英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通

情景对话:交通问题及抱怨TransportationProblemsandCompl... Transportation Problems and Complaints交通问题及抱怨Part One: Expressions1. There’s another traffic jam on the highway. 公路上又堵车了。
2. I wonder if there was an accident.我想是否又出事故了。
3. Let’s put on some music.我来放点音乐。
4. Should we get out and help?我们要出去帮帮忙吗?5. It’s pretty bad.真糟糕。
6. It looks like we’re in for a long drive.看来我们驾车时间是不会短的了。
7. That sunset is beautiful.日落真漂亮。
8. I never knew that.我可从不知道。
9. It’s your turn to drive next week.下个星期轮到你开车了。
10. Give me a call if you can’t make it for some reason.如果有什么原因不能来就给我打个电话。
Part Two: Dialogues1. Traffic Jam交通堵塞A: Oh, damn. There’s another traffic jam on the highway.B: How can there be a traffic jam on a 16-lane highway every day?A: There are just too many people, and too many cars.B: I wonder if there was an accident.A: No, they just said it too many people were trying to get off at the Capitol exits.B: Well, let’s put on some music. We’re going to be stuck in this for a while.A: All right, what do you want to listen to?B: How about some Beatles?A: Yeah, all right.A: 哦,真糟糕。

店铺整理了交通工具英语对话,欢迎阅读!交通工具英语对话一Mom:Joy Chain elementary school, please.麻烦去卓成小学。
Taxi driver:Will do.好的。
Mom:How frustrating! The bus is still not coming.真让人烦躁!公交车到现在都还没到。
Taxi driver:Ma'am, take your kid to school?女士,您是送孩子上学吧?Mom:Yes. I am in a hurry. Please take a shortcut.是啊,我赶时间。
Taxi driver:No problem. Don't worry, the taxi is faster than the bus.没问题,别担心,出租车可比公交车快多了。
Mom:The traffic is terrible on Monday morning. It takes us almost1 hour to get to school.周一早晨,交通总是很糟糕。
Taxi driver:My son is the same. But he always makes an early start in the morning, and enjoys listening to the English programmer “Let's talk in English” on the way.我儿子也是这样的。

1. 乘坐公交车或地铁:- 问路:Excuse me, how can I get to [目的地] by bus/subway?- 确认路线:Do I need to transfer? Which line should I take?- 听到答案:Thank you so much for your help!- 下车前告别:This is my stop, thank you!2. 打的/出租车:- 招手:Taxi!/Can you stop here?- 询问目的地:I want to go to [目的地].- 要求使用计价器:Could you please turn on the meter?- 到达目的地:Here is the [目的地]. How much is it?- 付款:Here is the money. Keep the change.- 表扬司机:You are a good driver. Have a nice day!3. 自驾车:- 寻找停车场:Is there a parking lot nearby?- 找到空位:There is an empty space. Let's park here.- 请求关注:Please watch out for pedestrians.- 离开停车位:Let's get out of the parking spot.- 遇到堵车:There is a traffic jam. Let's find an alternative route.4. 步行:- 请求过路人让行:Excuse me, could you please let me pass?- 路过交通灯:The light is green, let's cross the road.- 暂停等待:Let's wait for the red light to change.- 表达歉意:Sorry, I didn't see you there.- 表达感谢:Thank you for holding the door for me.5. 自行车:- 骑车询问路:Do you know the way to [目的地]?- 自制铃声:Ding-ding! Excuse me, I am passing by.- 遇到行人:Watch out! There are pedestrians ahead.- 招手示意:I am turning right/left.- 赞美他人:You are a skilled cyclist!除了以上场景,还有很多其他的交通出行场景,需要根据具体情况灵活运用口语表达。

1. What is the most popular transport in China? 1. 中国最为流⾏的交通⽅式是什么? I think that would be bus,which I think is a result ofChinese people, s ever-increasing living standardsand ever-growing Chinese economy. You know thosedays when Chinese were confined to make their wayon foot or by bikes are gone forever, here comes thetime when we Chinese are offered millions ofoptions: car,bus,subway,train,plane … but it reallydepends,depends on which city we are talking about here. If we are talking about big cities likeBeijing,Shanghai and Guangzhou,taxi or private car is going to be the most popular transport: but when we are talking about small cities,bicycles might turn out to be the most populartransport. 我想应该是公交车。

小编精心收集了谈论交通的英语对话,供大家欣赏学习!谈论交通的英语对话1William:How’s your trip going?你的旅行进行的怎么样了?Susan:Oh I’m enjoying myself but it’s so hot here.我玩得非常开心,不过这里的天气太热了。
William:Isn’t London hot in the summer?伦敦的夏天天气不热吗?Susan:Well it can be but Shanghai is much warmer than London.有时候会热,不过上海比伦敦热多了。
William:I see. What about transport? How does Shanghai compare to London?我知道了。
那交通方面呢?Susan:Actually I think the buses and trains are more modern here.其实我觉得这里的公共汽车和火车更现代一些。
William:And what about the number of people on the streets?街上的人数比较起来又如何呢?Susan:Oh, I think Shanghai is much more crowded than London.噢,我觉得上海比伦敦可要拥挤多了。
谈论交通的英语对话2Mr. Li:I am sorry for damaging your car, Madam.真抱歉弄坏你的车,女士。
Shirly:Don't worry about it. Just leave it to the insurance companies.别担心。

下面本文为大家带来有关交通英语口语情景对话,供大家学习!【篇一】有关交通英语口语情景对话阅读Tu: Do you travel by car in Iran?屠:你在伊朗时是开车出行吗?Amir: Well, you know, when I was in Iran it was just like your case. I felt like this is natural.This is how I saw the traffic. This was how it is supposed to work. When you go abroad, andlike me right now, I’m living abroad, then I go back to Iran, I cannot drive with the flows againjust like before. It is very difficult for me. At first, I become very much like foreigners and getmad at every mistake, you know, every illegal moves you know, other Iranians are doing, sobut after awhile I get the hang of it, so then I learn how to really get my work done.阿米尔:你知道,我在伊朗时和你的情况一样。

关于交通的英语对话1关于交通的英语对话1 mary:oh! we're stuck in a traffic jam.哦!我們被卡在車陣中了。
driver:the traffic's always heavy at this time of day.每天每天这个时候车总是很多.mary:this is just great! is there any way we can get out of here?真倒楣!我們有辦法離開這裡嗎?driver:i'm afraid there's nothing we can do but wait.恐怕我們除了等之外,沒別的辦法。
mary:oh, it's hopeless. i'm sure i'll miss my train.哦,沒希望了。
driver:wait a minute! we can turn at the next intersection! i know another road we can take.等一下!我們可以在下一個十字路口轉彎!我知道我們可以走另一條路。
mary:terrific! is the traffic lighter there?太棒了!那條路上車比較少嗎?driver:yeah. it's a quiet road. but we'll go through a tollbooth. that'll cost you a little extra.沒錯,那條路沒什麼車。
mary:so it's a shortcut?所以那是一條捷徑了?driver:yeah.是的。
mary:it really doesn't matter, as long as i can catch the train.那不重要,只要我能趕上火車。

店铺整理了有关交通的英语对话,欢迎阅读!有关交通的英语对话一Mary:Hey! Taxi.嘿! 出租车。
Taxi Driver:Where are you heading, madam?小姐,您想去哪儿?Mary:Capital Airport.首都机场。
Taxi Driver:What’s your flight time?您是几点的飞机?Mary:At 7:50.7 点50。
Taxi Driver:I guess we should get there no later than 7:00.我想我们到达那里不会迟于7 点。
Mary:How long is the ride from here then?从这儿到那里开车要多少时间?Taxi Driver:Well, since it’s rush hour, I’d say the ride would take about thirty minutes, more or less. Is that okay?哦,由于是交通高峰期,我想至少要30 分钟,行吗?Mary:Yes, that’ll be fine. How much is this going to cost?好的,这需要多少钱?Taxi Driver:Watch the meter. My guess is that it’ll cost you about ten or twelve yuan, but if we stuck in traffic jam, it would go higher.看计价器,我估计要10 或12 元,但如果交通堵塞,还要高。
新概念英语口语第一册 Lesson 69 Talking about Car 谈论车

新概念英语口语第一册 Lesson 69 Talking aboutCar 谈论车经典对话 (A=Maggie B=Paul C=Kate)A:China should need more cars.A:中国需要更多的汽车。
C:However,cars bring us noise and pollution. Environment experts have suggested time and time again we should have fewer cars.C:但是,汽车给我们带来了噪声和污染。
B:Yes,that's true. But cars will contribute to the construction of cxir country. The USA, the richest country in the world, is called “the nation on wheels”. But do you know that its prosperity owes a great debt to Henry Ford?B:是的,确实是这样。
但是,你知道美国的繁荣和亨利福特的车业是离不开的吗?A:Besides,some other countries that were at the same starting point with China after World War 11, say, Japan and South Korea, rely on their automobile industry. They have TOYOTA and CROWN.to name a few brands you can often see on highways in almost every corner of developed countries.A:另外,那些二战后和中国在同一个起跑线上的国家,例如日本、韩国都依赖于汽车行业而发展起来。
英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通

英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通随着全球的各国的关系越来越好,从21世纪以后英语的广泛使用,那么关于谈论交通该如何表达?以下是给大家整理的英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通,希望可以帮到大家How often does the bus run?这车多长时间一趟?A:How often does the bus run? B:Every five minutes.A:这车多长时间一趟?五分钟。
A:Oh,here comes a bus! B:It comes on the dot.噢,来了一辆车!来得正好。
Many roads are very narrow.许多街都太窄。
A:I like small towns.A:我喜欢小镇。
B:But many roads are very narrow.B:但是小镇许多街道都太窄。
A:Not always,and therere also few cars! A:也不是,车也少啊!B:Yes,because of fewer people.B:那倒是,人少嘛。
This is the rush hour.这是高峰期。
A:This is the rush hour.A:这是高峰期。
B:I notice theres a jam a few blocks away. 我注意到前几个街口正塞车。
A:Lets drive off this road.A:我们躲开这条路吧。
B:Im afraid Ill be late.B:恐怕要迟到了。
Therere traffic jam everywhere.到处都塞车。
A:Therere traffic jam everywhere this hour of the day! A:白天这个时候到处都塞车。
B:I think something must be done.B:我觉得应该采取一些措施。

关于trafficJamandpollution口语对话Tina and Howard are talking about the social issues in Shanghai. Tina is complaining about the traffic jam and pollutions while Howard is trying to give solutions to the problems.H: Tina, god! You are coming.T: I am so sorry, I am late, it’s just the rush hour, and the traffic is so heavy, so I caught in a traffic jam.H: Yes, Traffic congestion has been a problem of great concern and complaint in shanghai for a long time. It has caused a lot of inconvenience to people's life and workT: That’s really true. I have to set off in advance to get to work on time and come back very late when my work is over. Most of my time is spent on the traffic jam.H: I think there are three reasons for this situation. The first one is the great increase in the number of private cars. Some private car drivers ignore traffic regulations; they drive only for the sake of their own convenience. The second one is the slow and inefficient construction of roads and streets. The last one is the insufficient management of the traffic system and the people’s lack of awareness of traffic regulations.T:Do you have any practical suggestions?H:Yes, I think, firstly, we should limit the personal cars, and set a series of rules, like single-double number plan to cut the number of cars on the road by half. Secondly, adjust the city structure, and make the layout of SH city more reasonable, in the meantime, increase the quantity of public transportation means, encourage the public going out by Bus, Underground or bike. Finally, educate the drivers driving in order.T:I agree with you. It also causes a lot of pollutions to us. Cars play an important role in modern society. It has created a lot of serious problems in our society. Besides accidents and fast fuel consumption, cars are responsible for a part of air pollution in the cities. All the time, they are pumping huge amounts of waste gases into the atmosphere. These gases are very harmful, causing disease and even death.H: I have the same feeling. Modern transportation revolves around cars. Shanghainese drive everywhere, to the store, to work, to school. Everybody wants they have their own car. So it causes pollinations. Efforts have been made to get a person to use public transportation and to carpool, which means sharing rides with other people. Many people believe what we really need is a cleaner car. Companies are trying currently working on designing that would run on water and electricity. People seem likely to buy these cars because of the money they would save on gasoline. They would help the environment a great deal.T: Yeah, you’re very knowledg eable. I totally agree with you.。

As a seventhgrader, I had a memorable conversation about transportation with my friend, Tom. It was a sunny afternoon, and we were sitting on the school bench discussing our favorite ways to get around town.I started the conversation by asking Tom, Whats your favorite mode of transportation, Tom?Tom, with a big smile, replied, I love riding my bike. Its fun and good for the environment. Plus, it keeps me fit!I nodded in agreement, Thats true. I also enjoy biking, but sometimes I prefer taking the bus. Its convenient, especially when Im in a hurry.Tom then asked me, Do you think public transportation is efficient in our city?I thought for a moment and said, I think its pretty efficient. The buses are usually on time, and the routes cover most parts of the city. But I wish they had more routes for better connectivity.Tom chimed in, Yeah, I agree. But sometimes I take the subway when I need to go to the other side of the city quickly.I asked, Do you find the subway system easy to navigate?Tom responded, Yes, its quite userfriendly. The maps are clear, and the stations are wellmaintained.As our conversation continued, we also talked about the importance of road safety and how we should always follow traffic rules to avoid accidents.I said, Its crucial to wear a helmet while biking and to always look both ways before crossing the street.Tom added, Absolutely! And we should also be mindful of pedestrians when driving or riding our bikes.Our conversation about transportation was not only informative but also a reminder of our shared responsibility to ensure a safe and efficient transportation system in our community. It was a valuable discussion that I will always cherish.。

2021年高中英语老外最想聊的100个口语话题(97)城市交通素材dialogue 1Saini: I have been late three times this week.这星期我差不多迟到三次了.Rite: What's up?如何了?S: Traffic is tied up in knots. I'm afraid I'm gonna be late again.车堵得一塌糊涂.可能我又要迟到了.R: Traffic is always heavy at this time of day.那个时候就专门堵.S: I left thiny minutcs earIier than usual today in ordcr to avoid the rush hour, but I'm still later我今天提早30分钟动身,本来想躲开高峰,但是眼看又要迟到了.R: Maybe you can try a differentmute.能不能走别的路线?S: I don't think it can be avoidcd. to be honest.there seems to be cars everywhere. 说实话,我觉得避不开,到处差不多上车.R: What about the Badaling Expressway?打开收音机吧,经常会有最新的路况.S: Well, traffic moves at a good clip on that freeway, but it's a long way around. 恩听起来看起来情形不妙,西直门邻近专门堵.R: Turn on the radio. They usually have freeway updates.高峰期那儿一直专门堵.S: Looks likc we'Iljust have to wait it out.看来只好等着了.R: Unfortunately, I thin;: you're right.哎,看起来只好如此了.S: If I'm latc again, my boss's 80nna blow a fuse.假如我再迟到,老总一定会专门动气.R: You'Iljust havc to leave earlier tomorrow.你改日只能早点了.dialogue 2R: It's too crowded in here!那个地点面太挤了!S: same story every day.每天都如此.R: oh really? Oh good, it's stopping to let some fresh air in, it's too stuffy here. 是吗?太好了,车停了,能吸点新奇空气了,这儿太不透气了.S: subway line one is always very crowded, especially during rush hour.地铁一号线总是专门拥挤,专门是在高峰时段.R: oh, no. there are more people getting on!哎,又上来专门多人!S: we should leave earlier next time.下次早点动身吧.R: I don't think I can stand it any more. I can hardly breathe.我受不了了,都快窒息了.S: come on, Rita, only two more stops before the interchange. It will empty out them.丽塔,坚持下,还有2站就到换乘站了,那时上车就会空点了.R: thank God. I don't get how you handle this. There's so little personal space. Why don't you take the bus? It's cheaper.太好了,我真不明白你是如何忍耐的,人贴着人,没一点个人空间.什么缘故不坐公交车呢?不是比这廉价吗?S: yes, it is. But it's not very convenient. I would have to change buses three times and it's not as reliable.确实廉价,然而不太方便,坐公交车我要换三次车,而且不行操纵时刻.R: at least on the bus you can see out of the windows. Down here there is nothing but advertisements.坐公交的话,至少能看看窗外的风景,在这儿全差不多上广告.S: it's just as overcrowded and smelly as the subway as well as bring slower. 公交车内一样专门挤,味道也不行,还比地铁慢.R: I guess you're right. I think I'll consider buying a car. What do you say? 倒也是,因此我正考虑买车呢.你呢?S: honestly, for there are already far too many cars in Beijing, I don't wantto contribute to the mess.老实说,北京的小车太多了,我可不想再添苦恼了.R: I suppose you are right. I guess I'll just have to get used to the subway. 说的也是,我想我依旧努力适应坐地铁吧.。
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英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通随着全球的各国的关系越来越好,从21世纪以后英语的广泛使用,那么关于谈论交通该如何表达?以下是小编给大家整理的英语流行口语对话:Talking About Traffic 谈论交通,希望可以帮到大家How often does the bus run?这车多长时间一趟?A:How often does the bus run? B:Every five minutes.A:这车多长时间一趟?五分钟。
A:Oh,here comes a bus! B:It comes on the dot.噢,来了一辆车!来得正好。
Many roads are very narrow.许多街都太窄。
A:I like small towns.A:我喜欢小镇。
B:But many roads are very narrow.B:但是小镇许多街道都太窄。
A:Not always,and there're also few cars!A:也不是,车也少啊!B:Yes,because of fewer people.B:那倒是,人少嘛。
This is the rush hour.这是高峰期。
A:This is the rush hour.A:这是高峰期。
B:I notice there's a jam a few blocks away.我注意到前几个街口正塞车。
A:Let's drive off this road.A:我们躲开这条路吧。
B:I'm afraid I'll be late.B:恐怕要迟到了。
There're traffic jam everywhere.到处都塞车。
A:There're traffic jam everywhere this hour of the day! A:白天这个时候到处都塞车。
B:I think something must be done.B:我觉得应该采取一些措施。
A:Yeah,we should have more roads built.A:是啊,我们该多修点路。
So crowded!太拥挤了!A:Shit,so crowded!A:真是的,太拥挤了!B:The radio said it's OK on this road.B:收音机说这条路通畅啊。
A:Things change every minute.A:情况变得太快了。
B:We have too many cars!B:车太多了!How long do I have to wait?我得等多长时间?A:How long do I have to wait?A:我得等多长时间?B:Two hours.That area is a little backward.两个小时.那地方有点团塞。
A:I see.The bus doesn't come so often as in cities.A:所以车不像城里那么勤。
B:You're right.B:对。
I'm afraid I have to wait for the next bus.我恐怕只能等下一辆了。
A:Oh,the bus is gone.A:噢,车走了。
B:Pity we didn't catch it.B:真可惜,我们没赶上。
A:I'm afraid we have to wait for the next bus. A:恐怕只能等下一辆了。
B:We have to wait six more minutes!B:还再等六分钟!The city has got a traffic problem.这城市交通有问题。
A:The city has got a traffic problem.A:这城市交通有问题。
B:That means it's developing very fast.这说明它发展得很快.A:You said it.说对了。
B:Problems are inevitable.B:有问题是难免的。
I'll be late because I have waited so long!我等了这么久,要迟到了。
A:I'll be late because I have waited so long! A:我等了这么久,要迟到了。
B:Don't worry.The bus will arrive soon.B:别着急,车就要来了。
A:I'd better take a taxi.A:我最好坐出租。
B:That's no use.This is morning rush hour.B:没用,现在正是早上高峰期。
Oh,here comes a bus!车来了!A:Oh,here comes a bus!A:车来了。
B:It's here at last!B:总算来了。
A:How long have you waited? B:Twenty minutes exactly. A:你等了多久了?整整二十分钟了.There's going to be a highway here.这里要修高速公路。
A:There's going to be a highway here.这里要修高速公路。
B:That's better.那倒不错。
A:The traffic problem will soon be eased.交通问题不久会缓解的。
B:I think so.是啊。
I like to drive on freeway.我喜欢在高速公路上开车。
A:I like to drive on freeway.我喜欢在高速公路上开车。
B:Don't drive too fast.B:不要开得太快。
A:Don't worry.There're few cars now.A:别担心,车很少。
B:Be careful.It's dangerous to drive fast.小心点儿吧,开快车太危险。
Usually cities have greater traffic problems. 通常城里交通问题更大。
A:Usually cities have greater traffic problems. A:通常城里交通问题更大。
B:Of course,there're too many people.B:那当然啦,人多嘛。
A:I hate the car columns on the road.A:我讨厌街上的车流。
B:But we couldn't help it.B:但是我们无能为力呀。
How do you get road news?你怎么得到路况信息的呢?A:Wow do you get road news?你怎么得到交通信息的呢?B:I've a driver mate in my car!B:我车里有司机伴侣!A:So you have all the news on broadcast?A:你听广播了?B:Yes,it's so helpfull.B:听了,很有帮助。
How can we avoid the jam?我们怎样避免塞车?A:How can we avoid the jam?A:我们怎样才能避免塞车?B:Let's take a roundabout way.B:绕过去吧。
B:Look,traffic jam again!B:瞧,前面又堵车了。
Traffic rules are different among countries.交通规则各国不同。
A:Traffic rules are different among countries.A:交通规则各国不同。
B:For example?B:举个例子看看。
A:People drive on the right in China.在中国人们是靠右侧行车的.B:Oh,that's interesting!哦,那真有意思!I can't find proper parking space.我找不到合适的地方停车。
A:I can't find proper parking space.A:我找不到合适的地方停车了。
B:Let's just park here.B:就停这儿吧。
A:No,there's no a parking sign.A:不行,这儿没有停车标志。
B:Oh,the policeman's coming.B:噢,警察过来了。
The road has higher accident rate.这条街肇事率很高。
A:The road has higher accident rate.A:这条街肇事率很高。
B:I couldn't figure it out.We don't have many cars on this raod. 我不明白,这条路上车很少哇。
A:People drive too fast.That's dangerous too. 人们开快车,这也很危险啊.B:I see.我懂了.。