世界之最地理知识100个世界之最地理知识100个 11.世界热极:巴士拉(伊拉克)最高记录58.8摄氏度;2.世界冷极:东方站(南极)最低记录-89.2摄氏度;3.世界湿极:怀厄莱阿莱(太平洋上的一个岛屿)每年平均有335天下雨,年降水量达12244毫米;4.世界干极:阿塔卡马沙漠(南美洲)平均年降水量小于0.1毫米,1845年~1936年的91年间未曾下雨;5.世界雨极:乞拉朋齐(印度)年降水量10842毫米,1861年年降水量达20447毫米;6.海拔最高的山峰:珠穆朗玛峰(海拔8844.43米);7.从结构体底部到顶部的最高峰:冒纳凯亚火山(maunakea,夏威夷岛,海拔4205米,海下5998米,总高达10203米);8.地球上体积最大的山及火山:冒纳罗亚火山(maunaloa,夏威夷岛,海拔4169米,火山体积达7万5000立方公里);9.地球上最高的火山及死火山:阿空加瓜山(海拔6960米,是西、南半球的最高峰);10.地球上最高的活火山:奥霍斯德尔萨拉多山(海拔6893米);11.最高的岛上山峰:查亚峰(新几内亚岛,海拔4884米);12.太阳系内已知的最高、体积最大的山及火山:奥林帕斯火山(火星,高达约27公里);13.最长的陆上山系:安第斯山系(长达7500公里);14.最长的海底山脉:中洋脊(长达80000公里);15.最低的火山:笠山(笠山,日本,标高112米);16.最长的山系:科迪勒拉山系;17.最大的火山口:阿苏山(周长100多千米,日本);18.喷发次数最多的火山:埃特纳火山(210次,意大利)。
世界之最地理知识100个 219.最大的岛屿:格陵兰岛(面积达2166086平方公里);20.最大的河中岛:巴纳纳尔岛(巴西托坎廷斯,面积达20000平方公里);21.最大的湖中岛:马尼图林岛(休伦湖,面积达2766平方公里);22.最大的淡水湖中岛:马尼吐岛;23.最大的岛中湖中岛:沙摩西岛(苏门答腊岛多巴湖,面积达520平方公里);24.最大的陨石坑类湖中岛:连尼尼华撤拉岛(加拿大魁北克省,面积达2020平方公里);25.最大的沙质岛:芬瑟岛(澳大利亚昆士兰州,面积达1630平方公里);26.最大的完全被淡水包围的岛:马拉若岛(巴西亚马孙河口,面积达40100平方公里);27.最大的河口冲积岛和最大的沙岛:崇明岛(面积达1200多平方千米);28.地势最高的岛屿:新几内亚岛(岛上的查亚峰海拔4884米);29.人口最多的岛屿:爪哇岛(人口达12400万);30.人口密度最高的岛屿:鸭脷洲(人口密度达每平方公里68200人);31.最大的群岛:马来群岛(由印度尼西亚的13000多个岛屿及菲律宾的7000多个岛屿组成);32.最大的半岛:阿拉伯半岛(面积约有322万平方千米);33.最大的珊瑚礁群:大堡礁;34.唯一属于三个国家的岛屿:加里曼丹岛。
Michael Jordan
The player who got the highest average score in
the NBA career
Michael Jordan
Michael jordan is the player who got the highest points on average among the players who have ever got points up to 10000.
• The deepest place of Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon can deep to 6009 meters.
The biggest tiger
Siberian tigers
• Purebred Siberian tigers is the king of tigers ,they are the biggest tiger!
• The Rothschild family control the gold market of the world!!!
• “Once the money make a sound, then you will never hear criticism. ” is The Rothschild family precepts.
A on the road, be- 9
One of the most expensive car
380 million RMB???
The highest building
The Burj Khalifa Tower
最大的海:珊瑚海(479万多平方公里).其次阿拉伯海和南海Biggest sea: Coral sea (more than 4,790,000 square kilometers). Next Arabian Sea and South China Sea最小的海:马尔马拉海,其次亚速海和渤海smallest sea: Mar Mala sea, next Asian fast sea and Bohai Sea盐度最高的海:红海,也是最年轻的海salinity highest sea: Red Sea, also is the youngest sea盐度最低的海:波罗的海salinity lowest sea: Baltic Sea唯一没有海岸线的海:马尾藻海does not only have the coastline sea: Horse's tail sargasso sea岛屿最多的海:爱琴海Islands most seas: Aegean Sea最著名的涌潮:钱塘江潮Most famous tide surge: Qiantang River tide最大的洋:太平洋,也是最深的,水温最高的,锰结核最多的Biggest ocean: Pacific Ocean, also is deepest, watertemperature highest, manganese nodule most最小的洋:北冰洋海运最繁忙的洋:大西洋Smallest ocean: Arctic Ocean marine transportation busiestocean: Atlantic最大的洋流:西风漂流,也是最大的寒流Biggest ocean current: Westerly wind drift, also is the biggest coldcurrent最大的暖流:墨西哥暖流Biggest warm current: Mexican warm current面积最大的群岛:马来群岛Area biggest archipelago: Malay Archipelago最高的岛屿:新几内亚岛,也是分属两国的最大岛屿High islands: New guinea island, also is the belonging both countries biggest islands唯一分属三国的岛屿:加里曼丹岛Only belongs three countries' islands: Kalimantan island最长的海峡:莫桑比克海峡Longest channel: Mozambique channel最深的海峡:德雷克海峡,也是最宽的海峡Deepest channel: Drake channel, also is the widest channel最曲折的海峡:麦哲伦海峡Most winding channel: Magellan channel船只通过最多的海峡:英吉利海峡The ships pass most channels: English Channel石油运输最繁忙的海峡:霍尔木兹海峡Petroleum transport busiest channel: Hormuz channel最大的海湾:孟加拉湾,墨西哥湾,几内亚湾其次Biggest bay: Bay of Bengal, Gulf of Mexico, Guinean bay next最深的海沟:马里亚纳海沟11034Deepest oceanic trench: Mali Asia natrium oceanic trench11,034最大的珊瑚礁:大堡礁Biggest coral reef: Big barrier reef最长的山系:科迪勒拉山系Longest mountain system: Branch Diller pulls the mountain system最高的山峰:珠穆朗玛峰Highest mountain peak: Mount Everes喷发次数最多的火山:埃特纳火山Eruption number of times most volcanos: Egyptian Turnervolcano轮廓最完整的火山:马荣火山,其次富士山Outline most complete volcano: Horse glory volcano, next MountFuji最大的高原:巴西高原(500多万平方公里).Biggest plateau: Brazilian plateau (more than 500 10,000 squarekilometers).最高的高原:青藏高原(4000米以上).Highest plateau: Qinghai-Tibet Plain (above 4,000 meters).最大的平原:亚马孙平原(560万平方公里).其次东欧平原,西西伯利亚平原Biggest plain: Amazon plain (560 ten thousand squarekilometers) Next Eastern European plain, the cubic centimeter unclebenefits the Asian plain最大的盆地:刚果盆地,其次大自流盆地(最大的自流盆地),塔里木盆地(最大内陆盆地) Biggest basin: Congo basin, next greatly artesian basin(biggest artesian basin), Tarim basin (biggest inland basin)最大的三角洲:恒河-布拉马普特拉河三角洲,其次长江三角洲,湄公河三角洲Biggest delta: Ganges river - shovels the Mapp Tela river delta, next Yangtze River delta, Mekong River delta最低的洼地:死海,吐鲁番盆地第4,死谷第7Lowest marsh land: Dead sea, Turfan basin 4,th dead valley 7th最大的沙漠:撒哈拉沙漠,其次维多利亚沙漠,阿拉伯沙漠Biggest desert: Sahara Desert, next Victoria desert, Arabic desert最大的流动沙漠:塔克拉干沙漠Biggest mobile desert: The tower carat does the desert最大的黄土地貌区:黄土高原Biggest loess landform area: Loess plateau最长的河流峡谷:雅鲁藏布大峡谷,其次科罗拉多大峡谷Longest rivers canyon: Yalu Tibet cloth Grand Canyon, nextColorado Grand Canyon最长的裂谷带:东非大裂谷(长6000公里).Longest rift valley belt: East Africa Great Rift Valley (long6,000 kilometers).最深的河流峡谷:金沙江的虎跳峡Deepest rivers canyon: Yangtze River's tiger jump canyon岩溶地貌最发育的高原:喀斯特高原,其次云贵高原The karst landform most grows plateau: Karst plateau, nextYunnan-Guizhou Plateau流量最大的河流:亚马孙河,也是流域面积最广的河流,流域面积中刚果河,密西西比其次Current capacity biggest rivers: Amazon River, also is thedrainage area broadest rivers, in the drainage area Congo River,Mississippi next最长的内流河:伏尔加河,也是流域面积最广的内流河,长度中锡尔河,阿姆河其次Longest inland river: V olga River, also is the drainage area broadest inland river, in the length the Theile river, Arab League mho river next流经国家最多的河流(指干流):多瑙河(9),其次尼罗河,赞比西河,莱茵河,湄公河(6)Flows (refers to main current) after national most rivers: DanubeRiver (9), next Nile River, Zambezi river, Rhine River, Mekong River(6)含沙量最大的河流:黄河,其次恒河,布拉马普特拉河,长江Silt content biggest rivers: Yellow River, next ganges river, shovels the Mapp Tela river, Yangtze River最长的运河:京杭大运河,苏伊士运河第3,基尔运河第5,巴拿马运河第6Longest canal: Beijing Hangzhou University canal, The SuezCanal 3,th Kiel canal 5,th Panama Canal 6th最深的湖泊:贝加尔湖,其次坦噶尼喀湖,里海Deepest lake: Lake Baikal, next Tanganyika lake, the Caspian Sea最大的淡水湖:苏比利尔湖Biggest fresh water lake: Souby Leir lake最大的咸水湖:里海Biggest salt water lake: The Caspian Sea最宽的瀑布:非洲赞比西河上的莫西奥图尼亚瀑布1800米Widest waterfall: In African Zambezi river not west Austriachart Nepal Asia waterfall 1,800 meters最高的瀑布:南美委内瑞拉东部奥里诺科河支流上的安赫尔瀑布980米,Highest waterfall: East South America Venezuela on Austria Renobranch river branch Anheer waterfall 980 meters,最高的气温记录:阿尔及利亚撒哈拉沙漠中,达58℃Highest temperature recording: In the Algeria Sahara Desert,reaches 58 ℃最低气温记录:南极洲东方站,-88.3℃Lowest temperature recording: Antarctica East station, -88.3℃风速最大的地方:南极巨大谷口地区19米/秒Wind speed biggest place: South pole giant mouth of a valley area 19meters/seconds降水最多的地方:印度东北的乞拉朋齐,26461毫米Precipitation most places: The Indian northeast begs pulls thefriend uneven,26,461 millimeters降水最少的地方:智利北部的阿塔卡马沙漠,年降水量0.5毫米Precipitation least places: North Chile's Arab League Taka horse desert, year precipitation 0.5millimeter最典型的季风区:东亚,东南亚和南亚的季风区Most typical monsoon area: East Aisa, Southeast Asia and SouthAsia monsoon area地震最频繁的国家:日本,平均每天4次Earthquake most frequent country: Japan, equally every day 4能源消耗最多的国家:美国The energy consumes most countries: US最大的石油储集区:波斯湾油区,其中沙特阿拉伯是世界石油储量最多的国家Biggest petroleum accumulation area: The Persian Gulf oil region,Saudi Arabia is world oil reserves most countries石油产量最多的国家:俄罗斯Petroleum output most countries: Russia产油最多的地区:中东地区Produces oil most areas: Mideast煤炭储量最多的国家:俄罗斯Coal reserves most countries: Russia煤炭产量最多的国家:中国Coal output most countries: China水能资源最丰富的国家:中国,其次俄罗斯,巴西Hydro-energy resources richest country: China, next Russia,Brazil最大的水电站:巴西与巴拉圭合建的伊泰普水电站1260千瓦,2009年后,三峡成为第一Biggest hydroelectric power station: After Brazil and Paraguay gatherthe Iraqi peaceful Pu hydroelectric power station for 1,260kilowatts,2,009 years which constructs, the Three Gorges become first核能发电最多的国家:美国The nuclear power generates electricity most countries: US核电比重最大的国家:法国Nuclear electricity proportion biggest country: France铁矿储量最多的国家:俄罗斯,其次巴西,中国,加拿大,澳大利亚,印度,美国Iron ore reserves most countries: Russia, next Brazil, China,Canada, Australia, India, US铝土储量最多的国家:几内亚,其次澳大利亚,巴西,牙买加Alumina reserves most countries: Guinea, next Australia,Brazil, Jamaica铜矿储量最多的国家:智利,其次美国,赞比亚Copper mine reserves most countries: Chile, next US, Zambia锡矿储量最多的国家:印度尼西亚,其次中国,马来西亚,泰国,产锡最多:马来西亚Tin ore reserves most countries: Indonesia, next China,Malaysia, Thailand, produces the tin many: Malaysia黄金储量最多的国家:南非,1.65万吨,其次俄罗斯,美国,澳大利亚Gold reserves most countries: South African,1.65 ten thousandtons, next Russia, US, Australia黄金产量最多的国家:南非,年产500吨以上,其次俄罗斯,加拿大,巴西Gold output most countries: South Africa, yearly produces above500 tons, next Russia, Canada, Brazil白银储量最多的国家:加拿大,5万吨,其次俄罗斯,美国,墨西哥,澳大利亚,秘鲁Silver reserves most countries: Canadian,5 ten thousand tons,next Russia, US, Mexico, Australia, Peru白银产量最多的国家:墨西哥,年1000吨以上,其次俄罗斯,加拿大Silver output most countries: Mexico, above year 1,000 tons,next Russia, Canada金刚石储量最多国家:刚果(金),其次博茨瓦纳,澳大利亚Diamond reserves most countries: Congo (gold), next Botswana, Australia铀矿储量最多的国家:美国,其次澳大利亚,南非,加拿大Uranium mine reserves most countries: US, next Australia,South Africa, Canada农作物产量之最: Crop yield:水稻:中国小麦:美国玉米:美国棉花:中国大豆:美国香蕉:中美Paddy rice: Chinese wheat: American corn: American cotton: Chinesesoybean: American banana: China and America花生:印度芝麻:印度油菜:中国向日葵:俄罗斯茶叶:印度蚕丝:中国Peanut: Indian sesame seed: Indian rape: Chinese sunflower:Russian tea: Indian silk: China烟草:中国黄麻:印度甜菜:俄罗斯咖啡:巴西苹果:俄罗斯竹子:中国Tobacco: Chinese jute: Indian beet: Russian coffee: Brazilianapple: Russian bamboo: China花卉:荷兰葡萄:法国椰枣:伊拉克长绒棉:埃及可可:加纳剑麻:坦桑尼亚Flowers and plants: Dutch grape: French date: Iraqi long-staple cotton: Egyptian cocoa: Ghana sisal hemp: Tanzanian油橄榄:西班牙或意大利甘蔗:印度或巴西橡胶:马来西亚油棕:马来西亚olive: Spanish or Italian sugar cane: Indian or hevea rubber: Malaysian oil palm: Malaysia农作物之故乡: Hometown of the crops:水稻:中国小麦:中国玉米:墨西哥马铃薯:南美洲Paddy rice: Chinese wheat: Chinese corn: Mexican potato: SouthAmerica大豆:中国可可:南美花生:南美洲茶树:中国桑蚕:中国烟草:南美Soybean: Chinese cocoa: South America peanut: South America teatree: Chinese silkworm: Chinese tobacco: South America黄麻:东南亚咖啡:北非橡胶:亚马孙河口丁香:马来群岛柑橘:中国葡萄:地中海沿岸菠萝:南美核桃:伊朗栗树:中国Jute: Southeast Asia coffee: North Africa rubber: Amazon rivermouth clove: Malay Archipelago citrus fruits: Chinese grape:Mediterranean Sea coast pineapple: South America walnut: Iranianchestnut: China畜牧业,渔业,林业之最:Animal husbandry, fishery, forestry:养猪:中国养马:中国养牛:印度Raises the pig: China breeds horses: China raises the cow: India养羊:澳大利亚羊毛出口:澳大利亚骆驼:索马里养鸡:中国蜂蜜:俄罗斯渔场:北海道森林资源:俄罗斯热带雨林:巴西木材进口:日本Raises the sheep: Australian wool exportation: Australiancamel: Somalia raises the chicken: Chinese honey: Russian fishery:Hokkaido forest resources: Russia tropical rain forest: Brazilianlumber import: Japan工业:钢铁:中国造船:日本汽车:日本水泥:中国化肥:中国造纸:美国Industry: Steel and iron: Chinese shipbuilding: Japanese automobile:Japanese cement: Chinese chemical fertilizer: Chinese papermaking: US手机:中国电话:中国飞机:美国计算机芯片:美国彩电:中国冰箱:中国Handset: Chinese telephone: Chinese airplane: American computerchip: American color television: Chinese refrigerator: China交通: Transportation:铁路:美国公路:美国高速公路:美国内河航程:俄罗斯Railroad: American road: American highway: American inland riverrange: Russia海拔最高:南极洲海拔最低:欧洲跨纬度最多:亚洲最热:非洲山脉最多:亚洲Elevation highest: Antarctica elevation lowest: European crosslatitude most: Asia hottest: African sierra most: Asia活火山:亚洲高峰最多:亚洲海岸线最长:俄罗斯人口最多的国家:中国Active volcano: Asian peak most: Asian coastline longest:Russian population most countries: China人口最密:摩纳哥跨两洲的城市:伊斯坦布尔水城:威尼斯佛教寺院:泰国Population densest: Monaco cross two continents city: IstanbulShui Cheng: Venice Buddhism temple: Thailand伊斯兰圣地:麦加电影城:洛杉矶啤酒城:慕尼黑汽车城:底特律港口:鹿特丹Islam Holy Land: Mecca movie city: Los Angeles beer city:Munich automobile city: Detroit harbor: Rotterdam最冷的首都:雷克雅未克雾都:伦敦音乐之都:维也纳地壳最薄:太平洋海沟Coldest capital: Reykjavik fog all: Capital London music: The Vienna earth's crust is thinnest: Pacific Ocean oceanic trench分布最广的海洋生物:硅藻最长的城墙:长城使用人数最多的语言:汉语Distributes the broadest marine life: Diatom longest city wall:Great Wall use population most languages: Chinese使用最广的语言:英语最著名的金塔:缅甸瑞光大金塔Uses the broadest language: English most famous Chinta: BurmeseSwitzerland brilliant Chinta。
He maintains is breaking 80 eggs with forehead one minute
Guinness world records 他保持着用额头一分钟打破80个鸡蛋的吉尼斯世界纪录
There are so many world records…..
Big ges t poc ket knif e 最 大 的 小 折 刀
Longest dog ear 最长的狗耳朵
Carries 141 person of world longest dragon boa 载有141人世界最长龙舟
Biggest ice cream
最大的冰 激凌
Biggest chalk drawing
《吉尼斯世界纪录大全》 (又称金氏世界纪录) 首次于1954年出版,老 板是著名的吉尼斯酿酒 厂执行厂长休· 比弗爵士 (Sir Hugh Beaver)。 孪生兄弟(twin brothers) 诺里斯· 麦克沃特 (Norris McWhirter)和 罗斯· 麦克沃特(Ross McWhirter)承担编辑工 作。
世界之最1. 世界上最大的岛群世界上最大的岛群由印度尼西亚13000多个岛屿和菲律宾约7000个岛屿组成,称为马来群岛。
2. 世界最厚之地南美洲厄瓜多尔的钦博拉索山处。
3. 世界最高的高原青藏高原是中国最大的高原,也是世界上最高的高原,因此有“世界屋脊”之称。
4. 世界最大的沙漠北非高原的绝大部分称为撒哈拉沙漠,但真正的沙地只占全部面积的五分之一。
5. 世界最大的洋太平洋南起南极地区,北到北极,西至亚洲和澳洲,东界南、北美洲。
6. 世界最大落差的瀑布安赫尔瀑布,又称丘伦梅鲁瀑布。
7. 世界流域面积最大的河流亚马孙河是世界流域面积最大的河流,亚马孙河流经的亚马孙平原是世界上面积最大的平原。
8. 世界上水温最高的海红海位于非洲东北部与阿拉伯半岛之间,形状狭长,从西北到东南长1900公里以上,最大宽度306公里,面积45万平方公里。
9. 世界最淡的海一般海水的含盐度在千分之34至千分之37左右。
10. 世界最大的淡水湖苏必利尔湖,北美洲五大湖最西北和最大的一个,是世界最大的淡水湖,也是世界仅次于里海的第二大湖(里海是咸水湖)。
11. 世界最高峰珠穆朗玛峰是喜玛拉雅山主峰,世界最高的山峰,海拔8848.13米。
4、撒哈拉沙漠撒哈拉沙漠(Sahara Desert)形成于约250万年前,是世界仅次于南极洲的第2⼤荒漠和世界最⼤的沙质荒漠,⾯积约906万平⽅千⽶,位于⾮洲北部。
7、安赫尔瀑布安赫尔瀑布,西班⽛语为Salto Angel,亦称丘伦梅鲁瀑布。
世界之最大全1. 世界之最高的山峰 - 珠穆朗玛峰珠穆朗玛峰位于喜马拉雅山脉,地处中国与尼泊尔的边界之上。
2. 世界之最大的河流 - 亚马逊河亚马逊河位于南美洲,是世界上流量最大的河流。
3. 世界之最长的海岸线 - 加拿大加拿大拥有世界上最长的海岸线,总长度超过202,080公里(125,567英里)。
4. 世界之最大的大陆 - 亚洲亚洲是地球上最大的大陆,占地面积约为44,579,000平方公里(17,212,000平方英里)。
5. 世界之最古老的城市 - 大马士革大马士革位于叙利亚,被认为是世界上最古老的城市之一,其历史可以追溯到公元前7000年左右。
6. 世界之最繁忙的机场 - 亚特兰大哈茨菲尔德-杰克逊国际机场亚特兰大哈茨菲尔德-杰克逊国际机场位于美国乔治亚州的亚特兰大市,是世界上客运量和航班量最大的机场。
史上最全的世界之最世界之最(World Records),指在全世界范围内最突出的某一人、事、物。
大洋•面积最大的洋:太平洋(约18 134.4万平方千米,约占全球海洋面积的1/2)•面积最小的洋:北冰洋(约1 300万平方千米)•最深的洋:太平洋(最深处深度11034米)•跨纬度最广的洋:大西洋•跨经度最广的洋:北冰洋•纬度最高的洋:北冰洋海•最大的海:珊瑚海(太平洋,约479.1万平方千米)•最小的海:马尔马拉海(土耳其,11350平方公里)•最深的海:珊瑚海(太平洋,平均深度2243米)•最浅的海:亚速海(欧洲,平均8米,最深14米)•最淡的海:波罗的海(欧洲,海水盐度只有7~8‰,各个海湾盐度更低,只有2‰)•最咸的海:红海(北部盐度有42‰)•最深的海沟:马里亚纳海沟(太平洋,-11,034米)•最年轻的海:红海(4000万年历史)•透明度最大的海:马尾藻海(北大西洋,最大72米)河流•最长的河流:尼罗河(6671千米,非洲东北部,主体位于埃及境内)•流域最广的河流:亚马逊河(691.5万平方千米)•水流量最大的河流:亚马逊河(平均流量219000立方米)•含沙量最大的河流:黄河(中国)•最大的河流三角洲:恒河-布拉马普特拉河三角洲(孟加拉国、印度,约80000平方千米)•最长的暗河:龙桥暗河(中国湖北恩施与重庆奉节之间)湖泊•最大的湖泊:里海(亚洲、欧洲)386400平方公里•最大的淡水湖:苏必利尔湖(美国、加拿大)82414平方公里•最大的淡水湖群:五大湖(苏必利尔湖、密歇根湖、休伦湖、伊利湖、安大略湖)25.4万平方千米•最深、蓄水量最大的湖泊:贝加尔湖(俄罗斯)最深处达1637米•最高的淡水湖:玛旁雍措(中国西藏自治区)4588米•最高的咸水湖:纳木错(中国西藏自治区)•最咸的湖:死海(盐度33.2%,位于巴勒斯坦和约旦的交界处)陆地、岛屿大陆•面积最大的大陆:亚欧大陆•面积最小的大陆:澳大利亚大陆洲•面积最大的洲:亚洲(约4 400万平方千米,约占世界陆地面积的1/3)•面积最小的洲:大洋洲(897万平方千米)•纬度最高的洲:南极洲•跨纬度最广的洲:亚洲(北部约达北纬81°,南部达南纬11°)•跨经度最广的洲:南极洲•东西距离最长的洲:亚洲•海岸线最曲折的洲:欧洲•海岸线最平直的洲:非洲岛屿•面积最大的岛屿:格陵兰岛(丹麦)•面积最小的岛屿:瑙鲁岛(24平方公里)•面积最大的半岛:阿拉伯半岛(亚洲,322万平方千米)•最大群岛:马来群岛(240.7万平方公里)•最小群岛:托克劳群岛(10平方公里)•岛屿最多的国家:挪威(拥有15余万近海岛屿,有万岛之国的名号)气候气温•世界“热极”:巴士拉(伊拉克)最高记录:1991年7月8日,58.8℃•世界“冷极”:南极点附近(东方站)最低记录:1983年7月21日,-89.2℃•年温差最大的地区:上扬斯克(一月-47℃,7月为16℃,绝对温差105℃,俄罗斯)•年温差最小的地区:基多(一月13.4℃,8月为14℃,年温差仅0.6℃,厄瓜多尔)降水•世界“干极”:阿塔卡马沙漠(南美洲,平均年降水量小于0.1毫米,1845—1936年的91年从未下雨)•世界“雨极”:乞拉朋齐(印度,1960年8月—1961年7月降雨量26 461.2毫米)•世界“湿极”:怀厄莱阿莱(位于美国的夏威夷州)山脉、山峰山脉•世界上平均海拔最高且山峰最多的山脉:喜马拉雅山脉(最高峰:珠穆朗玛峰)•从地球地心到山顶顶部的最高峰:钦博拉索山(南美洲厄瓜多尔)海拔6310米但从地心到表面是6384.1公里。
五个世界之最英语作文"Five World Records"The world is full of amazing records. Here are five of the most remarkable ones:The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest. Standing tall at about 8,848 meters, it is a challenging peak for climbers.The largest ocean is the Pacific Ocean. Covering aboutone-third of the Earth's surface, it is incredibly vast and holds many mysteries.The longest river is the Nile River. Flowing through several countries in Africa, it has been a source of life for countless people.The largest animal on land is the African elephant. With its huge size and strength, it is an imposing creature.The most populous country is China. With a rich history and a large population, it plays a significant role in the world. These world records show the diversity and wonders of our planet.《五个世界之最》世界充满了惊人的纪录。
初中英语作文世界之最English:The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, standing at a breathtaking 29,029 feet above sea level. It is located in the Himalayas on the border between Nepal and Tibet. The longest river in the world is the Nile River, stretching an impressive 4,135 miles through northeastern Africa. The largest desert in the world is the Sahara Desert, covering an enormous million square miles. The Great Barrier Reef in Australia is the largest coral reef system in the world, spanning over 1,400 miles. Finally, the most populous country in the world is China, with over billion people.中文翻译:世界上最高的山是珠穆朗玛峰,海拔高达29,029英尺。
Thanks to a policy of heavy subsidization, petrol costs just $0.01 a liter in Venezuela, according to the fuel analyst website . That's just one percent of the global average, $0.97, and well ahead of second placed Saudi Arabia ($0.24).
越来越多的游客选择去法国旅游(2015年统计约8450 万),美国第二,其次是西班牙、中国和意大利。
Why? It's got everything, including mountains for skiing and hiking, beaches to flop on, chateaux and cultured cities to explore, and more Michelin-starred restaurants than any other nation.
United States 美国
Eating meat, owning guns and making billions
The US tops countless tables. It eats the most
meat (120kg per person, per year, putting it
China has the fewest English speakers 中国说英语的人最少
世界之最作文英文1. The Tallest Building: The tallest building in the world is the Burj Khalifa in Dubai, standing at a height of 828 meters. It was completed in 2010 and has 163 floors. The building is used for various purposes, including residential, commercial, and entertainment.2. The Largest Continent: Asia is the largest continent in the world, covering an area of 44,579,000 square kilometers. It is home to over 4.5 billion people, makingit the most populous continent as well. Asia is known for its diverse cultures, languages, and religions.3. The Longest River: The Nile River is the longest river in the world, stretching for over 6,650 kilometers.It flows through 11 countries in Africa and is a major source of water for many of them. The Nile is also knownfor its historical significance, as it was the lifeline of ancient Egypt.4. The Deepest Ocean: The Pacific Ocean is the deepest ocean in the world, with an average depth of 3,800 meters.It covers over one-third of the Earth's surface and is home to a diverse range of marine life. The Pacific Ocean isalso known for its many islands, including Hawaii andEaster Island.5. The Largest Animal: The blue whale is the largest animal in the world, growing up to 30 meters in length and weighing over 170,000 kilograms. They are found in all the world's oceans and are known for their unique vocalizations, which can be heard for miles.6. The Hottest Place: Death Valley in California, USA,is the hottest place in the world, with temperatures reaching up to 56.7 degrees Celsius. It is also the lowest point in North America, sitting at 86 meters below sea level. Despite its extreme conditions, Death Valley is home to a variety of plant and animal species.7. The Fastest Animal: The peregrine falcon is the fastest animal in the world, reaching speeds of up to 389kilometers per hour during a dive. They are found all over the world and are known for their incredible hunting skills.8. The Largest Country: Russia is the largest countryin the world, covering an area of 17,098,242 square kilometers. It spans across two continents, Europe and Asia, and is home to a diverse range of landscapes, including forests, mountains, and tundra.9. The Most Populated Country: China is the most populated country in the world, with over 1.4 billion people. It is also the third-largest country by area andhas a rich history and culture. China is known for its technological advancements, including the invention of paper, gunpowder, and printing.10. The Longest Bridge: The Danyang-Kunshan GrandBridge in China is the longest bridge in the world, stretching for over 102.4 kilometers. It was completed in 2010 and is part of the Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway. The bridge spans across the Yangtze River Delta and is an impressive feat of engineering.。
世界之最英文作文英文:As I sit down to write about the world's most, I am immediately struck by the vastness and diversity of our planet. From the tallest mountains to the deepest oceans, from the hottest deserts to the coldest tundras, the world is full of superlatives that can leave one in awe.One of the most fascinating "world's most" is theworld's tallest mountain, Mount Everest. Standing at a staggering 29,029 feet above sea level, Everest is the ultimate challenge for mountaineers and adventurers. The sheer scale of this mountain is mind-boggling, and the stories of those who have conquered it are truly inspiring.Another remarkable "world's most" is the Great Barrier Reef, the world's largest coral reef system. Stretching over 2,300 kilometers along the coast of Australia, the reef is a kaleidoscope of color and life, home to thousandsof species of fish, coral, and other marine life. It is a natural wonder that must be seen to be believed.Moving on to a different kind of superlative, theworld's busiest airport is Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. With over 100 million passengers passing through its terminals each year, it is a hive of activity and a testament to the global nature of modern travel. Navigating its bustling corridors and crowded gates can be a challenge, but it is also a fascinating glimpse into the interconnectedness of our world.Finally, I cannot talk about the "world's most" without mentioning the world's largest and most populous country, China. With a population of over 1.4 billion people, China is a powerhouse of culture, history, and innovation. From the ancient wonders of the Great Wall to the modern marvels of Shanghai, China is a country of extremes and contrasts.中文:当我坐下来写关于世界之最的时候,我立刻被我们星球的广阔和多样性所震撼。
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World’s smallest gun that fires deadly 270mph bullets
Officially the world’s smallest working revolver, the gun is being marketed as a collector’s item and measures just 2.16 inches long (5.5cm). It can fire real 4.53 bullets up to a range of 367ft (112m). The stainless steel gun costs £3,000 although the manufacturers also produce extravagant, made-to-order versions made out of 18-carat gold with customised diamond studs which sell for up to £30,000.
World’s Smallest Dog
Tiny Pinnochio is possibly the world’s smallest dog weighing at one pound and only the size of ac oke can. She had been on Oprah’s show in the past and rose to stardom. However she is notalive a nymore where her owner found her dead after overeating herself to death. Here is the rant of mudp iglet regarding the ordeal of the dog.
World’s Smallest Horse
Thumbelina, officially the world’s smallest horse stands at an astounding 17 inches tall. She was born on a farm in America to a couple specialising in breeding miniature horses. Thumbelina was a dwarf among the dwarves, which her owner calls it a complete fluke. Normal horses lives to about 35 years while she is only likely to live for 17 years.
Smallest Teapot in The World
The world’s smallest teapot made of ceramic is created by 73 year old Chinese renowned pottery master, Wu Ruishen. Weighing at just 1.4 grams this is no easy feat since clay would not be easy to mold at such scale and has to be functional as a teapot as well.
World’s smallest known lizard
The world’s smallest known lizard, the Jaragua Sphaero or dwarf gecko, measures only 0.6in from the base of its tail to its snout. This endangered species lives in Jaragua National Park in the Dominican Republic and on Beata Island off the southern coast of Hispaniola.
World’s smallest and most wondrous works of art
Born in 1957 in Birmingham, Willard Wigan MBE began his artistic life at a tender age. Suffering from dyslexia and learning difficulties, he struggled at school, finding solace in creating art of such minute proportions that it virtually could not be seen with the naked eye.
He’s sculptures are so small they can rest on the head of a pin or in the eye of a ne edle, like his Statue of Liberty sculpture.