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a.ad.单独的(地) [əd'ventʃə] ['səuləu] n.冒险(活动) a.单独的
[ˌtrænzət'læ ntik] a.横渡大西洋的 [lʌŋ] n.肺 n.癌
['kæ nsə]
[di'tə:mind] a.下定了决心的 [di'tə:min] v.决定,使下定决心 n.决心, 果断, 意志
在别的时候;平时 在附近;即将来临 在附近;即将来临 毕竟,终究 对…有把握,确信 拿起,捡起
worthwhile program programme
[ˌwə:θ'wail] 的;有价值的
['prəugræ m]
['prougræ m] n.节目
educational current social movie nevertheless propose
n.实情 a.附加的,额外的 n.加,增加,加法 a.每周的;一周一次的 n.时间表 n.图(表) vt.指定…用于 ad.在旁边;到(向)一边
[ə'diʃənəl] [ə'diʃən] ['wi:kli] ['ʃedju:l] [tʃɑ:t] [kə'mit] [ə'said]
10 commit 11 aside 12 etc. 13 normal 14 reading 15 assignment 16 occupy 17 relaxation

Unit 11.successful 成功的2.adult 成年(人)的,成熟的3.disagree 有分歧,不同意,不一致,不符(with)4.statement 声明,陈述5.guarantee 保证,担保,保修6.intelligent 聪明的,明智的7.conversely 相反地8.similar 相似的,类似的,与…相似(with)9.independent 独立的,自主的10.pattern 型,模式,样式,花样,图案11.guesser 猜测者12.clue 线索,提示13.conclusion 结论,推论municate 通讯,交流(际),传达(播)munication 通讯,交流,传达,通讯联系,交通工具16.inexact 不正确的,不精确的17.incomplete 不完整的18.regulary 整齐地,经常地,定期地19.purpose 目的,意图,用图20.purposefully 有目的地,蓄意地21.technique 技术,技巧,手艺22.outline 概括,提出要点,轮廓,大纲,提纲23.instance 例,实例24.deaf 聋的25.dumb 哑的,无言的26.Englishman 英国人27.Italian 意大利人28.waiter 侍者,服务人员29.beer 啤酒30.soda-water 苏打水,汽水31.traveller 旅客,旅游者32.macaronic 通心粉33.primitive 原始的34.exact 精确的,正确的35.consist 组成(of)36.simply 仅,只,完全地,朴素地37.parrot 鹦鹉Unit 21.tax 税(款),对…征税2.generally 一般地,通常,大体上3.fedral 联邦的4.type 类型,种类,品种,打字5.salaried 拿薪水的,领工资的6.salary 工资,给…发薪7.earn 挣得,赚得,获得,赢得8.percentage 百分比,百分率9.vary 变化,有不同,呈差异,改变,使不同10.graduated (税)累进的,分等级的,刻度的,毕业的11.sale 出售,廉价出售12.charge 索价,指控,装填,使充满,价钱,费用,控告,负责,主管,负荷13.item 条,条款,项目14.packet 小包,小盒,打包,装行李,包装15.cigaretee 香烟,纸烟16.figure 数字,人物,外形,轮廓,演算出(out),想出,理解17.addition 加,加法,附加物18.revenue (国家的)岁入,税收,收入,收益19.diverse 不同的,相异的,多种多样的20.confuse 使混乱,混淆21.property 资产,财产,所有物,性质,特性22.excise 国产税,本国消费税23.fund 基金,专款,储备,贮存,供以款项,提供资金24.department 部,部门,系25.municipal 市的,市政的plain 抱怨(of,about)27.protest 抗议,反对eless 无用的,无价值的,无敌的29.impractical 不切实际的,不能实行的30.program 计划,规划,程序,节目(单),为…编制程序31.view 看法,见解,观点,视野,眼界,景色,风景,看待,考虑,估量32.issue 问题,争论点,发行,(书刊的)期号,颁布,出版33.tend 易于(to),往往会,倾向于,照管,护理34.advertise 为…做广告,登广告35.attract 吸引,引起…的注意36.design 设计,预定,指定,设计,图样(案),企图37.mail 邮件(递),邮寄38.constantly 经常地,不断地,时常地39.product 产品(物)40.persuade 说(劝)服,使相信,空闲的,有闲的41.leisure 空闲时间,空暇,悠闲,安逸42.activity 活动,活跃,行动43.classfied 分类的,被归为一类的,保密的,机密的44.edition 版,版本45.section 章节,部分,部门,科,截面,剖面46.announcement 通告,布告,告示47.available 可利用的,可获得的48.amount 数量(额),总数,合计,共计49.display 陈列,展览,显示50.entertainment (戏院,马戏团等的)娱乐,游艺,技艺表演,招(款)待51.limited 有限的52.attractive 有吸引力的,引起注意的53.characteristic 特有的,典型的,为…特有的(of),特性(征)54.solgan 标语,口号55.identify 认出,鉴定,认为…等同于(with)mercial 商业(务)的,商业广告57.department 部,部门,系58.responsible 需负责的,承担责任的(for),有责任感的,责任重大的,重要的pany 公司,同伴,陪伴60.particular 特定的,某一的,特殊的,特别的,详情,细节61.estimate 估计,估价,评价62.management 管理,经营,管理部门,资方63.opprove 赞成,同意,批准,核准64.invole 使卷入,使参与(in),包含,含有Unit 31.sailor 水手,海员2.unwilling 不情愿的,不愿意的3.equator 赤道4.kilometer 公里,千尺5.bluge 不规则突起,鼓起之处6.unusual 不寻常的,与众不同的7.salty 含盐的,咸的8.average 平均数,平均,平均的,平常的,普通的,平均9.spot 地点,处所,点,斑点,点缀,认出,准确定位10.range 山脉,幅度,范围,(在某范围内)变动(化),把…排成行11.peak 山峰,顶点12.Mid-Atlantic 大西洋中部的13.eastward 向东的,向东14.vessel 船,舰,容器,器皿15.crew 全体船员,全体机务人员16.becalm (常用被动)(指帆船)因无风而停止前进,使平静,使安静17.gulf 海湾18.stream 小河,溪流,流,涌19.current (空气,水等的)流,潮流,电流,当前的,通行的20.affect 影响,打动21.climate 气候22.flow 流动,流23.furnish 供应,提供,装备,(用家具)布置24.fishing 捕鱼,钓鱼25.region 地区,区域26.highway 公路,(水陆)交通干线27.iceberg 冰山28.float (使)漂流29.steamship 汽船,轮船30.airplane 飞机31.remain 仍然是,依旧是,剩下,余留32.observation 注意,观察,观察物33.continually 不停地,频频地34.gravitational 吸引作用的,万有引力的,地心引力的35.diameter 直径36.disc 圆盘,唱片,磁盘37.artist 艺术家,美术家38.merely 仅仅,只不过39.reflect 反射,反映,思考,考虑(on,upon)40.absolutely 完全地,绝对地,肯定地41.uncomfortably 不舒适地,不安地42.inhabitant 居民,住户43.earthlight 地球光44.moonlight 月光45.lunar 月亮的46.occasionally 偶尔地,间或47.sunlight 日光,太阳光separate…from 使从…分离(分开,隔开) on (the) average 根据平均标准,平均而言 pile up 累积,(指若干车辆)碰撞在一起 except for 除了…之外,除去,撇开keep…in mind 记住 light up 使明亮,发亮 speak of 谈起,提到Unit 41.psychological 心理(学)的2.focus (on)(使)聚焦,(使)集中,焦点,(注意,活动,兴趣等的)中心3.basic 基本的,基础的4.principle 原理,原则,主义,信念5.meaningfulness 富有意义的anization 组织,团体,机构7.association 联合,结合,交往,协会,社团8.visualization 想像,设想9.meaningful 富有意义的,意味深长的10.rhyme 韵,押韵11.ability 能力,能耐12.random 胡乱的,任意的,随便的;无目的或目标anize 组织14.jumble 混杂15.chunk 一大块,一厚块;分块,组块16.easily 容易地17.categorize 分类18.following 接着的,下列的19.category 门类,种类,范畴,(整个系统或组合中的)部门20.needless 不需要的,不必要的21.refer (to)提到,涉及,参考,查阅;把…归到…上,把…归类于22.relate 叙述,讲述,使互相关联(…to)23.accurately 准确地,精确地24.memorize 熟记,记住25.associate 把…联系在一起,使结合在一起,交往;同事,合伙人;副的(教授,主编等)26.improvement 改进,增进27.visualize 想像,设想28.imagery 写作中直喻或比喻的使用,像或肖像的总称,意象29.repetition 重复,反复,背诵30.integrated 成整体的,完全的,完整的31.image 像,形象,映象,图像32.mental 智力的,脑力的,精神的,思想上的33.preserve 保护,维持,保存,保藏34.to focus on 集中 to make sense 有意义 to make a difference 有影响,起(重要)作用 needless to say 不用说 to refer to 提到,涉及,参考,查阅to relate to 与…有关系 to associate…with 把…联系在一起,与…常在一起,与…为友Unit 51.fallacy n, 谬见,错误的信念,谬误的推理,谬论2.quality 质量,品质,特性3.deer (单复同形)鹿4.savage 野蛮的,未开化的,凶猛的,残酷的5.tribe 种族,部落,(植物,动物)族,类6.bravery 英勇,勇敢,勇气7.man-eating 食人的,食人8.eager 热切的,渴望的9.civilized 文明的,开化的10.ginger 生姜11.root 根(部),根本,根源,n.(使)生根,(使)扎根v.12.magical 魔术的,似魔术的,不可思议的,迷人的13.poisonous 有毒的14.overseas 在(向)海外,在(向)国外,(在)海外的,(在)国外的15.muscle 肌肉,力量,实力16.widespread 分布(或扩散)广的,普遍的17.chew 咀嚼18.helpful 给予帮助的,肯帮助的,有益建设性的19.digestive 消化(食物)的20.digest 消化vt.,文摘n.21.juice 汁,液22.foundation 根据,基金会,基础,地基23.mixture 混合,混合物24.belief 相信,信念,信仰25.acid 酸,酸性物质,酸的26.curdle (使)结成凝乳,变成凝乳状27.indigestible 难消化的,不能消化的28.digestion 消化,吸收n.29.cream 奶油,奶油色bination 结合,联合,化合,化合物31.protein 蛋白质32.carbohydrate 碳水化合物33.chiefly 大半,主要34.contain 包含,容纳35.insect 昆虫36.ant 蚂蚁37.hardworking 努力工作的38.wrestle 角力,摔跤,角力或摔跤比赛39.mock 愚弄,嘲弄,假的,模拟的40.engage 使从事于,使忙于,占用(时间等)41.sober 冷静的,镇定的,认真的,严肃的42.frog 蛙43.grave 严重的,严肃的,庄重的,坟墓44.owl 猫头鹰45.nest 巢,窝46.beaver 海狸47.dam 坝,堤48.arrange 安排,筹划,整理,排列49.plaster 粘贴,涂灰泥于(墙等),水泥,石灰50.mud 泥,泥浆51.spider 蜘蛛52.scarcely 几乎不,几乎没有53.creature 生物,动物,人54.imitate 模仿,仿效,仿制,仿造55.shepherd 牧羊人56.improvement 改进,增进57.fashion 方式,样子,流行式样58.instinct 本能,直觉,生性,天性59.hut 小屋,棚屋60.cage 笼61.variety 变化,多样化,品种,变种,种种,多种多样62.boot 靴63.ect. =et cetera 以及其他,等等64.wit 智力,才智65.unlike 不像…,和…不同,不相似的,不同的66.substitue 代替,代用品(后面用for)be eager to 热切想做,渴望要做 substitue for …的替代物have…to do with 与…有关 as a matter of fact 事实上,其实,事实恰恰相反think of…as 把…看成 a great deal 大量,许多 be ture with(of)对…一样,对…也是真的 engage in 从事,忙于as if 好像,似乎,仿佛search for 搜寻,搜查,探察take care of 爱护,照顾,照料,处理,对付Unit 61.rare 稀有的,难得的2.substance 物质,实(体)质,主旨,大意3.slight 轻微的,纤细的4.carbon 碳5.extreme 极端的,极度的,尽头的,末端的,极端6.pressure 压力,压强7.liquid 液体(态)的,液体8.molten (指金属)熔化的, melt的过去分词9.crack 裂缝,裂口,爆破,爆裂10.crystal 水晶,晶粒,清澈透明的,水晶制的,水晶体的11.popular 流行的,通俗的,大众的,受欢迎的12.gem 珠宝,宝石13.handful 一把,一小撮14.gravel 碎石,砂砾15.formation (地)岩石,形成,构成16.pipe 管子,导管,烟斗,火山筒用管道输送17.volcano 火山18.somewhat 稍微,有点19.blast 疾风,强风,爆炸,炸掉20.elevator 电梯,升降梯21.crush 压碎,碾碎,镇压,压倒22.grease 油脂,滑脂23.greasy 涂有油脂的,油污的,油腻的,滑的24.destroy 破坏,毁灭,消灭25.impressive 给人印象深刻的,感人的26.pebble 小圆石,卵石27.miner 矿工28.immediately 立即地,即刻地,直接地,紧密地Unit 71.definition 定义,释义2.marriage 结婚,婚姻3.descend 传下,遗传,下来(降)4.ancestor 祖先,祖宗5.household 家庭,户,家庭的,家常的6.grandparent (外)祖父,(外)祖母7.relative 亲属,亲戚,相对的8.security 安全9.basically 基本上的,从根本上说10.nuclear 核心的,核能的,中心的11.nucleus/nuclei (nucleuses复) (原子)核,核心12.extend 展开的,扩大的,延伸的,延读的,广阔(泛)的13.mother-in-law 岳母,继母14.agricultural 农业的15.traditional 传统的16.industrial 工业的,产业的17.industrialize (使)工业化的18.past-industrial (经济基础已由重工业转为服务业,高技术等的)后工业化的19.earner 赚钱者,获得收入者20.split/split/splitting 撕裂,裂开,分裂,分开,劈开,使分裂21.divorce 离婚,使分裂,与…离婚22.social 社会的,交际的,社交的23.remarry (使)再婚24.structure 结构,构造,建筑物,建造,建立25.generation 一代(人),产生,发生26.customary 习惯上的,贯穿的,合手(或)基于习俗的27.partner 配偶,搭档,伙伴,合伙人28.similarity 相似,类似29.physical 身体的,肉体的,物理的,物理学的,物质的,有利的30.emotional 感情的,情绪的31.provider 供应者,提供者,养家糊口的人32.housework 家务劳动,家事33.pregnant 怀孕的,妊娠的34.preparation 准备,预备35.primary 最初的,初级的,首要的,主要的,基本的36.baby-sitter 代人临时照看小孩的人37.dependent 依靠的,依赖的(on,upon)38.preschool 学龄前的,入学前的care for 喜欢,对…中意,为…操心,为…担心,照顾(料)split up 分裂,分开,吵架,离婚talk of 谈到,谈起provide for 赡养,为…提供必需品in addition 另外,加之give up 交出,让出,放弃,抛弃,辞去instead of 代替,而不是be busy doing 忙于做某事in conclusion 最后,在结束时Unit 81.telecommunication 电信,远距离通信2.via 经由,经过,通过3.satellite 卫星,人造卫星4.transmit 播送,发射,传送(递),输送5.photography 摄影,照相,摄影术6.telegraph 电报机,电报,用电报发送,打电报给,打电报7.establish 建立,建设,创办,确立,使确认8.signal 信号,暗号,向…发信号9.orbit 绕(…的)轨道运行,轨道10.capable 有能力的,有才能的,能…的(of)11.broadcast/broadcast/broadcasted 广播,播音puter 计算机,电脑13.visual 视觉的,看得见的14.theory 理论,原理,学说15.access 通道,入口,接近(或进入)的机会,享用机会16.unlimited 无界限的,无边无际的,无限制的,无约束的,无数的17.demonstrate 说明,演示,认证,证实,示威游行cational 教育的,教育方面的,有教育意义的19.isolate 使隔离,使孤立,孤立的20.remote 遥远的,偏僻的,(可能性)很小的21.transportation 运输,运输系统(工具)22.instruction 教学,指导,命令,指示,用法说明23.conversation 谈话,会话24.simultaneously 同时发生地,同时进行地25.channel 频道,水道,航道,渠道,海峡,传送,通过…获得26.risk 冒…的危险,冒险,风险27.privacy 私事,私生活,隐私,独处28.personal 个人的,私人的,亲自的29.movie 电影30.contact 接触,联系,与…接触,使联系31.technology 工艺,技术32.harm 伤害,损害,危害33.expert 专家,能手,熟练的,内行的34.application 申请,申请表,应用,实施35.obvious 显然的,明显的36.widely 广泛地,普遍地,广博地,大大地37.shelter 掩蔽,保护,掩蔽处,躲避处,庇护38.atmosphere 大气圈,大气层,(心理上的)周围情况,环境,气氛39.atmoshperic 大气的,空气的,大气层的,大气所引起的40.ray 光线,射线41.deadly 致死的,致命的42.autmobile 汽车43.tire=tyre 轮胎44.gas 气体,煤气,汽油45.per 每,每一46.column 柱,圆柱,栏,专栏(文章)47.electrical 电的,电气的48.existence 存在,生存,生活49.gaze 凝视,注视50.lightning 闪电51.thorough 彻底的,完全的,仔细周到的,精心的52.radar 雷达53.create 创造,创作,引起,产生54.hydrogen 氢55.curve 曲线,弧线,弯曲,(使)弯曲,(使)成曲线56.unending 永无止境的,不尽的,不断的,不停的57.meantime 同时,其间58.element 成分,要素,元素59.atomic 原子能,原子的60.explosion 爆炸,爆发capable of (指人)有某种能力或倾向的have access to 可接近,可进入lead to 导致,通向in order to 为了protec…from 防御(危险,敌人等)rest upon 依靠,依赖in the meantime 在此期间,(与此)同时pay attention to 注意Unit 101.scientific 科学的2.scientifically 科学地3.attitude 姿势,姿态,态度,看法(to,toward)4.environment 环境,周围状况,自然环境5.curiosity 好奇心,求知欲6.imagination 想像力,空想,幻觉7.apart 分离,分开8.stimulate 刺激,激励9.relationship 关系,联系10.unknown 未知的,不知名的11.open-minded 无偏见的,虚心的12.open-mindedness 无偏见,虚心13.regardless 不留心的,不注意的,不关心的(of),无论如何,不顾,不惜14.phenomenon(phenomena 复) 现象,迹象15.previously 在前地,早先地16.unpleasant 使人不愉快地,不合意的17.disagreeable 让人讨厌的,不合心意的18.failure 失败,失灵,故障,没做到,不履行(to+v)19.solution 解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液20.thinking 思考,思想,想法,见解21.adapt 使适应,使适合(to),改编,改写,适应(to)22.perfect 完美的,完满的,完全的,十足的,使完美23.acceptable 可以接受的24.entirely 全部地,完整地,完全地,彻底地25.frequently 经常州地,频繁地26.evidence 根据,证据27.finding 发现物,(调查或研究)结果28.sprout (种子,植物)发芽,抽条,使发芽,新芽,嫩苗29.determine 决定,查明,确定,决心30.growth 增长(to),生长,发展31.solve 解决(答)32.arouse 引起,激起,唤起,唤醒33.procedure 程序,手续,步骤34.obtain 获得,得到35.arise/arose/arisen 出现,发生,由…引起(from)36.biological 生物学(上)的37.engineering 工程学,操纵,管理38.microelectronics (用作单复数)微电学,超小型电子学39.account 叙述,说明,账户,说明(原因等)(for)40.related 有关的,相关的(to),有亲戚关系的41.background 背景42.logical 逻辑上的,符合逻辑的43.mathematical 数学(上)的44.analysis(analyses 复) 分析,分解45.unanswered 未予答复的,无响应的,无报答的46.indicate 提示,提出,表示,表明47.inference 推论,推理,推断48.hypothesis(hypothses 复) 假说,假设,(无根据的)猜测49.prediction 预言,预计50.confidence 信任,信心51.probable 很可能,大概的52.unreliable 不可靠的,靠不住的,不可信赖的53.modify 修改,更改54.accurate 准确的,精确的55.variable 变量,易变的,可变的,变量的56.experimentation 实验,试验lay aside 把…放一在起,把…搁在一旁,把…储存在一边供以后用,留存take apart 拆散,拆开 carry out 实现,实行,完成,贯彻,执行 believe in 信任,相信regardless of 不管,不顾 in advance 预先,事先,在前面adapt to 使…适应make up one's mind 下决心 once and for all 永远地,一劳永逸地in the light of 按照,根据,鉴于,考虑到respect for 尊重laught at 嘲笑,讥笑 a variety of 种种,若干不同的result from 发生,因…引起,起因于 in need of 需要 bulid up 建立,逐步建立,加强 turn out (to be) 原来是,最后证明是 check with 与…相符,一致。
现代大学英语精读1 所有单词汇总(默写专用)

a person who entertains people by magic
one who makes sth for the first time
a place where two or more roads cross each other
a low-cut step-in leather shoe with no laces
hair growing on a man's upper lip
in tidy, orderly way
a group of trees
a channel at the edge of a road next to the pavement where water collects and flows away
a large musical instrument with strings
to hold closely; to refuse to let go
a person who performs in a circus
大学英语精读 第一册单词表

U 1NEW WORDSaverage n. ordinary 普通的;中等的intelligenc e n. ability to learn and understand 智力necessarily ad. inevitably 必定case n. what has really happened; actual condition 实情additiona l a. added 加的,额外的n. additionweekly a. done or happening every week 每周的;一周一次的schedule n. timetable 时间表chart n. (sheet of paper with) information written or drawn in the form of a picture 图(表)commit vt. 指定...用于aside ad. to the side在旁边;到(向)一边etc (Latin, shortened form for et cetera) and other things等等normal a. usual正常的,正规的,标准的reading n. the act or practice of reading阅读assignment n. sth. given out as a task(布置的)作业occupy n. take up占用relaxation n. (sth. done for) rest and amusement休息,娱乐relax v. 放松,休息,休养hobby n. what one likes to do in one's free time业余爱好entertainment n. show, party, etc. that people enjoy娱乐entertain vt. 娱乐,招待,款待solve vt. find an answer to (a problem)解决(问题)aware a. having knowledge or understanding知道的;意识到的furthermore ad. moreover; in addition而且;此外enable vt. make (sb.) able (to do sth.)使(某人)能(做某事)activity n. sth. (to be) done 活动adequate a. as much as one needs; enough充分的;足够的distraction n. sth. that draws away the mind or attention分心(或分散注意力)的事物concentrate (on or upon) vi. pay close attention (to)全神贯注(于)skim vt. read quickly to get the main ideas (of)略读preview vt. have a general view of (sth.) beforehand预习content n. what is written in a book, etc.内容organize vt. form into a whole组织later ad. 后来;以后skip vt. pass over略过portion n. part; share一部分;一份double v. make or become twice as great or as many(使)增加一倍comprehension n. the act of understanding or ability to understand理解(力)mention vt. speak or write about (sth.) in a few words提及confused a. mixed up in one's mind迷惑的,混淆的confuse vt. 搞乱,使糊涂textbook n. a standard book for the study of a subject教科书;课本performance n. achievement成绩meaningful a. having important meaning or value富有意义的attitude n. what one thinks about sth.态度,看法purpose n. aim目的,意图excessively ad. too much过多地,过分地excessive a. 过多的,过分的permanent a. lasting for a long time; never changing持久的;永久的technique n. way of doing sth.技巧,方法helpful a. useful; providing help or wiling to help有益的;给予帮助的,肯帮忙的PHRASES & EXPRSSIONSfill in write in填写,填充decide on make a choice or decision about选定,决定set aside save for a special purpose留出as wel l also; too; in addition也,还;同样be aware (of)know (sth.); know (what is happening)知道,意识到concentrate on direct one's attention, efforts, etc. to全神贯注于look over examine (quickly)把...看一遍,过目go over review 复习lead to result in 导致U 2NEW WORDSsingle-handed a. & ad. (done) by one person alone 单独的(地)adventure n. 冒险(活动)solo a. single-handed 单独的transatlantic a. crossing the Atlantic Oceanlung n. part of the body with which one breathes 肺cancer n. 癌determined a. with one's mind firmly made up 下定了决心的determine v. 下定决心determination n. 决心,果断retire vi. stop working at one's job(because of age) 退休voyage n. sea journey 航海;航行route n. way from one place to another 路线clipper n. 快速帆船crew n. group of people who work together on a ship or airplane 全体船员;全体乘务员steer vt. make (esp. a boat or road vehicle) go in a particular direction 为...撑舵device n. a piece of equipment设备;装置steering device n. 操舵装置damage vt. cause harm or injury to 损坏ad. harm, injury 损坏gale n. very strong wind大风cove r vt. travel (a certain distance)行过(一段距离)previously ad. before 以前previous a. 以前的attempt n. try 试图,尝试dissuade vt. prevent (sb.) from doing sth. by reasoning 劝阻treacherous a. more dangerous than it seems 暗藏危险的;奸诈的cape n. 海角rough a. (of weather or the sea) stormy; not calm (气候)有暴风雨的;(海)波涛汹涌的fortunately ad. luckily 幸运地;幸亏fortunat e a. 幸运的contact vt. get in touch with 联系,接触nearby ad. close by 在附近following a. next; to be mentioned immediately 接着的;下列的waken v. (cause to) wake 唤醒;醒来nightmare n. terrible dream 恶梦drag vt. pull along with great effort 拖,拉sinister a. 凶恶的,邪恶的knight n. 爵士vt. 封... 为爵士sword n. 剑,刀accomplish vt. finish successfully完成conquer vt. overcome征服undoubtedly ad. certainly无疑地moreover ad. in addition此外,而且human a. of or concerning people人们being n. a living thing, esp. a person生物;人PHRASES & EXPRESSIOMSset out begin a course if action着手,开始give up atop doing放弃be determined to (do) have a strong will to (do)决心(做)(all) by oneself(completely) alonein spite of not taking notice of; not caring about 尽管;虽然by far by a large amount or degree...得多turn over (cause to) fall over, upset(使)翻倒,(使)倾覆can not help can not keep oneself from禁不住PEOPER NAMESFrancis Chichester弗朗西斯. 奇切斯特Gipsy Moth吉普赛. 莫斯Sydney悉尼(澳大利亚城市)Cape Horn合恩角(智利)London伦敦Elizabeth伊丽莎白(女子名)Drake德雷克(姓氏)U 3NEW WORDSrelative n. 亲属,亲戚present n. gift 礼物,赠品postman n. 邮递员rare a. not happening often 罕见的;不常发生的occasion n. special time; time when sth. happens 时刻,时机;场合mayor n. chief official of a city or town 市长medal n. 奖章aged a. old 年老的,…岁的,老年人特有的content a. satisfied; pleased 满意的;高兴的primary a. first; earliest 首要的;最初的arrange vi. make preparations; plan 作安排,筹划minor a. not serious or important 较小的;次要的operate vi. cut the body in order to set right or remove a diseased part 开刀,动手术operating table n. a special table in a hospital, where operations are done 手术台funeral n. 葬礼efficient a. able to plan and work well 效率高的decade n. ten years 十年,十endure vt. bear (pain, suffering, etc.) 忍受,忍耐spot n. a round area that is different from the main surface 点,斑点brighten vt. make bright or brighter 使发光;使发亮cheek n. either side of the face below the eye 面颊extra a. additional 额加的,外加的clean n. cleaning 清洁,清洗bunch n. things of the same kind that are tied together (一)束,(一)串marigold n. 万寿菊(花)packet n. small parcel box 小包(裹)mint n. 薄荷糖slippe r n. 拖鞋cardigan n. (羊毛)开衫clatter n. a number of rapid short knocking sounds 咔嗒声granny n. (colloq. for)grandmotherenvelope n. a paper cover for a letter 信封unsealed a. 未密封的seal vt.密封sealed a. 密封的writing n. handwriting 书法;笔迹pang n. sudden, sharp pain 剧痛disappointment n. sadness because one does not get what one hopes for 失望disappoint vt. 失望parcel n. 包裹reluctantly ad. unwillingly 不情愿地,勉强地reluctant a. 不情愿的fold vt. bend into two or more parts 折叠cheque n. 支票flutter vt. move quickly to and fro in the air 飘动stoop vi. bend the body forwards and downwards 弯腰tremble vi. shake uncontrollably with quick short movements 颤抖PHRASES & EXPRESSIONSat other times on other occasions 在别的时候;平时round / around the corner very near in distance or time 在附近;即将来临after all in spite of everything; it must be remembered 毕竟;终究be sure of 对...有把握,确信pick up take hold of and lift up from a surface 拿起,捡起PROPER NAMESMyra 迈拉(女子名)Enid 伊妮德(女子名)Morrison 莫里森(姓氏)Grant 格兰特(姓氏及男子名)Johnnie 约翰尼(John的昵称)Jim 吉姆(James的昵称)Harold哈罗德(男子名)U 4NEW WORDSworthwhile a. good enough for the time or effort needed; valuable 值得花时间(或精力)的;有价值的program (me) n. performance on radio or television 节目educationa l a. of or for education; providing education or information 教育的;有教育意义的current a. of the present time 当前的social a. of or in society 社会的movie n. film that one sees at a cinema 电影nevertheless conj. but; however 然而,不过propose vt. suggest 建议broadcasting n. the action of sending outsound (or images) by radio (or television) 广播pr prohibit v. & n. forbid by law 禁止oposal vt. suggestion 提议,建议actually n. in actual fact, really 实际上generation n. all the people about the same age (一)代gap n. an empty space between two things or two parts of a thing; a wide difference of opinion, character, or the like 缺口,间隙;分歧,隔阂divorce n. end of a marriage by law 离婚rate n. 率mental a. of the mind 精神的;思想上的communicate vi.share or exchange opinions, ideas, etc. 交流意见,思想等disturb vt. make (sb.) worried 使烦恼emotional a. 感情的pastime n. anything done to pass time pleasantly 消遣,娱乐sunset n. the going down of the sun; the time when the sun goes down日落(时分)neighborhood n. the area around a point or place 邻近地区;地段adult n. 成年人typical a. 典型的educator n. a person whose profession is education 教育家barely ad. hardly 仅仅,勉强;几乎没有literate a. able to read and write 能读写的;有文化的product n. sth. made or grown 产品network n. 广播(或电视)联播公司;广播(或电视)网glance n. quick look 一瞥;扫视radical a. extreme; very different 激进的electronic a. 电子的electron n. 电子baby-sitte r n. someone who looks after a child when the parents are away for a short time (代人临时)照看婴儿childhood n. time when one is a child 童年partly ad. not completely; in some degree 部分地;在一定程度上involve vt. have as a part or result (必须)包括imagination n. the ability to imagine 想象力learning n. the gaining of knowledge or skill through studying; knowledge or skill gained through studying 学习;学问,知识invent vt. produce (sth.) for the first time 发明PHRASES & EXPRESSIONSgeneration gap failure of the younger and older generations to communicate and understand one another 代沟in part in some degree; partly 在一定程度上;部分地grow up change from a child to a man or a woman 成长,长大bring together cause to meet 使相聚come up with think of; produce 想出;提出at first glanc e when first seen or thought about乍一看;最初考虑时have a ball (sl.) enjoy oneself, have a very good time 玩得开心PROPER NAMESMaye r迈耶(姓氏)the United States美国U 5NEW WORDSmiserable a. causing unhappiness; very unhappy 悲惨的merry a. cheerful, full of lively happiness, fun, etc. 欢乐的,愉快的pony n. a small horse 矮种马;小马boot n. 长统靴candy n. (AmE) sweets 糖果sticking n. 长(统)袜chimney n. 烟囱eve n. 前夕fireplace n. 壁炉mixed-up a. (different things) put together混合的,混杂的limp a. soft; not stiff or firm软的;松沓的kneel v. go down or remain on the knee(S)跪下indignant a. angry at sth. unfair气愤的;愤慨的stable n. building for keeping and feeding animals, esp. horses马厩weep v. cry哭泣;流泪rude a. not at all polite粗鲁的,不礼貌的wrong vt. treat unjustly委屈curtain n. 窗帘lest conj. for fear that唯恐,以免anxiety n. fear caused by uncertainty about sth.焦虑impatience n. inability to wait calmly不耐烦,急躁patience n. 耐性;忍耐brand n. 商标,牌子brand-new a. entirely new and unused崭新的saddle n. 马鞍mane n. 马鬃forehead n. that part of the face above the eyes and below the hair 前额kid n. child 小孩;小山羊splutter v. speak quickly and confusedly (from excitement, etc.) 语无伦次地说scarcely ad. hardly, almost not 几乎不,简直不scarce a. 缺乏的,不足的,稀有的thrill vt. excite greatly使非常激动trot vi. run or ride slowly, with short steps(马)小跑currycomb n. a special comb used to rub and clean a horse马梳pitchfork n. 干草叉hay n. dried grass 干草loft n. a room over a stable, where hay is kept 草料棚broken-hearted a. filled with grief; very sad 心碎的;极其伤心的misery n. the state of being very unhappy, poor, ill, lonely, etc. 悲惨;不幸;苦难happiness n. the state of being happy 快乐;幸福grown-up a. & n. (of) an adult person 成人(的)PHRASES & EXPRESSIONSmake sure act so as to make something certain 确保;查明nothing but nothing other than; only 除了...以外没有什么;仅仅,只不过stick to refuse to give up or change 坚持,不放弃hang up fix (sth,) at a high place so that it does not touch the ground挂起or something (used when the speaker is not sure) 诸如此类catch sight of see suddenly or for a moment 看到,发现draw near mover near接近break into suddenly start (to cry, laugh, etc.) 突然...起来in place in the right place在适当的位置PROPER NAMESSanta Claus 圣诞老人Christmas Eve圣诞前夜Lennie Steffens 伦尼.斯蒂芬斯U 6NEW WORDSefficiency n. the state or quality of being efficient 效率industrial a. of industry 工业的neat a. orderly and clean 整洁的elementary a. of or for beginners 初等的,初级的sock n. 短袜drawer n. 抽屉bureau n. a chest of drawers for bedroom use 衣柜underwear n. 内衣pants n. trousersexpert n. a person with special knowledge or skill 专家,能手kitchen n. room used for cooking厨房utensil n. any tool or container used in the house, esp. for cooking用具,器皿quality n. the degree of goodness which a thing or a person possesses质量;品质foundation n. 基础career n. profession; way of making a living职业;生涯engineering n. 工程学;管理unfortunately ad. 不幸的是;遗憾的是bossy a. always telling other people what to do and how to do it, like a boss 爱指挥人的;专横的project n. a piece of work; a big plan项目;方案bachelor n. a person who had the first university degree学士graduation n. completion of an educational course毕业graduate vi. 毕业short-term a. involving or lasting a short period of time 短期的basis n. 基础;根据consultant n. a person who gives professional or technical advice 顾问consult v. 顾问amaze vt. fill with great surprise or wonder 使大为惊讶,使惊愕curious a. strange 奇怪的whatsoever a. of any kind, at all 任何的,丝毫的inspect vt. examine 检查shipment n. the act of wending, carrying or delivering goods 装运。
大学英语精读1Unit 1句子释义单词

• 14. to resort to sth to make use of sth; to turn to sth (esp bad) as a solution. • e.g.: Try not to resort to violence. They had to resort to threats when they failed to persuade them to leave.
• e into view
• to begin to be seen • e.g: As soon as we turned the corner, the grand palace came into view.
8. burst into
burst into tears burst out crying burst into laughter burst out laughing
18. to take advantage of sth
• to make use of sth well. e.g: The farmer took advantage of the good weather and got all the wheat in.
• CF: to take advantage of sb: to make use of sb unfairly or deceitfully to get what e wants; exploit sb. e.g: She took advantage of my generosity and got everything for her promotion.
• And while the lady would smile, she would often yell and scold. (para. 15) frequent actions in the past
大学英语精读Book1 Unit 10

Text analysis --- Text structure
Part division of the text Part 1: ( Lines 1 - 26)
Vingo's unusual behavior and young people's curiosity
Part 2: ( Lines 27 –Parole
It is a legal term, which means release of a convicted criminal from prison before he has served his full sentence. A parole is usually granted to a prisoner as a reward for good conduct. A paroled convict is a relatively free man, but he is under the supervision of a parole officer or some other person until the end of the term of his sentence. The paroled convict reports regularly to the parole officers. He can be sent back to prison if his conduct is not satisfactory.
Important spots related to the text
It is the largest city in the New York City: Country and a financial, cultural, trade, shipping, and communications center. It is also the home of the United Nations (UN).
现代大学英语精读1 所有单词汇总(默写专用)

a number of things of the same class coming one after another
adv. a little
~down: to extort money, to steal money with threats
containing many small parts or details that all work or fit together
to enter an area in large number, crowd into
annoyed and impatient
a precious stone
珠bend one’s body in a particular direction
to take a long time to leave or disappear
to make sb. or sth. cold
having a deep rich red color inclining to the blue rather than the yellow spectrum

1) 如果你想得到更好的成绩,你就能得到。
2) 当然,学习不应该占用时间表上的全部空余时间。
3) 略读可以帮助你将阅读速度提高一倍,同时也可以提高你的理解能力。
4) 如果你定期复习你的笔记和课本,你就能更深刻地领会这些材料的内容,你的记忆也会保持得更长久。
5) 改进你的学习习惯将会提高你的学习成绩。
1) 不管你是20岁还是58岁,都喜欢接受挑战,干些带有冒险意味的事儿;而为横渡英吉利海峡做准备,远比在超市打工有意义,尤其是当你有所选择的时候。
2) 正是这一挑战,每年吸引了100名左右的游泳爱好者,他们心甘情愿地投入时间、精力和财力,一试身手。
3) 我一旦确定了目标,便不会轻易放弃。
4) 由于海浪汹涌,海水冰凉,她游得很艰苦。
1) 再者,虽然所有的人都有着相同的情感,但这些情感的起因却不尽相同。
2) 六十一岁生日之所以有个特别的名称,是因为当人们进入人生的这一阶段时,家庭和社会对他们的态度便有所变化。
3) 如果他们的身体不够健壮,不能单独生活,那他们便住进特设的养老院。
4) 朝鲜和北美都有年轻人和老年人,但年轻时也许待在北美为好,老年时则待在朝鲜为好。
1) 她说她决不再去学校了,还说生活中没有电视机活着不值得。
2) 我认为好就好在很多人都很关心电视的影响,而且对我们不喜欢的东西也有能力加以改变。
3) 他们认为电这玩意儿会使很多事情变得太容易,并会破坏他们的生活方式。
1) 你很快就很专心地看起某本书来了,而通常直到很久以后你才意识到你在那里消磨的时间太多了,必须赶紧离开去赴某个已忘记的约会——当然是一本书也没买。
2) 这种逃避日常生活现实的机会,我想,乃是书店主要的吸引人之处。
3) 在书店里,店员应该一直呆在不为人注意的地方,直到你已经浏览完以后才出来。

《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第 1 课1 average['ævəridʒ] a.普通的;中等的2 intelligence[in'telidʒəns]n.智力3 necessarily['nesisərili]ad.必定4 case[keis]n.实情5 additional[ə'diʃənəl] a.附加的,额外的6 addition[ə'diʃən]n.加,增加,加法7 weekly['wi:kli] a.每周的;一周一次的8 schedule['ʃedju:l]n.时间表9 chart[tʃɑ:t]n.图(表)10 commit[kə'mit]vt.指定…用于11 aside[ə'said]ad.在旁边;到(向)一边12 etc.[et'setərə]等等13 normal['nɔ:məl] a.正常的14 reading['ri:diŋ]n.阅读15 assignment[ə'sainmənt]n.(布置的)作业16 occupy['ɔkjupai]vt.占用17 relaxation[ri:læk'seiʃən]n.休息,娱乐18 relax[ri'læks]v.放松,(使)休息19 hobby['hɔbi]n.业余爱好20 entertainment[ˌentə'teinmənt]n.娱乐21 entertain[ˌentə'tein]vt.娱乐,招待22 solve[sɔlv]vt.解决(问题)23 aware[ə'weə] a.知道的;意识到的24 furthermore[ˌfə:ðə'mɔ:]ad.而且;此外25 enable[i'neibəl]vt.使(某人)能(做某事)26 activity[æk'tiviti]n.活动27 adequate['ædikwit] a.充分的;足够的[di'strækʃən] n.分心(或分散注意力)的28 distraction事物29 concentrate['kɔnsəntreit]vi.全神贯注(于)30 skim[skim]vt.略读31 preview[pri:'vju:]vt.预习32 content['kɔntent]n.内容33 organize['ɔ:gənaiz]vt.组织34 later['leitə] ad.后来;以后35 skip[skip]vt.略过36 portion['pɔ:ʃən]n.一部分;一份37 double['dʌbəl]v.(使)增加一倍38 comprehension[ˌkɔmpri'henʃən]n.理解(力)39 mention['menʃən]vt.提及40 confused a.迷惑的,混淆的41 confuse[kən'fju:z]vt.搞乱,使糊涂42 textbook['tekstbuk]n.教科书;课本43 performance[pə'fɔ:məns]n.成绩44 meaningful['mi:niŋfəl] a.富有意义的45 attitude['ætitju:d]n.态度,看法46 purpose['pə:pəs]n.目的,意图47 excessively[ik'sesivli] ad.过多地,过分地48 excessive[ik'sesiv] a.过多的,过分的49 permanent['pə:mənənt] a.持久的;永久的50 technique[tek'ni:k]n.技巧,方法['helpfəl] a.有益的;给予帮助的,肯51 helpful帮忙的52 fill in填写,填充53 decide on选定,决定54 set aside留出55 as well也,还;同样56 be aware (of)知道,意识到57 concentrate on全神贯注于58 look over把…看一遍,过目59 go over复习60 lead to导致《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第2 课1 single-handed a.ad.单独的(地)2 adventure[əd'ventʃə]n.冒险(活动)3 solo['səuləu] a.单独的4 transatlantic[ˌtrænzət'læntik] a.横渡大西洋的5 lung[lʌŋ]n.肺6 cancer['kænsə]n.癌7 determined[di'tə:mind] a.下定了决心的8 determine[di'tə:min]v.决定,使下定决心[diˌtə:mi'neiʃən]n.决心,果断,意志9 determination坚定10 retire[ri'taiə]vi.退休11 voyage['vɔi-idʒ]n.航海;航行12 route[ru:t]n.路线13 clipper['klipə]n.快速帆船14 crew[kru:]n.全体船员;全体乘务员15 steer['stiə]vt.为…掌舵;驾驶16 device[di'vais]n.设备;装置17 steering n.操舵装置18 damage['dæmidʒ]vt.损坏n.损坏19 gale[geil]n.大风20 cover['kʌvə]vt.行过(一段距离)21 previously['pri:viəsli] ad.以前22 previous['pri:viəs] a.在前的,早先的23 attempt[ə'tempt]v. n.试图,尝试24 dissuade[di'sweid]vt.劝阻25 treacherous['tretʃərəs] a.暗藏危险的;奸诈的26 cape[keip]n.海角[rʌf] a.(气候)有暴风雨的;(海)波涛汹27 rough涌的28 fortunately['fɔ:tʃənətli]ad.幸运地;幸亏29 fortunate['fɔ:tʃənət] a.幸运的,幸福的30 contact['kɔntækt]vt.联系,接触31 nearby['niəbai]ad.在附近32 following['fɔləuiŋ] a.接着的;下列的33 waken['weikən]v.唤醒;醒来34 nightmare['naitmeə]n.恶梦35 drag[dræg]vt.拖,拉36 sinister['sinistə] a.凶恶的,邪恶的37 knight[nait]n.爵士vt.封…为爵士38 sword[sɔ:d]n.剑,刀39 accomplish[ə'kʌmpliʃ]vt.完成40 conquer['kɔŋkə]vt.征服41 undoubtedly[ʌn'dautidli] ad.无疑地42 moreover[mɔ:'rəuvə]ad.此外,而且43 human['hju:mən]n.人们,人类,人44 being['bi:iŋ] n.生物;人45 set out着手,开始46 give up放弃47 be determined to (do)决心(做)48 (all) by oneself(完全地)独立49 in spite of尽管;虽然50 by far…得多51 turn over(使)翻倒,(使)倾覆52 can not help禁不住《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第3 课1 relative['relətiv]n.亲属,亲戚2 present[pri'zent, 'prezənt]n.礼物,赠品3 postman['pəustmən]n.邮递员4 rare[reə] a.罕见的;不常发生的5 occasion[ə'keiʒən]n.时刻,时机;场合6 mayor['meə]n.市长7 medal['medl]n.奖章8 aged[eidʒd] a.年老的9 content['kɔntent] a.满意的;高兴的10 primary['praiməri] a.首要的;最初的11 arrange[ə'reindʒ]v.作安排,筹划12 minor['mainə] a.较小的;次要的13 operate['ɔpəreit]vi.开刀,动手术14 operating table n.手术台15 funeral['fju:nərəl]n.葬礼16 efficient[i'fiʃənt] a.效率高的17 decade['dekeid]n.十年,十18 endure[in'djuə]vt.忍受,忍耐19 spot[spɔt]n.点,斑点20 brighten['braitn]vt.使发光;使发亮21 cheek[tʃi:k]n.面颊22 extra['ekstrə] a.额外的,外加的23 clean[kli:n]n.清洁的,干净的24 bunch[bʌntʃ]n.(一)束,(一)串25 marigold['mærigəuld]n.万寿菊(花)26 packet['pækit]n.小包(裹)27 mint[mint]n.薄荷糖28 slipper['slipə]n.拖鞋29 cardigan['kɑ:digən]n.(羊毛)开衫30 clatter['klætə]n.咔嗒声31 granny['græni] n.奶奶,祖母,外祖母32 envelope['envələup]n.信封33 unsealed a.未密封的34 seal[si:l]vt.封,密封35 sealed a.密封的36 writing['raitiŋ] n.书法;笔迹37 pang[pæŋ]n.剧痛38 disappointment[ˌdisə'pɔintmənt]n.失望39 disappoint[ˌdisə'pɔint]vt.使失望40 parcel['pɑ:sl]n.包裹41 reluctantly[ri'lʌktəntli] ad.不情愿地,勉强地42 reluctant[ri'lʌktənt] a.不顾的,勉强的43 fold[fəuld]vt.折叠44 cheque[tʃek]n.支票45 flutter['flʌtə]vt.飘动46 stoop[stu:p]vi.弯腰47 tremble['trembl]vi.颤抖48 at other times在别的时候;平时49 round the corner在附近;即将来临50 around the corner在附近;即将来临51 after all毕竟,终究52 be sure of对…有把握,确信53 pick up拿起,捡起《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第4 课[ˌwə:θ'wail] a.值得花时间(或精力) 1 worthwhile的;有价值的2 program['prəugræm]n.节目3 programme['prougræm] n.节目[ˌedju'keiʃənəl] a.教育的;有教育意4 educational义的5 current['kʌrənt] a.当前的6 social['səuʃəl] a.社会的7 movie['mu:vi]n.电影8 nevertheless[ˌnevəðə'les]conj.然而,不过9 propose[prə'pəuz]vt.建议10 broadcasting n.广播11 broadcast['brɔ:dkɑ:st]v.n.广播12 prohibit[prə'hibit]vt.禁止13 proposal[prə'pəuzəl]n.提议,建议14 actually['æktʃuəli]ad.实际上15 generation[ˌdʒenə'reiʃən]n.(一)代16 gap[gæp]n.缺口,间隙;分歧,隔阂17 divorce[di'vɔ:s]n.离婚18 rate[reit]n.率19 mental['mentl] a.精神的;思想上的20 communicate[kə'mju:nikeit]vi.交流意见、思想等21 disturb[di'stə:b]vt.使烦恼22 emotional[i'məuʃənəl] a.感情的23 pastime['pɑ:staim]n.消遣,娱乐24 sunset['sʌnset]n.日落(时分)25 neighborhood['neibəhud]n.邻近地区;地段26 adult['ædʌlt]n.成年人27 typical['tipikəl] a.典型的28 educator n.教育家29 barely['beəli] ad.仅仅,勉强;几乎没有30 literate['litərit] a.能读写的;有文化的31 product['prɔdʌkt]n.产品['netwə:k]n.广播(或电视)联播公司32 network或网33 glance[glɑ:ns]n.一瞥;扫视34 radical['rædikəl] a.激进的35 electronic[iˌlek'trɔnik] a.电子的36 electron[i'lektrɔn]n.电子37 baby-sitter n.(代人临时)照看婴儿者38 childhood['tʃaildhud]n.童年39 partly['pɑ:tli]ad.部分地;在一定程度上40 involve[in'vɔlv]vt.(必须)包括41 imagination[iˌmædʒi'neiʃən]n.想像力42 learning['lə:niŋ] n.学习;学问,知识43 invent[in'vent]vt.发明44 generation gap代沟45 in part在一定程度上;部分地46 grow up长成,长大47 bring together使相聚48 come up with想出;提出49 at first glance乍一看;最初考虑时50 have a ball玩得开心《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第5 课1 miserable['mizərəbəl] a.悲惨的2 merry['meri] a.欢乐的,愉快的3 pony['pəuni]n.矮种马;小马4 boot[bu:t]n.长统靴5 candy['kændi]n.糖果6 stocking['stɔkiŋ] n.长(统)袜7 chimney['tʃimni]n.烟囱8 eve[i:v]n.前夕9 fireplace['faiəpleis]n.壁炉10 mixed-up a.混合的,混杂的11 limp[limp] a.软的;松沓的12 kneel[ni:l]v.跪下13 indignant[in'dignənt] a.气愤的;愤慨的14 stable['steibəl]n.马厩15 weep[wi:p]v.哭泣;流泪16 rude[ru:d] a.粗鲁的,不礼貌的17 wrong[rɔŋ]vt.委屈18 curtain['kə:tən]n.窗帘19 lest[lest]conj.唯恐,以免20 anxiety[æŋ'zaiəti]n.焦虑21 impatience[im'peiʃəns]n.不耐烦,急燥22 patience['peiʃəns]n.耐性,忍耐23 brand[brænd]n.商标,牌子24 brand-new a.崭新的25 saddle['sædl]n.马鞍26 mane[mein]n.马鬃27 forehead['fɔrid]n.前额28 kid[kid]n.小孩29 splutter['splʌtə] v.语无伦次地说30 scarcely['skeəsli] ad.几乎不,简直不[skeəs, skers] a.缺乏的,不足的,稀31 scarce有的32 thrill[θril]vt.使非常激动33 trot[trɔt]vi.(马)小跑34 currycomb n.马梳35 pitchfork['pitʃfɔ:k] n.干草叉36 hay[hei]n.干草37 loft[lɔft]n.草料棚38 broken-hearted心碎的;极其伤心的39 misery['mizəri]n.悲惨;不幸;苦难40 happiness['hæpinis]n.快乐;幸福41 grown-up['grəun-ʌp] a.n.成人(的)42 make sure确保;查明43 nothing but除了…以外没有什么;仅仅,只不过44 stick to坚持,不放弃45 hang up挂起46 or something诸如此类47 catch sight of看到,发现48 draw near接近49 break into突然…起来50 in place在适当的位置《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第6 课1 efficiency[i'fiʃənsi]n.效率2 industrial[in'dʌstriəl] a.工业的3 neat[ni:t] a.整洁的4 elementary[ˌeli'mentəri] a.初等的,初级的5 sock[sɔk]n.短袜6 drawer[drɔ:ə]n.抽屉7 bureau['bjuərəu]n.衣柜8 underwear['ʌndəweə]n.内衣9 pants[pænts] n.裤子,短裤10 expert['ekspə:t]n.专家,能手11 kitchen['kitʃin]n.厨房12 utensil[ju:'tensəl]n.用具,器具13 quality['kwɔliti]n.质量;品质14 foundation[faun'deiʃən]n.基础15 career[kə'riə]n.职业;生涯16 engineering[ˌendʒi'niəriŋ] n.工程学;管理[ʌn'fɔ:tʃunitli]ad.不幸地是;遗憾地17 unfortunately是18 bossy['bɔsi] a.爱指挥人的;专横的19 project[prə'dʒekt, 'prɔdʒekt]n.项目;方案20 bachelor['bætʃələ]n.学士21 graduation[ˌgrædʒu'eiʃən]n.毕业22 graduate['grædʒuit]vi.毕业23 short-term a.短期的24 basis['beisis]n.基础;根据25 consultant[kən'sʌltənt] n.顾问26 consult[kən'sʌlt]v.商量,参考27 amaze[ə'meiz]vt.使大为惊讶,使惊愕28 curious['kjuəriəs] a.奇怪的29 whatsoever[ˌwɔtsəu'evə] a.任何的,丝毫的30 inspect[in'spekt]vt.检查31 shipment['ʃipmənt]n.装运,运送32 miss[mis]vt.未得到,未达到;感觉缺少33 button['bʌtn]n.钮扣34 collar['kɔlə]n.领子35 sleeve[sli:v]n.袖子36 relieve[ri'li:v]vt.减轻37 boring['bɔ:riŋ] a.令人厌烦的38 bore[bɔ:]vt.使烦扰39 workroom['wə:krum, -ru:m] n.工场(间)40 dull[dʌl] a.阴暗的41 flow[fləu]n.流(动)42 work flow n.工作流程43 irregular[i'regjulə] a.不规则的,不稳定的44 regular['regjulə] a.规则的,有秩序的45 absent-minded a.心不在焉的46 absent['æbsənt, əb'sent] a.不在的,缺席的47 inspection[in'spekʃən]n.检查48 assembly[ə'sembli]n.组装;集会49 assemble[ə'sembəl]v.集合50 assembly line n.装配线51 shift[ʃift]n.班;轮班52 daydream['deidri:m] v.做白日梦,空想53 fire['faiə]vt.解雇54 observation[ˌɔbzə'veiʃən]n.观察55 observe[əb'zə:v]vt.观察56 observer[əb'zə:və]n.观察员57 oral['ɔ:rəl] a.口(头)的58 findings n.调查(或研究)的结果59 major['meidʒə] a.较大的;主要的60 redesign[ri:di'zain] vt.重新设计61 design[di'zain]vt.设计62 achieve[ə'tʃi:v]vt.(经努力)得到;实现63 decrease[di'kri:s, 'di:kri:s]vt.减少64 worktable n.工作台65 operator['ɔpəreitə]n.操作人员66 operate['ɔpəreit]vt.操作67 management['mænidʒmənt]n.资方;管理(部门)68 background['bækgraund]n.背景69 beautify['bju:tifai]vt.美化,装饰70 setting['setiŋ] n.环境71 productive[prə'dʌktiv] a.多产的;富有成效的72 frequent['fri:kwənt] a.频繁的73 promotion[prə'məuʃən]n.提升;促进74 promote[prə'məut]vt.提升;促进75 incentive[in'sentiv]n.刺激76 suggestion[sə'dʒestʃən]n.建议77 co-owner n.共同所有者78 manager['mænidʒə]n.经理79 compliments n.贺词;问候80 find out查明;发现81 turn out结果是82 quality control质量控制(管理)83 as a result作为结果,因此84 except for除了…外85 go on strike罢工86 hold up延迟,耽搁;阻碍87 result in结果是;导致88 talk over商量;讨论89 keep up with跟上《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第7 课1 author['ɔ:θə]n.作者2 intention[in'tenʃən]n.目的,意图3 sampler['sɑ:mplə]n.品尝家['pudiŋ]n.布丁(西餐中一种松软的甜4 pudding点心)5 delicious[di'liʃəs] a.美味的,可口的6 select[si'lekt]vt.挑选7 selection[si'lekʃən]n.挑选8 sample['sæmpl, 'sɑ:m pəl]vt.品尝9 purchase['pə:tʃəs]n.买,购买vt. 购买10 advantage[əd'vɑ:ntidʒ]n.利益,好处;优点11 privilege['privilidʒ]n.特权12 instance['instəns]n.例子,实例13 suspect['sʌspekt, sə'spekt]vt.怀疑;猜测14 suspect['sʌspekt, sə'spekt]n.嫌疑犯15 afford[ə'fɔ:d]vt.买得起;担负得起16 elderly['eldəli] a.上了年纪的17 limp[limp]vi.跛行18 counter['kauntə]n.柜台19 spoon[spu:n]n.调羹20 eagerly['i:gəli] ad.热切地,急切地21 occasionally[ə'keiʒənəli]ad.偶尔;间或22 occasional[ə'keiʒənəl] a.偶然的,临时的['hevi] a.(食物等)太油腻而不易消化23 heavy的24 evident['evidənt] a.明显的,明白的25 sincerely[sin'siəli] ad.诚恳地26 sincere[sin'siə] a.真诚的27 eventually[i'ventʃuəli]ad.终于,最终28 positive['pɔzətiv] a.有把握的,确信的29 cheat[tʃi:t]vt.欺骗30 chap[tʃæp]n.男人;小伙子;家伙31 amidst[ə'midst]prep.在…中间32 crowd[kraud]n.人群['prɔspərəs] a.富裕的;成功的;昌盛33 prosperous的34 prosperity[prɔ'speriti]n.繁荣35 figure['figə]n.外形,轮廓;体形36 pitiful['pitifəl] a.可怜的37 benevolence[bi'nevələns]n.仁慈38 sting[stiŋ]vt.刺,螫39 wrinkle['riŋkəl]v.(使)起皱纹40 dignity['digniti]n.尊严41 appearance[ə'piərəns]n.外表42 pack[pæk]vt.把(东西)打包(或装箱)43 stand[stænd]n.(货)架;(货)摊44 worn[wɔ:n] a.破烂的,损坏的45 pocketbook['pɔkitbuk] n.皮夹46 shilling['ʃiliŋ] n.先令47 long[lɔŋ]vi.渴望48 unsay[ʌn'sei] vt.收回(说过的话)49 tactless['tæktlis] a.不策略的50 coin[kɔin]n.硬币51 lay out陈列52 in a row成一长行53 to one's taste合…的口味,中…的意54 take advantage of利用55 for instance例如56 and what's more而且,更重要的是57 all right确实,无疑地58 break off中止,中断59 come down落泊,潦倒;失势60 come down in the world落泊,潦倒;失势61 out of place不适当的;不相称的62 do sb. a favor给某人以恩惠;帮某人忙63 do sb. a favour给某人以恩惠;帮某人忙64 mistake...for把…错认为65 pull out抽出,取出66 count out逐一数出67 long for渴望《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第8 课1 soften['sɔfən]v.(使)软化;(使)温和2 tragic['trædʒik] a.悲惨的;悲剧的3 messenger['mesindʒə]n.送信人;电报投递员4 gently['dʒentli]ad.轻轻地5 immediately[i'mi:diətli]ad.立刻,马上6 immediate[i'mi:diət] a.直接的,立即的7 eager['i:gə] a.热切的,渴望的8 hinge[hindʒ]n.铰链9 whoever[hu:'evə]pron.无论谁,不管谁10 saintly['seintli] a.像圣徒一样的;圣洁的11 implication[ˌimpli'keiʃən]n.含义12 imply[im'plai]vt.暗示,意味13 shock[ʃɔk, ʃɑk]vt.使(某人)震惊14 deliver[di'livə]vt.交付;递送15 awkward['ɔ:kwəd] a.尴尬的16 responsible[ri'spɔnsəbəl] a.(应)负责的['meksikən] n.a.墨西哥人;墨西哥(人) 17 Mexican的18 extend[ik'stend]vt.伸出19 pause[pɔ:z]vi.暂停,中止20 interrupt[ˌintə'rʌpt]vt.打断(某人讲话)21 nervous['nə:vəs] a.神经质的;紧张的[mæm, mɑ:m, məm]夫人,太太,小22 ma'am姐23 smooth[smu:ð]vt.把…弄平24 department[di'pɑ:tmənt]n.部门;系25 swiftly['swiftli] ad.快速地;敏捷地26 swift[swift] a.敏捷的,迅速的27 chocolate['tʃɔklit]n.巧克力(糖)28 chew[tʃu:]vt.咀嚼29 cactus['kæktəs]n.仙人掌30 sob[sɔb]vi.啜泣;呜咽31 disgrace[dis'greis]n.耻辱;丢脸的人(或事)32 unhappy[ʌn'hæpi] a.不幸的,不快乐的33 hell[hel]n.地狱34 hear of听到,听说35 be responsible for应对…负责的36 come out大声地说,清楚地说37 come out with大声地说,清楚地说38 smooth out清除,使平滑39 hold oneself in约束,抑制40 take the place of代替,取代41 get to one's feet站起来,起立42 over and over again反复地,再三地《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第9 课1 computer[kəm'pju:tə]n.计算机2 universe['ju:nivə:s]n.宇宙3 complex['kɔmpleks] a.错综复杂的,难懂的4 ancient['einʃənt] a.古代的;古老的5 philosopher[fi'lɔsəfə]n.哲学家6 philosophy[fi'lɔsəfi]n.哲学7 involve[in'vɔlv]vt.使卷入8 working['wə:kiŋ] n.运转,运行;活动能力9 exactly[ig'zæktli]ad.确切地;精确地10 exact[ig'zækt] a.准确的,精确的11 amount[ə'maunt]数量,数额12 chemist['kemist]n.化学家13 biologist[bai'ɔlədʒist]n.生物学家14 biology[bai'ɔlədʒi]n.生物学15 complicated['kɔmplikeitid] a.难懂的;复杂的16 chemical['kemikəl] a.化学的17 unable[ʌn'eibəl] a.不能的,不会的18 reaction[ri'ækʃən]n.反应19 mathematician[ˌmæθəmə'tiʃən] n.数学家20 equipment[i'kwipmənt]n.设备,装置21 equip[i'kwip]vt.装备,配备22 kilo['ki:ləu]n.千23 kilos n.千克,公斤24 recent['ri:sənt] a.近来的25 recall[ri'kɔ:l]vt.记得;回忆起26 differ['difə]vi.不一致,不同27 mentally['mentli]ad.智力上,脑力上['fizikəl] a.身体的;物质的;物理学28 physical的29 potential[pə'tenʃəl]n.潜力30 limit['limit]n.局限,限度31 put...to (good) use(好好)利用32 differ from与…不同33 compared to与…相比34 compared with与…相比35 make notes记笔记36 look into调查,观察《大学英语精读》(第一册) - 上一课第10 课1 mysterious[mi'stiəriəs] a.神秘的2 mystery['mistəri]n.神秘,神秘的事物3 folklore['fəuklɔ:]n.民间传说4 reappear[ˌri:ə'piə] vi.再(出)现5 anew[ə'nju:]ad.重新;再6 sometime['sʌmtaim]ad.某个时候7 tide[taid]n.潮汐8 vanish['væniʃ]vi.消失,突然不见9 ill-fitting a.不合身的10 dusty['dʌsti] a.满是灰尘的11 mask[mɑ:sk]vt.遮盖;掩盖12 root[ru:t]v.(使)生根;(使)固定13 runaway['rʌnəwei]n.逃跑者,出逃者14 brightly['braitli] ad.欢快地,高兴地15 swig[swig]n.痛快16 retreat[ri'tri:t]vi.退缩;退却,撤退17 chatter['tʃætə]vi.喋喋不休18 painfully['peinfuli]ad.痛苦地19 painful['peinfəl] a.痛苦的20 jail[dʒeil]n.监狱21 guy[gai]n.人;家伙22 yeah[jeə] ad.是23 parole[pə'rəul]n.假释24 oak[əuk]n.橡树25 wow[wau]int.哇,呀26 exclaim[ik'skleim]vt.惊叫,叫喊27 approach[ə'prəutʃ]n.接近,临近28 unformed[ʌn'fɔ:md] a.发育未全的29 handle['hændl]vt.触,摸,抚弄30 snapshot['snæpʃɔt] n.快照31 tighten['taitn]v.(使)变紧;(使)绷紧32 fortify['fɔ:tifai]vt.增强;给…以勇气33 stun[stʌn]vt.使震惊;使目瞪口呆34 banner['bænə]n.旗,旗帜35 billow['biləu]vi.(波浪)翻腾;波浪般起伏36 con[kɔn]n.囚犯37 dream of向往,渴望38 pull into(车辆)驶入;到达39 take back允许…回来,接受40 come through如所预料地到来41 be caught up in对…入迷42 take over占用;接管43 make one's way去,前往。
现代大学英语精读1 Unit1知识点汇总

Expressions, Collocations & Phrases1. a useful word 一个有用的词2. a helpful suggestion 一个有用的建议3. a painful experience 一段痛苦的经历4. a tearful voice 一个撕心裂肺的嗓音5. a hopeless war 一场无望的战争6. a priceless stone 一块无价的石头7. a useless book 一本无用的书8. a careful look 仔细一看9. an eventful year 多事之秋10. a harmful habit 一个有害的习惯;不良习惯11. a harmless animal 一个无害的动物12. a shameless liar 一位无耻的撒谎者13. a classless society 无阶级社会14. a hopeful situation 一种有希望的形势15. a fruitful visit 一次有成就的访问16. a powerful army 一支强有力的军队17. a careless mistake 一个粗心的错误18. a homeless child 一个无家可归的孩子19. a toothless old man 一个牙齿掉光的老男人20. a nameless flower 一支无名花21. take steps 采取措施22. hold back/dry one's tears 忍着眼泪/擦干眼泪23. play games 玩游戏24. take/have/steal a nap 打盹25. tell a story 讲故事26. face trouble/challenge/truth/fact/pressure 面对麻烦/挑战/事实/真相/压力27. announce a thing 宣布一件事28. invade a place/one's life/one's privacy 攻占某地/干涉某人生活/侵犯某人隐私29. cross the desert/channel/mountains/ocean 穿越沙漠/海峡/高山/横跨海洋30. reach some places/the stage 到达某些地方/达到某种地步31. employ people 雇用某人32. in vain 徒劳无益33. show off 炫耀,卖弄34. resort to 采取35. cling to 坚持,保留36. burst into 突然开始37. bring about 造成,引起,导致;创造;实现38. give rise to 造成,引起,导致39. on their own 独立地(凭自己的力量)40.41.42.Translations1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

现代大学英语精读第一册1课单词详解1. overlook vt. over-上+look看,?由上往下看忽视Don't overlook the slower students. 别忽视后进同学。
原谅We decided to overlook his mistake. 我们决定宽容他的过错。
监督, 管理The foreman overlooked a large number of workers.工头监督着许多工人。
俯视We overlooked the sea.我们俯瞰大海。
overlook a valley from a hill从山上俯视山谷a tower overlooking the city俯瞰全市的塔楼词性变化overlook n.疏忽眺望; 视察俯瞰中的景色; 了望四周的高地It was a slight overlook on my part. 这是我的一个小疏忽。
There are plenty of overlooks and trails. 有许多可供俯瞰之处和小径。
继承用法Overlooker n. 监工, 工头同义词:disregard face ignore let slip miss neglect pass overskip view watch反义词:notice2.palm n. 源自拉丁语palma手掌手掌, 掌状物Buddhist monk sat with folded palms. 和尚合掌打坐。
(象征胜利的)棕榈叶The coconut palm trees planted after the war added to the beauty of the city.战后栽植的这些椰子树使这个城市显得更加美丽。
相关资料n.[C] 1. 手掌,手心 She placed the money in his palm. 她把钱放在他的手心里。
2. (四足动物的)前足掌 3. 一手宽;一手长 4. (手套的)掌部 5. 掌状物 6. (桨等的)扁平部 7. 【海】掌皮(缝1帆布顶针用) 8. 动物(如鹿)角的扁平部 9. 棕榈(树) They sat in the shade beneath the palms.他们坐在棕榈树的树荫下。

4.Make good use ofyour time in class.Listening to what the teacher says in class means less work later.Sit where you can see and hear well.Take notes to help you remember what the teacher says.
Unit One
Perhaps you are an average student withaverage intelligence.You do well enough in school,but you probably think you will never be atop student.This isnot necessarilythe case,however.You can receive better grades if you want to.Yes,even students of average intelligence can be top students without additional work.Here’s how:

大学英语精读第一册第一单元across adv. take sb. ~: take sb. to the other sidealongside adv. side by side; next tobalcony n. 阳台band n. a group of musicians, especially a group that plays popular music 乐队beneficial adj. usefulborder v. 与……接界;与……相邻circus n. 马戏团cling to v. to hold closely; refuse to let goclown n. a person who dresses funnily and tries to make people laugh by his jokes or actions 小丑conjurer n. a magician 魔术师convince v. to make sb. believe; to persuade 说服creator n. one who makes sth. for the first time 创造者;the Creator(宗教)造物主crossroads n. a place where two or more roads cross 交叉路口curiosity n. the desire to learn and know 好奇心daze n. a condition of beginning unable to think or feel clearly 晕眩exertion n. effort 努力;尽力glance n. a quick look at sth.globe n. 地球;地球仪halt n. a stop or pausehatred n. strong feelings of dislikehesitate v. to pause 犹豫不决intricate adj. very complicatedintroduction n. present for the first time 介绍irritated adj. annoyedjoyfully adv. very happilylift v. 抬;举;weight lifters: those who compete in contests of strength by lifting heavy objects misgiving n. (常用复数)feelings of doubt and fear 顾虑nap n. a short sleep during the dayobservant adj. careful to observe (rules)遵守规则的opportunity n. a chanceoverlook v. to see a place from a building or window 俯视palm n. 棕榈树;date ~: 椰枣树paradise n. heaven 天堂perseverance n. to keep trying to do sth. in spite of the difficulties 顽强拼搏physical adj. of material substance; often refers to human body 肉体的;身体的rank n. a line (of people)revolve v. to move or turn in a circle around a central pointrivalry n. 竞争scold v. to angrily criticize sb. , especially a childsingle adj. only onesort n. , v. The noun means a kind or a type; the verb means to put things in a particular order spin v. to turn round and roundstartled adj. surprised and often slightly frightenedstream n. a natural flow of water; anything that moves on continuously; a ~of: 一连串的stretch v. 伸展;~out: 伸出sunset n. the time when the sun is seen to disappear as night begins 日落surface n. 表面sweetheart n. a person one lovestrace n. a sign that sth. is there 迹象;痕迹trick n. (魔术)戏法unclouded adj. without any cloud, clear, untroubleduniform n. a special set of clothes which all members of a group wear, especially in a school, the army or the policeuniverse n. 宇宙vain n. in ~: without resultvariety n. different kinds of the same thing 丰富多彩;品种多样various adj. several of a varietyvast adj. very largewhisper v. to say something very quietly so that other people cannot hear what you are saying yell v. to shout loudly because you are very excited, angry, or in pain第二单元approach n. the act of coming nearer 接近awake v. to wake upbanner n. a flag 旗帜billow v. to rise and roll in waves due to wind 飘扬;翻腾chatter v. to talk fast in a friendly way 聊天chew v. to keep biting repeatedly because one is nervousclench adj. to hold one's hands or teeth together tightly because one is determined or angry engage v. to make (sb.) join with one in 使卷入,使参加exaltation n. joy, great happiness 兴奋,得意ex-con n. a former prisoner 刑满释放人员existence n. state of being 存在fit v. to be the right size or shape for sb. or sth.fort n. a strong building(s) used for defending an important place 要塞;usually capitalized as part of the name of a town, e.g. Fort Lauderdale in para. 1fortify v. to make sb. feel physically or mentally stronger; to strengthen 使……更坚强guy n. a person; a fellowjail n. a prisonmask v. to hide the truth about sth;mask n. originally a false face one wears to hide one's face; Here: an expression that hides one'strue feelingsmisty adj. Here: full of tears 蒙眬不清的oak n. a kind of tree 橡树parole n. permission for sb. to leave a prison, on the condition that he promises to behave well 假释retreat v. to go back or away because one is afraid; Here: to stop paying attention to what is happening around you and give all your attention to your own thoughtsribbon n. narrow strips of cloth, often made of silk and used to decorate gifts 丝带;缎带scream v. to shout in a loud high voice when one is excitedstain v. to put a mark on sth. that can not be removed 沾上颜色stun v. to be greatly surprised or shocked 目瞪口呆swig n. a large swallow 一大口tide n. levels to which the sea reaches on land 潮汐tighten v. to become tight or make tightertriumph n. a complete victory or success; a feeling of great pride or joy because of success or victoryunaware adj. not knowing or realizing what is happeningvanish v. to disappearwow int. (informal) an expression of surprise when one is deeply impressed or surprised 哇!yeah adv. the usual written form of a casual pronunciation of "yes"第三单元agency n. 机构;代理处;这里指职业介绍所bamboo n. 竹Bangkok n. 曼谷(泰国首都)barter v. to exchange goods for other goods 以货易货breeze n. a light gentle windbuffalo n. 美洲野牛;water ~: 水牛bully v. to threaten to hurt sb. who is smaller or weaker 欺负(弱小)condemn v. to express strong disapproval 谴责crab n. 蟹craft n. handmade items 手工艺术(这里指手工产品)dusk n. the time before it gets dark 黄昏Esarn n. a village in Thailandevil n. bad or harmful influence or effect 邪恶exhausted adj. tired outfashionable adj. popular 合时尚的;时髦的fate n. 命运fertile adj. ~land is land able to produce good crops 肥沃的;富饶的forefathers n. people (especially men) who were part of your family a long time ago 祖先frog n. 蛙gardener n. a person who takes care of a gardengreed n. a strong desire for more money, power etc. than you need 贪婪hairdresser n. a person who cuts and shapes your hair in a particular style 理发师hardship n. difficult condition of life, such as lack of money to become healthy again, to recover from a wound, especially to grow new skin 愈合infancy n. early childhood; babyhoodinsult v. to say or do sth. that is rude or act offensively to someone 侮辱jeans n. (常用复数)牛仔裤litter v. to leave (plastic bags, bits of waste paper etc.) on the ground in a public place 扔得到处都是lust n. very strong desire for sex, money or power 淫欲;金钱欲;权力欲old-fashioned adj. not fashionable 老式的,过时的monk n. 和尚,僧人nail n. 指甲pierce v. to make a hole through something; to ~one's heart: to make one feet very sadreap v. to cut and gather a crop such as rice or wheat 收割replace v. to take the place of 替代ripen adj. mature 成熟的ripple v. to move in very small waves 在微风中摆动scarcity n. a lack; not having enough, especially foodscent n. a pleasant smellsheaves n. (sheaf 的复数), measure of quantity in farming 捆,束shimmer v. to shine with a soft trembling light 发微光,闪烁sickness n. illnesssigh v. 叹息strip n. a narrow piece of 细长片temple n. a place for the worship of a god or gods 寺庙,庙宇tend v. If sth. ~s to happen, it means that it is likely to happen quite often, especially sth. bad or unpleasanttextile n. any material made by weaving 纺织品ungrateful adj. not showing thankswound n. injury 伤口;(感情上的)痛苦第四单元a series of 一系列的account n. a sum of money kept in a bank 银行账户; an ~book: 存折; a checking ~: (美)活期存款;支票账户alternative n. a choiceanyway adv. to suggest a statement is true or relevant in spite of other things that have been said apparently adv. as it appearsauthority n. a person whose knowledge or information is respected 权威balance n. 通常作“平衡”解;Here: the amount of money one has in a bank accountbelt n. a strip of leather, cloth, etc. that you tie round your waist; money ~: 挎在腰间的钱包branch office n. smaller bank offices located throughout the community for the customer's convenience(银行的)分行;支行bully n. a person who bullies v. to pick on someone less powerful in a cruel mannercandy n. a sweetconclude v. 下结论;Here: to come to the enddamn adv. used for emphasis in spoken English; ~well: certainlydeposit v. to put (money) in a bank n. money put in a bankdismay n. a strong feeling of fear, worry or sadness that is caused by sth. unpleasant and unexpectedexchange n. 交换;Here: (formal) a brief conversation, usually an angry onefortyish adj. about 40fund n. (常用复数)money in one's possession 资金(此处指银行存款、现款)grocery n. a shop that sells all kinds of food and things for the home 食品和日用杂货helpless adj. unable to react normally to a situation because you have no power or strengthidiot n. a foolish personinterfere v. to deliberately(故意地)get involved in a situation that does not concern you and in a way that annoys people 干涉khakis n. (常用复数)卡叽布裤子loafer n. leather shoes one can slip on easily 平底便鞋mustache n. hair growing on the upper lipneighborhood n. all the various homes and businesses in a small area within a larger town or city 邻里passion n. strong feeling of hate, anger or loveprep school n. (in the U. S.) preparatory school 预备学校protest v. to say or do sth. publicly to show that you disagree or are angry about sth. that you think is wrong or unfair 抗议rear adj. the back part of sth. ; ~pocket: 裤子后面的口袋represent v. to act officially for another person 代表ridiculous adj. very silly, foolish and unreasonablesaving n. (常用复数)存款;a ~s account: (银行)储蓄账户;定期存款scared adj. frightened 受惊吓的shrug n. 耸肩(表示冷淡,怀疑等)slightly adv. a little bitso-called adj. 所谓的upset adj. worried and unhappywallet n. pouch (a small bag) that holds one's money 男用钱袋withdrawal n. the act of taking out/ awaywithdraw v. to take away; Here: to take money away from a bank第五单元academic adj. concerning teaching or studying, especially in a college or university 学术的aid n. , v. helpangel n. a messenger and servant of God 天使attach v. to fix; to fasten; to joinbarometer n. an instrument that measures the air pressure and shows when the weather is going to change 气压表basement n. a floor built partly or wholly below ground level 地下室calculate v. to work out a number or amount from information you have 计算colleague n. someone you work with, especially in a professional job 同事competence n. the ability and skill needed to do a particular job 能力course n. a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject 课程creative adj. to develop or use new ideas 有创造性的credit n. a measure of a student's work at a university 学分dash off v. to run away from a place very quickly; Here: to write in a hurrydeserve v. 该得;应受dilemma n. a difficult choice to be made between two courses of action which seem to be equally bad 进退两难educational adj. connected with educationexplore v. to examine; investigate; often refers to previously unexamined space or ideas 探索formula n. 公式grade v. (AmE) to give a mark to an examination paperimpartial adj. fair in giving judgements, unbiased etc. 不偏不倚的inner adj. on the inside; close to the centreinstructor n. a teacherlaunch v. Here: to send into space 发射lean v. 倾斜;倚;靠logic n. reason 逻辑panic n. fear; scarependulum n. 钟摆principle n. 原则proportion n. 比例recall v. to remember sth. 回想起referee n. sb. In charge of a game in sports ; Here: a person who is asked to settle a disagreement resist v. struggle against 抵抗select v. to choosesolve v. to find a way of dealing with a problem 解决sophisticated adj. complex 复杂的Sputnik n. 前苏联人造地球卫星stopwatch n. a watch to time speed 记秒表string n. a piece of threadstructure n. the way in which parts are formed into a whole 结构superintendent n. Here: a person in charge of an apartment building 楼房管理处负责人员swing v. to move from a fixed point 摆动system n. 系统;制度temptation n. 诱惑unit n. (计量的)单位warn v. to advise sb. to do sth. in order to avoid possible punishment or trouble 警告第六单元atmosphere n. 大气;气氛awful adj. terrible, shocking; Here it functions as an adv. = very, terriblybulb n. 灯泡chant n. words that are repeated again and again by a group 齐声的不断质问cherry n. 樱桃comic adj. funny, humorous; ~book (AmE): 儿童连环画杂志concern n. worry, anxiety 忧虑conscious adj. aware, knowing 意识到的;明白的crash n. a sudden, loud noise as made by a violent fallcriminal n. a person who has committed a crime 罪犯deal n. treatment 对待desperate adj. ready for any wild act because of loss of hope 绝望的;不顾一切的dial v. to make a telephone call 拨电话号electrical adj. relating to electricityexchange v. 交换fender n. (车辆的)挡泥板flash n. a sudden burst of lightgossip v. to talk about other people's behavior and private lives or about other things that do not concern you 东家长、西家短地闲聊honey n. (AmE) darling, sweethearthorizon n. 地平线hush n. a peaceful silenceimpression n. effect produced on the mind or feelings 印象intently adv. with fixed attention 专注地jaw n. 颚,颌jerk v. to move suddenly 猛然一扭;一抬kneel v. 下跪laughter n. the act of laughing or the sound of people laughinglawn n. an area that is covered with short grass (经过修剪的)草坪lighten v. to make more cheerful 使轻松likely adj. probable, expected 可能(发生)的maple n. 枫树menace v. to threaten 威胁meteor n. rock-like object hurtling through space 流星mob n. a large, noisy crowd especially one that is angry and violentmonster n. 妖怪;恶魔mower n. a machine to cut down grass 割草机murmur n. a soft low soundnope adv. (informal) noobviously adv. clearlyoddball n. a person who behaves in a strange or an unusual wayoperator n. a person who works on a telephone switchboard 电话接线员optimistic adj. hopeful about the future, believing that things will happen in the best way 乐观的outer adj. of the outside 外面的;~space: 外屋空间overhead n. , adv. over the headpersistently adv. continuing to do or say something although other people warn you not to 固执地;坚持地plug v. , n. 插;插座polish v. to make smooth and shiny by continual rubbing 擦亮porch n. a doorway or an entrance to a house, covered with a roof 门廊portable adj. easily carried or moved 手提式的precisely adv. exactlyquietness n. silencereact v. 反应reaction n. the act of reactingreluctantly adv. unwillinglyresidential adj. mainly of the part of the town or street where there are private houses and very few offices or factories 住宅的roar n. a continuous loud noise made by a machine or a strong windrooftop n. the top of the roofrub v. 摩擦screw v. 拧紧sense n. a meaning 意义sidewalk n. pavement 人行道space n. 空间;太空speechless adj. unable to speak because of deep feeling 由于某种原因而说不出话的spot n. a small and round mark 点;斑点black ~s (太阳)黑子stool n. a seat without a back, usually for one personstove n. 火炉stuff n. thingsthunder n. a loud noise following lightning 雷鸣tone n. 语调tremendous adj. very big or powerful 巨大的(数字、爆炸声等)typical adj. 典型的upwards adv. going up 向上weird adj. strange; difficult to explain, usually because one has not seen or experienced before wet v. to make wetwhirl v. to turn around very quickly第七单元arrange v. to make plans about what to do 安排aspect n. 方面cell n. Here: a small room for a person (persons) in prisonchili n. 干辣椒(粉);Here: pepper 辣椒construct v. to buildcontact n. the act or state of touching or meeting 接触cultivate v. 种植;栽培decline v. to become weaker or worse 变衰弱document n. 文件dump n. a place for dumping garbage 垃圾倾倒场eliminate v. to remove; to get rid of 除去;消灭enduring adj. lastingeventually adv. in the endfertilizer n. 肥料flourish v. to grow quickly in a healthy way 长得好fulfill v. to perform a duty or a task with satisfaction 完成;实现hallway n. the entrance hall of a houseintellectual adj. mental 脑力的issue n. an important problemmanual adj. using the hands 体力的metaphor n. 隐喻miner n. a person who works in a mine 矿工mixture n. 混合物nourish v. to help sth. to grow 培育onion n. 洋葱patch n. a small area of groundpeanut n. 花生permission n. act of allowing 允许pursue v. to go on with; to be busy with 从事;进行section n. a part of a larger place; Here: one part of the prison 监狱的一个区seedling n. a young plant 幼苗survive v. to continue to live 生存下去tend v. Here: to take care of; to look aftertender adj. delicate, easily broken or damaged 娇嫩的tennis n. 网球warder n. the head of a prison 监狱长;Here: 看守;狱卒wither v. to dry up; to be reduced in size and color 枯萎第八单元audience n. a group of people who watch and listen to sb. speaking or performing in publi 观众;听众auditorium n. 剧场,大会堂,音乐厅(等)backstage n. 剧场的后台bother v. to make sb. feel slightly worried or upsetcareer n. a job or profession that you have been trained for 职业cast n. people chosen to act particular parts in a play, film, etc. 演员阵营chin n. 下巴coach n. someone who trains a person or a team in a sport 教练;指导cocky adj. too confident about yourself and your ability 狂妄的;自负的comedian n. someone whose job is to tell jokes and make people laughcomedy n. a play or film, etc. that is amusing and has a happy ending 喜剧commercial n. a commercial advertisement 商业广告concentrate v. to give all your attentioncongratulate v. to praise people for sth. difficult or skillful they have done 祝贺curtain n. 幕布dramatics n. 演剧活动eagerness n. the keenness or excitement about sth. that is going to happen or sth. you want to doembarrass v. to make sb. feel anxious, ashamed or uncomfortable, especially in a social situation exaggerated adj. 夸张的flea n. 虱子;Here: a very small thingflushed adj. red in the facegiant n. a very tall and big person 大高个儿;巨人groan v. to make a long deep sound because you are pain or upset 呻吟hey int. 嘿!喂!(used to call attention or to express surprise)humor n. 幽默invent v. to make or produce sth. new for the first timejockey n. someone who rides horses in races (赛马场)职业骑师knee n. 膝盖;~- high: 高及膝盖的newcomer n. a person who has only recently arrivednonsense n. foolish ideaspeck n. a quick and light kisspleading adj. 恳求的plot n. Here: the way the play develops 剧情promote v. to help sth. or sb. to develop and be successful 宣传;推广;推销promotion n. the act of promotingpuppet n. Here: a person who has lost his independence and is controlled by someone else 傀儡;木偶sensible adj. reasonable and practical 明智的sharply adv. in a severe and disapproving way 严厉地shrimp n. a small pink sea creature 小虾;Here: a very small personsmart adj. clever; quick in thinkingstiff adj. unable to move (肌肉)硬的terrific adj. excellent; greattiptoe n. 脚尖touchy adj. easily offended or annoyedundersized adj. smaller than usualvice-president n. 副主席volunteer v. to offer to do sth. without expecting any reward 自动提出第九单元able-bodied adj. physically strong and healthyadapt (to) v. to change so as to become used to new conditions 适应adequate adj. enoughaffect v. to have an effect on 影响到ALS also known as motor neuron disease 一种最终导致全身瘫痪的运动神经麻痹症bandage n. a piece of cloth used to cover a wound 绷带bump n. an area of skin that is raised because it has been hit 肿块Cambridge n. 剑桥(英国著名大学)circumstance n. (常用复数)facts, conditions, etc. connected with a person 环境;情况clumsiness n. a state in which the movements of the parts of the body do not work well together 行动笨拙comfort n. 安慰depression n. a feeling of sadness and hopelessness 消沉disability n. a physical problem that makes sb. unable to use parts of his body properly downplay v. = play down: to try to make oneself think that it is unimportant or less important than it really is 低调对待drag v. to pull with effort and difficulty 用力拉;拖enable v. to make one able to do sth.exceptional adj. unusualfrequency n. the number of times that sth. happens 频率frequently adv. very often or many timesfunction n. 功能humiliation n. a feeling of shame and embarrassment 屈辱;丢脸incurable adj. impossible to cure 不可救治的liquid n. 液体leuk(a)emia n. blood cancer 血癌;白血病motor adj. 运动神经的nasty adj. bad; unpleasantnerves n. 神经obstruction n. 障碍PhD n. Doctor of Philosophy 博士(学位)predict v. to say sth. will happen in a particular way 预言rare adj. not seen or found often, or not happening very oftenrecur v. to happen again (especially sth. bad or unpleasant)scene n. the place where sth. happens 地点;场景slur v. to speak unclearly without separating words or sounds correctly 吐字含糊不清span n. the length of time one's life continues 一生spinal adj. 脊髓的;脊骨的;~cord: 脊髓strength n. quality of being strong; power and energy that makes sb. strongsupervisor n. a person who gives advice to students in their studies and makes sure that they do their work properly 导师tablecloth a piece of cloth used to cover the tabletheoretical adj. 理论的vacation n. one of the periods of time when universities are closed 假期worsen v. to become worseworthwhile adj. worth the time and effort to do sth. 值得的第十单元、acceptance n. the act of agreeing that what sb. says is right or true 接受(某种观点、说法)ancient adj. very oldappreciate v. to understand and enjoy 赏识armful n. the amount of sth. one can hold in one arm or both armsassure v. to tell sb. that sth. is sure to happen so that he does not have to worry 使……放心Brazil n. 巴西breakthrough n. 突破casually adv. 随便地chatter v. to talk quickly about things that are not serious or important 闲聊consist of v. to be made up of 由……组成的dawn on v. to make sb. realize 使……觉醒destination n. a place sb. is going to 目的地encounter v. to meet sb. or experience sth. suddenly or unexpectedly 遭遇;n. 碰见formation n. Here: sth. that is formed in a particular shape; rock ~: 具有特殊形状的石峰;怪石genius n. very great and exceptional ability or skill 天才glue n. 胶水;胶汁identity n. a strong feeling of belonging to a particular group 身份;认同感ignorance n. having no knowledge or information 无知inspect v. to examine carefullyinstantly adv. at onceleak v. 泄漏;渗漏local adj. of a particular place or area 当地的;本地的locate v. to be ~d: to be in a particular place 位于mechanic n. Here: sb. who is skilled at repairing cars 汽车修理工melt v. to become soft through heating 溶解;软化New England n. 新英格兰(美国东北部的总称)numerous adj. many; countlessoccasion n. special time for sth. 场合origin n. 起源;根源particular adj. special 特殊的pat v. 轻拍perspective n. a way of thinking about or looking at sth. 观点;看法pinnacle n. 顶峰;顶点potential n. the possibility that sth. will have a certain effect 潜力radiator n. 汽车散热器;水箱reasonable adj. acting with reason 合乎情理的refill v. to fill againreflect on v. to think carefully about 思考Rio n. short for ~de Janeiro, a city in Brazil 里约热内卢scattered adj. spread all over a large area 散布在……的;散落在……的significance n. importanceslender adj. thin and graceful 细长的;苗条的slight adj. small in amount or degree 少量的spout v. to send out with great force 喷出statement n. sth. you say or write publicly or officially to let people know your intentions or opinions 表述;声明steep adj. 陡峭的strain up v. to make a great effort to move upward 竭力爬坡tease v. to make jokes or laugh at sb. in order to have fun either in a friendly way or in an unkind way 取笑;逗弄第十一单元accent n. the way a person pronounces the words of a language showing which country or which part of a country he comes from 口音;腔调agent n. 代理人;a secret ~: 特工人员altogether adv. completely; entirelyapartment n. a set of rooms within a large building where one lives 一套公寓房间armchair n. a comfortable chair with sides to rest your arms on 有扶手的单人沙发automatic adj. 自动的Berlin n. a city in Germany 柏林blink v. to shut and open your eyes quickly 眨眼Boston n. a city in the U. S. 波士顿commanding adj. 命令式的,威严的confounded adj. damned; used to show you are annoyedcorridor n. a long narrow passage, between two rows of rooms in a building 走廊devil n. evil spirit 魔鬼;raise the ~(= raise hell): to behave in an angry and threatening way 好好闹一闹;好好抗议一下disillusioned adj. feeling disappointed and unhappy because sb. or sth. is not as good as you thought 幻想破灭的doorknob n. 门把;拉手espionage n. the activity of secretly finding out a country's secrets 间谍活动evilly adv. 邪恶地explanatory adj. meant to explainextend v. to continue for a particular distance 延伸frustrated adj. feeling upset and impatient because you can not control a situation or achieve sth. 有挫折感的gesture n. 手势gloomy adj. dark, especially in a way that seems sad 阴暗的grimly adv. seriously; sternly 阴沉着脸地hesitate v. to be slow in deciding 犹豫不决missile n. 导弹moodily adv. feeling unhappy or angry 愤愤地;不快地musty adj. with an unpleasant smellmysterious adj. 神秘的passable adj. good enough to be accepted; not badpasskey n. 万能钥匙pistol n. 手枪risk v. 冒险romantic adj. 浪漫的shrilly adv. shouting in a sharp or high-pitched voicesill n. 窗台slip v. to give sb. sth. quietly and secretly 悄悄地递过去sloppy adj. careless about clothes 衣着随便的spy n. a secret agent 间谍stammer v. to speak with difficulty, repeating words or sounds because one is nervous or afraid 结结巴巴地说stare v. to look with wide-open eyes because of fearstiffly adv. without being able to move one's body 僵硬地swiftly adv. fast; rapidlythrill n. a sudden strong feeling of great excitement and pleasuretray n. 盘子twist v. 扭曲,弯曲uncork v. to open a bottle by removing the cork 开瓶塞wheeze v. to breathe noisily 喘息wheezily adv. (说话)呼哧呼哧响地第十二单元accelerator n. a machine used for increasing speed 加速器addict n. a drug ~: a person who cannot stop taking drugs 吸毒成瘾的人;瘾君子almighty adj. having unlimited power 无所不能的;万能的;~dollar: taking money as the main goal in life or basis of power 金钱万能的;拜金主义的attentive adj. giving or paying attentionamaze v. to fill with great surprisebackpack n. a bag carried on the back, often supported by a metal frame, used especially by mountain climbers or walkers 旅行专用背包brake n. 刹车brochure n. a thin book giving information 小册子;介绍材料Calif. n. = California, a state in the U. S. 加利福尼亚campground n. a place where people can camp for a small fee 露营地cashless adj. not having any moneychamber of commerce an organization or group of people in a particular town or area for the purpose of trade 商会chilly adj. rather coldcompassionate adj. feeling or showing pity or sympathy for other people who need help 有同情心的conquer v. to defeat or overcome 击败;征服contrary adj. opposite 相反的cowboy n. a person who looks after cattle in the western parts of the U. S. (美国西部的)牛仔entertain v. to invite people to one's home for a meal 招待executive adj. 执行的;负责的;行政的;an ~director: 行政长官;此处指商会负责人folk n. peoplegamble n. a risky action or decision 冒险的事;赌博;take a ~: to take an action that is risky hoping that it may succeedgang n. a group of persons who stick together, especially for criminal or other antisocial purposes hitch v. = hitchhike: to travel by asking drivers of passing cars for free rides 沿途搭车旅行hitchhiker n. a person who hitchhikes 沿途搭乘他人便车旅行的人intrigue v. to arouse the interest or curiosity 激起……好奇心lowa n. a state in the U. S. 衣阿华州Jamestown n. 詹姆斯敦(这里指田纳西州的一个城市)journey v. to travelkin n. (集合名词)relatives 亲戚lumber-mill n. a building where trees are cut up to make wood 锯木厂lurk v. to wait quietly and secretly in order to attack 埋伏以便伺机攻击magnificent adj. extremely good, beautiful or impressive 不平凡的;了不起的Montana n. a state in the U. S. 蒙大拿州motto n. a short statement used as a guide of behavior 座右铭murderer n. a person who unlawfully kills another personNebraska n. a state in the U. S. 内布拉斯加州New Orleans n. a city in the U. S. 新奥尔良North Carolina n. a state in the U. S. 北卡罗来纳州Oregon n. a state in the U. S. 俄勒冈州patriotic adj. feeling or showing love, support and loyalty to one's country 爱国的rapist n. 强奸犯readiness n. willingness or eagerness to do sth.renew n. to find sth. again after it has been lost 重新恢复revelation n. sth. which is made known and was previously unknown 突然显示的事实risk v. to take an action, even though it might have unpleasant consequences 冒险schedule v. to arrange for sth. to be done; to plan that sth. will happen at a particular time shabby adj. in bad repair or condition 破旧不堪的shelter v. to provide a place to stay or rest n. a place where you can stay or restskid v. to suddenly slide sideways and get out of control 滑向一旁solely adv. onlystranded adj. unable to move from the place where you aresymbol n. a sign or object which represents an idea or value 象征Tenn. n. = Tennessee, a state in the U. S. 田纳西州the Atlantic n. 大西洋the Pacific n. 太平洋thumb n. 拇指trucker n. a truck drivervehicle n. a thing such as a car or bus etc. used for carrying people or things from one place to another 车辆Wyoming n. a state in the U. S. 怀俄明州。
大学英语精读第三版第一册Unit 1

Para.5 1)listen to 听(强调动作) hear听见(强调结果) 2)basis n.基础 on basis of/ be based on以……为基础 3)in addition to除……之外 e.g. In addition to French, he has to study Japanese. 除了法语外,他还得学日语。 4)prepare for…为…做准备 make good preparation for 为…做好准备 5)a great deal许多,大量的(修饰不可数名词) 6)over and over again一次又一次
12)deal with处理 13)according to根据 14)occur v.发生---happen occur to是指“突然想到了什么”, e.g. It occurs to me that i have to go now. 我突然想到该走了。 happen to是指某件事发生在了某人身上 15)everyday adj.每日的(一般做定语) everyday work每天的工作 every day(做时间状语) work every day每天工作 16) practice n.实践 in practice 实际上 out of practice 不熟练 practice makes perfect 熟能生巧 17)commit to把…送交, 托付给… commit to memory记住
3)complain v.投诉,抱怨 complaint n. complain about sth.抱怨… e.g. I have to complain to the manager about it. 对这件事我不得不向经理申诉。 4)memory n.记忆---memorize v.记住 5)find it +adj. to do sth.发现做…是… 6)in fact事实上---as a matter of fact 7)at fault有错, 有责任 e.g. In my opinion both of the drivers were at fault. 在我看来, 两位司机都有责任。

大学英语精读第三版(上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编)第一册Book1 Unit1答案1)e2)g3)j4)a5)b6)i7)c8)d9)h10)f1) handling2) summarized3) process4) absorb5) are bound to6) feel free7) for instance8) strategies9) complained10) has committed to memory11) Nevertheless12) rely on13) Apart from14) command1) over and over again2) at a time3) put it into practice4) watching out for5) by no means6) concentrate on7) In addition t8) in detail1)action2)employ3)announce4)examination5)communication6)express7)compose8)improvement9)concentration10)management11)consider12)motivate13)development14)movement15)discuss16)operate17)division18)production19)educate20)repeat1) additional2) add3) addition4) addition1) effectively2) effect3) effective4) effect1) helpful2) help3) helpless4) help5) helplessly6) helpfully7) helpful1) reliant2) reliable3) reliance reliable4) relies5) reliably6)1) repetition2) repeating3) repeatedly4) repeated5) repetition1) In my opinion2) According to Mary3) In our opinion4) According to today's papers5) In most doctors' opinion According to most doctors1) Shakespeare was not only a dramatist but also an actor.2) Miss Crain not only took me home in her car, but also came the next day to see if I had recovered.3) Hainan Island attracts tourists not only in winter but also in summer.4) There is always a black market not only in Britain, but also in other European countries.5) At the Athens Olympics in 2004, Liu Xiang not only won a gold medal in the 110-meter hurdles, but also broke the Olympic record.1) It is true that your sentences are all grammatically correct, but they don’t make any sense.2) It is true that they lost that battle, but they still went on fighting.3) I t is true that Tom’s very clever and hardworking, but I still don’t think he is the right person for the job.4) It is true that learning English is by no means easy, but we can make the task easier by using some learning strategies.1) strategies2) frequently3) over and over again4) commit to memory5) acquaintance6) watch out for7) communicate8) process9) opportunities10) rely on11) put into practice12) absorbed1) if2) about3) it4) know5) up6) as7) addition8) even9) into10) other11) for12) while1) memorize2) a matter of3) taught4) shelf5) realize6) written7) idiomatic8) join in9) difference10) gain a good command翻译1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。

Unit1 翻译1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。
Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.2) 我坚信,阅读简写的(simplified) 英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。
I firmly believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary.3) 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染(pollution) 方面还做得不够。
I don’t think we’re doing enough to protect our environment from pollution.4) 除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。
In addition to/Apart from writing compositions on a weekly basis, our English teacher assigned us eight books to read during the summer vacation.5) 我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。
We’ve learned from reliable sources that a native English speaker is going to teach us spoken English next term/semester.6) 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。
Seeing English movies on a regular basis will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills.7) 如果你们对这些学习策略有什么问题,请随便问我。
基础英语,精读1 Unit 1-10单词汇总

border v.与……接界;与……相邻circus n.马戏团cling v.(clung,clug)to hold closely;to refuse to let go抓紧;紧握clown n.a person who performs in a circus,wears funny clothes and makeup,and tries to make people laughclutch v.to hold tightly紧紧抓住;紧握住conjurer n.a person who entertains people by performing tricks in which things appear,disappear,or change as if by magic 魔术师creator n.one who makes sth.for the first time 创造者,the Creator.(宗教)造物主crossroads n.a place where two or more roads cross each other 交叉路口curiosity n.the desire to learn and know 好奇心daze n.in a~:a state of being unable to think clearly 茫然状态exertion n.great effort努力;尽力halt n.a stop or pausehatred n.feelings of strong dislikeintricate adj.containing many small parts or details that all work or fit together 错综复杂的invade v.to enter an area in large numbers,crowd into 涌入irritated adj.annoyed and impatientjoyfully adv.very happilylift v.抬,举;weight~ers:people who compete in contests of strength by lifting heavy objects lord n.master,male ruler;good Lord:reference to God,used when one is suddenly surprised,annoyed or worriedmisgivings n.(pl)feelings of doubt and fear顾虑nap n.a short sleepobservant adj.quick to notice;(here)careful to obey rules遵守规则的opportunity n.a chanceoverlook v.to see a place from above,e.g.from a high building orwindow俯视palm n.棕榈树;date ~:椰枣树paradise n.heaven天堂perseverance n.determination to keep trying to do sth.in spite of difficulties坚持不懈;不屈不挠rank n.a line or row of people or things排;列resort v. ~ to sth.:to do or use sth.especially because no other choices are possiblerevolve v.to move or turn in a circle around a central pointrivalry n.竞争sort n.a kind or a type v.to put things in a particular orderstartled adj.surprised and often slightly frightenedstretch v.伸展;~out:伸出sweetheart n.a person one lovestrace n.a sign or indication of sth./sb.being present迹象;痕迹unclouded adj.without any cloud;(here)untroubled byvain n.in ~:without result;without success;without producing a good or desired result alternative n.choiceapparently adv. seemingly;as it seems看来;似乎branch n. ~ office:a local office(银行的)分行:支行bully n.sb.who frightens,hurts,or threatens weaker people仗势欺人者;横行霸道者conclud v.下结论damn adv. used for emphasis in spoken English; ~ well:certainlydismay n.distress;a strong felling of fear,worry or sadness that is caused by sth. unpleasant or unexpected 失望;绝望;气馁fortyish adj.about 40guy n.(infml)a manhelpless adj.unable to react normally to a situation because one has no power or strength hopefully adv. with a feeling of optimism,i.e.,expectation that the outcome will be good 怀着希望地idiot n.a foolish personinterfere v.to deliberately(故意地)get involved in a situation that does not concern you,which may be annoying to others 干涉irritation n.the feeling of being annoyed about sth.恼怒khaki n.(infml)khaki is a name given to a particular grey-green color.The boy is wearing shorts of that color.卡其布裤子loafer n.a low-cut step-in leather shoe with no laces没有鞋带的皮便鞋;懒汉鞋mustache n.hair growing on a man's upper lipneatly adv. in a tidy,orderly wayoverlit adj.too brightly-lit;having too much light过度照明的passion n.very strong feelings(of hate,anger,love)prep n. ~ school:(U.S.)a private school that prepares students for collegeprotest v.to complainrear adj. the back part of sth;~ pocket: back pocket裤子后面的口袋sandy adj.(of hair)having a yellowish-brown colorsavings n.(pl.)存款;a ~ account:(银行)储蓄账户,定期存款series n.a number of things of the same class coming one after anothershake v.~ down:to extort money,to steal money with threatsshrug n.raising one's shoulders slightly and momentarily to express doubt,ignorance,or indifference耸肩(表示冷淡,怀疑等)slightly adv. a littleteller n.(U.S.)sb.whose job is to receive and pay out money in a bank(美国)银行出纳员withdrawal n.the act of taking money out of a bank accountBangkok n.曼谷(泰国首都)barter v.to exchange goods for other goods without the use of money以货易货breeze n.a light gentle windbuffalo n.美洲野牛;water~:水牛colorful adj.having bright colors or a lot of diferent colorscomplain v. to express dissatisfaction or annoyance 抱怨condemn v.to criticize ,to censure. 谴责crab n.蟹craft n.handmade items手工产品dusk n.after sunset,early evening when it is not yet dark黄昏employment n.having paid work雇用;受雇;~ agency:a business that makes money by finding jobs for people 职业介绍所evil n.sth.that is very harmful or very bad邪恶;罪恶exhausted adj.very tiredfashionable adj.stylish,modern时尚的;时髦的fate n.命运fertile adj.肥沃的;富饶的forefathers n.(pl.)ancestors 祖先fortunately adv. luckily,happening because of good luckgardener n.a person who takes care of land and grows flowers,trees and shrubsgreed n.avarice,a strong desire for money,power,etc.,more than one needs贪婪hairdresser n.a person who cuts and shapes hair理发师heal v.to become healthy again;to recover from a wound,esp.to grow new skin愈合infancy n.early childhood;babyhoodinsult v.offend;to say or do sth. that is rude;to act offensively to sb.侮辱litter v.to leave rubbish such as plastic bags,waste paper,water bottles,cigarette, cartons, etc.on the ground in a public place乱扔lust n.very stong dsire for sex, money or power淫欲;金钱欲;权力欲monk n.和尚;僧人pierce v.to make a hole through sth.;to ~ ones heart:to make one feel very sadplough n.a large piece of farm equipment used to dig into and turn over soil,esp.to prepare the soil for planting犁reap v.harvest, to cut and gather a crop such as rice orwheat收割replace v.to take the place of替代ripe v.变成熟ripple n. liquid moving in very small wavesscarcity n.a lack;not having enough, esp.foodscent n.a pleasant smellsheaf n.a bunch of wheat, rice, corn,tied together after it has been cut(禾)束,捆shimmer v.to shine with a soft trembling light发微光,闪烁sickness n.illnessspite n.in ~ of sth.:without being prevented;without being affected by the particular factor mentionedtrip n.a narrow piecerely adv. without doubt(used to mean that you are certain about sth.);certainlytextile n.any material made by weaving纺织品toe n.脚趾ungrateful adj.unappreciative; not showing thanks or appreciationagent n.=secret agent特工人员;特务;间谍armchair n.a comfortable chair with sides to rest your arms on扶手椅;单人沙发Berlin n.the capital and largest city of Germany 柏林blackly adv.in an angry,threatening,or unpleasant way(or:with feelings of anger or hate)blink v.to shut and open one's eyes quickly眨眼bore v.to make sb. feel tired and uninterested by being dull or tedious使某人感到厌烦Boston n.the capital and largest city of Massachusetts,U.S.波士顿(美国城市)chuckle v.to laugh inwardly or quietly暗笑;咯咯地轻声笑commanding adj.命令式的;威严的confounded adj.an old-fashioned term used to express annoyancecorridor n.a long,narrow passage between two rows of rooms in a building走廊crack n.a sudden loud noise like the sound of a stick being broken噼啪声;爆裂声devil n.evil spirit 魔鬼; raise the ~ (=raise hell): to behave in an angry and threatening way好好闹一下,好好抗议一下disillusioned adj.feeling disappointed and unhappy because sb.or sth. is not as good as one thought幻想破灭的doorknob n.门把;拉手drama n.the excitement that is created by a lot of action and emotionespionage n.spying;the activity of secretly finding out secrets 间谍活动evilly adv.邪恶地explanatorily adv. to glance ~:with a look of clarification作为解释地,说明地extend v.to continue for a longer distance or time延伸frustrated adj. feeling upset and impatient because one cannot control a situation or achieve sth.有挫折感的gloomy adj.dark,esp. in a way that seems sad阴暗的grimly adv.seriously;sternly阴沉着脸地halfway adv. in the middle of the room,or at a place which is equally far from two other places位于中间:位于两处之间heavily adv. slowly as if with a lot of effort缓慢地;吃力地,没劲地management n.the people who are in charge of a company or organization (here)the hotel moodily adv. gloomily;sullenly网闷不乐地,阴郁地murmur v.to say sth. in a soft quiet voice that is difficult to hear clearlymysterious adj.puzzling,curious,odd;hard to understand or describeParis n.the capital and largest city of Francepassable adj.good enough to be accepted;not badpasskey n.(=master key)a key that can open many different lockspistol n.手枪romantic adj.浪漫的shrilly adv.in a sharp or high-pitched sound or voicesill n.the narrow shelf at the base of a window frame窗台slender adj.slimslip v.to put sth. somewhere quietly or smoothly 悄悄地放入sloppy adj.careless about clothes衣着随便的stammer v.to speak with difficulty,repeating parts of words because one is nervous or afraid 结结巴巴地说stiffly adv.not moving freely;unable to move easily and without pain僵硬地swiftly adv.fast ;rapidlythrill n.a sudden strong feeling of excitement or pleasuretray n.盘子uncork v.to open a bottle by removing the cork 开瓶塞unlocked adj.not lockedwheeze v.to breathe noisily喘息wheezily adv.(说话)呼哧呼哧响地bloom v.(of flowers)to open or to be open(花儿)开放blossom v.to produce flowersbreast n.(here)the chest or front part of the bird bodybridegroom n.a man about to be married,or just marriedbubble v.to make a sound like water boiling发出汩汩的流水声bud n.a young tightly rolled-up flower(or leaf)before it opens花蕾:芽cartwheel n.大车车轮chamberlain n.an important official in charge of housekeeping affairs in aking court内侍总管chill v.to make sb.or sth.coldcoral n.珊瑚crimson adj.having a deep rich red color inclining to the blue rather than the yellow spectrumcrystal n.a transparent natural mineral that looks like ice or glass水晶cynic n.sceptic;a person who sees little or no good in othersdaffodil n.水仙花daisy n.雏菊deny v.to say that sth.is not true否认dove n.a small pigeon-like bird used as a sign of peaceebb v.to flow away from the shore;to gradually decreaseecstasy n.a very strong feeling of joy and happinessemerald n.a bright green precious stone 绿宝石faint adj.not strong or clear;weakfling v.(flung,flung)to move(oneself) quickly with a lot of forceflush n.blush;a red appearance of the face or body脸红flutter v.to move(the wings)quickly and lightly up and downfoam n.泡沫frown v.to move one's eyebrows together to show disapprovalgallery n.楼座,走廊(这里指乐师演奏的地方)girdle n.女用腰带grove n.a small group of treesgutter n.a channel at the edge of a road next to the pavement where water collects and flows away 排水沟harp n.a large musical instrument with strings竖琴jewel n.a precious stonelean v.to move or bend one's body in a particular directionlinger v.to take a long ime to leave or disapear逗留;消磨lizard n.蜥蜴marvelous adj.extremly good or enjoyable; wonderfulmeadow n.a field with wild grass and flowersmermaiden ually mermaid, a woman in fairy tales who has a fish's tail instead of legs美人鱼metaphysics n.形而上学,玄学mystery n.sth.that is dificult to understand or to explain 谜团nightingale n. a small bird that sings beautiful,esp.at night夜莺nip v.to take off;to keep sth. from growing or developingoak n.栎属树;栎树;橡树opal n.a precious stone which looks like milky water with colors in it蛋白石outright pletely and at oncepang n.a sudden sharp painpetal n.colored segment of the head of a flower 花瓣philosophy n.the study of ideas about knowledge,truth,the nature and meaning of life哲学pluck v.to pickruby n.a red jewel红宝石sincerity n.the quality of being honest and truesoar v.to fly high up in the skyspray n.a single small branch or stem with leaves and flowers on itstringed adj. ~ instrument:a musical instrument with one or more strings弦乐器sunbeam n.a ray ofsunlightsun-dial n.日晷thorn n.sharp pointed growth on a plant.刺;棘tomb n.a grave;the place in the ground where a dead person is buried坟墓topmost adj.highestunpractical ually impractical;not suitable;not fit for purposevein n.a tube that carries blood from any part of the body to the heart血管wretched adj.very unhappyaccelerator n.the part of a car that a driver presses down to increase speed油门,加速器addict n.a drug ~ :a person who cannot stop taking drugs吸毒成瘾者,痛君子almighty adj.having unlimited power 无所不能的;万能的;~ dollar:taking money as the main goal in life or basis of power 金钱万能;拜金主义amaze v.to fill with great surpriseattentive adj.observant;vigilant;focused专注的;留意的backpack n.a bag carried on the back,often supported by a metal frame, used especially by mountain climbers or walkers 旅行专用背包brake n.刹车brochure n.a thin book giving information小册子;介绍材料campground n.a place where people can pitch a tent to sleep for a small fee露营地cape n.headland;an area of high land that sticks out into the sea海角:岬cashless adj.not having or using moneychamber n. ~ of commerce:an organization or group of business people who gather for support and information商会chilly adj.cool;rather coldcommerce n.trade;the buying and selling of goods and services and all the associated businesses贸易;商务compasionate adj.feeling or showing care,understanding,consideration or sympathy for people in trouble有同情心的conquer v.to defeat or overcome击败;征服contrary adj.opposite相反的cowboy n.a person who looks after cattle in the westerm parts of theU.S.(美国西部的)牛仔display v.to show informationentertain v.to invite people to one's home,usually for a meal招待executive adj.执行的,负责的,行政的;an ~ director:行政长官(此处指商会负责人)folk n.peoplegamble n.a risky action or decision冒险的事;赌博;take a ~:to take an action that is risky or depends on chance rather than take an action that is risky or depends on chance rather than on a rational decisiongang n.a group of people who stick together,esp. for criminal or other antisocial purposes goodwill n.kind feelings towards or between people and a willingness to be helpful友善:发好hitch v.=hitchhike:to travel by asking drivers of passing cars for a free ride 沿途搭车旅行(hitchhiker:搭便车旅行者)intrigue v.to arouse interest or curiosity激起……好奇心involved adj.taking part in an activity or event,or being connected with it in some way参与:有关联jerk n.(infl)an idiot;a rather unpleasant,silly or foolish personkin n.(collective noun)relatives亲戚knifepoint n.at ~:while being threatened,or threatening sb. with a knife在刀子威胁下lumber-mill n.a place where trees are cut up to make wood planks,staves,etc.锯木厂lurk v.to wait quietly and secretly,sometimes in order to attack埋伏以便间机攻击magnificent adj.extremely good,beautiful or impressive 不平凡的;了不起的motto n.a short statement used as a guide to behavior 座右铭murderer n.a person who unlawfully kills another personpatriotic adj.feeling or showing love,support and loyalty to one's country 爱国的pitch v.to set up a tent or a camp搭(帐篷):扎(营)rapist n.a criminal who forces a woman or girl to have sex esp. by using violencerarely adv.not very oftenreadiness n.willingness or eagerness to do sth.愿意,敏捷,就绪recall v.to remember sth.renew v.to restore;to resume;to reaffirm;to reassert重新恢复revelation n.disclosure;sth. which is made known that was previously unknown 透露的真相:内心的透露roadside n.the edge or side of a roadshaby adj.in bad repair or condition often due to age破旧不堪的skid v.to suddenly slide sideways out of control 滑向一旁solely adv.onlystranded adj.unable to move from the place where you arebarely adv. only just; no more than; hardly; almost notbeat n. the area which a police officer walks around regularly and for which he or she is responsible管区; 辖区; 巡逻地段bless v. 祝福: ~my soul: used to express surprisecareer n. a job or profession one is trained for and intends to do for several years职业; 生涯cast v. (cast,cast)to throw; to ~an eye: to look atclub n. a stout, heavy stick, usually thicker at one end, suitable for use as a weapon darkened adj.(here)dim; unlitdine v. to eat dinnerdismally adv. in a cheerless mannerdoorway n. the entrance (the space in a wall) through which you enter or leave a room or building, the space that a door can close门口,门道doubtful adj. uncertain; feeling unsureexclaim v. to speak or say suddenly and loudly because one is surprised, angry or excited eyebrow n. the line of hair above one's eyegaze v. to look with concentration for a long time凝视guardian n. protector保护人; 卫士gust n. a~of wind: a sudden, strong movement of wind 一阵狂风hardware n. ~store: a shop selling tools, machinery, nails, screws, etc. 五金店impressively adv. in a way that gives a deep impression 给人印象深刻地keen adj. interested; eager to do sthmoderately adv. fairly but not veryoddly adv. unusually; in an unusual wayrelease v. to let go; to stop holding sth.scar n.a mark left on the skin after a cut or wound heals伤疤sensible adj. reasonable, practical, and able to judge things well明智的; 切合实际的sharply adv. in a severe and disapproving way厉声地simultaneously adj.happening or done at exactly the same time 同时发生地spectator n.(here)an onlooker 旁观者square-jawed adj. having a relatively square jaw宽下巴的superiority n.an attitude that shows sb. is better than others优越感; 优势telegraph n. apparatus used to communicate at a distance over a wire (usually in Morse code) synonym电报tiepin n. a pin used to hold the tie in place synonym领带扣针; 领带别针unfold v. unroll; to open out; to straighten out展开; 打开unlighted adj.unlit; not set afire or burningwatchful adj. careful to notice what is happening around警觉的arrange v.(here) to decide,plan,or organize for sth. to happen安排aspect n.方面cell n.(here) a small room for a person (persons) in prisonchili n.干辣椒(粉);(here) pepper 辣椒construct v.to buildcontact n.the act or state of touching or meeting 接触cultivate v.种植,栽培decline v.to become weaker or worse 变衰弱document n.文件dump n.a place for leaving garbage垃圾倾倒场eliminate v.to remove;to get rid of除去:消灭enduring stingeventually adv.in the endfertilizer n.肥料flourish v.to grow quickly in a healthy way长得好fulfill v.to perform a duty or a task with satisfaction 完成;实现hallway n.the entrance lobby (hall) of a house or buldingintellectual adj.mental;cognitive;of the mind脑力的issue n.topicmanual ing the hands体力的metaphor n.隐喻miner n. a person who works in a mine矿工mixture n.混合物nourish v.to help sth. to grow especially by providing food 培育onion n.洋葱patch n.a small area of groundpeanut n.花生permission n.act of allowing允许pursue v.(here) to go on with;to be busy with从事,进行section n.a part of a larger place;(here)one part of the prison 监狱的一个区survive v.to continue to live生存下去tend v.(here)to take care of;to look aftertender adj.delicate,easily broken or damaged 娇嫩的tennis n.网球warder n.the head of a prison监狱长,看守,狱卒wither v.to dry up;to be reduced in size and color 枯萎。
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1.s trategy n. 策略2.m eans n.方法,手段3.d iligence n.勤勉,用功diligent a.4.p rolonged a.持续很久的,长时间的5.p rolong vt.延长,拖延6.n evertheless ad.然而,尽管如此7.c ommand n.掌握8.s ustained a.持久的,坚持不懈的9.s ustain vt. 保持,使继续下去10.helpful a.有帮助的,乐于助人的plain vi.抱怨12.memorize vt.记住,背熟13.cram vt.把…塞满14.bound a.一定的,很可能的15.constant a.经常的,不断的mit vt.把…托付给17.acquaintance n.了解,认识,熟人18.concentrate v.集中注意力,专心19.effective a.有效的20.route n.途径,路线21.enlarge v.扩大,放大22.vocabulary n.词汇(量)23.idiom n.习语,成语age n.惯用法25.basis n.方法,基础26.addition n.增加,加法27.repetition n.重复28.opportunity n.机会municate v.交流情况,沟通30.enjoyable a.令人愉快的31.campus n.校园32.rehearsal n.排演,预演33.partner n.同伴34.instance n.事例35.detail n.详情,细节36.purchase n.购买,购置物vt.购买37.environment n.环境38.reliable a.可靠的39.source n.来源,出处40.handle vt.处理,对付41.apart ad.相距,分开地42.assign vt.分配(任务)给某人43.motivation n.动机,动力44.motivate vt.使有动机45.culture n.文化46.summarize vt.总结,概括47.accumulation n.积累48.absorb vt.汲取,吸收by no means决不at fault有过错at a time每次be bound to肯定会commit to memory记住watch out for密切注意learn of/about得知,听说on a regular/daily/weekly basis经常、每天、每周in addition to除...之外over and over again反复seek out寻找feel free随意for instance例如in detail详细地act out将...表演出来apart from除...之外put ...into practice把...付诸实践49.determined a.下定决心的50.determine v. determination n.51.retire vi.退休52.voyage n.航海,航行53.crew n.全体船员54.steer vt.为…掌舵,驾驶55.device n.设备,装置56.gale n.大风57.previous a.以前的,过早的58.dissuade vt.劝阻59.treacherous a.暗藏危险的,奸诈的60.cape n.海角61.fortunately ad.幸运地,幸亏62.contact vt.联系,接触63.nearby ad.在附近64.following a.接着的,下列的65.waken v.唤醒,醒来66.nightmare n.噩梦67.drag vt.托,拉68.sinister a.凶恶的,邪恶的69.knight n.爵士vt.封…为爵士70.sword n.剑,刀71.accomplish vt.完成72.adventurer n.冒险家73.conquer vt.征服74.undoubtedly ad.无疑地75.moreover ad.此外,而且76.being n.生物,人77.rare a.罕见的,不常发生的78.occasion n.时刻,时机,场合79.mayor n.市长80.content a.满意的,高兴的81.primary a.最初的,首要的,根本的82.arrange vi.作安排,筹划83.minor a.较小的,次要的84.operate vi.开刀,动手术85.funeral n.葬礼86.efficient a.高效的87.decade n.十年88.endure vt.忍受,忍耐89.mint n.薄荷糖90.slipper n.拖鞋91.un seal ed a.未密封的92.parcel n.包裹93.reluctant a.不情愿的,勉强的94.flutter vi.飘动95.stoop vi.弯腰96.tremble vi.颤抖Unit 41.Worthwhile a.值得花时间的2.current a.当前的3.social a.社会的4.activity n.活动5.prohibit vt.禁止6.reasonable a.(人)讲道理的,合理的7.proposal n.提议,建议8.distract vt. 分散(思想)9.actually ad.真实地,实际上10.gap n.缺口11.divorce n.离婚12.rate n.率13.failure n.失败,失败的人14.disturb vt.打扰,使烦恼15.emotional a.感情的16.pastime n.消遣,娱乐17.sunset n.日落18.neighborhood n.临近地区,地段19.sdult n.成年人20.entertainment n.快乐,乐趣,娱乐21.typical a.典型的22.barely ad.仅仅,勉强,几乎没有23.literate a.能读写的,有文化的24.radical a.激进的25.electronic a.电子的26.involve vt.(必须)包括27.imagination n.想象力28.invent vt.发明29.illustrate vt.给…插图,举例说明30.genius n.天才31.semester n.学期32.embarrass vt.使窘迫,使尴尬33.astonish vt.惊讶34.publish vt.出版,发行,发布35.dumb a.愚蠢的,哑的36.recipe n.食谱,烹饪法37.graduate v.(大学)毕业38.minus a.低于零的,负数的prep.减去undry n.洗衣店40.ancient a.很旧的,古代的41.random n.任意,无目的行动a.任意的42.manuscript n.手稿a.手写的43.nonsense n.胡说,废话,荒谬的想法44.package n.包装袋,包,盒45.enclose vt.附上,围住46.illustration n.插图47.chapter n.章。
篇,回48.favorite n.最喜欢的人49.string n.线,细线50.contract n.合同51.royalty n.版税52.qualification n.资格qualify vt.使可胜任,资格53.discipline vt.训练,处罚54.thesaurus n.分类词典,宝库55.stink vi.发臭,(质量)糟透56.odds n.几率,胜算,极大的困难57.efficiency n.效率58.industrial a.工业的59.elementary a.初等的,初级的60.upper a.上面的,较高的61.drawer n.抽屉62.bureau n.衣柜63.expert n.专家,能手64.utensil n.用具,器皿65.foundation n.基础66.career n.职业,生涯67.engineering n.工程学,v.管理68.unfortunately ad.不幸地69.project n.项目,方案70.bachelor n.学士71.consultant n.顾问72.amaze vt.使大为惊讶73.whatsoever a.任何的,丝毫的74.inspect vt.检查75.shipment n.装运76.sleeve n.袖子77.relieve vt.减轻78.irregular a.不规则的79.assembly n.组装assemble v.80.recognize vt.认出,识别81.shift n.班82.observatiom n.观察observe vt. Observer n.83.oral a. 口头的84.findings n.调查的结果85.inspection n.检查86.redesign vt.重新设计87.decrease vt.减少88.management n.资方,管理(部门)89.background n.背景90.setting n.环境91.productive a.多产的92.promote vt.促进93.incentive n.刺激94.suggestion n.建议pliments n.致意,问候96.author n.作者97.intention n.意图,打算,目的98.sampler n.品尝者,样品检验员99.Christmas n.圣诞节100.select vt.挑选101.sample vt.品尝102.advantage n.利益,好处,优点103.privilege n.特权104.suspect vt.怀疑suspicion n.105.elderly a. 上了年纪的106.limp vi.跛行107.occasional a.偶然的108.heavy a.太油腻而不易消化的109.evident a.明显的,明白的110.sincerely ad.诚恳地sincere a.111.eventually ad.终于,最终112.positive a.有把握的,确信的113.cheat vt.欺骗114.chap n.男人,小伙子115.amidst prep. 在…中间116.prosperous a.富裕的,成功的prosperity n. 117.pitiful a.可怜的118.benevolent a.仁慈的119.sting vt.刺,蛰120.wrinkle v.(使)起皱纹121.dignity n.尊严122.appearance n.外表123.worn a.损坏的124.tactless a.不策略的125.magic n.魔术126.stretch v.伸展,拉长127.approach v.接近,临近munity n.社区129.balloon n.气球130.instantly ad.立即131.somehow ad.以某种方式132.scrape vt.刮,擦133.payment n.支付,付款,支付的款项134.sicken vt.使厌恶135.rob vt.剥夺,抢劫136.astonish vt.使大为惊讶137.absolutely ad.完全地,绝对地138.reveal vt.泄露,使显露139.slight a. 无足轻重的140.hint n.暗示141.deny vt. 拒绝给予,否认142.privacy n.独处,不受干扰private a.私人的pose vt.撰写,创作144.exclamation n.感叹,惊叫145.lucky a.幸运的146.talent n.天才147.critical a.危机的,决定性的148.spontaneously ad.自发地,自然地spontaneous a. 149.gratitude n.感激之情,感恩之心150.cue n.提示,暗示151.mirror n.镜子152.range n.一系列,一排153.slap vt.捆,打,啪的一声放154.jaw n.下巴155.grin n.咧嘴笑,露齿的笑156.expose vt.暴漏157.hug vt.拥抱,紧抱158.acquire vt.获得159.confidence n.信心,把握,自信160.naturally ad.自然地161.tone n.声调,口气162.indicate vt.表现indication n.163.wrap 包,裹164.doll n.玩具娃娃165.necktie n.领带、166.breed v.养育,繁殖167.startle vt.使大吃一惊,惊动168.mysterious a.神秘的mystery n.169.fort n.要塞,堡垒170.tide n.潮汐171.vanish vi.消失172.chew vt.咀嚼,咬173.retreat vi.退缩,退却174.chatter vi.喋喋不休175.painful a.痛苦的176.jail n.监狱177.exclaim vt.惊叫,大声说出178.fortify vt.增强,给…以勇气179.banner n.旗180.billow vi.翻腾。