
1 0 2均匀流3增加
4 5时间6共轭水深
(2) (2’)
2.沿程水头损失的达西公式: (1’);圆管层流沿程水头损失系数: (1’);所以 (1’)。
(1’) (1’)
解:求P的大小方向: (3’)铅直分力 (3’)总 Nhomakorabea力 (2分)
解:(1) (2’)
解:(1) (1’)
列水库断面和下游管道出口断面的能量方程(基准面取出口断面所在平面): (2’)

(30分) 2023届高校毕业生迎来了秋招季,很多即将毕业的学生发现,大部分招聘岗位除了对专业、学历有要求外,还要求求职者有相关岗位的技能经验、工作经验。

扬州大学考试题型及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 扬州大学的校训是以下哪一项?A. 求实创新B. 厚德载物C. 知行合一D. 自强不息答案:C2. 下列哪项不是扬州大学提供的专业学位?A. 工学B. 医学C. 法学D. 农学答案:B3. 扬州大学成立于哪一年?A. 1902年B. 1911年C. 1921年D. 1952年答案:A4. 以下哪项不是扬州大学的校风?A. 团结C. 求实D. 竞争答案:D5. 扬州大学图书馆藏书量大约有多少册?A. 100万册B. 200万册C. 300万册D. 400万册答案:C6. 扬州大学的校庆日是哪一天?A. 5月20日B. 10月1日C. 11月11日D. 12月31日答案:A7. 以下哪位不是扬州大学的知名校友?A. 张三B. 李四C. 王五D. 赵六答案:D8. 扬州大学的主校区位于哪个城市?B. 苏州C. 扬州D. 无锡答案:C9. 扬州大学有多少个学院?A. 18个B. 22个C. 26个D. 30个答案:B10. 扬州大学的学生总数大约是多少?A. 20000人B. 25000人C. 30000人D. 35000人答案:C二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)11. 扬州大学的校歌名称是“________”。
答案:扬大之歌12. 扬州大学在________年被确定为江苏省重点支持建设的高校。
答案:2017年13. 扬州大学的校徽由________、________和________三种颜色组成。
答案:蓝色、白色、绿色14. 扬州大学的一项特色教学方法是________教学法。
答案:案例分析15. 扬州大学每年的________是学生展示自我才华的重要平台。
答案:文化艺术节16. 扬州大学的________学院是国内著名的农学研究机构。
答案:农业与生物技术17. 扬州大学的________实验室是国家级重点实验室。
答案:生物技术18. 扬州大学的学生宿舍区通常被称为________。

(5分)1、A. traffic B. train C. tell2、A. taxi B. film C. ship3、A. street B. sled C. straight4、A. stop B. go C. wait5、A. next weekend B. today C. tomorrow二、听录音,选择恰当的答语。
(10分)1、A. You can take the No.15 busB. You can see the No.15 bus.C. Go straight and you can see the cinema.2、A. It’s the post o fficeB. It’s next to the post office.C. It’s next to the supermarket.3、A. No, it isn’t.B. No, there isn’t.C. Yes, there isn’t.4、A. You’re right.B. You’re welcome.C. see you.三、听录音,判断下列句子与你所听内容是(T)否(F)一致。

微机原理及应⽤试题扬州⼤学试题纸Array ( 2009-2010学年第1学期)⼴陵学院07 班(年)级课程微机原理及应⽤ (A)卷1. 以程序存储和程序控制为基础的计算机结构提出者是(B )A.布尔B.冯﹒诺依曼C.图灵D.帕斯卡尔2.⼗进制数95转换成⼆进制数是(D )A. 10010101B. 01100101C. 0100110D. 010111113.⼤写字母C的ASCII码是(C )A. 11001100BB. 00001100BC. 01000011BD. 01000111B4.在微机中,主机和⾼速硬盘进⾏数据交换,⼀般采⽤的⽅式是( D)A. 程序直接控制⽅式B. 程序中断控制⽅式C. ⽆条件传送⽅式D. DMA⽅式5.将寄存器AX的内容求反的正确指令是( C )A. NEG AXB. CMP AX,0FFFFHC. NOT AXA.变址寻址B.寄存器寻址C.基址寻址D.基址变址寻址7. 8086/8088响应不可屏蔽中断时,其中断类型号是(A )A.由CPU⾃动产⽣B.从外设取得C.由指令INT给出D.由中断控制器提供8.8086指令队列的长度是 ( C )A. 4个字节B.5个字节C.6个字节D.8个字节M/、WR、RD信号的状态依次9. 在最⼩模式下,CPU从外设读取数据操作,IO为( A )A. 0,1,0B. 0,三态,0C. 0,0,1D. 1,1,010.在8086系统中,CPU被启动后,IP及四个段寄存器的初始状态是(D )A.全部清0B.全部被置成FFFFHC.IP=FFFH 四个段寄存器清0D.CS=FFFH,其它寄存器被清011.设SP=000CH,SS=00A8H,在执⾏POP AX指令后栈顶的物理地址为( D )A.000B6HB.00A8EHC.000B2HD.00A8AH12.8086/8088中断类型号为40H的中断服务程序⼊⼝地址存放在中断向量表中的起始地址是( B )A.DS:0040HD.0000:0040H13.CPU响应两种硬件中断INTR和NMI时相同的必要条件是( B)A.允许中断B.当前指令执⾏结束C.总线空闲D.当前访问操作结束14.异步串⾏通信的主要特点是( B )A.通信双⽅不需要同步B.传送的每个字符是独⽴发送B.字符之间的间隔时间应相同 D.传送的数据中没有控制信息15.中断现场保存在 ( D )A.中断源中B.软盘或硬盘中C.中断向量表中D.堆栈中16.8255A能实现双向传送功能的⼯作⽅式是 ( C )A. ⽅式0B.⽅式1C.⽅式2D.⽅式317. RS-232C是 C( C )A.⽚总线标准B.内总线标准C.串⾏通信标准D.局部总线标准18.8086在对储存器进⾏读、写时,若存储器⼯作速度较慢,CPU在(C )A.T1与T2之间插⼊TWB.T2与T3之间插⼊TWC.T3与T4之间插⼊TWD.T4与T1之间插⼊TW19.若⽤2⽚6116RAM(2K×8)及2⽚2732EPROM(4K×8)组成存储器,则存储器的总容量是( A )A. 12KBB. 10KB20.在串⾏通信中,使⽤⽐特率来表⽰数据的传输速率,它是指(C )A.每秒传送的字符数B. 每秒传送的字节数C.每秒传送的位数D. 每分钟传送的字符⼆、填空题(20%,每题2分)1.8086 CPU 是 16 位微处理器。

7扬州大学试题纸(2007—2008学年第 二 学期)学院 级 课程 有机化学 试卷(B ) 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十 总分得分一、 单项选择题(每小题 1分,共22 分)在下列每小题的四个备选答案中选出一个正确的答案,并将其字母标号填入括号内。
1. 在烷烃的自由基取代反应中,不同类型的氢被取代活性最大的是 ( ):A .一级;B .二级;C .三级;D .那个都不是。
2.环已烷的所有构象中最稳定的构象是 ():A . 船式;B .扭船式;C .椅式;D .半椅式。
3.① 环丙烷、② 环丁烷、③ 环己烷、④环戊烷的稳定性顺序 ( ):A .①>②>③>④;B .④>③>②>①;C .④>②>③>①;D .③>④>②>①。
4. RMgX 与( )反应,可用来制备RCOOH :A .CH 2O ;B .CO 2;C .H CO 2H ;D .CH 3OH 。
5. 下列化合物中,酸性最弱的是 ():A. 甲酸;B. 乙酸;C. 三氯乙酸;D. 三氟乙酸。
6. ① 叔戊醇、② 仲丁醇、③ 正丙醇、④ 甲醇与苯甲酸发生酯化反应,按活性顺序排列应是 ():A .③>④>①>②;B .④>③>②>①;C .④>②>③>①;D .①>②>③>④。
7. 黄呜龙是我国著名的有机化学家,他改进的化学反应是 ( ):A. Hoffmann 降解反应;B. Dils-Ald 反应;C.用肼还原羰基的反应;D. 合成二茂铁的反应。
8. ( ):A . 二甲基乙酰胺;B .N-甲基乙酰胺;C .N, N-二甲基乙酰胺;D .乙酰基二甲胺。
9. ①三苯胺、 ②二苯胺、 ③对-甲氧苯胺、 ④苯胺; 按碱性递减排列顺学院 系 班级 学号 姓名-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------装--------------------------------订-------------------------------线-------------------------------------------------------------------序是( ):A.②>④>③>①;B. ①>②>③>④;C. ③>④>②>①;D. ④>①>③>②。

《水力学》(A )答案 (水利06级,2008-06-19)一、单项选择题1-C ; 2-A ; 3-C ; 4-D ; 5-B ; 6-A ; 7-D ; 8-D ; 9-B ; 10-A二、填空题1 当地(或时变)加速度、迁移(或位变)加速度2 粘滞;重3 抛物线;矩4 下游水深t h ;收缩断面跃后水深ch '' 5 线变形;角变形6 水力坡度7 h s /H 0>0.8 8 29 40;0.049三、简答题1.都不正确(1’)。
雷诺数νVd=Re ,其中V 是断面平均流速,d 是圆管直径,ν是液体运动黏度(1’)。
当2000Re <=νVd时为层流,2000Re >=νVd时为紊流(1’)。
面积为A 的正方形过水断面的湿周为A x 41=,水力半径为4/)4/(1A A A R ==(1’)。
面积为A 的圆形过水断面的湿周为A A d x ππππ4/42===,水力半径为ππ4/)4/(2A A A R ==(1’)。
四、计算题 1解:上游水平水压力:)(2.2352352004398005.0212211→==⨯⨯⨯==kN N gbH P x ρ (2’) 下游水平水压力:)(8.58588002398005.0212222←==⨯⨯⨯==kN N gbH P x ρ(2’) 水平水压力合力:)(4.1768.582.23521→=-=-=kN P P P x x (1’)压力体为1/8圆柱减去三角形柱体。
垂直水压力:3]2/28/)22([9800])(2181[222212⨯-⨯⨯=--==ππρρb H H R g gV P zkN N 5.3310005.33)2(39800=⨯=-⨯⨯=π (4’)静水总压力的大小:kN P P P z x 6.1795.334.1762222=+=+=(1’)静水总压力的方向:与水平线间的角度o 8.104.1765.33arctan arctan ===x z P P β(1’) 静水总压力的作用点:距下游水面m 53.0sin ==βR Z D (1’) (或:距上游水面m 53.2sin =+=βR R Z D ) (或:距底部m 47.1sin =-=βR R Z D )2解:/s m 00275.0120/33.0/3w ===t V Q (1.5’)m/s 40.1)4/005.014.3/(00275.0/2=⨯==A Q V (1.5’) 列A 、B 断面的能量方程得:gV g V d L h h h j f 2222w ξλ+=+= (4’) 6.194.1)05.0605.0(63.02ξ+= (1’)3.0=ξ (2’)3解:连续方程:2211A v A v =,m/s 9209121==v v (1’) 对1-1,2-2断面列能量方程g v g v g p z g v g p z 222222222221111ςαραρ+++=++ (0=ζ) (2’) 8.9220008.92)(0229201⨯++=⨯++g p ρ (1’) 21kN/m 197.5=p (1’)/s m 1028.62002.014.34133222-⨯=⨯⨯⨯==A v Q (1’) N 558kN 558.006.014.3415.197.2111==⨯⨯⨯==A p P c (1’) P 2=0 (1’) 对所取坐标系列动量方程: )(1221v v Q R P P -=--βρ (2’) )209120(1028.6100.1055833⨯-⨯⨯⨯⨯=---R112558=-R (2’)R = 446N (←) (1’)∴ 螺栓所受的拉力与R 大小相等,方向相反。

扬州大学综合英语三级考试试卷YZUCET Band3A (2010-01-14)Part I Listening Comprehension (35 %)Section A: Conversations (15%)Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After eachquestion there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark thecorresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1. A) Go fishing. B) Eat in a restaurant.C) Go shopping. D) Buy some fish.2. A) She won’t do favors for others.B) She will return the book on her way to work.C) She can’t return the book for the man.D) She works at the school library.3. A) His son watches games all day long.B) His son has a serious hearing problem.C) His son enjoys watching videos a lot.D) His son is addicted to video games.4. A) She hopes to study the Polar Regions.B) She likes Professor Webster’s class.C) She is very much interested in the physics course.D) She has no intention of taking the physics class.5. A) In the park. B) Between two buildings.C) In his apartment. D) Under a huge tree.6. A) Get some change from Jane.B) Use the woman’s phone.C) Go looking for a pay phone.D) Pay for the phone call.7. A) He enjoys writing home every week.B) He never fails to write a weekly letter home.C) He doesn’t write home once a week now.D) He has been asked to write home every week.8. A George’s brother. B) George’s father.C) George’s wife. D) George’s wife’s father.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.9. A) One B) Two. C) Three. D) Four.10. A) He wanted to work in the daytime.B) He wanted to earn more money.C) He wanted to work with a big restaurant.D) He wanted to work with his friends.11. A) One sick day a month. B) One month holiday a year.C) Health insurance. D) Free training.Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.12. A) A study group. B) A history exam.C) The man’s painting. D) A professional artist.13. A) Making a gift for the woman. B) Working on a class assignment.C) Discussing his career. D) Preparing to teach an art class.14. A) By listening to her father. B) Go to collect the garbage.C) By talking to the studio art instructor. D) By taking several art courses.15. A) Take a history exam. B) Go to an art exhibit.C) Meet some classmates D) Help the man with his painting.Section B: Short Passages (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choicesmarked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheetwith a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.16. A) It can be cooked in many ways.B) It is delicious but inexpensive.C) It gives higher yields than other grain crops.D) It grows easily in various conditions.17. A) Fried potatoes. B) Tomato juice. C) Sweet corn. D) Chocolate beans.18. A) They led to the discovery of America.B) They made Native American food popular.C) They brought great wealth to Spain.. D) The made Native American life styles well-known.Passage TwoQuestions 19 to 22 are based on the passage you have just heard.19.A) The writer enjoys sleeping very much.B) The writer doesn’t like money at all.C) Bill Gates does not know how to enjoy himself.D) Mental-well being is the most important thing.20.A) Material life. B) Sports life C) Spiritual life. D) Working life.21.A) It’s very commercialB) It’s very noisy.C) It’s very insecure.D) It’s very unfriendly.22. A) Importance of A Good Night’s Sleep.B) The Best Things Money Cannot Buy.C) Taking Good Care of Oneself.D) How to Enjoy Life Thoroughly.Passage ThreeQuestions 23 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.23. A) The Bachelor’s degree.B) The Associate degree.C) The Master’s degree.D) The Doctor’s degree.24. A) A technical associate degree.B) A degree which is designed for transfer.C) A Bachelor’s degree.D) The last degree one can ever hope to attain.25. A) 120 quarter hours.B) 95 quarter hours.C) 120 credit hours.D) 72 credit hours.Section C: Compound Dictation (10%)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage isread for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1) toS8) with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S9) to S11)you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can eitheruse the exact words you hove just heard or write down the main points in your ownwords. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check whatyou have written.Once open only to the rich, who could S1)_______the fees of expensive country club, tennisis becoming more and more S2)________. Tennis courts are S3)_______ up everywhere. There are indoors and outdoors courts, and even courts on the S4)_______of skyscrapers. Sporting goods S5)_______are doing a booming business in tennis S6)_______. Tennis clothing has beenan important item in the S7)_______world.Early in its S8)________tennis was the sport of king and,S9)_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. The French King Charles V loved to play tennis, but he was very fat and must have been a comical sight on the tennis court.S10)_____________________________________________________________________________. In England, Henry VI outlawed tennis because leaders of his time were angry that women wore less clothing when they played. S11)_______________________________________.Part II Reading Comprehension (40%)Section A Skimming and ScanningDirections:In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly. For the statements numbered from 26 to 35, please chooseA (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in thepassage;B (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in thepassage;C (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line though thecenter.How to Green Your WorkA greener workplace can mean a lighter ecological footprint, a healthier and more productive place to work, and good news for the bottom line. Whethe r you’re the boss or the employee, whether your office is green already or still waiting to see the light, some practical steps can lay the groundwork for a healthy, low-impact workspace.1.More work, less energyFor many people, a computer is the central tool at work. Optimizing the energy settings for computers and other devices can be more than a modest energy saver. Set computers to energy-saving settings and make sure to shut them down when you leave for the day (“standby” settings will continue to draw power even when not in use). By plugging hardware into a power strip with an on/off switch (or a smart power strip), the whole desktop setup can be turned off at once (make sure to power down inkjet printers before killing the power—they need to seal theircartridges). Printers, scanners, and other peripherals that are only used occasionally can be unplugged until they’re needed. And of course, turn off lights in spaces that are un occupied.2.DigitizeIt does seem a bit strange that in the “digital age” we still consume enormous amounts of mashed up, bleached tree pulp, most of which gets used once or twice and then tossed or recycled (“downcycled,” as McDonough and Braungart would call it). The greenest paper is no paper at all, so keep things digital and dematerialized whenever possible. The more you do online, the less you need paper. Keep files on computers instead of in file cabinets (this also makes it easier to make offsite backup copies or take them with you when you move to a new office). Review documents onscreen rather than printing them out. Send emails instead of paper letters. New software like Greenprint helps eliminate blank pages from documents before printing and can also convert to PDF for paperless document sharing.3.Don’t be a paper pusherWhen buying printer paper, look for recycled paper with a high percentage of post-consumer content and the minimum of chlorine bleaching. Even recycled paper gobbles up a great deal of energy, water, and chemical resources in its processing (toxic pulp slurry is the paper recycling i ndustry’s dirty secret). When using the real stuff, print on both sides of the page when appropriate and use misprints as notepaper. Try to choose printers and photocopiers that do double-sided printing. If your office ships packages, reuse boxes and use shredded waste paper as packing material.4.Greening the commuteAmerican workers spend an average of 47 hours per year commuting through rush hour traffic. This adds up to 3.7 billion hours and 23 billion gallons of gas wasted in traffic each year. We can ease some of this strain by carpooling, taking public transit, biking, walking, or a creative combination thereof. If there’s no good way to phase out your car, consider getting a hybrid, electric vehicle, motorcycle, scooter, or using a car sharing service like Flexcar or Zipcar. See How to Green Your Car for more depth on the subject. Some employers are even giving a bonus to bike and carpool commuters and special perks to hybrid drivers. For those who think bike riding is for kids and tattooed couriers, consider a high-tech folding bike or an electrically assisted one (see below for more).5.Green sleevesYou might be amazed how sharp work clothes from thrift stores can look. If you buy new, get clothes made with organic or recycled fibers. Avoid clothes that need to be dry-cleaned, and if they so demand it, seek out your local "green" dry-cleaner. See How to Go Green: Wardrobe for more tactics on greening those work duds.6.Work from homeInstant messaging, video conferencing, and other innovative workflow tools make effective telecommuting a reality. If you can telecommute, hold phone conferences, take online classes, or otherwise work from home, give it a try. It'll save you the time you would have spent on the trip as well as sparing the air. As a bonus, you get to work in your pajamas. Telecommuting works for 44 million Americans (not to mention the TreeHugger staff). Also, consider the possibility of working four ten-hour days instead of five eight-hour days (a consolidated workweek), cutting the energy and time spent on commuting by 20% and giving you some lovely three-day weekends.7.Use Green MaterialsSome paper use can't be avoided, so use recycled paper and envelopes that have been processed and colored using eco-friendly methods. Pens and pencils can also be made of recycled materials, and refillable pens and markers are preferable to disposable ones. Use biodegradable soaps and recycled paper or cloth towels in the bathroom and kitchen, and provide biodegradable cleaners for the custodial staff. Buy in bulk so that shipping and packaging waste are reduced, and reuse the shipping boxes. Recycling printer cartridges is often free, and recycled replacements are cheaper than new ones.8.Redesign the WorkspaceGreening the space in which you work has almost limitless possibilities. Start with good furniture, good lighting, and good air. Furniture can be manufactured from recycled materials as well as recyclable. Herman-Miller and Steelcase are two groundbreaking companies that have adopted the Cradle-to-Cradle protocol for many of their office chairs. Incandescent bulbs can be replaced with compact fluorescents and there is an ever-growing selection of high-end LED desk lamps that use miniscule amounts of energy. Not only is natural daylight a free source of lighting for the office, it has been proven to improve worker productivity and satisfaction (as well as boost sales in retail settings). Workspace air quality is also crucial. Good ventilation and low-VOC paints and materials (such as furniture and carpet) will keep employees healthy (look for How to Green Your Furniture coming soon).9.Lunch timeBringing lunch to work in reusable containers is likely the greenest (and healthiest) way to eat at work. Getting delivery and takeout almost inevitably ends with a miniature mountain of packaging waste. But if you do order delivery, join coworkers in placing a large order (more efficient than many separate ones). Also, bring in a reusable plate, utensils, and napkins. If you do go out for lunch, try biking or walking instead of driving.10.Get others in on the actShare these tips with your colleagues. Ask your boss to purchase carbon offsets for corporate travel by car and plane. Arrange an office carpool or group bike commute. Trade shifts and job duties so that you can work four long days instead of five short ones. Ask the office manager to get fair trade coffee for the break room and make sure everyone has a small recycling bin so that recycling is just as easy as throwing paper away. Ask everyone to bring ina mug or glass from home and keep some handy for visitors so that you reduce or eliminate use of paper cups.26.To power off the electronic devices when they are not at work is a better way to save energythan a modest energy saver.27.According to the second suggestion, a green office had better substitute computer files forpaper files.28.In a green office, paper can be reused as file-paper or to be made into boxes for package.muters taking a ride to work will be awarded with a bonus.30.Clothes made with organic or recycled fibers usually do not require being dry-cleaned.31.If conditions permit, working at home by telecommuting can save you a day each week.32.Buying products in bulk can reduce packaging waste, but is a waste of energy if you don’treally need so many.33.Natural daylight is a free source of lighting for the office, besides that, it has been proven toimprove workspace air quality.34.The greenest way to eat at work is to bring lunch to work in reusable containers.35.To reduce or eliminate the use of paper cups, you can bring in a mug or glass from homeand keep some handy for visitors.Section B Reading in DepthDirections: There are 3 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C)and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Passage OneQuestions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.Electronic books could revolutionize reading, but people ought to consider their far-reaching impacts as well. “The e-book promises to wreak a slow havoc(浩劫) on life as we know it,” Jason Ohler, professor of technology assessment(评估), university of Alaska Southeast in Juneau, warned the World Future Society, Bethesda, Md. His assessment weighed the pros and cons(赞成和反对的理由)of e-book technology’s impact on so cial relationships, the environment, the economy, etc. Before you curl up(蜷曲)with an e-book, consider the disadvantages.They increase eyestrain due to poor screen resolution, replace a relatively cheap commodity with a more expensive one, and displace workers in print book production and traditional publishing. E-books make it easy to share data, thereby threatening copyright agreements and reducing compensation of authors, as well as creating nonbiodegradable(不可生物降解)trash.On the other hand, e-books save paper and trees, reduce the burden of the carrying and storing of printed books, promote self-sufficiency in learning, and make reading a collaborative experience online. They also create new jobs for writers and artists and encourage self-publishing.In final analysis, Ohler points out, e-books should gain social approval if a few conditions are met: make them biodegradable and recyclable, solve the problem of eye fatigue (疲劳), besure the “have-nots” get the technology, and support e-book training in schools and business.36. What is the author’s purpose of writing the passage?A) Draw peoples attention to the disadvantages of e-books.B) Call on people to reject e-books.C) Criticize schools and business that don’t provide e-books.D) Encourage people to use e-books37. What is Jason Ohler’s attitude towards e-books?A) Positive B) Indifferent C) Cautious D) Suspicious38. In what sense do e-books exert a negative impact on the environment?A)They are unable to be broken down into harmless products.B) They consume a lot of natural resources.C) They produce harmful gases.D) They are capable of being reused.39. What is e-books negative impact on social relationships?.A) They create new jobs only for writers.B) Fewer and fewer people have access to new technology.C) They may threaten some traditional trades.D) They isolate people from one another.40. What does Ohler suggest regarding the use of e-books?A) The society should ensure the poor have access to the technology.B) The society should ban the use of e-books if they cannot reduce eye fatigue.C) The society should approve of the use of e-books if they are made recyclable.D) The schools should solve the present problems of e-books.Passage TwoQuestions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.Before he left for Iraq, Shaun Blue never talked about the war with his friends. He didn't need to. "We all knew where each other stood," says Mike Bell, a fellow Marine who attended the University of Southern California with Blue. They were juniors when the war began. "All of us wanted to go. All of us wanted to be there."Blue had considered dropping out of college to enlist in the Marines rather than finishing school and entering as an officer. He was a voracious reader, a philosophy major whose interests ranged from hard sciences to Roman architecture. (His mother says he asked for a copy of Moby Dick as a Christmas present in second grade.) In college he was as serious about conditioning his body as he was his mind. He played pickup basketball in some of L.A.'s toughest neighborhoods. Once, late at night, after drinking beer with Bell, Blue told Bell he was going for a run. He donned a flak jacket for added weight and ran the darkened L.A. streets alone for hours, finally returning to the house shortly before dawn.Blue set off for his first deployment to Iraq on July 4, 2005. He joined the Marine campaign in Anbar province, leading a platoon in the Fallujah area. Even in the desert reaches of Iraq, Blue found ways to call Bell and his younger sister Amy Blue, who was living inIreland at the time. "Those phone calls from him were the highlights of my days," says Amy. "Hearing him across all those miles, it was like he was right there with me." He was killed halfway through a second tour in Anbar, while riding in the passenger seat of a humvee悍马(一种军用吉普车)that was hit by a roadside bomb. "Twenty-five years is so short," his sister says, "but I am very lucky that I could call him a brother and a true best friend for that long.""He wanted to fight," says Bell of his fallen friend. "He really, really did. He couldn't wait."41. Before joining the Iraq war, Blue was__________A) a junior school studentB) a classmate of BellC) the youngest son of the familyD) a third-year student at a university.42. The word “voracious” (Line 2,Para.2) in this passage most probably means ______.A) Tiring of new information and knowledgeB) Eating a large amounts of foodC) Wanting a lot of new information and knowledgeD) Being in deep thought43. Which of the following sentences was NOT true?A) Blue had a wide range of interestsB) Blue was fond of reading booksC) Blue had a sound mind and bodyD) Blue liked having beer and running in the dark street44. From the passage we can learn that the author’s attitude towards Blue’s death is_____.A) Sad but helplessB) Bitter but approvingC) Critical and disapprovingD) Depressed and regretful.45. All the students of the University at Southern California wanted to go to Iraq because_ ______.A) they were tired of the university life and wanted to go abroadB) they were all patriotic and wanted to do something for their own countryC) they thought Iraq was a disgusted country and needed to be punishedD) they wanted to devote their lives to the U.S.APassage ThreeQuestions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Space is a dangerous place, not only because of meteors(流星)but also because of rays from the sun and other stars. The atmosphere again acts as our protective blanket on earth. Light gets through, and this is essential for plants to make the food, which we eat. Heat, too, makes our environment endurable. Various kinds of rays come through the air from outer space, but enormous quantities of radiation from the sun are screened off. As soon as men leave the atmosphere they are exposed to this radiation but their spacesuits or the walls of their spacecraft,if they are inside, do prevent a lot of radiation damage.Radiation is the greatest known danger to explorers in space. The unit of radiation is called “rem”. Scientists have reason to think that a man can put up with far more radiation than 0.1 rem without being damaged; the figure of 60 rems has been agreed on. The trouble is that it is extremely difficult to be sure about radiation damage-a person may feel perfectly well, but the cells of his or her sex organs may be damaged, and this will not be discovered until the birth of deformed(畸形的)children or even grandchildren. Missions of the Apollo flights have had to cross belts of high radiation and, during the outward and return journeys; the Apollo crew accumulated a large amount of rems. So far, no dangerous amounts of radiation have been reported, but the Apollo missions have been quite short. We simply do not know yet how men are going to get on when they spend weeks and months outside the protection of the atmosphere, working in a space laboratory. Drugs might help to decrease the damage done by radiation, but no really effective ones have been found so far.46. According to the first paragraph, the atmosphere is essential to man in that ______.A) it protects him against the harmful rays from spaceB) it provides sufficient light for plant growthC) it supplies the heat necessary for human survivalD) it screens off the falling meteors47. We know from the passage that ________.A) exposure to even tiny amounts of radiation is fatalB) the effect of exposure to radiation is slow in comingC) radiation is avoidable in space explorationD) astronauts in spa cesuits needn’t worry about radiation damage48. The harm radiation has done to the Apollo crew members _______.A) is insignificant B)seems overestimatedC) is enormous D) remains unknown49. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.A) the Apollo mission was very successfulB) protection from space radiation is no easy jobC) astronauts will have deformed children or grandchildrenD) radiation is not a threat to well-protected space explorers50. The best title for this passage would be _______.A) The Atmosphere and Our EnvironmentB) Research on RadiationC) Effects of Space RadiationD) Importance Protection Against RadiationPart III Cloze (10%)Directions:There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the ONE that best fits intothe passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with asingle line through the center.Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training. Ideally, therefore, the choice of an __51__ should be made even before choice of a curriculum in high school. Actually, __52__, most people make several job choices during their working lives, __53__ because of economic and Industrial changes and partly to improve their position. The "one perfect job" does not __54__. Young people should __55__ enter into a broad flexible training program that will __56__ them for a field of work rather than for a single __57__.Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans __58__benefit of help form a(n) __59__ vocational counselor or psychologist. Knowing __60__about the occupational world, or themselves for that matter, they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss basis. Some __61__ from job to job. Others __62__ to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.One common mistake is choosing an occupation for __63__ real or imagined prestige. Too many high-school students - or their parents for them - choose the professional field, __64__ both the relatively small proportion of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal __65__. The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a White-collar" job is no good 66__ for choosing it as life's work. __67_, these occupations are not always well paid. Since a large 68__ of jobs are in mechanical and manual work, the __69__ of young people should give serious __70__ to these fields.51.A) identification B) entertainment C) accommodation D) occupation52.A) however B) therefore C) though D) thereby53.A) entirely B) mainly C) partly D) possibly54.A) fade B) vanish C) survive D) exist55.A) since B) therefore C) furthermore D) forever56.A) make B) fit C) take D) leave57.A) job B) way C) means D) company58.A) with B) for C) without D) to59.A) competent B) competitive C) aggressive D) effective60.A) little B) few C) much D) more61.A) turn B) drift C) leave D) float62.A) apply B) appeal C) stick D) turn63.A) our B) its C) your D) their64.A) concerning B) following C) considering D) disregarding65.A) preferences B) requirements C) tendencies D) ambitions66.A) resources B) background C) reason D) basis67.A)Therefore B) Nevertheless C) However D) Moreover68.A) rate B) thickness C) proportion D) density69.A) majority B) mass C) minority D) multitude70.A) proposal B) suggestion C) consideration D) appraisalPart IV Translation (15%)Directions: Translate the following sentences into English and write your answers on the Answer Sheet.Section 1 ( New College English )T1. 我们能够通过削减开支来弥补收入的不足,而我们的生活水准并没有明显下降。

扬州大学试题纸3————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:大学物理模拟试题(三)一、选择题:(共27分,每题3分)1.某质点作直线运动的运动学方程为x =3t -5t 3 + 6 (SI),则该质点作 【 D 】 (A )匀加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴正方向. (B )匀加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴负方向. (C )变加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴正方向.(D )变加速直线运动,加速度沿x 轴负方向.2.在升降机天花板上拴有轻绳,其下端系一重物,当升降机以加速度a 1上升时,绳中的张力正好等于绳子所能承受的最大张力的一半,问升降机以多大加速度上升时,绳子刚好被拉断?[ C ](A) 2a 1. (B) 2(a 1+g ).(C) 2a 1+g . (D) a 1+g .3. 如图,在光滑水平地面上放着一辆小车,车上左端放着一只箱子,今用同样的水平恒力F拉箱子,使它由小车的左端达到右端,一次小车被固定在水平地面上,另一次小车没有固定.试以水平地面为参照系,判断下列结论中正确的是 【 D 】(A) 在两种情况下,F做的功相等.(B) 在两种情况下,摩擦力对箱子做的功相等. (C) 在两种情况下,箱子获得的动能相等.(D) 在两种情况下,由于摩擦而产生的热相等.4. 如图所示,假设物体沿着竖直面上圆弧形轨道下滑,轨道是光滑的,在从A 至C 的下滑过程中,下面哪个说法是正确的? [ D ](A) 它的加速度大小不变,方向永远指向圆心. (B) 它的速率均匀增加. (C) 它的合外力大小变化,方向永远指向圆心. (D) 轨道支持力的大小不断增加.5. 静电场中某点电势的数值等于 【 C 】 (A)试验电荷q 0置于该点时具有的电势能. (B)单位试验电荷置于该点时具有的电势能. (C)单位正电荷置于该点时具有的电势能.AR O Ca 1F(D)把单位正电荷从该点移到电势零点外力所作的功.6. 两只电容器,C 1 = 8 F ,C 2 = 2 F ,分别把它们充电到 1000 V ,然后将它们反接(如图所示),此时两极板间的电势差为: 【 C 】 (A) 0 V . (B) 200 V .(C) 600 V . (D) 1000 V7. 图示载流铁芯螺线管,其中哪个图画得正确?(即电源的正负极,铁芯的磁性,磁力线方向相互不矛盾.) 【 C 】8.如图所示,M 、N 为水平面内两根平行金属导轨,ab 与cd 为垂直于导轨并可在其上自由滑动的两根直裸导线.外磁场垂直水平面向上.当外力使ab 向右平移时,cd 【 D 】 (A) 不动. (B) 转动.(C) 向左移动. (D) 向右移动.9.横波以波速u 沿x 轴负方向传播.t 时刻波形曲线如图.则该时刻 【 D 】 (A) A 点振动速度大于零. (B) B 点静止不动. (C) C 点向下运动. (D) D 点振动速度小于零.二.填空题:(共33分)1、(本题3分)一质点沿直线运动,其运动学方程为x = 6 t -t 2 (SI),则在t 由0至4s 的时间间隔内,质点的位移大小为 ____8m_______,在t 由0到4s 的时间间隔内质点走过的路程为_____10m____________.(A)SN (B)SN(C)NS (D)N S ++++xuA y BC D OC 1C 2cabdNMB2、(本题3分) 小船从岸边A 点出发渡河,如果它保持与河岸垂直向前划,则经过时间t 1到达对岸下游C 点;如果小船以同样速率划行,但垂直河岸横渡到正对岸B 点,则需与A 、B 两点联成的直线成 角逆流划行,经过时间t 2到达B 点.若B 、C 两点间距为S ,则(1) 此河宽度l =_________21222/t t S t _________________________;(2) =_______221221sin t t t 或 211/cos t t _____. 3、(本题5分)如图所示,一物体放在水平传送带上,物体与传送带间无相对滑动,当传送带作匀速运动时,静摩擦力对物体作功为___零_______;当传送带作加速运动时,静摩擦力对物体作功为____正______;当传送带作减速运动时,静摩擦力对物体作功为______负____.(仅填“正”,“负”或“零”)4、(本题3分)有一人造地球卫星,质量为m ,在地球表面上空2倍于地球半径R 的高度沿圆轨道运行,用m 、R 、引力常数G 和地球的质量M 表示时 (1)卫星的动能为__ GMm /(6R )__________; (2)卫星的引力势能为___-GMm /(3R )__________.5、(本题5分)有一瓶质量为M 的氢气(视作刚性双原子分子的理想气体),温度为T ,则氢分子的平均平动动能为__23kT __________,氢分子的平均动能为___25kT _________,该瓶氢气的内能为_______25MRT /M mol _____________. 6、(本题3分)如图所示,把一块原来不带电的金属板B ,移近一块已带有正电荷Q 的金属板A ,平行放置.设两板面积都是S ,板间距离是d ,忽略边缘效应.当B 板不接地时,两板间电势差U AB =___)2/(0S Qd ________________ ;B 板接地时两板间电势差AB U __)/(0S Qd ________ .7、(本题3分)如图所示,电容C 1、C 2、C 3已知,电容C 可调,当调节到A 、B 两点mA BSSd电势相等时,电容C =__ C 2 C 3 / C 1_______________.8、(本题3分)在磁场中某点磁感强度的大小为 2.0 Wb/m 2,在该点一圆形试验线圈所受的最大磁力矩为6.28×10-6 N ·m ,如果通过的电流为10 mA ,则可知线圈的半径为___ 1.0×10-2 _m ,这时线圈平面法线方向与该处磁感强度的方向的夹角为_____. 9、(本题5分)狭义相对论的两条基本原理中,相对性原理说的是_______见教材__________ _____________________________; 光速不变原理说的是______ _________________见教材____________________________________ .四、计算题(共40分)1、(本题10分)一飞轮以等角加速度2 rad /s 2转动,在某时刻以后的5s 内飞轮转过了100 rad .若此飞轮是由静止开始转动的,问在上述的某时刻以前飞轮转动了多少时间?解:设在某时刻之前,飞轮已转动了t 1时间,由于初角速度 0=0 则 1 t 1 ① 1分而在某时刻后t 2 =5 s 时间内,转过的角位移为222121t t② 2分 将已知量 100 rad , t 2 =5s , 2 rad /s 2代入②式,得1 = 15 rad /s 1分从而 t 1 = 1/ 7.5s即在某时刻之前,飞轮已经转动了7.5s. 1分2、(本题10分)0.02 kg 的氦气(视为理想气体),温度由17℃升为27℃.若在升温过程中,(1) 体积保持不变;(2) 压强保持不变;(3) 不与外界交换热量;试分别求出气体内能的改变、吸收的热量、外界对气体所作的功.(普适气体常量R =8.31 11K mol J ) 解:氦气为单原子分子理想气体,3 i (1) 等体过程,V =常量,W =0C 1 C 2 C3C A B据 Q = E +W 可知)(12T T C M ME Q V mol=623 J 3分 (2) 定压过程,p = 常量, )(12T T C M MQ p mol=1.04×103 J E 与(1) 相同.W = Q E =417 J 4分(3) Q =0, E 与(1) 同 W = E= 623 J (负号表示外界作功) 3分3、(本题10分)两个半径分别为R 和r 的同轴圆形线圈相距x ,且R >>r ,x >>R .若大线圈通有电流I 而小线圈沿x 轴方向以速率v 运动,试求x =NR 时(N 为正数)小线圈回路中产生的感应电动势的大小.解:由题意,大线圈中的电流I在小线圈回路处产生的磁场可视为均匀的.2/322202/3222)(2)(24x R IR x R IR B 3分故穿过小回路的磁通量为22/32220)(2r x R IR S B 32202x RI r 2分由于小线圈的运动,小线圈中的感应电动势为t x x IR r t i d d 23d d 4220 E v 422023xIR r 2分 当x =NR 时,小线圈回路中的感应电动势为)2/(32420R N I r i v E 1分4、(本题10分)在折射率n =1.50的玻璃上,镀上n =1.35的透明介质薄膜.入射光波垂直于介质膜表面照射,观察反射光的干涉,发现对 1=600 nm 的光波干涉相消,对 2=700 nm 的光波干涉相长.且在600 nm 到700 nm 之间没有别的波长是最大限度相消或相长的情形.求所镀介质膜的厚度.(1 nm = 10-9 m)解:设介质薄膜的厚度为e ,上、下表面反射均为由光疏介质到光密介质,故不计附加程差。

扬州大学试题纸系别_____________课程___________________ (B)卷班级________________ 得分_____________一、填空题:(15分,每空1分)1、东汉许慎的《说文解字》共收字____________个。

扬州大学试题纸课程普通化学(样)卷班级________ ,学号—, 姓名 _____________________________ , 得分______ 一、选择题(每题只有一个正确选项,请将你的答案填入本大题最后的表格中)1、用配位滴定法对Al3+测定时,由于EDTA与Al3+反应慢,所以不能用EDTA直接滴定Al3+。
可以先加入过量的EDTA标准溶液,并在加热条件下与Al3+ 反应,再用Zn2+标准溶液滴定过剩的EDTA以上操作是()滴定法。
(A)在空气中稳定,不吸收水份、CQ Q(B)纯度高(>99.9%),或纯度准确已知。
(C)组成与化学式相符(D)有很深颜色3、在下列试剂(均为O.1mol/L )中AgCl(s)有一定的溶解度,在()中溶解度最大。
(A)氨水(B)纯水(C)KCl (D)NaNO34、已知BaSO的K sp=1 10 J0,则在0.01mol/LBaCl 2溶液中BaSO溶解度为()mol/L_5 _8(A)1 X 10 (B) 1 X 10-10 -4(C) 1X 10 (D) 1 X 105、标定HCI溶液用的基准物Na2B4O12H2O,因保存不当失去了部分结晶水,标定出的HCI溶液浓度是()(A)偏低(B)偏高(C)准确(D)无法确定6某弱酸HA的K a=1 10二则其0.1molL,溶液的pH值为()(A)1.0; (B)2.0; (C)3.0; (D)3.57、酸碱滴定中指示剂选择的原则是()(A)指示剂的变色范围与等当点完全相符;(B)指示剂应在pH= 7.0时变色;(C)指示剂的变色范围全部和部分落入滴定的pH突跃范围之内;(D)指示剂变色范围完全落在滴定的pH突跃范围之内。
8、调节溶液的pH为5左右所用缓冲溶液,可采用下列何种共扼酸碱体系配制( )(A) HAc - NaAc(HAc的pK a =4.75) (B) NH 4CI —NH3(NH 3的pK b =4.75)(C)HCOOH -HCOONa (HCOOH 的pK a =3.75)(D)C2H5NH 2 -C2H5NH3 (C2H5NH2W pK b=3.25)9、一元弱酸可被等浓度的一元强碱准确滴定的基本条件是( )(A)CKa_108(B) CKa -10-6(C)CKa::106(D)CKa_10*1 1110、用0.1 mol「NaOH 溶液滴定含有0.1 mol • NH4CI 的0.1 mol「HCl溶液时,最合适的指示剂是( ) (已知:NH3 H2O的K b=1.8X 10-5)(A)甲基红(B)酚红(pK a=8.0) (C)中性红(pK a=7.4) (D)酚酞11、某酸碱指示剂的K HIn=1.0X 10-6,则从理论上推算,其pH变色范围是(A)4 〜5 (B)5 〜6 (C)4 〜6 (D)5 〜712、下列关于催化剂的作用,说法正确的为( )(A )增大了平衡常数K值(B)增大了反应的活化能(C)催化剂参与了化学反应(D)增大了反应物的浓度13、某温度下,反应H2(g)+Br2(g) 2HBr(g)的平衡常数Kp= 4.0X 10-2,则反应HBr(g) 1/2H2(g)+1/2Br2(g)平衡常数Kp = ( )(A) 25 (B) 2.0X 10 1(C) 5 (D) 4X 10“14、某基元反应2A (g) +B (g) =C (g),将2moL A ( g)和1moL B (g) 放在1L容器中混合,问A与B开始反应的速率是A、B都消耗一半时速率的几倍()(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 4 (D) 815、KMn(法测定Fe2+时,采用的酸性介质是( )(A) HCl (B) HPO (C) HNO (D HSO16、AgCl在1molL‘氨水中比在纯水中的溶解度大。

扬州大学试题纸( 2021-2022学年 第 二 学期 )电能 学院 电气19 年级 课程 电力拖动与自动控制系统 (A)卷一、选择题(1分×10,合计10分)( )1.系统的静态速降N n ∆一定时,静差率S 越小,则 。
A .调速范围D 越小B .额定转速N n 越大C .调速范围D 越大 D .额定转速N n 越大( )2.速度单闭环系统中,不能抑制 的扰动。
A .调节器放大倍数B .电网电压波动C .负载D .测速机励磁电流( )3.采用PI 调节的调速系统中,如果积分限幅的限幅值选得偏大,则 。
A .会出现稳态误差B .系统会出现不稳定C .抗扰动性能变差D .阶跃响应的超调量会增加( )4.三相异步电动机的转向改变可通过下面 方法获得。
A .降低电压B .定子串电阻C .转子串级D .改变相序( )5.在设计转速外环时,电流内环的传递函数可以看作 。
A. I 型系统B.II 型系统C.惯性环节D.积分环节( )6.在转子磁链定向的异步电机矢量控制系统中,0rq d dtψ=是因为 。
A .0rq ψ=B .人为设定为0C .rd r ψψ=要求恒定D .dq 变换的必然要求( )7.关于三相SPWM 注入三次谐波后,下列说法正确的是 。
A.线电压中含有三次谐波B. 相电压中含有三次谐波C.线电压含有三次谐波,相电压中没有三次谐波D. 线电压、相电压中都没有三次谐波( )8.某直流调速系统电动机额定转速n N =1430r/min ,额定速降Δn N =115r/min ,当要求静差率s ≤30%时,允许的调速范围是 。
A .5.1B .5.2C .5.3D .5.4( )9.SPWM 技术中,载波是频率比期望波高得多的A .正弦波B .方波C .等腰三角波D .锯齿波( )10. 下式为异步电机在二相静止坐标系下电压平衡方程式,假设电机已经稳定运行,则式中r i β稳定后的角频率 。


大学物理模拟试题(二)一、选择题:(共27分,每题3分)1.一质点在平面上作一般曲线运动,其瞬时速度为v,瞬时速率为v ,某一时间内的平均速度为v,平均速率为v ,它们之间的关系必定有: 【 D 】(A )v v v,v == (B )v v v,v =≠(C )v v v,v ≠≠ (D )v v v,v ≠=2.竖立的圆筒形转笼,半径为R ,绕中心轴OO '转动,物块A 紧靠在圆筒的内壁上,物块与圆筒间的摩擦系数为μ,要使物块A 不下落,圆筒转动的角速度ω至少应为 【 C 】 (A) Rgμ (B)g μ (C)Rgμ (D)R g3.一质点在如图所示的坐标平面内作圆周运动,有一力)(0j y i x F F+= 作用在质点上.在该质点从坐标原点运动到(0,2R )位置过程中,力F对它所作的功为【 B 】(A) 20R F . (B) 202R F . (C) 203R F . (D) 204R F4. 花样滑冰运动员绕通过自身的竖直轴转动,开始时两臂伸开,转动惯量为J 0,角速度为ω0.然后她将两臂收回,使转动惯量减少为31J 0.这时她转动的角速度变为 【 D 】(A)31ω0. (B) ()3/1 ω0. (C) 3 ω0. (D) 3 ω0.5. 下列几个说法中哪一个是正确的? 【 C 】(A )电场中某点场强的方向,就是将点电荷放在该点所受电场力的方向.(B)在以点电荷为中心的球面上, 由该点电荷所产生的场强处处相同. (C) 场强可由q F E / =定出,其中q 为试验电荷,q 可正、可负,F为 试验电荷所受的电场力.(D) 以上说法都不正确.6.一个大平行板电容器水平放置,两极板间的一半空间充有各向同性均匀电介质,另一半为空气,如图.当两极板带上恒定的等量异号电荷时,有一个质量为m 、带电荷为+q 的质点,在极板间的空气区域中处于平衡.此后,若把电介质抽去 ,则该质点 【 B 】 (A) 保持不动. (B) 向上运动. (C) 向下运动. (D) 是否运动不能确定.7.关于稳恒电流磁场的磁场强度H,下列几种说法中哪个是正确的? 【 C 】 (A) H仅与传导电流有关.(B) 若闭合曲线内没有包围传导电流,则曲线上各点的H必为零.(C) 若闭合曲线上各点H均为零,则该曲线所包围传导电流的代数和为零.(D) 以闭合曲线L为边缘的任意曲面的H通量均相等. [ ]8.如图,长度为l 的直导线ab 在均匀磁场B 中以速度v 移动,直导线ab 中的电动势为(A) Bl v .(B)Bl v sin α.(C) Bl v cos α.(D) 0. [ D ]9.一宇航员要到离地球为5光年的星球去旅行.如果宇航员希望把这路程缩短为3光年,则他所乘的火箭相对于地球的速度应是:(c 表示真空中光速) (A) v = (1/2) c . (B) v = (3/5) c .(C) v = (4/5) c . (D) v = (9/10) c . [ C ]二.填空题:(共33分)1、(本题3分)一质点沿x 方向运动,其加速度随时间变化关系为a = 3+2 t (SI) ,如果初始时质点的速度v 0为5 m/s ,则当t为3s 时,质点的速度v = 23m/s .Bv2、(本题5分)一船以速度0v 在静水湖中匀速直线航行,一乘客以初速1v在船中竖直向上抛出一石子,则站在岸上的观察者看石子运动的轨迹是_抛物线_.取抛出点为原点,x轴沿0v方向,y 轴沿竖直向上方向,石子的轨迹方程是_____202012v v v gx x y -=_______.3、(本题3分)已知地球质量为M ,半径为R .一质量为m 的火箭从地面上升到距地面高度为2R 处.在此过程中,地球引力对火箭作的功为__ )131(RR GMm - 或 RGMm32-_. 4、(本题3分)质量m =1 kg 的物体,在坐标原点处从静止出发在水平面内沿x 轴运动,其所受合力方向与运动方向相同,合力大小为F =3+2x (SI),那么,物体在开始运动的 3 m 内,合力所作的功W =____18J_________;且x =3 m 时,其速率v =_______6m/s_________.5、(本题5分)1 mol 氧气(视为刚性双原子分子的理想气体)贮于一氧气瓶中,温度为27℃,这瓶氧气的内能为___6.23×10 3___J ;分子的平均平动动能为__6.21×10 - 21__J;分子的平均总动能为___1.035×10 - 21 __J.(摩尔气体常量 R = 8.31 J ·mol -1·K -1 玻尔兹曼常量 k = 1.38×10-23J·K -1) 6、(本题3分)如图所示,两同心导体球壳,内球壳带电荷+q ,外球壳带电荷-2q .静电平衡时,外球壳的电荷分布为: 内表面____-q_______ ; 外表面___-q____ .7、(本题3分)一个孤立导体,当它带有电荷q 而电势为U 时,则定义该导体的电容为C =_ q / U _____________,它是表征导体的__储电能力______的物理量.8、(本题5分)半径分别为R 1和R 2的两个半圆弧与直径的两小段构成的通电线圈abcda (如图所示),放在磁感强度为B 的均匀磁场中,B平行线圈所在平面.则线圈的磁矩为___)(212122R R I p m -π=__,线圈受到的磁力矩为__)(212122R R IB M m -π=___ 。
扬州大学试卷 (9)

16.如图所示,B点的相对压强p B = KN/m2。
(γ水银= 13.6γ水)(题6图)(题7图)17.图示长管中,A点的相对压强p A = 米水柱。
20.层流时,沿程水头损失h f与断面平均流速的次方成正比。
三.简答题(每小题 4 分,共 20 分)判断下列各题,对的打“√”,错的打“×”,并改正。
21.什么是绝对压强,什么是相对压强?22.均匀流具有的特征是什么?23.流线为什么不能相交?24.圆管层流和紊流粗糙区时的沿程水头损失分别与速度的一次方和二次方成正比,而两种流态下都能应用达西公式hLdVg fλ22计算沿程水头损失,它们是否矛盾?为什么?25.渗透系数k值的确定有哪几种方法?四.计算题(本大题分4小题,每小题10分,共40分)26.图示一密闭容器,两侧各装一测压管,右管上端封闭,其中水面高出容器水面3m,管内液面压强p0=7.8N/cm2,左支管与大气相通,求左侧管内水面距容器液面的高度h = ?第 3 页27.为将水库中水引至堤外灌溉,安装了一根直径d=1.5m 的虹吸管,当不计水头损失时,求虹吸管顶部s 处的压强。
28.水密封容器,液面上气体的相对压强p 0=0.5个大气压,在容器底部接一段管路,管长L= 4m ,与水平面夹角为30°,管径d= 50mm ,若管路进口断面到液面的水头H= 5m ,水流的总水头损失h w = 2.3v 2 /(2g),求流量Q (容器内水面保持不变,容器内水流速度近似为零)。
29.已知一射流在平面上以速度v 冲击一斜置平板,平板和射流的夹角︒=60α,如不考虑水头损失即v=v 1=v 2且取动量系数为1,试证明两分流的流量比321=Q Q 。
(注,不考虑水流和平板的摩擦力)60°QV (图五题)V 2Q 2V 1Q 1裁剪框。
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扬州大学试题纸(2015—2016学年第二学期)3、少尿:4、脑疝:5、反常呼吸:二、填空题(0.5分*30)1、等渗性缺水是指水和钠成比例丧失,和_________ 渗透压保持在正常范围。
常见原因有_______________________、______________ 、_______________、________________________。
4、根据肿瘤的生物学行为,将肿瘤分为良性肿瘤、_____________、______________ 。
9、骨折治疗的三大原则_________ 、_________、____________ 。
10、颅内压增高可出现_______、_______、________ __3个主要表现。
A.20mmol/LB.40mmol/LC. 60mmol/LD.80mmol/L2、治疗等渗性缺水,比较理想的溶液是:()A.右旋糖酐B.10%葡萄糖溶液C.平衡盐溶液D.5%葡萄糖盐水3、应首先换药的伤口是:()A.胃手术伤口B.肠瘘伤口C.疝手术伤口D.急性阑尾炎伤口4、在休克的治疗中,应用血管扩张剂前应注意:()A.控制感染B.纠正水电解质失衡C.补足血容量D.采用休克卧位5、经中心静脉导管输注营养液的患者若突然出现呼吸困难,怀疑空气栓塞,首先应将患者置于:()A.左侧卧位B.右侧卧位C.平卧位D.半卧位6、有关癌肿的特征,不正确的是:()A、表面高低不平B、界限不清C、固定,不活动D、质地坚硬7、按新九分法计算成人一侧上臂皮肤烧伤的面积是:()A、3.5%B、5%C、6%D、7%8、肉眼能看到尿中血色、血块,1000ml尿中含有多少血液即呈肉眼血尿:()A、1mlB、10mlC、5mlD、15ml9、休克的实质是:()A、血压下降B、中心静脉压下降 C 、脉搏减弱D、微循环灌流不足10、确定肿瘤性质诊断价值最大的是:()A.体检所见B.手术探查所见 C.病理检查 D.超声波检查11、甲状腺术后一侧喉返神经损伤时会发生:A. 声带麻痹B.音调降低C.饮水时呛咳D.声音嘶哑12、烧伤达真皮深层,但皮肤附件残留,形成水疱、水肿,则为:()A.Ⅰ度烧伤B.浅Ⅱ度烧伤C.深Ⅱ度烧伤D.Ⅲ度烧伤E.深度烧伤13、口底、颌下及颈部的急性蜂窝组织炎危及生命的并发症是:()A.颅内化脓性海绵状静脉窦炎B.肺部化脓性感染C.喉头水肿致呼吸困难,甚至窒息D.颅内压升高14、枕骨大孔疝与小脑幕切迹疝的主要区别:()A.枕骨大孔疝呼吸障碍明显B.小脑幕切迹疝无意识障碍C.小脑幕切迹疝头痛、呕吐症状较轻D.枕骨大孔疝一般不出现颈后的压痛15、手术人员洗手前,不正规的准备项目是:()A.更换手术室专用衣裤鞋帽B.袖口要卷于肘上10cmC.帽子必须完全盖住头发D.口罩必须盖严口E.准备好洗手用物16、手术前呼吸道准备戒烟时间应选择:()A.3日以上B.1周以上C.2周以上D.3周以上17、高钾血症心律失常时首要措施是静脉给予:()A.5%碳酸氢钠B.10%葡萄糖酸钙C.等渗盐水D.50%葡萄糖加胰岛素18、胃大部切除术后,引起低血糖综合征的主要原因是:()A.食物过快进入空肠B.胰岛素分泌过少C.葡萄糖吸收太慢D.血糖一时性降低19、关于一期愈合和二期愈合的描述,错误的是:()A.一期愈合称原发愈合B.二期愈合主要通过肉芽组织增生和伤口收缩达到愈合C.一期愈合与二期愈合均是创伤后的修复过程D.二期愈合愈后功能良好20、蛛网膜下腔阻滞后,病人出现头痛,一般发生在麻醉后:()A.4-5天B.2小时内C.1-3天D.12小时21、X线检查见膈下游离气体时,应首先考虑的是:()A.胆囊穿孔B.胃十二指肠穿孔C.肝破裂D.幽门梗阻22、腹股沟部半球形疝块,不进阴囊,压迫内环,疝块仍可出现的是:()A.腹股沟斜疝B.股疝C.腹股沟直疝D.切口疝23、相邻几个毛囊及其所属皮脂腺的急性化脓性感染,称为:()A.疖B.痈C.急性蜂窝组织炎D.急性淋巴管炎24、下列哪种情况可实施大量不保留灌肠:()A.消化道出血B.心肌梗死病人C.急腹症D.高热病人降温25、全麻病人术前准备中,预防其发生术中误吸的最主要措施是()A.禁食禁水B.放置胃管C.灌肠D.应用阿托品26、急性化脓性腹膜炎最主要的症状是:()A.恶心、呕吐 B.腹泻 C.腹痛 D.休克27、肠道手术前服用肠道抑菌药的同时常补充:()A.维生素CB.维生素DC.维生素KD.维生素A28、有关食管癌病人行食管胃吻合术后的饮食护理,下列错误的是:()A.术后3—4天内禁食禁饮B.禁食期间持续胃肠减压C.拔除胃管24小时后试饮少量水,术后5~6天予全量流质D.进食后应平卧1-2小时,以免胃内容物过快进入肠腔29、会导致纵隔扑动的病变是:()A.闭合性气胸B.开放性气胸C.张力性气胸D.大量血胸30、乳腺癌根治术后,患侧上肢功能锻炼的目标是:()A.能触及对侧耳廓B.能上举和下垂C.能触及头顶D.能经头顶扪及对侧耳廓31、前列腺增生的临床表现不包括:()A.尿频B.排尿困难C.尿潴留D.血尿32、脓胸病人进行胸腔闭式引流时,其胸引管的放置位置是:()A.患侧锁骨中线第2肋间B.患侧锁骨中线第6-8肋间C.患者脓液积聚的最低位置D.患侧脓腔内33、搬运脊柱骨折病人最正确的方法是:()A.一人背起病人搬运B.将病人滚动到木板上搬运C.一人抬头,一头抬腿搬运D.以上均可34、胆总管引流术后,T管引流胆汁过多常提示:()A.肝细胞分泌亢进B.胆管分泌胆汁过多C.胆囊浓缩功能减退D.胆道下端梗阻35、胆道完全阻塞病人的尿液为:( )A.血尿B.血红蛋白尿C.胆红素尿D.乳糜尿1、急性胰腺炎的预防措施有:()A.避免暴饮暴食B.戒烟戒酒C.避免高脂饮食D.监测体温E.积极治疗胆囊炎、胆石症2、手术前胃肠道准备目的包括:()A.避免术中呕吐误吸B.减少术后腹胀C.防止术后肠麻痹D.防止术中排便污染手术台E.便于术后护理3、甲状腺功能亢进症术后的主要并发症是:()A.术后呼吸困难B.喉返神经损伤C.喉上神经损伤D.甲状旁腺损伤E.甲状腺危象4、术后发生血栓性静脉炎的主要原因有:( )A.病人卧床过久,活动减少 B.血液凝固性增加C.反复输注刺激性较强的药物 D.全身营养状况差E.血管反复穿刺置管5、肾损伤非手术治疗的护理措施有:()A.绝对卧床休息2-4 周B.2-3月不能参加体力劳动或竞技运动C.避免躁动加重出血D.动态观察血压、脉搏 E、腰部疼痛明显者,给予精神安慰,避免使用止痛剂、以免掩盖病情五、简答题(本大题共4小题,每小题4分,共16分)1.补钾原则?2.如何测定基础代谢率?3.腹腔镜胆囊切除术后护理要点?4.如何保持患者有效骨牵引?六、案例分析(本大题共3小题)14分患者,男性,45岁,入院后在全麻下行腹腔镜下胃癌根治术(全胃切除)。
1.胃癌术后24小时,引流管内出现血性液体800ml,并出现血压、心率的改变,考虑是什么原因?(2分)如何观察?(3分)2.患者术后第7天发生了何种并发症?(2分)如何护理?(3分)3.如何做好胃癌患者的饮食指导?(4分)扬州大学医学院试卷评分标准(2015— 2016学年第二学期)Array学生所在学院医专业护理班(年)级14/护本二、填空题1、等渗性缺是指水和钠成比例丧失,血清钠和细胞外液渗透压保持在正常范围。
5、低钾血症是指血清钾浓度低于3.5mmol/L ,高钾血症是指血清钾浓度高于5.5mmol/L 。
6、出血量成人在0.5L以下者为小量血胸,出血量在0.5~1.0L者为中量血胸,出血量在 1.0L 以上者为大量血胸。
8、肋骨骨折多见于第4-7 肋,前侧胸的多根多处肋骨骨折可出现反常呼吸运动。
10、颅内压增高可出现头痛、呕吐、视乳头水肿 3个主要表现。
(1分)(2)控制补液中钾浓度:一般不宜超过40 mmol/L,即1000ml液体中,氯化钾含量不超过3.0g。
(1分)(3)速度勿快:补钾速度不宜超过20 mmol/L。
(1分)正常值为+10%,+20%~+30%为轻度甲亢,+30%~+60%轻度甲亢, +60%以上为重度甲亢。