
重庆大学《复变函数》课程试卷2009~2010 学年 第 一 学期开课学院:数理学院 课程号:10021020考试日期:2009-12.考试方式:考试时间:120分钟一、 单项选择题(3分/每小题,共30分)⒈ 复数11i i-+等于( 1 ).① i - ② i ③ 2i -④ 2i⒉ 复数2i 的辐角等于( 3 ).① 56π- ② 6π③ 52()6k k Z ππ-+∈④2()6k k Z ππ+∈⒊ 方程120z z i ---=表示的曲线是( 1 ).① 直线 ② 圆 ③ 双曲线 ④ 抛物线4.下列数中为实数的是( 3 ).① ln(1)- ② sin i ③ i i④ 5. 若函数2222()2()f z x xy y i y axy x =+-++-在复平面上处处解析,则实数a =( 4 ).① 0 ② 1③2-④ 26. 设3232()3(3)f z x xy i y x y =---,则()f i '=( 2 ).① 3 ② 3-③ 33i -- ④ 33i -+7. 设Γ为连接由0到1i +的直线段, 则积分z zdz Γ⋅⎰的值为( 2 ).① 2(1)3i -+② 2(1)3i +③ )3i -+④)3i +8. 若Γ为正向圆周2z =,则2cos ()z dz z i Γ=-⎰( 4 ).① sin i - ② sin i③ 2sin i i π④ 2sin i i π-9. 级数211n z z z z++++++ 的收敛域为( 2 ).① 1z <② 01z << ③ 1z <<+∞④ 空集10. 设0nn n c z ∞=∑的收敛半径为4, 则0(21)n n n n c z ∞=-∑的收敛半径等于( 3 ).① 12② 18③ 2④ 8命题人:组题人:审题人:命题时间:教务处制学院 专业、班 年级 学号 姓名公平竞争、诚实守信、严肃考纪、拒绝作弊封线密二、 填空题(2分/每小空,共20分)11. ln z 的解析区域是 复平面除去原点及负实轴后的区域 12. 1i 的模等于 2()k e k Z π-∈ . 13. 设31()(1)13f z z i z =-++,z 为()0f z '=的根,则A r g z =24(0,1)2k k ππ+=14. 函数2()Im f z z z =在 z =0 可导 15. 设2()ef z d z ζζζζ==-⎰(2z <),则()2f i π'=-2π16 级数2(01)nnn q z q +∞=<<∑的收敛半径= +∞17 21()(1)zf z z e =-以0z =为 3 级极点18 设3cos ()z f z z=,则Re [(),0]s f z = -12.19 幂级数0()n n n c z i +∞=+∑在z i =发散,则该级数在2z =处的敛散性为发散20 积分41sin z dz z==⎰-2π .三、 试讨论函数2()f z x iy =-在何处可导,在何处解析,并求出()f z 在可导点处的导数。

重庆大学 课程试卷juan2008 ~200 9 学年 第 2 学期 开课学院: 化学化工 课程号: 22006625 考试日期: 2009.06.18考试方式:考试时间: 120 分注:1.大标题用四号宋体、小标题及正文推荐用小四号宋体;2.按A4纸缩小打印一.填空题 (20 分)1. 吸收操作一般用于分离____ ____混合物,其原理是利用气体中各组分在吸收剂中__ _______的差异来达到分离的目。
精馏操作一般用于分离___ ____混合物,其原理是利用原料中各组分的____ _______差异来达到分离的目的。
萃取操作一般用于分离____ ____混合物,其原理是利用原料液中各组分在萃取剂中____ _ _____的差异来达到分离的目的。
2. 有效膜理论的要点是:1.2.3. 气体吸收计算中,传质单元高度是表示 的一个参量,而传质单元数是表示 的参量。
4. 两组份的相对挥发度越小,则表示分离该物系越 。
(难、易、不变)二元溶液连续精馏计算中,进料热状态的变化将引起平衡线、操作线与q线中哪几条线的变化?____ 和 __ ___。
5. 已知在常压及25℃下水份在某湿物料与空气之间的平衡关系为:相对湿度φ=100%时,平衡含水量x* = 0.02kg 水/kg 绝干料;相对湿度φ= 40%时, 平衡含水量 x* = 0.007 kg 水/kg 绝干料。
现该物料含水量为0.23kg 水/kg 绝干料, 令其与25℃, φ=40%的空气接触, 则该物料的自由含水量为 kg 水/kg 绝干料, 结合水含量为 kg 水/kg 绝干料。
6. 将不饱和空气在间壁式换热器中由t 1加热至t 2,则其湿球温度t W ,露点温度t d ,相对湿度φ 。
7、在(液-液-液)三角形相图中,三个顶点代表 ;三个边代表 ;三角形内部任意点代表 。
8. 用溶剂S 分离A 、B 液相混合物(A 为溶质),二相平衡时萃取相中y A= 0.2,y S = 0.6;萃余相中x A = 0.15, x S = 0.05,则分配系数k A 为 ,选择性系数β为__ __ __。

2024—2024重庆名校联盟2024届高三第一次联合考试理综物理试卷一、单选题 (共7题)第(1)题如图所示的电路中,a、b接在电压有效值恒定的正弦交变电源上,理想变压器的原、副线圈匝数比,A,V均为理想交流电表,、、为三个阻值均为R的定值电阻。
则的值为( )A.B.C.R D.2R第(2)题如图所示,真空中A、B、C三点的连线构成一个等腰三角形,OC为AB连线的中垂线,O为连线中点。
A的电荷量为,B的电荷量为,两点电荷分别固定在A、B点,A、B相距l,静电力常量为k.现将另一个电荷量为的点电荷放置在AB连线的中垂线上距O点为的C点处,此时所受的静电力大小为( )A.B.C.D.第(3)题如图所示,倾角为α=37°的光滑斜面固定在水平地面上,物块A和长木板B叠放在斜面上,不可伸长的轻绳绕过光滑定滑轮连接B与物块C。
将A、B、C由静止释放,下列说法正确的是( )A.轻绳拉力为2mg B.物块A的加速度为0.2gC.物块C的加速度为0.76g D.物块A与木板B间的摩擦力为0.64mg第(4)题北斗系统是中国自研的全球卫星导航系统,可为全球用户提供全天候、全天时、高精度定位、导航和授时服务。
地球半径约为,地球自转周期约为,试估算中圆地球轨道卫星的公转周期约为( )A.B.C.D.第(5)题越野车在冰原上留下的车辙如图所示,则越野车转弯做曲线运动过程中( )A.惯性变大B.速度不变C.可能处于平衡状态D.所受的合外力一定不为零第(6)题2022年11月23日,我国自主研制的16兆瓦海上风电机组正式下线,标志着我国海上风电技术实现重大突破。

重庆大学《高等数学(工学类)》课程试卷 第1页 共1页重庆大学《高等数学(工学类)》课程试卷20 — 20 学年 第 学期开课学院: 数统学院 课程号: 考试日期:考试方式:考试时间: 120 分一、选择题(每小题3分,共18分) 1. 向量a b ⨯与,a b 的位置关系是().(A) 共面 (B) 垂直 (C) 共线 (D) 斜交知识点:向量间的位置关系,难度等级:1. 答案:(B).分析:,a b 的向量积a b ⨯是一个向量,其方向垂直,a b 所确定的平面.2. 微分方程633xy dye e y x y dx=+- 的一个解为().(A)6y = (B)6y x =- (C)y x =- (D)y x =知识点:微分方程的解,难度等级:1. 答案: (D).分析:将(A),(B),(C),(D)所给函数代入所给方程,易知只有y x =满足方程,故应选(D).3. 累次积分⎰⎰=-2022x y dy e dx ().(A))1(212--e (B))1(314--e (C))1(214--e (D))1(312--e 知识点:二重积分交换次序并计算,难度等级:2. 答案:(C).分析: 直接无法计算,交换积分限,可计算得)1(214--e ,只能选(C). 4.设曲线积分⎰--L x ydy x f ydx e x f cos )(sin ])([与路径无关,其中)(x f 具有一阶连续偏导数,且(0)0,f =则=)(x f ().(A)2x x e e -- (B)2xx e e --(C) 12-+-x x e e (D)21xx e e +-- 知识点:积分与路径无关的条件,微分方程,求解,难度等级:3.答案:(B).分析: 由积分与路径无关条件,有[()]cos ()cos x f x e y f x y '-=-命题人:组题人:审题人:命题时间:教务处制学院 专业、班 年级 学号 姓名 考试教室公平竞争、诚实守信、严肃考纪、拒绝作弊封线密()().x f x f x e '⇒-=-由结构看,C,D 不满足方程,代入,B 满足,A 不满足,选B.5. 设直线方程为1111220,0A x B y C z D B y D +++=⎧⎨+=⎩且111122,,,,,0,A B C D B D ≠则直线().(A) 过原点 (B) 平行于z 轴 (C) 垂直于x 轴 (D) 垂直于y 轴 知识点:直线与坐标轴的位置关系,难度等级:1. 答案:(D).分析:方程2220,0B y D D +=≠表示垂直于y 轴且不过原点的平面,11112200A x B y C z D B y D +++=⎧⎨+=⎩表示的直线位于垂直于y 轴且不过原点的平面上,不平行于z 轴,不垂直于x 轴.6. 设∑为球面2224(0)x y z z ++=≥的外侧,则2yzdzdx dxdy∑+⎰⎰().=(A)354(B)354π (C)12 (D)12π知识点:对坐标的曲面积分,高斯公式,难度等级:2. 答案:(D).分析: 添有向平面221:0(4)z x y ∑=+≤取下侧,则124,yzdzdx dxdy zdV π∑+∑Ω+==⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰1228.Dyzdzdx dxdy dxdy π∑+=-=-⎰⎰⎰⎰故有结果为D.二、填空题(每小题3分,共18分)7.121lim(1)sin x y x y →→⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭__________.= 知识点:二重极限,难度等级:1. 答案:0. 证明:1(1)sin01x x y--≤- 0,ε∴∀>取,δε=只要0,δ<必有1(1)sin0.x yε--<121lim(1)sin 0.x y x y →→⎛⎫∴-= ⎪⎝⎭ 8. 已知lim6,n n a →∞=则11()n n n a a ∞+=-=∑__________. 知识点:级数和,定义,难度等级:1. 答案:1 6.a - 分析: 部分和数列12231111()()() 6.n n n n s a a a a a a a a a ++=-+-++-=-→-9.2221___________,ds x y z Γ=++⎰其中Γ为曲线cos ,sin ,tttx e t y e t z e ===上相应于t 从0变到2的这段弧.知识点:对弧长的曲线积分,难度等级:2. 答案21).e- 解:弧长的微分为tds dt ==,22222.tx y z e ++=于是2222011).ds x y z e Γ=-++⎰⎰10. 平面3x y z a ++=被球面2222x y z R ++=(0)R <所截得一个圆,则该圆的半径为__________.=知识点:平面,球面,半径,难度等级:1. 答案分析:该圆的中心在平面3x y z a ++=上,且三个坐标相等,中心坐标为(,,),a a a,11.设曲线积分 ,4 L 22⎰++-=yx xdyydx I 其中L 为椭圆,1422=+y x 并取正向,则__________.I =知识点:对坐标的曲线积分,难度等级:2. 答案:.π分析: 可取椭圆的参数方程计算.12. 设∑是球面222x y z R ++=在第一卦限部分,则2__________.x dS ∑=⎰⎰知识点:对面积的曲面积分,对称性,难度等级2. 答案:4.6R π分析:222x dS y dS z dS ∑∑∑==⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰ ()22213x y z dS ∑=++⎰⎰ 224114.386R R R ππ=⋅⋅=三、计算题(每小题6分,共24分) 13. 求微分方程()0y xxe d y x xdy -=+的通解. 知识点:齐次微分方程,通解,难度等级1. 分析:齐次微分方程,作变量代换yu x=化为可分离变量的微分方程.解: 方程两端同除以,x 得()0.y xye dx dy x+-=令,y vx =则.dy vdx xdv =+ 代入上式,得0,ve dx xdv -= 即 0.vdx e dv x--= 积分之,得ln .v x e C -+=故原方程的通解为ln .y xx e C -+=14. 计算2(2)(3),y L x y dx x ye dy -++⎰其中L 由从)0,2(A 到)1,0(B 的直线段22=+y x 及从)1,0(B 到)0,1(-C 的圆弧21y x --=所构成.知识点:对坐标的曲线积分,格林公式,难度等级:2. 分析:补充线段构成闭曲线用格林公式.解 :如图,添加一段定向直线,CA 这样L 与CA 构成闭路.设所围的区域为,D 于是根据格林公式得:2211(2)(3)55(211)24y L CA Dx y dx x ye dy dxdy π+-++==⋅⋅+⋅⎰⎰⎰15(1).4π=+ 则L⎰=.L CACA→+-⎰⎰又2221(2)(3) 3.y CAx y dx x ye dy x dx --++==⎰⎰故25(2)(3)5(1)32.44y L x y dx x ye dy ππ-++=+-=+⎰ 15. 计算22(),x y dS ∑+⎰⎰其中∑为抛物面222z x y =--在xoy 面上方的部分.知识点:对面积的曲面积分,难度等级:2.分析:直接将曲面积分化为二重积分,用极坐标计算二重积分. 解:∑在xoy 的投影为22:2,xy D x y +≤且= 于是22()x y dS ∑+⎰⎰22(xyD x y =+⎰⎰20220112(14(14)84149.30d r r πθππ==⋅+-+=⎰ 16. 计算333,x dydz y dzdxz dxdy ∑++⎰⎰其中∑为球面2222x y z a ++=的外侧.知识点:对坐标的曲面积分,高斯公式,球面坐标,难度等级:2 分析:题设曲面为封闭曲面,高斯公式,再用球面坐标化为三次积分.解:333x dydz y dzdx z dxdy ∑++⎰⎰ 2223()x y z dxdydz Ω=++⎰⎰⎰222053sin 12.5ad d r r dra ππθϕϕπ=⋅=⎰⎰⎰四、解答题(每小题6分,共12分)17.设(,)z f x u =具有连续的二阶偏导数,而,u xy =求22.zx∂∂难度等级:1;知识点:复合函数的偏导数.分析: 按复合函数的偏导数的求法两次对x 求偏导数,即可求出22.z x∂∂ 解:x x u z f y f '''=+ 22.xx xx xu uu z f yf y f ''''''''⇒=++18.利用斯托克斯公式计算222222()()(),y z dx z x dy x y dz Γ-+-+-⎰其中Γ是用平面23=++z y x 截立方体[]⨯1,0[]⨯1,0[]1,0的表面所得的截痕,若从z 轴正向看去,Γ取逆时针方向.知识点:对坐标的曲线积分,斯托克斯公式,难度等级:3 分析: 通过斯托克斯公式将曲线积分转化为对面积的曲面积分,注意积分技巧:可将方程代入被积函数.解: 如图,我们将平面23=++z y x 的上侧被Γ所围的部分取为,∑于是∑的单位法向量.n e =由斯托克斯公式得:dS y x x z z y z y x I ⎰⎰∑---∂∂∂∂∂∂=222222cos coscos γβα ().x y z dS ∑=++ 观察上述积分,由于在∑上有3,2x y z ++=根据第二型曲面积分的计算公式,故396(6)().42xyxyD D I dS S ∑=-=-=-=-=-其中xy D 是∑在xOy 坐标平面的投影区域,而xyD S 为xy D 的面积.五、 证明题(每小题6分,共12分)19.试证:,)(0,0)(,)0, (,)(0,0)x y f x y x y ⎧≠⎪=⎨⎪=⎩在点(0,0)处偏导数存在,但是不可微.知识点:二元函数偏导数、可微,难度等级:1分析:先求出(0,0),(0,0)x y f f 然后说明(0,0)(0,0)x y z f x f y ∆-∆-∆不是比ρ更高阶的无穷小量就可以了.证明 : 0(,0)(0,0)lim 0(0,0);x x f x f f x∆→∆-==∆同理, (0,0)0.y f =则2200limlim.()()x x y y zx yx y ρρ→∆→∆→∆→∆→∆∆∆==∆+∆ 但是此极限不存在,故(,)f x y 在(0,0)处不可微.20. 证明:级数2(!)nn x y n ∞==∑满足方程0.xy y y '''+-= 知识点:幂级数,微分方程,难度等级:2. 分析:直接用幂数代入微分方程验证.证明: 因为20,(!)n n x y n ∞==∑所以122212(1),.(!)(!)n n n n nx n n x y y n n --∞∞==-'''==∑∑ 212222101122222111221(1)(!)(!)(!)(1)11(!)(!)(!)!(2)!!(1)!!!n n n n n n n nn n n n n nn n n n n x nx x xy y y x n n n n n x nx x n n n x x x n n n n n n --∞∞∞===--∞∞∞===--∞∞∞===''-'''+-=+--=++--=+---∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑∑ 21111(1)!(1)!(1)!!(!)(1)(1)(1)!!0n n nn n n nn x x x n n n n n n n xn n ∞∞∞===∞==+-+-++-+=+=∑∑∑∑∴方程0xy y y '''+-=成立.六、应用题 (每小题8分,共16分)21. 设球在动点(),,P x y z 处的密度与该点到球心距离成正比,求质量为m 的非均匀球体2222x y z R ++≤对于其直径的转动惯量. 知识点:立体的转动惯量,难度等级:2. 分析:利用转动惯量公式,球坐标计算三重积分.解:设球体方程为2222:,x y z R Ω++≤密度函数ρ=则球体的质量为:234(,,)sin Rm x y z dxdydz k k d d r dr k R ππρθϕϕπΩΩ====⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰所以,密度函数为ρ=计算该球体绕z 轴转动的转动惯量:22224235232240()(,,)(24sin sin 39Rm I x y x y z dxdydz xy R m d d r dr mR d mR R πππρπθϕϕϕϕπΩΩ=+=+===⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰⎰22.将质量为m 的物体垂直上抛,假设初始速度为0,v 空气阻力与速度成正比(比例系数为k ),试求在物体上升过程中速度与时间的函数关系.知识点:微分方程的初值问题,难度等级:1 分析: 只需将二阶导数表示出来就可证之.解: 根据条件,空气阻力为.kv 于是物体上升过程中受力为()kv mg -+(其中负号表示力与运动方向相反),而运动加速度为.dva dt=因而得微分方程 .dv m kv mg dt=-- 又知初始速度为0v ,故得初值问题0,(0).dv kv g dt mv v ⎧+=-⎪⎨⎪=⎩ 因此000000(1.)()()ttkkkk k k dtdtt t t t tm m mm m mgm mg v egedt v ee v e v e k m k kg -----⎰⎰=-+=+-+=+⎰。

2.分别以 AB、DE 为原动件对图示机构进行结构分析,要求画出原动件、基 本组,并指出机构的级别。(8 分)
3.试对图示机构进行高副低代,要求画出替代机构。(4 分)
⒈计算图示系统自由度,并说明机构中存在的虚约束、复合铰链、局部自由 度。(8 分)
教务处 07 版
姓名 密
重庆大学 《机械原理》 课程试卷 A卷 B卷 200 ~200 学年 第 学期
开课学院:机械工程 课程号:
考试方式: 开卷 闭卷 其他
考试日期: 考试时间:120 分钟
总 题号 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 九 十
分Hale Waihona Puke 得分一、 机构结构设计题(共 20 分)
年级 封
题一 3 图
二、 机构分析与设计题(共 30 分)
题一 1 图
G 题一 2 图
1.标出图示机构的所有瞬心。(6 分) 2.试画出图示机构的最小传动角γmin。(4 分)
线 学院
2 3
4 题二 1 图
题二 2 图
教务处 07 版
题四 图

1. 2分(0206)
当对某一试样进行平行测定时,若分析结果的精密度很好,但准确度不好,可能的原因是----------( )
2. 2分(0227)
以下计算式答案x应为-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------( )
(A) AlL和AlL2(B) Al3+和AlL (C) AlL2(D) AlL3
11. 2分(0803)
用EDTA直接滴定有色金属离子,终点所呈现的颜色是----------------------------------------------------( )
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
7. 2分(0305)
下列各组组分中不属于共轭酸碱对的是-------------------------------------------------------------------( )
(A) H2CO3和CO32-(B) NH3和NH2-
(C) HCl和Cl-(D) HSO4-和SO42-
—重庆大学考பைடு நூலகம்试卷—

重庆大学 机械原理 课程试卷2012 ~2013学年 第 一 学期开课学院: 机械工程 课程号: 11033635 考试日期:考试方式:考试时间: 120 分钟一、平面机构结构分析(15分)一、 1. K 处为局部自由度、B 处为复合铰链移动副,H 、G 之一为虚约束。
(3分);n =8,P L =11,P H =1,F =3⨯8-2⨯11-1=1(5分) 2. 低副替代机构示意图。
(3分)3.AB 为原动件(每个组1分,II 级机构1分)二、平面连杆机构分析与设计(25分)1.(1)K =2,机构空回行程所需时间为4秒,(各2分);(2)该机构每分钟转5转。
(1分)2. (1) C2C1C v v v == , C3C2C3C2v v v =+ 大小 ? √ ?方向 ⊥AC √ ∥BE可以利用速度影像求图示瞬时构件3上E 点的速度v E (4分) (2)v C333AC ACpc v l l μω⋅== ,逆时针方向;(4分) (3) 图示瞬时,构件3与构件2在重合点C 处的加速度关系式中有哥氏加速度a K C3C2,a KC3C2=2ω3v C3C2,垂直于BE 指向斜下方。
(2分)3. l CD =138 mm ,l AD =195mm3 作图8分,构件尺寸2分。
命题人:机械原理教学组 组题人:秦伟审题人:宁先雄 命题时间:2012.12 教务处制学院 专业、班 年级 学号 姓名公平竞争、诚实守信、严肃考纪、拒绝作弊封线密p e 2 B 2Ⅱ级机构Ⅱ级组Ⅱ级组CⅡ级组BⅡ级组三、凸轮机构分析(10分)1. 简答题(1)答:有柔性冲击;(2分):(2)答:增大基圆半径或适当设置偏距(2分): 2. 偏距圆、基圆、理论轮廓线、α各1分,s 2分。
四、齿轮机构参数计算(10分)m h mz d *a 2a 2+=,m = 4 mm (2分),)(5.021z z m a += ,z 1 = 40(2分) mm 28.622/===ππm s (2分),mm 18.75)cos (5.0cos 1===ααmz r r b (2分) mm 81.11cos ===απm p p b n (2分)五、轮系传动比计算(15分)1. 蜗轮的转向判断时与蜗杆的转向、蜗杆的旋向、蜗杆的安装位置有关。

(c) 10W
阅卷 得分
题 10 图
题 11 图
时 间
11、LC 振荡电路如题 11 图所示,试判断该电路能否起振?( )。
(a)10 / 2 A
(b) 10A
(b)不能 (b)不确定
二、计算题:请将解答过程写在题后的空白处(本题 8 分)
16、有源线性二端网络如题 16 图左图所示,已知 US1=6V,该 网络的等效电压源如题 16 图右图所示,求:(1)计算 US 和 R0 的值;(2)负载电阻 RL 为何值时,电源输出最大功率,并求出
Pomax 的值。
题 17 图
阅卷 得分
五、计算题:请将解答过程写在题后的空白处(本题 8 分)
19、电路如题 19 图所示, 已知 U 24V , 20 , CC
96kΩ ,RC
2.4kΩ ,RE
2.4kΩ ,U BE 忽略不计,
阅卷 得分
试求(1)静态值: I 、 I 、U ;(2)画出微变等效电路。
+ R2
题 21 图
教务处 07 版
八、计算题:请将解答过程写在题后的空白处(本题 10 分)
22、逻辑电路如题 22 图所示,写出逻辑式,化简之,并列出 状态表。

若以凸轮为原动件,将高副进行低代后,把该机构划分为基本杆组,并判定该机 构的级别。(15 分)
组,哪是第一类Ⅱ级组;并分别指出他们的外接运动副;并说明如何从原动件开 始,依次求得各外接副的运动规律。(5 分)
教务处 06 版
1. 平面连杆机构的综合内容一般归结为哪三类,本题的综合是属于哪一类。 2. 当起落架放下处于准备着陆的位置时,要求这时的连杆 BC 与另一连架杆 AB 共
B 2C
D 1 ω1
A θ1
4E G
1. 在图上求出瞬心 P56、P35、P34 及 P46,最后求出 3 构件的绝对瞬心 P36;并画出 C 点速度的方向线。(6 分)
2. 用相对运动图解法,求出 vc(用任意比例尺µv;要求写出求速度的向量方程)。(9
分) 3. 若改以 5 为原动件,用解析法对该机构进行运动分析。试指出:哪是第二类Ⅱ级
线的目的是什么? 3. 图中的D′C′2 位置是根据什么原理,如何得到的? 4. 用图解法,求出铰链点 B1 的位置(图 3 中的 B1 点是任意画出的一点),及连杆
BC、连架杆 AB 的长度 LBC、LAB。(10 分)
三、连杆机构设计(20 分)
图 3 所示为飞机起落架的机构简图,实线是表示起落架放下的位置,这时要求连杆 BC 与另一连架杆 AB 共线(即要求 B1 点处于 AC1 的连线上);虚线表示起落架收起 的位置,这时 DC 由 DC1 转过α=90°到水平位置,对应的连架杆 AB 由 AB1 转过β=60° 到图示 AB2 的位置。现已知 LAD=520mm,LDC=340mm,γ=10°,试用图解法设计该机 构。(20 分)

1. How long does it take the speakers to go to London by train?A. 1 hour.B. 2 hours.C. 3 hours.2. What will the man do?A. Make tea.B. Have a cup of tea.C. Boil more water.3. What will the woman probably do? w W w . x K b 1.c o MA.Catch a train.B. See the man off.C.Go shopping.4. What will the woman do?A. Look for the keys to the house.B. Go to work.C. Have an interview.5. Why does the man want to take a picture of the woman’s son ?A. He is working for a newspaper.B. He is taking photos for a book.C. The woman’s son is very lovely.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。

英语阅读II 考试试卷A适用于;考试日期:;试卷所需时间:120分钟;闭卷; 总分:100分。
Part I True or False (10 points)Section ADirections: The following ten statements are details of plots adapted from the novels read during the semester. Read and decide whether they are true or false, and mark a T for a true statement and an F for a false one.1. ( ) For most of the novel, Pip suspects Jaggers of being his secret benefactor.2. ( ) In the novel Great Expectations , the two most important traits of Pip are hisimmature, romantic idealism and his innately good conscience.3. ( ) The reason for Miss Havisham’s being mad and vengeful is the death of herhusband on their wedding day.4. ( ) Charles Dickens ’ Oliver Twist was written in late 18th century.5. ( ) In novel Oliver Twist, Oliver is between nine and twelve years old when the mainaction of the novel occurs.6. ( ) William Boldwood is a character that appears in Dickens ’ Great Expectations .7. ( ) In the novel Far From the Madding Crowd , two major characteristic of theprotagonist Bathsheba Everdene is her vanity and spiritual dependence on others.8. ( ) In Wuthering Height , the major factor that drives Catherine to marry Edgar is herbrother ’s approval.9. ( ) The most notable physical feature of Heathcliff ’s is his eyes.10. ( ) The plight of the weak, equality in Marriage, wealth and Class are the majorthemes in the novel David Copperfield .Part II Vocabulary (20 points)Section ADirections: There are twenty sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE word or phrase that best completes the sentence.1. The storage vessel has a ______ of 10,000 liters.A. capacityB. capabilityC. abilityD. faculty 2. The crippled man tried his best to ______ his step to look normal.A. adjustB. adaptC. manipulateD. coordinate 3. I _______ to one daily newspaper and one weekly magazine.A. prescribeB. subscribeC. describeD. transcribe 4. The road is full of ________ turns.A. accidentalB. urgentC. abruptD. swift5. She once again went through her composition carefully to ______ all spelling mistakesfrom it.A. scrapB. eliminateC. abolishD. diminish6. The shop-assistant was straight with his customers. If an article was of ______ quality, he ’d tell them so.A. humbleB. inferiorC. minor D awkward.7. Postage rates depends upon several factors: the type of communication, the ________, the weight and the method of transportation.A. destinationB. destinyC. distributionD. termination8. The winners of the football championship ran off the field carrying the silver cup ______.A. turbulentlyB. tremendouslyC. triumphantlyD. tentatively 9. Leaving the burn open to the air is the quickest way to ________ it over.A. healB. cureC. treatD. remedy10. In my opinion, you can widen the _______ of these improvements through your active participation.A. dimensionB. volumeC. magnitudeD. scope11. Teachers can never give pupils any _______ in exams where pupils must cope with all the problems on their own.A. accessB. assistanceC. assumptionD. application 12. Language, culture, and personality may be considered ________ of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact.A. indistinctiveB. separateC. irrelevantD. independent 13. Don ’t ________ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.A. releaseB. relieveC. relateD. retain 14. My brother was _______ from school because his bad behavior.A. exceededB. expelledC. banishedD. flushed 15. There was a tent at the show where they had lots of rare ________ of birds.A. breedsB. bleedsC. varietiesD. categories 16. The captive was _________ in a dungeon.A. restrictedB. confinedC. controlledD. restrained 17. His skill in negotiating earned him a reputation as a ________ tactician.A. slyB. cunningC. prudentD. subtle18. We were _________ by the news that they were getting divorced; they got married just a month ago and were considered such a perfect match.A. relievedB. dismayedC. startledD. mourned19. The weather is hot; the river is clean and cool. Joe felt it very hard to ________ the temptation to swim.A. resistB. indulgeC. abandonD. hinder20. He is a (n) ________ lawyer since he has passed the National Judicial Examination. A. qualified B. accorded C. deprived D. conferred院系: 专业班级: 姓名: 学号装 ……… 订 线Part III Reading Comprehension (55 points)Section A (10%)Directions: In this part there is one passage followed with five statements. Read the passage and decide each of the statements is true or false, and mark a T for a true statement and an F for a false one.Passage 1Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage:Most people think of a camel as an obedient beast of burden, because it is best known for its ability to carry heavy loads across vast stretches of desert without requiring water. In reality, the camel is considerably more than just the Arabian equivalent of the mule. It also possesses a great amount of intelligence and sensitivity.The Arabs assert that camels are so acutely aware of injustice and ill treatment that a camel owner who punishes one of the beasts too harshly finds it difficult to escape the camel’s vengeance. Apparently, the animal will remember an injury and wait for an opportunity to get revenge.In order to protect themselves from the vengeful beasts, Arabian camel drivers have learned to trick their camels into believing they have achieved revenge. When an Arab realizes that he has excited a camel’s rage, he places his own garments on the ground in the animal’s path. He arranges the clothing so that it appears to cover a man’s body. When the camel recognizes its master’s clothing on the ground, it seizes the pile with its teeth, shakes the garments violently and tramples on them in a rage. Eventually, after its anger has died away, the camel departs, assuming its revenge is complete. Only then does the owner of the garments come out of hiding, safe for the time being, thanks to this clever ruse.1. ( ) The camel is more than an obedient beast of burden.2. ( ) The camel is insensitive but vengeful.3. ( ) Camels are generally vicious towards their owners.4. ( ) When an Arab realizes that he has excited a camel’s rage, he’d better channel it toescape the camel’s revenge.5. ( ) It is dangerous to keep a camel as a domesticated animal.Section BDirections:In this section there are two passages followed by ten questions, each with four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that you think is the best answer.Passage 2Questions 6 to 9 are based on the following passage:The destruction of our natural resources and contamination of our food supply continue to occur, largely because of the extreme difficulty in affixing legal responsibility on those who continue to treat our environment with reckless abandon. Attempts to prevent pollution legislation, economic in-centimes and friendly persuasion have been met by lawsuits, personal and industrial denial and long delays--not only in accepting responsibility, but more importantly, in doing something about it.It seems that only when government decides it can afford tax incentives or production sacrifices is there any initiative for change. Where is industry’s and our recognition that protecting mankind’s great treasure is the single most im portant responsibility? If ever there will be time for environmental health professionals to come to the frontlines and provide leadership to solve environmental problems, that time is now.We are being asked, and, in fact, the public is demanding that we take positive action. It is our responsibility as professionals in environmental health to make the difference. Yes, the ecologists, the environmental activists and the conservationists serve to communicate, stimulate thinking and promote behavioral change. However, it is those of us who are paid to make the decisions to develop, improve and enforce environmental standards, I submit, who must lead the charge.We must recognize that environmental health issues do not stop at city limits, county lines, state or even federal boundaries. We can no longer afford to be tunnel-versioned in our approach. We must visualize issues from every perspective to make the objective decisions. We must express our views clearly to prevent media distortion and public confusion. I believe we have a three-part mission for the present. First, we must continue to press for improvements in the quality of life that people can make for themselves. Second, we must investigate and understand the link between environment and health. Third, we must be able to communicate technical information in a form that citizens can understand. If we can accomplish these three goals in this decade, maybe we can finally stop environmental degradation, and not merely hold it back. We will then be able to spend pollution dollars truly on prevention rather than on bandages.6. We can infer from the first two paragraphs that the industrialists disregard environmental protection chiefly because _____.A. They are unaware of the consequences of what they are doing.B. They are reluctant to sacrifice their own economic interests.C. Time has not yet come for them to put due emphasis on it.D. It is difficult for them to take effective measures.7. The main task now facing ecologists, environmental activists and conservationists is _____.A. to prevent pollution by legislation, economic incentives and persuasionB. to arouse public awareness of the importance of environmental protectionC. to take radical measures to control environmental pollutionD. to improve the quality of life by enforcing environmental standards8. The word tunnel-versioned (Line 2, Para.4) most probably means ____.A. narrow-mindedB. blind to the factsC. short-sightedD. able to see only one aspect9. Which of the following, according to the author, should play the leading role in the solution of environmental problems?A. Legislation and government interventionB. The industry's understanding and supportC. The efforts of environmental health professionalsD. The cooperation of ecologists, environmental activists and conservationistsPassage 3Questions 10 to 14 are based on the following passage:Locusts, which can consume their own weight in food each day, have a large neuron called the locust giant movement detector (LGMD) located behind their eyes. The LGMD releases bursts of energy whenever a locust is on a collision course with another locust or a predatory bird.A few years ago Rind and her colleagues studied the activity of the LGMD as locusts watched action scenes from the movie Star Wars. The team found that the LGMD releases more energy when something is coming directly at the locust.These spikes of energy, called action potentials, prompt the locusts to take evasive action. The entire process from motion detection to reaction takes about 45 milliseconds--or 45 thousandths of a second.“Locusts, like most insects, can see many more images per second than we do. This means they can react in time to things that are approaching very rapidly and so make their escape before collision,” Ring said.The locusts’ ability to see many more images per second than humans gives them a remarkable view of the world. For humans, it would be like watching everything go by in slow motion, Rind added.And because the insects only detect things that are on a collision course with them, the locusts are ignorant of all other movements. It’s a particularly useful trait, as the locusts travel in dense swarms akin to rush hour traffic.“The (LGMD) system is complemen ted by the brain of the locust, which provides the necessary experience and knowledge to really react according to the situation,” said Jorge Cuadri, a project engineer with Spain’s National Center of Microelectronics. Cuadri is helping to develop the circuitry for the locust-inspired crash avoidance technology.Cuadri and his colleagues are responsible for adapting the locust collision-avoidance system to the automotive environment.Their adapted system is based on a single, integrated step that combines visual optics and electronics. The conventional way of doing this would involve two steps: First, a camera would capture the image. Second, a digital processor would analyze it.The two-step approach, which uses radar images, is expensive and currently limited only to luxury cars, Rind said.(357 words)10. One of the reasons why human beings are unable to react in time to avoid car collisions themselves is that _____.A. They have no LGMD behind their eyes.B. Cars are not advanced enough yet.C. Their visual is too limited.D. Their brain is never good at functioning in this way.11. What would immediately happen if human beings were endowed with the power to seea good many images in quite a short instant?A. Every movement would become so easily observable that it is just like in slow motion.B. Human beings would be ignorant of all other movements except things that are on a crash route with them.C. Everything around would pass by at a lower speed.D. Human beings would be very sensitive to those cars that are about to bump.12. In the 7th paragraph, what does “complement” mean here?A. CombineB. ExtendC. ExpandD. Complete13. What kind of field is covered when Cuadri adapts the locust collision-avoidance system to the automotive environment?A. Visual optics and electricsB. Electronics and visual opticsC. Visual optics and visual electronicsD. Physics and chemistry14. The passage will most probably be followed by a discussion of _____.A. how to decrease the price of this adapted systemB. how to derive new methods from other insectsC. what problems researchers would face and the future development of crash-avoidancecircuitryD. the further analysis of LGMDSection CDirections: In this section there are two passages followed by nine questions. Answer each question with one or more statements.Passage 4Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage:Imagine a world in which there was suddenly no emotion--a world in which human beings could feel no love or happiness, no terror or hate. Try to imagine the consequences of such a transformation. People might not be able to stay alive: knowing neither joy nor pleasure, neither anxiety nor fear, they would be as likely to repeat acts that hurt them as acts that were beneficial. They could not learn: they could not benefit from experience because this emotionless world lacks rewards and punishments. Society would soon disappear: people would be as likely to harm one another as to provide help and support. Human relationships would not exist: in a world without friends or enemies, there could be no marriage affection among companions, or bonds among members of groups. Society's economic underpinnings would be destroyed: since earning $10 million would be no morepleasant than earning $10, there would be no incentive to work. In fact, there would be no incentives of any kind. For as we will see, incentives imply a capacity to enjoy them.In such a world, the chances that the human species would survive are next to zero, because emotions are the basic instrument of our survival and adaptation. Emotions structure the world for us in important ways. As individuals, we categorize objects on the basis of our emotions. True, we consider the length, shape, size, or texture, but an object's physical aspects are less important than what it has done or can do to us--hurt us, surprise us, anger us or make us joyful. We also use categorizations colored by emotions in our families, communities, and overall society. Out of our emotional experiences with objects and events comes a social feeling of agreement that certain things and actions are "good" and others are “bad”, and we apply these categories to every aspect of our social life--from what foods we eat and what clothes we wear to how we keep promises and which people our group will accept. In fact, society exploits our emotional reactions and attitudes, such as loyalty, morality, pride, shame, guilt, fear and greed, in order to maintain itself. It gives high rewards to individuals who perform important tasks such as surgery, makes heroes out of individuals for unusual or dangerous achievements such as flying fighter planes in a war, and uses the legal and penal system to make people afraid to engage in antisocial acts.15. Why might people not be able to stay alive in a world without emotion?16. According to the passage, why are people’s learning activities are possible in an emotional world?17. According to the passage, what is the economic foundation of society dependent on?18. Why are emotions significant for man's survival and adaptation?Passage 5Questions 19 to 23 are based on the following passage:Most growing plants contain much more water than all other materials combined. C. R. Barnes has suggested that it is as proper to term the plant a water structure as to call a house composed mainly of brick a brick building. Certain it is that all essential processes of plant growth and development occur in water. The mineral elements from the soil that are usable by the plant must be dissolved in the soil solution before they can be taken into to the root. They are carried to all parts of the growing plant and are built into essential plant material while in a dissolved state. The carbon dioxide(二氧化碳)from the air may enter the leaf as a gas but is dissolved in water in the leaf before it is combined with a part of the water to from simple sugars--the base material from which the plant body is mainly built. Actively growing plant parts are generally 75 to 90 percent water. Structural parts of plants, such as woody stems, due to longer actively growing, may have much less water than growing tissues.The actual amount of water in the plant at any one time, however, is only a very small part of what passage through it during its development. The processes of photosynthesis (光合作用), by which carbon dioxide and water are combined--in the presence of chlorophyll (叶绿素)and with energy derived from light-to from sugars, require that carbon dioxide from the air enter the plant. This occurs mainly in the leaves. The leaf surface is not solid but contains great numbers of minute openings, through which the carbon dioxide enters. The same structure that permits the one gas to enter the leaf, however, permits another gas-water vapor--to be lost from it. Since carbon dioxide is present in the air only in trace quantities (3 to 4 parts in 10,000 parts of air) and water vapor is near saturation in the air only in the air spaces within the leaf at 80°H, saturated air would contain about 186 parts of water vapor in 10,000 parts of air), the total amount of water vapor lost is many times the carbon dioxide intake. Actually, because of wind and other factors, the loss of water in proportion to carbon dioxide intake may be even greater than the relative concentrations of the two gases. Also, not all of the carbon dioxide that enters the leaf is synthesized into carbohydrates (碳水化合物).19. What does a growing plant need water for?20. What is the essential function of photosynthesis in terms of plant needs?21. What is the essential idea the second paragraph use facts to develop?22. How does carbon dioxide enter the plant?23. What factors result in the total amount of water vapor lost is many times the carbon dioxide intake?Part IV Summary Writing (15 points)Direction:There is one passage in this section.Read the passage and write a summary of it within 150 words.Those who distrust pills will take satisfaction in recent news from America’s National Institute of Health. On January 18th the NIH announced the results of two studies of the effects of taking vitamin A and beta-carotene (which the body turns into vitamin A) pills, both widely believed to protect people against lung cancer. For pills taker, the news was bad.In neither study did the pills live up to people’s expectations. In the mixed-sex testing, in fact, those who were given dummy pills that looked like the vitamin pills go on rather better — developing 28% fewer lung cancers — than those who took the real thing. Besides that, the death rate of the real vitamin takers was 17% higher from all causes and 26% higher from heart and blood-vessel diseases than that of the control group. All those showed no strong influence either way from taking vitamin pills.Taken together, the two studies suggest that non-smokers have nothing to gain from adding vitamin A or beta-carotene pills to their diets. For smokers and people at high risk for other reasons their use may be dangerous. Much the same conclusion emerged from an earlier study published in 1994, of nearly 30,000 male smokers in Finland. Here, the men who took beta-carotene pills daily for between five and eight years developed 18% more lung cancers and had a death rate 8% higher than the controls.With all this bad news, the cautious might be tempted to keep away from peaches,pumpkins, carrots and other natural sources of beta-carotene, as well as from pills. But they should not do so, in the opinion of Richard Klausner, director of the NIH’s National Cancer Institute.Population studies, he noted, have linked high dietary intake of beta-carotene in vegetables and fruit to a reduced risk of cancer, and in particular lung cancer. That, after all, is what got people excited about the stuff in the first place. But food rich in beta-carotene would seem to have additional, as-yet-unknown elements that help discourage the abnormal cell growth characteristic of cancer. The absence of these extra elements is likely to explain the failure of the beta-carotene and vitamin A pills to provide the same protection.英语阅读II 考试试卷A答题纸适用于考试日期:;试卷所需时间:120分钟; 闭卷; 总分:100分。
英语ab卷 -回复

英语ab卷 -回复
而使用AB 卷后,考生之间的试题不同,减少了作弊的机会。

(A) (B) (C) (D)
1.设 ,且 则
3.设 是周期为4的可导奇函数,且 ,
则 1
4.设函数 由参数方程 确定,则 在 处的切线方程为
5.杆的长度 ,若该杆的线密度按规律 而变,其中 为到杆的一个端点的距离,则杆的质量为
1.若当 时,函数 与 是等价无穷小,求常数 的值。
(从此可以得 )
,从而可得 。
2.在曲线 上某一点处作切线,使该曲线、切线与 轴所围图形的面积为 ,求切点坐标、切线方程,并求此图形绕 轴旋转一周的立体的体积。
解:设切点的横坐标为 ,则切线方程为
6.设 是连续函数,且 ,则
2.设 是由方程 所确定的隐函数,求
解:当 时,由方程 ,得 ,即 .
方程两边同时对 求导,得 ,
将 , 代入上式得, ,故 .
4.求函数 的单调区间、凹凸区间、极值点、拐点。
令 得 ,令 得
3.设函数 具有2阶导数, ,则在区间 上【D】
(A)当 时, (B)当 时,
(C)当 时, (D)当 时,
4.若 ,则 是【A】
5.设函数 在区间 上连续, 以及 ,则 在 内【C】

学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______
A. A、0~4s内,乙车做匀速直线运动
B. B、2s末,甲、乙两车相遇
C. C、2s末,甲车的速度小于乙车的速度
D. D、0~4s内,甲、乙两车的平均速度相同

考试机构通常会根据考试情况和学生的水平来决定是否使用AB 卷,因此AB卷的题目和答案并不是提前编写好的。

2024-2025学年重庆大学版必修2物理上册阶段测试试卷21考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:120分钟学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏题号一二三四五六总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题(共5题,共10分)1、三颗人造地球卫星A、B、C在同一平面内沿不同的轨道绕地球做匀速圆周运动,且绕行方向相同,已知R A <R B<R C.若在某一时刻,它们正好运行到同一条直线上,如下图所示.那么再经过卫星A的四分之一周期时,卫星A、B、C的位置可能是下图中的()A. A、B. B、C. C、D. D、2、如图所示,有一球状建筑物,半径为100m,人站在最高处水平抛出大量小球,运动中小球不与建筑物碰撞,不计空气阻力,则这些小球落地点与抛出点的水平距离最小值约为(g取10m/s2)()A. A、400mB. B、300mC. C、200mD. D、100m3、宇航员在地球表面以初速度竖直上抛一小球,经过时间t小球到达最高点;他在另一星球表面仍以初速度竖直上抛同一小球,经过时间5t小球到达最高点。
则该星球表面附近重力加速度g′的大小为()A. A、2 m/s2B. B、m/s2C. C、10 m/s2D. D、5 m/s24、2022年5月10日01时56分,天舟四号货运飞船成功相会天和核心舱,天和核心舱距离地面约,地球北极的重力加速度为g,地球赤道表面的重力加速度为,地球自转的周期为T,天和核心舱轨道为正圆,根据题目的已知条件(万有引力常量G未知),下列说法错误的是()A. A、可以求出天舟四号的线速度B. B、可以求出地球的质量C. C、可以求出地球的半径D. D、可以求出天舟四号的周期5、游船在汉江中从西向东匀速直线航行,船上的人正相对于船以1 m/s的速度匀速升起一面旗帜(竖直向上)。
当他用20 s升旗完毕时,船匀速行驶了60 m,那么旗相对于岸的速度大小为A. A、m/sB. B、3 m/sC. C、m/sD. D、1 m/s评卷人得分二、多选题(共5题,共10分)6、如图所示的几个运动过程中,物体的弹性势能减小的是()A. A、如图甲,撑杆跳高运动员上升过程中,杆的弹性势能B. B、如图乙,人拉长弹簧过程中,弹簧的弹性势能C. C、如图丙,模型飞机用橡皮筋发射出去的过程中,橡皮筋的弹性势能D. D、如图丁,小球被弹簧向上弹起的过程中,弹簧的弹性势能7、三个小物块分别从3条不同光滑轨道的上端由静止开始滑下,已知轨道1、轨道2、轨道3的上端距水平地面的高度均为;它们的下端水平,距地面的高度分别为、、,如图所示,若沿轨道1、2、3下滑的小物块的落地点到轨道下端的水平距离分别记为、、,则()A. A、B. B、C. C、D. D、8、一行星绕恒星作圆周运动,由天文观测可得,其运动周期为T,速度为v,引力常量为G,则A. A、恒星的质量为B. B、行星的质量为C. C、行星运动的轨道半径为D. D、行星运动的加速度为9、如图所示,物体A和B的质量均为m,且分别用轻绳连接并跨过定滑轮(不计绳子与滑轮、滑轮与轴之间的摩擦).在用水平变力F拉物体B沿水平方向向右做匀速直线运动的过程中()A. A、物体A也做匀速直线运动B. B、绳子的拉力始终大于物体A所受的重力C. C、物体A的速度小于物体B的速度D. D、地面对物体B的支持力逐渐增大10、如图所示,直径为d的竖直圆筒绕中心轴线以恒定的转速匀速转动.一子弹以水平速度沿圆筒直径方向从左侧射入圆筒,从右侧射穿圆筒后发现两弹孔在同一竖直线上且相距为h,则()A. A、子弹在圆筒中的水平速度为B. B、子弹在圆筒中的水平速度为C. C、圆筒转动的角速度可能为D. D、圆筒转动的角速度可能为评卷人得分三、填空题(共7题,共14分)11、汽艇在静水中的速度是,渡河时向着垂直于河岸的方向匀速行驶.河水的流速是,河宽600m,则汽艇驶到对岸的时间为 ______ s,汽艇在河水中行驶的距离为 ______ 。

如果在导电液体的深度h发生变化时观察到指针正向左偏转,则( )A.导体芯A所带电荷量在增加,液体的深度h在增大B.导体芯A所带电荷量在减小,液体的深度h在增大C.导体芯A所带电荷量在增加,液体的深度h在减小D.导体芯A所带电荷量在减小,液体的深度h在减小第(3)题水平面上的物体在水平方向的力和作用下,沿水平面向右做匀速直线运动,如图所示。
已知,下列说法正确的是( )A.撤去的瞬间,物体受到的合外力大小变为1NB.撤去的瞬间,物体受到的摩擦力大小变为2NC.撤去的瞬间,物体受到的合外力大小变为3ND.撤去的瞬间,物体受到的摩擦力大小仍为4N第(4)题如图所示,边长为L的正六边形abcdef中,存在垂直该平面向内的匀强磁场,磁感应强度大小为B.a点处的粒子源发出大量质量为m、电荷量为+q的同种粒子,粒子的速度大小不同,方向始终垂直ab边且与磁场垂直,不计粒子的重力,当粒子的速度为v时,粒子恰好经过b点,下列说法正确的是 ( )A.速度小于v的粒子在磁场中运动时间为B.经过d点的粒子在磁场中运动的时间为C.经过c点的粒子在磁场中做圆周运动的半径为2LD.速度大于2v小于4v的粒子一定打在cd边上第(5)题在如图所示的某地远距离输电电路图中,升压变压器和降压变压器均为理想变压器,发电厂的输出电压和输电线的电阻均不变,如果发电厂的输出功率增大为原来的2倍,输电线上损耗的功率将增大为原来的( )A.1倍B.2倍C.4倍D.8倍第(6)题图(a)所示的采棉机在运输圆柱形棉包的过程中缓慢经过一段如图(b)所示路面(运动时,圆柱形棉包在前,路段足够长),CD、EF为水平路面,M点为倾角最大的位置,倾角为30°。
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图4.3.1 卡尔曼滤波的两个计算回路和两个更新过程