Minimum circulation of railway stock




铁路;铁道 railway railroad铁路线railway line;railroad line铁路网railway network;railroad network铁道科学railway science铁路技术railway technology铁路等级railway classification国有铁路national railway;state railway地方铁路local railway;regional railway私有铁路private railway合资铁路joint investment railway;jointly owned railway 标准轨铁路standard-gage railway窄轨铁路narrow-gage railway米轨铁路meter-gage railway宽轨铁路broad-gage railway单线铁路single track railway双线铁路double track railway多线铁路multiple track railway重载铁路heavy haul railway高速铁路high speed railway电气化铁路;电力铁路electrified railway;electric railway 干线铁路main line railway;trunk railway市郊铁路suburban railway地下铁道;地铁subway;metro;underground railway工业企业铁路industry railway矿山铁路mine railway轻轨铁路light railway;light rail高架铁路elevated railway单轨铁路;独轨铁路monorail;monorail railway磁浮铁路magnetic levitation railway;maglev森林铁路forest railway山区铁路mountain railway既有铁路existing railway新建铁路newly-built railway改建铁路reconstructed railway运营铁路railway in operation;operation;operating railway 专用铁路special purpose railway干线trunk line;main line支线branch line铁路专用线railway special line货运专线railway line for freight traffic;freight special line;freight traffic only line客运专线railway line for passenger traffic;passenger special line;passenger traffic only line客货运混合铁路railway line for mixed passenger and freighttraffic铁路运营长度;运营里程operation length of railway;operating distance;revenue length列车运行图train diagram铁路建筑长度construction length of railway区间section区段district轨距rail gage;rail gauge轮重wheel load轴重axle load最大轴重maximum allowable axle load限制轴重axle load limited限界clearance;gauge限界图clearance diagram铁路建筑限界railway construction clearance;structure clearance for railway;railway struction gauge根本建筑限界fundamental construction clearance;fundamental structure gauge桥梁建筑限界bridge construction clearance;bridge structure gauge隧道建筑界限tunnel construction clearance;tunnel structure gauge铁路机车车辆限界rolling stock clearance for railway;vehicle gauge机车车辆上部限界clearance limit for upper part of rolling stock机车车辆下部限界clearance limit for lower part of rolling stock 装载限界loading clearance limit;loading gauge阔大货物限界clearance limit for freight with exceptional dimension;clearance limit for oversize commodities接触网限界clearance limt for overhead contract wire;clearance limit for overhead catenary system;overhead catenary system gauge列车与线路相互作用track-train interaction轮轨关系wheel-rail relation;wheel-rail interaction粘着系数adhesion coefficient车轮滑行wheel sliding;wheel skid车轮空转wheel slipping牵引种类kinds of traction;category of traction牵引方式mode of traction牵引定数tonnage rating;tonnage of traction装载系数loading coefficient速度speed持续速度continuous speed限制速度limited speed;speed restriction均衡速度balancing speed构造速度construction speed;design speed最高速度maximum speed临界速度critical speed重载列车heavy haul train高速列车high speed train超长超重列车exceptionally long and heavy train 列车正面冲突train collision列车尾追train tail collision列车尾部防护train rear end protection伸缩运动fore and aft motion蛇行运动hunting;nosing列车压缩train running in列车拉伸train running out列车别离train separation列车颠覆train overturning列车动力学train dynamics列车空气动力学train acrodynamics机车车辆振动vibration of rolling stock纵向振动longitudinal vibration横向振动lateral vibration垂向振动vertical vibration摆滚振动rock-roll vibration浮沉振动bouncing;vibration测滚振动rolling ;vibration测摆振动swaying;vibration点头振动pitching;nodding摇头振动yawing;hunting机车车辆共振resonance of rolling stock机车车辆冲击impact of rolling纵向冲击longitudinal impact横向冲击lateral impact垂向冲击vertical impact货运站综合作业自动化automation of synthetic operations at freight station行车指挥自动化automation of traffic control编组场综合作业自动化automation of synthetic operations in marshalling yard铁路运营信息系统railway operation information system铁路数据交换系统railway data exchange system运营系统模拟simulation of operation system铁路法railway law铁道法规railway act铁路条例railway code铁路技术管理规程regulations of railway technical operation 综合运输comprehensive transport;multi-mode transport;intermode transport国际铁路联运international railway through traffic大陆桥;洲际铁路transcontinental railway;intercontinental railway;land-railway国际联运协定agreement of international through traffic国际联运议定书protocol of international through traffic国际铁路联运公约convention of international railway through traffic铁路新线建立newly-built railway construction铁路技术改造technical reform of railway;technical renovation of railway;betterment and improvement of railway铁路主要技术条件main technical standard of railway;main techincal requirement of railway单位工程unit project分部工程part project分项工程item project预可行性研究pre-feasibility study工程建议书proposed task of project可行性研究feasibility study设计阶段design phase;design stage三阶段设计three-step design;three-phase design两阶段设计two-step design;two-phase design一阶段设计one-step design;one-phase design初步设计preliminary design技术设计technical design扩大初步设计enlarged preliminary design;expanded preliminary design施工图设计construction detail design;working-drawing design变更设计altered design设计概算apporximate estimate of design;budgetary estimate of design个别概算individual approximate estimate综合概算comprehensive approximate estimate总概算sum of approximate estimate;total estimate;summary estimate修正总概算amended sum of approximate estimate;revised general estimate调整总概算adjusted sum of approximate estimate投资检算checking of investment预算定额rating of budget;rating form for budget概算定额rating of approximate estimate;rating form for estimate投资估算investment estimate估算指标index of estimate机械台班定额rating per machine per team;rating per machine-team工程直接费direct expense of project;direct cost of project 工程间接费indirect expense of project;indirect cost of project工程预备费reserve fund of project设计鉴定certification of design;appraisal of design竣工决算final accounts of completed project铁路用地right-of-way铁路勘测railway reconnaissance调查测绘survey and drawing of investigation;investigation survey;investigation surveying and sketching地形调查topographic survey地貌调查topographic feature survey;geomorphologic survey 地质调查geologic survey经济调查economic investigation;economic survey水文地质调查hydrogeologic survey土石成分调查survey of soil and rock composition土石物理力学性质physical and mechanical properties of soil and rock土石分类classificaion of soil and rock地基承载力bearing capacity of foundation;bearing capacity of ground;bearing of subgrade隧道围岩分级classification of tunnel surrounding rock地质图测绘survey and drawing of geological map;surveying and sketching of geological map勘探exploration;prospecting挖探excavation prospecting钻探boring;exploration drilling物探geophysical prospecting室内测试indoor test;laboratory test原位测试in situ test静力触探static sounding;static probing;cone penetration test动力触探试验dynamic penetration test标准贯入试验standard penetration test区域地质regional geology工程地质engineering geology不良地质unfavorable geology特殊地质special geology工程地质条件engineering geologic;requirement;engineering geologic condition气象资料meteorological data冻结深度freezing depth地震根本烈度basic intensity of earthquake;seismic basic intensity工程地质图engineering geological map地层柱状图column diagram of stratum;graphic logs of strata;drill log of stratum洪水调查flood survey河道调查river course survey冰凌调查ice floe survey;frazil ice survey汇水区流域特征调查survey of catchment basin characteristics 水文断面hydrologic sectional drawing;dydrologic section;hydrologic cross-section主河槽main river channel设计流速design current velocity设计高程;设计标高design elevation河流比降slope of river;comparable horizon of river历史洪水位historic flood level最高水位highest water level;HWL通航水位navigation water level;NWL桥涵水文hydrology of bridge and culvert水利半径hydraulic radius桥前壅水高度backwater height in front of bridge;top water level in front of bridge桥渡勘测设计survey and design of bridge crossing水面坡度slope of water surface水文测量hydrological survey泥石流流域catchment basin of debris flow分水岭watershed;dividing ridge汇水面积catchment area;water collecting area;drainage area洪水频率flood frequency设计流量design discharge设计水位design water level施工水位construction level;construction water level;working water level设计洪水过程线designed flood hydrograph容许冲刷allowable scour一般冲刷general scour局部冲刷local scour;partial scour铁路测量railway survey线路踏勘;草测route reconnaissance初测preliminary survey定测location survey;alignment;final location survey导线测量traversing;traverse survey光电导线photoelectric traverse地形测量topographical survey横断面测量cross leveling;cross-section survey;cross-section leveling线路测量route survey;pro;longitudinal survey既有线测量;旧线测量survey of existing railway线路复测repetition survey of existing railway;resurvey of existing railway测量精度survey precision;precision of survey均方差;中误差mean square error最大误差;极限误差maximum error;limiting error中线测量center line survey中线桩center line stake加桩additional stake;plus stake外移桩shift out stake;stake outward;offset stake水准点高程测量benchmark leveling中桩高程测量;中平center stake leveling曲线控制点curve control point放线setting-out of route;lay out of route交点intersection point副交点auxiliary intersection point转向角deflection angle分转向角auxiliary deflection angle坐标方位角plane-coordinate azimuth象限角quadrantal angle经纬距plane rectangular coordinate断链broken chain投影断链projection of broken chain断高broken height铁路航空摄影测量;铁路航测railway aerial photogrammetry 铁路航空勘测railway aerial surveying航带设计flight strip design;design of flight strip铁路工程地质遥感remote sensing of railway engineering geology测段segment of survey航测选线aerial surveying alignment航测外控点field control point of aerophotogrammetry全球定位系统global positioning system;GPS像片索引图index of photography三角测量trigonometric survey;triangulation精细导线测量precise traverse survey;accurate traverse survey三角高程测量trigonometric leveling隧道洞外控制测量ouside tunnel control survey隧道洞内控制测量in tunnel control survey;through survey 隧道洞口投点horizontal point of tunnel portal;geodetic control point of portal location of adit桥轴线测量survey of bridge axis铁路选线railway location;approximate railway location;location of railway route selection平原地区选线location in plain region;plain location越岭选线location of mountain line;location of line in mountain region;location over mountain山区河谷选线mountain and valley region location;location of line of in mountain and valley region丘陵地段选线hilly land location;location of line on hilly land 工程地质选线engineering geoligic location of line线间距distance between centers of tracks;midway between tracks车站分布distribution of stations方案比选scheme comparison;route alternative投资回收期repayment period of capital cost纸上定线paper location of line缓坡地段section of easy grade;section of gentle slope紧坡地段section of sufficient grade非紧坡地段section of unsufficient grade;section fo insufficient grade导向线leading line;alignment guiding line拔起高度;克制高度height of lifting;lifting height;ascent of elevation横断面选线cross-section method of railway location;location with cross-section method;cross-section method for location of line展线extension of line;development of line;line development展线系数coefficient of extension line;coefficient of development line套线overlapping line线路平面图track plan;line plan线路纵断面图track profile;line profile站坪长度length of station site站坪坡度grade of station site控制区间control section;controlling section最小曲线半径minimum radius of curve圆曲线circular curve单曲线simple curve缓与曲线transition curve;easement curve;spiral transition curve缓与曲线半截变更率rate of easement curvature;rate of transition curve复曲线compound curve同向曲线curves of same sense;adjacent curves in one direction反向曲线reverse curve;curve of opposite sense夹直线intermediate straight line;tangent between curves 坡度grade;gradient;slope人字坡double spur grade限制坡度ruling grade;limiting grade加力牵引坡度pusher grade;assisting grade最大坡度maximum grade临界坡度critical grade长大坡度long steep grade;long heavy grade动力坡度momentum grade均衡坡度balanced grade有害地段harmful district无害地段harmless district变坡点point of gradient change;breake in grade坡段grade section坡段长度length of grade section坡度差algebraic difference between adjacent gradients竖曲线vertical curve分坡平段level stretch between opposite sign gradient缓与坡度slight grade;flat grade;easy grade起动缓坡flat gradient for starting加速缓坡easy gradient for acceleration;accelerating grade 坡度折减compensation of gradient;gradient compensation;grade compensation曲线折减compensation of curve;curve compesation隧道坡度折减compensation of gradient in tunnel;compensation grade in tunnel绕行地段detouring section;round section换侧;换边change side of double line容许应力设计法allowable stress design method破损阶段设计法plastic stage design method极限状态设计法limit state design method概率极限状态设计法;可靠度设计法probabilisatic limit state design method地震系数法seismic coefficient method路基subgrade;road bed;formation subgrade岩石路基rock subgrade渗水土路基permeable soil subgrade;pervious embankment 非渗水土路基non-permeable soil subgrade;impervious embankment特殊土路基subgrade of special soil软土地区路基subgrade in soft soil zone;subgrade in soft;clay region泥沼地区路基subgrade in bog zone;subgrade in morass region;subgrade in swampland膨胀土地区路基;裂土地区路基subgrade in swelling soil zone;subgrade in expansive soil region盐渍土地区路基subgrade in salty soil zone;subgrade in saline soil region多年冻土路基subgrade in permafrost soil zone特殊条件下的路基subgrade under special condition河滩路堤embankment on plain river beach滨河路堤embankment on river bank水库路基subgrade in reservoir;embankment crossing reservoir崩塌地段路基subgrade in rock fall district;subgrade in collapse zone岩堆地段路基subgrade in rock deposit zone;subgrade in talus zone;subgrade in scree zone滑坡地段路基subgrade in slide岩溶地段路基;喀斯特地段路基subgrade in karst zone洞穴地段路基subgrade in cavity zone;subgrade in cavern zone风沙地段路基subgrade in windy and sandy zone;subgrade in desert雪害地段路基subgrade in snow damage zone;subgrade in snow disaster zone泥石流地段路基subgrade in debris flow zone路基横断面subgrade cross-section路基面subgrade surface;formation路基面宽度width of the subgrade surface;formation width 路拱road crown;subgrade crown路肩Road shoulder;subgrade shoulder路肩高程formation level;shoulder level路堤embankment;fill路堑cut;road;cutting半堤半堑part-cut and part-fill section;cut and fill section 基床subgrade bed;formation基床表层surface layer of subgrade bed;formation top layer;surface layer of subgrade基床表层bottom layer of subgrade;formation base layer;bottom layer of subgrade bed一般路基general subgrade;ordinary subgrade最小填筑高度minimum fill height of subgrade;minimum height of fill临界高度critical height基底foundation base;base路堤边坡side slope of embankment;fill slope talus坡脚toe of side slope护道berm取土坑borrow pit路堤填料embankment fill material;embankment filler;filling material of embankment填料分类classification of filling material岩块填料rock block filler;rock filler;rock fill粗粒土填料coarse-grained soil filler;coarse-grained soil fill 细粒土填料fine-grained soil filler;fine-grained soil fill压实标准compacting criteria相对密度relative density压实系数compacting factor;compacting coefficient最正确含水量optimum moisture content;best moisturecontent最正确密度optimum density;best density核子密度湿度测定determination of nuclear density-moisture 路基承载板测定determination of bearing slab of subgrade预留沉落量reserve settlement;settlement allowance反压护道berm with superloading;berm for back pressure;counter swelling berm石灰砂桩lime sand pile换土change soil;soil replacement爆破排淤blasting discharging sedimentation;silt arresting by explosion;discharge of sedimentation by blasting抛石挤淤throwing stones to packing sedimentation;packing sedimentation by throwing stones;packing up sedimentation by dumping stones路堑石方爆破rock cutting blasting;rock blasting in cut定向爆破directional blasting浅孔爆破shallow hole blasting深孔爆破deep hole blasting洞室药包爆破chamber explosive package blasting;chamher blasting扬弃爆破abandoned blasting;abandonment blasting抛掷爆破pin-point blasting松动爆破blasting for loosening rock药壶爆破pot hole blasting裸露腰包爆破adobe blasting;contact blasting路堑边坡cutting slope;side slope of cut堑顶top of cutting slope;top of cutting路堑平台platform of cutting;berm in cutting弃土堆waste bank;bankette;spoil bank挡土墙retaining wall重力式挡土墙gravity retaining wall衡重式挡土墙balance weight retaining wall;gravity retaining wall with relieving platform;balanced type retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙anchored retaining wall by tie rods;anchored bulkhead retaining wall;anchored plate retaining wall加筋土挡土墙reinforced earth retaining wall;reinforced soil retaining wall锚杆挡墙anchored bolt retaining wall;anchoraged retaining wall by tie rods管柱挡墙cylindrical shaft retaining wall沉井挡墙caisson retaining wall抗滑桩anti-slide pile;counter-sliding pile护墙guard wall护坡slope protection;revertment;pitching排水沟weep drain;drainage ditch;drain ditch边沟;侧沟side ditch天沟gutter;overhead ditch;intercepting ditch吊沟suspended ditch跌水hydraulic drop截水沟intercepting ditch;catch-drain急流槽chute排水槽drainage channel渗水暗沟blind drain渗水隧洞leak tunnel;permeable tunnel;drainage tunnel 渗井leaching well;seepage well渗管leaky pipe平孔排水horizontal hole drainage反滤层reverse filtration layer;inverted filter;protective filter检查井inspection well;manhole砂井;排水砂井sand drain隔断层insulating course;insulating layer透水路堤pervious embankment;permeable embankment 渗水路堤immerseable embankment排水砂垫层sand filled drainage layer;drainage sand blanker 坡面防护slope protection护岸revetment;shore protection导流堤diversion dike拦石墙stone cut off wall;stone falling wall;buttree落石槽stone falling channel;trough for catching falling rocks柴排firewood raft;mattress;willow fascine固沙造林stabilization for sands by afforestation挡风墙wind-break wall防风栅栏wind break fence砂土液化sand liquefaction中-活载CR-live loading;China railway standard loading桥梁标准活载standard live load for bridge桥梁荷载谱bridge load spectrum换算均布活载equivalent uniform live load设计荷载design load主力principal load恒载dead load土压力earth load静水压力hydrostatic pressure浮力buoyancy列车活载live load of train列车离心力centrifugal force of train列车冲击力;冲击荷载impact force of train冲击系数ceofficient of impact人行道荷载sidewalk loading附加力subsidiary load;secondary load列车制动力braking force of train列车牵引力tractive force of train风荷载wind load列车横向摇摆力lateral swaying force of train流水压力pressure of water flow冰压力ice pressure冻胀力frost heaving force特殊荷载particular load船只或排筏的撞击力collision force of ship or raft地震力seismic force地震烈度earthquake intensity地震震级earthquake magnitude施工荷载constructional loading荷载组合loading conbination铁路桥railway bridge公铁两用桥combined bridge;combined highway and railway bridge;combined rail-cum-road bridge跨线桥;立交桥overpass bridge;grade separation bridge;flyover高架桥viaduct旱桥dry bridge人行桥foot bridge;pedestrian bridge圬工桥masonry bridge钢桥steel bridge铆接钢桥riveted steel bridge栓焊钢桥bolted and welded steel bridge全焊钢桥all welded steel bridge摩擦结合式高强度螺栓high strength friction grip bolt扭剪式高强度螺栓torshear type high strength blot螺栓示功扳手bolt wrench with indicator混凝土桥concrete bridge钢筋混凝土桥reinforced concrete bridge预应力混凝土桥prestressed concrete bridge先张法预应力梁pretensioned prestressed concrete girder后张法预应力梁post-tensioned prestressed concrete girder局部预应力混凝土桥partially prestressed concrete bridge结合梁桥composite beam bridge低高度梁shallow girder无碴无枕梁girder without ballast and sleeper型钢混凝土梁;劲性骨架混凝土梁girder with rolled steel sectionencased in concrete;skeleton reinforced concrete girder简支梁桥simply supported beam bridge连续梁桥continuous beam bridge悬臂梁桥cantilever beam bridge板桥slab bridge空心板桥hollow slab bridge板梁plate girder工形梁I-beam箱形梁box girder槽形梁trough girder桁架truss拆装式桁架demountable truss刚架桥;刚构桥rigid frame bridge斜腿刚架桥;斜腿刚构桥strutted beam bridge;slant-legged rigid frame bridge悬板桥;悬带桥stressed ribbon bridge悬索桥;吊桥suspension bridge斜拉桥cable-stayed bridge浮桥pontoon bridge;floating bridge;bateau bridge拱桥arch bridge固端拱;无铰拱fixed-end arch双铰拱two-hinged arch三铰拱three-hinged arch实腹拱spandrel-filled arch;solid-spandrel arch空腹拱open-spandrel arch双曲拱two-way curved arch;cross-curved arch系杆拱;柔性系杆刚性拱tied arch榔格尔式桥;刚性系杆柔性拱桥Langer bridge;flexible arch bridge with rigid tie洛泽式桥;直悬杆式刚性拱刚性梁桥Lohse bridge;rigid arch bridge with rigid tie and vertical sespenders尼尔森桥Nielsen systen bridge尼尔森式骆泽梁桥;斜悬杆式刚性拱梁桥Nielsen type Lhse bridge;rigid arch bridge with fighd tie and inclined suspenders活动桥movable bridge竖旋桥bascule bridge平旋桥swing bridge升降桥lift bridge正交桥right bridge斜交桥skew bridge曲线桥curved bridge曲梁curved beam特大桥super maior bridge大桥major bridge中桥medium bridge小桥minor bridge单线桥single track bridge双线桥double track bridge多线桥multi-track bridge正桥;主桥main bridge引桥approach spans上承式桥deck bridge半穿式桥;中承式half through bridge;midheight deck bridge 下承式桥through bridge双层桥double-deck bridge永久性桥permanent bridge临时性桥;便桥temporary bridge跨径;跨度span净跨clear spam桥梁全长overall length of bridge桥下净空underneath clearance主梁中心距center to center distance between main girder节间长度panel length梁高depth of girder拱度camber挠度deflection节间panel锚跨;锚孔anchor span悬跨;吊孔suspended span 桥梁上部构造superstructure 腹板web plate翼缘flange翼缘板flange plate弦杆chord member腹杆web member斜杆diagonal member竖杆vertical member吊杆suspender hanger加劲杆stiffener节点panel point节点板gusset plate拼接板splice plate缀条lacing bar缀板stay plate;tie plate侧向水平联结系lateral bracing 横联sway bracing制动撑架braking bracing桥门架portal frame纵梁stringer横梁floor beam;transverse beam桥面系floor system端横梁end floor beam起重横梁jacking floor beam梁端缓冲梁auxiliary girder for controlling angle change 应变时效strain ageing碳当量carbon equivalent钢丝steel wire钢丝束bundled steel wires钢绞线steel strand钢筋reinforcement;steel bar箍筋stirrup纵向钢筋longitudinal reinforcement弯起钢筋bent-up bar架立钢筋erection bar构造钢筋constructional reinforcement预应力筋tendon套管sheath梁腋haunch拱圈arch ring拱肋arch rib拱顶rach crown拱矢rise of arch起拱点springing拱腹soffit拱腹线intrados拱背钱extrados桥塔bridge tower;pylon索平面cable plane缆索cable斜缆stay cable;inclined cable吊缆suspension cable索鞍cable saddle索夹cable band;cable clamp锚座socket锚碇anchorage明桥面open deck;ballastless deck;open floor 桥梁道碴槽ballast trough道碴桥面ballasted deck;ballasted floor桥梁护轨guard rall of bridge桥梁护木guard timber of bridge桥枕bridge tie;bridge sleeper桥上人行道sidewalk on bridge步行板foot plank避车台refuge platform伸缩缝expansion joint正交异性板orthotropic plate栏杆railing;handrail;handrailing泻水孔drainage opening直结轨道track fastened directly to steel girders抗剪连接件;抗剪结合件shear connector支座bearing固定支座fixed bearing活动支座expension bearing;movable bearing平板支座plate bearing摇轴芝座rocker bearing滚轴支座roller bearing球面支座spherical bearing板式橡胶支座laminated rubber bearing盆式橡胶支座pot rubber bearing聚四氯乙烯支座poly-tetrafluoroedthylene bearing;PTFE bearing涡流激振wortex-excited oscillation弛振galloping颤振flutter扰流板spoiler风嘴wind fairing桥梁自振周期natural vibration period of bridge浮运架桥法bridge erection by floating架桥机架设法erection by bridge girder erecting equipment顶推式架设法erection by incremental launching拖拉架设法launching method赝架式架设法erection with scaffolding悬臂架设法catilever erection;erection by protrusion悬臂灌注法cast-in-place cantilever construction;free cantilever segmental concreting with suspended formwork 悬臂拼装法cantilevered assembling constrution;free cantilever erection with segments of precast concrete预制混凝土构件precast concrete units;precast concrete members活动模架逐跨施工法segmental span-by-span construction using form traveller桥梁合龙closure就地贯注法cast-in-place method;cast-in-situ method活动吊篮travelling cradle顶进法jack-in method旋转法施工;转体施工erection by swing method液压式张拉千斤顶hydraulic tensioning jack桥梁下部构造substructure桥台abutment重力式桥台gravity abutment埋置式桥台buried abutment锚定板式桥台anchor slab abutmentU形桥台U-shaped abutment耳墙式桥台abutment with cantilevered retaining wall台身abutment body前墙front wall台帽abutment coping翼墙wing wall锥体护坡quadrant revetment;truncated cone banking台后填方filling behind abutment桥墩pier空心桥墩hollow pier实体桥墩solid pier重力式桥墩gravity pier柔性桥墩flexible pier拼装式桥墩assembly pier;pier constructed with precast units制动墩braking pier柱式桥墩column pierV形桥墩V-shaped pier圆端形桥墩round-ended pier圆形桥墩circular pier矩形桥墩rectangular pier排架式桥墩pile bent pier墩身pier body;pier shaft墩帽pier coping围栏railing around coping of pier or abutment承台bearing platform破冰体ice apron;ice-breaking cutwater;ice guard地基foundation;foundation soil;subgrade加固地基improved foundation;improved ground天然地基natural foundation;natural ground桥梁根底bridge foundation扩大根底spread foundation明挖根底open-cut foundation;open excavation foundation 沉井根底open caisson foundation浮式沉井根底floating caisson foundation沉井刃脚cutting edge of open caisson围堰cofferdam双壁钢围堰钻孔根底double wall steel cofferdam bored foundation预制钢壳钻孔根底prefabricated steel shell bored foundation 泥浆套沉井法slurry jacket method for sinking caisson空气幕沉井法air curtain method for sinking caisson沉箱根底pneumatic caisson foundation管柱根底tubular column foundation桩根底pile foundation预制桩precast pile就地灌注桩cast-in-place concrete pile;cast-in-situ concrete pile螺旋喷射桩auger injected pile摩擦桩friction pile支承桩bearing pile钻孔桩bored pile挖孔桩dug pile钢桩steel pile钢管桩steel pipe pile钢板桩steel sheet pile板桩sheet pile木桩timber pile钢筋混凝土桩reinforced concrete pile砂桩sand pile挤密砂桩sand conpaction pile流砂quick sand;drift sand送桩pile follower试桩test pile斜桩batter pile;raking pile;spur pile护筒pile casting重锤夯实法heavy tamping method灰土换填夯实法mothod of lime-soil replacement and tamping 灌注水下混凝土underwater concreting;concreting with tremie method导流建筑物regulating structure丁坝;挑水坝spur dike顺坝longitudinal dam河床铺砌river bed paving码头wharf排架bent脚手架scaffold悬空脚手架hanging stage;hanging scaffold铁路涵洞railway culvert涵洞孔径aperture of culvert管涵pipe culvert箱涵box culvert拱涵arch culvert盖板涵slab culvert无压力涵洞inlet unsubmerged culvert压力式涵洞outlet submerged culvert半压力式涵洞inlet submerged culvert明渠open channel;open ditch;open drain倒虹吸管inverted siphon潮汐河流tidal river淤积silting;siltation流冰ice drift铁路轮渡railway car ferries轮渡站ferry station轮渡栈桥ferry trestle bridge渡轮ferry boat轮渡引线;轮渡斜引道ferry slip铁路隧道railway tunnel山岭隧道mountain tunnel越岭隧道over mountain line tunnel水下隧道;水地隧道subaqueous tunnel;underwater tunnel 地铁隧道subway tunne;underground railway tunnel浅埋隧道shallow tunnel;shallow-depth tunnel;shallowburying tunnel深埋隧道deep tunnel;deep-depth tunnel;deep burying tunnel单线隧道single track tunnel双线隧道double track tunnel多线隧道multiple track tunnel车站隧道station tunnel地铁车站subway station;metro station特长隧道super long tunnel长隧道long tunnel中长隧道medium tunnel短隧道short tunnel隧道群tunnel group地铁工程subway engineering;metro engineering洞口tunne ladit;tunnel opening隧道进口tunnel entrance隧道出口tunnel exit迎坡;正面坡front slope洞门tunnel portal洞门框tunnel portal frame端墙式洞门end wall tunnel portal柱式洞门post tunnel portal。








关键词:铁路运输;停站方案;列车运行图;动车组接续方案;协同优化;双层规划中图分类号:U292.4+1文献标志码:ADOI :10.19961/ki.1672-4747.2021.07.004Bilevel Optimization Model for High-speed Railway Train Operation Diagram Considering Multifactor CooperationSHI Min-han 1,LV Hong-xia 1,2,3,NI Shao-quan 1,2,3,LV Miao-miao 1,2,3(1.School of Transportation and Logistics ,Southwest Jiaotong University ,Chengdu 611756,China ;2.NationalEngineering Laboratory of Integrated Transportation Big Data Application Technology ,Chengdu 611756,China ;3.National United Engineering Laboratory of Integrated and Intelligent Transportation ,Chengdu 611756,China)Abstract :The train stop plan ,train operation diagram ,and electrical multiple units (EMUs)circula-tion plan interact.Their collaborative optimization ensures that the satisfaction of passenger flow de-mand can be improved.In addition ,the transportation organization costs of the railway department determined by EMUs operation can be minimized.Therefore ,a bilevel model based on the analysis of the collaborative relationship between these three schemes was established in this study.The up-per-level model was the collaborative optimization model established to achieve the highest satisfac-tion of the passenger demand and the lowest transportation cost of railway departments.The lower-level model was the optimal EMUs operation model for the minimum number of EMUs used and the收稿日期:2021-07-05录用日期:2021-08-09网络首发:2021-08-18审稿日期:2021-07-05~07-14;08-02~08-07;08-09基金项目:国家重点研发计划项目(2017YFB1200702);国家自然科学基金项目(52072314);四川省科技计划项目(2020YJ0268,2020YJ0256);成都市科技项目(2019-YF05-01493-SN ,2020-RK00-00036-ZF );浙江省自然科学基金项目(LQ18G030012);教育部人文社科基金项目(18YJC630190)作者简介:石敏涵(1998—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为运输组织优化理论与方法,E-mail :通信作者:吕苗苗(1986—),女,博士,讲师,研究方向为轨道交通运输组织优化,E-mail :引文格式:石敏涵,吕红霞,倪少权,等.考虑要素协同的高铁列车运行图双层优化模型[J].交通运输工程与信息学报,2022,20(2):125-135.SHI Min-han ,LV Hong-xia ,NI Shao-quan ,et al.Bilevel Optimization Model for High-speed Railway Train Operation Diagram Considering Multifactor Cooperation[J].Journal of Transportation Engineering and Information ,2022,20(2):125-135.第20卷第2期2022年06月交通运输工程与信息学报Journal of Transportation Engineering and InformationVol.20No.2Jun.2022minimum connection time.The lower-level model transferred the transportation cost of the railway department determined using the optimal EMUs operation index to the objective function of the up-per-level model,which constitutes the connection between these two bined with the dou-ble-layer characteristics of the model,a double-layer heuristic algorithm was designed to solve the problem.In the outer layer,the adaptive large-neighborhood search algorithm with high computation-al efficiency and good computational effect was adopted.The selection probability of the operators was dynamically determined based on the historical performance to obtain a feasible solution of the train stop plan and train operation diagram result.The inner layer had a simulated annealing algo-rithm,determined the corresponding optimal EMUs connection scheme based on the outer layer,and output the index to the outer layer.Finally,the example analysis result shows that a comprehensive scheme with improved indexes can be obtained within an acceptable time range using the proposed collaborative optimization method,verifying the effectiveness of the model and algorithm.Key words:railway transportation;train stop plan;train operation diagram;EMUs circulation plan;collaborative optimization;bilevel programming0引言高速铁路列车停站方案和列车运行图的优劣决定了旅客出行的便捷程度,动车组接续方案的优劣决定了运输成本。



第32卷第1期2021年3月Vol.32No.1Mar.2021中国海商法研究Chinese Journal of Maritime Law张虎,胡程航.铁路提单的性质、风险及应对一兼评“铁路提单第一案”[J].中国海商法研究,2021,32(1):70-78铁路提单的性质、风险及应对——兼评“铁路提单第一案”张虎,胡程航(华东政法大学国际法学院,上海200042)摘要:参照海运提单制度并结合铁路运输特点,铁路提单应是集运输合同证明、接收货物凭证和提货凭证于一身的运输单证,并具备流转和质押功能。



关键词:中欧班列;铁路提单;物权凭证中图分类号:D996.1文献标志码:A文章编号:2096-028X(2021)01-0070-09The nature,risks and countermeasures of railway bill of lading—comments on the first case of the railway bill of ladingZHANG Hu,HU Cheng-hang(School of International Law,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai200042,China) Abstract:By referring to the system of ocean bills of lading and combining with the characteristics of railway transportation, the railway bill of lading should be a transport document which integrates the proof of transportation contract,the certificate of receiving goods and the certificate of delivery,with the functions of circulation and pledge.Due to the lack of relevant legis­lation,there are still some risks,such as the imperfect credit supervision system of the issuer of the bill of lading,the lack of relief for the issuance of railway bill of lading,the risk of the realization of the right of control over goods of the holder of the railway bill of lading,and the risk of delivery of goods without bill of lading.On the one hand,it is necessary to affirm the positive role of railway bill of lading in promoting trade circulation.On the other hand,it is suggested to improve domes­tic legislation to confirm its basic nature and function,to actively promote the formation of international treaties on the railway bill of lading to solve the problem of incompatibility between railway bill of lading and international railway rules based on the existing railway waybill,to establish and improve the credit supervision system of railway bill of lading issuers so as to reduce the credit risk of railway bill of lading issuers.Key words:China-Europe Container Train;railway bill of lading;document of title—、问题的提出式随着“一带一路”倡议的稳步推进,跨国铁路中欧班列的开行不仅扩大了亚欧大陆的经贸往运输的需求激增,中盼列的开行数量和密度也持来,也为中欧之间进出口货物提供了全新的物流模续增加。



EMU(Electric Multiple Unit 动车组 Distance/Time Graph 列车运行图 Traffic forecast 运量预测 Rolling stock 车辆Train organization 列车运行组织 Line planning(train service planning) 列车开行方案Timetable(distance/time gragh) 时刻表(列车运行图) city poles 城市中心 subcontract 分包、转包Contracts of punctuality 准点协议compensation for delayed trains 准列车晚点赔偿Booking ,Withdrawal,Exchange and refund 定票、取票、换票和退票 traffic induced 诱增客流transferred from to rail 转移客流 price sensitive customers 票价敏感 quotas 配额buying in advance 提前购票 Prem’s offer 预售票Variable reduction 不同的折扣 rate of no-shows 缺席率 liquid-bulk tank cars 罐车, openflatcars 平车, hopper cars 底卸车, and traditional boxcars 棚车 capacity choke points 能力瓶颈commuter 通勤者____________安全隐患potential safety concerns 交通规则 traffic regulation 路标 guide post红/绿/黄灯red/green/ amber light 交通岗 traffic post 岗亭police box 打手势pantomime超车道passing/overtaking lane 单双程线single /dual carriageways 单行道one way only/traffic/road 双向交通 two-way traffic 双白线 double white lines 斑马线 zebra stripes 划路线机traffic line marker 交通干线artery/trunk traffic 自行车通行 cyclists only窄/不平整路 narrow/ rough road 陡坡 steep hill弯路curve road ; bend road 连续弯路 winding road 之字路double bend road 道路交叉点 road junction信号交叉口signalized intersection 十字路crossroad/ intersection 禁止通行no through traffic 此路不通 blocked不准超越keep in line ; no overhead 不准掉头no turns 安全岛 safety island 停车处 parking place不准停车 restricted stop 不准滞留restricted waiting 临街停车 parking on-street 街外停车 parking off-street街外卸车 loading off-street 当心人caution pedestrian crossing 拱桥 hump bridge修路 road works人山人海 crowded conditions 水泄不通 overwhelm犯交通罪committing traffic offences 执照被记违endorsed on driving license无证驾驶 driving without license 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance 轻微碰撞 slight impact 迎面相撞head-on collision相撞collided;撞车crash 连环撞a chain collision 辗过run over肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver 冲上人道drive onto the pavement 交事故现场traffic accident scene 摄影测绘技术 photogram metric technology再现术reconstruction technology Advanced Public Transportation Systems (APTS)Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS)Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS)Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL)impose 施加,强使,利用,征税 Car-Derived Vans 送货汽车 derive from 得自,由来,衍生 rigid vehicles 整体式车辆laden weight 装载重量 gross laden weight 总载货车maximum gross weight 最大总重量 maximum permissible gross laden weight 最大容许总装载重,最大容许满载总重(车辆)maximum permissibleconcentration 最大容许浓度 carrying capacity 承载能力,(电工)载流容量Environmental carrying capacitynumber plate 车牌“n times”, “n fold” “by a factor of n”表示增大到n 倍,“增加了n-1倍” ; sophistication 诡辩,强词夺理,混合 level of sophistication 复杂水平 Radio pager 无线电寻呼机account for 说明, 占, 解决, 得分 traffic analysis zone 交通分析分区 电流与电压的关系可用下式表示。



第41卷第8期2019年8月铁道学报JOURNAL OF THE CHINA RAILWAY SOCIETYVol.41No.8August2019文章编号:1001-8360(2019)08-0019-13城轨线路车底空驶出场路径与时刻表综合优化王典12,赵军12,钟庆伟12,彭其渊121西南交通大学交通运输与物流学院,四川成都611756;2.西南交通大学综合交通智能化国家地方联合工程实验室,四川成都611756)摘要:探讨城轨线路运营时段前车底空驶出场路径与时刻表综合优化问题,给定运营时段内运行图和车底交路,路径问题指派运营时段初列车需要车底的配属车场及其运营时段前从车场到列车始发站的出场路径,时刻表问题确定车底在其选择路径上途经车场、中间站和折返站的到发时刻。



采用大规模实际案例验证所提出方法的可行性和有效性&关键词:城市轨道交通;车底运用;路径;时刻表;空驶出场中图分类号:U292.62文献标志码:A doi:10.3969/j.issn.1001-8360.2019.08003Integrated Optimization of Rolling Stock Deadhead Routing andTimetabling in Urban Rail Transit LineWANG Dian1",ZHAO Jun1",ZHONG Qingwei1",PENG Qiyuan12(1.School of Transportation and Logistics,Southwest Jiaotong Universty,Chengdu611756,China;2.National United Engineering Laboratory of Integrated and Intelligent Transportation,Southwest Jiantong Universty,Chengdu611756,China) Abstract:This paper investigated the optimization of rolling stock deadhead routing and timetabling before the operation period of an urban rail transit line.Given train timetables and rolling stock circulation plans within theoperationperiod,theroutingproblemlayinassigningtheorigindepotandtheassoMiatedeadheadroutebe-foreoperationperiodbetweenthedepotandoriginstationtothero l ingstoMkoftrainsrunningattheinitialop-eration period.The timetabling problem is to determine the arrival and departure time at the depot,middle stations and transfer stations along the deadhead route of rolling stocks.All feasible rolling stock deadhead route=of train=were generated in advance with the help of network repre=entation.Then,theproblem wa= formulated as a mixed integer linear programming model with minimizing the total deadhead mileage and total deadhead time as objective,while depot and station capacity were strictly satisfied.A two-stage algorithm was developed to secondly optimize the obtEined deEdheEd plEns such thEt unnecessEry stops of ro l ing stocksEt middlestEtionswereEvoided.AlErge-scEleprEcticElcEsewEsutilizedtodemonstrEtethefeEsibilityEnde f ec-tivenessoftheproposedEpproEch.Key words:Urban rail transit;rolling stock utilization;routing;timetabling;deadhead movement本文研究城市轨道交通线路车底全日出入场走行收稿日期:2018-04-11;修回日期:2018-09-26基金项目:国家自然科学基金(61603318,U1834209);国家重点研发计划(2017YFB1200701)第一作者:王典(1993—)男,湖北黄冈人,博士研究生。

跨国并购 外文翻译原文

跨国并购 外文翻译原文

Analysis of Merger and Acquisition Strategy of Multinationals in China and ChineseEnterprises CountermeasuresAbstractMergers and acquisitions of transnational corporations in China presents the strategic trends in recent years. Merger and acquisition strategy of multinationals in China to successfully implement, not only objective necessity of political reform and economic development in China, there are also accidental by Chinese enterprises and government of the subjective errors caused. To prevent risk of multinational merger and acquisition in China, Chinese enterprises should raise awareness of multinational merger and acquisition, carefully chosen joint venture partners, build complete learning system in joint venture/cooperative, enhanced learning capabilities, and enhanced management of merger and acquisition strategies.Key words: Multinational corporations; Merger and acquisition strategy; Joint venture; CooperationIn the late 1990 of 20th century, multinational companies merger and acquisition activity in China is increasing, from all indications, merger and acquisition of multinational corporations in China in recent years had a profound international background, this is a strategic merger behaviors. Grasping the nature of multinationals merger and acquisition strategy in China, it is the important basis for understanding transnational corporation mergers and acquisitions in China.1.THE NATURE OF MERGER AND ACQUISITION STRATEGY OF MULTINATIONALS IN CHINADifferent from the previous financial mergers and acquisitions or buy shells of mergers and acquisitions, merger and acquisition motives of multinational corporations in China in recent years, not for implementation of speculative gains, but through the merger and monopoly of the world markets for goods and investment, to seize the material and technical and human resources, successful implementation of global management strategy. It can be said that mergers and acquisitions of strategic motives of transnational corporations presents the strategic trends. To multinational recently on China equipment manufacturing enterprise for multiple mergers and acquisitions as cases, although so far, multinational only respectively on some backbone Enterprise for mergers and acquisitions, under effect in domestic various forces, has not been to implement overall of strategic, and systematic of mergers and acquisitions (is on domestic different area, and same industry several backbone enterprise ofmergers and acquisitions), has not been constitute of threat on China entire equipment manufacturing of key industry, and main area. But the trend of mergers and acquisitions to systematic, high specification, such as, after the United States Caterpillar company mergers and acquisitions in Shandong engineering machinery company, seek merging domestic construction machinery industry of key enterprises, such as Xiamen engineering machinery company, Weifang diesel power company,and Shanghai diesel power company of, reflects this trend.2. COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS OF MERGER AND ACQUISITION STRATEGY OF MULTINATIONALS IN CHINA2.1 Charctristics of Mergers and Acquisitions IndustryMultinational merger and acquisition in China in recent years mainly concentrated in three main areas: first, the area of production and supply of electric power and other energy; the second is basic materials area, such as steel, chemical raw materials industries; the third is consumer goods production area of beers, soft drinks, skin care products and so on. These industries have the following in common: with foreign investment in these sectors are relatively mature industry, foreign capital has formed a certain scale of production and capital accumulation in the domestic; these are industries that has been or is being lifted; Mergers and acquisitions industry has the characteristics of potential of large scale and high growth potential. In recent years, as China’s economy continues to grow, rising standards of living, potential size and growth potential in the consumer goods industry began to emerge, so as to drive the demand for energy and basic materials industry rapidly rising, making it difficult to meet the market demand for the production capacity of these industries. In order to quickly dominate the market, transnational corporations have used mergers and acquisitions or expansion of investment into China.2.2 Acquisition ways characteristicsIn General, mergers of transnational corporations in China in the following three ways: first, the restructured holdings acquisition, that is, through participation in the restructuring of domestic enterprises, acquisition of 50% per cent of its equity, to achieve control of enterprise management purposes. For example,In March 2001, China tire industry leading enterprise --China Tire and Rubber Compa ny and the world’s largest tire manufacturer-Michelin formed a joint venture company, Michelin 70% stocks, venture companies invest US $ 320 million reverse takeover of tire rubber company’s core business and assets. Second, increased capital holdings acquisition, that is, in the original on the basis of China-foreign joint ventures, foreign capital increase and share, Chinese does not participate in the capital increase, lower the shares, so that the foreign share holdings. For example,In April 1994, Dalian Motor factory and Singapore Wester motor company established a joint venture of Wester (Dalian) Motor Co., Ltd. In April 2004, Wester further mergers and acquisitions the shares held by the Chinese side of Dalian motor company. Third, the share acquisition, that is, foreign companies at the same time offering a-shares and b-shares, or h-shares, acquired not circulation of legal person shares by agreement or holdings of a large number of b-shares, or h-shares, achieve the purpose of shares or holdings. Such as Beijing wagon limited companyand Japan Isuzu motors and Itochu Shoji Corporation signed a cooperation agreement, Isuzu and Itochu joint agreements to purchase, one-time purchase of North brigade not listing circulation of legal person shares 4 20,000 shares of the company, 25% per cent of total share capital of Beijing wagon limited company, become the largest shareholder of Beijing wagon limited company.Characteristics of Acquired EnterpriseAcquired enterprise general is State or State holding enterprise has development years in domestic, has popularity high of brand, sound of market sales network, more advanced of technology, but due to management system does not perfect, history causes, has into business dilemma, enterprise was forced to overall sold or transfer part quality assets, such as: Dalian Motor Factory, Jiamusi Combine Harvester Factory, and Northwest Bearing Factory, and Shenyang Chisel Rock Machinery Company and so on, these enterprises are industry of leader or challenger, but into cash flow problems due to various reasons, shrinking sales, business difficult to continue, in order to enliven the State-owned assets, resolve some of the workers’ employment, enterprises are forced to overall sold or transfer some good assets and joint venture with multinationals. Or for promoting the progress of technology and management need to seek foreign investment.2.4 Characteristics of Merger and Acquisition StrategyIn recent years, merger and acquisition strategy of multinationals in China is clear, they tend to choose the establishment of China-foreign joint ventures and foreign-controlled, final adoption of the foreign capital merger and acquisition, to a wholly foreign-owned enterprises. Even some multinational corporations seeking holding status when they established joint ventures. Then, in the business course of China-foreign joint venture enterprise, marketing channels is controlled by foreign enterprises, implementation of “high and low” strategy, transfer of profits, or do not want to put in new technology, numerous contradictions with China,Cause in fact of business losses, forcing the Chinese transfer of ownership to the foreign, foreign acquisitions China shares, desire for realization of wholly-owned .For example, Fu Anjie railway bearing (Ningxia) Ltd., Wester (Dalian) Motors Ltd., Dalian Burton Motors Ltd , such these joint ventures were turned into a wholly foreign-owned enterprises by foreign merger and acquisition of Chinese shares .3. ANALYSIS OF THE REASONS FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE MERGER AND ACQUISITION STRATEGY OF MULTINATIONALS IN CHINAMerger and acquisition of multinationals in China has an obvious strategic, but why the merger and acquisition strategy of multinationals in Chinacan be successfully implemented? There are the objective inevitability of both political and economic reform and development in China,also with Chinese enterprises and Government error led to the contingency subjective.3.1 the objective necessity of transnational companies successfully implement the strategy of Merger and Acquisition in china3.1.1 Reform of State-Owned Enterprises Offers a Number of Opportunities to Multinational Mergers and Acquisitions Strategy in ChinaReform of State-owned enterprises had a high demand on foreign funds. There are nearly 400,000 State-owned enterprises in China, many companies will need restructuring or reorganization, there are three areas of funding gap in restructuring or reorganization process: first, the social security funds; the second is the restitution of fun ds banks ‘ bad loans in State-owned enterprises; The third is the sale of State-owned assets of the funding gap in a competitive business. There are three ways to cover the financing gap: country financial; absorbing domestic and foreign investment; State can no longer provide huge amounts of money for the reform of State-owned enterprises, absorbing domestic investments, because lack of non-State-owned investment capacity and willingness and impossible to large-scale implementation domestic investment, which provides opportunities for transnational corporation mergers and acquisitions of State-owned enterprises in China.3.1.2 Conversion from Joint Venture and Cooperation Mode to Wholly-Owned Mode is the Inevitable of Chinese Economic Reform and DevelopmentCooperative and owned is two patterns of internationalization of multinational companies. Due to transnational corporations initial entry into the host country, transnational corporations did not familiar on host country policies, culture, market environment, host country governments development of a number of barriers to entry, sole risk higher than joint venture and cooperation. However, as changes in the he host country environment caused location advantage of enhancements, transnational corporations increases experience through studying, enhancements and strengthened ownership advantage strategic motives of transnational corporations, risk and return of the wholly-owned and joint venture and cooperation mode has changed, wholly-owned gradually replaced so that joint venture and cooperation, replacing a variety of ways, merger and acquisition is one of the most important way. There are three reasons promoting the successful implementation of a merger and acquisition strategy of multinationals in China. First, the rapid development of China’s economy for many years, China’s growing importance in the world economy, the world’s largest potential market is gradually maturing and Chinese market position gradually growing in the global strategy of transnational corporations in China, thus increasing the multinationals take sole mode of income. Second, after joining the WTO, China gradually open industries, lowering the barrier to entry of multinational merger and acquisition enterprises in China, thereby reversing the multinational joint ventures and wholly-owned of risk and return ratio. Third, the multinational companies operating in China for a period of time, get to know China and Chinese markets, which reduces the investment risk.3.2 THE SUBJECTIVE CONTINGENCIES OF TRANSNATIONAL CORPORATIONS SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION MERGER AND ACQUISITION STRATEGY IN CHINA3.2.1 Failure of Chinese Enterprises Implementation Joint Venture and Cooperation StrategyMore important reason of Multinational companies from the joint venture and cooperation to the holding and to a wholly-owned strategy success is Chinese joint-venture, cooperation strategy failed.First, the Chinese enterprises lack of knowledge on the complexity of the joint venture and cooperation. Joint venture and cooperation is a wide range of more complex problems ona variety of cultural, enterprises and strategies. To achieve the strategic purpose of the joint venture and cooperation, joint ventures, cooperation between the two sides have to properly address issues such as cultural conflict, distribution and disposal of the proceeds, technology learning and protection. China business knowledge on the complexity of the joint venture and cooperation is often not enough, more attention to possible benefits brought by joint venture and cooperation, ignoring the risk of joint venture and cooperation, results to run some of the poor handling of the conflict, affecting the normal operation of the joint venture and cooperative enterprises, or foreign opportunism of inadequate preparations, finally was forced to participate in mergers and acquisitions.Second, Selected not appropriate for joint ventures and cooperation partners.When choosing a partner for Chinese enterprises are often too look at the size of the transnational corporations, technology and management of advanced degrees, and ignore the foreign joint venture of mind, ignored the two parties on the cultural fit, complementary capabilities and resources, as well as position in the joint venture and cooperative enterprises, and many other issues. Making some multinational companies not only to low cost entry into the Chinese market, and dominate in the joint venture and cooperative enterprises, for further mergers and acquisitions Chinese companies with an opportunity.Third, the failure of joint ventures and cooperative learning mechanism in the process. Learning advanced technology and management experience is the main causes of Chinese enterprises and multinational companies to form joint ventures and cooperative enterprises, but Chinese enterprises often do not have to establish a learning mechanism in the process of joint-venture and cooperation. Learning mechanism failure caused results of China enterprise joint venture and cooperation loss of marke t, but haven’t learned skills and experience.3.2.2 Failure of The Merger and Acquisition of Chinese Enterprises StrategyFirst, goals of participating in transnational merger and acquisition is fuzzy and negotiation failure. When Chinese enterprises participating in transnational merger and acquisition, have only good intentions, there is a lack of long-term strategic objectives and effective negotiating routes design, eager to reorganization of assets, high quality assets on multinational mergers and acquisitions, bad assets, debt and the burden of bureaucracy has left China’s parent company. High quality assets are joint ventures with transnational corporations and have not good grasped of commercial negotiation conditions and patterns, and give up control of a joint venture, parent company lost its core competitiveness, lost technology, brand and marketing, enterprise techniques and technology research and development in the future depends on the strategy arrangements of transnational corporation. Second, choosing the merger and acquisition of foreign investors misconduct. Different types of merger and acquisition of foreign investors, determine the effect of mergers and acquisitions different. International multinational consortium with strong financial strength, can easily mobilize huge amounts of money, holding and acquisitions of Chinese companies, and asset consolidation, packing, then go to the foreign or domestic capital markets for cash, earn high profits. China to introduce such investors, although can avoid to be controlled on the technology and production, access to financial support for the time being, are unable to obtain knowledge of manufacturing technologies and production, marketing, does not help enterprises to raise the level of technology and management, and even lose the basis forlong-term development. When many Chinese companies involved in mergers and acquisitions, without carefully assessing and weighing the introduction of different foreign investor to bring effects and interest and blindly participating in transnational mergers and acquisitions, resulting in counterproductive.4. COUNTERMEASURES OF CHINESE ENTERPRISE FACES MULTINATIONALS MERGER AND ACQUISITION STRATEGY IN CHINA4.1 Increasing Awareness of Multinational Merger and Acquisition strategyFirst, clear understanding of the nature of merger and acquisition strategy of multinationals in China. Multinational merger and acquisition in China has not only access to markets, but sought trade monopolies and globally integrated supply chain. Second, fully understand the risks of joint venture/cooperative, understand the advantages and disadvantages of mergers and acquisitions, raising awareness of risk prevention. Joint venture, cooperation and mergers and acquisitions has a double-edged sword effect, to fully assess the risks of losing markets, brands and core technology in the process of joint-venture, cooperation and mergers and acquisitions, and increased awareness of risk prevention, to take effective measures to prevent risks to organization structure design, patent protection, and other aspects. Thirdly, recognizing the importance that keep own business brand and core technology for sustainable development. Brand and core technology is the key source of enterprise’s core competitiveness, loss of brand and core technology will reduce the bargaining power of competition and cooperation of Chinese enterprises and transnational corporations, eventually reduced to matching supply of vendors of multinational corporations has a core competence .4.2 carefully choosing a foreign joint Venture PartnersWhen select partners in joint ventures, to thoroughly understand and analysis the strategic intent the foreign, final judgment goal of foreign joint ventures take acquisitions as a strategy only get into the Chinese market in the early days, aimed at bypassing the Chinese industry control, or for long-term business cooperation with Chinese enterprises. If the foreigner is for long-term business cooperation, Chinese companies should identify own real needs, maintain their unique resources and advantages, from the practical needs of enterprises and the advantages complementary between the two sides, carefully chosen joint venture partners.4.3. strengthening strategic Management capabilities of Mergers and Acquisitions4.3.1 Enhanced Ability to Develop Rational Merger and Acquisition StrategyAt the time of acquisition, Chinese enterprises should have clear targets and strategies of merger and acquisition. As backbone enterprise, to research itself market status, confirmed whether needs participate in transnational mergers and acquisitions; if must by assets restructuring out dilemma, whether must by multinational mergers and acquisitions; if had to looking for multinational mergers and acquisitions, to clear the target by mergers and acquisitions, and developed specific programme of mergers and acquisitions negotiations, using itself of resources, keep on joint venture enterprise of control right, especially to clear Enterprise for technology route of led right; if mergers and acquisitions must to gave upindependent development for premise, seeking borne the original debt and redundant staff placement by multinational enterprises. Otherwise, the value involved in mergers and acquisitions will be greatly reduced.4.3.2 Enhanced Ability to Identify Qualified Acquisition Investor based on reasonable estimation of the enterprise’s own development bottleneck is shortage of technology, shortage of funds, or the shortage of market-oriented, Chinese enterprise careful comparison and calculation of industrial investors and financial investors, commercial investors to enterprise resources and benefits, conditions and cost of the enterprise delivered, choose different types of mergers and acquisitions investors.4.3.3 Strengthen The Capacity of Protection Brand and Technology in Mergers and Acquisitions Process First, before implement mergers and acquisitions, should correctly awareness and assessment brand assets value, China enterprise should hired authority assessment institutions, used advanced of brand value assessment system to assessment brand assets, to prevent the local brand value of loss in foreign and joint venture enterprise mergers and acquisitions process; on the other hand, when mergers and acquisitions, high popularity and reputation of brand must to keep more independence, not easily is controlled by multinationals, this is key involved brand life .。



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atmospheric pressure 大气压力 atmospheric radiation monitoring apparatus 大气 辐射监测装置 atmospheric stability 大气稳定度 atom absorption spectroscopy 原子吸收谱 ATWS mitigation system ATWS 缓解系统 audible count rate signal 计数率音响系统 audible signals 音响信号 audit follow-up 监查后续行动 audit plan 监查计划 audit record 监查记录 audit 监查 C circuit diagram 电路图 circular railway 环形轨道 circulating cooler 循环冷风机 circulating cooling water drainage system 循环水 排放系统 circulating cooling water energy disoersion 循环 水排放口消能系统 circulating cooling water intake system 循环水吸 入系统 circulating cooling water pumping station system 循环水泵房系统 circulating cooling water treatment system 循环 水处理系统 circulating cooling water yard pipe network system 循环水厂区管路系统 circulating water pump 循环水泵 circulation ratio 循环倍率 circumferential ridge 周向环脊 civil works 土建工程 clad pellet gap 包壳与芯块间的间隙



雅思听力常用场景词1. 住宿场景acmodation 住宿,食宿apartment 〔美〕公寓pound apartment 复式公寓apartment hotel 酒店公寓studio apartment 单间的公寓房flat 〔英〕student hostel 学生旅社hall of residence 学生宿舍dormitory 学生宿舍detached house 独立式住宅suit 套房homestay 留学生与户主一起居住的一种居家方式landlord 房东landlady女房东tenant 房客surroundings 环境downtown 市中心suburb郊区rural area 乡村near the center/ railway station/ campus 靠近市中心/火车站/ 校园bedsit 卧室兼起居室attic 阁楼bathroom浴室balcony 阳台shared kitchen 〔共用厨房〕parking place / lot 停车场basement 地下室garage 车库laundry room 洗衣房lounge 休息厅furniture 家具furnished 配备家具的refrigerator 冰箱electric stove 电炉子gas stove 煤气炉shower set淋浴设备central air conditioning 中央空调microwave oven 微波炉kettle 水壶tap 水龙头sink 洗碗池cupboard 橱柜dishwasher 洗碗机radiator 暖气cordless phone 无绳closed circuit TV 闭路电视cable and internet 有线和网络heating system 加热系统carpet 地毯blanket 毛毯cushion 软垫mattress 床垫rug 小地毯pillow 枕头utensil 器皿cooking utensils 烹饪用具kitchen utensils 厨房用具shutter / blind 百叶窗curtain 窗帘deposit 押金lease租赁e*ecution of contract 合同生效renewal of a contract 续约ma*imum rent 最高房租minimum rent 最低房租bills e*tra 不含水电费bills included 包含水电费English proficiency 英语水平intermediate 中等advanced 高级水平2.描述人的外表、衣着gender 性别hair color 头发颜色blond 金发碧眼的bald 秃头beard 落腮胡moustache/mustache 上唇上的小胡子clean-shaven 胡子刮得很干净wearing glasses 戴眼镜contact lenses 隐型眼镜dimple 酒窝pimple 粉刺freckle 雀斑wrinkle 皱纹beauty spot 美人痣scar 疤pullover 套头毛衣sandal 凉鞋jewelry 珠宝be in red/green/dark 身着红/绿/黑色衣服wear/be in tie 戴领带sweater 套头衫,运动衫cardigan 开襟衫slim 苗条的stout 结实的、矮胖的plump 饱满的3.方位A block away 一个街区远a couple of hundred yards away 两三百码远arrow 箭头be parallel to 平行于Be one’s left/right 在….左右be nearby 附近northbound/southbound 北行的/ 南行的opposite 对面的main access 主入口rear access 后门wheelchair access 轮椅crossing 十字路口pedestrian crossing 人行横道zebra crossing 斑马线junction 穿插路口intersection 十字路口landmark 路标wing/anne* 配楼4运动休闲 / 文艺节目stadium露天体育场gym 健身房hi-tech fitness center 高科技健身中心yoga 瑜伽cycling 自行车运动jogging 慢跑weight training 举重训练aerobics 有氧运动water polo 水球squash 壁球cricket 板球rugby 橄榄球golf 高尔夫bowling保龄球billiard house 台球厅pool 落袋snooker 斯诺克ice hockey 冰上曲棍球skating 滑冰badminton 羽毛球baseball 棒球softball 垒球beach volleyball treadmill 跑步机track and field 田径martial art 武术wrestling 摔跤judo 柔道karate 空手道bo*拳击canoeing 划独木船announcement 宣布acrobat 杂技演员acrobatics 杂技animal performance 动物表演aerial display 空中表演circus 马戏团clown 小丑puppet 木偶puppeteer 操纵木偶的人drama 戏剧a poetic drama 诗剧Greek drama 希腊戏剧album 唱片ballet 芭蕾bo* office 售票处brass 铜管乐器instrument 乐器solo 独奏曲soloist 独唱者drum band 鼓乐队-guitar 吉他violin 小提琴piano 钢琴sa*ophone 交响乐jazz band 爵士乐队symphony 交响乐队orchestra 管弦乐队string 弦乐队sonata 奏鸣曲western music 西方音乐classical music 古典音乐rock music 摇滚乐5.旅游出行travel agency旅行社flight number航班号take off起飞land降落check in办理登机手续motel汽车旅馆youth hostel青年旅社book the ticket订票passport护照visa签证credit card信用卡driving license、licence驾照e*pire(v.)驾照、护照等过期platform站台reservation 预订schedule 日程安排e*tra charge 额外收费brochure 旅游小册子non-open time 非对外开放时间resort 旅游胜地museum博物馆castle 城堡cathedral 大教堂ancient temple 古寺庙aquarium 水族馆botanical garden 植物amusement park 游乐场organic farm 有机农场valley 峡谷Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁go camping 宿营Sydney Opera House Stonehenge 巨石阵wild-life zoo 野生动物园waterfall 瀑布hot spring 温泉bush 灌木丛beach 海滩coast 海岸heritage 遗产rain forest 雨林leisure activity 休闲活动vineyard 葡萄园souvenir纪念品art gallery画廊hiking徒步旅行hitch-hike搭便车旅行scuba-diving〔潜水〕surfing冲浪water skiing滑水hang gliding 滑翔off-road driving 越野four-wheel drive 四轮驱动车parachuting 跳伞bag-packer 肩背大包自助旅行的人hold-all sack(旅行袋) ,net, repellent〔杀虫剂〕walking boots, jumper〔带帽子的衣服sun block 防晒霜bathing suit 泳衣trunks 泳裤sun-glasses 太阳镜beach- towel 大浴巾tent 帐篷pass 指南针helmet 头盔torch 手电筒mosquito net 蚊帐irritation plants 刺激性植物jellyfish 水母海蜇poisonous plants / snake / spider 有毒植物/毒蛇/毒蜘蛛7 学业生活场景enrollment 注册registration 注册application form 申请表Administration building 行政楼orientation meeting (新生入门指导) preparatory course 〔预备课程〕course arrangement (课程安排) courserequirement〔课程要求〕selective/ elective/ option/ optionalcourse ( 选修课)required / pulsorycourse (必修课) curriculum 课程office hour 教授与学生面谈的时间handout 上课发的材料presentation 专题发言assessment 对学生情况进展评估tutorial 助教的辅导School of Arts and Science 文理学院seminar 小组研讨 debate 辩论methodology 教学法paper / term paper 学期论文dissertation 毕业论文final report 期末报告plagiarism 抄袭final e*am 期末考试objective e*am 客观考试subjective e*am 主观考试open-book e*am 开卷考试pop test 抽考placement testaptitude test 学能测试resit 重考score 成绩credit 学分diploma 文凭degree 学位certificate 证书学校的职务chancellor 名誉校长president 大学校长professor 教授associate professor (副教授) assistant professor 助理教授lecturer 讲师teaching assistant T/A 助教coordinator 班主任dean 系主任adviser 参谋staff 系主任school counselor 校辅导员tutor导师faculty 系学校生活场所campus 校园dinning hall餐厅cafeteria 自助小餐厅type of acmodation 住宿类型teaching building 教学楼auditorium 大礼堂administration office 行政办公室laboratory / lab 实验室students’ union 学生会society 学生团体students’ club 学生俱乐部international students office 留学生处专业Art 艺术literature 文学history 历史psychology 心理学philosophy 哲学anthropology人类学journalism新闻学economics经济学politics 政治学physics 物理学micro-biology微生物marine-biology 海洋生物applied science 应用科学chemistry 化学mathematics 数学statistics 统计学information technology 信息科技archaeology 考古学architecture 建筑学engineering accounting 会计学banking 行学biochemistry cartography制图学hospitality 酒店管理archaeology 考古学astronomy 天文学geography 地理学geology 地质学zoology 动物学botany 植物学ecology 生态学8. 图书馆general-loan section 借阅部reference section 参考书库reserve section 预借书库closed reserve 非外借书库be available for reference only只用于参阅不外借publication 指定教材standards 标准出版物street map 市区地图works 作品fiction 小说Periodical 期刊current issue 期刊杂志的最新一期back issue 过刊bound periodical 装订期刊encyclopedia 百科全书supplementary reading material补充阅读材料abstract 摘要inde*ed journal 索引期刊inde* 索引catalog 分类author 作者photocopy 映印microform 微缩版printer 打印机frame puter 主控台计算机available 可借到的out on loan / out of circulation 已借出renew 续借be due 到期be overdue 过期loan period借出期限date of e*piry 到期时间circulation desk 流通部9.看病kinds of doctors:mental hospital精神病医院clinic诊所physician、internist内科医surgeon外科医生 dentist牙医e*tract拔牙vet兽医shrink心理医生process:make an appointment预约see a doctor看病send for a doctor请医生diagnosis 诊断case history病历take one’s temperature量体温feel one’s pulse量脉搏take one’s blood pressure量血压give a prescription开药方have an operation 动手术therapy 治疗optic e*amination 眼科检查Symptom(病症):have、catch a cold感冒have a sore throat嗓子痛have a stomachache胃痛have a fever发烧pneumonia肺炎 flu流感have a cough咳嗽have a headache头痛have a toothache牙痛liver trouble肝炎allergy(be allergic to对什么过敏)过敏症twisted、sprained扭伤的feel dizzy头晕feel chilly觉得发冷insomnia 失眠leprosy 麻风病Medicine:prescription 处方 pills(药丸): vitamin 维他命 tablet 药片 penicillin 盘尼西林 antibiotic 抗生素 ointment 药膏 medication 药物 aspirin 阿司匹林 injection 注射preventive injection 预防针 cold cure 感冒药sweating medicine 发汗药 febrifuge 退烧药 capsule 胶囊10.动物类endangered animals / species rare species kangaroo 袋鼠 koala 考拉 lizard 蜥蜴emu 鸸鹋penguin 企鹅 bat 蝙蝠 kiwi 几维鸟 toad 蟾酥dinosaur 恐龙 goat 山羊rare lion 狮子migrant bird 留鸟 marsupial 有袋动物 parrot 鹦鹉 zebra 斑马 elephant 大象 rhino 犀牛 falcon 猎鹰 hippo 河马 shark 鲨species 物种 crocodile 鳄鱼11. 银行场景 bank book 、pass book 存折open an account 开户 fill out 、in 填写earn interest 赚取利息 savings account 储蓄存款**current account 活期存款** check 、cheque account 支票** deposit account 定期存款** annual interest rate 年利率 daily interest account 日利率 joint account 联名账户e*pense account 公款支付** instant account 速成账户the balance of your bank account 账户余额service charge 效劳费、手续费 signature card 签名卡 draw 、withdraw 提款chequebook 、checkbook 支票簿 order check 、cheque 记名支票 rubber check 、cheque 空头支票 blank check 、cheque 空白支票traveler ’s check 、cheque 旅行支票 money order 汇票 e*change rate 汇率 credit card 信用卡overdraw 、overdraft 透支12自然环境常考词water resources 水资源 shortage 短缺 drinking water 饮用水 underground water 地下水dry continent 干旱的大陆 second only to Antarctica in its lack of rainfall 雨量的缺乏仅次于南极洲searing wind 灼热的风 standing water / dams / puddles 储存水,水坝,水坑barely penetrates the soil 几乎没有渗透到土 pumped to the surface 抽水到水面tapped water 自来水human consumption 人类的消耗 irrigation of crops 庄稼的灌溉 underground reservoir 地下水库 the regulation of flooding 洪水治理mineral resources 矿产资源natural resources 自然资源freshwater resources 淡水资源non-renewable resources 不可再生资源alternative energy 替代能源evaporation 蒸发forestation 造林deforestation 采伐森林fossil fuels 化石原料greenhouse effect 温室效应greenbelt 绿化带global warming 全球变暖haze 薄雾hydroelectric power 水电动力overe*ploitation 过度开采ozone layer 臭氧层pesticide pollution 农药污染sewage 污水solar radiation 太阳辐射tide 潮汐arctic region 北极地区biogas 沼气biodiversity 生物多样化carbon dio*ide 二氧化碳cattle breeding 养牛charcoal 木碳climatic issue 气候问题conservation 保护wildlife conservation 野生动物保护cruel oil 原油雅思听力-地名汇总一、U.K.、the United Kingdom、Great Britain 英国〔大不列颠〕London伦敦 England英格兰 Liverpool利物浦 Manchester曼彻斯特 Sheffield 谢菲尔德 Birmingham伯明翰 Coventry考文垂 Leeds利兹 Scotland苏格兰 Glasgow 格拉斯哥 Edinburgh爱丁堡 Wales威尔士Cardiff加的夫 North Ireland北爱尔兰Belfast贝尔法斯特二、Ireland爱尔兰 Dublin都柏林三、Australia 澳大利亚Canberra 堪培拉 Queensland昆士** Brisbane布里斯班 New South Wales 新南威尔士州 Sydney悉尼 South Australia**大利亚州 Adelaide阿德莱德 Victoria维多利亚州 Melbourne墨尔本 Western Australia西澳大利亚州 Perth 珀斯四、New Zealand新西兰 Wellington惠灵顿五、Canada 加拿大Ottawa渥太华 British Columbia不列颠哥伦比亚省 Victoria维多利亚 Vancouver 温哥华 Alberta艾伯塔省 Edmonton埃德蒙顿 Ontario安大概省 Toronto 多伦多Quebec魁北克省 Montreal蒙特利尔六、The United States of America 美国Washington华盛顿 New York纽约 Boston 波士顿 Atlanta亚特兰大 Seattle 西雅图 Los Angeles、L.A.洛杉矶 Chicago芝加哥。



二十年后的我铁路职工英语作文1Twenty years from now, I envision myself as a dedicated railway worker, deeply committed to ensuring the smooth operation of the railway system. Every day, I rise early, filled with a sense of responsibility and enthusiasm for my job.I often find myself working in challenging weather conditions. During fierce storms or heavy snowfalls, I brave the elements to inspect the tracks, making sure there are no potential hazards that could disrupt the normal operation of the trains. I remember one particularly intense storm when fallen trees threatened to block the railway. Without hesitation, I led my team to clear the debris promptly, ensuring the safety of the passengers and the timely arrival of the trains.I have also been involved in several major railway project constructions. These experiences have not only enhanced my professional skills but also allowed me to contribute significantly to improving the efficiency of railway transportation. For instance, in a project aimed at upgrading the signalling system, I worked closely with a team of experts. Through countless hours of research and hard work, we successfully implemented the new system, reducing delays and increasing the overall capacity of the railway.Looking back over the past two decades, I am proud of my achievements and the role I have played in the development of the railway industry. I know that my work has made a difference, and I will continue to strive for excellence to ensure the safety and efficiency of railway transportation for years to come.2Twenty years from now, I find myself deeply entrenched in the world of railway work. I have witnessed and participated in remarkable changes that have revolutionized the railway industry.Back then, I was passionate about bringing innovation to this field. I introduced advanced technologies that significantly enhanced the intelligent level of railway operations. For instance, we implemented an automated monitoring system that could detect potential faults in real-time, minimizing delays and ensuring the safety of passengers and cargo.Not only did we focus on the technical aspect, but we also dedicated ourselves to optimizing the service process. We redesigned the ticketing and boarding procedures to make them more efficient and convenient. Passengers could now complete all necessary formalities with just a few clicks on their mobile devices, eliminating long queues and reducing stress.In addition, we created comfortable and multifunctional waiting areas equipped with charging stations, free Wi-Fi, and entertainment facilities. This made the waiting time more pleasant for passengers, transforming itfrom a chore to a relaxing interlude.Looking back on these achievements, I feel a profound sense of pride and fulfillment. I know that my efforts have not only improved the efficiency and safety of the railway system but also brought more joy and convenience to people's travels. And I am determined to continue striving for greater innovations and breakthroughs in the years to come.3Twenty years have passed, and I find myself as a railway worker. Looking back on these years, I can't help but feel a sense of pride and fulfillment.When I first started, I was a novice full of uncertainties and doubts. But with time and hard work, I gradually grew into a seasoned employee. The journey was not easy. There were countless nights of studying railway regulations and technologies, and numerous days of practical training on the rails. However, every effort I made was worth it.During my work, I was fortunate to meet many like-minded colleagues. We shared the same passion and dedication towards ensuring the smooth operation of the railway. Together, we overcame various difficulties and challenges.One of the most unforgettable moments was when I received a heartfelt thank you from a passenger. It was a rainy day, and the train was delayed due to bad weather. I did my best to comfort and assist thepassengers. When the train finally arrived at the destination, an elderly passenger came to me and expressed his gratitude for my patience and care. That moment made me realize the true meaning of my job.In the future, I will continue to work with enthusiasm and responsibility, making contributions to the railway industry and providing better services to passengers.4Twenty years later, I find myself as a railway staff member, engaged in international cooperation projects that have broadened my horizons and challenged me in ways I never imagined. I have had the privilege of interacting with foreign colleagues, sharing experiences and insights. One memorable instance was when we came together to tackle a complex technical problem that had been plaguing a railway line under construction. Through intense discussions and collaborative efforts, we analyzed various data, drew on our diverse expertise, and finally found an innovative solution that not only resolved the immediate issue but also enhanced the overall efficiency and safety of the railway system.Another remarkable experience was being part of the team responsible for the opening of a cross-border railway line. This involved coordinating with multiple departments and countries, dealing with cultural differences, and ensuring seamless integration of different technologies and standards. It was a herculean task, but the sense ofachievement when the first train smoothly crossed the border was indescribable.These experiences have not only enriched my professional knowledge but also taught me the importance of teamwork and cultural understanding.I am proud to contribute to the development of international railway transportation, making connections and facilitating exchanges between nations. And I believe that in the years to come, I will continue to play a significant role in this ever-evolving field, bringing people closer together through the power of railways.5Twenty years from now, I envision myself as a dedicated railway employee, deeply immersed in a profession that holds significant sway over our society. The railway industry has always been a crucial driving force for economic growth and regional communication.Day in and day out, I am engaged in ensuring the smooth operation of railway systems. I witness how the efficient transportation of goods and people by rail boosts economic development. It not only lowers the cost of transportation but also expedites the circulation of resources, facilitating industries to thrive and economies to prosper.Moreover, the role of railways in enhancing regional exchanges cannot be overstated. It brings people from different places closer together, fostering cultural exchange and mutual understanding.In my daily work, I am also committed to making efforts for environmental protection and sustainable development. We strive to adopt energy-efficient technologies and reduce carbon emissions. For instance, we are constantly exploring ways to optimize the energy consumption of trains and improve the recyclability of materials used in railway infrastructure.The railway industry is not just about transportation; it is a lifeline that connects communities, drives progress, and paves the way for a better future. And I am proud to be a part of it, contributing my share to its continued success and evolution.。



1. burst爆裂,突发The square is bursting with tourists. 广场上到处都是游客。

I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。

The police burst through the door. 警察破门而入。

There was a burst of laughter in the next room. 隔壁房间里突然爆发出一阵笑声。

联想扩展:(1) burs t in on…突然打断He burst in on our conversation. 他突然打断了我们的谈话。

(2) burst into +n. 突然…The speaker burst into angry speech. 演讲者突然讲粗话。

(3) burst out + doing突然…The woman burst out crying like a child. 那个妇女突然像小孩一样哭了。

(4) burst to do sth. 迫切想做某事I am bursting to tell you the news. 我迫不及待的想告诉你这个消息。

2. suffer用法归纳:A, 受苦 He suffered terribly when his mother died.B, 受到损失 If I lost, my self-esteem will suffer.C, 遭受He suffered no pain联想扩展:suffer from1、受…之苦 I suffered most from lack of rest.2、患…病 I am suffering from a cold.特别提示:suffer表示“患…病”时,后面一般跟疾病名称。

_______ such heavy pollution already , it may now be too late to clean up the river .A. Having sufferedB. SufferingC. To sufferD. Suffered3. reach用法归纳:(1)到达The started early, hoping to reach there before dark. 它们很早就出发,希望天黑前到达那里。



城际铁路动车组交路计划优化模型李健;王莹;李海鹰;张哲铭【摘要】Optimization of rolling stock circulation is one of the key problems of intercity railway operation management. According to the characteristic of high train density of intercity railway, the paper built an optimization model of rolling stock circulation of intercity railway based on time-line network modeling and devised an iterative solution method embedded solving engine of CPLEX, and made verification and comparative analysis with several examples of intercity railway. The results indicate that time-line network can reduce the model size efficiently compared to connection network, and therefore model based on time-line network has quite good applicability with more rapid and efficient solving performance than model based on connection network when solving rolling stock circulation of railway with high train density such as intercity railway.%动车组交路计划优化是城际铁路运营管理的核心问题之一.针对城际铁路列车开行密度大的特点,建立一种基于时间轴线网络建模的城际铁路动车组交路计划优化模型,设计嵌入CPLEX求解引擎的迭代求解方法,并以几条城际铁路为案例对模型进行验证和对比分析.研究结果表明:相比接续网络,时间轴线网络在求解城际铁路这类列车密度大的动车组交路计划时能够有效降低模型规模,因而求解更为快速、高效,具有较好的适用性.【期刊名称】《铁道科学与工程学报》【年(卷),期】2018(015)007【总页数】7页(P1664-1670)【关键词】动车组交路计划;城际铁路;时间轴线网;求解效率【作者】李健;王莹;李海鹰;张哲铭【作者单位】北京交通大学交通运输学院,北京 100044;北京交通大学交通运输学院,北京 100044;北京交通大学轨道交通控制与安全国家重点实验室,北京 100044;北京交通大学交通运输学院,北京 100044【正文语种】中文【中图分类】U238至2016年9月我国已建成并运行包括京津、沪宁、沪杭城际等在内共 20条城际铁路,据十三五规划纲要中的《中长期铁路网规划》,未来我国城际铁路系统建设规模将继续扩大。

A Branch-and-Cut Approach for Solving RailwayLine-Planning Problems

A Branch-and-Cut Approach for Solving RailwayLine-Planning Problems

of the problem using branch and cut, or at least to obtain excellent upper bounds and lower bounds in reasonable time. In the next section the model formulation is presented. Section 2 describes the solution methodology. Section 3 describes the implementational issues, and in §4 we describe a computational study based on instances of the Dutch railway operator NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen).
Transportation Science 38(3), pp. 379–393, © 2004 INFORMS
Figure 1
The Different Stages in the Planning Process (1(a)) and the Dutch Railway Network (1(b))
Daily demand Infrastructure Line planning Time tabling Traffic planning Rolling stock Crew scheduling Shunting/Maint. plans Operational control
Goossens, van Hoesel, and Kroon: A Branch-and-Cut Approach for Solving Railway Line-Planning Problems











China’s Mars rover (火星车) Zhurong is currently in safe mode as it waits out a Martian dust storm and it may remain in safe mode until 1 end of 2022.02(2023·安徽黄山·统考三模)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

reliance in science and technology.05(2023·重庆·统考模拟预测)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

“China is a huge sandbox, and you can experiment with new technologies,” said Jo Purdy, an Australian, Founder and Head of Content at Digital Disconnect, during an interview 51 Chongqing on September 30.Purdy has been engaged in blockchain and finance in China for around eight years. He thinks that China is more willing 52 (experiment) with new technologies.Purdy said China is leading the world in central bank digital currency (货币) (CBDC), also 53 (call) e-CNY or digital yuan. It 54 (offer) both convenience, security, and the old banking system’s regulated, reserved-backed money circulation.At the beginning of this year, the People’s Bank of China 55 (announce) that 11 cities, including Chongqing, have been approved for the third batch (批) of pilot areas for digital yuan. A group of foreign people in Chongqing from Singapore, Malaysia, and other 56 (country) were also invited to open the digital renminbi参考答案:1.the 2.named 3.has continued 4.recently 5.conditions 6.difference 7.which/that handle 9.relative 10.of【导语】本文是新闻报道。



big macs,big/large-cap stock,mega-issue 大盘股offering,list 上市bourse 证交所corporate champion 龙头企业Shanghai Exchange ##证交所pension fund 养老基金mutual fund 共同基金hedge mutual fund 对冲式共同基金share 股票valuation 股价underwriter 保险商government bond 政府债券saving account 储蓄##equity market 股市shareholder 股东delist 摘牌mongey-loser 亏损企业inventory 存货traded pany,trading enterprise 上市公司stakeholder 利益相关者transparency 透明度market fundamentalist 市场经济根本规那么damage-contral machinery 安全顾问efficient market 有效市场intellectual property 知识产权opportunistic practice 投机行为entrepreneur 企业家cook the book 做假帐regulatory system 监管体系portfolio 投资组合money-market 短期资本市场capital-market 长期资本市场volatility 波动diversification 多元化real estate 房地产option 期权call option 看涨期权put option 看跌期权merger 并购arbitrage 套利Securities and Exchange mission 〈美〉证券交易委员会dollar standard 美元本位制budget 预算deficit 赤字bad debt 坏帐macroeconomic 宏观经济fiscal stimulus 财政刺激a store of value 保值transaction currency 结算货币forward exchange 期货交易intervention currency 干预货币Treasury bond 财政部公债current-account 经常项目pickup in rice 物价上涨Federal Reserve 美联储inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩tighter credit 紧缩信贷monetary policy 货币政策foreigh exchange 外汇spot transaction 即期交易forward transaction 远期交易option forward transaction 择期交易swap transaction 调期交易quote 报价settlment and delivery 交割buying rate 买入价selling rate 卖出价spread 差幅contract 合同at par 平价premium 升水discount 贴水direct quoation method 直接报价法indirect quoation method 间接报价法dividend 股息domestic currency 本币floating rate 浮动利率parent pany 母公司credit swap 互惠贷款venture capital 风险资本book value 帐面价值physical capital 实际资本IPO(initial public offering) 新股首发;首次公开发行job machine 就业市场welfare capitalism 福利资本主义collective market cap 市场资本总值golbal corporation 跨国公司transnational status 跨国优势transfer price 转让价格consolidation 兼并leverage 杠杆Federal Reserve 美联储financial turmoil/meltdown 金融危机file for bankruptcy 申请破产bailout 救助take over 收购buy out 购置(某人的)产权或全部货物go under 破产take a nosedive 〔股市〕大跌tumble 下跌falter 摇摇欲坠on the hook 被套住shore up confidence 提振市场信心stave off 挡开, 避开,liquidate assets 资产清算at fire sale prices 超低价sell-off 证券的跌价division of labor 劳动分工modity money 商品货币legal tender 法定货币fiat money 法定通货a medium of exchange 交换媒介legal sanction 法律制裁face value 面值liquid assets 流动资产illiquidl assets 非流动资产the liquidity scale 流动性指标real estate 不动产checking accounts,de mand deposit,checkable deposit 活期存款time deposit 定期存款negotiab le order of withdrawal accounts 大额可转让提款单money market mutual funds 货币市场互助基金repurchase agreements 回购协议certificate of d eposits 存单bond 债券stock 股票travelers'checks 旅行支票small-denom ination time deposits 小额定期存款large-denomination time deposits 大额定期存款bank overnight repurchase agreements 银行隔夜回购协议bank long-term repurchase agreements 银行长期回购协议thrift institution s 存款机构financial institution 金融机构mercial banks 商业银行a mean s of payment 支付手段a store of value 储藏手段a standard of value 价值标准reserve 储藏note 票据discount 贴现circulate 流通central bank 中央银行the Federal Reserve System 联邦储藏系统credit union 信用合作社pape r currency 纸币credit creation 信用创造branch banking 银行分行制unit banking 单一银行制out of circulation 退出流通capital stock 股本at p ar 以票面价值计electronic banking 电子银行banking holding pany 公司银行the gold standard 金本位the Federal Reserve Board 联邦储藏委员会the stock market crash 股市风暴reserve ratio 准备金比率deficit 亏损roll 展期wholesale 批发default 不履约auction 拍卖collat eralize 担保markup 价格的涨幅dealer 交易员broker 经纪人pension fund s 养老基金face amount 面值merical paper 商业票据banker's acceptance 银行承兑汇票Fed fund 联邦基金eurodollar 欧洲美元treasury bills 国库券floating-rate 浮动比率fixed-rate 固定比率default risk 拖欠风险cre dit rating 信誉级别tax collection 税收money market 货币市场capital m arket 资本市场original maturity 原始到期期限surplus funds 过剩基金1. 素质教育:Quality Education2. EQ:分两种,一种为教育商数Educational quotient,另一种情感商数Emotional quotient3. 保险业: the insurance industry4. 保证重点指出: ensure funding for priority areas5. 补发拖欠的养老金: clear up pension payments in arrears6. 不良贷款: non-performing loan7. 层层转包和##分包: mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting8. 城乡信用社: credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas9. 城镇居民最低生活保障: a minimum standard of living for city residents 10. 城镇职工医疗保障制度: the system of medical insurance for urban workers 11. 出口信贷: export credit 12. 贷款质量: loan quality 13. 贷款质量五级分类方法: the five-category assets classification for bank loans 14. 防X和化解金融风险: take precautions against and reduce financial risks 15. 防洪工程: flood-prevention project 16. 非法外汇交易: illegal foreign exchange transaction 17. 非贸易收汇: foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels <BR< p>>18. 非银行金融机构: non-bank financial institutions 19. 费改税: transform administrative fees into taxes 20. 跟踪审计: foolow-up auditing 21. 工程监理制度: the monitoring system for projects 22. 国有资产安全: the safety of state-owned assets 23. 过度开垦: excess reclamation 24. 合同管理制度: the contract system for governing projects 25. 积极的财政政策: pro-active fiscal policy 26. 根本生活费: basic allowance 27. 解除劳动关系: sever labor relation 28. 金融监管责任制: the responsibility system for financial supervision 29. 经济安全: economic security 30. 靠扩大财政赤字搞建设: to increase the deficit to spend more on development 31. 扩大国内需求: the expansion of domestic demand 32. 拉动经济增长: fuel economic growth 33. 粮食仓库: grain depot 34. 粮食收购企业: grain collection and storage enterprise 35. 粮食收购资金实行封闭运行: closed operation of grain purchase funds 36. 粮食销售市场: grain sales market 37. 劣质工程: shoddy engineering 38. 乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款: arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines 39. 骗汇、逃汇、套汇:obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage 40. 融资渠道: financing channels “减员增效〞:increase efficiency by downsizing staff;.“投资热点〞:a region attractive to investors,a muchsought piece of hand, popular investment spot “开放〞:open to the outside world 努力更新知识:Trying to Renew Knowledge 深化〔中国的〕改革:Deepen China’s Reform 无偿献血:Blood Donation without Repayment金融英语阅读:中国经济概述The size of the Chinese economy is likely to climb, in world rankings, from its current position as the sixth largest to the second largest by 2030, said economists with global investment bank Lehman Brothers.With its gross domestic product (GDP) growing at an annual rate of 6 per cent, China will e in after the United States to secure the second place spot, the economists said.Such an economy stands to offer exciting business and capital market opportunities to foreigners over the next 10 years or so, said Robert Subbaraman, a Lehman Brothers senior economist who is the co-author of a newly released prehensive report on China's economic, political, social and foreign policy prospects over the next 10 years.At a press conference last week in Beijing, Subbaraman and his colleagues offered detailed explanations of their forecasts regarding the impact of the country's accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), growth opportunities and how to do business in China.Notes1.likely adj.很可能的, 有希望的2.climb v.攀登, 上升3.ranking n.等级;顺次4.current position目前的位置5.economist经济学家6.Lehman Brothers莱曼兄弟〔投资银行〕7.gross domestic product (GDP)国内生产总值 make certain; ensure确信:使肯定;确保9.stand n.位置 market资本市场11.a newly released prehensive report新发表的综合报告12.a press conference记者招待会13.forecast n.预测;预报14.impact n.the powerof making a strong, immediate impression影响力 15.accession n. access; admittance进入;接收16.World Trade Organization (WTO)世界贸易组织。



地铁车辆专业名词中英文对照车辆专业英语单词序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 1 Metro(the metropolitan 地下铁道 22 Slide 滑动railway)2 Cab 司机室 23 Gangway 过道 3 Coupler 车钩、联轴节 24 Fiberglass 玻璃纤维(钢板) 4 Tare 皮重 25 Longitudinally 纵长(轴向)地 5 Tare weight 空车自重 26 Ample 充分的 6 Pantograph 受电弓 27 Accommodation 容纳、座位 7 Compressor 压缩机 28 Bogie 转向架 8 Air compressor 空压机 29 Windshield 风档,挡风玻璃 9 Extrusion 挤压 30 Wiper 刮雨器、刮水器 10 Profile 型材31 Suspension 悬挂 11 Comprise 包括,由组成 32 Ventilation 通风 12 Traction 牵引 33 Compatibility 相容型,兼容性 13 Inverter 逆变器 34 Interference 干涉,干扰 14 Phase 相 35 Pulsat 脉动,脉冲 15 Incorporate 包含有,安装有 36 disturbance 干扰,破坏 16 Windscreen 风挡,挡风玻璃 37 Negative 否定的,反对的 17 Socket 插座,插口 38 Electrodynamic 电动的 18 Outlet 出口,电源 39 Steplessly 无级的 19 Socket outlet 电气插座 40 Overhead 架空的,上面的 20 Condenser 冷凝器 41 Surplus 过剩,剩下 21 Evaporator 蒸发器 42 dissipate 使消失,驱散143 Pad 垫,衬垫 68 Insulation 绝缘 44 Caliper 卡钳,测径器 69 Thermal 热的,热量的 45 Simultaneously 同时发生地 70 Thermally 热地,用热的方法 46 Diagnostic 诊断的 71 Acoustically 听觉上,声学上 47 Standstill 停止,停顿,静止 72 Insolation 暴晒 48 Rigidity 刚度,刚硬 73Mat 垫子 49 Whilst 与同时 74 Melamine 密胺 50 Beam 梁,横梁 75 Foam 泡沫51 Hollow 空心的 76 Optimize 使最优化 52 Brace 支柱,支架,支撑 77 Spray 喷雾,喷射 53 Reinforce 加强,增援 78 Heavy--duty 重型的 54 Apparatus 装置,设备,仪器 79 Bond 粘接 55 Jack (用千斤顶)顶起 80 Logo(Logotype) 标识56 Lift 举起,吊,抬 81 Ramp 斜坡,坡道 57 Rescue 救援 82 Escape 出口,逃跑 58 Haul 拖,牵引,搬运 83 Escape ramp 疏散门(梯) 59 Multiple 复合的,多样的 84 Mask 面罩,防护罩 60 Depot 仓库,车站,段 85 Strip 带(状物),条 61 Girder 梁, 86 Agate 玛瑙 62 Cross girder 横梁 87 Agate grey 玛瑙灰 63 Anti--climber 防攀爬器 88 Disperse 使…分散,分配 64 Handhold 扶手 89 Compatible 兼容的,相容的 65 Loop 环,圈 90 Cast 铸(造,件,型) 66 Recess 凹口 91 Cast steel 铸钢 67 Access 接近,入口 92 Glaze 装(配)玻璃于2序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 93 Pane 窗格玻璃 117 Cut--out 开口,切口 94 Circumference 四周,周围 118 Coil 线圈 95 Configure 使成形,使具体化 119 Integral 组成(的) 96 Portion 部分 120 Approximately 大约,近似地 97 Neoprene 氯丁橡胶 121 Handrail 扶手,拦杆 98 Catch 门扣 122 Belt 带子 99 Retain 支(夹)持,保留有 123 Pulley 滑轮 100 Laminate 分层,薄板状的 124 Latch 闭锁,门插销 101 Multi--layer 多层 125 Pneumatically 靠压缩空气,由空气 102 Plastic 塑料的 126 Biparting 双扇(对开)的门 103 Impact 碰撞,冲击 127 Aluminium 铝 104 Demist 除(去) 雾 128 Sandwich 夹入中间,夹心面包 105 Defrost 除(去)霜 129 Labyrinth 迷宫 106 Foil 薄膜 130 Manually 用手(工),手动地 107 Transparent 透明的 131 Inhibit 防止,限制108 Oxide 氧化物(的0 133 Wrench 扳手 109 Rotary 旋转(式)的 134 Compartment 车厢 110 Hinge 铰链,铰接 135 Indicate 指示,显示 111 Track 轨道 136 Externally 外部(地) 112 Unlatch 拉开….的插栓,未栓上 137 Crew 乘务员 113 Evacute 清除,疏散 138 Platform 平台,月台 114 Initiate 发(起,启)动 139 Via 经,通过,经由 115 Vertical 垂直的 140 Interior 内部的 116 Partition 隔板 141 Exterior 外部的3序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 142 tint 色彩,色调 166 Vertical 垂直的 143 Collapsible 可伸缩的,可拆卸的 167 Horizontal 水平的144 Permanent 永久的 168 Curve 曲线 145 Accomplish 完成,达到,实现 169 Rotational 旋转的,转动的 146 Uncouple 解开,分开 170 Screw 螺丝钉,螺旋147 Perform 执行,完成 171 Allow 允许 148 Remote 遥远的 172 Even 均匀的,平均的 149 Remote control 遥控 173 Distribution 分配,发送 150 Separation 分离,分开 174 Restrictive 限制,限定 151 Cock 阀,开关 175 Cope 应付,处理 152 Cut off cock 截止阀 176 Tight 密封的,紧密的 153 Hose 软管 177 Tightness 坚固,紧密 154 Isolate 使隔离,使绝缘 178 Ingress 进入,侵入 155 Reservoir 储存器,储气缸 179 Efficient 效率高的156 Retract 缩回(进),收缩 180 Reduction 减少,缩小 157 Moisture 潮湿,湿气 181 Requirement 需求,要求 158 Actuate 操纵,开(驱)动 182 Significant 有意义的,重大要的 159 Wrench 扳手, 183 Protrusion 突出物160 Spanner 扳手 184 Structure 结构 161 Unintended 无意识的 185 Assembly 组合,装配,安装 162 Detachable 可分离的,可拆卸的 186 Comprise 包括,由组成 163 Muff 套筒,套管 187 Bellow (褶式)风扇 164 Slack 松(动)的 188 Inner 内部的 165 Negotiate 克服,通过,越过 189 Frame 框架,构架4序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 190 Element 零(元)件 214 Necessity 必然(性,的事),必要 191 Seal 密封 215 Supplementary 补充(加,足)的 192 Diaphragm 隔膜,薄膜,膜 216 Primary 第一位的,主要的 193 Fairing 挡板 217 Primary suspension 一系悬挂 194 Applicable 有利的,合适的 218 Secondary 第二的 195 Prevention 防止,阻止 219 Adjustment 调节(整) 196 Corrosion 腐蚀 220 Automatic 自动的 197 Alter 改变,变更 221 Valve 阀(门) 198 Approval 同意,认可,批准 222 Pneumatic 气动的 199 Engage 连接,接合223 Shock 震动,振动 200 Corrugate 波纹的,波形的 224 Absorber 减震器,缓冲器 201 Trailer 拖车 225 Shock absorber 减震器 202 Trailer bogie 拖车转向架 226 Lateral 横向的 203 Motor bogie 动车转向架 227 Buffer 缓冲器,(止档) 204 Whilst 当的时候 228 Transmit 传送 205 Identical 相同的,同一的 229 Propulsion 驱动,推动 206 Interchangeable 可互换(交换)的 230 Brake 制动(器),刹车 207 Suspension 悬挂 231 Block brake 闸瓦 208 Wheelset 轮对 232 Parking brake 停放制动 209 Chevron 人字形(的标识) 233 Swivel 旋转,转向210 Chevron spring 人字簧 234 pivot 轴销 211 Inherent 内在(含)的 235 Center pivot 中心销 212 Damp Damper 阻尼阻尼器 236 Consist(of) 由组成213 Avoid 避免 237 Dynamic 动力的,动态的5序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 238 Additionally 另外,加之,又 262 Cylinder 气缸,圆柱(体) 239 Actuation 驱动,启动 263 Counter 形,反向名:计算器 240 Antenna 天线 263 Tension 拉伸,张开 241 Axle (轮,车)轴265 Piston 活塞 242 Axle rod 轴杆 266 Retract 收缩,缩回 243 Torsion 扭力(矩) 267 Release 释放,解开 244 Torsion bar (抗侧滚)扭杆 268 Failure 故障,失败 245 Generator 传感器,发动机 269 Pedal 踏板,脚踏 246 Linkage 联动装置,连接(结) 270 Pump 泵,抽水机 247 gear 齿轮 271 Carbon 碳 248 Mount 安装 272 Strut 支撑,支柱 249 Actuator 操作机构 273 Flexible 弹性的,挠性的250 Voltage 电压 274 Feed 供电,反馈 251 Surge 电涌 275 Battery 蓄电池252 Arrester 避雷器,放电器 276 Charge 充电 253 Surge arrestor 避雷器,电涌吸收器 277 Loop 环,圈 254 Breaker 断路器 278 Fuse 保险丝,熔丝 255 Impermissible 未允许的,未许可的 279 Interlock 联锁,连接 256 Conductor 导体 280 Contactor 接触器 257 Execute 实行,实现 281 Panto=Pantograph 受电弓 258 Separate 分离(开) 282 Energize 使通电,得电 259 Resistor 电阻(器) 283 Excess 超过,过量 260 Reduce 减少(小) 284 Bi-directcoinal 双向 261 Socket 插座,插口 285 Electromagnetic 电磁的6序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 286 Respond 响应,回答 310 Compact 紧凑的,小型的 287 Suppress 消(排)除,压制 311 PWM=pulse width 脉冲宽度调制 288 Arc 弧 312 modulation 289 Duration 期间,时间,周期 313 Rack 架,机架 290 Coupling 联轴节 314 Utilize 利用,使用 291 Phase 相315 Microprocessor 微处理器 292 Transmit 传送 316 Status 状态,情况 293 transform 变换,转换 317 Co-processor 协同处理器 294 Analogous 相对应的,相似的 318 Hierarchic 分组的,分层的 295 Torque 扭(转)矩 319 Distribution 配置,分配 296 Toothed-gear-type 齿(轮)式 320 Bit 位 297 Shaft 轴 321 Critical 临界 298 Correspond 相应的 322 Time critical 实时299 Convert 转换,转化 323 Autonomous 自治的 300 Overhead 架空的,在头上的 324 Slave 从属,受控制 301 Container 箱,容器 325 Modulation 调幅,调制,调节 302 Traction container 牵引箱 326 Angle 角 303 Fan 风机,风扇327 Firing angle 导通角 304 Implement 供给器具,执行 328 Frequency 频率305 Independent 独立的,无关的 329 Parameter 参数 306 Filter 过滤器 330 Pulse 脉冲 307 Monitor 监视器 331 gating 开启,开门(闸) 308 SIBAS= Siemens 西门子铁路自动系统 332 Transfer 传送,转移 309 RailwayAutomation System 333 GTO=gate turn off 门极7序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 334 Module 模块 358 Chopper 斩波器 335 Amplifier 放大,扩大 359 Sine 正弦 336 Check--back 校验返回(信号) 360 Parallel 平行的,并联的 337 Identify 识别,鉴(确)定 361 Interaction 相互作用 338 Software 软件 362 On-board 车载的,在车上 339 Sensor 传感器 363 Relay 继电器 340 Exceed 超过,越过 364 Nickel 镍 341 Respective 各自的 365 Cadmium 镉 342 DBU 静止(辅助)逆变器 366 electrode 电极 343 Serise 系列,串联 367 Cell 单室,单格 344 Bipolar 双极,两极的368 Trough 槽,盆,长而浅容器 345 Active 有源的(积极的) 369 Tread 车轮踏面 346 Resonance 谐振,共振 370 Passive 无源的,被动的 347 Capacitor 电容器 371 Block 块,片 348 Choke 阻止,电抗器 372 Brake block 闸瓦,刹车(制动) 349 Suppression 抑制,制止 373 Adhesion 粘着(力),粘合 350 Line--bound 线网 374 Revocable 可恢复的,可撤消 351 Perturbation 扰动,干扰375 Contrary 相反的,对立的 352 Aside 在旁边 376 Notch 槽(凹)口 353 Aside from 除以外 377 Irrevocable 不可恢复的, 354 Thyristor 晶闸管 378 Standstill 停,停顿 355 Neutral 中性的 379 Redundancy 多余 356 Neutral conductor 中性导线 380 Interchange 互换,交换 357 Step--up 升高(电压) 381 Match 与相适应,相配8序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 382 Jerk 冲击,猛拉,跳动406 Guarantee 保证(书,人) 383 Energize 给与能量,引起, 407 Adjust 调整(节) 384 De--energize 切断,断开,去能 408 Feature 性能,特点 385 Call for 要求,需要 409 Angular (有,成)角度的 386 Interrupt 中断,断开 410 Hydraulic 液压的,水压的 387 In turn 依次,轮流 411 Horn 号角,喇叭 388 Take up 占据 412 Throttle 节流阀 389 Flap 挡板 413 Regulation 调整(节) 390 Visor 遮阳光板 414 Cut---out 截止,切(截)下 391 Wiper 刮水器,雨刷,擦器 415 Cock 阀门 392 Holder 夹具,托架,架持器 416 Duct 风道 393 Timetable 时间表 417 Distribution 分配,分派 394 Fibre(fiber)--glass 玻璃纤维 418 Compact 密集,紧凑 395 Console 操作台,控制台 419 Entire 整个的,完全的 396 Terminal 末端的,端子,接头 420 Segment (分割的)部分,段397 Sleeve 套管,袖子,接头 421 Diffuser 扩散器 398 Blade 刀片,叶片 422 Grating 格栅,栅栏 399 Bundle 包,捆,扎 423 Condense 冷凝,凝结 400 Strap 带 424 Condenser 冷凝器 401 Bolt 螺栓,螺钉用螺栓固定 425 Refrigerant 致冷剂,冷冻剂 402 Non—operating desk 副驾驶台 426 Refrigeraion 致冷,冷冻 403 Stainless 不锈的 427 Saturation 饱和 404 Honeycomb 蜂窝 428 Evaporate 蒸发 405 Ergonomically 人类工程学的 429 Evaporator 蒸发器9序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 430 Mixture 混合物 454Inhibit 限(防,阻)止 431 Suck 吸(入) 455 Precondition 前提,先决条件 432 Filter 过滤器 456 Tail 尾,尾部 433 Mat (栅,钢筋)网,垫子 457 Represent 代表,表示 434 Re--circulation (再,重复)循环 458 Chapter (书籍)章 435 Fine 精细的 459 Intensity 强度 436 Evaporation 蒸发(作用,过程) 460Respectively 分别(地,为) 437 Lighting 照明(设备) 461 Entitle 命名,叫做438 Row (一)排,(一)行 462 Acrylic 聚丙烯的 439 Fluorescent (发)荧光的463 Cord 带,线 440 Fitting 装(设)备,装配 464 Bodywork 车身制造 441 Ballast 镇流器 465 Bond 粘接 442 Instrument 装置,设备,仪器 466 Diagnostic 诊断的,诊断 443 Indicator 指示器 467 Address 致词,演说 445 Blind 幕,屏风,防护板 468 Publicaddresssystem 有线广播系统 446 Cove 凹口 469 Onwards 向前,前进 447 Destination 目的地 470 From M onwards 从M(算)起 448 Illuminate 照,点亮 471 CCU=CentralControlUnit 中央控制单元449 Warn 警告 472 Maintenances 维修 450 Buzzer 蜂鸣器 473 Simplify 简化451 Flash (使)闪光 474 Troubleshoot 查找(检查)故障 452 Procedure 程序475 Visualize 目测(视) 453 Corresponding 相应的 476 Traffic 交通10序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 477 Super visor 监督员,管理人员 500 Synchronize 使同步,同时发生 478 Vice Versa 反之亦然 501 Malfunction 不正常的,故障 479 Microphone 扩音器,麦克风,话筒 502 Intake 进水,进气 480 Acoustic 有声的,声学的,听觉 503 Resiliently 有弹性的的481 Audio 声(音)频的 504 Desiccant 除湿的,干燥的 482 DIAS 数字式广播系统 505 Duty cycle 工作同期,负载同期 483 Digital 数字式的 506 Splash 溅,喷 484 Announcement 广播,播音,通知 507 Iubricate 加润滑油,注油485 Broadcast 无线路电,电视)广播 508 Viscous 粘(性,稠)的 486 Chassis 基座,底架,机架 509 Ambient 周围的,环境的 487 Amplifier 放大器 510 Outlet (输)出口,输出端 488 Loudspeaker 扩音(扬音器,喇叭) 511Configuration 构造,结构 489 Altenate 交流,交替,更替 512 Simultaneously 同时 490 Volume 音量,体积 513 Clutch 离合器 491 Regulation 调节(整) 514 Jam 卡,堵 492 Cassette 盒式录音(像)带 515 Twig 细枝,枝条 493 Dimension 量(定,标出)尺寸 516 Durable 牢固的,耐久的 494 Encode 编码 517 Flange 法兰(盘)凸缘 495 Shatter 档板,盖板 518 Integrate 集成,使一体化 496 Swing 摆(振)动 519 Optimum 最佳的,最优的 497 Register 注册,登记 520 Vibration 振动 498 Optical 光学的,视觉的 521 Hose 软管 499 Logic 逻辑的 522 Bar 巴(气压单位)11序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注 523 Humidity 潮湿,湿度 524 Essentially 基本的,必须的 525 Chamber 空,腔,箱,盒 526 Adsorptive 吸附 527 Regeneration 再生,更新 528 Piston 活塞 529 Exhaust 排出(气),排放 530 Silencer 消声器 531 Thermostat 定温器,恒温器 532 Liter 升 533 Drain 排水,排气,排放 534 Bracket 支架,托架 535 Fasten 固定,加固12序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注13序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注14序号英文中文备注序号英文中文备注1516。



桥梁工程英语专业词汇 bridge layout in plan bridge lighting bridge site bridge site engineering survey plan profile bridge site bridge site topographic map bridge tower broken joint budget of working-drawings of a project buried abutment buried river burlap cofferdam bybrid overflow pavement critical gradient cable stayed bridge cable stayed bridge of multi-cable system a single central cable plane cable stayed bridge with continuous girder cable stayed bridge with continuous rigid frame double inclined cable planes cable tower cable with stranded wires calcium silicate culated rise calling for tenders camber cantilever beam bridge 桥梁平面布置 桥上照明 桥位 桥位工程测量 平面图 纵断面图 桥址(桥渡) 桥址地形图 桥塔 断缝 施工图预算 埋置式桥台 地下暗河 麻袋围堰 混合式过水路面 临界坡度 斜拉桥 密索体系斜拉桥 单索面 连续梁式斜拉桥 连续刚极式斜拉桥 双斜索面 索塔 钢绞线索 硅酸盐水泥 计算矢高 招标 预拱度(反拱度) 悬臂梁桥 panel panel point partial erosion partially prestressed concrete particle diameter 节间 节点 局部冲刷 部分预应力混凝土 粒径



煤炭与能源行业词汇中英对照煤炭能源行业词汇英汉对照收藏本贴| 好友分享| 推广拿分点击:843 | 回复:0 | 标签: auger drilling 螺旋钻空cable reeler 电缆摆动架coal preparation plant 选煤厂coking coal 炼焦煤Continuous Miner crew 连采队Continuous Miner 连续采煤机crew leader 带班长cut bottom 割底distribution control box 控制配电箱drill bit 钻头drill rig 钻机,凿岩机Dump Truck 自动倾卸卡车dump valve 倾泄阀(安全阀)dust extraction 吸尘装置duty room 值班室easy grade, gentle slope 平缓坡度electrical system 电气系统electromagnetic valve 电磁阀enlarged entry width 扩帮巷道宽度equipment amortization 设备折旧erodibility 土壤流失性excavated section of road 巷道毛断面exhaust/emission control 排风/散热控制expanding rib 扩帮feeder breaker cable 破碎机断路器电缆feeder 破碎机fitting allowance 装配余量fltting speed 推进速度front canopy 前探梁front entry 主平巷full face mining 整个工作面采煤gas outburst potential 瓦斯突出gathering system 煤炭收集系统Global Positioning System(GPS)全球卫星定位系统goaf,old waste 老塘(采空区)gob bleeder 排气孔(采空区)gob water,waste water 老塘水hand drill 煤电钻haulage track 运输路线heading chain pillar 巷道矿柱heading stope 巷道回采工作面heat sensor 热传感器hole month 钻孔口部host rock 主岩hydrolic shield 液压掩护式支架hydrologic observation 水文观测inclined angle 倾斜的角度inclined hole 斜孔leading coal producing province 主要产煤省leave allowances 休假期legend 图例level workings 水平巷道line brattice 纵向隔风墙lithological characters 岩性load out conveyor 卸载传输装置main inclined shaft 主斜井main slope, main slant 主斜井mainline conveyor 主线输送机mandate 托管medium-sized lumps 中块methane discharge volume 瓦斯排放(涌出)量methane electrical generation 瓦斯发电mine field 煤田mining concession 煤矿开采(特许)权mudstone 泥岩normal fault 正常断层oblique fault 斜断层outcrop 露头overlying strata 上覆地层paralell operation 平行作业pin timbering possible ore 远景储量preparatory workings 准备巷道proctor method 葡式压实法profile 纵切面protodyakonov scale of hardness 普氏硬度指数respirator 自救器rise heading drivage, rise driving 上山开采法roadheader 综掘机(巷道掘进机)roadway head 巷道掘进工作面roof bolt 顶锚roof bolter 锚杆机Roof collaspe 冒顶room crosscut 通风联络小巷sandstone 砂岩scoop &amp; blast crew 炮采队service car, SMV car 服务车side falling accident 片帮事故slope collar/mouth 斜井井口slope invert 斜井仰拱slope pillar 倾斜矿柱slope 斜坡,斜面,斜井small-sized lumps 小块煤spalling rib 片帮speedy drivage 快速掘进spontaneous combustion 自燃trapped equipment 塌陷设备water supply &amp; sprays 用水供给/喷淋煤炭行业相关术语中英文对照--------------------------------------------------------------------------------大气ATMOSPHERE大气组成Atmospheric composition空气质量Air quality大气化学Atmospheric chemistry大气成分Atmospheric components大气颗粒物Atmospheric particulates二氧化碳Carbon dioxide温室气体Greenhouse gases氧气Oxygen臭氧层Ozone layer大气过程Atmospheric processes空气-水相互作用Air-water interaction大气环流Atmospheric circulation大气降水Atmospheric precipitation碳循环Carbon cycle蒸发作用Evaporation降水增加Precipitation enhancement降雨Rainfall太阳辐射Solar radiation蒸腾作用Transpiration风Winds空气污染Air pollution酸雨Acid rain空气污染物Air pollutants氯氟碳Chlorofluorocarbons沉降的颗粒物Deposited particulate matter 飞灰Fly ash雾Fog薄烟Haze空内空气污染Indoor air pollution烟雾Smog湿度Humidity岩石圈LITHOSPHERE固态地球Solid Earth洞穴Caves地震活动Seismic activity地震监测Seismic monitoring火山Volcanoes风蚀Wind erosion陆地生态系统TERRESTRIAL ECOSYSTEMS 土壤Soils农用土地Agricultural land碱地Alkali lands污染的土地Contaminated land污染的土壤Contaminated soil沙坑Gravel pits荒地Heath lands土地承载能力Land carrying capacity土地污染Land pollution土地开垦Land reclamation土地恢复Land restoration土地使用分类Land use classification边缘土地Marginal lands沙石开采Sand extraction沉积Sedimentation土壤潜力Soil capabilities土壤保持Soil conservation土壤污染Soil contamination土壤退化Soil degradation土壤侵蚀Soil erosion土壤改良Soil improvement土壤盐碱化Soil salination水蚀Water erosion干旱地区生态系统Arid land ecosystems干旱土地Arid lands沙漠化Desertification抗旱Drought control旱作Dry farming沙丘固定Sand dune fixation沙丘Sand dunes半干旱地区生态系统Semi-arid land ecosystems森林生态系统Forest ecosystems植树造林Afforestation针叶林Coniferous forests森林砍伐Deforestation森林保护Forest conservation森林火灾Forest fires草地火灾Grass fires绿化带Greenbelts本地森林Indigenous forests再造林Reafforestation植被恢复Revegetation亚热带生态系统Sub-tropical ecosystems温带森林Temperate forests温带林地Temperate woodlands树木Trees热带生态系统Tropical ecosystems热带森林Tropical forests热带森林生态系统Tropical forest ecosystems林地生态系统Woodland ecosystems温带生态系统和寒带生态系统Temperate ecosystems and cold zone ecosystems淡水FRESHWATER淡水资源Freshwater resources谈水保护Conservation of freshwater水坝Dams冰Ice湖泊Lakes自然排水系统Natural drainage systems河流流域开发River basin development河流Rivers雪Snow地下水Subterranean water地表水Surface waters水资源保护Water resources conservation水资源开发Water resources development淡水生态系统Freshwater ecosystems集水区Catchment areas国际河流流域International river basins湖泊流域Lake basins池塘尾渣Ponds tailings河流流域River basins淡水恶化Freshwater degradation河流污染River pollution径流Run-off沉积物移动Sediment mobilization沉积物运移Sediment transport沉积盆地Sedimentary basins渗漏Seepage凤眼蓝Water hyacinth水污染Water pollution水的盐化Water salination水处理Water treatment水井Water wells海洋环境MARINE ENVIRONMENTS海洋生态系统Marine ecosystems藻花Algal bloom海底生态系统Benthic ecosystems海洋污染Marine pollution污染沉积物Marine sedimentserosion疏浚Dredging河口生态系统Estuarine ecosystems岛屿生态系统Island ecosystems小岛屿Small islands海洋生物资源Living marine resources水生哺乳动物Aquatic mammals水生微生物Aquatic microorganisms水生植物Aquatic plants珊瑚礁Coral reefs甲壳纲动物Crustaceans鱼类Fish海洋资源保护Marine resources conservation 软体动物Molluscs水生贝壳类动物Shellfish环境管理ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT资源管理Resources management深海矿藏Deep sea deposits森林管理Forest management森林政府Forest policy资源的地埋分布Geographic distribution of resources土地价值Land values矿产资源Mineral resources国家保护计划National conservation programmes自然资源Natural resources自然保护Nature conservation不可再生资源Non-renewable resources资源净损耗Net resource depletion矿床Ore deposits石油资源保护Petroleum resources conservation可再生资源Renewable resources资源估价Resource appraisal资源保护Resource conservation海底开发Sea bed exploitation海底采矿Sea bed mining本地资源的利用Utilization of local resources环境规划Environmental planning发展合作Development cooperation发展计划Development planning生态发展Ecodevelopment经济发展Economic development经济计划Economic planning环境核算Environmental accounting环境审计Environmental auditing环境健康影响评价Environmental health impact assessment 环境影响Environmental impact环境影响评价Environmental impact assessment环境影响状报告书Environmental impact statement环境指标Environmental indicators环境政策Environmental policy环境风险评估Environmental risk assessment财政资助Financial assistance土地利用规划Land use planning环境管理指标Environmental management indicators环境质量指标Environmental quality indicators试验项目Pilot projects政策规划Policy planning施压集团Pressure groups区域规划Regional planning自助计划Self-help programmes工农业选址Siting of industry社会调查Social surveys发展状况Status of development可持续发展Sustainable development可持续发展指标Sustainable development indicators技术评价Technology assessment运输计划Transport planning环境经济问题Environmental economic issues环境定价Environmental valuation环境成本Environmental costs外部Externalities重置成本Replacement costs贸易对环境的影响Trade impact on environment已定价值的生态系统组成部分valued ecosystem components 经济管理手段Economic management instruments成本-效益分析Cost-benefit analysis发展中国家债务Developing countries debt环境股票交易Environmental stock exchange政府环境开支Government environmental expenditures绿色财政手段Green fiscal instruments环境成本内在化Internalisation of environmental costs以绿色标志促销Marketing with green labelling资源的定价政策Pricing policies of resources结构调整计划Structural adjustment programs税收差别Tax differentiation可交易的许可证Tradeable permits用火安全要求Fire safety requirements工业区Industrial areas受控燃烧Controlled burning作物保护Crop protection蒸馏业Distilling industry硝酸盐Nitrates亚硝酸盐Nitrites亚硝胺Nitrosamines营养物Nutrients工业INDUSTRY工业生产过程Industrial processes制铝工业Aluminium industry适用技术Appropriate technology高炉Blast furnaces纤维素Cellulose化学工业Chemical industry清洁技术Clean technologies服装工业Clothing industry脱盐工厂Desalination plants干洗Dry cleaning炼铁工业Iron industry洗烫衣服Laundering皮革工业Leather industry金属加工Metal finishing金属电镀Metal plating金属冶炼Metal smelting矿产业Mineral industry采矿Mining天然气开采Natural gas extraction原油开采Oil extraction石油提炼Petroleum refining印刷工业Printing industry纸浆工业Pulp industry采石Quarrying橡胶加工Rubber processing炼钢工业Steel industry露天剥采Strip mining焦油生产Tar production焦油使用Tar use木材保存Wood preservation工业产品Industrial products消费品Consumer goods危险品Dangerous goods工业材料Industrial materials天然纤维Natural fibres包装Packaging涂料Paints产品标签Product labelling可再用容器Reusable containers合成洗涤剂Synthetic detergents合成纺织纤维Synthetic textile fibres 漆Varnishes木产品Wood products运输TRANSPORTATION内燃机Combustion engines铁路运输Railway transport道路安全Road safety道路交通工程Road traffic engineering道路运输Road transport道路Roads城市交通Urban traffic车辆检验Vehicle inspection水上运输Water transportation渔轮Fishing vessels内河运输Inland water transport内陆水道Inland waterways国际水道International watercourses海运Maritime transport航运的危害Navigational hazards油轮Oil tankers港口Ports潜水艇Submarines能ENERGY能源Energy sources动物粪便作燃料Animal dung as fuel沼气Biogas生物量Biomass生物质能Biomass energy木炭Charcoal煤Coal原油Crude oil能源资源Energy resources浓缩铀Enriched uranium矿物燃料Fossil fuels燃料酒精Fuel alcohol薪柴Fuel wood地热能Geothermal energy碳氢化合物Hydrocarbon compounds烃Hydrocarbons水电Hydroelectric power液化气Liquefied gas甲烷Methane天然气Natural gas可再生能源Renewable energy sources不可再生能源Non-renewable energy resources 无污染能源Non-polluting energy sources核能Nuclear energy核燃料Nuclear fuels油类Oils油页岩Oil shales泥炭、泥煤Peat汽油Petrols从废料中提取的燃料Refuse derived fuels 太阳能Solar energy焦油砂Tar sands海洋热能Thermal sea power潮汐能Tidal energy铀Uranium波浪能Wave energy风能Wind energy能源过程Energy processes煤气化Coal gasification煤液化Coal liquefaction电力Electric power发电厂Electric power plants蓄电装置Electrical storage devices能源保护Energy conservation能源转换Energy conversion能源效率Energy efficiency能源政策Energy policy能源生产Energy production能源利用Energy use能源利用方式Energy utilization patterns 气体液化Gas liquefaction照明Lighting天然气勘探Natural gas exploration核能利用Nuclear energy uses核电站Nuclear power plants近海石油钻探Offshore oil drilling石油勘探Oil exploration日照加热Solar heating环境化学ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY 无机物质Inorganic substances酸Acids氧化铝Alumina氯Chlorine盐酸Hydrochloric acid硫化氢Hydrogen sulphide硫酸盐Sulphates硫酸Sulphuric acid光化学试剂Photochemical agents光化学效应Photochemical effects有机物质Organic substances有机硅化合物Organosilicon compounds酚Phenols外激素,信息素Pheromones植物油Vegetable oils生物化学过程Biochemical processes酸化Acidification需氧过程Aerobic processes厌氧过程Anaerobic processes生物降解Biodegradation脱氮作用Denitrification富营氧化Eutrophication杀虫剂的相互作用Interaction of pesticides电离辐射Ionizing radiation代谢(作用),新陈代谢(作用)Metabolism 固氮Nitrogen fixation非电离辐射Non-ionizing radiation光合作用Photosynthesis物理-化学过程Physico-chemical processes放射性Radioactivity毒性Toxicity污染POLLUTION污染物Pollutants气溶胶,气雾剂Aerosols农业废物Agricultural wastes石棉Asbestos商业噪音Commercial noise混合污染Composite pollution作物废物Crop waste二恶英Dioxins农家场院废物Farmyard waste火、火灾Fire危险物质Hazardous substances危险废物Hazardous wastes重金属Heavy metals医院废物Hospital wastes工业废水Industrial effluents工业排放物Industrial emissions工业烟尘Industrial fumes工业噪声Industrial noise无机污染物Inorganic pollutants铅污染Lead contamination液体废物Liquid wastes丢弃物,废气物Litter汞污染Mercury contamination微污染物Micropollutants采矿废物Mining wastes机动车辆排放物Motor vehicle emissions城市废物Municipal waste氮氧化物Nitrogen oxides噪声污染Noise pollution恶臭公害Odour nuisance有机物污染Organic pollutants难降解有机污染物Persistent organic pollutants 有机溶剂Organic solvents有机卤化物Organohalogen compounds医药废物Pharmaceutical wastes塑料废物Plastic wastes多氯联苯Polychlorinated biphenyls聚合物废物Polymer wastes放射性物质Radioactive substances氡Radon橡胶废物Rubber waste锯屑Sawdust污水Sewage屠宰场废物Slaughterhouse waste固体废物Solid wastes热污染Thermal pollution有毒物质Toxic substances有毒废物Toxic waste毒素Toxins痕量元素Trace elements痕量物质Trace materials交通噪音Traffic noise废物,垃圾Trash废热Waste heat木材废料Wood waste对流层臭氧Tropospheric ozone污染源Pollution sources生物武器Biological weapons水泥工业Cement industry化学武器Chemical weapons烟囱Chimneys冷却水Cooling waters机动车辆Motor vehicles摩托车Motorcycles核武器Nuclear weapons海洋倾倒Ocean dumping石油泄漏Oil spills废金属Scrap metals挖掘堆积Excavation heaps污染治理Pollution abatement隔音Acoustic insulation化学污染清除Chemical decontamination燃料脱硫Desulphurization of fuels过滤器Filters噪音治理Noise abatement污染治理设备Pollution abatement equipment 污染控制技术Pollution control technology辐射防护Radiation protection洗涤器Scrubbers分离器Separators防烟Smoke prevention废物最少化Waste minimization废物Wastes电池处理Battery disposal废物的化学处理Chemical treatment of waste 处置场所Disposal sites废物焚烧Incineration of waste矿山回填Mine filling残油回收Oil residue recuperation放射性废物管理Radioactive waste management回收的材料Recycled materials回收Recycling材料再利用Reuse of materials卫生填埋Sanitary landfills海洋排泄口Sea outfall化粪池Septic tanks污水处置Sewage disposal污水处理系统Sewage treatment systems固体废物处置Solid waste disposal废物同化处置Waste assimilation capacities废物转化技术Waste conversion techniques废物处置Waste disposal废物土地处置Waste disposal in the ground废物处置税Waste disposal taxes废物回收Waste recovery废物利用Waste use水的再利用Water reuse人体健康HUMAN HEALTH污染物的危害Hazards of pollutants在人体组织中的积累Accumulation in body tissues镉污染Cadmium contamination环境健康危害Environmental health hazards人体接触污染物Human exposure to pollutants污染物的长期效应Long-term effects of pollutants核安全Nuclear safety污染物的影响Pollutant effects污染风险Pollution ris辐射效应Radiation effects药物的副作用Side effects of pharmaceutical drugs有毒物质的协同效应Synergistic effects of toxic substances 与环境有关的疾病Environmentally related diseases工作环境Working environment人机工程学Ergonomics职业健康Occupational health职业安全Occupational safety振动Vibration卫生设施Health facilities传统保健Traditional health care灾难DISASTERS灾难现象Catastrophic phenomena生物体的意外释放Accidental release of organisms地震Earthquakes环境事故Environmental accidents飓风Hurricanes山崩Landslides人为灾难Human-made disasters释放Release地震海浪Seismic sea waves应急减灾措施Emergency relief measures灾难清理作业Disaster clean-up operations防灾准备Disaster preparedness防灾Disaster prevention灾难救援Disaster relief生境破坏Habitat destruction陆地活动Land-based activities自然改变Physical alterations监测MONITORING环境监测Environmental monitoring生物指标Biological indicators生态标志Ecolabelling污染物鉴别Identification of pollutants噪声监制Noise monitoring污染物分析Pollutant analysis污染物分布Pollutant distribution污染物浓度Pollutant levels污染物监测Pollutant monitoring污染物路径Pollutant pathways污染物来源鉴别Pollutant source identification 污染监测Pollution monitoring辐射监测Radiation monitoring交通监测Traffic monitoring监测数据Monitoring data空气质量管理Air quality management大气监测Atmospheric monitoring本底监测Baseline monitoring环境标准Environmental criteria环境评价Environmental assessment部门评价Sectoral assessment环境统计Environmental statistics森林资源评估Forest resource assessment洪水监测Freshwater monitoring工业生产统计Industrial production statistics长期预报Long-term forecasting长期趋势Long-term trends海洋监测Marine monitoring监测基准Monitoring criteria污染基准Pollution criteria污染标准Pollution norms质量控制Quality control水盾Water quality天气监测Weather monitoring天气预报Weather prediction野生生物种群统计Wildlife population statistics监测技术Monitoring techniques分析设备Analytical equipment大气模型Atmospheric models自动检测Automatic detection测量仪器的标定Calibration of measuring equipment 色谱分析Chromatographic analysis气象色谱法Gas chromatography模型制作,模型设计Modelling监测仪器Monitoring equipment放射性示踪技术Radioactive tracer techniques采样技术Sampling techniques模拟Simulation河道观测Stream measurement毒理测定Toxicological testing报警系统Warning systems监测系统Monitoring systems环境法ENVIRONMENTAL LAW国内立法National legislation农业立法Agricultural legislation污染防治激励措施Antipollution incentives环境犯罪Environmental crimes环境激励措施Environmental incentives环境责任Environmental liability环境过失Environmental misconduct环境质量标准Environmental quality standards环境补贴Environmental subsidies林业立法Forestry legislation健康立法Health legislation住房立法Housing legislation工业立法Industrial legislation对破坏环境的惩罚Penalties for environmental damage 污染者付费原则Polluter-pays principle污染控制法规Pollution control regulations污染责任Pollution liabilities公众对土地的获取Public access to land法规控制Regulatory control国际环境关系International environmental relations入海通道Access to the sea双边协定Bilateral conventions环境安全Environmental security环境破坏行为Environmental vandalism环境冲突Environmental warfare危险废物的出口Export of hazardous wastes全球性公约Global conventions国际标准化International standardization国际贸易International trade国际性重要的失态系统Internationally important ecosystems海洋事故的责任Liability for marine accidents事先知情同意Prior informed consent区域性公约Regional conventions技术转让Technology transfer危险物质的运输Transport of hazardous materials太阳能术语解释(中英对照)。




关于瓦日线货运增量的探讨Discussion on the Freight Increment of WaRi Railway吴植芳1,李大海2(1.山西现行经贸有限公司太原分公司,太原030013;2.中国铁路太原局集团公司调度所,太原030013)WU Zhi-fang 1,LI Da-hai 2(1.Shanxi XianxingTrade Co.Ltd.,TaiyuanBranch,Taiyuan030013,China ;2.ChinaRailwayTaiyuanGroupCo.Ltd.DispatchingOffice,Taiyuan030013,China)【摘要】瓦日线是连接东西部地区的重要铁路货运通道,论文分析了瓦日线上游装车站装车能力,对南吕梁山隧道整治施工期间列车通过能力进行了测算,从机车跨线整备、组合机车运用限制、空车运用、车流去向等方面分析了增量运输制约因素,提出装车点扩能改造、机车车辆配套建设、扩充接卸能力及组织固定车底循环运输、优化机车车辆运用等增量组织方案,并探讨了优化机车车辆整备检修布局、调整车流输送径路、实行装疏运一体化管理体系等扩能研究方向。

【Abstract】WaRi railwayis the important railwaycommoditytransport passage ofconnecting west and east area,this paper analyzes the loadingcapacity of the upper station in WaRi railway,calculates the traffic capacity in the period of the South Lvliang tunnel construction,analyzes the restriction factors of the freight increment from the aspects as:the reorganize and outfit of locomotive crossing the line,the combination of locomotive application restriction,the utilization of empty train,and the direction of the train,puts forward the organization schemes of the expansionofloadingpoint,the supporting construction ofrolling stock,expanding the capacityofloading and unloading and organizingthe fixed vehicle bottom circulation,optimizing the utilization of rolling stock,and discusses the expansion direction of optimizing the overhaul layout of rollingstock,adjustingthetrainflowpath,realizingtheintegrated management system ofloadinganddredgingand transportation.【关键词】瓦日线;衔接;货运增量【Keywords】WaRirailway;connecting;freight increasement【中图分类号】U291.1【文献标志码】A【文章编号】1673-1069(2018)04-0120-041瓦日线太原局管段概况瓦日线太原局管段西起瓦塘站,东至长子南站(不含),为双线电气化铁路,线路长度为501.417km 。



2022年考研英语阅读试题及答案4Passage 4Those who welcomed the railway saw it as more than a rapid and comfortable means of passing. They actually saw it as afactor in world peace. They did not foresee that the railway would be just one more means for the rapid movement of aggressive armies. None of them foresaw that the more weare together-the more chances there are of war. Any boy or girl who is one of a large family knows that.Whenever any new invention is put forward, those for it and those against it can always find medical men to approve or condemn. The anti-railway group produced doctors who said that tunnels would be most dangerous to public health: they would produce colds, catarrhs (粘膜炎)and consumptions. The deafening noise and the glare of the engine fire, would have a bad effect on the nerves. Further, being moved through the air at a high speed would do grave injury to delicate lungs. In those with high blood-pressure, the movement of the train might produce apoplexy (中风). The sudden plunging of a train into the darkness of a tunnel, and the equally sudden rush into full daylight, would cause great damage to eyesight. But the pro-railway group was of course able to produce equally famous medical men to say just the opposite. They said that the speedand swing of the train would equalize the circulation, promote digestion, tranquilize the nerves, and ensure good sleep.The actual rolling-stock was anything but comfortable. If it was a test of endurance to sit for four hours outside a coach in rain, or inside in dirty air, the railway offered little more in the way of comfort. Certainly the first-class carriages had cushioned seats; but the second-class had only narrow bare boards, while the third-class had nothing at all; no seats and no roof; they were just open trucks. So that third-class passengers gained nothing from the few mode except speed. In the matter of comfort, indeed they lost; they did, on the coaches, have a seat, but now they had to stand all the way, which gave opportunities to the comic (滑稽的)press. This kind of thing: A man was seen yesterday buying a third-class ticket for the new London and Birmingham Railway. The state of his mind is being enquired into. A writer in the early days of railways wrote feelingly of both second-and third-class carriages. He made the suggestion that the directors of the railways must have sent all over the world to find the hardest possible wood. Of the open third-class trucks he said that they had the peculiar property of meeting the rain from whatever quarter it came. He described them as horizontal shower-baths, from whose searching powerthere was no escape.16. All boys and girls in large families know that .A)a boy and a girl usually fight when they are together B)people tend to be together more than they used to be C)a lot of people being together makes fights likely D)Railway leads the world to peace17. According to those who welcomed the railway, the railway itself should include all the following except .A)the railway enables people travel fast B)the railway brings comfort to people C)the railway makes the world peaceful D)the railway leads the world to war as well.18. According to the anti-railway group, all the followings are true but .A)tunnels are dangerous to public health B)the noise and the glare of the engine fire may affect people s nerves C)the rapid speed through the air does damage to people s lungs D)to those with high blood-pressure, the rapid speed of the train causes them to die19. We may safely conclude that .A)the author belongs to the anti-railway group B)the author belongs to the for-railway group C)the author speaks highly of the railway D)the author may never take train because of its potential dangers20. What is the tone of this passage?A)Practical B)Satirical C)Humorous D)Exaggerated参考答案:Passage 416.C 17.D 18.D19.A 20.C。

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train number Amsterdam V Rotterdam A Rotterdam V Roosendaal A Roosendaal V Vlissingen A 2123 2127 2131 2135 2139 2143 2147 2151 2155 6.48 7.55 8.56 9.56 10.56 11.56 12.56 13.56 7.55 8.58 9.58 10.58 11.58 12.58 13.58 14.58 7.00 8.01 9.02 10.03 11.02 12.03 13.02 14.02 15.02 7.40 8.41 9.41 10.43 11.41 12.41 13.41 14.41 15.41 7.43 8.43 9.43 10.45 11.43 12.43 13.43 14.43 15.43 8.38 9.38 10.38 11.38 12.38 13.38 14.38 15.38 16.38
Table 1.
Timetable Amsterdam-Vlissingen vice versa
The trains have more stops, but for our purposes only those given in the table are of interest. For each of the stages of any scheduled train, NS has determined an expected number of passengers, divided into rst class and second class, given in the following table:
1. The problem
Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Dutch Railways) runs an hourly train service on its route Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport-Leyden-The Hague-Rotterdam-DordrechtRoosendaal-Middelburg-Vlissingen vice versa, with the following timetable, for each day from Monday till Friday:
Table 2.
Numbers of required rst class (up) and second class (down) seats
The problem to be solved is: What is the minimum amount of train stock necessary to perform the service in such a way that at each stage there are enough seats? In order to answer this question, one should know a number of further characteristics and constraints. In a rst variant of the problem considered, the train stock consists of one type of two-way train-units, each consisting of three carriages. The number of seats in any unit is: rst class 38 second class 163 Table 3. Number of seats Each unit has at both ends an engineer's cabin, and units can be coupled together, up to a certain maximum number of units. This maximum is trajectorydependent, and depends on lengths of station platforms, curvature of bends, required acceleration speed and braking distance, etc. On each of the trajectories of the line Amsterdam-Vlissingen this maximum number is 15 carriages, meaning 5 train-units. The train length can be changed, by coupling or decoupling units, at the terminal stations of the line, that is at Amsterdam and Vlissingen, and en route at two intermediate stations: Rotterdam and Roosendaal. Any trainunit decoupled from a train arriving at place X at time t can be linked up to any other train departing from X at any time later than t. (The AmsterdamVlissingen schedule is such that in practice this gives enough time to make the necessary switchings.) A last condition put is that for each place X 2 fAmsterdam, Rotterdam, Roosendaal, Vlissingeng, the number of train-units staying overnight at X should be constant during the week (but may vary for di erent places). This 207
train number 2108 2112 2116 2120 2124 2128 2132 2136 2140 Vlissingen V 5.30 6.54 7.56 8.56 9.56 10.56 11.56 Roosendaal A 6.35 7.48 8.50 9.50 10.50 11.50 12.50 Roosendaal V 5.29 6.43 7.52 8.53 9.53 10.53 11.53 12.53 Rotterdam A 6.28 7.26 8.32 9.32 10.32 11.32 12.32 13.32 Rotterdam V 5.31 6.29 7.32 8.35 9.34 10.34 11.34 12.34 13.35 Amsterdam A 6.39 7.38 8.38 9.40 10.38 11.38 12.38 13.38 14.38 train number 2144 2148 2152 2156 2160 2164 2168 2172 2176 Vlissingen V 12.56 13.56 14.56 15.56 16.56 17.56 18.56 19.55 Roosendaal A 13.50 14.50 15.50 16.50 17.50 18.50 19.50 20.49 Roosendaal V 13.53 14.53 15.53 16.53 17.53 18.53 19.53 20.52 21.53 Rotterdam A 14.32 15.32 16.32 17.33 18.32 19.32 20.32 21.30 22.32 Rotterdam V 14.35 15.34 16.34 17.35 18.34 19.34 20.35 21.32 22.34 Amsterdam A 15.38 16.40 17.38 18.38 19.38 20.38 21.38 22.38 23.38
train number 2159 2163 2167 2171 2175 2179 2183 2187 2191 Amsterdam V 14.56 15.56 16.56 17.56 18.56 19.56 20.56 21.56 22.56 Rotterdam A 15.58 16.58 17.58 18.58 19.58 20.58 21.58 22.58 23.58 Rotterdam V 16.00 17.01 18.01 19.02 20.02 21.02 22.02 23.02 Roosendaal A 16.43 17.43 18.42 19.41 20.41 21.41 22.41 23.54 Roosendaal V 16.45 17.45 18.44 19.43 20.43 21.43 Vlissingen A 17.40 18.40 19.39 2xander Schrijver email:
We describe some research in progress performed for Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS,Dutch Railways) to determine a minimum circulation of train-units needed to execute a given timetable with given bounds on demands and capacities.
Minimum Circulation of Railway Stock
CWI, Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Department of Mathematics, University of Amsterdam, Plantage Muidergracht 24, 1018 TV Amsterdam, The Netherlands