



His works
《鳏夫的房产》 Mrs. Warren‘s Profession 《华伦夫人的职业》 《凯萨与克丽奥佩拉 》
Man and Superman (1903) Widowers' Houses (1892)
Major Barbara (1905)
Pygmalion (1912)
• .
Pygmalion [piɡ'meiljən ](1912)
窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady) 1964年改编成电影《窈窕
淑女》,当年获奥斯卡最佳 影片、最佳导演、最佳改编 音乐等八座小金人。)
Mrs. Warren’s Profession
Shaw—Dramatist of Ideas:
III.His purpose of writing these plays of “ideas” is to draw people’s attention to the social problems. Shaw—“Drama is no mere setting up of the camera to nature; it is the presentation of problem.” Shaw called his first plays “unpleasant”, because “their dramatic power is used to force the spectator to face unpleasant fact.” As a dramatic critic and a student of Ibsen, he knew how to achieve theatrical effect …. but he was careful (unlike Ibsen) not to scandalize them beyond their willingness to listen.


Colonel Pickering, a
linguist who has traveled to London from India to see Higgins. An elderly, amiable soldier, Pickering is as confirmed a bachelor as Higgins, but he is a gentleman who treats Eliza with respect and helps to moderate Higgins’ mistreatment of her.
Eliza Doolittle, the flower girl. Dirty and
ignorant, Eliza comes to Higgins and pathetically begs him to teach her to speak well enough to run a respectable flower shop.
Alfred Doolittle, a dustman, Eliza’s
father. Doolittle is distinguished by a good voice, an original mind, and a complete absence of conscience. He plans to blackmail Higgins, mistakenly thinking that Higgins has taken Eliza as his mistress. Higgins and Pickering are so delighted by the scoundrel’s straightforwardness that they give him five pounds. Doolittle is made middle class by Higgin's letter to Ezra D. Wannafeller, an American philanthropist, Higgins calls Doolittle “the most original moralist” in England. Wannafeller leaves Doolittle an income of 3 thousand pounds a year.


I was born intelligent - education ruined me. --Bernard Shaw
我生下来时很聪明的——教育把 depends on your dreams." So go to sleep. --Bernard Shaw

Money is not everything. There is Mastercard & Visa. --Bernard Shaw
born July 26, 1856, Dublin, Ireland Shaw briefly attended the Wesley College, Dublin, but never went to university and was largely self-taught.
Bernard Shaw visited Soviet in 1931.He spent his 75th birthday on Moscow.
In 1933,he came to China .Lu Xun represented other progressives welcomed Shaw.
pay a shilling, so that she may speak properly enough to work in a flower shop. Higgins makes merciless fun of her, but is seduced by the idea of working his magic on her. For a number of months, Higgins trains Eliza to speak properly. A relationship between Higgins and Eliza was developped,


Do you know the famous actress? Can you name some films which she acted in?
窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady) 1964年
1. Have you seen the film My Fair Lady ? 2. Who wrote the play?

He was member of Fabian Society, a middleclass socialist group that aimed at the transformation of English government and society.

Literary Career and Achievements
Do you heard of “the Pygmalion Effect”? The Pygmalion Effect (皮格马利翁效应) is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. If you expect a person to take responsibility, they probably will. If you expect them not to even try, they probably won’t.
The Fair Lady by George Bernard
Shaw is an adaptation of a Greek
story. Do you know the story?
Pygmalion, a gifted artist, makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman. He asks the Greek Goddess to bring her to life. His wish is granted.


With wondrous art, he creates a beautiful statue in ivory, Galatea, representing feminine ideal.
When Pygmalion returns home, he kisses his statue and is delighted to find that she is warm and soft to touch.
his works including: 60 plays, 5 novels, 3 volumes of music criticism, 4 volumescism, and heaps of social commentary, political theory, and correspondence.
theater. a freethinker, defender of women’s
rights, and advocate of equality of income.
Born in Dublin in 1856 to a middle-class Protestant family.
He married Charlotte Payne-Townshend in 1898, but it is known that he never touched her once.
The Pygmalion Myth
It derives its name from the famous story in Ovid’s Metamorphoses(奥德维变形记).
Pygmalion is disgusted by the loose and shameful lives of the women in his era, women of Amathus, the first women to become prostitutes, and decides to live alone and unmarried.


He opposes to Oscar Wilde’s “Art for art’s sake”, advocating literary works should reflect the
social reality.
Shaw and Luxun(鲁迅), and Songqingling宋庆龄
Saint Joan is the only
tragedy of his works
The decade of 20th century before WWI is a period of high productivity for Shaw
—— My Fair Lady
By No
(1856 ~ 1950)
• One day ,Shaw took part in a
grand party, in which he met a
very fat businessman. While • 有一次宴会前的演讲中,当
Shaw was very thin at that time. 轮到长得很瘦的萧伯纳发
爱尔兰剧作家,文学评论家,社会 主义的宣传者,1925年因作品具有 “理想主义”和“人道主义”获 诺贝尔文学奖。
His family belonged to the Irish protestant gentry. His father was an unsuccessful businessman; his mother was a musician of talent. Apart from the musical education he received from his mother, he was practically self-educated.



的风度;他穿衣服之不讲究尤甚于田间的稻草人:事 实上有一次他竟被当做流浪汉给抓了起来,因为警察 不肯相信穿得这样破破烂烂的人竟会是一位大作曲家, 更不能相信这副躯体竟能容得下纯音响世界最奔腾澎 湃的灵魂。他的灵魂是伟大的;但是如果我们使用了 最伟大的这种字眼,那就是说比汉德尔的灵魂还要伟 大,贝多芬自己就会责怪我;而且谁又能自负为灵魂 比巴赫的还伟大呢?但是说贝多芬的灵魂是最奔
芬是不可想象的。因为甚至在他已老到像一头苍熊时, 他仍然是一只未经驯服的熊崽子。莫扎特天性文雅, 与当时的传统和社会很合拍,但也有灵魂的孤独。莫 扎特和格鲁克之文雅就犹如路易十四宫廷之文雅。海 顿之文雅就犹如他同时的最有教养的乡绅之文雅。和 他们比起来,从社会地位上说贝多芬就是个不羁的艺 术家,一个不穿紧腿裤的激进共和主义者。海顿从不 知道什么是嫉妒就是吃不消贝多芬。
腾澎湃的那可没有一点问题。他的狂风怒涛一般的力量 他自己能很容易控制住,可是常常并不愿去控制,这个 和他狂呼大笑的滑稽诙谐之处是在别的作曲家作品里都 找不到的。毛头小伙子们现在一提起切分音就好像是一 种使音乐节奏成为最强而有力的新方法;但是在听过贝 多芬的第三里昂诺拉前奏曲之后,最狂热的爵士乐听起 来也像“少女的祈祷”那样温和了,可以肯定地说我听 过的任何黑人的集体狂欢都不会像贝多芬的第七交响乐
贝多芬百年祭 萧伯纳
一百年前,一位虽听得见雷声但已聋得听不见大型交 响乐队演奏自己的乐曲的五十七岁的倔强的单身老人 最后一次举拳向着咆哮的天空,然后逝去了,还是和 他生前一直那样地唐突神灵,蔑视天地。他是反抗性 的化身;他甚至在街上遇上一位大公和他的随从时也 总不免把帽子向下按得紧紧地,然后从他们正中间大 踏步地直穿而过。他有一架不听话的蒸汽轧路机
可是音乐的作用并不止于创造悦耳的乐式。它还能表达 感情。你能去津津有味地欣赏一张波斯地毯或者听一曲 巴赫的序曲,但乐趣只止于此;可是你听了《唐璜》前 奏曲之后却不可能不发生一种复杂的心情,它使你心里 有准备去面对将淹没那种精致但又是魔鬼式的欢乐的一 场可怖的末日悲剧。听莫扎特的《天神交响乐》最后一 章时你会觉得那和贝多芬的第七交响乐的最后乐章一样, 都是狂欢的音乐:它用响亮的鼓声奏出如醉如狂的旋律, 而从头到尾又交织着一开始就有的具有一种不寻常的悲 伤之美的乐调,因之更加沁人心脾。


theater. a freethinker, defender of women’s
rights, and advocate of equality of income.
Born in Dublin in 1856 to a my.
He married Charlotte Payne-Townshend in 1898, but it is known that he never touched her once.
One of Shaw’s greatest contributions as a modern dramatist is in establishing drama as serious literature, no less important than the novel.
In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Shaw accepted the honor but refused the money . He was a very humorous playwright.
With wondrous art, he creates a beautiful statue in ivory, Galatea, representing feminine ideal.
When Pygmalion returns home, he kisses his statue and is delighted to find that she is warm and soft to touch.
2. Who wrote the play?
George Bernard Shaw
Do you know something about Shaw? George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950) a Irish dramatist, a literary critic, a socialist spokesman, a leading figure in the 20th century


George Bernard Shaw萧伯纳
• 萧伯纳(George Bernard Shaw,1856—1950)爱 尔兰剧作家,1925年因 为作品具有理想主义和 人道主义而获诺贝尔文 学奖,是英国现代杰出 的现实主义戏剧作家, 是世界著名的擅长幽默 与讽刺的语言大师。
• 萧伯纳的一生,是和社会主义运动发生密切关 系的一生,他认真研读过《资本论》,公开声 言他“是一个普通的无产者”,“一个社会主 义者”。他主张艺术应当反映迫切的社会问题, 反对“为艺术而艺术”。其思想深受德国哲学 家叔本华及尼采的影响,而且又曾读过马克思 的著作,不过他却主张用渐进的方法改变资本
度假地第一次偷情 萧伯纳老少恋首度曝光
• 据英国《泰晤士报》报道,关于爱尔兰裔著名剧作家萧 伯纳有一个流传很广的笑话,说是美国现代舞创始人邓 肯曾向萧伯纳写信求爱,希望与萧伯纳生下一子,好让 他同时拥有邓肯的美貌和萧伯纳的智慧,没想到萧伯纳 回信称:“如果孩子的容貌如我,大脑像你怎么办?” • 这当然是一个无据可查的笑谈,然而不为人知的是,现 实生活中的萧伯纳的确有一个身为女演员的“美国情 人”,这名20多岁的年轻美女还差点为他生下一子。 • 这段“忘年之恋”是萧伯纳生平保守最严格的秘密,直 到他去世54年后的今天,他“美国情人”的儿子、现年 85岁的美国前记者彼得· 汤普金斯才终于决定向世人首 次披露萧伯纳生平的这一“绝对隐私”。
我活多久,这种事情迟早总会 发生的。”
• 萧伯纳的文学始于小说创作,但突出的 成就是戏剧,他一共创作了52部剧本
• 主要作品
• • • • • • ●《卡希尔· 拜伦的职业》(Cashel Byron's Profession) 电影《窈窕淑女》(奥黛丽· 赫本主演) ●《鳏夫的房产》(Widowers' Houses) ●《圣女贞德》(Saint Joan) ●历史剧 《卖花女》(Pygmalion) (1964年改编成电影《窈窕淑女》,当年获奥斯卡最佳影片、最佳导演、最佳改 编音乐等八座小金人。) ●《魔鬼的门徒》(The Devil's Disciple) ●《人与超人》(Man and Superman) ●《伤心之家》(Heartbreak House) ●《华伦夫人的职业》(Mrs Warren's Profession) ●《巴巴拉少校》(Major Barbara) ●《苹果车》(The Apple Cart) ●《医生的两难选择》(The Doctor's Dilemma) ●《长生》或《千岁人》(Back to Methuselah) ●《凯撒和克娄巴特拉》(Caesar and Cleopatra)


用 了 cdma(码 分 多 址 )的调制 方式, 其空中 多 模手机 的方式 向后兼 容gsm系 统 , 其演进
制 式 上 则 有 时 分 多址 (tdma)(如 欧 洲 的gsm 能 够实现 高速分 组的3g数 据业务,但从空中
等 多个方 面比较 ,两者 之间存 在着根 本的区 、 网络层 结构和 业务作 了规定 的蜂窝 系统。 四 分五裂 的状态 而发展 起来的 。 目 前 国
Yesterday once more 7. be in need of
Recite: I am in need of your help.
8. fade out
( 色、花、身体)
fade away(逐步褪色、凋零、衰退)
die out 灭绝 die down逐步减弱、降低
This play is an ①__a_d_a_p_t_a_t_io__n___ of a Greek story. One day, when ②__sh__e_lt_e_r_i_n_g_ from the rain, Professor Higgins, an expert in ③ _p_h__o_n_e_t_ic_s_ , and Colonel Pickering, an ④_____o_f_fi_c_e_r_____ in the army, and a London flower girl, Eliza,
移 动通信 (3g)目 前主要 有两种 主流的 技术方 进 而 来的 cdmaXX技 术 , cdmaone移 动 通 讯 了 广泛的 应用。 XX年 5月 中 国 联通采 用了增 设 移动通 信网。 cdmaXX与 cdmaone的 空 中 dmaone的 系 统 , 可以 由cdmaone平 滑 升 级 XX1x--cdma XX1x ev。 另 一 种 主 流 的 第 三 展而 来的wcdma技 术 , 由 于gsm采 用 的 是

萧伯纳作品赏析Pygmalion PPT

萧伯纳作品赏析Pygmalion PPT

Literary Career and Achievements
the second greatest English playwright behind only Shakespeare
“a day never passes without a performance of some Shaw play being given somewhere in the world.”
With wondrous art, he creates a beautiful statue in ivory, Galatea, representing feminine ideal.
When Pygmalion returns home, he kisses his statue and is delighted to find that she is warm and soft to touch.
He flirted with beautiful women but never had further committed relations.
He was member of Fabian Society, a middleclass socialist group that aimed at the transformation of English government and society.
Do you know the famous actress? Can you name some films which she acted in?
窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady)
1. Have you seen the film My Fair Lady ?

George Bernard Shaw ppt

George Bernard Shaw ppt

• His fiction failed utterly. The semiautobiographical and aptly titled Immaturity (1879; published 1930) repelled every publisher in London. His next four novels were similarly refused, as were most of the articles he submitted to the press for a decade. Shaw's initial literary work earned him less than 10 shillings a year. A fragment posthumously published as An Unfinished Novel in 1958 (but written 1887–88) was his final false start in fiction.
• George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) was an Irish playwright and a cofounder of the London School of Economics. Although his first profitable writing was music and literary criticism, in which capacity he wrote many highly articulate pieces of journalism, his main talent was for drama, and he wrote more than 60 plays. Nearly all his writings address prevailing social problems, but have a vein of comedy which makes their stark themes more palatable. Shaw examined education, marriage, religion, government, health care, and class privilege.



Alfred Doolittle
• Alfred Doolittle is Eliza's father, an elderly but vigorous dustman who has had at least six wives and who "seems equally free from fear and conscience." When he learns that his daughter has entered the home of Henry Higgins, he immediately pursues to see if he can get some money out of the circumstance. • Through Higgins' joking recommendation, Doolittle becomes a richly endowed lecturer to a moral reform society, transforming him from lowly dustman to a picture of middle class morality--he becomes miserable. Throughout, Alfred is a scoundrel who is willing to sell his daughter to make a few pounds, but he is one of the few unaffected characters in the play, unmasked by appearance or language.
Professor Henry Higgins


● 《鳏夫的房产》(Widowers' Houses) ●《华伦夫人的职业》(Mrs Warren's Profession) ●《圣女贞德》(Saint Joan) ● 历史剧 《卖花女》(Pygmalion) ●《魔鬼的门徒》(The Devil's Disciple) ●《人与超人》(Man and Superman) ●《伤心之家》(Heartbreak House) ●《卡希尔·拜伦的职业》(Cashel Byron's Profession ) ●《巴巴拉少校》(Major Barbara) ●《苹果车》(The Apple Cart) ●《医生的两难选择》(The Doctor's Dilemma) ●《长生》或《千岁人》(Back to Methuselah) ●《凯撒和克娄巴特拉》(Caesar and Cleopatra)
forget, the less you know. So why learn? --Bernard Shaw 学得越多,知道得越多。知道得越多,忘得越多。忘 得越多,知道得越少。那么何必学呢? —萧伯纳
Mrs. Warren’ Profession 《华伦夫人的职业》
二、Mrs. Warren’ Profession
二、Mrs. Warren’ Profession (一)Background
After Shakespeare, Shaw was one of Ireland great dramatists, he created a series of outstanding dramatic works which are still Farreaching social significance and unique research value. Lots of domestic and international scholars has been extensively studied his work from different angles .

萧伯纳卖花女 ppt课件

萧伯纳卖花女 ppt课件
Mrs. Higgins: a refined, independent woman .
Alfred Doolittle: contented with his own life, selfish, indifferent.
Freddy :persistent to love, almost no
hierarchical idea.
那 三个茶会中你一定要试试这种时髦话。不要胆怯,尽管说。)
Clara: I will, Good-bye such nonsense, at all this early Victorian prudery!(我一定说,再见.这些维多利亚早期的清规戒律都是胡闹)
Higgins:【tempting her】 Such damned nonsense!(真是胡闹)
Marriage and Prostitution: From his unusual
standpoint of being committed to a celibate marriage, Shaw apparently feels free to denounce marriage as an exchange of sexuality for money similar to prostitution (even though this was not happening in his own marriage).
Characters analysis
Originate from: An Ancient Greek myth
A sculptor from Cyprus
Hates woman & the idea of getting married



George Bernard Shaw
Playwright, critic Joan of Arc
Lady Warren's Occupation
The concept of “Pygmalion”
Greek myth
Shaw’s play
Movie: My Fair Lady
III. Pygmalion - the Play(戏剧简介)
IV. the climax of the play
Is Eliza happy with the result ? How do you know it ?
P1 She is tired: her pallor contrasts strongly with her dark eyes and hair; and her expression is almost tragic. She takes off her cloak; puts her fan and flowers on the piano; and sits down on the bench, brooding and silent.
Eliza was __________. Eliza became __________.
P3 snatching up the slippers, and hurling them at him one after the other with all her force...
Eliza was __________.
Pickering are _g_i_ft_e_d__l_in_g__u_is__ts_.
Higgins bets Pickering that ___


novels without much success.
His Life
In 1895 Shaw became a drama critic for the Saturday Review. Shaw also wrote music, art and drama criticism for Dramatic Review (188586), His music criticism has been collected in Shaw's
George Bernard Shaw
• Do you agree or disagree,one's manner,such as pronounciation,behavior,social skills,etc,would influence his or her reputation?
《卖花女》 Pygmalion
Pygmalion became fascinated by his sculpture and fell in love with it. He pretended it was an actual woman. He brought it presented and treated it as if it were alive. However, the statue could not respond to his attentions, and Pygmalion became miserable. Finally, he prayed to Aphrodite, the goddess of love, to bring him a woman like his statue. Aphrodite did even better. She brought the statue to life. Pygmalion married this woman, often called Galatea, who gave birth to a daughter.
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theater. a freethinker, defender of women’s
rights, and advocate of equality of income.
Born in Dublin in 1856 to a middle-class Protestant family.
He married Charlotte Payne-Townshend in 1898, but it is known that he never touched her once.
With wondrous art, he creates a beautiful statue in ivory, Galatea, representing feminine ideal.
When Pygmalion returns home, he kisses his statue and is delighted to find that she is warm and soft to touch.
“The maiden felt the kisses, blushed and lifting her timid eyes up to the light, saw the sky and her lover at

Literary Career and Achievements
the second greatest English playwright behind only Shakespeare
“a day never passes without a performance of some Shaw play being given somewhere in the world.”
One of Shaw’s greatest contributions as a modern dramatist is in establishing drama as serious literature, no less important than the novel.
In 1925 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature. Shaw accepted the honor but refused the money . He was a very humorous playwright.
The Fair Lady by George Bernard Shaw is an adaptation of a Greek story. Do you know the story?
Pygmalion, a gifted artist, makes a stone statue of a beautiful woman. He asks the Greek Goddess to bring her to life. His wish is granted.
his wolumes of music criticism, 4 volumes of dance and theatrical criticism, and heaps of social commentary, political theory, and correspondence.
He flirted with beautiful women but never had further committed relations.
He was member of Fabian Society, a middleclass socialist group that aimed at the transformation of English government and society.
Do you know the famous actress? Can you name some films which she acted in?
窈窕淑女 (My Fair Lady)
1. Have you seen the film My Fair Lady ?
2. Who wrote the play?
George Bernard Shaw
Do you know something about Shaw? George Bernard Shaw(1856-1950) a Irish dramatist, a literary critic, a socialist spokesman, a leading figure in the 20th century
Do you heard of “the Pygmalion EfTfehcet”P?ygmalion Effect (皮格马利翁效应)
is that people tend to behave as you expect they will. If you expect a person to take responsibility, they probably will. If you expect them not to even try, they probably won’t.
The Pygmalion Myth
It derives its name from the famous story in Ovid’s Metamorphoses(奥德维变形记).
Pygmalion is disgusted by the loose and shameful lives of the women in his era, women of Amathus, the first women to become prostitutes, and decides to live alone and unmarried.