
以下英语⼝语由⽆忧考整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注⽆忧考! 1. I`m an office worker. 我是上班族。
2. I work for the government. 我在政府机关做事。
3. I’m happy to meet you. 很⾼兴见到你。
4. I like your sense of humour. 我喜欢你的幽默感。
5. I’m glad to see you again. 很⾼兴再次见到你。
6. I’ll call you. 我会打电话给你。
7. I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。
8. I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。
9. I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。
10. I would like to talk to you for a minute. 我想和你谈⼀下。
11. I have a lot of problems. 我有很多问题。
12. I hope our dreams come true. 我希望我们的梦想成真。
13. I’m looking forward to seeing you. 我期望见到你。
14. I’m supposed to go on a diet / get a raise. 我应该节⾷/涨⼯资。
15. I heard that you’re getting married. Congratulations.听说你要结婚了,恭喜! 16. I see what your mean. 我了解你的意思。
17. I can’t do this. 我不能这么做。
18. Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。

100句超实用的英语口语,跟老外对答如流!1.How are you doing?(你好吗?)2.I''m doing great.(我过得很好。
)3.What''s up?(出什么事了/你在忙些什么/怎么了?)4.Nothing special.(没什么特别的。
)5.Hi. Long time no see.(嗨,好久不见了。
)6.So far so good.(到目前为止,一切都好。
)7.Things couldn''t be better.(一切顺利。
)8.How about yourself?(你自己呢?)9.Today is a great day.(今天是个好日子。
)10.Are you making progress?(有进展吗?)11.May I have your name, please?(请问尊姓大名?)12.I''ve heard so much about you.(久仰大名。
)13.I hope you''re enjoying your staying here.(希望你在这里过得愉快。
)14.Let''s get together again.(改天再聚聚。
)15.That''s a great idea!(好主意!)16.Please say hello to your mother for me.(请代我向你母亲问好。
)17.I''m glad to have met you.(很高兴遇到你。
)18.Don''t forget us.(别忘了我们。
)19.Keep in touch.(保持联系。
)20.I had a wonderful time here.(我在这里度过了难忘的时光。
)21.Have a nice weekend.(周末愉快。

英语常用口语交际100句1.Hi, how are you?2.What’s up?3.Long time no see.4.How have you been?5.I’m good, thanks. And you?6.What do you do for a living?7.Can you help me with this?8.Could you please repeat that?9.How was your weekend?10.I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that.11.That’s interesting!12.What do you think about this?13.Excuse me, could you pass me the salt?14.I totally agree with you.15.I’m looking forward to it.16.Sorry for the inconvenience.17.What are you up to this weekend?18.I’m just hanging out with friends.19.Could you give me a hand?20.I’m not feeling well today.21.I don’t think that’s a good idea.22.Let’s go grab a cup of coffee.23.Do you mind if I take a rain check?24.I appreciate your help.25.Let’s keep in touch.26.It’s nice to meet you.27.I’m not sure about that.28.How was your day?29.I’ve been swamped with work lately.30.I don’t really feel like going out tonight.31.How’s everything going?32.Can you believe what happened today?33.Let’s make a plan for the weekend.34.Would you like to join us for dinner?35.I can’t make it tonight, sorry.36.Do you want to go see a movie with me?37.I had a great time with you.38.This weather is awful, isn’t it?39.I’m not a big fan of this restaurant.40.What’s new with you?41.Do you want to go for a walk?42.Let’s have a chat over a cup of tea.43.Do you know where the nearest ATM is?44.I can’t wai t to see you again.45.I need to run some errands today.46.Let’s grab a drink after work.47.How did your meeting go?48.Can I borrow your pen for a moment?49.I’m really looking forward to the summer.50.Would you like to come over for dinner?51.I’m not sure if I can make it to the party.52.Did you hear about what happened yesterday?53.I’ll call you back later.54.I’ll let you know as soon as I have more information.55.Can you give me a ride to the airport?56.Sorry, I have other plans for tonight.57.How was your vacation?58.I’m sorry to hear that.59.Let’s have a picnic in the park.60.What time are we meeting tomorrow?61.Would you mind if I joined you?62.This is a great opportunity for us.63.Let’s book our tickets in advance.64.I’m running late, sorry!65.Do you have any suggestions for a good restaurant?66.Let’s not waste any more time.67.I haven’t seen you in ages!68.I can’t believe it’s already November.69.I need to check my schedule first.70.Have you been to that new cafe down the street?71.What’s the best way to get to your place?72.I’ll have a cup of tea, please.73.My phone battery is about to die.74.Let’s go for a walk in the park.75.Can you take a look at this for me?76.I have a lot of work to get done.77.Let’s meet for lunch tomorrow.78.Can you give me a ride home?79.What do you like to do in your free time?80.Let’s go explore the city together.81.I need to finish this report by tomorrow.82.Did you watch the latest episode of that TV series?83.What do you think of this idea?84.Let’s have a barbecue in the backyard.85.I’m not sure how to get there.86.I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.87.Let’s go shopping this weekend.88.Can you believe it’s already Friday?89.I’m so tired after a long day at work.90.How about going for a bike ride?91.Can you recommend a good book to read?92.Let’s go watch a movie at the cinema.93.I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.94.I’ll have a glass of water, please.95.What do you think of the new music album?96.Let’s go for a hike in the mountains.97.I have to prepare for a presentation.98.Can you pick me up at the train station?99.I’ll let you know if anything changes.100.It’s always a pleasure talking to you.以上是一百句英语常用口语交际,对于提升口语能力和社交技巧非常有帮助。

1. I wasn’t born yesterday. 我又不是三岁小孩。
2. How do I address you? 我怎么称呼你?3. She turns me off. 她使我厌烦。
4. So far so good. 目前为止,一切都好。
5. Be my guest. 请便 / 别客气。
6. That was a close call. 太危险了 / 千钧一发。
7. Far from it. 一点也不。
8. It’s a pain in the neck. 那真是件麻烦事。
9. We’re in the same boat. 我们处境相同。
10. My mouth is watering. 我在流口水了。
11. I ache all over. 我浑身酸痛。
12. I have a runny nose. 我流鼻涕。
13. Do you have any openings? 你们有空缺吗?14. Think nothing of it. 别放在心上。
15. I’m not myself today. 我今天心神不宁。
16. I have a sweet tooth. 我喜欢吃甜食。
17. Line up please! 排队!18. Don’t beat around the bush. 别拐弯抹角了。
19. It’s up on the air. 尚未确定。
20. It slipped my mind. 我忘了。
21. You can’t please everyone. 你不可能讨好每一个人。
22. I’m working on it. 我正在努力。
23. You bet! 当然!24. Drop me a line. 写封信给我。
25. Are you pulling my leg? 你在开我玩笑吗?26. I’ll keep my ears open. 我会留意的。

1. Stop complaining! 别发牢骚!2. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心!3. What’s wrong with you? 你怎么回事?4. You shouldn’t have done that! 你真不应该那样做!5. You’re a jerk! 你是个废物/混球!6. Don’t talk to me like that! 别那样和我说话!7. Who do you think you are? 你以为你是谁?8. What’s your problem? 你怎么回事啊?9. I hate you! 我讨厌你!10. I don’t want to see your face! 我不愿再见到你!11. You’re crazy! 你疯了!12. Are you insane/crazy/out of your mind? 你疯了吗?(美国人绝对常用!)13. Don’t bother me. 别烦我。
14. Knock it off. 少来这一套。
15. Get out of my face. 从我面前消失!16. Leave me alone. 走开。
17. Get lost.滚开!18. Take a hike! 哪儿凉快哪儿歇着去吧。
19. You piss me off. 你气死我了。
20. It’s none of your business. 关你屁事!21. What’s the meaning of this? 这是什么意思?22. How dare you! 你敢!23. Cut it out. 省省吧。
24. You stupid jerk! 你这蠢猪!25. You have a lot of nerve. 脸皮真厚。
26. I’m fed up. 我厌倦了。
27. I can’t take it anymore. 我受不了了!28. I’ve had enough of your garbage. 我听腻了你的废话。

1、Hello! (How do you do?) 你好!2、How are you?-I’m fine. Thank you,and you? 你好吗?我很好。
谢谢,你呢?3、Good morning / afternoon/evening/night. 早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。
4、Excuse me.(sorry. I’m sorry) 打搅一下(对不起/不好意思)5、Thank you! 谢谢你!6、You are welcome. 不用谢。
7、How are you today? 今天还好吗?8、Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。
9、What’s your name? 你叫什么名子啊?10、My name is ×××. 我叫×××11、What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么12、What’s wrong with you? (What’s the matter?)你怎么了?(出什么事了?)13、It’s time for class. 该上课了。
14、Come in please. 请进。
15、Let’s get ready for class! 让我们准备上课吧!16、Line up please! 排队!17、Attention please! 立正!18、At ease. 稍息。
19、Turn left/right! 向左/右转!20、One bye one please.No pushing. 一个一个来。

英语常用口语100句1. 毕竟,这个孩子太小还不能上学。
After all, the kid is too young to go to school.2. 我来自中国。
I come from China.3. 我的梦想会实现的。
My dream will come true.4. 她过去靠卖书为生。
She used to earn her living on selling books.5. 我家离学校不远。
My home isn t far from the school.6. 我喜欢去钓鱼。
I enjoy going fishing.7. 我长大后想成为一名老师。
I would like to be a teacher when I grow up.8. 我每天都过得很愉快。
I have a good time every day.9. 我乐于和平地生活。
I enjoy living in peace.10. 我喜欢浏览英语报纸。
I like looking through English newspapers.11. 我乐于和别人交朋友。
I enjoy making friends with others.12. 我一点都不喜欢抽烟。
I don't like smoking at all.13. 从今以后,我不但要更加努力学习还要尽力取得更好的成绩。
From now on, I not only study harder but also try my best to get better grades.14. 我偶尔喜欢去购物。
I like to go shopping now and then.15. 我们一做完饭就应该把火灭掉。
We should put out the fire as soon as we finish cooking.16. 我不喜欢炫耀自己。
I don t like to show off myself.17. 我以前在电脑游戏上花费了很多时间以至于我在学习上失去了兴趣。

英语常用口语100句带翻译1.What’s up? - 你好吗?2.I’m fine, thank you. - 我很好,谢谢你。
3.How are you? - 你好吗?4.Long time no see. - 好久不见。
5.What’s your name? - 你叫什么名字?6.Nice to meet you. - 很高兴认识你。
7.Where are you from? - 你来自哪里?8.How old are you? - 你多大了?9.What do you do? - 你是做什么的?10.Can you speak English? - 你会说英语吗?11.I love you. - 我爱你。
12.I miss you. - 我想你。
13.Thank you. - 谢谢你。
14.You’re welcome. - 不客气。
15.Sorry. - 对不起。
16.Excuse me. - 对不起,请问一下。
17.How’s it going? - 最近怎么样?18.See you later. - 再见。
19.Have a nice day. - 祝你有个愉快的一天。
20.Good morning. - 早上好。
21.Good afternoon. - 下午好。
22.Good evening. - 晚上好。
23.Good night. - 晚安。
24.How do you do? - 你好。
25.It’s nice to see you. - 见到你很高兴。
26.How have you been? - 你最近怎么样?27.Let me introduce myself. - 让我来介绍一下自己。
28.Can you help me? - 你可以帮我吗?29.Where is the restroom? - 洗手间在哪里?30.I’m sorry, I don’t understand. - 抱歉,我不明白。

100 001.What brings you to Beijing?(什么风把你吹到北京来的?)002.I'm here on business.(我来这里出差。
)003.It’s a small world.(世界真小!)004.Let's get together one of these days.(找一天聚聚。
)005.It’s my treat this time.(这次我请客!)006.It's up to you.(由你决定。
)007.How late are you open?(你们营业到多晚?)008.Where can I wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?)009.The sooner the better. (越快越好。
)010.Take your time.(慢慢来/别着急。
)011.Let's have fun tonight.(今晚让我们乐一乐。
)012.Would you care for a cop of coffee?(要杯咖啡吗?)013.Let's get to the point.(让我们来谈要点。
)014.Be my guest.(请便、别客气)015.What was your name again? (请再说一次名字好吗?)016.How do I address you?(我怎么称呼你?)017.What's the weather like today?(今天天气如何?)018.Excuse me for a moment.(失陪一会儿。
)019.That's not like him.(那不象是他的风格。
)020.I'm mad about Bruce Lee.(我迷死李小龙了。
)021.I couldn't help it.(我没办法。
)022.She never showed up.(她一直没有出现。

日常英语交流口语100句1、I'm home.我回来了。
2、Hello!你好3、You are welcome.不用谢。
4、Me too.我也是。
5、My god!天哪!6、No way!不行!7、Come on. 来吧8、Hold on. 等一等。
9、I agree。
10、Not bad. 还不错。
11、Not yet. 还没。
12、See you. 再见。
13、Shut up!闭嘴!14、So long. 再见。
15、Why not?好呀!16、Allow me. 让我来。
17、Be quiet!安静点!18、Cheer up!振作起来!19、Good job!做得好!20、Have fun!玩得开心!21、How much?多少钱?22、I'm full. 我饱了。
23、I see. 我明白了。
24、I'm lost. 我迷路了。
25、My treat. 我请客。
26、So do I. 我也一样。
27、This way。
28、After you. 您先。
29、Bless you! 祝福你!30、Follow me. 跟我来。
31、Forget it!休想!32、Good luck! 祝好运!33、I decline!我拒绝!34、I promise. 我保证。
35、Of course!当然了!36、Slow down!慢点!37、Take care! 保重!38、They hurt. 疼。
39、Try again. 再试试。
40、Watch out!当心。
41、What's up? 有什么事吗?42、Be careful!注意!43、Bottoms up!干杯!44、Don't move!不许动!45、Guess what? 猜猜看?46、I doubt it 我怀疑。
47、I think so. 我也这么想。
48、I'm single. 我是单身贵族。

100 Sentences You Must Know in English with Translation1.Hello! 你好!2.How are you doing? 你好吗?3.What’s up? 有什么新鲜事吗?4.My name is John. 我的名字是约翰。
5.Where are you from? 你来自哪里?6.Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
7.How old are you? 你多大了?8.I am 25 years old. 我今年25岁。
9.Where do you live? 你住在哪里?10.Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗?11.Yes, I can. 是的,我会。
12.No, I can’t. 不,我不会。
13.Do you understand? 你明白吗?14.I don’t understand. 我不明白。
15.What is this called? 这叫什么?16.How much does it cost? 这多少钱?17.Could you help me, please? 你可以帮我吗?18.I need some help. 我需要帮助。
19.Thank you very much. 非常感谢你。
20.You’re welcome. 不客气。
21.Good morning. 早上好。
22.Good afternoon. 下午好。
23.Good evening. 晚上好。
24.Bye-bye. 再见。
25.See you later. 待会见。
26.Where is the restroom? 洗手间在哪里?27.I am hungry. 我饿了。
28.I am thirsty. 我渴了。
29.Can I have the bill, please? 请给我账单。
30.What time is it? 几点了?31.Do you have the time? 你知道时间吗?32.How was your day? 你今天过得怎么样?33.It’s a beautiful day. 今天天气真不错。

【常用英语口语100句常用英语口语100句_实用短语阅读常用英语口语100句_实用短语阅读常用英语口语100句篇一1. absolutely not. 绝对不是。
2. are you coming with me 你跟我一起去吗3. are you sure 你能肯定吗4. as soon as possible. 尽快。
5. believe me. 相信我。
6. buy it . 买下来!7. call me tomorrow. 明天打电话给我。
8. can you speak slowly 请您说得慢些好吗9. come with me. 跟我来。
10. congratulations. 恭喜恭喜。
11. do it right! 把它做对。
12. do you mean it 你是当真的吗13. do you see him often 你经常见到他吗14. do you see it = do you understand 你明白了吗15. do you want it 你要吗16. do you want something 你想要些什么17. don’t do it . 不要做。
18. don’t exaggerate. 不要夸张。
19. don’t tell me that. 不要告诉我。
20. give me a hand . 帮我一下。
21. go right ahead. 一直往前走。
22. have a good trip. 祝旅途愉快。
23. have a nice day. 祝你一天过得愉快。
24. have you finished 你做完了吗25. he doesn’t have time. 他没空。
常用英语口语100句篇二26. he is on his way. 他现在已经在路上了。
27. how are you doing 你好吗28. how long are you staying 你要呆多久29. i am crazy about her. 我对她着迷了。

地道英语口语100句含翻译1. How are you? 你好吗?2. I'm fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。
3. What's your name? 你叫什么名字?4. My name is John. 我叫约翰。
5. Nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。
6. Nice to meet you too. 也很高兴认识你。
7. Where are you from? 你来自哪里?8. I'm from the United States. 我来自美国。
9. What do you do for a living? 你做什么工作?10. I'm a teacher. 我是一名教师。
11. How old are you? 你多大了?12. I'm 25 years old. 我25岁了。
13. Do you have any siblings? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?14. Yes, I have a brother and a sister. 是的,我有一个哥哥和一个妹妹。
15. What's your favorite food? 你最喜欢的食物是什么?16. My favorite food is pizza. 我最喜欢的食物是披萨。
17. What's your favorite hobby? 你最喜欢的爱好是什么?18. My favorite hobby is playing basketball. 我最喜欢的爱好是打篮球。
19. What's your favorite movie? 你最喜欢的电影是什么?20. My favorite movie is The Shawshank Redemption. 我最喜欢的电影是《肖申克的救赎》。
21. What's your favorite book? 你最喜欢的书是什么?22. My favorite book is To Kill a Mockingbird. 我最喜欢的书是《杀死一只知更鸟》。

55.what’s new?有什么新鲜事吗?56.countmeon算上我。

1.常⽤实⽤英语⼝语100句 1. Have a nice day. 祝你今天过的愉快(通常在跟别⼈道别的时候说,类似于goodbye了) 2. So far, so good. ⽬前为⽌⼀切都好 3. Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就拉倒 4. Keep it up! 继续努⼒,继续加油 5. Good for you. 好啊!做得好! 6. Time flies!时光如梭 7. Time is money. 时间就是⾦钱 8. That's life. 这就是⼈⽣ 9. Now you're talking. 这才对嘛 10. I have butterflies in my stomach. 我感到紧张 11. You asked for it. 你⾃找的 12. read between the lines 读出字⾥⾏间的⾔外之意 13. The rest is history. 其他的就众所皆知了 14. A little bird told me. 我⼈听说的 15. It never rains but it pours. 祸不单⾏ 16. Mind your own business. 不关你的事⼉ 17. Hang in there. 坚持下去 18. could be worse 已经很好了 19. Money talks. ⾦钱是万能的 20. count me out 不要算我2.常⽤实⽤英语⼝语100句 21. Over my dead body! 想都别想 22. go fifty-fifty on sth. (在...上⾯)平分 23. You can say that again! You said it! 你说的没错;你说对了 24. Look who's talking! 看看你⾃⼰吧! 25. It's Greek to me. 这我完全不懂 26. take my word for it 相信我的话 27. one's cup of tea 合某⼈胃⼝的事物/⼈ 28. Get real! / Give me a break! 别闹了;别开玩笑了 29. head over heels 深陷;完全地(做状语,相当于completely) 30. Suit yourself. 随你⾼兴 31. What's the catch? 有什么意图?(葫芦⾥卖的什么药?) 32. let the cat out of bag 泄漏秘密 33. sth. is touch-and-go 危险的情况;惊险的;⼀触即发的 34. beat a dead horse ⽩费劲 35. The sky's the limit. 没有限制 36. once in a blue moon 千载难逢;难得⼀次 37. Be prepared. 准备好 38. It's easier said than done. 说的⽐做的简单 39. have second thoughts 考虑⼀下;犹豫 40. behind someone's back 在某⼈背后;背着某⼈3.常⽤实⽤英语⼝语100句 41. Better luck next time. 下次运⽓更好 42. come in handy 派得上⽤场 43. rains cats and dogs 倾盆⼤⾬ 44. First come, first served. 先来先招待;捷⾜先登 45. It's not my day! 今天运⽓真糟 46. That's news to me. 这可是新闻呢 47. There's no way to tell. 没办法知道 48. read sb. like an open book 清楚某⼈⼼⾥的想法 49. You've got me there. 你考到我了 50. Easy does it. 慢慢来;⼩⼼⼀点;别⽣⽓了 51. on the tip of one's tongue 差⼀点就说出⼝;差⼀点就记起来的 52. The more, the merrier. 越多越好 53. let someone off the hook 让某⼈摆脱⿇烦、解脱困境 54. beside the point 离题的;不是重点 55. burn the candle at both ends ⽩天晚上都要忙;花费很多精⼒ 56. meet a deadline 截稿 57. out of sight, out of mind 眼不见为净;离久情疏 58. rub someone the wrong way 惹恼某⼈ 59. step on one's toes 触怒到某⼈ 60. be fed up with 对……感到厌烦4.常⽤实⽤英语⼝语100句 61. give credit where credit is due. 称赞该被赞美的⼈ 62. go from bad to worse 每况愈下 63. hit the jackpot 中⼤奖,⾛运 64. It all depends on what one means by sth. 这取决于⼀个⼈怎么看待这件事情了 65. in one's book 在某⼈的字典⾥;对…⽽⾔ 66. No pains, no gains ⼀份耕耘,⼀份收获 67. You ain't seen nothing yet. 你还没看过更好(坏)的 68. to give a rain check 改天的邀请 69. Don't be that way! 别那样! 70. That's what friends are for. 这就是好朋友啊 71. It's a pain in the neck. 很讨厌⽽难避免 72. It's the thought that counts. ⼼意最重要(礼轻情意重) 73. the tip of the iceberg 冰⼭⼀⾓;危险的细微的征兆 74. jump down someone's throat 粗暴地回答某⼈;⽆理地打断某⼈的话 75. save sth. for a rainy day 以备不时之需 76. behind the scenes 在幕后;在⿊暗中 77. by the skin of one's teeth 刚好,勉强,侥幸 78. Don't rock the boat. 不要破坏现状、捣乱 79. worth its weight in gold 很有价值的 80. speak of the devil 说曹操曹操到5.常⽤实⽤英语⼝语100句 81. …is right up someone's alley 某物/事是某⼈的专长 82. You never know what you can do until you try. 不试试看,就不知道⾃⼰的潜⼒ 83. You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours. 你帮我,我也帮你 84. A penny saved is a penny earned. 省⼀分就是赚⼀分 85. get away from it all 远离这⼀切 86. make a mountain out of a molehill ⼤惊⼩怪;⼩题⼤做;⾔过其实 87. Two heads are better than one. 三个臭⽪匠抵过⼀个诸葛亮 88. have cold feet 紧张(紧张到脚冷) 89. have someone's sight on sth. 看好了某样东西;决⼼要 90. Honesty is the best policy. 诚实为上策 91. No sooner said than done. 说做就做 92. sleep like a log 睡得很沉 93. through thick and thin 不畏艰险,赴汤蹈⽕ 94. all in the day's work 习以为常;不⾜为奇 95. Curiosity kills the cat. 好奇伤⾝ 96. Great minds think alike. 英雄所见略图 97. Some people never learn. 有些⼈总是学不乖 98. There's no place like home. 没有⽐家更温暖的地⽅ 99. You learn sth. new everyday. 你每天都会学到新东西 100. wrap things up 把事情整理⼀番,做个了结。

1、 Hello! (How do you do?) 你好! 2、 How are you?-I’m fine. Thank you. and you? 你好吗?我很好。
谢谢,你呢? 3、 Good morning / afternoon/evening/night. 早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。
4、 Excuse me.(sorry. I’m sorry) 打搅⼀下(对不起/不好意思) 5、 Thank you! 谢谢你! 6、 You are welcome. 不⽤谢。
7、 How are you today? 今天还好吗? 8、 Nice to meet you. 见到你很⾼兴。
9、 What’s your name? 你叫什么名⼦啊? 10、 My name is×××。
11、 What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么? 12、 What’s wrong with you? (What’sthe matter?)你怎么了?(出什么事了?) 13、 It’s time for class. 该上课了。
14、 Come in please. 请进。
15、 Let’s get ready for class! 让我们准备上课吧! 16、 Line up please! 排队! 17、 Attention please! ⽴正! 18、 At ease. 稍息。
19、 Turn life/right! 向左/右转!20、 One bye one please.no pushing. ⼀个⼀个来。
少⼉英语⼝语100句(21-40) 21、 Let’s go back to the classroom. 让我们回教室去。

英语常用口语一百句1.Hello, how are you?2.What’s up?3.Long time no see!4.How’s it going?5.Can you help me, please?6.I’m sorry, I don’t understand.7.Excuse me, could you repeat that?8.Where are you from?9.Nice to meet you.10.What do you do for a living?11.How was your day?12.I’m feeling under the weather.13.I’m just hanging out.14.Don’t worry about it.15.What a small world!16.Let’s grab a coffee sometime.17.It’s been a tough day.18.I’m so fed up with this weather.19.Could you please pass me the salt?20.Let’s keep in touch.21.I’m running late.22.That’s a piece of cake.23.I’m all ears.24.I’m on cloud nine.25.This is a piece of art.26.I can’t believe my eyes.27.Are you kidding me?28.Let’s hit the road.29.Can I have a rain check?30.I’m all thumbs.31.It’s not my cup of tea.32.I’m keeping my fingers crossed.33.I’m over the moon.34.It’s high time we hit the hay.35.Let’s make a long story short.36.I’m on thin ice.37.I’m feeling out of sorts.38.It’s a blessing in disguise.39.I’m feeling blue.40.I’m on pins and needles.41.Let’s call it a day.42.I’m feeling on top of the world.43.It’s a pain in the neck.44.Can I pick your brain for a minute?45.I’m feeling off color.46.I’m in the same boat.47.It’s a storm in a teacup.48.Let’s take a rain check.49.I’m feeling on edge.50.It’s a shot in the dark.51.Can I have a word with you?52.I’m feeling out of the loop.53.I’m in seventh heaven.54.It’s water under the bridge.55.Let’s break the ice.56.I’m feeling blue.57.I’m steering clear of that.58.It’s a red letter day.59.Let’s cut to the chase.60.Duck and cover.61.Can I have a word with you?62.I’m in the limelight.63.It’s neither here nor there.64.Let’s get down to brass tacks.65.I’m feeling off color.66.I’m in hot water.67.It’s out of the question.68.Let’s hit the road.69.I’m feeling under the weather.70.I’m in the same boat.71.It’s a storm in a teacup.72.Let’s take a rain check.73.I’m feeling on edge.74.I’m on thin ice.75.It’s a shot in the dark.76.Can I have a word with you?77.I’m feeling out of the loop.78.I’m on cloud nine.79.Let’s call it a day.80.I’m feeling on top of the world.81.It’s a pain in the neck.82.Can I pick your brain for a minute?83.I’m feeling blue.84.I’m steering clear of that.85.Let’s get something off my chest.86.I’m in hot water.87.It’s neither here nor there.88.Let’s get down to brass tacks.89.I’m feeling off color.90.I’m in the limelight.91.It’s water under the bridge.92.Let’s break the ice.93.I’m feeling on edge.94.I’m in seventh heaven.95.It’s a blessing in disguise.96.I’m feeling blue.97.Can I have a rain check?98.It’s a storm in a teacup.99.Let’s take a rain check.100.I’m feeling on cloud nine.这里列出了一百句常用的英语口语,希望对你的日常交流有所帮助。

英语口语一百句1.The days are getting hotter.2.I feel like sleeping/ taking a walk. 我想睡/散步。
3.I want something to eat. 我想吃点东西。
4.I need your help. 我需要你的帮助。
5. Are you Bill Jones?你是比尔、琼斯吗?Yes, I am. 是的,我是。
6. How are you?你好吗?7. Fine, thanks. 很好,谢谢。
8. How is Helen?海伦好吗?9. She’s very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢您。
10. Good afternoon, Mr. Green. 午安,格林先生。
11. Good evening, Mrs. Brown. 晚上好,布朗夫人。
12. How are you this evening?今晚上您好吗?13. Good night, John. 晚安,约翰。
14. Good-bye, Bill. 再见,比尔。
15. See you tomorrow. 明天见。
16. Come in, please. 请进!17. Sit down. 坐下!18. Stand up, please. 请站起来。
19. Open your book, please. 请把书打开。
20. Close your book, please. 请把书合上。
21. Don’t open your book. 别打开书。
22. Do you understand?你明白了吗?23. Yes, I understand. 是的,我明白了。
24. No, I don’t understand. 不,我不明白。
25. Listen and repeat. 先听,然后再重复一遍。
26. Now read, please. 现在请大家读。

100句口语英语1.After you.你先请。
2.I just couldn't help it.我就是忍不住。
3.Don't take it to heart.别往心里去,别为此而忧虑伤神。
4.We'd better be off.我们该走了。
5.Let's face it.面对现实吧。
6.Let's get started.咱们开始干吧。
7.I'm really dead.我真要累死了。
8.I've done my best.我已尽力了。
9.Is that so?真是那样吗?10. Don't play games with me!别跟我耍花招!11. I don't know for sure.我不确切知道。
12. I'm not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。
13. That's something.太好了,太棒了。
14. Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!这主意真高明!15. Do you really mean it?此话当真?16. You are a great help.你帮了大忙。
17. I couldn't be more sure.我再肯定不过。
18. I am behind you.我支持你。
19. I'm broke.我身无分文。
20. Mind you!请注意!听着!21. You can count on it.你尽管相信好了,尽管放心。
22. I never liked it anyway.我一直不太喜欢这东西。
23. That depends.看情况再说。
24. Congratulations.恭喜你,祝贺你。
25. Thanks anyway.无论如何我还是得谢谢你。
26. It's a deal!一言为定!27. May I come in?我能进来吗?28. Come in, please.请进。

英语口语交流100句1.Hello, how are you?2.What’s your name?3.Where are you from?4.How old are you?5.Can you speak English?6.Could you please repeat that?7.I don’t understand.8.What time is it?9.How can I help you?10.Excuse me, where is the nearest restroom?11.Do you like this place?12.What do you do for a living?13.Can you recommend a good restaurant?14.How was your day?15.I am sorry for the inconvenience.16.What’s the weather like today?17.Let’s grab a cup of coffee.18.Have a safe trip.19.Where can I find a taxi?20.How was your weekend?21.I look forward to seeing you again.22.What are your hobbies?23.Let’s meet for lunch.24.Is there a bank nearby?25.It was nice meeting you.26.Can you lend me a hand?27.Do you need any help?28.Have a great day!29.What’s your favorite movie?30.Could you pass me the salt, please?31.Let’s go for a walk.32.What’s your favorite food?33.Please wait a moment.34.I have a question.35.What do you think about this?36.I hope you have a wonderful day.37.Can I have a glass of water?38.Could you tell me more about yourself?39.Let’s go shopping together.40.Do you have any plans for the weekend?41.Can you recommend a good book?42.I am looking for a hotel.43.How do you take your coffee?44.Do you have any siblings?45.Let’s take a selfie.46.What are your plans for the future?47.I am feeling under the weather.48.How do you like your steak cooked?49.It’s nice to see you again.50.Can you recommend a good place to visit?51.What’s your favorite color?52.Do you like traveling?53.Let’s have a picnic.54.How do you stay fit?55.I am sorry for your loss.56.Are you free this weekend?57.What’s your favorite sport?58.Let’s go for a hike.59.Can I have the bill, please?60.How do you like your eggs cooked?61.It was a pleasure meeting you.62.Can you play a musical instrument?63.Can you recommend a good music band?64.I need some time to think about it.65.I will be there in a minute.66.I am looking for a job.67.What’s your favorite place to relax?68.Let’s go dancing.69.Do you have any pets?70.I like your outfit.71.Can you help me with my homework?72.Do you have any allergies?73.Can you recommend a good TV show?74.Let’s go for a drive.75.What’s your dream vacation d estination?76.I am sorry to hear that.77.Can you recommend a good place to study?78.Do you have any phobias?79.Let’s go to the beach.80.How do you like your tea?81.I am sorry to bother you.82.Can you recommend a good place to work out?83.Let’s go for a bike ride.84.Can I have a pen, please?85.What’s your favorite holiday?86.Do you like to cook?87.Let’s go for a swim.88.How do you like your pancakes?89.I am sorry for being late.90.Can you recommend a good movie theater?91.Let’s go sailing.92.Can I have a piece of paper, please?93.What’s your favorite season?94.Do you like hiking?95.Let’s go to a theme park.96.How do you like your salad dressed?97.I am sorry for the confusion.98.Can you recommend a good museum?99.Let’s go for a run.100.It was nice talking to you.以上是100句常用的英语口语交流句子,希望对你的英语交流有所帮助。
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A fool never learns.
A little bird told me.
Are you out of your mind?
Are you pulling my leg?
As far as I'm concerned.
Be my guest.
Don't beat around the bush.
Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。
Don't get me wrong.
Don't get on my nerves!
Don't look wise.
Don't underestimate me.
Do you have any openings?
Drop me a line.
Every dog has his day.
Excuse me for a moment.
Far from it.
For the time being.
Good for you.
Have a nice day.
Have butterflies in one's stomach 紧张
He's been everywhere.
He hit the ceiling at the news.
His argument doesn't hold water.他的论点站不住脚。
How do I address you?
I ache all over.
I'm flattered.
I'm mad at myself.
I'm not myself today.
I'm very / really / terribly / awfully / extremely sorry.十分抱歉。
I'm working on it.
It can't be helped.
I can't seem to get to sleep.
I don't feel up to that.
I have a runny nose.
I have a sweet tooth.
I've heard so much about you!
I hope I'm not in the way.
It hurts like hell!
It's a pain in the neck.
It's raining cats and dogs.下着倾盆大雨。
It's up on the air.
It slipped my mind.
I wasn't born yesterday.
I'll make it up to you.
I won't buy your story.
Just to be on the safe side.为了安全起见。
Keep it up!
Let's forgive and forget.
Let's give him a big hand.让我们热烈鼓掌。
Let's talk over coffee.
Money will come and go.钱乃身外之物。
My mouth is watering.
Neck and neck.
Nothing works.
Now you're talking.
Over my dead body!
Read between the lines
She gives me a headache.
She looks blue.
She turns me off.
So far so good.
Sorry to bother you.
Stay out of this matter, please.请别管这事。
Take it easy.
Take it or leave it.
That's life.
That's really something.
That was a close call.
There're a lot of rumors going around.很多流言流传着。
The rest is history.
Think nothing of it.
Time flies!
Time is money.
We're in the same boat.
What brings you to Beijing?
What the hell are you doing?
Who is to blame?
You're going too far!
You're the boss.
You're too outspoken.
You're wasting you breath.
You asked for it.
You bet!
You can't do this to me.
You can never tell.
You can't please everyone.
You've got to do something.
You have my word.
You look very serious about something.你似乎有很严重的事。