智慧树知到《西方文学经典鉴赏》章节测试答案智慧树知到《西方文学经典鉴赏》章节测试答案第1章单元测试1、西方文学的范围包括答案:法国文学2、属于西方文学中"希腊传统'的作品不包括答案:圣经3、文艺复兴时期的西方作家不包括答案:歌德4、19世纪西方现实主义作家不包括答案:但丁5、自文艺复兴运动至19世纪晚期,西方国家先后经历过的文学思潮有答案:人文主义、古典主义、启蒙主义、浪漫主义、现实主义6、下列对于"西方文学'表述不正确的是:()答案:包括西半球的所有文学7、西方文学的两大源头包括:()答案:古希腊、古希伯来'8、下列对于西方文学流派发展顺序排列正确的是:()答案:文艺复兴-古典主义-启蒙主义-浪漫主义-现实主义9、下面学习西方文学的方法与"关联阅读'有关的是:()答案:将作品与所属时代、思潮流派等的一般特征相印证、将文学作品与雕塑、绘画、电影等其他艺术形式相联系、考察中西文学的影响关系或共通性10、下列哪些作品属于"西方文学':()答案:《神曲》、《傲慢与偏见》、《伊利亚特》第2章单元测试1、荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中所用的饰词"佩琉斯之子'是指谁?答案:阿基琉斯2、《伊利亚特》以哪两个人物的矛盾为开端?答案:阿基琉斯与阿伽门农3、《伊利亚特》塑造了众多的人物形象,其中的一个核心人物是:答案:阿基琉斯4、希腊神话中关于特洛伊战争起源的说法,错误的是答案:赫拉、雅典娜与阿芙洛狄忒直接找到特洛伊王子帕里斯,强迫他把金苹果判给自己5、《伊利亚特》中的战争发生在:答案:迈锡尼文明时期6、下列对史诗《伊利亚特》表述准确的是:()答案:采用的神话版本、主题是"阿基琉斯的愤怒"7、荷马史诗由以下那几部作品组成:()答案:《伊利亚特》、《奥德赛》8、下列关于特洛伊表述正确的是:()答案:位于小亚细亚西岸,现土耳其境内、地处欧亚海陆交通要冲,代表东方、公元前12世纪末发生与希腊交战、经济发达,繁荣富足9、荷马史诗《伊利亚特》中所用的饰词"佩琉斯之子'是指()答案:阿基琉斯10、在古希腊"金苹果'的传说中,哪三位女神向特洛伊王子帕里斯许诺:()答案:赫拉、雅典娜、阿芙洛狄忒第3章单元测试1、但丁创作《神曲》时的处境与下列哪位诗人相似:答案:屈原2、在《神曲》开头拦住但丁去路的是:答案:狼、狮、豹3、在地狱第九圈,撒旦的三张嘴中咬着的三个背叛者不包括答案:尤利西斯4、在1292-1293年之间,但丁把赞美贝雅特丽齐的诗歌用散文串联起来,结集为答案:《新生》5、《神曲地狱篇》第五歌中,弗兰采斯加说"该隐狱在等候那个残害我们生命的人',这个人是指答案:祈安启托6、下列对于但丁生平的说法不正确的是:()答案:古罗马最伟大的诗人之一7、但丁写作《神曲》的时间是:()答案:被佛罗伦萨当局流放之后8、但丁在《神曲》中所抒发的忧愤、思乡与爱国之情,同哪位中国诗人的创作处境相通:()答案:辛弃疾9、在《神曲》中,教皇卜尼法斯八世(1294-1303在位)被关在了地狱的第几层?()答案:810、下列对于西方历史发展中的"中世纪",说法不准确的是:()答案:始于东罗马帝国灭亡、黑暗而愚昧第4章单元测试1、塞万提斯在《堂吉诃德》中写了乡绅堂吉诃德的冒险游侠经历,共有:答案:三次2、《堂吉诃德》中,关于堂吉诃德大战风车,以下哪种叙述是正确的?答案:他把风车当成了巨人3、塞万提斯写作《堂吉诃德》的初衷主要是为了讽刺哪种文学?答案:骑士文学4、以下哪部作品不属于堂吉诃德的《训诫小说集》?答案:《被围困的奴曼西亚》5、关于《堂吉诃德》的艺术特色,描述有误的是答案:《堂吉诃德》结构十分严谨,没有旁逸斜出6、塞万提斯的作品,除《堂吉诃德》外,还有:()答案:《训诫小说集》7、据自己的说法,《堂吉诃德》第二部的创作是因为:()答案:书肆有人伪造续作8、下列对于《训诫小说集》说法正确的是:()答案:反映了西班牙内忧外患、日趋败落的社会现实、展现了塞万提斯的人文主义理想、吸收了流浪汉小说和骑士小说的长处、充满神奇色彩和异国情调9、下列哪些人物出自《堂吉诃德》:()答案:吉哈达、桑丘、参孙10、《堂吉诃德》体现了以下哪些艺术特色?()答案:"线性结构'与"环形结构'相结合、合理运用对比和夸张手法、采用"多元'的叙事技巧第5章单元测试1、哈姆莱特在哪里接受大学教育?( )答案:德国威登堡2、莎士比亚的"四大悲剧'是答案:《奥赛罗》《哈姆莱特》《李尔王》《麦克白》3、关于《哈姆莱特》的剧情和人物,表述正确的是:答案:哈姆莱特把《贡扎古之死》改编成了《捕鼠机》4、以下叙述错误的是()答案:增加洗洁精的用量可以把餐具洗得更干净。
智慧树西方文学经典鉴赏章答案第一篇:智慧树西方文学经典鉴赏章答案目录目录........................................................................................................................... .......................1 第一章........................................................................................................................... . (1)一、《伊利亚特》 (1)第二章........................................................................................................................... . (4)二、《神曲》....................................................................................................................... ......4 第三章........................................................................................................................... . (6)三、塞万提斯...........................................................................................................................6 第四章........................................................................................................................... . (8)四、莎士比亚...........................................................................................................................8 第五章........................................................................................................................... .. (10)五、歌德的《浮士德》.........................................................................................................10 第六章........................................................................................................................... .. (13)六、斯丹达尔 (1)3 第七章........................................................................................................................... .. (15)七、《简.爱》.............................................................................................................. ............15 第八章........................................................................................................................... .. (17)八、托尔斯泰 (1)7 第九章........................................................................................................................... .. (19)九、易卜生........................................................................................................................... ..19 第十章........................................................................................................................... .. (21)十、哈代........................................................................................................................... ......21 手动整理,请注意选项顺序,下方为智慧树校核后答案,请放心使用!第一章一、《伊利亚特》1【单选题】(5分)下列关于《伊利亚特》的说法不正确的是:A.《伊利亚特》描写了10年战争中的51天战事和其他活动B.《伊利亚特》是由荷马独立创作完成的C.《伊利亚特》表现了英雄主义精神D.《伊利亚特》堪称古希腊生活的百科全书正确• 5分 2 【单选题】(5分)关于《伊利亚特》,说法正确的是A.《伊利亚特》描写了海伦被帕里斯拐到特洛伊的经过。
( )A:《十日谈》B:《三国演义》C:《源氏物语》D:《红楼梦》答案:C2.下列人物中曾翻译过《源氏物语》的是。
( )A:鲁迅B:傅雷C:郭沫若D:丰子恺答案:D3.日本江户时代本居宣长认为《源氏物语》的主题是。
( )A:感时忧国B:劝善惩恶C:“物哀”D:歌颂爱情答案:C4.下列《源氏物语》人物中,与源氏有爱恋关系的有。
( )答案:《源氏物语》2.下列人物中曾翻译过《源氏物语》的是。
( )答案:丰子恺3.日本江户时代本居宣长认为《源氏物语》的主题是。
( )答案:“物哀”4.下列《源氏物语》人物中,与源氏有爱恋关系的有。
( )答案:葵姬;末摘花;紫姬;藤壶5.杜甫是平安时代贵族文人最喜欢的中国诗人,他当时在日本的地位远超李白。
( )答案:错第五章测试1.以下是《哈姆莱特》中的人物的有()答案:霍拉旭;克劳狄斯;波洛涅斯2.哈姆莱特的杀父仇人是他的弟弟。
2020智慧树,知到《英语文学导论》章节测试答案第一章单元测试1、单选题:Decide True or False: Literature as writing is “imaginative” or fictive, as opposed to factual, true, or historical.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【False】2、多选题:What are the Primary Elements of a Plot?选项:A:expositionB:falling action and resolutionC:rising actionD:climax答案: 【exposition ;falling action and resolution;rising action;climax 】3、多选题:Which of the following can be regarded as a theme statement?选项:A:The theme of“The Egg” might be“Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”.B:Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers” Houses that “Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”C:Disillusionment and psychological paralysis in“The Dead”.D:The protagonist Gabriel suffered a psychological breakdown in the end of the story.答案: 【The theme of“The Egg” might be“Disillusionment is necessary to the process of maturing”. ;Bernard Shaw might suggest in his Widowers” Houses that“Even the most idealistic young man must compromise his principles”】4、多选题:What are the possible themes of Eudora Welty”s“A Worn Path”?选项:A:racismB:ability of the human spirit to endure conflict and poor circumstancesC:selfless loveD:compassion and courage答案: 【racism;ability of the human spirit to endure conflict and poor circumstances;selfless love ;compassion and courage】5、单选题:Decide True or False: Style is concerned not with“what to say” but“how to say it”.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【Ture】6、多选题:What does the narrative voice in Hemingway”s“In Another Country” sound like?选项:A:disillusioned and cynicalB:objective and calmC:cold and relentlessD:isolated and detached答案: 【disillusioned and cynical;isolated and detached】7、多选题:In Aspects of the Novel, E.M. Foster classifies characters into …?选项:A:major charactersB:minor charactersC:flat charactersD:round characters答案: 【minor characters;flat characters】8、多选题:What”s true about“indirect characterization”?选项:A:the author reveals character's personality through its effect on other charactersB:the author shows us the traits of the character by describing his/her appearance, actionsC:the author state explicitly the character”s traitsD:the author tells us what he or she wants us to know about the character答案: 【the author reveals character's personality through its effect on other characters;the author shows us the traits of the character by describing his/her appearance,actions】9、多选题:What”s true about Gabriel in“The Dead”?选项:A:He loves his country and is proud of its culture.B:His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.C:He finds no genuine joy or pleasure in life.D:He is obsessed with the past答案: 【His character is shaped by frustration, rancor, and disappointment.;He is obsessed with the past 】10、多选题:What does the image of“eggs” symbolize in“The Eggs”?选项:A:love and happinessB:the fragile American DreamC:ambitionD:hope and aspiration答案: 【the fragile American Dream;ambition;hope and aspiration】第二章单元测试1、单选题:The earliest theoretical work on drama is Plato”s Poetics.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【False】2、单选题:________________ is the reasoning aspect of drama.选项:A:SpectacleB:ThoughtC:Diction答案: 【Thought】3、单选题:Negative capability refers to the capability of being in uncertainties, mysteries, doubts, without any irritable reaching after fact and reason.选项:A:TureB:False答案: 【Ture】4、单选题:Which word did Portia use to address Shylock?选项:A:civilianB:citizenC:alien答案: 【alien】5、单选题:Kristine Linde is a round character.选项:A:FalseB:Ture答案: 【False】6、单选题:In what is the theme of love presented?选项:A:realismB:CarnivalesqueC:optimismD:fantasy答案: 【Carnivalesque 】7、单选题:What type of woman is Vivie?选项:A:A traditional woman in most aspectsB:A radical feministC:A New Woman in some aspectsD:An angel in the house答案: 【A New Woman in some aspects】8、单选题:To what does Waiting for Godot owe part of its success?选项:A:The linear plotB:The mysterious GodotC:The characterization of trampsD:The coherent language答案: 【The mysterious Godot 】9、单选题:Since it was produced, The Last Night of Ballyhoo has gotten a great reputation and it was performed in ______ during the Olympic Games.选项:A: Los AngelesB:New YorkC:BostonD:Atlanta答案: 【Atlanta 】10、单选题:It was Lala”s ______ identity that led her self-conflict.选项:A:JapaneseB:JewishC:AfricanD:European答案: 【Jewish 】。
爱神帮助帕里斯拐走了斯巴达王的妻子海伦,这件事成为特洛伊战争的导火索 正确 查看答案解析
本题总得分: 20 分
【单选题】 (20 分)
《伊利亚特》中的战争发生在: A
对应章节 第二章
成绩类型 分数制
截止时间 2017-11-30 23:59
A. 狼、狮、豹 B. 狼、豺、虎 C. 狐、虎、熊 D. 狮、虎、豹 正确 查看答案解析
本题总得分: 20 分 3 【单选题】 (20 分) 在地狱第九圈,撒旦的三张嘴中咬着的三个背叛者不包括 B A. 犹大 B. 尤利西斯 C. 普鲁托斯 D. 卡西乌斯 正确
本题总得分: 20 分 4 【单选题】 (20 分) 在 1292-1293 年之间,但丁把赞美贝雅特丽齐的诗歌用散文串联起来, 结集为 C A. 《论俗语》 B. 《神曲》 C. 《新生》 D. 《意大利遗事》 正确 查看答案解析
本题总得分: 20 分 3 【单选题】 (20 分) 塞万提斯写作《堂吉诃德》的初衷主要是为了讽刺哪种文学? C A. 教会文学 B. 爱情文学 C. 骑士文学 D. 市民文学 正确 查看答案解析
本题总得分: 20 分 4 【单选题】 (20 分) 以下哪部作品不属于堂吉诃德的《训诫小说集》? A A. 《被围困的奴曼西亚》 B. 《吉普赛姑娘》
本题总得分: 20 分 2 【单选题】 (20 分) 属于西方文学中“希腊传统”的作品不包括 B A. 伊利亚特 B. 圣经
C. 奥德赛 D. 俄狄浦斯王 正确 查看答案解析
本题总得分: 20 分 3 【单选题】 (20 分) 文艺复兴时期的西方作家不包括 D A. 莎士比亚 B. 塞万提斯 C. 拉伯雷 D. 歌德 正确 查看答案解析
( )A:欧里庇得斯B:亚里士多德C:埃斯库罗斯D:索福克勒斯正确答案:索福克勒斯2、下列不属于古希腊三大悲剧作品的是( )。
A:《俄狄浦斯王》B:《牡丹亭》C:《美狄亚》D:《被缚的普罗米修斯》正确答案:《牡丹亭》3、源于戏剧《俄狄浦斯王》的“俄狄浦斯情结”理论是由( )提出的。
A:福柯B:荣格C:弗洛伊德D:柏拉图正确答案:弗洛伊德4、古希腊作家( )对悲剧艺术的贡献是打破“三部曲”又称“三联剧”的传统形式,而写独立的悲剧,使矛盾冲突更为集中。
A:索福克勒斯B:欧里庇得斯C:亚里士多德D:埃斯库罗斯正确答案:索福克勒斯5、《俄狄浦斯王》中俄狄浦斯误杀了( )。
最新资料欢迎阅读智慧树知到《西方文论原典导读》章节测试[ 完好答案 ]智慧树知到《西方文论原典导读》章节测试答案第一章1、Plato use the _ to explain the relationship between art and idea.A:bedB:tableC:bookshelf答案 : bed2、Socrates ” theory is mainly organized by whom?A:PlatoB:AristotleC:Thales答案 : Plato3、 In Ion Socrates stressed that the inspiration ofthe poets comes from the .A:godsB:heartC:experience答案 : gods4、_ said“I am the midwive of philosophy”.A:SocratesB:PlatoC:Aristotle答案 : Socrates5、Three sages of Ancient Greece are Plato,_and Aristotle. A:ProtagorasB:SocratesC:Homer答案 : Socrates第二章1、_ is called a Encyclopedia of character in Greek.A:SocratesB:PlatoC:Aristotle答案 : Aristotle2、In the poetics, _ is the goal of the tragedy.A:plotB:ethosC:pathos答案 : plot3、Aristotle set up his own schools called _.A:lyceumB:athensC:freedom答案 : lyceum4、Comparedwith Plato, the biggest character of Aristotleis_____.A:comprehensivenessB:scientificty C:far-reaching答案 : comprehensiveness5 、Aristotle thinks types differ from one another in three ways: the means, objects and _.A:structureB:frameC:manner答案 : manner第三章1 、 Characteristics of Johson ” s theory on Shakespeare is_____.A:not persistentB:straightforwardC:obscare答案: A2、What”s the attitude on Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson?A:criticalB:praisableC: A and B答案: C3、In_____,Samuel started compiling a dictionary of theEngish language.A:1747B:1755C:1765答案: A4、 Johson considered the shortcoming of Shakespeareis losing of_____.A:pleasureB:teachingC:conflict答案: B5、_ is a friend and biographyer for Samuel.A:James BoswellB:David GarrickC:Edward Cave答案: A第四章1、From the aspect of words, it emphasized words____.A:close to lifeB:unnaturalC: classical答案: C2、Wordsworth, Coleridgo and southey are called _.A:lake poetsB:literature threeC:absurdist poets答案: A3、Which work was published by Wordsworth ”s widow after his death.A: Lyrical BalladsB:The preludeC:Solitary Reaper答案: B4、Wordsworth”s philosophical views almost come from _.A:theory of evolutionB:the apocalypse of natureC:coleridge答案: B5、Wordsworth, Coleridgo and southey are called _.A:lake poetsB:literature threeC:absurdist poets答案: A第五章1、Taine is called as“critics of _”.A:NapoleonB:CharlieC:Hitler答案: A2 、 In Taine ” s first aspect, which country makes philosophers.A:FranceB:EnglandC: Germany答案: C3、Which is not the origin of Taine ”s theory in a literary perspective?A:Sainte-beuveB: Madame de stealC:Rousseau答案: C4、Which work is not written by Taine.A:The philosophy of artB:The ideal in artC:Biographia literaria答案: C5 、 In Taine ” s first aspect, which country makes philosophers.A:FranceB:EnglandC:Germany答案: C第六章1、Which work is written by Wilde in prison?A:A ideal husbandB:VeraC:De profundis答案: C2、Oscar Wilde is called“Prince of _”.A:ProseB:FairytalesC: Fiction答案: B3、Wilde produced _ social comedies in the early 1890s.A:threeB:fourC:five答案: B4、The novel tells us that we should find the balance of beauty and _.A:idealB:moralityC:literature答案: B5、Which drama is created by Oscar Wilde?A:the comedy of ErrorsB:Much ado about nothingC:Salome答案: C第七章1、Who is called as“the father of psychoanolysis” _.A:JungB:FreudC:Darwin答案: B2、Freud divided human development into _stages.A:fiveB:sixC: four答案: A3、Freud called a force can promote Ego to transform into other forms as_____.A:ErosB:libidoC: supergo答案: B4 、The Oedipus complex describes a child ”s sexual desire for his _.A:oppositesex parentsB:oppositesex sistersC:oppositesex brothers答案: A5、In Freud”s view, literature had its origin in _ of human. A:reactionB:sexual desireC:behavior答案: B第八章1、Eliot considered tradtion a _ awareness.A:historicalB:geographyC:classical答案: A2、Which work is created by Eliot?A:The sunsetB: LinesC: The waste land答案: C3、What does Eliot think of about“personality”.A:simple individualB:personal emotion and experienceC: unique character答案: B4、In Eliot ”s view, he suggested poets were like _. A:onlookerB:catalystsC:master答案: B5、Which year that Eliot acquired the Nobel prize. A:1944B:1945C:1946答案: A第九章1、Empson initally found his talents in which subject? A:chemistryB: mathematicsC:physical答案: B2、Empson”s writing has a _ style.A:obscureB:rigorousC:proficient答案: A3、How many times did Empson come to China?A:onceB:twiceC:three times答案: B4、We can called the first type of ambiguity as _.A:metaphorB:comparisonC:symbol答案: A5、There are how many tupes of ambiguity summaryby Empson?A:sixB:sevenC:eight答案: B第十章1、Who has a similar identity to Bakhtin?A:ShklovskyB:FoucaultC:Eliot答案: A2 、 Whose novels were selected to explain Bakhtin ” s theories?A:Tolstoy”sB:Gorky ”sC:Dostoevsky ”s答案: C3、According to Bakhtin,_is the only into an incomplete state.A:NovelB:EpicC: Drama答案: A4、In which year that Bakhtin”s first major work published.A:1920B:1924C:1929答案: C5、Bakhtin was exiled into Siberia in the _.A:1920sB:1930sC:1940s答案: B第十一章1、Abrams is a famous literary critic for _ literature.A:romanticB:realistC:aestheticism答案: A2 、In the Mirror and the Lamp, Abrams put forward the four factors of literture: universe, _, artist and audience.A:workB:objectC:subject答案: A3、The expressive theory stresses the effect of _.A:objective worldB:poet ”s mindC:reader feedback答案: B4、The classical model of rhetoric to discuss poetry was .A:AristotleB:HoraceC:Plato答案: B5、The Mimetic theory first appeared in _.A:Aristotle”s poeticsB:HomericC:Plato”s dialogue答案: C第十二章1、How do we understand the relationship between Against interpretation and the hermeneutics?A:oppositeB:alternativeC:similar答案: C2、How interpretation did Sontag against?A:singular interpretationB:plural interpretationC:hermeneutics答案: A3、Content and _are the two sides of concept.A:interpretationB:formC: transparence答案: B4、Sontag divided the article into _sections.A:nineB:tenC:eleven答案: B5、Which work is Sontag ”s last novel?A:The volcano loverB:In AmericaC:On photography答案: B第十三章1、Jauss and established the knonstanz school.A:IsereB:EsslingenC:Geslingen答案: A2、The theory by Jauss and Iser is the first time _ are seen as core in literary research.A:worksB:readersC:authors答案: B3 、In Jauss ”s view on rewriting the literary history, how many topics did he talk?A:fiveB:sixC: seven答案: C4、Jauss ”s theory is interested more in_____.A:public readersB:single readerC: writing background答案: A5、Jauss and Iser were called as the binary star of _.A:receptional aestheticB:interactive aestheticC:comparative aesthetic答案: A第十四章1、The third definition of orientalism by Said is _.A:of the academic fieldB:as a discourse of powerC:as a discourse pattern答案: B2、In the western tradition,the orientals characters arealways _.A:uglyB: plumpishC:proud答案: A3 、 Edward Said gained his worldwide reputation in _university as well.A:ColumbiaB:OxfordC:Cambridge答案: A4、How many meanings did Said put forward of Orientatismin his book.A:twoB:threeC:four答案: B5、Which book is not written by Said?A:OrientalismB:Culture and imperialismC:Course in Greneral Linguistics 答案: C。
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lecture 11___B__created the world famous Athens school.A、SocratesB、PlatoC、Aristotle2Socrates’ theory is mainly organized by whom?AA、PlatoB、AristotleC、Thales3Ion as a poet, what did he sing when he won the laurel?BA、tragedyB、homericC、comedy4Socrates said that when the inspiration came, the poets will sink into __C__.A、melancholyB、angerC、ecstasy5In Ion Socrates stressed that the inspiration of the poets comes from the __A__.A、godsB、heartC、experience6__A___ said “I am the midwive of philosophy”.A、SocratesB、PlatoC、Aristotle7Who was the first to pick out eidos?BA、SocratesB、PlatoC、Aristotle8What is subject matter of Ion?CA、WealthB、Knowledge9Three sages of Ancient Greece are Plato,__B___and Aristotle.A、ProtagorasB、SocratesC、Homer10Plato use the __A___ to explain the relationship between art and idea.A、bedB、tableC、bookshelfLecture 21Aristotle’s poetics was valued in the history of western literary criticism from __C___century in France.A、13thB、14thC、15th2Until Aristotle, the concept of ___B__ has been adressed explicitly.A、structureB、system3In Aristotle’s view, the core of art is ___A__.A、imitationB、emotionC、truth4In Aristotle’s words, who is more to the truth than historian?BA、painterB、poetC、playwright5__C___ is called a Encyclopedia of character in Greek.A、SocratesB、PlatoC、Aristotle6Compared with Plato, the biggest character of Aristotle is___A__.A、comprehensivenessB、scientifictyC、far-reaching7Aristotle thinks types differ from one another in three ways: the means, objects and __C___.A、structureB、frameC、manner8Aristotle’s Poetics maining discussed about ___A__ and epic.A、tragedyB、comedyC、prose9In the poetics, __A___ is the goal of the tragedy.A、plotB、ethosC、pathos10Aristotle set up his own schools called ___A__.A、lyceumB、athensC、freedomLecture 31In__A___,Samuel started compiling a dictionary of the Engish language.A、1747B、1755C、1765.02What’s the attitude on Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson?CA、criticalB、praisableC、A and B3How to treat the relationship between Johson and classical philosophy.BA、full acceptedB、eclecticC、rejected4Which work of Sumel that even plexander praised it.AA、londonB、the iderC、the rambler5Johson considered the shortcoming of Shakespeare is losing of___B__.A、pleasureB、teachingC、conflict6获取完整版答案,请打开微信扫一扫下方二维码,关注微信公众号:帮帮ING如果无法扫码关注,请按照下方提示操作:In__B___ Jhnson finally published essays of Shakespeare’s plays.A、1755B、1765C、1775.07Samuel Johnson was known in review of _B____.A、HomerB、ShakespeareC、Plato8Characteristics of Johson’s theory on Shakespeare is__A___.A、not persistentB、straightforwardC、obscare9__A___ is a friend and biographyer for Samuel.A、James BoswellB、David GarrickC、Edward Cave10Which work is written by Samuel?BA、Words and objectsB、The vanity of human wishesC、PanopticonLecture 41How does Wordsworth think about the relationship between Poetic language and Prose language?AA、no essential differenceB、unrelatedC、mutually exclusive2Wordsworth compares poetry to___B__ when he talked about the function of poetry.A、prismB、bedC、weapon3Wordsworth gained his reputation among chinese scholars by “Poetry is the nature explession of ___A__”.A、strong emotionsB、external stimuliC、language structure4In the Mirror and the lamp, wordsworth is concluded as a representative of __A___ theories.A、expressiveB、romanticC、emotional5Which book is the representative work of english romantic movement?AA、Lyrical Ballads(1798)B、Lyrical Ballads(1800)C、Beside the tintern abbey6There are two themes of poetry in Wordsworth’s view___C__ and the feeling of the common people.A、villageB、cityC、nature7In what year that wordsworth published his Preface to Lyrical Ballads.BA、1798B、1800C、1802.08Wordsworth’s philosophical views almost come from ___B__.A、theory of evolutionB、the apocalypse of natureC、coleridge9Wordsworth, Coleridgo and southey are called __A___.A、lake poetsB、literature threeC、absurdist poets10Which work was published by Wordsworth’s widow after his death.BA、Lyrical BalladsB、The preludeC、Solitary Reaper11From the aspect of words, it emphasized words__C__.A、close to lifeB、unnaturalC、classicalLecture 51Which work is not written by Taine.CA、The philosophy of artB、The ideal in artC、Biographia literaria2Taine’s theory enlightened people to pay close attention to ___A__ factors of art in his time.A、externalB、internalC、structural3The 3 aspects by Taine are the race, the __C___ and the epoch.A、populationB、polityC、surroundings4Taine believed that literary studies should be based on the _B___ vision.A、scientificB、historicalC、realistic5Which is not the origin of Taine’s theory in a literary perspective?CA、Sainte-beuveB、Madame de stealC、Rousseau6Taine is called as “critics of __A___”.A、NapoleonB、CharlieC、Hitler7In Taine’s first aspect, which country makes philosophers.CA、FranceB、EnglandC、Germany8Which method in 19th century made a great influence on Taine’s theory?AA、scientific methodB、historical methodC、artistic method9In the race,circumstance,and epoch,which is the acquired momentum.CA、raceB、circumstanceC、epoch10In Taine’s view, race is closely related to __A___.A、hereditaryB、individualityC、diversity11Tain e’s theory of surroundings,shows that he thinks the world__B___.A、is diversifiedB、has a whole relationshipC、has different elements。
() T.对F.错9.普罗旺斯的诗歌是在民间发展起来的,它的形式多半借助民歌形式演化而成。
选项:A:本土性B:政治性C:共同性D:社会性答案: 【共同性】2、问题:要使一个文学经典成为世界上流通的文学经典,要采用__的语言。
选项:A:世界范围内流通的B:使用人数最多的C:历史最为悠久的D:书写最为简便的答案: 【世界范围内流通的】3、问题:比较文学从19世纪到20世纪,甚至在某种意义上,可以说在当前都还是一个以西方为中心的一个学科,而__是当代的学者非常重要的一个认识。
选项:A:超越西方中心主义B:超越东方中心主义C:继续西方中心主义D:形成东方中心主义答案: 【超越西方中心主义】4、问题:17、18世纪以及近代所有西方人都认为自己的文化非常发达,他们是文明的代表,非西方则是落后的。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、问题:世界文学是一个固定的概念。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】6、问题:哈佛大学的大卫·丹穆若什在他的《什么是世界文学》一书中认为,超出本国的语言和文化传统,在世界上更广泛的范围内流通的作品,才是世界文学的作品。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】7、问题:做一个好的比较文学学者,既是挑战,同时也是机遇。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】8、问题:差异是使一个文化具备其独特性的一个非常重要的方面,没有文化差异就没有独特的文化。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】9、问题:哈佛大学的大卫·丹穆若什在《什么是世界文学》中认为世界文学是__。
选项:A:世界各国文学的总和B:世界范围内流通的文学C:西方经典文学D:非西方经典文学答案: 【世界范围内流通的文学】10、问题:___是使文学作品能在世界范围内广泛流通的一个最重要的手段。
选项:A:翻译B:文学批评C:学术著作D:原著出版答案: 【翻译】第二章单元测试1、问题:爱默生所引领的_____,是一场思想与文化的解放运动,被誉为美国的文艺复兴。
19年秋冬学期智慧树,知到《文学概论》章节测试完整答案第一章单元测试1、单选题:美国当代文艺学家艾布拉姆斯在《镜与灯--浪漫主义文论及批评传统》一书中提出文学四要素说,他认为文学作为一种活动,总是由( )四个要素组成的。
选项:A:人物、情节、环境、读者B:读者、作者、文本、生活C:社会、作品、作家、读者D:世界、作家、作品、读者答案: 【世界、作家、作品、读者】2、单选题:无论在中国还是在西方,最早研究文学的学问往往被称作( )。
选项:A:文艺学B:文学学C:诗学D:诗歌学答案: 【诗学】3、单选题:国内外文学理论界一般把文艺学分为( )三个分支。
选项:A:文学理论、文学批评、文学阅读B:文学理论、文学批评、文学史C:文学史、文学接受、文学批评D:文学消费、文学阅读、文学接受答案: 【文学理论、文学批评、文学史】4、单选题:文学活动作为一种特殊的精神活动,必然与人类的其它活动不同。
研究文学活动区别于其它活动的特殊性质,就形成了文学活动( )。
选项:A:发展论B:本质论C:创作论D:作品论答案: 【本质论】5、单选题:文学理论作为一门科学,具有实践性和( )的品格。
选项:A:价值取向B:意识形态C:自我表现D:文化批评答案: 【价值取向】6、多选题:文学活动在意向上可以理解为两个过程:( )选项:A:文学创作-文学作品-文学接受B:文学生产-作品价值–文学消费C:世界–作者–作品–读者D:信息形成-信息传播-信息接收答案: 【文学创作-文学作品-文学接受 ;文学生产-作品价值–文学消费】7、单选题:从文学创作-文学作品-文学接受这一流动系统看,文学活动可呈现的形态有 ( )选项:A:文学符号学B:文学社会学C:文学心理学D:文学价值学答案: 【文学符号学】8、单选题:从文学生产-作品价值-文学消费这一流动系统看,文学活动可呈现的形态有( )。
西方文论原典导读_吉林大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.8._____is generally considered the main aesthetic model of the western world.参考答案:the pragmatic theory2. 5.Freud divided human development into _____stages.参考答案:five3.9.In Wilde’s novel, how does he think the relationship between art and life?参考答案:art is higher4. 5.The novel tells us that we should find the balance of beauty and _____.参考答案:morality5.8.The Oedipus complex describes a child’s sexual desire for his _____.参考答案:oppositesex parents6. 4.In Freud’s view, literature had its origin in _____ of human .参考答案:sexual desire7. 2.Freud called a force can promote Ego to transform into other forms as_____.参考答案:libido8. 3.Freud mainly analyzes through _____ and talks about human mind.参考答案:scientific pattern9. 1.In what year that Wordsworth published his Preface to Lyrical Ballads.参考答案:180010. 3. In the Mirror and the lamp, Wordsworth is concluded as a representativeof _____ theories.参考答案:expressive11.10.In Aristotle’s view, the core of art is _____.参考答案:imitation12. 2.Which drama is created by Oscar Wilde?参考答案:Salome13. 1.In Aristotle’s words, who is more to the truth than historian?参考答案:poet14.9.Until Aristotle, the concept of _____ has been adressed explicitly.参考答案:system15.8.Wilde’s last work is _____.参考答案:The ballad of reading caol16. 4.The novel we learned in this class presents Wilder’s views of _____.参考答案:aestheticism17. 3.Oscar Wilde is called “Prince of _____”.参考答案:Fairytales18. 1.Freud provided a new research method, what is it?参考答案:psycho-analysis19. 5.From the aspect of words, it emphasized words____.参考答案:classical20.8.Aristotle’s Poetics mainly discussed about _____ and epic.参考答案:tragedy21. 5.In comparison with Plato, the biggest character of Aristotle is_____.参考答案:comprehensiveness22.10.Which theory concluded those objective perspectives in western literartheory well.参考答案:the mimetic theory23.9.The expressive theory stresses the effect of _____.参考答案:poet’s mind24. 5.Abrams thinks that post-renaissance critics is primarily oriented,not fromwork to universe,but from work to _____.参考答案:audience25. 2.In Abrams’s words, the relationship of art works and universe wasconcluded as the _____theory.参考答案:mimetic26. 6.Which book is the representative work of english romantic movement?参考答案:Lyrical Ballads(1798)27.8.Which work was published by Wordsworth’s widow after his death.参考答案:The prelude28.10.In the novel, Dorian Gray’s life can be summarized as _____.参考答案:double life29. 1.In the Mirror and the Lamp, Abrams put forward the four factors ofliterture: universe, _____, artist and audience.参考答案:works30. 3.Abrams is a famous literary critic for _____ literature.参考答案:romantic31. 6.Who is called as “the father of psychoanolysis” _____.参考答案:Freud32. 4.Aristotle’s poetics was valued in the history of western literary criticismfrom _____century inFrance.参考答案:16th33. 2. Aristotle thinks types differ from one another in three ways: the means,objects and _____.参考答案:manner34.10.In the class about libido, Freud talked _____tiers in people’s mind.参考答案:three35.9.According to the example we talked about interpretation of dreams, whichanimal be used to suggest sexual repression.参考答案:snake36.7.Does Freud believe that a person’s development is determined by geneticfactors.参考答案:no37. 1.In the class, the preface we read is written for which book?参考答案:The picture of Dorian Gray38. 2.Wordsworth, Coleridge and Southey are called _____.参考答案:lake poets39. 6.Wilde produced _____ social comedies in the early 1890s.参考答案:four40.7.Which work is written by Wilde in prison?参考答案:De profundis41.10.Howdoes Wordsworth think about the relationship between Poeticlanguage and Proselanguage?参考答案:no essential difference42.7.Wordsworth’s philosophical views almost all come from _____.参考答案:the apocalypse of nature43. 4.Wordsworth gained his reputation among chinese scholars by “Poetry isthe nature explession of _____”.参考答案:strong emotions44. 6._____ is called a Encyclopedia of character in Greek.参考答案:Aristotle45. 3.In the poetics, _____ is the goal of the tragedy.参考答案:plot46.7.The classical model of rhetoric to discuss poetry was ____.参考答案:Horace47. 6.In the pragmatic theory,poetry’s affects in audiences only as a means end of_.参考答案:teaching48. 4.The Mimetic theory first appeared in _____.参考答案:Plato’s di alogue49.7.Aristotle set up his own schools called _____.参考答案:lyceum。
A.认为儿童语言的发展实际上就是对语言功能的逐渐掌握B.学习自己的母语其实就是学习语言的用途,以及与其相关联的的意义或意义潜势C.结构、词和语音是这种意义潜势的实现D.学习语言就是学习如何表达意义2.12世纪中期,()提出用逻辑方法研究语言问题,语法逻辑化(logicalization of grammar)A.普利森B.波依修斯C.海利亚斯D.索绪尔3.以下关于索绪尔的表述正确的是()。
A.对B.错答案: 错2、西方文学的源头是古希腊罗马文学。
A.对B.错答案: 错3、人学母题贯穿于欧美文学的发展过程中。
A.对B.错答案: 对4、从文艺复兴开始,欧美一些国家先后出现了人文主义、古典主义、启蒙主义、浪漫主义、现实主义、自然主义、现代主义等文学思潮,形成了思潮相继、流派更迭的文学发展模式,这是西方文学不同于东方文学的重要特点。
A.对B.错答案: 对5、古希伯来——基督教文学是西方文学的重要源头之一。
A.对B.错答案: 对第一章1、古希腊悲剧《俄狄浦斯王》的作者是A.埃斯库罗斯B.索福克勒斯C.欧里庇得斯D.阿里斯托芬答案: 索福克勒斯2、古希腊神话大体可分为( )和()两大部分。
A.神的故事B.神的谱系C.英雄传说D.英雄事迹答案: 神的故事,英雄传说3、《奥德修纪》是古罗马诗人维吉尔创作的英雄史诗。
A.对B.错答案: 对4、《俄狄浦斯王》中俄狄浦斯犯下的是“杀父娶母”的罪行。
A.对B.错答案: 对5、特洛伊战争中希腊人用奥德修斯设计的“木马计”最终战胜了特洛伊人。
A.对B.错答案: 对第二章1、中世纪文学不包括下面哪种文学类型?A.宗教文学B.英雄史诗C.骑士文学D.人文主义文学答案: 人文主义文学2、哪几种文学类型属于骑士文学?A.市民文学B.骑士传奇C.骑士抒情诗D.教会文学答案: 骑士传奇,骑士抒情诗3、中世纪市民文学也是宗教文学。
A.对B.错答案: 错4、但丁是中世纪的最后一位诗人,同时又是新时代的最初一位诗人。
A.对B.错答案: 对5、中世纪文学大都带有浓厚的宗教色彩。
A.对B.错答案: 对第三章1、下面哪部作品不属于莎士比亚的悲剧?A.《李尔王》B.《雅典的泰门》C.《温莎的风流娘们》D.《奥赛罗》答案:C2、《麦克白》属于莎士比亚著名的四大悲剧之一。
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智慧树知到《西方文论原典导读》章节测试[完整答案]智慧树知到《西方文论原典导读》章节测试答案第一章1、Plato use the _ to explain the relationship between art and idea.A:bedB:tableC:bookshelf答案: bed2、Socrates” theory is mainly organized by whom?A:PlatoB:AristotleC:Thales答案: Plato3、In Ion Socrates stressed that the inspiration of the poets comes from the .A:godsB:heartC:experience答案: gods4、_ said“I am the midwive of philosophy”.B:PlatoC:Aristotle答案: Socrates5、Three sages of Ancient Greece are Plato,_and Aristotle. A:ProtagorasB:SocratesC:Homer答案: Socrates第二章1、_ is called a Encyclopedia of character in Greek.A:SocratesB:PlatoC:Aristotle答案: Aristotle2、In the poetics, _ is the goal of the tragedy.A:plotB:ethosC:pathos答案: plot3、Aristotle set up his own schools called _.A:lyceumC:freedom答案: lyceum4、Compared with Plato, the biggest character of Aristotle is_____.A:comprehensivenessB:scientifictyC: far-reaching答案: comprehensiveness5、Aristotle thinks types differ from one another in three ways: the means, objects and _.A:structureB:frameC:manner答案: manner第三章1、Characteristics of Johson”s theory on Shakespeare is_____.A:not persistentB:straightforwardC:obscare答案: A2、What”s the attitude on Shakespeare by Samuel Johnson? A:criticalB:praisableC: A and B答案: C3、In_____,Samuel started compiling a dictionary of the Engish language.A:1747B:1755C:1765答案: A4、Johson considered the shortcoming of Shakespeare is losing of_____.A:pleasureB:teachingC:conflict答案: B5、_ is a friend and biographyer for Samuel.A:James BoswellB:David GarrickC:Edward Cave答案: A第四章1、From the aspect of words, it emphasized words____.A:close to lifeB:unnaturalC: classical答案: C2、Wordsworth, Coleridgo and southey are called _.A:lake poetsB:literature threeC:absurdist poets答案: A3、Which work was published by Wordsworth”s widow after his death.A: Lyrical BalladsB:The preludeC:Solitary Reaper答案: B4、Wordsworth”s philosophical views almost come from _. A:theory of evolutionB:the apocalypse of natureC:coleridge答案: B5、Wordsworth, Coleridgo and southey are called _.A:lake poetsB:literature threeC:absurdist poets答案: A第五章1、Taine is called as“critics of _”.A:NapoleonB:CharlieC:Hitler答案: A2、In Taine”s first aspect, which country makes philosophers.A:FranceB:EnglandC: Germany答案: C3、Which is not the origin of Taine”s theory in a literary perspective?A:Sainte-beuveB: Madame de stealC:Rousseau答案: C4、Which work is not written by Taine.A:The philosophy of artB:The ideal in artC:Biographia literaria答案: C5、In Taine”s first aspect, which country makes philosophers.A:FranceB:EnglandC:Germany答案: C第六章1、Which work is written by Wilde in prison?A:A ideal husbandB:VeraC:De profundis答案: C2、Oscar Wilde is called“Prince of _”.A:ProseB:FairytalesC: Fiction答案: B3、Wilde produced _ social comedies in the early 1890s. A:threeB:fourC:five答案: B4、The novel tells us that we should find the balance of beauty and _.A:idealB:moralityC:literature答案: B5、Which drama is created by Oscar Wilde?A:the comedy of ErrorsB:Much ado about nothingC:Salome答案: C第七章1、Who is called as“the father of psychoanolysis” _. A:JungB:FreudC:Darwin答案: B2、Freud divided human development into _stages.A:fiveB:sixC: four答案: A3、Freud called a force can promote Ego to transform into other forms as_____.A:ErosB:libidoC: supergo答案: B4、The Oedipus complex describes a child”s sexual desire for his _.A:oppositesex parentsB:oppositesex sistersC:oppositesex brothers答案: A5、In Freud”s view, literature had its origin in _ of human . A:reactionB:sexual desireC:behavior答案: B第八章1、Eliot considered tradtion a _ awareness.A:historicalB:geographyC:classical答案: A2、Which work is created by Eliot?A:The sunsetB: LinesC: The waste land答案: C3、What does Eliot think of about“personality”.A:simple individualB:personal emotion and experienceC: unique character答案: B4、In Eliot”s view, he suggested poets were like _. A:onlookerB:catalystsC:master答案: B5、Which year that Eliot acquired the Nobel prize.A:1944B:1945C:1946答案: A第九章1、Empson initally found his talents in which subject? A:chemistryB: mathematicsC:physical答案: B2、Empson”s writing has a _ style.A:obscureB:rigorousC:proficient答案: A3、How many times did Empson come to China?A:onceB:twiceC:three times答案: B4、We can called the first type of ambiguity as _.A:metaphorB:comparisonC:symbol答案: A5、There are how many tupes of ambiguity summary by Empson? A:sixB:sevenC:eight答案: B第十章1、Who has a similar identity to Bakhtin?A:ShklovskyB:FoucaultC:Eliot答案: A2、Whose novels were selected to explain Bakhtin”s theories?A:Tolstoy”sB:Gorky”sC:Dostoevsky”s答案: C3、According to Bakhtin,_is the only into an incomplete state.A:NovelB:EpicC: Drama答案: A4、In which year that Bakhtin”s first major work published.A:1920B:1924C:1929答案: C5、Bakhtin was exiled into Siberia in the _.A:1920sB:1930sC:1940s答案: B第十一章1、Abrams is a famous literary critic for _ literature. A:romanticB:realistC:aestheticism答案: A2、In the Mirror and the Lamp, Abrams put forward the four factors of literture: universe, _, artist and audience.A:workB:objectC:subject答案: A3、The expressive theory stresses the effect of _.A:objective worldB:poet”s mindC:reader feedback答案: B4、The classical model of rhetoric to discuss poetry was . A:AristotleB: HoraceC: Plato答案: B5、The Mimetic theory first appeared in _.A:Aristotle”s poeticsB:HomericC:Plato”s dialogue答案: C第十二章1、How do we understand the relationship between Against interpretation and the hermeneutics?A:oppositeB:alternativeC:similar答案: C2、How interpretation did Sontag against?A:singular interpretationB:plural interpretationC:hermeneutics答案: A3、Content and _are the two sides of concept.A:interpretationB:formC: transparence答案: B4、Sontag divided the article into _sections.A:nineB:tenC:eleven答案: B5、Which work is Sontag”s last novel?A:The volcano loverB:In AmericaC:On photography答案: B第十三章1、Jauss and established the knonstanz school.A:IsereB:EsslingenC:Geslingen答案: A2、The theory by Jauss and Iser is the first time _ are seen as core in literary research.A:worksB:readersC:authors答案: B3、In Jauss”s view on rewriting the literary history, how many topics did he talk?A:fiveB:sixC: seven答案: C4、Jauss”s theory is interested more in_____.A:public readersB:single readerC: writing background答案: A5、Jauss and Iser were called as the binary star of _.A:receptional aestheticB:interactive aestheticC:comparative aesthetic答案: A第十四章1、The third definition of orientalism by Said is _.A:of the academic fieldB:as a discourse of powerC:as a discourse pattern答案: B2、In the western tradition,the orientals characters are always _.A:uglyB: plumpishC:proud答案: A3、Edward Said gained his worldwide reputation in _university as well.A:ColumbiaB:OxfordC:Cambridge答案: A4、How many meanings did Said put forward of Orientatism in his book.A:twoB:threeC:four答案: B5、Which book is not written by Said?A:OrientalismB: Culture and imperialismC: Course in Greneral Linguistics 答案: C。