大学英语精读Book2 Unit10答案

大学英语精读第二册课后习题答案Unit1一)一)1. bare 2. empty 3. empty 4. bare 5. empty 6.empty 二)二)1. shortly 2.track down 3.faint 4.motioned 5.at the sight of 6.feel like 7.slamming 8.rang out 9.contract 10.made for 11.heated 12.emerged 三)三)1. host 2. sprang up/rang out 3. impulse 4. came to 5. track down 6. unexpected 7. outgrow 8. widened 9. shortly 10. emerge / spring up 11. at the sight of 12. made for 13. crisis 14. colonial 四)四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago. 2. Does the doctor think think the the the elderly elderly elderly lady lady lady is is is likely likely likely to to to survive survive survive the the the operation operation operation / / / it it it is is likely likely that that that the the elderly lady will survive the operation? 3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit. 4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent? 5. Her face lit up with joy at his return. 6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away. 五)五)1. Additional advantageous Anxious conditional Courageous Courageous curious curious Dangerous educational Emotional famous Industrial intentional Medical mountionous Musical mysterious National occasional Personal practical 2. Heated colored pigtailed gifted bearded pointed experienced aged skilled diseased 六)六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue. 2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock? 3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed. 4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing. 5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons. 6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part. 8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible. 七)七) 1. During the time that 2. As long as 3. Although 4. as long as 5. whereas 6. Although 7. whereas 8. Although 1. They frightened the child into telling the truth. 2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire. 3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford. 4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms. 5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking. 6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness. 1. Guests are to be back in the hote l by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week. 3. I am to meet them at the airport. 4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV . 5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals. 6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October 八)八)1.hosts 2.heated 3.argument 4.impulse 5.shortly 6.emerged 7.slam 8.crawled 9.crisis 1.corner 2.attention 3.noticed 4.shining 5.directed 6.there 7.bed 8.snake 9.its 10.feet 11.from 12.however 13.do 14.as 15.forward 16.neither 17.still 18.if 19.through 20.floor 21.pulling 22.under 23.cried 24.out 25.to 26.where 27.made 28.eyes 九)九)1.do the cooking 3.hardly thought so 3.settled down 4.half expected 5.equipment 6.boiled over 7.why things were so quiet 8.burning 9.greeted 10.battlefield 十)十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

大学英语精读第三版第二册Book2Unit6答案上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编1) live with 2) resolve 3) encounter 4) sole 5) drawing to a close 6) anticipated 7) dwelt on 8) sat on 9) had butterflies in his stomach 10) conceited1) open up 2) relaxed 3) emergency 4) concluded 5) live with 6) at one time or another 7) particular 8) surgery 9) was sweating 10) competently 11) in advance 12) in practice1) I was confident that I would win the race. /I was confident of winning therace.2) With determination and hard work, you are bound to succeed eventually.3) The burglar walked very fast in order to avoid being seen by the policemanbehind.4) Driving a car after drinking alcohol will inevitably lead to an accident orarrest by the police.5) You must take (full) responsibility for losing the money.6) Great success at such an early age made the young businessman quite aconceited fellow.下题横着1) absence 2) efficiency 3) independence/independency 4) silence 5) confidence6) patience 7) distance 8) competence/competency 9)frequence/frequency10) presence 11) importance 12) permanence/permanency 13) constancy14) emergence/emergency 15) evidence1) efficiency 2) emergency 3) absence 4) confidence 5) frequency 6) distance7) presence 8) independence1) have enriched 2) had enjoyed 3) ensured 4) endeared 5) enabled 6) endanger 7) enlarge 8) have been embodied 9) empower 10) entitle1) I'll get you one 2) I'm thinking of getting a new one 3) mustbuy some bigger ones4) The one at the front 5) have eaten all the soft ones 6) decidedto catch a later one7) I want to borrow one 8) the ones you had on yesterday1) Once a good beginning is made 2) Once you understand these rules3) Once he makes a promise 4) Once they are put down in black and white/Once put down in black and white 5) once you get into the habit of smoking 6) Once she began to write in English1) I had a lot of trouble getting the car started this morning.2) You won't have much difficulty getting to know people in Italy.3) The conceited young man said he had no difficulty whatsoever readingtechnical drawings4) To the teacher's surprise, most of the students in his class had littledifficulty working out the hard maths problems.5) Did you have any trouble finding the butterfly specimen Prof. Nolen wanted?6) The shepherds had a great deal of trouble driving the sheep to a place ofsafety in the snowstorm.1) Einstein is so famous that there is no one who doesn't know him.2) There is almost nothing that his dog won't eat.3) There is no one who doesn't make any mistakes in his lifetime.4) There is no goal that you cannot obtain so long as you have an honestattitude and a strong will.5) There is nobody here who won't lend you a helping hand when you find yourselfin difficulty.6) John is called Mr. Fix It because there is almost nothing that he cannot fix.1) surgical 2) confident 3) dwell on 4) emergency 5) sweat 6) competent 7) at one time or another 8) relaxA1) from 2) examined 3) nothing 4) trouble 5) much 6) same 7) ago 8) advice 9) you 10) pay 11) worry 12) followed 13) again 14) quite 15) that 16) tailorB1) how 2) answer 3) cut 4) surgeon 5) had 6) over 7) only 8) found 9) by 10) got 11) then 12) saying 13) around1) By most standards 2) distance 3) diseases 4) considered 5) a different way of practicing medicine 6) show concern for 7) stand apart from 8) grows 9) by my first name 10) satisfying翻译1) 只要你不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。
大学英语精读第三版(董亚芬主编)第二册 Unit1~Unit10 翻译答案

Unit1 翻译1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.2. 出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。
The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.3. 约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。
Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.4. 当全部乘客都向出口处(exit) 走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。
While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.5. 这封信必须交给威尔逊博士本人。
The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.6. 南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。
While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.7. 你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他?What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?8. 猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下(lay) 的陷阱(trap) 方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情。
The hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of / make for the trap he had laid.Unit2 翻译1) 会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程。

大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2Unit1更多相关资料一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away. 五)1.Additional advantageous Anxious conditional Courageous curiousDangerous educational Emotional famousIndustrial intentional Medical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasional Personal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I hadlittle energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impluse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

Unit101.There’s a popular children’s story which describes the adventures of a wooden puppet that comes to life as if by magic.2.Your humorous analysis of the situation made the discussion lively.3.This ancient building has been restored to its original beauty.4.You know, for me, to go and live up in the mountains is to recapture my happy childhood.5.This overcoat alone is not enough to protect you from the bitter cold in Canada.6.The fruit growers were expecting a good harvest this year, when the terrible snow storm struck, doing damage to the ripening fruits.7.Too much sugar will not do you any good . To begin with, it will do damage to your teeth. In fact, it will do you harm in many ways.8.His utter devotion to the Chinese people filled me with admiration.9.He insisted that everything should be in place before we knocked off, before five-thirty, tobe exact.10.He knew that he would have to redouble his efforts to carry out his plan, and he was anxious to plunge into the work as soon as he went back. But he never knew that a disaster was lying in store for him.11.Irritated by the personal insult, he rose to the protest.12.Deeply touched by these words, he decided to turn over a new leaf.13.However hard he tried, the new arrival couldn’t make himself understood.14.My laptop broke down, and I must have it fixed as soon as possible.15.Led by a local hunter, the search party soon found the tourists trapped in the mountains. 16.Out of jealousy, Galileo’s opponents had him dismissed from the university.17.The president entered the Peking University hall accompanied by his staff, and followed bya group of reporters.18.The chairman of the department insisted onhaving the invitation delivered to the guest of honor 10 days in advance.19.The hospital authorities don’t want the identity of the patient made known to the public.20.It is necessary to keep the public properly informed of what the government is doing to deal with the problem of pollution.食品加工厂生产车间管理制度目的:为了维持良好的生产秩序,提高劳动生产率,保证生产工作的顺利进行特制订以下管理制度。
《大学英语精读(第二册)》Unit 6-10 习题答案

《大学英语精读(第二册)》Unit 6-10习题参考答案Unit Six The Making of a SurgeonⅢ. Vocabulary Activities:Exercise 1:1) live with; 2) resolve; 3) encounter; 4) sole; 5) drawing to a close;6) anticipated; 7) dwelt on; 8) sat on; 9) had butterflies in his stomach;10) conceited.Exercise 2:1) open up; 2) relaxed; 3) emergency; 4) concluded; 5) live with;6) at one time or another; 7) particular; 8) surgery; 9) was sweating;10) competently; 11) in advance; 12) in practiceExercise 3:1) I was confident that I would win the race. /I was confident of winning the race.2) With determination and hard work, you are bound to succeed eventually.3) The burglar walked very fast in order to avoid being seen by the policeman behind.4) Driving a car after drinking alcohol will inevitably lead to an accident or arrest by the police.5) Y ou must take (full) responsibility for losing the money.6) Great success at such an early age made the young businessman quite a conceited fellow.Ⅳ. Enriching Y our W ord Power:Exercise 1:absence; efficiency; independence/independency; silence; confidence; patience; distance; competence/competency; frequence/frequency; presence; importance; permanence/permanency; constancy; emergence/emergency; evidence.1) efficiency; 2) emergency; 3) absence; 4) confidence; 5) frequency;6) distance; 7) presence; 8) independence.Exercise 2:1) have enriched; 2) had enjoyed; 3) ensured; 4) endeared; 5) enabled;6) endanger; 7) enlarge; 8) have been embodied; 9) empower; 10) entitle.Ⅶ. Cloze:Exercise 1:1) surgical; 2) confident; 3) dwell on; 4) emergency; 5) sweat;6) competent; 7) at one time or another; 8) relax.Exercise 2:A1) from; 2) examined; 3) nothing; 4) trouble; 5) much; 6) same; 7) ago;8) advice; 9) you; 10) pay; 11) worry; 12) followed; 13) again; 14) quite;15) that; 16) tailor.B1) how; 2) answer; 3) cut; 4) surgeon; 5) had; 6) over;7) only; 8) found; 9) by; 10) got; 11) then; 12) saying; 13) around.6. Spot Dictation (Exercises Ⅷ):1) By most standards; 2) distance; 3) diseases; 4) considered;5) a different way of practicing medicine; 6) show concern for;7) stand apart from; 8) grows; 9) by my first name; 10) satisfying.Ⅸ. Translation:1) 只要你不断努力,你迟早会解决这个难题的。

Culture Tips
• The city of Pompeii is a partially buried Roman town-city near modern Naples. Pompeii was partially destroyed and buried under 4 to 6 m (13 to 20 ft) of ash and pumice in the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in AD 79, and it was lost for nearly 1700 years before its accidental rediscovery in 1749. Since then, its excavation has provided an extraordinarily detailed insight into the life of a city during the Pax Romana. Today, this UNESCO World Heritage Site is one of the most popular tourist attractions of Italy, with approximately 2,500,000 visitors every year.
Hale Waihona Puke Culture TipsApollo is one of the most
important and complex Olympian deities in ancient Greek and Roman religion, Greek and Roman mythology. Apollo has been variously recognized as a god of light and the Sun, truth and prophecy, healing, plague, music, poetry, and more. Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and has a twin sister, the chaste huntress Artemis.

大学英语精读第二册课后习题答案Unit1一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made forhim a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impulse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
现代大学英语精读2 lesson10

6. embrace: n. the act of holding sb. Close to you as a sign of love v. hold closely in the arms as a sign of affection =(accept adopt include grasp comprise etc.) eg: She embraced her son before leaving. embrace an offer, opportunity The term ‘mankind’ embraces men, women and children. 人类一词包括男人,女人和儿童 7.emerge: come up or out into view ; become known or recognized =(appear arise) antonym :submerge n. emergence eg: The moon emerged from behind the clouds. No new evidence emerged during the enquiry. emerge into在…里出现
Introduction to the Text
2. Point of View From Lottie’s point of view. Lottie: all work and no play make a satisfactory life in one’s old age. Bess: Eat, drink and be merry for tomorrow we die.

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精读2 第10.11单元精读答案

Unit 10Preview2.R ead the text for better comprehension and answer the following questions.1) This is an infinitive phrase used as an adverbial. It is usually placedat the beginning of a statement. Other frequently used phrases like this are: To begin with; To tell the truth; To be honest; To be frank with you; To put it another way; To give you an example; To sum up;To come back to the question we were discussing; To name just a few.2)This is a metaphorical use of the word “arm” meaning anything lookin g or functioning like the arm of a human being.More examples: at the foot of the mountain; at the mouth of the river; an ear of corn; a chair with three legs; the heart of the financial center. 3)It is a sentence in inverted order. The normal order would be: The 4000-foot Mount Vesuvius rose behind the city.More examples: Seated in front was the Mayor of Guangzhou.Walking beside him was his lovely daughter. Note: The usage here is 4000-foot. NOT: 4000-feet)4)Another example of metaphor, the sam e as is the word “shroud” in 7) below. An observant eye will find many more examples in the essay.5) I could be both, but here it is used as an intransitive verb, meaning tohit a place.6) It is an adjective, used as part of the subject, modifying “the city”.7) Remember the city “lay intact beneath the protecting shroud of ash”.8) “In place” means in their proper or usual place.9) This means “To go to Pompeii today is like taking a trip to the past”.In this sentence we have an infinitive phrase used as the subject and another used as the predicative.10) We call them “onomatopoeia”, words that sound like their referent.象声词11) Yes. But “waters” can be used to refer to the body of water of a riveror lake etc, or the sea near and belonging to a certain country.12) No longer tied up; free of control.13) It means the point at which important changes start to occur. Here itrefers to the point at which the volcano suddenly erupts.14) “(close/near) at hand” means“near in time or place”.15)“The quic k-witted” means those who are quick to understand and take action.Note: There are quite a few adjectives or participles in this essay preceded by the definite article and used as nouns such as “theinjured”, “the dead”, “the fallen”, “the dying”.16)Yes. But we use “hundreds of” to emphasize the number, meaning “many hundred”. Likewise, we use “dozens of, tens of thousandsof, millions of, billions of, large numbers of, huge quantities of”.17) It is used to express result.18) This means “waiting for”or “about to happen”.19) This is another example of an infinitive phrase used to express result.Vocabulary1.Do the following exercises on word formation rules.1)Guess the meaning of the following words.1.bakery: a place where bread is baked and sold2.fishery: an area in the sea where fish are caught and sold3.winery: a factory where wine is produced4.distillery:5.brewery: a factory where bear is brewed6.refinery: a factory where oil is refined7.l a undry: a place where clothes are cleaned and ironed8.jewelry: jewels collectively9.weaponry: weapons collectively10.machinery: machines collectively11.toiletries: things you use to keep yourself clean12.poetry: poems collectively13.citizenry: citizens of a place taken as a group2)Study the following words and pay attention to the prefixes or suffixesyou may or may not be familiar with.(1) mono- monoxide; monopoly; monograph; monologue(2) re- regain; redouble; reverberate(3) -y dewy; mighty; juicy; greasy(4) -ous poisonous; tremendous; prosperous; momentous(5) -ive explosive; constructive; destructive; decorative(6) -ves; -fs wives; lives; knives; leaves; loaves; wolves; scarves; roofs;hoofs; beliefs3) Translate the following into English.(1) a 5, 000-foot mountain(2) a one thousand-mile river(3) a five-day state visit(4) a five-minute walk(5) a four-hour drive(6) a eighteen-story building(7) a five-minute talk(8) a three-day delay4) Translate the following abbreviations.1. a.m. (or: am) 上午2.p.m. (or: pm) 下午3.etc 等等4.ie 就是;亦即5.eg 例如6.vs 以。

大学英语精读第三版第二册Book2 Unit10答案上海外语教育出版社董亚芬主编1) hostess2) god3) prince4) aunt5) nephew6) cow7) girl student8) lady9) lion10) policewoman11) hero12) actress1) like2) as3) like4) like5) as6) like7) As8) Like1) reluctant2) fished out3) ignored4) nothing but5) made out6) only too7) much of an8) quit9) exhausting10) measure11) rewarding12) brief13) dramatically1) criticized2) profits3) live on4) alert5) passed on6) investment8) appreciate9) routine10) shrugged off/ignored11) discouraged12) comment13) complicated14)consistent1) Heavy smokers generally shrug off the warning that smoking is harmful to health.2) Pleased with his students' progress, Professor Tyler gave them a pat on the back on more than one occasion.3) We have come to know it is important to apply theory to practice.4) When first learning to speak Spanish, I was often embarrassed at my errors in pronunciation.5) The prospect of working under a conceited man made him reluctant to take the job.6) Have you any idea of how the management reacted to Sam's suggestions for improvement?1) pressure2) illness3) preparedness4) boldness5) effectiveness6) departure7) willingness8) carelessness9) hopelessness10) exposure11) darkness12) friendliness13) coldness14) frankness15) pleasure16) nervousness17) greatness18) cold-bloodedness1) darkness2 ) pleasure3) carelessness4) coldness5) pressure6) departure8) hopelessness9) effectiveness10) exposure1) the productive forces2) protective measures3) constructive criticisms4) instinctive fear/ instinctive dread5) large, expressive eyes6) an impressive movie/ an impressive film7) creative work8) a decisive victory9) defensive arms/ defensive weapons10) an explosive situation1) at fault2) was to blame3) were blamed for4) fault5) blamed for6) fault7) was to blame8) at fault1) It is a pity that he did not come earlier.2) It's a well-known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.3) It is true that I encouraged him, but didn't actually help him.4) It didn't seem likely that they would ever keep their promise.5) It was hard to understand why Prof. Hardy had singled out Mary for criticism.6) It's unfair that most women do not earn equal pay for equal work.1) Instead of criticizing Susan for what she has done, we ought to praise her for it.2) Instead of going straight home after school, Helen went to work as a waitress in a restaurant.3) Instead of sending the book to Allan by post, I'm going to take it to him myself.4) Instead of going to New York yesterday to attend his daughter's wedding, Dr. Wilson flew to Florida for an emergency case.5) Instead of using oil lamps, the villagers have electric lights now.6) Instead of disturbing Cathy, the news had a strangely calming effect on her mind.1) much bigger2) a little more difficult3) slightly more encouraging4) far more constructive5) considerably more efficient6) 25 per cent higher1) profits2) comments3) quit4) appreciated5) ignored6) pat on the back7) discouraged8) routine1) out2) her3) talked4) and5) with6) could7) in8) quietly9) things10) strike11) with12) wonder13) opinion14) everything15) true16) other17) as18) surprise19) were20) change21) could22) For23) picture1) draw2) known as3) pursuing4) a cow with wings5) whisper6) fan7) With her continuing support8) sincere9) oxygen10) powerful deeds of kindness翻译1) 作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬与批评的看法。

大学英语精读Book2第二册第三版课后翻译答案Book2 Unit1翻译1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
Their argument ended when she slammed the door and left without a word.2.出席晚宴的客人对那个美国人威严的语气感到有点意外。
The guests at the dinner party were slightly surprised at the commanding tone of the American.3.约翰尼已长大成熟,不再害怕独自呆在家里了。
Johnny has outgrown the fear of staying at home alone.4.当全部乘客都向出口处(exit)走去时,他却独自留在座位上,好像不愿意离开这架飞机似的。
While all the other passengers made for the exit, he alone remained in his seat as if unwilling to leave the plane.5.这xx必须交给威尔逊博士本人。
The letter is to be handed to Dr. Wilson himself.6.南希虽然很想参加辩论,但腼腆得不敢开口。
While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.7.你觉得什么时候最有可能在家里找到他?What do you think is the likeliest time to find him at home?8.猎人一看见有只狐狸从树丛中出现并向他设下(lay)的陷阱(trap)方向跑去,脸上顿时闪出了兴奋的表情。
The hunter’s face lit up with excitement as soon as he saw a fox emerge from among the bushes and run in the direction of / make for the trap he had laid.Book2 Unit2翻译1)会上有人建议任命一个十一人委员会来制定新章程。
大学英语精读Book2 Unit10答案

Book2 Unit10答案1) hostess2) god3) prince4) aunt5) nephew6) cow7) girl student8) lady9) lion10) policewoman11) hero12) actress1) like2) as3) like4) like5) as6) like7) As8) Like1) reluctant2) fished out3) ignored4) nothing but5) made out6) only too7) much of an8) quit9) exhausting10) measure11) rewarding12) brief13) dramatically1) criticized2) profits3) live on4) alert5) passed on6) investment7) performance9) routine10) shrugged off/ignored11) discouraged12) comment13) complicated14)consistent1) Heavy smokers generally shrug off the warning that smoking is harmful to health.2) Pleased with his students' progress, Professor Tyler gave them a pat on the back on more than one occasion.3) We have come to know it is important to apply theory to practice.4) When first learning to speak Spanish, I was often embarrassed at my errors in pronunciation.5) The prospect of working under a conceited man made him reluctant to take the job.6) Have you any idea of how the management reacted to Sam's suggestions for improvement?1) pressure2) illness3) preparedness4) boldness5) effectiveness6) departure7) willingness8) carelessness9) hopelessness10) exposure11) darkness12) friendliness13) coldness14) frankness15) pleasure16) nervousness17) greatness18) cold-bloodedness1) darkness2) pleasure3) carelessness4) coldness5) pressure6) departure7) frankness8) hopelessness9) effectiveness1) the productive forces2) protective measures3) constructive criticisms4) instinctive fear/ instinctive dread5) large, expressive eyes6) an impressive movie/ an impressive film7) creative work8) a decisive victory9) defensive arms/ defensive weapons10) an explosive situation1) at fault2) was to blame3) were blamed for4) fault5) blamed for6) fault7) was to blame8) at fault1) It is a pity that he did not come earlier.2) It's a well-known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.3) It is true that I encouraged him, but didn't actually help him.4) It didn't seem likely that they would ever keep their promise.5) It was hard to understand why Prof. Hardy had singled out Mary for criticism.6) It's unfair that most women do not earn equal pay for equal work.1) Instead of criticizing Susan for what she has done, we ought to praise her for it.2) Instead of going straight home after school, Helen went to work as a waitress in a restaurant.3) Instead of sending the book to Allan by post, I'm going to take it to him myself.4) Instead of going to New York yesterday to attend his daughter's wedding, Dr. Wilson flew to Florida for an emergency case.5) Instead of using oil lamps, the villagers have electric lights now.6) Instead of disturbing Cathy, the news had a strangely calming effect on her mind.1) much bigger2) a little more difficult3) slightly more encouraging4) far more constructive5) considerably more efficient6) 25 per cent higher1) profits2) comments3) quit4) appreciated5) ignored6) pat on the back7) discouraged8) routine1) out2) her3) talked4) and5) with6) could7) in8) quietly9) things10) strike11) with12) wonder13) opinion14) everything15) true16) other17) as18) surprise19) were20) change21) could22) For23) picture1) draw2) known as3) pursuing4) a cow with wings5) whisper6) fan7) With her continuing support8) sincere9) oxygen10) powerful deeds of kindness翻译1) 作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬与批评的看法。

大学英语精读第二册(第三版)book2Unit1答案上海外语教育出版社一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made for him a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little ener gy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impluse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where28.eyes九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。

大学英语精读第二册课后习题答案Unit1一)1. bare2. empty3. empty4. bare5. empty6.empty二)1. shortly2.track down3.faint4.motioned5.at the sight of6.feel like7.slamming8.rang out9.contract10.made for11.heated12.emerged三)1. host2. sprang up/rang out3. impulse4. came to5. track down6. unexpected7. outgrow8. widened9. shortly10. emerge / spring up11. at the sight of12. made for13. crisis14. colonial四)1. Jimmy has outgrown the shirts his aunt made forhim a few years ago.2. Does the doctor think the elderly lady is likely to survive the operation / it is likely that the elderly lady will survive the operation?3. The other day your cousin paid us an unexpected visit.4. Don't you see the nurse motioning us to be silent?5. Her face lit up with joy at his return.6. The sound of her footsteps grew fainter as she walked farther away.五)1.Additional advantageousAnxious conditionalCourageous curiousDangerous educationalEmotional famousIndustrial intentionalMedical mountionousMusical mysteriousNational occasionalPersonal practical2.Heated coloredpigtailed giftedbearded pointedexperienced agedskilled diseased六)1.The people questioned gave very different opinions on the issue.2. Can you see the man climbing on that rock?3. Several days passed before they came up with a satisfactory solution to the problems discussed.4. We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.5. The chairman made it clear that those objecting should explain their reasons.6. After a day’s work, I felt I had little energy left.7. I knew of some of the athletes taking part.8. The success obtained surprised those who had given up the project as impossible.七)1. During the time that2. As long as3. Although4. as long as5. whereas6. Although7. whereas8. Although1. They frightened the child into telling the truth.2. He tricked her into marrying him by pretending that he was the son of a millionaire.3. My tactless words forced the old gentleman into buying something he could not possibly afford.4. He finally talked me into accepting his terms.5. The girl persuaded her father into giving up smoking.6. Their severe criticism shocked her into realizing her selfishness.1. Guests are to be back in the hotel by twelve o’clock.2. An investigation is to be made next week.3. I am to meet them at the airport.4. You are to finish your homework before you watch TV.5. The medicine is to be taken three times a day after meals.6. Bob and Susan are to get married in October八)1.hosts2.heated3.argument4.impulse5.shortly6.emerged7.slam8.crawled9.crisis1.corner2.attention3.noticed4.shining5.directed6.there7.bed8.snake9.its10.feet11.from12.however13.do14.as15.forward16.neither17.still18.if19.through20.floor21.pulling22.under23.cried24.out25.to26.where27.made28.eyes九)1.do the cooking3.hardly thought so3.settled down4.half expected5.equipment6.boiled over7.why things were so quiet8.burning9.greeted10.battlefield十)1.她砰地关上门,一声不吭地走了,他们之间那场争执就此结束。
大学英语精读Book2 Unit10

sing in a concert?‖ when he heard her singing by accident. Then she made a try. Whenever she sang on the stage, the salesman sat in the first row and smiled to her, carrying a bunch of flowers. Several years later, she became a wellknown musician.
“Our praises are our wages.”
Mark Twain Mark Twain (1835-1910) is the pen name of Samuel Langhorne Clemens, a great American writer and humorist. Mark Twain was one of the great artists of all time. He was and is one authentic giant of our national literature. The first truly American writer, and all of us since are his heirs. --William Faulkner
Skinner box and S-R Theory
1. A starved rat was
placed in the box ; 2. When the lever was pressed by the rat, a small pellet of food was dropped onto a tray;
What is praise ?

外教社大学英语精读第2册第10单元参考答案Comprehension of the Text31.c2.d3.b4.d5.b6.a7.b8.dV ocabulary5hostess | girl studentgod | ladyprince | lionaunt | policewomannephew | herocow | actress61.like2.as3.like4.like5.as6.like7.As8.Like71.reluctant2.fished out3.ignored4.nothing but5.made out6.vanished7.only too8.much of an9.constructive 10.quit 11.somehow 12.do not earn 13.exhausting 14.drowned by floods81.criticized2.profits3.tends4.live on5.alert to6.passed (it) on7.embarrassed8.earned9.appreciate 10.routine 11.pat 12.shrugged off 13.loaded 14.discouraged ment91.Heavy smokers generally take no notice of the warning that smoking is harmful to health.2.Pleased with his students' progress, Professor Tyler gave them a pat on the back on more than one occasion.3.We have come to know it is important to apply theory to parctice.4.When first learning to speak Spanish, I was often embarrassed at my errors in pronuciation.5.The prospect of working under a conceited man made him reluctant to take the job.6.Have you any idea of how the management reacted to Sam's suggestions for improvement? Word Building10pressure illness preparedness boldness effectiveness departurewillingness carelessness hopelessness exposure darkness friendlinesscoldness frankness pleasure nervousness greatness cold-bloodedness1.darkness2.pleasure3.carelessness4.coldness5.pressure6.departure7.frankness8.hopelessness9.effectiveness 10.exposure111.the productive forces2.protective measures3.constructive criticisms4.instinctive fear/dreadrge, expressive eyes6.an impressive movie7.creative work 8.a decisive victory9.defensive arms/weapons 10.an explosive situationStructure121.It is a pity that he did not come earlier.2.It's a well-known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.3.It is true that I encouraged him, but I didn't actually help him.4.It didn't seem likely that they would ever keep their promise.5.It was hard to understand why Prof. Hardy had singled out Mary for criticism.6.It's unfair that most women do not earn equal pay for equal work.131.Instead of criticizing Susan for what she has done, we ought to praise her for it.2.Instead of going straight home after school, Helen went to work as a waitress in a restaurant.3.Instead of sending the book to Allan by post, I'm going to take it to him myself.4.Instead of going to New York yesterday to attend his daughter's wedding, Dr. Wilson flew to Florida for an emergency case.5.Instead of using oil lamps, the villagers have electric lights now.6.Instead of disturbing Cathy, the news had a strangely calming effect on her mind.141.much bigger2.a little more difficult3.slightly more encouraging4.far more constructive5.considerably more efficient6.25 per cent higherCloze15A1.profitsments3.constuctive4.critical5.quit6.appreciated7.ingnored8.favorably9.pat 10.discouraged 11.routineB1.out2.her3.talked4.and5.with6.could7.in8.quietly9.things 10.strike 11.with 12.wonder 13.opinion 14.everything15.true 16.other 17.as 18.surprise 19.were 20.change 21.could 22.For 23.pictureTranslation161. Through the article the author wants to convey to the readers her view on praise and criticism.2. Of the dozen of waitresses in the restaurant, only three have had any previous experience.3. The teacher isn't much of a scholar,but he does know how to teach a course in a lively and interesting manner.4. We often find it much more difficult to apply a rule than to know it.5. She never scolds her children for squabbling. Instead, she gives them a few words of praise when they play quietly.6. Mr. Green was always critical of his daughter's writings, but somehow he commented favorably on that poorly written poem of hers.7. Quite a few students in our class were publicly criticized by the teacher for failing to hand in their compositions on time.8. A good teacher should be very alert to the progress his students make. If their progress is ignored/ goes unnoticed, the students will feel discouraged.Key to Reading ActivityExercise A1.d2.c3.b4.a5.c6.d7.c8.d9.a 10.bExercise B1.我敬佩父亲。
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Book2 Unit10答案1) hostess2) god3) prince4) aunt5) nephew6) cow7) girl student8) lady9) lion10) policewoman11) hero12) actress1) like2) as3) like4) like5) as6) like7) As8) Like1) reluctant2) fished out3) ignored4) nothing but5) made out6) only too7) much of an8) quit9) exhausting10) measure11) rewarding12) brief13) dramatically1) criticized2) profits3) live on4) alert5) passed on6) investment7) performance9) routine10) shrugged off/ignored11) discouraged12) comment13) complicated14)consistent1) Heavy smokers generally shrug off the warning that smoking is harmful to health.2) Pleased with his students' progress, Professor Tyler gave them a pat on the back on more than one occasion.3) We have come to know it is important to apply theory to practice.4) When first learning to speak Spanish, I was often embarrassed at my errors in pronunciation.5) The prospect of working under a conceited man made him reluctant to take the job.6) Have you any idea of how the management reacted to Sam's suggestions for improvement?1) pressure2) illness3) preparedness4) boldness5) effectiveness6) departure7) willingness8) carelessness9) hopelessness10) exposure11) darkness12) friendliness13) coldness14) frankness15) pleasure16) nervousness17) greatness18) cold-bloodedness1) darkness2) pleasure3) carelessness4) coldness5) pressure6) departure7) frankness8) hopelessness9) effectiveness1) the productive forces2) protective measures3) constructive criticisms4) instinctive fear/ instinctive dread5) large, expressive eyes6) an impressive movie/ an impressive film7) creative work8) a decisive victory9) defensive arms/ defensive weapons10) an explosive situation1) at fault2) was to blame3) were blamed for4) fault5) blamed for6) fault7) was to blame8) at fault1) It is a pity that he did not come earlier.2) It's a well-known fact that smoking can cause lung cancer.3) It is true that I encouraged him, but didn't actually help him.4) It didn't seem likely that they would ever keep their promise.5) It was hard to understand why Prof. Hardy had singled out Mary for criticism.6) It's unfair that most women do not earn equal pay for equal work.1) Instead of criticizing Susan for what she has done, we ought to praise her for it.2) Instead of going straight home after school, Helen went to work as a waitress in a restaurant.3) Instead of sending the book to Allan by post, I'm going to take it to him myself.4) Instead of going to New York yesterday to attend his daughter's wedding, Dr. Wilson flew to Florida for an emergency case.5) Instead of using oil lamps, the villagers have electric lights now.6) Instead of disturbing Cathy, the news had a strangely calming effect on her mind.1) much bigger2) a little more difficult3) slightly more encouraging4) far more constructive5) considerably more efficient6) 25 per cent higher1) profits2) comments3) quit4) appreciated5) ignored6) pat on the back7) discouraged8) routine1) out2) her3) talked4) and5) with6) could7) in8) quietly9) things10) strike11) with12) wonder13) opinion14) everything15) true16) other17) as18) surprise19) were20) change21) could22) For23) picture1) draw2) known as3) pursuing4) a cow with wings5) whisper6) fan7) With her continuing support8) sincere9) oxygen10) powerful deeds of kindness翻译1) 作者想通过这篇文章向读者传达她对赞扬与批评的看法。
Through the article the author wants to convey to the readers her views on praise and criticism.2) 作为父母我们应该知道,对于孩子们来说,一句赞扬抵得上十句责骂。
As parents we should know that for children an ounce of praise is worth a pound of scolding.3) 这位教师并不是一个了不起的学者,但他的确懂得怎样把一门课教得活泼而有趣。
(in a ... manner)The teacher isn't much of a scholar, but he does know how to teach a course in a lively and interesting manner.4) 我们常常发现运用一个规律比懂得它要难得多。
We often find it much more difficult to apply a rule than to know it.5) 她从不因为孩子们争吵而责骂他们,而是在他们安安静静地玩耍时赞扬几句。
She never scolds her children for squabbling. Instead, she gives them a few words of praise when they play quietly.6) 格林先生老是挑他女儿写作的刺儿,但不知怎的,对她那首写得很差的诗歌却给予好评。
Mr. Green was always critical of his daughter's writings, but somehow he commented favorably on that poorly written poem of hers.7) 我们班上有不少学生因为没有按时交作文而受到教师的当众批评。
Quite a few students in our class were publicly criticized by the teacher for failing to hand in their compositions on time.8) 一位好的教师应对学生取得的进步非常敏感。
A good teacher should be very alert to the progress his students make / are making. If their progress is ignored / goes unnoticed, the students will feel discouraged.。