民航服务英语口语教程教案unit 6-1

The chief stewardess: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome you ________ China ________ Airlines to Shenzhen, Please make sure that your seatbelt is fastened, your seat is upright, and your ________ is closed. Your cabin baggage should be in the ________ compartment or under the seat in front of you. No smoking will be ________ on this flight.
D.Reading light
Part B Listening Task
3.Which of the following equipment is NOT mentioned in the dialogue? A.Micro-TV B.Music system C.Ventilation D.Portable computer 4.Where is the ventilation? A.On the armrest B.Above the head C.Under the seat D.Beside the window seat 5.What does “catering system” mean? A.The activity of serving food and drinks B.The activity of helping the handicapped C.The activity of attending UM D.The activity of providing entertainment
民航机务职业英语口语Unit Six

Speaking Practice
Prepare dialogues on the following situations:
One of your classmates advises you to see the oral English competition with him, but you have another appointment, so you reject his advice.
Rejecting advice and suggestions
I regret to say I can’t accept your advice. That would be very pleasant, but I can’t … I don’t think I will, but thank you all the same.
3. “It” centered
It would probably / might be a good idea to …. Would it be better to ….? / Would it be a good idea to …? It would be just as well for you to …. How about going to …? / What about …?
航空服务英语口语教程课件Unit 6

new Monitor ensure
recruits smoothly
operations Analysis
daily implement
Extended Reading
Professional Terms for Further Study
check. I’m afraid I’ll miss my flight. O: According to the rules, you should come to the airport at least two hours in advance. P: Yes, but too many passengers are lining up today. There are only two passengers in
Dialog 2
(O = Officer P = Passenger) O: Passengers, please remain in an orderly line. P: (appearing worried) Excuse me. What should I do? O: What’s wrong? May I help you? P: My flight’s in half an hour, but there are so many people waiting for the security
ID card
driving license
student’s identity card
Teacher Certification
Model Dialogs
Dialog 1

Section A: Speaking
Relevant Announcements
Ladies and gentlemen, We are sorry to inform you that we cannot serve you hot drinks on
this flight because the water system is out of order. However, we will be able to serve cold drinks.
persuading him to drink something healthier. 3. An old lady seems allergic to the pineapple juice.
Section B: Listening
Section B: Listening
tea and coke.Please stay still in your seat. Our crew will bring them to you with cart soon. Please put down the table in front of you. For the convenience of the passenger behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position.
Section B: Listening
Listen to the dialogue carefully and try to fill in the blanks. (The cabin attendant carelessly spills some drink on the passenger.) (P=Passenger, F=Flight Attendant) F: Excuse me, Madam, would you __li_k_e__ a drink? P: Yes, please. I’d like to have _c_o_k_e___ , please. F: Certainly, Madam, your coke with ice, please. (The CA accidentally __sp_i_ll_s_ the drink on the passenger’s clothes.) P: Oh, my god!
《民航客舱服务英语》课件Unit 6

Drink and Meal Service (II)
Unit 6 Drink and Meal Service
II. Cabin Announcements -- Drink and Meal Service
1. Listen to the announcements and fill in the blanks.
Discuss the following questions in groups
1. If you fail to bring the passenger his meal in time, what do you say to him to show your apology? 2. A passenger was sleeping while you were serving. After he wakes up, he complains he hasn’t got a meal. What would you say to him? 3. What is the difference between the meal service of First class and Economy class ? 4. Could you list several kinds of special meals? 5. What’s your recommendation to a vegetarian passenger if he does not eat the food you served?
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
Cabin Announcements

民航服务英语教案民航服务英语教案篇一:民航英语全教案情境1Item 1Preflight preparationTeaching ideas: Focus on the students, students are the master ofthe class, the content of the lesson is for the students, and pay full attention to the understanding and attending to the lesson of students.Teaching aims: Practicing the listening and oral English abilitiesof students. Ask students to remember and use their own words to retell the content of the dialogues, in order to use the professional words for daily communication.Teaching contents: Unit 1 An Airline JobTeaching skills:Group discussion; group asking; group competitionTeaching steps:Preparation period1. Know the English name of each student; use their English names in the class, andtell the English name of the teacher to the students.2. Divide the students into several groups according to the numberof the students.( 4or 6 in a group )3. Ask students to have a preview of the new lesson.Teaching periodPart One Warming Up——任务所飞航班计划——签到起飞前在规定的时间内到航班调度部门在乘务员所执行的航班上签名或在电脑上确以。

课程目标:1. 培养学员具备基本的客舱服务英语口语交流能力。
2. 提高学员对客舱服务常用英语词汇和句型的掌握程度。
3. 增强学员在真实情境下的英语沟通能力和应变能力。
教学对象:航空服务专业学生教学时长:2课时教学内容:1. 客舱服务常用英语词汇2. 客舱服务常用英语句型3. 客舱服务场景模拟教学步骤:一、导入(5分钟)1. 教师简要介绍本节课的学习目标和内容。
2. 引导学生回顾上节课所学内容,激发学生的学习兴趣。
二、词汇学习(15分钟)1. 教师展示客舱服务常用英语词汇,如:passenger(乘客)、luggage(行李)、boarding pass(登机牌)、seating arrangement(座位安排)等。
2. 学生跟读词汇,教师纠正发音。
3. 教师带领学生进行词汇分类练习,如:与乘客相关的词汇、与行李相关的词汇等。
三、句型学习(20分钟)1. 教师展示客舱服务常用英语句型,如:- Good morning/afternoon/evening, welcome aboard.- May I see your boarding pass, please?- Your seat is located at the window/aisle.- Would you like a snack or drink?2. 学生跟读句型,教师纠正发音。
3. 教师组织学生进行句型角色扮演,模拟不同客舱服务场景。
四、场景模拟(20分钟)1. 教师设置以下场景:乘客登机、座位安排、餐食服务、紧急情况处理等。
2. 学生分组进行场景模拟,每组选择一个场景进行表演。
3. 教师对学生的表演进行点评,指出优点和不足,并提供改进建议。
五、总结与作业(10分钟)1. 教师总结本节课所学内容,强调重点词汇和句型。
2. 布置课后作业:- 学生自行准备一段客舱服务英语口语对话,并录制下来。
- 下节课进行分享,教师点评。
教学评价:1. 学生对客舱服务英语词汇和句型的掌握程度。
民航客舱服务英语--unit 6

Sentence patterns Hello! Welcome aboard! What ‘s up? What’s happening?
Sentence patterns Asking for help Please help me I wonder if you can help
Act out
During boarding, there is an old lady coming and carrying heavy hand luggage.
up 举起,粘贴 Put up with :stand I can’t put up with you. In case of 万一 We must get out of here in case of fire. Immediately :at once
A:劳驾,我们马上就要起飞了。请把窗帘拉 起。 B:为什么我要这样做呢? A:因为要在紧急的情况下看发生了什么事。 B:好的。 A:谢谢!
Oral practice four
A:不好意思,您可以不要用笔记本吗? B:为什么呢,我正在完成一个重要的工作。 A:因为飞机起飞前,不允许使用电脑。 B:那我什么时候可以使用呢。 A:在飞机进入巡航高度的时候您就可以使用 了。B:好的。
Dialogue three a passenger puts her baggage on an emergency exit
Dialogue five a passenger wants to take another seat
民航服务英语口语教程教案unit 6-2

I.Review thenew words and terms in unit 6(15 mins)
[Activity:T asks questions and Ss answer.]
II.Dialogues (35 mins)
Step1.Listen to the recording of the dialogues twice, then T asks Ss the main idea of the dialogues. (13mins)
Step2.Check the answers. (5mins)
Step3. Ss role-play each dialogue and T corrects the wrong pronunciation.(5 mins)
IV.Exercise 7(20mins)
Step1.T explains each situation and give Ss time to prepare dialogues. (10mins)
章节 课题
Unit6 Baggage Arrangements
Teaching objectives:
1. To know the current restriction on both registered baggage and accompanied baggage on aboard.
1. Key words and expressions.
2. The cabin attendants have the obligation to arrange the passenger’s baggage safely aboard.

A: Yes. Oh, here is the VIP lounge. This is Mr. Chen, the ___a_tt_e_n_d_a_n_t_ here. This is Mr. Brown, the
gymnastics judge. Please take a rest here.
B: Thanks.
A: I am Jane. I am here to help you, are you _f_e_e_li_n_g___ __t_ir_e_d___ after the flight? Do you need a rest in
the VIP lounge?
B: OK. But I haven’t _c_l_a_im__e_d____ my baggage yet.
Lesson 1 VIP Service
Task② Listen and try to complete the dialogue:
VIP Service
A: Excuse me, are you Mr. Brown, the gymnastics judge?
B: Yes, I am.
A: You are welcome. Anything else I can do for you?
B: No, thanks.
Lesson 2 Meeting an VIP
Words Study: Lesson 2 Meeting an VIP (重要旅客的接机服务)
Task① Listen and repeat the following words.
C: Mr. Brown, what ___w_o_u_l_d__ you ___li_k_e___ to drink?

民航服务英语教案第一章:民航服务英语概述1.1 课程目标1.2 课程内容1.3 教学方法1.4 学习资源1.5 评估方式第二章:民航基础知识2.1 民航发展简史2.2 民航组织机构2.3 航班类型与编号2.4 机票类别与订票流程2.5 练习与讨论第三章:旅客服务3.1 旅客分类与需求3.2 接待与登机手续3.3 特殊旅客服务3.4 航班延误与取消处理3.5 案例分析与角色扮演第四章:行李服务4.1 行李规定与分类4.2 行李托运与提取4.3 行李丢失与损坏处理4.4 旅客行李保险4.5 练习与讨论第五章:安全检查与航空安全5.1 安全检查流程与要求5.2 禁止携带物品列表5.3 航空安全知识5.4 紧急情况应对措施5.5 案例分析与角色扮演第六章:客舱服务6.1 客舱服务概述6.2 客舱服务程序6.3 客舱安全知识6.4 客舱设备及功能介绍6.5 案例分析与角色扮演第七章:机上餐饮与饮品服务7.1 餐饮服务流程7.2 饮品服务规范7.3 特殊饮食需求处理7.4 机上餐饮文化7.5 案例分析与角色扮演第八章:免税商品销售8.1 免税商品概述8.2 免税商品销售流程8.3 免税商品分类与介绍8.4 免税商品销售技巧8.5 案例分析与角色扮演第九章:特殊服务9.1 特殊服务对象9.2 残疾人服务9.3 新生儿与儿童服务9.4 宗教信仰服务9.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十章:航班抵达与离港服务10.1 航班抵达前准备工作10.2 航班抵达服务流程10.3 航班离港前准备工作10.4 航班离港服务流程10.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十一章:空中交通管制与通信11.1 空中交通管制概述11.2 航空通信原理与设备11.3 标准通话用语与程序11.4 紧急情况通信处理11.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十二章:航班计划与飞行签派12.1 航班计划制定12.2 飞行签派职责与流程12.3 航班运行监控12.4 飞机性能与燃油管理12.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十三章:机场地面服务13.1 机场地面服务概述13.2 机场值机与行李处理13.3 机场安检与边检13.4 机场候机与登机服务13.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十四章:航班不正常情况处理14.1 航班延误与取消14.2 旅客权益保护14.3 紧急情况应对14.4 航班备降与迫降14.5 案例分析与角色扮演第十五章:民航服务礼仪与沟通技巧15.1 民航服务礼仪概述15.2 沟通技巧与语言表达15.3 非语言沟通与肢体语言15.4 客户心理分析与应对15.5 案例分析与角色扮演重点和难点解析1. 民航基础知识:包括民航发展简史、民航组织机构、航班类型与编号、机票类别与订票流程等。

湖南石油化工职业技术学院教案首页教学内容与过程Teaching procedures:Step One: Lead-inDo you know any VIP services?Step Two:I. Ask stude nts to read the dialogue 1 in 5 mins to find out the inquiry senten ces. II. The teacher expla ins the short dialogue in detail.III. Ask the students to read after the teacher for the key words and sentences. IV. Choose some of students to read the dialogue out in class. The teacher corre the wrong pronun ciati on.V. Ask stude nts to make a new dialogue about the content for dialogue 1.VI. The teacher chooses 4 groups to practice the dialogue.VII. Give 5 mins for stude nts to read dialogue 2 and try to an swer Where is the washroom?VIII. Ask some of the students to explain the meaning of the content.IX. The teacher corrects the wrong information and explains the key grammar focus.X. Ask the stude nts to read after teacher to practice the oral En glish.Step Three: SummarySummary the key senten ces about the VIP service.备注课后分析The two dialogues about VIP service are not difficult, but in fact, if we com muni cate ;tw ith the VIP passe nger, we will encoun ter many un expected thi ngs.湖南石油化工职业技术学院教案首页湖南石油化工职业技术学院教案首页Teaching procedures:Step One: Lead-inTalk about VIP service at the VIP lounge.Step Two:I. There are two passe ngers in this dialogue, the teacher asks stude nts to find out t differe nt VIP service for each passe nger.II. The teacher checks the an swer and expla ins the dialogue in detail.If you have any dema nd, please press the service bell on the table.The new estimated time of departure will be 4:30 pm.The new departure time will be announced later.III. Ask some of the stude nts to read and tran slate the senten ces.IV. Ask stude nts to read the dialogue after teacher.V. Give 10 mi ns for stude nts to recite dialogue 3 and ask some of stude nts to recite it in class to check the pronunciation.VI. The teacher gives 5 mins to read the dialogue 4 about VIP service.VII. The teacher expla ins the key senten ces.VIII. Ask students to read after the teacher and try to retell the dialogue in their own words.IX. Choose some of stude nts to perform the dialogue.Step Three: SummarySummary the key sen ten ces of the dialogue.If you have any dema nd, please press the service bell on the table.The new estimated time of departure will be 4:30 pm.The new departure time will be announced later.If everythi ng is correct, we can print it aga in. Although itis about the VIP service for the two dialogues,h But the content is similar to the board ing time which j we lear ned before. So it is easy i for this class, and some of the stude nts can recite the dialogue in class.湖南石油化工职业技术学院教案首页Teaching procedures:Step One: Lead-inPlay a video about the VIP service and ask students to write down the key senten ces.Step Two:I. Give 5 mins for stude nts to find out the new words for the 10 sen ten ces from 1-1 on page 73.Actual/appoi nt/releva nt/passage/priority/formalityII. Ask students to read after the teacher for the new words. Choose some of the stude nts to read the new words.III. Ask stude nts to write the senten ces using the give n Chin ese in 10 mins. Choose some of the stude nts to write the senten ces on the black board.您好,请问您预约哪天的服务?请提供您的航班号和航班信息。

Topic1、It doesn't work.中文:它出故障了。
Topic2、It's essential.中文:这是必要的。
Topic3、It's a small world.中文:这世界真小。
Topic4、How is it going?中文:情况怎么样?Topic5、I'll get it.中文:我去接电话。
Topic6、I'm under a lot of pressure. 中文:我的压力很大。
Topic7、I assure you.中文:我向你保证。
Topic8、I'll give you a hand.中文:我来帮助你。
Topic9、I mean what I say.中文:我说话算数。
Topic10、I'll take your advice.中文:我接受你的忠告。
Topic11、No problem.中文:没问题。
Topic12、I've got my hands full.中文:我手头正忙。
Topic13、Easier said than done.中文:说明容易做时难。
Topic14、It's a pain in the neck.中文:这真是苦不堪言。
Topic15、I'm on a diet.中文:我正在节食。
Topic16、Can I have a day off?中文:我能请一天假吗?Topic17、It's better than nothing. 中文:总比没有好。
Topic18、Take care.中文:请多保重。
Topic19、I couldn't get through.中文:不打不通电话。
Topic20、I hope you'll forgive me.中文:我希望你能原谅我。
Topic21、Storms make trees take deeper roots. 中文:风暴使树木深深扎根。
民航客舱服务实用英语 Unit 6

A passenger is sending a text message on his mobile phone.
A passenger is using a laptop and another passenger wants to go to the lavatory before take-off.
4ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
A passenger is asking for a blanket when the captain requests the crew to be seated.
How How
to advis a passenger who wants to go to the toilet when the plane is about to take off? to stop a passenger who is still working his computer as the plane is taking off soon?
Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome aboard__! This is purser __speaking. On behalf of our captain, we are pleased to have you on board with us. Our flight time to__ is about__hours and ___ minutes. We expect to arrive at local time ___. We will seve you breakfast (lunch/dinner/snack) and drinks soon.
《民航服务英语》最新版教学课件Unit 6 Flights Delays

previous ['priːvɪəs] 美 ['privɪəs] adj. 以前的;早先的 previous year 前一年 previous generation 前代; previous period 前期 previous page 上一页,前一页; previous arrangement 前次安排 e.g. She has a teenage daughter from a previous marriage.
请替换文字内容 adjustment [ə'dʒʌstmənt] n. 调整,调节
height adjustment 高度调整
temperature adjustment 温度调节
forecast ['fɔːkɑːst] 美 ['fɔrkæst] vt. 预报,预测;n. 预测,预报 weather forecast 天气预测,天气预报 sales forecast 销售预测 e.g. What is your forecast for the race? e.g. In both Japan and China, people have long believed that earthquakes can be forecast.
01 Words
accommodation [əkɒmə'deɪʃ(ə)n] n. 住处,膳宿 e.g. The price takes in the cost of all the accommodation and food.
previous ['priːvɪəs] adj. 以前的;早先的
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- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
I.Review the functional sentences in unit5 (10 mins)
[Activity:T asks questions and Ss answer.]
II.New words and phrasesΒιβλιοθήκη learning (15 mins)
Step1. Listen to the recording of the words and phrases twice.(2 mins)
Step2. T explains the phonetic symbols and the meaning of the words and phrases.(3 mins)
Step3. Ss try to remember the meaning and the pronunciation of the words and phrases. (5 mins)
Ⅲ.Exercise 2 & Exercise 3(40 mins)
Step1. T explains the phonetic symbols and the meaning ofthe terms.(15 mins)
Step2. Read after Ttwice. (5mins)
Step3. Ss try to remember the meaning and the pronunciation of the words and phrases. (10 mins)
章节 课题
Unit6 Baggage Arrangements
Teaching objectives:
1. To know the current restriction on both registered baggage and accompanied baggage on aboard.
2. To master the restriction on the free allowance for adults and the free allowance for infant passengers in economy class.
3. To learn how to give advice and assistance for the passengers to stow their baggages in the right place in the cabin.
1.Key words and expressions.
2.The cabin attendants have the obligation to arrange the passenger’s baggage safely aboard.
教 具
教 学 过 程
1. Review the functional sentences in unit 5
Step1.Listen to the recording of the dialogues twice, then T asks Ss the main idea of the dialogues. (8mins)
Step2.T explains the difficult points of each dialogue; T lets Ss do exercise 1; T and Ss summarize the general meaning of the structures in each dialogue together. (5mins)
Teaching key points:
1.Key words and expressions.
2.The cabin attendants have the obligation to arrange the passenger’s baggage safely aboard.
Teaching difficult points:
Ⅵ. Assignments (3mins)
1. Review the new words and terms;
2. Preview the dialogues we haven’t learnt;
3. Do exercise 4 and exercise 7.
Blackboard design
Unit 6 Baggage Arrangements
Terms:随身行李,行李限额,行李传送带,婴儿车,头顶上方的柜子,超规行李,寄存行李,damaged baggage, collapsible stroller, pooling of baggage, wardrobe compartment, misdirected baggage etc.
Step4. T lets Ss read the words and phrases and correct the wrong pronunciation.(10 mins)
Words and Phrases:arrangement, stow, rucksack, galley, fragile, wardrobe, handcart, leather.
Step4. T lets Ss read the words and phrases and correct the wrong pronunciation.(5 mins)
Step3. Ss role-play each dialogue and T corrects the wrong pronunciation. (7 mins)
V. Summary(2mins)
1.We havelearnt the new words and terms in unit 6;
2.We have learnthow to arrange baggage.