聂耳英语简介带翻译Nie Er: A Brief Introduction。
Nie Er is a renowned Chinese composer, known for his iconic piece "March of the Volunteers," which became the national anthem of China in 1949. Born on February 14, 1912, in Kunming, Yunnan Province, Nie Er showed an earlyinterest in music and began studying at a young age. Helater attended the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where he studied under renowned composer Xian Xinghai.聂耳是著名的中国作曲家,以他的代表作《义勇军进行曲》而闻名,该曲于1949年成为中国的国歌。
Nie Er's early compositions were heavily influenced byWestern classical music, particularly the works of Beethoven and Tchaikovsky. However, he later became interested in incorporating Chinese folk music into his compositions, which led to the creation of his most famous work, "March of the Volunteers."聂耳早期的作品受到西方古典音乐的影响,特别是贝多芬和柴可夫斯基的作品。
——by Michelle
姓名:聂耳 原名:聂守信 英文名:Nieer(貌似就是拼音) 出生地:云南昆明(但是汉族) 出生:1912年 逝世:1935年(年仅23岁) 职业:音乐家 作曲家 代表作:《义勇军进行曲》 主要成就 开辟了中国新音乐,国歌的作曲者 政治面貌 中国共产党党员
由于发现国民党特务已来追捕,他仓促间 在一张小小的香烟包装纸上写下歌词,就 被抓进监狱。夏衍拿到田汉留下的剧本, 后,主动 提出:“作曲交给我,我干!”聂耳根据 同田汉一起提出的构想,带着满腔激愤, 只用两天时间便谱写了初稿,随即因躲避 追捕到了日本。在那里,他一方面受到友 好人士的热情接待,一方面也看到军国主 义分子大肆鼓噪“聂耳由此更激发了创作 灵感,迅速将歌曲定稿寄回国,其旋律更 加高昂雄壮。
聂耳没有像样的创作条件,到上海一年后经过 苦苦积攒,才买到一把多年梦寐以求的廉价小提 琴。他居住的斗室冬冷夏热,到北京一次连续登 台演出四天仅得6元钱报酬。这不仅使他仍心底更 憎恨资本家老板剥削的冷酷,其作品也不断呼喊 出人民要求解放的心声。 田汉在香烟包装纸上匆匆写下《义勇军进行 曲》,聂耳于国内定 下初稿,最后谱成于敌国境 内30年代中期,日寇侵占东北后又把铁蹄伸向华 北,国内的反动腐朽势力却仌沉溺于纸醉金迷中。 共产党员作家田汉找到聂耳,认为如此“唱靡靡 之音,长此下去,人们会成为亡国奴”。二人就 此议定,要创作一首歌。二人研究了《国际歌》、 《马赛曲》和《船夫曲》,认为很有气势,可以 借鉴。1935年初,田汉改编了电影《风云儿女》, 幵写了一首主题歌——《义勇军进行曲》。
他是天才的音乐家,又是革命者。 恰恰因为后者,才能出现前者辉煌。 “文以载道,诗以言志,乐乃心声”。 聂耳本人乃至他那些激越高昂的不朽 作品,都是那个特定的民族危亡时代 所造就。那些铿锵有力的音符,也都 是当时环境下人民的心声。 日本侵华 和国内抗日群众运动的风雨,在他心 中激起澎湃的心潮,音乐与革命仍此 结合到一起。
聂耳的英语作文英文回答:Nie Er, a prominent Chinese musician, was born on February 15, 1912, in Kunming, Yunnan Province. As a young child, he exhibited exceptional musical talent and began composing songs at the age of eight. One of his earliest compositions, "The March of the Volunteers," would later become the national anthem of the People's Republic of China.Nie Er's passion for music led him to study at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, where he further honed his skills as a composer and conductor. During his time there, he composed numerous patriotic songs that inspired the Chinese people during the抗日战争 (Sino-Japanese War).In 1935, Nie Er traveled to Moscow to study at the Moscow Conservatory. It was during this time that he wrote some of his most famous works, including "The Song of theGuerrillas" and "The Fisherman's Song of the South China Sea."Nie Er's untimely death at the age of 23 cut short a promising musical career. However, his legacy as one of the most influential Chinese musicians of the 20th century continues to inspire countless people to this day.中文回答:聂耳,杰出的中国音乐家,1912年2月15日出生于云南省昆明市。
• 聂耳从小喜爱音乐(改名为“聂耳”的原因是 因为他的耳朵特别灵),1918年就读于昆明师 范附属小学。利用课余时间,聂耳自学了笛子、 二胡、三弦和月琴等乐器,并开始担任学校 “儿童乐队”的指挥。
• 1922年,聂耳进入私立求实小学高级部(现昆 明第十中学), 1925年考取云南省昆明市第一 联合中学(现昆明市第一中学)插班生。时值 第一次国内革命风暴在中国南方兴起,他开始 受到进步书刊和《国际歌》等革命歌曲的影响。
开辟中国新音乐道路之 ——聂耳
程杰 、李爽、夏青青、刘宇倩、林艳、文路径、黄远。
•逝世日期:1935年7月17日 •职业:音乐家,作曲家 •毕业院校:云南省立第一师范学校 •代表作品:《义勇军进行曲》等 •主要成就:开辟了中国新音乐,国歌的作曲者
•政治面貌:中国共产党党员 • • • • • • 中文名:聂耳 外文名:nieer 别名:聂守信 国籍:中国 民族:汉族 出生地:云南省昆明
• 他在不到两年的时间里, 创作了37首歌曲,大多 深刻地反映了当时劳动人 民的思想感情,准确地塑 造了工人、歌女、报童等 劳动群众的音乐形象。 • 在抗日救亡运动中, 聂耳的这些歌曲,产生了 广泛深远的影响。他的代 表作有《义勇军进行曲》、 《大路歌》、《码头工 人》、《新女性》、《毕 业歌》、《飞花歌》、 《铁蹄下的歌女》、《卖 报歌》、《梅娘曲》等。 • 他的音乐创作具有鲜 明的时代感、严肃的思想 性、高昂的民族精神和卓 越的艺术创造性。他的音 乐创作为中国无产阶级革 命音乐的发展明确了方向, 树立了榜样。
2004年3月14日第十届全国人民代表大会第二次会议正式将《义勇军进行曲》作为国 歌写入《中华人民共和国宪法》。
Today, I stand before you to pay tribute to a great musician and composer, whose work has left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of people across the world. I am honored to speak about the extraordinary life and contributions of an iconic figure in the music industry – the legendary聂耳.Born on May 10, 1912, in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China, Qu Yuren, better known by his pen name Nie Er, was a musical prodigy whose talent and passion for music knew no bounds. He was not only a composer but also a violinist, conductor, and music theorist. His music transcended borders and languages, making him one of the most influential composers of the 20th century.Nie Er's early life was marked by hardship and adversity. He lost his father at a young age, which led to his family's financial struggles. Despite these challenges, he remained resilient and pursued his passion for music. He attended the Kunming Higher Normal School, where he received his formal musical education. His talent was soon recognized, and he was awarded a scholarship to study music at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.During his time at the conservatory, Nie Er was exposed to a wide range of musical styles, including Western classical music and Chinese folk music. He was deeply influenced by the revolutionary spirit of the time and the struggle for national independence. This exposure and his personal experiences shaped his musical style, which combinedtraditional Chinese elements with modern Western techniques.One of Nie Er's most significant contributions to music is his composition of the Chinese national anthem, "The March of the Volunteers." Composed in 1935, this powerful anthem became the symbol of the Chinese people's resolve to fight for their nation's independence and freedom. Its stirring melody and inspiring lyrics have resonated with millions of people, inspiring them to rise up against oppression and adversity."The March of the Volunteers" is just one example of Nie Er's remarkable talent as a composer. He composed over 200 works, including symphonies,concertos, orchestral suites, and numerous folk songs. His music was characterized by its bold, innovative style, and his ability to blend Chinese and Western musical elements. Some of his other notable works include "The Song of the Motherland," "The Song of the Workers," and "The Song of the Youth."Nie Er's compositions were not limited to classical music; he also made significant contributions to the film industry. He composed music for several Chinese films, including "The Road to Revolution" and "The Red Detachment of Women." His music brought a new dimension to these films, enhancing their emotional impact and making them unforgettable.Apart from his musical achievements, Nie Er was a dedicated advocate for social justice and equality. He believed in the power of music toinspire change and bring people together. His compositions oftenreflected his political beliefs and his desire to see a better world. He was deeply committed to the cause of the Chinese people and worked tirelessly to promote their rights and freedoms.Tragically, Nie Er's life was cut short at the age of 31. On July 17, 1935, he drowned while swimming in the Yangtze River. His untimely death was a great loss to the music world, as he had so much more to offer. However, his legacy lives on through his timeless music and the inspiration he provided to future generations.Nie Er's contributions to music and his dedication to the cause ofsocial justice make him an unforgettable figure in the annals of history. His music has transcended time and continues to inspire people acrossthe globe. As we reflect on his life and achievements, we must acknowledge the profound impact he has had on the world.In conclusion, I want to express my heartfelt admiration for the great聂耳. His remarkable talent, passion, and dedication to music have left an indelible mark on the world. His compositions continue to resonate with people, inspiring them to fight for justice, equality, and freedom. Today, we honor Nie Er's memory and celebrate his extraordinary contributions to the world of music.Thank you.。
介绍聂耳英文作文怎么写英文回答:Nie Er (1912-1935) was a prolific Chinese composer who is remembered as one of the pioneers of modern Chinese music. Born into a poor family in Yunnan province, Nie Er displayed an early talent for music and began composing at a young age.In 1930, Nie Er moved to Shanghai, where he joined the Communist Youth League and became active in the movement against the Kuomintang government's suppression of art and culture. His songs, which often combined elements of Chinese folk music and Western classical music, became popular among leftist intellectuals and students.In 1935, Nie Er was invited to Moscow to study at the Moscow Conservatory. However, he died tragically in a drowning accident in the Volga River just a few months after his arrival.Nie Er's short life was marked by both great achievements and personal tragedy. His songs continue to be popular in China today, and he is considered one of the most important figures in the history of Chinese music.中文回答:聂耳(1912-1935)是一位杰出的中国作曲家,被誉为中国现代音乐先驱之一。
英语作文介绍聂耳**Nie Er: A Legendary Figure of Chinese Music**In the rich and diverse history of Chinese music, Nie Er stands as a towering figure, a legend who revolutionized the musical landscape with his innovative compositions and profound understanding of the national spirit. Born in 1912 in Kunming, Yunnan Province, Nie Er, also known as Nie Yanxiong, exhibited a remarkable talent for music from a very young age.聂耳,原名聂云臻,1912年出生于云南省昆明市。
As a composer, Nie Er's work was deeply influenced by the social and political upheavals of his time. His music was a powerful reflection of the struggles and aspirations of the Chinese people, particularly the working class. His most famous works, including "The Anthem of the Chinese Working Class" and "The Golden Fish," were not just musicalcompositions; they were powerful statements of solidarity and resistance.作为一位作曲家,聂耳的作品深受他那个时代的社会和政治动荡的影响。
介绍聂耳80词英语作文1Nie Er was a remarkable figure in the field of music in China. Born in 1912, he showed an exceptional talent and passion for music from a young age. His works have left a profound mark on the history of Chinese music.One of his most famous compositions is the "March of the V olunteers", which has become the national anthem of China. This song is not only a powerful expression of patriotism but also a symbol of the spirit of the Chinese people.Nie Er's music was full of vitality and emotion. He was able to convey deep feelings and strong beliefs through his melodies and lyrics. His works inspired countless people and still have a significant influence today.Despite his short life, Nie Er's contribution to the music industry is immeasurable. His dedication and creativity continue to inspire new generations of musicians. His music will always be remembered and cherished as a precious part of China's cultural heritage.2Nie Er is a remarkable figure in the history of Chinese music. His contributions have left an indelible mark on the musical landscape of our country.Nie Er's music was not just a collection of notes and melodies; it wasa source of inspiration for countless Chinese people. During difficult times, his compositions instilled hope and courage in the hearts of the masses. The passionate rhythms and touching lyrics of his works had the power to unite people and ignite their spirits.His creative style was truly unique and influential. It broke away from traditional conventions and brought a fresh perspective to Chinese music. Many subsequent musicians were inspired by his innovative approach, incorporating elements of his style into their own works. Nie Er's music continues to resonate through the years, serving as a reminder of his genius and the profound impact he had on the development of Chinese music.In conclusion, Nie Er's significance in Chinese music is immeasurable. His legacy lives on, inspiring new generations of musicians and touching the souls of all who listen to his music.3Nie Er is a renowned musician whose life and experiences left a profound impact on his musical creations. Born in a time of social upheaval and people's yearning for change, Nie Er was deeply influenced by the circumstances around him. Growing up in an era marked by challenges and struggles, he witnessed the hardships and hopes of the common people. This background inspired him to compose music that resonated with the hearts and souls of the masses. His works, such as "The March of the V olunteers," became an anthem of the people's spirit and aspirations. NieEr's music was not just a form of entertainment but a powerful expression of the collective voice. It was a reflection of the social reality and a call for a better future. His ability to capture the essence of the times and translate it into beautiful and inspiring melodies showcases his remarkable talent and deep understanding of the human condition. Through his music, Nie Er continues to inspire generations, serving as a reminder of the power of art to bring about change and unity.4Nie Er is one of the most remarkable figures in modern Chinese music. Born in 1912, he dedicated his short but brilliant life to the pursuit of musical excellence. Nie Er's compositions not only captured the essence of the times but also resonated deeply with the hearts of the people.He actively engaged in exchanges and collaborations with fellow musicians of his era. Together, they explored new musical forms and expressions, pushing the boundaries of Chinese music. His works, such as "The March of the V olunteers", have become timeless classics, inspiring generations and symbolizing the spirit of the Chinese people.Nie Er's music was a reflection of the social and political landscape of his time. It conveyed the hopes, dreams, and struggles of the common people. Through his innovative use of melody and rhythm, he managed to create a unique sound that was both traditional and modern.In conclusion, Nie Er's contributions to Chinese music areimmeasurable. His works continue to be cherished and remembered, serving as a source of inspiration for future generations of musicians and a testament to the power of music to shape and reflect society.5Nie Er is a remarkable figure in the history of Chinese music. His musical works have left an indelible mark and have significant artistic value.Nie Er's compositions stand out for their ingenious blend of diverse musical elements. From a theoretical perspective, his music showcases a masterful command of rhythm. The beats are often dynamic and infectious, captivating the listeners' hearts and souls. The melodies he crafted are highly memorable and emotionally charged. They have the power to evoke a wide range of feelings within us.Moreover, his use of harmony is both sophisticated and harmonious. It adds depth and texture to his works, making them rich and multi-dimensional. Nie Er's music not only entertains but also conveys profound social and cultural messages.In conclusion, Nie Er's musical genius lies in his ability to create works that are both artistically accomplished and deeply meaningful. His music continues to inspire and touch the hearts of people of all ages.。
介绍聂耳的英语作文Nie Er, also known as Nie Shouxin, was a renowned Chinese composer and musician. He was born on February 14, 1912, in Kunming, Yunnan province, China. Nie Er was a prominent figure in the Chinese music scene during the early 20th century and is best known for composing the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, "March of the Volunteers".Nie Er showed an early aptitude for music and began studying at the Shanghai National Conservatory of Music in 1927. He was a talented violinist and composer, and his musical abilities were quickly recognized by his teachers and peers. While studying at the conservatory, Nie Er became involved in leftist and communist activities, which greatly influenced his musical style and subject matter.In 1931, Nie Er traveled to Japan to further his musical studies, where he was introduced to Western classical music and avant-garde compositions. This exposure had a profound impact on his musical development and led to a more experimental and innovative approach to composition.Upon returning to China, Nie Er became increasingly involved in political and social movements, using his music as a tool for expressing revolutionary ideas and advocating for social change. He composed numerous songs thatreflected the struggles of the Chinese people and thespirit of resistance against oppression.In 1935, Nie Er composed what would become his most famous work, "March of the Volunteers". The song was originally written for the soundtrack of the film "Children of Troubled Times" and quickly gained popularity for its rousing and patriotic melody. After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, "March of the Volunteers" was chosen as the national anthem, cementing Nie Er's legacy as one of China's most influential composers.Tragically, Nie Er's life was cut short at the age of 23 when he died under mysterious circumstances in Japan in 1935. His untimely death was a great loss to the Chinese music community, but his legacy lived on through his timeless compositions and enduring impact on Chinese music.聂耳,原名聂守信,是中国著名的作曲家和音乐家。
英语作文介绍聂耳Niel, a name that resonates with the history of Chinese music, was a pioneer in the realm of composition and a figure whose influence continues to be felt today. Born on February 14, 1912, in Kunming, Yunnan Province, Nie Er was a composer who played a pivotal role in the development of modern Chinese music.Niel's early life was marked by a deep interest in music, which he pursued with great enthusiasm despite the lack of formal training. His talent was evident from a young age, and he was known for his ability to play various instruments, including the violin, the flute, and the harmonica.One of Nie Er's most significant contributions to Chinese music was his work in creating songs that resonated with the masses and inspired a sense of national pride. His most famous composition, "The March of the Volunteers," waswritten in 1935 with lyrics by the poet Tian Han. This powerful anthem became a symbol of resistance during the Second Sino-Japanese War and was later adopted as thenational anthem of the People's Republic of China.Niel's music was characterized by its simplicity and its ability to convey deep emotions. He believed that music should be accessible to all and used his compositions to express the struggles and aspirations of the common people. His work was not only artistically significant but alsopolitically charged, reflecting the social and political upheavals of his time.Despite his relatively short life—Niel tragically drowned at the age of 23 during a trip to Japan—his legacy has endured. He is remembered not only for his musical compositions but also for his unwavering commitment to using art as a means of social and political expression.In conclusion, Nie Er was a visionary composer whose work has left an indelible mark on Chinese music and culture. His songs continue to inspire and his story serves as a reminder of the power of music to unite, to uplift, and to incite change. Nie Er's life and work are a testament to the enduring spirit of creativity and the profound impact that a single individual can have on the cultural landscape of a nation.。
聂耳:音乐巨匠的跨文化之声Nie Er, a renowned Chinese composer and musician, has left an indelible mark on the history of Chinese music. Born in 1912, he revolutionized the music industry with his innovative compositions and profound understanding of musical harmonies. His legacy transcends cultural boundaries, making him a household name not only in China but also internationally.Nie Er's journey to musical fame began at an early age. He exhibited a profound interest in music and started learning the violin at the tender age of 12. His passionfor music grew stronger as he delved deeper into the complexities of composition and orchestration. His dedication and hard work paid off as he soon became a renowned composer in his native China.One of Nie Er's most significant contributions to music was his ability to merge traditional Chinese musical elements with Western musical techniques. His compositions, such as "The March of the Volunteers" and "The Golden Fish," are testaments to his unique stylistic blend. These pieces not only captured the essence of Chinese culture butalso resonated with a global audience, making Nie Er a household name in the international music scene.However, Nie Er's legacy is not solely based on his musical compositions. His life story is equally inspiring. Despite facing numerous challenges and obstacles, he never gave up on his dream of becoming a musician. His perseverance and determination are qualities that continue to inspire generations of musicians and music lovers alike. In conclusion, Nie Er's influence on music is immeasurable. His compositions have stood the test of time, and his legacy will continue to inspire future generations. His crossover style, which merges traditional Chinese music with Western techniques, has opened new horizons for musicians worldwide. His life story is a testament to the power of perseverance and dedication, qualities that are essential for anyone pursuing a career in music or any other field. Nie Er's influence extends beyond the boundaries of music, as his legacy serves as a reminder of the transformative power of art and culture.**聂耳:音乐巨匠的跨文化之声**聂耳,这位著名的中国作曲家和音乐家,在中国音乐史上留下了不可磨灭的印记。
介绍聂耳的英语作文Niel, a prominent figure in the realm of Chinese music, was born on February 14, 1912, in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. His given name was Nie Shou-peng, but he is widely recognized by his pen name, which translates to "Ear" in English, symbolizing his keen sense for music.Niel's contribution to music is most notably marked byhis composition of "The March of the Volunteers," a song that would later become the national anthem of the People's Republic of China. His work was heavily influenced by the political climate of the time, reflecting the spirit of resistance and patriotism during the Second Sino-Japanese War.Despite his short life—he tragically passed away at the age of 23 in a swimming accident in Japan—Niel's legacy endures. His music is characterized by its strong nationalist themes and its ability to inspire and unite people. His compositions were not just artistic expressions but also powerful tools for social and political commentary.Niel's talent was recognized early on, and he began his formal music education at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. His studies were interrupted by the war, which led him to Japan, where he continued to compose music that resonatedwith the Chinese diaspora and the broader public.Today, Niel is remembered not only for his musical geniusbut also for his unwavering dedication to his country and his people. His life and work serve as an inspiration to many, and his songs continue to be performed and celebrated across China and beyond.。
介绍聂耳英语作文高二Introduction to Nie Er。
Nie Er (1912-1935) was a Chinese composer, best knownfor his composition of the Chinese national anthem "Marchof the Volunteers". He was born in Kunming, Yunnan Province, and showed a talent for music at a young age. He studied at the Shanghai Academy of Music and later traveled to Japanto further his studies.Career。
Nie Er's career as a composer began in the 1930s, andhe quickly gained recognition for his work. He composed music for films, including the classic "The Goddess", which is considered one of the greatest Chinese films of all time. He also wrote many patriotic songs, which were popular during the Chinese resistance against Japan."March of the Volunteers"Nie Er's most famous work is undoubtedly "March of the Volunteers", which was written in 1935 as a theme song for a movie about the Chinese resistance against Japan. The song quickly became popular among the Chinese people and was adopted as the national anthem of the People's Republic of China in 1949. The song is still played at important events and ceremonies in China today.Legacy。
小学生作文 介绍聂耳的故事 英语版
小学生作文介绍聂耳的故事英语版Title: The Story of Nie ErNie Er was a great composer and musician in China. He was born in Yunnan Province and showed great talent for music from a young age. His family recognized his ability and supported him in learning music.As a child, Nie Er loved listening to traditional Chinese music and folk songs. He would often hum tunes and melodies to himself. With time, he started composing his own music, inspired by the beautiful nature and rich culture of his homeland.One of Nie Er's most famous compositions is "March of the Volunteers." This song was written to inspire the Chinese people during the difficult times of the anti-Japanese war. Its powerful melody and moving lyrics inspired countless people to fight for their country and freedom.Unfortunately, Nie Er passed away at a young age due to illness. However, his music and compositions continue to live on and inspire generations of people. Nie Er's legacy is a reminder of the power of music to unite people and inspirechange. His story is a testament to the importance of nurturing talent and supporting young musicians.。
关于聂耳的提问英文作文英文:About Nie Er:As a Chinese composer and musician, Nie Er is known for his contribution to the Chinese national anthem, "March of the Volunteers". He was born in 1912 and died at a young age of 23 in Japan. Despite his short life, Nie Er left a significant mark in the history of Chinese music.Q: What is Nie Er best known for?A: Nie Er is best known for composing the Chinese national anthem, "March of the Volunteers".Q: When and where was Nie Er born?A: Nie Er was born in 1912 in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China.Q: How old was Nie Er when he passed away?A: Nie Er passed away at the age of 23 in Japan.Q: What was Nie Er's contribution to the history of Chinese music?A: Nie Er's contribution to the history of Chinese music is significant. He was one of the pioneers of the Chinese national music movement and his works have greatly influenced the development of Chinese music.中文:关于聂耳:作为一位中国作曲家和音乐家,聂耳因为为中国国歌《义勇军进行曲》作曲而闻名。
英语作文介绍聂耳Nie Er, also known as Nie Shouxin, was a Chinese composer and musician. He was born on February 14, 1912, in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. Nie Er is best known for his composition of the Chinese national anthem, "March of the Volunteers," which was adopted as the national anthem of the People's Republic of China in 1949.Nie Er showed exceptional musical talent from a young age and began studying music at the Shanghai National Conservatory of Music. He was heavily influenced by Western classical music and was particularly inspired by the Russian composer Tchaikovsky. Nie Er's early compositions reflected this influence, combining Western classical music with traditional Chinese melodies.In addition to his classical compositions, Nie Er was also a pioneer in the field of Chinese film music. He worked on numerous film scores and is credited with introducing Western-style orchestral music to Chinese cinema. Some of his most famous film scores include "Children of Troubled Times" and "The Goddess."Despite his influential contributions to Chinese music, Nie Er's life was tragically cut short. He died at the young age of 23, leaving behind a legacy of groundbreaking music that continues to inspire and resonate with audiences to this day.聂耳,本名聂守信,是中国作曲家和音乐家。
聂耳简介英语作文Title: Nie Er: The Pioneering Soul of Chinese Film Music Nie Er, a name that resonates deeply within the annals of Chinese musical history, is celebrated as one of the founding figures of China's film music industry. Born in 1902, Nie's journey into the world of music began during his formative years and continued to shape his destiny. His early life was marked by a profound interest in music, which led him to pursue his passion at the National Conservatory of Music in Beijing.Nie Er's contributions to music, especially in the realm of left-wing progressive music, are immeasurable. His compositions, infused with a deep-seated political passion and a concern for social realities, captivated audiences and stirred their hearts towards larger causes. Perhaps one of his most famous works, "The Song of the Rustic Poor," brought forth the class struggles of the time through its powerful lyrics and melody. This piece not only reflected the hardships faced by the poor but also galvanized them into a spirit of resistance against oppression.Nie Er's influence on Chinese music, particularly in the world of film scores, is immense. His ability to blend traditionalChinese melodies with Western harmonies and orchestration techniques opened up new horizons for film music in China. His most notable contribution to the film industry is the score for the 1935 film "The Children of Troubled Times." The soundtrack played a pivotal role in enhancing the narrative's emotional depth and setting a precedent for future filmmakers to use music as a potent storytelling tool.Nie Er's life, unfortunately, was cut short; he died at the young age of 23. Yet, his legacy has continued to live on, inspiring generations of Chinese musicians and filmmakers. His pioneering work in film music and his unwavering commitment to using his art for social change make him a luminary figure in the history of Chinese arts and culture.In reflecting upon the life and work of Nie Er, one cannot help but feel inspired by his ideals and moved by his compositions. His music transcends time, reminding us of the power of art to touch hearts, inspire minds, and bring about societal change. Nie Er's story is not just a narrative of a musician's life; it is a testament to the enduring power of music as a vehicle for expression, unity, and transformation.In conclusion, Nie Er's brief yet impactful life serves as a beacon of creativity and courage. His works continue toresonate in the hearts of many, teaching us that even in the face of adversity, art can be a powerful force for bringing about positive change. As we celebrate his contributions to music and film, let us also carry forward his spirit of innovation and dedication to making the world a better place through the power of music.。
聂耳英语作文模板英文回答:Nie Er, a Musical Genius。
Nie Er (1912-1935) was one of the most renowned Chinese composers of the 20th century. His prolific career, though tragically cut short, left an indelible mark on Chinese music and culture. Born in Kunming, Yunnan Province, Nie Er displayed an early affinity for music. He studied piano and violin as a child, and by his teenage years, he was already composing original works.In 1933, Nie Er moved to Shanghai, a vibrant cultural hub. He became the musical director of the Shanghai Xinhua Film Company, where he composed some of his most famous works. His songs, such as "March of the Volunteers," "The Song of the Fishermen," and "The March of the People's Army," quickly gained popularity and became national anthems of the Chinese people.Nie Er's music was characterized by its infectious melodies, powerful lyrics, and patriotic spirit. He drew inspiration from Chinese folk music, but he also incorporated Western musical elements into his compositions. His songs were not only musically appealing but also politically charged, resonating with the hopes and aspirations of the Chinese people during a time of turmoil and revolution.However, Nie Er's life was tragically cut short at the age of 23. On May 17, 1935, he drowned in the sea off the coast of Japan while on a mission to promote Chinese music. His death was a great loss to the Chinese music industry, and his legacy continues to inspire musicians and music lovers around the world.中文回答:聂耳,一位音乐天才。
聂⽿英⽂简介 聂⽿,中国⾳乐家,中华⼈民共和国国歌《义勇军进⾏曲》的作曲者。
下⾯是店铺给⼤家整理的聂⽿英⽂简介,供⼤家参阅! 聂⽿简介 Nie Er (1912-1935), formerly known as Nie Shouxin, Zi Ziyi (also for purple art), Chinese musicians, the People's Republic of China national anthem "volunteer march" composer. He created dozens of revolutionary songs, and his series of works influenced Chinese music for decades. His musical creation has a distinct sense of the times, serious ideological, high national spirit and excellent artistic creativity, pointed out the direction for the development of Chinese proletarian revolutionary music, and set an example of Chinese music creation. 聂⽿⼈物⽣平 Childhood February 14, 1912 (Lunar New Year twelfth lunar month twenty-seven), Nie Er was born in Kunming City, Yunnan Province, No. 73 Road. July 17, 1916, Nie Er's father died, the family economy immediately into trouble. After relying on his mother's efforts, through the doctor's examination, access to the official listing of the qualifications for treatment, while still into the spring medicine, selling drugs business, barely bear the economic burden of the whole family. In 1919, Nie Er into the Kunming County Normal school affiliated primary school, learning very hard work, the results often among the best. After the beginning of the small industry, because of life is difficult, according to the provisions of the school to pay Boy Scouts clothing costs, forced to transfer. School age In the spring of 1922, went to Kunming private seeking real school high school learning, because of his excellent grades, get relief fees. He has clearly shown his love for music, and has been playing his family and neighbor Qiu carpenter to learn folk music (bamboo flute, erhu, Sanxian, Yueqin, etc.) and the local folk music (such as the Yunnan opera, lanterns, Etc.) to start contact. Enthusiastic input to the elementary school after school music activities, has been elected as the school student council president, student music group command, and has won the school first student certificate. In 1925, primary school graduate, admitted to the first joint secondary school in Yunnan. During the study, you will be enthusiastic about the progress of the student movement (such as the participation of the May 30 Incident, etc.), and began to read the progress of books and so on. In his essay school to show the concern of current affairs and distinctive sympathy for the working people's point of view. At the same time, every night to participate in the English teacher taught by the French teacher Bai Xiwen, English tuition, and to learn the basics of music and piano playing, actively enthusiastic participation in the school outside the amateur music activities. In 1927, early summer graduation. 1927 autumn - 1928 winter triathlon examination, was admitted to the Yunnan Provincial First Normal School Senior Department of foreign language group, majoring in English. ---- met later served as the first teacher primary school music teacher Zhang Yu waiting to start with Zhang learn violin. And with his third brother Nie Shulun, friends, such as Li Jiading often at home for folk music ensemble and other activities. Participate in the school by the Chinese Communist Youth League organized by the peripheral organization "reading", began to read the basic books on Marxism. To participate in the local Communist Party under the leadership of the Communist Party of China "economic difficulties", repeatedly engaged in detained revolutionary comrades to support the work. Participate in the revolution In 1928 formally joined the Chinese Communist Youth League, and participated in the study of Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory and carried out on the engraved, posted leaflets and participate indemonstrations and other activities. At the end of November 1928, due to the revolutionary desire to put into practice the struggle, he concealed from the family registration to participate in the Yunnan army warlords Fan Shisheng enrollment "student army", secretly left Kunming, in Vietnam, Hong Kong and other places, arrived in Hunan Chenzhou, Accept the so-called recruits training. At the end of the year, leave the recruits team, even the spy secretary of the Sergeant. March 1929 with the officers went to Guangzhou, April 8 by the troops dismissed, living in Guangzhou. In mid-April, with the name of Nie Zi Yi, admitted to the Guangdong Drama Institute attached to the music class, but after school found that with their voluntary, that is, from the place. May 6, by friends of the loan, to return to Kunming home. In 1929 May back to Kunming province first teacher, insert the original class to continue to learn. Still as a school of extravagant literary and artistic activities of the activists, often participate in school music, drama and other activities. And Zhang Genghou, Liao Bumin and other friends together to organize nine music club. In October that year, began to participate in the school's drama research club organized by a series of Chinese drama performances. And its first love girlfriend in Yunnan Yuan Chunhui get to know. After the Great Battle in Kunming, he actively participated in the struggle against the reactionaries of the Youth Relief Mission under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, which attracted the attention of the reactionaries. On the eve of graduation (1930), he was informed that he had the risk of being arrested, with the help of his family on July 10 with a businessman in Yunnan hurriedly fleeing Kunming, detours, Hong Kong, arrived in Shanghai. July 18, 1930 arrived in Shanghai, in Yunfeng Shenzhuang engaged in the work of the fortune, began to no wages, in late August, only to the monthly salary of 15 yuan. In November, by friends introduced to participate in by the Shanghai Communist Party underground party led by the progress of mass organizations - anti-imperialist alliance. On March 19, 1931, Yunfeng Shenzhuang closed down. Nie Er immediately unemployed, began looking for a job around. Creative career November 1932 into the Lianhua Film Company work, to participate in the "Friends of the Soviet Union" music group, and the organization of "China Emerging Music Research Society" to participate in the left-wing theater family music group. In 1933, Nie Er joined the Chinese Communist Party. In April 1934 Nie Er joined EMI to host the music department. Nie Er at the end of 1934, Nie Er moved to Huaihai Road 1258, three-tier attic living, now Nie Er old home for the residential. At the beginning of 1935, Nie Er as "volunteer march" composer, in January 1935 Nie Er Ren Lianhua two plant music director. And then to avoid the Kuomintang government hunt to go to Japan to study. Bizarre death On July 17, 1935, only 23-year-old Nie Er died in swimming in Fujisawa, Japan. 聂⽿成就贡献 Creation of "volunteer march" In 1935, according to Tian Han song created "volunteer march" in 1949 was elected the People's Republic of China on behalf of the song, in 1982 to determine the national anthem of the People's Republic of China, an important symbol of the Chinese nation's spiritual civilization. To create a history of Chinese music first Nie Er is the first to write the national anthem of the People's Republic of China revolutionaries; the first for the Chinese nation and the Chinese people to write songs and in the song to create the image of the Chinese proletarian composer; the first use of film music to arouse The people used to build the flesh and blood of the Great Wall of the film musicians and the masses in the form of songs to convey the ideal of the revolutionary composer; the first form of art songs with the shape of the image of Chinese women; the first use of children's songs in the form of new China composer.。
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聂耳简介Nie Er (1912-1935), formerly known as Nie Shouxin, Zi Ziyi (also for purple art), Chinese musicians, the people's Republic of China national anthem "volunteer march" composer. He created dozens of revolutionary songs, and his series of works influenced Chinese music for decades. His musical creation has a distinct sense of the times, serious ideological, high national spirit and excellent artistic creativity, pointed out the direction for the development of Chinese proletarian revolutionary music, and set an example of Chinese music creation.聂耳人物生平ChildhoodFebruary 14, 1912 (Lunar New Year twelfth lunar month twenty-seven), Nie Er was born in Kunming City, Yunnan province, No. 73 Road.July 17, 1916, Nie Er's father died, the family economy immediately into trouble. After relying on his mother's efforts, through the doctor's examination, access to the official listing of the qualifications for treatment, while still into the spring medicine, selling drugs business, barely bear the economic burden of the whole family.In 1919, Nie Er into the Kunming County Normal school affiliated primary school, learning very hard work, the results often among the best. After the beginning of the small industry, because of life is difficult, according to the provisions of the school to pay Boy Scouts clothing costs, forced to transfer.School ageIn the spring of 1922, went to Kunming private seeking real school highschool learning, because of his excellent grades, get relief fees. He has clearly shown his love for music, and has been playing his family and neighbor Qiu carpenter to learn folk music (bamboo flute, erhu, Sanxian, Yueqin, etc.) and the local folk music (such as the Yunnan opera, lanterns, Etc.) to start contact. Enthusiastic input to the elementary school after school music activities, has been elected as the school student council president, student music group command, and has won the school first student certificate.In 1925, primary school graduate, admitted to the first joint secondary school in Yunnan. During the study, you will be enthusiastic about the progress of the student movement (such as the participation of the May 30 Incident, etc.), and began to read the progress of books and so on. In his essay school to show the concern of current affairs and distinctive sympathy for the working people's point of view. At the same time, every night to participate in the English teacher taught by the French teacher Bai Xiwen, English tuition, and to learn the basics of music and piano playing, actively enthusiastic participation in the school outside the amateur music activities.In 1927, early summer graduation.1927 autumn - 1928 winter triathlon examination, was admitted to the Yunnan provincial First Normal School Senior Department of foreign language group, majoring in English. ---- met later served as the first teacher primary school music teacher Zhang Yu waiting to start with Zhang learn violin. And with his third brother Nie Shulun, friends, such as Li Jiading often at home for folk music ensemble and other activities. participate in the school by the Chinese Communist Youth League organized by the peripheral organization "reading", began to read the basic books on Marxism. To participate in the local Communist party under the leadership of theCommunist party of China "economic difficulties", repeatedly engaged in detained revolutionary comrades to support the work.participate in the revolutionIn 1928 formally joined the Chinese Communist Youth League, and participated in the study of Marxist-Leninist revolutionary theory and carried out on the engraved, posted leaflets and participate in demonstrations and other activities.At the end of November 1928, due to the revolutionary desire to put into practice the struggle, he concealed from the family registration to participate in the Yunnan army warlords Fan Shisheng enrollment "student army", secretly left Kunming, in Vietnam, Hong Kong and other places, arrived in Hunan Chenzhou, Accept the so-called recruits training. At the end of the year, leave the recruits team, even the spy secretary of the Sergeant.March 1929 with the officers went to Guangzhou, April 8 by the troops dismissed, living in Guangzhou. In mid-April, with the name of Nie Zi Yi, admitted to the Guangdong Drama Institute attached to the music class, but after school found that with their voluntary, that is, from the place. May 6, by friends of the loan, to return to Kunming home.In 1929 May back to Kunming province first teacher, insert the original class to continue to learn. Still as a school of extravagant literary and artistic activities of the activists, often participate in school music, drama and other activities. And Zhang Genghou, Liao Bumin and other friends together to organize nine music club. In October that year, began to participate in the school's drama research club organized by a series of Chinese drama performances. And its first love girlfriend in Yunnan Yuan Chunhui get to know. After the Great Battle in Kunming, he actively participated in the struggle against the reactionaries of the Youth ReliefMission under the leadership of the Communist party of China, which attracted the attention of the reactionaries. On the eve of graduation (1930), he was informed that he had the risk of being arrested, with the help of his family on July 10 with a businessman in Yunnan hurriedly fleeing Kunming, detours, Hong Kong, arrived in Shanghai.July 18, 1930 arrived in Shanghai, in Yunfeng Shenzhuang engaged in the work of the fortune, began to no wages, in late August, only to the monthly salary of 15 yuan. In November, by friends introduced to participate in by the Shanghai Communist party underground party led by the progress of mass organizations - anti-imperialist alliance.On March 19, 1931, Yunfeng Shenzhuang closed down. Nie Er immediately unemployed, began looking for a job around.Creative careerNovember 1932 into the Lianhua Film Company work, to participate in the "Friends of the Soviet Union" music group, and the organization of "China Emerging Music Research Society" to participate in the left-wing theater family music group.In 1933, Nie Er joined the Chinese Communist party.In April 1934 Nie Er joined EMI to host the music department. Nie Er at the end of 1934, Nie Er moved to Huaihai Road 1258, three-tier attic living, now Nie Er old home for the residential.At the beginning of 1935, Nie Er as "volunteer march" composer, in January 1935 Nie Er Ren Lianhua two plant music director. And then to avoid the Kuomintang government hunt to go to Japan to study.Bizarre deathOn July 17, 1935, only 23-year-old Nie Er died in swimming in Fujisawa, Japan.聂耳成就贡献Creation of "volunteer march"In 1935, according to Tian Han song created "volunteer march" in 1949 was elected the people's Republic of China on behalf of the song, in 1982 to determine the national anthem of the people's Republic of China, an important symbol of the Chinese nation's spiritual civilization.To create a history of Chinese music firstNie Er is the first to write the national anthem of the people's Republic of China revolutionaries; the first for the Chinese nation and the Chinese people to write songs and in the song to create the image of the Chinese proletarian composer; the first use of film music to arouse The people used to build the flesh and blood of the Great Wall of the film musicians and the masses in the form of songs to convey the ideal of the revolutionary composer; the first form of art songs with the shape of the image of Chinese women; the first use of children's songs in the form of new China composer.。