
损耗 小 小于0.5%
响应 1ms以内 速度
噪音 小,45dB
可靠 性维 护性
模块化 免维护
大 1~1.2%(TCR) 1.4~2.0% (MCR)
较大,65dB 复杂,占地面积大
TCR和MCR是阻抗型补偿,在长期运行过 程中,系统运行情况改变、电抗器、电容 器参数发生变化,都易导致谐波电压放大, 影响系统安全性。
SVG 工作原理示意图
SVG 装置的基本原理就是将自换相桥式电路通过变压器并联在电网上,适当地调节桥式电路交
UI = Us,IL = 0,SVG 不吸发无功。
链式 SVG 的开关频率约 500Hz,但等效频率
工作频率 三电平为 N/2 倍。N 为并联或串联模块数量 高,输出电压特性好。
谐波特性好,且能有效滤除 13 次以下谐波
三电平运行损耗约为链式的 4 倍, 两电平损耗约 5 倍以上。
技术水平 在大功率变频领域已逐步被淘汰
产品和技术 国内厂家近两年刚研发出来,产品仍处在现场 国内最早从事 QNSVG 研发和推广,将近

版本: Ver. 2.0C
XHK-II 型消弧线圈自动调谐及选线成套装置使用说明书
消弧线圈的选型应参考系统的电容电流,根据电容电流大小来决定消弧线圈 的补偿范围。一般来说,系统应按电压等级估算电容电流,每一电压等级总电容 电流均应包括线路,母线及其它一次设备的电容电流。实际计算时往往将变电站 设备的电容电流纳入线路电容电流中的方法计算。即:
4-1 接地变压器 ·········································· 3 4-2 有载消弧线圈······································· 4 4-3 自动调谐及选线控制器··························· 6 4-4 阻尼电阻控制箱···································· 8 4-5 中性点电压互感器································· 9 4-6 隔离开关············································· 9 4-7 控制屏················································ 9 五、面板布置··················································· 9 六、操作说明··················································· 9 6-1 菜单结构············································· 10 6-2 菜单项说明·········································· 10 6-3 故障及报警显示···································· 19 七、运行维护注意事项······································· 21 7-1 总则··················································· 21 7-2 正常运行时注意事项······························ 21 7-3 系统单相接地时注意事项························ 23 7-4 装置异常时注意事项······························ 23 7-5 维护注意事项······································· 23 八、售后服务··················································· 24 九、订货须知··················································· 24 十、附录························································· 25

公司战略 坚持不断创新、引进和学习创新,成为电气行业的技术领导者
不断优化管理、提高效率,为客户提供高品质、性价比最优的产品与服务 坚持国际化战略,成为输配电业务的总包商。
A 画册 方案展示:
(画册采用280*280mm尺寸设计,封面和内页 250g铜板纸印刷,分为11部分,共28P。) 20000份 设计,制作,印刷 总价:132280
思源清能电气电子有限公司作为著名电力设备供应商—思源电气股份有限公司 (股票代码:002028)的专业子公司之一,专注于大功率电力电子技术的应用。公 司在北京与清华大学柔性输配电系统研究所密切合作,成立了注册资金6000万元的 全资子公司北京思源清能电气电子有限公司,作为研究与开发中心。该中心创立于 2004年,建立了以八名博士、二十多名硕士为主要力量的、强有力的研发队伍,是 目前国内唯一一家掌握多种柔性交流输配电装置自主知识产权、能够提供输配电系统 稳定分析、电能质量咨询服务及大功率电力电子设备研发和制造的高新技术企业。

237 262 287 237 262 287 258 293 328 320.5 380.5 440.5
实时监测两路电源的三相电压值,通过面板上的拨码开关来设定参数(欠压、过 压、切换时间、返回时间)、通过面板上的自锁按钮来切换手动或自动操作方式。
实时监测两路电源的三相电压值,通过液晶面板来修改和查看参数(电压保护、工 作方式、切换时间、返回时间)、手动或自动控制方式,以及电网—电网、电网—发电 机、控制2、3、4极开关、控制两段式或三段式开关本体、消防置零、故障提示、输出及 记录、RS485通信等。
RMQ5Y-2 自动转换开关简介 RMQ5Y-3 产品结构、技术数据与控制方式 RMQ5Y-6 智能控制器简介 RMQ5Y-7 电气原理图 RMQ5Y-8 外形及安装尺寸 RMQ5Y-9 订货单格式
RMQ5Y 系列自动转换开关

EPEC— 䇎Դⱘ 㓁Є ⱘ㒣偠 њ㾷 ẄՓEPEC ҹ ⱘ ⫳ѻ 䗴 ӭԈ ⱘˈ ⦃ ⱘ ẄˈՓ 㛑 ⱘ DŽEPEC ϔϾЎ Ẅ կ ㋏㒳ⱘ Ḝ 䘏䕥㋏㒳 ⱘ DŽ䰸њ Ӏⱘ催䋼䞣ⱘѻ ⫳ѻ㒓ˈEPECгЎ կ䕃ӊⱘ 䆁 DŽӀ 䇎Ў ӭԈ ⦄Ⳃ ϡ ⱘЎ DŽ Ӏ 㒻㓁 ҹ 催 Ẅⱘ ⥛ Ў ℷ⹂ⱘ㾷 ḜDŽӀⱘ乒 㕸 ⱘˈ ḋ Ӏ ϸϾЏ㽕ⱘ 㢀 DŽ Ӏⱘ 䭓Ёⱘ ӭԈг㛑 կ ⱘ 催 䋼ⱘѻ ˈ ヺ ⱘ䳔∖DŽ Ҟⱘ Ẅ 乏㸼⦄ 催ѻ 㛑ˈ催 䴴 ⱘ䗖 㛑 DŽҪӀ 䆹 ϟ ⱘ ┰㛑DŽ㋏㒳 ҹ 㸼⦄ ⱘ DŽ ㋏㒳 ⱘ Ẅⱘ 㛑 ⫳ѻ DŽ ḋˈ㋏㒳г ҹẔ⌟ 䆞 䋳䕑ˈ ˈ⏽ ˈ Ҫ 㛑Ϣ Ⳍ ⱘ 㛑䖭ѯ㋏㒳 ҹ Շⱘ㸼⦄ 催䕧 㛑 ˈЎ 䋵⤂ 䚼┰㛑 կ Ͼ ⱘ ⧚ 㛑DŽ2024-01 2024㓪 ˈCoDeSys 䕃ӊ㓪䆥 CANOpen ǃCAN2.0B 㒓52䏃⡍⅞䆒䅵ⱘI/O ッ䞡䞣 㒓 䰆 ㄝ㑻 ⏽ 䌂 ⏽ 㗫 ⬉ 㓪⬉ ⬉⑤ ⬉⌕⬉⑤ 㗤 ⦃ ぎ䯈 䫌䪱 䞥147×113×46 mm0.7kg䰆∈ ӊIP67-40ć~+70ć-50ć~+85ć1.8W ˄24VDC ǃぎ䕑˅10~30VDC>11.5VDC13A ˄24VDC ˅70VDC<10ms128/256KB248×16bit I/O ッ 䇈I/O ッ 4䏃4䏃8䏃8䏃24䏃4䏃52䏃DI √√√√√AI √PWM √DO √√PI√䰘ӊ23䩜 ӊ23䩜 ӊ23䩜 ӊ8䩜 ӊ 䩜23䩜㒓 23䩜㒓 23䩜㒓 8䩜㒓 䰆 Ⲫ㓪䆥䕃ӊCAN 㒓䇗䆩䕃ӊ⹀ӊ㾷 ⢫USB-CAN ϟ䕑㒓KX0007KX0008KX0009KX0187KX0010KX0007-10/15KX0008-10/15KX0009-10/15KX0187-10/15E108011AL CoDeSys 2.1CAN moon E30133014E00000012E30901290DI ӊ 㒓 䗝䰘ӊ㓪 FB √ I/O ッI/O ッ ⬉⇨䇈30VDC ˈ 12Hz12Hz㾷 10bit㾷 10bit㾷 10bit10KHz ˈ >4.8V 0~1A,㾷 10bit⬉ 9&& 3A3A22mA䕧 ⬉⌕0-3A9&&乥⥛40~2550Hzぎ↨0~100%AI PI FB DO PWM PNP NPN 4~20mA 0~5V ⬉䰏PNP NPN NPN ⫼ ԡ䍋䞡 ǃ ㄝ 䪏 ǃ䖲㓁 䪏 ǃ䭓㶎 䪏 ㄝ 䫎 ǃ䪷 ǃ䕀䖤䔺ǃ ⛁ ⫳䔺ǃ ǃ 䏃 ㄝӤ ẄҎㄝ ǃ㺙䕑 ǃ⋉䔺ㄝ 䖤䕧䔺ǃ ṕ ㄝ ⸈䔺ㄝ ϟ㺙䕑 ǃ⬉䫆ǃ⠭䕂䪏 ㄝ⎆ ⫳ѻ ㄝ䍋䞡 㺙 Ẅḽ Ẅ䏃䴶 Ẅ Ϯ Ẅ ㄥ Ẅ␃ 㠍㠊ḹṕ Ẅ⸈ Ẅⷓ Ẅ 㞾 DI: 䞣䕧 AI: 䞣䕧 PI:乥⥛䕧 FB:PWM ⬉⌕ 作䕧 DO: 䞣䕧 PWM:㛝 䇗 䕧 ⬉⺕ (0& ⌟䆩 ISO/DIS14982˄1996˅ ESD ⌟䆩 㸠偊⢊ ⶀ ⌾⍠ ⌟䆩95/54/EC 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠 㒓⬉ѻ⫳ⱘ⬉⺕ ⌟䆩EN 6100-6-3(2001) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠 EN 6100-6-2(2001) ⬉ 㒓⬉ ⌟䆩 ⬉⇨ 䗳ⶀ ˄EFT/B ˅⌟䆩FCC47CFR part15,subpart B,class B(1994) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 61000-4-2(1995)B 㑻ISO 7637-2(1990)B 㑻95/54/EC(1995)95/54/EC(1995)A 㑻EN 55011(1998)EN 55011(1998)EN 61000-4-6(1996)A 㑻EN 61000-4-4(1995)B 㑻CISSPR 22(1997)2024-02136 mm113 mm147 mm10 mm6.2 mm35 mm46 mm↨՟ 1:2XM1XM2XM3XM42 M6㶎䩝˄DIN912 ˅Փ⫼Epec䰆 㔽˄E10801109˅ˈ 㤤⫼Epec E10701038㋻ 㶎䩝Ⳉ ∈ 㺙ˈ ϟ2024-032024-042023-01 2023㓪 ˈCoDeSys 䕃ӊ㓪䆥 CANOpen ǃCAN2.0B 㒓52䏃⡍⅞䆒䅵ⱘI/O ッ䞡䞣 㒓 䰆 ㄝ㑻 ⏽ 䌂 ⏽ 㗫 ⬉ 㓪⬉ ⬉⑤ ⬉⌕⬉⑤ 㗤 ⦃ ぎ䯈 䫌䪱 䞥147×113×46 mm0.7kg䰆∈ ӊIP67-40ć~+70ć-50ć~+85ć1.8W ˄24VDC ǃぎ䕑˅10~30VDC>11.5VDC13A ˄24VDC ˅70VDC<10ms128/256KB248×16bit I/O ッ 䇈I/O ッ 16䏃16䏃8䏃12䏃52䏃DI √√√√AI √PWM √DO √√PI √䰘ӊ23䩜 ӊ23䩜 ӊ23䩜 ӊ8䩜 ӊ 䩜23䩜㒓 23䩜㒓 23䩜㒓 8䩜㒓 䰆 Ⲫ㓪䆥䕃ӊCAN 㒓䇗䆩䕃ӊ⹀ӊ㾷 ⢫USB-CAN ϟ䕑㒓KX0007KX0008KX0009KX0187KX0010KX0007-10/15KX0008-10/15KX0009-10/15KX0187-10/15E108011AL CoDeSys 2.1CAN moon E30133014E00000012E30901290DI ӊ 㒓 䗝䰘ӊ㓪 I/O ッI/O ッ ⬉⇨䇈30VDC ˈ 12Hz12Hz㾷 10bit㾷 10bit㾷 10bit10KHz ˈ >4.8V 0~1A,㾷 10bit⬉ :VCC, 3A3A22mA 䕧 ⬉⌕0-3AVCC乥⥛40~2550Hzぎ↨0~100%AI PI FB DO PWM PNP NPN 4~20mA 0~5V ⬉䰏PNP NPN NPN ⫼ԡ䍋䞡 ǃ ㄝ 䪏 ǃ䖲㓁 䪏 ǃ䭓㶎 䪏 ㄝ 䫎 ǃ䪷 ǃ䕀䖤䔺ǃ ⛁ ⫳䔺ǃ ǃ 䏃 ㄝӤ ẄҎㄝ ǃ㺙䕑 ǃ⋉䔺ㄝ 䖤䕧䔺ǃ ṕ ㄝ ⸈䔺ㄝ ϟ㺙䕑 ǃ⬉䫆ǃ⠭䕂䪏 ㄝ⎆ ⫳ѻ ㄝ䍋䞡 㺙 Ẅḽ Ẅ䏃䴶 Ẅ Ϯ Ẅ ㄥ Ẅ␃ 㠍㠊ḹṕ Ẅ⸈ Ẅⷓ Ẅ 㞾 DI: 䞣䕧 AI: 䞣䕧 PI:乥⥛䕧 FB:PWM ⬉⌕ 作䕧 DO: 䞣䕧 PWM:㛝 䇗 䕧 ⬉⺕ (0& ⌟䆩 ISO/DIS14982˄1996˅ ESD ⌟䆩 㸠偊⢊ ⶀ ⌾⍠ ⌟䆩95/54/EC 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠 㒓⬉ѻ⫳ⱘ⬉⺕ ⌟䆩EN 6100-6-3(2001) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠 EN 6100-6-2(2001) ⬉ 㒓⬉ ⌟䆩 ⬉⇨ 䗳ⶀ ˄EFT/B ˅⌟䆩FCC47CFR part15,subpart B,class B(1994) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 61000-4-2(1995)B 㑻ISO 7637-2(1990)B 㑻95/54/EC(1995)95/54/EC(1995)A 㑻EN 55011(1998)EN 55011(1998)EN 61000-4-6(1996)A 㑻EN 61000-4-4(1995)B 㑻CISSPR 22(1997)2023-02136.00 mm113.00 mm147.00 mm10.00 mm6,20 mm35.00 mm46.00 mm↨՟ 1:2XM1XM2XM3XM42 M6㶎䩝˄DIN912 ˅Փ⫼Epec䰆 㔽˄E10801109˅ˈ 㤤⫼Epec E10701038㋻ 㶎䩝Ⳉ ∈ 㺙ˈ ϟ2023-032023-042020-01 2020㓪 ˈCoDeSys 䕃ӊ㓪䆥 CANOpen ǃCAN2.0B 㒓 59䏃⡍⅞䆒䅵ⱘI/O ッ䞡䞣 㒓 䰆 ㄝ㑻 ⏽ 䌂 ⏽ 㗫 ⬉ 㓪⬉ ⬉⑤ ⬉⌕⬉⑤ 㗤 ⦃ ぎ䯈䫌䪱 䞥147×113×46 mm0.7kg 䰆∈ ӊIP67-40ć~+70ć-50ć~+85ć1.8W ˄24VDC ǃぎ䕑˅10~30VDC >11.5VDC 13A ˄24VDC ˅70VDC <10ms 128/256KB 248×16bitI/O ッ 䇈I/O ッ 1䏃2×10䏃6䏃8䏃24䏃59䏃DI √√√√AI√PWM√DO√PI√䰘ӊ23䩜 ӊ23䩜 ӊ23䩜 ӊ8䩜 ӊ 䩜23䩜㒓 23䩜㒓 23䩜㒓 8䩜㒓 䰆 Ⲫ㓪䆥䕃ӊCAN 㒓䇗䆩䕃ӊ⹀ӊ㾷 ⢫USB-CAN ϟ䕑㒓KX0007KX0008KX0009KX0187KX0010KX0007-10/15KX0008-10/15KX0009-10/15KX0187-10/15E108011AL CoDeSys 2.1CAN moon E30133014E00000012E30901290DIӊ 㒓䗝䰘ӊ㓪 FB√ I/O ッI/O ッ ⬉⇨䇈30VDC ˈ 12Hz12Hz 㾷 10bit 㾷 10bit 㾷 10bit 10KHz ˈ >4.8V 0~1A,㾷 10bit ⬉ 9&& 3A3A 22mA 䕧 ⬉⌕0-3A9&&乥⥛40~2550Hz ぎ↨0~100%AIPI FBDOPWMPNP NPN 4~20mA0~5V ⬉䰏PNPNPNNPN⫼ԡ≑䔺䍋䞡 ǃ ㄝ 䪏 ǃ䖲㓁 䪏 ǃ䭓㶎 䪏 ㄝ䫎 ǃ䪷 ǃ䕀䖤䔺ǃ ⛁ ⫳䔺ǃ ǃ 䏃 ㄝӤ ẄҎㄝǃ㺙䕑 ǃ⋉䔺ㄝ 䖤䕧䔺ǃ ṕ ㄝ ⸈䔺ㄝϟ㺙䕑 ǃ⬉䫆ǃ⠭䕂䪏 ㄝ⎆ ⫳ѻ ㄝ䍋䞡 㺙 Ẅḽ Ẅ䏃䴶 Ẅ Ϯ Ẅ ㄥ Ẅ␃ 㠍㠊ḹṕ Ẅ⸈ Ẅⷓ Ẅ 㞾DI: 䞣䕧AI: 䞣䕧 PI:乥⥛䕧FB:PWM ⬉⌕ 作䕧DO: 䞣䕧PWM:㛝 䇗 䕧⬉⺕ (0& ⌟䆩ISO/DIS14982˄1996˅ ESD ⌟䆩㸠偊⢊ ⶀ ⌾⍠ ⌟䆩95/54/EC㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠㒓⬉ѻ⫳ⱘ⬉⺕ ⌟䆩EN 6100-6-3(2001) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 6100-6-2(2001)⬉ 㒓⬉ ⌟䆩 ⬉⇨ 䗳ⶀ ˄EFT/B ˅⌟䆩FCC47CFR part15,subpart B,class B(1994) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 61000-4-2(1995)B 㑻ISO 7637-2(1990)B 㑻95/54/EC(1995)95/54/EC(1995)A 㑻EN 55011(1998)EN 55011(1998)EN 61000-4-6(1996)A 㑻EN 61000-4-4(1995)B 㑻CISSPR 22(1997)2020-02136 mm113 mm147 mm10 mm6.2 mm35 mm46 mm↨՟ 1:2XM1XM2XM3XM42 M6㶎䩝˄DIN912 ˅Փ⫼Epec䰆 㔽˄E10801109˅ˈ 㤤⫼Epec E10701038㋻ 㶎䩝Ⳉ ∈ 㺙ˈ ϟ2020-032020-042038-01䗋Դ 2038㓪 ˈCoDeSys 䕃ӊ㓪䆥 CANOpen ǃCAN2.0B 㒓 20䏃⡍⅞䆒䅵ⱘI/O ッ䞡䞣 㒓 䰆 ㄝ㑻 ⏽ 䌂 ⏽ 㗫 ⬉ 㓪⬉ ⬉⑤ ⬉⌕⬉⑤ 㗤 ⦃ ぎ䯈䫌䪱 䞥147.5×63×53 mm0.5kg 䰆∈ ӊIP67-40ć~+70ć-50ć~+85ć1W ˄24VDC ǃぎ䕑˅10~30VDC >11.5VDC 13A ˄24VDC ˅70VDC <10ms 128/256KB 248×16bitI/O ッ 䇈I/O ッ 6䏃4䏃3䏃6䏃1䏃20䏃DI √√√√AI√PWM √DO √√PI√䰘ӊ23䩜 ӊ8䩜 ӊ 䩜23䩜㒓 8䩜㒓 㓪䆥䕃ӊCAN 㒓䇗䆩䕃ӊUSB-CAN ϟ䕑㒓KX0007KX0187KX0010KX0007-10/15KX0187-10/15CoDeSys 2.3CAN moon E00000012E30901290DIӊ 㒓㓪 FB√ I/O ッI/O ッ ⬉⇨䇈30VDC ˈ 12Hz12Hz 㾷 10bit 㾷 10bit 㾷 10bit 10KHz ˈ >4.8V 0~1A,㾷 10bit ⬉ 9&& 3A3A 22mA 䕧 ⬉⌕0-3A9&&乥⥛40~2550Hz ぎ↨0~100%AIPI FBDOPWMPNP NPN 4~20mA0~5V ⬉䰏PNPNPN NPN⫼ԡ䍋䞡 ǃ ㄝ 䪏 ǃ䖲㓁 䪏 ǃ䭓㶎 䪏 ㄝ䫎 ǃ䪷 ǃ䕀䖤䔺ǃ ⛁ ⫳䔺ǃ ǃ 䏃 ㄝӤ ẄҎㄝǃ㺙䕑 ǃ⋉䔺ㄝ 䖤䕧䔺ǃ ṕ ㄝ ⸈䔺ㄝϟ㺙䕑 ǃ⬉䫆ǃ⠭䕂䪏 ㄝ⎆ ⫳ѻ ㄝ䍋䞡 㺙 Ẅḽ Ẅ䏃䴶 Ẅ Ϯ Ẅ ㄥ Ẅ␃ 㠍㠊ḹṕ Ẅ⸈ Ẅⷓ Ẅ 㞾DI: 䞣䕧AI: 䞣䕧 PI:乥⥛䕧FB:PWM ⬉⌕ 作䕧DO: 䞣䕧PWM:㛝 䇗 䕧⬉⺕ (0& ⌟䆩ISO/DIS14982˄1996˅ ESD ⌟䆩㸠偊⢊ ⶀ ⌾⍠ ⌟䆩95/54/EC㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠㒓⬉ѻ⫳ⱘ⬉⺕ ⌟䆩EN 6100-6-3(2001) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 6100-6-2(2001)⬉ 㒓⬉ ⌟䆩 ⬉⇨ 䗳ⶀ ˄EFT/B ˅⌟䆩FCC47CFR part15,subpart B,class B(1994) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 61000-4-2(1995)B 㑻ISO 7637-2(1990)B 㑻95/54/EC(1995)95/54/EC(1995)A 㑻EN 55011(1998)EN 55011(1998)EN 61000-4-6(1996)A 㑻EN 61000-4-4(1995)B 㑻CISSPR 22(1997)2038-02↨՟1:2 2 M6㶎䩝˄DIN912 ˅Ⳉ ∈ 㺙ˈ ϟ2038-032038-042021-01㒓ㅵ⧚HUB 2021㓪 ˈCoDeSys 䕃ӊ㓪䆥 CANOpen ǃCAN2.0B 㒓 12䏃⡍⅞䆒䅵ⱘI/O ッ CAN 㒓 ⬉⑤HUB ㅵ⧚ 㛑䞡䞣 㒓 䰆 ㄝ㑻 ⏽ 䌂 ⏽ 㗫 ⬉ 㓪⬉ ⬉⑤ ⬉⌕⬉⑤ 㗤 ⦃ ぎ䯈䫌䪱 䞥147×113×46 mm0.7kg 䰆∈ ӊIP67-40ć~+70ć-50ć~+85ć1.8W ˄24VDC ǃぎ䕑˅10~30VDC >11.5VDC 13A ˄24VDC ˅70VDC <10ms 128/256KB 248×16bitI/O ッ 䇈I/O ッ 6䏃2䏃4䏃12䏃DI √√√AI√PWM√DO√PI √√䰘ӊ23䩜 ӊ23䩜 ӊ23䩜 ӊ8䩜 ӊ䩜23䩜㒓 23䩜㒓 23䩜㒓 8䩜㒓䰆 Ⲫ㓪䆥䕃ӊCAN 㒓䇗䆩䕃ӊ⹀ӊ㾷 ⢫USB-CAN ϟ䕑㒓KX0007KX0008KX0009KX0187KX0010KX0007-10/15KX0008-10/15KX0009-10/15KX0187-10/15E108011AL CoDeSys 2.1CAN moon E30133014E00000012E30901290DIӊ 㒓䗝䰘ӊ㓪 I/O ッI/O ッ ⬉⇨䇈30VDC ˈ 12Hz12Hz 㾷 10bit 㾷 10bit 㾷 10bit 10KHz ˈ >4.8V 0~1A,㾷 10bit ⬉ 9&& 3A3A 22mA 䕧 ⬉⌕0-3A9&&乥⥛40~2550Hz ぎ↨0~100%AIPI FBDOPWMPNP NPN 4~20mA0~5V ⬉䰏PNPNPN NPN⫼ԡ䍋䞡 ǃ ㄝ 䪏 ǃ䖲㓁 䪏 ǃ䭓㶎 䪏 ㄝ䫎 ǃ䪷 ǃ䕀䖤䔺ǃ ⛁ ⫳䔺ǃ ǃ 䏃 ㄝӤ ẄҎㄝǃ㺙䕑 ǃ⋉䔺ㄝ 䖤䕧䔺ǃ ṕ ㄝ ⸈䔺ㄝϟ㺙䕑 ǃ⬉䫆ǃ⠭䕂䪏 ㄝ⎆ ⫳ѻ ㄝ䍋䞡 㺙 Ẅḽ Ẅ䏃䴶 Ẅ Ϯ Ẅ ㄥ Ẅ␃ 㠍㠊ḹṕ Ẅ⸈ Ẅⷓ Ẅ 㞾DI: 䞣䕧AI: 䞣䕧 PI:乥⥛䕧FB:PWM ⬉⌕ 作䕧DO: 䞣䕧PWM:㛝 䇗 䕧⬉⺕ (0& ⌟䆩ISO/DIS14982˄1996˅ ESD ⌟䆩㸠偊⢊ ⶀ ⌾⍠ ⌟䆩95/54/EC㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠㒓⬉ѻ⫳ⱘ⬉⺕ ⌟䆩EN 6100-6-3(2001) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 6100-6-2(2001)⬉ 㒓⬉ ⌟䆩 ⬉⇨ 䗳ⶀ ˄EFT/B ˅⌟䆩FCC47CFR part15,subpart B,class B(1994) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 61000-4-2(1995)B 㑻ISO 7637-2(1990)B 㑻95/54/EC(1995)95/54/EC(1995)A 㑻EN 55011(1998)EN 55011(1998)EN 61000-4-6(1996)A 㑻EN 61000-4-4(1995)B 㑻CISSPR 22(1997)2021-02↨՟1:22 M6㶎䩝˄DIN912 ˅Փ⫼Epec 䰆 㔽˄E10801109˅ˈ 㤤⫼Epec E10701038㋻ 㶎䩝 Ⳉ ∈ 㺙ˈ ϟ136.00 mm147.00 mm113.00 mm10.00 mm6,20 mm46.00 mm35.00 mmXH1XH2XH3XH5XH42021-032021-042033-01⬉⑤ 2033㓪 ˈCANopen slave CANOpen 㒓 14䏃⡍⅞䆒䅵ⱘI/O ッ䞡䞣 㒓 䰆 ㄝ㑻 ⏽ 䌂 ⏽ 㗫 ⬉ 㓪⬉ ⬉⑤ ⬉⌕⬉⑤ 㗤 ⦃䫌䪱 䞥147×113×46 mm0.7kg 䰆∈ ӊIP67-40ć~+70ć-50ć~+85ć1.8W ˄24VDC ǃぎ䕑˅10~30VDC >11.5VDC 13A ˄24VDC ˅70VDC <10msI/O ッ 䇈I/O ッ 4䏃5䏃1䏃3䏃1䏃14䏃DI√√AI√PWM √(Max:10A)√DO √(Max:10A)√√䰘ӊ23䩜 ӊ8䩜 ӊ䩜23䩜㒓 8䩜㒓䰆 Ⲫ㓪䆥䕃ӊCAN 㒓䇗䆩䕃ӊ⹀ӊ㾷 ⢫USB-CAN ϟ䕑㒓KX0007KX0187KX0010KX0007-10/15KX0187-10/15E108011AL CoDeSys 2.1CAN moon E30133014E00000012E30901290DIӊ 㒓䗝䰘ӊ㓪 I/O ッI/O ッ ⬉⇨䇈30VDC ˈ 12Hz12Hz 㾷 10bit 㾷 10bit 㾷 10bit 10KHz ˈ >4.8V 0~1A,㾷 10bit ⬉ 9&& 3A3A 22mA 䕧 ⬉⌕0-3A9&&乥⥛40~2550Hz ぎ↨0~100%AIPI FBDOPWMPNP NPN 4~20mA0~5V ⬉䰏PNPNPN NPN⫼ԡ䍋䞡 ǃ ㄝ 䪏 ǃ䖲㓁 䪏 ǃ䭓㶎 䪏 ㄝ䫎 ǃ䪷 ǃ䕀䖤䔺ǃ ⛁ ⫳䔺ǃ ǃ 䏃 ㄝӤ ẄҎㄝǃ㺙䕑 ǃ⋉䔺ㄝ 䖤䕧䔺ǃ ṕ ㄝ ⸈䔺ㄝϟ㺙䕑 ǃ⬉䫆ǃ⠭䕂䪏 ㄝ⎆ ⫳ѻ ㄝ䍋䞡 㺙 Ẅḽ Ẅ䏃䴶 Ẅ Ϯ Ẅ ㄥ Ẅ␃ 㠍㠊ḹṕ Ẅ⸈ Ẅⷓ Ẅ 㞾DI: 䞣䕧AI: 䞣䕧 PI:乥⥛䕧FB:PWM ⬉⌕ 作䕧DO: 䞣䕧PWM:㛝 䇗 䕧⬉⺕ (0& ⌟䆩ISO/DIS14982˄1996˅ ESD ⌟䆩㸠偊⢊ ⶀ ⌾⍠ ⌟䆩95/54/EC㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠 㒓⬉ѻ⫳ⱘ⬉⺕ ⌟䆩EN 6100-6-3(2001) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 6100-6-2(2001)⬉ 㒓⬉ ⌟䆩 ⬉⇨ 䗳ⶀ ˄EFT/B ˅⌟䆩FCC47CFR part15,subpart B,class B(1994) 㒓 ⊘ⓣ 偠EN 61000-4-2(1995)B 㑻ISO 7637-2(1990)B 㑻95/54/EC(1995)95/54/EC(1995)A 㑻EN 55011(1998)EN 55011(1998)EN 61000-4-6(1996)A 㑻EN 61000-4-4(1995)B 㑻CISSPR 22(1997)2033-02↨՟1:22 M6㶎䩝˄DIN912 ˅Փ⫼Epec 䰆 㔽˄E10801109˅ˈ 㤤⫼Epec E10701038㋻ 㶎䩝 Ⳉ ∈ 㺙ˈ ϟ2040_V1.0 -1上海派芬自动控制技术有限公司 电话:+86-(21)-51303669/70, 传真:+86-(21)-51303671 网址: , 邮箱:tech@显示器 20405.7英寸高性能彩色图形显示器 PLCOPEN 或C 语言编程 5个可编程按键1个CAN1接口(CAN2可选)、2个USB1.1接口 1个RS232/RS422/RS485接口,1个以太网接口一般特性显示器类型彩色图形显示器分辨率 320×240像素 可视尺寸 5.7寸 颜色 24位 CPUARM ,180MHz 存储(FLASH, RAM, NVRAM ) 64MB/ 32MB/ 512KB 操作系统 LINUX 编程 PLCOPEN/ C 工作电压 10~30VDC 瞬间最大电压70VDC工作温度 -20℃~+60℃ 贮存温度 -30℃~+70℃ 防护等级 IP65功耗 7W (24VDC 、空载)外形尺寸 181×120×53mm 重量 1.2kg 外壳材料 铸铝合金 连接方式 防水接插件 安装方式 支架/面板Shanghai Pal-Fin Automatic Control Technology Co., Ltd.Tel:+86-(21)-51303669/70, Fax:+86-(21)-51303671, E-mail:tech@2040_V1.0 -2外形尺寸:。


通过画册展示思源电气的专业能力和品牌形象,增强市场认知度 和品牌价值。
突出展示思源电气的核心产品和解决方案,吸引潜在客户的关注和 兴趣。
展现思源电气的企业文化、发展历程和社会责任,增强与利益相关 者的共鸣和认同。
介绍公司在员工培养、晋升、福利等 方面的政策与实践,展现公司对员工 的关心与重视。
阐述公司在环保、公益等方面的社会 责任实践,展示公司的良好企业形象 。
采用简约、流畅的线条,强调几 何形状和抽象元素,体现现代、
1. 企业宣传:用于向客户、投资者等展示企业形 象、产品与服务。
2. 招商加盟:向潜在加盟商展示企业实力、加盟 优势等。
3. 内部培训:作为企业内部培训教 材,提升员工对企业、产品的认知与 认同。
通过以上画册制作与后续推广策略, 相信思源电气画册将成为企业宣传的 有力武器,进一步提升企业在行业内 的知名度和影响力。
1. 行业展会:在相关行业展会上向潜在客户和业界同行发放画册,扩大 品牌影响力。
2. 合作伙伴:向合作伙伴赠送画册,加深合作关系,拓展业务范围。
• 线上推广:将画册内容数字化,通过官网、社交 媒体等渠道进行线上推广。

产 品 描 述
包 装
单 价
160A 二极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关熔断器组
160A 三极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关熔断器组
160A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关熔断器组
1250A 三极 柜后柜外操作负荷隔离开关
1600A 三极 柜后柜外操作负荷隔离开关
125A 四极 柜后柜外操作负荷隔离开关
160A 四极 柜后柜外操作负荷隔离开关
1250A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
1600A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
2000A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
2500A 四极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
1250A 三极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
1600A 三极 柜内操作负荷隔离开关
SmartEx MVG系列产品综合样本 2013

Safe operation
SmartEx MVG系列真空断路器拥有完善 的机械和电气联锁装置,同时具有极高的操作 可靠性与使用寿命,配合适当的开关柜可完成
The function of the breaker is to carry current, to control and protect the safe circulation of the system.
Truly maintenance-free circuit breaker
SmartEx MVG-12 SmartEx MVG-12
See the value of the quality from another angle
模块化设计,结构简单, 动作可靠
Modular design, simple structure, reliable operation
■ 主导电回路采用固体绝缘固封极柱或套筒式 的结构形式;
■ 超长使用寿命,高度可靠的模块化弹簧操动 机构;
■ 具备SmartEx在线监测功能,能实时反映断 路器的运行状态,针对开关设备潜在故障及 时报警;
■ 满足智能电网对开关元件的功能要求,主动 管理运行风险;
■ 完全满足GB1984、DL/T403、IEC62271-100、 VDE0670及其他先进工业化国家的标准 规范要求。

Rated ripple current
(mArms/105℃ 120HZ)
16 20 22 24 16 27 16
10×16 10×20 10×20
85 126 154
450W V
Case size D×L
Rated ripple current
(mArms/105 ℃120HZ)
10×12.5 8×11.5
8×15 10×16 10×12.5 10×16 10×12.5 10×16 10×20
10×20 10×16 10×20 12.5×20 10×20 10×25 12.5×20 12.5×20 12.5×25 16×20 16×25 12.5×30 16×20 16×31.5 18×20
APPROVAL NO 730 - 001
USER PART NO. 适用机种 特记事项
NFA SERIES Halogen-Free

WRITTEN CHECKED APPROVEDProcess Site1st. Case 2nd. Case 3rd. Case Fab KOREA KOREA KOREA Assembly KOREA KOREA KOREA Final TestKOREAKOREAKOREATo. : DATE : 20 . . .SPECIFICATIONPRODUCT : STARCAPMODEL : SM series (SM 3R3 333)KORCHIP CORP.KORCHIP B/D, 817-38, Anyang 2-dong, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREA TEL : 82 - 31 - 361 - 8000 FAX : 82 - 31 - 361 - 8080Page No.ITEM etc.1Cover Page2Index3 Revision History4 1. Scope2. Part Number System3. Product Model Name4. Photo5. Nominal Specifications5 6. Cell Structure6-7 7. Product Construction And Dimension8-9 8. Carrier Tape Construction And Dimension10 9. Specifications And Test Method11 10. Measuring Method Of Characteristics12 11. Reflow Soldering12. Manual Soldering13 13. Cautions For Use14 14. Environmental ManagementIndexNo.Documentation Check Description of Revision Approval Date1Byong-il Lim(R&D)(Q.A.)Initial Release for StandardSpecificationsMun-BaeLee(CTO)Mar. 1,2011 Revision HistoryManufacturer InformationManufacturer: Korchip CorporationLocation: KORCHIP B/D, 817-38, Anyang 2-dong, Manan-gu, Anyang-si, Gyeonggi-do, KOREATel.: +82-31-361-8000Fax.: +82-31-361-8080Items SM 3R3 333Cell SizeØ3.8 × 1.1mm OPERATING TEMPERATURE-25 ~ +60 ℃RATED VOLTAGE3.3 VDC ELECTROSTATIC CAPACITANCE (F)0.033 FCAPACITANCE (mAh)13.8 uAh (3.0V-1.5V)CAPACITANCE TOLERANCE -20 ~ 80 %EQUIVALENT SERIES RESISTANCE (ESR)LESS THAN 200ΩLEAKAGE CURRENT (LC)LESS THAN 100㎂1. ScopeThis specification applies to STARCAP(Electric Double Layer Capacitor), submitted to specified customer in cover page.2. Part Number SystemSM 3R3 333 T01 (Example) ① ② ③ ④① Series Name② Rated Voltage : 3.3VDC③ Capacitance : 0.033 F (333 = 33 × 10+3uF) ④ Terminal Type : T01-type3. Product Model Name1) Product : Electric Double Layer Capacitor 2) Model name : SM3R3333 T01, H014. Photo (by terminal type)T01 H015. Nominal Specifications6. Cell Structure7. Product Construction And Dimension (T erminal T ype : T01)7. Product Construction And Dimension (T erminal T ype : H01)8. Carrier T ape Construction And Dimension (T erminal T ype : T01)8. Carrier T ape Construction And Dimension (T erminal T ype : H01)9. Specifications And Test Method10. Measuring Method Of CharacteristicsE0 : VdcR C : 100Ω11. Reflow SolderingExcessive heat stress may result in the deterioration of the electrical characteristics of the capacitor, loss of air tightness, and electrolyte leakage due to the rise in internal pressure.Use the general reference chart then set soldering temperature and time.Max. 260℃ (within 5 seconds)The time of repeated reflow soldering must be two time or less.Do not use reflow soldering when the cell voltage is above 0.3V.12. Manual SolderingFor use of a soldering iron, it should not touch the cell body.Temperature of the soldering iron should be less than 350℃.Soldering time for terminals should be less than 3 seconds.13. Cautions For UsePlease be careful for following points when you use STARCAP.1) Do not apply more than rated voltage.If you apply more than rated voltage, STARCAP's electrolyte will be electrolyzed and itsESR increase. At the worst, it may be broken.2) Do not use STARCAP for ripple absorption.3) PolarityThe STARCAP is non-polar fundamentally, however STARCAP gets polarity throughaging process before it is packed. Please mount it in accordance with its polarity to maintain the best condition.4) Operating temperature and lifeGenerally, STARCAP has a lower leakage current, longer back-up time and longer life in the low temperature i.e. the room temperature. But it has a higher leakage current, shorter back-up time and shorter life in the high temperature.Please design to keep STARCAP away from calorific parts.5) CleaningSome detergent or high temperature drying causes deterioration of STARCAP.If you wash STARCAP, Consult us.6) Following figure shows the general back-up circuit.D : Diode to prevent the reverse currentR : Resistor to control the chargingcurrentSeriesRoHS directive Pb, Cr+6, Hg, Cd, PBB,PBDE ELV directive Pb, Cr+6, Hg, Cd PVC etc.SMN.D.N.D.N.D. 7) Short-circuit STARCAPYou can short-circuit between terminals of STARCAP without resistor. However when you short-circuit frequently, please consult us.8) StorageIn long term storage, please store STARCAP in following condition;① TEMP. : 15 ~ 35 ℃② HUMIDITY : 45 ~ 75 %RH③ NON-DUST ENVIRONMENT9) Do not disassemble STARCAP. It contains electrolyte.10) Series connection of STARCAPOver-rated voltage may be applied to a single STARCAP in series connection due to the deviation of capacitance and ESR of each STARCAP. Please inform us if you are using STARCAP in series connection and please design so as not to apply over-rated voltage to each STARCAP, and use STARCAPs from same lot.11) The tips of STARCAP terminals are very sharp. Please handle with care.14. Environmental ManagementAll STARCAP products are RoHS compliant and environment friendly.By changing the solder plating from leaded solder to lead-free solder, our new STARCAP has became even more friendly to the environment.* N.D. : Not detected。

让变电站建设更容易 运行更简单!
第一章 SHR5000 变电站自动化系统简介............................................................................................................. 1 特点 ................................................................................................................................................................... 1 110kV变电站自动化系统组网方案................................................................................................................. 3 方案 1:保护直采直跳,自动化信息网络化传输......................................................................................... 3 方案 2:间隔层和过程层光纤直连,无过程层网络..................................................................................... 5 方案 3:保护SV直采,其它信息网络化传输 ............................................................................................... 7 方案 4:全网络方案 ........................................................................................................................................ 8 常规互感器变电站智能化建设方案 ............................................................................................................... 9 模块化GIS变电站应用方案........................................................................................................................... 11
Eaton 281307 电容电路保护器数据表说明书

Eaton 281307Eaton Moeller series NZM - Molded Case Circuit Breaker. Circuit-breaker, 3p, 125A, H2-M125Allgemeine spezifikationEaton Moeller series NZM molded case circuit breaker thermo-magnetic281307149 mm184 mm 105 mm 2.334 kg RoHS conform IEC IEC/EN 609474015082813079NZMH2-M125Product NameCatalog NumberProduct Length/Depth Product Height Product Width Product Weight Compliances Certifications EANModel Code125 AIs the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.5 kA130 kAMeets the product standard's requirements.Is the panel builder's responsibility. The specifications for the switchgear must be observed.Built-in device fixed built-in techniqueFixed125 ADoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Min. 2 segments of 9 mm x 0.8 mm at box terminalMax. 8 segments of 24 mm x 1 mm (2x) at box terminal Max. 10 segments of 16 mm x 0.8 mm at box terminalMax. 10 segments of 24 mm x 0.8 mm at rear-side connection (punched)Min. 2 segements of 16 mm x 0.8 mm at rear-side connection (punched)Rocker leverMeets the product standard's requirements.40 °C eaton-circuit-breaker-let-through-current-nzm-mccb-characteristic-curve-005.epseaton-circuit-breaker-characteristic-power-defense-mccb-characteristic-curve-037.epsMH2-M125il01206006z2015_11.pdfDas neue digitale NZM-Sortiment - In Kurze verfugbar DE Vorstellung des neuen digitalen Leistungsschalter NZMDA-CD-nzm2_3pDA-CS-nzm2_3peaton-manual-motor-starters-starter-msc-r-reversing-starter-wiring-diagram.epseaton-manual-motor-starters-starter-nzm-mccb-wiring-diagram.epseaton-nzm-technical-information-sheeteaton-circuit-breaker-nzm-mccb-dimensions-019.epsRated operational current for specified heat dissipation (In) 10.11 Short-circuit ratingRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 690 V, 50/60 HzRated short-circuit breaking capacity Icu (IEC/EN 60947) at 400/415 V, 50/60 Hz10.4 Clearances and creepage distances10.12 Electromagnetic compatibilityMounting MethodAmperage Rating10.2.5 LiftingTerminal capacity (copper strip)Handle type10.2.3.1 Verification of thermal stability of enclosuresAmbient storage temperature - min Characteristic curveeCAD model Installationsanleitung Installationsvideos mCAD modelSchaltpläneTechnische Datenblätter ZeichnungenFitted with:Thermal protectionProtection against direct contactFinger and back-of-hand proof to VDE 0106 part 100Terminal capacity (copper busbar)Max. 24 mm x 8 mm direct at switch rear-side connectionMin. 16 mm x 5 mm direct at switch rear-side connectionM8 at rear-side screw connection10.8 Connections for external conductorsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Special featuresMaximum back-up fuse, if the expected short-circuit currents at the installation location exceed the switching capacity of the circuit breaker (Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Icn) Rated current = rated uninterrupted current: 125 A Tripping class 10 A IEC/EN 60947-4-1, IEC/EN 60947-2 The circuit-breaker fulfills all requirements for AC-3 switching category.Ambient operating temperature - max70 °CClimatic proofingDamp heat, cyclic, to IEC 60068-2-30Damp heat, constant, to IEC 60068-2-78Terminal capacity (aluminum stranded conductor/cable)25 mm² - 50 mm² (1x) direct at switch rear-side connection25 mm² - 50 mm² (2x) direct at switch rear-side connection25 mm² - 185 mm² (1x) at tunnel terminalTerminal capacity (copper stranded conductor/cable)25 mm² - 70 mm² (2x) at box terminal25 mm² - 185 mm² (1x) direct at switch rear-side connection25 mm² - 185 mm² (1x) at box terminal25 mm² - 185 mm² (1x) at 1-hole tunnel terminal25 mm² - 70 mm² (2x) direct at switch rear-side connectionLifespan, electrical6500 operations at 400 V AC-310000 operations at 400 V AC-17500 operations at 690 V AC-16500 operations at 415 V AC-35000 operations at 690 V AC-310000 operations at 415 V AC-1Electrical connection type of main circuitScrew connectionShort-circuit total breaktime< 10 msRated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) at main contacts8000 VRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 400/415 V, 50/60 Hz130 kA10.9.3 Impulse withstand voltageIs the panel builder's responsibility.Utilization categoryA (IEC/EN 60947-2)Number of polesThree-poleAmbient operating temperature - min-25 °C10.6 Incorporation of switching devices and componentsDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.5 Protection against electric shockDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Terminal capacity (control cable)0.75 mm² - 2.5 mm² (1x)0.75 mm² - 1.5 mm² (2x)Equipment heat dissipation, current-dependent27.61 WInstantaneous current setting (Ii) - min1000 A10.13 Mechanical functionThe device meets the requirements, provided the information in the instruction leaflet (IL) is observed.10.2.6 Mechanical impactDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.10.9.4 Testing of enclosures made of insulating materialIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated operational current99 A (400 V AC-3)Rated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 230 V, 50/60 Hz150 kAApplicationUse in unearthed supply systems at 690 V10.3 Degree of protection of assembliesDoes not apply, since the entire switchgear needs to be evaluated.Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 240 V, 50/60 Hz330 kARated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 440 V, 50/60 Hz130 kADegree of protection (IP), front sideIP40 (with insulating surround)IP66 (with door coupling rotary handle)Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 525 V, 50/60 Hz105 kARated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 690 V, 50/60 Hz40 kAInstantaneous current setting (Ii) - max1750 AOverload current setting (Ir) - min100 A10.2.3.2 Verification of resistance of insulating materials to normal heatMeets the product standard's requirements. Resist. of insul. mat. to abnormal heat/fire by internal elect. effectsMeets the product standard's requirements.Lifespan, mechanical20000 operationsOverload current setting (Ir) - max125 AVoltage rating690 V - 690 VTerminal capacity (copper solid conductor/cable)10 mm² - 16 mm² (1x) at box terminal6 mm² - 16 mm² (2x) direct at switch rear-side connection6 mm² - 16 mm² (2x) at box terminal10 mm² - 16 mm² (1x) direct at switch rear-side connection16 mm² (1x) at tunnel terminalDegree of protection (terminations)IP10 (tunnel terminal)IP00 (terminations, phase isolator and strip terminal)10.9.2 Power-frequency electric strengthIs the panel builder's responsibility.Short-circuit release non-delayed setting - min1000 ADegree of protectionIP20IP20 (basic degree of protection, in the operating controls area)Overvoltage categoryIIIRated short-time withstand current (t = 1 s)1.9 kARated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp) at auxiliary contacts 6000 VTerminal capacity (aluminum solid conductor/cable)10 mm² - 16 mm² (2x) direct at switch rear-side connection16 mm² (1x) at tunnel terminal10 mm² - 16 mm² (1x) direct at switch rear-side connectionSwitch off techniqueThermomagneticRated short-time withstand current (t = 0.3 s)1.9 kAAmbient storage temperature - max70 °CRated short-circuit breaking capacity Ics (IEC/EN 60947) at 525 V, 50/60 Hz37.5 kAOptional terminalsBox terminal. Connection on rear. Tunnel terminalRelease systemThermomagnetic releasePollution degree310.7 Internal electrical circuits and connectionsIs the panel builder's responsibility.Rated operating power at AC-3, 230 V37 kW10.10 Temperature riseThe panel builder is responsible for the temperature rise calculation. Eaton will provide heat dissipation data for the devices.FunctionsMotor protectionShort-circuit release non-delayed setting - max1750 AStandard terminalsScrew terminalRated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 400/415 V, 50/60 Hz 330 kARated operating power at AC-3, 400 V55 kWTypeCircuit breaker10.2.2 Corrosion resistanceMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.4 Resistance to ultra-violet (UV) radiationMeets the product standard's requirements.10.2.7 InscriptionsMeets the product standard's requirements.Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm at 440 V, 50/60 Hz 286 kAIsolation500 V AC (between auxiliary contacts and main contacts)300 V AC (between the auxiliary contacts)Number of operations per hour - max120Circuit breaker frame typeNZM2Direction of incoming supplyAs requiredShock resistance20 g (half-sinusoidal shock 20 ms)Eaton Konzern plc Eaton-Haus30 Pembroke-Straße Dublin 4, Irland © 2023 Eaton. Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Eaton ist eine eingetrageneMarke.Alle anderen Warenzeichen sindEigentum ihrer jeweiligenBesitzer./socialmedia1000 VRated insulation voltage (Ui)。
ELX1257 EFX1S 金属化聚丙烯电容器商品说明说明书

EFX1SMetalized polypropylene film EMI suppression capacitorsProduct features• High stability of capacitance • Self-healing property• Over voltage stress withstanding •Flame-retardant plastic case and resinApplications• Class X1 for interference suppression • EMI filtering in across-the-line applications • Solar inverter • UPS• AC Motor drive • Air conditioner•Switch mode power supplies (SMPS)Environmental compliance and general specifications•Operating temperature range: -40 °C to +110 °CPbApproval markStandardFile numberUL 60384-14CAN/CSA-E60384-14E529574IEC 60384-14:2013IEC 60384-14:2013/AMD1:201640055921IEC 60384-14:2013+AMD1:2016CQC11-471112-2015CQC22001363199Agency informationTechnical Data ELX1257Effective June 2023EFX1S Metalized polypropylene film EMI suppression capacitorsEFX1S 48K103B012L HCapacitor typeFamilyGradeVoltage (Vac)ToleranceCapacitance (pF)Size codeTerminal codeLeadlength codeEF = film capacitorsX1S = standard 48 = 480K = ±10%M = ±20%First two digits=significant figures, third digit = number of zeros example: 103 = 10000 pFRefer to size code tableRefer to terminal code tableRefer to leadlength codetableT erminal code tableDigit one(Lead/terminal type)Digit two(Lead Ipsilateral)Straight cut 2N/A L Taping straightV--Part number systemLead length code tableLead length3.0±0.5 mm (Bulk)D 3.5±0.5 mm (Bulk)E4.0±0.5 mm (Bulk)F 4.5±0.5 mm (Bulk)G5.0±0.5 mm (Bulk)H 25±2 mm (Ammo)TDimensions-mmPart markingCapacitance103KEFX1S 40/110/56BX1480V~ ywwCapacitance Tolerance FamilyRated VoltageIEC Climatic Category Safety ClassPassive Flammability Class Date CodeLogoApproval MarksTechnical Data ELX1257Effective June 2023EFX1SMetalized polypropylene film EMI suppression capacitors Size code tableSize Dimension Pitch Lead wire Lead length CodeWTolerance (±)HTolerance (±)TTolerance (±)PTolerance (±)ØdTolerance (±)LB01180.5110.550.5150.50.60.05Refer to Lead Length Code Table, Pitch 27.5 and 37.5 without Ammo packageB02180.5120.560.5150.50.60.05B07180.513. 0.05D03320.8200.8110.827.50.50.8 0.05D04320.8220.8130.827.50.50.8 0.05D06320.824.50.8130.827.50.50.8 0.05D08320.8280.8140.827.50.50.8 0.05D09320.8280.8180.827.50.50.8 0.05D12320.8330.8180.827.50.50.8 0.05D13320.8370.8220.827.50.50.8 0.05E0242 1.024 1.013 1.0 0.05E0342 1.026 1.015 1.0 0.05E0742 1.030 1.017 1.0 0.05E0942 1.032 1.017 1.0 0.05E1042 1.032 1.019 1.0 0.05E1142 1.037 1.022 1.0 0.05E1442 1.043 1.028 1.0 0.05E1542 1.044 1.024 1.0 0.05E1642 1.045 1.030 1.0 0.05F0357.51.0501.0351. case color is gray, P=27.5/37.5 case color is black.Technical Data ELX1257 Effective June 2023EFX1S Metalized polypropylene film EMI suppression capacitorsRating and part numberRated voltage 480 Vac/1000 VdcDimensionsCapacitance value(µF)W(mm)H(mm)T(mm)P(mm)Peak current(A)Surge current(A)dv/dt(V/µs)Part number10.011811515618600EFX1S48K103B012LH 0.0151811515927600EFX1S48K153B012LH 0.018181151510.832.4600EFX1S48K183B012LH 0.022*********.239.6600EFX1S48K223B012LH 0.033181151519.859.4600EFX1S48K333B012LH 0.0471********.284.6600EFX1S48K473B022LH 0.0681813.57.51540.8122.4600EFX1S48K683B072LH 0.11816101560180600EFX1S48K104B112LH 0.151819111590270600EFX1S48K154B162LH 0.0472615.5622.514.142.3300EFX1S48K473C012LH 0.0562615.5622.516.850.4300EFX1S48K563C012LH 0.0682615.5622.520.461.2300EFX1S48K683C012LH 0.0822615.5622.524.673.8300EFX1S48K823C012LH 0.12615.5622.53090300EFX1S48K104C012LH 0.152616.5722.545135300EFX1S48K154C022LH 0.2226178.522.566198300EFX1S48K224C032LH 0.3326201122.599297300EFX1S48K334C052LH 0.472624.51322.5141423300EFX1S48K474C082LH 0.5626251522.5168504300EFX1S48K564C092LH 0.682629.514.522.5204612300EFX1S48K684C102LH 0.153218927.53090200EFX1S48K154D022LH 0.223218927.544132200EFX1S48K224D022LH 0.333218927.566198200EFX1S48K334D022LH 0.4732201127.594282200EFX1S48K474D032LH 0.5632221327.5112336200EFX1S48K564D042LH 0.683224.51327.5136408200EFX1S48K684D062LH0.8232281427.5164492200EFX1S48K824D082LH1.032281827.5200600200EFX1S48K105D092LH 1.232331827.5240720200EFX1S48K125D122LH 1.532331827.5300900200EFX1S48K155D122LH 1.832372227.53601080200EFX1S48K185D132LH 0.4742241337.570.5211.5150EFX1S48K474E022LH 0.5642241337.584252150EFX1S48K564E022LH 0.6842241337.5102306150EFX1S48K684E022LH0.8242241337.5123369150EFX1S48K824E022LH1.042241337.5150450150EFX1S48K105E022LH 1.242261537.5180540150EFX1S48K125E032LH 1.542301737.5225675150EFX1S48K155E072LH1. Standard part numbers listed---addition confirgurations available for tolerance, terminal and lead length. See part numbersystem for available tolerances and terminal and lead length tables for available options.Rating and part numberRated voltage 480 Vac/1000 VdcDimensionsCapacitance value(µF)W(mm)H(mm)T(mm)P(mm)Peak current(A)Surge current(A)dv/dt(V/µs)Part number11.842321737.5270810150EFX1S48K185E092LH2.242321937.5330990150EFX1S48K225E102LH2.742372237.54051215150EFX1S48K275E112LH3.342442437.54951485150EFX1S48K335E152LH3.942432837.55851755150EFX1S48K395E142LH4.742453037.57052115150EFX1S48K475E162LH5.657.5503552.5504151290EFX1S48K565F032LH1. Standard part numbers listed---addition confirgurations available for tolerance, terminal and lead length. See part numbersystem for available tolerances and terminal and lead length tables for available options.General informationApplication Interference suppression \ Across-the-line (Class X1)Dielectric Metallized Polypropylene FilmReference standard IEC 60384-14; UL 60384-14; GB/T 6346.14-2015Climatic category40/110/56 IEC60068-1Passive flammability class BOperating temperature range-40 °C to +110 °CProtection Solvent resistant plastic case UL94 V-0, Thermosetting resin sealing UL 94V-0 compliantInstallation Any positionPackaging Packed in cardboard boxes with protection for the terminalsStorage conditions Storage time: ≤24 months from the date marked on the package label, Average relative humidity per year ≤70%, RH≤85% for 30 days in one year, Dew is absent, Temperature: -40°C to +85°CRoHS compliant Compliant with the restricted substance requirements of Directive 2011/65/EUFlame retardant grade Flame retardant performance accords with horizontal combustion grade HB and vertical combustion grade V-0ConstructionMetallized film OPP & Al/ZnMetal sprayed Sn/Zn AlloyConnection electrode(0.6 mm to 0.8 mm) Tinned copper clad steel wire(1.0 mm to 1.2 mm) Tinned copper wiresPlastic case Plastic case (UL94V-0)Filling Epoxy resin (UL94V-0)Film constructionInternal series connectionElectrical and general characteristicsRated AC voltage (U R )480 Vac 50/60 Hz Recommended DC voltage 1000 Vdc Capacitance range 0.01 μF to 5.6 μF Capacitance tolerance ±10% or ±20% at +20 °CCapacitanceMeasuring Frequency at 1 kHz, +20°C Measuring Voltage:1.0 ± 0.2 V Standard atmospheric conditions for static testAmbient temperature +15 °C to +35 °C Relative humidity 45% to 75% Air pressure 86 kPa to 106 kPa.Withstanding DC voltage between terminals U TTDC Voltage: 4.3 x U R * for 60 seconds (at +20 ±2 °C)*The U R in this DC test is the rated AC voltage value Withstanding AC voltage between terminal and case U TC 2U R + 1500 Vac, 60 s (at +20 ± 2 °C)Dissipation factor ≤20 * 10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF) at +20 °C ≤30 * 10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF) at +20 °CInsulation resistance R between leads, for C ≤ 0.33 μF at 100 V 20°C; 1 min > 15 000 MΩRC between leads, for C > 0.33 μF at 100 V 20°C; 1 min > 5000 MΩ*μF Life expectancy 100,000 hours (U R ) hotspot = +85° C) (Failure rate 100 FIT Maximum altitude2000 mCharcteristics curvesMaximum voltage (V rms ) vs frequencyV o l t a g e V r m s (V )Frequency (kHz)Maximum current (I rms ) vs frequencyC u r r e n t I r m s (A )Frequency (kHz)Technical Data ELX1257Effective June 2023EFX1S Metalized polypropylene film EMI suppression capacitorsExpected life curveE x p e c t e d l i f e t i m e (h o u r s )Ratio: (Working AC voltage/rated AC voltage)Impedance vs frequencyFrequency (kHz)Z (O h m s )Charcteristics curvesTechnical Data ELX1257Effective June 2023EFX1SMetalized polypropylene film EMI suppression capacitors Environmental testTestTest conditionPerformanceDamp heat loadingTest temperature: +40 ±2 °C Test humidity: 90% to 95% R.H.Test Duration: 1000 +24/-0 hours Loading voltage: Rated voltageCapacitance change rate ( C/C) : ≤±10%DF change ( tg ): : ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change ( tg ): : ≤50 * 10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF) Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac)/60 s Rapid temperature changeTesting method per IEC 60068-2-14 Na Test temperature cycle: Total 5 cyclesHigh temperature: +110 ±5 °C for 30 minutes Low temperature: -40 ±5 °C for 30 minutesCapacitance change rate ( C/C) : ≤±5%DF change ( tg ): : ≤80*10 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change ( tg ): : ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF) Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac)/60 s High temperature loadingTesting method per IEC 60384-14Test Temperature: +110 ±2 °C.Apply 125% of rated voltage for 1,000 +24/-0 hours; Each of these voltages shall be applied to each capacitor individu-ally through a resistor of 47 Ω ±5%. Once every hour the voltage is increased to 1.5UR or 1000 V rms, whichever is higher, for 0.1 seconds.Capacitance change rate ( C/C) : ≤±10%DF change ( tg ): : ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change ( tg ): : ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF) Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac)/60 s High temperature featuresTest Temperature: +110 ±2 °C Test Duration: 16 +1/-0 hoursCapacitance change rate ( C/C) : -0 to -5%DF change ( tg ): : ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change ( tg ): : ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF) Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac)/60 s Low temperature featuresTest Temperature: -40 ±2 °C Test Duration: 2 +1/-0 hoursCapacitance change rate ( C/C) : +0 to +5%DF change ( tg ): : ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change ( tg ): : ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF) Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac)/60 sSolderabilityTesting method per IEC 60068-2-20 Ta Soldering temperature: +245 ±5 °C Immersion duration: 2 ±0.5 seconds More than 95% of circumferential surface of lead wire shall be covered with new solder.Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac) /60 s Soldering heat resistanceFlow soldering:Preheat temperature +100 °C to +120 °C Preheat duration: 100 seconds maximum Soldering temperature: +260 ±-5 °C Immersion duration: ≤10 secondsImmersion depth: 1.5 ± 0.5 mm from roots Capacitance change rate (∆C/C): ≤±2%DF change (∆tg δ): ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change (∆tg δ): ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF)Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac) /60 s Temperature cycleTest temperature cycle: Total 5 cycles Each cycle includes:1. +20 ± 2 °C for 3 minutes 2. -40 +0/-3 °C for 30 minutes 3. +20 +/- 2 °C for 3 minutes 4. +110 +3/-0 °C for 30 minutes 5. +20 ± 2 °C for 3 minutes Capacitance change rate (∆C/C): ≤±5%DF change (∆tg δ): ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change (∆tg δ): ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF)Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac) /60 s Humidity resistanceTesting method per IEC 60068-2-3 Ca Test temperature: +40 ±-2 °C Test humidity: 90% to 95% R.H.Test duration: 1344 +24/-0 hoursCapacitance change rate (∆C/C): ≤±5%DF change (∆tg δ): ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change (∆tg δ): ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF)Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac) /60 sElectrical testTestTest conditionPerformanceCharge and discharge10000 cycles Charge to √2 x UR(DC) Charge resistance:Discharge resistance:Capacitance change rate ( C/C) : ≤±5%DF change ( tg ): : ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change ( tg ): : ≤50 * 10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF) Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit (T-T) test voltage: 4.3 U R (dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 U R + 1500 V (ac)/60 sImpulse voltage3 successive impulses, full wave, peak voltage:X1:4 kV for C ≤ 1 μF X1: 4 kV/√C for C > 1 μF 24 pulses maximumNo self-healing breakdowns or flashoverTechnical Data ELX1257 Effective June 2023EFX1S Metalized polypropylene film EMI suppression capacitorsMechanical testTest Test condition PerformanceResistance to solvent IEC 60068-2-45 test XA method 1Solvent: propanol (isopropyl-alcohol)Temperature: +23 ±5°CImmersion time: 5 ±0.5 minutesDrying time: 5 minutesMechanical treatment: 10 rubbing (with cotton-wool)Capacitance change rate ( C/C) : ≤±1%DF change ( tg ): : ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change ( tg ): : ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF)Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit(T-T) test voltage: 4.3 UR(dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 UR+ 1500 V (ac)/60 sTerminal strength Tension:0.50 < D ≤0.80, 10N0.80 < D ≤1.25, 20NBending test :Bending force:0.50 < D ≤0.80, 5N0.80 < D ≤1.25, 10NMake two successive bends in each directionNo visible damage to appearanceVibration resistance Testing method per IEC 60068-2-6 Fc.Frequency Change: 10—55—10 Hz.Vibration Distance : 1.5 mmTest Direction : X, Y, ZTest Duration: 2 +1/- 0 hours each directionCapacitance change rate ( C/C) : ≤±3%DF change ( tg ): : ≤80*10-4DF change ( tg ): : ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF)Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit(T-T) test voltage: 4.3 UR( dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 UR+ 1500 V ( ac)/60 sBump 1000 times, Acceleration: 400 m/s2Pulse duration: 6 msCapacitance change rate ( C/C) : ≤±3%DF change ( tg ): : ≤80*10-4 at 10 kHz. (C ≤ 1 μF)DF change ( tg ): : ≤50*10-4 at 1 kHz. (C > 1 μF)Insulation resistance: ≥50% of initial limit(T-T) test voltage: 4.3 UR(dc)/60 s(T-C) test voltage: 2 UR+ 1500 V (ac)/60 sFlammability testTest Test condition PerformancePassive flammability class B Bore of gas jet: Ø 0.5 mm Fuel: ButaneTest duration for actual volume V in mm3:V ≤ 250: 10 s250 < V ≤ 500: 20 s500 < V ≤1750: 30 sV > 1750: 60 sOne flame application After removing test flame from capacitor, the capacitor must not continue to burn for more than 10 s.No burning particle must drop from the sample.Active flammability20 cycles of 4 kV discharges on the test capacitor connectedto UR The cheese cloth around the capacitors shall not burn with a flame. No electrical measurements are required.Technical Data ELX1257Effective June 2023EFX1SMetalized polypropylene film EMI suppression capacitors Packaging informationPitch SIze Dimension Package quantity mmCodeWHTBulk pack/boxAmmo pack/box15B01181151,054680B02181********B071813.57.5697450B11181610527340B1618191147630022.5C012615.56612350C022616.57528300C0326178.5432250C05262011336190C082624.513276160C09262515240140C102629.514.525214027.5D023*******NA D03322011280NA D04322213230NA D063224.513230NA D0832*******NA D0932*******NA D12323318170NA D133********NA 37.5E024********NA E03422615140NA E07423017126NA E09423217126NA E10423219112NA E1142372298NA E1442432877NA E1542442491NA E1642453070NA 52.5F0357.5503545NAEaton Electronics Division 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122United States /electronics© 2023 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No. ELX1257 BU-ELX22121a June 2023EFX1S Metalized polypropylene film EMI suppression capacitors Technical Data ELX1257Effective June 2023Life Support Policy: Eaton does not authorize the use of any of its products for use in life support devices or systems without the express written approval of an officer of the Company. Life support systems are devices which support or sustain life, and whose failure to perform, when properly used in accordance with instructions for use provided in the labeling, can be reasonably expected to result in significant injury to the user.Eaton reserves the right, without notice, to change design or construction of any products and to discontinue or limit distribution of any products. Eaton alsoreserves the right to change or update, without notice, any technical information contained in this bulletin.Wave solder profileProfile featurePreheat • Ts maximimum110 °C • Ts minimumNA • ts< 150 seconds Preheat • Tp260 °C ±5 °C • tp< 10 seconds • tl ≤60 secondsCapacitor body maximum temperature at wave soldering ≤120 °CManual solder+400 °C, 3 seconds maximum by soldering iron, generally manual, hand soldering is not recommendedEaton is a registered trademark.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Follow us on social media to get thelatest product and support information.。

ContactorsCA4-12-01-*CA8-12-01-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 3-Pole, AC Coil, 1NC AuxCA4-12-10-*CA8-12-10-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 3-Pole, AC Coil, 1NO AuxCA4-12C-01-*D CA8-12C-01-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil, 1NC AuxCA8-12C-01-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 1NC AuxCA4-12C-10-*D CA8-12C-10-*D Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil, 1NO AuxCA8-12C-10-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 1NO AuxCA4-9-01-*CA8-9-01-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 3-Pole, AC Coil, 1NC AuxCA4-9-10-*CA8-9-10-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 3-Pole, AC Coil, 1NO AuxCA4-9C-01-*D CA8-9C-01-*D Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil, 1NC AuxCA8-9C-01-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 1NC AuxCA4-9C-10-*D CA8-9C-10-*D Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil, 1NO AuxCA8-9C-10-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 1NO AuxCA8-12C-M22-*D Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 4-Pole 2NO 2NC, 24VDC CoilCA8-12C-M22-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 4-Pole 2NO 2NC, 24VDC Coil w/DiodeCA8-12C-M31-*D Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 4-Pole 3NO 1NC, 24VDC CoilCA8-12C-M31-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 4-Pole 3NO 1NC, 24VDC Coil w/DiodeCA8-12C-M40-*D Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 4-Pole 4NO, 24VDC CoilCA8-12C-M40-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 4-Pole 4NO, 24VDC Coil w/DiodeCA8-12-M22-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 4-Pole 2NO 2NC, AC CoilCA8-12-M31-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 4-Pole 3NO 1NC, AC CoilCA8-12-M40-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 12A, 4-Pole 4NO, AC CoilCA8-9C-M22-*D Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 4-Pole 2NO 2NC, 24VDC CoilCA8-9C-M22-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 4-Pole 2NO 2NC, 24VDC Coil w/DiodeCA8-9C-M31-*D Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 4-Pole 3NO 1NC, 24VDC Coil,CA8-9C-M31-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 4-Pole 3NO 1NC, 24VDC Coil w/DiodeCA4-9C-M40-*D CA8-9C-M40-*D Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 4-Pole 4NO, 24VDC CoilCA8-9C-M40-24DD Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 4-Pole 4NO, 24VDC Coil w/DiodeCA8-9-M22-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 4-Pole 2NO 2NC, AC CoilCA8-9-M31-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 4-Pole 3NO 1NC, AC CoilCA4-9-M40-*CA8-9-M40-*Contactor Mini, FVNR 9A, 4-Pole 4NO, AC CoilCAU4-12-02-*-LW CAU8-12-02-*-LW Contactor Mini, FVR 12A, 3-Pole, AC Coil, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAU4-12-42-*-PW CAU8-12-42-*-PW Contactor Mini, FVR 12A, 3-Pole, AC Coil, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 1NC AuxCAU8-12C-02-24DD-LW Contactor Mini, FVR 12A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAU8-12C-02-*D-LW Contactor Mini, FVR 12A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAU8-12C-42-24DD-PW Contactor Mini, FVR 12A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC AuxCAU8-12C-42-*D-PW Contactor Mini, FVR 12A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC Aux CAU4-9-02-*-LW CAU8-9-02-*-LW Contactor Mini, FVR 9A, 3-Pole, AC Coil, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAU4-9-42-*-PW CAU8-9-42-*-PW Contactor Mini, FVR 9A, 3-Pole, AC Coil, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC AuxCAU8-9C-02-24DD-LW Contactor Mini, FVR 9A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAU8-9C-02-*D-LW Contactor Mini, FVR 9A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAU8-9C-42-24DD-PW Contactor Mini, FVR 9A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC AuxCAU8-9C-42-*D-PW Contactor Mini, FVR 9A, 3-Pole, 24VDC Coil, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC Aux CAT4-12-01-*-#CAT8-12-01-*-#Starter Mini, FVNR 12A, AC Coil, 1NC AuxCAT4-12-10-*-#CAT8-12-10-*-#Starter Mini, FVNR 12A, AC Coil, 1NO AuxCAT4-9-01-*-#CAT8-9-01-*-#Starter Mini, FVNR 9A, AC Coil, 1NC AuxCAT4-9-10-*-#CAT8-9-10-*-#Starter Mini, FVNR 9A, AC Coil, 1NO AuxCAT4-9-10-120-#CAT8-9-10-120-#Starter Mini, FVNR 9A, 120VAC Coil, 1NO AuxCAT4-9C-01-*D-#CAT8-9C-01-*D-#Starter Mini, FVNR 9A, 24VDC Coil, 1NC AuxCAT8-9C-01-24DD-#Starter Mini, FVNR 9A, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 1NC AuxCAT4-9C-10-*D-#CAT8-9C-10-*D-#Starter Mini, FVNR 9A, 24VDC Coil, 1NO AuxCAT8-9C-10-24DD-#Starter Mini, FVNR 9A, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 1NO AuxCAUT4-12-02-*-#-LW CAUT8-12-02-*-#-LW Starter Mini, FVR 12A, AC Coil, O/L, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAUT4-12-42-*-#-PW CAUT8-12-42-*-#-PW Starter Mini, FVR 12A, AC Coil, O/L, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC AuxCAUT8-12C-02-*D-8C12-LW Starter Mini, FVR 12A, 24VDC Coil, CT8-C12 O/L, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAUT8-12C-02-24DD-8C12-LW Starter Mini, FVR 12A, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, CT8-C12 O/L, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAUT8-12C-42-*D-8C12-PW Starter Mini, FVR 12A, 24VDC Coil, CT8-C12 O/L, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC AuxCAUT8-12C-42-24DD-8C12-PW Starter Mini, FVR 12A, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, CT8-C12 O/L, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC AuxCAUT4-9-02-*-#-LW CAUT8-9-02-*-#-LW Starter Mini, FVR 9A, AC Coil, O/L, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAUT4-9-42-*-#-PW CAUT8-9-42-*-#-PW Starter Mini, FVR 9A, AC Coil, O/L, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC AuxCAUT8-9C-02-*D-#-LW Starter Mini, FVR 9A, 24VDC Coil, O/L, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAUT8-9C-02-24DD-#-LW Starter Mini, FVR 9A, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, O/L, Less Wiring, 2NC AuxCAUT8-9C-42-*D-#-PW Starter Mini, FVR 9A, 24VDC Coil, O/L, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC AuxCAUT8-9C-42-24DD-#-PW Starter Mini, FVR 9A, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, O/L, w/Pwr Wiring, 2NO 2NC Aux OverloadsCA4-P02CA8-P02Auxiliary, CA8 Bifurcated, 2NC (21-22, 31-32)CA8-P04Auxiliary, CA8 Bifurcated, 4NC (21-22, 31-32, 41-42, 51-52)CA4-P11CA8-P11Auxiliary, CA8 Bifurcated, 1NO 1NC (23-24, 31-32)CA8-P13Auxiliary, CA8 Bifurcated, 1NO 3NC (23-24, 31-32, 41-42, 51-52)CA8-P20Auxiliary, CA8 Bifurcated, 2NO (23-24, 33-34)CA4-P22CA8-P22Auxiliary, CA8 Bifurcated, 2NO 2NC (23-24, 53-54, 31-32, 41-42)CA8-P31Auxiliary, CA8 Bifurcated, 3NO 1NC (23-24, 43-44, 53-54, 31-32)CA8-P40Auxiliary, CA8 Bifurcated, 4NO (23-24, 33-34, 43-44, 53-54)CA8-W453Bus Bar, Compact, 3-phase for CA8-9..12, 3 connectionsCA8-W454Bus Bar, Compact, 3-phase for CA8-9..12, 4 connectionsCA8-WT Bus Bar, Compact, Feeder Terminal, for CA8-9..12KCR4CAUT8-PW Wiring Kit for CA8 Contactors25.951.301-01CM8Interlock, Mechanical for CA8 Contactors25.950.121-02CRC8-280Surge Suppressor, RC Link, CA8, 110-280VAC25.950.121-03CRC8-480Surge Suppressor, RC Link, CA8, 380-480VAC25.950.121-01CRC8-50Surge Suppressor, RC Link, CA8, 24-48VAC25.950.123-02CRD8-250Surge Suppressor, Diode Link, CA8, 12-250VDC25.950.122-02CRV8-136Surge Suppressor, Varistor Link, CA8, 56-136VAC/78-180VDC25.950.122-03CRV8-277Surge Suppressor, Varistor Link, CA8, 137-277VAC/181-250VDC25.950.122-01CRV8-55Surge Suppressor, Varistor Link, CA8, 12-55VAC/12-77VDCKT7-25S-PEK12Connection Module, KTA7-CA825.950.207-01In development Suggest using RZ7 Timing RelayCRZE4-30S In development Suggest using RZ7 Timing RelayCRZE4-3S In development Suggest using RZ7 Timing RelayCRZY4-30S-120V In development Suggest using RZ7 Timing RelayCRZY4-30S-250V In development Suggest using RZ7 Timing RelayCRZY4-30S-48V In development Suggest using RZ7 Timing RelayCT4-0.15CT8-A16O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 0.10..0.16ACT4-0.23CT8-A25O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 0.16..0.25ACT4-0.35CT8-A40O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 0.25..0.4ACT4-0.55CT8-A50O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 0.35..0.5ACT4-0.80CT8-A63O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 0.45..0.63ACT8-A80O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 0.55..0.80ACT8-B10O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 0.75..1.0ACT4-1.2CT8-B13O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 0.90..1.3ACT4-1.8CT8-B16O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 1.10..1.6ACT8-B20O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 1.4..2.0ACT4-2.7CT8-B25O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 1.8..2.5ACT4-4.0CT8-B32O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 2.3..3.2ACT8-B40O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 2.9..4.0ACT8-B48O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 3.5..4.8ACT4-6.0CT8-B63O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 4.5..6.3ACT4-7.7CT8-B75O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9, 5.5..7.5ACT4-9.0CT8-C10O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-9..12, 7.2..10ACT4-10.5CT8-C12O/L, Thermal, Auto/Manual, Class 10, for CA8-12, 9.0..12.5ACT4-12RelaysCS4-22Z-*CS8-22Z-*Control Relay, CS8, AC Coil, 2NO 2NC (13-14, 43-44, 21-22, 31-32)CS4-31Z-*CS8-31Z-*Control Relay, CS8, AC Coil, 3NO 1NC (13-14, 33-34, 43-44, 21-22)CS4-40E-*CS8-40E-*Control Relay, CS8, AC Coil, 4NO (13-14, 23-24, 33-34, 43-44)CS4-P02CS8-P02E Auxiliary, Bifurcated, CA8, 2NC (51-52, 61-62)CS4-P04CS8-P04E Auxiliary, Bifurcated, CA8, 4NC (51-52, 61-62, 71-72, 81-82)CS4-P11CS8-P11E Auxiliary, Bifurcated, CA8, 1NO 1NC (53-54, 61-62)CS8-P13E Auxiliary, Bifurcated, CA8, 1NO 3NC (53-54, 61-62, 71-72, 81-82)CS4-P20CS8-P20E Auxiliary, Bifurcated, CA8, 2NO (53-54, 63-64)CS4-P22CS8-P22Z Auxiliary, Bifurcated, CA8, 2NO 2NC (53-54, 83-84, 61-62, 71-72)CS8-P31Z Auxiliary, Bifurcated, CA8, 3NO 1NC (53-54, 73-74, 83-84, 61-62)CS4-P40CS8-P40E Auxiliary, Bifurcated, CA8, 4NO (53-54, 63-64, 73-74, 83-84)CS4-42E-*No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-* and CS8-P02ECS4-42X-*No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-22Z-* and CS8-P20ECS4-44E-*No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-* and CS8-P04ECS4-51E-*No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-* and CS8-P11ECS4-51X-*No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-31Z-* and CS8-P20ECS4-60E-*No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-* and CS8-P20ECS4-62X-*No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-* and CS8-P22ZCS4-62Z-*No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-22Z-* and CS8-P40ECS4-71X-*No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-31Z-* and CS8-P40ECS4-80E-*No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-* and CS8-P40ECS4-B22E-24CS8-22Z-24Z Control Relay, CS8, 24VAC Coil, 2NO 2NC (13-14, 43-44, 21-22, 31-32)CS4-B31E-24CS8-31Z-24Z Control Relay, CS8, 24VAC Coil, 3NO 1NC (13-14, 33-34, 43-44, 21-22)CS4-B40E-24CS8-40E-24Z Control Relay, CS8, 24VAC Coil, 4NO (13-14, 23-24, 33-34, 43-44)CS4C-22Z-*D CS8C-22Z-*D Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil, 2NO 2NC (13-14, 43-44, 21-22, 31-32)CS4C-22Z-*DD CS8C-22Z-24DD Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 2NO 2NC (13-14, 43-44, 21-22, 31-32) CS4C-31Z-*D CS8C-31Z-*D Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil, 3NO 1NC (13-14, 33-34, 43-44, 21-22)CS4C-31Z-*DD CS8C-31Z-24DD Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 3NO 1NC (13-14, 33-34, 43-44, 21-22) CS4C-40E-*D CS8C-40E-*D Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil, 4NO (13-14, 23-24, 33-34, 43-44)CS4C-40E-24DD CS8C-40E-24DD Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 4NO (13-14, 23-24, 33-34, 43-44) CS4C-42E-*D No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-*D and CS8-P02ECS4C-42E-24DD No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-24DD and CS8-P02ECS4C-42X-*D No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-22Z-*D and CS8-P20ECS4C-42X-24DD No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-22Z-24DD and CS8-P20ECS4C-44E-*D No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-*D and CS8-P04ECS4C-44E-24DD No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-24DD and CS8-P04ECS4C-51E-*D No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-*D and CS8-P11ECS4C-51E-24DD No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-24DD and CS8-P11ECS4C-51X-*D No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-31Z-*D and CS8-P20ECS4C-51X-24DD No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-31Z-24DD and CS8-P20ECS4C-60E-*D No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-*D and CS8-P20ECS4C-60E-24DD No Equivalent for 6-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-24DD and CS8-P20ECS4C-62X-*D No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-*D and CS8-P22ZCS4C-62X-24DD No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-24DD and CS8-P22ZCS4C-62Z-*D No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-22Z-*D and CS8-P40ECS4C-62Z-24DD No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-22Z-24DD and CS8-P40ECS4C-71X-*D No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-31Z-*D and CS8-P40ECS4C-71X-24DD No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-31Z-24DD and CS8-P40ECS4C-80E-*D No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-*D and CS8-P40ECS4C-80E-24DD No Equivalent for 8-Pole Use 2 components: CS8-40E-24DD and CS8-P40ECS4C-B22E-24D CS8C-22Z-24D Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil, 2NO 2NC (13-14, 43-44, 21-22, 31-32)CS4C-B31E-24D CS8C-31Z-24D Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil, 3NO 1NC (13-14, 33-34, 43-44, 21-22)CS4C-B40E-24D CS8C-40E-24D Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil, 4NO (13-14, 23-24, 33-34, 43-44)CS8C-L22Z-*D Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil, 1NO 1EM 1NC 1LB (13-14, 47-48, 21-22, 35-36)CS8C-L22Z-24DD Control Relay, CS8, 24VDC Coil w/Diode, 1NO 1EM 1NC 1LB (13-14, 47-48, 21-22, 35-36)CS8-L22Z-*Control Relay, CS8, AC Coil, 1NO 1EM 1NC 1LB (13-14, 47-48, 21-22, 35-36)E Combo StartersCL4-12-10-*-AS16A-X CL8-12-10-*-AS16A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 12A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 10 to 16A Thermal Trip CL4-12C-10-*-AS16A-X CL8-12C-10-*-AS16A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 12A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 10 to 16A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS0.16A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS0.16A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.10 to 0.16A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS0.25A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS0.25A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.16 to 0.25A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS0.4A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS0.4A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.25 to 0.40A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS0.63A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS0.63A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.40 to 0.63A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS1A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS1.0A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.63 to 1.0A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS1.6A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS1.6A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 1.0 to 1.6A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS2.5A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS2.5A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 1.6 to 2.5A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS4.0A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS4.0A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 2.5 to 4.0A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS6.3A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS6.3A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 4.0 to 6.3A Thermal Trip CL4-9-10-*-AS10A-X CL8-9-10-*-AS10A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 6.3 to 10A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS0.16A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS0.16A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.10 to 0.16A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS0.25A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS0.25A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.16 to 0.25A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS0.4A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS0.4A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.25 to 0.40A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS0.63A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS0.63A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.40 to 0.63A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS1A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS1.0A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.63 to 1.0A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS1.6A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS1.6A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 1.0 to 1.6A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS2.5A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS2.5A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 1.6 to 2.5A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS4.0A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS4.0A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 2.5 to 4.0A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS6.3A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS6.3A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 4.0 to 6.3A Thermal Trip CL4-9C-10-*-AS10A-X CL8-9C-10-*-AS10A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVNR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 6.3 to 10A Thermal Trip CLU4-12-02-*-AS16A-X CLU8-12-02-*-AS16A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 12A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 10 to 16A Thermal TripCLU8-12C-02-*-AS16A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 12A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 10 to 16A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS0.16A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS0.16A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.10 to 0.16A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS0.25A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS0.25A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.16 to 0.25A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS0.4A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS0.4A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.25 to 0.40A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS0.63A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS0.63A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.40 to 0.63A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS1A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS1.0A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 0.63 to 1.0A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS1.6A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS1.6A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 1.0 to 1.6A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS2.5A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS10A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 6.3 to 10A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS4.0A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS2.5A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 1.6 to 2.5A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS6.3A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS4.0A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 2.5 to 4.0A Thermal Trip CLU4-9-02-*-AS10A-X CLU8-9-02-*-AS6.3A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, AC Coil, 4.0 to 6.3A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS0.16A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.10 to 0.16A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS0.25A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.16 to 0.25A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS0.4A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.25 to 0.40A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS0.63A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.40 to 0.63A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS1.0A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 0.63 to 1.0A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS1.6A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 1.0 to 1.6A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS10A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 6.3 to 10A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS2.5A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 1.6 to 2.5A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS4.0A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 2.5 to 4.0A Thermal TripCLU8-9C-02-*-AS6.3A-X E-Combo Str, CA8 FVR 9A, 3-PH, DC Coil, 4.0 to 6.3A Thermal Trip。

订货须知 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------28 联系方式 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------29 附录 1 电容电流估算 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------30 附录 2 交联聚乙烯绝缘电缆接地电容电流的平均值 -------------------------------------------------------31 附录 3 无避雷线架空线单相接地电容电流平均值 -----------------------------------------------------------31 附录 4 部分油浸式消弧线圈的技术数据 ----------------------------------------------------------------------32 附录 5 部分干式消弧线圈的技术数据 -------------------------------------------------------------------------34 附录 6 部分油浸式接地变压器的技术数据 -------------------------------------------------------------------36 附录 7 部分干式接地变压器的技术数据 ----------------------------------------------------------------------38 附录 8 组合柜及控制器尺寸------------------------------------------------------------------------------------42

Sieyuan®QNSVG动态补偿装置用户手册思源清能电气电子有限公司SIEYUAN POWER ELECTRONIC CO,.LtD重要提示感您使用思源清能电气电子的产品。
联系方式:2 原野文件代号:QN0099C0.460001/V1.0出版日期:2009-1-10所有:思源清能电气电子注:本公司保留对此说明书修改的权利。
目录第一章装置技术说明 (3)1.1概述 (3)1.2技术条件 (3)1.2.1 环境条件 (3)1.2.2 装置主要技术参数 (3)1.2.3 基本原理 (4)1.2.4 系统结构 (5)1.3型号与规格 (7)1.4 产品配置 (9)1.4.1 标准配置 (9)1.4.2 可选配置 (9)第二章装置电气原理与构成 (10)2.1电气原理 (10)2.2装置构成 (11)2.2.1控制柜 (12)2.2.2功率柜 (13)2.2.3启动柜 (15)2.2.4连接电抗器 (15)2.2.5水冷系统 (15)第三章装置的控制面板说明 (15)3.1 装置的运行状态 (15)3.2 控制柜屏面说明 (16)3.3 液晶面板说明 (18)3.3.1 触摸屏端子和按键功能说明 (19)3.3.2 触摸屏的工作状态 (21)3.3.3 液晶屏菜单结构 (23)3.4使用说明 (25)3.4.1 开机画面 (25)3.4.2 主界面 (26)3.4.3 模拟量显示 (26)3.4.4 状态量显示 (28)3.4.5 参数查询 (30)3.4.6 参数设置 (31)3.4.7 主控操作 (38)3.4.8 用户管理 (40)3.4.9 事件告警 (41)3.4.10 录波查询 (41)3.5 远程监控后台说明 (43)第四章参数表及详细说明 (46)4.1 参数表 (46)4.2 参数详细说明 (49)4.2.1 开码 (49)4.2.2 运行方式 (49)4.2.3 调制比和相位角 (50)4.2.4 无功参考 (51)4.2.5 电压参考、电压控制下限、变化率上限和电压控制斜率 (51)4.2.6 补基波、补负序、补谐波及谐波次数设定 (52)4.2.7 直流电压控制和电流控制的相关参数 (52)4.2.8 装置额定参数 (53)4.2.9 工程变比 (54)4.2.10 A/D通道配置、变比和零漂校正 (54)4.2.11 D/A通道变比和零漂校正 (56)4.2.12 系统控制字 (57)4.2.13 旁路控制字 (58)4.2.14 保护屏蔽和处理 (59)第五章装置启动停机操作流程及注意事项 (59)5.1 触摸屏操作 (59)5.2 控制面板操作 (61)5.3 远程后台操作 (61)5.4 操作注意事项 (62)5.5 安全注意事项 (62)第六章故障说明与处理 (64)第七章设备维护、运输和贮存 (66)7.1 概述 (66)7.2 初次投运期间的维护工作 (66)7.3 长期运行期间的维护工作 (66)7.4 长期运行过后停机过程中的维护工作 (67)7.5 设备储存 (67)7.6 器件更换 (68)7.7 订货须知 (68)第八章装置安装与接线 (68)8.1 安装说明 (68)8.2 装置端子说明 (68)第一章装置技术说明1.1概述本文为本公司QNSVG100M动态补偿装置的使用说明书。

350W………………..……………………………………………………………..……………...........13 750W……………………………………………………………………………………….…..............14 1600W………………..………………………………………………………………………….......... 15
LCD 逆变电源/LCD Inverter……………………………………..……….…………….53~56 LED 防水电源/LED driver
20W,50W……………….....…………………………………………………………..……….….…...57 60W,100W……………….....…………………………………………………………..……….…......59 150W,200W……………….....…………………………………………………………..……….…….61
充电开关电源/Power supply with charging function
20W,42W,70W (Full range input) …..…………………………………………………………….31 20W,42W(230VAC input only) …..……………………………………………………………..…...34 70W,140W (230VAC input only) .…..……………………………………………………………….36