第八章_Project quality management项目管理知识体系(PMBOK)英文第六版
project quality management(项目品质管理)
Project Quality ManagementThe project Quality Management knowledge area assures that the project meets the requirements that the project was undertaken to produce. These processes measure overall performance, and monitor projects results and compare them to the quality standards set out in the project planning process to assure that the customer will receive the product or service they thought they purchased. Project Quality Management is composed of the following three processes: Quality Planning, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control. The PMBOK defines quality as the totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs. Stated and implied needs are the inputs to developing project requirements. A critical aspect of quality management in the project context is turning implied needs into requirements through Project Scope Management. It is important to recognize the difference between quality and grade. Grade is defined by the PMBOK as a category or rank given to entities having the same functional use but different technical characteristics. Low quality is always a problem, but low grade may not be. The project manager and team must determine and deliver the required levels of quality and grade. One important area that the PMBOK emphasizes is the growing attention to customer requirements as the basis for managing quality. Much of this discussion is similar to what is covered in contemporary course offerings. Another concept that may appear on the test, which is not specifically mentioned in the PMBOK, is "gold-plating." Simply defined, gold-plating is giving the customer more than what was required. Exceeding the specified requirements is a waste of time and money, with no value added to the project. The customer should expect and receive exactly what was specified. This is the underlying philosophy of project quality management espoused by PMI; it is the process required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. Quality Management The PMBOK definition is similar to Crosby's definition in Quality is Free. According to the PMBOK, quality management includes all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives, and responsibilities, and implements them by means such as quality planning, quality assurance, quality control, and quality improvement within the quality system. Quality management involves carrying out a project through itsPMPTOOLS e-book – All rights reserved 2002PMP EXAMCRAMphases (for example, concept, development, implementation, and finish) with zero deviations from the project specifications. Policies, plans, procedures, specifications, and requirements are attained through the sub functions of quality assurance and quality control.Quality PlanningThe PMBOKdefines quality planning as "identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them". Also remember a fundamental tenet of modern thinking about project quality management-quality should be planned in, not inspected in! Therefore, although inspection is certainly part of project quality management, increased inspection is not generally considered the best path to improved quality. So hiring more inspectors would not be the correct answer to the question, "What is the best way to improve quality?"Quality PolicyPMI stresses the importance of having a quality policy for the project. Quality policy is defined as the overall intentions and direction of an organization with regard to quality as formally expressed by top management. If the performing organization lacks a formal quality policy or if the project has multiple organizations involved, the project team must develop a quality policy for the project.Quality Planning Tools and TechniquesPMI discusses five quality planning tools and techniques. Benefit/cost analysis: Benefit/cost analysis must be considered in the quality planning process. The primary benefit of meeting quality requirements is less rework; the primary cost is the expense associated with project quality management activities. Benchmarking. Benchmarking involves comparing actual or planned project activities to those of other projects to generate ideas for improvement and to provide a standard by which to measure performance. Some people have described this process as a search for "best practices." Flowcharting: Flowcharts are diagrams that show how various elements of a system relate. (See the description of the types of flowcharts in the quality control tools section). Here, PMI also includese-book – All rights reserved 2002-2-PMP EXAMCRAMoCause-and-effect diagrams (also called Ishikawa diagrams or fishbone diagrams), which illustrate how various causes and subcauses relate to create potential problems or effects(Cause and Effect Diagram) System or process flowcharts, which show the interrelated elements Design of experiments: This is an analytical technique that helps identify which variables have the most influence on the overall outcome. For example, designers might want to determine which combination of suspension and tires will produce the most desirable ride characteristics at a reasonable cost. Or, project planners could design experiments to determine the optimal combination of senior and junior level staff given cost and time constraints. Cost of quality: One major area of emphasis is the concept of cost of quality, which refers to the total cost of all efforts to achieve product/service quality. It is defined as the cost of conformance-the cost of proactive quality processes-and the cost of nonconformance the cost of a quality failure. In either form, cost of quality is a results oriented approach to measuring and assessing the effectiveness and/or benefit of an organization's project quality management process. It is a useful means of bringing management's attention to the need for quality, but it provides little meaningful capability to manage quality proactively. oTypes of CostsThere are three types of costs incurred. Be able to recognize examples of each: prevention costs and appraisal costs, which are the cost of conformance, and failure costs, which are the cost of nonconformance.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-3-PMP EXAMCRAMCost of Conformance Prevention costs: Up-front costs oriented toward the satisfaction of customer requirements: o Design reviews o Training and indoctrination o Planning o Vendor, supplier, and subcontractor surveys o Process studies Appraisal costs: Costs associated with the evaluation of the product or the process to see whether customer requirements were met: o Product inspections o Lab tests o Vendor controls o In-process testing o Internal/external design reviewsCost of Nonconformance (Failure Costs) Internal failure costs: Costs associated with the failure of the processes to make the products acceptable to the customer before the products leave the control of the organization: o Scrap o Rework o Repair o Downtime o Defect evaluation o Corrective actions External failure costs: Costs associated with the determination by the customer that requirements have not been satisfied: o Customer returns o Customer complaints o Customer inspections o Customer visits to resolve quality complaints o Corrective actionsKey Quality Planning Outputs The quality management plan describes the quality management system: the organizational structure, responsibilities, procedures, processes, and resources needed to implement quality management. Operational definitions describe what something is and how the quality control process measures it. They may also be called metrics.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-4-PMP EXAMCRAMChecklists are outputs of quality planning that are used to verify that a set of required steps has been performed. Completed checklists (an output of quality control) should be part of the project's records.Quality AssuranceQuality assurance is a managerial function that addresses all the planned and systematic activities implemented within the quality system to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards. As defined by the PMBOK, quality assurance is fundamentally a reactive process. The following issues and concepts fall under quality assurance: Formative Quality Evaluation (Quality Audit): This is a process of reviewing specific data at key points of the project's life cycle. The quality audit is a quality assurance tool and technique that serves as a structured review of quality management activities. Its objective is to identify lessons learned that can be used to improve performance on this project or on other projects in the organization. Quality Improvement: Quality improvement is the output of quality assurance and includes taking actions to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the project to provide added benefit to the project stakeholders. This may require the use of change requests or corrective action. Ownership of Quality Responsibility: The individual employee performing the task has ultimate responsibility. Self-Inspection: The individual performing a given task also performs measurements to ensure that conformance is continually achieved. Quality ControlQuality control is a technical function that involves establishing the technical baseline for the project and then collecting specific data by which to measure conformance to that baseline. Specifically, the PMBOK defines quality control as "monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards and identifying ways to eliminate causes of unsatisfactory performance". Included below are some important terms and concepts associated with quality control. Variable: A quality characteristic that is measurable in increments. Examples are diameter measured in inches, cooking time measured in minutes, and weight measured in pounds. Attribute: A quality characteristic that is classified as either conforming or nonconforming to specifications or requirements. It results in a go or no-go decision. Probability. An important concept in quality control is that of probability. In its simplest form, probability refers to the chance that something will happen.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-5-PMP EXAMCRAMFor attributes, this is easily segregated into a "yes-no" outcome. As an example, in flipping a coin there is a 50 percent probability of getting "heads" on any single flip. For variables, probability is a more complicated concept. We measure the occurrences of an event or characteristic, and distribute them over the entire range of the characteristic. Such a distribution is formally called a probability distribution. The most common probability distribution has a bell shape and is symmetric about its mean; it is known as a normal distribution or a bell curve. A population is the entire group of items or occurrences that we might wish to measure. Because populations can be very large, however, we often sample the population, using a smaller group to get a picture of the larger group. Standard Deviation: In measuring samples and comparing them to their overall population, one important concept is that of standard deviation. Simply defined, the standard deviation is the amount on either side of the mean of a normal distribution that will contain approximately 68.3 percent of the total population. The amount within two standard deviations will include 95.5 percent, and within three standard deviations will include 99.7 percent of the population. We use the character sigma, a, to denote the standard deviation of an entire population. Calculating standard deviation is complex. Most automated quality control packages include the provision to calculate standard deviation and other statistically important values. In fact, most pocket calculators available today can also provide this value for a series of discrete observations of a variable characteristic. Process Control: Building on the statistical concepts we have just discussed, the PMBOK emphasizes process control as an important means of managing quality. Key to this concept is the idea of statistical process control (SPC) and its main tool, control charts, commonly called SPC charts. A SPC chart will show you the current capability of the process-what is called voice of the process in some courses and recent publications. The important point to remember about SPC charts is that there are many different types you may use, depending on the characteristic you are measuring and its variability. Sampling: Sampling is a useful means of assessing the value of a characteristic when examining an entire population is not feasible. There are two main types of sampling.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-6-PMP EXAMCRAMooAttribute sampling is the examination of one or more attributes in a lot. A limit of acceptability is established for the entire lot. For example, we may consider a "lot" of 10,000 parts. A random sample of 150 is selected for examination. For that sample, the acceptance number is 3, meaning that if more than 3 parts are found to be defective; the entire lot of 10,000 will be rejected. You can conduct single-attribute sampling, double-attribute sampling, multipleattribute sampling, or sequential attribute sampling (singleattribute sampling performed sequentially on the same lot for different attributes). Variable sampling provides a more dynamic approach to sampling. This is the basis for creating control charts, where a process variable is measured and charted to determine process capability. Variable sampling may also be used to estimate the fraction of a lot that is nonconforming, and thus to make decisions about further inspection or use of the lot.Quality Control ToolsThere are seven main quality control tools (often called the basic seven tools). Flowcharts and Diagrams (Tools 1 and 2) Flowcharts permit you to examine and understand relationships in a process or project. They show how various elements of a system interrelate. They provide a step-by-step schematic or picture that serves to create a common language, ensure common understanding about sequence, and focus collective attention on shared concerns. Flowcharts are used in all three of the quality management processes. Several different types of flowcharts are particularly useful in the continuous improvement process. Three frequently used charts are the top-down flowchart, the detailed flowchart, and the work-flow diagram. The top-down flowchart presents only the major or most fundamental steps in a process or project. It helps you or your team to easily visualize the process in a single, simple flow diagram. Key value-added actions associated with each major activity are listed below their respective flow diagram steps. You can construct a top-down flowchart fairly quickly and easily. You generally do so before attempting to produce detailed flowcharts for a process. By limiting the top-down flowchart to significant value-added activity, you reduce the likelihood of becoming bogged down in the detail.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-7-PMP EXAMCRAM(Top-Down Flowchart) The detailed flowchart provides very specific information about process flow. At its most detailed level, every decision point, feedback loop, and process step is represented. Detailed flowcharts should be used only when the level of detail provided by the top-down or other simpler flowcharts is insufficient to support understanding, analysis, and improvement activity. The detailed flowchart may also be useful and appropriate for critical processes where precisely following a specific procedure is essential.(Detailed Flowchart) The work-flow diagram is a graphic representation of how work actually flows through a physical space or facility. It is very useful for analyzing flow processes, illustrating flow inefficiency, and planning process flow improvement.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-8-PMP EXAMCRAM(Work Flow Diagram) Scatter diagrams organize data using an independent variable and a dependent variable. Scatter diagrams are used to determine the relationship between two or more pieces of corresponding data. Data are plotted on an XY chart to determine correlation. Scatter diagrams are used to show the effect or no effect on one variable when the other variable is changed.e-book – All rights reserved 2002-9-PMP EXAMCRAMPareto Charts (Tool 3) In the late 1800s, Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist, found that typically 80 percent of the wealth in a region was concentrated in less than 20 percent of the population. Later, Dr. Joseph Juran formulated what he called the Pareto Principle of problems: only a "vital few" elements (20 percent) account for the majority (80 percent) of the problems. For example, in a manufacturing facility, 20 percent of the equipment problems account for 80 percent of the downtime. Because the Pareto principle has proven to be valid in numerous situations, it is useful to examine data carefully to identify the vital few items that most deserve attention.A Pareto Chart is a bar chart in which the data are arranged in descending order of their importance, generally by magnitude of frequency, cost, time, or a similar parameter. The chart presents the information being examined in its order of priority and focuses attention on the most critical issues. The chart aids the decision-making process because it puts issues into an easily understood framework in which relationships and relative contributions are clearly evident. The cause-and-effect diagram is a graphic representation of the relationships among a list of items or factors. It is a useful tool in brainstorming, examining processes, and planning activities. The process of constructing a cause-andeffect diagram helps stimulate thinking about an issue, helps organize thoughts into a rational whole, and generates discussion and the airing of viewpoints. The diagram documents the level of understanding about an issue and provides a framework from which to begin expanding that understanding. Cause-and-effect diagrams can be used to explore a wide variety of topics including the relationships between an existing problem and the factors that might bear on it; a desired future outcome and the factors that relate to it; or any event past, present, or future, and its causal factors.e-book – All rights reserved 2002- 10 -NOTE. The cause-and-effect diagram was developed by Kaoru Ishikawa. It may also be referred to on the exam as the Ishikawa diagram and/or "fishbone" diagram because of its shape.(Cause and effect Diagram)Graphs (Tool 5)Many different types of graphs are available and useful to the improvement process. Some of the most common include a simple line graph (time plots or trend chart), pie chart, and bar chart, or histogram. Graphs are useful for presenting data in a simple pictorial form that is quickly and easily understood. Graphs serve as powerful communication tools and should be employed liberally in the workplace to describe performance, support analyses, and document the improvement process.Control Charts (Tool 6)A control chart is a graph that displays data taken over time and computed variations of those data. Control charts are used to show the variation on a variety of variables including average (X) and range (R) and also the number of defects (PN), percent defective (P), defects per variable unit (U), and defects per fixed unit (C). The control chart allows you to distinguish between measurements that are predictably within the inherent capability of the process (normal causes of variation that are to be expected) and measurements that are unpredictable and produced by special causes.(Control Chart Diagram)The upper and lower control limits (UCL and LCL) must not be confused withspecification limits. Control limits describe the natural variation of the processsuch that points within the limits are generally indicative of normal andexpected variation. Points outside the limits signal that something has occurred that requires special attention because it is outside of the built-insystemic causes of variation in the process. Note that the circled point onthe X-bar chart means that the process is out of control and should beinvestigated. These points outside the control limits are referred to as specialevents having either assignable causes or random causes. The occurrence ofassignable causes may be the result of unwanted, external effects such as thefollowing:•An equipment problem•An employee problem (poor training, understaffed, and so on)•Defective materialsThere is another important guideline, known as the Rule of Seven, which should be observed whenever interpreting control charts. This rule of thumb (heuristic) states that if seven or more observations in a row occur on the same side of the mean (or if they trend in the same direction), even though they may be within the control limit, they should be investigated as if they had an assignable cause. (The lower part of Figure 5-10 illustrates such an occurrence.) It is extremely unlikely that seven observations in a row would be on the same side of the mean if the process is operating normally.Why is this so? If a process is operating normally, the observations will follow a random pattern with some of the points falling above the line and some below the line. In fact, the probability that any single point will fall above or below the line is 50-50 (like a coin toss). Further, the probability that seven points in a row would be on the same side of the line would be calculated as .5 to the 7th power, which is equal to 0.0078 (or less than 1 percent). Again, this rule provides a guideline that alerts you that something unlikely is happening and you should check it out.These charts will help you understand the following:•Understand the inherent capability of your processes•Bring your processes under control by eliminating the special causes of variation•Reduce tampering with processes that are under statistical control•Monitor the effects of process changes aimed at improvementTwo additional concepts are important in the use of control charts. Both concepts involve the idea of standard deviation, often referred to as "sigma." For the exam, you need to understand only the concepts (no formulas or complex calculations are required).The first concept involves the use by some companies of what is known as the Six Sigma Rule for setting control limits. You are already aware that three standard deviations (sigma) either side of the mean accounts for approximately 99.7 percent of the possible outcomes. Historically, many companies have used plus or minus three sigma’s as their standard for setting control limits. In recent years, some companies have chosen to use plus or minus six sigmas as a guide for setting control limits. The use of this more stringent rule means that even fewer actual outcomes might fall outside the control limits.The second concept involves the effect of sample size on the control limits. Again, you do not need to memorize any formulas, but it helps to know the following information about how the formula for setting control limits works. First, the standard deviation is part of the formula for establishing control limits. The larger the standard deviation, the wider the control limits will be. That much is fairly intuitive. In other words, the greater the natural variations in the process, the wider the control limits need to be. Now, how does sample size affect the control limits? Sample size affects control limits by its effect on the standard deviation. Sample size is in the denominator of the formula for variance from which standard deviation is computed; so whenever sample size is increased, the standard deviation will be smaller. Conversely, if the sample size is decreased, the standard deviation will be larger. Therefore, larger sample sizes will result in more narrow control limits, and smaller sample sizes will result in wider control limits.Checksheets (Tool 7)A checksheet is a list of check-off items that permit data to be collected quickly and easily in a simple standardized format that lends itself to quantitative analysis. A check sheet frequently contains a graphic representation of an object and is used to record such information as where specific damage was located. Check sheets are intended to make data collection fast and easy. They should be carefully designed so that the data are useful and have a clear purpose. Check sheets are frequently used to collect data on numbers of defective items, defect locations, and defect causes.Continuous Improvement and KaizenThe Japanese word for continuous improvement is kaizen. The key idea here isthat improving quality is not a discrete, one-time event. Managers andworkers alike join in the responsibility to constantly watch for opportunities toimprove processes as well as products.Just-in-time (JIT)JIT is an inventory control approach that attempts to reduce work-in-processinventory to zero stock. Thus, there is no extra or "buffer" stock kept in reserve in such a process. Numerous companies have adopted JIT, which waspopularized in Japan at Toyota, because the company believed JIT and highquality go together naturally. The philosophy is that with no safety stock inthe system, defective parts or processes will grind the system to a halt. Zeroworking-process inventory, therefore, forces a company to find and fix qualityproblems, or it will constantly miss its schedule commitments.Impact of Motivation on QualityIt is generally believed that increased quality is likely to be associated withprojects whose team members display pride, commitment, and an interest inworkmanship. It is also believed that one way to harm this culture is byallowing frequent turnover of the people assigned to the project.Priority of Quality versus Cost and ScheduleQuality used to receive lip service in many companies, but it was in reality lessimportant than meeting schedules or containing costs. Such a situation was often tipped off by such signals as the quality manager reporting to the production manager (who often cared more about schedule pressures than quality). Although lip service has probably not been eliminated entirely, modern thinking emphasizes that quality should share equal priority with cost and schedule. In works such as Crosby's Quality Is Free, many people maintain that improvements in quality are likely to lead to better cost and schedule performance in the long run.Impact of Poor QualityThe following effects on a project are possible results of poor quality: •Increased project costs as a result of costs of nonconformance (for example, rework, scrap, product recalls, and so on)•Decreased productivity•Increased risk and uncertainty (less predictability in cost, schedule, and technical outcomes)•Increased costs of monitoring (if conformance to specifications is low, increased monitoring will probably become necessary)InspectionsInspections are a quality control tool. As stated in the scope verification section, inspection includes activities such as measuring, examining, and testing undertaken to determine whether results conform to requirements.They may be conducted at any level.Trend AnalysisAnother quality control tool is trend analysis, which uses mathematical techniques to forecast future outcomes based on historical results. It is used to monitor•Technical performance: How many errors or defects have been identified; how many remain uncorrected•Cost and schedule performance: How many activities per period were completed with significant variancesDesign and Quality•Quality should be designed in, not inspected in (worth repeating).•More specifically, careful design of a product or service is believed to increase reliability and maintainability (two important measures ofquality).•The primary responsibility for developing design and test specifications rests with the project engineers (they have the expertise needed to performthis vital task).•Rework is any action taken to bring a defective or nonconforming item into compliance with requirements or specifications. The project team shouldmake every effort to minimize rework.。
第一部分项目管理框架第一章绪论[Introduction]The Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK©) is an inclusive term that describes the sum of knowledge within the profession of project management. As with other professions such as law, medicine, and accounting, the body of knowledge rests with the practitioners and academics that apply and advance it. The full project management body of knowledge includes knowledge of proven traditional practices that are widely applied, as well as knowledge of innovative and advanced practices that have seen more limited use, and includes both published and unpublished material.This chapter defines and explains several key terms and provides an overview of the rest of the document. It includes the following major sections:1.1 Purpose of This Guide1.2 What Is a Project?1.3 What Is Project Management?1.4 Relationship to Other Management Disciplines1.5 Related Endeavors项目管理知识体系(PMBOK)是描述项目管理专业知识的专业术语。
pmbok的知识体系 项目管理结构
1. 项目整体管理:包括项目计划、项目执行、项目监控和项目收尾等方面。
2. 项目范围管理:确定项目的范围、编制WBS(工作分解结构)、变更控制等。
3. 项目时间管理:制定项目进度计划、控制项目进度、识别和应对项目进度风险等。
4. 项目成本管理:制定项目预算、控制项目成本、识别和应对项目成本风险等。
5. 项目质量管理:制定项目质量计划、质量保证、质量控制等。
6. 项目资源管理:规划项目团队、管理项目团队、识别和应对项目资源风险等。
7. 项目沟通管理:制定项目沟通计划、管理项目沟通、监督项目沟通等。
8. 项目风险管理:识别项目风险、规划应对策略、实施风险应对、监督风险等。
9. 项目采购管理:规划采购、实施采购、控制采购、收尾采购等。
10. 项目相关方管理:识别相关方、规划相关方管理、实施相关方管理、监督相关方管理等。
Project Schedule Supporting Detail Schedule Mgmt Plan Resource ReqmtsUpdates
Project Plan Development
Quality Planning
Planning Identification
Quality Mgmt Plan Commun Sources of Risk
Operational Defn Mgmt Plan Potential RiskEvents
Risk Symptoms
Resource Planning
Resource Requirements
Activity Sequencing
Project Network Diagram Activity List Updates
Schedule Development
Activity Duration Estimation
Project Management Processes Groups
Quality Planning
Planning Identification
Risk Quantification
Performance Reporting
项目管理知识体系PMBOK指南介绍项目管理知识体系PMBOK指南(Project Management Body of Knowledge)是由项目管理学会(Project Management Institute,简称PMI)制定的一套全球通用的项目管理标准。
第1章信息化知识信息information 信息化Informatization《通信的数学理论》A Mathematical Theory of Communication鲁棒性robustness内部网Intranet 网间网internet 互联网Internet 外部网Extranet虚拟化Virtualization射频识别RFID Radio Frequency Identication内容分发网络CDN政府对公务员G2E业务流程再造BPR Business Process Reengineering 或称工作流程重组企业资源计划ERP Enterprise Resource Planning物料需求计划MRP Materials Requirement Planning美国生产与库存管理协会APICS The Association for Operations Management 闭环MRP能力需求计划CRP Capacity Requirement PlanningMRPII 制造资源计划Manufacturing Resource Planning在线分析处理OLAP On Line Analytical Processing电子数据交换EDI图形用户界面GUI客户关系管理CRM Customer Relationship Management企业关系管理ERM Enterprise Relationship Management接触点touchpoint供应链管理SCM Supply Chain Management扩展性企业extended enterprise精益思想lean thinking商业智能BI Business Intelligence联机分析处理OLAP On-line Analytics Process抽取、转换、装载ETL过程extraction、transformation、load联机事务处理OLTP Online Transaction Process数据挖掘Data Mining数据仓库Date Warehouse数据集市Data Mart切片slice、切块dice、钻取drill-down和roll-up、旋转pivot基于关系数据库的OLAP实现ROLAP Relational OLAP基于多维数据组织的OLAP实现MOLAP Multidimensional OLAP基于混合数据组织的OLAP实现HOLAP Hybrid OLAP大量Volume、高速Velocity、多样Variety、价值Value、真实性Veracity谷歌文件系统GFSHadoop的分布式文件系统HDFS开源的分布式并行计算技术Apache HadoopMapReduce云计算Cloud Computing基础设施即服务IaaS平台即服务PaaS软件即服务SaaS能源利用效率PUE互联网金融ITFIN 国际电工委员会IEC面向服务的体系架构SOA第2章信息系统集成及服务管理信息技术服务标准(ITSS )评估IT服务管理体系(ITSMS)认证信息安全管理体系(ISMS)认证信息技术基础架构库ITIL Information Technology Infrastructure Library英国国家计算机和电信局CCTAIT服务管理ITSM IT Service Management服务级别协议SLA信息技术服务标准ITSS Information Technology Service Standards人员People、流程Process、技术Technology、资源Resource 简称PPTR规划设计(Planning&Design)、部署实施(Implementing)、服务运营(Operation)、持续改进(Improvement)、监督管理(Supervision),简称PIOIS信息系统审计(IS audit)EDI审计计算机辅助审计技术CAATs系统审计SYSTEM AUDIT电子数据处理审计协会(EDPAA后更名为ISACA)IT控制的开放式标准COBIT (Control Objectives for Information and Related Technology ,信息及相关技术控制目标)信息系统审计认证CISA Certified Information System Auditor基于控制(Control-Based)基于风险(Risk-Based)第3章信息系统集成专业技术知识抛弃型原型Throw-It-Away Prototype进化型原型Evolutionary Prototype面向对象方法Object Oriented,OO统一建模语言Unified Modeling Language,UML用例图(Use Case Diagram)、类图(Class Diagram)、对象图(Object Diagram)、组件图(Component Diagram)、部署图(Deployment Diagram)、状态图(State Diagram)、序列图(Sequence Diagram)、协作图(Collaboration Diagram)、活动图(Activity Diagram)RUP(Rational Unified Process)是使用面向对象技术进行软件开发的最佳实践之一面向对象模式的典型应用:基于组件的软件开发Component-Based Development,CBD分层模式典型应用是分层通信协议如ISO/OSI的七层网络模型客户/服务器模式Client/Service,C/S中间件Middleware数据库访问中间件远程过程调用中间件Remote Procedure Call,RPC面向消息中间件Message-Oriented Middle,MOM分布式对象中间件事务中间件也称事务处理监控器Transaction Process Monitor,TPM对象事务监控器Object Transaction Monitor,OTM数据仓库Data Warehouse面向主题Subject-OrientedWeb服务Wed ServicesWeb服务的典型技术包括:用于传递信息的简单对象访问协议(Simple Object Access Protocal,SOAP)、用于描述服务的Web服务描述语言(Web Services Description Language,WSDL)、用于Web服务注册的统一描述、发现及集成(Universal Description Discovery and Integration,UDDI)、用于数据交换的XMLJavaEE Java Platform Enterprise Edition 是最早由Sun公司(已被IBM公司收购)提出、各厂商共同制定并得到广泛认可的工业标准JavaEE应用服务器运行环境主要包括组件Component、容器Container、服务Services通用语言运行环境Common Language Runtime公共对象请求代理架构Common Object Request Broker Architecture ,CORBA)国际标准化组织ISO国际电报电话咨询委员会CCITT开放系统互连参考模型Open System Interconnect,OSIOSI采用了分层的结构化技术:物理层,具体标准有RS232、V.35、RJ-45、FDDI数据链路层,常见协议IEEE802.3/.2、HDLC、PPP、ATM网络层:在TCP/IP协议中,网络层具体协议有IP、ICMP、IGMP、IPX、ARP等传输层:在TCP/IP协议中,具体协议有TCP、UDP、SPX会话层,常见协议有RPC、SQL、NFS表示层,常见协议有JPEG、ASCII、GIF、DES、MPEG应用层:在TCP/IP协议中,具体协议有HTTP、Telnet、FTP、SMTP第4章项目管理一般知识SMART原则项目的目标要求具体的Specific 可测量的Measurable、可达到的Attainable、有相关性的Relevant、有明确时限的Time-bound地理信息系统Geographic Information System,GIS工作分解结构Work Breakdown Structure WBS国际标准化组织International Organization for standardization ISO关键路径法Critical Path Method CPM计划评审技术Program Evaluation and Review Technique PERT工作分解结构Work Breakdown Structure WBS挣值Earned Value EV国际项目管理协会International Project Management Association ,IPMA国际项目管理资质标准IPMA Competence Baseline ICB国际项目管理专业资质认证International Project Management Professional,IPMP美国项目管理学会Project Management PMI项目管理的知识体系Project Management Body of Knowledge PMBOK项目管理专业人员资格认证Project Management Professional,PMP项目管理办公室Project Management Office ,PMO基于项目的组织Project-based Organizations,PBORUP(Rational Unified Process)软件统一过程是一种“过程方法”,它就是迭代模型的一种开发过程的动态结构,周期Cycle、阶段Phase、迭代Iteration和里程碑Milestone开发过程的静态结构,包括活动Activity、产物Artifact、工作者Worker、工作流Workflow RUP中的软件生命周期在时间上被分解为4个顺序的阶段,初始阶段Inception、细化阶段Elaboration、构建阶段Construction和交付阶段TransitionPDCA循环Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle合同文件/工作说明书Statement of Work ,SOW第5章项目立项管理项目建议书Request for Proposal,RFP第6章项目整体管理谅解备忘录MOUs服务品质协议SLA主题专家SME变更控制委员会CCB开踢会议,也称开工会议kick-off meeting完工尚需时间估算ETC进度偏差SV进度绩效指数SPI成本偏差CV成本绩效指数CPI完工估算EAC完工预算BAC根本原因分析RCA失效模式与影响分析FMEA故障树分析FTA第7章项目范围管理联合应用设计/开发JAD质量功能展开QFD第8章项目进度管理挣值管理EVM项目管理信息系统PMIS前导图法Precedence Diagramming Method,PDM 也称紧前关系绘图法活动节点图Active On Node,AON最早开始时间Earliest Start time,ES最迟开始时间Latest Start time,LS最早完成时间Earliest Finish time,EF最迟完成时间Latest Finish time,LF箭线图法Arrow Diagramming Method,ADM 也称双代号网络图或活动箭线图(Active On the Arrow,AOA)活动的紧前事件precede event活动的紧后事件successor event资源分解结构Resource Breakdown Structure,RBSOBS计划评审技术Program Evaluation And Review Technique,PERT 贝塔分布Beta distribution关键路径法CPM Critical Path Method关键链法CCM Critical Chain Method资源平衡Resource Leveling资源平滑Resource Smoothing第9章项目成本管理会计科目表Chart of Accounts质量成本COQ软件编制成本的参数估算COCOMO模型计划值Planned Value ,PVPV的总和有时被称为绩效测量基准PMB项目的总计划值又被称为完工预算BAC实际成本Actual Cost,AC进度偏差Schedule Variance,SV成本偏差Cost Variance,CV进度绩效指数Schedule Performance Index,SPI成本绩效指数Cost Performance Index,CPI完工尚需估算Estimate To Complete,ETC完工尚需绩效指数To-Complete Performance Index,TCPI第10章项目质量管理质量管理Quality Management过程控制(SPC)理论全面质量管理理论TQM全面质量控制TQC准时化生产JIT看板生产Kanben质量改进Kaizen质量功能展开QFD并行工程CE企业流程再造BPR标杆对照BenchMarking实验设计DOE过程决策程序图PDPC活动箭线图AOA 活动节点图AON计划评审技术PERT关键路径法CPM紧前关系绘图法PDM平均故障间隔时间MTBF平均修复时间MTTR第11章项目人力资源管理任务分配矩阵或责任分配矩阵Responsibility Allocation Matrix,RAM工作分解结构WBS组织分解结构OBS资源分解结构Resolution Breakdown Structure,RBSRACI图(Responsible负责-Accountable参与-Consult征求意见-Inform通知)塔克曼Tuckman阶梯理论:形成阶段Forming、震荡阶段Storming、规范阶段Norming、发挥阶段Performing、结束阶段Adjourning冲突管理的6种方法:问题解决Problem Solving/Confrontation,合作Collaboration,强制Forcing,妥协Compromising,求同存异Smoothing/Accommodating,撤退Withdrawing/Avoiding赫茨伯格的双因素理论:保健因素Hygiene Factor;激励因素Motivator第12章项目沟通管理和干系人管理符号Symbol具体符号Concrete Symbol抽象符号Abstract Symbol渠道Channel反馈Feedback噪音Noise环境Environment第13章项目合同管理合同Contract第14章项目采购管理总价加激励合同FPIF总价加经济价格调整合同FP-EPA固定总价合同FFP成本补偿合同:成本加固定费用合同CPFF、成本加激励费用合同CPIF、成本加奖励费用合同CPAF成本加成本百分比,也叫成本加酬金合同CPF工料合同T&M采购文件:方案邀请书Request For Proposal,RFP;报价邀请书Request For Quoting,RFQ;征求供应商意见书Request For Information,RFI;投标邀请书Invitation For Bid,IFB第15章信息(文档)和配置管理配置管理员Configuration management Officer ,CMO配置基线Configuration Baseline里程碑Milestone发行基线Release Baseline构造基线Build Baseline配置库Configuration Library开发库Development Library受控库Controlled Library产品库Product Library配置控制委员会Configuration Control Board,CCB配置标识Configuration Identification配置状态报告Configuration Status Reporting,也称配置状态统计(Configuration Status Accounting)配置审计Configuration Audit功能配置审计Functional Configuration Audit物理配置审计Physical Configuration Audit第16章变更管理变更控制委员会Configuration Control Board,CCB第17章信息系统安全管理保密性Confidentiality完整性Integrity可用性Availability平均故障间隔时间Mean Time Between Failure,MTBF第18章项目风险管理风险分解结构Risk Breakdown Structure第19章项目收尾管理第20章知识产权管理第21章法律法规和标准规范英美法系Common Law国际标准化组织International Organization Standardization,ISO国际电工委员会International Electro technical Commission,IEC国际电信联盟International Telecommunication Union,ITU电气电子工程师学会Institute Electrical and Electronics Engineers,IEEEInternet协会:理事会IAB,工程常务组IESG,工程任务组IETF国际Web联盟(W3C)国际标准化管理委员会Standardization Administration of China,SAC。
Project Quality Management includes the processes required to ensure that the project will satisfy the needs for which it was undertaken. It includes “all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy,objectives,and responsibilities and implements them by means such as quality planning,quality control,quality assurance, and quality improvement, within the quality system”. Figure 8-l provides an overview of the following major project quality management processes:项目质量管理包括项目满足其需求所需的过程。
l Quality Planning—identifying which quality standards are relevant to the project and determining how to satisfy them。
8.2 Quality Assurance-evaluating overall project performance on a regular basis to provide confidence that the project will satisfy the relevant quality standards.质量保证-定期评价整个项目的执行情况,提供项目满足相关质量标准的信心。
项目管理知识体系项目管理知识体系(Project Management the Body of Knowledge,简称PMBOK)项目管理知识体系的简介项目管理知识体系是项目管理专业领域知识的总称,它是20世纪80年代由美国项目管理协会(PMI)总结了项目管理实践中成熟的理论、方法、工具和技术所提出的。
PMBOK重点从知识领域的角度将项目管理过程组成九个项目管理知识领域:项目范围管理、项目时间管理, 项目成本管理, 项目质量管理, 项目人力资源管理, 项目沟通管理, 项目采购管理, 项目风险管理和项目综合管理,每个知识领域包括数量不等的项目管理过程。
项目管理知识体系的形成目前有两大项目管理的研究体系, 即: 以欧洲为首的体系—国际项目管理协会( IPMA International Project Management Association) 和以美国为首的体系—美国项目管理协会(PMI Project Management Institute) 。
IPMA 有自己的知识体系标准《IPMA Competence Baseline,ICB》即《国际项目管理专业资质标准》,其对项目管理者的素质要求大约有40个方面.。
PMI 卓有成效的贡献是开发了一套项目管理知识体系, 简称为PMBOK ( Project Management Body of Knowledge) 。
在这个知识体系中, 把项目管理划分为9个知识领域(范围管理、时间管理, 成本管理, 质量管理, 人力资源管理, 沟通管理, 采购管理, 风险管理和综合管理)。
PMBOK是指项目管理知识体系指南(Project Management Body of Knowledge),是由美国项目管理协会(PMI)发布的一本权威指南,用于规范和指导项目管理领域的实践。
Organizational Planning
Role/Respons Assignments Staffing Mgmt Plan Organization Chart Supporting Detail
Project Charter Project Mgr ID'd/Assigned Constraints / Assumptions
Scope Planning
Scope Statement Supporting Detail Scope Mgmt Pla n
Initiating Process
Planning Process
Executing Process
Controlling Process
Closing Process
Project Management Processes Groups
Initiating Planning
Activity Sequencing Initiation Scope Planning Scope Definition Activity Definition Activity Duration Estimation Cost Estimating Project Plan Development core facilitating Quality Planning Comm Planning Risk Identification Procurement Planning Organizational Planning Risk Quantification Soliciation Planning Staff Acquisition Source Selection Risk Response Development Information Distribution Team Development Quality Assurance Scope Verification Soliciation Contract Administration Scope Change Control Schedule Control
A c tiv ity D u ra tio n Estim ation
Activity Duration Estim ates Basis of Estim ates Activitly List Updates
Project Schedule Supporting Detail Schedule M gm t Plan Resource Reqm tsUpdates
c o re fa c ilita tin g
Comm P lanning
R isk Id e n tific a tio n
Procurem ent P lanning
R isk Q uantification
R isk Response D evelopm ent
S oliciation P lanning
Schedule Control
Q u a lity Control
Te a m D e ve lo p m e n t
P e rform a n ce
Reporting Response
D e ve lo p m e n t
A d m in istra tive C lo su re
Risk Response
Source Selection
Contract A d m in is tra tio n
Contract C lo se o u t
Initiating Process
Planning Process
Executing Process
Controlling Process
Project Management Focus Aห้องสมุดไป่ตู้eas
Performance Reporting
Risk Response Development
Administrative Closure
Risk Response
Source Selection
Contract Administration
Contract Closeout
Team Development
Performance Improvements Input to Performance Appraisals
Organizational Planning
Role/Respons Assignments Staffing Mgmt Plan
Staff Acquisition
Activity Duration Estimates Basis of Estimates Activitly List Updates
Project Schedule Supporting Detail Schedule Mgmt Plan Resource ReqmtsUpdates
Project Plan Development
Procurement Planning
Soliciation Planning
Project staff assigned Procurement Mgmt Plan
Sequencing Estimating
Quality Assurance
Staff Acquisition
Distribution Quantification Planning
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• The Project Quality Management processes are:
• Quality assurance is about using project processes effectively.
The Manage Quality process
• The Manage Quality process implements a set of planned and systematic acts and processes defined within the project’s quality management plan that helps to:
• Trends in Project Quality Management include but are not limited to:
– Customer satisfaction. Understand, evaluate, define, and manage requirements so that customer expectations
The cost of quality (COQ)
• The cost of quality (COQ) includes all costs incurred over the life of the product by investment in preventing nonconformance to requirements, appraising the product or service for conformance to requirements, and failing to meet requirements (rework).
Cause-and-Effect Diagram
Design for X (DfX)
• Design for X (DfX) is a set of technical guidelines that may be applied during the design of a product for the optimization of a specific aspect of the design.
– are met. – Continual improvement. The plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycle is
the basis for quality improvement as defined by Shewhart and modified by Deming. – Management responsibility. Success requires the participation of all members of the project team. – Mutually beneficial partnership with suppliers. An organization and its suppliers are interdependent.
project; – Quality tools that will be used for the project; and – Major procedures relevant for the project, such as dealing with
nonconformance, corrective actions procedures, and continuous improvement procedures.
Project Quality Management
• Project Quality Management addresses the management of the project and the deliverables of the project.
• It applies to all projects, regardless of the nature of their deliverables.
Modern quality management approaches
• Modern quality management approaches seek to minimize variation and to deliver results that meet defined stakeholder requirements.
• Failure costs are often categorized into internal (found by the project team) and external (found by the customer).
• Failure costs are also called the cost of poor quality.
• For example:
– Meeting customer requirements by overworking the project team may result in decreased profits and increased levels of overall project risks, employee attrition, errors, or rework.
• Quality measures and techniques are specific to the type of deliverables being produced by the project.
Failure to meet the quality requirements
• Failure to meet the quality requirements can have serious negative consequences for any or all of the project’s stakeholders.
– Design an optimal and mature product by implementing specific design guidelines that address specific aspects of the product,
– Build confidence that a future output will be completed in a manner that meets the specified requirements and expectations through quality assurance tools and techniques such as quality audits and failure analysis,
– Quality standards that will be used by the project; – Quality objectives of the project; – Quality roles and responsibilities; – Project deliverables and processes subject to quality review; – Quality control and quality management activities planned for the
• DfX can control or even improve the product’s final characteristics.
• The X in DfX can be different aspects of product development, such as reliability, deployment, assembly, manufacturing, cost, service, usability, safety, and quality.
Plan Quality Management
Plan Quality Management: Data Flow Diagram
Cost of Quality
The SIPOC Model
The quality management plan
• The quality management plan is a component of the project management plan that describes how applicable policies, procedures, and guidelines will be implemented to achieve the quality objectives. The quality management plan may include but is not limited to the following components:
Software Project Management
Project quality management
Project Quality Management
• Project Quality Management includes the processes for incorporating the organization’s quality policy regarding planning, managing, and controlling project and product quality requirements in order to meet stakeholders’ objectives.