全国英语优质课教学比赛课件Facing the future(非常好!!)

Course arrangement
3 months
This course is designed for students who need to improve their English in a short period of time It focuses on intensive training in all areas of English language proficiency
6 months
This course is suitable for students who want to improve their English gradually and systematically It provides a balance of language skills training and cultural understanding
Clear explanations
Provide clear and detailed explanations of English grammar rules, helping students understand and apply them correctly
Practice exercises
Scene simulation is a teaching method that simulates real-life situations to help students better understand and apply language.
In open English courses, scenario simulation is commonly used for oral and listening training. Teachers simulate scenarios such as business negotiations, tourism, and shopping, allowing students to play different roles and engage in dialogue exercises to improve their oral expression and listening comprehension abilities.

I saw a fish-pond all on fire, I saw a house bow to a squire, I saw a person twelve-feet high, I saw a cottage in the sky, I saw a balloon made of lead, I saw a coffin drop down dead, I saw two sparrows run a race, I saw two horses making lace, I saw a girl just like a cat, I saw a kitten wear a hat, I saw a man who saw these too, And said though strange they all were true.
Use Use Use Use
songs to praise life; eyes to guard the world; both hands to create miracles; hearts to feel the beauty of spring.
用歌声来赞美生活, 用双眼来眺望世界, 用双手来创造奇迹, 用心来感受大地之春暖花开。
Teasing, shouting, laughing -- 3 doings
It doesn’t matter if you see me or not. I am standing right there, with no emotion. 你见或者不见我 我就在那里 不悲不喜
Unit 2
Please read the passage quickly and

Luckily he got the first prize. luckless a. / luckless children
4. earn v. <1> to get money for work He earns 200 dollars a week.
5. hope可与so或not连用,分别代替一个含有 必定和否定意义宾语从句,以免重复, wish则不能。 -Will it be fine tomorrow? -I hope so. -Will it rain tomorrow? -I hope not.
三、wish, hope 都可作名词,可数或不可数均可, wish表示"愿望""心愿""祝福",hope表示"希望"。
5. He has some hope (s) of success. 他有成功希望。
; / 梦纤专业减肥 gwh29iyc
好奇。“你要是管不住自己嘴,死得也会很快。”苏小横淡淡道。裳儿立刻闭嘴,眼睛却还在转来转去。苏小横终于开恩道:“你现在在想什 么?说吧!”“那个敢动玉坠人啊!”裳儿半个身子都趴到了小几上,“爷爷怎么处置呢?给他钱,也不能白给吧?末了怎么捉他?”“你说 呢?”苏小横考她。“爷爷要是想捉他,早就嘱咐奶奶、伯伯、父亲、哥哥他们布网罗了,什么都没说,只怕从他递信手法上,就看出他形迹 了吧?他假如拿了钱之后没什么动静、或有什么特殊反应,爷爷就能够猜出他是谁了吧?”裳儿大笑,“现在裳儿都几乎能够猜出他是谁了!” 苏小横目光并未离开小楷册子,只是笑意漾开来,手指微微一动。裳儿就主动打开条几下抽屉,选出苏小横一枚闲印来,在朱砂盒中钤了钤, 苏小横把册子放下,她就看准地方,端端正正盖上去。苏小横作色道:“你怎么自作主张。”他收藏书帖,只有确认必是真品,才会盖上私人 印鉴。“不是自作主张,而是知道察颜观色!”裳儿得意道,“爷爷你放心吧!裳儿资质这么聪敏,你又请了那样好师父回来教诲。裳儿不会 差!”第四十九章 水上失银斗巧智(1)关于当前苏府中风云变幻,宝音有她看法。宝音之死,下手是老太太,背后牵涉,却是宫廷。盘清金 像中要命干系,得从宫廷入手。明秀婚事有方向之后,福珞巴结明秀,想入宫,是贪着高枝上荣华富贵罢?宝音却只为一探前生死因,非得叫 老太太将自己视为进宫人选,老太太才肯将金像头绪细细告之。到那之后,怎样报复、以及到底入不入宫,可再行决断。宝音不想去时,随便 装个病、诈个伤,怕人家忙不迭把她踢出来、着更健康听话姑娘顶上呢?她才不至于真把自己一生填进深宫里。那日宝音饮下明秀给上火药茶 之后很快,同刘晨寂所用药性相激,吐血晕厥,看着凶险,不过喉头破裂,其实无伤大碍,着刘晨寂复投仙方、妙手回春,很快便缓了过来。 宝音只推没有好利索,还是卧床装病,反正她常年恹恹,人家也习认为常了,难得刘晨寂也并不说破,三天两头来请脉、细调药膏,替她温补。 宝音借着柳少姨娘日志、以及乐韵探询回来八卦,琢磨老太太心意,在最适当时间,在最正确状态出现在她面前,让她眼前一亮,到达“惊艳” 效果,庶几可重蒙溺爱。老太太果然又重视起宝音来,吃早饭时还专门给宝音抛了几个话题,宝音都往吉祥宽慰路子上走,老太太听得舒心爽 胃。嘉颜在旁边添粥布菜,手臂无意中轻轻挨着桌沿,袖中有极微细当琅声,似戴着什么东西,旁人皆不在意,宝音留上了心,同洛月说,要 个小金银卷,又悄同乐韵使个眼色,嘉颜递来时,乐韵装作半躬腰收个空碟,在嘉颜面前挡了挡,嘉颜不得不将手臂
国家级优质课教学比赛多维阅读 第15级Skycar教学设计(很好)

教学流程Step I Lead inActivity: Free talk.教师询问学生上学的交通方式。
Step II ReadActivity 1: Read the contents.首先,教师引导学生从整体上感知目录的结构。

初中英语全国优质课大赛一等奖课件一、教学内容本节课选自人教版新目标英语八年级上册Unit 8 Section B 1a1e。
具体内容包括:1. 学习表示日期的短语:the first of May, the second of June, the third of July等。
2. 学习表示天气的形容词:sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy等。
3. 学习表示节日习俗的短语:have a big meal, give gifts, plant trees等。
二、教学目标1. 学生能够正确运用表示日期的短语和表示天气的形容词描述节日。
2. 学生能够听懂、会说、会读、会写与节日相关的词汇和短语。
3. 学生能够运用所学知识介绍自己的喜欢的节日,并说明原因。
三、教学难点与重点重点:1. 能够正确运用表示日期的短语和表示天气的形容词描述节日。
2. 能够听懂、会说、会读、会写与节日相关的词汇和短语。
难点:1. 正确运用表示日期的短语和表示天气的形容词描述节日。
2. 运用所学知识介绍自己的喜欢的节日,并说明原因。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、黑板、粉笔2. 学具:教材、笔记本、文具五、教学过程1. 情景引入(5分钟)2. 展示课件(15分钟)教师播放课件,展示不同节日的图片,引导学生说出对应的节日名称,并板书。
接着,教师引导学生用表示日期的短语和表示天气的形容词描述这些节日,如:“the first of May, sunny”。
3. 小组讨论(10分钟)学生分小组,讨论自己喜欢的节日,并用所学词汇和短语进行描述。
4. 随堂练习(10分钟)教师给出练习题,学生独立完成,检测所学知识。
5. 课堂小结(5分钟)六、板书设计板书内容主要包括本节课的主要节日、表示日期的短语、表示天气的形容词以及相关习俗的短语。
全国优质课一等奖人教新目标版英语七年级下册《Unit 9 SectionB 1a-2c》课件

Task-1 Read Paragraph 1 and answer T or F.
Joe Brown has an interesting job. He’s a police artist. Some people see crimes and then talk to him. Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him. 1. Joe tells people what the criminal looks like. F
He wants to draw a good picture of each criminal, but this job is sometimes difficult. Many people don’t always see things the same way so they describe the same person differently. Also they don’t always re P53 2c-Find out what the words in bold refer to.
Joe has a very interesting job. He is a police artist.
Joe draws a picture of the criminal, and the police put it in newspapers and on television to find him.
Enjoy a video.
1. What's his job? 2. What is he doing? 3. What do you think of his job?

二、教学目标1. 了解节能减排的概念,认识到节能减排对环境保护的重要性。
2. 掌握基本的节能减排方法,学会在日常生活中实践节能减排。
3. 提高学生的英语听说读写能力,特别是阅读理解和口语表达能力。
三、教学难点与重点1. 教学难点:节能减排的具体实践方法及其英语表达。
2. 教学重点:培养学生节能减排的意识,提高学生的英语实际运用能力。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:多媒体课件、黑板、粉笔。
2. 学具:英语教材、笔记本、彩色笔。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过展示一组关于环境污染的图片,引发学生对环境保护的思考,进而引入本节课的主题——节能减排。
2. 新课内容:详细讲解节能减排的重要性,展示并解释节能减排的实践方法,如节能减排小窍门、环保标语等。
3. 例题讲解:挑选教材中的典型例题,讲解解题思路,引导学生掌握解题方法。
4. 随堂练习:布置教材中的练习题,让学生及时巩固所学知识。
5. 小组讨论:分组讨论生活中节能减排的实例,提高学生的口语表达和合作能力。
六、板书设计1. 绿色生活,美好未来2. 内容:节能减排的定义节能减排的重要性节能减排的实践方法相关英语表达七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)列举生活中的节能减排实例,用英语进行描述。
答案:(1)例如:Turn off the lights when leaving the room.(离开房间时关灯)节能减排,从我做起As we all know, energy saving and emission reduction are of great importance to environmental protection. We shouldtake practical actions to save energy and reduce emissions in our daily lives.Firstly, we can turn off the lights when leaving the room to save electricity. Secondly, we can choose public transportation or ride bicycles instead of driving private cars, which can help reduce air pollution. Moreover, weshould use watersaving devices and avoid wasting water. Finally, it's a good habit to sort waste and recycle useful materials.Let's work together to protect our environment and builda better future.八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 课后反思:本节课通过实际案例和互动讨论,使学生认识到节能减排的重要性,提高了学生的环保意识和英语实际运用能力。

全国小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案全国首届小学英语优质课竞赛一等奖教案(一)Asking the Way(上海市虹口区贝贝英语学校祁承辉)I.Teaching ContentAsking the WayA: Excuse me, sir. Can you tell me the way to Bihai Hotel, please?B: Sure. You can go there by bus.A: Is it a long way from here?B: No, it'll take you fifteen minutes.A: Which bus can I take?B: You can take a No. 2 bus.A: Where is the bus stop?B: Just go straight. Look, the bus is coming.A: Thank you very much.B: You're welcome.II. Teaching proceduresStep 1. Warming-upT: Nice to meet you. My name is Bright. B-R-I-G-H-T.Shall we sing an English song named"Bingo", and try to change the' word "Bingo" with my name "Bright"?Step 2. PresentationT: I'm new here, when I arrived at the airport, I heard someone said "对不起"(注①),"早晨好"(注②).I really want to know their meanings in English. Could you help me?S: "对不起" is "Excuse me" and "早晨好" is "Good morning".T: Thanks a lot. And now could you tell me something about your city? I want to travel in this city, but I don't know where I should go.S1: Bai Lian Dong Park.S2: Fisher Girl.S3: Jiuzhou Town.T: Good. But I want to find a hotel now.Please do me a favour. Can you tell me the names of some hotels in this city?S1: XX Hotel.S2: Yindu Hotel.S3: Bihai Hotel.(The teacher takes notes while the students arespeaking.)Step 3. New structures learningT: They all sound very nice. But how can I get there, by bus or by bike?S: By bus.T: And how long will it take me to get there? Maybe fifteen minutes is enough.(The teacher looks at the watch and gives the students a gesture.)1) Draw a stick-figure picture to help the students understand the meaning ofthe sentence:"It'll take someone some time to do something."2) Write the sentence "It'll take you fifteen minutes. " on the blackboard, andhave the students imitate the sentence.3) A guessing game:T: Please look at these pictures and guess "How long will it take me to ...?"T: How long will it take me to have a football match?S1: It'll take you ninety minutes.T: Yes.4) Get the students to listen to the recording of the dialogue, in order tointroduce the new sentence: "Just go straight."5) Use the multi-media to help the students understand the meaning of thesentence "Go straight."6) Write the sentence on the blackboard, and have the students imitate thesentence: "Just go straight."Step 4. Practice1) Ask the students to listen to the dialogue once more, then ask them to repeatafter the tape, first individually and then in pairs.2) Encourage the students to read their dialogue with their deskmates.Step 5. ConsolidationT: You know I'm from Shanghai. Maybe in the future you'll go to Shanghai, soI've prepared some photographs for you.1) Show the photographs of "Nanjing Road", "udong New Area" and "the Bund" to the students.2) Get the students to ask the teachers from Shanghai something they don'tknow, such as directions, transportations in Shanghai.3) Ask some students to introduce their tour plans to Shanghai.注①、注②:因竞赛在珠海举行,授课教师用广东话说“对不起”和“早晨好”。
Unit 1 Looking Forwards Facing the future课件高中英语选必四

Looking Forwards
Facing the Future
Activity 1 Lead in
A medicine student A recognized writer
Call to Arms
Wild Grass
Why did Lu Xun change his decision?
What decision did he made?
After traditional Chinese medicine failed to cure his father`s disease.
He studied western medicine and became a doctor.
Why did he change his decision?
the fictional detective his historical novels amongst other thaecpaudbemliciccowuoldrkns’t get enough of Sherlock Holmes
Activity 7 Details
Organise information from the passage and complete the chart.
Long to be known for historical novels
Kick off the detective
To give the second example
Was forced to bring Holmes back
Under immense pressure
c What can you do when faced with uncertainty about the future?

二、教学目标1. 了解和掌握环保的基本概念,认识到环境保护的重要性。
2. 学会描述全球环境问题,并能够提出相应的解决措施。
3. 培养学生环保意识,激发他们参与环保行动的热情。
四、教具与学具准备1. 教具:PPT、环保宣传视频、地球仪、海报。
2. 学具:笔记本、彩色笔、剪刀、胶水。
五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入(5分钟)播放环保宣传视频,引导学生关注环境问题。
分组讨论:我们身边存在哪些环境问题?如何解决这些问题?2. 例题讲解(10分钟)通过地球仪展示全球环境问题,引导学生学习环保概念。
讲解环保相关的词汇和句型,如:pollution, energy saving, carbon footprint等。
3. 随堂练习(15分钟)小组活动:制作环保海报,展示环保行动。
4. 课堂小结(5分钟)学生分享学习收获和感悟。
六、板书设计1. 环保概念:污染、资源浪费、碳足迹等。
2. 全球环境问题:气候变暖、水资源短缺、物种灭绝等。
3. 环保行动:节能减排、垃圾分类、植树造林等。
七、作业设计1. 作业题目:以“我的环保行动”为主题,写一篇英语短文。
答案示例:八、课后反思及拓展延伸1. 反思:本节课的教学效果,学生的参与程度,以及教学过程中的不足。
2. 拓展延伸:组织学生参加环保活动,如社区清洁、植树等,将环保理念付诸实践。
重点和难点解析1. 教学内容的选取与组织2. 教学目标的设定3. 教学难点与重点的区分4. 教学过程的实践情景引入5. 作业设计的生活化与实际应用6. 课后反思及拓展延伸的深度与广度一、教学内容的选取与组织教学内容应紧扣环保主题,涵盖基本概念、全球环境问题及个人环保行动。

二、教学目标1. 知识与技能:使学生掌握环境保护的基本概念,了解地球面临的环境问题,提高学生的环保意识。
2. 过程与方法:通过小组讨论、实践活动,培养学生的合作能力、探究能力和解决问题的能力。
3. 情感态度与价值观:激发学生关爱环境、保护地球的责任感,使学生形成绿色生活的观念。
五、教学过程1. 导入:通过播放一段关于环境保护的短片,引导学生关注环保问题,激发学生的学习兴趣。
2. 知识讲解:(1)讲解环保的定义、意义,让学生了解环保的重要性;(2)分析地球面临的环境问题,如气候变化、环境污染等;(3)介绍绿色生活的实践方法,引导学生从日常生活中做起。
3. 实践活动:(1)小组讨论:针对环境问题,分组讨论解决方案;(2)例题讲解:讲解环保相关的例题,巩固所学知识;(3)随堂练习:布置与环保相关的练习题,检验学生的学习效果。
六、板书设计1. 环保的定义与意义2. 地球面临的环境问题3. 绿色生活的实践方法七、作业设计1. 作业题目:(1)简述环保的定义及意义;(2)列举地球面临的环境问题,并分析其原因;(3)结合生活实际,谈谈如何实践绿色生活。
2. 答案:(1)环保是指人类为解决现实或潜在的环境问题,协调人类与环境的关系,保障经济社会的可持续发展而采取的各种行动的总称。
高中英语《The City of the Future(1)》优质课教案、教学设计1

教学设计教材内容分析The City of the Future, 是外研版必修四Life in the Future 的Reading and Vocabulary 部分,这篇文章主要描述了未来城市生活的几大方面,激励学生踊跃对未来生活的方方面面展开想象,提高学生的想象力和创造力,并引导学生预想到未来生活所面临的问题,提高学生的社会责任意识。
(3)能够运用所学的词汇和短语写一篇描述20 年后的一天生活的小短文。
教学流程一.Lead-in教师活动:Ask them some questions and show them some pictures and according to the pictures, ask the students what they have seen from the pictures.学生活动:Watch the pictures carefully and answer the questions.设计意图:导入自己小时候的照片,可以引起学生的兴趣,用自己小时候的梦想实现了的例子引导学生对未来的生活展开想象。

1.WPeiollppleeowpilel hhaavvee rroobboottss in in their homes.?
Yes, they will. No, they won’t.
2. WPeilolppleowpillel live to be 200 years old?.
Yes, they will./ No, they won’t.
3.WKildl skiwdsillggoottoosscchhooool?l.
No, they won’t. They’ll study at home on computers.
A B. C 12 + =? 。。。
4.WPiellopeleopwliell uussee mmoonneeyy?.
free. 3.Books will only be on computers, not on
paper. 4.Kids won’t go to school. They’ll study at
home on computers. 5. There will only be one country. 6. People will live to be 200 years old.
Will people live to be 200 years old? A: Yes, they will. Will people have robots in
their homes? B: Yes, they will. Will kids go to school? A: No, they won’t. They’ll study at home on
computers. B: Will books only be on paper? A: No, they won’t. They’ll be on computers.
省一等奖课件《Unit2 Life in the Future》 (8)课件

Many students have hobbies. Here is the result of the survey about what 300 students usually do in their free time.
Use rose or raised to complete the sentences.
A May found some figures about traffic accidents in her city. She drew a line graph and wrote a report. Complete the report below.
A report with numbers
Look at the line graph and complete the table below.
Year Number
rose fell2012 Nhomakorabeafell
Write sentences using information from the table and following the example below.
homework reading 20% collections 5%
music 48%
sports 25%
others 2% 上图是对某中学300名学生业余爱好的调查,请根据以下要求,用英语 写一篇短文。 1、必须包括 调查结果 你自己的爱好、选择的原因及带来的益处。 2、文中不得出现真实的校名与人名 3、词数:80-100.
What should you pay attention to when introduce your inventions or things you predict?
全国一等奖高中英语优质课大赛《模块二Unit 4 Lesson 4》课件

skimming reading
Match the topics a-f with the five paragraphs in the text. There is one extra topic.
Scanning reading
less than a million
On North Island
History *Maoris settled 650 years ago
Famous sights
European settlement began in 1840 *Mt Eden; * Parnell village;
location in North Island
more than 8million
in the western side of Taiwan Straight
a history of 650 a history of over 2,000
years; the starting point
To sum up Words list for reading
locate 位于
volcano 火山
central 中央
suburb 郊区
settle 安顿
harbour 海港
Maoris毛利人 sunshine 阳光
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1.What’s their living condition(生活状况)?
2.What change do they fac响) of the change?
4.How to face the change?
Read & answer
Facing the Future
Change Weather: winter becomes _c_o_l_d_e_r_,_lo_-nger
4.How to face the change?
Solution In the Ice Age : People learnt to make __f_ir_e___ , tools. Government: Government is _h_e_l_pi_n_g_to build…
Living Condition(生活状况)
Place: live in_t_h_a_t_ch__e_d_- _ro_o_f_houses….
Weather: temperatures
are often_s_u_b_z_e_r_o__
Animal: It’s __h_a_r_d___ for alpacas ... People: people get __i_ll___
4:合作完成班级“走进安第斯山”主题百科 展板;独立制作基于“人与自然”主题的绘 本。
3:基于文本内容,运用所学,完成电视采访 活动。
2:基于对文本的深度理解,表达自己的观点, 重新命名标题;
04 03
Reading Skills How to read a picture book?
New words
Contents(目录) Pictures(配图) Words (文字)
Word bank
Prediction 读前预测
What is this book about?
Whole-book reading 10mins
If people want to keep living, they will have to make changes.
Discussion FaHcoiwngtotchhean_g_e?________future
For the people , they can…(当地居民)
are often_s_u_b_z_e_r_o__
Facing the Future
2.What change do they face?
Change Weather: Winter becomes _co_l_d_e_r _a_n_d_lo_n. ger
Living Condition(生活状况)
1. What’s their living condition(生活状况)?
2. What change do they face?
3. What is the effect(影响) of the change?
4. How to face the change?
1.What’s their living condition(生活状况)?
People even _d_i_e__
Change Weather: winter becomes _c_o_l_d_e_r_,_lo_-nger
Government: is ….build …..
Think & Share
What does the writer want to say based on the facts?
Living condition(生活状况)
Place: live in__th_a_t_c_h_e_d_-_r_o_o_f_ houses…. Weather: temperatures are often__su__b_ze_r_o__
Living Condition(生活状况)
Place: live in_t_h_a_t_ch__e_d_- _ro_o_f_houses…. Weather: temperatures
Make changes… For government, they can…(政府)
If not…
For society , we can…(社会)
Requirements:(要 求)
1.Work in groups of 4, one reporter, one government staff and 2 local people. e the information you’ve got from the book. 3.Show your interview in groups.
Place: live in_t_h_a_t_ch__e_d_- _ro_o_f_houses….
Weather: temperatures
are often_s_u_b_z_e_r_o__
Animal: It’s hard for alpacas ...
People: people get __i_ll___ People even _d_i_e__
Place: live in_t_h_a_t_c_h_e_d_- _ro_o__f houses…. Weather: temperatures
are often_s_u__b_z_e_ro__
Facing the Future
Change Weather: winter becomes _c_o_l_d_e_r_,_lo_-nger
3.What is the effect of the change?
Animal: It’s _h_a_rd_ for alpacas… People: People get __i_ll___.
People even _d_ie___.
Living Condition(生活状况)