Cooperative principle and examples






语言学合作原则的基本内容包括以下几个方面:合作原则(Cooperative Principle):合作原则指的是参与者在交流中彼此合作,努力使交流达到最佳效果。


言语行为原则(Principle of Speech Acts):言语行为原则关注交流中的行为和意图。


合适性原则(Principle of Appropriateness):合适性原则指的是参与者在交流中要根据具体场合和背景选择合适的语言、言辞和话语风格。


含蓄原则(Principle of Implicitness):含蓄原则强调参与者在交流中可以依靠语境、共享知识和暗示来传递信息,而不一定需要明确陈述。


合理解释原则(Principle of Optimal Relevance):合理解释原则要求参与者选择最相关的信息来提供和接收,以达到最佳的交流效果。






The maxim of relation Be relevant The maxim of manner 1) Avoid of obscurity of expression 2) avoid ambiguity 3) Be brief (avoid unnecessary prolixity) 4) Be orderly
Thet girl is disgusting. ——Look these flowers, how beautiful! 这就是明显的不相关。但是这句话的隐含意思是: 这就是明显的不相关。但是这句话的隐含意思是:他 不便评论A的话 或者说他在暗示A,你失态了。 的话, 不便评论 的话,或者说他在暗示 ,你失态了。 ——你吃饭了没? 你吃饭了没? 你吃饭了没 ——我要减肥。 我要减肥。 我要减肥 这个回答就是明显的不相关。 这个回答就是明显的不相关。但是我们都知道其隐含 的意思是:我没吃,而且我不打算吃。 的意思是:我没吃,而且我不打算吃。
The maxim of manner
——Let's get the kids something. ——OK, but I veto p-i-z-z-a. 违反方式原则第一条,含糊不清。 违反方式原则第一条,含糊不清。B 故意使用隐晦的 方式,免得孩子们明白他们在说什么, 方式,免得孩子们明白他们在说什么,虽然他们知道 这个词,但是不一定会拼。 这个词,但是不一定会拼。 He died, and said: I love you. 这句话违反了方式原则的最后一条, 这句话违反了方式原则的最后一条,人不可能死了还 说话,这句话应该是“他说了句我爱你,然后死了” 说话,这句话应该是“他说了句我爱你,然后死了”。
The maxim of quantity



合作原则(cooperative principle)是美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)于1967年在哈佛大学演讲《逻辑与会话》(Logic and Conversation)时率先提出的理论,它是“会话含义”的推导依据,是语用学的核心内容。

格赖斯认为,为了保证交际的顺利进行,人们总是有意或无意地遵守着一条基本原则,即“在参与交谈时,根据你参与交谈的目的或方向的改变而提供适切的话语”[1](P101),这便是合作原则(cooperative principle)。

在这条原则的统领下,格赖斯又建立了四条准则,准则又下分几条次原则:第一,量原则(Maxim of quantity)(1)所说之话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息。


第二,质原则(Maxim of Quality)(1)不要说自知虚假的话。


第三,关系原则(Maxim of Relation):要有关联,要切合题旨。

第四,方式原则(Maxim of Manner):要明白清楚。











4、Manner Maxim
Be perspicuous: Avoid obscurity of expression. Avoid ambiguity Be brief. Be orderly. 例: ①:Open the door. ②:Walk up to the door, put the key into the lock, turn the key clockwise twice and push.
Definition of “Cooperative Principle”
Four categories of maxims
一、Cooperative principal Grice: Make your conversational contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.
① Make your contribution as informative as is required(for the current purposes of the exchange).
② Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.
1、Quantity Maxim
例1: Mary:When did you graduate from college? Tom: Many years ago.
例2: A:When is Labor Day? B:Labor Day is on the first Monday of September.

cooperative principle英文解释语言学

cooperative principle英文解释语言学

cooperative principle英文解释语言学摘要:一、合作原则的概述二、合作原则在语言学中的应用三、合作原则的具体体现四、合作原则对语言交流的影响五、总结正文:【一、合作原则的概述】合作原则(Cooperative Principle)是哲学家、语言学家豪斯(H.Paul Grice)在20世纪50年代提出的一种语言学理论。




















• Eg.2. 夏东海:你说怎么办? 刘星:还能怎么办呀! 夏东海:你想怎么办哪? 刘星:这么办呗! 夏东海:你到底是打算怎么办? 刘星:还能怎么办呀!就这么办呗! 夏东海:我跟你说点中国话怎么这么费劲呀!!
• 这段对话虽然比较长,但可以看出它并 没有表达实际意义,因为刘星的回答十分 不简练,他有意回避夏东海的问话。
The CooperativeFra bibliotekPrinciple
Ⅰ.The violation of Quantity Maxim
• Eg.1.(爸爸出差晚上没有按时到家,妈妈让小雨打他手机, 打完后) 妈妈:谁接的电话? 小雨:一个女的.(众人紧张)她说:“对不起,您拨打 的电话暂时无法接通....” •妈妈(刘梅)问小雨是谁接的电话,是想让小雨回答具 体的人,是爸爸(夏东海)还是其他人,而小雨一开始的 答复并没有提供足够的信息,只说是个女的,从而产生了 误会,紧接着夏雨做了补充说明,才把误会解除。
Ⅰ.The violation of Quantity Maxim
• Eg.2.(夏东海给刘星一本书让他读,刘星抱着书说道) 刘星:这本书好…… (夏东海认为刘星在称赞此书,便心满意足地离开了) 刘星:这本书好厚啊。
• 这时刘星才把话说完,他不完整的话让爸爸认为他很喜 欢这本书,而他真正的意思却是在抱怨。
• Eg.1
• 夏雪:好你个刘星,你个大漏勺,是不是什么事让你知道 了,地球人就都知道了? • 刘星:这不是没机会去火星嘛。
• 夏雪说“是不是什么事让你知道了,地球人就都知道了” 是在责备刘星,并且用了一句流行语“地球人就都知道了” 来说明刘星对许多人都说过此事,刘星明白夏雪的意思, 而他的答语和夏雪的问话毫无关系,用“没机会去火星” 来回应夏雪的话“地球人就都知道了”,他是在故意回避 话题。

合作原则 cooperative principle

合作原则 cooperative principle

• 合作原则是格莱斯1967年在哈佛大 学的一次演讲中提出的。他认为, 合作原则是一切成功的语言交际活 动的基础,所以我们可以这样认为, 所有参加交谈的人在他们进行交谈 活动时采取的是合作的态度。 • 首先让我们来搞清楚什么是合作原 则。它是一套设想的准则,如果在 交谈过程中交谈双方都希望更好的 理解对方的话语意思,就得遵循合 作原则,格莱斯把它具体化为四条 准则。
1、数量准则 (Quantity Maxim)
2、质量准则 (Quality Maxim)
3、关系准(Relevant Maxim)
4、方式准则 (Manner Maxim)
1、数量准则 (Quantity Maxim)
定义:即所说的话应包含交谈 目的所需要的信息 ,不应包含 超出需要的信息
1、数量准则 (Quantity Maxim)
1)使你的话语如(交 谈的当前目的)所 要求的那样信息充分
例1: A:这学期你修了几 门课程? B:五门。 也就是说,数量准则 规定,我们向对方传 递的信息只能是对方 想得到的,不能多也 不能少,不要说对方 不想听到的。
2)不要使你的话语比 所要求的信息更充 分
什么是“合作原则” 主要内容以及四准 则
定义:合作原则是由 美国语言学家格莱斯 (H. P . Grice)于 20世 纪 60年代后期在 《逻辑与会话 》 中 提出的。他认为 ,在 言语交际活动中 ,为 了保证交际的顺利进 行 ,说话人与听话人 之间都存在着一定的 默契与交际的目的和 愿望。合作 ,并以此 达到


会话含义和合作原则 (Implicature and the cooperative principle)
1. Preliminary examples
1. Virginia: Do you like my new hat? Mary: It‟s pink. 2. Maggie: Coffee? James: It would keep me awake all night.
Speaker A is a newly-widowed woman who finds living with her interfering mother a strain: A: I wish you wouldn’t creep on me, Mother. B: I don’t creep, dear. I merely refrain from making gratuitous noise.
Alice has been refusing to make love to her husband. At first he attributes this to post-natal depression, but then he starts to think she may be having an affair:
Why some gentlemen still prefer blonds (headline in The Times) (1) Entailment: Some gentlemen now prefer blonds. (2) Presupposition: Gentlemen preferred blonds before. (3) Conventional implicature: while the proposition might have been expectable in the past, it is not now expectable.









英国语⾔学家列⽂森和利奇分别在他们的专著《语⽤学》(Pragmatics)(1983)和《语⽤学原则》(Principles ofPragmatics)(1983)中,将格赖斯提出的会话含义理论看成是语⽤学的⼀个重要的组成部分。


例如:A:Where is my box of chocolates?B:The children were in your room this morning.上⾯这⼀对话,从语⾔形式本⾝所表达的意义来看,B的应答没有直接对A说出巧克⼒在什么地⽅,似乎是答⾮所问;然⽽在实际的语⾔交际中,⼈们不难理解B的应答实际上已告诉了A“巧克⼒可能被孩⼦们取⾛吃了”。






the cooperative principle英文释义

the cooperative principle英文释义

the cooperative principle英文释义全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Cooperative Principle is a rule that people use when they talk to each other. It means that when we have a conversation, we should try to be helpful, clear, and truthful. The Cooperative Principle has four parts: quality, quantity, relevance, and manner.First, let's talk about quality. This means that we should try to be truthful when we talk. We shouldn't say things that we know are not true. For example, if someone asks us if we did our homework, we should say yes if we did it and no if we didn't. We shouldn't lie because that would break the Cooperative Principle.Next, there's quantity. This means that we should give the right amount of information when we talk. We shouldn't give too much information or too little. For example, if someone asks us what we did over the weekend, we should tell them about the fun things we did, but we shouldn't go on and on about every little detail.Relevance is the third part of the Cooperative Principle. This means that we should talk about things that are related to theconversation. We shouldn't talk about random things that have nothing to do with what we are talking about. For example, if we are talking about our favorite animals, we shouldn't suddenly start talking about our favorite foods. That would be off-topic and not relevant to the conversation.Finally, there's manner. This means that we should try to be clear, organized, and polite when we talk. We shouldn't mumble, interrupt, or be rude. For example, if we are asking someone for help, we should say please and thank you. We should also try to speak in a way that is easy for others to understand.In conclusion, the Cooperative Principle is a set of rules that help us have better conversations with each other. By following the principles of quality, quantity, relevance, and manner, we can communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships. So next time you have a conversation, remember to be honest, give the right amount of information, stay on topic, and be polite. The Cooperative Principle will help you be a better communicator and friend!篇2Hey guys! Today I want to talk about something called the Cooperative Principle. It's a super important rule for communication that helps us understand each other better.So, the Cooperative Principle is all about being clear and truthful when we talk to each other. It was developed by a guy named Paul Grice, who was a smarty pants philosopher. He said that when we communicate, we should follow four basic rules to make sure that our messages are easy to understand.The first rule is called the maxim of quantity. This means we should give just the right amount of information, not too much and not too little. For example, if someone asks you what you had for breakfast, you wouldn't say "I had eggs, toast, cereal, fruit, juice, and milk." That's too much information! You would just say "I had eggs and toast."The second rule is the maxim of quality. This means we should always tell the truth and say things that are supported by evidence. If someone asks you if you brushed your teeth this morning, you shouldn't say "Yes" if you didn't actually do it. It's important to be honest in our communication.Next is the maxim of relevance. This means we should only talk about things that are related to the topic at hand. If your friend is telling you about a new video game they're playing, youwouldn't start talking about your pet goldfish. Stay on track and keep the conversation focused.The last rule is the maxim of manner. This means we should be clear and organized in our communication. We should speak in a way that is easy to follow and understand. If you talk really fast and jump from topic to topic, it can be hard for others to keep up with what you're saying.By following the Cooperative Principle, we can make sure that our conversations are smooth and effective. It helps us build strong relationships with others and avoid misunderstandings. So remember, always be clear, truthful, relevant, and organized when you talk to others. Keep the communication flowing and everyone will be happy!篇3The cooperative principle is a very important rule for us to communicate politely and effectively with others. It is like a guideline that helps us to have good conversations and understand each other better.The cooperative principle has four main parts: quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. Let me tell you what each of these parts means:First, there is quality. This means that we should always try to be honest and say things that are true. We shouldn't lie or say things that we know are not true because that can make communication difficult and cause misunderstandings.Next, there is quantity. This means that we should give just the right amount of information when we speak or write. We shouldn't give too much information or too little information because that can confuse people and make it hard for them to understand us.Then, there is relevance. This means that we should try to stay on topic and talk about things that are related to what the other person is saying. We shouldn't bring up random or unrelated things that can make the conversation confusing and hard to follow.Finally, there is manner. This means that we should try to be polite and clear when we communicate with others. We should speak clearly, listen carefully, and try to be respectful of the other person's feelings and opinions.By following the cooperative principle, we can have better conversations, avoid misunderstandings, and build positive relationships with others. So remember, always try to be truthful, give the right amount of information, stay on topic, and be politewhen you communicate with others. That way, you can be a great communicator and have smooth and enjoyable conversations with everyone you meet.篇4The cooperative principle is like when you and your friends are playing together and everyone is being nice and taking turns. It's all about working together and being fair to each other.There are four parts to the cooperative principle: quantity, quality, relation, and manner.Quantity is about giving just the right amount of information. Don't say too much or too little, just enough to get your point across.Quality means being honest and telling the truth. Don't lie or say things you know aren't true. Be trustworthy and reliable.Relation is all about staying on topic and saying things that are relevant to the conversation. Don't go off on a tangent or talk about something completely unrelated.Manner is about being clear and easy to understand. Use simple language and be polite when you're talking to others. Don't be rude or disrespectful.When everyone follows the cooperative principle, communication is smooth and effective. People understand each other better and can work together to achieve common goals.So remember, always be cooperative and follow the four parts of the cooperative principle when you're talking to others. It's important to be kind, honest, and considerate in all your interactions.篇5Hey guys! Do you know what the cooperative principle is? Well, let me tell you all about it in a fun and easy way!The cooperative principle is a fancy term in communication theory that basically means people should communicate with each other in a helpful and friendly way. It's like when we talk to our friends or teachers, we should always try to be nice and make sure we understand each other.There are four main parts of the cooperative principle: quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. Let me break it down for you:Quality: This means we should always tell the truth and say things that we believe are true. For example, if our friend asks usif they look good in their new outfit, we should give them an honest answer.Quantity: We should give just the right amount of information when we're talking to someone. We don't want to give too much or too little. For example, if our teacher asks us to explain a math problem, we should give enough details to help them understand, but not go on and on for hours.Relevance: When we're talking to someone, we should make sure our words are relevant to the topic. We don't want to randomly start talking about dinosaurs when our friend is telling us about their new pet dog.Manner: This is all about being polite and clear when we're communicating. We should speak in a way that's easy to understand and not interrupt others when they're talking.So, remember guys, the cooperative principle is all about communicating in a kind and helpful way. Let's all try our best to follow it and make sure we're good communicators with everyone we talk to!篇6Hey guys! Have you ever heard of something called "the cooperative principle"? It sounds super fancy, but actually it's a pretty cool concept that helps us communicate better with each other!The cooperative principle is basically a set of rules that we follow when we talk to each other. It helps us make our conversations clearer and more effective. There are four main parts to the cooperative principle: quantity, quality, relevance, and manner.First off, there's the quantity part. This means that we should give just the right amount of information when we're talking. We shouldn't give too much or too little. For example, if someone asks you what you did at the park, you shouldn't go on and on about every little detail. Just give them the main highlights of your day!Next up is the quality part. This means that we should always tell the truth and say things that we know are accurate. We shouldn't lie or make up stories just to sound more interesting. It's important to be honest and trustworthy in our conversations.Then there's the relevance part. This is all about staying on topic and not going off on random tangents. If someone is talking about their favorite movie, it's not very relevant to starttalking about your pet hamster. Stay focused on the topic at hand so everyone can understand and follow along.Last but not least, there's the manner part. This is all about being clear and easy to understand when we talk. We should speak clearly, at a good pace, and use appropriate language for the situation. We should also try to be polite and respectful in our conversations.So there you have it, the cooperative principle in a nutshell. By following these simple rules, we can all have better, more effective conversations with each other. So next time you're chatting with your friends or family, remember to keep the cooperative principle in mind!篇7The cooperative principle is like a rule that helps us communicate better with each other. It’s all about being helpful and understandin g when we talk to someone. So, when we’re having a conversation, we should try to be clear, honest, and polite.First of all, we need to be clear when we speak. This means we should make sure our words are easy to understand. If we mumble or talk really fast, the other person might get confused.It’s important to speak clearly so that our message can be received accurately.Secondly, we should always be honest when we talk to others. This means we should tell the truth and not try to deceive or lie. If we’re not honest, we might create misunderstandings or hurt someone’s feelings. So, it’s always best to be truthful in our conversations.Another important thing to remember is to be polite. This means we should be respectful and considerate towards the person we’re talking to. Using please and thank you, as well as saying excuse me when necessary, are small gestures that show we care about the other person’s feelings.Lastly, we need to be relevant in our conversations. This means we should talk about things that are related to the topic at hand. Bringing up random or off-topic things can confuse the other person and disrupt the flow of the conversation. Staying on topic helps us communicate more effectively.Overall, the cooperative principle is all about being a good communicator. By being clear, honest, polite, and relevant in our conversations, we can build stronger connections with others and avoid misunderstandings. So, let’s remember to follow this principle whenever we talk to someone!篇8Hey guys! Today, I'm going to tell you all about something called the cooperative principle. It's a really important concept in communication and it helps us understand how we can talk to each other in a nice and friendly way.So, the cooperative principle is basically a set of rules that we follow when we're talking to each other. These rules help us make our conversations go smoothly and make sure that we understand each other well. There are four main parts to the cooperative principle:1. The first part is called quality. This means that when we're talking to someone, we should try to be honest and say things that are true. We shouldn't lie or say things that we know are false. If we all stick to this rule, then we can trust each other and have good conversations.2. The second part is called quantity. This means that we should try to say just enough to get our point across, but not too much. We don't want to talk too fast or too slow, and we don't want to give too much information or too little. We want to be clear and concise so that the other person can understand us easily.3. The third part is called relevance. This means that we should try to talk about things that are related to the topic at hand. We don't want to go off on a tangent or talk about things that have nothing to do with what we're discussing. If we stick to this rule, then our conversations will stay focused and on track.4. The fourth part is called manner. This means that we should try to be polite and respectful when we're talking to someone. We shouldn't interrupt or talk over each other, and we should listen carefully to what the other person is saying. If we all follow this rule, then our conversations will be pleasant and friendly.So, that's the cooperative principle in a nutshell. It's all about being honest, clear, relevant, and polite when we talk to each other. If we all follow these rules, then we can have great conversations and get along with each other really well. So, remember to be a cooperative communicator and keep these principles in mind next time you're chatting with someone. Have fun talking, everyone!篇9The cooperative principle is a very important rule we follow when we are talking to other people. It helps us have smooth conversations and understand each other better.So, what is the cooperative principle? Well, it's basically about being nice and helpful when we talk to others. There are four main parts to the cooperative principle:1. Be truthful: This means we should try to say things that are true and not lie. If we lie, it can make it hard for people to trust us and understand what we are trying to say.2. Be informative: We should try to give information that is helpful to the person we are talking to. If we don't give enough information, they might not understand us. But if we give too much information, it can be confusing. So, we have to find the right balance.3. Be relevant: We should try to say things that are related to the topic we are talking about. If we start talking about something completely different, it can confuse the other person and make it hard for them to follow our conversation.4. Be clear: We should try to be clear and easy to understand when we talk. If we speak in a confusing way or use too many bigwords, the other person might not know what we are trying to say.Following the cooperative principle helps us have better conversations and build good relationships with others. It's like being a good friend and making sure everyone is on the same page. So remember, next time you talk to someone, try to be truthful, informative, relevant, and clear!篇10The cooperative principle is like an unspoken rule in communication. It's kinda like when you're playing a game with your friends and you all agree to follow the same rules so everything runs smoothly. Basically, it's all about making sure we're all on the same page when we talk to each other.There are 4 main parts to the cooperative principle: quality, quantity, relevance, and manner. Quality means that we should speak truthfully and not say things we know aren't true. It's like when your friend tells you they saw a unicorn at the park - you might not believe them because it sounds kinda fishy!Quantity is all about giving the right amount of information. We don't wanna overwhelm our friends with too much info, but we also don't wanna leave out important details. It's like whenyou're explaining the rules of a game - you wanna give just enough info so everyone understands, but not too much that they get confused.Relevance means sticking to the topic at hand. Imagine if you were talking about your favorite animal and your friend suddenly starts talking about their favorite video game - that would be pretty random, right? It's important to stay on track so everyone knows what we're talking about.Manner is all about being clear and easy to understand. We don't wanna talk in riddles or use big words that nobody understands. It's like when you're giving directions to your house - you wanna be clear and simple so your friend can find their way easily.By following the cooperative principle, we can make sure our conversations are clear, honest, and relevant. It's like a secret code that helps us all communicate better and understand each other. So next time you're chatting with your friends, remember the cooperative principle and keep those conversations flowing smoothly!。

cooperative principle 名词解释

cooperative principle 名词解释

cooperative principle 名词解释
cooperative principle意思为:合作原则。













合作原则(cooperative principle)是美国语言哲学家格赖斯(H.P.Grice)于1967年在哈佛大学演讲《逻辑与会话》(Logic and Conversation)时率先提出的理论,它是“会话含义”的推导依据,是语用学的核心内容。

格赖斯认为,为了保证交际的顺利进行,人们总是有意或无意地遵守着一条基本原则,即“在参与交谈时,根据你参与交谈的目的或方向的改变而提供适切的话语”[1](P101),这便是合作原则(cooperative principle)。

在这条原则的统领下,格赖斯又建立了四条准则,准则又下分几条次原则:第一,量原则(Maxim of quantity)(1)所说之话应包含交谈目的所需要的信息。


第二,质原则(Maxim of Quality)(1)不要说自知虚假的话。


第三,关系原则(Maxim of Relation):要有关联,要切合题旨。

第四,方式原则(Maxim of Manner):要明白清楚。









The cooperative principle.

The cooperative principle.
The cooperative principle
The cooperative principle
Make your conversational contribution such as
is required,at the stage at which it occurs,by the
accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.
2.”Why is it that three of our four children have black hair but little Jim is a blond?Whose child is Jim?” ”I can’t tell you,”said his wife after a long pause.”It would hurt you too much.” ”Oh,don’t be ridiculous,”he insisted.”I don’t mind who the father is.I’m just curiou s.” The wife finally confessed.”Well,if you really want to know,Jim is your child.”
Do not say what you believe to be false (不要说自知虚假的话)
Do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence. (不要说缺乏足够证据的话)
1. A:what do you think of Jane? B:She is a butterfly.



























Cooperation Principle Essay (English)Thirdly, shared goals and vision are crucial in cooperation. Members should identify shared goals and vision, and work together to achieve them. Shared goals and vision can motivate members to engage in cooperation, enhancing team efficiency and effectiveness.。



A:John has just borrowed your car.
B:Well,I like THAT.
【分析】B说的是反话,说话人要真正表达的意思是:“我讨厌这 样不经同意就借走车子”,但他为了避免同礼貌原则的慷慨准则相 抵触,不想让别人直接洞察他内心的不满,故意违反了合作原则中 的质量准则对真实性的要求。
当卡尔知道自己的未婚妻罗丝与杰克见面,并且与其玩到很晚,没有 去找他,这已经使他非常非常生气。当卡尔与她见面,虽然他们都很清楚 昨晚发生了什么,他不希望看到自己的未婚妻对自己不忠,而罗丝也不想 让他知道自己已经移情别恋了。
Cal:“I had hoped you would come to me last night.” Rose: “I was tired I'm your fiancée.” Cal: “My fiancée! My wife in practice , if not yet by law. So you will honor me Rose. Is this in any way unclear?”
【分析】李老师根本没有吃晚饭,他却说“我吃过饭来的”,违 反了合作原则中质量准则的真实性要求,但作为班主任家访是不 便在学生家里吃饭的,他的话维护了礼貌原则里面的得体准则。



Violation of CP
• • • • • Violation of Relation A: You know? Professor Li’s wife looks ugly. B: Oh. What a nice day! Isn’t it? A: People say that he is a good guy. B:He looks handsome.
by 周志红
• 1967年,哲学家Herbert Paul Grice就话语交际的 普遍规律发表了自己的独特见解,首次提出用 于解释人类话语交际规律的合作原则。 • 在Grice(1975)可能来,交谈之所以不是一连 串不连贯的话语,是因为交际双方都必须遵守 一些基本原则,这保证了交际活动能够顺利进 行。他把这种交际者共同遵守的原则称为“合 作原则”(Cooperative Principle).
In short
• Subconsciously or even unconsciously, when we speak, we generally have something like CP in our mind. We will try to say something which are true, relevant, as well as informative enough, and in a clear manner. • That is: Human being try to speak sincerely, relevantly, and clearly, while provide sufficient information.
Violation of CP
• • • • • • • Violation of Manner 1) 有意使用晦涩,含糊词语 A: Let’s get the kids something. B:O.K. But I veto I-C-E –C-R-E-A-M-S. 2)使用歧义词 With so many carrots, I’ll be a real gem. 有这么多克拉(胡萝卜),我是颗真钻石 (发糕)。
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Cooperative principle
Here are some examples of two maxims of cooperative principle.
a)Make your contribution as informative as required. (for the current purpose of the exchange)
b)Do not make your contribution more informative than is required.
Mike Stamford: I heard you were abroad somewhere getting shot at. What happened?
JW: I got shot. Are you still at Barts then?
Mike Stamford: Teaching now, yeah, bright young things like we used to be. God, I hate them.
When john Watson met his old friend mike Stamford, mike asked Watson what happened to him because he heard that Watson has been shot in the war. But Watson answered he got shot. Since Mike has already known this fact, Watson has violated the maxim of quantity. He didn’t provide enough information. His answer actually impl ied that he didn’t want to talk about this unfortunate accident.
Mike told john that he was teaching. Here mike violates the maxim of manner. He told john his students were like bright young man they used to be, which led us to have a feeling that he must like those students according to our common sense. When teachers find students like themselves, they normally will like them for a feeling of nostalgia and understanding. However, we found that he actually hated his students according to the sentence he said later.
Mike Stamford: John! John Watson! Stamford, Mike Stamford. We were at Brats together. JW: Yes, sorry, yes, Mike, hello.
Mike Stamford: Yes, I know, I got fat.
JW: No, no.
When mike Stamford and john Watson met, Mike recognized Watson first according to the conversation. But Watson didn’t recognize M ike according to his answer. He said:” Yes, sorry.” This shows that he doesn’t know the person who was talking to
Him, but he was sure that they knew each other. Then he remembered who he is, so he added:“yes, Mike, hello.”Apparently Mike had realized that so he answered he knew he got fat so his old friend didn’t recognize him immediately. Here Watson violated the maxim of quantity. He talked more than he needed to reveal more facts.


In the play, the actor Xiaoxian had already judged that GuanGu was not a killer. He could directly expose him. He did not do so, but asked GuanGu some questions, which are violated the maxim of quantity. Thus he indicated that he didn’t believe GuanGu was a killer.
Be relevant
Mike Stamford: This is an old friend of mine, John Watson.
SH: Afghanistan or Iraq?
JW: Sorry?
SH: Which was it, in Afghanistan or Iraq?
JW: Afghanistan, sorry, how did you know?
When mike introduced john Watson to Sherlock Holmes, Holmes should greet john Watson according to social norm. However, Holmes said Afghanistan or Iraq to indicate that he know that john Watson had been an army doctor and went to the Warfield with the army. As a result, john Watson was greatly confused by Holmes’s knowledge of him as they were just met. In this dialogue Sherlock Holmes violated the maxim of relation. The character of Sherlock Holmes is very successfully molded with similar dialogues. These dialogues show that Holmes is a geeky genius who is so smart to deduce so much information from one glance and also jump from thought to thought so quickly that people aroun d him who have normal intellect couldn’t follow his chain of thoughts. He also doesn’t give a damn about social conventions and etiquette.

From this dialogue we can see that ZhangWei obviously violated the the maxim of relation. Maybe he didn't want to tell MoLan which constellation he is or he didn't understand what the asker meant so he just answered the question with nothing important.
It seems that the research about cooperative principle is meaningless, but when we see it from other perspective, it can bring us some unexpected effects, especially the violations of cooperative principle.
Such violations of cooperative principle in the dialogues of TV series are really helpful in many ways. Some help to build the unique personalities of the characters, others successfully create a sense of humor and make the audience laugh. By intentionally violating the cooperative principle, the dialogues can be humorous, witty and attractive.。
