沪教版2020年自主招生英语模拟考试试卷(II )卷

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沪教版2020年自主招生英语模拟考试试卷(II )卷

一、单项选择 (共20题;共40分)

1. (2分)— Good news! The great movie is on in the cinema.

— Nothing new. I _________ it with my parents on the first day.

A . would see

B . see

C . saw

D . had seen

2. (2分)Mr. Smith, together with his sons, ___________ supper at 7 o'clock yesterday evening.

A . was eating

B . were eating

C . was eat

D . were eat

3. (2分)More and more money ________________ on the protection of the environment in the future.

A . is spent

B . will spend

C . will be spent

D . may spend

4. (2分)You don't know the way. Why ______ the policeman for help?

A . don't ask

B . no ask

C . not ask

D . not to ask

5. (2分)All the volunteers were very tired but ____of them were busy looking for the missing child.

A . both

B . neither

C . all

D . none

6. (2分)Because of the dry weather, trees have died in this area and is over 100.

A . the number; a number of

B . a number of; the number

C . the number of; a number of

D . a number of; the number of

7. (2分)I could not out because I my leg.

A . get; hurt

B . get; hurted

C . got; hurt

D . got; hurted

8. (2分)— I don't have _______ to tell him the bad news.

— Why not ask his parents _______a talk with him?

A . attention; have

B . courage; have

C . courage; to have

D . attention; to have

9. (2分)

—Have you ever heard of Lang Lang?

—Sure. He is one of ______ pianists ______ I have ever seen.

A . good; that

B . much better; who

C . the best; which

D . the best; that

10. (2分)In order to make Dandong more beautiful, more trees and flowers ________ every year.

A . will plant

B . should plant

C . should be planted

D . must plant

11. (2分)Bill often soccer after school, but this afternoon

he because it was snowy.

A . play; doesn't

B . plays; wasn't

C . plays; didn't

D . play; didn't

12. (2分)She likes apples and so I.

A . am

B . do

C . is

D . does

13. (2分)_______ he is very young, _______ he knows a lot about how to be healthy.

A . Though; but

B . Although; but

C . /;but

D . Although;/

14. (2分)My mother made me my clothes last Sunday.

A . to wash

B . wash

C . washed

15. (2分)— Tommy didn't reply to my greeting this morning.

— Forget it. He be in a hurry then.

A . would

B . can

C . might

D . should

16. (2分)— I hear John had a car accident after drinking last night.

— I don't feel anything surprising. ______.

A . Like father, like son
