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A. Can I help you ?

B ・ What*s your phone number? C. What's your address?

D. W hat size hamburger would you like?

What kind of hamburger would you


2. 在would like …?(虽然是一般疑问句)引导的问句中,用some 不用any.

回答:肯定Yes, please.否定No, thanks ・



Woman: Hello, Hamburger Express. ]

Boy: Oh, hello. I want to order a hamburger, please.

Woman: Sure. ______ 2 __________ ?


Ed like a medium hamburge 匚

Worn an: ______ 3 ____________ Boy: Tomatoes and mushrooms. Woman: Okay...Anything else? Boy: No, thanks ・

Woman: ______________ .please? Boy: 65 Zhongshan Street.

Woman: And ________________ ? Boy: ICs 272-8656・

Woman: Thatll be 2 dollars. And well deliver your hamburger in 20 minutes.


1. 朗读背诵:

—Can I help you ?

一I'd like some noodles.

・-What kind of noodles would you like ?

・-Fd like beef noodles, please ・ —What size would you like?

一A medium bowl, please.

2. 完成《学法人视野》第57页 “基础训练” II 单项选择


Mrs Green would like milk ,eggs and some fruits ・Mumu would

like milk and eggs ,but he the breakfast time ・

Mrs Green usually have large

hamburgers ・Mumu re 7 .He would like some rice ・After that 、

8 like some fruits ・ 9

2 •从所给词或词组中选择适当的词或词纽完成下血的短文,其中两个多余。

to, order, some, lives, buy, dollars, RMB, with

Li Xianyang _______ at 146 Hangzhou Road. His pen pal is coming to cat dinner. He doesn^t know how to cook food, so he wants ____________ some food from the house of dumplings. He would like chicken, fish and cabbage. For dumplings, hed like dumplings

mutton and carrots ・ For

soup, heM like _________________________________ t omato soup ・ He also would like one large green tea and one small orange juice. All the food costs him 50 __________ •



Mumu is a Chinese boy .But now he _1_in the UK .He lives and 2 with Mr and Mrs Green in London .They are very nice to him .But they like different 3 _____ .For breakfast ,Mr and




vegetables .Sometimes they have vegetables 4

Lunch is at one _5_ ・Mr and doesn J t like 6 .He thinks they ?

Mr and Mrs Green usually have aftcrn (x )n tea .For dinner , Mr

and Mrs Green have soup 、beef,vegegtables and fruit .Mumu wouldn 1 t like ________ beef, he" d like some noodles ・ 1. A.live B.is C.am D.isn , t 2 • A.eat B.have C.eats D.to have 3.A.drink B.fruit C.food □.vegetables 4.A.in B.of C.at D.on 5.A.clock B.time C.a clock D ・o‘ clock 6. A. them B.they C.it D.its 7. A. good B.bad C.delicious D.heal thy &A.she* d

B.she' s

C.he' d

D.he' s
