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必修二Unit4 Wildlife protection


1. protect vt. _________________ n.

2. important adj. ____________________ n.

3. affect vt. ____________________ n.

4. distant adj. ____________________ n.

5. laughter n. _________________v.

6. powerful adj. _____________________ n

7. contain vt. ____________________ n.

8. succeed vi. _________________ n. _________________ a dj. __________________ adv.

9. employ vt. _________________ n. ________________ n. (雇员) ________________ n. (雇主)

10. loss n. _________________ v. _________________ adj. ________________ n. (失败者)


1. By 1881, the population of Ireland had ______________________ (减少) to 5.2 million.

2. China is getting more and more ________________ (强大) in the world.

3. It is not allowed to _________________________(打猎) wild animals in this area.

4. The climate __________________ (影响) the amount of the rainfall last year.

5. A tiger is a very _________________(凶猛的) kind of animal. However, it won’t attack you if you don

6. People say that barking dogs don’t b__

______________ .

7. I'd a_____________________ it if you let me get on with my job.

8. Fresh fruit and vegetables c________________ plentiful Vitamin C.

9.Very few people s___________________ in losing weight and keeping it off.

10.It wouldn't do you any h___________________ to get some experience first.

11.He showed no m_________________ to his enemies.

12.Your mistake resulted in heavy l_______________.

13.Dave didn't r________________(回应)to any of her emails, which made her angry.

14.It is a rule that our baggage should be i_________ by customs officers(海关人员).

15.I am busy, so I have to e______________ a housekeeper to look after my children.


die out according to in peace in danger so that succeed in do harm to

burst into laughter protect…from pay attention to come into being in relief

1. The new country ______________________ only two years ago.

2. _____________________ the teacher, He fell far behind other students as a result of laziness.

3. The government is doing its best to ______________ those rare animals ________ being hunted.

_________________ it.

4. I had warned him of the possible danger, but he didn’t __

5. Elephants would ___________ if men are allowed to shoot as many as they wished.

_____________ every time they cross the road.

6. Children’s lives are ___

7. The two communities live together _________________.

8. Hearing the funny story, all of us _______________________.

9. Why don't you start out early ________________ you don't have to hurry?

10. No one was hurt, and we all smiled _______________.


People realize that, although animals may not have the same intelligence(智力)as human beings, they are smart enough to learn certain things.

Dogs are extremely useful as companions for blind people. When a dog has been properly trained, he will always lead his

blind master in the right direction and keep him out of danger. For example, seeing-eye dogs learn never to cross a busy road

when cars are coming, even if their master ordered them to do so.

Horses are also able to learn many things. Horses that are used for guard or police duty must learn never to be frightened

of noises, traffic, and other disturbances. Racing horses are able to run much faster than other horses, but they are also quite

high strung(易紧张). Therefore, it is necessary for those people who train them to be very patient(耐心) and understanding.

The moving pictures and television can use trained animals too. Some animals, such as monkeys and foxes, are easy to

film. All you have to do is make a trail in front of the camera by dragging something that smells good to the animals over the

ground. Big animals, such as lions and tigers, can be photographed as they bound happily back to their families and dinner. If a

movie actor is nearby, the well-trained animal will pay no attention to him. However, the audience may imagine that the actor escaped a terrible death by the skin of his teeth.

1. Dogs who help blind people must learn .

A. to obey all orders

B. to obey only safe orders

C. never to cross roads

D. to cross road when ordered to do so

2. Race horses are hard to train because they are .

A. faster than other horses

B. smaller than other horses

C. clever than other horse

D. more nervous than other horses

3. What does “make a trail” mean here in the last paragraph?

A. place something to attract the animal

B. give the animal a certain task

C. order the animal to do things

D. follow the animal to hunt

4. Lions can be photographed easily when .

A. they are following a trial of something that smells good to them

B. they are returning to their families
