南开大学大学语文答案 语文测试题答案分解

南开大学语文答案1. 金岳霖说到逻辑学的时候,说,“我觉得他很好玩儿”。
2. 在《萧红墓畔口占》一诗中,戴望舒吟道:“我等待着,长夜漫漫,你却卧听着海涛闲话。
3. 主张“文以载道”、“文道合一”,其散文气势充沛、雄奇奔放,对当时及后世都有重大影响,而被列于唐宋八大家之首的是韩愈。
4. 现代文化人中,被称为“诗僧“的是苏曼殊。
5. “拔一毛利天下而不为”的主张出自战国思想家杨朱。
6. 《踏莎行(郴州旅舍)》中有“驿寄梅花”,是指梅花在诗文中是代指寄给朋友的书信。
7. 下面著作里面不属于周作人的是《猛虎集》8. 张爱玲的《红楼梦魇》属于文学评论。
9. 下面不属于梵·高作品的是麦田里的守望者10. 以下哪些观点与季羡林先生的看法一致我们应该警惕西方人对待自然的观念。
11. 《我的四个假想敌》最主要的一个行文特色是运用了军事术语。
12. 唐代著名诗人白居易生活的具体时期是中唐。
13. 以下选项中不属于《诗经》艺术手法的是颂。
14. 人称“小李杜”,又与温庭筠并称“温李”的李是指李商隐。
15. 《诗经》中的“国风”类作品是按照不同地域收集的诗歌。
16. 评论者,《秦腔》乃是以秦腔的方式写秦腔,这其实是说秦腔高亢火爆,《秦腔》行文也是高亢火爆。
17. “鹅湖之晤”发生在辛弃疾和谁之间?陈亮18. 艾青《北方》一诗中在书写了对北方大地的爱与悲伤的同时,也写了作者对民族敌人的仇恨,这种情绪孕育在下面哪一物象之中?沙漠之风19. 下列诗句中运用典故的是男儿本自重横行20. 《古诗十九首》的艺术表现特点是委婉含蓄21. 《史记·刺客列传》中,“白衣道行,易水悲歌”一段在全篇中所起的作用是烘托气氛22. “思想不自由,毋宁死耳。
”这句话出自陈寅恪23. 《我学国文的经验》一文,写作上的一个重要特点是迂回、曲折24. 陈省身强调他曾经经常和爱因斯坦见面,其目的可能是暗示中西文化互相融会的价值25. “吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮”,王蒙觉得,这体现了语言可以独立于现实之外,可以不符合真实26. 《现象七十二变》中,“孙悟空”的七十二变有何象征?时代的多变27. 李宗盛的《凡人歌》可以看作是中国流行音乐启蒙时代的结束28. 《金缕曲(赠梁汾)》句中有“青眼”二字,这一典故源于阮籍29. 马克·吐温说,你们可要非常谨慎地对待说谎;否则十有八九会被揭穿。


1. 金岳霖说到逻辑学的时候,说,“我觉得他很好玩儿”。
2. 在《萧红墓畔口占》一诗中,吟道:“我等待着,长夜漫漫,你却卧听着海涛闲话。
3. 主张“文以载道”、“文道合一”,其散文气势充沛、雄奇奔放,对当时及后世都有重大影响,而被列于唐宋八大家之首的是韩愈。
4. 现代文化人中,被称为“诗僧“的是苏曼殊。
5. “拔一毛利天下而不为”的主张出自战国思想家杨朱。
6. 《踏莎行(郴州旅舍)》中有“驿寄梅花”,是指梅花在诗文中是代指寄给朋友的书信。
7. 下面著作里面不属于周作人的是《猛虎集》8. 张爱玲的《红楼梦魇》属于文学评论。
9. 下面不属于梵·高作品的是麦田里的守望者10. 以下哪些观点与季羡林先生的看法一致我们应该警惕西方人对待自然的观念。
11. 《我的四个假想敌》最主要的一个行文特色是运用了军事术语。
12. 唐代著名诗人白居易生活的具体时期是中唐。
13. 以下选项中不属于《诗经》艺术手法的是颂。
14. 人称“小李杜”,又与温庭筠并称“温李”的李是指李商隐。
15. 《诗经》中的“国风”类作品是按照不同地域收集的诗歌。
16. 评论者,《秦腔》乃是以秦腔的方式写秦腔,这其实是说秦腔高亢火爆,《秦腔》行文也是高亢火爆。
17. “鹅湖之晤”发生在辛弃疾和谁之间?陈亮18. 艾青《北方》一诗中在书写了对北方大地的爱与悲伤的同时,也写了作者对民族敌人的仇恨,这种情绪孕育在下面哪一物象之中?沙漠之风19. 下列诗句中运用典故的是男儿本自重横行20. 《古诗十九首》的艺术表现特点是委婉含蓄21. 《史记·刺客列传》中,“白衣道行,易水悲歌”一段在全篇中所起的作用是烘托气氛22. “思想不自由,毋宁死耳。
”这句话出自陈寅恪23. 《我学国文的经验》一文,写作上的一个重要特点是迂回、曲折24. 陈省身强调他曾经经常和爱因斯坦见面,其目的可能是暗示中西文化互相融会的价值25. “吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮”,王蒙觉得,这体现了语言可以独立于现实之外,可以不符合真实26. 《现象七十二变》中,“孙悟空”的七十二变有何象征?时代的多变27. 李宗盛的《凡人歌》可以看作是中国流行音乐启蒙时代的结束28. 《金缕曲(赠梁汾)》句中有“青眼”二字,这一典故源于阮籍29. 马克·吐温说,你们可要非常谨慎地对待说谎;否则十有八九会被揭穿。


11秋学期《现代汉语》在线作业试卷总分:100 测试时间:-- 试卷得分:100、单选题(共 30 道试题,共 60 分。
) 得分:601. “除夕晚上在体育馆里我们举办了舞会”的主语是()A. 我们B. 除夕晚上C. 在体育馆里D. 除夕晚上在体育馆里 满分:2 分 得分:22. “我明明看见的”中的“明明”是()A. 形容词B. 副词C. 助动词D. 区别词满分:2 分 得分:23. ()组都是动介兼类词A. 以、于、除了B. 在、对、比C. 按、自从、从D. 至于、关于、对于 满分:2 分 得分:24. 现代汉语常用汉字约有()个 A. 7000 B. 6000 C. 3500D. 56000满分:2 分 得分:25. “兑、解、蒋、戆”四个字从部件分析来看,可以分别切成()个基础部件A. 二、二、三、六B. 三、四、四、七C. 三、三、四、七D. 二、四、四、三 满分:2 分 得分:26. “保护”和“庇护”的主要区别在于()A. 感情色彩B. 语意轻重C. 适用对象D. 语体色彩7. “葡萄串儿”所包含的语素、音节和词的书目分别是()A. 2,2,1B. 3,3,1C. 3,4,2D. 2,3,1满分:2 分得分:28. “爬行”和“匍匐”的主要区别在于()A. 评价义B. 语体义C. 搭配义D. 理据义满分:2 分得分:29. “蹩脚、尴尬、噱头”这三个词都属于()A. 外来词B. 新造词C. 行业词D. 方言词满分:2 分得分:210. 下列()句是连动句A. 母亲打算派人去接他B. 她一边思索一边写作C. 老师有话问她D. 我们决定去看她一次满分:2 分得分:211. 既能受程度副词修饰又能带宾语的词是()A. 形容词B. 心理动词C. 助动词D. 及物动词满分:2 分得分:212. 不能作时量词用的是()A. 周B. 天C. 月D. 年满分:2 分得分:213. “布头、烟头、来头”这三个词中的“头”分别是()A. 词根、词根、词缀B. 词缀、词根、词缀C. 词缀、词根、词根D. 词根、词缀、词缀14. 汉字跟普通话音节的关系是()A. 部分汉字读出来可以是两个音节B. 存在两个音节写成一个汉字的现象C. 一个音节写下来只能是一个汉字D. 除儿化韵尾外,一个汉字读出来就是一个音节满分:2 分得分:215. 下列汉字中,不含辅音音素的音节是()A. 老B. 为C. 回D. 昂满分:2 分得分:216. 下列()句是双宾句A. 我羡慕你有这样的好条件B. 我希望你能当选学生会主席C. 我交给学生义项任务D. 我打算请一位名师给学生讲课满分:2 分得分:217. 对汉语轻声现象产生影响的主要因素是()A. 音强B. 音高C. 音长D. 音色满分:2 分得分:218. 现代汉语普通话的音节中,最多可以有()个音素。

一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 40 分。
)V1. 贾政打宝玉旳主线因素是()A. 价值观不同B. 金钏之死C. 与琪官相好D. 不用功读书满分:2 分2. ____________, 直挂云帆济沧海A. 金樽清酒斗十千B. 长风破浪会有时C. 两朝开济老臣心D. 天生我材必有用满分:2 分3. 下列属于庄子思想核心旳是()A. 齐物B. 论兼爱C. 尚贤D. 非攻满分:2 分4. 19,中国出版旳第一部白话新诗集为()A. 郭沫若《女神》B. 汪静之《蕙旳风》C. 冰心《繁星》D. 胡适《尝试集》满分:2 分5. 《季氏将伐颛臾》选自()A. 《左传》B. 《论语》C. 《国语》D. 《庄子》满分:2 分6. 欧阳修旳《<五代史伶官传>序》开宗明义,提出旳中心论点是()A. 原庄宗之因此得天下与其因此失之者,可以知之矣B. 盛衰之理,虽曰天命,岂非人事哉C. 忧劳可以兴国,逸预可以亡身D. 祸害常积于忽微,智勇多困于所溺满分:2 分7. 《蒹葭》选自《诗经》中旳()A. 《周南》B. 《卫风》C. 《秦风》D. 《郑风》满分:2 分8. 请选出不是出于《史记》旳典故()A. 破釜沉舟B. 项庄舞剑C. 华亭鹤唳D. 四周楚歌满分:2 分9. 《花间集》产生旳时代是()A. 南北朝时期B. 唐代C. 五代十国D. 宋初满分:2 分10. 魏晋南北朝时期,志怪故事旳代表作是()A. 《古镜记》B. 《世说新语》C. 《搜神记》D. 《西京杂记》满分:2 分11. 如下不属于《楚辞•九歌》旳作品是()A. 《湘君》B. 《湘夫人》C. 《橘颂》D. 《山鬼》满分:2 分12. 如下属于七言诗旳是()A. 《孔雀东南飞》B. 《燕歌行》C. 《陌上桑》D. 《白头吟》满分:2 分13. 苏轼《定风波·莫听穿林打叶声》旳作词时间是()A. 贬黄州时期B. 贬惠州时期C. 贬儋州时期D. 贬杭州时期满分:2 分14. 唐代传奇故事旳繁华和成熟期是()A. 初唐B. 盛唐C. 中唐D. 晚唐满分:2 分15. 《长恨歌》旳作者是()A. 杜甫B. 李白C. 白居易D. 岑参满分:2 分16. 第一种大量写作田园诗旳诗人是()A. 陶渊明B. 谢灵运C. 嵇康D. 曹植满分:2 分17. 《稼轩长短句》指旳是()旳词集A. 李清照B. 苏东坡C. 陆游D. 辛弃疾满分:2 分18. (),此之谓大丈夫。

a、 tooboredb。
Isstopping满分:2分6.whatalovelydress!whydon'tyou(a)it()toseeifitfitsyou?a.try,onb.put,inc.try,lo ok满分:2分7.我叔叔(a)在本市1980年。
a、 haslivedb。

<-A.->带缀式合成词<-B.->并列式合成词<-C.->偏正式合成词<-D.->补充式合成词【-参考.选择-】:D4.“yang、wei、yun” 等音节开头的“y、w” 是()。
南开大学 大学英语试题及答案

南开大学大学英语(三)姓名:学号:) 分分,共2020-题答案填写在如下表格中,否则成绩无效。
(每题1PartⅠ答题纸:请将1) 分2分,共50PartⅡ答题纸:请将21-45题答案填写在如下表格中,否则成绩无效。
(本题15分)Model Test Two(15 Structure PartⅠminutes)grammaticallyto construct This part is to test your ability Directions:correctsentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section A In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You areDirections:most the to complete each one by deciding on requiredappropriate word or words from the 4 choices marked A), B),C) and D). Then you should mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.with,he insisted____going there together well1.Although he did not feelus.A)to B)onC)at D)for ll ask Mr.Smith to ring you up____ hecomes back to the office..2I' A)when B)whereC)because D)althoughThey regard____as their duty toprovide the best service for their 3.customers. A)thisB)whatC)it D)that meeting.a yesterday____to give speechat the day .4Not until the beforeA) he agreed B)does he agreeC)he agrees D)did he agreethe secretary found it wasalready ____ up at the clock on the wall.5..midnightA)LookingB)LookC)To look D)Looked6.The first textbook____for teaching English as a foreign language cameth century.out in the 16.A)writing B)writtenC)to write D)to be written7..he has proved to be anable salesman.Young he is A)that B)whoC)as D)whicht doubt ____ the stock market willrecover from the economic 8.I don'.crisis A)ifB)whatC)that D)which9.In our company,greatchanges____since the new manager came. A)took placeB)take place C)will have taken place D)have takenplaceselling____ the new product had been the 10.News came from sales managerwell in the local market for three months.A)whoseB)whatC)which D)that Section B There are 10 incompletestatements here. You should fill inDirections:each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in the corresponding spaceon the Answer Sheet.management(apply)__applications __for a quite 11.Sandy made a number ofposition but failed every time.leaving farewell party before graduates .The had a (cheer)__cheerful __ 12the college.knows he times Wars”several for Star probably 13. Karl (see)__has seen__“.every detail of the film,introduced _ to EuropeBelieve it or not,when first (introduce)__14.tomato was thought to be poisonous.(allow)_beand charge monthly fixed a pay may user telephone A .15..allowed___ to make an unlimited number of local calIs in the montht 'somewhere before,but I canyou 16.I remember (see)__having seen __ .tell the exact placewith__the matter it necessary (discuss)__to discuss don17.I 't thinkhim before the problem is settled.the,going to give their reports18.Since five managers arewill last __for at least two hours.meeting(1ast)__he ,Although he was (deep)__deeply __hurt by what she said to him19..made no reply20.It is strongly recommended that teachers (use)__use __computers toassist in their classroom teaching.Part Ⅱ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks: Directions for you to fulfill. You should read the readintg materials carefully anddo the tasks as you are instructed.Task 1After reading the following passage, you will find 5 uestions Directions:or unfinished statements numbered 36 through 40. For eachquestion or statement there are 4 choices marked A), B), C),arrd D). You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.Melbourne,with a population of over 3.5 million,is the second largestcity in Australia.It is clean,safe,dynamic and exciting, and well known internationally for its universities and other educational institutions. The city has well-planned tree-lined wide streets and many beautiful parks and gardens.It has a good transport system of roads, buses,tralas,andtrams(电车).The La Trobe University(拉特罗布大学)campus is connected totrainand bus and ,busesexpress ,tramsby District Business Central theand is home to large Melbourne is a culturally rich city.connections.,Africa,communities of people from all parts of Europethe Americas,andAsia.,ballettheatres,music,opera,The city is famous for its restaurants,Melbourne .culture,and shops,and a lively and dynamic nightlifeart,and the city hosts many famous people are enthusiastic about sports,coastlines Near Melbourne there are beautiful intemational sportsevents.,,wineries(葡萄酒厂),with excellent beaches,nationalparkeforestsand The climate is temperate winter snowfields and summer resorts.daytime maximum summer,with warm summers and coolwinters.In comfortable,The ℃.18in winter from 12℃ to ℃,temperaturesrange from 26℃ to 36andMelbourne ,to day.In 2002variable weather in Melbourne can be from dayIntelligence in by the Economist best was rated the world's city to live .Unit..Melbourne is well-known in the world for its____21 A)largepopulation B)educational institutions C)transport systemD)beautiful parks and gardens,Melbourne is a city where____.Accordingto the passage22. A) rich people choose to live B)the best wineis produced C)various cultures exist D)Asian food ispopular.Melbourne people are very interested in____.23 A)sports B)sunbathing C)sightseeing D)traveling temperate (Line…”is temperateclimate The .word the in sentence“The 24,most probablymeans____.14) A)hot B)mildC)dry D)cold25.The best title for the passage might be____.A)An Ideal Place for ShoppingB)A City with the Best Climate C)The World's Best City to LiveinD)The World's Most Beautiful CityTask 2This task is the same as Task 1. The 5 questions or unfinishedDirections:statements are numbered 41 through 45.Terms and Conditions of EmploymentThese terms and conditions should be read before you sign yourcontract·Salary:Your starting salary is:$15,000.This is reviewed annually·Hours:The normal hours of work are eight hours a day,Monday throughFriday.You will start work on Feb.21,2008.On the first morning,reportto your line manager John Knight.Health and safety:Please read the safety regulations attached.Ifyou have any questions,contact the health and safety officer,whose namdis at the top of the regulation sheet.If you have health problems,pleaseinform the Senior Nurse, Chris Thomas.If you cannot work because of illness,please mlephone the factory.Annual leave:During your first year of employment you are allowedtwenty days' should be arranged with your line manager.Overtime(加班):If you work more than forty hours a week,you willbe paid at the current overtime line manager will keep a record of the overtime you work.If you work on public holidays.you will be paid atthe current rates.If you prefer,time can be taken instead of extra payfor public holidays and overtime.Clothing:The Supplies Department provides overalls(工作服).Inform Supplies of your size two days before you need them.You can also orderany other equipment you need for your job from Supplies.26.According to the contract,the salary of the employe____.A)is paid weeklyB)is adjusted every quarter C)is re-examined from year to yearD)is fixed for the whole contract period If employees have any health problem, they should____. 27. A)telephone the factoryB)inform the Senior Nurse C)report to their line managerD)contact the health and safetyofficer 28.The line manager is responsible for____. A)giving apay raise B)signing a contract C)arranging annual leave D)helping with personal affairs.If employees work on public holidays,usually they will get____ 29. A)extra days offB)extra money C)a pay raise D)paidholidaysemployees should inform the, 30.When they need overalls for their job.Supplies Department of ____A)the size B)the colorC)the style D)the quantityTask 3The following is a job advertisement. After reading it, youDirections:are required to complete the outline below it through . You should write your answers briefly (in not more than three words)on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Task 4The following is a list of terms for library signs. After Directions:reading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与…相同的) those given in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding letters in the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered 51 through 55.A—reading,reference and copying ·B—staff onlyC---closed shelves for undergraduatesD---information retrieval roomE---inter-library loanF---display&reading room for new booksG---multi-media reading roomH---reference department officeI---novelty researchJ---lecture hallK---reading room for reference booksL---returm depositM---reading room for Chinese social booksN---title catalogueO---circulation for foreign booksP---card catalogueQ---periodicals and magazinesTask 5There is an agreement. After reading it, you should giveDirections:brief answers to the 5 questions through that follow. The answevs (in not more than 3 words) should be written afterthe corresponding numbers on the Answer Sheet.(Website) Visitor AgreementStatesman.com is provided to you by Cox Texas Newspapers.This visitor agreement is legally binding (有约束力的)between you and US.Please read this visitor agreement;by using this service.you accept its terms.The agreementofthis terms the change may we ;mediumgrowing fast a is Internetfrom time to time Byaccept you such changes,we continuing to use the service after post any.this agreement as modifiedor any service , We reserve the right to deny access to this website)this visitor 违反provided via this website,to anyone who violates(others of the ability or who,in our judgment,interferes with agreement)the rights of others.to enjoy this website,or infringes(侵犯,websiteor send in your questions comments about this We invite you tobe to our attention any material you believe bring or to toincluding a copy of any material inaccurate.Please send such comments,you wish to discuss to: Jim Smith General Manager Statesman.com 305 South Congress Avenue. Austin,Texas 78704 2510(512)912— Phone:2926 Or e-mail US.:Fax(512)912—.Who are the two parties to the agreement41 The provider of the website and its_____visitors ________________.What is meant if you go on using the service after changes in the 42.agreement are posted It means you have________accept_____________the modification.What will happen if a visitor breaks this agreement43. The visitor will be denied access to this_____website ________.What are visitors invited to do about this website44..questions or comments _______about the website Send in their_____website the inaccurateon find when visitors What 45.can do they materials They can send their comments to___Jim Smith ___________.Part III Translation -- English into Chinese (25 minutes)This part, numbered 61 through 65, is to test your ability Directions:sentences of each the to translate English into Chinese. After numbered 61 to 64, you will read four choices of suggested translation. You should choose the best translation and markthe corresponding letter on your Answer Sheet. And for thethe translation in paragraph numbered 65 write yourcorresponding space on the Translation/Composition Sheet.The increase in sales of professional hair-care products indicates .46their to attention to their hair as much that consumers are paying asskin. A)专业护发产品的增加表明消费者既关心护发,也关心护肤。


南开大学现代远程教育学院考试卷大学英语(一)Model Test OnePart ⅠVocabulary and StructureDirections: This part is to test your ability to use words and phrases correctly to construct meaningful and grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A), B), C)and D). You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center. (本题共10个小题,每题1分,共10分)1. We will have to pay them a large ___C__ of money for their service.A. sizeB. setC. amountD. series2. I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how_B__the machine.A. operateB. to operateC. operatingD. operated3. I'm sorry to tell you that the materials you wanted are_C__.A. taken offB. put upC. sold outD. got off4. It is obvious that these small businesses are __A_need of technical support.A. inB. onC. withD. to5. __D_I am concerned,it is important to get a job first.A. As long asB. As well asC. As soon asD. As far as6. Some companies might not let you rent a car _D__ you have a credit card.A. whereB. becauseC. sinceD. unless7. In his opinion,success in life mainly __B__on how we get along with other people.A. keepsB. dependsC. insistsD. spends8. We _D_ building the bridge by the end of next month.A. are finishing C. would finishB. have finished D. will have finished9. Our company’s service is _A__in nearly 80 countries around the world.A. availableB. naturalC. relativeD. careful10. It was in Jonson’s hotel __D__ the business meeting was held last year.A. thisB. thatC. whatD. whichSection BDirections: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write the word or words in thecorresponding space on the Answer Sheet. (本题共10个小题,每题1分,共10分)11. To start your own business is usually (cheap) _______ than to buy one.12. The foreign professor spoke slowly and (clear) _______ so that we could follow him.13. The money (borrow) _______from the bank has already been paid back.14. The (manage) _______said that their company wouldn’t be responsible for the loss of thegoods.15. When we get his telephone number,we (tell) _______you immediately.16. It won’t make any (different) _______whether he comes to the meeting or not.17. The machine should (test) _______before it is put to use.18. We look forward to (meet) _______you and wish you every success in your career.19. My (person) _______experience suggests that we should contact the customers first.20. After the lecture yesterday,they (realize) _______how important company culture was.PartⅡReading ComprehensionDirections:this part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed.(共25小题,每题2分,共50分)Task 1Directions: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 21to 25. For each question or statement there are 4 choicesmarked A), B), C) and D). You should mark the correct choice and mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.A car is made up of more than 30,000 parts.Each part in a new car is as weak as a baby.So a new car requires proper care and servicing.If you’re unfamiliar with the parts,you have to read through the owner's instructions carefully.First of all, the brakes(刹车)of your car are important for safety(安全)reasons.Having them checked regularly can reduce the risks of accidents.Another important thing to consider is engine care.Always remember that the life and performance of your car engine depend on the engine oil.Replace the engine oil when recommended.If you feel the engine is very hot especially during summer it is probably because the cooling system doesn’t work well.You’d better get the cooling system serviced before the start of summer.In a word,timely and proper servicing is an important task for car owners.Good servicing can not only extend the life of your newborn baby,but also ensure your safety,and the safety of those who share the road with you.21. To get familiar with the parts of a new car, the owner should .A) regard the ear as a new—born babyB) have the car serviced before driving itC) read through the instructions carefullyD) examine all of the parts of the new car22. The brakes should be checked regularly .A) to avoid accidentsB) to raise speedC) to reduce costD) to save gas23. For a car engine to work long and well,the owner should .A) replace the engine oil as recommendedB) reduce the use of the car in summerC) clean the engine parts regularlyD) change the brakes frequently24. It is recommended to have the cooling system checked when .A) you buy a new carB) summer is comingC) the engine oil is replacedD) the brakes are out of order25. The last paragraph tells us that the purpose of carefully servicing a car is .A) to let you sell your car at a good priceB) to extend its life and ensure safetyC) to reduce the cost of car servicingD) to make the car run fasterTask 2Directions: This task is the same as task 1. The 5 questions or unfinished statements are numbered 26to30.Ticket-booking PoliciesGeneral Policies*Once the flight ticket has been issued,the name on the ticket cannot be changed.*Ticket is non—refundable(不能退款的).*Please review your itinerary(行程安排)immediately.If any problems arise before or during your trip,you must call our booking offices right away.If you wait until you return,it’s too late.*There are times when we are unable to confirm a booking.In that case we will attempt to reach you by phone and email.You must call us back within 48 hours or we may not be able to offer you the booking price.Change Policies*If you change your booking, airlines may charge a fee--S150 to$200.*Some tickets do not allow any changes.Need to change or cancel your trip? Visit our website to check the fees and rules before you decide.Cancellation(取消) Policies*If you cancel your booking you will not receive any money back.*You may apply part of your ticket price towards future travel (for a limited time,usually a year).26. According to the policies,the name on the ticket cannot be changed once the ticketis .A) bookedB) issuedC) cancelledD) confirmed27.If you have any problems during a trip,you should .A) ask for a refundB) change your itineraryC) call the booking officeD) return the ticket to the office28.What happens when your ticket booking cannot be confirmed?A) You should make another booking immediately.B) You can change your booking free of charge.C) You will be informed by phone and email.D) You will still enjoy the booking price.29.If you want to change a booking,you may have to pay——.A) 10%of the booking priceB) a fee of $150 to $200C) half the ticket priceD) a fixed fee30.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the cancellation policies?A) You Can use part of the ticket price for future travel.B) You can refund the money from the booking office.C) You can keep the booking effective for one year.D) You cannot cancel your booking in any case.Task3Directions: Read the following passage. After reading it, you should complete theinformation by filling in the blanks marked 31 to 35 (in no more than 3 words) in the table below.If you are staying in the UK for more than 6 months, it may be useful to open a UK bank account. There are a lot of advantages of having a UK current (checking) account:Paying billsMany landlords prefer to collect rent directly from a bank account.You may be able to obtain cheaper services if you pay bills directly from a bank account,e. g. telephone, gas/water/electricity.If you are given a chequebook, you can also write cheques as a safe way of paying for things.CashYou can easily obtain money from cash machines,or pay directly from your account using a debit card(借记卡).Saving moneyIt is generally cheaper to use a UK account than it is to pay by credit card(信用卡)or withdraw (提取) cash from a foreign bank.EmploymentIf you work in the UK,some employers require you to have a bank account so that you can get your pay.Task4Directions: The following is a list of terms related to the human resources management. Afterreading it, you are required to find the items equivalent to (与﹍﹍等同) thosegiven in Chinese in the table below. Then you should put the corresponding lettersin the brackets on the Answer Sheet, numbered36 through 40.A--Employee relations B—Basic salaryC—Night shift D—Attendance bookE—Human resources management F—W0rk permitG--Employment injury insurance H--Housing fundI—Annual salary J—Year end bonus K--Contract of serviceL--Evaluation of employees M—Sick leaveN—C0ffee break O--Unemployment insuranceP--Minimum wage Q—Quality managementExample: (L) 员工考核- (E) 人力资源管理Task5Directions: The following is a letter of recommendation. After reading them, you are required to complete the answers that follow the questions (No. 41 to No. 45). You should writeyour answers (in no more than 3 words) on the Answer Sheet correspondingly.Dear Mr. Brown,Thank you for your letter of 6 September regarding Mr. John Green who has been employed by this company for the past 10 years.Mr. Green served his apprenticeship(学徒) with Vickers Tools Ltd. in Manchester, followed by a three-year course of engineering for Production Engineers. He is technically well —qualified and for the past five years has been our Assistant Works Manager responsible for production and related business in our Sheffield factory. In all his job duties he has shownhimself to be hard-working, responsible and in every way a very dependable employee.I can strongly recommend Mr. Green as I feel sure that if he were to be chosen to manage your factory in Nairobi he would bring to his work a true atmosphere of teamwork, which would be found necessary and helpful by all who would work with him.Sincerely yours,Tom Smith41. How long has Mr. Green been employed by the writer's company?For .42. What kind of course did Mr. Green take?A three-year course in engineering for .43. What job position has Mr. Green held in the past five years?. 44.What does the writer think of Mr. Green as an employee?He is hard-working, and dependable. 45.What is the purpose of this letter?To Mr. Green to manage a factory in Nairobi.PartⅢTranslation---English to ChineseDirections: This part, numbered 46 to 50, is to test your ability to translate English into Chinese. Each of the four sentences (No. 46 to No.49) is followed by four choices of suggested translation marked A, B, C and D. Make the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Write your translation of the paragraph (No. 50) in the corresponding space on the Translation /Composition Sheet. (共5小题,其中46-49每题2分,50题7分,共15分)46. With fuel prices going up,car buyers are changing their idea of buying a car.A. 燃料的价格正在随着购车者买车想法的改变而上涨。


南开大学智慧树知到“公共课”《大学英语(一)》网课测试题答案(图片大小可自由调整)第1卷一.综合考核(共10题)1.When you speak on the telephone,you cannot use your facial(面部的)expression,eye contact and gestures to help communicate your message.Your voice must do the job.A good voice is pleasant to listen to because it communicates a positive message.Keep in mind the following qualities of a good voice:Speak in a voice neither too loud nor too soft.Speak louder when giving important information. Speak slowly enough so that the listener has a chance to understand your message without your having to repeat it.Keep in mind that as you speak the other person may be taking notes. Pronunciation is the correct way to say a word.To avoid mispronouncing(读错音)words,you may wish to check the pronunciation of unfamiliar words in the dictionary before you use them. People with an accent unlike yours may not understand your pronunciation of some words.You also may not understand the pronunciation of some of their words.In these cases, careful pronunciation is very important for effective communication. You may need to repeat or spell words that are unusual or easy to be misunderstood.21.When speaking on the phone, the essential factor for successful communication is your_______.A.voiceB.gestureC.eye contactD.facial expression22.To give important information,a person speaking on the phone should_______.A.keep a pleasant mannere familiar wordsC.lower the voiceD.speak louder23.The speaker is advised to speak slowly in order to help the listener to_______.A.remember some wordsB.repeat the informationC.check the messageD.take some notes24.To avoid mispronouncing unfamiliar words,you are advised to _______. A.check them in a dictionaryB.pronounce them loudlye other words insteadD.ask others for help25. Speakers sometimes need to spell some words to help listeners to understand_______.A.long sentencesB.unusual wordsC.difficult questionsD.important expressions2.Peter actually does a good job in keeping the store clean,which is not as(simple) ________ as it seems to be.3.To _____ the truth,I really didn’t know anything about yesterday’s meeting.A.doB.tellC.putD.take4.The department head does not believe that this is the right way to deal with the problem.A.部门领导并不认为这就是发现问题的唯一途径。
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1. 金岳霖说到逻辑学的时候,说,“我觉得他很好玩儿”。
2. 在《萧红墓畔口占》一诗中,吟道:“我等待着,长夜漫漫,你却卧听着海涛闲话。
3. 主张“文以载道”、“文道合一”,其散文气势充沛、雄奇奔放,对当时及后世都有重大影响,而被列于唐宋八大家之首的是韩愈。
4. 现代文化人中,被称为“诗僧“的是苏曼殊。
5. “拔一毛利天下而不为”的主张出自战国思想家杨朱。
6. 《踏莎行(郴州旅舍)》中有“驿寄梅花”,是指梅花在诗文中是代指寄给朋友的书信。
7. 下面著作里面不属于周作人的是《猛虎集》8. 张爱玲的《红楼梦魇》属于文学评论。
9. 下面不属于梵·高作品的是麦田里的守望者10. 以下哪些观点与季羡林先生的看法一致我们应该警惕西方人对待自然的观念。
11. 《我的四个假想敌》最主要的一个行文特色是运用了军事术语。
12. 唐代著名诗人白居易生活的具体时期是中唐。
13. 以下选项中不属于《诗经》艺术手法的是颂。
14. 人称“小李杜”,又与温庭筠并称“温李”的李是指李商隐。
15. 《诗经》中的“国风”类作品是按照不同地域收集的诗歌。
16. 评论者,《秦腔》乃是以秦腔的方式写秦腔,这其实是说秦腔高亢火爆,《秦腔》行文也是高亢火爆。
17. “鹅湖之晤”发生在辛弃疾和谁之间?陈亮18. 艾青《北方》一诗中在书写了对北方大地的爱与悲伤的同时,也写了作者对民族敌人的仇恨,这种情绪孕育在下面哪一物象之中?沙漠之风19. 下列诗句中运用典故的是男儿本自重横行20. 《古诗十九首》的艺术表现特点是委婉含蓄21. 《史记·刺客列传》中,“白衣道行,易水悲歌”一段在全篇中所起的作用是烘托气氛22. “思想不自由,毋宁死耳。
”这句话出自陈寅恪23. 《我学国文的经验》一文,写作上的一个重要特点是迂回、曲折24. 陈省身强调他曾经经常和爱因斯坦见面,其目的可能是暗示中西文化互相融会的价值25. “吃葡萄不吐葡萄皮,不吃葡萄倒吐葡萄皮”,王蒙觉得,这体现了语言可以独立于现实之外,可以不符合真实26. 《现象七十二变》中,“孙悟空”的七十二变有何象征?时代的多变27. 李宗盛的《凡人歌》可以看作是中国流行音乐启蒙时代的结束28. 《金缕曲(赠梁汾)》句中有“青眼”二字,这一典故源于阮籍29. 马克·吐温说,你们可要非常谨慎地对待说谎;否则十有八九会被揭穿。
这些话是一种正话反说的反讽30. 戴望舒曾经受到法国的著名象征主义诗人魏拜伦的深刻影响31. 《别赋》中使用典故的辞句是赋有凌云之声32. 艾青《北方》一诗为使诗作于悲哀与忧郁的调子之外,有坚实纵深的内涵,诗人反复吟诵的是我爱这悲哀的国土33. 张中行在《叶圣陶先生二三事》一文中提到,叶圣陶提倡“写话”,意思是作文要用于简洁,随便自然34. 沈从文作品风格独具,蕴含深刻,问题多样,题材多是围绕湘西35. 《一个偏见》中的“偏见”是指人声是一种污染36. 《复仇》选自鲁迅的《野草》37. 所谓“个狗主义”,可以理解出非人38. 下列作家中,梁实秋对现实政治采取冷静旁观态度39. 蔡元培最为著名的教育主张是兼容并收40. 在艺术上达到了五言诗的最高成就,以至被称为“五言之冠冕”的是《古诗十九首》41. “十四行”,又译“商籁体”,起源于14世纪的意大利42. 《论语·侍坐篇》中,“吾与点也”中的与的确切解释是同意43. 下列对《梵·高的坟茔》文章风格的概括,正确的是愤激直率44. 陈寅恪提到,王国维“先生以一死见其独立自由之意志,非所论于一人之恩怨,一姓之兴亡”,这里的“一人”、“一姓”可以理解为清朝或清帝45. 在《与元九书》中,白居易提出的文学主张是“文章合为时而著,歌诗合为事而作”46. 从诗体的角度来看,艾青的作品《北方》属于自由诗体47. 马丁·路德·金是美国著名的政治家48. “道可道,非常道”,在王蒙看来,这句话体现了语言的言不尽意的陷阱49. 周作人的文集,常常以“知堂”命名50. 下列选项中对《古诗十九首》中“无乃杞梁妻”一句届时错误的是无乃是杞梁之妻的姓氏51. 下列不属于《我的四个假设敌》所用手法是妙用谚语52. 艾青的诗大多抒写对祖国土地的眷恋和热爱53. 以下选项中,对《孟子》一书描述错误的是《孟子》一书是孟子所独撰的,这是与早期诸子散文的最大不同54. 《世说新语》中主要记载了主要记述魏晋时期的士族阶层人物的轶事55. 以下选项中不属于《诗经》体裁的是?赋56. 鲁迅在《复仇》中集中而深刻地表现了对“看客”进行“复仇”应以毫无动作57. “古诗十九首”最早载于《昭明文选》58. 在《贺新郎(“把酒长亭说”)》,诗人提到“铸就而今相思错”,以下对“错”字的解释中,错误的一项是错字是指诗人与朋友之间彼此错过59. 《无题二首》(其一)中提到“隔座送钩”,其含义是一种酒令游戏60. 《萧红墓畔口占》一诗中作者用以隐喻和赞扬亡者生命之灿烂,映照出悼者心情的庄严与热烈,表达对残暴者的默默抗争的是红山茶61. 下列作品中属念远怀人的作品是《蝶恋花(“槛菊愁烟兰泣露”)》62. 在国会演讲中,丘吉尔说,“我所能奉献的没有其他,只有热血、辛劳、汗水与眼泪。
”在这里,“热血、辛劳、汗水与眼泪”一组词是借代的修辞手法63. 《刺客列传》中,当秦舞阳在秦国朝廷上“色变振恐,群臣怪之”时,荆轲“顾笑舞阳,前谢曰”,其中,“顾笑”二字表达了怎样的含义?表达了千钧一发之际的泰然自若的神情64. 《一只特立独行的猪》临末揭示出全篇主旨被他人安排或设置的生活,是不幸的65. 马丁·路德选择四个“我梦想有一天”作为段落开头,在行文中的主要作用为串联系列语句,形成激励性的语气66. 马克·吐温的作品以幽默、机智、反讽风格见长67. 周作人认为学好“国文”的根本是逐渐养成一个健全的人生观68. 《陶庵梦忆》是著名的小品文集69. 作为政治家,罗斯福和马丁·路德具有不同的诉求,体现在他们的演讲中:罗比较注重演讲内容的认知性,马比较注重演讲内容的感染性70. 在我国诗歌理论中,有不少著名的诗论绝句,其中最早、最有影响的是杜甫71. 《长恨歌》中诗句“云鬓花颜金步摇”中的“金步摇”是指一种头饰72. 四大名著中与宗教关系最密切的一部是《西游记》73. 艾青的诗歌具有文体自由,显示了现代白话文的抒情魅力特色74. 《庄子显灵记》的作者是范曾75. 有关戴望舒与萧红的关系和交往,正确的一项是萧红的《呼兰河传》经戴望舒之手在《星岛日报》连载76. 《李鸿章办外交》提到曾继纪泽的故事,可以让我们明白中国亟待现代化77. 虽然也是传记的一种,但又和传记不同,它不需要记述人物生平事迹,往往只选择一件或几件事来写,这种文体是书事78. 20世纪80年代以小说《受戒》享誉文坛的作家是汪曾祺79. 《下棋》借“下棋”这样的日常琐事写人生,其主旨是要写出人生的趣味80. “生命是一袭华丽的袍子,爬满了虱子。
”出自张爱玲《天才梦》81. 蔡元培提出大学要“兼容并包”,主要是一种大学的管理理念82. 刘勰在《文心雕龙·知音》中提出“六观”,其中兼指内容和形式的是通变83. 《一个偏见》出自钱钟书的《写在人生边上》84. 从《渐》可知,丰子恺的所崇尚的一种人生境界是通脱明达85. 关于“诗”与“歌”关系的理解,正确的一项是诗不能吟唱,是最近一百多年的事86. 在《金岳霖先生》中,汪曾祺提到金岳霖为死去多年的林徽因过生日请客,表明金岳霖的真性真情,不拘俗套87. 《金岳霖先生》一文中没有提到的人是张伯苓88. 关于晏殊生平,不正确的选项是北宋著名词人晏几道的儿子89. 雷海宗心中的学者的最高境界是精通一门学问,对其他学问略知一二90. 《秦腔》里运用描写手法主要是侧面描写91. 《临江仙(夜归临皋)》一词充满理趣而又放荡不羁,词中正面说理的句子长恨此身非我有,何时忘却营营!92. 马克·吐温《给青年的忠告》中有一个潜在的批判对象是青年导师93. 沈从文短篇代表作是《柏子》94. 所谓“独立之精神,自由之思想”,指的是学者的人格理想95. 汪曾祺写金岳霖接受毛主席的意见去接触社会,“和一个踏平板三轮车的约好,每天蹬着他到王府井一带转一大圈。
”在这里,“有趣”包含金岳霖的质朴率真的意思96. “轮扁斫轮”的故事出自《庄子》97. 以下诗句中使用典故的是金屋状成娇侍夜,玉楼宴罢醉和春98. 下面不属于马克·吐温的作品是《漂亮朋友》99. 按照从长至幼的顺序,下列选项中古人兄弟间排行正确的是伯、仲、叔、季100. 《现象七十二变》的基本内涵克里理解为表达现代社会的巨大变革的反思101. 《无题二首》(其一)中有“分曹射覆蜡灯红”的诗句,其中“分曹射覆”的意思指分成小组玩一种叫“射覆”的酒令游戏102. 诗集《灾难的岁月》的作者是戴望舒103. 《杂说》中提到“画工虽巧,已落二义矣”,下列理解中对“二义”理解不正确的是二义,表示不够严谨104. 调侃是其突出的特色,如“还有一个理由,我不敢对抗领导,我怀疑这才是问题之所在。
”具有这一风格的是王小波105. 《一只特立独行的猪》中没有运用的写作方法是现实与回忆交织并进106. 下列选项中善于写作无题诗的唐代诗人是李商隐107. “昨夜西风凋碧树,独上西楼,望尽天涯路。
”一句被王国维比喻成做大学问、大事业者所必须经过的三种境界之一,这一词句出自晏殊《蝶恋花(“槛菊愁烟兰泣露”)》108. 下面利用具有表象内涵的意象取得强烈的感染效果的演说是《热血、辛劳、汗水和眼泪》109. 季羡林讲“人类在大自然面前翘尾巴”,指的是这样一种现象努力“征服自然”,毫无节制的破坏自然110. 战国时期,提出“民为贵,君为轻”的思想家是孟子111. “鱼传尺素”,语出古乐府诗《饮马长城窟行》112. 关于中唐时期“新乐府运动”,不正确的表述为新乐府运动的代表人物包括元结和韩愈113. 《女孩子的花》写作者心思的变化依时间顺序114. “科尔沁草原上的诗人”是端木蕻良115. “秦腔面前人人平等”,贾平凹文中这句话的意义可以理解为秦腔的狂欢突破了传统的伦理束缚116. 《北方》这首歌的基本的抒情方式是情景交融117. 下列不属于《一个偏见》写作特点的是辩论机智、启迪智慧118. 与《我有一个梦想》相比,罗斯福的《在宾夕法尼亚大学的演说》在文体上的特点主要是更具有说理性、辨析性119. “国文”之称始于五四120. 下列选项中对《论语·侍坐篇》中子路发言描述错误的是孔子觉得子路的能力不及所以嘲笑他121. “花钿委地无人收”一句中的“钿”字的读音是diàn122. 成语“望洋兴叹”出自《庄子·秋水》123. 诗人冯至曾参加过的文学社是浅草社124. 梁实秋《下棋》第一段写棋迷下棋时的情状,采用的手法是白描125. 在《赠予今年的大学毕业生》一文中,胡适提出“总得时时寻一两个值得研究的问题!”这是强调要关注保持强烈研究治学的兴趣126. 马丁·路德·金曾经获得什么奖项诺贝尔和平奖127. 《马桥词典》的作者是韩少功128. 高适《燕歌行》突出特点是对比129. 汪曾祺的代表作是《受戒》130. 有五类看月之人,《西湖七月半》将之归为不看月之人。