





1. 确定编程设备:通常使用电脑和USB转串口线作为编程设备。

2. 安装编程软件:根据无刷电调的品牌和型号,选择相应的编程软件并安装。

3. 连接电调和编程设备:将USB转串口线连接到电脑的USB端口上,另一头连接到电调的编程口上。

4. 进入编程模式:根据电调的说明书,按压指定按键或操作指令,进入编程模式。

5. 编写程序:在编程软件中编写程序,实现电调所需的功能。


6. 下载程序:将编写好的程序下载到电调中,以实现相应的功能。

7. 测试:将电调和电机连接,进行测试以确认编程是否成功。



- 1 -。



0102Specifications03Begin to Use the New Brushless ESC04ESC Programming05Programmable Items06Data Checking07Normal Start-up ProcessProgrammable Item List of Platinum 60A V4 ESC. (“*” in the form below indicate factory defaults. )Programmable Item List of Multifunction LCD Program BoxUSER MANUALPlatinum 60A V4Brushless Electronic Speed Controller201512031. Flight Mode1.1. In “Fixed-wing” mode, the motor will start up when the throttle amount reaches 5% or above. There is no soft start-up, the motor responds to the throttle increase rapidly.1.2. In “Helicopter (Linear Throttle)” mode, the motor will start up when the throttle amount reaches 5% or above. And it will accelerate to the RPM corresponds to the specific throttle amount in the preset start-up time (4~25s). 1.3. In “Helicopter (Elf Governor)” mode, the motor will start up when the throttle amount reaches 40% or above. And it will complete the speed standardization and enter the speed-governing operation in the preset start-up time(4~25s). In this mode, the motor will standardize its speed every time it starts up. Due to different discharge rates/capabilities of different batteries, the RPM you standardize each time may be a little different. In consequence, at the same throttle amount, the RPM may be a bit different when using different batteries, but this won’t affect the speed-governing effect.1.4. In “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, the motor will start up when the throttle amount reaches 40% or above. It will also start up in a very soft way. And it will also complete the speed standardization and enter thespeed-governing operation in the preset start-up time. In this mode, the motor will only standardize its speed the first time when it starts up. When performing RPM standardization for the first time, we recommend using afully-charged battery with good discharge capability. After the RPM standardization, change another battery to fly your aircraft. At the same throttle amount, the RPM should be the same as the RPM of the first flight. For consistent control feel, we recommend using this mode. About RPM Standardization & Others• The motor will enter the soft start-up when user switches the throttle amount from 0 to 40% or above (50% throttle is recommended). The pitch of main blades should be 0 degree during the soft start-up process, the RPMstandardization completes when the soft start-up ends, and the ESC makes the motor enter the speed-governing state. In “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, if user wants to re-standardize the speed, he needs to set the flight mode to “Helicopter (Elf Governor)” and save this mode first, and then reset the flight mode back to “Helicopter (Store Governor)”, then the ESC will re-standardize the motor speed when the motor rotates for the first time after the ESC is powered off and then on again.• For ensuring the speed-governing effect, we recommend setting the throttle amount to 85% or below in both speed-governing modes (Helicopter (Elf Governor)&Helicopter (Store Governor), so there will be sufficient compensating room to maintain the consistency of the RPM. We recommend replacing the motor or adjusting the gear ratio if the expected RPM still cannot be reached when the throttle amount exceeds 85%. (Note: You need to re-standardize the RPM after replacing the motor, blades, body frame or adjusting the gear ratio.)• In “Heli Store Governor” mode, if you fly your aircraft with another pack that has poor discharge capability after the RPM standardization (with a pack which has good discharge capability), the pack has poor discharge capability will get damaged.• In “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, different battery packs can bring the same stable RPM only if they have the same cell count. This won’t change even when you change the battery pack. However, battery packs with different cell count don’t have the same effect. For instance, in “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, you can not use a 4S to calibrate the motor RPM and then use a 6S to drive the motor, hoping it can run at the same RPM. • User can decide the control feel via adjusting Governor Parameter P/I. In “Helicopter (Store Governor)” mode, connect your ESC to a smart phone or PC, then you can check the throttle vs speed chart.2. LiPo Cells: the ESC will automatically calculate the number of LiPo cells you have plugged in as per the “3.7V/Cell” rule if “Auto Calc” is selected. Or user can set this item manually.3. Voltage Cutoff Type: the ESC will gradually reduce the output to 50% of the full power in 3 seconds after the voltage cutoff protection is activated, if soft mode is selected..It will immediately cut off all the output when hard mode is selected.4. Cutoff Voltage: 2.7V-3.7V (custom), 3.3V (default).5. BEC Voltage: 5-8V (adjustable), 0.1V (step), 6V (default).6. Start-up Time: 4-25s (adjustable), 1s (step), 15s (default). (Note: It only functions in Heli Elf/Store Governor Mode)7. Governor Parameter P: Control the ESC maintaining the stability of the current motor speed.8. Governor Parameter I: Control the dynamic response. To be specific, control the supplement extent when the actual motor speed is below expectation. If you choose a very big value, then the supplement may be too much. If select a very small value, then the supplement may not sufficient.9. Auto Restart Time: the ESC will cut off its output when the throttle amount is between 25% and 40%. If you increase the throttle amount to above 40% within preset time period (0-90s), the motor will rapidly start up and accelerate to the speed (in the programmed Restart Acceleration Time) corresponds to the specific throttle amount, complete the shutdown and restart up.If you move the throttle stick to over 40% beyond the preset time period, the ESC will enter the soft start-up process. (Note: This function won’t effect unless the throttle amount is over 25% and it only effects in “Heli Governor Elf/Store” mode.)10. Restart Acceleration Time: 1-3s (adjustable), 0.5s (step), 1.5s (default). This item controls the time the motor will cost to restart and accelerate to the full speed. (This function only effects in “Heli Governor Elf/Store” mode) 11. Brake Type11.1. Proportional Brake: when the throttle range on the transmitter is between 20% and 100%, the corresponding ESC throttle output is between 0% and 100%.When the throttle range on the transmitter is between 20% and 0%, the corresponding brake force is between 0 and 100%.11.2. Reverse: after selecting this option, the RPM signal wire will turn into a reverse signal wire (the signal range is in line with the throttle range). After setting a channel on the transmitter, when the reverse signal length is above 20% signal length, the Reverse mode will be activated. The reverse signal length must be below 20% signal length when the ESC is powered on for the first time. When the reverse signal length is below 20% signal length, 0-100%throttle corresponds to “CW”; when the reverse signal length is above 20% signal length, the motor will stop spinning CW (and then spin CCW); at this time, 0-100% throttle corresponds to “CCW”. Any signal loss will activate the throttle signal loss protection, no matter it happens to the RPM signal wire or the throttle signal cable during the flight.12. Brake Force: 0-100% (adjustable), 1% (step), 0 (default). (Note: this function only effects in “Normal Brake” mode.)13. Timing: 0-30° (adjustable), 1° (step), 15° (default).14. Motor Rotation: CW/CCW. User can adjust this item via a multifunction LCD program box.15. DEO Freewheeling: User can decide this function “Enabled” or “Disabled” in “Fixed Wing” mode or in “Heli (Linear Throttle Response)” mode. This item has been preset to “Enabled” and cannot be adjusted in “Heli (Elf Governor/Store Governor)” mode. This function can brings better throttle linearity.Model Application Input VoltageCont./Peak Current (10s)(Switch-mode) BEC Platinum 60A V4450-480 Class Heli (Propeller: 325-360mm )3-6S LiPo 60A/80A5V-8V Adjustable (Step: 0.1V), 7A/18A Cont./Peak For connecting LCD Program Box/WIFI Express White Throttle Signal Wire/Red & Black BEC Output Wires/Yellow RPM Signal Transmission Wire14AWG Input/Output Wires 49g / 48x30x15.5mmProgrammingConnect the LCD program box and a battery to your ESC as shown above.Platinum 60A V4Program Your ESC with a WIFI Express: For detailed information, please refer to the user manual of WIFI Express.Turn on the transmitter, and then move the throttle stick to the bottom position.After connected to a battery, the ESC will emit “♪123” indicating it’s normally powered on.The motor will emit several beeps to indicate the number of LiPo cells.The motor emits a long beep indicating the ESC is ready to go.08Explanations for Warning Tones1. Input voltage is abnormal: The ESC will measure the input voltage the moment when it’s powered on. The motor will keep beeping “BB, BB, BB” (the interval between two BBs is 1 second) when the input voltage is beyond the normal range. The warning tone won’t stop until the voltage turns normal.2. Throttle signal loss protection is activated: The motor will beep “B-, B-, B-” (the interval between two B-s is 2 seconds) when the ESC doesn’t detect any throttle signal.3. Throttle stick is not at the bottom position: The motor will beep “B-B-B-B-B-” when the throttle stick is not moved to the bottom position.4. Throttle range is too narrow: The motor will beep “B-B-B-B-B-” when the throttle range you set is too narrow (when designing this ESC, it requires that the entire throttle range you set cannot be less than 50% of the whole throttle range available on the transmitter.) The warning tone indicates the throttle range you set is void and you need to set it again.09Explanations for Multiple Protections1. Start-up Protection: The ESC will monitor the motor speed during the start-up process. When the speed stops increasing or the speed increase is not stable, the ESC will take it as a start-up failure. At that time, if the throttle amount is less than 15%, the ESC will automatically try to restart up; if it is larger than 15%, you need to move the throttle stick to back the bottom position and then restart up the ESC. (Possible causes of this problem: poor connection/ disconnection between the ESC and motor wires, propellers are blocked, etc.)2. ESC Thermal Protection: The ESC will gradually reduce the output but won’t cut it off completely when the ESC temperature goes above 110℃. For ensuring the motor can still get some power and won’t causecrashes, so the maximum reduction is about 50% of the full power. The ESC will gradually resume its maximum power after the temperature lowers down. In addition, the ESC temperature cannot exceed 70℃ when it’s powered on. Otherwise, it cannot be started up. (Here we are describing the ESC’s reaction in soft cutoff mode, while if in hard cutoff mode; it will immediately cut off the power.)3. Capacitor Thermal Protection: The ESC will activate this protection when the operating temperature of capacitors goes over 130℃. It protects capacitors in the same way as the ESC thermal protection does to the ESC .4. Throttle Signal Loss Protection: When the ESC detects loss of signal for over 0.25 second, it will cut off the output immediately to avoid an even greater loss which may be caused by the continuous high-speed rotation of propellers or rotor blades. The ESC will resume the corresponding output after normal signals are received.5. Overload Protection: The ESC will cut off the power/output or automatically restart itself when the load suddenly increases to a very high value. (Possible cause to sudden load increase is that propellers are blocked.)0104可编程参数项目及其说明Platinum 60A V420151203空模无刷电子调速器使用说明书下表中带“*”的为出厂默认参数:可编程参数表(英文对照)1、飞行模式1.1 固定翼模式下,油门达到5%启动电机,无缓启动,油门响应迅速;1.2 直升机线性模式下,油门达到5%启动电机,有缓启动,马达在设定的缓启动时间内加速至当前油门应有转速;1.3 直升机精灵定速模式下,油门达到40%启动电机,有缓启动,马达在设定的缓启动时间内完成转速标定进入定速运行状态。


HC6800-ES V2.0单片机开发板
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好盈科技有限公司 XERUN -SCT PRO车用无刷电子调速器( ESC)说明书

好盈科技有限公司 XERUN -SCT PRO车用无刷电子调速器( ESC)说明书






同时也兼容无感无刷电机;↓内置开关稳压模式(Switching Mode)BEC,具备强大的电流输出能力,即使工作于4S锂电时也无需外挂UBEC;↓丰富的可编程参数,适合各种使用环境;↓优异的启动效果(9种启动加速度选项)、出色的加速性能和油门线性度;↓比例式刹车:5段最大刹车力度调节、8段拖刹力度调节、4段初始刹车力度调节;且兼容传统机械式碟刹系统;↓多重保护功能:电压过低保护(用于防止锂电池过度放电)、过温保护、油门失控保护、堵转保护;↓单键编程设定,单键恢复出厂默认参数;↓可选购轻巧便携的车用电调编程设定卡,方便外场使用。



↓底面有安装孔,便于安装;【车用无刷电子调速器产品规格】备注1:电调上的散热风扇由内置BEC供电而不是从电池组直接取电,所以使用5V 风扇即可,无需考虑输入电压的高低。






尊敬的用户: 感谢您对我们产品的信任,购买我们的无刷马达电子调速器。为了保障你的权益,
注意事项: 使用前应完全阅读说明 只使用高质量的新插头,必须很好的焊接控制器的电线(插头不能有助焊剂残留物) 连接电池的电源线可以最大延长至20厘米 注意所有电线和接收机天线之间的距离,应尽可能地保持最大 在飞行器即将飞行前将电池连上飞行系统,登陆后马上断开 如果您不使用这个模型,请总是将所有电池与飞行系统断开 请勿将电子调速器或电池的极性接反、或使用不同型号的连接器 除了连接合适的电池(相应的输入电压和电流负载),请勿将电子调速器连接到直 流电源上 每次开机之前都要检查调速器和接收器电路和发射频率 请将模型中的调速器置于制冷气流中,并留一个通风孔以保证有充足的空气量(进 风孔和出风孔)
电子调速器安装 考虑到冷却效果、电线长度和接收机天线位置,请为调速器选择合适的位置 请将JR连接器插入接收器油门通道 传送器油门杆必须位于电机停止的位置上 连接飞行器电池(注意极性正确) 电池必须一次性连接OK,注意不能用插头多次插拔 电机发出“哔” 一声或“哔、哔” 两声说明连接正确,电子调速器一切就绪,等 待您推动油门启动电机 若听到“哔”一声,说明制动刹车已启动,若听到“哔、哔”两声,说明刹车功能 未启动 您现在可以使用油门杆来启动电机了 如果上述确认的蜂鸣声没有出现,请断开飞行器电池并检查:JR插头是否与油门通 道正确连接,油门摇杆是否处于最低位置(刹车/停止)或者传送器油门通道可能 处于相反位置 电机旋转方向的改变既可以通过电机和调速器之间3条连接线中的任意2条连接线 互换来实现,也可以通过调节ProgCard Pro程序卡来实现
关断电压模式 高 中 低


现在用官方软件下载几乎都要手动重新给单片机上电过程。市面的开发板主要也都是采用这种下载方式。 建议使用普中软件自动下载。

单片机开发中除必要的硬件外,同样离不开软件,我们写的汇编语言源程序要变为 CPU 可以执行的机器码有两种方法,一种是手工汇编,另一种是机器汇编,目前已极少使用手工汇编的方法了。机器汇编是通过汇编软件将源程序变为机器码,用于 MCS-51 单片机的汇编软件有早期的 A51,随着单片机开发技术的不断发展,从普遍使用汇编语言到逐渐使用高级语言开发,单片机的开发软件也在不断发展,Keil 软件是目前最流行开发 MCS-51 系列单片机的软件,这从近年来各仿真机厂商纷纷宣布全面支持 Keil 即可看出。Keil 提供了包括 C 编译器、宏汇编、连接器、库管理和一个功能强大的仿真调试器等在内的完整开发方案,通过一个集成开发环境(uVision)将这些部份组合在一起。运行 Keil 软件需要 Pentium 或以上的 CPU,16MB 或更多 RAM、20M 以上空闲的硬盘空间、WIN98、NT、WIN2000、WINXP 等操作系统。掌握这一软件的使用对于使用 51 系列单片机的爱好者来说是十分必要的,如果你使用C语言编程,那么Keil几乎就是你的不二之选(目前在国内你只能买到该软件、而你买的仿真机也很可能只支持该软件),即使不使用C语言而仅用汇编语言编程,其方便易用的集成环境、强大的软件仿真调试工具也会令你事半功倍。



如果自检错误,会连续发出 20 声很短的“beeb-”音。 3、低保压护保处护理:默认为 0.0V,系统自动识别锂电节数并计算低压值。电机工作时,当电池电压
低于设定的低压域值时,立即关闭电机。 油门信号丢失保护:信号丢失,0.3 秒钟后,立即关闭。 过温保护:当复控。制板板的温度超过约 100℃时,功率降到 20%运行。温度降低,则功率恢 硬件自检:每次上电时,系统会自检,如果硬件有故障,会连续发出 20 声很短的“beeb-”
将电调的 接通电 通过“ 键” 按“

PPM 线按

“ 键”确
PPM 线从
断 方向插到 动读取 认修改项,按 数,按“WR 编程卡中
电 编程卡的 电调中 “ 键 ” 键”将新 拔出,接
的各参 “ 键”进 参数写入 到接收机
持续工 电池节数 尺寸(mm) 重 量 BEC 编程卡 按键
作电流 锂电 镍镉镍氢 长 x 宽 x 高 (g) ( ) Linear 编程 编程
6A 1-2
是 不可
10A 1-2
是 不可
动键,用于修 ⑴光标上下移动键,用于翻屏 ⑴当光标在最左侧时,按下该键,则进 参数,按下该
改有两位以 上数值的参
⑵修改设置项的选项或值。若 是选项,则循环选择,若是数





























Freescale Kinetis E 系列 KE06 微控制器开发板用户指南说明书

Freescale Kinetis E 系列 KE06 微控制器开发板用户指南说明书

Freescale Semiconductor User’s Guide1FRDM-KE06 hardware overviewThe FRDM-KE06 Freedom development platform microcontroller board is assembled with the following features:•Kinetis E series KE06 MCU in an 80-pin LQFP package•On-board serial and debug adapter (OpenSDA)•I/O headers for easy access to MCU I/O pins •Freescale inertial sensor, MMA8451Q •Reset push button •RGB LED•Infrared communication •One thermistor•Motor control function for simple BLDC motor control on APMOTOR56F8000E •CAN communication Figure 1 shows a block diagram of the FRDM-KE06 board.Document Number:FRDMKE06UGRev. 0, 03/2014Contents1.FRDM-KE06 hardware overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.FRDM-KE06 hardware description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA) . . . . . . . . . . . 4Freedom KE06 User’s Guideby: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.FRDM-KE06 hardware descriptionFigure1. FRDM-KE06 block diagramThe FRDM-KE06 features two microcontrollers, the target MCU and a serial and debug adapter (OpenSDA) MCU. The target MCU is a Kinetis E series KE06 family device. The OpenSDA MCU is a Kinetis K series K20 family device, the K20DX128VFM5.2FRDM-KE06 hardware description2.1Power supplyThe FRDM-KE06 offers a design with multiple power supply options. It can be powered from the USB connector, the V IN pin on the I/O header, an off-board 1.71-3.6V supply from the 3.3V pin on the I/O header or 3.3V from motor control board. The USB and V IN supplies are regulated on-board using a 3.3V linear regulator to produce the main power supply. The other two sources are not regulated on-board. Note that KE06 on FRDM board can be powered by 5V or 3.3V.The following figure shows the schematic drawing for the power supply inputs and the on-board voltage regulator.FRDM-KE06 hardware descriptionFigure 2. FRDM-KE06 power supplyTable 1 provides the operational details and requirements for the power supplies.Note that the OpenSDA circuit is only operational when a USB cable is connected and supplying power to J6. However, the protection circuitry is in place to allow multiple sources to be powered at once.Table 1. Power supply requirementsSupply Source Valid RangeOpenSDA Operational?Regulated on-board?OpenSDA USB (J6)5VYes Yes V IN Pin on I/O header 4.3-9V Yes Yes 3.3V Pin on I/O header 1.71-3.6V Yes No 3.3V Pin on motor control header3.3VYesNoTable 2. Power suppliesPower Supply Name DescriptionVDD_PERIPHPeripheral power supply, including RGB LED, Key buttons, infrared, thermistor, reset circuit.J14 Pin1&2 connected, 3.3V power supply;J14 Pin2&3 connected, 5V power supply.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Notes:1.J9 and J10 are not populated by default on the production version. The two pins of these headers are shorted together by 0 ohm resistor R12 and R26 on the PCB. To measure the energyconsumption of either the KE06 or the OpenSDA MCU, the 0 ohm resistor between these pins must first be cut. A current probe or a shunt resistor and voltage meter can then be applied to measure the energy consumption on these rails. When the MCU current measurement is done, this 0 ohm resistor can be soldered on again.2.To better get ADC accuracy on KE06, it is recommended that a 0 ohm resistor R13 be soldered on. Ensure there is no power supply from P3V3_MOTOR and P3V3 sourced from I/O headers.3Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)OpenSDA is an open-standard serial and debug adapter. It bridges serial and debug communications between a USB host and an embedded target processor as shown in Figure 3.VDD_KE06KE06 MCU power supply.Header J9 provides a convenient means for KE06 energy consumption measurements.Header J14 for KE06 power supply selection: 3.3V or 5V.J14 Pin1&2 connected, 3.3V power supply,J14 Pin2&3 connected, 5V power supply.P3V3_SDAOpenSDA circuit power supply. Can be 3.3V only.Header J10 provides a convenient means for K20 energy consumption measurements.P5V_SDA INPUT [J6 Pin1] Input 5V Power supplied from the OpenSDA USB connector. P5-9V_VIN INPUT [J4 Pin16] Power supplied from the V IN pin of the I/O headers.P3V3_MOTOR INPUT [J2 Pin13] Input 3.3V power supplied from motor control header.P5V_USB OUTPUT[J4 Pin10] Output 5V to the I/O headers.Sourced from J6 USB (P5V_SDA) supply through a back drive protection Schottky diode.Table 2. Power suppliesSerial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure3. OpenSDA block diagramOpenSDA is managed by a Kinetis K20 MCU built on the ARM® Cortex™-M4 core. The OpenSDA circuit includes a status LED (D4) and a reset pushbutton (SW1). The pushbutton asserts the reset signal to the KE06 target MCU. It can also be used to place the OpenSDA circuit into Bootloader mode by holding down the reset pushbutton while plugging the USB cable to USB connector J6. Once the OpenSDA enters bootloader mode, other OpenSDA applications such as debug app can be programmed. SPI and GPIO signals provide an interface to the SWD debug port of the KE06. Additionally, signal connections are available to implement a UART serial channel. The OpenSDA circuit receives power when the USB connector J6 is plugged into a USB host.3.1Debugging InterfaceSignals with SPI and GPIO capability are used to connect directly to the SWD of the KE06. These signals are also brought out to a standard 10-pin (0.05”) Cortex Debug connector (J7) as shown in Figure 4. It is possible to isolate the KE06 MCU from the OpenSDA circuit and use J7 to connect to an off-board MCU. To accomplish this, cut the 0 ohm resistor R58. This will disconnect the SWD_CLK pin to the KE06 so that it will not interfere with the communications to an off-board MCU connected to J7.When KE06 on FRDM board is 5V powered, and the OpenSDA is power off, there need to connect an external debugger to debug KE06 on board.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure4. SWD debug connector to KE063.2Virtual Serial PortA serial port connection is available between the OpenSDA MCU and UART1 pin PTC7 (TXD1) and PTC6 (RXD1) of KE06. Several of the default OpenSDA applications provided by Freescale, including the MSD Flash Programmer and the P&E Debug Application, provide a USB Communications Device Class (CDC) interface that bridges serial communications between the USB host and this serial interface on the KE06.3.3KE06 Microcontroller3.3.1Clock SourceThe Kinetis KE06 microcontrollers feature an on-chip oscillator compatible with two ranges of input crystal or resonator frequencies: 32 kHz (low frequency mode), 4-20 MHz (high frequency mode).The KE06 on the FRDM-KE06 is clocked from an 8 MHz crystal.3.3.2Serial PortThe serial port interface signals used with OpenSDA are UART1 pin PTC7 (TXD1) and PTC6 (RXD1). These signals are also connected to I/O header J1.3.3.3ResetThe PTA5/RESET signal on the KE06 is connected externally to a pushbutton SW1. The reset button can be used to force an external reset event in the target MCU. The reset button can also be used to force the OpenSDA circuit into bootloader mode when plugging the USB cable to J6. See Section3, “Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)” section for more details.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)3.3.4DebugThe sole debug interface on all Kinetis E Series devices is a Serial Wire Debug (SWD) port. The primary controller of this interface on the FRDM-KE06 is the onboard OpenSDA circuit. However, a 2x5-pin (0.05”) Cortex Debug connector, J7, provides access to the SWD signals for the KE06 MCU. The following table shows SWD connector signals description for KE06:3.4ThermistorOne thermistor (RT1) is connected to two ADC inputs (PTF4/ADP12, PTF5/ADP13) of KE06 for evaluating the ADC module.Figure 5. Thermistor connectionTable 3. ARM JTAG/SWD mini Connector DescriptionPin FunctionConnection to KE061VTref 3.3V or 5V KE06 power supply (VDD_KE06)2SWDIO/TMS PTA4/SWD_DIO 3GNDGND4SWDCLK/TCK PTC4/SWD_CLK 5GND GND 6SWO/TDO NC 7NC NC 8TDI NC 9NC NC10RESETPTA5/RESETSerial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)3.5Infrared PortOne infrared Rx port and one Tx port (as shown in the following figure) are connected to ACMP0 input pin (ACMP0_IN1) and UART0 TXD0 pin of KE06 to demonstrate the capability of SCI0 modulated by a flextimer to generate infrared signals and use ACMP0 as a filter to receive the SCI data via infrared signal.Figure6. Infrared connection3.6Key buttonsTwo key buttons are connected to PTH3/4 to demonstrate KBI function of KE06, which can capture both falling edge and rising edge of key button input, as shown in the following figure.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure7. Key buttons connection3.7Three-axis accelerometerA Freescale MMA8451Q low power, three-axis accelerometer is interfaced through an I2C bus and two GPIO signals as shown in the following table. By default, the I2C address is 0x1D (SA0 pulled high).Table4. Accelerometer signal connectionsMMA8451Q KE06SCL PTA3SDA PTA2INT1 PTD4INT2 PTD3Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure8. Accelerometer connection3.8RGB LEDThree PWM-capable pins are connected to a red, green, blue LED. The signal connections are shown in the table below.Table5. RGB LED Signal ConnectionsRGB LED KE06Red Cathode PTG5/FTM2CH3Green Cathode PTG6/FTM2CH4Blue Cathode PTG7/FTM2CH5Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure9. GB LED connection3.9CANThe CAN phy on KE06 FRDM board is 3.3V powered.Table6. CAN signal connectionCAN Phy KE06D CAN_TXR CAN_RXSerial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure10. CAN3.10Input/Output HeadersThe KE06 microcontroller is packaged in an 80-pin LQFP. Some pins are utilized in on-board circuitry, but many are directly connected to one of four I/O headers (J1, J2, J3, J4 and J5). J1 and J2 also function as motor control headers to provide access to a motor control board such as simple BLDC motor driving board APMOTOR56F8000E.Serial and Debug Adapter (OpenSDA)Figure11. I/O headers3.11Arduino CompatibilityThe I/O headers on the FRDM-KE06 are arranged to allow compatibility with peripheral boards (known as shields) that connect to Arduino and Arduino-compatible microcontroller boards. The pins on the headers share the same mechanical spacing and placement as the I/O headers on the Arduino Uno Revision 3 board design. See Figure11 for compatible signals.Document Number:FRDMKE06UG Rev. 003/2014Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale products. There are no express or implied copyright licenses granted hereunder to design or fabricate any integrated circuits based on the information in this document.Freescale reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. Freescale makes no warranty, representation, or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does Freescale assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation consequential or incidental damages. “Typical” parameters that may be provided in Freescale data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications, and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “typicals,” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. Freescale does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. Freescale sells products pursuant to standard terms and conditions of sale, which can be found at the following address: /SalesTermsandConditions.How to Reach Us:Home Page:Web Support:/supportFreescale, the Freescale logo, and Kinetis, are trademarks of FreescaleSemiconductor, Inc., Reg. U.S. Pat. & Tm. Off. All other product or service names arethe property of their respective owners. ARM and Cortex are the registered trademarksof ARM Limited. ARMCortex-M4 is the trademark of ARM Limited.© 2014 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.。



STC15F2K60S2系列单片机总体介绍1.STC15F2K60S2系列单片机简介STC15F2K60S2系列单片机是STC 生产的单时钟/机器周期(1T)的单片机,是高速/高可靠/低功耗/超强抗干扰的新一代8051单片机,�������代��技术,����,指�代�����������代��技术,����,指�代����指�代����容传统8051,但速度快8-12倍。

����高�度����高�度R/C 时钟(±0.3%),±1%温飘(-40℃~+85℃),常温下温飘±0.6%(-20℃~+65℃),ISP 编程时5MHz~35MHz 宽范围可设置,可彻底省掉外�昂贵的晶振和外�复位电路(��已��高可靠复位电路,ISP 编程时8级复位门槛电压可选)。

3路CCP/PWM/PCA ,8路高速10位A/D 转换(30万次/秒),�置2K 字节大容量SRAM ,2组超高速异步串行通信端口(UART1/UART2,可在5组管脚之间进行切换,分时复�可作5组串口使�),1组高速同步串行通信端口SPI ,���串行口通信���串行口通信�串行口通信/电机控制/强干扰场合。

在 Ke�lC Ke�l C 开发环境中,选择 Intel 8052 编译,头文件包含<reg51.h>即可现STC15系列单片机��STC-Y5超高速CPU �核,在相同的时钟频率下,速度又比STC 早期的1T 系列单片机(如STC12系列/STC11系列/STC10系列)的速度快20%.1.增强型 8051 CPU ,1T ,单时钟/机器周期,速度比普通8051快8-12倍2.工作电压:STC15F2K60S2 系列工作电压:5.5V - 4.5V (5V 单片机)STC15L2K60S2 系列工作电压:3.6V - 2.4V (3V 单片机)3.8K/16K/24K/32K/40K/48K/56K/60K/61K/63.5K 字节片�Flash 程序存储器,可擦写次数10万次以上4.片�大容量�大容量2048字节的的SRAM ,包括常规的256字节RAM <�data> 和��扩展的1792字节XRAM <xdata>5.大容量片�EEPROM ,擦写次数10万次以上6.ISP/IAP ,在系统可编程/在应�可编程,�需编程器,�需仿真器7.共8通道10位高速ADC ,速度可达30万次/秒,3路PWM 还可当3路D/A 使�8.共3通道捕获/比较单元(CCP/PWM/PCA)----也可�来再实现3个定时器或3个外�中断(支持上升沿/下降沿中断)或3路D/A9.利�CCP/PCA高速脉冲输出功能可实现3路9 ~ 16位PWM (每通道占�系统时间小于0.6%)10.利�定时器T0、T1或T2的时钟输出功能可实现高�度的8 ~ 16位PWM (占�系统时间小于0.4%)11.��高可靠复位,ISP编程时8级复位门槛电压可选,可彻底省掉外�复位电路12.工作频率范围:0MHz ~ 28MHz,相当于普通8051的0MHz~336MHz13.��高�度R/C时钟(±0.3%),±1%温飘(-40℃~+85℃),常温下温飘±0.6%(-20℃~+65℃),ISP编程时��时钟从5MHz~28MHz可设(5.5296MHz / 11.0592MHz / 22.1184MHz)14.不需外�晶振和外�复位,还可�外输出时钟和低电平复位信号15.两组超高速异步串行通信端口(可同时使�),可在5组管脚之间进行切换,分时复�可当5组串口使�:串口1(RxD/P3.0, TxD/P3.1)可以切换到(RxD_2/P3.6, TxD_2/P3.7),还可以切换到(RxD_3/P1.6, TxD_3/P1.7);串口2(RxD2/P1.0, TxD2/P1.1)可以切换到(RxD2_2/P4.6, TxD2_2/P4.7)注意:建议�户将串口1放在 P3.6/P3.7 或 P1.6/ P1.7 (P3.0/P3.1 作下载/仿真�);若�户不想切换,坚持使� P3.0/P3.1 或作为串口1进行通信,则务必在下载程序时,在软件上勾选“下次冷启动时,P3.2/P3.3为0/0时才可以下载程序”。



单片机开发板操作手册(STC/AT51/AVR全兼容单片机开发板)160的开发板(包括其套件和丰富的资料光盘)160的开发板(新板,增加ISP和双复位功能,支持AVR M8系列单片机,包括其套件和丰富的资料光盘)160新板通过ISP下载AT51系列单片机的效果展示,从图中可见ISP下载只需要一根数据线就可以了,无再需要电源线,且从图中可以看见MCU的插入方向及晶振的插入位置,普通串口下载方式没有变化,具体请参考网站展示图片128的开发板(包括其套件和丰富的资料光盘)一、概述1,多功能单片机开发板,板载资源非常丰富,仅是包括的功能(芯片)有:步进电机驱动芯片ULN2003、八路并行AD转换芯片ADC0804、八路并行DA转换芯片DAC0832、光电耦合(转换)芯片MOC3063、八路锁存器芯片74HC573、实时时钟芯片DS1302及备用电池、IIC总线芯片A T24C02、串行下载芯片MAX232CPE,双向可控硅BTA06-600B、4*4矩阵键盘、4位独立按键、DC5V SONGLE继电器、5V蜂鸣器、八位八段共阴数码管5V稳压集成块78M05八路发光二极管显示另还有功能接口(标准配置没有芯片但留有接口,可直接连接使用):单总线温度传感器DS18B2接口、红外线遥控接收头SM003接口8、蓝屏超亮字符型液晶1602接口、蓝屏超亮点阵图形带中文字库液晶12864接口、2(4)相五线制小功率步进电机接口、外接交流(7V-15V)电源接口USB直接取电接口镀金MCU晶振座40DIP锁紧座外接电源和5V稳压电源的外接扩展接口及MCU所有IO口扩展ISP下载接口(可以对A T51/A VR系列进行下载)2,可以完成的单片机实验:1、LED显示实验(点亮某一个指示灯、流水灯),2、八位八段数码管显示实验(你可以任意显示段字符和数字以及开发板所有功能芯片的显示),3、液晶显示(1602液晶显示、12864点阵中文图形液晶显示、可以显示出开发板所有功能芯片的操作),4、继电器的操作5、蜂鸣器的操作(你可以编写程序让它发出美妙动听的歌声)6、可控硅的操作(胆大的朋友就利用这一独有的功能吧,你见过实验室温度实验箱没有,它的驱动就是这样的;聪明的朋友就可以自己写个程序把把加热温度温度恒定在(X±0.5)度的范围内了7、步进电机的操作(这个是迈向自动化控制的第一步,现在的数控机床、机器人呀什么的实现精度运动控制大部分都是靠它来实现的)8、数模转换操作(数字量在这里是怎样变换成模拟量的,这里采用的转换芯片是8路并行传输模式,响应时间仅2us)9、模数转换操作(一个小小的程序,你旋动电位器可以看到阻值的变化在数码管上变成了一个个的非常直观数字,这里采用的转换芯片是8路并行传输模式,响应时间仅2us)10、矩阵键盘的操作(这个是你自己定义的编码键盘,4*4=16个按键却只占有单片机的八个IO口,以此类推5*5=25个按键只要10个IO口,这样的控制是怎样实现的呢)11、独立按键的操作(在这个里面不但可以进行常规的按键操作,您也进行单片机的外部中断和计数器的操作)12、实时时钟的操作(自己动手编写个万年历吧,让时间在数码管或液晶上显示出来)13、IIC总线芯片AT24C02的操作(常规的记忆需要电池,但是AT24C02却可以断电记忆数据100年不丢失)14、红外遥控操作(可以像遥控电视机样遥控开发板,当然您还需要配备一个万能遥控板和接收头才能实现这个功能)15、单总线温度传感器DS18B20(测试下现在的室温吧,测试精度在±0.1度;也可配合本开发板的可控硅和光电耦合制作高精度的温度实验箱了,想想这与实验室的实验箱有什么差距呢)16、串口通信(想用电脑控制开发板或者开发板控制电脑吗,我们提供一个串口调试精灵和一个上位机软件(且提供全部的VB源代码),剩下的就靠你自己编写程序去实现了)17、晶振采用镀金座接口(单片机内部定时时选用6M或12M晶振,下载或串口通信采用11.0592M,你想怎么换就怎么换)18、开发板的所有IO口及外接电源及5V稳压电源的扩展接口(想自己再扩展电路吧,想利用开发板进行硬件的第二次扩展吗,这些都是可以很轻松实现)3,产品装箱清单:1、测试好的单片机开发板一块2、晶振3个(12M、11.0592、6M)3、实时时钟DS1302备用纽扣电池(3V)一块4、跳线帽10个5、AC220V接口帽一个6、9针串口线一条7、USB取电线一条4,产品可选配件(可直接连接使用):1、1602字符型蓝屏超亮液晶2、12864点阵图形蓝屏超亮带中文字库液晶3、2(4)相小功率步进电机4、SST89E516仿真芯片5、单总线温度传感器DS18B206、红外遥控接收头SM00387、万能遥控板(可直接遥控市场上绝大部分型号电视机)8、USB-串口下载线(如果您是使用的笔记本或者是不含有串口的电脑)\9、ISP下载线(可以对ATS51/A VR系列高速进行下载)这是个完整的单片机开发系统,这些配置也能完成大部分单片机实验,只要您能够仔细的认真的掌握好以上知识,相信您已经进入到单片机的世界,并开始向更高方向发展!下载操作:2,现在你已经拥有这样一块多功能的单片机开发板了,第一步我们就测试开发板的性能,让你第一次的用眼睛加上你的操作去控制它A、连接好串口下载线(附图2-1)和USB取电线(附图2-2)附图(2-1)附图(2-2)B、如果您使用的是笔记本或者是没有串口的电脑,则需安装USB-串口驱动并使用转换线,转换线图片见附图2-4,及操作步凑见附图2-5,及验证安装成功步凑见附图2-6,(如果是直接采用的9针串口线下载,则跳过这一步)1)USB-串口线如图所示附图(2-4)2)请先不要插USB-串口转换线,后点击下载附送的USB-串口驱动步凑:附图(2-5)3)现在请将USB-串口线插在电脑的USB接口上,电脑会自动搜索安装,后请验证安装是否成功。

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