Unity 3d英文翻译

unity3d软件一级栏翻译主菜单包含的子菜单File【文件】New Scene【新建场景】Open Scene【打开场景】Save Scene 【保存场景】Save Scene as…【场景另存为…】New Project…【新建工程文件】Open Project…【打开工程文件】Save Project 【保存工程文件】Build Settings…【创建设置】(这里可以设置你的游戏将要以何种方式发布,发布的场景文件又包含那些)Build & Run 【创建并运行】(这里以“Build Settings”里设置好的方式,发布并运行游戏)Exit 【退出】Edit【编辑】Undo 【撤销上一步操作】Redo 【恢复被撤销的操作】Cut 【剪切】Copy 【拷贝】Paste 【粘贴】Duplicate 【复制】Delete 【删除】Frame Selected 【在编辑场景中最大化显示被选中的物体】Select All 【全选编辑面板中的所有物体】Preferences…【首选参数设置】Play 【播放】(如果游戏已经开始播放,点此按钮代表停止播放)Pause 【暂停】Step 【逐帧播放游戏】Load selection 【载入所选】(与“Save selection”【存储所选】联合使用,你可以把它理解为一个临时的快捷键,帮你快速的找到特定的以被存储的物体对象。
)Saveselection 【存储所选】(与“Load selection”【载入所选】联合使用,你可以把它理解为一个临时的快捷键,帮你快速的找到特定的以被存储的物体对象。
)Project Settings 【工程文件设置】(包含了该工程项目的“Input”【热键】、“Tags”【标签管理】、“Audio”【音频设置】、“Ti me”【时间设置】、“Player”【播放器设置】、“Physics”【默认仿真物理设置】、“Quality”【播放质量参数设置】、“NetWork”【网络工作参数设置】、“Editor”【编辑器设置】)“Script Execution Order”【脚本编译顺序设置】Render settings 【渲染设置】(默认渲染参数设置,包括环境光,周围的雾化程度,环境颜色1等等一系列参数的设定)Network emulation 【网络仿真】(由于你制作的游戏将会在不同的网络环境中工作,所以需要这个参数来模拟不同的网络工作环境)Graphics emulation 【图形卡仿真】(由于你制作的游戏将会在不同的图形卡环境中工作,所以将需要这个参数来模拟不同硬件条件下的游戏显示质量)Snap settings 【捕捉设置】(和3Ds Max 的“栅格和捕捉设置”类似。

这本书主要对Unity3D的所有菜单与参数进行了翻译并逐个讲解来帮助大家初步的认识Unity3D的每个命令的作用Unity3D下分8个菜单栏(翻译的不一定准)分别是File(文件)Edit(编辑)Assets(资源)GameObject(游戏对象)Component(组件)Terrain(地形)Window(窗口)Help(帮助)File(文件)------New Scene 新建场景Open Scene 打开场景Save Scene 保存场景Save Scene as…场景另存为…New Project…新建工程文件Open Project…打开工程文件Save Project…保存工程文件Build Settings…建造设置(这里指建造游戏)Build & Run 建造并运行(这里指建造游戏) Exit 退出Edit(编辑)------Undo 撤销Redo 重复Cut 剪切Copy 复制Paste 粘贴Duplicate 复制Delete 删除Frame selected 当前镜头移动到所选的物体前Select All 选择全部Preferences 参数选择Play 播放Pause 暂停,中断Step 步骤Load selection 载入所选Save selection 存储所选Project settings 工程设置Render settings 渲染设置Graphics emulation图形仿真Network emulation 网络仿真Snap settings 对齐设置Assets (资源)-----Reimport 重新导入Create 创建Show in Explorer 在资源管理器中显示Open 打开(打开脚本)Import New Asset... 导入新的资源Refresh 刷新Import Package... 导入资源包Export Package... 导出资源包Select Dependencies 选择相关Export ogg file 导出OGG文件Reimport All 重新导入所有Sync VisualStudio Project 同步视觉工作室项目GameObject--------Create Empty 创建一个空的游戏对象(游戏对象) Create Other 创建其他组件Center On Children 子物体归位到父物体中心点Make Parent 创建子父集Clear Parent 取消子父集Apply Changes To Prefab 应用变更为预置Move To View 移动物体到视窗的中心点Align With View 移动物体与视窗对齐Align View to Selected 移动视窗与物体对齐Component(组件)---Mesh 网Particles 粒子Physics 物理Audio 音频Rendering 渲染Miscellaneous 杂项Scripts 脚本Camera-Control 摄像机控制Terrain(地形)-----Create Terrain 创建地形Import Heightmap - Raw... 导入高度图Export Heightmap - Raw... 导出高度图Set Resolution... 设置分辨率Create Lightmap... 创建光影图Mass Place Trees... 批量种植树Flatten Heightmap... 展平高度图Refresh Tree and Detail Prototypes 刷新树及预置细节Window(窗口)------Next Window 下个窗口Previous Window 前窗Layouts 布局Scene 场景窗口Game 游戏窗口Inspector 检视窗口Hierarchy 层次窗口Project 工程窗口Animation 动画窗口 Profiler 探查窗口Asset Server 资源服务器Console 控制台Help(帮助)--------About Unity 关于UnityEnter serial number 输入序列号Unity Manual Unity手册Reference Manual 参考手册Scripting Manual 脚本手册Unity Forum Unity论坛Welcome Screen 欢迎窗口Release Notes 发行说明Report a Problem 问题反馈第一章File(文件)New Scene 新建场景创建一个新的游戏场景Open Scene 打开场景打开一个游戏场景Save Scene 保存场景保存一个游戏场景Save Scene as 场景另存为游戏场景另存为New Project 新建工程文件创建一个新的工程文件Open Project 打开工程文件打开一个工程文件Save Project 保存工程文件保存一个工程文件Build Settings 建造设置导出游戏的设置Build & Run 建造并运行设置并导出游戏Exit退出退出软件这里面我们需要注意的是,创建一个场景与创建一个工程是完全不同的,一个工程文件可以包含多个游戏场景,但场景文件却是唯一的。
Unity3D 网络部分中文翻译- Master Server

Master ServerThe Master Server is a meeting place for games that are actively seeking clients, and player clients who want to connect to them. Its purpose is also to hide IP address and port details and perform technical tasks around setting up network connections which might otherwise not be possible, like firewall handling and NAT punch-through.Master Server 是一个游戏的会议模式,它能积极的搜寻客户端,并且玩家客户端想要连接的客户端。
Each individual running game server provide a Game Type to the Master Server. All games with a matching Game Type are gathered together so that compatible clients can easily view them. When a player connects and queries the Master Server for their matching Game Type, useful information on the server is displayed for the player to see. This helps the player decide which server to connect to. This includes the Game Name, player count and whether or not a password is needed. The two functions used to transmit this data are MasterServer.RegisterHost()for the Server, and MasterServer.RequestHostList() for the player client.每一个个人的运行的游戏服务器提供一个游戏模式给Master Server。

1.3Unity3dAssetWorkflow中文翻译Asset Workflow(资源工作流程)Here we'll explain the steps to use a single asset with Unity. These steps are general and are meant only as an overview for basic actions. For the example, we'll talk about using a 3D mesh.这里我们讲解Unity的单一资源的使用步骤,这些步骤是通用的且仅作为基本动作的概述,在本例中,我们将讨论如何使用一个三维网格。
Create Rough Asset(创建粗糙资源)Use any supported 3D modeling package to create a rough version of your asset. Our example will use Maya. Work with the asset until you are ready to save. For a list of applications that are supported by Unity, please see this page.使用任何Unity所支持的3D建模软件来创建一个粗制版资源,我们的例子将使用Maya,使用资源工作,直到你准备好保存。
要查看Unity所支持的应用程序列表,请参阅this page。
Import(导入)When you save your asset initially, you should save it normally to the Assets folder in your Project folder. When you open the Unity project, the asset will be detected and imported into the project. When you look in the Project View, you'll see the asset located there, right where you saved it. Please note that Unity uses the FBX exporter provided by your modeling package to convert your models to the FBX file format. You will need to have the FBX exporter of your modeling package available for Unity to use. Alternatively, you can directly export as FBX from your application and save in the Projects folder. For a list of applications that are supported by Unity, please see this page.当你最初保存你的资源时,你应该将它保存到项目文件夹的资源文件夹中,当你打开Unity的项目,资源将被检测并导入项目中,查看项目视图,你会看到保存的资源已经在那里了。

Unity3d_10_BuildingScenesPrefabs中⽂翻译Unity Manual > User Guide > Building Scenes > PrefabsPrefabs(预设件)A Prefab is a type of asset -- a reusable GameObject stored in Project View. Prefabs can be inserted into any number of scenes, multiple times per scene. When you add a Prefab to a scene, you create an instance of it. All Prefab instances are linked to the original Prefab and are essentially clones of it. No matter how many instances exist in your project, when you make any changes to the Prefab you will see the change applied to all instances.预设件是⼀种资源类型——存储在项⽬视图中的⼀种可重复使⽤的游戏对象。
(后⾯统称为预设或者预设组件)Creating Prefabs(创建预设(有的地⽅也是翻译成预设组件))In order to create a Prefab, you must make a new blank Prefab using the menu. This blank Prefab contains no GameObjects, and you cannot create an instance of it. Think of a new Prefab as an empty container, waiting to be filled with GameObject data.为了创建⼀个预设,你必须使⽤菜单构造⼀个新的空⽩预设,这个空预设不包含游戏对象,你不能创建它的⼀个实例。
unity3d MonoBehaviour章节中文翻译

MonoBehaviourInherits from Behaviour继承自BehaviourMonoBehaviour is the base class every script derives from.MonoBehaviour是每个脚本的基类.Using Javascript every script automatically derives from MonoBehaviour. When using C# or Boo you have to explicitly derive from MonoBehaviour.每个Javascript脚本自动继承MonoBehaviour.使用C#或Boo时,需要显式继承MonoBehaviour.Note: The checkbox for disabling a MonoBehavior (on the editor) will only prevent Start(), Awake(), Update(), FixedUpdate(), and OnGUI() from executing. If none of these functions are present, the checkbox is not displayed.注意:MonoBehavior对象(编辑器中)的复选框,只有在其有Start(), Awake(), Update(), FixedUpdate(), 和OnGUI()函数时显示,没有这些函数时则隐藏.(另注:译者在PC上Windows平台测试结果与此注释所描述情况不符)See Also: The chapter on scripting in the manual.VariablesuseGUILayout Disabling this lets you skip the GUI layout phase.禁用此项,将会跳过GUILayout部署Functions 函数Invoke Invokes the method methodName in time seconds.根据时间调用指定方法名的方法InvokeRepeating Invokes the method methodName in time seconds.根据时间调用指定方法名的方法CancelInvoke Cancels all Invoke calls on this MonoBehaviour.取消这个MonoBehaviour上的所有调用.IsInvoking Is any invoke on methodName pending?某指定函数是否在等候调用StartCoroutine Starts a coroutine.开始协同程序.StopCoroutine Stops all coroutines named methodName running on this behaviour.停止这个动作中名为methodName的所有协同程序.StopAllCoroutines Stops all coroutines running on this behaviour.停止所有动作的协同程序.Overridable Functions 可重载的函数Update Update is called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled.当MonoBehaviour启用时,其Update在每一帧被调用LateUpdate LateUpdate is called every frame, if the Behaviour is enabled.当MonoBehaviour启用时,其LateUpdate在每一帧被调用FixedUpdate This function is called every fixed framerate frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled.当MonoBehaviour启用时,其FixedUpdate在每一帧被调用Awake Awake is called when the script instance is being loaded.当一个脚本实例被载入时Awake被调用.Start Start is called just before any of the Update methods is called the first time.Start在Update调用前被调用.Reset Reset to default values.重置,恢复到默认值.OnMouseEnter OnMouseEnter is called when the mouse entered the GUIElement or Collider.当鼠标进入到GUIElement(GUI组件)或Collider(碰撞体)中时调用OnMouseEnter.OnMouseOver OnMouseOver is called every frame while the mouse is over the GUIElement or Collider.当鼠标悬浮在GUIElement(GUI组件)或Collider(碰撞体)上时调用OnMouseOver.OnMouseExit OnMouseExit is called when the mouse is not any longer over the GUIElement or Collider.当鼠标移出GUIElement(GUI组件)或Collider(碰撞体)上时调用OnMouseExitOnMouseDown OnMouseDown is called when the user has pressed the mouse button while over the GUIElement or Collid当用户在GUIElement(GUI组件)或Collider(碰撞体)上点击鼠标时调用OnMouseDownOnMouseUp OnMouseUp is called when the user has released the mouse button.用户释放鼠标键的时候调用这个.OnMouseDrag OnMouseDrag is called when the user has clicked on a GUIElement or Collider and is still holding down thmouse.当用户鼠标拖拽GUIElement(GUI组件)或Collider(碰撞体)时调用OnMouseDragOnTriggerEnter OnTriggerEnter is called when the Collider other enters the trigger.当Collider(碰撞体)进入trigger(触发器)时调用OnTriggerEnter.OnTriggerExit OnTriggerExit is called when the Collider other has stopped touching the trigger.当Collider(碰撞体)移出trigger(触发器)时调用OnTriggerExit.OnTriggerStay OnTriggerStay is called once per frame for every Collider other that is touching the trigger.当Collider(碰撞体)触发trigger(触发器)时在每一帧调用OnTriggerStay.OnCollisionEnter OnCollisionEnter is called when this collider/rigidbody has begun touching another rigidbody/collider.当此collider/rigidbody触发另一个rigidbody/collider时,OnCollisionEnter将被调用.OnCollisionExit OnCollisionExit is called when this collider/rigidbody has stopped touching another rigidbody/collider.当此collider/rigidbody停止触发另一个rigidbody/collider时,OnCollisionExit将被调用. OnCollisionStay OnCollisionStay is called once per frame for every collider/rigidbody that is touching rigidbody/collider.当此collider/rigidbody触发另一个rigidbody/collider时,OnCollisionStay将会在每一帧被调用. OnControllerColliderHit OnControllerColliderHit is called when the controller hits a collider while performing a Move.当controller碰撞到collider时OnControllerHit被调用.OnJointBreak Called when a joint attached to the same game object broke.当附在同一对象上的关节被断开时调用.OnParticleCollision OnParticleCollision is called when a particle hits a collider.当粒子碰到collider时被调用.OnBecameVisible OnBecameVisible is called when the renderer became visible by any camera.当renderer(渲染器)在任何相机上可见时调用OnBecameVisible.OnBecameInvisible OnBecameInvisible is called when the renderer is no longer visible by any camera.当renderer(渲染器)在任何相机上都不可见时调用OnBecameInvisible.OnLevelWasLoaded This function is called after a new level was loaded.当一个新关卡被载入时此函数被调用.OnEnable This function is called when the object becomes enabled and active.当对象变为可用或激活状态时此函数被调用.OnDisable This function is called when the behaviour becomes disabled () or inactive.当对象变为不可用或非激活状态时此函数被调用.OnPreCull OnPreCull is called before a camera culls the scene.在相机剪裁场景之前被调用.OnPreRender OnPreRender is called before a camera starts rendering the scene.在相机渲染场景之前被调用.OnPostRender OnPostRender is called after a camera finished rendering the scene.在相机完成场景渲染之后被调用.OnRenderObject OnRenderObject is called after camera has rendered the scene.在相机场景渲染完成后被调用OnWillRenderObject OnWillRenderObject is called once for each camera if the object is visible.如果对象可见每个相机都会调用它.OnGUI OnGUI is called for rendering and handling GUI events.渲染和处理GUI事件时调用.OnRenderImage OnRenderImage is called after all rendering is complete to render image当完成所有渲染后被调用,用来渲染图片后期效果.OnDrawGizmosSelected Implement this OnDrawGizmosSelected if you want to draw gizmos only if the object is selected.如果你想在物体被选中时绘制gizmos,去实现这个函数.OnDrawGizmos Implement this OnDrawGizmos if you want to draw gizmos that are also pickable and always drawn.如果你想绘制可被点选的gizmos,去实现这个.OnApplicationPause Sent to all game objects when the player pauses.当玩家暂停时发送到所有的游戏物体.OnApplicationFocus Sent to all game objects when the player gets or looses focus.当玩家获取或失去焦点时发送给所有游戏物体.OnApplicationQuit Sent to all game objects before the application is quit.在应用退出之前发送给所有的游戏物体.OnPlayerConnected Called on the server whenever a new player has successfully connected.当一个新玩家成功连接时在服务器上被调用.OnServerInitialized Called on the server whenever a Network.InitializeServer was invoked and has completed.当Network.InitializeServer被调用并完成时,在服务器上调用这个函数OnConnectedToServer Called on the client when you have successfully connected to a server当你成功连接到服务器时,在客户端被调用.OnPlayerDisconnected Called on the server whenever a player disconnected from the server.当一个玩家从服务器上断开时在服务器端调用.OnDisconnectedFromServer Called on the client when the connection was lost or you disconnected from the server.当失去连接或从服务器端断开时在客户端调用.OnFailedToConnect Called on the client when a connection attempt fails for some reason.当一个连接因为某些原因失败时在客户端调用.OnFailedToConnectToMasterServer Called on clients or servers when there is a problem connecting to the MasterServer.当连接主服务器出现问题时在客户端或服务器端调用.OnMasterServerEvent Called on clients or servers when reporting events from the MasterServer.当报告事件来自主服务器时在客户端或服务器端调用.OnNetworkInstantiate Called on objects which have been network instantiated with Network.Instantiate当一个物体使用Network.Instantiate进行网络初始化时调用. OnSerializeNetworkView Used to customize synchronization of variables in a script watched by a network view.在一个网络视图脚本中,用于自定义变量同步Class Functions 类函数print Logs message to the Unity Console. This function is identical to Debug.Log.记录消息到Unity控制台.这个函数和Debug.Log作用相同.Inherited members 被继承的成员Inherited Variables 被继承的变量enabled Enabled Behaviours are Updated, disabled Behaviours are not.启用时Behaviours会执行更新,反之不更新.transform The Transform attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的Transform(没有则为null).rigidbody The Rigidbody attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的Rigidbody(没有则为null).camera The Camera attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的Camera(没有则为null).light The Light attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的Light (没有则为null).animation The Animation attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的animation (没有则为null).constantForce The ConstantForce attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的ConstantForce(没有则为null).renderer The Renderer attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的Renderer(没有则为null).audio The AudioSource attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的AudioSource(没有则为null).guiText The GUIText attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的GUIText(没有则为null).networkView The NetworkView attached to this GameObject (Read Only). (null if there is none attached)附加在本游戏对象上的NetworkView(只读)(没有则为null).guiTexture The GUITexture attached to this GameObject (Read Only). (null if there is none attached)附加在本游戏对象上的GUITexture(只读) (没有则为null).collider The Collider attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的Collider(没有则为null).hingeJoint The HingeJoint attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的HingeJoint(没有则为null).particleEmitter The ParticleEmitter attached to this GameObject (null if there is none attached).附加在本游戏对象上的ParticleEmitter(没有则为null).gameObject The game object this component is attached to. A component is always attached to a game object.该组件附加的游戏对象.组件总是附加在一个游戏对象上.tag The tag of this game object.该游戏对象的标签.name The name of the object.该游戏对象的名字.hideFlags Should the object be hidden, saved with the scene or modifiable by the user?设置是否隐藏,保存在场景中或被用户修改.Inherited Functions 被继承的函数GetComponent Returns the component of Type type if the game object has one attached, null if it doesn't.返回游戏对象上某类型的组件.没有则返回null.GetComponentInChildren Returns the component of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children using depth first search.返回游戏对象或其子物体上某类型的组件.没有则返回null.搜素时深度优先.GetComponentsInChildren Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject or any of its children.返回游戏对象或其子物体上所有某类型的组件GetComponents Returns all components of Type type in the GameObject.返回游戏对象上某类型的所有组件.CompareTag Is this game object tagged tag?核对游戏对象的标签SendMessageUpwards Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object and on every ancestor of the Behaviour在该游戏对象的所有MonoBehaviour上及其父物体上调用名为methodName的方法,SendMessage Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object.在该游戏对象的所有MonoBehaviour上调用名为methodName的方法,BroadcastMessage Calls the method named methodName on every MonoBehaviour in this game object or any of its children.在该游戏对象的所有MonoBehaviour上及其子物体上调用名为methodName的方法,GetInstanceID Returns the instance id of the object.返回该物体的实例ID.Inherited Class Functions 被继承的类函数operator bool Does the object exist?判断物体是否存在.Instantiate Clones the object original and returns the clone.复制一个物体并返回该备份.Destroy Removes a gameobject, component or asset.移除一个物体,组件或资源.DestroyImmediate Destroys the object obj immediately. It is strongly recommended to use Destroy instead.立刻销毁一个物体.建议用Destroy代替之.FindObjectsOfType Returns a list of all active loaded objects of Type type.返回找到的所有指定类型的对象.FindObjectOfType Returns the first active loaded object of Type type.返回找到的指定类型的第一个对象operator ==Compares if two objects refer to the same比较两个物体是否相同.operator !=Compares if two objects refer to a different object比较两个物体是否不同.DontDestroyOnLoad Makes the object target not be destroyed automatically when loading a new scene.确保目标对象在加载新场景时不被自动销毁.eGUILayoutDescriptionDisabling this lets you skip the GUI layout phase.禁用此项,将会跳过GUILayout部署阶段It can only be used if you do not use GUI.Window and GUILayout inside of this OnGUI call.它只用于在假如你不用GUI.Window和GUILayout的时候.MonoBehaviour.Invokefunction Invoke (methodName : string, time : float) : voidDescriptionInvokes the method methodName in time seconds.根据时间调用指定方法名的方法.JavaScript// Launches a projectile in 2 seconds// 2秒后发射炮弹var projectile : Rigidbody;Invoke("LaunchProjectile", 2);function LaunchProjectile () {var instance : Rigidbody = Instantiate(projectile);instance.velocity = Random.insideUnitSphere * 5;}MonoBehaviour.InvokeRepeatingfunction InvokeRepeating (methodName : string, time : float, repeatRate : float) : voidDescriptionInvokes the method methodName in time seconds.根据时间调用指定方法名的方法After the first invocation repeats calling that function every repeatRate seconds. 从第一次调用开始,每隔repeatRate时间调用一次.JavaScript// Starting in 2 seconds.// a projectile will be launched every 0.3 seconds// 2秒后开始// 每0.3秒发射一颗炮弹var projectile : Rigidbody;InvokeRepeating("LaunchProjectile", 2, 0.3);function LaunchProjectile () {var instance : Rigidbody = Instantiate(projectile);instance.velocity = Random.insideUnitSphere * 5;}MonoBehaviour.CancelInvokefunction CancelInvoke () : voidDescriptionCancels all Invoke calls on this MonoBehaviour.取消这个MonoBehaviour上的所有调用.JavaScript// Starting in 2 seconds.// a projectile will be launched every 0.3 seconds// 2秒后开始// 每0.3秒发射一颗炮弹var projectile : Rigidbody;InvokeRepeating("LaunchProjectile", 2, 0.3);// Cancels the repeating invoke call,// when the user pressed the ctrl button// 当用户按下ctrl键取消repeating调用function Update() {if (Input.GetButton ("Fire1"))CancelInvoke();}function LaunchProjectile () {instance = Instantiate(projectile);instance.velocity = Random.insideUnitSphere * 5;}function CancelInvoke (methodName : string) : voidDescriptionCancels all Invoke calls with name methodName on this behaviour.取消所有名为methodName的调用.JavaScript// Starting in 2 seconds.// a projectile will be launched every 0.3 seconds// 2秒后开始// 每0.3秒发射一颗炮弹var projectile : Rigidbody;InvokeRepeating("LaunchProjectile", 2, 0.3);// Cancels the repeating invoke call,// when the user pressed the ctrl button// 当用户按下ctrl键取消repeating调用function Update() {if (Input.GetButton ("Fire1"))CancelInvoke("LaunchProjectile");}function LaunchProjectile () {instance = Instantiate(projectile);instance.velocity = Random.insideUnitSphere * 5;}MonoBehaviour.IsInvokingDescriptionIs any invoke on methodName pending?某指定函数是否在等候调用.JavaScript// Instantiates a project after 2 seconds when Space key was pressed// and it will only call the function after the function has ended its execution // 按下空格键2秒后实例化一个炮弹,在该函数执行完毕之前仅调用此函数var projectile : Rigidbody;function Update() {if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && !IsInvoking("LaunchProjectile"))Invoke("LaunchProjectile", 2);}function LaunchProjectile () {var instance : Rigidbody = Instantiate(projectile);instance.velocity = Random.insideUnitSphere * 5;}function IsInvoking () : boolDescriptionIs any invoke pending on this MonoBehaviour?此MonoBehaviour上是否有调用在等候.MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutinefunction StartCoroutine (routine : IEnumerator) : CoroutineDescriptionStarts a coroutine.开始协同程序.The execution of a coroutine can be paused at any point using the yield statement. The yield return value specifies when the coroutine is resumed. Coroutines are excellent when modelling behaviour over several frames. Coroutines have virtually no performance overhead. StartCoroutine function always returns immediately, however you can yield the result. This will wait until the coroutine has finished execution.一个协同程序在执行过程中,可以在任意位置使用yield语句.yield的返回值控制何时恢复协同程序向下执行.协同程序在对象自有帧执行过程中堪称优秀.协同程序在性能上没有更多的开销.StartCoroutine函数是立刻返回的,但是yield可以延迟结果.直到协同程序执行完毕.When using JavaScript it is not necessary to use StartCoroutine, the compiler will do this for you. When writing C# code you must call StartCoroutine.用javascript不需要添加StartCoroutine,编译器将会替你完成.但是在C#下,你必须调用StartCoroutine.JavaScript// In this example we show how to invoke a coroutine and continue executing// the function in parallel.// 此例演示如何调用协同程序和它的执行function Start() {// - After 0 seconds, prints "Starting 0.0"// - After 0 seconds, prints "Before WaitAndPrint Finishes 0.0"// - After 2 seconds, prints "WaitAndPrint 2.0"// 先打印"Starting 0.0"和"Before WaitAndPrint Finishes 0.0"两句,2秒后打印"WaitAndPrint 2.0"print ("Starting " + Time.time);// Start function WaitAndPrint as a coroutine. And continue execution while it is running // this is the same as WaintAndPrint(2.0) as the compiler does it for you automatically // 协同程序WaitAndPrint在Start函数内执行,可以视同于它与Start函数同步执行.StartCoroutine(WaitAndPrint(2.0));print ("Before WaitAndPrint Finishes " + Time.time);}function WaitAndPrint (waitTime : float) {// suspend execution for waitTime seconds// 暂停执行waitTime秒yield WaitForSeconds (waitTime);print ("WaitAndPrint "+ Time.time);}Another Example:JavaScript// In this example we show how to invoke a coroutine and wait until it// is completed// 在这个例子中我们演示如何调用协同程序并直到它执行完成.function Start() {// - After 0 seconds, prints "Starting 0.0"// - After 2 seconds, prints "WaitAndPrint 2.0"// - After 2 seconds, prints "Done 2.0"// 0秒时打印"Starting 0.0",2秒后打印"WaitAndPrint 2.0"和"Done 2.0"print ("Starting " + Time.time);// Start function WaitAndPrint as a coroutine. And wait until it is completed.// the same as yield WaitAndPrint(2.0);// 运行WaitAndPrint直到完成yield StartCoroutine(WaitAndPrint(2.0));print ("Done " + Time.time);}function WaitAndPrint (waitTime : float) {// suspend execution for waitTime seconds// 等待waitTime秒yield WaitForSeconds (waitTime);print ("WaitAndPrint "+ Time.time);}function StartCoroutine (methodName : string, value : object = null) : CoroutineDescriptionStarts a coroutine named methodName.开始一个叫methodName的协同程序.In most cases you want to use the StartCoroutine variation above. However StartCoroutine using a string method name allows you to use StopCoroutine with a specific method name. The downside is that the string version has a higher runtime overhead to start the coroutine and you can pass only one parameter很多情况下,我们会用到StartCoroutine的一个变体.使用有字符串方法名的StartCoroutine允许你用StopCoroutine去停止它.其缺点就是会有较高的性能开销,而且你只能传递一个参数.JavaScript// In this example we show how to invoke a coroutine using a string name and stop it// 这个例子演示如何调用一个使用字符串名称的协同程序并停掉它function Start () {StartCoroutine("DoSomething", 2.0);yield WaitForSeconds(1);StopCoroutine("DoSomething");}function DoSomething (someParameter : float) {while (true) {print("DoSomething Loop");// Yield execution of this coroutine and return to the main loop until next frame// 停止协同程序的执行并返回到主循环直到下一帧.yield;}}MonoBehaviour.StopCoroutinefunction StopCoroutine (methodName : string) : voidDescriptionStops all coroutines named methodName running on this behaviour.停止这个动作中名为methodName的所有协同程序.Please note that only StartCoroutine using a string method name can be stopped using StopCoroutine.请注意只有StartCoroutine使用一个字符串方法名时才能用StopCoroutine停用之.JavaScript// In this example we show how to invoke a coroutine using a string name and stop it// 这个例子演示如何调用一个使用字符串名称的协同程序并停掉它function Start () {StartCoroutine("DoSomething", 2.0);yield WaitForSeconds(1);StopCoroutine("DoSomething");}function DoSomething (someParameter : float) {while (true) {print("DoSomething Loop");// Yield execution of this coroutine and return to the main loop until next frame // 停止协同程序的执行并返回到主循环直到下一帧.yield;}}MonoBehaviour.StopAllCoroutinesfunction StopAllCoroutines () : voidDescriptionStops all coroutines running on this behaviour.停止所有动作的协同程序.JavaScript// Starts the coroutine// 开始协同程序.StartCoroutine ("DoSomething");// Cancels the coroutine immediately afterwards// 随后立即取消之.function DoSomething () {while (true) {yield;}}StopAllCoroutines();MonoBehaviour.Updatefunction Update () : voidDescriptionUpdate is called every frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled.当MonoBehaviour启用时,其Update在每一帧被调用Update is the most commonly used function to implement any kind of game behaviour.Update是实现各种游戏行为最常用的函数.JavaScript// Moves the object forward 1 meter a second// 以每秒1米的速度向前移动物体function Update () {transform.Translate(0, 0, Time.deltaTime * 1);}In order to get the elapsed time since last call to Update, use Time.deltaTime. This function is only called if the Behaviour is enabled. Override this function in order to provide your component's functionality.为了获取自最后一次调用Update所用的时间,可以用Time.deltaTime.这个函数只有在Behaviour启用时被调用.实现组件功能时重载这个函数.teUpdatefunction LateUpdate () : voidDescriptionLateUpdate is called every frame, if the Behaviour is enabled.当MonoBehaviour启用时,其LateUpdate在每一帧被调用LateUpdate is called after all Update functions have been called. This is useful to order script execution. For example a follow camera should always be implemented in LateUpdate because it tracks objects that might have moved inside Update.LateUpdate是在所有Update函数调用后被调用.这可用于调整脚本执行顺序.例如:当物体在Update里移动时,跟随物体的相机可以在LateUpdate里实现,JavaScript// Moves the object forward 1 meter a second// 以每秒1米的速度向前移动物体function LateUpdate () {transform.Translate(0, 0, Time.deltaTime * 1);}In order to get the elapsed time since last call to LateUpdate, use Time.deltaTime. This function is only called if the Behaviour is enabled. Override this function in order to provide your component's functionality.为了获取自最后一次调用LateUpdate所用的时间,可以用Time.deltaTime.这个函数只有在Behaviour启用时被调用.实现组件功能时重载这个函数.MonoBehaviour.FixedUpdatefunction FixedUpdate () : voidDescriptionThis function is called every fixed framerate frame, if the MonoBehaviour is enabled.当MonoBehaviour启用时,其FixedUpdate在每一帧被调用.FixedUpdate should be used instead of Update when dealing with Rigidbody. For example when adding a force to a rigidbody, you have to apply the force every fixed frame inside FixedUpdate instead of every frame inside Update.处理Rigidbody时,需要用FixedUpdate代替Update.例如:给刚体加一个作用力时,你必须应用作用力在FixedUpdate里的固定帧,而不是Update中的帧.(两者帧长不同)JavaScript// Apply a upwards force to the rigid body every frame// 每帧应用一个向上的力到刚体上function FixedUpdate () {rigidbody.AddForce (Vector3.up);}In order to get the elapsed time since last call to FixedUpdate, use Time.deltaTime This function is only called if the Behaviour is enabled. Override this function in order to provide your component's functionality.为了获取自最后一次调用FixedUpdate所用的时间,可以用Time.deltaTime.这个函数只有在Behaviour启用时被调用.实现组件功能时重载这个函数.MonoBehaviour.Awakefunction Awake () : voidDescriptionAwake is called when the script instance is being loaded.当一个脚本实例被载入时Awake被调用.Awake is used to initialize any variables or game state before the game starts. Awake is called only once during the lifetime of the script instance. Awake is called after all objects are initialized so you can safely speak to other objects or query them using eg. GameObject.FindWithTag. Each GameObject's Awake is called in a random order between objects. Because of this, you should use Awake to set up references between scripts, and use Start to pass any information back and forth. Awake is always called before any Start functions. This allows you to order initialization of scripts. Awake can not act as a coroutine.Awake用于在游戏开始之前初始化变量或游戏状态.在脚本整个生命周期内它仅被调用一次.Awake在所有对象被初始化之后调用,所以你可以安全的与其他对象对话或用诸如GameObject.FindWithTag这样的函数搜索它们.每个游戏物体上的Awke以随机的顺序被调用.因此,你应该用Awake来设置脚本间的引用,并用Start来传递信息Awake总是在Start之前被调用.它不能用来执行协同程序.Note for C# and Boo users: use Awake instead of the constructor for initialization, as the serialized state of the component is undefined at construction time. Awake is called once, just like the constructor.C#和Boo用户注意:Awake不同于构造函数,物体被构造时并没有定义组件的序列化状态.Awake像构造函数一样只被调用一次.JavaScriptprivate var target : GameObject;function Awake () {target = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player");}Awake cannot be a co-routine.Awake不能用作协同程序.MonoBehaviour.Startfunction Start () : voidDescriptionStart is called just before any of the Update methods is called the first time.Start仅在Update函数第一次被调用前调用Start is only called once in the lifetime of the behaviour. The difference between Awake and Start is that Start is only called if the script instance is enabled. This allows you to delay any initialization code, until it is really needed. Awake is always called before any Start functions. This allows you to order initialization of scripts.Start在behaviour的生命周期中只被调用一次.它和Awake的不同是Start只在脚本实例被启用时调用.你可以按需调整延迟初始化代码.Awake总是在Start之前执行.这允许你协调初始化顺序.The Start function is called after all Awake functions on all script instances have been called.在所有脚本实例中,Start函数总是在Awake函数之后调用.JavaScript// Initializes the target variable.// target is private and thus not editable in the inspector// 初始化目标变量// 目标是私有的并且不能在检视面板中编辑private var target : GameObject;function Start () {target = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player");}MonoBehaviour.Resetfunction Reset () : voidDescriptionReset to default values.重置为默认值Reset is called when the user hits the Reset button in the Inspector's context menu or when adding the component the first time. This function is only called in editor mode. Reset is most commonly used to give good default values in the inspector.Reset是在用户点击检视面板的Reset按钮或者首次添加该组件时被调用.此函数只在编辑模式下被调用.Reset最常用于在检视面板中给定一个最常用的默认值.JavaScript// Sets target to a default value.// This could be used in a follow camera.// 设置target为默认值// 这可以用于一个跟踪相机var target : GameObject;function Reset () {// Only set target if it is not assigned yet.// 如果target没有赋值,设置它if (!target)target = GameObject.FindWithTag ("Player");}MonoBehaviour.OnMouseEnterfunction OnMouseEnter () : voidDescriptionOnMouseEnter is called when the mouse entered the GUIElement or Collider.当鼠标进入到GUIElement(GUI组件)或Collider(碰撞体)中时调用OnMouseEnter.JavaScript// Attach this script to a mesh to make// it red when the mouse is over the mesh// 附加这个脚本到网格// 当鼠标经过网格时网格变红色function OnMouseEnter () {renderer.material.color = Color.red;}This function is not called on objects that belong to Ignore Raycast layer.OnMouseEnter can be a co-routine, simply use the yield statement in the function. This event is sent to all scripts attached to the Collider or GUIElement.这个函数不会在属于Ignore Raycast的层上调用.它可以被作为协同程序,在函数体内使用yield语句.这个事件将发送到所有附在Collider或GUIElement的脚本上.IMPORTANT: This function has no effect on iPhone.注意:这个函数在Iphone上无效.MonoBehaviour.OnMouseOverfunction OnMouseOver () : voidDescriptionOnMouseOver is called every frame while the mouse is over the GUIElement or Collider.当鼠标悬浮在GUIElement(GUI组件)或Collider(碰撞体)上时调用OnMouseOver.JavaScript// Fades the red component of the material to zero// while the mouse is over the mesh// 当鼠标在网格上时渐变红色组件为0function OnMouseOver () {renderer.material.color -= Color(0.1, 0, 0) * Time.deltaTime;}This function is not called on objects that belong to Ignore Raycast layer.OnMouseOver can be a co-routine, simply use the yield statement in the function. This event is sent to all scripts attached to the Collider or GUIElement.这个函数不会在属于Ignore Raycast的层上调用.它可以被作为协同程序,在函数体内使用yield语句.这个事件将发送到所有附在Collider或GUIElement的脚本上.IMPORTANT: This function has no effect on iPhone.注意:此函数在iPhone上无效.MonoBehaviour.OnMouseExitfunction OnMouseExit () : voidDescriptionOnMouseExit is called when the mouse is not any longer over the GUIElement or Collider.当鼠标移出GUIElement(GUI组件)或Collider(碰撞体)上时调用OnMouseExit.OnMouseExit balances out OnMouseEnterOnMouseExit与OnMouseEnter相反.JavaScript。
数字媒体艺术设计《Unity3D 英汉对照》

Unity3D 英汉对照Unity3D下分8个菜单栏(翻译的不一定准)分别是File(文件)Edit(编辑)Assets(资源)GameObject(游戏对象)Come Screen 欢迎窗口Release Notes 发行说明ReeScreen 欢迎窗口显示欢迎窗口ReleaseNotes 发行说明显示发行说明Re odule模块cube正方体so小物件collably集合,装配,装配车间;供装配的零件insesh网格miscellaneous杂项,各种各样的,五花八门的,混杂的;多方面的。
sage 开机画面batch批处理,一批,一束,一组,一群。
halo光晕flare耀斑cooie遮罩eter参数trail拖尾flare炫光ass质量drag阻尼系数inematic运动学上的gimos小物件,新玩意儿inematic运动学;Is Kinematic 勾上之后将不会受到物理引擎的驱动只能从脚本中控制它的运动方位interatic运动学serator迭代器 numerator分子attract吸引 attention注意snea潜行偷偷逃走隐藏imagnitude 向量长度Cross 向量叉乘Dot 向量点乘erge合并geometry几何rectangle矩形swaigrate迁移iterator迭代器queuehotsent 计算机语言中是继承outline大纲视图eecute执行iation优化iment实施siastered 修复according根据。
1.4 Unity3dCreating Scenes中文翻译

Unity Manual > User Guide > Unity Basics > Creating ScenesCreating Scenes(创建场景)Scenes contain the objects of your game. They can be used to create a main menu, individual levels, and anything else. Think of each unique Scene file as a unique level. In each Scene, you will place your environments, obstacles, and decorations, essentially designing and building your game in pieces.场景包含你的游戏中的对象,它们可用于创建一个主菜单、独立关卡(是这个意思吗?)和其他任何东西。
Instancing Prefabs(实例化预设件)Use the method described in the last section to create a Prefab. You can also read more details about Prefabs here. Once you've created a Prefab, you can quickly and easily make copies of the Prefab, called an Instance. To create an instance of any Prefab, drag the Prefab from the Project View to the Hierarchy or Scene View. Now you have a unique instance of your Prefab to position and tweak as you like.使用上一节描述的方法创建一个预设件,你也可以在这里阅读更多有关预设件的细节。

Unity3D常⽤英⽂单词Tutorial:辅导,辅助pivot:中⼼点;枢轴diffuse:扩散;四散assets:资源Camera:相机icon:图标;肖像cube:⽴⽅体Rotation:旋转、循环Scale:刻度,⽐例Collider:对碰机,碰撞机Transform:改变,变换Pillar:柱⼦prefab:预设,预制FPS Controller:第⼀⼈称控制器rigid:坚硬的 rigidbody 刚体trigger:触发器preference:选择权general:常规extension:延伸Terrain:地形、地势Component:组件Mesh:⽹眼Shadows:阴影、影⼦Blob shadows:斑点影⼦Audio Reverb Zone:⾳频混响区Level:⽔平Particle:颗粒render:着⾊、渲染 renderer:渲染器animator:绘制者 particle animator:粒⼦动画Directional :⽅向、spotlight:聚光灯physics:物理现象、物理学receive:接受、收到materials:材料capsule:太空舱、⼩容axis:轴、轴线horizontal:⽔平线vertical:垂直线fade;淡⼊billboard:⼴告牌repeating:重复gravity:重⼒sphere:球体cylinder:柱⾯、圆柱状物intensity:强度range:范围crate:板条箱mass:众多、⼤量Opacity:不透明Grass:草地palm:⼿掌;棕榈树;掌状物radius:半径范围slope:倾斜度setp Offset:⼀步抵消Min Move Distance:移动的最⼩距离apply:. 应⽤;申请;涂,敷drag:拖拽angular:⽣硬的density:密度variation:变化flags:标记solid:固体account:账户predefined words;预定义单词core:核⼼element:元素versus:对、与。

unity3d菜单翻译汉化中文(最全最简单)Edit 编辑frame selected 选取线框select all 选取所有special characters 角色专题load selection 加载选择save selection 保存选择project settings 项目设置render settings 渲染设置graphics emulation 图形模拟network emulation 网络模拟Assets 资产import settings 导入设置reimport 重新导入creater 创建r in finder -r取景open打开import new assets 导入新的资产refresh刷新import package 打包导入export package 打包导出select dependencies 选择附属物export ogg file 导出文件reimport all 重新导入所有Game Obiect 游戏对象Create empty 创建虚拟物体Create other 创建其它Center on children 创建子物体Move to view 移动到视图Align with view 视图对齐Align view to selected 对齐选择Make parent 构成父Clear parent清除父Apply changes to prefab应用变化Component 元素Mesh 网格物体Psrticles 粒子Ellipsoid particle emitter 椭圆发射器Mesh particle emitter 网状发射器Particle animator 粒子动画World particle collider 粒子碰撞Particle renderer 粒子渲染Trail renderer 慢速渲染Physics 物理模拟Rigidbody刚体Character controller角色控制器Box collider盒子Sphere collider球体碰撞Capsule collider胶囊碰撞Mesh colloder网格碰撞Wheel colloder舵轮碰撞Raycast collider CAST碰撞Hinge joint铰链关节Fixed joint固定关节Spring joint反弹关节Character joint角色关节Configurable joint结构关节Constant force恒力Audio音频Rendering渲染Projector投影机Halo光晕Lens flare镜头耀斑GUI texture界面纹理GUI text界面文字Skybox天空GUI layer界面层Flare layer耀斑层Halo layer光晕层Miscellaneous杂项Animation 动画Line renderer线性渲染Network view 网络视图Terrain collider 地形碰撞Scripts脚本Activate trigger激活触点Animation speed动画速度Drag rigidbody拖曳刚体FPFlyerFPSCounter FPS计算器FPSWalkerHeronHeron ColliderLsland waterParrot waypointsPerformance tweak性能调整Seagull海鸥Seagull flight path海鸥飞行路径Seagull sound heat海鸥声热Terrain地形Timed object destructor定时爆破物Underwater effects水下特效Water水Water lightmap fog 水、灯光贴图、雾Water simple简单的水Water wave scroll水波滚动Wave animation水波动画Wave mesh adjustment波网调整Image effects 特效Blur模糊)Blur(island) 模糊(岛)Color correction色彩校正Contrast stretch对比延伸Edge detection边缘检测Glow辉光Glow(island) 辉光(岛)Grayscale灰度Motion blur运动模糊Noise噪点Sepia tone深褐色调Twirl扭曲Vortex涡Camera control相机控制Mouse look 鼠标注视Mouser orbit鼠标轨迹Smooth follow平滑跟随Smooth look at平滑观看Terrain地形Create terrain创建地形Import heightmap raw导入高度图Export heightmap raw导出高度图Set resolution设置分辨率Create lightmap创建lightmapMass place trees生成大片树木Flatten heightmap辗平高度图Refresh tree and detail prototypes刷新树和详细的原型Update tree lightmap color更新树的lightmap Update Tree Color更新树木的颜色Update Tree Color更新树木的颜色Custom 定制Duplicate texture 复制纹理Export to obj 导出OBJWindow窗口Minimize 最小化Layouts 布局Maximize最大化Split horizontal水平切割Split vertical 垂直切割Animation 动画Project项目HierARChy 层级Inspector 监督Scene 场景Game 游戏Console控制器Bring all to front 在最前地形属性InspectorSimple 采样(简单)full 满debug调试tag:untagged 标签layer:default层:默认Raise height提升高度Hold down shift to lower height 按住SF健压平Terrain collider 地形碰撞Material材质Is trigger触发Terrain data地形数据Create Tree Colliders创建树的碰撞Water lightmap fog(script) 水、灯光贴图、雾(脚本)Script脚本Fog density雾的密度Fog color雾色Base color基础色Base mult blur pixels基础模糊像素Blur over drive 模糊驱动器Depth ambient环境深度Terrain size地形大小Terrain collider地形碰撞Texture纹理。

Minimizing Network Bandwidth优化网络带宽It is important to think about what kind of data you are sending across the Network. Ideally, you should be sending the absolute minimum amount of data to make your game work correctly on all clients.考虑关于你通过网络发送的数据种类是非常重要的。
How data is synchronized数据如何同步How you decide to synchronize data affects the bandwidth you use. You have a choice of using either Unreliable or Reliable Delta Compression in each Network View.你决定如何去同步数据影响你使用的带宽。
你可以选择使用Unreliable或Reliable Delta Compression 在每一个Network View。
Unreliable means everything is sent during each iteration of the network update loop. This update loop is executed according to what is set by Network.sendRate, by default 15 times per second. By using Unreliable you ensure frequent updates of information and you don't care if updates are dropped or delayed. Dropped or delayed packets are ignored. For objects which frequently change state this might be the best way of synchronizing.Unreliable意味着每一个东西在每一个网络更新迭代器循环的时候。

Unity Manual > User Guide > Building Scenes > GameObjectsGameObjects(游戏对象)GameObjects are the most important objects in Unity. It is very important to understand what a GameObject is, and how it can be used. This page will explain all that for you.游戏对象是Unity最重要的对象,这对于了解什么是游戏对象以及它如何被使用是非常重要的,本节会给你解释这一切。
What are GameObjects?(什么是游戏对象)Every object in your game is a GameObject. However, GameObjects don't do anything on their own. They need special properties before they can become a character, an environment, or a special effect. But every one of these objects does so many different things. If every object is a GameObject, how do we differentiate an interactive power-up object from a static room? What makes these GameObjects different from each other?游戏中的每个对象都是一个游戏对象。
2.3Unity3dUsing the Scene View中文翻译

Unity Manual > User Guide > Building Scenes > Using the Scene ViewUsing the Scene View(使用场景视图)The Scene View is your interactive sandbox. You will use the Scene View to select and position environments, the player, the camera, enemies, and all other GameObjects. Maneuvering and manipulating objects within the Scene View are some of the most important functions in Unity, so it's important to be able to do them quickly.场景视图是你的交互式沙箱(模具)。
(该章节的好多内容在认识界面那一章都讲过)∙Scene View Navigation∙Positioning GameObjects∙View ModesScene View Navigation(场景视图导航)Navigate the Scene View quickly and efficiently with the Scene View controls.利用场景视图控制器快速有效地操控场景视图。
Arrow Movement(用箭头移动)Use Arrow Keys to move around the scene. Holding down Shift will make you move faster.使用方向键四处移动场景,按下Shift会使你移动得更快。
Unity3d_14_Asset Import and Creation中文翻译

Unity Manual > User Guide > Asset Import and CreationAsset Import and Creation(资源导入与创建)A large part of making a game is utilizing your asset source files in your GameObjects. This goes for textures, models, sound effects and behaviour scripts. Using the Project View inside Unity, you have quick access to all the files that make up your game:做一个游戏的很大一部分是在你的游戏对象中使用资源源文件,比如纹理、模型、声音效果和行为脚本。
使用Unity中的项目视图,你可以快速存取所有文件来构建你的游戏:The Project View displays all source files and created Prefabs项目视图显示所有源文件和创建的预设This view shows the organization of files in your project's Assets folder. Whenever you update one of your asset files, the changes are immediately reflected in your game!这个视图显示了在你的项目资源文件夹中的文件组织结构。
每当你更新一个你的资源文件,更改会立即反映在你的游戏中!To import an asset file into your project, move the file into (your Project folder)->Assets in the Finder, and it will automatically be imported into Unity. To apply your assets, simply drag the asset file from the Project View window into the Hierarchy or Scene View. If the asset is meant to be applied to another object, drag the asset over the object.要导入资源文件到你的项目中,在探测器中移动文件到(你的项目文件夹)- > Assets文件夹,它会自动导入到Unity中。
unity 软件常见单词翻译

tutorial:辅导,辅助pivot:中心点;枢轴diffuse:扩散;四散assets:资源camera:相机icon:图标;肖像cube:立方体rotation:旋转、循环scale:刻度,比例collider:对碰机,碰撞机transform:改变,变换pillar:柱子prefab:预设,预制fps controller:第一人称控制器rigid:坚硬的rigidbody 刚体trigger:触发器preference:选择权general:常规extension:延伸terrain:地形、地势component:组件mesh:网眼shadows:阴影、影子blob shadows:斑点影子audio reverb zone:音频混响区level:水平particle:颗粒render:着色、渲染renderer:渲染器animator:绘制者particle animator:粒子动画directional:方向、spotlight:聚光灯physics:物理现象、物理学receive:接受、收到materials:材料capsule:太空舱、小容axis:轴、轴线horizontal:水平线vertical:垂直线fade:淡入billboard:广告牌repeating:重复gravity:重力sphere:球体cylinder:柱面、圆柱状物intensity:强度range:范围crate:板条箱mass:众多、大量opacity:不透明grass:草地palm:手掌;棕榈树;掌状物radius:半径范围slope:倾斜度setp offset:一步抵消min movedistance:移动最小距离apply:. 应用;申请;涂,敷drag:拖拽angular:生硬的density:密度variation:变化flags:标记solid:固体account:账户predefined word s;预定义词core:核心element:元素versus:对、与。

主菜单包含的子菜单File【文件】New Scene【新建场景】Open Scene【打开场景】Save Scene 【保存场景】Save Scene as…【场景另存为…】New Project…【新建工程文件】Open Project…【打开工程文件】Save Project 【保存工程文件】Build Settings…【创建设置】(这里可以设置你的游戏将要以何种方式发布,发布的场景文件又包含那些)Build & Run 【创建并运行】(这里以“Build Settings”里设置好的方式,发布并运行游戏)Exit 【退出】Edit【编辑】Undo 【撤销上一步操作】Redo 【恢复被撤销的操作】Cut 【剪切】Copy 【拷贝】Paste 【粘贴】Duplicate 【复制】Delete 【删除】Frame Selected 【在编辑场景中最大化显示被选中的物体】Select All 【全选编辑面板中的所有物体】Preferences…【首选参数设置】Play 【播放】(如果游戏已经开始播放,点此按钮代表停止播放)Pause 【暂停】Step 【逐帧播放游戏】Load selection 【载入所选】(与“Save selection”【存储所选】联合使用,你可以把它理解为一个临时的快捷键,帮你快速的找到特定的以被存储的物体对象。
)Saveselection 【存储所选】(与“Load selection”【载入所选】联合使用,你可以把它理解为一个临时的快捷键,帮你快速的找到特定的以被存储的物体对象。
)Project Settings 【工程文件设置】(包含了该工程项目的“Input”【热键】、“Tags”【标签管理】、“Audio”【音频设置】、“Ti me”【时间设置】、“Player”【播放器设置】、“Physics”【默认仿真物理设置】、“Quality”【播放质量参数设置】、“NetWork”【网络工作参数设置】、“Editor”【编辑器设置】)“Script Execution Order”【脚本编译顺序设置】Render settings 【渲染设置】(默认渲染参数设置,包括环境光,周围的雾化程度,环境颜色1等等一系列参数的设定)Network emulation 【网络仿真】(由于你制作的游戏将会在不同的网络环境中工作,所以需要这个参数来模拟不同的网络工作环境)Graphics emulation 【图形卡仿真】(由于你制作的游戏将会在不同的图形卡环境中工作,所以将需要这个参数来模拟不同硬件条件下的游戏显示质量)Snap settings 【捕捉设置】(和3Ds Max 的“栅格和捕捉设置”类似。
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Unity Manual 用户手册•用户指南o Unity基础翻译:U_鹰▪学习界面翻译:U_鹰▪项目浏览器视图翻译:U_鹰▪层级面板视图翻译:U_鹰▪工具栏翻译:U_鹰▪场景视图翻译:U_鹰▪游戏视图翻译:U_鹰▪检视面板翻译:U_鹰▪其他视图翻译:U_鹰▪自定义工作区翻译:第七把剑▪资源工作流程翻译:第七把剑▪创建场景翻译:第七把剑▪编译发布翻译:第七把剑▪教程翻译:U_鹰▪Unity3D快捷键翻译:U_鹰▪首选项翻译:U_鹰o构建场景▪游戏对象翻译:第七把剑▪游戏对象和组件的关系翻译:第七把剑▪使用组件翻译:第七把剑▪组件和脚本之间的关系翻译:第七把剑▪停用游戏对象翻译:feicheng2005▪使用检视面板翻译:第七把剑▪编辑值属性翻译:第七把剑▪预设库翻译:U_鹰▪指定引用翻译:第七把剑▪多重对象编辑翻译:colin3dmax▪检视面板选项翻译:第七把剑▪使用场景视图翻译:第七把剑▪场景视图导航翻译:第七把剑▪定位游戏对象翻译:第七把剑▪视图模式翻译:第七把剑▪Gizmo和图标显示控制翻译:U_鹰▪搜索翻译:第七把剑▪预制翻译:第七把剑▪灯光翻译:第七把剑▪摄像机翻译:第七把剑▪地形引擎指南翻译:第七把剑o资源导入与创建翻译:第七把剑▪基本对象翻译:U_鹰▪导入资源翻译:第七把剑▪模型翻译:用生命舞蹈▪3D格式翻译:用生命舞蹈▪材质与着色器翻译:第七把剑▪二维纹理翻译:第七把剑▪程序材质翻译:U_鹰▪影片纹理翻译:U_鹰▪音频文件翻译:U_鹰▪音轨模块翻译:U_鹰▪使用脚本翻译:colin3dmax▪▪▪事件函数翻译:RICO▪▪▪▪▪资源商店翻译:肥耀▪▪资源商店发布者管理翻译:13y32r▪▪资源服务器(仅团队许可)翻译:colin3dmax▪设置资源服务器(仅团队许可)翻译:青青子矜▪缓存服务器(仅团队许可)▪缓存服务器(仅团队许可)翻译:一米的馒头▪缓存服务器常见问题翻译:13y32r▪场景幕后翻译:colin3dmaxo创建游戏翻译:U_鹰▪运行时实例化预置翻译:U_鹰▪输入翻译:U_鹰▪变换翻译:U_鹰▪物理翻译:U_鹰▪添加随机的游戏元素翻译:一米的馒头▪粒子系统翻译:小yue▪粒子系统曲线编辑器翻译:小yue▪粒子系统中的颜色和渐变翻译:小yue▪渐变编辑器翻译:小yue▪粒子系统检视面板翻译:小yue▪粒子系统模块介绍翻译:小yue▪粒子系统模块翻译:小yue▪粒子效果翻译:小yue▪Mecanim动画系统翻译:FancyBit▪动画和Mecanim术语表翻译:FancyBit▪资源准备和导入翻译:FancyBit▪准备你自己的角色翻译:FancyBit▪导入动画翻译:FancyBit▪分割动画翻译:FancyBit▪▪创建Avatar翻译:FancyBit▪配置Avatar翻译:FancyBit▪肌肉设定翻译:FancyBit▪阿凡达身体遮罩翻译:Karsion▪为类人动画重新定位目标翻译:Karsion▪▪Mecanim中的通用动画翻译:bwhale▪为角色赋予生命翻译:bwhale▪循环动画剪辑翻译:bwhale▪动画组件和动画控制器翻译:bwhale▪动画状态机翻译:bwhale▪动画状态翻译:bwhale▪动画状态转移翻译:bwhale▪动画参数翻译:bwhale▪混合树翻译:bwhale▪一维混合翻译:bwhale▪二维混合翻译:bwhale▪附加混合树选项翻译:bwhale▪Mecanim进阶主题翻译:bwhale▪使用Mecanim的动画曲线(仅限Pro版本)翻译:bwhale▪子状态机翻译:bwhale▪动画层翻译:bwhale▪动画状态机预览(独立和关闭)翻译:bwhale▪目标匹配翻译:bwhale▪根动作-如何工作翻译:bwhale▪教程:为一个人形场景动画编写根动作脚本翻译:bwhale▪Mecanim性能和优化翻译:feicheng2005▪Mecanim问答翻译:feicheng2005▪旧版动画系统翻译:feicheng2005▪动画视图指南翻译:U_鹰▪动画脚本翻译:U_鹰▪导航网格和寻路(仅专业版)翻译:肥耀▪导航网格烘焙翻译:肥耀▪声音翻译:U_鹰▪游戏界面元素翻译:U_鹰▪多人网络翻译:U_鹰Android•Android 开发入门翻译:闲人若林o安装Android SDK翻译:闲人若林o安卓远程工具翻译:闲人若林o故障排除翻译:U_鹰o在Android中报告崩溃BUG翻译:Summer Windso目前在Unity Android 中不支持的特性翻译:Summer Windso对分割应用程序二进制(.OBB)的支持翻译:悄悄o播放器设置翻译:U_鹰o Android脚本翻译:U_鹰▪输入翻译:U_鹰▪手机键盘翻译:雨天▪高级Unity手机脚本翻译:Summer Winds▪使用.NET API 兼容级别翻译:U_鹰o为Android创建插件翻译:雨天o自定义手机启动画面翻译:闲人若林Blackberry 10•ooooooWindows Store•oooooo▪o▪oWindows Phone 8•Windows Phone 8:入门翻译:Cantilenao Windows Phone 8:部署翻译:Cantilenao Windows Phone 8:调试翻译:Cantilenaooo▪▪o Windows Phone 8:常见问题翻译:Cantilenao▪•本地客户端开发入门翻译:peiandsky•Flash开发入门翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o Flash:安装翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o Flash:生成并运行翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o Flash:进行调试翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o Flash:支持和不支持的翻译:我是头觅食的野猪oooooo•常见问题o升级指南翻译:青青子矜o升级指南翻译:U_鹰o升级项目从到翻译:U_鹰▪物理升级细节翻译:U_鹰▪Mono升级细节翻译:U_鹰▪渲染升级细节翻译:U_鹰▪Unity 着色器转换指南翻译:U_鹰o Unity 激活- 概述翻译:U_鹰▪管理你的Unity 许可证翻译:U_鹰▪在线激活Unity 逐步指南翻译:U_鹰▪手工激活逐步指南翻译:U_鹰o游戏代码问题翻译:U_鹰▪如何制作一个简单的第一人称步骤?翻译:U_鹰o图形问题翻译:U_鹰▪如何导入Alpha纹理?翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪如何使用法线贴图?翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪如何使用细节纹理?翻译:杨希羚▪如何制作一个Cubemap纹理?翻译:杨希羚▪如何制作天空盒?翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪如何制作网格粒子发射器?(旧的粒子系统)翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪如何制作启动屏幕?翻译:杨希羚▪如何制作聚光灯投影遮罩?翻译:杨希羚▪如何修正导入模型的旋转?翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪如何使用水?翻译:杨希羚o如何导出FBX翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o怎样高效部署资源文件实践指南翻译:一米的馒头o如何从3d应用程序中导入物体?翻译:用生命舞蹈▪从maya导入物体翻译:用生命舞蹈▪从Cinema 4D导入物体翻译:用生命舞蹈▪从3D Studio Max导入物体翻译:用生命舞蹈▪从Cheetah3D导入物体翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪从Modo导入物体翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪从Lightwave导入物体翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪从Blender导入物体翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪o工作流程问题▪(Mono Develop入门)翻译:肥耀▪怎样在项目间重用资源?翻译:肥耀▪怎样安装和升级标准资源包?翻译:肥耀▪平台间的项目移植翻译:Cantilenao移动开发者清单翻译:悄悄▪系统崩溃翻译:悄悄▪性能分析翻译:悄悄▪优化翻译:悄悄o•高级o向量介绍翻译:冷水泡面▪理解向量运算翻译:冷水泡面▪从一个对象到另一个对象的方向和距离翻译:冷水泡面▪计算法线向量/垂直向量翻译:冷水泡面▪一个向量的大小的数量位于另一个向量方向上翻译:冷水泡面o资源包(仅专业版)翻译:bwhale▪资源包问答翻译:bwhale▪创建资源包翻译:bwhale▪下载资源包翻译:bwhale▪从资源包中加载资源翻译:bwhale▪追踪所下载的资源包翻译:bwhale▪存储加载资源包中的二进制数据翻译:bwhale▪内容保护翻译:bwhale▪管理资源依赖关系翻译:bwhale▪在资源包中包含脚本翻译:bwhaleo图形功能▪高动态范围(HDR)图像翻译:肥耀▪渲染路径翻译:肥耀▪线性光照(仅专业版)翻译:U_鹰▪细节级别(仅专业版)翻译:肥耀▪着色器翻译:肥耀▪着色器:着色器语言&固定功能着色器翻译:风里疯语▪着色器:顶点和片段程序翻译:风里疯语▪在Unity 4使用DirectX 11翻译:U_鹰▪计算着色器翻译:13y32r▪图形仿真翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o资源数据库翻译:肥耀o构建播放器管线翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o分析器(仅专业版)翻译:肥耀▪分析器窗口翻译:肥耀▪CPU使用率区域翻译:Cantilena▪渲染区域翻译:肥耀▪内存区域翻译:Cantilena▪音频区域翻译:Cantilena▪物理学区域翻译:肥耀▪GPU区域翻译:肥耀o光照贴图快速入门翻译:用生命舞蹈▪光照贴图深入学习翻译:用生命舞蹈▪自定义Beast设置翻译:一米的馒头▪光照贴图UV翻译:用生命舞蹈▪灯光探测器翻译:用生命舞蹈o遮挡剔除(仅专业版)翻译:肥耀o摄像机技巧翻译:U_鹰▪了解视锥体翻译:重生の记忆▪从摄像机到给定距离的视锥体的大小翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪推拉变焦(又称伸缩变焦)翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪摄像机射线翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪使用斜视锥体翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪创建一个大或小尺寸的感觉翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o在运行时加载资源翻译:肥耀o通过脚本修改源资源翻译:肥耀o用程序生成网格几何体翻译:肥耀▪网格剖析翻译:肥耀▪使用Mesh类翻译:肥耀▪示例- 创建一个广告牌平面翻译:肥耀o富文本翻译:无悔o在Unity项目中使用Mono DLL(动态链接库)翻译:X-droido事件函数的执行顺序翻译:X-droido优化手机的实用指南翻译:Cantilena▪优化手机的实用指南- 未来及高端设备翻译:Cantilena▪优化手机的实用指南- 图形方法翻译:Cantilena▪优化手机的实用指南- 脚本和游戏设置方法翻译:萤之助▪优化手机的实用指南- 渲染优化翻译:萤之助▪o Unity XCode项目结构翻译:U_鹰o优化图形性能翻译:肥耀▪描绘调用批处理翻译:Amazonzx▪为优化性能建模角色翻译:肥耀▪渲染数据统计窗口翻译:肥耀o减小文件大小翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o了解自动内存管理翻译:一米的馒头o平台依赖编译翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o泛型函数翻译:肥耀o进行调试翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪控制台翻译:U_鹰▪调试器翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪日志文件翻译:肥耀▪访问隐藏文件夹翻译:肥耀o插件- 只用于专业版/移动版功能翻译:太昊|仙境乐网▪为桌面平台创建插件翻译:雨天▪为iOS创建插件翻译:雨天▪为Android创建插件翻译:雨天▪底层本地插件接口翻译:雨天o文本场景文件格式(仅专业版功能)翻译:U_鹰▪格式说明翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪YAML场景示例翻译:我是头觅食的野猪▪YAML 类ID参考翻译:U_鹰o流媒体资源翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o命令行参数翻译:一米的馒头o启动时运行编辑器脚本代码翻译:U_鹰o网络仿真翻译:肥耀o网络播放器的安全沙箱翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o可用的.NET类库概述o Visual Studio C#集成翻译:我是头觅食的野猪oo使用Unity的外部版本控制系统翻译:我是头觅食的野猪o分析翻译:肥耀o更新检查翻译:肥耀o安装多个Unity版本翻译:青青子矜o故障排除翻译:U_鹰▪编辑器故障排除翻译:IanZhang▪网页播放器故障排除翻译:IanZhangDesktop•阴影翻译:U_鹰o平行光阴影细节翻译:U_鹰o阴影疑难解答翻译:U_鹰o阴影大小计算翻译:U_鹰o Unity的输入法编辑器翻译:U_鹰o为集成显卡优化翻译:U_鹰•网络播放器部署翻译:U_鹰o用HTML代码加载Unity内容翻译:U_鹰o使用精缩的UnityObject2翻译:IanZhango自定义Unity网络播放器加载的屏幕翻译:U_鹰o自定义Unity网络播放器的行为翻译:U_鹰o Unity网络播放器和浏览器通信翻译:U_鹰o使用网络播放器模板翻译:U_鹰o网络播放器流处理翻译:U_鹰o网页播放器版本翻译:人中吕布•在网页播放器使用信任链系统翻译:人中吕布。