【初中英语】人教版七年级下册Unit 7 单元过关测试卷 (练习题)

人教版七年级下册Unit 7 单元过关测试卷(740) 1.假设你是王雷,你正在广州度假,请根据以下情景用英语写一封60词左右的电子邮件发给你的好朋友Tom。
夏天天气很热,大街上(o n the s tr e e t)仍有很多人,他们穿着凉爽的衣服,有的穿着短裤,有的穿着短裙。
D ea r To m,I a m o n va c a tion in Gu a ng z ho u no w.You r s,Wa ng Le iD ea rE r ic,H o w is it go in g th e se d a ys I'm h a vin g a gr e a t time1.my u n c le in Ku n min g,C h ina.It's win te r,b u t the we a the r h e re is no t 2..To da y is Su n da y.M y u n c le d o e sn't g o to wo rk, 3.he ta ke s me and To n y,my c o u s in, to th e p a rk.In th e p a rk,we s ee lo ts o f p e op le.S o me 64.a re p la yin g ga me s.S o me o ld me n a r e wa lk ing 5.th e r ive r.W h a t is my u nc le d o ing?He is 6.with h is f r ien d un der a tr e e.Th e y a r e ve r y 7..M y c o u s in is 8.ap p le ju ic e.I'm s i ttin g o n th e g r a ss a n d 9.to yo u.Oh,my u n c le is c a llin g me.I h a ve t o s a y 10.!I mis s yo u!You r s,J an e(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)3.It's a u tu mn(秋天) in A me r ic a.H e nr y is in a r es ta u r an t.It's r a in in g h a rd.He n r y lik e sa u tu mn be c au s e th e we a th e r is us u a lly c o o l.Bu t s o me time s H en r y f e e ls s a d wh en it is r a in in g.H e is f r o m C h ina.He mis s e s(想念) h is ho me, h is pa r e n ts a nd h is f r ie nd s o n r a in y d a ys.B u t th is e ve n in g is g re a t.H en r y is h a p p y.It's twe lve o'c lo c k n o w.A ll th eC h in e se p e op le h e re a r e ha vin g a go od time.S o me a re ea tin g f oo d.So me ar e ta lk in g ha pp ily.A yo u n g ma n is p la yin g th e g u ita r.T h e mu s ic is r e a lly g oo d.Th e r e a r e f ive p eo p le a ro un d h im.T h e y a r e lis te n in g to h im. A yo u n g wo ma n is s ta nd ing in f ron t o f a p ic tu r e.Th e r e is a c a me r a in h e r h an d.S he is go in g to ta ke a ph o to o f th is p ic tu re. A b o y is wa tc h in g TV.It's a n ac tio n mo vie. A ca t is lyin g n e a r th e T V se t.H enr y is s u rp r is ed th a t it is s le e p ing! In a b ig c h a ir is an o ld ma n.H e is s ittin g q u ie tly, wa tc h in g th e p eo p le in th e r e s ta u r an t.A ll o f t he m a r e r e lax e d.(1)W he r e is H e n r y f r om?()A.He's f r o m A me r ic a.B.H e's f r o m C h in a.C.H e's f r o m E ng la nd.D.He's f r o m A f r ic a.(2)W h y d o e s H e n r y lik e au tu mn?()A.B ec a us e it's u s u a lly r a in y.B.B ec a u se it's u s u a lly c o o l.C.B ec a u se it's u s u a lly c o ld.D.B ec a us e it's u s u a lly s u nn y.(3)W ha t is the yo u n g ma n d o ing?()A.He is p la yin g th e gu ita r.B.H e is s tan d ing in f ro n t o f a p ic tu re.C.H e is wa tch in g an ac tio n mo vie.D.He is s lee p ing.(4)Ho w a re a ll th e p eo p le in th e r e s tau r an t?()A.T he y a r e s a d.B.T he y a r e a n g r y.C.T he y a r e r e la x ed.D.T he y a r e e x c ited.(5)W h y is He n r y s u r p ris e d tha t th e c a t is s lee p in g?()A.B ec a us e it's r a in in g.B.B ec a u se it's ve r y n o is y.C.B ec a u se it's q u ie t.D.B ec a us e H en r y is h a p p y.4.D e a r Bo b,T h an k yo u f o r yo u r lette r.Yo u wa n t to kno w th e we a the r in En gla n d a n d my d r e a mjo b.No w le t me te ll yo u.We ll,in En g lan d it is n o t too h o t o r too c o ld a ll ye a r r o u n d(一年到头).T h is is b e ca us e o f the s e a(海).It k e ep s th is is lan d(岛) wa rm in win te r an d ma k e s th e a ir c o o l in su mme r.T h e win d s a ls o ha ve mu c h to d o with th e we a th e r in E ng la nd.It h a s lo ts o f r a in inE ng la nd.T he we a th er is o f te n d iff e r e n t.You c a n't h a ve th e s a me k in d of we a the r f o r a lo n g time.In win te r, it's o f te n f o gg y(有雾的).S o yo u s h o u ld d r ive c ar e fu ll y.In s p r in g,yo u c a n s e e th e s un an d r a in o n the s a me da y.A s fo r my d r e a m jo b,I wan t to b e a po lic e ma n lik e my f a th e r.An d I th in k it's ve r y e x c itin g.H o w a bo u t yo u?I h op e yo u c an te ll me s ome th in g a bo u t yo u r s e lf n e x t time.B e s t wish e s to yo u.You r s,J ac k(1)Bo b wa n ts to kn o w.()A.h o w J a ck live s a nd s tu d ie sB.J a c k's f a vo r ite s ub je c tC.wha t J ac k lik e s b e s tD.th e wea th e r in E ng la n d a nd J ac k's d r e a m jo b(2)It's n o t to o ho t o r to o co ld in E n g la n d a ll ye a r r o u n d b ec a us e.()A.th e se a is a r ou n d itB.it's wa r mC.it ha s ma n y is la n d sD.th e r e a r e win d s(3)W ha t do e s th e th ir d p a ra g ra p h(段落)ta lk a bo u t?()A.T he f oo d in E ng la nd.B.T he we a th e r in E n g la n d.C.J a c k's d r e a m jo b.D.T he f og(雾)in En g la n d.(4)W ha t's J a ck's d r e a m jo b?()A.To be a te a ch e r.B.To b e a p o lic e ma n.C.To b e a d r ive r.D.To be a s in ge r.(5)Th e u n de r lin ed wo rd“ca r e f u lly”me a n s“”in C h in e s e.()A.小心地B.正常地C.清晰地D.快速地5.A: E x cu s e me. 1.?B: Ye s,I d o.I have a g ir l pe n f r ie nd.A: 2.B: Sh e is f r o m S yd n e y.A: Wh e r e is S yd n e yB: It's a c ity in A u s tr alia.A: D oe s A us tr a lia ha ve a n y f a mo u s(出名的) a n ima ls?B: Ye s.Ko a la s a re fr o m A u s tr a lia.T h e y s le e p in the da y a n d g e t up to f in d f o od a t n ig h t.3.?A: Th e y a r e r e a lly c u te. 4.?B: It's wa r m in win te r a n d c oo l in s u mme r.A: 5..B: You'r e we lc o me.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)6.D e a r M ike,T h an k yo u f o r yo u r le tte r.D o yo u wa n t to k n o w th e we a th e r h e re? Le t me te ll yo u.It's win te r in B e ijing.It's ve r y c o ld a nd it's s n o win g n o w.O u r sc h oo l lo o k s ve r y n ic e.So me s tu d en ts ar e o n the p la yg r o u n d.Lin d a a nd G ina a r e c le an ing the sn o w.J im an d J ack a r e ma k in g a s no wma n.J e nn y a n d h e r f r iend s a r e p la yin g g a me s.Ou r P.E.te a che r M r.M ille r is o n th e p la yg r o u n d, too.H e is r u nn in g in th e s no w.E ve r yo n e is h a vin g a g oo d time.W h a t a r e yo u do in g? P le a s e wr ite to me s oo n.You r s,P e te r根据短文内(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)7.I'm h a p p y (se e)yo u a g a in.8.Th e U K is on e o f the(co un tr y)in E ur o p e.9.—W ha t a r e th e b o ys d o ing?—Th e y (ma k e)a s n o wma n.10.It's a(s un) d ay to d a y.Le t's g o to th e pa r k.11.We c an't g o o u t n ow.It's(r a in) so h a rd.12.T he k id s ha ve a g re a t time ph o to s on th e f a r m.()A.tak eB.tak in gC.tak e sD.to ta ke13.—th e we a th e r ?—Win d y.()A.Ho w's; lik eB.W h a t's; /C.H o w; /D.W ha t's; l ik e14.P a r en ts ho pe th e ir c h ild r en s tud y a t s c ho o l.()A.a g a inB.ea r lyC.ha r dD.so on15.P le a se te ll the s tude n ts th e ir c la s s r oo m.It's d ir t y.()A.c le anB.c le a n in gC.to c le anD.to c lea n ing16.—H o w's it ?—N o t b a d.()A.g oB.go e sC.go ingD.to go17.—H e llo!Is tha t M r.Wan g s p ea k ing?—Ye s..()A.W ho's th a t?B.W h o a r e yo u?C.I'm s p e a k in g.D.I'm M r.Wa ng.18.It is ve r y o u tsid e.()A.c lo udB.c lo ud sC.c lo ud yD.c lo ud ly19.W h a t the y e ve r y e ve n in g?()A.a r e; doB.do; doC.a re; do in gD.d o es; d o20.J im is s ittin g th e po o l a n d ju ice.()A.o n;d r ink in gB.b y;d r ink in gC.b y;d r ink sD.in;d r in k s21.I'm s o r r y J im is n't h e r e.Ca n I a me s s a g e yo u?()A.g ive; toB.lea ve; f o rC.tak e; fo rD.b r in g; to22.—It's Fa th e r's D a y to d a y,?—Ye s.Le t's b u y a gif t f o r D a d.()A.isn't itB.do e sn't itC.is n't h eD.d o es n't h e23.I'm wa tc h in g TV in th e livin g ro o m a nd my mo th e r in th e k itc h en.()A.c o ok sB.co ok in gC.is c o ok ingD.to co o k24.In H a rb in,p e op le a lwa ys h a ts in win te r b ec a u se it's ve r y c o ld.()A.we a rB.wea r sC.pu ts o nD.p u t o n25.It's a s u mme r a f te r n o on in th e c ity o f J ina n.T he wea th e r is su n n ya n d 16 .17 a r e s ta yin g a t ho me.M r.G re e n is18 a s to r yb o o k o n th e s o f a.M r s.G re e n is19 .W ha t is Bill d o in g?H e's d o ing h ish o me wo r k 20 .B ill's p a r e n ts21in th e livin g r o o m.B ill's s is te r,Ma r y,is n't 22.Sh e's s wimmin g in th e la k e with h e r f r ie n ds.T he y d o n't lik e h o twe a th e r.23 th ey c a n do24 to k ee p it a wa y.T h e r a d io s a ys it will b e co o l la ter o n an d th e y a r e a ll 25to h ea r tha t.Th e y h o p e th e y c a n en jo y th e ms e lve s th e n.(1)A.c o ldB.ho tC.r a in yD.c lo ud y(2)A.M r.G r ee nB.M rs.G r ee nC.T he G r e enD.T he G r ee n s(3)A.re a d in gB.loo k ingC.se e ingD.lo o k in g a t(4)A.d o ing so me wa s h ingB.do ing s o me was h ing c lo th esC.do a wa sh in gD.d o ma n y wa s h in g(5)A.u n de r the be dB.in h is b e d ro o mC.on the tab leD.in th e k itch e n(6)A.is wa tc h in g TVB.wa tc h TVC.wa tc h ing TVD.a r e wa tc h ing TV(7)A.o nB.inC.a wa yD.o u t(8)A.An dB.B ec a u seC.O rD.S o(9)A.e ve r yth in gB.so me th in gC.no th ingD.a n yth in g(10)A.sa dB.so r r yC.an g r yD.h a pp y26.(1)W ha t is C ind y d o in g()A.S h e is wr itin g to h er f r ie n d s.B.S h e is wa tch in g TV.C.S h e is ma k in g s o me c a r d s.D.S h e is c le a n in g h e r r o o m.(2)Ho w's th e we a the r in Au s tr a lia to d a y()A.It's c o ld.B.It's s u n n y.C.It's r a in y.D.It's s n o w y.(3)W he r e is Ton y f r o m()A.C h in a.B.A us tr a lia.C.T he U S.D.C an ad a.(4)To n y a lwa ys g o e s to s e e h is with h is p a r en ts o n Ne w Ye a r's D a y.()A.g r a nd pa r e n tsB.tea c he rC.f r ien dD.u n c le(5)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE?()A.C ind y is a n A me r ic a n g ir l.B.O live r is do ing h is h o me wo r k.C.It's r a in in g a n d co ld in C a na d a.D.O live r's f a th e r is not a t h o me n o w.27.In En g lan d, pe op le d o n't o f te n ta lk to e ac h o th e r wh en th e y tr a ve l.If yo u a r e o n a bu s o r on a tr a in, yo u c an a lwa ys s e e s o me pe ople s ittin g a nd loo k ing o u t o f the wind o w a nd o th e r p e op le re a d in g b o o k s o r n e wsp a pe r s.E ng lis h p eo p le o f te n sta r t a co n ve r s a tion(谈话) b y ta lk in g ab ou t th e we a the r.S o when yo u me e t s o me b o d y in E ng la nd,yo u ca n sa y “N ic e we a the r f o r th e time o f th e ye a r!”“Bu t it wa s a little cold ye s te r d a y,”s o me b od y ma y a n s we r.“Bu t it wi ll g e t a b it wa r me r(更温暖的)la te r,”yo u c a n s a y.Ta lk lik e th is, a n d th e E ng lis h p e op le will th in k, “H o w f r ie nd ly yo u a re!”(1)En g lis h p eo p le o f ten s it an d lo o k o u t o f th e o n a tra in.()A.wind o wB.do o rC.ro o fD.h o le(2)En g lis h p eo p le o f ten on the bu s.()A.ta lk a lo tB.ta lk to e a ch o th e rC.ea t s o me th ingD.re a d n e wsp ap e r s(3)W he n yo u me e t a n E ng lis h ma n, yo u c a n sta r t th e co n ve r s a tion b y ta lk in g a b ou t th e .()A.we a th e rB.timeC.fo o dD.c o un tr ys id e(4)Ac c or d ing to th e pa s s a ge,if yo u ta lk to E ng lis h pe op le ab ou t th e wea th e r,th e y will th in k.()A.yo u a r e f r ie nd lyB.yo u a r e r ig h tC.yo u a r e En g lis hD.yo u ta lk mu c h(5)W h ic h o f the f o llowin g is TRUE a c co r d in g to th e p a ss a ge?()A.E ng lis h p e op le like tr a ve lin g b y b u s.B.E ng lis h p e op le d o n't ta lk mu c h wh en th e y'r e o n p u b lic tr a n sp o r t.C.E ng lis h p e op le ar e u n f r ie nd ly.D.E ng lis h p e op le d on't e n jo y g o o d we a th e r.28.H is fa mil y wa n t to g o to M ou n t E me i b y tr a in va ca tio n.()A.a tB.ofC.onD.in29.—So un d s s o me o n e is s ing in g in th e r o o m.—It's my s is te r.H e r vo ic e s ou nd s b e au tif u l.()A./; /B.like; /C.like; lik eD./; like参考答案1.【答案】:One possible version:Dear Tom,I am on vacation in Guangzhou now.It is summer here and it is very hot,but there are still many people on the street.They are all wearing cool clothes.Some are wearing shorts and others are wearing skirts.Some people are walking to go shopping because it's cool in the supermarket.There are also some people in the park.They are having a good time.Some of them are reading and some are playing chess, and it's a good place to relax.Yours,Wang Lei2(1)【答案】visiting(2)【答案】cold(3)【答案】so(4)【答案】children(5)【答案】by(6)【答案】talking(7)【答案】happy(8)【答案】drinking(9)【答案】writing(10)【答案】goodbye3(1)【答案】B(2)【答案】B(3)【答案】A(4)【答案】C(5)【答案】B4(1)【答案】D(2)【答案】A(3)【答案】B(4)【答案】B(5)【答案】A5(1)【答案】Do you have a pen friend(2)【答案】Where is she fromWhere does she come from(3)【答案】What do you think of koalas/them(4)【答案】How's the weather in AustraliaWhat's the weather like in Australia(5)【答案】Thank you very much6(1)【答案】Cleaning the snow(2)【答案】Jim and Jack(3)【答案】Playing games(4)【答案】Running in the snow(5)【答案】Peter7.【答案】:to see8.【答案】:countries9.【答案】:are making10.【答案】:sunny11.【答案】:raining12.【答案】:B13.【答案】:D14.【答案】:C16.【答案】:C17.【答案】:A18.【答案】:C19.【答案】:B20.【答案】:B21.【答案】:C22.【答案】:A23.【答案】:C24.【答案】:A25(1)【答案】B(2)【答案】D(3)【答案】A(4)【答案】A(5)【答案】B(6)【答案】D(7)【答案】B(8)【答案】B(9)【答案】C(10)【答案】D26(1)【答案】C(2)【答案】B(4)【答案】A(5)【答案】D27(1)【答案】A(2)【答案】D(3)【答案】A(4)【答案】A(5)【答案】B28.【答案】:C29.【答案】:B。
2021年人教版七年级英语下册Unit7 单元测试题(附答案)

Unit7 单元测试题一、单项选择。
(20分)( ) 1. It’s too _______ outside, you must put on your coat.A. hotB. coolC. coldD. warm( ) 2. ________ you ______ the window? Yes, I am.A. Do, cleanB. Is, cleaningC. Do, cleaningD. Are, cleaning( ) 3. --- How is it ________? --- It’s not bad.A. goB. goingC. goesD. is( ) 4. -- ______ is the weather? ---- It’s windy.A. WhatB. HowC. WhenD. Where( ) 5. -- Hi, Lucy! Glad to see you. What are you doing here? -- I’m ______ vacation now.A. onB. inC. atD. for( ) 6. On the wall there are two pictures. ______ is Tom’s and ______ is Mary’s.A. One, oneB. One, otherC. One, the otherD. One, others( ) 7. He’s sitting ______ the pool and ______ orange juice.A. on, drinkingB. by, drinkingC. by, drinksD. in, drinks( ) 8. He learns _______ in the sea.A. to swimB. swimmingC. to walkD. walking( ) 9. --- Hello! _______ Ann. Is that Lily speaking?A. I amB. This isC. That isD. She is( )10. Oh, it’s really a ______ day. I can’t find all my money.A. interestingB. terribleC. prettyD. good( )11. It is Sunday today. Look! Alice and Bob in the park.A. is playingB. are playingC. playsD. No( )12. What do you do when it ?A. snowingB. snowC. is snowyD. is snow( )13. Her mother is . She her students now.A. a teacher, teachB. teacher, teachesC. a teacher, teachingD. a teacher, is teaching ( )14. I’m not a book like this.A. watchingB. readingC. looking atD. seeing( )15. It’s today. I think it’s going to .A. cloud; rainB. cloudy; rainingC. cloudy; rainD. cloudy; rainy ( )16.--Do you like cold rainy weather-- .I like hot sunny weather, too.A. No, I don’tB. Yes, I likeC. Yes , I do .D. No , I like it( )17. —is the weather like Changchun? —It’s cold.A. What; aboutB. What; inC. How; aboutD. How; in( )18. What they every evening?A. are; doB. do; doC. are; doingD. does; do ( )19. It is a sunny day, ________?A. is itB. isn’t itC. does itD. doesn’t it ( )20. There are many people here. Some are taking photos. ________ are talking happily.A. OtherB. OthersC. The otherD. Another二、根据句意和首字母提示完成单词。
Unit 7 单元测试2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册(含答案)

2021-2022学年人教版英语七年级下册Unit 7单元测试(满分:100分时间:90分钟)一、单项选择题。
(15分)1. is the weather in London?A.How; likeB. What; likeC.How; aboutD. What; /2.-- is it going? --Pretty good.A.WhatB. WhenC. HowD. Why3.--What’s the weather like today?-- .A.It’s rainingB. It rainingC.It’s rainyD. It’s wind4.Listen! Jason in his room.A.singB. singsC. singingD. is singing5.Her grandparents often TV in the evening.A.watchB. seeC. lookD. look at6.It and some children are making a snowman outside.A.is snowingB. snowC.is sunnyD.is rainy7.--Hello, who’s that speaking?-- .A.That is JaneB. This is Kangkang speakingC. I’m MikeD. She is Maria8.What interesting news it is!A.aB. /C. anD. the9.--My new phone was stolen when I took a bus yesterday. -- .A.I’m sorry to hear thatB. It doesn’t matterC. Don’t be sillyD. I’d love to10.Not everyone rich in America.A.isB. areC. hasD. have11.--What can your brother do? --He can ping-pong.A.is playingB. playingC. playsD. play12.My family are all vacation now.A.atB. ofC. onD. for13.Katina wants this book now.A.readingB. am readingC. readD. to read14.Hello! Hector. Is that Elisa speaking?A.I amB. This isC. That isD. This’s15.In our class, everyone usually homework at school.A.doB. doesC. doingD. is doing二、完形填空。

()1. What's Tom's father doing?A. Running by the pool.B. Playing soccer.C. Watching TV.()2. Who is Bob writing to?A. His friend.B. His father.C. His teacher.()3. What's the weather like in London today?A. Rainy.B. Sunny.C. Snowy.()4. Who gets to school by subway?A. Eric.B. Kate.C. Kate's brother. ()5. Where are Mary and her father now?A. In the shop.B. In the library.C. In the zoo.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。
()6. What are Li Chen and his father doing?A. They are watching TV.B. They are visiting Li Chen's grandparents.C. They are cleaning their new house.()7. What's the weather like in Kunming?A. It's cloudy.B. It's windy.C. It's sunny.听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。

Unit 7 It’s raining.单元测试试题(100分)ー、单项选择。
(共15分)( )1.Helen is having a good time________her grandparents in the countryside.A.visit B to visit C.visiting D.visits( )2. -Where are his family? ---They are all________vacation now.A.at B of C.on D.for( )3. ---I like summer.What about you?---I don't like summer________it is too hot.A andB becauseC but D.or( )4.-I'm playing soccer in the park. ---Sounds________you are having fun.A.likeB.likesC.likingD.to like( )5.Linda isn't at home.Can I take a message________her?A.in B to C.for D.with( )6. -Does it often________here? ---Yes,it is quite __________.A.rain:rain B rainy;rain C rain:rainy D.rainy;rain( )7.Lily and Lucy________ chess in the room now.A is playingB playing C.plays D.are playing( )8.________? ---It's raining.A.How is it goingB.How are you C What's the weather D.How is the weather( )9.________? --It's cold and dry.A.How is the weather like todayB.What is the weather likeC What day is it today D.What's the date today( )10,________? -- Not bad.A.What are you doingB.What do you doC.How's it goingD.What do you look like( )11. -Hello!Is that Mr Wang speaking? ---Yes.________A Who’s that?B Who are you? C.I'm speaking D.I'm Mr.Wang. ( )12.Dave is wearing his new T-shirt.He________cool.A.sounds B works C makes D.looks( )13. -I saw a nice movie Wolf Warriors last Sunday.---Me too.________interesting movie it is!A.How B What C How an D What an( )14.There________snow in Beijing every year.A.isn't muchB.hasn't many C hasn’t much D aren’t many( )15 -Tomorrow I am taking a driving test.-____________________.A Wish you good luck B.Congratulations to youGood idea D.Sorry to hear that二、完形填空(10分)Do you want to take a trip to China?China is a big 1 , so it’s important to choose the place to 2 and the time to go. And bring a map, or you may get 3 .The best time to go to Xinjiang is 4 June or October. You can see beautiful scenery(风景) and eat 5 fruits. The weather is usually 6 during the day,but it may be cold in the evening. So you have to bring more 7 .It never gets cold in Hainan. You can also get there in winter.Take your swimming clothes because you may want to 8 ,even in December.Jiuzhaigou is a good place to go to in summer 9 it’s not hot there. The scenery is really beautiful.Don’t 10 to take some photos.()1.A.city B.village C.school D.country()2.A.leave B.draw C.visit D.clean()3.A.fun B.lost C.boring D.happy()4.A.for B.from C.of D.in()5.A.new B.delicious C.relaxing D.beautiful()6.A.warm B.dry C.windy D.cloudy()7.A.food B.water C.books D.clothes()8.A.sing B.dance C.run D.swim()9.A.but B.because C.when D.before()10.A.wish B.love C.forget D.learn三、阅读理解(30分)AToday,I’m in Qingdao.It’s a beautiful,sunny and warm day!There are many old people taking a walk in the park.The school from Happy Children School are in the park,too.Mrs. Yang,her English teacher is with them.They are having a very good time there.What are the children doing there? Let’s have a look! There are some girls under the big tree. They are singing and dancing there.Who’s near the swimming pool?They are also some girls.Theyare playing games there.What are the boys doing?They’re playing tennis in front of the river. Where are Linda and Lily?Look! They are sitting near the river.They are reading an interesting book.What’s John doing?Oh, he is lying on the grass and listening to the birds singing in the big tree.They are all relaxed.()1.How many kinds of activities do the children have in the park?A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.D. Eight.()2.What are the boys doing in the park?A. Playing games.B.Playing tennis.C.Reading a book.D.We don’t know.()3.Where are Linda and Lily?A.They’re near the pool.B.They’re under the big tree.C.They’re near the river.D.They’re in front of the river.()4.Which of the following is true?A.Some children are playing chess under the big tree.B.The children don’t have classes today.C.John is lying on the grass and singing.D.There is only a bird in the big tree.()5.Who is the story mainly (主要地) about?A.Some old people.B.Mrs. Yang.C.Linda and Lily.D.The children from Happy Children School.BDo you like snow? Many people like it. In some places of the world,there is a lot of snow, but in some places there is little snow.I’m Bill and I come from a country in Africa.There is no snow in my country.I want to see snow one day.This year I study in England.I don’t like the weather in autumn here.It rains a lot and I feel very cold.This morning,I wake up and find it bright in my room.I think , “Am I late?” I getup quickly, but I’m not late at all. I look out of the window and see a white world.There is snow on the streets, on the trees, on the houses and on the cars.Everything is white.I see snow! How clean and beautiful! I am very happy.()6.From the first paragraph,we know______________.A.Bill doesn’t like winterB.Bill wants to go to England.C.Bill doesn’t like his country.D.there is no snow in Bill’s country.()7.Bill feels _________ in autumn in England.A.coldB.dryC.hotD.warm()8.The underlined phrase “wake up” means ________________.A.迟到B.打扫C.闲逛D.醒来()9.Bill thinks he is late because __________________.A.it is really lateB.it is bright in the roomC.he has some work to doD.he usually get up early()10.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Bill likes playing in the snow.B.It is rainy in winter in England.C.Bill feels happy to see snow this morning.D.Bill sees many people on the streets this morning.CDear Linda,It is 3:00 in the afternoon and I am sitting in the library. It isn’t a very nice day. It is raining and I am feeling homesick. I miss my family and friends. There are many students in the library today. Most of them are studying. A few students are sleeping or talking to their friends, but most of them are busy. Tom, my best friend, is here with me. He is studying, too. He is very nice, I want you to meet him when you come to New York. Tom is also the son of my host family. The host family are all friendly. I have learnt a lot of English, so I can write a letter to you in English! I like my teachers and classmates. I have classes five mornings a week and I work three afternoons a week. Today is one of my days off.I hope that you are well and happy. When will you come to see me? Please write soon.Your friend,Tina ()11.Where is Tina writing the letter?A.In a classroom.B.In her room.C.At home.D.In a library.()12.Most of the students in the library are ________.A.sleeping B.talking C.studying D.playing()13.Does Tina learn a lot of English?A.Yes, she is.B.No, she isn’t.C.Yes, she does.D.No, she doesn’t.()14.What does the underlined word “homesick” mean in Chinese?A.回家B.寄宿家庭C.想家的D.感冒()15.From the passage we can know that ________.A.this is a letter from Linda to Tina B.Tina is not working this afternoonC.Tina feels homesick because it is a nice day D.Tina’s good at English and it’s her mother language四、词语运用。
人教版七年级下册英语 《Unit7 It's raining!》单元测试试卷含答案03

人教版七年级英语下册《Unit7It's raining!》单元测试一、单项选择。
1.—________the weather?—Sunny.A.How’sB.Who’sC.WhatD.How2.—How’s it________?—It’s not bad.A.goB.goingC.goesD.to go3.I’m________Helen.Do you know where she is?A.looking upB.looking afterC.looking atD.looking for4.—What are Mr.and Mrs.Black doing?—They________tea in the garden.A.are drinkingB.drankC.have drunkD.drink5.It is________outside.A.cloudB.cloudsC.cloudyD.cloudly6.—Hello!Is that Mr Wang speaking?—Yes.________A.Who’s that?B.Who are you?C.I’m speaking.D.I’m Mr Wang.7.They often go to the zoo________vacation.A.atB.inC.toD.on8.—________is the weather like________Changchun?—It’s cold.A.What;aboutB.What;inC.How;aboutD.How;in9.—What is he doing?—He is playing________soccer.A.aB.theC./D.an10.What_____they_____every evening?A.are;doB.do;doC.are;doingD.does;do二、完形填空。
人教版七年级英语下册单元测试题-Unit 7含答案

Unit 7 I'm watching TV?单元检测卷Full marks:100 Time:120 minutes第I卷(选择题共55分)一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分)(一)请听录音中五个句子。
(每个句子仅读一遍)1. A. B. C.2. A. B. C.3. A. B. C.4. A. B. C.5. A. B. C.(二)请听录音中五组短对话。
(每组对话读两遍)6.What are they talking about?A.The weather in Canada.B.The weather in China..C.The weather in Japan.7. What's Jenny doing?A.Studying English.B. Taking photos.B.C. Playing the guitar.8.What’s the weather like in Beijing?A. It’s windy.B. It’s sunny.C. It’s cloudy.9. What’s the girl’s sister wearing?A. A red T-shirt.B. A blue T-shirt.C. A yellow T-shirt.10. Why does the girl like winter?A. Because she can go skating.B. Because she can play with the snow.C. Because she can make a snowman.(三)请听录音中两段较长的对话。
每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。
2020-2021学年人教版七年级英语下册Unit 7 单元测试卷及答案

七年级英语下学期Unit 7测试题I.听问题朗读正确答案。
1. ★ In front of the school.★ To the library.2. ★ No, he isn’t.★ Yes, he does.3. ★ Because it' s too far.★ Because I love the clean air.4. ★ She is a police artist.★ She is drawing a picture.5. ★ My sister is short.★ My music teacher.6. ★ After lunch.★ For two hours.7. ★ It’s a great city.★ It' s sunny.8. ★ I like going shopping.★ I will go swimming:Ⅱ.听对话选择答案。
9. What does Jessica look like?A. She has big eyes.B. She is short and fat.C. She has curly blonde hair.10. What does Jessica want to be?A. An actress.B. An artist.C. A teacher.请听第二段材料,回答第11至12两个小题。
11. Where does the girl want to go?A. To the subway station.B. To the police station.C. To the post office.12. Where is the post office?A. On Bridge Street.B. On Green Street.C. On Brown Street.请听第三段材料,回答第13至14两个小题。
2020年人教版英语七年级下册Unit 7 It’s raining!单元测试题(含答案)

第七单元检测题 试 题 卷(考试时间 120分钟 满分 120 分)第一部分 听力部分(共30分)第一节 听句子,选出与句子内容相关的图画。
(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)( )1. A. B. C.( )2. A.B. C.( )3. A. B. C.( )4. A. B. C.( )5. A. B. C.第二节 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。
(共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) ( )6. A. Thank you.B. I’m fine, thanks.C. See you.( )7. A. Jack Smith.B. Red.C. Good.( )8. A. Yes, I can'tB. No, I can'tC. No, I can( )9. A. They are 20 dollars. B. It’s 20 dollars.C. They are cheap.( )10. A. No, thanks.B. Excuse me.C. You’re welcome.第三节 听五段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。
(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)( )11. Does the girl often play basketball?A. No, she doesn’t.B. Yes, she does.C. I don’t know.( )12. What sport does the boy like?A. Basketball.B. Volleyball.C. Soccer.( )13. Is Mary busy today?A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isn’t.C. No, she doesn’t.( )14. When is the party?A. At 10:00 in the morning.B. At 2:00 in the afternoon.C. At 7:00 in the evening.( )15. Who will(将要) go with Mary?A. Her brother.B. Her father.C. Her sister.第四节 听短文,完成下列信息表格。
人教版七年级英语Unit 7单元测试题(含答案)

人教版七年级英语Unit 7单元测试题(含答案)一、单项选择1. —How much ________ Cindy's trousers?—________ 12 dollars.A. are;They'reB. is;It'sC. do;That'sD. does;This is2. —Where is your English teacher?—She is in ________.A. Two RoomB. the Two RoomC. Rooms TwoD. Room Two3. —Can I help you?3.—________A. You can.B. Yes, please. I want a pen.C. You're welcome.D. I can.4. Does he want ________ that white T-shirt?A. to buyB. buysC. buyD. bought5. We sell all our sweaters ________ very good prices and we have green sweaters________only $20.A. at;onB. at;forC. for;atD. for;on6. These ________ are too small. I want to take that pair.A. socksB. backpackC. shortD. shoe7. I like the red hat but my brother ________.A. don'tB. doesn'tC. doesD. do8. The blue shorts ________ 18 yuan.A. are on saleB. are on sale forC. are on sell forD. is on sell9. —Mum, I want to buy an iPhone 5s for a change(改变).—Well, I think there is no ________. It's almost the same as an iPhone 4s.A. reasonB. needC. answerD. way10. —Does she ________ you?—Yes, she ________.A. helps;doB. help;doesC. helps;doesD. help;do11. —Good morning, sir! ________?—I'd like to buy a sweater for my daughter.A. What can I do for youB. What are you doingC. How about the sweaterD. Can you help me12. This sweater is too big. I want a ________ one.A. longB. shortC. smallD. nice13. —________is the CD?—Only nine dollars.A. WhatB. How muchC. HowD. Where14. —This yellow T-shirt ________ nice. May I try it on?—Sure.A. look atB. lookC. looksD. see15. This pair of shoes ________ beautiful, but the shoes ________ expensive(贵的).A. are;areB. is;areC. is;isD. are; is二、完形填空Peter is a healthy boy. He ________(16) sports with his friends every day. It is fun________(17) him. He likes wearing ________(18), but he doesn't like washing them. So he buys ________(19) T-shirts. Each day he wears a different one, and he doesn't ________(20)to wash every night. Three of them are ________(21), three are yellow and one is green. And ________(22)favorite is the green one. The T-shirts are all ________(23) Lisa's Store. Each T-shirt is sold at a good ________(24). Lisa's Store is ________(25), but Peter likes it very much.16. A. takes B. plays C. makes17. A. for B. at C. of18. A. T-shirts B. shorts C. trousers19. A. one B. seven C. a20. A. must B. can C. need21. A. white B. different C. same22. A. he B. his C. her23. A. from B. in C. for24. A. sale B. sell C. price25. A. small B. good C. nice三、阅读理解AOn Saturday, Sally wants to buy a sports bag, so she goes to a store. There are big bags and small bags at that store. The big one is 35 dollars. It's very dear!The small one is 15 dollars. It's cheap!Because Sally likes red, she takes a small red bag. 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F)。
人教版英语七年级下册 Unit 7单元测试(解析版)

Unit 7单元检测I.单项选择( )1.The family will have_____good time in Shanghai Disneyland.A.aB.anC.theD./( )2.-Where's Lisa?-She is in Canada_____vacation with her family.A.forB.inC.onD.at( )3.-Lisa isn't at home. Could you take a_____for her?-Of course.I will tell her when she comes back.A.newspaperB.newsC.messageD.story( )4.It's_____today.It's a good day to fly kites.A.sunnyB.rainyC.windyD.snowy( )5.-It's_____outside.Remember to put on warm clothes, Peter!-OK, Mom.A.hotB.warmC.coldD.bad( )6.-Look! The children_____Chinese poems on stage right now.-What a special Children's Day!A.singB.sangC.are singing( )7.my parents often tell me_____hard. They want me to get good grades.A.studyB.studyingC.to studyD.studies( )8.-Hello, this is Steve. Is Jeff at home?-Yes. But he_____a shower.A.takeB.takesC.tookD.is taking( )9.-How's it going. Sally?-_____.I didn't pass the exam.A.It's cloudyB.I'm cookingC.No problemD.Terrible ( )10.-Hi, Wang Ping! How's the weather in Shanghai now?-It is terrible. It____.A.rainsB.rainC.rainedD.is raining( )11.I have to study too much_____I don't get enough sleep.A.butB.soC.or( )12.-Let's go for a walk. -________.A.Thanks a lotB.You are welcomeC.That sounds goodD.No, you can't( )13.-I'm going to the USA this summer vacation.-_____A.I'm sorry to hear that.B.It was so much fun!C.Lucky you!Have a good time!D.Did you enjoy your trip?( )14.-It's Father's Day today,_____?-Yes. let's buy a gift for Dad.A.isn't heB.doesn't itC.isn't it( )15.-How was your holiday?-I was so happy____with my friends. We had a great time____with each other.A.to play;to playB.playing;to playC.playing;playingD.to play;playingⅡ.完形填空。
人教版七年级英语 下册 unit 7 it's raining! 单元测试(含答案)

Unit 7 It's raining! 单元测试姓名:__________ 班级:__________ 学号:__________一、单选题(共15题;共15分)1.Oh, it's very ________today. If you go out, put on(穿上) your coat.A.hotB.coldC.warmD.dry2.— How's it going, Betty?— ________.A.Thank youB.TerribleC.Very muchD.You're right3.Mary is very happy ________ her friends.A.seeB.seesC.seeingD.to see4.Jackie asked me ________ anything.A.not touchB.not touchedC.not touchingD.not to touch5.Many people don't like winter because they don't like ________.A.cold dayB.a cold weatherC.cold weatherD.cold weathers6.________ lovely weather! Let's go on a picnic.A.WhatB.What aC.HowD.How a7.一You come to work so early.is it from your home to school?一It's about one kilometer.A.How longB.How farC.How muchD.How many8.It's a day. Let's play soccer.A.rainyB.snowyC.sunD.sunny9.—Look! A woman with three children crossing the street.— Let's help them.A.isB.areC.was10.Helen is having a good time her grandparents in the countryside.A.visitB.to visitC.visitingD.visits11.—?—It's raining.A.How is it goingB.How are youC.What's the weatherD.How is the weather12.—Your sister doesn't get up early, does she?—_______.But she gets up late on weekends.A.No, she doesn'tB.Yes, she doesC.No, she doesD.Yes, she doesn't13.I can't call you because my phone doesn't _______.A.callB.workeD.do14.—It's a long time since we met last year, Alice. How's it going?—________. Many thanks.A.Pretty goodB.The same to youC.It doesn't matterD.Help yourself15.—What's your favorite ________?—Canada.A.foodB.peopleC.countryD.city二、根据短文理解,在A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。
新人教版初中七年级下册英语Unit 7单元测试卷(含听力材料及答案解析)

Unit 7 测试(限时:60分钟满分:100分)一、单项选择(每小题1. 5分,共15分)1. There is ________ park in my village, and I go to ________ park every week.A. a;theB. a; /C. the; theD. the; /2. There are many people in Hawaii ________ vacation every year.A. inB. onC. atD. of3. It's too ________ outside. You need to wear your sweater.A. hotB. rainyC. cold D . warm4. —Jim, ________in your city?—It's sunny and beautiful.A. how's it goingB. how's the weatherC. what is thatD. what's the weather5. Mike and his friends are singing and dancing in the garden. They ________a goodtime now.A. havingB. are havingC. haven'tD. don't have6. —It's very cold today,________?—Yes, it is.A. is itB. isn't itC. is heD. isn't he7. —Let's go swimming. It's very hot.—________a good idea.A. Looks likeB. Looks atC. Sounds likeD. Sounds as8. —Hello! ________Anna. Is that Emma speaking?—No, she isn't in.A. I amB. This isC. That isD. You are9. —Is Mary reading English with you?—________. She is doing her homework.A. Yes, she isB. No, she isn'tC. No, I'm notD. Yes, I am10. —We are going to Canada for vacation.—________A. Thank you.B. You're right.C. Have a great time.D. Goodbye.二、完形填空(每小题1. 5分,共15分)I live in Yantai. That is a beautiful________11. In spring(春天), the weather is not too cold or too hot. It's very warm. It is the best time to________12. We can go and look for the wild(野生的) vegetables to ________13. They are good for our health. In summer, the weather is a little hot and wet ________14 people often swim in the pool or sea. In autumn, the weather is cool. People ________15 Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节) in autumn and you can enjoy many ________16 like apples and grapes. Winter is from December to February. It is very ________17 in winter. And there is lots of snow on the trees, houses and streets, so the city is sometimes ________18 during the winter. The children like going out and playing ________19snow. They like making snowmen outside. My grandmother doesn't like ________20. It's too cold, so she always stays at home.11. A. park B. house C. city D. home12. A. go home B. look up C. get up D. go out13. A. eat B. see C. watch D. wear14. A. but B. because C. or D. so15. A. spend B. buy C. take D. visit16. A. animals B. fruits C. leaves D. subjects17. A. rainy B. cloudy C. cold D. hot18. A. red B. green C. yellow D. white19. A. with B. for C. as D. of20. A. summer B. sprin C. winter D. autumn三、阅读理解(每小题3分,共15分)21. Who writes a letter to his or her father?A. Mary.B. Jim.C. Li Wei.D. Tim.22. Where does Lily write the letter?A. At home.B. In a park.C. In a zoo.D. In her school.23. What does Li Wei like?A. Skiing.B. Flying kites.C. Swimming.D. Singing.24. People in ________ may wear sweaters now.A. HarbinB. KunmingC. BeijingD. Singapore25. What can we know from the three letters?A. Mary doesn't like to stay in Harbin.B. Lily will draw pictures after she writes the letter.C. Li Wei makes some friends in Singapore.D. Zhang Qiang and Li Wei are brothers.四、词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分)A)根据首字母或汉语提示写单词补全句子。

Unit7单元检测满分100分一、单项选择(20分)()1.It’s too_______outside,you must put on your coat.A.hotB.coolC.coldD.warm()2.—________you______the window?—Yes,I am.A.Do;cleanB.Is;cleaningC.Do;cleaningD.Are;cleaning()3.—How is it________?—It’s not bad.A.goB.goingC.goesD.is()4.Tom and his English teacher_______over there.A.talksB.are talkingC.is talkD.be talking ()5.I am playing__________basketball at school.A.theB.aC./D.this()6.—You’re in a hurry.Where are you going?—To the cinema.Sue______for me outside.A.waitsB.waitedC.is waitingD.was waiting ()7.—“Which would you like to drink,coffee or orange juice?”—“______.Please give me a cup of tea.”A.NeitherB.BothC.AllD.None ()8.My parents often___TV in the evening.A.watchB.seeC.watchingD.look at ()9.—What is he doing now?—_____He likes swimming. B.He is watching TV.C.No,He doesn’t like doing that.D.He went fishing.()10.—What does your sister usually do in the evening?—She usually______TV,but now she_____a book..A.watch;readB.watches;is readingC.is watching;seesD.watches;is seeing二、完形填空(10分)When you go to England,you can be surprised____people take an umbrella(伞) or a raincoat(雨衣)____them on a sunny morning.On a bus or a train,you can usually see____is looking out of the window or reading newspapers.They don't talk much.When you meet English people,they often talk about one thing—the____.____is it so?Because the weather is changeable(多变的)in England.People there can have spring,summer,autumn and____in a day.When they get on the bus, the weather is sunny and____just like in spring.However,when they get out of the bus,it can be____and cold.At noon,the weather will be sunny and a little hot,and it will be summer at this time of a day.In England,people can also have summer in winter,or have winter in summer.So in____they can swim sometimes,and in summer sometimes you can see people____ warm clothes.()1.A.much B.many C.a lots of D.lot of()2.A.on B.to C.for D.with()3.A.many people B.everyoneC.all the people D.some of the people()4.A.weather B.newspapers C.windows D.books ()5.A.What B.Where C.How D.Why ()6.A.Sunday B.winter C.rain D.snow ()7.A.cool B.hot C.warm D.cold ()8.A.sunny B.hot C.rainy D.cloudy ()9.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter ()10.A.taking B.selling C.buy D.takes 三、阅读理解(30分)AWe often talk about the weather.If we want to know about the weather,we can turn on the radio(收音机)and listen to the weather report.We can also turn on the TV and watch the weather show.And we can ask other people in two different ways,“What's the weather like today?”or“How is the weather today?”Sometimes you can call121for the weather.When it's cold,we shiver and need to wear warm clothes and scarfs(围巾).When it's raining,we need raincoats or umbrellas(雨伞).When it's hot,we need a cool place and want a cold drink(饮料).()1.You can watch the weather show________.A.on radio B.on TV C.at121D.on the computer ()2.You can ask other people“________”to know about the weather.A.What's the weather?B.How is the weather like?C.What does the weather like?D.How is the weather?()3.We want a cold drink when it's________.A.cold B.warm C.hot D.raining ()4.Telephone121is for________.A.ill B.fire C.the weather D.food()5.The underlined word“shiver”means“________”in Chinese.A.颤抖B.出汗C.看病D.避暑BTyler walks back home with his schoolbag.He doesn't look happy.His mother asks,“Why are you sad,son?”“I am thinking about my science homework.”“What's it?”“In my science class,Miss Green,our science teacher,tells us about Earth Day(地球日)and our environment(环境).She wants us to think up some ideas to help the earth.But what can I do?How can I do it?I am only a student.”“Sure,you can't do big things,”Tyler's mother says.“But you can do small things.You can help clean the leaves on the city streets.You can write articles about Earth Day for newspapers and magazines to tell more people about it.You can also work as a cleaner on Earth Day.”“Great!Now I know that small things can also be helpful(有帮助的).”()6.How is Tyler when he comes back home?A.He is sad.B.He is happy.C.He is surprised.D.He is excited. ()7.What is Tyler's homework about?A.English.B.Chinese.C.Science.D.Math. ()8.Who is Miss Green?A.Tyler's mother.B.Tyler's teacher.C.Tyler's sister.D.Tyler's friend. ()9.What can Tyler do to help the earth according to(根据)his mother?A.Clean the leaves on the city streets.B.Write articles about Earth Day for newspapers.C.Work as a cleaner on Earth Day.D.All of the above.()10.What is the best title(标题)for the article?A.How to Help the EarthB.Tyler's Science HomeworkC.I am Only a StudentD.Do Small Things to Help the EarthCWhen you go to the US,someone often says“Give me five”.What should you do?Do not get five dollars from your pocket!It will make them laugh!They are not asking for your money,but your fingers.In the US,“give me five”or“give me the high five”is a popular gesture(手势).You can see it often in movies or on TV.It means hitting each other's right hand together.People do it when they meet for the first time or something happy happens(发生).For example,when a student gets good grades in tests.If a football team wins a game, the players will give the high five to everyone around to celebrate.This gesture may come from the old Roman gesture of raising(举起)the right arm for the king.This showed the person raising his arm did not have a sword(宝剑)in his hand.Why not try to give the high five to your friends?()11.“Give me five”is a gesture to________.A.make people laugh B.say hello to othersC.ask for money D.ask for help()12.When you________,you can give your friends high five.A.ask for money B.have a swordC.win a football game D.watch movies()13.The gesture may start in________.A.Rome B.America C.China D.England ()14.The word“celebrate”in the second paragraph means“_______”in Chinese.A.聚会B.领奖C.庆祝D.纪念()15.The Romans raised the right arm for the king to show that________.A.they were afraid of the kingB.they were happy to see the kingC.they want to show the sword in the handD.there was no sword in the hand四、词汇运用(15分)A)用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。

人教版七年级英语下册Unit 7单元综合测试题一、单项选择1.My parents are ________ a vacation ________ the mountains.A.in; on B.on; in C.at; in D.on; at2.The ______ of Chongqing is really hot, but we still like living here.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter3.Our teacher of ten tells us _______ in the river. It’s dangerous.A.not swim B.not to swim C.to swim D.swimming4.He’s sitting ________ the beach and ________ orange juice.A.on; drinking B.in; drinking C.on; drinks D.in; drinks5.—How’s it going, Alan? —________.A.Long time no see B.I’m drawing a picture C.It’s going to rainD.Pretty good 6.Can Jenny go to a movie with us? -Wait a minute. She _____ a shower.A.is taking B.takes C.took D.was taking7.Thanks a lot for _____ my brother’s birthdayparty.A.come B.come to C.coming D.coming to8.It’s raining outside. Please _____ your raincoat.A.wear B.dress C.put on D.putting on9.How’s it going, James? - _____.A.I don’t like it.B.Thank you. C.Not bad. D.Not at all.owing heavily in Beijing now. -It _____ terrible.10.It’s snA.sounds B.sound C.is sounding D.Sounded11.Could you tell your brother to________? —Sure,of course.A.call back meB.call me backC.calling meD.calling back12.—________? —He’s playing volleyball.A.What is he doingB.How’s it goingC.What does he doD.How does he do13.The weather in summer is very________in Chongqing.Some people there like to eatice-cream.A.coldB.warmC.coolD.hot14.May I use your mobile phone?Mine doesn’t________.A.askB.helpC.workD.watch15. There is lots of _____ in this place in summer.A. snowB. snowyC. rainD. rainy二、完形填空Do you want to take a trip to China?12 and the time to go. AndChina is a big 11 , so it’s important to choose the place tobring a map, or you may get 13 .风The best time to go to Xinjiang is 14 June or October. You can see beautiful scenery(景) and eat 15 fruits. The weather is usually 16 during the day,but it may be cold in theevening. So you have to bring more 17 .It never gets cold in Hainan. You can also get there in winter.Take your swimming clothesbecause you may want to 18 ,even in December.Jiuzhaigou is a good place to go to in summer 19 it’s not hot there. The scenery is really20 to take some photos.beautiful.Don’t16.A.city B.village C.school D.country17.A.leave B.draw C.visit D.clean18.A.fun B.lost C.boring D.happy19.A.for B.from C.of D.in20A.new B.delicious C.relaxing D.beautiful21.A.warm B.dry C.windy D.cloudy22.A.food B.water C.books D.clothes23.A.sing B.dance C.run D.swim24.A.but B.because C.when D.before25.A.wish B.love C.forget D.learn三、阅读理解AToday,I’m in Qingdao.It’s a beautiful,sunny and warm day!There are many old people takinga walk in the park.The school from Happy Children School are in the park,too.Mrs. Yang,herEnglish teacher is with them.They are having a very good time there.What are the children doing there? Let’s have a look! There are some girls under the big tree. They are singing and dancing there.Who’s near the swimming pool?They are also somegirls.Theyare playing games there.What are the boys doing?They’re playing tennis in front of the river.Where are Linda and Lily?Look! They are sitting near the river.They are reading an interestingbook.What’s John doing?Oh, he is lying on the grass and listening to the birds singing in the bigtree.They are all relaxed.26.How many kinds of activities do the children have in the park?A. Five.B. Six.C. Seven.D. Eight.27.What are the boys doing in the park?A. Playing games.B.Playing tennis.C.Reading a book.D.We don’t know.28.Where are Linda and Lily?A.They’re near the pool.B.They’re under the big tree.C.They’re near the river.D.They’re in front of the river.29.Which of the following is true?A.Some children are playing chess under the big tree.B.The children don’t have classes today.C.John is lying on the grass and singing.D.There is only a bird in the bigtree.30.Who is the story mainly (主要地) about?A.Some old people.B.Mrs. Yang.C.Linda and Lily.D.The children from Happy Children School.BDo you like snow? Many people like it. In some places of the world,there is a lot of snow, butm Bill and I come from a country in Africa.There is no snowin some places there is little snow.I’in my country.I want to see snow one day.This year I study in England.I don’t like the weather in autumn here.It rains a lot and I feel very cold.This morning,I wake up and find it bright in my room.I think , “Am I late?” I geindow and see a white world.There is snow onquickly, but I’m not late at all. I look out of the wthe streets, on the trees, on the houses and on the cars.Everything is white.I see snow! How cleanand beautiful! I am very happy.31.From the first paragraph,we know______________.A.Bill doesn’t like winterB.Bill wants to go to England.C.Bill doesn’t like his country.D.there is no snow in Bill’s country.32.Bill feels _________ in autumn in England.A.coldB.dryC.hotD.warm33.The underlined phrase “wake up” means ________________.A.迟到B.打扫C.闲逛D.醒来34.Bill thinks he is late because __________________.A.it is really lateB.it is bright in the roomC.he has some work to doD.he usually get upearly35.Which of the following is TRUE?A.Bill likes playing in the snow.B.It is rainy in winter in England.C.Bill feels happy to see snow this morning.D.Bill sees many people on the streets thismorning.CDear Linda,It is 3:00 in the afternoon and I am sitting in the library. It isn’t a very nice da and I am feeling homesick. I miss my family and friends. There are many students in the librarytoday. Most of them are studying. A few students are sleeping or talking to their friends, but mostof them are busy. Tom, my best friend, is here with me. He is studying, too. He is very nice, Iwant you to meet him when you come to New York. Tom is also the son of my host family. Thehost family are all friendly. I have learnt a lot of English, so I can write a letter to you in English!I like my teachers and classmates. I have classes five mornings a week and I work threeafternoons a week. Today is one of my days off.I hope that you are well and happy. When will you come to see me? Please write soon.Your friend,Tina36.Where is Tina writing the letter?A.In a classroom. B.In her room. C.At home. D.In a library.37.Most of the students in the library are ________.A.sleeping B.talking C.studying D.playing38.Does Tina learn a lot of English?A.Yes, she is. B.No, she isn’t.C.Yes, she does. D.No, she doesn’t.39.What does the underlined word “homesick” mean in Chinese?A.回家B.寄宿家庭C.想家的D.感冒40.From the passage we can know that ________.A.this is a letter from Linda to Tina B.Tina is not working this afternoonC.Tina feels homesick because it is a nice day D.Tina’s good at English and it’s her mother languageI like autumn because it's c________.四、根据首字母和汉语意思提示写单词41.Sorry, I can’t follow you. Could you say it a__________?42There's no doubt that ________(冬天) is the coldest season of the year in China.43.We find that English is a little ______(困难) to learn. It’s not easy.44.Four _______(俄罗斯的) teachers will come to our school tomorrow.45.Thank you for _________(捎带) a message for me.46.My sister studies h__________, so she is good at all the subjects.47.Our teacher often gives us advice on how to deal with teenagers' p________.48.My family and I are on a vacation in the ________(高山).49.He wants to v__________his grandparents this weekend.50.It often r________in our city.五、选词填空,并注意形式,多余2个词juice, cold, at, say, visit, by, child, wish, with, miss,so, happyDear Eric,51 my cousin in Wuhan,China. It’sHow is it going these days? I’m having a great time52 .Today is Sunday, 53 my cousin takes me to the park. winter, but the weather isn’tIn the park, we see a lot of people. Some 54 are playing games. Some old men arewalking 55 the river.What is my cousin doing ? He is talking 56 his friend under thetree.They are very 57 .I’m drinking apple 58 and writing to you.Oh, my cousin is callingme.I have to 59 goodbye!I 60 you!Yours,Linda51.___________ 52._____________ 53._____________ 54._____________ 55.____________56.___________ 57._____________ 58._____________ 59._____________ 60.____________六、书面表达假如你是你校英语广播站的记者,你们学校的游泳俱乐部组织了一次海滩游玩活动。
人教版七年级英语下册第七单元测试题 Unit 7 含答案

人教版七年级英语下册第七单元测试题Unit 7 含答案Unit 7: It's Raining单元测试试题 (100分)一、单项选择 (共15分)1.Helen is having a good time visiting her XXX(C)2.Where are his family。
- They are all on XXX(C)3.I like summer。
What about you。
- I don't like summer because it is too hot。
(B)4.I'm playing soccer in the park。
- Sounds like you are having fun。
(A)5.Linda isn't at home。
Can I take a message for her。
(B)6.Does it often rain here。
- Yes。
it is quite rainy。
(D)7.Lily and Lucy are playing chess in the room now。
(D)8.How is the weather。
- It's raining。
(B)9.What's the weather like today。
- It's cold and dry。
(A)10.How's it going。
- Not bad。
(C)单元测试试题 (100分)一、单项选择 (共15分)1.XXX XXX and having a great time。
(C)2.Where is his family。
- They are XXX(C)3.I personally enjoy summer。
but what about you。
- I don't like summer because it is too hot。

七年级下人教版英语Unit7单元测试一、单项选择题:1. —the weather in Shanghai?—It’s raining.A. How’s; likeB. What’s; likeC. What does; likeD. How does; like2. —It here right now. How about Boston?—It’s windy.A. snowB. snowsC. is snowingD. snowing3. —, Mary?—Great!A. What are you doingB. How’s it goingC. Who’s speakingD. What’s she doing4. Be quiet, please. We the musicLiang Zhu.A. listen toB. are listeningC. are listening toD. listening5. —What are they doing?—They the songWelcome to Beijing.A. are singB. singingC. singD. are singing6. It’s too _______ outside, you must put on your coat.A. hotB. coolC. coldD. warm7. What _______ the children ______?A. is, doingB. does, doC. are, doingD. do, do8. ________ you ______ the window? Yes, I am.A. Do, cleanB. Is, cleaningC. Do, cleaningD. Are, cleaning9. _______ are they doing there? They’re running.A. WhoB. WhatC. WhereD. Whose10. --- How is it ________? --- It’s not bad.A. goB. goingC. goesD. is11._______ careful girl Kate is!A. HowB. WhatC. What aD. How a12. --What's the date today?--_______.A. It's SundayB. It's coldC. It's June 2001D. It's September 10th13. --How's the weather in Xinjiang?--The weather here is _______ .A.strangeB.wind Csun D . fog14. --What's the weather like today?--_________ .A. It's SundayB. It's sunnyC. It's July 3rdD. It's food15. --What a cold day it is!--_________ .A. Yes, but it's going to be colderB. No, I think it's cold todayC. Sorry, I'm afraid I can'tD. Yes, it isn't cold二、完形填空:When you go to England, you can be 1 to see many people take an umbrella ( 伞) or a raincoat 2 them in the sunny morning .On a bus or a train, you can usually see 3 is looking out of the window or reading newspapers . But they don’t talk much. When you meet English people, they often talk about one thing-the 4 .5 is it so ? Because the weather is changeable ( 多变的) in England . People there can have spring, summer, autumn and6 in one day. When they get on the bus, the weather is sunny and7 just like in spring. However, when they get out of the bus, it can be8 and cold. At noon, the weather will be sunny and a little hot, and it will be summer at this time of a day.In England, people can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in 9 theycan swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you can see people 10 warm clothes.1. A. surprised B. surprising C. bored D. boring2. A. on B. to C. with D. for3. A. many people B. everyone C. all the people D. some of the people4. A. book B. newspaper C. window D. weather5. A. Why B. Where C. How D. What6. A. Sunday B. winter C. rain D. snow7. A. cold B. cool C. hot D. warm8. A. sunny B. rainy C. windy D. humid9. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter10. A. sell B. selling C. taking D. takes三、阅读理解:AIn England, people often talk about the weather because they can have four seasons in one day. In the morning the weather is warm just like in spring. An hour later black clouds come, and then it rains hard. The weather gets a little cold. In the late afternoon the sky will be clear(晴朗的) and the sun will begin to shine. It will be summer at this time of a day.In England, you can also have summer in winter, or have winter in summer. So in winter you can swim sometimes, and in summer sometimes you should take warm clothes. When you go to England, you will see that some English people usually take an umbrella or a raincoat with them on the sunny morning, but you should not laugh at them. If you don’t take an umbrella or a raincoat, you will regret(后悔)later in the day.1. In people often like to talk about the weather.A. EnglishB. EnglandC. ChinaD. Foreigner2. People in England can have seasons in a day.A. oneB. twoC. threeD. four3. In winter, sometimes it is very like summer in England.A. warmB. coolC. hotD. cold4. You can swim in in England as in summer.A. summerB. springC. autumnD. winter5.The best title (标题)for this passage is ________.A.Bad Seasons B.Summer or WinterC.The Weather in England D.Strange English PeopleBApril 22 is Earth Day. Everyone on earth should care about and protect the earth!The earth has warmed by about 1(华氏度)over the past 100 years, but why and how? Well, scientists are not quite sure. Maybe the earth gets warmer and warmer on its own. But many scientists say that people are doing many things which make the earth warmer.First, greenhouse effect (温室效应)is a very important reason for the change of the earth. People give out too much energy into the air every year. It makes the earth warmer. Climate (气候)change is another important reason. Sometimes it becomes too hot and sometimes too cold. Sometimes there is too much rain and sometimes too little. The change of the climate makes the earth warmer. In turn, the warmth of the earth changes the climate, too.When the earth becomes warmer, there may be more rain and a rise in sea level. It will affect the growth of plants, animals and people. On a Pacific island,100 people have to move to higher ground because the sea is rising. These people can no longer live on the coast. Before that, two islands without people went underwater in 1999.Scientists say that the seas can rise by nearly one metre by 2100.People can affect the earth’s air, land and water. As for us, we can do many things to protect the earth. For example, we can use fridges less. We can tell more people about protecting the earth.6. Earth Day is probably set for people to.A. learn more about the earthB. make full use of the earthC. take better care of the earthD. study the warmth of the earth7.We can infer(推断)from the passage that the reasons for the warmer earth are now.A. not very clearB. completely secretC. well knownD. not given yet8. Greenhouse effect comes from.A.sea risingB. climate changeC. nature’s unbalanceD. people’s activity9. According to the passage,may affect each other.A. animals and islandsB. climate and the warmth of the earthC. fridges and animalsD. sea level and the growth of plants10. The passage mainly tells us that.A. there is more rain nowB. we should protect the earthC. we must stop pollutionD. sea level is getting higher四、词汇运用:1. Everyone knows China is a great c with a long history. We love it very much.2. The weather is very h in summer in Wuhan.3. I’m v my grandparents in Tianjin.4. When it’s w in Australia, it’s summer in China.5. I find that English is a little h to learn. It’s not easy.6. What are you doing now? I ___________ (clean) the windows.7. Are you __________ (make) a cake? Y es, we ________. (be)8. OK. I am ________ (come) now.9. Is she __________ (listen) to the teacher?10. They are taking now.(photo)五、按要求完成下列各题:1. There was a heavy rain last night. (改写同义句)It______ _______ last night .2. There was a strong wind just now. (改写同义句)It_____________ just now.3. I think it's going to rain. (改写否定句)I_______ _______it's going to rain.4. The weather was warm yesterday,________? (变为反意疑问句)5. It is snowy today. (改写同义句)Today _______ _________.六、完成句子:1.现在欧洲天气怎么样?the weather Europe now?2.你能给他捎个信吗?Could you for him?3.李梅,你最近好吗?it,Li Mei?4.现在老师们正在度假。
新人教版七年级下册《unit 7 it's raining!》单元测试卷

新人教版七年级下册《unit 7 its raining!》单元测试卷一、按要求写出下列单词.1.(3分)1.sun(形容词)2.rain(形容词)3.snow(形容词)4.hot(反义词)5.warm(反义词)6.cloudy(名词)7.country(复数)8.swim(动名词)9.sit(动名词).二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词.2.(3分)﹣﹣How is the w there?﹣﹣It's raining.3.(3分)﹣﹣How is it g?﹣﹣Not bad.4.(3分)Today is a s day.The boys are playing soccer outside.5.(3分)I like summer v.We don't have to go to school.6.(3分)Would you like some tea?(做肯定回答),.7.(3分)Do you like apple(果汁)?8.(3分)China is a great(国家)9.(3分)I'm on a vacation with my parents in the(高山).10.(3分)I'm having a great time(拜访)my grandparents in Beijing.11.(3分)We can go skating in(冬季).三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.12.(3分)用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空.Thank you for(join)us.13.(3分)Look!They(swim)in the lake.14.(3分)It's dangerous to drive on days.(snow)15.(3分)I like listening to the(relax)music.16.(3分)﹣How was the weather in Beijing yesterday?﹣It was(sun)and warm.17.(3分)Could you tell him(call)me back?18.(3分)She is(have)a great time visiting her friends in Shanghai.19.(3分)I'm(sit)by the pool and drinking orange juice now.20.(3分)My family and I(be)on a vacation in the USA.21.(3分)How's your summer vacation(go)?四、单项选择.22.(3分)Look!It's outside.()A.rain B.to rain C.raining D.rains23.(3分)﹣﹣it going?﹣﹣Very good.()A.What's B.What does C.Where's D.How's24.(3分)﹣﹣What's the like in Moscow?﹣﹣It's very cold.()A.day B.date C.month D.weather25.(3分)Be quiet!The baby_____.()A.sleeps B.sleptC.are sleeping D.is sleeping26.(3分)﹣﹣I'm playing soccer in the park.﹣﹣Sounds you are having fun.()A.like B.likes C.liking D.to like27.(3分)Linda isn't at home.Can I take a message her?()A.in B.to C.for D.with28.(3分)﹣﹣Does it often here?﹣﹣Yes,it is quite .()A.rain;rain B.rainy;rainyC.rain;rainy D.rainy;rain29.(3分)﹣﹣.﹣﹣It's snowy.()A.What's the weather thereB.How's the weather thereC.What's the weather like thereD.B and C30.(3分)weather in Beijing is very hot in summer.()A.A B.An C.The D./ 31.(3分)﹣﹣Hi,Mary .﹣﹣Hello,Steve.()A.speaks;it's B.speaking;it'sC.speaking;I'm D.am speaking;I'm五、句型转换.32.(3分)How's the weather in Beijing?(改为同义句)the weather in Beijing?33.(3分)Lucy and Lily are swimming in the pool now.(对画线部分提问)Lucy and Lily?34.(3分)They play soccer every day.(用now改写)They soccer now.35.(3分)It is cloudy today.(对划线部分提问).is the weather today?36.(3分)I usually listen to music when it is raining.(对画线部分提问)do you usually when it is raining?六、阅读理解.37.(3分)hot cool cold humid warmWeatherNameSam√√××√Tim×√√××Ben×√×√√Kathy××√××Judy√××√×注:√like;×dislike;most最多的;both两者都1.Who likes both humid weather and warm weather?2.Who likes both hot weather and humid weather?3.Who likes cold weather but doesn't like cool weather?4.Which two children like warm weather?5.How many children like hot weather?.七、书面表达.38.(3分)假如你正在度假,请写篇小短文介绍一下你的度假,内容包括:地点;那里的天气;你正在干的事情;你的朋友或者家人正在干的事情;你是否玩得开心等.新人教版七年级下册《unit 7 it's raining!》单元测试卷参考答案与试题解析一、按要求写出下列单词.1.(3分)1.sun(形容词)sunny2.rain(形容词)rainy3.snow(形容词)snowy4.hot(反义词)cold5.warm(反义词)cool6.cloudy(名词)cloud7.country(复数)countries8.swim(动名词)swimming9.sit(动名词)sitting.【分析】按要求写出下列单词的各种形式【解答】l.答案:sunny.sun的形容词是sunny,故填sunny.2.答案:rainy.rain的形容词是rainy.故填rainy.3.答案:snowy.snow的形容词是snowy,故填snowy.4.答案:cold.hot的反义词是cold,故填cold.5.答案:cool.warm的反义词是cool,故填cool.6.答案:cloud.cloudy的名词是cloud,故填cloud.7.答案:countries.country的复数是countries,故填countries.8.答案:swimming.swim的动名词是swimming,故填swimming.9.答案:sitting.sit的动名词是sitting,故填sitting.【点评】首先要掌握这个单词的各种变化形式,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.二、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示完成单词.2.(3分)﹣﹣How is the w eather there?﹣﹣It's raining.【分析】﹣﹣那里的天气怎么样?﹣﹣正在下雨.【解答】答案:weather.考查名词.结合语境"﹣﹣那里的___怎么样?﹣﹣正在下雨.".及首字母提示,可知,应该是"天气",填不可数名词weather.【点评】首字母填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据首字母提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.3.(3分)﹣﹣How is it g oing?﹣﹣Not bad.【分析】﹣﹣最近好吗?﹣﹣不坏.【解答】答案:going.考查动词.结合语境"﹣﹣__怎么样?﹣﹣不坏.".及首字母提示,可知,How is it going最近好吗?最近怎么样?交际用语.用going.【点评】首字母填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据首字母提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.4.(3分)Today is a s unny day.The boys are playing soccer outside.【分析】今天是一个晴朗的一天.男孩子们正在外面踢足球.【解答】答案:sunny.考查形容词.结合语境"今天是一个___一天.男孩子们正在外面踢足球.".及首字母提示,可知,应该是"晴朗的",修饰名词day,用形容词sunny.【点评】首字母填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据首字母提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.5.(3分)I like summer v acation.We don't have to go to school.【分析】我喜欢暑假.我们可以不要去上学了.【解答】答案:vacation.根据"We don't have to go to school."我们可以不要去上学了.结合给出的首字母提示v,因此可知这句话的意思是"我喜欢暑假."故填vacation.【点评】首先要掌握这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.6.(3分)Would you like some tea?(做肯定回答)Yes,please.【分析】﹣﹣你想要一些茶吗?﹣﹣是的,请.【解答】答案:Yes,please.考查肯定回答.Would you like some tea这是日常用语,你想要一些茶吗?肯定回答可以用Yes,please.否定回答可以用No,thanks.答案是Yes,please.【点评】考查肯定回答.通常要考虑和注意的是人称,时态,助动词,情态动词和be动词.还有一些比较口语化的用法.7.(3分)Do you like apple juice(果汁)?【分析】你喜欢苹果汁吗?【解答】答案:juice.根据汉语提示"果汁"因此可知这句话的意思是"你喜欢苹果汁吗?"果汁是不可数的,故填juice.【点评】首先要掌握这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.8.(3分)China is a great country(国家)【分析】中国是一个伟大的国家.【解答】答案:country.根据汉语提示"国家"因此可知这句话的意思是"中国是一个伟大的国家."故填名词单球country.【点评】首先要掌握这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.9.(3分)I'm on a vacation with my parents in the mountains(高山).【分析】我和父母在高山里度假.【解答】答案:mountains.根据汉语提示"高山"因此可知这句话的意思是"我和父母在高山里度假."由于山都不是孤零零的一座山,而是连接在一起的一系列的山,所以要用名词复数来填空,故填mountains 【点评】首先要掌握这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.10.(3分)I'm having a great time visiting(拜访)my grandparents in Beijing.【分析】我在北京看望祖父母非常愉快.【解答】答案:visiting.考查动词.句意"我在北京看望祖父母非常愉快.".have a great time doing sth做某事很愉快."拜访、看望、参观"visit动词.动名词是visiting.【点评】单词填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据单词提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.11.(3分)We can go skating in winter(冬季).【分析】我们可以在冬天去滑冰.【解答】答案:winter考查翻译填空.句意:我们可以在冬天去滑冰.根据汉语提示以及英语句子,可知要翻译的部分为:冬季,英语表达是winter,in winter在冬季.故答案为winter.【点评】做这类题型,首先根据所给汉语明确句子所要考查的单词或短语的拼写,再结合相关语法知识对单词或短语做出形式上的变化.三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空.12.(3分)用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空.Thank you for joining(join)us.【分析】谢谢你加入我们.【解答】答案,joining 根据提示,推测意思是谢谢你加入我们.前面是介词,后接动名词,故答案是joining.【点评】解答这类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和前后文的逻辑关系,找到解题的依据,同时考虑单词的适当形式,准确作答.13.(3分)Look!They are swimming(swim)in the lake.【分析】看!他们在湖里游泳.【解答】答案:are swimming.考查时态.结合语境"看",可知,表示现在正在进行的动作,用现在进行时态,结构是is/am/are+动词的现在分词.主语they他们.用are.swim 的现在分词是swimming.答案是are swimming.【点评】单词填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据单词提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.14.(3分)It's dangerous to drive on snowy days.(snow)【分析】在下雪天驾车危险.【解答】答案:snowy根据该空处在句中作定语修饰名词days,故填入形容词,所给词snow为名词意为"雪",其对应的形容词为snowy意为"下雪的",故答案为:snowy【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.15.(3分)I like listening to the relaxing(relax)music.【分析】我喜欢听轻松的音乐.【解答】答案:relaxing.考查形容词.结合语境"我喜欢听_音乐.".可知,修饰名词music音乐.用形容词.形容事物,用relax的形容词relaxing令人轻松的.【点评】单词填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据单词提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.16.(3分)﹣How was the weather in Beijing yesterday?﹣It was sunny(sun)and warm.【分析】﹣﹣北京昨天的天气怎么样?﹣﹣阳光充足,很暖和.【解答】答案:sunny.考查形容词.句意"﹣﹣北京昨天的天气怎么样?﹣﹣阳光充足,很暖和.",was系动词后用形容词,构成系表结构,sun太阳,名词.形容词时sunny 阳光充足的.答案是sunny.【点评】考查形容词.此类型题要根据英文提示,结合语境,选择正确的单词形式.17.(3分)Could you tell him to call(call)me back?【分析】你能告诉他给我回个电话吗?【解答】答案:to call.考查搭配.句意"你能告诉他给我回个电话吗?".可知,tell sb to do sth告诉某人做某事.用不定式to call打电话.【点评】单词填空类型题要充分理解句意,再根据单词提示完成试题,注意时态,单复数,词性等变化.18.(3分)She is having(have)a great time visiting her friends in Shanghai.【分析】她在上海拜访朋友时玩得很开心.【解答】根据She is﹣﹣(have)a great time visiting her friends in Shanghai.可知她在上海拜访朋友时玩得很开心.句子叙述一件正在进行的动作,时态用现在进行时,构成be+Ving.故填having.【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.19.(3分)I'm sitting(sit)by the pool and drinking orange juice now.【分析】我现在坐在游泳池旁边喝橘子汁.【解答】根据I'm﹣﹣(sit)by the pool and drinking orange juice now,可知我现在坐在游泳池旁边喝橘子汁.now用于现在进行时,构成be+Ving.故填sitting.【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.20.(3分)My family and I are(be)on a vacation in the USA.【分析】我和我的家人正在美国度假.【解答】答案:are.根据My family and I﹣﹣(be)on a vacation in the USA,可知我和我的家人正在美国度假.句子叙述一件事实,时态用一般现在时,主语是复数形式.故填are.【点评】本题考查用所给单词的适当形式填空,首先要根据语境明确句意,然后再根据相关语法对所给单词在形式上做出正确的变化.21.(3分)How's your summer vacation going(go)?【分析】你暑假过得怎么样?【解答】答案.going 根据提示,推测意思是你暑假过得怎么样?前面是系动词is,故这里考查固定句式how is sth.going?故答案是going.【点评】解答这类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和前后文的逻辑关系,找到解题的依据,同时正确区分选项的细微差别,准确作答.四、单项选择.22.(3分)Look!It's outside.()A.rain B.to rain C.raining D.rains【分析】看!外面正下着雨.【解答】答案:C.现在进行时表示此时此刻正在进行的动作,其构成是"am/is/are+现在分词.根据"Look!"看,因此可知后面句子的谓语动词要用现在进行时来填空,说明动作正在进行,因此可知这句话的意思是"看!外面正下着雨."故选C.【点评】首先要掌握这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.23.(3分)﹣﹣it going?﹣﹣Very good.()A.What's B.What does C.Where's D.How's【分析】怎么样了?非常好.【解答】答案:D 分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是怎么样了?非常好.考查固定句式how is it going?故选D.A什么是,B什么,C哪里.【点评】解答这类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和前后文的逻辑关系,找到解题的依据,同时正确区分选项的细微差别,准确作答.24.(3分)﹣﹣What's the like in Moscow?﹣﹣It's very cold.()A.day B.date C.month D.weather【分析】﹣﹣莫斯科的天气怎么样?﹣﹣它是非常冷的.【解答】答案:D.考查名词.A天.B日期.C月.D天气.结合语境"﹣﹣莫斯科的___怎么样?﹣﹣它是非常冷的.".可知,应该是"天气".选D.【点评】名词的用法比较广泛,要在理解名词意思的基础上,根据具体语境,仔细分析,完成试题.25.(3分)Be quiet!The baby_____.()A.sleeps B.sleptC.are sleeping D.is sleeping【分析】安静!婴儿正在睡觉.【解答】答案:D.通过be quiet."请安静",可知,小孩应该正在睡觉,所以应该用现在进行时.现在进行时的结构是be+doing.而the baby是单数.故谓语也应用单数is,所以本题选D.【点评】本题考查现在进行时的用法.对于时态的考查,应该注意动作发生的时间,根据时间来确定不同的时态.所以找句中的时间是本题的关键.26.(3分)﹣﹣I'm playing soccer in the park.﹣﹣Sounds you are having fun.()A.like B.likes C.liking D.to like【分析】我正在公园踢足球.听起来你好像玩得很开心.【解答】答案:A 分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是我正在公园踢足球.听起来你好像玩得很开心.考查短语sound like听起来像,这里like是介词,故选A.【点评】解答这类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和前后文的逻辑关系,找到解题的依据,同时正确区分选项的细微差别,准确作答.27.(3分)Linda isn't at home.Can I take a message her?()A.in B.to C.for D.with【分析】Linda不在家,我能给她捎一个口信吗?【解答】答案:C 分析句子,结合选项,推测出意思是Linda不在家,我能给她捎一个口信吗?考查短语take a message for sb.故选C.【点评】解答这类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和前后文的逻辑关系,找到解题的依据,同时正确区分选项的细微差别,准确作答.28.(3分)﹣﹣Does it often here?﹣﹣Yes,it is quite .()A.rain;rain B.rainy;rainyC.rain;rainy D.rainy;rain【分析】﹣﹣这里经常下雨吗?﹣﹣是的,这里雨很多.【解答】答案:C.根据"Does it often here?"这是一个一般疑问句,所以空格处需要用动词原形来填空,又根据第二个空前面的词语是副词quite,所以要用形容词来填空,因此可知这句话的意思是"﹣﹣这里经常下雨吗?﹣﹣是的,这里雨很多."故选C.【点评】首先要掌握这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.29.(3分)﹣﹣.﹣﹣It's snowy.()A.What's the weather thereB.How's the weather thereC.What's the weather like thereD.B and C【分析】﹣﹣那里的天气怎么样?﹣﹣下雪天.【解答】答案:D.根据It's snowy,可知这是表示天气状况的,询问的话用What's the weather like there或者How's the weather there询问.故选D.【点评】首先要掌握这个句子的意思,然后结合具体的题目,就可以确定正确答案.30.(3分)weather in Beijing is very hot in summer.()A.A B.An C.The D./【分析】北京夏天的天气很热.【解答】答案:C.考查冠词.句意"北京夏天的天气很热.".这里特指北京夏天的天气,用定冠词the.选C.【点评】考查冠词,冠词包括定冠词the,通常表示特指.不定冠词a和an,a修饰以辅音音素开头的单词,an修饰以元音音素开头的单词.要根据语境完成试题.31.(3分)﹣﹣Hi,Mary .﹣﹣Hello,Steve.()A.speaks;it's B.speaking;it'sC.speaking;I'm D.am speaking;I'm【分析】你好,玛丽正在说话.你好,我是Steve.【解答】答案:B 分析句子,结合选项,推测意思是你好,玛丽正在说话.你好,我是Steve.这是一个打电话用语,通常用sb.+speaking,回答时,用it's+sb.故选B.【点评】解答这类试题时,务必充分理解上下文的语境和前后文的逻辑关系,找到解题的依据,同时正确区分选项的细微差别,准确作答.五、句型转换.32.(3分)How's the weather in Beijing?(改为同义句)What's the weather like in Beijing?【分析】﹣﹣北京的天气怎么样?﹣﹣北京的天气怎么样?【解答】答案:What's;like.考查同义句.how is the weather…?=what is the weather like…?"…的天气怎么样?".一般现在时态,用is.答案是What's;like.【点评】同义句转换最基本的是要保持原意不变,在理解语境的基础上,抓住关键单词或词组,运用相同词意的单词或词组完成试题.33.(3分)Lucy and Lily are swimming in the pool now.(对画线部分提问)What are Lucy and Lily doing?【分析】露西和莉莉正在游泳池里游泳.露西和莉莉正在干什么?【解答】答案:What are;doing 考查句型转换.句意:露西和莉莉正在游泳池里游泳.露西和莉莉正在干什么?句子为现在进行时.划线部分是在游泳池里游泳.可知提问应说露西和莉莉正在干什么?故答案为:What are;doing.【点评】在理解原句的基础上,根据要求,以及相应的语法知识,对句子做出相应的转换.34.(3分)They play soccer every day.(用now改写)They are playing soccer now.【分析】他们每天踢足球.他们现在正在踢足球.【解答】答案:are playing 考查句型转换.句意:他们每天踢足球.他们现在正在踢足球.原句是一般现在时,用now改写,时态应该用现在进行时,构成:be+doing.主语是they 所以用are.playing soccer踢足球.故答案为:are playing.【点评】在理解原句的基础上,根据要求,以及相应的语法知识,对句子做出相应的转换.35.(3分)It is cloudy today.(对划线部分提问).What is the weather like today?【分析】﹣﹣今天多云.﹣今天天气怎么样?【解答】根据划线部分cloudy可知在稳天气,其句型是What is the weather like?或者How is the weather?故答案是What,like【点评】解答此类试题时,务必根据题目的要求,在准确理解句子意思的前提下,找准疑问词,结合时态准确作答.36.(3分)I usually listen to music when it is raining.(对画线部分提问)What do you usually do when it is raining?【分析】我通常在下雨的时候听音乐.当下雨的时候你通常做什么?【解答】答案:What;do 考查句型转换.句意:我通常在下雨的时候听音乐.当下雨的时候你通常做什么?划线部分为听音乐.可知提问应说当下雨的时候你通常做什么?用疑问词what,主语是you所以用助动词do.句子为一般现在时.故答案为:What;do.【点评】在理解原句的基础上,根据要求,以及相应的语法知识,对句子做出相应的转换.六、阅读理解.37.(3分)hot cool cold humid warmWeatherNameSam√√××√Tim×√√××Ben×√×√√Kathy××√××Judy√××√×注:√like;×dislike;most最多的;both两者都1.Who likes both humid weather and warm weather?Ben2.Who likes both hot weather and humid weather?Judy3.Who likes cold weather but doesn't like cool weather?Kathy4.Which two children like warm weather?Sam and Ben5.How many children like hot weather?Two.【分析】表格内容分析了五个人分别喜欢和不喜欢什么样的天气.【解答】l.Ben.细节理解题,根据第四行第五、六列交集,可知Ben喜欢潮湿的天气,故答案为Ben.2.Judy.细节理解题,根据第六行第二、五列交集,可知Judy喜欢炎热潮湿的天气,故答案为Judy.3.Kathy.细节理解题,根据第五行第三、四列交集,可知Kathy喜欢寒冷但不喜欢凉爽的天气,故答案为Kathy.4.Sam and Ben.细节理解题,根据第二、四行第五、六列交集,可知Sam and Ben喜欢温暖的天气,故答案为Sam and Ben.5.Two.细节理解题,根据第二、六行第二列交集,可知Sam和Judy两个人喜欢炎热的天气,故答案为Two.【点评】主要是根据前提问题来做出相应的要求内的答案,题型比较灵活但是考查了学生多方面的知识和技能,要做好这类题,就要注意平时知识的积累,包括单词、词组、句型等.七、书面表达.38.(3分)假如你正在度假,请写篇小短文介绍一下你的度假,内容包括:地点;那里的天气;你正在干的事情;你的朋友或者家人正在干的事情;你是否玩得开心等.【分析】高分句型一I'm on a vacation with my parents in the park.我和父母在公园里度假.on a vacation 度假.高分句型二He is swimming in the pool with his friends.他和朋友们在游泳池里游泳.这是一个现在进行时的句子,表示正在做某事.【解答】It's sunny today.I'm on a vacation with my parents in the park【高分句型一,注意固定词组的使用】【要点一,地点】.Look!That is my father.He is swimming in the pool with his friends【高分句型二,注意现在进行时的使用】.And the woman over there is my mum.She is drinking coffee under a big tree.As for me,I'm sitting by the pool and drinking orange juice.We are having fun.【要点三,我们玩得开心】【点评】本篇写作需注意要求中所提供的要点,不可遗漏.需在平时积累相关的词汇,写作中注意语义通顺,符合逻辑关系.上下文之间可以适当使用连接词.如but,so,then 等.。
人教版英语七年级下册: Unit 7 It's raining!单元测试卷(含答案)

Unit 7 It’s raining! 单元测试I.单项选择(15分)1. My parents are ________ a vacation ________ the mountains.A. in; onB. on; inC. at; inD. on; at2. — ________ the weather ________ in Taiwan?—It’s windy.A. How’s; likeB. How; likeC. What; likeD. What’s; like3. The ________ of Chongqing is really hot, but we still like living here.A. springB. summerC. autumnD. winter4. Jane is having fun ________ games with her parents at the park.A. playingB. to playC. playD. plays5.Our teacher often tells us ________ in the river. It’s dangerous.A. not swimB. not to swimC. to swimD. swimming6. — Where is Jim?— Look! He ________ under the tree.A.is standingB. stoodC. stands7. He’s sitting ________ the beach and ________ orange juice.A. on; drinkingB. in; drinkingC. on; drinksD. in; drinks8. — Robert, could you wash the car for me?—Yes, I ________. I’m coming, Dad.A. couldB. couldn’tC. canD. can’t9. — How’s it going, Alan?— _________.A. Long time no seeB. I’m drawing a pictureC. It’s going to rainD. Pretty good10. It’s ________ today. I think it’s going to ________.A. cloud; rainB. cloudy; rainingC. cloudy; rainD. cloudy; rainy11. — Ms. Xu is not in. Can I take a ________?— Thanks. Please tell her that Andy called.A. storyB. informationC. letterD. message12. He can speak ________. He’s from ________.A. Russia; RussiaB. Russian; RussianC. Russia; RussianD. Russian; Russia13. —I’m going on vacation this weekend.— ________!A. The same to youB. Have a good timeC. Hurry upD. Hold on, please14. I’m so happy ________ America next week.A. visitB. visitsC. to visitD. visiting15. — Could you help me carry the equipment to the basketball field, Robin?—________. I’ll do it at once.A. Not at allB. No problemC. Wait a momentD. That’s rightⅡ.完形填空(10分)It’s a summer afternoon in the city of Jinan. The weather is sunny and 1 . 2 are staying at home. Mr. Green is 3 a storybook on the sofa. Mrs. Green is 4 . What is Bill doing? He’s doing his homework 5 . Bill’s grandparents 6 in the living room. Bill’s sister, Mary, isn’t 7 . She’s swimming in the lake with her friends. They don’t like hot weather, 8 they can do 9 to keep it away. The radio says it will be cool later on and they are all 10 to hear that. They hope they can enjoy themselves then.1. A. cold B. hot C. rainy D. cloudy2. A. Mr. Green B. Mrs. Green C. The Green D. The Greens3. A. reading B. looking C. seeing D. looking at4. A. d oing some washing B. doing some washing clothesC. do a washingD. do many washing5. A. under the bed B. in his study C. on the table D. in the kitchen6. A. is watching TV B. watch TV C. watching TV D. are watching TV7. A. on B. in C. away D. stay at home8. A. and B. because C. but D. so9. A. e verything B. something C. nothing D. anything10. A. sad B. sorry C. angry D. happyⅢ.阅读理解(15分)AAs we know, Meizhou Island is a famous place of interest in Putian. My pen pal from Australia, Sam, would like to visit it very much. He is coming here for a holiday next week. He is planning to stay here for seven days. He has never come to Putian before, so he needs to know something about it. The weather is the most important thing that he would like to know. He wants to know what he should get ready for the trip and what kinds of clothes he has to take with him. Here is the seven-day weather report for Putian.Date Weather TemperatureJuly 1st 27℃~35℃July 2nd 26℃~33℃July 3rd 26℃~32℃July 4th 28℃~36℃July 5th 29℃~37℃July 6th 27℃~34℃July 7th 28℃~34℃1. How long will Sam stay in Putian?A. Two days.B. Five days.C. A week.D. A month.2. What information does Sam most want to know?A. The food in Putian.B. The history of Putian.C. The traffic in Putian.D. The weather in Putian.3. What will the weather be like on July 5th?A. Sunny.B. Cloud.C. windy.D. Rainy.4. On July 3rd, the high temperature is ________?A. 26℃B. 28℃C. 32℃D. 36℃5. What do you think Sam should wear when he stays in Putian?A B C DBDear Linda,It is 3:00 in the afternoon and I am sitting in the library. It isn’t a very nice day. It is raining and I am feeling homesick. I miss my family and friends. There are many students in the library today. Most of them are studying. A few students are sleeping or talking to their friends, but most of them are busy. Tom, my best friend, is here with me. He is studying, too. He is very nice, I want you to meet him when you come to New York. Tom is also the son of my host family. The host family are all friendly. I have learnt a lot of English, so I can write a letter to you in English! I like my teachers and classmates. I have classes five mornings a week and I work three afternoons a week. Today is one of my days off.I hope that you are well and happy. When will you come to see me? Please write soon.Your friend,Tina6. Where is Tina writing the letter?A. In a classroom.B. In her room.C. At home.D. In a library.7. Most of the students in the library are ________.A. sleepingB. talkingC. studyingD. playing8. Does Tina learn a lot of English?A. Yes, she is.B. No, she isn’t.C. Yes, she does.D. No, she doesn’t.9. What does the underlined word “homesick” mean in Chinese?A. 回家B. 寄宿家庭C. 想家的D. 感冒10. From the passage we can know that ________.A. this is a letter from Linda to TinaB. Tina is not working this afternoonC. Tina feels homesick because it is a nice dayD. Tina’s good at English and it’s her mother languageⅣ.词汇运用(15分)根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词,完成句子。
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七年级英语下册Unit 7单元复习题(40分钟/100分)I. 单选(每小题1分,共20分)1. Everyone _______ having a good time.A. amB. isC. areD. be2. _______ is the weather likeA. HowB. WhatC. WhichD. Why3. _______ is it goingA. WhatB. WhenC. WhereD. How4. What _______ you _______ when it’s rainingA. do, doB. are, doingC. can, doingD. does, do5. The game looks _______. I want to have a try.A. funB. coolC. boringD. bad6. Is he _______ No, he’s _______ in the water.A. swims, fishingB. swims, runningC. swimming, walkD. swimming, walking7. I like the weather there. It’s always _______.A. snowingB. rainsC. funnyD. sunny8. I like taking _______. It’s much fun.A. photosB. picturesC. medicineD. shower9. It’s _______ in spring and it’s _______ in summer.A. warm, coolB. hot, coldC. warm, hotD. cool, warm10. What _______ Lucy and Lily _______A. is, doingB. do, doingC. does, doD. are, doingII. 完型填空(每小题2分,共20分)Today is March 7th, and tomorrow is 11 . Dally wants 12 her mother something. Dally 13 10 dollars. She is thinking about 14 . She thinks and thinks. Then she has an 15 . “I can buy a card 16 my dear mother.”Dally goes to a supermarket and buys a beautiful card. She 17 some words on it. She shows it to her mother and says, “Here is a card for you, Mum.” Her mother is 18 happy. “19 , Dally. ” She says. Dally is 20 , too.( ) 11. A. Teachers’ Day B. Christmas’ Day C. Womans’ Day D. Wome n’s Day( ) 12. A. to give B. give C. giving D. to have( ) 13. A. have B. has C. is D. buys( ) 14. A. how to buy B. what to buy C. how buy it D. what buy( ) 15. A. card B. plan C. hour D. idea( ) 16. A. with B. at C. of D. for( ) 17. A. writes B. reads C. hears D. says( ) 18. A. much B. very C. real D. certain( ) 19. A. Come on B. It’s March 7th todayC. I buy a card for youD. Thank you( ) 20. A. sad B. happy C. tall D. angryIII. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共10分)(A)Dear Mary,Thanks a lot for your letter and the great photos. I like them very much. Here are some of my photos. In the first one, I am swimming in the lake. In the second one, I am playing football on the playground in our school. In the third one, you can see my family at home. We’re having dinner. In the last one, I am with my l ittle sister Beth. She’s watching TV and I am doing my homework.Best wishes to you and you family. Please write to me soon.Jim21. This letter is from _____ to _____.A. Mary; JimB. Jim; MaryC. Ann; Beth22. Jim likes ______ very much.A. the letterB. the beautiful photosC. A and B23. In the first photo, Jim is __________.A. playing footballB. swimmingC. A and B24. Jim has one ________.A. sisterB. brotherC. friend25. In the last photo, Jim is ______ and Beth is______.A. watching TV; doing homeworkB. doing homework; watching TVC. having dinner; writing a letterIV. 写出下列动词的现在分词(每小题1分,共10分)________ ________ 28. walk________ _________ _________________ ________ ________ ________V. 词汇(每小题2分,共40分)A) 根据句子意思及所给首字母,写出单词的正确形式。
36. Look at the sun. It’s so brightly (明亮的). It’s a s_______ day today.37. It’s blowing (吹) cool wind. It’s a w________ day.38. It is r__________ outside (外面). Please put on your raincoat.39. Today is s_________. The ground (地面) is all white.40. I am so happy to see them a_________.41. --What are you doing --I’m t __________ photos.42. The children are going swimming now. Because it is so h_______ today.43. --What’s the w__________ like today --It’s very cool.44. It’s very c_________ outside. Please wear more (更多的) clothes.45. Tomisdrinkingorangej________.B) 根据句子意思及所给汉语,写出单词的正确形式。
are playing basketball in the_______(公园)47. Can I take a. _______ (消息) for Linda48. On __________ (多云的) afternoon in summer the children like to go swimming in the rivers.49. We’ll have a warm _________ (冬天) this year.50. I am_________ (拜访) some of my old friends.51. My parents and I are on (a) _________(假期) in the mountains.52. It often _________ (下雪) in Harbin.53. The students are listening to music. They are really very ___________ (放松).54. It’svery__________(暖和)inspring.am having a great time in __________(玩电脑游戏).答案1-5. BBDBA 6-10. DDACD 11-15. DABBD 16-20. DABDB computer games.。