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Hello! 你好!

Hi! 你好!/嗨!

Hey! 你好!/嗨!

Hey there! 你好!

Yo! 嗨!(俚语)

Howdy! 你好!(方言)

Good morning. 早上好。(0—12:00am)

morning. 早上好。

Good afternoon. 下午好。(12:00—5:00pm)

Afternoon. 下午好。

Good evening. 晚上好。(5:00pm—0)

Evening. 晚上好。


How are you? 你怎么样?

How are you doing? 你过的怎么样?

How are you keeping? 你过的怎么样?

How are you getting on? 近来如何?

How are you getting along? 近来如何?

How's it going? 一切都好吗?

How are things going (with you)? 近况如何?

How's everything? 一切都好吗?

How's everything going? 一切都好吗?

How's everything with you? 你一切都好吗?

How's anything at home? 家里一切都好吗?

How's your family? 家人怎么样?

How's it been? 近来怎样?

How have you been? 你过得怎么样?

How have you been doing? 最近怎么样?

How's work? 工作怎样?

How's your business? 生意如何吗?

How's your wife(husband, girlfriend, boyfriend, mother, father...)? 你的妻子(丈夫,女朋友,男朋友,母亲,父亲...)怎么样?

How is she(he)? 她(他)怎么样呢?

How's your family? 你家怎样?

What's happening with your family? 你家怎么样?

What's up? 怎么样?

What's new? 有什么新鲜事?

What's new with you? 有什么新鲜事?

What's happening? 在忙什么?

What are you doing these days? 这些日子在忙什么?

What are you up to these days? 你最近在忙什么?

What have you been up to? 你最近在忙什么?

What are you doing these days? 你这些天在做什么?

What are you doing here? 你在这儿做什么(你怎么在这儿)?

What a pleasant surprise to neet you here! 真没想到会在这里遇见你! What brings you here today? 什么风把你吹来了?

Why are you here? 你怎么在这儿?

Where are you going? 你要去哪儿?

Fancy meeting you here. 真巧在这遇见你。

Long time no see! 好久不见了!

(I) haven't seen you in a while. 好久没见了。

(I) haven't seen you for a long time. 很久不见了。

It's so nice to see you again. 很高兴又见到你。

Are you well? 你好吗?

Any thing new? 近来怎样?

In good shape, are you? 光景不错吧?

Sup dog? 你好吗?/最近怎么样?


All right, thank you. 很好,谢谢你。

fine. 很好。

Just fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。

Every is fine! 一切很好!

I'm fine! 我很好!

I'm doing good. 挺好的。

I'm getting on well. 我很好。

I'm all right. 我很好。

I'm wonderful. 我很好。

I'm just great! 我很好。

I'm okay. 我很好。

It's OK. 很好。

(I'm) keeping myself out of trouble. (我)一直没问题。Good. 挺好。

Pretty good. 还好。

Great. 很好。

Excellent. 很精彩。

Very well. 很好。

Quite well. 十分的好。

Well,Thats good. 很好。

Well, Thats ok. 很好。

Well, Thats all right. 很好。

Never better! 从来没这么好。

Couldn't be better. 好得不能再好了。

Not (too) bad. 不算(太)坏。

No complains. 还不错。


Same as usual. 和往常一样。
