奈特神经解剖图谱 .奈特.英文版

01 思维导图
03 精彩摘录 05 目录分析
02 内容摘要 04 阅读感受 06 作者简介
读者 详细
《奈特解剖涂色书》是一本深受广大医学生和解剖爱好者喜爱的教材。本书以生动的插图和详细 的解剖学知识为读者提供了深入了解人体结构的途径。通过涂色的形式,使原本抽象的解剖图变 得更为直观,让读者能够更好地理解和记忆人体各个部位的结构。 全书共分为若干章节,每个章节详细介绍了人体不同部位的解剖结构。从骨骼到肌肉,从器官到 血管,每一部分都配有清晰的插图,并附有详细的文字说明。书中还包含了一些临床案例,帮助 读者将理论知识与实际应用相结合,提高解决实际问题的能力。 通过《奈特解剖涂色书》,读者不仅能够深入了解人体结构,还能培养对医学的兴趣和热爱。无 论是对医学专业的学生,还是对解剖学感兴趣的普通人,这本书都是一个极好的学习资源。它能 够帮助我们更好地认识自己的身体,提高健康意识,从而更好地维护我们的身心健康。
这本书的阅读经历让我对人体解剖学产生了浓厚的兴趣。我开始思考人体各 个部位的功能和相互关系,也开始思考如何将这些知识应用到医学实践中。例如, 我了解到骨骼的结构和功能,这让我对骨折的治疗有了更深入的理解。我也了解 到肌肉的工作原理,这让我对运动生理学有了更深入的了解。
《奈特解剖涂色书》是一本极具价值的解剖学参考书。它以生动的方式展示 了人体解剖学的知识,使得读者可以轻松地理解和记忆。对于医学生来说,这本 书是一本必备的参考书,可以帮助他们更好地理解人体解剖学。对于医学工作者 来说,这本书也是一本宝贵的参考书,可以帮助他们更好地应用人体解剖学的知 识。
奈特神经解剖图谱 .奈特.英文版

Cingulate sulcusMedial frontal gyrusSulcus of corpus callosumFornixSeptum pellucidum Central sulcus (Rolando)Interventricular foramen (Monro)Interthalamic adhesionThalamus and 3rd ventricle Subcallosal (parolfactory)areaAnterior commissure Subcallosal gyrusHypothalamic sulcus Lamina terminalis Supra- optic recessParacentral lobuleCorpus callosumPrecuneusSuperior sagittal sinusChoroid plexus of 3rd ventricle Stria medullaris of thalamusGreat cerebral vein (Galen)Superior colliculus Inferior colliculusTectal (quadrigeminal) plate CerebellumSuperior medullary velum4th ventricle and choroid plexus Inferior medullary velum Medulla oblongataHypophysis (pituitary gland)Mammillary bodyCerebral pedunclePonsCerebral aqueduct (Sylvius)Genu Rostrum Trunk Spleniumofcorpus callosumIsthmus of cingulate gyrus Parietooccipital sulcus CuneusCalcarine sulcus Fimbria of hippocampus Dentate gyrus Parahippocampal gyrusLateral occipitotemporal gyrusOccipitotemporal sulcus Medial occipitotemporal gyrusRhinal sulcusUncusMammillary bodyMammillothalamic fasciculus Cingulate gyrus Medial surface of cerebralhemisphere: brainstem excisedTuber cinereumOptic chiasmMarginal sulcusOrbital sulciOrbital gyriTemporal poleLateral sulcus (Sylvius)Inferior temporal sulcusInferior temporal gyrusCollateral sulcusParahippocampal gyrusMedial occipitotemporal gyrusCalcarine sulcusIsthmus of cingulate gyrus Longitudinal cerebral fissureOccipital pole of cerebrumApex of cuneusSplenium of corpus callosumCerebral aqueductPulvinar of thalamusRed nucleusOptic tractOptic nerve (II) (Optic chiasmOlfactory tractHypophysis(pituitary gland)Anteriorperforated substanceSuperior colliculus (ofcorpora quadrigemina)Horizontal sections through cerebrumGenu of corpus callosum Lateral ventricle Septum pellucidum Column of fornixof lateral ventriclecorpus callosumHead of caudate nucleusAnterior limbGenuPosterior limbPutamenGlobus pallidus3rd ventricleTail of caudate nucleusHippocampus and fimbriaOccipital (posterior) hornof lateral ventricleHabenulaPineal bodyCleft for internal capsuleOrganization of basal nuclei (ganglia)Putamen GlobuspallidusLentiformnucleusBasal nuclei (ganglia)CaudatenucleusLevels ofsectionsaboveBodyHeadLentiform nucleus(globus pallidus medialLateral geniculate bodyTail of caudate nucleusAmygdaloid bodyAInterrelationship of thalamus, lentiform nucleus, caudatenucleus and amygdaloid body (schema): left lateral viewBA BA BInterventricular foramen (Monro)3rd ventricle Corpus callosum (Head of caudate nucleus Interthalamic adhesion Lamina affixa Stria medullaris Habenular trigone Pulvinar (Lateral geniculate body Medial geniculate body Brachium of superior colliculus cut edge )Calcarine sulcus CerebellumPulvinarReticular nucleusMedian nuclei3rd ventriclePulvinarLateral geniculate body Medial geniculate body3rd ventricle Interthalamic adhesionIntralaminar nucleiExternal medullary laminaCM LD LP Schematic representation of thalamus(external medullary lamina and MDM CM VPL V PMLP L P L D V P V P L V P MV IV LV AM e di a n M e d i a ll a m in a m e dul l a r y I n t er na lA n t e r i o rL ami naAnterior cerebellar notchCentral lobule (II & III)Posterior cerebellar notchInferior surfaceCentral lobuleLingula (I)Superior medullary velumFlocculus (H X)Posterior cerebellar notch4th ventriclesuperior cerebellar pedunclesCerebral crusMedial longitudinal fasciculusHorizontal fissure Inferior semilunar(caudal) lobule (H VII B)Wing of central lobule Superior Middle InferiorAnterior lobeQuadrangular lobule (H IV-V)Primary fissure Inferior semilunar(caudal) lobule (H VII B)Posterolateral viewAnterior viewOptic chiasmOptic tractOlivePyramid Ventral roots of 1st spinal nerve (C1)Decussation of pyramidsAccessory nerve (XI)Trigeminal nerve (V)Middle cerebellar peduncleVestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)Facial nerve (VII)Inferior cerebellar peduncle Hypoglossal nerve (XII)Accessory nerve (XI)Superior medullary velum Lateral recess Superior fovea Sulcus limitans Inferior fovea Trigeminal tubercle Hypoglossal trigoneVagal trigoneObexGracile fasciculusInterthalamic adhesion Posterior commissureHabenular commissurePineal bodySplenium of corpus callosum Great cerebral vein (Galen)Cuneate fasciculusLateral funiculus Habenular trigone Geniculate bodiesDorsal median sulcus Superior cerebellar peduncle Locus ceruleus Medial eminence Facial colliculusVestibular areaSuperior Middle InferiorMedial LateralLingula (I)Central lobule (II-III)Culmen (IV-V)Declive (VI)Folium (VII A)Choroid plexus of 4th ventricle Tonsil of cerebellumCentral canal of spinal cordMedulla oblongataChoroid plexus of 4th ventricle4th ventricleMedial longitudinal fasciculusPonsInferior colliculusTectal (quadrigeminal) plateSuperior colliculus Cerebral aqueduct (Sylvius)Decussation of pyramidsMedian aperture (foramen of Magendie)Superior medullary velum Median sagittal section。

1.从外形联想内部结构:锥 体 锥体束,橄榄 下 橄榄核(囊袋状,开口向 内),舌下神经三角 舌下神经核,迷走神经三 角 迷走神经背核,小 脑下脚 小脑下脚纤维 2.核团排列规律:由内向外 为运动核到感觉核;核团 多位于背侧;仅疑核、三 叉神经脊束核位于腹侧 3.传导束排列规律:锥体束 后 内侧丘系,下橄榄 核背外侧 脊髓丘系
灰质前连合anterior gray commissure
中间内侧核 intermediomedial nucleus
中间外侧核 intermediolatera l nucleus
泪腺 lacrimal gland
泪点lacrimal punctum 鼻泪管 nasolacrim al duct
薄束Fasciculus gracilis 后中间沟posterior intermediate sulcus 皮质脊髓侧束Lateral corticospinal tract
脊髓丘脑侧束Lateral spinothalamic tract
白质前连合 anterior white commissure
2014三医大 WJ Chen
后角边缘核 posteromarginal nucleus
后角posterior horn
胶状质substantia gelatinosa
后角固有核nucleus proprius
侧角lateral horn 胸核thoracic nucleus
前角anterior horn(column)
叉神经运动核(脑 桥);面神经核(脑 桥);疑核(延髓); 副神经核(延髓和颈 髓)

★脊髓(jǐ suǐ)圆锥Conus medullaris-the lower pyramid end of spinal cord
★终丝Filum terminale-a delicate filament, about 20 cm in length, prolonged downward from the apex of the conus medullaris to the back of the first segment of the coccyx, continuous above with that of the pia mater.
to Vertebral Numbers
Spinal segments
Vertebral levels (spines)
C1~C4 C5~T4
Lie opposite the corresponding vertebrae
One lower in number than corresponding vertebrae
Brain stem脑干
Major Divisions of the Peripheral Nervous System
脑神经(shénjīng)Cranial nerves (12 pairs) 脊神经(shénjīng)Spinal nerves (31 pairs) 内脏神经(shénjīng)Visceral nerves Visceral sensory nerve Visceral motor nerve Sympathetic part 交感神经(shénjīng) Parasympathetic part 副交感神经

• 带血管植骨术是将带有血管蒂的骨块或骨膜转移植 入股骨内,其优点除了本身有良好的支撑作用外, 由于血液循环丰富,有缩短坏死组织修复过程、骨 痴生长状况良好等突出优点,对防止股骨头塌陷作 用显著。现多采用带血管蒂髂骨骨瓣移植,在坏死 股骨头内减压后用带血管蒂的骨瓣填充支持,改善 局部血运,其目的不是重建坏死的股骨头,而是阻 止坏死的继续发展,尽可能保护股骨头,延长使用 期限。用带旋骨外血管升支或带旋髂浅血管蒂髂骨 骨膜瓣治疗股骨头坏死,认为骨膜瓣特别适用于头 塌陷前期,对股骨头软骨面无破裂缺损者也有满意 疗效。
• 最早由日本学者报道,用带蒂小动脉、伴随静脉与周 围少量疏松结缔组织植入股骨头,除了减压作用外,还 可重建股骨头内血液循环,带入活性细胞(如成骨效应 细胞),有利于死骨的吸收和新骨形成。该手术通过清 除负重区软骨下方的坏死组织,直至正常骨组织,为启 动自身修复潜能创造条件;多条血管束植入有助于改善 股骨头血运;带血管的骨瓣及骨移植既能纠正或预防再 塌陷,同时能促进坏死修复,最终能达到股骨头生物学 与形态学修复的目的,但同时也对进一步研究提出了要 求:我们需要了解血管束在植入后确实存活并发挥作用, 植入的骨瓣是否与周围骨质愈合良好,这些问题也正是 多数学者所怀疑和进一步需要证实的。
• 截骨术的最大特点是为股骨头提供了有效 的机械支撑,尤其适 合有高活动量要求的 早中期年轻患者。缺点是并发症多,如螺 钉松动,迟缓愈合,假关节形成,感染等, 易造成下肢不等长而跋行,对日后置换造 成一定的困难。亦有学者认为截骨可能增 大了关节置换的难度,但临床报道是好的。 重要的治疗原则就是截骨水平要在小转子 以上以保持股骨近端解剖结构的完整性
• • • • • • • • 髓芯减压术 髓芯减压配合支撑术 截骨术 植骨术 血管束植入术 骨水泥注射疗法 股骨头表面置换术 人工关节置换术

Ⅰ嗅神经:olfactory nerves1、性质:特殊内脏感觉纤维。
(2)鼻炎时,炎症延至鼻上部粘膜,也可造成一时性嗅觉迟钝Ⅱ视神经:optic nerve1、性质:由特殊躯体感觉纤维组成,传导视觉冲动。
Ⅲ动眼神经:oculomotor nerve1、性质:运动性神经,含一般躯体运动和一般内脏运动纤维。
Ⅳ滑车神经:trochlear nerve1、性质:运动性脑神经。

Overview of the Nose
▪ external nose ▪ septum ▪ nasal cavity
Surface Features of the External Nose
Relations of the Nasal Cavity
The Skeletone of Chonanae
▪ from the ophthalmic artery: anterior & posterior ethmoidal arteries ▪ from the maxillary artery: sphenopalatine artery & greater palatine
artery ▪ from the facial artery: sptal branch of the superior labial artery
External Nose
Nasal Cartilages
▪ septal nasal cartilage ▪ major & minor alar
cartilage ▪ accessory nasal cartilage
Anterior & Posterior Rhinoscopy
Nose & Mouth
▪ Nose
- Nasal Cavity & Its Walls - Paranasal Sinuses - Neurovascular Structures
▪ Mouth
- Oral Cavity - Neurovascular Structures
Ophthalmic Artery
系统解剖 英文版 神经系统 脑干.Brain stem

Fourth ventricle 第四脑室
Central canal →fourth ventricle →mesencephalic aqueduct→third ventricle
★ Position situated ventral to cerebellum dorsal to pons and cranial half of medulla Boundaries Floor: Rhomboid Fossa 菱形窝 Roof
Gross Appearance of Brain Stem
★ Gross Appearance of Brain Stem
Medulla oblongata Attached to the 9th to 12th cranial n. Divided into an open(superior) and a closed (inferior) part Pons Attached to 5th to 8th cranial n. Divided into the basilar part and tegmentum Midbrain Attached to the 3rd and 4th cranial n. Divided into the cerebral peduncle and tectum
Subarachnoid space
Tela choroidea and choroid plexus 脉络丛和脉络组织
Internal structure of the brain Stem
Gray matter Cranial nerve nuclei 脑神经核 Non-cranial nerve nuclei 非脑神经核 White matter Reticular formation of brain stem 脑干网状结构 Central canal

《奈特神经科学彩色图谱》读书札记目录一、基础概念篇 (2)1.1 神经系统的基本构成 (3)1.2 神经元与突触 (4)1.3 神经递质与受体 (6)1.4 内向电流与动作电位 (7)二、神经系统各部分详解 (8)三、神经科学研究方法篇 (10)3.1 实验方法 (11)3.2 观察方法 (12)3.3 计算机模拟方法 (13)3.4 神经成像技术 (14)四、临床应用篇 (16)4.1 神经系统疾病诊断 (17)4.2 神经系统疾病治疗 (18)4.3 神经系统康复 (19)五、发展前景篇 (20)5.1 神经科学的前沿技术 (22)5.2 神经科学在未来的发展趋势 (23)六、结语 (24)6.1 读书感悟 (25)6.2 对未来研究的展望 (27)一、基础概念篇我们将学习奈特神经科学彩色图谱的基础概念,包括神经元、突触、神经递质、神经回路等。

• • • • • • • • 髓芯减压术 髓芯减压配合支撑术 截骨术 植骨术 血管束植入术 骨水泥注射疗法 股骨头表面置换术 人工关节置换术
• 最早由Arlet 和Ficat倡导采用髓芯减压治疗FicatⅠ、 Ⅱ期股骨头坏死。有关报道很多,有些学者认为股 骨头坏死在修复过程中随着血运的重建,破骨和骨 吸收的速度往往大于新骨的形成,髓芯减压术可使 本已薄弱的软骨下骨的机械支撑力进一步减弱,尤 其是类固醇激素所致的股骨头缺血性坏死,其骨质 疏松明显,髓芯减压术导致应力集中,引起股骨头 塌陷,因此目前单纯的股骨头髓芯减压术已较少采 用。Castro等通过大量保守治疗与单纯髓芯减压资 料的比较,统计显示:髓芯减压仅对于StulbergⅠ期 患者有效,对于解除骸关节疼痛有肯定效果,但对 延缓股骨头塌陷作用难以肯定,目前认为髓芯减压 仅适合于股骨头坏死早期的治疗
• 目前,获得较多临床工作者认可的是基于X 线,MRI、骨扫描等检查基础上的世界骨循 环研究学会(ARCO)设立了国际骨坏死标准, 简称ARCO分期,分期较全面而准确地反映 了骨坏死面积、部位及与预后的关系。
ARCO 分期标准(1997)
• • • • • 0 期 病理检查阳性, 其他检查阴性 1 期 骨扫描和/或MR I 阳性, 其他阴性 1 -A:MR I 检查病变范围占股骨头15% 以下 1-B:MR I 检查病变范围占股骨头15~ 30% 1-C:MR I 检查病变范围占股骨头30% 以上

Selections from the Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations
Illustrations by Frank H. Netter, MD John A. CFA
Text by John T. Hansen, PhD Bruce M. Koeppen, MD, PhD
Atlas of Neuroanatomy and Neurophysiology Selections from the Netter Collection of Medical Illustrations
Copyright ©2002 Icon Custom Communications. All rights reserved. The contents of this book may not be reproduced in any form without written authorization from Icon Custom Communications. Requests for permission should be addressed to Permissions Department, Icon Custom Communications, 295 North St., Teterboro NJ 07608, or can be made at www. .
Printed in U.S.A.
Frank Netter: The Physician, The Artist, The Art
This selection of the art of Dr. Frank H. Netter on neuroanatomy and neurophysiology is drawn from the Atlas of Human Anatomy and Netter’s Atlas of Human Physiology. Viewing these pictures again prompts reflection on Dr. Netter’s work and his roles as physician and artist. Frank H. Netter was born in 1906 in New York City. He pursued his artistic muse at the Sorbonne, the Art Student’s League, and the National Academy of Design before entering medical school at New York University, where he received his M.D. degree in 1931. During his student years, Dr. Netter’s notebook sketches attracted the attention of the medical faculty and other physicians, allowing him to augment his income by illustrating articles and textbooks. He continued illustrating as a sideline after establishing a surgical practice in 1933, but ultimately opted to give up his practice in favor of a full-time commitment to art. After service in the United States Army during the Second World War, Dr. Netter began his long collaboration with the CIBA Pharmaceutical Company (now Novartis Pharmaceuticals). This 45-year partnership resulted in the production of the extraordinary collection of medical art so familiar to physicians and other medical professionals worldwide. When Dr. Netter’s work is discussed, attention is focused primarily on Netter the artist and only secondarily on Netter the physician. As a student of Dr. Netter’s work for more than forty years, I can say that the true strength of a Netter illustration was always established well before brush was laid to paper. In that respect each plate is more of an intellectual than an artistic or aesthetic exercise. It is easy to appreciate the aesthetic qualities of Dr. Netter’s work, but to overlook its intellectual qualities is to miss the real strength and intent of the art. This intellectual process requires thorough understanding of the topic, as Dr. Netter wrote: “Strange as it may seem, the hardest part of making a medical picture is not the drawing at all. It is the planning, the conception, the determination of point of view and the approach which will best clarify the subject which takes the most effort.” Years before the inception of “the integrated curriculum,” Netter the physician realized that a good medical illustration can include clinical information and physiologic functions as well as anatomy. In pursuit of this principle Dr. Netter often integrates pertinent basic and clinical science elements in his anatomic interpretations. Although he was chided for this heresy by a prominent European anatomy professor, many generations of students training to be physicians rather than anatomists have appreciated Dr. Netter’s concept. The integration of physiology and clinical medicine with anatomy has led Dr. Netter to another, more subtle, choice in his art. Many texts and atlases published during the period of Dr. Netter’s career depict anatomy clearly based on cadaver specimens with renderings of shrunken and shriveled tissues and organs. Netter the physician chose to render “live” versions of these structures—not shriveled, colorless, formaldehyde-soaked tissues, but plump, robust organs, glowing with color! The value of Dr. Netter’s approach is clearly demonstrated by the plates in this selection.
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Cingulate sulcusMedial frontal gyrusSulcus of corpus callosumFornixSeptum pellucidum Central sulcus (Rolando)Interventricular foramen (Monro)Interthalamic adhesionThalamus and 3rd ventricle Subcallosal (parolfactory)areaAnterior commissure Subcallosal gyrusHypothalamic sulcus Lamina terminalis Supra- optic recessParacentral lobuleCorpus callosumPrecuneusSuperior sagittal sinusChoroid plexus of 3rd ventricle Stria medullaris of thalamusGreat cerebral vein (Galen)Superior colliculus Inferior colliculusTectal (quadrigeminal) plate CerebellumSuperior medullary velum4th ventricle and choroid plexus Inferior medullary velum Medulla oblongataHypophysis (pituitary gland)Mammillary bodyCerebral pedunclePonsCerebral aqueduct (Sylvius)Genu Rostrum Trunk Spleniumofcorpus callosumIsthmus of cingulate gyrus Parietooccipital sulcus CuneusCalcarine sulcus Fimbria of hippocampus Dentate gyrus Parahippocampal gyrusLateral occipitotemporal gyrusOccipitotemporal sulcus Medial occipitotemporal gyrusRhinal sulcusUncusMammillary bodyMammillothalamic fasciculus Cingulate gyrus Medial surface of cerebralhemisphere: brainstem excisedTuber cinereumOptic chiasmMarginal sulcusOrbital sulciOrbital gyriTemporal poleLateral sulcus (Sylvius)Inferior temporal sulcusInferior temporal gyrusCollateral sulcusParahippocampal gyrusMedial occipitotemporal gyrusCalcarine sulcusIsthmus of cingulate gyrus Longitudinal cerebral fissureOccipital pole of cerebrumApex of cuneusSplenium of corpus callosumCerebral aqueductPulvinar of thalamusRed nucleusOptic tractOptic nerve (II) (Optic chiasmOlfactory tractHypophysis(pituitary gland)Anteriorperforated substanceSuperior colliculus (ofcorpora quadrigemina)Horizontal sections through cerebrumGenu of corpus callosum Lateral ventricle Septum pellucidum Column of fornixof lateral ventriclecorpus callosumHead of caudate nucleusAnterior limbGenuPosterior limbPutamenGlobus pallidus3rd ventricleTail of caudate nucleusHippocampus and fimbriaOccipital (posterior) hornof lateral ventricleHabenulaPineal bodyCleft for internal capsuleOrganization of basal nuclei (ganglia)Putamen GlobuspallidusLentiformnucleusBasal nuclei (ganglia)CaudatenucleusLevels ofsectionsaboveBodyHeadLentiform nucleus(globus pallidus medialLateral geniculate bodyTail of caudate nucleusAmygdaloid bodyAInterrelationship of thalamus, lentiform nucleus, caudatenucleus and amygdaloid body (schema): left lateral viewBA BA BInterventricular foramen (Monro)3rd ventricle Corpus callosum (Head of caudate nucleus Interthalamic adhesion Lamina affixa Stria medullaris Habenular trigone Pulvinar (Lateral geniculate body Medial geniculate body Brachium of superior colliculus cut edge )Calcarine sulcus CerebellumPulvinarReticular nucleusMedian nuclei3rd ventriclePulvinarLateral geniculate body Medial geniculate body3rd ventricle Interthalamic adhesionIntralaminar nucleiExternal medullary laminaCM LD LP Schematic representation of thalamus(external medullary lamina and MDM CM VPL V PMLP L P L D V P V P L V P MV IV LV AM e di a n M e d i a ll a m in a m e dul l a r y I n t er na lA n t e r i o rL ami naAnterior cerebellar notchCentral lobule (II & III)Posterior cerebellar notchInferior surfaceCentral lobuleLingula (I)Superior medullary velumFlocculus (H X)Posterior cerebellar notch4th ventriclesuperior cerebellar pedunclesCerebral crusMedial longitudinal fasciculusHorizontal fissure Inferior semilunar(caudal) lobule (H VII B)Wing of central lobule Superior Middle InferiorAnterior lobeQuadrangular lobule (H IV-V)Primary fissure Inferior semilunar(caudal) lobule (H VII B)Posterolateral viewAnterior viewOptic chiasmOptic tractOlivePyramid Ventral roots of 1st spinal nerve (C1)Decussation of pyramidsAccessory nerve (XI)Trigeminal nerve (V)Middle cerebellar peduncleVestibulocochlear nerve (VIII)Facial nerve (VII)Inferior cerebellar peduncle Hypoglossal nerve (XII)Accessory nerve (XI)Superior medullary velum Lateral recess Superior fovea Sulcus limitans Inferior fovea Trigeminal tubercle Hypoglossal trigoneVagal trigoneObexGracile fasciculusInterthalamic adhesion Posterior commissureHabenular commissurePineal bodySplenium of corpus callosum Great cerebral vein (Galen)Cuneate fasciculusLateral funiculus Habenular trigone Geniculate bodiesDorsal median sulcus Superior cerebellar peduncle Locus ceruleus Medial eminence Facial colliculusVestibular areaSuperior Middle InferiorMedial LateralLingula (I)Central lobule (II-III)Culmen (IV-V)Declive (VI)Folium (VII A)Choroid plexus of 4th ventricle Tonsil of cerebellumCentral canal of spinal cordMedulla oblongataChoroid plexus of 4th ventricle4th ventricleMedial longitudinal fasciculusPonsInferior colliculusTectal (quadrigeminal) plateSuperior colliculus Cerebral aqueduct (Sylvius)Decussation of pyramidsMedian aperture (foramen of Magendie)Superior medullary velum Median sagittal section。