
研究生入学考试试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪项不是研究生入学考试的必备条件?A. 本科毕业证书B. 英语六级证书C. 身份证D. 高中毕业证书2. 研究生入学考试通常包括哪两个主要部分?A. 笔试和面试B. 数学和英语C. 政治和专业课D. 英语和专业课3. 下列哪项不属于研究生入学考试的面试内容?A. 学术背景B. 研究兴趣C. 个人爱好D. 专业技能4. 研究生入学考试的笔试部分通常包括哪些科目?A. 语文、数学、英语B. 数学、英语、专业课C. 政治、英语、专业课D. 政治、数学、专业课5. 研究生入学考试的英语科目主要测试哪些能力?A. 听力和写作B. 阅读和翻译C. 听力、阅读和写作D. 口语和写作6. 研究生入学考试的数学科目主要考察哪些内容?A. 高中数学知识B. 大学数学知识C. 初中数学知识D. 概率论和统计学7. 研究生入学考试的政治科目通常包含哪些内容?A. 马克思主义基本原理B. 中国历史C. 世界地理D. 国际政治8. 研究生入学考试的专业课考试通常由谁来命题?A. 教育部B. 招生学校C. 国家考试中心D. 地方教育局9. 下列哪项不是研究生入学考试的备考策略?A. 系统复习B. 题海战术C. 忽视基础知识D. 模拟考试10. 研究生入学考试的面试通常在什么阶段进行?A. 笔试之前B. 笔试之后C. 笔试当天D. 没有固定时间二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 研究生入学考试的笔试成绩通常占总成绩的________%。
12. 研究生入学考试的面试成绩通常占总成绩的________%。
13. 研究生入学考试的数学科目主要考察考生的________、________和________。
14. 研究生入学考试的英语科目中的翻译部分通常包括________翻译和________翻译。
15. 研究生入学考试的政治科目中,考生需要掌握________、________和________等基本原理。
2021-2022年全国教育学专业硕士研究生入学考试综合练习试题 含答案


下面是一个关于政治理论知识方面的示例参考内容:一、马克思主义基本原理1. 马克思主义的三个组成部分:唯物史观、政治经济学和科学社会主义理论。
2. 马克思主义的历史地位和基本特征。
3. 马克思主义与中国特色社会主义思想的关系。
二、中国特色社会主义理论体系1. 中国特色社会主义的基本内涵和总任务。
2. 中国特色社会主义道路的形成和基本经验。
3. 中国特色社会主义制度的优越性和巩固性。
三、中国共产党的基本理论和指导思想1. 马克思主义中国化的理论成果和指导思想。
2. 中国共产党的基本任务和历史使命。
3. 党的领导作用的历史经验和根本要求。
四、党的建设和党风廉政建设问题1. 党的建设的总体布局和基本要求。
2. 党风廉政建设的重要内容和任务。
3. 党风廉政建设和党的执政能力建设的关系。


中国海洋大学2008年硕士研究生入学考试试题科目代码:416科目名称:普通动物学和生态学第一部分:动物学一、填空题(每空0.5分,共15分)1、水螅的外胚层主要包括皮肌细胞、腺细胞、 ___________ 、_________ 、 _______ 和间细胞。
2、________________________________________ 环毛蚓的神经系统包括由1对 ______________ 愈合成的脑、 _________________________________ 、_______________________ 和腹神经索,为典型的 ______________ 神经。
3、中国对虾(或日本沼虾)有20个体节,________ 对附肢。
其中第5对为_______________ 。
4、海参发育过程中要经历 ________________ 、______________ 和五触手幼虫,变态成幼参。
5、鸟类仅具有_____ 体动脉弓,而哺乳类则仅具有_________ 体动脉弓。
6、原生动物的三种运动胞器分别是 _____________ 、____________ 、____________ 。
7、现存两栖类的体型大体可分为 _______ 、 _____ 和________ 。
其排泄器官以 ___ 为最重要。
8、文昌鱼的咽部为收集食物和呼吸场所,几乎占据身体的________ ,咽腔内的结构与尾索动物相似,包括 ______________ 、___________ 、围咽沟等。
9、巴西龟属__________ 纲_________ 目的动物,石鳖属___________ 门__________ 纲的动物。
10、Phylum 为分类阶元中的______________ 。
Suborder为分类阶元中的_____________ 。
按照惯例,亚科、科和总科等名称都有标准的字尾,如字尾-oidea表示___________________ 。

2023年全国研究生入学考试真题一、政治理论1. 请分析马克思主义的基本原理和理论构成,并说明其在中国的实践意义。
二、数学2. 对于一个函数f(x),其定义域为实数集,若对于任意的x、y∈R,均有f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y),则该函数是否满足线性性质?若不满足,请说明原因。
三、外语专业3. 请以“2023年全国研究生入学考试”的角度,分析学习外语的重要性,并举例说明外语对个人和国家发展的影响。

也可利用不进位乘法或列表法计算。 11、已知 H ( s ) 的零极点分布图如下图所示,单位冲激响应 h(t ) 的初始值 h(0 ) = 2 ,则该 系统的系统函数 H (s) = 。
2 σ
−2 ×
s →∞
H ( s) =
H 0 ( s − 2) ( s + 2) 2 + 4
−3 1 −1 1 × = + , − 1 < Re[ s ] < 2 s − 2 s +1 s − 2 s +1
e2 t ε (−t ) + e − t ε (t )
3 1 1 1 × = , Re[ s ] > 2 s − 2 s +1 s − 2 s +1
3e 2t ε (t ) ∗ e − t ε (t ) ↔
H ( jω )
ϕ (ω )
0 (a)
−5 0 −5
、 f (t ) = cos t + cos(8t )
、 f (t ) = sin(2t ) + sin(4t )
、 f (t ) = sin(2t ) sin(4t ) D、 f (t ) = cos (4t ) 解:选 B。由系统的幅频特性和相频特性可知:若输入信号的频率均处于 ω = −5 ∼ 5 之间, 既不产生幅度失真又不产生相位失真。只有 B 满足这一条件。 d 6、信号 f (t ) = [e ε (t )] 的傅里叶变换 F ( jω ) 等于 dt

研究生入学考试心理学试卷及答案第一部分:选择题1. 下列哪个心理学学派强调个体的自我实现和自我认识?A) 行为主义心理学B) 结构主义心理学C) 功能主义心理学D) 人本主义心理学答案:D) 人本主义心理学2. 心理学中,对于人类行为和心理过程的科学研究的定义是什么?A) 心理学B) 心理学方法C) 心理学原理D) 心理学观点答案:A) 心理学3. 下列哪个心理学学派认为行为是受到环境刺激和人类研究历史的影响?A) 行为主义心理学B) 结构主义心理学C) 功能主义心理学D) 人本主义心理学答案:A) 行为主义心理学第二部分:简答题1. 请简要解释条件反射的概念。
2. 请简要说明经典条件反射和操作性条件反射之间的区别。

2024全国硕士研究生入学考试初试《311教育学专业基础综合》模拟试题及答案学校:________ 班级:________ 姓名:________ 考号:________一、单选题(35题)1.为了研究教师的强化方式与学生学业成绩之间的关系,某研究者把被试学生分成受表扬组、受训斥组、静听组、无强化组等四种强化方式组开展为期一年的实验研究。
这种研究设汁违背了教育研究的()A.客观性跺则B.创新性原则C.理论联系实际原则D.伦理原则2.20世纪30年代英国的《哈多报告》提出的教育改革的目标是A.初等教育均衡发展B.中等教育面向所有儿童实施C.高等教育大众化D.普通与职业教育融合发展3.人在婴儿时,还是一个软弱无能的生物体,依靠后天的学校教育逐渐的成为一个能有效地参与社会生活的主体,这说明教育具有()A.个体社会化功能B.个体个性化功能C.教育的个人谋生功能D.教育的个人享用功能4.研究问题与研究假设的关系是( )A.研究问题与研究假设没有直接关系B.研究假设的叙述是直接从研究问题的叙述中产生的C.研究问题的叙述比研究假设的叙述更具有操作性D.研究问题就是研究假设5.课程评价的理论和模式有多种,其中一种的核心思想是,目标是课程评价的依据和出发点,通过测量目标的达到程度判断教学效果。

全国硕士研究生入学考试英语试题及答案一、听力部分题目一[听力材料]1.What does the woman want to do?A. Visit a museum.B. Go shopping.C. Have a coffee.2.What is the man doing?A. Taking pictures.B. Writing a report.C. Doing some research.3.What did the man say he had just done?A. Made a phone call.B. Checked his email.C. Talked to his boss.[答案解析]1. A2. A3. B题目二[听力材料]1.What does the man suggest that they do?A. Watch a movie.B. Go to a concert.C. Have a party.2.How long will the concert last?A. About an hour.B. About two hours.C. About three hours.3.What does the woman say about the singer?A. She is very popular.B. She is not very good.C. She has a great voice. [答案解析]1. A2. B3. C二、阅读理解部分题目一[文章]Researchers have developed a new technique that could help treat cancer by using an electric field to guide cancer-fighting medication directly to tumors. The team used microscopic particles called nanovesicles (small enough to enter the bloodstream) to deliver chemotherapy drugs specifically to cancer cells. These nanovesicles were then activated with an electric field, causing them to pass through the blood vessels and into the tumors themselves.题目What is the new technique that researchers have developed?A. A way to guide electric fields to tumors.B. A technique to deliver chemotherapy drugs to cancer cells.C. A method to activate microscopic particles.[答案解析]B题目二[文章]The rising cost of housing in big cities is driving workers to move to smaller towns. For many, the decision to leave urban areas is not only about money, but also about improving their quality of life.题目Why are workers moving to smaller towns?A. Because of the rising cost of housing in big cities.B. Because they want to live in a quieter environment.C. Because they want to be closer to nature.[答案解析]A三、翻译部分题目一[中文]一旦这种新技术被用于生产,它将彻底改变这个行业。

研究生考试题库及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项是研究生入学考试的必考科目?A. 英语B. 数学C. 政治D. 以上都是答案:D2. 研究生入学考试中,英语科目的满分是多少?A. 100分B. 150分C. 200分D. 300分答案:B3. 研究生入学考试中,数学科目的考试时间是多久?A. 1小时B. 2小时C. 3小时D. 4小时答案:C4. 政治科目在研究生入学考试中占总分的比重是多少?A. 20%B. 30%C. 40%D. 50%答案:B5. 研究生入学考试的报名费一般是多少?A. 100元B. 200元C. 300元D. 400元答案:B6. 研究生入学考试的报名时间通常在每年的哪个月份?A. 1月B. 3月C. 5月D. 9月答案:B7. 研究生入学考试的笔试通常在每年的哪个月份进行?A. 1月B. 3月C. 5月D. 9月答案:A8. 研究生入学考试的面试通常在笔试后的多久进行?A. 1个月内B. 2个月内C. 3个月内D. 4个月内答案:A9. 研究生入学考试的合格分数线是如何确定的?A. 由教育部统一划定B. 由各高校自行划定C. 由考试委员会划定D. 由考生所在省份划定答案:A10. 研究生入学考试的复试通常包括哪些内容?A. 面试B. 笔试C. 实验操作D. 以上都是答案:D二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 研究生入学考试中,以下哪些科目是理工科考生必须参加的?A. 英语B. 数学一C. 政治D. 专业课答案:ABCD2. 研究生入学考试中,以下哪些科目是文科考生必须参加的?A. 英语B. 数学二C. 政治D. 专业课答案:ABCD3. 研究生入学考试的报名流程通常包括哪些步骤?A. 网上报名B. 现场确认C. 缴纳报名费D. 打印准考证答案:ABCD4. 研究生入学考试的面试环节通常考察考生哪些方面的能力?A. 专业知识B. 英语口语C. 逻辑思维D. 团队协作答案:ABCD5. 研究生入学考试的复试环节中,以下哪些材料是考生必须准备的?A. 个人简历B. 学历证明C. 科研成果D. 推荐信答案:ABCD三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 研究生入学考试的报名条件有哪些?答:研究生入学考试的报名条件通常包括:具有国家承认的本科学历,符合报考专业的具体要求,以及满足教育部和招生单位规定的其他条件。
2023 全国硕士研究生入学统一考试英语(一)试题

考生姓名:__________________考生编号:Section I Use of EnglishDirections: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark [A], [B], [C], or [D] on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)Caravanserais were roadside inns that were built along the Silk Road in areas including China, North Africa and the Middle East. They were typically __1__ outside the walls of a city or village and were usually funded by governments of __2__.This word “Caravanserais” is a __3__ of the Persian word “karvan”, which means a group of travellers or a caravan, and seray, a palace or enclosed building. The Perm caravan was used to __4__ groups of people who travelled together across the ancient network for safety reasons, __5__ merchants, travellers or pilgrims.From the 10th century onwards, as merchant and travel routes become more developed, the __6__ of the Caravanserais increased and they served as a safe place for people to rest at night. Travellers on the Silk Road __7__ possibility of being attacked by thieves or being __8__ to extreme conditions. For this reason, Caravanserais were strategically placed __9__ they could be reached in a day’s travel time.Caravanserais served as an informal __10__ point for the various people who travelled the Silk Road. __11__, those structures became important centers for culture __12__ and interaction, with travelers sharing their cultures, ideas and beliefs, __13__ talking knowledge with them, greatly __14__ the development of several civilizations.Caravanserais were also an important marketplace for commodities and __15__ in the trade of goods along the Silk Road. __16__, it was frequently the first stop merchants looking to sell their wares and __17__ supplies for their own journeys. It is __18__ that around 120,000 to 15,000 caravanserais were built along the Silk Road, __19__ only about 3,000 are known to remain today, many of which are in __20__.1. A. displayed B. occupied C. located D. equipped2. A. privately B. regularly C. respectively D. permanently3. A. definition B. transition C. substitution D. combination4. A. classify B. record C. describe D. connect5. A. apart from B. instead of C. such as D. along with6. A. construction B. restoration C. impression D. evaluation7. A. doubted B. faced C. accepted D. reduced8. A. assigned B. subjected C. accustomed D. opposed9. A. so that B. even if C. now that D. in case10. A. talking B. starting C. breaking D. meeting11. A. By the way B. On occasion C. In comparison D. As a result12. A. heritage B. revival C. exchange D. status13. A. with regard to B. in spite of C. as well as D. in line with14. A. completing B. influencing C. resuming D. pioneering15. A. aided B. invested C. failed D. competed16. A. Rather B. Indeed C. Otherwise D. However17. A. go in for B. stand up for C.close in on D. stock up on18. A. believed B. predicted C.recalled D. implied19. A. until B. because C.unless D. although20. A. ruins B. debt C.fashion D. series Section II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections: Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B,C, or D. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (40 Points)Text 1The weather in Texas may have cooled since the recent extreme heat, but the temperature will be high at the State Board of Education meeting in Austin this month as officials debate how climate change is taught in Texas schools.Pat Hardy, a conservative member of the board who sympathises with the views of the energy sector, is resisting proposed changes to science standards for pre-teen pupils. These would emphasise the primacy of human activity in recent climate change and encourage discussion of mitigation measures.Most scie ntists and independent experts sharply dispute her views. “What millions of Texas kids learn in their public schools is determined too often by the political ideology of partisan board members, rather than facts and sound scholarship,” says Dan Quinn, senior communications strategist at the Texas Freedom Network, a non-profit group that monitors public education. “They casually dismiss the career work of scholars and scientists as just another misguided opinion.”Such debates reflects fierce discussion across the US and around the world, as researchers, policymakers, teachers and students step up demands for a greater focus on teaching about the facts of climate change in school.A study last year by the National Center for Science Education, a non-profit group of scientists and teachers, looking at how state public schools across the country address climate change in science classes, gave barely half of US states a grade B+ or higher. Among the 10 worst performers were some of the most populous states, including Texas, which was given the lowest grade (F) and has a disproportionate influence because its textbooks are widely sold elsewhere.Glenn Branch, the centre’s deputy director, cautions that setting state-level science standards is only one limited benchmark in a country that decentralises decisions to local school boards. Even if a state is considered a high performer in its science standards, “that does not mean it will be taught”, he says.Another issue is that, while climate change is well integrated into some subjects and at some ages —such as earth and space sciences in high schools —it is not as well represented in curricula for younger children and in subjects that are more widely taught, such as biology and chemistry. It is also less prominent in many social studies courses.Branch points out that, even if a growing number of official guidelines and textbooks reflect scientific consensus on climate change, unofficial educational materials that convey more slanted perspectives are being distributed to teachers. They include materials sponsored by libertarian think-tanks and energy industry associations.21. In paragraph1, the weather in Texas is mentioned to __________.A. forecast a policy shift in Texas schoolsB. stress the consequences of climate changeC. indicate the atmosphere at the board meetingD. draw the public’s attention to energy shortages.22. What does Quinn think of Hardy?A. she exaggerates the existing panic.B. she denies the value of scientific workC. she shows no concern for pre-teens.D. she expresses self-contradictory views.23. The study mentioned in Paragraph 5 _________.A. climate education is insufficient at state public schoolsB. policy makers have little drive for science educationC. Texas is reluctant to rewrite its science textbooksD. environmental teaching in some states lacks supervision24. According to Branch, state-level science standards in the US _________.A. call for regular revisionB. require urgent applicationC. have limited influenceD. cater to local needs25. It is implied in the last paragraph that climate change teaching in some schools ______.A. agree to major public demandsB. reflects teachers’ personal biasC. may misrepresent the energy sectorD. can be swayed by external forcesText 2Communities throughout New England have been attempting to regulate short-term rentals since sites like Airbnb took off in the 2010s. Now with record-high home prices and historically low inventory, there’s an increased urgency in such regulation, particularly among those who worry that developers will come in and buy up swaths of housing to flip for a fortune on the short-term rental market.In New Hampshire, where the rental vacancy rate has dropped below 1 percent, housing advocates fear unchecked short-term rentals will put further pressure on an already strained market. The State Legislature recently voted against a bill that would’ve made it illegal for towns to create legislation restricting short-term rentals.“We are at a crisis level on the supply of rental housing,” said Nick Taylor, executive director of the Workforce Housing Coalition of the Greater Seacoast. Without enough affordable housing in southern New Hampshire towns,“ employers are having a hard time attracting employees, and workers are having a hard time finding a place to live,” Taylor said.However, short-term rentals also provide housing for tourists, pointed out Ryan Castle, CEO of a local association of realter. “A lot of workers are servicing the tourist industry, and the tourism industry is serviced by those people coming in short term,” Castle said,“ and so it’s a cyclical effect.”Short-term rentals themselves are not the crux of the issue, said Keren Horn, an expert on affordable housing p olicy. “I think individuals being able to rent out their second home is a good thing. If it’s their vacation home anyway, and it’s just empty, why can’t you make money off it?” Horn said. Issues arise, however, when developers attempt to create large-scale short-term rental facilities—de facto hotels—to bypass taxes and regulations. “I think the question is, shouldn’t a developer who’s really building a hotel, but disguising it as not a hotel, be treated and taxed and regulated like a hotel?” Horn said.At the end of 2018, governor Charlie Baker of Massachusetts signed a bill to rein in those potential investor-buyers. The bill requires every rental host to register with the state mandates they carry insurance, and opens the potential for local taxes on top of a new state levy. Boston took things even further, requiring renters to register with the city’s Inspectional Services Department.Horn said similar registration requirements could benefit struggling cities and towns, but “if we want to make a change in the housing market, the main one is we have to build a lot more.”26.Which of the following is true of New England?A. Its housing supply is at a very low level.B. Its communities are in need of funding.C. Its rental vacancy rate is going up slowlyD. Its home prices are under strict control.27.The bill mentioned in Paragraph 2 was intended to________.A. curb short-term rental speculation.B. ensure the supply of cheap housing.C. punish illegal dealings in housing.D. allow a free short-term rental market.pared with Castle, Taylor is more likely to support________.A. further investment in local tourism.B. an increase in affordable housing.C. strict management of real estate agents.D. a favorable policy for short-term workers.29.What does Horn emphasize in Paragraph 5?A. The urgency to upgrade short-term rental facilities.B. The efficient operation of the local housing market.C. The necessity to stop developers from evading taxes.D. The proper procedures for renting out spare houses.30.Horn holds that imposing registration requirements is________.A. an irrational decision.B. an unfeasible proposal.C. an unnecessary measure.D. an inadequate solution.Text 3If you’re heading for your nearest branch of Waterstones, the biggest book retailer in the UK, in search of the Duchess of Sussex’s new children’s book The Bench, you might have to be prepared to hunt around a bit, the same may be true of The President’s Daughter, the new thriller by Bill Clinton and James Patterson. Both of these books are published next week by Penguin Random House(PRH), a company currently involved in a stand-off with Waterstones.The problem began late last year, when PRH confirmed that it had introduced a credit limit with Water stones “at a very significant level”. The trade magazine The Bookseller reported that Waterstones branch managers were being told to remove PRH books from prominent areas such as tables, display spaces and windows, and were“ quietly retiring them to their relevant sections”.PRH declined to comment on the issue, but a spokesperson for Waterstones told me: “Waterstones are currently operating with reduced credit terms from PRH, the only publisher in the UK to place any limitations on our ability to trade. We are not boycotting PRH titles but we are doing our utmost to ensure that availability for customers remains good despite the lower overall levels of stock. We are hopeful with our shops now open again that normality will return and that we will be allowed to buy appropriately. Certainly, our shops are exceptionally busy. The sales for our May Books of the Month surpassed any month since 2018.”In the meantime, PRH authors have been the losers. Big-name PRH authors may suffer a bit, but it’s those mid-list authors, who normally rely on Waterstones staff’s passion for promoting books by lesser-known writers, who will be praying for an end to the dispute.It comes at a time when authors are already worried about the consequences of the proposed merger between PRH and another big publisher, Simon & Schuster—the reduction in the number of unaligned UK publishers is likely to lead to fewer bidding wars, lower advances, and more conformity in terms of what is published.“This is all part of a wider change towards concentration of power,” says literary agent Andrew Lownie. “The publishing industry talks about diversity in terms of authors and staff but it also needs a plurality of ways of delivering intellectual contact, choice and different voices. After all, many of the most interesting books in recent years have come from small publishers.”We shall see whether that plurality is a casualty of the current need among publishers to be big enough to take on all-comers.31.The author mentions two books in Paragraph 1 to present_______.A. an ongoing conflict.B. an intellectual concept.C. a prevailing sentiment.D. a literary phenomenon.32.Why did Waterstones shops retire PRH books to their relevant sections?A. To make them easily noticeable.B. To comply with PRH’s requirement.C. To respond to PRH’s business move.D. To arrange them in a systematic way.33.What message does the spokesperson for Waterstones seem to convey?A. Their customers remain loyal.B. The credit limit will be removed.C. Their stock is underestimated.D. The book market is rather slack.34.What can be one consequence of the current dispute?A. Sales of books by mid-list PRH writers fall off considerably.B. Lesser-known PRH writers become the target of criticism.C. Waterstones staff hesitate to promote big-name authors’ books.D. Waterstones branches suffer a severe reduction in revenue.35.Which of the following statements best represents Lownie’s view?A. Small publishers ought to stick together.B. Big publishers will lose their dominance.C. The publishing industry is having a hard time.D. The merger of publishers is a worrying trend.Text 4Scientific papers are the recordkeepers of progress in research. Each year researchers publish millions of papers in more than 30,000 journals. The scientific community measures the quality of those papers in a number of ways, including the perceived quality of the journal (as reflected by the title's impact factor) and the number of citations a specific paper accumulates. The careers of scientists and the reputation of their institutions depend on the number and prestige of the papers they produce, but even more so on the citations attracted by these papers.Citation cartels, where journals, authors, and institutions conspire to inflate citation numbers, have existed for a long time. In 2016, researchers developed an algorithm to recognize suspicious citation patterns, including groups of authors that disproportionately cite one another and groups of journals that cite each other frequently to increase the impact factors of their publications. Recently, another expression of this predatory behavior has emerged: so-called support service consultancies that provide language and other editorial support to individual authors and to journals sometimes advise contributors to add a number of citations to their articles.The advent of electronic publishing and authors' need to find outlets for their papers resulted in thousands of new journals. The birth of predatory journals wasn't far behind. These journals can act as milk cows where every single article in an issue may cite a specific paper or a series of papers. In some instances, there is absolutely no relationship between the content of the article and the citations.The peculiar part is that the journal that the editor is supposedly working for is not profiting at all — it is just providing citations to other journals. Such practices can lead an article to accrue more than 150 citations in the same year that it was published.How insidious is this type of citation manipulation? In one example, an individual — acting as author, editor, and consultant — was able to use at least 15 journals as citation providers to articles published by five scientists at three universities. The problem is rampant in Scopus, a citation database, which includes a high number of the new “international” journals. In fact, a listing in Scopus seems to be a criterion to be targeted in this type of citation manipulation.Scopus itself has all the data necessary to detect this malpractice. Red flags include a large number of citations to an article within the first year. And for authors who wish to steer clear of citation cartel activities: when an editor a reviewer, or a support service asks you to add inappropriate references, do not oblige and do report the request to the journal.36. According to Paragraph 1, the careers of scientists can be determined by__________.A. how many citations their works containB. how many times their papers are citedC. the prestige of the people they work withD. the status they have in scientific circles37. The support service consultancies tend to ____________.A. recommend journals to their clients.B. list citation patterns their clients.C. ask authors to include extra citationsD. advise contributors to cite each other38. The Function of the “milk cow” journals is to __________.A. boost citation counts for certain authorsB. help scholars publish articles at low costC. instruct First-time contributors in citationD. increase the readership of new journals.39. What can be learned about Scopus From the last two paragraphs ?A. It Fosters competition among citation providersB. It has the capability to identify suspicious citationsC. It hinders the growth of "international" journalsD. It established to prevent citation manipulation40. What should an author do to deal with citation manipulators?A. Take legal actionB. Demand an apology.C. Seek professional adviceD. Reveal their misconductPart BDirections:The following paragraphs are given in a wrong order. For questions 41-45, you are required to reorganize these paragraphs into a coherent text by choosing from the list A-H and filling them into the numbered boxes. Paragraphs A, E and H have been correctly placed. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)[A] Last year marked the 150th anniversary of a series of Yellowstone photographs by the renowned landscape photographer William Henry Jackson. Jackson snapped the 1st-ever shots of iconic landmarks such as the Tetons, Old Faithful and the Colorado Rockies. On a late 19th-century expedition through the Yellowstone Basin that was conducted by the head of the U.S. Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, Ferdinand V. Hayden. The team included a meteorologist, a zoologist, a mineralogist, and an agricultural statistician.[B] Two centuries ago, the idea of preserving nature, rather than exploiting it, was a novel one to many U.S. settlers. One of the turning points in public support for land conservation efforts — and recognizing the magnificence of the Yellowstone region in particular — came in the form of vivid photographs.[C] As an effective Washington operator, Hayden sensed that he could capitalize on the expedition’s stunning visuals. He asked Jackson to print out large copies and distributed them, along with reproductions of Moran’s paintings, to each member of Congress. “The visualization, particularly those photographs, really hit home th at this is something that has to be protected,”says Murphy.[D] Throughout the trip, Jackson juggled multiple cameras and plate sizes using the “collodion process” that required him to coat the plates with a chemical mixture, then expose them and develop the resulting images with a portable darkrooms. The crude technique required educated guesses on exposure times, and involved heavy, awkward equipment — several men had to assist in its transportation. Despite these challenges, Jackson captured dozens of striking photos, ranging from majestic images like his now-famous snapshot of Old Faithful, to casual portraits of expedition members at the camp. While veterans of previous expeditions wrote at length about stunning trail sights, these vivid photographs were another thing entirely.[E] The well-documented Yellowstone journey officially began in Ogden, Utah on June 8, 1871. Over nearly four months, dozens of men made their way on horseback into Montana andtraversed along the Yellowstone River and around Yellowstone Lake. That fall, they concluded the survey in Fort Bridger, Wyoming.[F] Though Native Americans (and later miners and fur trappers) had long recognized the area’s riches, most Americans did not. That’s why Hayden’s expedition aimed to produce a fuller understanding of the Yellowstone River region, from its hot springs and waterfalls to its variety of flora and fauna. In addition to the entourage of scientists, the team also included artists: Painter Thomas Moran and photographer William Henry Jackson were charged with capturing this astounding natural beauty and sharing it with the world.[G] The bill proved largely popular and sailed through Congress with large majorities in favor. In quick succession, the Senate and House passed legislation protecting Yellowstone in early 1872. That March, President Ulysses S. Grant signed an act into law that established Yellowstone as the world’s first national park. Some locals opposed the designation, the decision was largely accepted —and Jackson’s phot os played a key role in the fight to protect the area. “I don’t believe that the legal protection would have happened in the time frame that it did without those images,” says Hansen, journalist and author of Prophets and Moguls, Rangers and Rogues, Bisonord Bears: 100 years of the national Park Service.[H] Perhaps most importantly, the images provided documentary evidence that later made its way to government officials. Weeks after completing the expedition, Hayden collected his team’s observation into an extensive rep aimed at convincing Senators and Representatives, along with colleagues at government agency like the department of Interior that Yellowstone ought to be preserved.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)(46) Al can also be used to identify the lifestyles choices of customers regarding their hobbies, favorite celebrities, and fashions to provide unique content in marketing messages put out through social media.(47) Some believe that Al is negatively impacting on the marketer's role by reducing creativity and removing jobs, but they are aware that it is a way of reducing costs and creating new information.(48) Algorithms used to stimulate human interactions are creating many of these concerns, especially as no-one is quite sure what the outcomes of using AI to interact with customers will be(49) If customers are not willing to share data, Al will be starved of essential information and will not be able to function effectively or employ machine learning to improve its marketing content and communication.(50) The non-intrusive delivery of the marketing message in a way that is sensitive to the needs of target customers is one of the critical challenges to the digital marketer.Section III WritingPart ADirections: Write a notice to recruit a student for Prof. Smith’s project on campus sports activities. Specify the duties and requirements of the job.Write your answer about 100 words on the ANSWER SHEET.Do not use your own name in the notice; use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)Part BDirections: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the picture below. In your essay you should1) describe the picture briefly,2) interpret the implied meaning, and3) give your comments.You should write neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (20 points)。
硕士学位研究生入学考试试题 (22)


三种要素的价格分别为P a=1美元,P b=9美元。
2、假定经济中的短期生产函数为Y=14N-0.04N^2,劳动需求函数为N d=175-12.5(W/P)。
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三峡大学 研究生入学考试试题
考试科目: 电子技术基础
(答案必须写在答题纸上,满分150分,考试时间 一、填空(本题30分)
1. 某电路中流过晶体二极管的直流电流为 2mA 二极管的微
变等效电阻为 __________ Q 。
2. 测得工作在放大电路中的晶体三极管电流如图 1所示,该
管是 __________ ,1、2、3脚依次为 __________ 、 __________ 、
__________ , B 为 _____________ 。
3. 用示波器观察PNP t 共射单级放大器输出电压得到图 2所示三
试指出失真类型a: _________ , b: __________ , c: ________ ,增大R b 可消除
_______ 失真,增大RR 可消除 _________ 真,减小B 可同时消除 _______ 真。
v D
/ \
z -
\ ,
3 t
3 t [\
s t
4. 电流串联负反馈放大器是一种输出端取样量为
量为 _____________ ■勺负反馈放大器,它使输入电阻 _________________ ,输出端电 阻 ____________ 。
5. 一个桥式整流滤波电路如图3所示,已知氏=20方sin ■ t (V ),当电容C 因
虚焊未接上,U 0端对应的直流电压平均值为 __________ 有电容C
0. 1 2
为_______ ,有电容C且R=::,但有一个二极管因虚焊开路则U0为_______ 。
、(本题15分) 电路如图4所示。
1. 指出其反馈组态;
2.对于理想运算放大器,图4电路的A uf 和R f 是多大? 五、(本题10分)
图6是一种小型接近开关的振荡电路,若电路不能振荡,请说明其原因, 并改正。
s 已知 A (s ) =(S . e 2)(s 105
试画幅频波特图,指出f H, f L 和A o 3.该电路有何特点?
1.(1100.1001) 2=(14.44) 8
2.(377) 8=(011111111)2
3.(1100100) 2=(100) 10
4.(CF) 16=(11011111)2
6.已知F1= A • BC,其对偶式F'= A (B C)
7.已知F2=AB CD,其反函数F^(A B)(C D)
8.(A B C)(A B C)(A B C) = B AC
1.若将一TTL异或门(输入端为A,B)当作反相器使用,则A,B端应________ 连接。
(a)A或B中有一个接1 (b)A或B中有一个接0
2.单稳态触发器的主要用途是 _________
3. _____________________________________________ 用8K*8位的EPROM构成64K*8位存储器,共需要_________________________ EPROM,系统需
要____ 址译码以完成寻址操作。
(a)8 片,64位(b)10片,16 位
(c)16 片,15 位(d)8 片,16 位
4.某计数器的状态转换图如图7所示,它是—计数器,采用_________ 编码。
(a)十进制减,2421 (b)十进制减,5421
(c)十进制加,5421 (d)十进制加,8421
------ C ppgj^:i----------------------- i:Cffl^:l—<^0100 1100 1001 1000
用集成3线一8线译码器74LS138和与非门设计一个全加器,设A i为被加数,B i为加数,低位进位为C i-i,和为S i,向高位进位为C i。
Y o Y l 丫2 丫3 丫4 丫5 丫6 丫7
A 2 A i A o G i G2 G3
由D触发器和与非门组成的单脉冲产生器的逻辑电路如图9所示,时钟CP 和开关K的波形已知,试画Q A、Q B、Q的波形。
_ L
'皿 ___________ /儿图g
锗管T 的V BE 可忽略,输 入触发脉冲V i 的波形已知,求电容充电电流和电容电压由0到最大值所需时间, 并定量画出u c 的波形。
--- T ---------------- T ----- T ―c Vcc (9Y )
2KriR s X y
a 01 a
U i (V)
9V —
一 ------------------
H --------- J -------- L=! ----- , t