[英美报刊] 英文新闻标题
英美报刊选读36新闻英语的分类 软新闻硬新闻
![英美报刊选读36新闻英语的分类 软新闻硬新闻](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/c758d2d25022aaea998f0ff3.png)
新闻英语的分类: 软新闻硬新闻硬新闻(Hard News)和软新闻(Soft News)是西方新闻界新闻业务中老生常谈的两个基本概念。
软新闻是一个大类,其中包括不少品种,在西方新闻学中,它基本包括“软消息”(Brief soft news)和“特写”(Feature story)。
英美报刊 Chapter 2 News_Headlines
![英美报刊 Chapter 2 News_Headlines](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f0edab3ca32d7375a41780d3.png)
以营造一种活泼风趣的氛围。所以,一些形象 化的俚语和俗语在英语标题中不断出现,不仅 使标题生动活泼,而且还妙趣横生。例如: Florida Court Oks Proposed Office Smoking Ban 佛州法院通过办公室禁止吸烟提案 Iraq Gets OK to Sell $1.6 Billion in Oil 伊拉克 获准出售16亿美元石油 The Economic Slide 经济滑坡
Fit or Fat? 健康还是肥胖? Democracy of the Big Stick 大棒民主 Slow Lane Is Safest on Currency Issue 在货币问题上,走慢车道最安全 Hollywood Survives 美国电影业复苏了 Europe Is Alive and Kicking 欧洲富有活力 Soccer Kicks off with Violence 足球开踢 拳打脚踢 Pain in Spain 西班牙的痛苦
副词加以修饰。 英文标题几乎从不以动词开头,为了追 求准确简洁客观很少用形容词及副词。 总结历史经验,开辟辉煌未来 扫黄打非坚持不懈,集中行动全面展开 承德地区双拥丰富多彩
为了节省版面的字数,总是使用一些简短动词, 如用ban代替prohibit,back 代替support等。 而汉字大小相等,制作中文标题可不用像英语标
Part II: Wording Features
本文主要从英美 报刊新 闻标题 使用词汇 和语
法 的独特性 上对 其进 行 赏析 , 受 其语 言 独 特性 所 感 带来 的 明快 节 奏 和 时效 性 , 而 能 更 精 确 、 深 人 从 更
地理解 其新 闻内容 。
收稿 日期 :0 11 . 责任编辑 : 21. 1 19 张发祥 作者 简介: 杨俊敏( 9 6 ) 女 , 16 ~ , 陕西西安人 , 副教授 , 主要从 事英汉语 言 与文化比较 研究。
条普 通 消息 也 有 几 行 甚 至 几 百 行 。刘 宓 庆 先 生 曾 谈 到 ,纽 约时报 》 《 国际新 闻的平 均长 度有 5 4行 J 。 所 以新 闻 可 以没 有 导 语 和背 景 ,但 是 不 能没 有 标 题 。这样 大 的篇 幅和信 息 量 , 如果 没有 简约 、 目、 醒理工 大 学学 报
( 会科 学版 ) 社
Vo.3 No 1 1 .1 Ma . r 201 2
21 0 2年 3月
英语新闻标题大全篇一:英语新闻标题常用词汇英语新闻标题常用词汇aid=assist(帮助,援助)alter=change or modify(改变)ask=inquire(询问)assail=denounce(谴责)axe=dismiss\reduce(解雇,减少)balk=impede(阻碍)ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止)bar=prevent(防止,阻止)bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露)blast=explode(爆炸)begin=commence(开始)bid=attempt(努力)bilk=cheat(欺骗)bolt=desert or abandon(放弃)boost=increase(增加,提高)check=examine(检查)claim=abuse the death of…(夺去……的生命) clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)curb=control or restrict(控制)dip=decline or decrease(下降)ease=lessen(减轻,缓和)end=terminate(结束,中止)flay=criticize(批评)flout=insult(侮辱)foil=prevent from(阻止,防止)grill = investigate(调查)gut=destroy(摧毁)head=direct(率领)hold=arrest(逮捕)laud=praise(赞扬)lop=diminish(下降,减少)map=work out(制订)mark=celebrate(庆祝)name=appoint\nominate(命名,提名) moot=discuss(讨论)mull=consider(考虑)nab=arrest(逮捕)nip=defeat(击败)nix=deny\disapprove(否决,拒绝)opt=choose(选择)oust=expel(驱逐)peril=endanger(危害,危及)pledge=determine(发誓)plot=conspire(预谋,密谋策划)plunge=plummet(价格等)暴跌poise=ready for action(作好准备) probe=investigate(调查)raid =attack(进攻)rap =criticize(批评)rebuke=criticize(批评)rout=defeat completely(击溃,打垮) slay=murder(谋杀)soar=skyrocket(急剧上升)spur=encourage(激励,鞭策)swap=exchange(交流,交换)sway=influence(影响)trim=reduce(削减)vie=compete(竞争)vow=determine(决心,发誓)weigh=consider(考虑)woo=seek to win(争取,追求)常见诸报端的标题小词,以备不时之需:ace=champion(得胜者)aid=assistance(帮助)blast=explosion(爆炸)body=committee,commission (委员会)clash=controversy(机构)crash=collision(碰撞,坠毁)deal=agreement,transaction (协议,交易)dems=democrats(民主主义者,民主人士,民主党党员)envoy=ambassador(大使)fake=counterfeit(赝品,骗局)fete=celebration(庆祝)feud=strong dispute(严重分歧)flop=failure(失败)freeze=stabilization (冻结,平抑)glut=oversupply(供过于求)GOP=Grand 0ld Party(〈美国〉共和党)nod=approval(许可,批准)pact=agreement,treaty (条约,协议)poll=election,public opinion poll (投票选举,民意测验) probe=investigation(调查)pullout=withdrawal(撤退,撤离)rift=separation(隔离,分离)row=quarrel(争论,争议)set=ready(准备)snag=unexpected difficulty (意外障碍,意外困难)statement=dispute that cannot be settled(僵持,僵局) stance=attitude(态度)step=progress(进程,进步)strife=conflict(冲突,矛盾)ties=(diplomatic)relations (关系)一些常见诸英语报端的这类节缩词,供读者读报时对照、查考: Aussie=Australian(澳大利亚的)biz=business(商业)champ=champion(冠军)con=convict(罪犯)deli=delicatessen(熟食)expo=exposition(博览会)homo=homosexual(同性恋)lib=liberation(解放)pro=professional(专业的,职业的)rep=representative(代表)Russ=Russia(俄罗斯)Sec=secretary(秘书)chute=parachute(降落伞)copter=helicopter(直升机)nat’l=national(全国的)com’l=commercial(商业的,广告)c’tee=committee(委员会)C’wealth=Commonwealth(英联邦)telly=television(电视机)tech=technology(技术)pix=pictures(电影)vet=veteran(老兵,老手)vic=victory(胜利英语新闻标题中经常出现的缩写词主要分为三类:1、组织机构等专有名称,如上述例句中的CPPCC (全国政协)和PLO(巴解组织)。
1. The New York Times(纽约时报)作为美国最具影响力的报纸之一,纽约时报是许多人获取美国新闻资讯的首选。
2. The Economist(经济学人)The Economist是一家国际性权威经济杂志,发表着英美乃至全球的经济与商业新闻分析。
3. The Guardian(卫报)作为英国的一家重要报纸,卫报以其较为自由、开放的编辑方针而广受欢迎。
4. Financial Times(金融时报)金融时报是全球权威的财经报纸之一,对商业和金融领域有着独到的报道和分析。
5. The Times(泰晤士报)泰晤士报是英国最古老的日报之一,提供了全球各地的新闻与报道。
第九单元1,(Stagflation) can be a harbinger of economic depression.2,There is a (contentious) clause in the treaty. 3,Higher interest rates are already (pinching) the housing industry.4,Friar Sand in The Journey to the West always (totes) the weary load.5,His painting sets the (benchmark) of quality 6,Foreign insurance (brokerage) companies are permitted to establish agencies in China.第十单元headline-grabbing 极受关注的less-glitzy 较少眩目的behind-the-scenes 幕后的belt-tightening 紧缩开支editor-in-chief 主编bottom-line-oriented 有原则的,有底线的no-nonsense 严肃的 day-to-day 日常的第十一单元1.Ah Q had always the greatest (contempt) for such people as little nuns.2.If the device is not responding properly to your taps, you may need to (recalibrate) your screen.3.The (demographic) roller coaster caused by the baby boom.4.In contrast, the education systems of today have a tendency to (downplay) the foundational subjects.5.This principle advanced by Lenin remains an (incontrovertible) truth.6.If the cost of money is higher, the cutoff point for the (incremental) investment is also high.第十二单元1.Some emerging countries’ economy is in a rate of (exponential) growth.2.It is of necessity to construct a transit system in (megalopolis) area in china.3.(Topographical) maps are maps that provide extensive close-up detail about a place.4.The route was designed to relieve traffic (congestion).5.There is not sufficient (preponderance) over enemy in the front line.6.They (hone) their skills in every day study.第十三单元1.The book's unusual title (intrigues) me into read it.2.Their long struggle finally (culminated) in success.3.Brains and computers are often considered (analogous).4.The book is out of print and difficult to (procure).5.She's undergo quite a (metamorphosis) since you last see her.6.We (recouped) the show's expenses from ticket sales.7.The shares were (underwritten) by the Bank of England.8.Long experience enabled them to (hammer out) a correct and practical scheme.第十四单元1.They (ballyhoo) the virtues of democracy up.2.He had again the (corrosive) sense of failure that always dogged him.3.As nuclear weapons (proliferate),preventing war becomes imperative.4.EU will take (retaliatory) measures against US over steel trade dispute.5.Western nations imposed tough (sanctions) on the country.6.He did not readily embrace my suggestion of a return to the (status quo) antewar.短小动词aid=assist(帮助,援助) check=examine(检查)alter=change or modify(改变)axe=dismiss or reduce(解雇,减少)ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止)bar=prevent(防止,阻止)blast=explode(爆炸) ease=lessen(减轻,缓和)boost=increase(增加,提高)claim=cause the death of…(夺去……的生命)clash=disagree strongly(发生分歧,争议)缩写词1)组织机关等专有名词的缩写IMF to recruit new membersIMF =International Monetary Fund 国际货币基金组织UNESCO = United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationCIA = Central Intelligence Agency2)常见事物的名称的缩写UFO = unidentified flying objectPC= personal computer3)职业或职称的缩写MPs = members of parliamentVIP = very important personOPEC=Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织,“欧佩克”WHO=World Health Organization 世界卫生组织ASEAN=Association of South-east Asian Nations 东南亚国家联盟,东盟CPC=Communist Party of China 中国共产党NPC=National People’s Congress 全国人民代表大会 PR=public relations 公共关系TP=traffic policeman 交通警察节缩词即通过“截头去尾”的方法将一些常用的名词、形容词等缩短,以达到节省标题字数的目的。
AFPunder fireover Vietnam drug arrest
FromThe Sydney Morning Herald.
Australian Federal Police arefacing fresh controversyover their policy of giving information to foreign police in cases that could end in the death penalty.
boost → promote/promotion, increase
back → support, approve of
tap → designate, appoint
PM → Prime Minister
MP → Member of Parliament
EU → Europe / Europe Union
To talk in groups; to use task-based language teaching method, communicative approach,and audiolingual method.
Part Two The general structure of headlines:
In this class students are required to :
1) get to know some useful terms of news;
2) get to know the general structure of headlines;
[英美报刊] 英文新闻标题
![[英美报刊] 英文新闻标题](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/22584ca4a300a6c30c229fed.png)
▪ 如snake head(蛇头),telephone harassment(电话 骚扰),junk mail(垃圾邮件),elevated highways (高架道路),talk show(访谈节目;谈话类节目), down payment(首付款),maglev train(磁悬浮列 车),cyberlove(网恋),eco-friendly car(环保车), selling points(卖点),suicide bomber(人体炸弹), big city ills(都市病),reality show(真人秀)等新词, 无一不是通过报刊等媒介传播后为人们所熟知的。
▪ India Mending Fences with Neighbors (=India Is Mending Fences with Neighbors)
▪ 印度正改善与邻国关系
▪ Mainland Factory Output Booming (=Mainland Factory Output Is Booming)
▪ Italian Ex-mayor Murdered (= An Italian Ex-mayor Was Murdered省略冠词和系动词)
▪ 一意大利前市长被谋杀 ▪ Mother, Daughter Share Fulbright Year (= Mother, and
her Daughter Share Fulbright Year 省略连词和人称代词) ▪ 母亲和女儿共享福布莱特奖 ▪ Streets Calm as Death Roll Reaches 40 (= Streets are
Grammatical Features of English News Titles
较多使用现在时 大量使用非谓语动词 词语的省略
▪ 英语新闻标题中大量使用一般现在时来代替其他 各种时态,因为一般现在时可以增加新闻报道的 现实感和生动性,拉近读者与阅读对象的情感距 离,这也正是新闻学中的Journalistic Tense(新 闻现在时),其作用就是增强所报道事件的新鲜 感。例如:
(Quake=earthquake,地震) ▪ IBM Sets Wireless Web Pacts for E-business
(IBM=International Business Machines Corporation,美国商用机器公司) ▪ Members’ Close Ties Emphasized Ahead of SCO Summit (SCO=Shanghai Co-operation Organization,上海合作组织) ▪ US seeks MIAs (MIA= Missing in Action,作战失 踪人员)
▪ 大陆工厂产量正飞速增长
▪ People Flow Hurting the Wall (=People Flow Is Hurting the Wall)
▪ 过多的人流正破坏长城
▪ India Mending Fences with Neighbors (=India Is Mending Fences with Neighbors)
▪ 印度正改善与邻国关系
▪ Mainland Factory Output Booming (=Mainland Factory Output Is Booming)
▪ Annan Reaches Bagdad in Last-Minute Peace Bid (安南抵达巴格达做最后一刻的和平努力, bid=attempt)
英美报刊阅读精选以下是一些英美报刊中的精选文章:1. "The Guardian" - "Why the world needs an economic system rethink"这篇文章讨论了为什么世界需要重新思考经济体系,以解决当前面临的挑战。
2. "The New York Times" - "The role of technology in shaping our future"这篇文章探讨了技术在塑造我们未来中的作用。
3. "The Wall Street Journal" - "The impact of Brexit on global markets"这篇文章讨论了英国脱欧对全球市场的影响。
4. "The Times" - "Climate change and the urgent need for action" 这篇文章着重讨论了气候变化和迫切需要采取行动的问题。
5. "The Economist" - "The challenges and opportunities of globalization"这篇文章探讨了全球化带来的挑战和机遇。
6. "Time" - "The importance of mental health in today's society" 这篇文章强调了当今社会中心理健康的重要性。
7. "USA Today" - "The future of healthcare and the role of technology"这篇文章讨论了医疗保健的未来以及技术的作用。
该教材是迄今在全国所有英语报刊文选课本中唯一曾经教育部高校外语专业教材编审委员会英语编审小组批准的正式教材,为全国许多高校所采用,所节选的课文全部来自英国、美国主流报纸、期刊上的文章,如The Washington Post, Newsweek, USA Today, The Wall Street Journal等等,新闻标题颇具代表性。
如:Lesson 2: A Race We Can All Win; Lesson 3: An American in Beijing; Lesson 4: Tiger Mom...Meet Panda Dad; Lesson 5: Home at Last; Lesson 19: Mrs. Windsor, Anyone? Lesson 20: Stealing a Nation. 这六个标题中,其中三个只有三个词,另外三个为四到六个词,但都分别言简意赅地道出了主题:第2课讨论的是中国发展,美中双赢的竞赛;第3课讨论的是中国经济迅猛发展,留学生蜂拥而至;第4课讨论的是熊猫爸爸挑战虎妈育儿经;第5课讨论的是海外学子回国创业;第19课讨论的是英国君主制的费留之争;第20课讨论的是英美狼狈为奸,霸占他国,撵走百姓。
Deposits, Loans Rising In Shanghai. (Deposits And Loans Are Rising In Shanghai)
Europe Tested by Financial Crisis (Europe is Tested by Financial Crisis)
33 Killed in Northeast India Fighting (33 are Killed in Northeast India Fighting)
1. Allowance to be cut in 200,000 families (政府消减津 贴波及二十万家庭) 比较:reduced
2. Reshuffle axes France’s cabinet (法国政府改组 阁 员人数锐减) 比较:reduce drastically
3. Ethiopia Jails Jews Escaping to Israel (逃往 以色列未果 埃犹太人险囹圄)
4. Punctuation
英语新闻标题一贯注重结பைடு நூலகம்精练,不使用标点的情 况占了绝大多数。
例如,使用陈述句的标题都省略句号。即便使用某 个标点符号,其主要目的不外乎两种:
1. 区分表示各句子成分或意群之间的 关系; 2. 进一步节省标题字数。
4. Punctuation
1)逗号(comma)常被用来代替连词“and”,表示并列成分 之间的停顿。
英美报刊选读News agencyAP-associated press 美联社UP-united press international (美)合众国际社Reuters-Reuter’s News Agency (英)路透社PA-press association (英)报纸联合社DPA-Deutsche Presse Agentur 德新社AFD-Agence France Presse法新社ANSA-Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata 意大利安莎通讯社What is news?News is the reporting of anything timely, which has importance, use, or interest to a considerable number of persons in a publication audience.News is any event, idea or opinion that is timely, that interests or affects a large number of people in a community and that is capable of being understood by them. What are news values?1. Timeless and freshness2. Importance, consequences, impact or significance.3. Prominence4. Neamess, proximity or locality5. Unusualness, bizarreness, oddity or novelty6. InterestWhat is journalese?Journalese: style of writing 新闻之风English of a style featured by use of colloquialisms, superficially of thought or reasoning, clever or sensational presentation of material, and evidences of haste in composition,considered characteristic of newspaper writing‖W ebster’s W ednesday‖.What is journalism?1.What is journalistic English?新闻英语Journalistic English aims at the study of English, newspapers, periodicals, radio, television and other media of communication.2.What is journalismJournalism is the collection and periodical publishing of news. It includes writing for, editing and managing such media as the newspaper and the periodical.Types of journalism1.news消息Pure hard news ( brief 栏)题材严肃,时新性Soft news 人情味浓,写法轻松活泼2.feature 特写再现新闻事件,人物和场量Suspended interest of form3.editorial &commentary社论和评论代表低级或杂志编辑部发表的权威性评论,有时很难懂OP-ED (the New Y ork Times)Opinion page (Newsweek)Today and tomorrow (New Y ork herald tribune)AdvertisementNewspaper format1. Broadsheet 大报(严肃的,高质量的,报道真相)A1 paper2.tabloid 小报(普通的,贫民的,引起轰动的,提供娱乐的)A2 paper有些小报也是严肃的大报,比如:The Christian Science MonitorThe GuardianEmergence of newspaper sections1.news2.features3.sports4.business5.editorial/ OP-ED6.classifieds7.science and technology8.life9.health10.entertainmentThe front pageFl ag/nameplate/masthead 报头Feasers 报耳hold 全文报道rail 预告栏gutter 中缝Byline 署名jumpline 跳页指示Dateline 电头Dateline ROM.nov.8 Moscow.oct.10 (AP) Associated press完整的新闻组成(倒金字塔)HeadlineThe leadBody消息主体:倒金字塔式The inverted pyramid form1. Intro containing most important or most interesting information (more facts)2. Supporting information or background3. Quotes or more facts of lesser importance4. Minor detail5. Least significant informationLead 导语一般是消息的第一个自然段,有时也有两个自然段,是消息的概括。
cite v. mention 提到;引用 claim n. v. to declare to be true 声明;索取 claim v. to kill 杀死;夺去生命 clash n. dispute, violent argument 分歧;冲突 cool adj. uninterested, unfriendly 冷漠;冲突 coup n. revolution, change in government 革命,变更 curb v. limit, control 限制,控制 cut n. reduction 削减 D deadline n. the time by which something must be finished 最后期限 deadlock n. a disagreement that can't be settled 僵局 deal n. agreement 协议 defy v. to challenge the power 蔑视;公然反抗;挑战 drive n. campaign, effort 运动 due adj. expected 预期 E ease v. to reduce or loosen 减轻,平息 envoy n. diplomat 外交家,外交官 eve n. the day before 前一日 exit v. leave 离开 eye v. to watch with interest 目击 F fault v. to find in the wrong 挑剔 feud n. dispute, strong disagreement 争执,分歧 flay v. accuse, criticize strongly 控诉,抨击 foe n. opponent, enemy 对手,强敌 foil v. to prevent from succeeding 阻挠进程
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India Mending Fences with Neighbors (=India Is Mending Fences with Neighbors) 印度正改善与邻国关系 Mainland Factory Output Booming (=Mainland Factory Output Is Booming) 大陆工厂产量正飞速增长 People Flow Hurting the Wall (=People Flow Is Hurting the Wall) 过多的人流正破坏长城
例如: LongLong-Term Plan to TCM (TCM =Traditional Chinese Medicine,中医) Medicine,中医) Quake Kills 11 in Western China (Quake=earthquake,地震) (Quake=earthquake,地震) IBM Sets Wireless Web Pacts for E-business E(IBM=International Business Machines Corporation,美国商用机器公司) Corporation,美国商用机器公司) Members’ Close Ties Emphasized Ahead of SCO Summit (SCO=Shanghai Co-operation CoOrganization,上海合作组织) Organization,上海合作组织) US seeks MIAs (MIA= Missing in Action,作战失 Action,作战失 踪人员) 踪人员)
Features of English News Titles
Lingusitic Features of English News Titles 大量使用简短词 灵活使用新词 大量使用缩略词
Six Die in Moscow Bomb Blast (6人在莫斯科炸 弹爆炸中死亡,blast=explosion) 爆炸中死亡,blast=explosion) Annan Reaches Bagdad in Last-Minute Peace LastBid (安南抵达巴格达做最后一刻的和平努力, 安南抵达巴格达做最后一刻的和平努力, bid=attempt) Pioneer Colleges Face Axe (一些实验学院面临砍 一些实验学院面临砍 削, axe= dispensation) Moscow’s Food Price Soaring (莫斯科食品价格 飞涨, 飞涨,soar=increase dramatically) dramatically) SinoSino-US Venture Expands Biz in China (中美合 资企业扩大在中国业务, 资企业扩大在中国业务,biz=business)
India Mending Fences with Neighbors Mainland Factory Output Booming People Flow Hurting the Wall Workers Checked After Radiation Leak 61 Killed in American Plane Crash
英语新闻标题用词必须节约,以小的空间容纳更多的信 息。因此,英语中的非谓语动词,主要包括不定式、动 名词、现在分词和过去分词,被频繁地使用。英语标题 中常用“不定式”结构来表示将要发生的事情,而“be” 中常用“不定式”结构来表示将要发生的事情,而“be” 常被省略以节省版面。例如: Florida Freeze to Increase Area Produce Prices佛罗里 Prices佛罗里 达严寒将使本地区农产品涨价 Trials to Begin for Four Inmates at Guantanamo 古巴 关塔纳摩基地的4 关塔纳摩基地的4名囚犯将要受审 Chinese Leader to Visit U.S. 中国领导人将访美 Peace Talks to Resume 和平谈判将恢复
如snake head(蛇头),telephone harassment(电话 head(蛇头),telephone harassment(电话 骚扰),junk mail(垃圾邮件),elevated 骚扰),junk mail(垃圾邮件),elevated highways (高架道路),talk show(访谈节目;谈话类节目), (高架道路),talk show(访谈节目;谈话类节目), down payment(首付款),maglev train(磁悬浮列 payment(首付款),maglev train(磁悬浮列 车),cyberlove(网恋),eco车),cyberlove(网恋),eco-friendly car(环保车), car(环保车), selling points(卖点),suicide bomber(人体炸弹), points(卖点),suicide bomber(人体炸弹), big city ills(都市病),reality show(真人秀)等新词, ills(都市病),reality show(真人秀)等新词, 无一不是通过报刊等媒介传播后为人们所熟知的。 -gate(门)成了表示scandal(丑闻)的后缀,许多新 gate(门)成了表示scandal(丑闻)的后缀,许多新 词被造了出来,如克林顿的性丑闻——拉链门事件 词被造了出来,如克林顿的性丑闻——拉链门事件 (Zippergate),查尔斯王子的性丑闻——“卡米拉(情 Zippergate),查尔斯王子的性丑闻——“ 妇)丑闻”(Camillagate)。 妇)丑闻”(Camillagate)。
Fit or Fat? (对比) 健康还是肥胖? Democracy of the Big Stick (讽刺) 大棒民主 Slow Lane Is Safest on Currency Issue (比喻) 在货币问题上,走慢车道最安全 Hollywood Survives (借代) 美国电影业复苏了 Europe Is Alive and Kicking (拟人) 欧洲富有活力 Soccer Kicks off with Violence (双关) 足球开踢 拳打脚踢 Pain in Spain (头韵) 西班牙的痛苦
Italian Ex-mayor Murdered ExMother, Daughter Share Fulbright Year Streets Calm as Death Roll Reaches 40 Police killer’s jail death
Italian Ex-mayor Murdered (= An Italian Ex-mayor Was ExExMurdered省略冠词和系动词) Murdered省略冠词和系动词) 一意大利前市长被谋杀 Mother, Daughter Share Fulbright Year (= Mother, and her Daughter Share Fulbright Year 省略连词和人称代词) 省略连词和人称代词) 母亲和女儿共享福布莱特奖 Streets Calm as Death Roll Reaches 40 (= Streets are calm as the Death Roll Reaches 40省略系动词和定冠词) 40省略系动词和定冠词) 死亡人数升至40人街道趋于平静 死亡人数升至40人街道趋于平静 Police killer’s jail death (= the death in the jail of the killer’ man who had killed a policeman省略介词) policeman省略介词) 杀害警察的凶手狱中毙命
Fit or Fat? 健康还是肥胖? Democracy of the Big Stick 大棒民主 Slow Lane Is Safest on Currency Issue 在货币问题上,走慢车道最安全 Hollywood Survives 美国电影业复苏了 Europe Is Alive and Kicking 欧洲富有活力 Soccer Kicks off with Violence 足球开踢 拳打脚踢 Pain in Spain 西班牙的痛苦
英语新闻标题表示被动语态时常将“过去分词”直 接放在动作的承受者之后,而不用表示被动语态的 结构“be +过去分词”,这里的“be”被省略,而且 结构“be +过去分词”,这里的“be”被省略,而且 也不用“by”来表示动作的执行者。例如: 也不用“by”来表示动作的执行者。例如: Workers Checked After Radiation Leak (=Workers Were Checked After Radiation Leak) 辐射泄漏后 工人将接受体检 61 Killed in American Plane Crash (=61 Persons Were Killed in an American Plane Crash) 61人在美机失事中遇难 61人在美机失事中遇难
Figures of Speech in English News Titles
各种修辞格 使用习语修辞种类繁多,英语标题中常使用的有比 喻、头韵、对比、借代、讽刺、双关、重 复、夸张等修辞格。
例如:Pei’s 例如:Pei’s Pyramids Puzzle Paris (贝氏的 (贝氏的 金字塔使巴黎困惑不解) 金字塔使巴黎困惑不解)
如: AstroAstro-tourism Blasts off in Space Race II (astro-tourism太空旅游) (astro-tourism太空旅游) Stagflation in Moscow (stagflation滞涨) (stagflation滞涨) Court Backs Transsexuals’ Rights (transsexuals变性人) (transsexuals变性人)