江苏省南通中学牛津译林版高中英语选修六导学案(无答案):Unit3 Understanding ea

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M6U3 Understanding each other

Period ⅠLearning notes for Welcome to the unit & Reading 【Learning goals】

1. Learning some new words: difference; suppose; congratulate; permit; familiar; adjust;


2. Learning some new expressions: take off; take up

3. Learning some sentence patterns: Why don’t you…?; 虚拟语气;动名词作主语;have trouble

(in) doing sth.

【Language focus】

词汇-1.difference n.

【教材原句】Can you tell me about some cultural differences you have found?(P34)


(1)I can never tell the difference between the twins.

(2)The rain didn’t make much difference to the game.

(3)Your age should make no difference to whether you get the job or not.

(4)Changing jobs made a big difference to my life.


difference(n.) adj. 不同的,有区别的;有差异的

v. 不同于

熟记下列词组:make no difference (to sb./sth.) 对某人/某事不重要、不要紧

make some difference (to sb./sth) 对某人/某事有些作用或影响

tell the difference between A and B说出A和B的不同之处

A differ from B=A and

B differ from each other=A be different from B

A不同于B/ A与B不同


in this aspect.


(1)It won’t make much ________ whether you agree or not.

A. difficulty

B. trouble

C. difference

D. matter

(2)The two birds ______ each other in shape and color. So I can’t tell the ________between


A. are different from; different

B. differ from ; different

C. different from ; difference

D. differ from ;difference

(3)Chinese English greatly not only in pronunciation but also in spelling.

A. differing from

B. different from

C. differs from

D. is differ from

词汇-2. suppose v.

【教材原句】Roosters are supposed to drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony, and hens are thought to ensure good luck for the marriage.(P34)


(1)The game was not as one-sided as we had supposed.

(2)We have no reason to suppose that he has done anything illegal.

(3)You are supposed to make a copy of the contract before you mail it.

(4)The restaurant is generally supposed to make excellent dishes.

(5)I don’t suppose you know her telephone number.

(6)—I think their new building is really impressive.—Well, I suppose so.

(7)Suppose the little girl to be your daughter, what would you do?

(8)Suppose/Supposing (that)you won the lottery, what would you do ?


(1) All of his friends will suppose her to be his wife.

All of his friends she is his wife.

(2)If you had one million dollars, what would you do ?

one million dollars, what would you do?

(3) Roosters are thought to drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony

Roosters drive bad spirits away from the wedding ceremony.

(4)We should have helped each other.

We help each other.


(1)The meeting take place on Tuesday, but we had to postpone it.

A. supposed to

B. must

C. was supposed to

D. was supposing to

(2)—Will she join us in the competition tomorrow?

—No, .

A. I think so

B. I don’t hope so

C.Believe it or not

D. I suppose not

词汇-3. congratulate v.

【教材原句】During the ceremony, the hen laid an egg, and everyone congratulated the new couple because it was considered very lucky.(P34)


(1)I congratulate you on your great discovery.

(2)I want to congratulate you with all my heart.

(3)He congratulated himself on having survived the air-crash.


congratulate表示“向某人表示祝贺,向某人道喜”,其宾语是sb.,可构成短语congratulate sb. on (doing)sth.。其名词congratulation(常用复数形式)可构成短语congratulations to sb. on sth./doing…;celebrate表示“庆祝”时,宾语是sth.。其名词celebration可构成短语in celebration of …意为“(为了)庆祝……”。


(1)Last week we held a party to our success.

(2)We him on having passed the exam.

(3)The party was in of Mother’s silver wedding.

(4) to you on entering Beijing university.


(1)Famous physicists from all over the world came to the US to ___________the centennial of

Einstein's birth.

A. observe

B. congratulate

C. celebrate

D. keep
