China-Europe public management 中欧公共管理.ppt

专题阅读资料7析欧洲质量管理基金会的公共组织绩效评估系统内容提要 EFQM的公共组织卓越模型是欧洲信誉很高的评估模型。
关键词 EFQM 卓越理念模型公共组织特色一欧洲质量管理基金会(EFQM)的历史沿革和卓越理念1 历史沿革1988年,由欧洲14个家公司①发起成立了欧洲质量管理基金会(The European Foundation for Quanlity Management),建立了欧洲质量管理评估系统。
1992年初, 欧洲质量管理基金委员会创立了EFQM卓越模型, 以此作为评价组织绩效和前景的欧洲质量奖(European Quality Award)的框架。
EFQM从事的业务包括: 组织EFQM年度质量评奖;开展质量管理评估的业务培训;召开欧洲质量管理论坛;发布质量管理评估新闻;出版质量评估管理刊物等。
EFQM卓越模型是涵盖面广泛的质量管理模型, 不仅运用于公司绩效的测量, 也广泛地运用到公共①这14家大公司包括Bosch, BT, Bull, Ciba-Geigy, Dassault, Electrolux, Fiat, KLM, Nestle, Olivetti, Philips, Renault, Sulzer, V olkswagen.组织绩效的测量。

2010四 西部地区顶级管理培训峰会暨 2010-2011 年 总裁宪章——中欧国际企业总裁决策创新研修班” ——中欧国际企业总裁决策创新研修班 “总裁宪章——中欧国际企业总裁决策创新研修班”介绍
2、 “总裁宪章 、 总裁宪章 总裁宪章——中欧国际企业总裁决策创新研修班”邀请对象 中欧国际企业总裁决策创新研修班” 中欧国际企业总裁决策创新研修班
全年总计300个学时,另全年免费参加10-15次《中欧国际企业领导人俱乐部》沙龙活 动。
中欧国际管理学院MBA课程介绍 MBA课程 三 中欧国际管理学院MBA课程介绍
6、中欧国际管理学院MBA课程收费标准 、中欧国际管理学院 课程收费标准
培训费:24000元/人(含报名费、教学培训费、中欧国际企业领导人俱乐部活动10次 的费用等)
中欧国际管理学院 CEIMC) 国际管理学院( 一 中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)概况及服务范围
中欧国际管理学院(China Europe Int’L Management College)是一所由中国营 销管理投资集团(CDMCL)和世界商务策划师联合会(WBSA)等大型国际学术教育机构 共同创办的、专门培养国际化高级管理人才的非赢利性高等学府。
中欧国际管理学院师资与专家顾问团介绍 二 中欧国际管理学院师资与专家顾问团介绍
丁晟华:北京大学教授,博士生导师,管理咨询专家,中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)管理学特聘教授。 李维义:清华大学教授,博士生导师,中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)管理学特聘教授,原国家计委中国国际 咨询公司投资部主任,著名投资项目管理专家。 牛一川:中国经营决策科学院执行院长,中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)管理学特聘教授,清华大学MBA总裁 研修班特聘教授,资深市场营销专家。 吴耀琪:中国经营决策科学院副院长,中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)管理学特聘教授,北京工业大学循环经 济研究中心教授,资深企业投资专家。 张 戈:中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)教授,管理学博士,资深IT业投资管理专家。 李 森:中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)管理学教授,美国南伊利诺斯大学的经济学和金融学双料博士。 张加友:中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)管理学教授,上海浦东国际金融学会会长、高级经济师、著名金融业 专家。 钟奇志:中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)教授,管理学博士,中英合作国有企业改革项目首席顾问,资深管理 管理咨询专家。 王 宇:中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)教授,管理学博士,高级注册管理咨询师。资深战略管理与人力资源 管理专家。 唐 克:西南财经大学公共管理学院教授,中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)管理学特聘教授,WBSA国际注册策 划师,策划学专家。 张立伟:四川省社科院新闻研究所所长,研究员,四川省公关协会副会长兼副秘书长,著名新闻学与公关 策划专家。 汤佛平:中欧国际管理学院(CEIMC)管理学教授,著名投融资策划专家,高级工程师,WBSA注册商务策划 师。

中欧国际工商学院中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS,China Europe International Business School)中欧国际工商学院网站:/中欧国际工商学院(CEIBS)是一所由中国政府与欧洲联盟共同创办、专门培养国际化高级管理人才的非赢利性中外合作高等学府。
学院成立于1994年11月,作为中国工商管理教育的先驱,学院最早在中国大陆开设全英语教学的全日制工商管理硕士课程(MBA)、高层管理人员工商管理硕士课程(EMBA)和高层经理培训课程(Executive Education)。
学院恪守“认真、创新、追求卓越”的校训,以国际化为特色,坚持高质量办学,经过十年的辛勤耕耘, 中欧国际工商学院的课程及学位已获得了国际工商教育权威认证系统EQUIS的认证,并获得国务院学位委员会的正式认可。
近年来中欧全英文授课的MBA 课程吸引了来自全球30多个国家,拥有3~8年工作经验,并立志在全球商业经营领域有所建树的职场精英。

行政管理公共管理论文中英文外文翻译文献中英文外文翻译文献The New Public Management SituationNo doubt, many countries in the world, and both developed countries and developing countries, in the late 1980s and early 1990s began a continuous public sector management reform movement. The reform movement is still in many aspects government continue to the organization and management of the influence. People in these reforms view repudiating them. Critics especially in Britain and the United States, critics say the new mode of various problems exist, but also does not have the international prevailing reform of public management, could not be called paradigm. Criticism from almost every aspect of the change. Most of the academic criticism belong to the mouth. Different schools of thought in detail discussion, The academic journal articles and abstraction, from reality. At the same time, in the practice of public management and implementation of the reform and the change. As I in other articles in the thought, in most countries, the traditional public administrative mode for public management mode has been replaced. The reform of public department responded to the realities of several interrelated problems, including: the function of public sector provide public services of low efficiency, Economic theory of change, Private sector related changes impact of globalization, especially as a kind of economic power, Technology changes made decentralization and better control globally becomes possible. The administrative management can be divided into three stages: the development of distinct phases, and public administration before traditional pattern and public management reform stage. Each stage has its ownmanagement mode. From a stage of transition to the next stage is not easy, from the traditional public administration to public administration has not yet completed the transition. But it was only a matter of time. Because the new mode of theoretical basis is very strong. The new public management movement ", "although this name, but it is not only a debate in the booming, and in most developed countries have taken the best management mode of expression. The traditional administrative mode than it's age is a great reform, but that time has passed.A traditional patternObviously, in the late 19th century bureaucracy system theory, not sound already exists some form of administrative management. Public administration has a long history, and it is the concept of a government and the rise of civilization as history. As the case Glad2den Osama bin laden (point), a model of administrative since the government appears has existed. First is endowed with founder or leader, then is the social or administrative person to organizers of eternity. Administration management or business is all in social activities, although not among factors, but the glow of social sustainable development is of vital importance. Recognized administrative system in ancient Egypt is already exists, its jurisdiction from the Nile flooding caused by the year to build the pyramids irrigation affairs. China is adopted in the han dynasty, Confucian norms that government should be elected, not according to the background, but according to the character and ability, the government's main goal is to seek the welfare of the people. In Europe, various empire - Greek, Roman, and the holy Roman, Spain's administrative empire, they first by the central through various rules and procedures. Weber's thought, "modern" medieval countries develop simultaneously with "bureaucratic management structure development". Although these countries in different ways, but they have common features, it can be called before modern. Namely, the administrative system of early essence is the personification of, or the establishment in Max Weber's "nepotism" basis, i.e. to loyal to the king or minister certain human foundation, not is personified, With allegiance to the organization or individual basis rather than for the foundation. Although thereare such a viewpoint that administration itself not only praise from traditional mode, the characteristic of early but often leads to seek personal interests corruption or abuse of power. In the early administrative system, we now feel very strange approach has the functions of government administration is generally behavior. All those who walk official tend to rely on friends or relatives for work or buy officer, which means the money to buy the first officer or tax officials, and then out to the customer to money, which is the first to buy officer recovery investment cost, and can make a fortune. America in the 19th century FenFei system of "political parties" means in the ruling changed at the same time, the government of all administrative position is changed. Modern bureaucracy is before "personal, traditional, diffusion and similar and special", and according to the argument, modern Weber bureaucracy is "impersonal, rational, concrete, achievement orientation and common". Personalized government is often inefficient: nepotism means incompetent not capable person was arranged to positions of leadership, FenFei political corruption, in addition to making often still exist serious low efficiency. The enormous success of traditional administrative pattern that early practice looks strange. Specialization and not politicized administrative in our opinion is so difficult to imagine that trace, there exist other system. Western administrative system even simple selection of officials to pass the exam, until 1854, Britain and north G..M. Trevelyan report after Northcote - began to establish in China, although the system has long passage.The traditional public administrative patternIn the late 19th century, additionally one kind of pattern on the world popular, this is the so-called traditional administrative pattern. Its main theoretical basis from several countries, namely, the American scholars and Germany Woodrow Wilson of Max Weber's, people put their associated with bureaucracy model, Frederick Tyler systematically elaborated the scientific management theory, the theory of the private sector from America, for public administration method was provided. And the other theorists, Taylor without focusing on public sector, but his theory was influential in this field. The three traditional public administration mode is theorist of main effect.In other countries, plus G..M. Trevelyan and North America, the state administration of administrative system, especially the Wilson has produced important influence. In the 19th century, the north G..M. Trevelyan and put forward through the examination and character, and appointed officials put forward bias and administrative neutral point of view. The traditional administrative pattern has the following features:1. The bureaucracy. The government shall, according to the principle of bureaucratic rank and organization. The German sociologist Max Weber bureaucracy system of a classic, and analysis. Although the bureaucracy in business organizations and other tissues, but it is in the public sector got better and longer.2. The best way of working and procedures are in full manual detail codes, for administrative personnel to follow. Strictly abide by these principles will run for the organization provides the best way.3. Bureaucratic service. Once the government policy areas in, it will be through the bureaucracy to provide public products and service providers.4. In political and administrative two relations, political and administrative managers generally think of administrative affairs can be separated. Administration is the implement instruction, and any matter policy or strategic affairs shall be decided by the political leaders, which can ensure that the democratic system.5. Public interests are assumed to individual civil servants, the only motive for public service is selfless paying.6. Professional bureaucracy. Public administration is viewed as a kind of special activities, thus requirements, obscure, civil servants neutral equal employment and lifelong service to any political leaders.7. The administrative task is to carry out the meaning of the written instructions and not others assume the personal responsibility.Through the comparison of the early administrative pattern, we can better understand the main advantages and Webber system differences. Webber system and it is the most important mode of various before the difference: the rule-based impersonal system replaced the personification of administrative management system. An organization and its rules than any of the people are important organization. Bureaucracy is itsoperation and how to respond to customer must is personified. As Weber has demonstrated that the modern office management ", will be incorporated into various regulations deeply touched it. The modern public administration by law theory, to command certain affairs authority has been awarded the legitimate public authority. This does not grant an institution specific cases through some instructions. It only matters is abstractly control some issues. In contrast, through personal privileges and give concession regulation of all affairs. The latter is completely dominated by the hereditary system, at least these affairs is not the traditional infringement is this situation."It is very important. Early administration based on personal relationships, be loyal to relatives, protect, leaders or political, rather than on the system. Sometimes, the early administration is politically sensitive, because of the administrative organs of the staff is appointed, they also politicians arms or mainstream class. However, it is often autocratic, autocratic administration may be unfair, especially for those who can't or unwilling to input personal and political game. One of the basic principles for with weber impersonal system to completely eliminate autocratic - at least in ideal condition is so. File exists, the reference principle of parallel and legal basis in the same environment means will always make the same decision. Below this kind of circumstance is not only more efficient, and the citizen and bureaucratic hierarchy know myself.Other differences were associated with this. In various regulations and impersonal basis, will naturally formed strict hierarchy. Personal rating system and its provisions in the left unchanged. Although Webber emphasizes the entire system, but he also noticed the bureaucracy of the organization and individual term.The traditional administrative mode won great success, it is widely adopted by governments around the world. Theoretically or in practice, it shows the advantage. And before the corruption flourished, it is more efficient than system, and the thought of individual professionalization civil servants and amateur service has a great progress. However, this model is also exposed the problems that shows that the model can even said outdated, also can say is outdated.The theory of public administration has been difficult to describe the pillar. Political control theory has problems. Administrative means follow instructions, so people demand a well-ordered transceiver method. Instruction between implementers and has a clear division. But this is not the reality, and with the public service domain expands the scale and more impossible. The traditional mode of another theoretical pillar - bureaucracy theory is no longer considered particularly effective form of organization. Formal bureaucracy could have its advantages, but people think it often training to routineer and innovators, Encourage executives rather than risk aversion risk-taking, encourage them to waste instead of effective use of scarce resources. Webb was the bureaucracy is regarded as an ideal type ", "but now this ideal type is inert, cultivate the progressive, leads to low efficiency, these mediocrity and is believed to be the public sector of the special disease. It is also criticized. Actually, the word "bureaucracy in today's more likely as low efficiency of synonyms.The new public management modeIn the 1980s, the public sector is a traditional administrative pattern of new management methods of defects. This method can alleviate some of the problems of traditional pattern, also means that the public sector operation aspects has changed significantly. The new management method has many names: management of "individualism", "the new public administration", based on the market of public administration ", after the bureaucracy model "or" entrepreneurial government ". To the late 1990s, people tend to use "and the concept of new public administration". Although the new public management, but for many of the names of public management of department of actual changes happened, people still have a consensus. First, no matter what, it is called mode with traditional represents a significant change of public administration, different more attention and managers of the individual responsibility. Second, it is clear to get rid of the classical bureaucracy, thereby organization, personnel, term and conditions more flexible. Third, it stipulates the organization and personnel, and it can target according to the performance indicators measuring task completion. Also, to plan the assessment system for more than everbefore, and also can be more strictly determine whether the government plans to achieve its objectives. Fourth, the senior executives are more likely to color with political government work, rather than independent or neutral. Fifth, the more likely the inspection by the market, buyers of public service provider and distinguish "helmsman, with the rower to distinguish". Government intervention is not always refers to the government by means of bureaucracy. Sixth, appeared through privatization and market means such as inspection, contract of government function reduce trend. In some cases, it is fundamental. Once happened during the transformation from the important changes to all connected with this, the continuity of the steps are necessary.Holmes and Shand as a useful characteristics of generalization. They put the new public management paradigm, the good as management method has the following features: (1) it is a more strategic or structure of decision-making method (around the efficiency, quality and service). (2) decentralization type management environment replaced concentration level structure. The resource allocation and service delivery closer to supply, we can get more itself from the customers and related information and other interest groups. (3) can be more flexible to replace the method of public products supply directly, so as to provide cost savings of the policy. (4) concerned with the responsibility, authority as the key link of improving performance, including emphasize clear performance contract mechanism. (5) in the public sector, and between internal to create a competitive environment. (6) strengthen the strategic decision-making ability, which can quickly, flexible and low cost to manage multiple interests outside change and the response. (7) by request relevant results and comprehensive cost reports to improve transparency and responsibility. (8) general service budget and management system to support and encourage the change.The new public management and realize a result that no one in the best way. Managers in endowed with responsibility and without being told to get results. Decision is a management job duties, if not for achieving goals, managers should assume responsibility.ConclusionThe government management over the past 150 years experienced three modes. First is the personification of modern administrative mode, or when the pattern of its defects and increasingly exposed to improve efficiency, it is the second mode of traditional bureaucracy model is replaced. Similarly, when the traditional administrative mode problems, it is the third model is the new public management, from the government to alternative market. Since 1980s, the dominance of the market as the 1920s to 1960s dominant bureaucracy. In any kind of government, market and bureaucratic system are coexisting, just a form at some stage dominant, and in another stage of another kind of form, the dominant. The new public management is increasingly weakened and bureaucracy in the public administration field market dominant period.In reality, the market and bureaucracy, mutual complement each other. The new public management may not be completely replace the bureaucracy, as in 1989, the eastern Europe before bureaucracy could not instead of the market. But the new public management movement is early traditional bureaucracy, many functions can be and often by market now. In a bureaucracy system for organizational principle is weakened environment, market solutions will be launched. Of course not all market prescription can succeed, but this is not the issue. The government of new public management will be a toolbox dowsed solutions. If the scheme of the ineffective, the government will from the same source for other solutions. The theory behind the government management has already happened, we can use the term "paradigm" to describe it. In public administration academia, many of the new public management denial of critics. But their criticism of the government reform quickly. In the new public management mode, another a kind of new mode, but certainly not returned to the traditional administrative pattern.新公共管理的现状毫无疑问,世界上许多国家,无论是发达国家还是发展中国家,在20世纪80年代后期和90年代初期都开始了一场持续的公共部门管理变革运动。

业部副部长范小建、 国家行政学院副院长唐铁汉、 天津市委常 面发展作为政府工作的根本出发点和落脚点。二是要进行政 委、 滨海新区管委会主任皮黔生、 深圳市市长许宗衡、 立陶宛财 府与社会关系的重构。着力于建立适应社会主义市场经济要 政部国务秘书吉君尔斯 ・ 瑞姆沙等。在论坛结束时, 中国国家 求的政府与社会的合作互补关系, 发展与培育社会组织和中介
共同研讨交流 。 出 了许 多很有 见地 的观点 。概括 起来 。 提 主要 反映在以下五个方面 :
新与构建和谐社会、 政府转型与政府职能转变、 行政管理体制 改革与公共管理体制创新、 公共政策与公共管理方式创新、 推 进依法行政与建设法治政府等专题进行了研讨交流。 中国国务委员兼 国务院秘书长、 国家行政学院院长华建 敏、 欧盟驻华使团大使赛日・ 安博, 爱沙尼亚总理办公室主任马 腾・ 考克, 拉脱维亚总理办公室主任古恩塔・ 维斯美纳等到会并 致辞。中国国务院法制办公室主任曹康泰、 中国国家行政学院
就是要控制维护性公共支出, 稳定经济性公共支出, 逐步增加 透明度和公众参与度, 防止“ 权力寻租” 。三是要加快电子政务 社会性公共支出。三是要调整政府职能层级结构。合理划分 建设。利用现代信息技术重塑政府的组织与管理 , 不断提高政 与配置中央及地方政府的事权界限和公共服务职能, 强化中央 府的信息化管理水平。欧方代表提到, 缩减和简化行政许可是

中国人民大学-法国鲁昂商学院国际MBA项目介绍项目概述院长寄语项目优势学位认证合作院校中国人民大学法国鲁昂商学院国际认证国际排名项目类型全日制国际MBA课程教学教学模式课程设置师资阵容学术师资国际师资企业导师师资感言学生风采学生构成学生感言学生活动申请就读如果申请联系我们项目概述INTRODUCTION人大鲁昂iMBA(国际工商管理硕士)项目是中国人民大学国际学院和法国鲁昂商学院(Rouen Business School)共同开设的国际性工商管理硕士学位项目,旨在培养具有跨文化教育背景的国际型精英管理人才。
此外,鲁昂商学院还是EFMD(管理发展欧洲基金会),AACSB(管理教育国际联合会)和法国精英学校联席会(La Conférence des GrandesEcoles)的成员。

2010.9驻欧盟大使在中国欧盟商会晚餐会上的演讲双语在中国欧盟商会晚餐会上的演讲中国驻欧盟使团团长宋哲大使2010年9月22日Remarks by H. E. Ambassador Song Zhe at the EUCCC Dinner尊敬的戴杰会长,女士们,先生们:President Jacques de Boisséson,Ladies and Gentlemen,大家晚上好!Good evening.很高兴再次参加中国欧盟商会在布鲁塞尔组织的活动,与企业家朋友们见面。
我代表中国驻欧盟使团,对戴杰会长和中国欧盟商会表示衷心的感谢,并向长期以来为促进中欧友好做出重要贡献的欧洲企业家们,表示诚挚的问候和良好的祝愿!I am very happy to once again meet our friends from the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China (EUCCC.. Today is the first time for Mr. Boisséson to submit the Position Paper to relevant authorities both in China and the EU in the capacity as the Chamber President. On behalf of the China Mission, I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to President Boisséson and the Chamber. I would also like to express my sincere greetings and best wishes to European entrepreneurs for your long standing contribution to China-EU friendship.再过十多天,布鲁塞尔将迎来第13次中欧领导人会晤和第6届中欧工商峰会。


中欧班列集结中心简介中欧班列集结中心是指中欧班列(China-Europe Freight Train)的集结和调度中心。

European finance officials relayed to China's premier and central-bank governor frustration over the Chinese currency's rigid exchange rate at talks on Sunday, but said they didn't expect a change in policy soon.卢森堡首相、欧元区财政部长会议主席容克(Jean-Claude Juncker)在为期两天的欧盟与中国会谈之初对记者说,我们解释说,这个全球经济增长最快的国家正在贬值很难令我们的普通大众信服。
'We were explaining that it is difficult to convince our general public that the fastest-growing country in the world . . . is depreciating,' Jean-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg, chairman of the group of euro-zone finance ministers, told reporters at the start of a two-day European Union-China meeting.容克后来又说,我不能说我比来这里之前更加乐观了。
'I can't say I'm more optimistic than I was before coming here,' Mr. Juncker added later.人民币与美元联系紧密,而非欧元。

中欧国际商学院MBA项目深度解析【英国留学】>>>武汉申友留学编辑<<<中欧国际工商学院(China and Europe International Business School)是一所由中国政府与欧洲联盟共同创办的世界顶级商学院。
中欧国际工商学院下设全日制工商管理硕士(MBA)课程、金融MBA(FMBA)课程、高层管理人员工商管理硕士(EMBA)课程、Globa EMBA课程、高层经理培训(Executive Education)课程、博士(PHD)课程。
一、武汉申友留学中欧国际工商学院MBA录取案例分享学生姓名:王同学本科学校:中国人民解放军国际关系学院本科专业:金融数学专业基本条件:GPA:75+, GMAT:690(6年部队工作,其中三年驻港部队)录取学校:中欧国际工商学院(2019年英国《金融时报》全球MBA百强TOP5)二、武汉申友留学高级文书顾问老师点评:王同学于2018年6月底加入申友,当时时间非常紧张,学生要申请的某一所学校的预面试申请的第一轮截止日期就在7月初,因此在加入申友后,我们就迅速开始准备申请相关工作及文书准备。
在拿到了面试的资格后,我们也针对性的进行一遍又一遍的面试模拟,最终拿到了上财和浙大的面试优秀,并拿到了Dream School中欧国际工商学院的录取。


解密七大商科专业系列——Public Administration公共管理学在商科中有一个不太起眼的小家伙,近几年开始日趋火热,今天小申学姐就带大家了解这个商科新秀——Public Administration 公共管理专业。
专业方向公共管理专业硕士主要有两种学位:MPA :公共事务管理硕士((Master of Public Affairs)/MPA:公共行政管理硕士(Master of Public Administration)MPP :公共政策硕士(Master of Public Policy)MPA与MPP有何区别?MPA和MPP都是面向实践的职业学位,所提供的专业学习也是与实践紧密结合的。

中欧合作实施方案英文简称The Sino-European Cooperation Implementation Plan (SECIP) is an important framework for promoting collaboration between China and Europe in various fields. As a document creator for Baidu Wenku, I would like to provide a comprehensive overview of the SECIP and its significance in fostering bilateral relations.The SECIP, as the abbreviation suggests, is a detailed plan that outlines the specific measures and initiativesfor enhancing cooperation between China and Europe. It covers a wide range of areas, including trade, investment, technology transfer, cultural exchange, and sustainable development. The plan aims to create a more conducive environment for mutual benefit and shared prosperity.One of the key aspects of the SECIP is the promotion of trade and investment between China and Europe. Both sides recognize the importance of deepening economic ties and expanding market access. The plan includes provisions forreducing trade barriers, promoting fair competition, and enhancing investment protection. By facilitating greater trade and investment flows, the SECIP seeks to create new opportunities for businesses and contribute to economic growth.In addition to economic cooperation, the SECIP also emphasizes the importance of technology transfer and innovation. China and Europe are committed to promoting the exchange of knowledge and expertise in areas such as advanced manufacturing, clean energy, digital economy, and biotechnology. Through joint research and development projects, technology transfer programs, and innovation partnerships, the SECIP aims to foster a dynamic environment for technological collaboration.Cultural exchange is another integral part of the SECIP. Both China and Europe recognize the value of promoting mutual understanding and appreciation of each other's rich cultural heritage. The plan includes initiatives for promoting cultural exchange programs, supporting artistic collaborations, and facilitating educational exchanges. Bypromoting cultural exchange, the SECIP seeks to strengthen people-to-people ties and enhance cultural diplomacy between the two regions.Furthermore, the SECIP places a strong emphasis on sustainable development and environmental cooperation.China and Europe are committed to addressing global challenges such as climate change, environmental protection, and sustainable resource management. The plan includes provisions for promoting green technologies, supporting clean energy initiatives, and enhancing environmental cooperation. By working together on sustainable development goals, the SECIP aims to contribute to a more sustainable and resilient future for both regions.In conclusion, the Sino-European Cooperation Implementation Plan (SECIP) represents a significant milestone in the bilateral relations between China and Europe. Through its comprehensive framework, the SECIP aims to promote trade and investment, technology transfer and innovation, cultural exchange, and sustainable development. By fostering greater collaboration in these key areas, theSECIP has the potential to create new opportunities for mutual benefit and shared prosperity. As a document creator for Baidu Wenku, I am committed to providing accurate and insightful information on the SECIP and its implicationsfor Sino-European cooperation.。


中欧教育合作项目一、欧盟对华合作项目(一)中欧国际工商学院中欧国际工商学院(China Europe International Business School,简称CEIBS)由中国政府和欧盟共同创办,是中欧教育合作的第一个重要项目。

欧盟中国基金EU-China Fund1.公司简介a)欧盟中国基金管理公司(香港)隶属于欧盟中国经济文化委员会,是由牛津投资集团(Oxford Investment Group, 注册资本100亿港币)、欧洲的著名银行或金融机构、美国Private Fund (资金规模100亿美金)、欧盟中国经济文化委员会秘书长及来自美国华尔街、欧洲、香港、中国大陆的知名投资家及金融界人士发起,旨在建立欧盟与中国相互投资的平台。
c)欧盟中国基金与日内瓦私募基金(Geneva Private Equity Ltd.)、卢森堡的舒曼基金(Schumann)、以色列的魏兹曼(Weizmann)等结成了紧密的战略合作伙伴关系,共同发起基金,还与美国ROC、卡塔尔主权基金(QIA)正在发起房地产机会投资基金。
并与全球首屈一指的经济研究机构牛津经济研究院(Oxford Economics)结成战略合作伙伴,共同发行《全球经信》期刊;d)欧盟中国基金正积极与地方政府发起产业转型的投资基金:黑龙江大庆的现代农业产业基金,山西朔州的航空产业基金,河南漯河的食品产业基金,文化产业基金(如湖南、西藏)等。