化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_13


化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_21a

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_21a
In oxidation states lower than f4,only Ti”’
forms a sulfate and this gives rise to the alums, MTi(S04)2.12H20 (M = Rb, Cs), containing the octahedral hexaaquotitanium(II1) ion.
Octahedral, anionic complexes, [MX6I2-, show a marked increase in susceptibility to hydrolysis and consequent difficulty in preparation, in passing from the stable fluorides to the heavier halides, with the result that the hexaiodo complexes cannot be isolated. The fluorozirconates and fluorohafnates display considerable variety, complexes of the types [MF7I3-, [M2F14I6-, and [MF8I4- having been prepared, often by fusion of the appropriate fluorides. In Na3ZrF7 the anion has the 7-coordinate pentagonal bipyramidal structure; in Li6[BeF4][ZrFs] the zirconium anion is 8-coordinate, dodecahedral (distorted); in Cu6[ZrF8].12H20 it is 8-coordinate, square antiprismatic, and in Cu3[Zr~F14]1.8HzO dimerization by the edge-sharing of two square antiprisms maintains 8-coordination. Stoichiometry does not, however, define coordination type, and this is very well illustrated by the ostensibly [MF6I2- complexes which may contain 6-, 7-, or 8-coordinate Zr“ or Hf’“ depending on the counter anion. In RbzMF6, M is indeed octahedrally coordinated, but in (NH4)2MF6 and KzMF6 polymerization occurs to give respectively 7- and 8-coordinate species.

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_26b

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_26b

Figure 26.7 Model vitamin BI2 compounds: (a) a Schiff base derivative, and (b) a cobaloxime, in this case derived from dimethylglyoxime.
cobalt giving it three accessible and consecutive oxidation states:
Cobalt, Rhodium and Iridium
such redox series are known for these and other elements.
Ch. 26
26.3.4 The biochemistry of ~ o b a l t ( ~ ~ )
The wasting disease in sheep and cattle known variously as “pine” (Britain), “bush sickness” (New Zealand), “coast disease” (Australia), and “salt sick” (Florida) has been recognized since the late eighteenth century. When it was realized to be an anaemic condition it was thought to be due to iron deficiency and was therefore treated, with mixed success, by administering iron salts. Then, in the 1930s, it was found by workers in Australia and New Zealand that the efficacious principle in the iron treatment was actually an impurity (cobalt) but its role was not understood. This became more evident when vitamin BIZwas extracted from raw liver and shown to be responsible for the latter’s well-known effectiveness in treating pernicious anaemia. It is now known that vitamin B12 is a coenzyme? in a number of biochemical processes, the most important of which is the formation of erythrocytes (red blood-cells). It obviously functions extremely effectively, the human body for instance containing a mere



化学元素周期表英文版化学元素周期表英文版 2012年07月01日 13:47:50化学元素周期表的英文全称 Periodic Table of the Elements 缩写 PTE拉丁文英文1 H 氢 Hydrogenium Hydrogen2 He 氦 Helium Helium3 Li 锂 Lithum Lithum4 Be 铍 Beryllium Beryllium5 B 硼 Borium Boron6 C 碳 Carbonium Carbon7 N 氮 Nitrogenium Nitrogen8 O 氧 Oxygenium Oxygen9 F 氟 Fluorum Fluorine10 Ne 氖 Neonum Neon11 Na 钠 Natrium Sodium12 Mg 镁 Magnesium Magnesium13 Al 铝 Aluminium Aluminium14 Si 硅 Silicium Silicon15 P 磷 Phosphyorum Phosphorus16 S 硫 Sulphu Sulfur17 Cl 氯 Chlorum Chlorlne18 A 氩 Argonum Argon19 K 钾 Kalium Potassium20 Ca 钙 Calcium Calcium21 Sc 钪 Scandium Scandium22 Ti 钛 Titanium Titanium23 V 钡 Vanadium Vanadium24 Cr 铬 Chromium Chromium25 Mn 锰 Manganum Manganum26 Fe 铁 Ferrum Iron27 Co 钴 Cobaltum Cobalt28 Ni 镍 Niccolum Nickel29 Cu 铜 Cuprum Copper30 Zn 锌 Zincum Zinc31 Ga 镓 Gallium Gallium32 Ge 锗 Germanium Germanium33 As 砷 Arsenium Arsenic34 Se 硒 Selenium Selenium35 Br 溴 Bromium Bormine36 Kr 氪 Kryptomum Krypton37 Rb 铷 Rubidium Rubidium38 Sr 锶 Strontium Strontium39 Y 钇 Yttrium Yttrium40 Zr 钴 Zirconium Zirconium41 Nb 铌 Niobium Niobium42 Mo 钼 Molybdanium Molybdanium43 Tc 锝 Technetium Technetium44 Ru 钌 Ruthenium Ruthenium45 Rh 铑 Rhodium Rhodium46 Pd 钯 Palladium Palladium47 Ag 银 Argentum Silver48 Cd 镉 Cadmium Cadmium49 In 铟 Inlium Inlium50 Sn 锡 Stannum Tin51 Sb 锑 Stibium Antimony52 Te 碲 Tellurum T ellurium53 I 碘 Iodium Iodine54 Xe 氙 Xenonum Xenon55 Cs 铯 Caesium Caesium56 Ba 钡 Baryum Barium57 La 镧 Lanthanum Lanthanum58 Ce 铈 Cerium Cerium59 Pr 镨 Praseodymium Praseodymium60 Nd 钕 Neodymium Neodymium61 Pm 钷 Promethium Promethium62 Sm 钐 Samarium Samarium63 En 铕 Europinu Europinu64 Gd 钆 Gadolinium Gadolinium65 Tb 铽 Terbium T erbium66 Dy 镝 Dysprosium Dysprosium67 Ho 钬 Holmium Holmium68 Er 铒 Erbium Erbium69 Tm 铥 Thulium Thulium70 Yb 镱 Ytterbium Ytterbium71 Lu 镥 Lrtetium Lrtetium72 Hf 铪 Hafnium Hafnium73 Ta 钽 Tanatalum Tantalum74 W 钨 Wolfram Tungsten75 Re 铼 Rhenium Rhenium76 Os Osmium Osmium77 Ir 铱 Iridium Iridium78 Pt 铂 Platinum Platinum79 Au 金 Aurum Gold80 Hg 汞 Hydrargyrum Mercury81 Tl 铊 Thallium Thallium82 Pb 铅 Plumbum Lead83 Bi 铋 Bismuthum Bismuth84 Po 钋 Polonium Polonium85 At 砹 Astatium Astatium86 Rn 氡 Radon Radon87 Fr 钫 Franium Franium88 Ra 镭 Radium Radium89 Ac 锕 Actinium Actinium90 Th 钍 Thorium Thorium91 Pa 镤 Protactinium Protactinium92 U 铀 Uranium Uranium93 Np 镎 Neptunium Neptunium94 Pu 钚 Plutonium Plutonium95 Am 镅 Americium Americium96 Cm 锔 Curkelium Curkelium97 Bk 锫 Berkelium Berkelium98 Cf 锎 Californium Californium99 Es 镶 Einsteinium Einsteinium100 Fm 镄 Fermim Fermim101 Md 钔 Mendelevium Mendelevium 102 No 锘 Nobelium Nobelium103 Lr 铹 Lawrencium Lawrencium 104 Rf 钅卢 Rutherfordium英文105 Db 钅杜 Dubnium106 Sg 钅喜 Seaborgium107 Bh 钅波 Bohriium108 Hs 钅黑 Hassium109 Mt 钅麦 Meitnerium110 Uun111 Uuu112 Uub...化学元素周期表英文版 2012年07月01日 13:47:50化学元素周期表的英文全称 Periodic Table of the Elements 缩写 PTE拉丁文英文1 H 氢 Hydrogenium Hydrogen2 He 氦 Helium Helium3 Li 锂 Lithum Lithum4 Be 铍 Beryllium Beryllium5 B 硼 Borium Boron6 C 碳 Carbonium Carbon7 N 氮 Nitrogenium Nitrogen8 O 氧 Oxygenium Oxygen9 F 氟 Fluorum Fluorine10 Ne 氖 Neonum Neon11 Na 钠 Natrium Sodium12 Mg 镁 Magnesium Magnesium13 Al 铝 Aluminium Aluminium14 Si 硅 Silicium Silicon15 P 磷 Phosphyorum Phosphorus16 S 硫 Sulphu Sulfur17 Cl 氯 Chlorum Chlorlne18 A 氩 Argonum Argon19 K 钾 Kalium Potassium20 Ca 钙 Calcium Calcium21 Sc 钪 Scandium Scandium22 Ti 钛 Titanium Titanium23 V 钡 Vanadium Vanadium24 Cr 铬 Chromium Chromium25 Mn 锰 Manganum Manganum26 Fe 铁 Ferrum Iron27 Co 钴 Cobaltum Cobalt28 Ni 镍 Niccolum Nickel29 Cu 铜 Cuprum Copper30 Zn 锌 Zincum Zinc31 Ga 镓 Gallium Gallium32 Ge 锗 Germanium Germanium33 As 砷 Arsenium Arsenic34 Se 硒 Selenium Selenium35 Br 溴 Bromium Bormine36 Kr 氪 Kryptomum Krypton37 Rb 铷 Rubidium Rubidium38 Sr 锶 Strontium Strontium39 Y 钇 Yttrium Yttrium40 Zr 钴 Zirconium Zirconium41 Nb 铌 Niobium Niobium42 Mo 钼 Molybdanium Molybdanium43 Tc 锝 Technetium Technetium44 Ru 钌 Ruthenium Ruthenium45 Rh 铑 Rhodium Rhodium46 Pd 钯 Palladium Palladium47 Ag 银 Argentum Silver48 Cd 镉 Cadmium Cadmium49 In 铟 Inlium Inlium50 Sn 锡 Stannum Tin51 Sb 锑 Stibium Antimony52 Te 碲 Tellurum T ellurium53 I 碘 Iodium Iodine54 Xe 氙 Xenonum Xenon55 Cs 铯 Caesium Caesium56 Ba 钡 Baryum Barium57 La 镧 Lanthanum Lanthanum58 Ce 铈 Cerium Cerium59 Pr 镨 Praseodymium Praseodymium60 Nd 钕 Neodymium Neodymium61 Pm 钷 Promethium Promethium62 Sm 钐 Samarium Samarium63 En 铕 Europinu Europinu64 Gd 钆 Gadolinium Gadolinium65 Tb 铽 Terbium T erbium66 Dy 镝 Dysprosium Dysprosium67 Ho 钬 Holmium Holmium68 Er 铒 Erbium Erbium69 Tm 铥 Thulium Thulium70 Yb 镱 Ytterbium Ytterbium71 Lu 镥 Lrtetium Lrtetium72 Hf 铪 Hafnium Hafnium73 Ta 钽 Tanatalum Tantalum74 W 钨 Wolfram Tungsten75 Re 铼 Rhenium Rhenium76 Os Osmium Osmium77 Ir 铱 Iridium Iridium78 Pt 铂 Platinum Platinum79 Au 金 Aurum Gold80 Hg 汞 Hydrargyrum Mercury81 Tl 铊 Thallium Thallium82 Pb 铅 Plumbum Lead83 Bi 铋 Bismuthum Bismuth84 Po 钋 Polonium Polonium85 At 砹 Astatium Astatium86 Rn 氡 Radon Radon87 Fr 钫 Franium Franium88 Ra 镭 Radium Radium89 Ac 锕 Actinium Actinium90 Th 钍 Thorium Thorium91 Pa 镤 Protactinium Protactinium92 U 铀 Uranium Uranium93 Np 镎 Neptunium Neptunium94 Pu 钚 Plutonium Plutonium95 Am 镅 Americium Americium96 Cm 锔 Curkelium Curkelium97 Bk 锫 Berkelium Berkelium98 Cf 锎 Californium Californium99 Es 镶 Einsteinium Einsteinium100 Fm 镄 Fermim Fermim101 Md 钔 Mendelevium Mendelevium 102 No 锘 Nobelium Nobelium103 Lr 铹 Lawrencium Lawrencium 104 Rf 钅卢 Rutherfordium英文105 Db 钅杜 Dubnium106 Sg 钅喜 Seaborgium107 Bh 钅波 Bohriium108 Hs 钅黑 Hassium109 Mt 钅麦 Meitnerium110 Uun111 Uuu112 Uub...。



化学元素中英文对照化学元素中英文对照第 01 号元素: 氢 [化学符号]H, 读“轻”, [英文名称]Hydrogen 第02 号元素: 氦 [化学符号]He, 读“亥”, [英文名称]Helium第 03 号元素: 锂 [化学符号]Li, 读“里”, [英文名称]Lithium 第 04 号元素: 铍 [化学符号]Be, 读“皮”, [英文名称]Beryllium 第 05 号元素: 硼 [化学符号]B, 读“朋”, [英文名称]Boron第 06 号元素: 碳 [化学符号]C, 读“炭”, [英文名称]Carbon第 07 号元素: 氮 [化学符号]N, 读“淡”, [英文名称]Nitrogen 第08 号元素: 氧 [化学符号]O, 读“养”, [英文名称]Oxygen第 09 号元素: 氟 [化学符号]F, 读“弗”, [英文名称]Fluorine 第 10 号元素: 氖 [化学符号]Ne, 读“乃”, [英文名称]Neon第 11 号元素: 钠 [化学符号]Na, 读“纳”, [英文名称]Sodium第 12 号元素: 镁 [化学符号]Mg, 读“美”, [英文名称]Magnesium 第 13 号元素: 铝 [化学符号]Al, 读“吕”, [英文名称]Aluminum 第 14 号元素: 硅 [化学符号]Si, 读“归”, [英文名称]Silicon 第 15 号元素: 磷[化学符号]P, 读“邻”, [英文名称]Phosphorus 第 16 号元素: 硫 [化学符号]S, 读“流”, [英文名称]Sulfur第 17 号元素: 氯 [化学符号]Cl, 读“绿”, [英文名称]Chlorine 第18 号元素: 氩 [化学符号]Ar,A, 读“亚”, [英文名称]Argon 第 19 号元素: 钾 [化学符号]K, 读“甲”, [英文名称]Potassium 第 20 号元素: 钙[化学符号]Ca, 读“丐”, [英文名称]Calcium 第 21 号元素: 钪 [化学符号]Sc, 读“亢”, [英文名称]Scandium 第 22 号元素: 钛 [化学符号]Ti, 读“太”, [英文名称]Titanium 第 23 号元素: 钒 [化学符号]V, 读“凡”, [英文名称]Vanadium 第 24 号元素: 铬 [化学符号]Cr, 读“各”, [英文名称]Chromium 第 25 号元素: 锰 [化学符号]Mn, 读“猛”, [英文名称]Manganese 第26 号元素: 铁[化学符号]Fe, 读“铁”, [英文名称]Iron第 27 号元素: 钴 [化学符号]Co, 读“古”, [英文名称]Cobalt第 28 号元素: 镍 [化学符号]Ni, 读“臬”, [英文名称]Nickel第 29 号元素: 铜 [化学符号]Cu, 读“同”, [英文名称]Copper第 30 号元素: 锌 [化学符号]Zn, 读“辛”, [英文名称]Zinc第 31 号元素: 镓 [化学符号]Ga, 读“家”, [英文名称]Gallium 第32 号元素: 锗 [化学符号]Ge, 读“者”, [英文名称]Germanium 第 33 号元素: 砷 [化学符号]As, 读“申”, [英文名称]Arsenic 第 34 号元素: 硒 [化学符号]Se, 读“西”, [英文名称]Selenium 第 35 号元素: 溴 [化学符号]Br, 读“秀”, [英文名称]Bromine 第36 号元素: 氪[化学符号]Kr, 读“克”, [英文名称]Krypton第 38 号元素: 锶 [化学符号]Sr, 读“思”, [英文名称]Strontium第 39 号元素: 钇 [化学符号]Y, 读“乙”, [英文名称]Yttrium第 40 号元素: 锆 [化学符号]Zr, 读“告”, [英文名称]Zirconium 第 41 号元素: 铌 [化学符号]Nb, 读“尼”, [英文名称]Niobium第42 号元素: 钼[化学符号]Mo, 读“目”, [英文名称]Molybdenum 第43 号元素: 碍[化学符号]Tc, 读“得”, [英文名称]Technetium 第44 号元素: 钌[化学符号]Ru, 读“了”, [英文名称]Ruthenium第 45 号元素: 铑 [化学符号]Rh, 读“老”, [英文名称]Rhodium第 46 号元素: 钯 [化学符号]Pd, 读“巴”, [英文名称]Palladium 第 47 号元素: 银 [化学符号]Ag, 读“银”, [英文名称]Silver第 48 号元素: 镉 [化学符号]Cd, 读“隔”, [英文名称]Cadmium 第 49 号元素: 铟 [化学符号]In, 读“因”, [英文名称]Indium第 50 号元素: 锡 [化学符号]Sn, 读“西”, [英文名称]Tin第 51 号元素: 锑 [化学符号]Sb, 读“梯”, [英文名称]Antimony 第 52 号元素: 碲 [化学符号]Te, 读“帝”, [英文名称]Tellurium第 53 号元素: 碘 [化学符号]I, 读“典”, [英文名称]Iodine第 54 号元素: 氙 [化学符号]Xe, 读“仙”, [英文名称]Xenon第 55 号元素: 铯 [化学符号]Cs, 读“色”, [英文名称]Cesium第 56 号元素: 钡 [化学符号]Ba, 读“贝”, [英文名称]Barium第 58 号元素: 铈 [化学符号]Ce, 读“市”, [英文名称]Cerium第59 号元素: 镨[化学符号]Pr, 读“普”, [英文名称]Praseodymium 第 60 号元素: 钕 [化学符号]Nd, 读“女”, [英文名称]Neodymium第61 号元素: 钷[化学符号]Pm, 读“颇”, [英文名称]Promethium 第62 号元素: 钐[化学符号]Sm, 读“衫”, [英文名称]Samarium第 63 号元素: 铕 [化学符号]Eu, 读“有”, [英文名称]Europium 第 64 号元素: 钆 [化学符号]Gd, 读“轧”, [英文名称]Gadolinium 第 65 号元素: 铽 [化学符号]Tb, 读“忒”, [英文名称]Terbium 第 66 号元素: 镝 [化学符号]Dy, 读“滴”, [英文名称]Dysprosium 第 67 号元素: 钬 [化学符号]Ho, 读“火”, [英文名称]Holmium 第 68 号元素: 铒 [化学符号]Er, 读“耳”, [英文名称]Erbium第 69 号元素: 铥 [化学符号]Tm, 读“丢”, [英文名称]Thulium第 70 号元素: 镱 [化学符号]Yb, 读“意”, [英文名称]Ytterbium 第 71 号元素: 镥 [化学符号]Lu, 读“鲁”, [英文名称]Lutetium第 72 号元素: 铪 [化学符号]Hf, 读“哈”, [英文名称]Hafnium第 73 号元素: 钽 [化学符号]Ta, 读“坦”, [英文名称]Tantalum第 74 号元素: 钨 [化学符号]W, 读“乌”, [英文名称]Tungsten第 75 号元素: 镧 [化学符号]La, 读“兰”, [英文名称]Lanthanum 第 76 号元素: 锇 [化学符号]Os, 读“鹅”, [英文名称]Osmium第 77 号元素: 铱 [化学符号]Ir, 读“衣”, [英文名称]Iridium第 78 号元素: 铂 [化学符号]Pt, 读““, [英文名称]Platinum第 79 号元素: 金 [化学符号]Au, 读“今”, [英文名称]Gold第 80 号元素: 汞 [化学符号]Hg, 读“拱”, [英文名称]Mercury第 81 号元素: 铊 [化学符号]Tl, 读“他”, [英文名称]Thallium第 82 号元素: 铅 [化学符号]Pb, 读“千”, [英文名称]Lead第 83 号元素: 铋 [化学符号]Bi, 读“必”, [英文名称]Bismuth第 84 号元素: 钋 [化学符号]Po, 读“泼”, [英文名称]Polonium 第 85 号元素: 砹 [化学符号]At, 读“艾”, [英文名称]Astatine第 86 号元素: 氡 [化学符号]Rn, 读“冬”, [英文名称]Radon第 87 号元素: 钫 [化学符号]Fr, 读“方”, [英文名称]Francium第 88 号元素: 镭 [化学符号]Ra, 读“雷”, [英文名称]Radium第 89 号元素: 锕 [化学符号]Ac, 读“阿”, [英文名称]Actinium第 90 号元素: 钍 [化学符号]Th, 读“土”, [英文名称]Thorium第 91 号元素: 镤 [化学符号]Pa, 读“仆”, [英文名称]Protactinium 第 92 号元素: 铀 [化学符号]U, 读“由”, [英文名称]Uranium 第 93 号元素: 镎 [化学符号]Np, 读“拿”, [英文名称]Neptunium 第 94 号元素: 钚 [化学符号]Pu, 读“不”, [英文名称]Plutonium 第 95 号元素: 镅 [化学符号]Am, 读“眉”, [英文名称]Americium 第 96 号元素: 锔 [化学符号]Cm, 读“局”, [英文名称]Curium第 97 号元素: 锫 [化学符号]Bk, 读“陪”, [英文名称]Berkelium 第 98 号元素: 锎 [化学符号]Cf, 读“开”, [英文名称]Californium 第99 号元素: 锿[化学符号]Es, 读“哀”, [英文名称]Einsteinium 第100 号元素: 镄 [化学符号]Fm, 读“费”, [英文名称]Fermium 第101 号元素: 钔[化学符号]Md, 读“门”, [英文名称]Mendelevium 第 102 号元素: 锘 [化学符号]No, 读“诺”, [英文名称]Nobelium第103 号元素: 铹[化学符号]Lw, 读“劳”, [英文名称]Lawrencium 第104 号元素: 鐪[化学符号]Rf, 读“卢”, [英文名称]unnilquadium 第105 号元素: [化学符号]Db, 读“杜”, [英文名称]dubnium第 106 号元素: 钅喜 [化学符号]Sg , 读”喜“, [英文名称]第 107 号元素: 钅波 [化学符号]Bh, 读"波“, [英文名称]Bohrium 第 108 号元素: 钅黑 [化学符号]Hs, 读”黑“, [英文名称]第 109 号元素: 钅麦 [化学符号]Mt, 读"麦",[英文名称]第110 号元素: 鐽[化学符号]Ds, 读”达“, [英文名称]Darmstadtium 第 111 号元素: [化学符号]Rg, , 读”伦“, [英文名称]Roentgenium 第 112 号元素: uub(112)第 113 号元素: uut(113)第 114 号元素: uuq(114)第 115 号元素: uup(115)第 116 号元素: uuh(116)第 117 号元素: uus尚未发现第 118 号元素: uuo。



化学元素的英文全称(全)第一篇:化学元素的英文全称(全)化学元素周期表的英文全称Periodic Table of the Elements缩写PTE拉丁文英文H 氢Hydrogenium Hydrogen2 He 氦Helium Helium3 Li 锂Lithum LithumBe 铍Beryllium Beryllium5 B 硼Borium Boron6 C 碳Carbonium Carbon7 N 氮Nitrogenium Nitrogen8 O 氧 Oxygenium Oxygen9 F 氟 Fluorum Fluorine10 Ne 氖Neonum Neon11 Na 钠Natrium SodiumMg 镁Magnesium Magnesium13 Al 铝Aluminium Aluminium14 Si 硅Silicium SiliconP 磷 Phosphyorum Phosphorus16 S 硫 Sulphu SulfurCl 氯Chlorum Chlorlne18 A 氩Argonum ArgonK 钾Kalium Potassium20 Ca 钙 Calcium Calcium第二篇:导线英文全称ACS 铝包钢绞线Aluminum clad steelACSR 钢芯铝绞线 Aluminum conductor steel reinforcedACSR/TW T型钢芯铝绞线Aluminum conductor steel reinforced/Trapezoid wireACSR/AS, ACSR/AW 铝包钢芯铝绞线Aluminum conductor aluminum-cald steel reinforcedACAR铝合金芯铝绞线 Aluminum conductor alloy reinforced AAC全铝绞线All Aluminum conductorAACSR钢芯铝合金绞线Aluminum alloy conductor steel reinforcedGTACSR/GZTACSR间隙导线Gap-type Thermal-resistant aluminum alloy conductor steel reinforcedZTACIR殷钢导线Super thermal-resistant aluminum alloy conductor invar reinforcedACSS软铝导线,ACSS/TW软铝导线(T型)Aluminum conductorcoated steel supported/Trapezoid wireAAAC全铝合金绞线 All aluminum alloy conductorPS:AW 是符合美标AS是符合IEC第三篇:linux 命令英文全称linux 命令英文全称/bin = BINaries /dev = DEVices /etc = ETCetera /lib = LIBrary /proc = PROCesses/sbin = Superuser BINaries /tmp = TeMPorary/usr = Unix Shared Resources /var = VARiable ?FIFO = First In, First OutGRUB = GRand Unified Bootloader IFS = Internal Field Seperators LILO = LInux LOaderMySQL = My是最初作者女儿的名字,SQL = Structured Query Language PHP = Personal Home Page Tools = PHP Hypertext Preprocessor PS = Prompt StringPerl = “Pratical Extraction and Report Language” = “Pathologically Eclectic Rubbish Lister”Python 得名于电视剧Monty Python's Flying Circus Tcl = Tool Command Language Tk = T oolKitVT = Video TerminalYaST = Yet Another Setup Tool apache = “a patchy” server apt = Advanced Packaging Tool ar = archiver as = assembler awk = “Aho Weiberger and Kernighan” 三个作者的姓的第一个字母 bash = Bourne Again SHell bc = Basic(Better)Calculator bg = BackGroundbiff = 作者Heidi Stettner在U.C.Berkely养的一条狗,喜欢对邮递员汪汪叫。

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_15g

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_15g

Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth
Ch. 13
ores such as arsenopyrite, FeAsS. Sb2O3 and Bi203 are made similarly. All 3 oxides exist in several modifications as shown in the schemes on p. 573.(16)In the vapour phase As203 exists as As406 molecules isostructural with P4O6 (p. 504), and this unit also occurs in the cubic crystalline form. Above 800" gaseous As406 partially dissociates to an equilibrium mixture containing both As406 and As203 molecules. The less-volatile monoclinic form of As203 has a sheet-like structure of pyramidal {As03}groups sharing common 0 atoms. This transformation from molecular As406 units to polymeric As203 is accompanied by an 8.7% increase in density from 3.89 to 4.23gcmP3. A similar change from cubic, molecular Sb4O6 to polymeric SbzO3 results in an 11.3% density increase from 5.20 to 5.79 g ~ m - ~ .

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_25a

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_25a
lo Chemistry of Iron (J. SILVERe,d.), Blackie, London, 1993, 306 pp. 'I E. A. SEDDONand K. R. SEDDON,The Chemistry of Ruthenium, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1984, 1374 pp.
U. SCHWERTMANanNd R. M. CORNELLIr,on Oxides in the Laborutory, VCH, Weinheim, 1991, 137 pp.
Iron, Ruthenium and Osmium
Ch. 25
showing only slight reactivity towards alkali. It gradually decomposes, however, to Fe304 with evolution of hydrogen and in the presence of oxygen darkens rapidly and eventually forms the reddish-brown hydrated iron(II1) oxide. Fe304 is a mixed Fe"/Fe"' oxide which can be obtained by partial oxidation of FeO or, more conveniently, by heating Fez03 above about 1400°C. It has the inverse spinel structure. Spinels are of the form M"M!'04 and in the normal spinel (p. 247) the oxide ions form a ccp lattice with M" ions occupying tetrahedral sites and M"' ions octahedral sites. In the inverse structure half the MI" ions occupy tetrahedral sites, with the M" and the other half of the M"' occupying octahedral sites.? Fe304 occurs naturally as the mineral magnetite or lodestone. It is a black, strongly ferromagnetic substance (or, more strictly, "ferrimagnetic" - see p. lOSl), insoluble in water and acids. Its electrical properties are not simple, but its rather high conductivity may be ascribed to electron transfer between Fe" and Fe"'.



Periodic Table of the Elements (元素周期表PET)01:氢H,轻,Hydrogen 'haidrəudʒən02:氦He,亥,Helium 'hi:ljəm,-liəm03:锂Li,里,Lithium 'liθiəm04:铍Be,皮,Beryllium be'riljəm,bə'r-05:硼B,朋,Boron 'bɔ:rɔn06:碳C,炭,Carbon 'kɑ:bən07:氮N,淡,Nitrogen 'naitrədʒən08:氧O,养,Oxygen 'ɔksidʒən09:氟F,弗,Fluorine 'flu(:)əri:n10:氖Ne,乃,Neon 'ni:ən11:钠Na,纳,Sodium 'səudjəm,-diəm12:镁Mg,美,Magnesium mæg'ni:zjəm13:铝Al,吕,Aluminum ælju'miniəm14:硅Si,归,Silicon 'silikən15:磷P,邻,Phosphorus 'fɔsfərəs16:硫S,流,Sulfur 'sʌlfə17:氯Cl,绿,Chlorine 'klɔ:ri:n18:氩Ar,A,亚,Argon 'ɑ:gɔn19:钾K,甲,Potassium pə'tæsjəm20:钙Ca,丐,Calcium 'kælsiəm21:钪Sc,亢,Scandium s'kændiəm22:钛Ti,太,Titanium tai'teinjəm,ti-23:钒V,凡,Vanadium və'neidiəm,-djəm24:铬Cr,各,Chromium 'krəumjəm25:锰Mn,猛,Manganese mæŋgə'ni:z26:铁Fe,铁,Iron 'aiən27:钴Co,古,Cobalt kə'bɔ:lt,'kəubɔ:lt28:镍Ni,臬,Nickel 'nikl29:铜Cu,同'kɔpə30:锌Zn,辛,Zinc ziŋk31:镓Ga,家,Gallium 'gæliəm32:锗Ge,者,Germanium dʒə:'meiniəm 33:砷As,申,Arsenic 'ɑ:sənik34:硒Se,西,Selenium si'li:niəm,-njəm 35:溴Br,秀,Bromine 'brəumi:n36:氪Kr,克,Krypton 'kriptɔn37:铷Rb,如,Rubidium ru:'bidiəm38:锶Sr,思,Strontium 'strɔnʃiəm39:钇Y,乙,Yttrium i'ridiəm40:锆Zr,告,Zirconium zə:'kəuniəm41:铌Nb,尼,Niobium nai'əubiəm42:钼Mo,目,Molybdenum mə'libdinəm 43:碍Tc,得,Technetium tek'ni:ʃiəm44:钌Ru,了,Ruthenium ru:'θi:niəm45:铑Rh,老,Rhodium 'rəudiəm,-djəm 46:钯Pd,巴,Palladium pə'leidiəm47:银Ag,银,Silver 'silvə48:镉Cd,隔,Cadmium 'kædmiəm49:铟In,因,Indium 'indiəm50:锡Sn,西,Tin tin51:锑Sb,梯,Antimony 'stibjəm52:碲Te,帝,Tellurium te'ljʊəriəm 53:碘I,典,Iodine 'aiədi:n; (US) 'aiədain 54:氙Xe,仙,Xenon 'zenɔn55:铯Cs,色,Cesium 'si:ziəm56:钡Ba,贝,Barium 'bɛəriəm57:镧La,蓝,Lanthanum 'lænθənəm58:铈Ce,市,Cerium 'siəriəm59:镨Pr,普,Praseodymium preiziəu'dimiəm60:钕Nd,女,Neodymium ni(:)ə'dimiəm61:钷Pm,颇,Promethium prə'mi:θiəm62:钐Sm,衫,Samarium sə'mɛəriəm63:铕Eu,有,Europium juə'rəupiəm64:钆Gd,嘎(二声),Gadolinium gædə'liniəm 65:铽Tb,特,Terbium 'tə:biəm66:镝Dy,滴,Dysprosium dis'prəusiəm67:钬Ho,火,Holmium 'hɔlmiəm68:铒Er,耳,Erbium 'ə:biəm69:铥Tm,丢,Thulium 'θju:liəm70:镱Yb,意,Ytterbium i'tə:biəm71:镥Lu,鲁,Lutetium lu:'ti:ʃiəm,-siəm 72:铪Hf,哈,Hafnium 'hæfniəm73:钽Ta,坦,Tantalum 'tæntələm74:钨W,乌,Tungsten 'tʌŋstən75:铼Re,来,Rhenium 'ri:niəm76:锇Os,鹅,Osmium 'ɔzmiəm,-mjəm 77:铱Ir,衣,Iridium i'ridiəm78:铂Pt,博,Platinum 'plætinəm79:金Au,今,Gold gəuld80:汞Hg,拱,Mercury 'mə:kjuri81:铊Tl,他,Thallium 'θæliəm82:铅Pb,千,Lead li:d83:铋Bi,必,Bismuth 'bizməθ84:钋Po,泼,Polonium pə'ləuniəm85:砹At,艾,Astatine 'æstəti:n86:氡 Rn,冬,Radon 'reidɔn87:钫Fr,方,Francium 'frænsiəm88:镭Ra,雷,Radium 'reidjəm89:锕Ac,阿,Actinium æk'tiniəm90:钍Th,土,Thorium 'θɔ:riəm91:镤Pa,葡,Protactinium prəutəuæk'tiniəm 92:铀U,由,Uranium juə'reiniəm93:镎Np,拿,Neptunium nep'tju:niəm94:钚Pu,布,Plutonium plu:'təuniəm95:镅Am,眉,Americium æmə'riʃiəm96:锔Cm,局,Curium 'kjuəriəm97:锫Bk,陪,Berkelium 'bə:kliəm98:锎Cf,开,Californium kæli'fɔ:niəm99:锿Es,哀,Einsteinium ain'stainiəm 100:镄Fm,费,Fermium 'fə:miəm101:钔Md,门,Mendelevium mendə'li:viəm 102:锘No,诺,Nobelium nəu'beliəm103:铹Lw,劳,Lawrencium lɔ:'rensiəm,lɑ:-104:钅卢Rf,卢,Rutherfordium ,rʌðə'fɔ:diəm 105:钅杜Db,杜,Dubnium106:钅喜Sg ,喜,Seaborgium107:钅波Bh,波,Bohrium108:钅黑Hs,黑,Hassium109:钅麦Mt,麦,Meitnerium110:钅达Ds,达,Darmstadtium111:钅仑Rg,,伦,Roentgenium112:Uub Ununbium113:Uut Ununtrium114:115:Uup Ununquadium116:Uuh Ununhexium117:Uus Ununseptium (Not synthesized to Jan.2009) 118:Uuo Ununoctium。



【原创】化学元素中英文名称及符号(图)【原创】英语杂谈2009-07-09 21:02:45 阅读8115 评论11 字号:大中小订阅【原创】化学元素中英文名称及符号(图)Khubilai2009/07/09化学元素(chemical element)指一种纯粹的(pure)化学物质(chemical substance),包括一种类型的原子(atom),有自己的原子序数(atomic number),也就是原子核(nucleus)中质子(proton)的数量。

质子与中子(neutron)都是核子(nucleon),决定原子质量(atomic mass)。

质子与原子的电荷(electric charge)有关,也就是与电子(electron)有关。

元素有不同的化学性质(chemical property)。


不稳定(unstable)元素可发生放射性衰变(radioactive decay)。

在元素周期表(periodic tablet of elements)中,元素可分为几大类(category):碱金属(alkali metals)、碱土金属(alkaline earth metals)、内过渡元素(inner transition elements)、镧系金属(lanthanides)、锕系金属(actinides)、过渡元素(transition elements)、其它金属(other metals)、准金属/半金属元素(metalloids)、其它非金属(other nonmetals)、卤素(halogens)、惰性气体(noble gases)及未知(unknown)。

下面按照英文字母顺序介绍各种元素以及化学符号(chemical symbol)。






化学元素周期表的英文全称Periodic Table of the Elements 缩写PTE 拉丁文英文1 H 氢Hydrogenium Hydrogen2 He 氦Helium Helium3 Li 锂Lithum Lithum4 Be 铍Beryllium Beryllium5 B 硼Borium Boron6 C 碳Carbonium Carbon7 N 氮Nitrogenium Nitrogen8 O 氧Oxygenium Oxygen9 F 氟Fluorum Fluorine10 Ne 氖Neonum Neon11 Na 钠Natrium Sodium12 Mg 镁Magnesium Magnesium13 Al 铝Aluminium Aluminium14 Si 硅Silicium Silicon15 P 磷Phosphyorum Phosphorus16 S 硫Sulphu Sulfur17 Cl 氯Chlorum Chlorine18 A 氩Argonum Argon19 K 钾Kalium Potassium20 Ca 钙Calcium Calcium21 Sc 钪Scandium Scandium22 Ti 钛Titanium Titanium23 V 钒Vanadium Vanadium24 Cr 铬Chromium Chromium25 Mn 锰Manganum Manganum26 Fe 铁Ferrum Iron27 Co 钴Cobaltum Cobalt28 Ni 镍Niccolum Nickel29 Cu 铜Cuprum Copper30 Zn 锌Zincum Zinc31 Ga 镓Gallium Gallium32 Ge 锗Germanium Germanium33 As 砷Arsenium Arsenic34 Se 硒Selenium Selenium35 Br 溴Bromium Bormine36 Kr 氪Kryptomum Krypton37 Rb 铷Rubidium Rubidium38 Sr 锶Strontium Strontium39 Y 钇Yttrium Yttrium40 Zr 锆Zirconium Zirconium41 Nb 铌Niobium Niobium42 Mo 钼Molybdanium Molybdanium43 Tc 锝Technetium Technetium44 Ru 钌Ruthenium Ruthenium45 Rh 铑Rhodium Rhodium46 Pd 钯Palladium Palladium47 Ag 银Argentum Silver48 Cd 镉Cadmium Cadmium49 In 铟Inlium Inlium50 Sn 锡Stannum Tin51 Sb 锑Stibium Antimony52 Te 碲Tellurum Tellurium53 I 碘Iodium Iodine54 Xe 氙Xenonum Xenon55 Cs 铯Caesium Caesium56 Ba 钡Baryum Barium57 La 镧Lanthanum Lanthanum58 Ce 铈Cerium Cerium59 Pr 镨Praseodymium Praseodymium60 Nd 钕Neodymium Neodymium61 Pm 钷Promethium Promethium62 Sm 钐Samarium Samarium63 En 铕Europinu Europinu64 Gd 钆Gadolinium Gadolinium65 Tb 铽Terbium Terbium66 Dy 镝Dysprosium Dysprosium67 Ho 钬Holmium Holmium68 Er 铒Erbium Erbium69 Tm 铥Thulium Thulium70 Yb 镱Ytterbium Ytterbium71 Lu 镥Lrtetium Lrtetium72 Hf 铪Hafnium Hafnium73 Ta 钽Tanatalum Tantalum74 W 钨Wolfram Tungsten75 Re 铼Rhenium Rhenium76 Os Osmium Osmium77 Ir 铱Iridium Iridium78 Pt 铂Platinum Platinum79 Au 金Aurum Gold80 Hg 汞Hydrargyrum Mercury81 Tl 铊Thallium Thallium82 Pb 铅Plumbum Lead83 Bi 铋Bismuthum Bismuth84 Po 钋Polonium Polonium85 At 砹Astatium Astatium86 Rn 氡Radon Radon87 Fr 钫Franium Franium88 Ra 镭Radium Radium89 Ac 锕Actinium Actinium90 Th 钍Thorium Thorium91 Pa 镤Protactinium Protactinium92 U 铀Uranium Uranium93 Np 镎Neptunium Neptunium94 Pu 钚Plutonium Plutonium95 Am 镅Americium Americium96 Cm 锔Curkelium Curkelium97 Bk 锫Berkelium Berkelium98 Cf 锎Californium Californium99 Es 镶Einsteinium Einsteinium100 Fm 镄Fermim Fermim101 Md 钔Mendelevium Mendelevium 102 No 锘Nobelium Nobelium103 Lr 铹Lawrencium Lawrencium 104 Rf 钅卢Rutherfordium英文105 Db 钅杜Dubnium106 Sg 钅喜Seaborgium107 Bh 钅波Bohriium108 Hs 钅黑Hassium109 Mt 钅麦Meitnerium110 Uun111 Uuu112 Uub。

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_15c

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_15c
from the relation log(d/pm) = 2.881 - 0.213log(u/cm-'). The two modifications a- and D-S60 have the same Raman spectrum in solution.
explained in terms of a dipolar addition reaction (Fig. 15.2%). Its conformation differs drastically from the D3d symmetry of the parent cyclo-S12 (p. 658).
SgO reacts with SbC15 in CS2 over a period of 9 days at -50" to give a 71% yield of the unstable orange adduct Sg0.SbC15:f164)its structure and dimensions are in Fig. 15.25a. It will be noted that the SgO unit differs from molecular SgO in having an equatorially bonded 0 atom and significantly different S - 0 and S-S interatomic distances. The X-ray crystal structure was determined at -100°C as the adduct decomposes within 5 min at 25" to give OSC12, SbC13 and s g . When a similar reaction was attempted with B-SsO, the novel dimer S1202.2SbC15.3CS2 was obtained as orange crystals in 10% yield after 1 week at -50n(165) (Fig. 15.25b). Formation of the centrosymmetric S ~ Z OmZolecule, which is still unknown in the uncoordinated state, can be

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_12b

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_12b
193.1 300.1 -52.2 -125 212 (d) decomp 215 123/0.3m H g
talline cyclic tetramer [O=P(F)-0]4 were
obtained by subjecting equimolar mixtures
of PF3 and 0 2 to a silent electric dis-
charge at -70". Pyrophosphoryl chloride,
halides PSX3, e.g.:
- - + P2S5 3PC&---+ SPSCl:,
+ + s PC13
s CS2Idark PSI3
Most of the phosphoryl and thiophosphoryl compounds are colourless gases or volatile liquids though PSBr3 forms yellow crystals, mp 37.8", POI3 is dark violet, mp 53", and PSI3 is redbrown, mp 48". All are monomeric tetrahedral (C3u)or pseudotetrahedral. Some physical properties are in Table 12.4. The P - 0 interatomic



化学元素周期表英文(2009-11-16 14:42:51)转载标签:元素周期表杂谈分类:外贸第01 号元素: 氢[化学符号]H, 读“轻”, [英文名称]Hydrogen第02 号元素: 氦[化学符号]He, 读“亥”, [英文名称]Helium第03 号元素: 锂[化学符号]Li, 读“里”, [英文名称]Lithium第04 号元素: 铍[化学符号]Be, 读“皮”, [英文名称]Beryllium第05 号元素: 硼[化学符号]B, 读“朋”, [英文名称]Boron第06 号元素: 碳[化学符号]C, 读“炭”, [英文名称]Carbon第07 号元素: 氮[化学符号]N, 读“淡”, [英文名称]Nitrogen第08 号元素: 氧[化学符号]O, 读“养”, [英文名称]Oxygen第09 号元素: 氟[化学符号]F, 读“弗”, [英文名称]Fluorine第10 号元素: 氖[化学符号]Ne, 读“乃”, [英文名称]Neon第11 号元素:钠[化学符号]Na, 读“纳”, [英文名称]Sodium第12 号元素: 镁[化学符号]Mg, 读“美”, [英文名称]Magnesium第13 号元素: 铝[化学符号]Al, 读“吕”, [英文名称]Aluminum第14 号元素: 硅[化学符号]Si, 读“归”, [英文名称]Silicon第15 号元素: 磷[化学符号]P, 读“邻”, [英文名称]Phosphorus第16 号元素: 硫[化学符号]S, 读“流”, [英文名称]Sulfur第17 号元素: 氯[化学符号]Cl, 读“绿”, [英文名称]Chlorine第18 号元素: 氩[化学符号]Ar,A, 读“亚”, [英文名称]Argon第19 号元素: 钾[化学符号]K, 读“甲”, [英文名称]Potassium第20 号元素: 钙[化学符号]Ca, 读“丐”, [英文名称]Calcium第21 号元素: 钪[化学符号]Sc, 读“亢”, [英文名称]Scandium第22 号元素: 钛[化学符号]Ti, 读“太”, [英文名称]Titanium第23 号元素: 钒[化学符号]V, 读“凡”, [英文名称]V anadium第24 号元素: 铬[化学符号]Cr, 读“各”, [英文名称]Chromium第25 号元素: 锰[化学符号]Mn, 读“猛”, [英文名称]Manganese第26 号元素: 铁[化学符号]Fe, 读“铁”, [英文名称]Iron第27 号元素: 钴[化学符号]Co, 读“古”, [英文名称]Cobalt第28 号元素: 镍[化学符号]Ni, 读“臬”, [英文名称]Nickel第29 号元素: 铜[化学符号]Cu, 读“同”, [英文名称]Copper第30 号元素: 锌[化学符号]Zn, 读“辛”, [英文名称]Zinc第31 号元素: 镓[化学符号]Ga, 读“家”, [英文名称]Gallium第32 号元素: 锗[化学符号]Ge, 读“者”, [英文名称]Germanium第33 号元素: 砷[化学符号]As, 读“申”, [英文名称]Arsenic第34 号元素: 硒[化学符号]Se, 读“西”, [英文名称]Selenium第35 号元素: 溴[化学符号]Br, 读“秀”, [英文名称]Bromine第36 号元素: 氪[化学符号]Kr, 读“克”, [英文名称]Krypton第37 号元素: 铷[化学符号]Rb, 读“如”, [英文名称]Rubidium第38 号元素: 锶[化学符号]Sr, 读“思”, [英文名称]Strontium第39 号元素: 钇[化学符号]Y, 读“乙”, [英文名称]Yttrium第40 号元素: 锆[化学符号]Zr, 读“告”, [英文名称]Zirconium第41 号元素: 铌[化学符号]Nb, 读“尼”, [英文名称]Niobium第42 号元素: 钼[化学符号]Mo, 读“目”, [英文名称]Molybdenum第43 号元素: 碍[化学符号]Tc, 读“得”, [英文名称]Technetium第45 号元素: 铑[化学符号]Rh, 读“老”, [英文名称]Rhodium第46 号元素: 钯[化学符号]Pd, 读“巴”, [英文名称]Palladium第47 号元素: 银[化学符号]Ag, 读“银”, [英文名称]Silver第48 号元素: 镉[化学符号]Cd, 读“隔”, [英文名称]Cadmium第49 号元素: 铟[化学符号]In, 读“因”, [英文名称]Indium第50 号元素: 锡[化学符号]Sn, 读“西”, [英文名称]Tin第51 号元素: 锑[化学符号]Sb, 读“梯”, [英文名称]Antimony第52 号元素: 碲[化学符号]Te, 读“帝”, [英文名称]Tellurium第53 号元素: 碘[化学符号]I, 读“典”, [英文名称]Iodine第54 号元素: 氙[化学符号]Xe, 读“仙”, [英文名称]Xenon第55 号元素: 铯[化学符号]Cs, 读“色”, [英文名称]Cesium第56 号元素: 钡[化学符号]Ba, 读“贝”, [英文名称]Barium第58 号元素: 铈[化学符号]Ce, 读“市”, [英文名称]Cerium第59 号元素: 镨[化学符号]Pr, 读“普”, [英文名称]Praseodymium 第60 号元素: 钕[化学符号]Nd, 读“女”, [英文名称]Neodymium 第61 号元素: 钷[化学符号]Pm, 读“颇”, [英文名称]Promethium 第62 号元素: 钐[化学符号]Sm, 读“衫”, [英文名称]Samarium第63 号元素: 铕[化学符号]Eu, 读“有”, [英文名称]Europium第64 号元素: 钆[化学符号]Gd, 读“轧”, [英文名称]Gadolinium 第65 号元素: 铽[化学符号]Tb, 读“忒”, [英文名称]Terbium第66 号元素: 镝[化学符号]Dy, 读“滴”, [英文名称]Dysprosium 第67 号元素: 钬[化学符号]Ho, 读“火”, [英文名称]Holmium第68 号元素: 铒[化学符号]Er, 读“耳”, [英文名称]Erbium第69 号元素: 铥[化学符号]Tm, 读“丢”, [英文名称]Thulium第70 号元素: 镱[化学符号]Yb, 读“意”, [英文名称]Ytterbium第71 号元素: 镥[化学符号]Lu, 读“鲁”, [英文名称]Lutetium第72 号元素: 铪[化学符号]Hf, 读“哈”, [英文名称]Hafnium第73 号元素: 钽[化学符号]Ta, 读“坦”, [英文名称]Tantalum第74 号元素: 钨[化学符号]W, 读“乌”, [英文名称]Tungsten第75 号元素: 镧[化学符号]La, 读“兰”, [英文名称]Lanthanum第75 号元素: 铼[化学符号]Re, 读“来”, [英文名称]Rhenium第76 号元素: 锇[化学符号]Os, 读“鹅”, [英文名称]Osmium第77 号元素: 铱[化学符号]Ir, 读“衣”, [英文名称]Iridium第78 号元素: 铂[化学符号]Pt, 读““, [英文名称]Platinum第79 号元素: 金[化学符号]Au, 读“今”, [英文名称]Gold第80 号元素: 汞[化学符号]Hg, 读“拱”, [英文名称]Mercury第81 号元素: 铊[化学符号]Tl, 读“他”, [英文名称]Thallium第82 号元素: 铅[化学符号]Pb, 读“千”, [英文名称]Lead第83 号元素: 铋[化学符号]Bi, 读“必”, [英文名称]Bismuth第84 号元素: 钋[化学符号]Po, 读“泼”, [英文名称]Polonium第85 号元素: 砹[化学符号]At, 读“艾”, [英文名称]Astatine第86 号元素: 氡[化学符号]Rn, 读“冬”, [英文名称]Radon第87 号元素: 钫[化学符号]Fr, 读“方”, [英文名称]Francium第89 号元素: 锕[化学符号]Ac, 读“阿”, [英文名称]Actinium第90 号元素: 钍[化学符号]Th, 读“土”, [英文名称]Thorium第91 号元素: 镤[化学符号]Pa, 读“仆”, [英文名称]Protactinium第92 号元素: 铀[化学符号]U, 读“由”, [英文名称]Uranium第93 号元素: 镎[化学符号]Np, 读“拿”, [英文名称]Neptunium第94 号元素: 钚[化学符号]Pu, 读“不”, [英文名称]Plutonium第95 号元素: 镅[化学符号]Am, 读“眉”, [英文名称]Americium第96 号元素: 锔[化学符号]Cm, 读“局”, [英文名称]Curium第97 号元素: 锫[化学符号]Bk, 读“陪”, [英文名称]Berkelium第98 号元素: 锎[化学符号]Cf, 读“开”, [英文名称]Californium第99 号元素: 锿[化学符号]Es, 读“哀”, [英文名称]Einsteinium第100 号元素: 镄[化学符号]Fm, 读“费”, [英文名称]Fermium第101 号元素: 钔[化学符号]Md, 读“门”, [英文名称]Mendelevium 第102 号元素: 锘[化学符号]No, 读“诺”, [英文名称]Nobelium第103 号元素: 铹[化学符号]Lw, 读“劳”, [英文名称]Lawrencium第104 号元素: 鐪[化学符号]Rf, 读“卢”, [英文名称]unnilquadium第105 号元素: [化学符号]Db, 读“杜”, [英文名称]dubnium第106 号元素: 钅喜[化学符号]Sg , 读”喜“, [英文名称]第107 号元素: 钅波[化学符号]Bh, 读"波“, [英文名称]Bohrium第108 号元素: 钅黑[化学符号]Hs, 读”黑“, [英文名称]第109 号元素: 钅麦[化学符号]Mt, 读"麦",[英文名称]第110 号元素:鐽[化学符号]Ds, 读”达“, [英文名称]Darmstadtium第111 号元素: 钅仑[化学符号]Rg, , 读”伦“, [英文名称]Roentgenium 第112 号元素: uub(112)第113 号元素: uut(113)第114 号元素: uuq(114)第115 号元素: uup(115)第116 号元素: uuh(116)第117 号元素: uus尚未发现第118 号元素: uuo。



化学元素英语作文Title: The Magic of Chemical ElementsIn the vast and mysterious universe, chemical elements form the building blocks of all matter, giving life and diversity to our world. These elements, with their unique properties and combinations, create a symphony of nature that is both beautiful and intricate. Starting from the lightest element, hydrogen, we see the simplicity and elegance of nature. It is the most abundant element in the universe, forming stars and powering their radiance. Moving up the periodic table, we encounter elements like carbon, the backbone of all known life. Its ability to form long chains and complex structures gives rise to molecules that are the essence of organic matter. Oxygen, another crucial element, sustains life on Earth by supporting respiration and combustion. Its reactive nature allows it to bond with other elements, creating oxides that are essential in many chemical processes. Metals like iron and copper, with their unique electrical and thermal properties, have been used for centuries in tools, weapons, and structures.The periodic table, a concise representation of all known chemical elements, is a testament to the orderly nature of the universe. It reveals patterns and relationships between elements, guidingscientists in their quest to understand and manipulate matter.The study of chemical elements is not just about understanding their properties and reactions. It is also about appreciating the beauty and harmony that exist in nature. From the sparkle of a diamond, a pure form of carbon, to the rusting of iron, a natural oxidation process, we see the wonders of chemistry unfolding in our daily lives.In conclusion, the magic of chemical elements lies in their ability to create and sustain life, to power the universe, and to inspire us to explore and understand the fundamental building blocks of our existence. As we delve deeper into the world of chemistry, we uncover a universe of possibilities and wonders that await us.。



化学元素周期表)ʒən]əm,ɔ:rɔn]ɑ:bən]ədʒɔksidʒən]ən]əudjəm, [mæg'ni:zjəm]ən]ɔsf(ə)ʌlfə]ɑ:gɔn]ə'tæsjəm]əm]əm]əm,ə'neidiəm,əumjəm]ŋgə'ni:z]ən]ɔ:lt, 'kəubɔpə]ŋk]əm]ʒə:'meiniəm]ɑ:sənik]əm,əumi:n]ɔn]əm]ɔn t iəm]ɪtrɪəm]əubiəm]ə'libdinəm]ʃəudiəm,ə'leidiəm]ə]əm]əm]əm]ʊədi:n; (US)ɔn]əm]ɛəriəm]ənəm]əriəm]ə'dimiəm]ə'mi:θiəm]ə'mɛəriəm]ə'rəupiəm]ə:biəm]ɔlmiəm]ə:biəm]['θju:liəm]ə:biəm]ʃiəm,əm]ələm]ʌŋstən]əm]zmiəm,[i'ridiəm]əuld]ə:kjuri]əm]əθ] [pə'ləuniəm]['æstəti:n]第 86 号元素: 氡Rn, 读“冬”, [英文名称]Radon ['reidɔn]第 87 号元素: 钫 [化学符号]Fr, 读“方”, [英文名称]Franciuməm]əm]ɔ:riəm]ə'reiniəm]əm]ə'riʃiəm]əriəm]ə:kliəm][kæli'fə:miəm]əu'beliəm]ɔ:'rensiəm, l[,rʌðə'fɔ:diəm]第 105 号元素: 钅杜 [化学符号]Db, 读“杜”, [英文名称]Dubnium第 106 号元素: 钅喜 [化学符号]Sg , 读“喜”, [英文名称]Seaborgium第 107 号元素: 钅波 [化学符号]Bh, 读“波”, [英文名称]Bohrium第 108 号元素: 钅黑 [化学符号]Hs, 读“黑”, [英文名称]Hassium第 109 号元素: 钅麦 [化学符号]Mt, 读“麦”,[英文名称]Meitnerium第 110 号元素: 钅达 [化学符号]Ds, 读“达”, [英文名称]Darmstadtium第 111 号元素: 钅仑 [化学符号]Rg, , 读“伦”, [英文名称]Roentgenium第 112 号元素: Uub Ununbium第 113 号元素: Uut Ununtrium第 114 号元素: 第 115 号元素: Uup Ununquadium第 116 号元素: Uuh Ununhexium第 117 号元素: Uus Ununseptium (Not synthesized to Jan.2009)第 118 号元素: Uuo Ununoctium口诀侵害从前,有一个富裕人家,用鲤鱼皮捧碳,煮熟鸡蛋供养着有福气的奶妈,这家有个很美丽的女儿,叫桂林,不过她有两颗绿色的大门牙(哇,太恐怖了吧),后来只能嫁给了一个叫康太的反革命。

化学元素周期表的英文全称 Periodic Table of the Elements

化学元素周期表的英文全称 Periodic Table of the Elements

化学元素周期表的英文全称Periodic Tabl e of the El ements 缩写PTE拉丁文英文1 H 氢Hydrogenium Hydrogen2 He 氦Helium Helium3 Li 锂Lithum Lithum4 Be 铍Beryllium Beryllium5 B 硼Borium Boron6 C 碳Carbonium Carbon7 N 氮Nitrogenium Nitrogen8 O 氧Oxygenium Oxygen9 F 氟Fluorum Fluorine10 Ne 氖Neonum Neon11 Na 钠Natrium Sodium12 Mg 镁Magnesium Magnesium13 Al 铝Aluminium Aluminium14 Si 硅Silicium Silicon15 P 磷Phosphyorum Phosphorus16 S 硫Sulphu Sulfur17 Cl 氯Chl orum Chl orlne18 A 氩Argonum Argon19 K 钾Kalium Potassium20 Ca 钙Calcium Calcium21 Sc 钪Scandium Scandium22 Ti 钛Titanium Titanium23 V 钡Vanadium Vanadium24 Cr 铬Chromium Chromium25 Mn 锰Manganum Manganum26 Fe 铁Ferrum Iron27 Co 钴Cobaltum Cobalt28 Ni 镍Niccolum Nickel29 Cu 铜Cuprum Copper30 Zn 锌Zincum Zinc31 Ga 镓Gallium Gallium32 Ge 锗Germanium Germanium33 As 砷Arsenium Arsenic34 Se 硒Selenium Sel enium35 Br 溴Bromium Bormine36 Kr 氪Kryptomum Krypton37 Rb 铷Rubidium Rubidium38 Sr 锶Strontium Strontium39 Y 钇Yttrium Yttrium40 Zr 钴Zirconium Zirconium41 Nb 铌Niobium Niobium42 Mo 钼Molybdanium Molybdanium43 Tc 锝Technetium Technetium44 Ru 钌Ruthenium Ruthenium45 Rh 铑Rhodium Rhodium46 Pd 钯Palladium Palladium47 Ag 银Argentum Silver48 Cd 镉Cadmium Cadmium49 In 铟Inlium Inlium50 Sn 锡Stannum Tin51 Sb 锑Stibium Antimony52 Te 碲Tellurum Tellurium53 I 碘Iodium Iodine54 Xe 氙Xenonum Xenon55 Cs 铯Caesium Caesium56 Ba 钡Baryum Barium57 La 镧Lanthanum Lanthanum58 Ce 铈Cerium Cerium59 Pr 镨Praseodymium Praseodymium60 Nd 钕Neodymium Neodymium61 Pm 钷Promethium Promethium62 Sm 钐Samarium Samarium63 En 铕Europinu Europinu64 Gd 钆Gad olinium Gad olinium65 Tb 铽Terbium Terbium66 Dy 镝Dysprosium Dysprosium67 Ho 钬Holmium Holmium68 Er 铒Erbium Erbium69 Tm 铥Thulium Thulium70 Yb 镱Ytterbium Ytterbium71 Lu 镥Lrtetium Lrtetium72 Hf 铪Hafnium Hafnium73 Ta 钽Tanatalum Tantalum74 W 钨Wolfram Tungsten75 Re 铼Rhenium Rhenium76 Os Osmium Osmium77 Ir 铱Iridium Iridium78 Pt 铂Platinum Platinum79 Au 金Aurum Gold80 Hg 汞Hydrargyrum Mercury81 Tl 铊Thallium Thallium82 Pb 铅Plumbum Lead83 Bi 铋Bismuthum Bismuth84 Po 钋Pol onium Polonium85 At 砹Astatium Astatium86 Rn 氡Rad on Radon87 Fr 钫Franium Franium88 Ra 镭Radium Radium89 Ac 锕Actinium Actinium90 Th 钍Thorium Thorium91 Pa 镤Protactinium Protactinium92 U 铀Uranium Uranium93 Np 镎Neptunium Neptunium94 Pu 钚Plutonium Plutonium95 Am 镅Americium Americium96 Cm 锔Curkelium Curkelium97 Bk 锫Berkelium Berkelium98 Cf 锎Californium Californium99 Es 镶Einsteinium Einsteinium 100 Fm 镄Fermim Fermim101 Md 钔Mend el evium Mend elevium 102 No 锘Nobelium Nobelium103 Lr 铹Lawrencium Lawrencium 104 Rf 钅卢Rutherfordium英文105 Db 钅杜Dubnium106 Sg 钅喜Seaborgium107 Bh 钅波Bohriium108 Hs 钅黑Hassium109 Mt 钅麦Meitnerium。



Aluminium(Al) 铝[ˌælju:-ˈminjəm] Argon(Ar) 氩[ˈɑ:ɡ)n]Barium(Ba) 钡[ˈbɛəriəm]Boron(B) 硼[ˈb):r)n]Bromine(Br) 溴[ˈbrəumi:n]Calcium(Ca) 钙[ˈkælsiəm]Carbon(C) 碳[ˈkɑ:bən]Chlorine(Cl) 氯[ˈkl):rˌi:n,Copper(Cu) 铜[ˈk)pə]Fluorine(F) 氟[ˈfluəri:nGold(Au) 金Helium(He) 氦[ˈhi:li:əm]Hydrogen(H) 氢[ˈhaidrədʒən]Iodine(I) 碘[ˈa iəˌdainIron(Fe) 铁ˈaiən]Krypton(Kr) 氪Lead(Pb) 铅Lithium(Li) 锂[ˈl iθi:əm]Magnesium(Mg) 镁mægni:zi:əm,-Manganese(Mn) 锰ˈmæŋɡəni:z] Mercury(Hg) 汞Neon(Ne) 氖Nickel(Ni) 镍Nitrogen(N) 氮Oxygen(O) 氧Phosphorus(P) 磷Potassium(K) 钾Radium(Ra) 镭Radon(Rn) 氡Silicon(Si) 硅Silver(Ag) 银Sodium(Na) 钠Sulphur(S) 锍Tantalum(Ta) 钽Tin(Sn) 锡Zinc(Zn) 锌●化学常用词汇汉英对照表1●氨ammonia氨基酸amino acid铵盐ammonium salt饱和链烃saturated aliphatic hydrocarbon 苯benzene变性denaturation不饱和烃unsaturated hydrocarbon超导材料superconductive material臭氧ozone醇alcohol次氯酸钾potassium hypochlorite醋酸钠sodium acetate蛋白质protein氮族元素nitrogen group element碘化钾potassium iodide碘化钠sodium iodide电化学腐蚀electrochemical corrosion电解质electrolyteɪilektrəˌlait电离平衡ionization equilibrium电子云electron cloud淀粉starch[stɑ:tʃ]淀粉碘化钾试纸starch potassium iodide paper二氧化氮nitrogen dioxide二氧化硅silicon dioxide二氧化硫sulphur dioxide二氧化锰manganese dioxide芳香烃arene放热反响exothermic reaction非极性分子non-polar molecule非极性键non-polar bond肥皂soap分馏fractional distillation酚phenol复合材料composite干电池dry cell干馏dry distillation甘油glycerol高分子化合物polymer共价键covalent bond[kəuˈveilənt官能团functional group光化学烟雾photochemical fog过氧化氢hydrogen peroxide合成材料synthetic material合成纤维synthetic fiber合成橡胶synthetic rubber核电荷数nuclear charge number核素nuclide化学电源chemical power source化学反响速率chemical reaction rate 化学键chemical bond化学平衡chemical equilibrium复原剂reducing agent磺化反响sulfonation reaction霍尔槽Hull Cell极性分子polar molecule极性键polar bond加成反响addition reaction加聚反响addition polymerization甲烷methane碱金属alkali metal碱石灰soda lime构造式structural formula聚合反响po1ymerization可逆反响reversible reaction空气污染指数air pollution index勒夏特列原理Le Chatelier's principle 离子反响ionic reaction离子方程式ionic equation离子键ionic bond ai)ɔnik锂电池lithium cell两性氢氧化物amphoteric hydroxide 两性氧化物amphoteric oxide裂化cracking裂解pyrolysis硫氰化钾potassium thiocyanate硫酸钠sodium sulphide [ˈsəʊdi:əm]氯化铵ammonium chlorideəˈməunjəm]氯化钡barium chloride[ˈkl):raid]氯化钾potassium chloride氯化铝aluminium chloride氯化镁magnesium chloride氯化氢hydrogen chloride氯化铁iron (III) chloride氯水chlorine water麦芽糖maltose煤coal酶enzyme摩尔mole摩尔质量molar mass品红magenta或fuchsine葡萄糖glucose 气体摩尔体积molar volume of gas铅蓄电池lead storage battery强电解质strong electrolyte氢氟酸hydrogen chloride氢氧化铝aluminium hydroxide取代反响substitution reaction醛aldehyde炔烃alkyne燃料电池fuel cell弱电解质weak electrolyte石油Petroleum水解反响hydrolysis reaction四氯化碳carbon tetrachloride塑料plastic塑料的降解plastic degradation塑料的老化plastic ageing酸碱中和滴定acid-base neutralization titration酸雨acid rain羧酸carboxylic acid碳酸钠sodium carbonate碳酸氢铵ammonium bicarbonate碳酸氢钠sodium bicarbonate糖类carbohydrate烃hydrocarbon烃的衍生物derivative of hydrocarbon烃基hydrocarbonyl同分异构体isomer同素异形体allotrope同位素isotope同系物homo1og涂料coating烷烃alkane物质的量amount of substance物质的量浓度amount-of-substance concentration of B烯烃alkene洗涤剂detergent纤维素cellulose相对分子质量relative molecular mass相对原子质量relative atomic mass消去反响elimination reaction硝化反响nitratlon reaction硝酸钡barium nitrate硝酸银silver nitrate溴的四氯化碳溶液solution of bromine in carbon tetrachloride溴化钠sodium bromide溴水bromine water溴水bromine water盐类的水解hydrolysis of salts盐析salting-out焰色反响flame test氧化剂oxidizing agent氧化铝aluminium oxide氧化铁iron (III) oxide乙醇ethanol乙醛ethana1乙炔ethyne乙酸ethanoic acid乙酸乙酯ethyl acetate乙烯ethene银镜反响silver mirror reaction硬脂酸stearic acid油脂oils and fats有机化合物organic compound元素周期表periodic table of elements元素周期律periodic law of elements原电池primary battery原子序数atomic number皂化反响saponification粘合剂adhesive蔗糖sucrose指示剂Indicator酯ester酯化反响esterification周期period族group〔主族:main group〕Bunsen burner 本生灯product 化学反响产物flask 烧瓶apparatus 设备PH indicator PH值指示剂,氢离子(浓度的)负指数指示剂matrass 卵形瓶litmus 石蕊litmus paper 石蕊试纸graduate, graduated flask 量筒,量杯reagent 试剂test tube 试管burette 滴定管retort 曲颈甑still 蒸馏釜cupel 烤钵crucible pot, melting pot 坩埚pipette 吸液管filter 滤管stirring rod 搅拌棒element 元素body 物体compound 化合物atom 原子gram atom 克原子atomic weight 原子量atomic number 原子数atomic mass 原子质量molecule 分子electrolyte 电解质ion 离子anion 阴离子cation 阳离子electron 电子isotope 同位素isomer 同分异物现象polymer 聚合物symbol 复合radical 基structural formula 分子式valence, valency 价monovalent 单价bivalent 二价halogen 成盐元素bond 原子的聚合mixture 混合combination 合成作用compound 合成物alloy 合金organic chemistry 有机化学inorganic chemistry 无机化学derivative 衍生物series 系列acid 酸hydrochloric acid 盐酸sulphuric acid 硫酸nitric acid 硝酸aqua fortis 王水fatty acid 脂肪酸organic acid 有机酸hydrosulphuric acid 氢硫酸hydrogen sulfide 氢化硫alkali 碱,强碱ammonia 氨base 碱hydrate 水合物hydroxide 氢氧化物,羟化物hydracid 氢酸hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物,羟anhydride 酐alkaloid 生物碱aldehyde 醛oxide 氧化物phosphate 磷酸盐acetate 醋酸盐methane 甲烷,沼气butane 丁烷salt 盐potassium carbonate 碳酸钾soda 苏打sodium carbonate 碳酸钠caustic potash 苛性钾caustic soda 苛性钠ester 酯gel 凝胶体analysis 分解fractionation 分馏endothermic reaction 吸热反响exothermic reaction 放热反响precipitation 沉淀to precipitate 沉淀to distil, to distill 蒸馏distillation 蒸馏to calcine 煅烧to oxidize 氧化alkalinization 碱化to oxygenate, to oxidize 脱氧,氧化to neutralize 中和to hydrogenate 氢化to hydrate 水合,水化to dehydrate 脱水fermentation 发酵solution 溶解combustion 燃烧fusion, melting 熔解alkalinity 碱性isomerism, isomery 同分异物现象hydrolysis 水解electrolysis 电解electrode 电极anode 阳极,正极cathode 阴极,负极catalyst 催化剂catalysis 催化作用oxidization, oxidation 氧化reducer 复原剂dissolution 分解synthesis 合成reversible 可逆的hydrogen bond氢键Carbon-hydrogen bond碳氢键。

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_bm

化学元素英文介绍chemistry of the elements33654_bm
Vanadium Xenon Ytterbium Yttrium Zinc Zirconium
Hg Mo Nd Ne
NP Ni Nb N No
0 Pd P Pt pu Po K Pr Pm Pa Ra
Re Rh Rb Ru Rf Sm sc
Sg Se Si
Ag Na SI S Ta Tc Te Tb
(98) 127.60(3) 158.92534(2) 204.3833(2) 2320381(1) 168.93421(2) 118.710(7) 47 867(1) 183.8411)
(277) (269) (272) 238.0289(1)
509415(1) 131.2912) 173.04(3) 88.90585(2) 65.39(2) 91.224(2)
Th Tm Sn Ti W Uub Uun Uuu U
V Xe Yb Y
Atomic Number
80 42 60 10 93 28 41
7 102 76
8 46 15 78 94 84 19 59 61 91 88 86 75 45 37 44
104 62 21 106 34 14 47 I1 38 16 73 43 52 65 81 90 69 50 22 74 112 110 111 92
(2621 207 2( 1)
[6.941(2)]+ 174.967(1) 24.3050(6) 54.938049(9)
(268) (258)
Mercury Molybdenum Neodymium Neon Neptunium' Nickel Niobium Nitrogen Nobelium* Osmium Oxygen Palladium Phosphorus Platinum Plutonium' Polonium' Potassium Praseodymium Promethium' Protactinium' Radium' Radon' Rhenium Rhodium Rubidium Ruthenium Rutherfordium Samanum Scandium Seaborgium Selenium Silicon Silver Sodium Strontium Sulfur Tantalum Technetium* Tellurium Terbium Thallium Thonum' Thulium Tin Titanium Tungsten Ununbium Ununnilium Unununium Uranium'
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Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth
Ch. 73
assigning precise dates to discoveries made by alchemists, miners and metal workers (or indeed even discerning what those discoveries actually were), it seems clear that As, Sb and Bi became increasingly recognized in their free form during the thirteenth to fifteenth centuries; they are therefore contemporary with Zn and Co, and predate all other elements except the 7 metals and 2 non-metallic elements known from ancient times (Au, Ag, Cu, Fe, Hg, Pb, Sn; C and S).'')
Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth
13.1 Introduction
The three elements arsenic, antimony and bismuth, which complete Group 15of the periodic table, were amongst the earliest elements to be isolated and all were known before either nitrogen (1772) or phosphorus (1669) had been obtained as the free elements. The properties of arsenic sulfide and related compounds have been known to physicians and professional poisoners since the fifth century BC though their use is no longer recommended by either group of practitioners. Isolation of the element is sometimes credited to Albertus Magnus (AD 1193-1280) who heated orpiment (AS&) with soap, and its name reflects its ancient lineage. [Arsenic, Latin arsenicum from Greek & ~ ~ V L K(a~rsVenicon) which was itself derived (with addition of 6 v ) from Persian az-zarnTkh, yellow orpiment (zar = gold).] Antimony compounds were also known to the ancients and the black sulfide, stibnite, was used in early biblical times as a cosmetic to darken and beautify women’s eyebrows; a rare Chaldean vase of cast antimony dates from 4000 BC and antimony-coated copper articles were used in Egypt 2500-22OOBC. Phny (-AD 50) gave it
Arsenic minerals are widely distributed throughout the world and small amounts of the free element have also been found. Common
' M. E. WEEKS, Discovery of the Elements, Chap. 3,
the name stibium and writings attributed to Jabir (-AD 800) used the form antimonium; indeed, both names were used for both the element and its sulfide until the end of the eighteenth century (Lavoisier). The history of the element, like that of arsenic, is much obscured by the intentionally vague and misleading descriptions of the alchemists, though the elusive Benedictine monk Basil Valentine may have prepared it in 1492 (about the time of Columbus). N. Lkmery published his famous Treatise on Antimony in 1707. Bismuth was known as the metal at least by 1480 though its previous history in the Middle Ages is difficult to unravel because the element was sometimes confused with Pb, Sn, Sb or even Ag. The Gutenberg printing presses (1440 onwards) used type that had been cut from brass or cast from Pb, Sn or Cu, but about 1450 a secret method of casting type from Bi alloys came into use and this particular use is still an important application of the element (p. 549). The name derives from the German Wismut (possibly white metal or meadow mines) and this was latinized to bisemutum by the sixteenth-century German scientist G. Bauer (Agricola) about 1530. Despite the difficulty of
+ condensing the sublimed element: FeAsS --+
FeS As&) ---+ As(s). Residual As trapped in
the sulfide residues can be released by roasting them in air and trapping the sublimed As203 in the flue system. The oxide can then either be used directly for chemical products or reduced with charcoal at 700-800" to give more As. As203 is also obtained in large quantities as flue dust from the smelting of Cu and Pb concentrates; because of the huge scale of these operations (pp. 1174, 371) this represents the most important industrial source of As. Some production figures and major uses of As and its compounds are listed in the Panel.
pp. 91-119, Journal of Chemical Education, Easton, Pa, 1956.
minerals include the two sulfides realgar (AsqS4) and orpiment (As&) and the oxidized form arsenolite (As203). The arsenides of Fe, Co and Ni and the mixed sulfides with these metals form another set of minerals, e.g. loellingite (FeAs2), safforlite (CoAs), niccolite (NiAs), rammelsbergite (NiAs2), arsenopyrite (FeAsS), cobaltite (CoAsS), enargite ( C U ~ A S Sg~e)r,sdorffite (NiAsS) and the quaternary sulfide glaucodot [(Co,Fe)AsS]. Elemental As is obtained on an industrial scale by smelting FeAs2 or FeAsS at 650-700°C in the absence of air and