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Students and MobilePhone


2. 大学生使用手机所带来得问题ﻩ


Withtherapid economic development,themobilephone has found its way into campuses and a host of students take advantage of this wonderfulgadget to communicate with each other、This phenomenong ivesriseto this question: What are the advantages anddisadvantages of themobilephone?

It iswidelybelievedthat it greatly facilitates students’ campus life. Many instances could be foundto support thistypeof opinion、 A graduatingstudent in ouruniversity boughtamobile phone in thecourseof huntingfor his job。He told me that throughthe m obile phone he could easilykeep in touchwith the employerofthe companyhe intends toworkwithand would notmissany opportunities。

However, everything has bothpositive and negative facets。Themobile phonealso hasmanydisadvantages. For instance, the ringing ofthe mobile phone oftendisturbsthe teacher'steaching and otherstudents’ learning、

Personally, theadvantages of the mobile phone outweigh thedisadvantages of it as longas we don'tinterferewith others while using it。

It is reportedthat ten big citiesin China are beingrankedamong the top twenty citieswith the highest pollutionindex inthe world、This means it is hightimewe did something to bringthe situation under control、

Pollution:An Increasing Concern inChina


2. 造成污染得原因


Manyfactorsarecontributingtothe deteriorating situation: industrial wastespumpedinto the air, the lakesand rivers; aincreasing number of automobiles crowding intothe streets; thewidespreaduse ofplasticbags etc。

To my view, stiffer laws and regulationsmustbe implemented to check pollution.Industries thatrelease wastes withoutpermission shouldbe heavilyfined、Cars shouldbe equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air、And the use ofplastic bags andd isposable mealboxes shouldbebanned、What’s more, the mediashouldplayan important roleinimplanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people's mind。

Ifeverybody workstowarda common goalof making theenvironmentbetter, we cancreate a cleanerand lovelier world for us and

for the coming generation、

My view on Online Education

1. 目前网络教育形成热潮



Being onlineis no longer something new or fresh in ourlife。To someextent,it hasbecome partofour daily life、We can do alotof thingsonline, such assearchingfor information and communicatin gwith friendsfar away.But recentlyanother helpful online activityhas bee very“in”。That isonlineeducation.

Why could online education beso popularwithin such a shortperiod of time?Amongotherreasons, the quickdevelopmentof the Internet shouldbean essential one, whichmakes all our dreams of attending class inthe distance possible、Another underlying reas on is the quick development of both society and technology。Today, modern science and technologyis developing withfantastic speed、To catch upwiththis developmentwe all feelanurgent andstrong desire to study。However, due to the great pace of modern society, many peoplearetoo busyto study full time at school。Online educationj ustcomes to their aid、

Personally,Iappreciatethis newform of education、It's indeed a helpfulcomplement to the traditionaleducationalmeans。It can provide different learners with moreflexible and versatilewaysoflearning. Bestof all, withonlineeducation, we can stick to our jobs and at thesame time studyandabsorb the latest knowledge。

Choosing anOccupation




Oneofthemostimportantproblems a youngperson faces is deciding what to do。There aresomepeople,of course, who from thetime they are sixyears old“know” thattheywanttobedoctors orpilots orfire fighters, butthemajorityofusdo not get aro und to makinga decisionabout anoccupation or careeruntilsomebody or something forces us to face theproblem。

Choosing anoccupationtakes time, and therearea lotof things you haveto think about asyou trytodecide what you would like todo。You may find that you will havetotakespecial coursesto qualify for aparticularkind of work, or you may find out that you will need toget actual work experiencetogainenough knowledge to qualifyfor a particular job。

Fortunately, thereare a lotof people youcanturn toforadvice and help inmaking your decision。At most schools, thereare teachers
