英语学术论文 Writing a reference list


sci投稿的reference list

sci投稿的reference list

SCI投稿的Reference List是指在论文中引用的文献列表,通常位于文章末尾或附录部分。



1. 书籍(电子版)格式:提供书籍的标题、作者、出版商和出版年份等信息。

2. 书中章节:提供章节标题、作者、书籍标题、出版商和出版年份等信息。

3. 期刊文章(电子版):提供文章标题、作者、期刊名称、出版年份、卷号、期号和页码等信息。

4. 报纸文章:提供文章标题、作者、报纸名称、出版日期等信息。

5. 论文集:提供论文集标题、作者、出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码等信息。

6. 报告:提供报告标题、作者、报告发布机构和发布年份等信息。

7. 法律文件:提供文件标题、发布机构和发布年份等信息。



Learning Objectives
• To understand the elements and features of an abstract; • To become aware of the use of verbs and tenses in an
abstract; • To learn how to provide keywords in an abstract; • To understand reference styles; • To write an abstract and create a reference list.
Verbs analyze
investigate evaluate
show suggest enhance
Sentence Patterns ... are analyzed...
……were investigated. ……was evaluated by…… Although……showed……, …… showed…… ……suggests…… This work enhances……
Although both plain and RCF-reinforced concrete samples showed piezo-resistive responses, the latter showed increased signal-tonoise-ratio and thus behaved like self-sensing materials. The electrical behavior suggests a mixed control owing to both ionic and electronic conductivity, with the dominant one depending on the RCF content and RCF dispersion.


of references
Reference Overview
Definition of references
References are a list of sources that the author has consulted or quoted in their academic paper
The citation format of network resources
Summary words
webpage title, author/creator, publication date, URL, and visit date.
Detailed description
When referencing online resources, it is necessary to provide the title of the webpage. If known, list the name of the author or creator, publication date, the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the webpage, and the date you visited the webpage.
Citation specifications for references
The reference style may vary depending on the academic discipline, journal, or institution
Some common reference styles include APA, MLA, and Chicago



Deciding on a topic决定一个主题As a college student of science and technology,you are often required to write a literature review about a certain topic,or a 1500-word term paper.In either case,the writing is a complex process which involves choosing a topic,searching for relevant materials,and compiling a reference list.Hence the first thing you need to do is to choose a research topic.作为一个研究科学技术学生,你通常需要写一个关于某一主题的文献综述,或一个1500字的论文。



A topic is what the essay or research paper is about.Choosing a topic for your literature review or research paper requires careful consideration.A topic that is too specialized or the general may bring many problems in terms of the time you can devote to the research or the sources of information available on the topic.How do you choose a topic which is possible to research?There are four principles:主题就是文章或研究论文是与什么有关的。

reference list的格式

reference list的格式

reference list的格式全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Reference List的格式是学术写作中十分重要的一部分,它用来列出你在文章中引用或参考的各种资料来源,以便读者可以查证、深入了解你的研究或文章内容。

一个规范的Reference List应该包括作者的姓名、出版年份、题目、出版地点和出版商等信息,按照特定的格式排列在文末。

在不同的学科领域和学术机构中,Reference List的格式也可能有所不同,但一般都遵循国际通用的规范。

为了帮助读者更好地撰写和排列Reference List,以下将为您详细介绍Reference List的格式:1. 作者姓名:在Reference List中,作者姓名的排列顺序应该按照作者在原文中出现的顺序,即第一作者列在第一位,之后的作者依次列出。



2. 出版年份:在作者姓名之后,应当紧跟着文章或书籍的出版年份。



3. 题目:在出版年份的后面,应该列出文章或书籍的题目。



4. 出版地点和出版商:对于书籍来说,除了作者姓名、出版年份和题目外,还应该包括出版地点和出版商的信息。


5. 期刊文章:如果引用的是期刊文章,则除了作者姓名、出版年份和题目外,还应该包括期刊的名称、卷号和页码等信息。

6. 网络资源:对于网络资源,应该包括作者姓名、出版年份、题目、网址和获取日期等信息。


在排列Reference List时,应该按照字母顺序或出版年份顺序排列各个条目,以方便读者查找。





以下是APA格式的reference模版的示例:1. 书籍:作者姓氏,作者名字/尊称缩写。




例如:Smith, J. (2010). The Art of Writing: A Guide to Perfecting Your Craft. New York, NY: HarperCollins.2. 期刊文章:作者姓氏,作者名字/尊称缩写。




例如:Johnson, R. (2015). The Effects of Climate Change on Wildlife. Environmental Science Quarterly, 15(2), 45-57.3. 网络来源:作者姓氏,作者名字/尊称缩写。





例如:Brown, M. (2018). The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health. Psychology Today. Retrieved September 25, 2018, from xxx4. 研究报告:机构名。




例如:National Institute of Mental Health. (2016). Mental Health in America: Prevalence and Treatment of Mental Illness. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.5. 会议论文:作者姓氏,作者名字/尊称缩写。





MLA参考文献格式:由美国现代语言协会(Modern Language Association)制定,适合人文科学类论文,其基本格式为:在正文标注参考文献作者的姓和页码,文末间列参考文献项,以WorksCited 为标题。


APA参考文献格式:APA参考文献格式由美国心理学会(American Psychological Association)制定,多适用于社会科学和自然科学类论文,其基本格式为:正文引用部分注明参考文献作者姓氏和出版时间,文末单列参考文献项,以References为标题。


Chicago参考文献格式:该格式由芝加哥大学出版社(University of ChicagoPress)制定,可用于人文科学类和自然科学类论文,其基本格式为:正文中按引用先后顺序连续编排序号,在该页底以脚注(Footnotes)或在文末以尾注(Endnotes)形式注明出处,或在文末单列参考文献项,以Bibliography为标题。


四种格式|各有不同在英文Reference末列的参考文献列表(Reference list)不用像中文那样标1234,只要按照正文中的引用次序依次排列下来就可以了。


Writing a Reference Letter

Writing a Reference Letter

Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)By Ali HaleAt some point in life, you’re almost certainly going to have to write a reference letter for someone. It might be a former employee or student, or even a family friend. Here’s what you need to know about the purpose of reference letters and how to write the mosteffective letter possible.Note: I will be using “candidate” to refer to the person who the reference letter is about, “you” to refer to the person writing the reference letter, and “recipient” to refer to theperson receiving the letter. I’ll emphasise here, though, that reference letters are not only for job or academic “candidates”, it’s just a handy term to use to keep this articlestraightforward!What is a reference letter and when are they used?A reference letter is usually written to testify to a person or (occasionally) acompany’s skills, character and/or achievements. Sometimes a reference letter is known as a “recommendation letter”. It is a formal document, and should be typed and written in a serious and business-like style.Reference letters are used in a wide variety of situations; there is no definitive list that covers all possible scenarios. The most common examples are:∙When a candidate applies for a job, they may need a reference to support their application.∙If an interviewee is given a job offer, they may need to supply a reference letter before the contract can be signed.∙ A student applying for an academic course often requires a reference letter to support their application.∙ A student applying for funding will often need to supply reference letters.∙Companies may use reference letters as testimonies to their trustworthiness and ability to carry out a job well.∙Prospective tenants may need to provide their landlord with a reference letter, testifying to their good financial status. (This could be from a prior landlord or from a currentemployer.)Who should write a reference letter?If you are approached and asked to write a reference letter for a job candidate, a student or a company, consider whether you can legitimately do so. A reference letter is a formal document, and it is crucial that you do not lie or fudge the truth in it, or there could be legal repercussions. If someone wants a reference letter from you:∙The candidate should be someone you know reasonably well. For example, you cannot provide any authoritative comment on the academic ability of a student who’s only been attending your lectures for a week.∙You should know the candidate in a capacity which gives you the ability to write a meaningful reference. For example, if you have worked with the person, it would beappropriate for you to write a reference letter to a prospective employer for them.∙You should be able to provide an honest and positive reference. If you truly feel that the candidate has no good qualities for you to emphasis, or if you have had a personality clash with them in the past, you should tell them to seek a reference letter from someone else.What goes into a reference letter?The exact structure of a reference letter will differ slightly depending on the type ofreference it is, but this is a good basic outline:1. Start using the business letter format: put the recipient’s name and address, if known, andaddress them as “Dear [name]”. If the recipient is currently unknown (this would be likely on an academic application, for instance), then use “Dear Sir/Madam” or “To whom it may concern”.2. It is often helpful to introduce yourself in the first couple of lines of your letter. The recipientwill not need your life history: just give a brief sentence or two explaining your position and your relationship to the candidate.3. Your next paragraph should confirm any facts which you know the candidate will besupplying along with your letter. For example, if you are writing a reference for a jobapplicant, some or all of these details may be appropriate:∙The person’s job title, and role within the company.∙The person’s leaving salary when they were last employed by you (or your organisation). ∙The dates which the person was employed from and until.If you are writing a reference letter for an academic course, you will need to confirm the person’s academic grades.In your third paragraph, you should provide your judgement upon the candidate’s skills and qualities. It is often appropriate to state that you would gladly re-employ them, or that their contributions to your college class were highly valued. Single out anyexceptional qualities that the candidate has – perhaps their drive and enthusiasm, their attention to detail, or their ability to lead.Where possible, use your fourth paragraph to give a couple of concrete examples of times when the candidate excelled. (You may want to ask the candidate to tell you about any extra-curricular projects they’ve been involved in, or invite them to highlight anything they’d particularly like you to include in the reference letter.)Close your letter on a positive note, and if you are willing to receive further correspondence about the candidate’s application, make this clear. Include your contact details too.As with any business letter, you should end appropriately; “Yours sincerely” when you are writing to a named recipient, and “Yours faithfully” when you do not know who will be receiving the letter.Things to avoidMake sure that you avoid:∙Mentioning any weaknesses the candidate has.∙Saying anything that could be construed as libel.∙Writing in an informal manner: keep the letter business-like. Jokes, slang and casual language are not appropriate and may harm the candidate’s chances.∙Including personal information not relevant to the application. Mentioning the candidate’s race, political stance, religion, nationality, marital status, age or health is usuallyinappropriate.∙Spelling mistakes, sloppy writing or typos: this letter is hugely important to the candidate, and you should take care to make it look professional.Reference Letter ExamplesThere are a number of good templates for reference letters available on Business Balls.I’ve included one below, which would be appropriate for a general-purpose reference – if you were writing a reference in your capacity as the candidate’s former employer, you would need to include more specific details:You can find examples of full reference letters on ’s“job searching”section.They list letters appropriate for a variety of different situations: here’s one from a previous employer in support of a job candidate:If you are still unsure what best to include in the reference letter, imagine yourself in the position of the candidate’s prospective employer, or of the panel reading his/her academic application. What information would they need to know? What qualities would they like their candidates to have? Obviously, you should never lie or mislead in a reference letter, but you should try to focus on areas which will give the recipient the most useful information possible about the candidate.。



学术论文写作报告(英文版)Title: An Analysis of Expository Writing in Academic Research PapersAbstract:This report presents a comprehensive analysis of expository writing in academic research papers. The objective of this study is to identify the key components of effective academic writing and provide recommendations for researchers, especially novice writers, to enhance their writing skills. Various sources, including published academic papers and books on the topic, were reviewed and analyzed to support the findings. The report suggests that an organized structure, clear language, logical reasoning, proper citation practices, and adherence to academic writing conventions are essential elements of successful academic writing.1. Introduction:Academic research papers serve as a means of communication among scholars in various disciplines. It is crucial for researchers to present their ideas and findings in a clear and concise manner to facilitate effective knowledge exchange. This report aims to explore the characteristics of expository writing in academic research papers and provide guidelines for researchers to improve their writing skills.2. Organization and Structure:Academic research papers should have a well-organized structure to convey ideas in a systematic manner. The introduction should provide background information and clearly state the research objectives. The body paragraphs should present the mainarguments in a logical and coherent way, supported by relevant evidence. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the findings and provide implications for further research.3. Clarity of Language:Clear and concise language is fundamental in academic writing. Researchers should aim to convey their ideas in a straightforward manner, avoiding jargon and unnecessary complexity. Using simple and precise language helps readers understand the content more easily and efficiently.4. Logical Reasoning:Academic research papers should exhibit a clear and logical flow of thoughts and arguments. Each paragraph should be logically connected to the previous and following ones, and the overall structure should guide readers through the research process. Using appropriate transitions and connecting phrases can improve the coherence and readability of the paper.5. Citation Practices:Proper citation practices are crucial in academic writing to acknowledge the contributions of other researchers and avoid plagiarism. Researchers should meticulously cite all the sources they have referred to using a recognized citation style, such as APA or MLA. Failure to properly cite sources can result in academic dishonesty and reputational damage.6. Adherence to Academic Writing Conventions:Academic writing follows specific conventions, such as using the third person, avoiding personal opinions, and maintaining a formaltone. Researchers should familiarize themselves with these conventions and ensure their papers adhere to them to maintain the integrity and credibility of their research.7. Conclusion:Effective academic writing requires attention to various elements, including the organization and structure of the paper, clarity of language, logical reasoning, proper citation practices, and adherence to academic writing conventions. Novice researchers can benefit from understanding and implementing these key components, ultimately enhancing the quality and impact of their research papers. Continuous practice and seeking guidance from experienced researchers can further improve their writing skills. 8. Recommendations:To further improve academic writing skills, researchers should actively engage in peer-review processes, attend writing workshops and conferences, and seek feedback from their mentors and colleagues. Writing groups and online forums dedicated to academic writing can also provide valuable support and guidance. In conclusion, this report highlights the importance of expository writing in academic research papers and provides recommendations for researchers to enhance their writing skills. By adhering to the identified key components, novice researchers can produce high-quality academic papers that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.9. Key Components of Effective Academic Writing:9.1. Organization and Structure: A well-organized structure is a key component of effective academic writing. It helps readersnavigate through the research paper and understand the flow of ideas. Researchers should ensure that their papers have a clear and logical structure, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction should provide the necessary background information and context for the research, as well as clearly state the research objectives. The body paragraphs should present the main arguments or findings supported by relevant evidence and analysis. Finally, the conclusion should summarize the key findings and provide implications for future research.9.2. Clarity of Language: Clarity of language is crucial in academic writing. Researchers should strive to communicate their ideas in a clear and concise manner to ensure that readers can easily understand the content. The use of jargon and unnecessary complexity should be avoided. Instead, researchers should use simple and precise language to convey their ideas effectively.9.3. Logical Reasoning: Logical reasoning is a fundamental component of academic writing. Researchers should present their arguments in a logical and coherent manner, providing evidence and analysis to support their claims. Each paragraph should flow logically from one idea to the next, and there should be a clear connection between different sections of the paper. The use of appropriate transition words and phrases can help improve the coherence and readability of the paper.9.4. Proper Citation Practices: Proper citation practices are essential in academic writing to acknowledge the contributions of other researchers and avoid plagiarism. Researchers should carefully and accurately cite all the sources they have referred to intheir papers. This includes both in-text citations and a comprehensive reference list at the end of the paper. Different citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, have specific guidelines that researchers should follow. Failure to properly cite sources can have serious consequences, including academic misconduct and damage to one's reputation.9.5. Adherence to Academic Writing Conventions: Academic writing follows certain conventions and standards that researchers need to adhere to. These conventions include using the third person, maintaining a formal tone, and avoiding personal opinions unless specifically requested in certain types of papers, such as opinion or reflection pieces. Researchers should familiarize themselves with the specific conventions of their field or discipline and ensure that their writing aligns with these expectations. Adhering to academic writing conventions helps maintain the integrity and credibility of the research.10. Recommendations for Enhancing Academic Writing Skills: 10.1. Seek Peer Review: Peer review is a valuable process for improving academic writing skills. Researchers should actively seek feedback from their peers and colleagues. They can join writing groups or engage in peer review exchanges to receive constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement. Peer review provides an opportunity to identify areas of weakness or confusion in the writing and make necessary revisions.10.2. Attend Writing Workshops and Conferences: Writing workshops and conferences offer researchers the chance to learn from experts in the field and gain insights on effective academicwriting techniques. These events often provide practical tips, strategies, and resources for improving writing skills. Researchers should take advantage of these opportunities to enhance their writing abilities.10.3. Seek Feedback from Mentors and Colleagues: Seeking feedback from experienced mentors and colleagues can be incredibly helpful in improving academic writing skills. These individuals can provide valuable insights and guidance based on their own experiences. Researchers should actively seek their feedback on drafts and revisions to refine their writing.10.4. Practice Regularly: Like any skill, academic writing requires regular practice to improve. Researchers should set aside dedicated time for writing and make it a habit. Regular practice allows researchers to develop their own writing style, become more comfortable with academic writing conventions, and refine their ability to convey complex ideas clearly.10.5. Utilize Writing Resources: Various writing resources are available to researchers to enhance their writing skills. Academic writing books, online tutorials, and writing guides can provide guidance on grammar, style, and organization. Researchers should take advantage of these resources to expand their knowledge and improve their writing.10.6. Seek Guidance from Writing Centers: Many universities and institutions have writing centers or writing support services that offer individualized assistance to researchers. These centers provide guidance on various aspects of academic writing, such asstructure, language, and citation practices. Researchers should utilize these resources to receive specialized support and feedback on their writing.In conclusion, effective academic writing requires attention to various key components, including organization and structure, clarity of language, logical reasoning, proper citation practices, and adherence to academic writing conventions. Novice researchers can enhance their writing skills by implementing these components and by actively seeking feedback, participating in workshops, and practicing regularly. With time and effort, researchers can improve their ability to communicate their ideas effectively through well-crafted academic research papers.。



1) there are some journals use a month or season designation in place of an issue number ex. McInnis, Douglas. “The Plight of the Bumble Bee.” Popular
Science 251 (Nov. 1997): 75-80. Kennedy, Craig H., Shuklas Smith, and Dale Fryxell. “Comparing the Effects of Educational Placement on the Social Relationships of Intermediate School Students with Severe Disabilities.” Exceptional Children 64 (Fall 1997): 31-47.
2) Up to six authors: use an & preceded by a comma in front of the last author.
ex. Rodney, J., Hollender, B., & Campbell, M. (1983). Hypnotizability and phobic behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 92, 386389.
Name of the author, inverted
The title of the article, in quotation mark
The issue Dowden, Craig. “What Are the Effective Treatmentsnumber




美国心理学协会(American Psychological Association,简称APA)制定了一套规范,用于对参考文献进行格式化。




例子:Smith, J. D. (2019). The Art of Writing: A Comprehensive Guide. New York, NY: ABC Publishing.这个例子是一个单一作者的书。

作者的姓氏为Smith,名字为J. D. 书的出版年为2019年,书名为”The Art ofWriting: A Comprehensive Guide”,出版地为New York, NY,出版社为ABC Publishing。





例子:Johnson, A., & Thompson, B. (Eds.). (2018).The Handbook of Writing. Los Angeles, CA: XYZ Publishing.这个例子是一本已经被编辑好的书。


书的出版年为2018年,书名为”TheHandbook of Writing”,出版地为Los Angeles, CA,出版社为XYZ Publishing。

期刊文章(Journal Article)•期刊文章(印刷版)–作者姓,名(出版年)。



例子:Miller, R. (2020). The Impact of Writing on Cognitive Development. Journal of Child Psychology,12(3), 45-62.这个例子是一篇印刷版的期刊文章。


则需给出名的缩写,以免混淆。如:K. D. Wang (2007)和P. G. Wang (2008)研究了……
著者相同,出版年不同,按出版年排序。如:过去的研究(Edeline & Weinberger, 2002a, 2002b, 2005, in press)表明……。
示例:张三、李四和王五(2008)发现了……,这个结果在Wang, Zhao和Sun(2009)的研究中得到重复。未来的研究还需关注环境的影响(赵一,周二,陈三,2008;Wolchik, Sandler, & West, 2007)。

reference list的格式

reference list的格式

reference list的格式
参考文章1和2提供了两种不同的reference list格式,分别是Harvard和Chicago。












Deciding on a topic决定一个主题As a college student of science and technology,you are often required to write a literature review about a certain topic,or a 1500-word term paper.In either case,the writing is a complex process which involves choosing a topic,searching for relevant materials,and compiling a reference list.Hence the first thing you need to do is to choose a research topic.作为一个研究科学技术学生,你通常需要写一个关于某一主题的文献综述,或一个1500字的论文。



A topic is what the essay or research paper is about.Choosing a topic for your literature review or research paper requires careful consideration.A topic that is too specialized or the general may bring many problems in terms of the time you can devote to the research or the sources of information available on the topic.How do you choose a topic which is possible to research?There are four principles:主题就是文章或研究论文是与什么有关的。

apa的reference list排序规则

apa的reference list排序规则

apa的reference list排序规则APA(American Psychological Association)是一种最常用于学术论文和期刊上的引用风格。



下面将介绍APA的reference list排序规则。

1. 按作者姓氏字母顺序排序:在reference list中,首先按照文献作者的姓氏字母顺序进行排序。



2. 列出所有作者的姓氏和名字的首字母:将每位作者的姓氏和名字的首字母写在文献引用条目中。


3. 使用大写和小写字母:在reference list中,只需将作者的第一个字母大写,其他字母均为小写。


4. 没有作者的情况:如果一篇文献没有作者,按照文献标题的首字母进行排序。

如果文献标题以冠词开头(如"A", "An", "The")则按照第一个具有意义的单词的首字母进行排序。

5. 使用年份进行排序:如果有多篇由同一作者或同一组合作者撰写的文献,按照年份的顺序进行排序。


6. 没有年份的情况:如果一篇文献没有年份,可以使用"n.d."表示。


7. 多作者时的排序:当文献有多位作者时,将每位作者的姓氏和名字的首字母写在文献引用条目中,按照作者的字母顺序进行排序。

如果有6位或更多作者,则只需列出第一位作者的姓名,然后添加"et al."表示其余作者。




经外语系讨论决定,英语专业毕业论文格式文中引用和参考书目格式严格参照广东外语外贸大学《现代外语》的格式,同学们可以到CNKI找到此刊的论文或者到系图书室找到此刊作为参照:a. 文内夹注的文献放在括号内,作者名与年份之间空一格、不加逗号,如(Chomsky 1991)、(Wilson 1991: 28-80)、(Adams 1990; Bates & MacWhinney 1982, 1989; Miao, Chen & Ying 1984)、(王力1982, 赵元任1979);三个作者的,第一次出现全部列出,第二次则用et al.,如(Miao et al. 1984);三个以上作者的,全部用et al.,如(Caselli et al. 1995)。

b. 文尾参考文献部分不要包括文中没有引用到的文献,但应将引用到的文献全部列出,不要遗漏。

c. 文献类型的字母标识:M为专著,C为论文集,N为报刊文章,J为期刊文章,P为未出版之会议论文,D为博士学位论文,R为报告,CP为计算机程序,其中论文集中的文章类型标识为A。


d. 参考文献样例:(专著类)Adams, M. J. 1990. Beginning to Read: Thinking and Learning about Print [M]. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.王艾录、司富珍,2002,语言理据研究[M]。

北京: 中国社会科学出版社。

(期刊类)Juel, C., P. Griffith & P. Gough. 1986. Acquisition of literacy: A longitudinal study of children in first and second grade [J]. Journal of Educational Psychology 78: 243-255.邓思颖,2002,经济原则和汉语没有动词的句子[J]。



英文assignment的写作细节(请各位愿意长期合作的朋友,尽量仔细阅读,在行文中注意这些要求)我们的assignment通常分为两种形式,一是essay, 一是report.二者在形式上有所差别,essay 偏向于理论论述,report则大都结合case进行理论应用。

一篇assignment上面会对写成essay 还是report格式作出明确要求。


相同点:1、字体:Times New Roman或者Arial, 字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。





通常只包括三个部分,Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion. Introduction 包括topic的背景介绍和论文的结构。


Main Body是主体部分,占总字数80%左右。








第一:标题页:顾名思义,将report的题目写在此页第二:Executive summary,是对文章的摘要,要把写这篇报告的目的(也就是为什么要写这篇报告),报告得出的结果,最后的结论,以及报告给出的建议一一交代清楚,但不需要交代题目背景,摘要的目的是让busy reader能快速掌握报告的全部内容。






具体如下:1、单一作者着作的书籍姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社.如:Sheril, R. D.(1956). The terrifying future: Contemplating color television. San Diego:Halstead.2、两位作者以上合着的书籍姓,名字首字母., 姓,名字首字母.(年). 书名(斜体). 出版社所在城市:出版社.如:Smith, J., Peter, Q. (1992).Hairball: An intensive peek behind the surface of an enigma. Hamilton, ON:McMaster University Press.3、文集中的如:Mcdonalds, A.(1993). Practical methods for the apprehension and sustained containment ofsupernatural entities. In G. L. Yeager (Ed.), Paranormal and occult studies:Case studies in application (pp. 42–64). London: OtherWorld Books.4、期刊中的(非连续页码)如:Crackton, P.(1987). The Loonie: God's long-awaited gift to colourful pocket change?Canadian Change, 64(7), 34–37.5、期刊中的(连续页码):姓,名字首字母.(年). 题目. 期刊名(斜体). 第几期,页码.如:Rottweiler, F. T., Beauchemin, J. L. (1987). Detroit and Narnia: Two foes on the brink ofdestruction. Canadian/American Studies Journal, 54, 66–146.6、月刊杂志中的如:Henry, W. A., III.(1990, April 9). Making the grade in today's schools. Time, 135, 28-31.二、英文论文参考文献范例。

sci投稿的reference list

sci投稿的reference list

sci投稿的reference listBibliography1. Smith, John. "The Importance of Scientific Research in the Advancement of Society." Journal of Science and Technology 45, no. 2 (2020): 67-89.- This article discusses the significance of scientific research in the progress and development of society. It emphasizes the role of scientific research in generating new knowledge, inventions, and innovations that positively impact various sectors of society.2. Johnson, Emily, et al. "The Methodology of Conducting Scientific Research: An Analysis of Current Practices." Research Methods in Science Studies 21, no. 3 (2019): 112-135.- This study examines the current practices and methodologies utilized in conducting scientific research. It explores the various steps involved in the research process, such as hypothesis formulation, data collection, analysis, and interpretation. The findings provide valuable insights into best practices for conducting effective scientific research.3. Garcia, Maria, and David Rodriguez. "The Role of Science Communication in Bridging the Gap between Scientists and the Public." Science Communication Review 8, no. 4 (2018): 201-218. - This review article highlights the importance of science communication in improving the understanding and engagement of the general public with scientific research. It discusses effective communication strategies and the challenges faced by scientists in effectively disseminating their research findings to a broader audience.4. Thompson, Andrew. "Ethics in Scientific Research: Ensuring Integrity and Responsible Conduct." Journal of Scientific Ethics 32, no. 1 (2017): 45-60.- This paper explores the ethical considerations and responsibilities associated with scientific research. It emphasizes the importance of integrity, transparency, and responsible conduct in maintaining the credibility and reliability of scientific research. It discusses key ethical issues such as authorship, plagiarism, conflicts of interest, and the use of human or animal subjects in research.5. Lee, Jennifer, and Robert Davis. "The Role of Funding in Scientific Research: Challenges and Opportunities." Science Funding 12, no. 2 (2016): 78-93.- This study examines the role of funding in scientific research and the challenges faced by researchers in securing adequate financial support. It discusses the impact of funding on the quality and quantity of research output, highlighting the need for sustainable funding models and the potential opportunities for collaboration between academia, industry, and government agencies.6. Brown, Michael, et al. "The Impact of Scientific Research on Policy Making: Case Studies from Various Fields." Policy Studies in Science and Technology 25, no. 4 (2015): 167-184.- This research paper presents case studies from various fields to demonstrate the impact of scientific research on policy making. It discusses how scientific evidence and expertise influence and shape policies in areas such as healthcare, environmentalconservation, and education.7. Williams, Sarah, et al. "Open Access Publishing in Scientific Research: Benefits and Challenges." Journal of Open Science Publishing 18, no. 3 (2014): 112-129.- This article discusses the benefits and challenges associated with open access publishing in scientific research. It highlights the advantages of making research findings freely available to the public, facilitating wider dissemination and increasing the visibility and impact of research. It also addresses concerns such as quality control, the sustainability of open access models, and potential financial barriers.8. Patel, Rajesh, and Linda Thomas. "Collaboration and Interdisciplinarity in Scientific Research: Enhancing Creativity and Innovation." Journal of Collaborative Research 10, no. 1 (2013): 56-74.- This journal article explores the significance of collaboration and interdisciplinary research in fostering creativity and innovation. It examines the benefits and challenges of working in multidisciplinary teams, emphasizes the importance of effective communication and cooperation among researchers from different disciplines, and highlights the potential for breakthroughs in scientific research through interdisciplinary approaches.9. Wilson, Samantha, and James Smith. "Gender Bias in Scientific Research: Challenges and Solutions." Gender Studies in Science 15, no. 2 (2012): 89-105.- This study sheds light on the issue of gender bias in scientific research, discussing the challenges and potential solutions. Ithighlights the underrepresentation of women in various scientific disciplines, explores the gender biases in grant allocation and publishing, and discusses strategies to promote gender equity and inclusivity in scientific research.10. Roberts, David, et al. "The Future of Scientific Research: Trends and Emerging Technologies." Future Science 20, no. 1 (2011): 45-60.- This paper provides insights into the future of scientific research, focusing on emerging technologies and trends. It discusses the potential of fields such as artificial intelligence, genomics, nanotechnology, and space exploration in shaping the future of scientific discovery. The article also addresses the ethical and societal implications of these emerging technologies and emphasizes the importance of responsible innovation.。

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Writing a reference list
4) Newspaper articles Hilts, P. J. 2002. Petition asks for removal of diet drug from market. The New York Times, p. A26. Available from: /[accessed July1, 2012] Rensberger B, 1989 Aug 7. CFCs may be destroyed by natural Process. Washington Post; SectA: 2(co\5). 5) Online articles Henry J. 2004. The role of media in childhood obesity. Available from: /entmedia/7030.cfm[accessed February 5, 2004] Hoppin, A. G., & Taveras, E. M. 2004. Assessment and management of childhood and adolescent obesity. Clinical Update. Available from: /viewaritcle/ 481633[accessed June 25, 2004]
Writing a reference list
Citations—whether you have copied directly (quoted) or rewritten using your own words (paraphrasing)—should be indicated clearly in the reference list, the purpose of which is to provide readers with more details of sources you have used in the essay. Hence every reference in the text must have a matching entry in the reference list which include information about the author, title, publisher. There are different kinds of styles. But whichever one you adopt, some rules should be followed:
Writing a reference list
6) Anonymous [Anonymous]. 2004. Protocol for sterile procedures. Toronto (ON): Association for Microbiological Standards. 35 p. Smith R. A. [Date unknown]. Health problems in the elderly. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 315p.
Writing a reference list
The following are examples of References [a CBE style, used in all scientific
disciplines related to experimental and observational science (including but not limited to physical sciences, mathematics, and life sciences). The order of the CBE N-Y system is: Author A, Year. Title of work. Edition. Place of publication : Publisher name. Number of pages p.]
English Academic Paper Writing
Li Yong
Major parts of an academic paper Writing a reference list
Major parts of an academic paper title author(s) / affiliation(s) abstract keywords introduction methodology (materials and methods) results discussion conclusion references/bibliography acknowledgeme-Y: Council of Biology Name-Year 1) Journal articles Bjorkqvist, K. 1994. Sex differences in physical, verbal and indirect aggression. Sex Roles, 33, 177-188. Berkowitz, R. L., Wadden, T. A., Tershakovec, A. M., & Cronquist, J. L. 2003. Behavior therapy for the treatment of adolescent obesity. Journal of the American Medical Association, 289, 1805-1812.
Writing a reference list
2) Books with author(s) Black, J. 2003. A Dictionary of Economics (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Dell, R. M., and D. A. J. Rand. 2001. Understanding batteries. Cambridge, UK: The Royal Society of Chemistry. 3) Books with editor(s) Blendon, R. J., Benson, J. M., Brodie, M., Morin, R., Altman, D. E., Gitterman, D., et al. 1999. Bridging the gap between the public’s and the economists’ views of the economy. In Robert F. Garnett Jr. (ed.), What Do Economists Know? New Economics of Knowledge(pp. 86-100). London: Routledge.
Writing an Academic Essay
Writing a reference list
Rules for writing a reference list:
1) Place the reference list after the last section of the essay. 2) Do not include sources which have not been cited in the text of the essay. 3) Start each item in the list at the left margin. If an item extends to more than one line, indent the additional lines. 4) Use the last or family name and initials (not full names) for all authors. 5) Arrange the items in the alphabetical order of authors’ family names.