2015-2016武汉外国语学校参考答案(理科) -
2015-2016学年湖北省武汉外国语学校高二(上)期中数学试卷(理科解析)参考答案与试题解析一、选择题(每题5分,共12题)1.(5分)抛物线y=4x2的焦点坐标是()A.(0,1)B.(1,0) C.D.【解答】解:抛物线y=4x2的标准方程为x2=y,p=,开口向上,焦点在y 轴的正半轴上,故焦点坐标为(0,),故选:C.2.(5分)圆C1:(x﹣m)2+(y+2)2=9与圆C2:(x+1)2+(y﹣m)2=4内切,则m的值()A.﹣2 B.﹣1 C.﹣2或﹣1 D.2或1【解答】解:由题意可得,两个圆的圆心分别为(m,﹣2)、(﹣1,m),半径分别为3、2,根据两个圆相内切,可得两个圆的圆心距等于它们的把半径之差,即=3﹣2,求得m=﹣2,或m=﹣1,故选:C.3.(5分)已知F1、F2为双曲线C:x2﹣y2=1的左、右焦点,点P在C上,∠F1PF2=60°,则|PF1|•|PF2|=()A.2 B.4 C.6 D.8【解答】解:法1.由双曲线方程得a=1,b=1,c=,由余弦定理得cos∠F1PF2=∴|PF1|•|PF2|=4.法2;由焦点三角形面积公式得:∴|PF1|•|PF2|=4;故选:B.4.(5分)下列四个命题:①“若x≠1或y≠1,则xy≠1”的逆命题;②“相似三角形的周长相等”的否命题;③“若关于x的方程x2﹣2bx+b2+b=0无实根,则b>﹣1”的逆否命题;④“若A∪B=B,则A⊇B”的逆否命题,其中真命题的个数为()A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3【解答】解:①“若x≠1或y≠1,则xy≠1”的否命题为,若x=1且y=1,则xy=1为真命题,则命题的逆命题也为真命题;②“相似三角形的周长相等”的逆命题为,周长相等的三角形相似,为假命题,则命题的否命题为假命题;③“若关于x的方程x2﹣2bx+b2+b=0无实根,则△=4b2﹣4(b2+b)<0,即﹣4b<0,则b>0,则b>﹣1成立,即原命题为真命题,则命题的逆否命题为真命题;④“若A∪B=B,则A⊆B”,故原命题为假命题,则命题的逆否命题为假命题,故真命题的是①③,故选:C.5.(5分)设椭圆C:+=1(a>b>0)的左右焦点分别为F1,F2,过F2作x轴的垂线与C相交于A,B两点,F1B与y轴相交于点D.若AD⊥F1B,则椭圆C的离心率等于()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:不妨假设椭圆中的a=1,则F1(﹣c,0),F2(c,0),当x=c时,由+=1得y==b2,即A(c,b2),B(c,﹣b2),设D(0,m),∵F1,D,B三点共线,∴=,解得m=﹣,即D(0,﹣),∴若AD⊥F1B,则k AD•k F1B=﹣1,即=﹣1,即3b4=4c2,则b2=2c=(1﹣c2)=2c,即c2+2c﹣=0,解得c==,则c==,∵a=1,∴离心率e==,故选:B.6.(5分)在如图所示的空间直角坐标系O﹣xyz中,一个四面体的顶点坐标分别为(0,0,2),(2,2,0),(1,2,1),(2,2,2),给出的编号为①,②,③,④的四个图,则该四面体的正视图和俯视图分别为()A.①和②B.③和①C.④和③D.④和②【解答】解:在坐标系中,标出已知的四个点,根据三视图的画图规则,可得三棱锥的正视图和俯视图分别为④②,故选:D.7.(5分)过点(2,0)引直线l与曲线相交于A,B两点,O为坐标原点,当△AOB的面积取最大值时,直线l的斜率等于()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:当△AOB面积取最大值时,OA⊥OB,∵曲线相交于A,B 两点,O为坐标原点,∴圆心O(0,0),半径r=,∴OA=OB=,AB=2,∴圆心O(0,0)到直线直线l的距离为1,当直线l的斜率不存在时,直线l的方程为x=2,不合题意;当直线l的斜率存在时,直线l的方程为y=k(x﹣2),圆心(0,0)到直线l的距离d==1,解得k=±,∵k<0,∴k=﹣.故选:D.8.(5分)设a,b∈R,则“a>b”是“a|a|>b|b|”的()A.充分不必要条件 B.必要不充分条件C.充要条件D.既不充分又不必要条件【解答】解:若a>b,①a>b≥0,不等式a|a|>b|b|等价为a•a>b•b,此时成立.②0>a>b,不等式a|a|>b|b|等价为﹣a•a>﹣b•b,即a2<b2,此时成立.③a≥0>b,不等式a|a|>b|b|等价为a•a>﹣b•b,即a2>﹣b2,此时成立,即充分性成立.若a|a|>b|b|,①当a>0,b>0时,a|a|>b|b|去掉绝对值得,(a﹣b)(a+b)>0,因为a+b>0,所以a﹣b>0,即a>b.②当a>0,b<0时,a>b.③当a<0,b<0时,a|a|>b|b|去掉绝对值得,(a﹣b)(a+b)<0,因为a+b<0,所以a﹣b>0,即a>b.即必要性成立,综上“a>b”是“a|a|>b|b|”的充要条件,故选:C.9.(5分)已知双曲线=1(a>0,b>0)的左、右焦点分别为F1,F2,P为双曲线上任一点,且•最小值的取值范围是,则该双曲线的离心率的取值范围为()A.B.C.(1,)D.[2,+∞)【解答】解:设P(m,n),则﹣=1,即有m2=a2(1+),又设F1(﹣c,0),F2(c,0),即有=(﹣m﹣c,﹣n),=(c﹣m,﹣n),则•=n2+m2﹣c2=n2+a2(1+)﹣c2=n2(1+)+a2﹣c2≥a2﹣c2.(当n=0时取得等号).则有•最小值为a2﹣c2.由题意可得﹣c2≤a2﹣c2≤﹣c2,即有c2≤a2≤c2,即c,则有.故选:B.10.(5分)如图,一个底面半径为R的圆柱被与其底面所成角为θ(0°<θ<90°)的平面所截,截面是一个椭圆.当θ为30°时,这个椭圆的离心率为()A.B.C.D.【解答】解:因为底面半径为R的圆柱被与底面成30°的平面所截,其截口是一个椭圆,则这个椭圆的短半轴为:R,长半轴为:=,∵a2=b2+c2,∴c=,∴椭圆的离心率为:e==.故选:A.11.(5分)已知A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2)是抛物线y2=x上相异的两点,且在x 轴同侧,点C(1,0).若直线AC,BC的斜率互为相反数,则y1y2等于()A.1 B.2 C.3 D.4【解答】解:由题意可得,y12=x1,y22=x2,k AC=,k BC=,若直线AC,BC的斜率互为相反数,则k AC+k BC=0,∴+=0,整理得(y1y2﹣1)(y1+y2)=0,由于y1y2>0,即y1y2=1.故选:A.12.(5分)在正四面体ABCD中,平面ABC内动点P满足其到平面BCD距离与到A点距离相等,则动点P的轨迹是()A.圆B.椭圆C.双曲线D.抛物线【解答】解:设二面角A﹣BC﹣D的平面角为θ,点P到平面BCD的距离为|PH|,点P到定直线CB的距离为d,则|PH|=dsinθ∵点P到平面BCD的距离与点P到点A的距离相等∴dsinθ=|PA|∴<1即在平面ABC中,点P到定点A的距离与定直线BC的距离之比是一个小于1的常数sinθ,由椭圆定义知P点轨迹为椭圆在面ABC内的一部分.故选:B.二、填空题(每题5分,共4题)13.(5分)若向量=(1,λ,2),=(﹣2,1,1),,夹角的余弦值为,则λ=1.【解答】解:∵向量=(1,λ,2),=(﹣2,1,1),∴=﹣2+λ+2=λ,=,=.又,夹角的余弦值为,∴==,可知λ>0.解得λ=1.故答案为:1.14.(5分)已知直线x+y=a与圆x2+y2=1交于A,B两点,O是原点,C是圆上一点,若,则a的值为.【解答】解:如图,设OC交AB于D,则OC⊥AB;∵,且;∴;设直线x+y=a交y轴于E,则△ODE为等腰直角三角形,OE=a;∴.故答案为:.15.(5分)直线与抛物线y2=4x相交于A、B两点,与x轴相交于点F,若,则=.【解答】解:直线过抛物线的焦点F(1,0),把直线方程代入抛物线的方程解得,或,不妨设A(3,2)、B (,﹣).∵,∴(1,0)=(3λ,2λ)+(μ,﹣μ)=(3λ+μ,2λ﹣μ ).∴3λ+μ=1,2λ﹣μ=0,λ≤μ.∴=,故答案为.16.(5分)已知椭圆,直线与以原点为圆心,以椭圆C的短半轴为半径的圆相切,F1,F2为椭圆C的左右焦点,P为椭圆C上异于顶点的任意一点,△F1PF2的重心为G,内心为I,且IG∥F1F2,则椭圆C的标准方程为.【解答】解:设P(x0,y0),I(x1,y1),则G().又IG∥F 1F2,y I=,|F1F2|=2c,∴=•|F1F2|•|y0|=(|F1F2|+|PF1|+|PF2|)•||,∴2c=,故a=2c.又直线与以原点为圆心,以椭圆C的短半轴为半径的圆相切,∴b==,∴,得a2=8.∴椭圆C的标准方程为.故答案为:.三、解答题(共70分,共6题)17.(10分)设命题p:∀x∈R,x2+x>a,命题q:∃x∈R,使x2+2ax+2﹣a=0(1)写出两个命题的否定形式¬p和¬q;(2)若命题(¬p)∨q为假命题,求实数a的取值范围.【解答】解:(1)¬p:∃x0,使得≤a;¬q:∀x∈R,x2+2ax+2﹣a≠0.(2)命题p:∀x∈R,x2+x>a,∵x2+x=≥,∴a<﹣.命题q:∃x∈R,使x2+2ax+2﹣a=0,∴△=4a2﹣4(2﹣a)≥0,解得a≥1,或a≤﹣2.∴¬p:a;¬q:﹣2<a<1.∵命题(¬p)∨q为假命题,∴¬p与q都为假命题,∴p与¬q都为真命题.∴,解得.∴实数a的取值范围是.18.(10分)已知圆心为C的圆过点A(0,﹣6)和B(1,﹣5),且圆心在直线l:x﹣y+1=0上.(1)求圆心为C的圆的标准方程;(2)过点M(2,8)作圆的切线,求切线方程.【解答】(本小题12分)解:(1)设所求的圆的方程为(x﹣a)2+(y﹣b)2=r2依题意得:…(3分)解得:a=﹣3,b=﹣2,r2=25所以所求的圆的方程为:(x+3)2+(y+2)2=25…(6分)(2)设所求的切线方程的斜率为k,则切线方程为y﹣8=k(x﹣2),即kx﹣y﹣2k+8=0又圆心C(﹣3,﹣2)到切线的距离又由d=r,即,解得…(8分)∴所求的切线方程为3x﹣4y+26=0…(10分)若直线的斜率不存在时,即x=2也满足要求.∴综上所述,所求的切线方程为x=2或3x﹣4y+26=0…(12分)19.(12分)已知双曲线C:﹣y2=1,P是C上的任意点.(1)求证:点P到C的两条渐近线的距离之积是一个常数;(2)设点A的坐标为(5,0),求|PA|的最小值.【解答】解:(1)设P(x0,y0),P到两条渐近线的距离记为d1,d2∵两条渐近线为x﹣2y=0,x+2y=0…..2'∴…..4’又∵点P在曲线C上,∴=,得(常数)即点P到C的两条渐近线的距离之积是一个常数….6’(2)设P(x0,y0),由平面内两点距离公式得|PA|2==x02﹣10x0+25+﹣1…8’∵,可得=∴|PA|2==…..9’又∵点P在双曲线上,满足|x0|≥2,∴当x0=4时,|PA|有最小值,|PA|min=2….12’20.(12分)已知椭圆的离心率为,设其左右焦点为F1,F2,过F2的直线l交椭圆于A,B两点,三角形F1AB的周长为8.(Ⅰ)求椭圆的标准方程;(Ⅱ)设O为坐标原点,若OA⊥OB,求直线l的方程.【解答】解:(Ⅰ)由题意可得4a=8,a=2,又,得c=,∴b2=a2﹣c2=1,∴椭圆的标准方程为;(Ⅱ)当直线l的斜率不存在时,直线l的方程为x=,此时A(),B (),,不满足题意;当直线l的斜率存在时,设斜率为k,则直线方程为y=,联立,得.设A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2),则,,===,∵OA⊥OB,∴x1x2+y1y2==,解得:k=.∴直线l的方程为:.21.(13分)如图,已知抛物线C:y2=2px(p>0)上有两个动点A,B,它们的横坐标分别为a,a+2,当a=1时,点A到x轴的距离为,M是y轴正半轴上的一点.(Ⅰ)求抛物线C的方程;(Ⅱ)若A,B在x轴上方,且|OA|=|OM|,直线MA交x轴于N,求证:直线BN的斜率为定值,并求出该定值.【解答】(Ⅰ)解:由题意得当a=1时,点A坐标为,由题有,∴p=1∴抛物线C的方程为:y2=2x(Ⅱ)证明:由题,,∵|OA|=|OM|,∴,∴∴直线MA的方程为:y=,∴∴===,∴直线BN的斜率为定值,该定值为﹣1.22.(13分)如图,以椭圆=1的右焦点F2为圆心,1﹣c为半径作圆F2(其中c为已知椭圆的半焦距),过椭圆上一点P作此圆的切线,切点为T.(Ⅰ)若a=,P为椭圆的右顶点,求切线长|PT|;(Ⅱ)设圆F2与x轴的右交点为Q,过点Q作斜率为k(k>0)的直线l与椭圆相交于A,B两点,若OA⊥OB,且|PT|≥(a﹣c)恒成立,求直线l被圆F2所截得弦长的最大值.【解答】(本题满分15分)解:(I)由得,…(1分)则当P为椭圆的右顶点时,故此时的切线长…(5分)(Ⅱ)当|PF2|取得最小值时|PT|取得最小值,而|PF 2|min=a﹣c,由|PT|≥恒成立,得,则…(7分)由题意Q点的坐标为(1,0),则直线l的方程为y=k(x﹣1),代入得(a2k2+1)x2﹣2a2k2x+a2k2﹣a2=0,设A(x1,y1),B(x2,y2),则有,,…(9分)可得=,又OA⊥OB,则可得直线l的方程为ax﹣y﹣a=0,…(11分)圆心F2(c,0)到直线l的距离,半径r=1﹣c则直线l被圆F2所截得弦长,…(13分)设1﹣c=t,则,又则当时的最小值为,即当时s的最大值为…(15分)赠送初中数学几何模型【模型五】垂直弦模型:图形特征:运用举例:1.已知A、B、C、D是⊙O上的四个点.(1)如图1,若∠ADC=∠BCD=90°,AD=CD,求证AC⊥BD;(2)如图2,若AC⊥BD,垂足为E,AB=2,DC=4,求⊙O的半径.第11页(共12页)2.如图,已知四边形ABCD 内接于⊙O ,对角线AC ⊥BD 于P ,设⊙O 的半径是2。
具体流程第一,确认个人信息由初三学长输入准考证号,再核对照片第二,模拟题,你想报考哪个中学,喜欢的学科,武汉精神题量:35个英语题第一题:完全平方数找规律:1,4,9,16,()答案:25第二题:角度问题,算角度120,40答案:200度第三题:颜色吸热,粉色,黑色,白色,黄色答案:黑色第四题:图形规律答案:D第五题:三角形找规律暂缺6—8题第九题:地图住在鸡尾巴的动物,配图地图和动物西藏有哪些动物:藏羚羊,熊猫,鳄鱼答案:藏羚羊第十题:以下电影哪个电影主人公说了谎鼻子会变长匹诺曹,白雪公主,蜘蛛侠答案:匹诺曹第十一题:情景对话1:父亲节是几号?答案:B六月第三个星期天第十二题:问你喜欢流行音乐吗Do you like popmusic?不是我的菜It’s not cup of my tea.第十三题:有同学先跟老师发邮件,选择哪个是对的A、B、邮箱地址@能力拓展题:数学题,题量一面,数学6个单选,6个填空题(没有计算题)第十四题:三角形面为6,以斜边为轴,问体积:C24π,8π,6π,4π答案:15第十五题:三张卷子没写名字,甲乙丙,恰好拿到自己卷子的概率1/27,1/6,1/3,1/9答案:1/9第十六题:甲:乙=4:5,问甲比乙少多少:答案:20%(1/4)第十七题:四个颜色球共10个,摸几个才能保证有两个同色的球答案:5第十八题:统计表ABCD扇形统计图选A的有20%,选B的有M%,选C的有N%,选D的有12%选A的有10人,选B的有16人,选C的有?人,选D的有6人问N是多少答案:36%第十九题:(难题)红色阴影和黄色阴影,有道数学题目是面积相等的正方形和圆和三角形重叠,告诉了一部分面积,求另一部分重叠的面积A、10B、15C、20D、30答案:B第二十题:工程问题,甲单独修需要30天,乙需要60天,两人一起需要多少天答案:20第二十一题:一共有20多本书,甲给乙若干本书,乙就比甲多四分之三,乙给甲同样多本书甲就是乙的1.2倍,问一共有多少本书(数学最后一题80秒)欢迎加入2015年武汉外校抱团群248451913A、22B、24C、26D、28答案:22语文题1.拼音注音是对的:肖像,炽热,球答案:炽热(chi re)2.笔顺:正,母,戊,凹答案:正3.标点符号:某个选项匆匆,语文人教版,范仲淹3题主人公是谁:欧阳修,范仲淹,孙康答案:范仲淹句子解释:粥一宿是多久时间一天一夜还是一夜A粥过夜就凝固了B粥睡觉就凝固了C粥白天就凝固了精神,文章主旨,这是为了凸显主人公的()精神勤俭节约,勤奋好学7.武松打虎1题小明缩写的武松打虎哪里不恰当文中的躲应该改为闪文中用土埋虎不符合原文情节8.作者和名言搭配正确的是孟子,老子的名言高尔基,老人与海名言答案:B9.生活中常做的事里哪些表述不正确D食指受伤最多。
祁家湾中学2015~2016学年度上学期初八年级数学练习(6)一、选择题(共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.下列图形中,不是轴对称图形的是( )2.△ABC 中BC 边上的高作法正确的是( )3.已知三角形两边长分别为3和8,则该三角形第三边长可能是( ) A .5B .10C .11D .124.下列判断中错误的是( )A .有两角和其中一个角的对边对应相等的两个三角形全等B .有一边相等的两个等边三角形全等C .有两边和一角对应相等的两个三角形全等D .有两边和其中一边上的中线对应相等的两个三角形全等5.若三角形的一个角等于其他两个角的差,则这个三角形一定是( ) A .等腰三角形 B .锐角三角形 C .钝角三角形 D .直角三角形 6.如图,△ABC 中,∠C =70°,若沿图中虚线截去∠C ,则∠1+∠2=( )A .360°B .250°C .180°D .140°7.如图,O 是△ABC 的∠ABC 、∠ACB 的平分线的交点,OD ∥AB 交BC 于D ,OE ∥AC 交BC 于E .若△ODE 的周长为10厘米,那么BC 的长为( ) A .8 cmB .9 cmC .10 cmD .11 cm8.如图是由九个等边三角形组成的一个六边形,当最小的等边三角形边长为2 cm 时,这个六边形的周长为( )cm A .30B .40C .50D .609.如图,在四边形ABCD 中,对角线AC 平分∠BAD ,AB >AD ,下列结论正确的是( ) A .AB -AD >|CB -CD | B .AB -AD =|CB -CD |C .AB -AD <|CB -CD |D .AB -AD 与|CB -CD | 的大小关系不确定10.如图,已知四边形ABCD 中,对角线BD 平分∠ABC ,∠ACB =72°,∠ABC =50°,并且∠BAD +∠CAD =180,那么ADC 的度数为( ) A .62° B .65° C .68° D .70°二、填空题(本大题共6个小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.若正n 边形的每个内角都等于150°,则n =_________,其内角和为_________12.如图,△ABC 中,∠C =90°,AD 平分∠BAC ,AB =5,CD =2,则△ABD 的面积是_________13.如图,等腰△ABC 中,AB =AC ,∠DBC =15°,AB 的垂直平分线MN 交AC 于点D ,则∠A 的度数是_________14.如图,等腰三角形ABC 底边BC 的长为4 cm ,面积是12 cm 2,腰AB 的垂直平分线分别交AB 、AC 于点E 、F .若D 为BC 边上的中点,M 为线段EF 上一动点,则△BDM 的周长最短为_________cm 15.如图,在第1个△A 1BC 中,∠B =30°,A 1B =CB ;在边A 1B 上任取一点D ,延长CA 1到A 2,使A 1A 2=A 1D ,得到第2个△A 1A 2D ;在边A 2D 上任取一点E ,延长A 1A 2到A 3,使A 2A 3=A 2E ,得到第3个△A 2A 3E ;……,按此做法继续下去,则第n 个三角形中以A n 为顶点的内角度数是_________ 16.△ABC 为等边三角形,在平面内找一点P ,使△P AB 、△PBC 、 △P AC 均为等腰三角形,则这样的点P 的个数为_________ 三、解答题(共8题,共72分)17.(本题8分)如图,点F 、C 在BE 上,BF =CE ,AB =DE ,∠B =∠E ,求证:∠A =∠D18.(本题8分)如图在△ABC 中,∠C =∠ABC =2∠A ,BD 是边AC 上的高,求∠DBC 度数19.(本题8分)如图,已知△ABC的三个顶点的坐标分别为A(-2,3)、B(-6,0)、C(-1,0)(1)将△ABC向右平移5个单位,再向下平移4个单位得△A1B1C1,(2)图中画出,平移后点A的对应点A1的坐标是__________(3)将△ABC沿x轴翻折得△A2BC,图中画出△A2BC,翻折后点A对应点A2坐标是__________(3) 将△ABC向左平移2个单位,则△ABC扫过的面积为__________20.(本题8分)已知:如图,在△ABC中,点D是BC中点,过点D作直线交AB、CA的延长线于点E、F.当BE=CF时,求证:AE=AF21.(本题8分)如图,在平面直角坐标系中,点A在第二象限且纵坐标为1,点B在x轴的负半轴上,AB=AO,∠ABO=30°.直线MN经过原点O,点A关于直线MN的对称点A1在x轴的正半轴上,点B关于直线MN的对称点为B1。
7 、“幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭 各有各的不幸”是列夫· 托尔斯泰哪部作品的 开场白?
A.《战争与和平》 √
B.《安娜· 卡列尼娜》 C.《复活》
1 2 3 4 5 D.《少年》 6 7 8 9 抢答 开始 10
2 、 下面作品、作者、朝代(或国籍)搭配 哪一项是有错误的? 王勃是“初唐四杰”之一
计时 开始
4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56 60
有一个博士分到一家研究所,成为学历最高的一个人。 有一天,他到单位后面的小池塘去钓鱼,正好正副所 长在他的一左一右,也在钓鱼。 他只是微微点了点头, 这两个本科生,有啥好聊的呢? 不一会儿,正所长放下钓竿,伸伸懒腰,蹭蹭蹭从水面上如飞地走到对面上厕所。 博士眼睛睁得都快掉下来了。水上飘?不会吧?这可是一个池塘啊。正所长上完厕所回来的时候,同样也 是蹭蹭蹭地从水上飘回来了。怎么回事?博士生又不好去问,自己是博士生哪!过一阵,副所长也站起来, 走几步,蹭蹭蹭地飘过水面上厕所。这下子博士更是差点昏倒:不会吧,到了一个江湖高手集中的地方? 博士生也内急了。这个池塘两边有围墙,要到对面厕所非得绕十分钟的路, 而回单位上又太远,怎么办? 博士生也不愿意去问两位所长,憋了半天后,也起身往水里跨:我就不信本科生能过的水面,我博士生不 能过。 只听咚的一声,博士生栽到了水里。 两位所长将他拉了出来,问他为什么要下水,他问:“为什么你们可以走过去呢?” 两所长相视一笑:“这池塘里有两排木桩子,由于这两天下雨涨水正好在水面下。我们都知道这木桩的位 置,所以可以踩着桩子过去。你怎么不问一声呢?” (1)看到正所长飘过水面时,他的反应是“ ”,看到副所长飘过水面时的反应是“ ”,写他的 反应作用是“ ”
2015武汉外国语学校初升高资格考试III 英语(总分60分)第一部分单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. ---_________! The door of the classroom has been left open all night.---Oh, I'm not the one to blame.A. Thank goodnessB. Come onC. All rightD. My goodness2. ---Can you show me ________way to the Jordan's ?---Sorry, I'm afraid I can't because there isn't______ Jordan in the community.A. the; theB. the; aC. a; theD. the; /3. ---Ten dollars a pair? I think it's a bit expensive.---If you take five pairs, the price for each will ____ to five dollars.A. take downB. put downC. break downD. come down4. ---It is many years _____ they ____married.---As I know, they just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary last month.A. before; had gotB. when; gotC. since; gotD. that; had got5. ---The advertisement says this big store provides all kinds of refrigerators.---I think it wants to tell us we_____ go to any other store.A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn'tD. may not6. _________all of them have done a good job, only one can be chosen for the position.A. IfB. AsC. WhileD. Since7. Attention please ! All passengers must have the luggage _____two hours before your planes take off.A. to checkB. checkedC. checkD. checking8. We have ___the TV sets and marked on each box "Look out", "Easily broken stuff".A. packedB. takenC. carriedD. delivered9. Teenagers who don't take exercise or ______diet is high in fat will be likely to gain weight.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whose10. After thinking it over, he finally agreed with my suggestion that we _____ the date.A. changedB. had changed C change D. would change11. ---Do you know that she failed Physics in the final-term exam?---Yes, but I have no idea _____ she did it. She is always good at it.A. howB. whyC. thatD. what12. Lucy, _____for years to be a reporter, finally took a position at Wuhan Evening Daily.A. having struggledB. to struggleC. strugglingD. struggled13. It is known to all that it is Jim who broke the chair. Don't talk to me as if I ___it.A. have doneB. didC. had doneD. would do14. Only after they had negotiated for several months _____an agreement.A. they reachedB. did they reachC. they reachD. do they reach15. ---I tried my best but I still couldn't work out the meaning of the poem.---____________. Read more.A. I'm afraid notB. It's up to youC. I'm sorryD. You are not alone第二部分完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)I lived with my father on a small farm in Virginia. Farm days were happy but there were sometimes some things you didn’t expect. One day, I was sent by my father to buy some tools for our farm. As a 17-year-old boy, I liked 16 better than driving our truck, 17 this time I couldn’t cheer up. My father had told me I’d have to ask for credit(赊账) at the store.Seventeen is a/an 18 age, when a young man wants respect more than anything else. It was 1976, and the ugly 19 of racial discrimination(歧视) was still a fact of life. I had seen my friends ask for credit and then stand, head down, while the store owner 20 whether they were good for it. I knew black youths just like me who were 21 like thieves by the store clerk each time they went into a store.My family was honest. We paid our debts. But before harvest, cash was short. Would the store owner 22 us?Wall James, the store owner, stood behind the cash desk, talking to a farmer. I nodded as I passed him on my way to the shelves. When I brought my 23 to the cash desk, I said 24 , “I need to put this on credit.”The farmer gave me a 25 look. But Wall’s face didn’t change. “Sure,” he said quickly. “Your dad is 26 good for it.” He 27 to the other man. “This boy is one of John Tuck’s sons.”The farmer nodded in a neighborly way. I was filled with pride. “John Tuck’s son.” Those there words had opened a door to an adult’s respect and trust.That day I discovered that the good name my parents had 28 brought our whole family the respect of our neighbors. Everyone knew what to 29 from a Tuck: a decent person who kept his word and respected himself 30 much to do wrong.16. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something17. A. so B. yet C. and D. though18. A. prideful B. exciting C. respectful D. excellent19. A. object B. habit C. intention D. shadow20. A. suspected B. questioned C. found D. figured21. A. caught B. accused C. watched D. separated22. A. trust B. blame C. charge D. believe23. A. bargains B. orders C. sales D. purchases24. A. excitedly B. friendly C. carefully D. casually25. A. trustful B. distrustful C. proud D. confident26. A. always B. sometimes C. never D. frequently27. A. replied B. turned C. pointed D. introduced28. A. given B. deserved C. earned D. wasted29. A. give B. receive C. demand D. expect30. A. so B. enough C. too D. very三.阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)第一节,(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Humor can make the conversation more interesting. If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems. Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point of view. Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different. If you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disorganized methods of their secretaries; if you are addressing secretaries, you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses.Here is an example, which I heard at a nurses' gathering, of a story which works well because the audience all shared the same view of doctors. A man arrives in heaven and is being shown around by an Angel. He sees wonderful accommodations, beautiful gardens, sunny weather and so on. Everyone is very peaceful, polite and friendly until, waiting in a line for lunch, the new arrival is suddenly pushed aside by a man in a white coat, who rushes to the head of the line, grabs his food and stomps over to a table by himself. "Who is that?" the new arrival asked the Angel. "Oh, that's God." came the reply, "but sometimes he thinks he's a doctor."If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural. Include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner. Often it's the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.Look for the humor. It often comes from the unexpected. A twist on a familiar quote "If at first you don't succeed, give up" or a play on words or on a situation. Look at your talk and pick out a few wordsor sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor.31:To make your humor work, you are supposed to ________.A. make fun of the disorganized people.B. address different problems to different people.C. show sympathy for your listeners.D. take advantage of different kinds of audience32: The joke about the doctors implies that, in the eyes of nurses, they are ________.A. very clear about their godlike roleB. very busy even during lunch hours.C. impolite to new arrivalsD. not fond of having lunch with the nurses33:What’s the possible meaning of the underlined word in paragraph3? ________.A. intentionalB. urgentC. unpreparedD. excellent34:To achieve the desired result, humorous stories should be delivered ________.A. as casually as possibleB. as awkwardly as possibleC. in well-worded languageD. as quickly as possible35: The best title for the text may be ________.A. Different Humor methodsB. Various kinds of humorC. Add humor to speechD. Use humor effectively第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两处为多余选项。
1. What can be inferred from the conversation?A. The woman typed those letters.B. The typists did a bad job.C. The man made too many mistakes.2. What is the woman’s job?A. flight attendantB. waitressC. shop assistant3. What does the woman mean?A. She used to be as humorous as Jack.B. She doesn’t appreciate Jack’s humor.C. She enjoys Jack’s humor greatly.4. Why is the man unhappy?A. He was not told the news earlier.B. He has to cancel the concert now.C. He has some emergency.5. What do we know about the man?A. He is too tired these days.B. He is feeling too cold these days.C. He isn’t quite himself these days.第二节(共11小题,每小题1分,满分11分)听下面5段对话或独白。
武汉外国语学校2014—2015学年度上学期期末考试高二数学(文) 试题考试时间:2015年2月3日上午10:20-12:20 满分:150分一、选择题:(每小题5分,共50分)1. 已知复合命题()p q ∧⌝是真命题,则下列命题中也是真命题的是( )A.()p q ⌝∨B.p q ∨C.p q ∧D.()()p q ⌝∧⌝2. 对一个容量为N 的总体抽取容量为n 的样本,当选取简单随机抽样、系统抽样和分层抽样三种不同方法抽取样本时,总体中每个个体被抽中的概率分别为123,,p p p ,则( )123.A p p p =< 231.B p p p =< 132.C p p p =< 123.D p p p ==3. 质点在数轴上的区间[0,2]上运动,假定质点出现在该区间各点处的概率相等,那么质点落在区间[0,1]上的概率为( )A. 14B. 13C. 12 D .以上都不对4. “102x x -≥+”是“(1)(2)0x x -+≥”的( ) A .充要条件B .充分不必要条件C .必要不充分条件D .既不充分也不必要条件 5. 从某高中随机选取5名高二男生,其身高和体重的数据如下表所示: 身高x (cm) 160 165170175 180体重y (kg)63 66 70 7274根据上表可得线性回归方程y ^=0.56x +a ^,据此模型预报身高为172 cm 的高三男生的体重为 ( )A .70.09 kgB .70.12 kgC .70.55 kgD .71.05 kg6. 从装有5个红球和3个白球的口袋内任取3个球,那么互斥而不对立的事件是 ( ) A .至少有一个红球与都是红球 B .至少有一个红球与都是白球 C .至少有一个红球与至少有一个白球 D .恰有一个红球与恰有二个红球7. 双曲线9322=-x y 的渐近线方程为 ( )A .0x =B .30x y ±=C 0y ±=D .30x y ±=8. 执行如图所示的程序框图,输出的T =( )A .29B .44C .52D .629. 已知F 1,F 2是椭圆和双曲线的公共焦点,P 是它们的一个公共点,且∠F 1PF 2=π3,则椭圆和双曲线的离心率的倒数之和的最大值为( )A .433B .233C .3D .210.设函数223()cos 4sin 3(),| t |1,2x f x x t t t x R =++-∈≤其中将()f x 的最小值记为()g t ,则函数()g t 的单调递增区间为( )A .1(,]3-∞-和[1,)+∞ B.1[1,]3-- C.1[,)3+∞ D.1[,1]3-二、填空题。
第三套(C 套)一、填空题(第1~2题,每题2分,第3~8题,每题3分,共22分)1.(1)如果1:★=54:3,那么★=__________。
小明穿34码的鞋子,则鞋子上的标号为22;④C 市汽车牌号有一类编号是“CA ”后面排上5个阿拉伯数字,即“CA ·□□□□□”,如果编号中出现相邻的数字“68”就称为幸运车牌号,那么这类车牌号中从10000到99999的“幸运车牌号”共有3700个,其中正确的是___________________。
2015武汉外国语学校初升高资格考试III 英语(总分60分)第一部分单项选择(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)1. ---_________! The door of the classroom has been left open all night.---Oh, I'm not the one to blame.A. Thank goodnessB. Come onC. All rightD. My goodness2. ---Can you show me ________way to the Jordan's ?---Sorry, I'm afraid I can't because there isn't______ Jordan in the community.A. the; theB. the; aC. a; theD. the; /3. ---Ten dollars a pair? I think it's a bit expensive.---If you take five pairs, the price for each will ____ to five dollars.A. take downB. put downC. break downD. come down4. ---It is many years _____ they ____married.---As I know, they just celebrated their 30th wedding anniversary last month.A. before; had gotB. when; gotC. since; gotD. that; had got5. ---The advertisement says this big store provides all kinds of refrigerators.---I think it wants to tell us we_____ go to any other store.A. needn'tB. can'tC. mustn'tD. may not6. _________all of them have done a good job, only one can be chosen for the position.A. IfB. AsC. WhileD. Since7. Attention please ! All passengers must have the luggage _____two hours before your planes take off.A. to checkB. checkedC. checkD. checking8. We have ___the TV sets and marked on each box "Look out", "Easily broken stuff".A. packedB. takenC. carriedD. delivered9. Teenagers who don't take exercise or ______diet is high in fat will be likely to gain weight.A. thatB. whichC. whatD. whose10. After thinking it over, he finally agreed with my suggestion that we _____ the date.A. changedB. had changed C change D. would change11. ---Do you know that she failed Physics in the final-term exam?---Yes, but I have no idea _____ she did it. She is always good at it.A. howB. whyC. thatD. what12. Lucy, _____for years to be a reporter, finally took a position at Wuhan Evening Daily.A. having struggledB. to struggleC. strugglingD. struggled13. It is known to all that it is Jim who broke the chair. Don't talk to me as if I ___it.A. have doneB. didC. had doneD. would do14. Only after they had negotiated for several months _____an agreement.A. they reachedB. did they reachC. they reachD. do they reach15. ---I tried my best but I still couldn't work out the meaning of the poem.---____________. Read more.A. I'm afraid notB. It's up to youC. I'm sorryD. You are not alone第二部分完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)I lived with my father on a small farm in Virginia. Farm days were happy but there were sometimes some things you didn’t expect. One day, I was sent by my father to buy some tools for our farm. As a 17-year-old boy, I liked 16 better than driving our truck, 17 this time I couldn’t cheer up. My father had told me I’d have to ask for credit(赊账) at the store.Seventeen is a/an 18 age, when a young man wants respect more than anything else. It was 1976, and the ugly 19 of racial discrimination(歧视) was still a fact of life. I had seen my friends ask for credit and then stand, head down, while the store owner 20 whether they were good for it. I knew black youths just like me who were 21 like thieves by the store clerk each time they went into a store.My family was honest. We paid our debts. But before harvest, cash was short. Would the store owner 22 us?Wall James, the store owner, stood behind the cash desk, talking to a farmer. I nodded as I passed him on my way to the shelves. When I brought my 23 to the cash desk, I said 24 , “I need to put this on credit.”The farmer gave me a 25 look. But Wall’s face didn’t change. “Sure,” he said quickly. “Your dad is 26 good for it.” He 27 to the other man. “This boy is one of John Tuck’s sons.”The farmer nodded in a neighborly way. I was filled with pride. “John Tuck’s son.” Those there words had opened a door to an adult’s respect and trust.That day I discovered that the good name my parents had 28 brought our whole family the respect of our neighbors. Everyone knew what to 29 from a Tuck: a decent person who kept his word and respected himself 30 much to do wrong.16. A. everything B. anything C. nothing D. something17. A. so B. yet C. and D. though18. A. prideful B. exciting C. respectful D. excellent19. A. object B. habit C. intention D. shadow20. A. suspected B. questioned C. found D. figured21. A. caught B. accused C. watched D. separated22. A. trust B. blame C. charge D. believe23. A. bargains B. orders C. sales D. purchases24. A. excitedly B. friendly C. carefully D. casually25. A. trustful B. distrustful C. proud D. confident26. A. always B. sometimes C. never D. frequently27. A. replied B. turned C. pointed D. introduced28. A. given B. deserved C. earned D. wasted29. A. give B. receive C. demand D. expect30. A. so B. enough C. too D. very三.阅读理解(共10小题,每小题2分,满分20分)第一节,(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)Humor can make the conversation more interesting. If you intend using humor in your talk to make people smile, you must know how to identify shared experiences and problems. Your humor must be relevant to the audience and should help to show them that you are one of them or that you understand their situation and are in sympathy with their point of view. Depending on whom you are addressing, the problems will be different. If you are talking to a group of managers, you may refer to the disorganized methods of their secretaries; if you are addressing secretaries, you may want to comment on their disorganized bosses.Here is an example, which I heard at a nurses' gathering, of a story which works well because the audience all shared the same view of doctors. A man arrives in heaven and is being shown around by an Angel. He sees wonderful accommodations, beautiful gardens, sunny weather and so on. Everyone is very peaceful, polite and friendly until, waiting in a line for lunch, the new arrival is suddenly pushed aside by a man in a white coat, who rushes to the head of the line, grabs his food and stomps over to a table by himself. "Who is that?" the new arrival asked the Angel. "Oh, that's God." came the reply, "but sometimes he thinks he's a doctor."If you feel awkward being humorous, you must practice so that it becomes more natural. Include a few casual and apparently off-the-cuff remarks which you can deliver in a relaxed and unforced manner. Often it's the delivery which causes the audience to smile, so speak slowly and remember that a raised eyebrow or an unbelieving look may help to show that you are making a light-hearted remark.Look for the humor. It often comes from the unexpected. A twist on a familiar quote "If at first you don't succeed, give up" or a play on words or on a situation. Look at your talk and pick out a few wordsor sentences which you can turn about and inject with humor.31:To make your humor work, you are supposed to ________.A. make fun of the disorganized people.B. address different problems to different people.C. show sympathy for your listeners.D. take advantage of different kinds of audience32: The joke about the doctors implies that, in the eyes of nurses, they are ________.A. very clear about their godlike roleB. very busy even during lunch hours.C. impolite to new arrivalsD. not fond of having lunch with the nurses33:What’s the possible meaning of the underlined word in paragraph3? ________.A. intentionalB. urgentC. unpreparedD. excellent34:To achieve the desired result, humorous stories should be delivered ________.B. as awkwardly as possibleA. as casually as possibleC. in well-worded languageD. as quickly as possible35: The best title for the text may be ________.A. Different Humor methodsB. Various kinds of humorC. Add humor to speechD. Use humor effectively第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两处为多余选项。
1.What time will the speakers leave home?A.At7:00.B.At7:10.C.At7:30.2.When will the woman discuss her class project with the man?A.During the man’s class.B.After today’s class.C.Tomorrow.3.What are the two speakers talking about?A.Foreign languages.B.A novel.C.A film.4.Why didn't Jim go home last weekend?A.He was ill.B.He was busy.C.He went to Beijing.5.Why didn’t the man come to the meeting?A.He didn’t know that there would be a meeting.B.He wasn’t interested in attending the meeting.C.He didn’t know he must attend the meeting.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话。
武汉外校初中入学考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 下列哪个选项是武汉的别称?A. 江城B. 羊城C. 春城D. 泉城答案:A2. 武汉外校位于哪个区?A. 江汉区B. 武昌区C. 汉阳区D. 青山区答案:B3. 武汉外校的校训是什么?A. 厚德博学,求是创新B. 团结勤奋,求实创新C. 崇德尚学,求真务实D. 明德修身,博学笃行答案:A4. 武汉外校的创办年份是?A. 1985年B. 1990年C. 1995年D. 2000年答案:A5. 武汉外校的校花是什么?A. 樱花B. 梅花C. 桂花D. 荷花答案:A6. 武汉外校的校歌名称是什么?A. 武汉之歌B. 江城之光C. 武汉外校之歌D. 江城少年答案:C7. 武汉外校的体育特色项目是?A. 篮球B. 足球C. 乒乓球D. 游泳答案:D8. 武汉外校的图书馆藏书量是多少?A. 10万册B. 20万册C. 30万册D. 40万册答案:B9. 武汉外校的校庆日是每年的哪一天?A. 5月20日B. 6月1日C. 9月10日D. 10月1日答案:A10. 武汉外校的校徽颜色是什么?A. 蓝色和白色B. 红色和白色C. 绿色和白色D. 黄色和白色答案:A二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 武汉外校的办学理念是_________、_________、_________。
答案:以人为本、全面发展、追求卓越2. 武汉外校的校园占地面积约为_________平方米。
答案:500003. 武汉外校的校训“厚德博学,求是创新”中的“厚德”指的是_________。
答案:高尚的品德4. 武汉外校的校训“厚德博学,求是创新”中的“博学”指的是_________。
答案:广泛的学识5. 武汉外校的校训“厚德博学,求是创新”中的“求是”指的是_________。
答案:追求真理6. 武汉外校的校训“厚德博学,求是创新”中的“创新”指的是_________。
答案:勇于创新7. 武汉外校的校歌中提到了“_________,_________”,体现了学校对学生们的期望。
2015年武汉外校初中招生考试数学试题解答1.三角形斜边长6cm ,面积为6cm 2,以斜边为轴,旋转一周,求转出图形的体积。
解答:∵三角形斜边长6cm, 面积为6cm 2,∴三角形斜边上的高为2cm斜边上的高把三角形分成两个直角三角形,旋转得到两个圆锥,两个圆锥的底面半径等于1cm ,两个圆锥的高之和等于6cm ,∵圆锥体积 =(底面积×高)÷3,∴这两个圆锥的体积 =(π×22×6)÷3 = 8π (cm 3)2.略3.甲:乙=4:5,甲比乙少多少?解答:乙为5份,甲为4份,甲比乙少1份,1份占乙的1/5。
5.选A 的有10人,占20%;选B 的有16人;选C 的占n%;选D 的有6人,占12%,求n 为多少? 解答:∵选A 的10人,占20%,∴总人数是50人。
选C 的人数50-10-16-6=18人,占18/50=36%。
6.如图,三角形纸板、正方形纸板、圆形纸板面积相同,都为60平方厘米,阴影部分面积和为40平方厘米,3张纸板盖住的总面积为100平方厘米,则黄色部分面积为多少?解答:∵ 1白色 + 2阴影 + 3黄色 = 1801白色 + 1阴影 + 1黄色 = 100∴ 1阴影 + 2黄色 = 80∵1阴影 = 40∴2黄色 = 40∴1黄色 = 207.一项工程,甲单独完成需要30天,乙单独完成需要60天,则两人合作需要多少天完成?解答:假设共有60份工作,甲的工效是2份/天,乙的工效是1份/天,工效和是3,合作要20天。
武汉外国语学校 2014—2015 学年度下学期期末考试
考试时间:2015 年 7 月 1 日上午 9:00-11:00 满分:150 分
第一部分:听力 (共两节,满分 30 分)
第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)
A. In a restaurant.
B. In a hotel.
C. At a conference.
9. What does the man want to have?
A. Two rooms.
B. A two-room suite.
A. Empty and silent.
B. Crowded and full.
C. Noisy or silent.
听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. What does “I will take daily roll” mean?
A. It means “ He will take a test every day.”
Melinda Cox Library in my hometown.
A wouldn’t have fallen
B had not fallen
C should fall
D were to fall
34. He let me repeat his instruction _______ sure that I understood what was _______ after he went away.
18. (本小题满分 12 分) 某高中有甲、乙两个生物兴趣小组,分别独立开展对一种海洋生物 3 离开恒温箱的成活情况进行研究,每次试验一个生物,甲组能使生物成活的概率为 ,乙组能 4 1 使生物成活的概率为 ,假定试验后生物成活,则称该试验成功,如果生物不成活,则称该次试 3 验是失败的. (1)甲小组做了三次试验,求至少两次试验成功的概率; (2)若甲、乙两小组各进行 2 次试验,设试验成功的总次数为ξ ,求ξ 的分布列及数学期望.
. ,
+y =1.
设点 P(m,0) (﹣2≤m≤2) ,点 A(x1,y1) ,点 B(x2,y2) . 若 k=1,则直线 l 的方程为 y=x﹣m. 联立直线 l 与椭圆 C 的方程,
A. (0,1)
B. 0,1
C. ,1
D. ,0 (0,1)
2.若复数 Z 满足 z (1 i) 4 2i (i 为虚数单位) ,则 z =( ) A. 2 3.为了得到函数 有的点( A.向右平移 B.向左平移 C.向右平移 D.向左平移 ) 个单位长度,再把所得各点的横坐标缩短到原来的 倍(纵坐标不变) 个单位长度,再把所得各点的横坐标缩短到原来的 倍(纵坐标不变) 个单位长度,再把所得各点的横坐标缩短到原来的 3 倍(纵坐标不变) 个单位长度,再把所得各点的横坐标缩短到原来的 3 倍(纵坐标不变) B. 3 C. 5 D. 10 的图象,只需把函数 y=2sinx,x∈R 的图象上所
(Ⅱ)由题意 的取值为 0,1,2,3,4 . P(ξ =0)=C2 (
3 0 1 2 1 0 2 2 4 0 ) ×( ) ·C2 ( ) ×( ) = , 4 3 3 4 144 1 28 3 1 0 2 2 0 3 0 1 2 1 2 0 1 )×( )×C2 ( ) ×( ) +C2 ( ) ×( ) ×C2 ( )×( )= , 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 144 1 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 2 2 0 3 0 1 2 2 0 1 0 2 ) ×( ) ·C2 ( ) ×( ) +C2 ( ) ×( ) ·C2 ( ) ×( ) +C2 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 4
2015年武汉外国语学校⾼中招⽣资格综合能⼒测试题(附答案)武汉市外国语学校2015年⾼中招⽣资格考试数学试题⼀、填空题(共13题,每⼩题5分,满分65分)1.化简:)12)(12(2)12)(12(2)12)(12(2)12)(12(2)12)(12(2655544433322211++++++++++++++=____2.对于任意的有理数a ,⽅程2x 2-(a +1)x -(3a 2-4a +b )=0的根总是有理数,则b 的值为____3.如图,矩形ABCD 中,AB =6,BC =4,在AB 、BC 、CD 和DA 上分别取点E 、F 、G 、H ,使得AE =AH =CF =CG ,则四边形EFGH ⾯积的最⼤值为_______4.⼝袋A 中装有标号分别为1到10的10个红球,⼝袋B 中装有标号分别为1到8的8个⿊球.现在从两个⼝袋中随机各取出⼀个球,则红球标号⽐⿊球标号⼤的概率为__________5.如图,直线三⾓形ABC 中,∠C =90°,BC ∶AC =4∶3,圆O 是三⾓形ABC 的内切圆,点D是斜边AB 的中点,则sin ∠ODA =__________6.已知a +b =2,4)1()1(22-=-+-ab b a ,则ab =__________7.已知实数x 、y 满⾜:x 4+x 2=3,32424=+y y ,则444yx +=_______8.如图,在等边三⾓形内,三个半径相等的圆两两外切,并且每个圆都和等边三⾓形的两条边相切.若三⾓形的边长为4,则图中夹在三个圆之间的阴影部分的⾯积为__________(⽤含π的代数式表⽰)9.已知A 、B 、C 、D 、E 是反⽐例函数xy 16=(x >0)图象上的五个整点(即横纵坐标都是整数的点),分别以这些点向横轴或纵轴作垂线段,由垂线段所在的正⽅形边长为半径作四分之⼀圆周的两条弧,组成如图所⽰的五个橄榄形(阴影部分).若取圆周率π为3.14,则这五个橄榄形的⾯积总和是__________10.下列四张图中,只有⼀张图的曲线满⾜拿住曲线的两端拉直后不会打结,请将该图对应的序号填在横线上__________11.如图,在三⾓形ABC 中,AB =AC ,∠ABD =∠CBE ,BE =DE .若BC =1,则点C 到BD 所在直线的距离为__________12.对于正整数n ,记n !=1×2×3×……×(n -1)×n ,例如:4!=24,5!=120,则2015!的尾部(从个位往前计数)连续的0的个数是__________13.1789年的发过巴黎,⼀位对后世有深重影响的伟⼤数学家在这⾥诞⽣,他的名字叫柯西,柯西的⼀⽣对数学领域有着很⾼的建树和造诣,很多数学定理和公式都⽤他的名字来命名,如著名的柯西不等式:(ac +bd )2≤(a 2+b 2)(c 2+d 2),在该式中a 、b 、c 、d 可以是任意实数,当且仅当ad =bc 时等号成⽴,根据该式,对于有意义的实数x ,则x x 221-++的最⼤值为__________三、解答题(共2题,第14题10分,第15题15分,满分25分)14.已知函数1312+-=x y ,当a ≤x ≤b 时,y 的最⼩值为2a ,最⼤值为2b ,求a 、b 的值15.平⾯直⾓坐标系中,点F 坐标为(0,1),点A 是抛物线241x y =上异于原点O 的任意⼀点(1)过A 作直线l :y =-1的垂线,垂⾜为M ,求证:AF =AM (2)设直线AF 与抛物线的另⼀交点为B ,判断以AB 为直径的圆与直线l :y =-1的位置关系并证明(3)过B 作直线l :y =-1的垂线,垂⾜为N ,求证:A 、O 、N 三点共线(4)若AF =3BF ,求△AOB 的⾯积求x x 221-++的最⼤值。