人教版八年级上册英语全英版教案:Unit6 SectionB(3a-Self Check)

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Unit6 SectionB(3a-Self Check)全英版教

Teaching Aims

1. Knowledge objects

(1)Function:Talk about future intentions (New Year’s resolutions).

(2)Key V ocabulary:own||,personal||,relationship

(3)Target Language:

Next year||,I am going to take up a new hobby.

(4)Structure:be going to;want to be;what||,where||,when and how questions 2. Ability Objects

(1)To train students y reading and writing skills.

(2)To train students||,communicative competence.

3. Moral Objects

To raise students||,confidence in the future.

Teaching Key Points

1. Key vocabulary in this period.

2. Target language in this period.

Teaching Difficult Points

1. Reading practice.

2. Improve students’ writing ability.

Teaching Methods

1. Reading and writing method.

2. Practice method.

Teaching Aids

1. A computer for multimedia use.

2. Survey papers.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 3a (about 9 minutes)

T:Last class we learned something about resolutions. Now let’s finish a passage about

resolutions. Turn to page 47||,look at 3a. It’s also about resolutions. Please read the passage first||,then try to fill in the blanks according to the meaning of the whole passage.

Check the answers.

Step 2 3b (about 7 minutes)

T:There are many kinds of resolutions. For students||,there are three kinds of resolutions. Look at 3b on page 47. Please read the three kinds of resolutions. Who can give us an example for No. 2 ideas?

S:Buy gifts for my parents||,

T:Good. How about No. 3 ideas?

S:Listen to English every evening.

T:Yes. Now||,please write your resolutions under the following headings. The more||,the better.

Step 3 3c (about 10 minutes)

Look at page 47 3c. Use your notes in 3b to write three more paragraphs about your resolutions. In each paragraph||,write what you are going to do and the reason.

Four minutes later||,put the students’ compositions on the screen. Correct the mistakes.

Step 4 Self Check (about 9 minutes)

T:We will finish Unit 6. Now let’s turn to page 48. Finish Self Check.

T:Some jobs have something to do with the school subjects. Please finish part 1一Match the jobs with the school subjects.

Then ask students to finish off the two tasks left.

Step 5 4 (about 9 minutes)

T:Do you like to live in a clean city? Do you like to live in a green city? Imagine you work for your city. Think of a plan to make it cleaner and greener.

Ask students to share opinions.

S1:I am going to plant more trees.

S2:I am going to build a new school.

Find the most creative student.

Step 6 Homework (about 1 minute)

Write a passage to introduce your friends||,resolutions. Six sentences at least.
