that could be discharged during the 3-state mode if the3-state condition lasts long enough.Figure20.6-V Amplitude PWM Pulse(TPS28225)Figure21.2.5-V Amplitude PWM Pulse(TPS28225)NOTEThe driver sets UGATE low and LGATE high when PWM is low.When the PWM goeshigh,UGATE goes high and LGATE goes low.IMPORTANT NOTE:Any external resistor between PWM input and GND with the value lower than40kΩcan interfere with the3-state thresholds.If the driver is intended to operate in the3-state mode,any resistor below 40kΩat the PWM and GND should be avoided.A resistor lower than3.5kΩconnected between the PWM and GND completely disables the3-state function.In such case,the3-state window shrinks to zero and the lower 3-state threshold becomes the boundary between the UGATE staying low and LGATE being high and vice versa depending on the PWM input signal applied.It is not necessary to use a resistor<3.5kΩto avoid the3-state condition while using a controller that is3-state capable.If the rise and fall time of the input PWM signal is shorter than250ns,then the driver never enter into the3-state mode.In the case where the low-side MOSFET of a buck converter stays on during shutdown,the3-state feature can be fused to avoid negative resonent voltage across the output capacitor.This feature also can be used during start up with a pre-biased output in the case where pulling the output low during the startup is not allowed due to system requirements.If the system controller does not have the3-state feature and never goes into the high-impedance state,then setting the EN/PG signal low will keep both gate drive outputs low and turn both low-and high-side MOSFETs OFF during the shut down and start up with the pre-biased output.The self-adjustable input circuit accepts wide range of input pulse amplitudes(2V up to13.2V)allowing use of a variety of controllers with different outputs including logic level.The wide PWM input voltage allows some flexibility if the driver is used in secondary side synchronous rectifier circuit.The operation of the TPS28225/6 with a12-V input PWM pulse amplitude,and with V DD=7.2V and V DD=5V respectively is shown in Figure22 and Figure23.Figure22.12-V PWM Pulse at V DD=7.2V Figure23.12-V PWM Pulse at V DD=5VBootstrap DiodeThe bootstrap diode provides the supply voltage for the UGATE driver by charging the bootstrap capacitor connected between BOOT and PHASE pins from the input voltage VDD when the low-side FET is in ON state. At the very initial stage when both power FETs are OFF,the bootstrap capacitor is pre-charged through this path including the PHASE pin,output inductor and large output capacitor down to GND.The forward voltage drop across the diode is only1.0V at bias current100mA.This allows quick charge restore of the bootstrap capacitor during the high-frequency operation.Upper And Lower Gate DriversThe upper and lower gate drivers charge and discharge the input capacitance of the power MOSFETs to allow operation at switching frequencies up to2MHz.The output stage consists of a P-channel MOSFET providing source output current and an N-channel MOSFET providing sink current through the output stage.The ON state resistances of these MOSFETs are optimized for the synchronous buck converter configuration working with low duty cycle at the nominal steady state condition.The UGATE output driver is capable of propagating PWM input puses of less than30-ns while still maintaining proper dead time to avoid any shoot through current conditions. The waveforms related to the narrow input PWM pulse operation are shown in Figure17.Dead-Time ControlThe dead-time control circuit is critical for highest efficiency and no shoot through current operation througout the whole duty cycle range with the different power MOSFETs.By sensing the output of driver going low,this circuit does not allow the gate drive output of another driver to go high until the first driver output falls below the specified threshold.This approach to control the dead time is called adaptive.The overall dead time also includes the fixed portion to ensure that overlapping never exists.The typical dead time is around14ns, although it varies over the driver internal tolerances,layout and external MOSFET parasitic inductances.The proper dead time is maintained whenever the current through the output inductor of the power stage flows in the forward or reverse direction.Reverse current could happen in a buck configuration during the transients or while dynamically changing the output voltage on the fly,as some microprocessors require.Because the dead time does not depend on inductor current direction,this driver can be used both in buck and boost regulators or in any bridge configuration where the power MOSFETs are switching in a complementary manner.Keeping the dead time at short optimal level boosts efficiency by1%to2%depending on the switching frequency.Measured switching waveforms in one of the practical designs show10-ns dead time for the rising edge of PHASE node and22ns for the falling edge(Figure29and Figure30in the Application Section of the data sheet).Large non-optimal dead time can cause duty cycle modulation of the dc-to-dc converter during the operation point where the output inductor current changes its direction right before the turn ON of the high-side MOSFET. This modulation can interfere with the controller operation and it impacts the power stage frequency response transfer function.As the result,some output ripple increase can be observed.The TPS28225/6driver is designed with the short adaptive dead time having fixed delay portion that eliminates risk of the effective duty cycle modulation at the described boundary condition.Thermal ShutdownIf the junction temperature exceeds160°C,the thermal shutdown circuit will pull both gate driver outputs low and thus turning both,low-side and high-side power FETs OFF.When the driver cools down below140°C after a thermal shutdown,then it resumes its normal operation and follows the PWM input and EN/PG signals from the external control circuit.While in thermal shutdown state,the internal MOSFET pulls the EN/PG pin low,thus setting a flag indicating the driver is not ready to continue normal operation.Normally the driver is located close to the MOSFETs,and this is usually the hottest spots on the PCB.Thus,the thermal shutdown feature of TPS28225/6can be used as an additional protection for the whole system from overheating.。

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FEATURESDESCRIPTIONAPPLICATIONSTPS28226SLUS791–OCTOBER 2007High-Frequency 4-A Sink Synchronous MOSFET Drivers•Drives Two N-Channel MOSFETs with 14-ns Adaptive Dead TimeThe TPS28226is a high-speed driver for N-channel complimentary driven power MOSFETs with adaptive •Gate Drive Voltage:6.8V Up to 8.8Vdead-time control.This driver is optimized for use in •Wide Power System Train Input Voltage:3V variety of high-current one and multi-phase dc-to-dc Up to 27Vconverters.The TPS28226is a solution that provides •Wide Input PWM Signals:2.0V up to 13.2-V highly efficient,small size low EMI emmissions.AmplitudeThe performance is achieved by up to 8.8-V gate •Capable Drive MOSFETs with ≥40-A Current drive voltage,14-ns adaptive dead-time control,14-ns per Phasepropagation delays and high-current 2-A source and 4-A sink drive capability.The 0.4-Ωimpedance for •High Frequency Operation:14-ns Propagation the lower gate driver holds the gate of power Delay and 10-ns Rise/Fall Time Allow F SW -2MOSFET below its threshold and ensures no MHzshoot-through current at high dV/dt phase node •Capable Propagate <30-ns Input PWM Pulses transitions.The bootstrap capacitor charged by an •Low-Side Driver Sink On-Resistance (0.4Ω)internal diode allows use of N-channel MOSFETs in Prevents dV/dT Related Shoot-Through half-bridge configuration.CurrentThe TPS28226features a 3-state PWM input •3-State PWM Input for Power Stage Shutdown compatible with all multi-phase controllers employing 3-state output feature.As long as the input stays •Space Saving Enable (input)and Power Good within 3-state window for the 250-ns hold-off time,the (output)Signals on Same Pin driver switches both outputs low.This shutdown •Thermal Shutdown mode prevents a load from the reversed-•UVLO Protectionoutput-voltage.•Internal Bootstrap DiodeThe other features include under voltage lockout,•Economical SOIC-8and Thermally Enhanced thermal shutdown and two-way enable/power good 3-mm x 3-mm DFN-8Packagessignal.Systems without 3-state featured controllers can use enable/power good input/output to hold both •High Performance Replacement for Popular outputs low during shutting down.3-State Input DriversThe TPS28226is offered in an economical SOIC-8and thermally enhanced low-size Dual Flat No-Lead (DFN-8)packages.The driver is specified in the •Multi-Phase DC-to-DC Converters with Analog extended temperature range of –40°C to 125°C with or Digital Controlthe absolute maximum junction temperature 150°C.•Desktop and Server VRMs and EVRDs •Portable/Notebook Regulators•Synchronous Rectification for Isolated Power SuppliesPlease be aware that an important notice concerning availability,standard warranty,and use in critical applications of Texas Instruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED this document contains Copyright ©2007,Texas Instruments IncorporatedPRODUCTION DATA information current as of publication date.Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instruments standard warranty.Production processing does not necessarily include testing of all parameters.FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMVDDEN /PGBOOTUGATEPHASELGATEGNDPWMTYPICAL APPLICATIONSTPS28226SLUS791–OCTOBER 2007One-Phase POL Regulator2Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2007,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS28226TPS28226SLUS791–OCTOBER 2007TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (continued)Driver for Synchronous Rectification with Complementary Driven MOSFETsCopyright ©2007,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback3Product Folder Link(s):TPS28226TPS28226SLUS791–OCTOBER 2007TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (continued)Multi-Phase Synchronous Buck ConverterORDERING INFORMATION (1)(2)(3)PART NUMBER TEMPERATURE RANGE,T A =T JPACKAGE TAPE AND REEL QTY.TPS28226Plastic 8-pin SOIC (D)75per tube TPS28226D Plastic 8-pin SOIC (D)2500TPS28226DR -40C to 125CPlastic 8-pin DFN (DRB)250TPS28226DRBT Plastic 8-pin DFN (DRB)3000TPS28226DRBR(1)SOIC-8(D)and DFN-8(DRB)packages are available taped and reeled.Add T suffix to device type (e.g.TPS28226DRBT)to order taped devices and suffix R (e.g.TPS28226DRBR)to device type to order reeled devices.(2)The SOIC-8(D)and DFN-8(DRB)package uses in Pb-Free lead finish of Pd-Ni-Au which is compatible with MSL level 1at 255C to 260C peak reflow temperature to be compatible with either lead free or Sn/Pb soldering operations.(3)In the DFN package,the pad underneath the center of the device is a thermal substrate.The PCB “thermal land”design for thisexposed die pad should include thermal vias that drop down and connect to one or more buried copper plane(s).This combination of vias for vertical heat escape and buried planes for heat spreading allows the DFN to achieve its full thermal potential.This pad should be either grounded for best noise immunity,and it should not be connected to other nodes.4Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2007,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS28226ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGSDISSIPATION RATINGS(1) RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONSTPS28226 SLUS791–OCTOBER2007over operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)(1)(2)TPS28226VALUE UNITInput supply voltage range,V DD(3)–0.3to8.8Boot voltage,V BOOT–0.3to33DC–2to32or V BOOT+0.3–V DD whichever is lessPhase voltage,V PHASEPulse<400ns,E=20μJ–7to33.1or V BOOT+0.3–V DD whichever is lessInput voltage range,V PWM,V EN/PG–0.3to13.2V PHASE–0.3to V BOOT+0.3,(V BOOT–V PHASE<8.8)V Output voltage range,V UGATEPulse<100ns,E=2μJ V PHASE–2to V BOOT+0.3,(V BOOT–V PHASE<8.8)–0.3to V DD+0.3Output voltage range,V LGATEPulse<100ns,E=2μJ–2to V DD+0.3ESD rating,HBM2kESD rating,HBM ESD rating,CDM500 Continuous total power dissipation See Dissipation Rating TableOperating virtual junction temperature range,T J–40to150Operating ambient temperature range,T A–40to125°C Storage temperature,T stg–65to150Lead temperature(soldering,10sec.)300(1)Stresses beyond those listed under“absolute maximum ratings”may cause permanent damage to the device.These are stress ratingsonly,and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under“recommended operating conditions”is not implied.Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.(2)These devices are sensitive to electrostatic discharge;follow proper device handling procedures.(3)All voltages are with respect to GND unless otherwise noted.Currents are positive into,negative out of the specified terminal.ConsultPackaging Section of the Data book for thermal limitations and considerations of packages.DERATING FACTOR T A<25°C T A=70°C T A=85°C BOARD PACKAGE RθJC RθJAABOVE T A=25°C POWER RATING POWER RATING POWER RATING High-K(2)D39.4°C/W100C/W10mW/C 1.25W0.8W0.65W High-K(3)DRB 1.4°C/W48.5C/W20.6mW/C 2.58W 1.65W 1.34W(1)These thermal data are taken at standard JEDEC test conditions and are useful for the thermal performance comparison of differentpackages.The cooling condition and thermal impedance RθJA of practical design is specific.(2)The JEDEC test board JESD51-7,3-inch x3-inch,4-layer with1-oz internal power and ground planes and2-oz top and bottom tracelayers.(3)The JEDEC test board JESD51-5with direct thermal pad attach,3-inch x3-inch,4-layer with1-oz internal power and ground planes and2-oz top and bottom trace layers.over operating free-air temperature range(unless otherwise noted)MIN TYP MAX UNITV DD Input supply voltage 6.87.28VV IN Power input voltage332V–VDDT J Operating junction temperature range–40125CCopyright©2007,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback5Product Folder Link(s):TPS28226ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (1)TPS28226SLUS791–OCTOBER 2007V DD =7.2V,EN/PG pulled up to V DD by 100-k Ωresistor,T A =T J =–40°C to 125°C (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERTEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNITUNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUTRising threshold 6.356.70Falling threshold V PWM =0V4.75.0VHysteresis1.001.35BIAS CURRENTS I DD(off)Bias supply current V EN/PG =low,PWM pin floating 350μAI DDBias supply currentV EN/PG =high,PWM pin floating 500INPUT (PWM)V PWM =5V 185I PWMInput currentμA V PWM =0V –200PWM 3-state rising threshold (2) 1.0V PWM 3-state falling thresholdV PWM PEAK =5V3.4 3.84.0t HLD_R 3-state shutdown Hold-off time250nsT MINPWM minimum pulse to force U GATE pulse C L =3nF at U GATE ,V PWM =5V 30ENABLE/POWER GOOD (EN/PG)Enable high rising threshold PG FET OFF 1.72.1Enable low falling threshold PG FET OFF 0.8 1.0VHysteresis 0.350.70Power good outputV DD =2.5V0.2UPPER GATE DRIVER OUTPUT (UGATE)Source resistance 500mA source current 1.0 2.0ΩSource current(2)V UGATE-PHASE =2.5V 2.0A t RURise time C L =3nF10ns Sink resistance 500mA sink current 1.0 2.0ΩSink current(2)V UGATE-PHASE =2.5V 2.0A t FU Fall timeC L =3nF10ns(1)Typical values for T A =25C (2)Not tested in production6Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2007,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS28226TPS28226 SLUS791–OCTOBER2007ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(continued)V DD=7.2V,EN/PG pulled up to V DD by100-kΩresistor,T A=T J=–40°C to125°C(unless otherwise noted)PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT LOWER GATE DRIVER OUTPUT(LGATE)Source resistance500mA source current 1.0 2.0ΩSource current(3)V LGATE=2.5V 2.0At RL Rise time(3)C L=3nF10ns Sink resistance500mA sink current0.4 1.0ΩSink current(3)V LGATE=2.5V 4.0A Fall time(3)C L=3nF5ns SWITCHING TIMEt DLU UGATE turn-off propagation Delay C L=3nF14t DLL LGATE turn-off propagation Delay C L=3nF14nst DTU Dead time LGATE turn-off to UGATE turn-on C L=3nF14t DTL Dead time UGATE turn-off to LGATE turn-on C L=3nF14BOOTSTRAP DIODEV F Forward voltage Forward bias current100mA 1.0V THERMAL SHUTDOWNRising threshold(3)150160170Falling threshold(3)130140150°C Hysteresis20(3)Not tested in productionCopyright©2007,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback7Product Folder Link(s):TPS28226DEVICE INFORMATIONUGATEBOOTPWMGNDPHASEEN/PGVDDLGATEBOOT PWM VDD EN/PG LG AT EGNDU G AT E PHASEVDD EN /PGBOOTUGATE PHASELGATEGNDPWMTPS28226SLUS791–OCTOBER 2007FUNCTIONAL BLOCK DIAGRAMA.For the TPS28226DRB device the thermal PAD on the bottom side of package must be soldered and connected to the GND pin and to the GND plane of the PCB in the shortest possible way.See Recommended Land Pattern in the Application section.8Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2007,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS28226TRUTH TABLETPS28226 SLUS791–OCTOBER2007TERMINAL FUNCTIONSTERMINALI/O DESCRIPTIONSOIC-8DRB-8NAME11UGATE O Upper gate drive sink/source output.Connect to gate of high-side power N-Channel MOSFET.Floating bootstrap supply pin for the upper gate drive.Connect the bootstrap capacitor between 22BOOT I/O this pin and the PHASE pin.The bootstrap capacitor provides the charge to turn on the upperMOSFET.The PWM signal is the control input for the driver.The PWM signal can enter three distinct states 33PWM I during operation,see the3-state PWM Input section under DETAILED DESCRIPTION for furtherdetails.Connect this pin to the PWM output of the controller.44GND—Ground pin.All signals are referenced to this node.Exposed Thermal—Connect directly to the GND for better thermal performance and EMIdie pad padLower gate drive sink/source output.Connect to the gate of the low-side power N-Channel 55LGATE OMOSFET.66VDD I Connect this pin to a5-V bias supply.Place a high quality bypass capacitor from this pin to GND.Enable/Power Good input/output pin with1MΩimpedance.Connect this pin to HIGH to enable andLOW to disable the device.When disabled,the device draws less than350μA bias current.If the 77EN/PG I/OV DD is below UVLO threshold or over temperature shutdown occurs,this pin is internally pulledlow.Connect this pin to the source of the upper MOSFET and the drain of the lower MOSFET.This pin 88PHASE Iprovides a return path for the upper gate driver.V DD FALLING>3V AND T J<150°CV DD RISING<3.5V EN/PG FALLING>1.0V PIN EN/PG RISINGOR T J>160°C PWM>1.5V AND PWM SIGNAL SOURCE IMPEDANCE<1.7V PWM<1VT RISE/T FALL<200ns>40kΩFOR>250ns(3-State)(1) LGATE Low Low High Low LowUGATE Low Low Low High LowEN/PG Low(1)During power up,the TPS28226is in3-state and both UGATE and LGATE outputs are kept low.To exit the3-state condition,the PWMsignal should go high followed by one low PWM signal.The first high PWM pulse is ignored by the driver and keeps UGATE output low, but the following low PWM signal drives LGATE high.Copyright©2007,Texas Instruments Incorporated Submit Documentation Feedback9Product Folder Link(s):TPS28226PWMUGATEgoes High and then LowTPS28226SLUS791–OCTOBER 2007TPS28226TIMING DIAGRAM10Submit Documentation FeedbackCopyright ©2007,Texas Instruments IncorporatedProduct Folder Link(s):TPS28226TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS−4012530034038042046050025320360400440480T J − Temperature − °CI D D (o f f ) − B i a s S u p p l y − µA2.003.504.506.002.503. V L O − U n d e r V o l t a g e L o c k o u t − V−40125TJ − Temperature − C 256.508.007.007.500.0P W M − P W M 3−S t a t e T h r e s h o l d − V−40125252. J − Temperature − °C−40125250.000.751. J − Temperature − °CE N /P G − E n a b l e /P o w e r G o o d − VBIAS SUPPLY CURRENTvsUNDER VOLTAGE LOCKOUT THRESHOLDTEMPERATUREvs(V EN/PG =Low,PWM Input Floating,V DD =7.2V)TEMPERATUREFigure 1.Figure 2.ENABLE/POWER GOOD THRESHOLDPWM 3-STATE THRESHOLDS,(5-V Input Pulses)vsvsTEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V)TEMPERATURE,(V =7.2V)Figure 3.Figure 4.−40125250.751. J − Temperature − °CR O U T − O u t p u t I m p e d a n c e − Ω−40125250.751. J − Temperature − °CR O U T − O u t p u t I m p e d a n c e − Ω−40125254610121457911138T J − Temperature − °Ct R L /t F L − R i s e a n d F a l l T i m e − n s6811131579101214−4012525T J − Temperature − °Ct R U /t F U − R i s e a n d F a l l T i m e − n sUGATE DC OUTPUT IMPEDANCELGATE DC OUTPUT IMPEDANCEvsvsTEMPERATURE,(V DD =7.2V)TEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V)Figure 5.Figure 6.UGATE RISE AND FALL TIMELGATE RISE AND FALL TIMEvsvsTEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)TEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)Figure 7.Figure 8.20253051015−4012525T J − Temperature − °Ct D L U /t D L L − U G A T E a n d L G A T E − n s−40125250.012.517.520.02.57.510.05.015.0T J − Temperature − °Ct D T U /t D T L − U G A T E a n d L G A T E − n s0.−4012525T J − Temperature − °CV F − F o r w a r d V o l t a g e − V52530101520−4012525T J − Temperature − °CT M I N − M i n i m u m S h o r t P u l s e − n sUGATE AND LGATE (Turning OFF Propagation Delays)UGATE AND LGATE (Dead Time)vsvsTEMPERTURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)TEMPERTURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)Figure 9.Figure 10.UGATE MINIMUM SHORT PULSEBOOTSTRAP DIODE FORWARD VOLTAGEvsvsTEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V,C LOAD =3nF)TEMPERATURE (V DD =7.2V,I F =100mA)Figure 11.Figure 12.2001000120040060080010030050070015001700900110019001300F SW − Switching Frequency − kHzP D I S S − D i s s i p a t e d P o w e r − m W1551010030050070015001700900110019001300F SW − Switching Frequency − kHzI D D − B i a s S u p p l y C u r r e n t − m APWMUGATE LGATE V DD = 7.2 V, C L = 3 nF , T J = 25°Ct − Time − 10 ns/div.V o l t a g e − 5 V /d i v .PWMUGATELGATEV DD = 7.2 V, C L = 3 nF , T J = 25°Ct − Time − 10 ns/div.V o l t a g e − 5 V /d i v .BIAS SUPPLY CURRENTDRIVER DISSIPATED POWERvsvsSWITCHING FREQUENCY SWITCHING FREQUENCY(V DD =7.2V,No Load,T J =25°C)(Different Load Charge,V DD =7.2V,T J =25°C)Figure 13.Figure 14.PWM INPUT RISING SWITCHING WAVEFORMSPWM INPUT FALLING SWITCHING WAVEFORMSFigure 15.Figure 16.PWM 30nsUGATELGATEV DD = 7.2 V, C L = 3 nF , T J = 25°Ct − Time − 20 ns/div.V o l t a g e − 5 V /d i v .PWM − 2 V/div.3−St Trigger, High = 3−StUGATE − 10 V/div.LGATE − 10 V/div.V o l t a g et − Time − 5 µs/div.NORMAL AND 3-STATE OPERATIONMINIMUM UGATE PULSE SWITCHING WAVEFORMSENTER/EXIT CONDITIONSFigure 17.Figure 18.The 3-state upper threshold reverts to the 2-V level after the TPS28226had been in 3-state for about2.5μs.DETAILED DESCRIPTIONUnder Voltage Lockout(UVLO)The TPS28226incorporates an under voltage lockout circuit that keeps the driver disabled and external power FETs in an OFF state when the input supply voltage V DD is insufficient to drive external power FETs reliably. During power up,both gate drive outputs remain low until voltage V DD reaches UVLO threshold,typically6.35V for the TPS28226.Once the UVLO threshold is reached,the condition of gate drive outputs is defined by the input PWM and EN/PG signals.During power down the UVLO threshold is set lower,typically5.0V for the TPS28226.The1.35V for the TPS28226hysteresis is selected to prevent the driver from turning ON and OFF while the input voltage crosses UVLO thresholds,especially with low slew rate.The TPS28226has the ability to send a signal back to the system controller that the input supply voltage V DD is insufficient by internally pulling down the EN/PG pin.The TPS28226releases EN/PG pin immediately after the V DD has risen above the UVLO threshold.Output Active LowThe output active low circuit effectively keeps the gate outputs low even if the driver is not powered up.This prevents open gate conditions on the external power FETs and accidental turn ON when the main power stage supply voltage is applied before the driver is powered up.For the simplicity,the output active low circuit is shown in a block diagram as the resistor connected between LGATE and GND pins with another one connected between UGATE and PHASE pins.Enable/Power GoodThe Enable/Power Good circuit allows the TPS28226to follow the PWM input signal when the voltage at EN/PG pin is above2.1V maximum.This circuit has a unique two-way communication capability.This is illustrated by Figure19.V DD = 6.8 V to 8.0 V for the TPS28226Figure19.Enable/Power Good CircuitThe EN/PG pin has approximately1-kΩinternal series resistor.Pulling EN/PG high by an external≥20-kΩresistor allows two-way communication between controller and driver.If the input voltage V DD is below UVLO threshold or thermal shut down occurs,the internal MOSFET pulls EN/PG pin to GND through1-kΩresistor.The voltage across the EN/PG pin is now defined by the resistor divider comprised by the external pull up resistor, 1-kΩinternal resistor and the internal FET having1-kΩR DS(on).Even if the system controller allows the driver to start by setting its own enable output transistor OFF,the driver keeps the voltage at EN/PG low.Low EN/PG signal indicates that the driver is not ready yet because the supply voltage V DD is low or that the driver is in thermal shutdown mode.The system controller can arrange the delay of PWM input signals coming to the driver until the driver releases EN/PG pin.If the input voltage V DD is back to normal,or the driver is cooled down below its lower thermal shutdown threshold,then the internal MOSFET releases the EN/PG pin and normal operation resumes under the external Enable signal applied to EN/PG input.Another feature includes an internal1-MΩresistor that pulls EN/PG pin low and disables the driver in case the system controller accidentally loses connection with the driver.This could happen if,for example,the system controller is located on a separate PCB daughter board.The EN/PG pin can serve as the second pulse input of the driver additionally to PWM input.The delay between EN/PG and the UGATE going high,provided that PWM input is also high,is only about30ns.If the PWM input pulses are synchronized with EN/PG input,then when PWM and EN/PG are high,the UGATE is high and LGATE is low.If both PWM and EN/PG are low,then UGATE and LGATE are both low as well.This means the driver allows operation of a synchronous buck regulator as a convertional buck regulator using the body diode of the low side power MOSFET as the freewheeling diode.This feature can be useful in some specific applications to allow startup with a pre-biased output or,to improve the efficiency of buck regulator when in power saving mode with low output current.3-State InputAs soon as the EN/PG pin is set high and input PWM pulses are initiated(see Note below).The dead-time control circuit ensures that there is no overlapping between UGATE and LGATE drive outputs to eliminate shoot through current through the external power FETs.Additionally to operate under periodical pulse sequencing,the TPS28226has a self-adjustable PWM3-state input circuit.The3-state circuit sets both gate drive outputs low, and thus turns the external power FETs OFF if the input signal is in a high impedance state for at least250ns typical.At this condition,the PWM input voltage level is defined by the internal27kΩto13kΩresistor divider shown in the block diagram.This resistor divider forces the input voltage to move into the3-state window.Initially the3-state window is set between1.0-V and2.0-V thresholds.The lower threshold of the3-state window is always fixed at about1.0V.The higher threshold is adjusted to about75%of the input signal amplitude.The 3-state upper threshold reverts to the2-V level after the TPS28226had been in3-state for about2.5μs.The self-adjustable upper threshold allows shorter delay if the input signal enters the3-state window while the input signal was high,thus keeping the high-side power FET in ON state just slightly longer than250ns time constant set by an internal3-state timer.Both modes of operation,PWM input pulse sequencing and the3-state condition, are illustrated in the timing diagrams shown in Figure18.The self-adjustable upper threshold allows operation in wide range amplitude of input PWM pulse waveforms in Figure20and Figure21illustrates the TPS28226operation at normal and3-state mode with the input pulse V After entering into the3-state window and staying within the window for the hold-off time,the PWM input signal level is defined by the internal resistor divider and,depending on the input pulse amplitude,can be pulled up above the normal PWM pulse amplitude(Figure21)or down below the normal input PWM pulse(Figure20).TPS282263-State Exit Mode:•To exit the3-state operation mode,the PWM signal should go high and then low at least once.This is necessary to restore the voltage across the bootstrap capacitor that could be discharged during the 3-state mode if the3-state condition lasts long enough.Figure20.6-V Amplitude PWM Pulse Figure21.2.5-V Amplitude PWM PulseNOTE:The driver sets UGATE low and LGATE high when PWM is low.When the PWM goeshigh,UGATE goes high and LGATE goes low.IMPORTANT NOTE:Any external resistor between PWM input and GND with the value lower than40kΩcan interfere with the3-state thresholds.If the driver is intended to operate in the3-state mode,any resistor below 40kΩat the PWM and GND should be avoided.A resistor lower than3.5kΩconnected between the PWM and GND completely disables the3-state function.In such case,the3-state window shrinks to zero and the lower 3-state threshold becomes the boundary between the UGATE staying low and LGATE being high and vice versa depending on the PWM input signal applied.It is not necessary to use a resistor<3.5kΩto avoid the3-state condition while using a controller that is3-state capable.If the rise and fall time of the input PWM signal is shorter than250ns,then the driver never enter into the3-state mode.In the case where the low-side MOSFET of a buck converter stays on during shutdown,the3-state feature can be fused to avoid negative resonent voltage across the output capacitor.This feature also can be used during start up with a pre-biased output in the case where pulling the output low during the startup is not allowed due to system requirements.If the system controller does not have the3-state feature and never goes into the high-impedance state,then setting the EN/PG signal low will keep both gate drive outputs low and turn both low-and high-side MOSFETs OFF during the shut down and start up with the pre-biased output.The self-adjustable input circuit accepts wide range of input pulse amplitudes(2V up to13.2V)allowing use of a variety of controllers with different outputs including logic level.The wide PWM input voltage allows some flexibility if the driver is used in secondary side synchronous rectifier circuit.The operation of the TPS28226with a12-V input PWM pulse amplitude,and with V DD=7.2V shown in Figure22.Figure22.12-V PWM Pulse at V DD=7.2VBootstrap DiodeThe bootstrap diode provides the supply voltage for the UGATE driver by charging the bootstrap capacitor connected between BOOT and PHASE pins from the input voltage VDD when the low-side FET is in ON state. At the very initial stage when both power FETs are OFF,the bootstrap capacitor is pre-charged through this path including the PHASE pin,output inductor and large output capacitor down to GND.The forward voltage drop across the diode is only1.0V at bias current100mA.This allows quick charge restore of the bootstrap capacitor during the high-frequency operation.Upper And Lower Gate DriversThe upper and lower gate drivers charge and discharge the input capacitance of the power MOSFETs to allow operation at switching frequencies up to2MHz.The output stage consists of a P-channel MOSFET providing source output current and an N-channel MOSFET providing sink current through the output stage.The ON state resistances of these MOSFETs are optimized for the synchronous buck converter configuration working with low duty cycle at the nominal steady state condition.The UGATE output driver is capable of propagating PWM input puses of less than30-ns while still maintaining proper dead time to avoid any shoot through current conditions. The waveforms related to the narrow input PWM pulse operation are shown in Figure17.Dead-Time ControlThe dead-time control circuit is critical for highest efficiency and no shoot through current operation througout the whole duty cycle range with the different power MOSFETs.By sensing the output of driver going low,this circuit does not allow the gate drive output of another driver to go high until the first driver output falls below the specified threshold.This approach to control the dead time is called adaptive.The overall dead time also includes the fixed portion to ensure that overlapping never exists.The typical dead time is around14ns, although it varies over the driver internal tolerances,layout and external MOSFET parasitic inductances.The proper dead time is maintained whenever the current through the output inductor of the power stage flows in the forward or reverse direction.Reverse current could happen in a buck configuration during the transients or while dynamically changing the output voltage on the fly,as some microprocessors require.Because the dead time does not depend on inductor current direction,this driver can be used both in buck and boost regulators or in any bridge configuration where the power MOSFETs are switching in a complementary manner.Keeping the dead time at short optimal level boosts efficiency by1%to2%depending on the switching frequency.Measured switching waveforms in one of the practical designs show10-ns dead time for the rising edge of PHASE node and22ns for the falling edge(Figure28and Figure29in the Application Section of the data sheet).Large non-optimal dead time can cause duty cycle modulation of the dc-to-dc converter during the operation point where the output inductor current changes its direction right before the turn ON of the high-side MOSFET. This modulation can interfere with the controller operation and it impacts the power stage frequency response transfer function.As the result,some output ripple increase can be observed.The TPS28226driver is designed with the short adaptive dead time having fixed delay portion that eliminates risk of the effective duty cycle modulation at the described boundary condition.Thermal ShutdownIf the junction temperature exceeds160°C,the thermal shutdown circuit will pull both gate driver outputs low and thus turning both,low-side and high-side power FETs OFF.When the driver cools down below140°C after a thermal shutdown,then it resumes its normal operation and follows the PWM input and EN/PG signals from the external control circuit.While in thermal shutdown state,the internal MOSFET pulls the EN/PG pin low,thus setting a flag indicating the driver is not ready to continue normal operation.Normally the driver is located close to the MOSFETs,and this is usually the hottest spots on the PCB.Thus,the thermal shutdown feature of TPS28226can be used as an additional protection for the whole system from overheating.。
