”分析:这个例子中的语用失误在于将“传统古典园林”直译成了“traditional classical garden”,而没有根据实际情况选择更恰当的表达方式。
“传统古典园林”在中国文化中有着特定的含义,应该使用更贴近实际情况的表达方式,比如“traditional Chinese garden”。
”分析:这个例子中的语用失误在于使用了“please do not spit everywhere and throw trash randomly”这样生硬的表达方式。
在英文中,应该使用更礼貌和规范的表达方式,比如“Please do not spit or litter”. 这个公示牌虽然传达了一些基本规则,但缺乏对外国游客的友好度和文化背景的考虑。
合理的说法应该是“this ancient city was built in the Tang Dynasty, and it has beautiful scenery”。
本科生毕业论文外文资料翻译专业XXXXXX班级 XXX班姓名 XXXXXX指导教师XXXX(讲师)所在学院XXXXXXXXXXX附件1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文译文一:旅游目的地品牌标识:以斯洛文尼亚为例关键词:品牌标识;品牌;概念;斯洛文尼亚;旅游目的地;品牌认知摘要:本文从供应方角度探讨旅游目的地品牌标识的概念,对比研究,此研究侧重于需求驱动的、游客感知的旅游目的地品牌标识。
公共场所双语标识英文译法English Translation of Public Signs第2部分景区景点Part 2: Tourist Attractions1 范围DB11/T 334本部分规定了景区景点双语标识英文译法的原则。
2 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本部分。
2.1 旅游景区景点tourist attractions指以旅游及其相关活动为主要功能或主要功能之一的空间或地域。
本标准中旅游景区景点是指具有参观游览、休闲度假、康乐健身等功能, 具备相应旅游服务设施并提供相应旅游服务的独立管理区。
3 分类旅游景区景点的英语标识按内容可分为警示提示信息、功能设施信息、服务类信息和其他信息。
4 具体要求4.1 警示提示信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.2 功能设施信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.3 旅游景点通名地名通名通常采用英文直接翻译,英文单词首字母大写,其余小写。
4.3.1 植物园译为Botanical Garden,如北京植物园Beijing Botanical Garden。
4.3.2 博物馆4.3.2.1 一般名称译为xxxx Museum, Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆History Museum。 某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名),如大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple。
4.3.3 纪念馆4.3.3.1 历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’s,如吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial。
旅游英语学期论文论文题目:景区标识语英文翻译失误How to improve student’s communicativeskills when traveling学生姓名谢一凡学生学号201107050201430学生班级2011-2学科专业英语学年学期2013-2014指导教师李亮老师所在学院语言文化学院2014年12月15日摘要随着对外开放的不断发展,中英双语标识语越来越广泛地显现在城市的各个角落,在中外交流中发挥着极其重要的作用。
关键词:景区,标识语,中英翻译,分析,石河子市AbstractThe world is moving forward in an inconceivable speed, and with the development of tourist industry, Chinese-English signs are widely used in every corner of all cities, and play an significant role in communications between Chinese and foreign visitors. And at present, there are still a lot of mistakes and shortcomings among some scenic areas which can dwindle the good impressions in the mind of the foreign visitors. And this paper focus on the translation mistakes of the bilingual scenic signs through the analyses of the scenic areas in Shi Hezi city and gives some suggestions.Key words: scenic areas; signs; bilingual translation; Shihezi1.IntroductionAs the vehicle of communication, public signs do matter a lot, and the translation of pubic signs can not only effect every aspect among foreign visitors, but also can stand for the figure of a city. For this reason, the veracity of the bilingual public signs play a big role in city modeling, environmental construction and economic development. And in this paper, I will analyse the mistakes of the scenic signs which I found in Shihezi city, and give a reference for standardizing the translation of scenic signs.2. The major mistakes of the bilingual scenic signsThis year, I visit the major scenic areas in Shihezi city and collected a lot of bilingual scenic signs and found out many problems in the translation of scenic signs.2.1 Clerical errorsWhen analyse the bilingual pubic signs, I found some clerical errors.2.1.1 Wrong capital and small letterSuch as: NO Smoking And Firing In The Tourism AreaRengong lake2.1.2 Wrong lexical collocationThere are three versions of NON-RECYCLABLE:NON-RECYCLABLE, NO-RECYCLABLE, NOT-RECYCLABLE.And obviously, the first one is right.2.2 The default of the English translationIn some scenic areas, there is not any English translation among the public signs, and some only use pinyin instead of English, which can not deliver the correct connotation to the foreign visitors.Take “West Park” as an example. I can only see Chinese and pinyin on public signs, such as,西公园:XI GONG YUAN; 动物园:DONG WU YUAN; 静心亭:JIN XIN TING; 鱼米之乡风情园:YU MI ZHI XIANG FENG QING YUAN.Some places even leave out the pinyin. And these kinds of signs can not make foreign visitors understood.2.3 Choose inappropriate words and neglect the cultural connotationThere are many differences between Chinese and English such as the associative meaning, The established conventions, the shade of meaning and semantics range. So the translator willmake some ridiculous mistakes if he only choose the word according to literal meaning. For instance, 出口:Export.And cultural factors can not be bypassed when translate the public signs or mistakes will made. And we can see different versions of “toilet” signs in Century Park. Such as Toilet, WC, Washing Room. Although these three words deliver the same meaning, in western country, they are different. WC is old and scruffy, washing room often set in the building, and in scenic areas, toilet is the best choice.2.4 Use ChinglishTranslation is a skill, an art and a creation, the translators need to be equipped with well language skills and translation skills, not only to pile the words up. However, I found a lot of mistakes in grammar and structure, and most of them are not English at all. Such as:请勿下水,注意安全。
旅游品牌定位外文翻译文献旅游品牌定位外文翻译文献旅游品牌定位外文翻译文献(文档含英文原文和中文翻译)原文:Destination brand positions of a competitive set ofnear-home destinationsAbstract: Although the branding literature commenced duringthe 1940s, the first publications related to destination brandingdid not emerge until half a century later. A review of 74destination branding publications by 102 authors from the first 10 years of destination branding literature (1998(1998––2007)found at least nine potential research gaps warranting attention byresearchers. In particular, there has been a lack of research examining the extent to which brand positioning campaigns have beensuccessful in enhancing brand equity in the manner intended in thebrand identity. The purpose of this paper is to report the resultsof an investigation of brand equity tracking for a competitive setof destinations in Queensland, Australia between 2003 and 2007. A hierarchy of consumer-based brand equity (CBBE) provided an effective means to monitor destination brand positions over time.A key implication of the results was the finding that there was no change in brand positions for any of the five destinations overthe the four four four year year year period. period. period. This This This leads leads leads to to to the the the proposition proposition proposition that thatdestination position change within a competitive set will onlyoccur slowly over a long period of time. The tabulation of 74 destination branding case studies, research papers, conceptual papers and web content analyses provides students and researcherswith a useful resource on the current state of the field.brand equity;Keywords: Destination branding; Consumer-basedShort breaks; Destination image; Destination positioning IntroductionA brand is a distinguishing name and/or symbol (such as a logo, trademark, or package design) intended to identify the goods or services of either one seller or a group of sellers, and to differentiate those goods from those of competitors.Destination branding is the set of marketing activities that (1) support the creation of a name, symbol, logo, word mark or othergraphic that readily identifies and differentiates a destination;that (2) consistently convey the expectation of a memorable travel experience that is uniquely associated with the destination; that(3) serve to consolidate and reinforce the emotional connection between the visitor and the destination; and that (4) reduce consumer search costs and perceived risk. Collectively, theseactivities serve to create a destination image that positively influences consumer destination choice.Branding is therefore considered mutually beneficial from boththe supply and demand perspectives. Enhancing the ability of the brand to differentiate effectively can generate advantages for products and services, such as increased purchase intent, lower costs, increased sales, price premiums, and customer loyalty.Advantages for destination marketing organisations (DMO) include increased potential to differentiate against places offeringsimilar benefits, increased destination loyalty and increasedyield for stakeholders such as local tourism businesses and travelintermediaries. Benefits for the traveller include ease ofdecision making through reduced search costs, reduced risk, and possibly enhanced brag value.The focus of most research reported to date has been concernedwith the development of destination brand identities and theimplementation implementation of of of campaigns campaigns campaigns One One area area area requiring requiring requiring increased increasedattention is that of tracking the performance of destination brandpositions over time. That is, the extent to which destination brands' brands' positioning positioning positioning and and and repositioning repositioning repositioning campaigns campaigns campaigns have have have been beeneffective in enhancing brand equity consistent with that intendedin the brand identity. This is an important gap in the tourism literature, given: i) increasing competition ; ii) the increasinglevel of investment by destination marketing organisations (DMO);iii) the complex political nature of DMO brand decision making andincreasing increasing accountability accountability accountability to to to stakeholders;iv) stakeholders;iv) stakeholders;iv) the the the long-term long-termnature of repositioning a destination's image in the marketplace.In terms of metrics for DMOs in general, a number of researcher in various parts of the world have pointed to a lack of marke research research monitoring monitoring monitoring effectiveness effectiveness effectiveness of of of destination destination destination marketing marketingobjectives, such as in Australia, North America, and Europe.The aim of this study was to track the brand positions held by a competitive set of near-home destinations between 2003 and 2007. 2007. For For For this this this purpose purpose purpose the the the efficacy efficacy efficacy of of of a a a hierarchy hierarchy hierarchy of ofconsumer-based brand equity (CBBE) was trialled. CBBE was first promoted by Aaker and Aaker and more recently by and to supplementtraditional balance sheet brand equity measures. The rationale underpinning CBBE as a brand performance metric is that consumer perceptions of the brand underpin any financial estimate of futureearnings estimated in the financial measure of brand equity. Sincea financial balance sheet brand equity measure will be of little practical value to destination marketers, the concept of CBBE is worthy of consideration by DMOs. However, the potential of CBBEfor destinations has only recently attracted the attention of academic researchers.Author :Steven PikeNationality :AustraliaSource:Tourism Management, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 24 January 2009译文:就近目的地竞争组的旅游目的地品牌定位摘要:尽管品牌学兴起于20世纪40年代,第一个与目的地品牌相关的出版物却直到半个世纪后才出现。
1.如:革命圣地原译:the scared place改译为:Sacred Place of the Chinese Revolution.“scared”与“sacred”两个单词拼写较为相似,但是意思却有天壤之别,“scared”是“可怕的”,细微的差异会造成极其恶劣的政治影响。
濒危物种2.原译:Dangerous Species改译为:Endangered Species.“dangerous”是“危险的”意思,“濒危”是自身处于危险之地。
旅游目的地品牌识别——斯洛文尼亚案例外文翻译外文翻译Tourism destination brand identity: The case of SloveniaMaterial Sourece: Journal of Brand Management Author: Maja KonecnikINTRODUCTIONThe research line of tourism destination brands is merely in its infancy. Despite earlier scepticism about transferring the brand concept to the tourism destination context, that concept has definitely attracted the interest of tourism destination researchers and practitioners of late. Although destination branding appears to be one of the newest research areas, the topic has been partly covered under the alternative label of destination image studies, which has been a subject of investigation for more than 30 years. Ritchie and Ritchie, however, stated that the development of a coherent and commonly accepted framework is essential for using branding theory in a tourism destination context.Although a tourism destination can be branded, considerable care should be taken in the transfer of branding principles to a tourism destination context. Because its application without sensitive inclusion and consideration of the significance of public space may result in acommercial orientation, which runs the risk of spoiling the identity characteristics such as social relationships, history and geography and by extension may destroy an area’s sense of place. In turn, within a global context place identity can contribute importantly, to the creation and sustenance of a distinctive competitive edge. Raising awareness of the historical nature of the concept of culture in relation to the ‘extraordinary’, hat tourists are in a search for, is relevant in the processes of identity formation at both global and local levels. Therefore, it is essential that the development of a tourism destination brand should adhere to a coherent theoretical framework and be jointly supported by its stakeholders.BRAND IDENTITYRecently, much attention has been devoted in the business and management literature to the concept of brand identity. Although various authors have been unable to accept a common definition they do share a common opinion, namely that brand identity development is a theoretical concept best understood from the supply-side perspective. Kapferer p.71 provides a very simple and clear explanation to gain an understanding of brand identity that underscores the significance of the supply-side perspective on the brand concept: ‘before knowing how we are perceived, we must know who we are’. According to his explanation, the tour ist destination, rather than the consumer, should define both its brand andcontent. A tourist destination is a complex concept, which is based on a myriad of different products, services and experiences; managed by different stake-holders tourism industry sector, public sector, government, destination management organisation, locals with a variety of ownership forms and often without an appropriate hierarchy with a set of rules for stakeholders to adhere to. Within such context, a brand identity can serve as a network picture, which draws, in turn on historical, national and cultural relation-ships to develop a common view, which becomes the basis for joint action for/or against change. In that sense, the supply-centric perspective of brand identity is significant and, among others, recognized by the International Corporate Identity Group, within the meaning of corporate identity proposed by Ind.The multiple roles of the brand identity concept are reflected in investigations. For example, Kapferer50 introduced a hexagonal model called the brand identity prism. It is based on six central components: physique, personality, culture, relationship, reflection or image and self-image. Later, de Chernatony’s model adapted Kapferer’s brand identity prism. In our opinion, Aaker and Joachimsthaler’s brand leadership model is so far the most salient one in the literature for three reasons. First, the model is systematic. Branding can easily become overwhelming in the multitude of components and theories that play a role in brand identity development. Therefore, there is a need to provideguidelines enabling decision makers to examine issues utilizing a three-phased structure: a pre-analysis of strategic processes; a tourism destination brand identity system analysis and a post-brand implementation process. Secondly, the model is comprehensive, that is, its brand leadership model underscores the subject in its breadth. The model covers both the strategic and visionary roles of managers rather than limiting the discussion to their tactical and reactive roles. It focuses on the issue of strategic brand control, that is, setting out what a brand should stand for from the perspective of relevant stakeholders, including customers and subsequently, communicating the desired corporate identity consistently, efficiently and effectively. Thirdly, the model is pragmatic because it recognizes that decision makers should be involved in both formulating and implementing the business strategy. Both the strategic vision of the decision makers and their corporate culture should have a significant influence on the destination’s brand strategy. In practical terms, it implies that a destination brand identity strategy should not promise what a destination cannot or will not deliver.TOURISM DESTINATION BRAND IDENTITY FRAMEWORKThis implies that the research that combines the marketing literature focusing mostly on the brand concept with the tourism literature focusing primarily on a destination’s image is still in its infancy. The most comprehensive and recent work to date in the literaturethat clearly high-lights the difference between the image-formation process and branding was published by Cai. This observation is significant because image formation is not synonymous with branding, albeit that the former constitutes the core of the latter. Image building comes one step closer but it lacks a critical link, namely, with brand identity. By underscoring the significance of the brand identity concept at the destination level, Cai’s work i dentified the main theoretical weaknesses of destination brand studies driven by a customer-centric perspective. Also, Cai proposed a conceptual model of destination branding that centres on building a destination identity through spreading activation theory. The latter results from a logic of dynamic link-ages that results from the activation of the brand element mix, subsequent image building, brand associations and marketing activities. Another advantage of the model is that it recognises that image, ‘as projected by the destination management organization’. Accordingly, it should be possible to assess the gap between the perceived and the projected image. The assessment provides an appropriate input for building the desired image that is consistent with the brand identity and ‘organizes social, historical, cultural and natural elements into a stream of impressions’. Within Cai’s model of destination branding the marketing function’s role is emphasised, while the model does not go into detail on how to build and develop a brand identity for a specific destinationThe tourism destination brand identity system represents the process of developing a destination brand identity, which incorporates relevant local cultural characteristics. As Aaker and Joachimsthaler suggested, a destination brand identity should include 6?12 such dimensions in order to adequately describe the aspirations of a particular brand. At least one of these dimensions must differentiate the tourism destination from competing destinations. Although these dimensions can vary from one destination to another, they can be summarised by four brand characteristics to persuade tourists to visit Slovenia instead of other destinations. These are the brand as a product, the brand as a symbol, the brand as an organization and the brand as a personality. Modern tourists want to experience ‘a sense of place’ when visiting a destination. Therefore, experiential and symbolic benefits play as important role as functional benefits in a destination brand’s identity.CONCLUSIONSIn the literature, the importance of the brand identity concept seems to be commonly accepted as an important perspective on brand investigation. In contrast, the tourism research publications have paid little attention to this topic. This observation presented a motive for the present paper, which provides theoretical underpinning for the tourism destination brand concept from the owner’s perspective. One justification for the paper is that it complements previousinvestigations that approached tourism destination branding from a perceived image perspective. We underscore in our paper, the potential danger of prescriptions, which result from a single-minded tourist-centric perspective. The identity-based approach offers a counter perspective to tourist- driven marketing, n that it affords ‘insiders’ the opportunity to project their image of Slovenia’s essence and within such context experience identity, that is, to connect in one way or another with the emotional feelings of the host译文旅游目的地品牌识别??斯洛文尼亚案例资料来源:品牌管理的杂志作者:玛雅简介与许多以产品品牌为主题的科学贡献不同的是(很少的服务和企业品牌),旅游目的地品牌研究路线,只是处于起步阶段。
DB一.警告提示信息序号中文英文1出口EXIT/Exit2入口ENTRANCE/Entrance3出口方向Way out4入口方向Way in5防洪通道,请勿占用;Flood Control Channel.Keep Clear!6非游览区,请勿进入;No Admittance/No Visitors7严禁倚靠Stand Clear/No Leaning8有佛事活动请绕行Detour.Buddhist Ceremony in Progress.9内部施工暂停开放Under Construction.Temporarily Closed.10此处施工带来不便请原谅Under construction.Sorry for the inconvenience. 11临时出口Temporary Exit12小心滑倒Caution!Wet Floor/Caution!Slippery13风力较大勿燃香请敬香Windy.No Incense Burning!14严禁中途下车No Drop Off between Stops15请爱护文物/保护文物Please Protect Cultural Relics16请在台阶下等候Please Stand Clear of the Steps17请勿投食Don't Feed the Animals18请勿惊吓动物Don't Frighten the Animals19请勿拍打玻璃Don't Tap on the Glass20请勿将手臂伸出车外Keep Arms inside Carriage21禁止开窗Keep Windows Closed/Don't Open Windows22 1.2米以下儿童免票Free for Children under1.2Meters23应急疏散图Evacuation Chart24请您不要坐在护栏上边Don't Sit on the Guardrail25请您不要随意移动隔离墩Don't Move Barriers26非机动车禁止入内Motor Vehicles Only27请您穿好救生衣Please Wear Life Vest28前方弯路慢行Bend Ahead.Slow Down!29酒后不能上船Those under the influence of alcohol not allowedon board.30请爱护洞内景观Please Help to Protect the Cave Scenery31严禁携带宠物No Pets Allowed32原路返回Please Return by the Way You Came33请沿此路上山Climbing Route/To the Top↗34园内禁止烟花爆竹No Fireworks Allowed/Fireworks Prohibited35景区内禁止狩猎No Hunting36雷雨天禁止拨打手机Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms37二十四小时营业24-Hour Service二.功能设施信息序号中文英文1综合公园Comprehensive Park2儿童公园Children's Park3动物园Zoo4植物园Botanical Garden5历史名园Historic Garden6自然保护区Nature Reserve7主题公园Theme Park8森林公园Forest Park9地质公园Geopark10游乐园Amusement Park11带状公园Linear Park12街旁游园Community Park13雕塑公园Sculpture Park14盆景园Mini-Scape Garden/Bonsai Garden 15体育公园Sports Park16景观Scenery17景区Scenic Area18景点Scenic Spot19森林浴Forest Bath20空气浴Air Bath21日光浴Sun Bath22温泉浴Hot Spring Bath23泥沙浴Sand Bath24野营露营Camping25消闲散步Strolling26郊游野游Outing27垂钓Fishing28登山攀岩Mountaineering/Rock-Climbing 29揽胜探险Expedition30科普教育Popular Science Education31游戏娱乐Entertainment32健身Bodybuilding33演艺Art Performance34水上运动Aquatic Sports35冰雪活动Ice Skating&Skiing36滑草活动Grass Skiing37滑沙Sand Skiing38电影拍摄Filming39数字特技Digital Stunt40电影录音Film Recording41电影剪辑Film Editing42电影洗印Film Processing43电影动画Film Animation44摄像室Photo Studio45无烟景区Smoke-Free Scenic Area47大型水滑梯/大型戏水滑道Water Slide48滑水Surfing49潜水Scuba Diving50收费停车场Pay Parking51茶室Tea House52游泳池Swimming Pool53残疾人客房Accessible Guestroom54吸烟区Smoking Area55非吸烟区Non-Smoking Area56信用卡支付Credit Cards Accepted57讲解服务Tour Guide Service58国家级文物保护单位State Protected Historic Site59市级文物保护单位Municipality Protected Historic Site/City Protected Historic Site60区级文物保护单位District Protected Historic Site61爱国主义教育基地Patriotic Education Base62浅水区Shallow Water63深水区Deep Water64采摘区Fruit-Picking Area65步行街Pedestrian Street66工农业旅游示范点Industrial and Agricultural Site67游览观光车Sightseeing Trolley/Sightseeing Bus 68儿童游乐场/儿童乐园Children's Playground69水上漂流Drifting70标本室Specimen Room71表演时间Show Time72观赏区Viewing Area73投喂区Feeding Area74触摸区Petting Area75残疾人服务Service for Disabled76平安景区Accredited as a Safe Scenic Area 77接待标准Reception Standards78自行车架Bicycle Stand北京地区博物馆及相关双语标识英文译法通用标识1停车场Parking2售票口Ticket Office/Tickets3游客中心Tourist Center4医务室Clinic5餐厅Restaurant6快餐Snack Bar7商店Shop8厕所Toilet9入口ENTRANCE/Entrance10出口EXIT/Exit11导游服务/讲解服务Tour Guide Service12邮政服务Postal Service13游乐场Playground14游船码头Dock15办公区Administrative Area16垃圾箱Trash/Litter17消防栓Fire Hydrant18照相服务Photo Service19残疾人专用Disabled Only20小件寄存Cloakroom21公用电话Telephone22游客投诉电话Complaints Hotline23游客咨询电话Inquiry Hotline24紧急救护电话First Aid Call12025禁止吸烟No Smoking26游客止步No Admittance27禁止游泳No Swimming28禁止钓鱼No Fishing29严禁攀登No Climbing30请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass 31请爱护文物/保护文物Please Protect Cultural Relics 32食品部Snack Shop33酒吧Bar34前台Reception35更衣室Dressing Room36火警出口Fire Exit37男厕所Gents/Men38女厕所Ladies/Women39勿扔垃圾No Littering40请勿拍照No Photography41步行梯Stairs42电梯Elevator/Lift43自动扶梯Escalator44旅游纪念品商店Souvenir Shop45广播室Broadcasting Office46失物招领Lost&Found47火情警报Fire Alarm48团体接待Group Tour北京地区博物馆名称1故宫博物院Palace Museum2中国国家博物馆China National Museum4北京鲁迅博物馆Beijing Lu Xun Museum5中国美术馆China Art Museum6毛主席纪念堂Chairman Mao's Mausoleum7中国体育博物馆China Sports Museum8民族文化宫博物馆Nationality Culture Palace Museum 9中国地质博物馆China Geological Museum10中国农业博物馆China Agricultural Museum11中国古动物馆China Paleozoological Museum12中华航天博物馆China Space Museum13中国人民抗日战争纪念馆Museum of the War of Chinese People's Resistance Against Japanese Aggression14中国科学技术馆China Science and Technology Museum 15宋庆龄故居Former Residence of Soong Ching Ling16中国人民革命军事博物馆Military Museum of the Chinese People's Revolution17中国航空博物馆China Aviation Museum18北京自然博物馆Beijing Natural History Museum19北京天文馆Beijing Planetarium20首都博物馆Capital Museum21北京孔庙Temple of Confucius22大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple 23北京艺术博物馆Beijing Art Museum24北京古代建筑博物馆Beijing Ancient Architecture Museum25北京石刻艺术博物馆Beijing Stone Carvings Art Museum26徐悲鸿纪念馆Xu Beihong Memorial27炎黄艺术馆Yan-Huang Art Museum28明十三陵博物馆Ming Tombs Museum29北京古观象台Beijing Ancient Observatory30郭沫若纪念馆Guo Moruo Memorial31梅兰芳纪念馆Mei Lanfang Memorial32中国佛教图书文物馆China Buddhist Literature and Heritage Museum33中国长城博物馆China Great Wall Museum34雍和宫藏传佛教艺术博物馆Tibet Buddhist Art Museum of YonghegongLama Temple35北京古代钱币博物馆Beijing Ancient Coins Museum36北京西周燕都遗址博物Beijing Museum of Western Zhou Dynasty Yan Capital Site37北京辽金城垣博物馆Beijing Liao and Jin City Wall Museum38北京市大葆台西汉墓博物馆Beijing Dabaotai Western Han Tombs Museum39北京大学赛克勒考古与艺术博物馆Arthur M.Sackler Art and ArchaeologyMuseum of Peking University40北京市白塔寺管理处Administrative Office of Beijing White Dagoba Temple41李大钊烈士陵园Martyr Li Dazhao's Cemetery 42詹天佑纪念馆Zhan Tianyou Memorial43焦庄户地道战遗址纪念馆Jiaozhuanghu Memorial Museum of Tunnel Warfare Site44中央民族大学民族博物馆Nationalities Museum of Central University for Nationalities46北京航空馆Beijing Aviation Museum47云居寺石经陈列馆Sûtra Stones Exhibition Hall of Yunju Temple48密云县博物馆Miyun County Museum49昌平区博物馆Changping District Museum50通州区博物馆Tongzhou District Museum51山戎文化陈列馆Shanrong Culture Exhibition Hall52北京长辛店二·七纪念馆Beijing Changxindian February Seventh Strike Memorial Museum53上宅文化陈列馆Shangzhai Culture Exhibition Hall 54郭守敬纪念馆Guo Shoujing Memorial55中国第四纪冰川遗迹陈列馆China Quaternary Glacial Vestige Exhibition Hall56周口店北京人遗址博物馆Zhoukoudian Peking Man Site Museum 57中国印刷博物馆China Printing Museum59中国工艺美术馆China National Arts and Crafts Museum60北京红楼文化艺术博物馆Beijing Red Mansion Culture and Art Museum61北京文博交流馆Beijing Cultural Exchange Museum 62正阳门Zhengyangmen63北京市东南城角角楼文物保管所Beijing Cultural Relics Administrative Officeof the Watchtower at Southeast Corner of theOriginal Inner City Wall64团城演武厅Military Training Hall in Round City 65文天祥祠Wen Tianxiang Memorial66门头沟区博物馆Mentougou District Museum67北京钟鼓楼文物保管所Beijing Cultural Relics Administrative Office of Drum and Bell Towers68法海寺Fahai Temple69中国画研究院展览馆Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting Exhibition Hall70圆明园展览馆Yuanmingyuan Garden Exhibition Hall 72大觉寺Dajue Temple73茅盾故居Former Residence of Mao Dun74北京中华民族博物院Beijing Chinese Ethnic Museum75观复古典艺术博物馆Guanfu Classical Art Museum76古陶文明博物馆Ancient Pottery Culture Museum77何扬·吴茜现代绘画馆He Yang and Wu Qian Modern Painting Museum78中国钱币博物馆China Numismatic Museum79中国医史博物馆China Medicine History Museum 80恭王府及花园Gongwangfu Garden81中国现代文学馆Modern Chinese Literature Museum 82中国蜜蜂博物馆China Apicultural Museum84国际友谊博物馆International Friendship Museum 87慈悲庵Cibei Nunnery88吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial89平西人民抗日斗争纪念馆Memorial Museum of Pingxi People's War Against Japanese Aggression90平北抗日战争烈士纪念馆Pingbei Memorial Museum of Martyrs in War Against Japanese Aggression91冀热察挺进军司令部旧址陈列馆Ji-Re-Cha Army Command Headquarters SiteExhibition Hall92十三陵水库展览馆Shisanling Reservoir Exhibition Hall93北京中医药大学中医药博物馆Chinese Medicine Museum of BeijingUniversity of Chinese Medicine94曹雪芹纪念馆Cao Xueqin Memorial96香山双清别墅Shuangqing Villa in Fragrant Hills 97中国电信博物馆China Telecommunications Museum98北京上庄纳兰性德史迹陈列馆Beijing Shangzhuang Nalan Xingde HistoricRelics Exhibition Hall99北京航空航天模型博物馆Beijing Aviation-Astronavigation Model Museum100老甲艺术馆Lao Jia Art Museum101北京戏曲博物馆Beijing Traditional Opera Museum 102老舍纪念馆Lao She Memorial104北京民俗博物馆Beijing Folk Custom Museum105保利艺术博物馆Poly Art Museum106中国紫檀博物馆China Red Sandalwood Museum 107北京麋鹿苑博物馆Beijing Elk Garden Museum 109坦克博物馆Tank Museum110北京工艺美术博物馆Beijing Arts and Crafts Museum111中华世纪坛世界艺术馆World Art Museum of China Millennium Monument113北京服装学院服饰博物馆Ethnic Costumes Museum of Beijing Institute of Clothing Technology114北京警察博物馆Beijing Police Museum 115北京自来水博物馆Beijing Tap-Water Museum116北京王府井古人类文化遗址博物馆Wangfujing Palaeoanthropological CulturalRelics Museum117北京金台艺术馆Beijing Jintai Art Museum118北京睦明唐古瓷标本博物馆Beijing Mumingtang Ancient Porcelain Museum119北京松堂斋民间雕刻博物馆Beijing Songtangzhai Folk Carving Museum120中国印钞造币博物馆China Banknote Printing and Minting Museum121中国铁道博物馆China Railway Museum122中国马文化博物馆China Horse Culture Museum 123北京皇城艺术馆Beijing Imperial City Art Gallery124北京御生堂中医药博物馆Beijing Yushengtang Chinese Medicine Museum125北京崔永平皮影艺术博物馆Beijing Cui Yongping Shadow Play Art Museum126北京人民艺术剧院戏剧博物馆Drama Museum of Beijing People's ArtTheater127北京市海淀区博物馆Haidian District Museum128居庸关长城博物馆Juyongguan Great Wall Museum129北京宣南文化博物馆Beijing Xuannan Culture Museum130北京百工坊博物馆Beijing Baigongfang Handicraft Museum 131中国电影博物馆China National Film Museum132新文化运动纪念馆New Culture Movement Memorial Museum 133老爷车博物馆Vintage Cars Museum博物馆常用名词1博物馆Museum2纪念馆Memorial/Memorial Museum3展览馆/陈列馆Exhibition Hall/Exhibition Center4美术馆/艺术馆Art Museum5科技馆Science and Technology Museum6天文馆Planetarium7管理处Administrative Office8故居Former Residence9收藏Collection10文物Cultural Relics11一级文物First Grade Cultural Relics12二级文物Second Grade Cultural Relics 13三级文物Third Grade Cultural Relics 14馆藏文物Collection15民间收藏文物Folk Collection16可移动文物Movable Cultural Relics17不可移动文物Immovable Cultural Relics18复制品Replica19文物鉴定Cultural Relics Identification 20文物库房Cultural Relics Storage21历史History22艺术Art23科学Science24古文化遗址Historic Cultural Site25古墓葬Historic Tomb26古建筑Historic Buildings26石窟寺Grotto27石刻Stone Carving28艺术品Artwork29工艺美术品Handicraft Article30展开图Panorama31拓片Rubbings32照片Photo33反转片Reversed Picture34录像资料Video Document35石制文物Stone Cultural Relics36纸制文物Paper Cultural Relics37木制文物Wooden Cultural Relics38丝织品Silk Fabric39棉麻制品Cotton and Linen40金属制品Metalware41陶器Pottery42磁器Porcelain43手工艺品Handicraft44手稿Manuscripts45古旧图书Ancient Book46古脊椎动物化石Vertebrate Paleontology Fossil 47古人类化石Palaeoanthropology Fossil48古迹Historic Site49颐和园Summer Palace50天坛Temple of Heaven51北海Beihai Park52十三陵Ming Tombs53雍和宫Yonghegong Lama Temple54寺Monastery(Temple)55庙Temple56研究Research57考古Archeology58发掘Excavation59导览设施Tour Guide Facilities60导览机Audio Guide61导览册Guide Book62标识牌Signal Board/Sign Board63解说牌Explanation Board64解说词Captions65展示Exhibition66展室Exhibition Room/Display Room67展厅Exhibition Hall/Display Hall68展场Exhibition Area69展板Display Board70展架Display Rack71展柜Showcase72展品Exhibit73书画Painting and Calligraphy74玉器Jadeware75青铜器Bronzeware76古代家具Ancient Furniture77现代书画Modern Painting and Calligraphy78中国画Chinese Painting79油画Oil Painting80固定陈列Permanent Exhibition/Permanent Display 81基本陈列Basic Exhibition/Basic Display82巡回展览Touring Exhibition/Touring Display83书画展览Exhibition of Paintings and Calligraphy 84临时展览Temporary Exhibition/Temporary Display 85历史文化展览Exhibition on History and Culture86城市建设展览Exhibition on Urban Construction87艺术展览Art Exhibition88绘画展览Paintings Exhibition89瓷器展览Porcelain Exhibition90青铜器展览Exhibition of Bronzeware91动手项目/动手操作Hands-On Activities92餐饮服务部Food&Beverages93纪念品销售部Souvenir Shop94卫生间Toilet95无障碍设施Wheelchair Accessible96自动取款机ATM97会议室Meeting Room/Conference Room98多功能厅Multifunction Room99咨询服务中心Information Center100小件寄存处Cloakroom101轮椅租用处Wheelchair Rental102雨具租用处Umbrella Rental103观众留言簿Complaints and Suggestions104开馆时间Opening Time105闭馆时间Closing Time106旺季开放时间Open Hours in High Seasons/Peak Seasons 107淡季开放时间Open Hours in Low Seasons/Off Seasons 108休息日Off Day109上午十点10AM/am110下午五点5PM/pm111正常开放Open112闭馆整修Closed for Renovation113门票价格Ticket Price114成人票价Adult Price115学生票价Student Price116儿童票价Child Price117优惠价格Discount Price118免费项目Free Service119收费项目/有偿服务项目Pay Service120观众Audience121老人Seniors122残疾人Disabled123现役军人Military Personnel in Active Service124普通观众General Visitors125学生团体观众Students Group126普通团体观众General Visitors Group127外宾团体观众International Guests Group128本市观众Local Visitors129外埠观众Non-Local Visitors博物馆相关名称1办公室Office2策划部Planning Department3保管部Storage Department4研究部Research Department5陈列部Exhibition Department6社教部Social Education Department7服务中心Service Center8志愿者服务中心Volunteers Service Center9馆长Curator10副馆长Deputy Curator11总工程师Chief Engineer12馆长助理Curator Assistant13主任Director14处长Department Chief15科长Section Chief16保管员Keeper17研究员Researcher18讲解员Docent/Guide19导游员Guide20售票员Ticket Seller21检票员Ticket Collector22保洁员Cleaner23志愿者Volunteer个性化名称1原有文物建筑Original Cultural Relics and Buildings 2复建文物建筑Restored Cultural Relics and Buildings 3博物馆活动Museum Activities。
公共场所双语标识英文译法English Translation of Public Signs第2部分景区景点Part 2: Tourist Attractions1围DB11/T 334本部分规定了景区景点双语标识英文译法的原则。
2.1 旅游景区景点t ourist attractions指以旅游及其相关活动为主要功能或主要功能之一的空间或地域。
4.3.1植物园译为Botanical Garden,如植物园Beijing Botanical Garden。
4.3.2博物馆4.3.2.1一般名称译为xxxx Museum, Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆History Museum。某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名),如大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple。
4.3.3纪念馆4.3.3.1历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’ s,如吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial。
公共服务领域翻译规范---旅游1国家级景区National tourist attraction2自然保护区Natural Reserve或Nature reserve3主题公园Theme park4森林公园Forest park5生态公园Ecopark6世界文化遗产World cultural heritage(泛指)或World cultural Heritage site(特指一处遗产)7爱国主义教育基地Patriotism education base8名胜古迹Scenic spots and historical sites(泛指多处景点)9国家级文物保护单位National cultural heritage site10故居Former residence11古迹Historical site12遗址Ruins13纪念馆;纪念堂Memorial hall14一级文物First grade cultural Relic 或grade one cultural relic15度假村Resort16野生动物园Wild life park17海洋公园Marine park或Ocean park18游乐园Amusement park19步行街Pedestrian street或Pedestrian zone20售票口Ticket office或Tickets21免票Free admission22半票;半价Half rate ticket(Ticket可以省略)23优惠票Concession ticket24电子检票口e- Ticket check-in或e- Ticket entrance25残疾人证Disability certificate26过山车Roller coaster27观光船Sightseeing boat或Sightseeing ship28租船处Boat rental29观赏区Viewing area30休闲区Leisure area31无烟景区Non- Smoking area32住宿区Loading area33农家乐Agritainment34观景台Observation deck或Observation platform或Viewing platform35旅游观光车Sightseeing bus或Sightseeing ca36纪念品店Souvenir store37皮影Shadow puppets38景泰蓝Cloisonne39唐三彩Tang tri- color glazed ceramics40玉器Jade ware公共服务领域翻译规范---商业金融1批发市场Wholesale market2使利店;方便店Convenience store3免稅店Duty- Free store4网上购物Online shopping5存包处Locker(自助);Left baggage(有人服务)6取包处Bag claim7试衣室Fitting room或Dressing room8过磅处;称重处Weigh counter9折扣店Discount store10结账台;付费处;收银处Cashier11试营业Soft opening12.营业时间Business hours或Opening hours13产地Place of origin或Made in14特价Special offer15促销Promotion16环保袋Recycle bag ex environment - friendly bag17手续费Service charge18代售火车票Train tickets19感谢惠顾Thanks for your patronage20汇款Remittance21借记卡Debit card22信用卡Credit card23人寿保险Life insurance24 24小时服务热线24- Hour hotline25网上银行Online banking service26报刊亭Newsstand或News kiosk27中药店TCM pharmacy28照相馆Photo studio29理发店Barber's或Barber shop30洗衣店Laundry31中央商务区Central business district或CBD32证券交易所Stock exchange33公积金货款Housing provident fund loan34理财服务Financial planning service35 24小时自助服务24- Hour se- Service36自动扶梯Escalator37人民币结算RMB settlement38系统故障Out of order39条码扫描口Barcode scanner或Barcode reader40.理赔Claim settlement公共服务领域翻译规范---文化娱乐1历史博物馆History museum或Museum of history2自然博物馆Natural history museum 或museum of natural history3展览馆;展示馆Exhibition center或Exhibition hall4美术馆;艺术馆Art gallery或Art museum5数字图书馆Digital library6大剧院Grand theater7.电影院Cinema或Movie theater8歌剧院Opera house9音乐厅Concert ha‖10活动中心Activity center11.少年宫Children' s palace12.文学类Literature13.艺术类Arts14学术类Academics15.科学类Science16教育类Education17.身份证登记Photo id required18失物招领Lost and found19.警告Notice20.暂停开放Temporarily closed21.图书查询Book search22畅销书Bestsellers23.科技馆Science and technology museum 或museum of science and technology24.网吧Internet cafe或Internet bar25休闲会所Recreation club或Club26.KTV包房KTV Room27展品Exhibits28文物Cultural relic29复制品Duplicate或Replica30.艺术品Artwork31.手工艺品Handicrafts32.院线Cinema chain33.上线(影片)Playing in theaters34.即将上映Coming soon或Upcoming movies35正在上映Now showing或Now playing36进口片;原版引进Imported37.演播厅Studio038.__元/半小时__Yuan/Half-Hour或__Yuan/30 Minute39会员售票处Membership tickets40.免费开放Free admission公共服务领域翻译规范---体育1体育场Stadium2足球场Football field或Soccer field3篮球场Basketball court4高尔夫球场Golf course5田径场track - and- Field ground6射箭场Archery range7卡丁车场Karting track8体育馆Indoor stadium或Gymnasium或Sports hall9篮球馆Basketball Gym10.台球馆;桌球馆Billiard hall11瑜伽馆Yoga gym12训练馆Training gym13保龄球馆Bowling alley14体操馆Gymnasium15柔道馆Judo gym16贵宾席VIP seats17竞赛区Competition area18裁判台Referee stand19工作人员区Staff area20摄影记者区Photo zones21游泳Swimming22跳水Diving23射箭Archery24田径Athletics25举重Weightlifting26滑冰Skating27滑翔Gliding28帆船Sailboat29散打Sanda30攀岩Rock climbing31现代五项Modern pentathlon32铁人三项Triathlon33锦标赛Championships或Tournament34公开赛Open championships35大师赛Masters tournament36职业联赛Professional league37甲级联赛League one38小组塞Group stage39 1/4决赛;四强赛1/4 Finals或Quarter finals40半决赛Semifinals或Semi- Finals公共服务领域翻译规范---教育1办公楼Administration building或Office building2实验楼Laboratory building3教室Classroom4实验室Laboratory或Lab5计算机房Computer room6借书处Circulation7还书处Book drop或Book return8阅览室Reading room9资料室Resource center10.档案室Archives center11大礼堂Auditorium或Assembly hall12学生宿舍;学生公寓Student dormitory13自习室(图书馆内)Study room14.学术报告厅Lecture ha‖15.多媒体教室Multimedia classroom16大学生活动中心Student center17.听课证Course registration card18课程表Class schedule或Timetable19.监控摄像头Surveillance camera20.校车School Bus或Shuttle bus21禁止滑板No skateboarding2不得带入食物No food allowed inside23不得占座No seat reservation24男士止步Women only25办公室(行政)Administration office26.财务处Finance office27.审计处Audit office28政教处Moral education office29.人事处Human resources office30学生工作处Student affairs office31.出版社Press或Publishing house32.编辑部Editorial office33信息中心Information center34科研处Office of academic research35校长室(大学)President s office36学生会Student union或Stu dents’ Union37招生办公室Admissions office38校广播电视台Campus broadcasting station39学生证Studented card40.校园卡Campus card公共服务领域翻译规范---医疗卫生1医院Hospital2中心医院Central hospital3康复医院Rehabilitation hospital4疗养院Sanatorium或Convalescent home或Convalescent hospital 5胸科医院Chest hospital6肺科医院Lung hospital7脑科医院Brain hospital8眼科医院Eye hospital9皮肤病医院Dermatology hospital10.肿瘤医院Tumor hospital或Oncology hospital11.社区卫生服务中心Community healthcare center12门诊部Outpatient department或Outpatients(用于Department可以省略的场合13急症部Emergency department(Department可省略)14.医护部Medical and nursing department15.护理部Nursing department16.住院部patient department17病房;病区Inpatient ward18检查室Examination room19.治疗室Treatment room20.观察室Observation room21手术室Operating room或Operating theater22.第诊室Consulting room23.内科Internal medicine department(Department可以省略)24挂号处Registration25收费处Cashier或Payment26.出院手续办理处Discharge27.住院手续办理处Admission28急诊办公室Emergency Department office29门诊办公室Outpatient department30.血液中心Blood center31体检中心Physical Examination center32产房Delivery room33.护士站Nurses station34投诉电话;投诉热线Complaints hotline35易燃物品Flammable materials36剧毒物品Toxic materials37门诊须知Outpatient guide38专家门诊Expert clinic39患者入口Patients entrance40.探视须知Visitor' s guide公共服务领域翻译规范---邮政电信1中国邮政集团公司China post2中国电信China telecom3中国移动China mobile4中国联通China Unicom5快递公司Courier services company(Company可以省略)6快递服务Express service或Courier service7同城快递Intra- City express service8国际快递International express service9中国邮政China post10.邮政储蓄Postal savings11邮政汇款Postal remittance12明信片Postcard13邮政编码Postal code14到付件Freight collect express item15汇票Money order16邮戳Postmark17纪念邮票Commemorative stamp18纪念封Commemorative envelope19贺卡Greeting card20自取件Self pick-up express item21到付件Freight collect express item22邮筒(寄信用)Mailbox23信箱(收信用)Letter box24邮政包裹Postal parcel25邮政报刊亭Newsstand或News kiosk26视频会议Videoconferencing27电话会议Teleconferencing28有线电视Cable TV29.捆绑式服务Bundled service30.电话每分钟计费标准Rate per minutes(可以缩写为RPM)31欠费停机Service suspended due to Insufficient balance32应急电话Emergency call33来电显示服务Caller id display34电话区号Area code35话费充值Prepaid refill或Prepaid recharge36移动宽带Mobile broadband37即时通讯服务Instant messaging service或m service38长途电话Long distance call39营业厅Service hall或Business hall40彩铃服务Color ring back tone公共服务领域翻译规范---餐饮住宿1火锅Hot pot2麻辣烫Spicy hot pot3烧烤Grill(在平底锅里烤)Barbecue(直接在火上烤)4拉面Lamian noodles5刀削面Diaoxiao noodles6米线Rice noodles7馄饨Huntun或Wonton8月饼Moon cake9白酒Liquor and spirits10米酒Rice wine11.豆腐Doufu或Bean curd12糕点Cakes and pastries13熟食Delicatessen(也可简作Deli)或Cooked food14花椒Sichuan pepper15醋Vinegar16茶馆Teahouse17小吃店Snack bar或Snacks18大堂经理Lobby manager19单人房间Single room20双人间(两张单人床)Twin room21双人间(一张双人床)Double room22.青年旅社Youth hosted23.快捷酒店Budget hotel24.连锁酒店Chain hotel25招待所Guesthouse26.客栈Inn27.自助餐厅Buffet或Cafeteria28.宴会厅Banquet hall29.禁烟区;无烟区Non- Smoking area30包间;包房Private room31.快餐店Snack bar或Fast food restaurant(Restaurant可省略)32西饼屋Pastry store(Store可以省略或Bakery)33.酱油Soy sauce34.三分熟Rare35.五分熟Medium36.七分熟Medium well37.十分熟(全熟)Well done38黄酒Yellow rice wine或Shaoxing wine39豪华套房Deluxe suite40.标准客房Twin room或Standard room或Double room公共服务领域翻译规范---交通1高速公路Expressway2国道National highway3省道Provincial highway4县道County highway5收费公路Tollway或Toll road6高架桥Overpass(指城市中的高架桥);Viaduct(指横跨河流或山谷的高架桥)7立交桥Highway interchange或Flyover8公共停车场Public parking9免费停车场Free parking10内部停车场Private parking(私人用);Staff parking(员工用)11临时停车Temporary parking12计时停车Hourly parking或Metered parking13交叉路口Crossroads或Intersection14双向交通Two- way traffic15注意行人Watch for pedestrians16注意信号灯Traffic lights ahead17注意障碍物Watch out for obstacles 或caution / obstacles ahead18注意危险Drive with caution19小心雪天路滑Road may be icy20禁止通行Do not enter或No entry21禁止掉头No U-Turn22禁止超车No overtaking23禁止停车No stopping或No stopping at any time24禁止向左向右转弯No left or right turn或No turns25路口优先通行Priority at intersection26右转车道Right- Turn lane27左转车道Left- Turn lane28直行车道Straight lane29掉头车道U- Turn lane30转弯慢行Turn ahead/ Slow down31城际列车Inter- City rail service32动车组D- Series high- Speed train.33高速列车;高铁G- Series high- Speed train 34一等座First class35二等座Second class36硬卧车厢Hard sleeper或Hard berth37软卧车厢Soft sleeper或Soft berth38第__航站楼Terminal__39航班号Flight no.__40办理登机手续;办票Check-in.。
旅游景点英译公示语语用失误例析1. 引言1.1 介绍Traveling to different places is a wonderful way to explore the world and experience new cultures. One important aspect of traveling is understanding and communicating with the locals, which is why signage and public notices in tourist attractions play a vital role in providing information to visitors.1.2 研究意义研究旅游景点英译公示语语用失误的意义在于加深对语言传播和跨文化交流的认识,探索如何在传达信息的同时避免语言误导和理解差异。
2. 正文2.1 语用失误概述语用失误是指在语言交际过程中出现的、与语法、逻辑无关的语言错误。
国外旅游品牌形象设计案例国外旅游品牌形象设计案例1. AirbnbAirbnb是一家知名的在线房屋租赁平台,通过其独特的品牌形象设计,成功地打造了一个个性化、独特的旅行方式。
2. BookingBooking是全球领先的在线酒店预订平台,他们的品牌形象设计以简约、可靠和亲近的形象为特点。
3. TripadvisorTripadvisor是全球最大的旅游网站之一,他们的品牌形象设计以权威性和真实性为核心。
4. ExpediaExpedia是全球领先的在线旅游公司,他们的品牌形象设计以开放性、多样性和无限可能性为特点。
5. Emirates航空Emirates航空是阿联酋的一家著名航空公司,他们的品牌形象设计以豪华、尊贵和高品质为核心。
公共场所双语标识英文译法English Translation of Public Signs第2部分景区景点Part 2: Tourist Attractions1 范围DB11/T 334本部分规定了景区景点双语标识英文译法的原则。
2 术语和定义下列术语和定义适用于本部分。
2.1 旅游景区景点t ourist attractions指以旅游及其相关活动为主要功能或主要功能之一的空间或地域。
本标准中旅游景区景点是指具有参观游览、休闲度假、康乐健身等功能, 具备相应旅游服务设施并提供相应旅游服务的独立管理区。
3 分类旅游景区景点的英语标识按内容可分为警示提示信息、功能设施信息、服务类信息和其他信息。
4 具体要求4.1 警示提示信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.2 功能设施信息译法原则参照本标准通则部分。
4.3 旅游景点通名地名通名通常采用英文直接翻译,英文单词首字母大写,其余小写。
4.3.1 植物园译为Botanical Garden,如北京植物园Beijing Botanical Garden。
4.3.2 博物馆4.3.2.1 一般名称译为xxxx Museum, Museum放在最后,如历史博物馆History Museum。 某机构的博物馆译为xxxx Museum of xxxx(机构名),如大钟寺古钟博物馆Ancient Bell Museum of Great Bell Temple。
4.3.3 纪念馆4.3.3.1 历史名人的纪念馆译为Memorial,人名不加’s,如吴运铎纪念馆Wu Yunduo Memorial。
中:云南有26个少数民族,是中国少数民 族种类最多的省份。各民族的服饰、建筑、 风俗、歌舞、饮食等,形成了一幅美丽的 风情画卷。 英:Home to 26 ethnic groups—the largest number in China—Yunnan Province offers tourists a cultural feast of unique ethnic costumes, architectures, customs, cuisines, songs and dances.
英:You’re not permitted to bring your own food to the park; you can only consume the fast food sold on the premises. 译:不允许自带食物进入公园 ,只能在里面的快餐店用餐。
英文:Out of all of America’s symbols, none has proved more enduring or evocative than the Statue of Liberty. 译文1:在美国所有的标志中,没 有比“自由女神”更持久、更具感 召力的了。 译文2:在美国所有的标志当中, “自由女神”最为持久,也最具感 召力。
汉语语言表达常常人文色彩浓郁,物 我一体,具有一种超越现实、虚实不 定的朦胧、变形之美,一景一物,皆 有灵性,主观色彩浓厚 英语表达客观、简约,语言上追求一 种自然理性之美,行文用字最忌重复 堆砌;另一方面,十分讲究句式结构 的逻辑层次和有机组合,语法规则十 分严格,反映出英语表达逻辑严谨、 思想缜密的美学特点。
1. 卢布尔雅那(Ljubljana)- 斯洛文尼亚的首都,有着历史悠久的城堡、美丽的特里佩尔桥和欧洲风格的建筑。
2. 布莱德湖(Lake Bled)- 斯洛文尼亚最受欢迎的旅游景点之一,湖中有一座浪漫的岛屿,景色宜人,周围有山峦环绕。
3. 女王洞(Postojna Cave)- 是斯洛文尼亚最大的洞穴系统之一,有着壮观的钟乳石和石笋。
4. 神庙山(Mount Triglav)- 斯洛文尼亚最高峰,位于尤利亚山脉中,是徒步爱好者的天堂。
5. 比斯特里察(Bled Castle)- 位于布莱德湖的岸边,是斯洛文尼亚最古老的城堡之一,可以俯瞰整个湖区的美景。
6. 普雷德约尔斯卡尼亚(Predjama Castle)- 是一座建在岩石洞穴里的城堡,有着悠久的历史和神秘的传说。
7. 斯科卡湖(Lake Bohinj)- 是斯洛文尼亚最大的湖泊,位于特里格拉夫国家公园内,被山脉和森林环绕。
8. 地球热点(Postojna)- 是一个地下地貌景观,有着壮观的地壳变动和地下河流。
9. 温泉城市罗加斯卡索卡(Rogaška Slatina)- 有着世界著名的温泉疗养中心和古老的建筑。
10. 莱什奇卡湖(Lake Cerknica)- 是一个独特的湖泊,根据季节不同,湖水的大小和形状会发生变化。
DOI:10.16661/ki.1672-3791.2019.12.202旅游景区双语标识中存在的问题及原因曹波(湖南财经工业职业技术学院 湖南衡阳 421002)摘 要:随着国家的发展,旅游景区的游客除了国内游客以外,还有国外的游客,为了提供高质量的服务,要求在旅游景区中设置双语标识,为游客提供便利性的标识服务。
关键词:旅游景区 双语标识 问题及原因中图分类号:H315.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-3791(2019)04(c)-0202-02旅游景区属于公共场所,通常情况下会采用街头路牌或是广告牌的方式进行表示介绍,双语标识则是将汉语语言翻译成为英语,利用英语以及汉语两种语言对景区情况进行说明,为中外游客提供参观以及旅游的便利。
1 旅游景区的双语标识问题目前在旅游景区中经常会出现双语标识的问题,虽然可以利用双语标识的方式为外国游客提供便利,提升旅游景区的形象感,但是,在双语标识方面经常会出现用语问题与翻译问题,严重影响整体服务工作效果,不能满足当前的实际工作标准。
1.1 书写错误英语拼写错误属于目前旅游景区中普遍存在的双语标识问题,例如:在某森林公园中,将垃圾桶上面的“不可回收”几个字翻译成为“Unredeemable”较为合适,但是,可以发现部分旅游景区翻译成为“Onredeemable”,英文的编写存在错误的现象,严重影响旅游景区的形象与双语标识服务效果。
下页附:外文翻译与原文参考格式英文翻译 (黑体、四号、顶格)外文原文出处:(译文前列出外文原文出处、作者、国籍,译文后附上外文原文)《ASHRAE Handbook —Refrigeration 》.CHAPTER3 .SYSTEM Practices for ammonia 3.1 System Selection 3.2 Equipment3.10 Reciprocating Compressors第3章 氨制冷系统的实施3.1 系统选择在选择一个氨制冷系统设计时,须要考虑一些设计决策要素,包括是否采用(1)单级压缩(2)带经济器的压缩(3)多级压缩(4)直接蒸发(5)满液式(6)液体再循环(7)载冷剂。
1997 ASHRAE 手册——“原理篇”中的第一章讨论了压缩制冷循环。
英文原文(黑体、四号、顶格)英文翻译2(黑体,四号,顶格)外文原文出处:(黑体,四号,顶格)P. Fanning. Nonlinear Models of Reinforced and Post-tensioned Concrete Beams. Lecturer, Department of Civil Engineering, University College Dublin. Received 16 Jul 2001.非线形模型钢筋和后张法预应力混凝土梁摘要:商业有限元软件一般包括混凝土在荷载做用下非线性反应的专用数值模型。
旅游景区标识语英译问题的实例分析盛湘君【摘要】标识语主要用来传递某种特定信息,以唤起人们的注意或向人们提出某种要求.随着中国影响力的增强,英语在中国的使用越来越普遍和重要.到中国游览参观与交流访问的国外游客也逐年增加.为适应旅游业需要,不影响外国游客对各景点特点的了解.在使用标识语时必须简明扼要、用词贴切并且文体得当.【期刊名称】《广西民族师范学院学报》【年(卷),期】2011(028)001【总页数】4页(P104-107)【关键词】旅游景区;英译;标识语【作者】盛湘君【作者单位】义乌工商学院外语外贸分院,浙江,义乌,322000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H059Abstract:According to the survey of the English translation of public signs in local scenic spots there mainly exist five types of translation errors, which greatly influence the foreign tourism and understanding of the Chinese scenic features.The English translation of public signs should be concise, appropriate and be presented in the right style in order to help foreign visitors know Chinese scenic spots well.Key words:Scenic Spots;English Translation;Public Signs标识语从广义而言,指给公众在公共场合看的语言文字,也称为“公示语”,“标志语”、“标示语”、“标语”等。
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卡普费雷(p . 71)提供了一个非常简单的、明确的解释以了解品牌的标识,对品牌概念强调供方角度的意义:“在我们懂得如何理解之前,我们必须知道我们是谁”。
关键词:目的地品牌;消费者的品牌资产;短休息;目的地形象;目标定位导言自从品牌学开始于1940年(参照盖斯特,1942),人们一致认识到品牌化提供给充满同质化产品的组织企业们以不同的手段去区分其产品([艾克,1991] ,[加德纳和利维, 1955],[凯勒,2003 ]和[科特勒等人,2007])。
一直缺乏连贯性,确定什么构成目的地的品牌,不仅在行业内和学术界(见[布莱恩等人,2005],[帕克和派崔克,2006]和[塔什哲和科扎克,2006 ])。
大多数研究报告的重点与目的地品牌特征和应用相关见例如,([克罗克特和伍德,1999],[豪尔,1999] ,[2001年05月]和[摩根等,2002])。
这在旅游学里是一个重要的差别,原因是:1.日益激烈的竞争(见摩根普里查德和皮哥特,2002年)2.旅游目的地营销机构(DMO)从上世纪90年代以来越来越高的投资水平 3.复杂的政治性质,DMO的品牌决策和加强问责制,以利益相关者(见派克,2005年)4. 长期性的重新定位的目的地的形象在市场上(见加特纳与亨特,1987年)。