Alcatel 7750 SR设备查看命令


Alcatel 7750 设备配置指南

Alcatel 7750 设备配置指南

Alcatel 7750 SR 设备配置指南1.设备配置命令说明 (2)3.1 S YSTEM基本配置 (2)3.2 L OG配置 (3)3.3 P ORT配置 (3)3.4 ISIS协议配置 (5)3.5 M PLS、LDP协议配置 (6)3.6 S ECURITY 配置 (7)3.7 VPN-BGP配置 (9)3.8 P OLICY配置 (10)3.9 S ERVICE配置 (11)3.10 IES业务配置 (11)3.11 VPLS 业务配置 (13)3.12 VPRN业务配置 (15)2.故障排除方法说明 (17)2.1 光路正常但PORT端口DOWN (17)2.2 PING 不通对端地址 (17)2.3 ISIS邻接关系无法建立 (18)2.4 BGP邻居无法正常建立 (18)2.5 BGP表中有路由,但路由没有被放进VPN路由表中 (18)2.6 VPN中用户CE设备无法访问远端 (18)3.业务运行状态检查命令 (19)3.1 查看S ERVICE业务运行状态 (19)3.2 检查路由器接口运行状态 (19)3.3 查看设备P ORT端口运行状态 (20)3.4 查看设备MAC地址表信息 (21)4.删除SERVICE配置步骤 (22)1.设备配置命令说明3.1 System基本配置1.chassis-mode 要配置为C,以支持新的feature。

2.telnet 的session限制为设置为最大数7。

3.时区自定义为BEIJ 08。

配置示例:systemname "YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01"chassis-mode csnmppacket-size 9216exitlogin-controltelnetinbound-max-sessions 7outbound-max-sessions 7exitno login-bannerexittimesntpshutdownexitzone BEIJ 08exitthresholdsrmonexitexitexit检查命令:show chassis 查看chassis mode是否为C。


10 #show chassis power-supply 检查电源运行状况
11 #show card [ n detail] 显示板卡配置和状态
12 #show mda [ m/n detail] 显示mda卡配置和状态
13 #show port 查看物理端口的状态,如SFP类型,端口的MTU等
14 #show port x/x/x [detail] 查看具体物理端口详细信息
15 #show router interface 查看路由端口的状态
16 #show router ospf interface 查看OSPF端口的状态,以及DR和BDR关系
17 #show router ospf neighbor 查看OSPF邻居的建立状态
5 #Show system security user 检查路由器用户登录失败情况
6 #show users 显示用户登录情况
7 #show log log-id 99 查看系统日
8 #show bof 查看bof配置信息
9 #show chassis environment 检查风扇运行状况
序号 命令 说明
1 #show uptime 显示系统开机时间
2 #show system cpu sample-preiod 10 显示系统cpu运行状况
3 #show system memory-pools 显示系统内存使用情况
4 #show system connections 检查系统开放端口
40 #tools perform aps request aps-7 protect Moving protect to working(本地protect)

Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR 高级配置指南说明书

Alcatel-Lucent 7750 SR 高级配置指南说明书

PrefaceAbout This GuideThis guide provides advanced configuration solutions for Alcatel-Lucent’s 7750 SR and 7450 ESSrouter and is meant to be supplemental to the basic user configuration guides listed below.The guide is organized alphabetically and provides feature and configuration explanations, CLIdescriptions and overall solutions.AudienceThis manual is intended for network administrators who are responsible for configuring therouters. It is assumed that the network administrators have a detailed understanding of networkingprinciples and configurations.List of Technical PublicationsThe 7750 SR documentation set is composed of the following guides:•Basic System Configuration GuideThis guide describes basic system configurations and operations.•System Management GuideThis guide describes system security and access configurations as well as event loggingand accounting logs.•Interface Configuration GuideThis guide describes card, Media Dependent Adapter (MDA) and port provisioning.•Router Configuration GuideThis guide describes logical IP routing interfaces and associated attributes such as an IPaddress, as well as IP and MAC-based filtering, and VRRP and Cflowd.•Routing Protocols GuidePrefaceThis guide provides an overview of routing concepts and provides configuration examplesfor RIP, OSPF, IS-IS, BGP, and route policies.•MPLS Configuration GuideThis guide describes how to configure Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) and LabelDistribution Protocol (LDP).•Services Overview GuideThis guide describes how to configure service parameters such as service distributionpoints (SDPs), customer information, and user services.•Layer 2 Services and EVPN GuideThis guide describes Virtual Leased Lines (VLL), Virtual Private LAN Service (VPLS),Provider Backbone Bridging (PBB), and Ethernet VPN (EVPN).•Layer 3 Services GuideThis guide describes Internet Enhanced Services (IES) and Virtual Private RoutedNetwork (VPRN) services.•Versatile Service Module GuideThis guide describes how to configure service parameters for the Versatile Service Module(VSM).•OAM and Diagnostics GuideThis guide describes how to configure features such as service mirroring and Operations,Administration and Management (OAM) tools.•Triple Play GuideThis guide describes Triple Play services and support provided by the routers and presentsexamples to configure and implement various protocols and services.•Quality of Service GuideThis guide describes how to configure Quality of Service (QoS) policy management.•RADIUS Attributes GuideThis guide describes all supported RADIUS Authentication, Authorization andAccounting attributes.•Multi-Service Integrated Service Adapter GuideThis guide describes services provided by integrated service adapters such as ApplicationAssurance, IPSec, ad insertion (ADI) and Network Address Translation (NAT).•Gx A VPs Reference GuideThis guide describes Gx Attribute Value Pairs (A VP).PrefaceTechnical SupportIf you purchased a service agreement for your router and related products from a distributor orauthorized reseller, contact the technical support staff for that distributor or reseller for assistance.If you purchased an Alcatel-Lucent service agreement, contact your welcome center:/wps/portal/supportReport documentation errors, omissions and comments to:**************************************Include document name, version, part number and page(s) affected.Preface。





作为目前业内最具扩展性的路由器平台,阿尔卡特7750SR具有为高效传送基于服务等级协议(SLA)的业务而设计的软件和硬件架构,因此阿尔卡特7750SR 不仅仅是强大的互联网路由器,更是一个灵活、强大的业务供应平台。


下例演示了各层次的进、出命令:7750SR# configure system
7750SR>config>system# back
7750SR>config# system security 7750SR>config>system>security# 7750SR>config>system>security# exit 7750SR>config#
7750SR>config# system security
7750SR>config>system>security# cpm-filter。



一、检查系统状态 (2)show system cpu //检查系统CPU占用率 (2)show system memory-pools//检查系统Memory占用率 (3)show uptime //检查系统距离上一次重启的运行时间 (4)二、检查板卡状态 (4)show card state //检查7750SR各块单板的基本状态 (4)Show card <slot-number> detail //检查7750SR IOM单板的详细状态信息 (5)Show mda <slot/mda > detail //检查7750SR MDA单板的详细状态信息 (6)show redundancy synchronization //检查7750SR二块CPM单板的冗余状态 (7)Show chassis power-supply //检查7750SR电源模块的运行状态 (8)Show chassis environment //检查7750SR风扇的运行状态 (8)三、检查物理接口状态 (9)show port x/x/x //检查物理接口的状态 (9)show port x/x/x.stsx //检查传输电路的质量 (10)show service sap-using //检查sap口的状态 (11)四、检查网络接口状态 (11)show route interface //检查三层interface的基本状态 (11)Monitor port //检查7750SR物理端口带宽占用情况 (13)五、检查路由协议状态 (13)show router isis adjacency //检查7750SR的ISIS协议邻居状态 (13)show router ldp session //检查7750SR的LDP协议邻居及会话状态 (14)show router bgp neighbor //检查7750SR的BGP协议邻居状态 (15)六、检查VPRN状态 (16)show route x route-table //检查VPRN路由 (16)show route x bfd session //检查VPRN中的bfd session (17)show router xxxx vrrp instance检查xxxx VPN VRRP状态。



上海贝尔阿尔卡特7750SR配置标准模板目录一、硬件配置 (5)1.1配置IOM卡 (5)1.1.1 查看已经插入的IOM卡的类型 (5)1.1.2正确配置IOM卡的类型 (5)1.2配置MDA卡 (5)1.2.1查看已经插入的MDA卡的类型 (5)1.2.2正确配置MDA卡的类型 (5)1.3配置MDA端口 (6)1.3.1 POS端口配置 (6)1.3.2 以太口配置 (6)1.3.3 查看port信息 (6)二、设备管理配置 (7)2.1配置路由器名称、LOCATION、CONTACT (7)2.2配置系统时间 (7)2.3配置SNTP (7)2.3.1 打开SNTP(简单网络时间协议) (7)2.3.2 配置SNTP地址 (7)2.4配置SR为TELNET服务器 (7)2.5配置TELNET登陆限制 (8)2.5.1 配置默认动作为允许,因为是所有上主控板的流量。

(8)2.5.2 配置允许IP段的ACL,配置源IP,协议,目的端口 (8)2.5.3 配置一条拒绝的ACL,拒绝其他IP段。

(8)2.6配置用户 (8)2.6.1 配置用户名 (8)2.6.2 配置用户密码 (8)2.6.3 配置用户登陆方式 (9)2.6.4 配置用户所属的组 (9)2.7配置LOG (9)2.7.1 配置log-id (9)2.7.2 配置log信息类型 (9)2.7.3 配置记录log的方式 (9)2.7.4 配置记录log方式的具体配置 (9)2.8配置SNMP (10)2.9配置主备板同步 (10)2.9.1 配置自动同步 (10)2.9.2 手工同步命令 (10)2.10配置空闲时间 (10)2.11配置ANTI-SPOOF (10)三、路由配置 (11)3.1配置路由器系统地址 (11)3.2配置网络接口 (11)3.2.2 配置IP地址 (11)3.2.3 配置关联端口 (11)3.2.4 查看配置的路由器接口 (11)3.3配置静态及OSPF路由协议 (12)3.3.1 配置静态路由 (12)3.3.2 配置OSPF区域 (12)3.3.3 配置ospf接口cost值 (12)3.3.4 配置一个stub区域 (12)3.3.5 配置NSSA区域 (12)3.3.6 配置虚链路 (13)3.3.7 配置认证 (13)3.3.8配置路由聚合 (13)3.3.9 配置静态路由注入到OSPF路由协议 (13)3.3.10 查看运行在ospf协议下的接口 (14)3.3.11 查看ospf邻居建立关系 (14)3.3.12 查看ospf路由表 (14)3.4配置IS-IS (14)3.4.1 配置区域ID (14)3.4.2 配置路由器等级能力 (15)3.4.3 配置IS-IS接口 (15)3.4.4 查看ISIS下的接口 (15)3.4.5 添加已经配置到ISIS的每个网络接口 (15)3.4.6 查看ISIS邻接关系 (15)3.4.7 查看ISIS路由表 (15)3.5BGP配置 (16)3.5.1 创建AS (16)3.5.2 配置路由器 ID5 (16)3.5.3 配置 BGP (16)3.6配置POLICY (16)3.6.1 配置policy名称 (16)3.6.2 配置从静态路由分布到ospf路由协议中的policy (17)3.6.3 配置commit使之生效 (17)3.6.4 应用policy (17)3.7IP F ILTER配置 (17)3.7.1创建ip filter (17)3.7.2 指定默认动作 (17)3. 7.3 创建条目,指定动作、源、目的IP (17)3.7.4 应用ip filter (18)四、 MPLS 配置以及业务配置 (19)4.1MPLS配置 (19)4.1.1 MPLS接口配置 (19)4.1.3 配置 MPLS LSP和主路径 (19)4.1.4 查看命令 (20)4.1.5 改变每个网络接口的最大传输单元(MTU)尺寸 (20)4.2 E P IPE 配置 (20)4.2.1 创建客户并将其与提供的业务相关联 (20)4.2.2 指向客户的接口(在我们的网络中由膝上电脑表示)称为“toCustomer”,必须配置为接入接口。

7750SR故障 filter log&debug&mirror排查过程

7750SR故障 filter log&debug&mirror排查过程
4 All Rights Reserved © Alcatel-Lucent 2010
可清晰看到用户电脑发出DHCP discover报文,但未接收到offer报文
All Rights Reserved © Alcatel-Lucent 2010
从7750侧通过filter log 收集该用户的相关报文信息
吕敏 Alcatel-Lucent Min.b.Lv@
12月6日接到邵阳移动用户故障申诉:邵阳移动IP城域网 7750 SR多个ies下挂sap无法通过DHCP获取IP地址,影响面积大 且无规律,用户请求现场协助故障排查。由于之前邵阳移动有几个 问题误报,并致使分公司现场人员在邵阳浪费大量时间,但考虑到 来年湖南移动将是湖南分公司新的业务增长点,同时为消除用户对 7750SR设备不信任的心理及对上海贝尔公司形象可能存在的影响, 7750SR 分公司立即安排工程师前去现场,进行故障排查&诊断。
All Rights Reserved © Alcatel-Lucent 2010
1、7号到达现场,进行故障信息收集,并联系用户就故障现象进一步 了解,但用户态度很强硬,先入为主认定就是SR软件bug。 2、将CASE升级至二线,同步将现场收集信息提交TAC 分析处理。 3、根据TAC 何峰要求收集故障 debug、filter log、mirror 信息进 行分析定位。
*A:HNMCC-MAN-ShY-7750SR-1# 1 2010/12/09 11:49:26.56 GMT8 MINOR: DEBUG #2001 Base PIP "PIP: DHCP instance 1 (Base), interface index 131 (shaoDong_xiangZhen_fangJiaShan), received DHCP Boot Request on Interface shaoDong_xiangZhen_fangJiaShan (1/2/2 :1021.107) Port 67 H/W Type: Ethernet(10Mb) H/W Address Length: 6 ciaddr: yiaddr: siaddr: giaddr: chaddr: 00:03:0d:c5:b2:d4 xid: 0x30b1f100 DHCP options:



检查日志信息及日志 行:
检查调试信息开关 行:
符合中国移动命名规 看命令行提示符。

检查端口描述是否规 执行: 范
在路由器各节点上分别执 行:
show version
show log log-id 99
show log log-id 100
在路由器各节点上分别执 正常运行时应该全部关闭。
show debug
为 IOS 软件版本
核对 TiMOS,正常情况为为 9.0.R17。如有不同要引 起注意,TiMOS 异常有可能会造成设备重启后无法 正常启动。
正常情况下,不应该有大量重复信息。比如端口频 繁 up/down,以及错误信息等。
如果发现存在启用 Debug,则可以在用户视图使用
阿尔卡特 7750SR 路由器 健康检查手册
上海贝尔股份有限公司 2015 年 1 月 14 日
6.培养学生观察、思考、对比及分析综合的能力。过程与方法1.通过观察蚯蚓教的学实难验点,线培形养动观物察和能环力节和动实物验的能主力要;特2征.通。过教对学观方察法到与的教现学象手分段析观与察讨法论、,实对验线法形、动分物组和讨环论节法动教特学征准的备概多括媒,体继课续件培、养活分蚯析蚓、、归硬纳纸、板综、合平的面思玻维璃能、力镊。子情、感烧态杯度、价水值教观1和.通过学理解的蛔1虫.过观适1、察于程3观阅 六蛔寄.内列察读 、虫生出蚯材 让标容生3根常蚓料 学本教活.了 据见身: 生,师的2、解 问的体巩鸟 总看活形作 用蛔 题线的固类 结雌动态业 手虫 自形练与 本雄学、三: 摸对 学动状习人 节蛔生结4、、收 一人 后物和同类 课虫活构请一蚯集 摸体 回并颜步关 重的动、学、蚓鸟 蚯的 答归色学系 点形教生生让在类 蚓危 问纳。习从 并状学理列学平的害 题线蚯四线人 归、意特出四生面体以形蚓、形类 纳大图点常、五观玻存 表及动的鸟请动文 本小引以见引、察璃现 ,预物身类 3学物明 节有言及的、导巩蚯上状 是防的体之生和历 课什根蚯环怎学固蚓和, 干感主是所列环史 学么据蚓节二样生练引牛鸟 燥染要否以举节揭 到不上适动、区回习导皮类 还的特分分蚯动晓 的同节于物让分答。学纸减 是方征节布蚓物起 一,课穴并学蚯课生上少 湿法。?广的教, 些体所居归在生蚓前回运的 润;4泛益学鸟色生纳.靠物完的问答动原 的4蛔,处目类 习和活环.近在成前题蚯的因 ?了虫以。标就 生体的节身其实端并蚓快及 触解寄上知同 物表内特动体结验和总利的慢我 摸蚯生适识人 学有容点物前构并后结用生一国 蚯蚓在于与类 的什,的端中思端线问活样的 蚓人飞技有 基么引进主的的考?形题环吗十 体生行能着 本特出要几变以动,境?大 节活的1密 方征本“特节化下物.让并为珍 近习会形理切 法。课生征有以问的小学引什稀 腹性态解的 。2课物。什游题主.结生出么鸟 面和起结蛔关观题体么戏:要利明蚯?类 处适哪构虫系察:的特的特用确蚓等 ,于些特适。蛔章形殊形征板,这资 是穴疾点于可虫我态结式。书生种料 光居病是寄的们结构,五小物典, 滑生?重生鸟内学构,学、结的型以 还活5要生类部习与.其习巩鸟结的爱 是如原活生结了功颜消固类构线鸟 粗形何因的存构腔能色化练适特形护 糙态预之结的,肠相是系习于点动鸟 ?、防一构现你动适否统。飞都物为结蛔。和状认物应与的行是。主构虫课生却为和”其结的与题、病本理不蛔扁的他构特环以生?8特乐虫形观部特8征境小理三页点观的动位点梳相组等、这;,哪物教相,理适为方引些2鸟,育同师.知应单面导鸟掌类结了;?生识的位学你握日构解2互.。办特生认线益特了通动手征观识形减点它过,抄;察吗动少是们理生报5蛔?物,与的解.参一了虫它和有寄主蛔与份解结们环些生要虫其。蚯构都节已生特对中爱蚓。会动经活征人培鸟与飞物灭相。类养护人吗的绝适这造兴鸟类?主或应节成趣的为要濒的课情关什特临?就危感系么征灭来害教;?;绝学,育,习使。我比学们它生可们理以更解做高养些等成什的良么两好。类卫动生物习。惯根的据重学要生意回义答;的3.情通况过,了给解出蚯课蚓课与题人。类回的答关:系线,形进动行物生和命环科节学动价环值节观动的物教一育、。根教据学蛔重虫点病1.引蛔出虫蛔适虫于这寄种生典生型活的线结形构动和物生。理二特、点设;置2.问蚯题蚓让的学生生活思习考性预和习适。于穴居生活的形态、结构、生理等方面的特征;3.线形动物和环节动物的主要特征。

Alcatel7750 确认单板指导

Alcatel7750 确认单板指导

Alcatel 7750 扩板操作指导三.设备相关操作(1).联机串口配置(需使用厂家的串口线,其它串口线均不能用)配置终端好后,因SR7750为双主控板SF/CPM,我们要插到主用主控板上的console口,才能登入设备。



(2)在扩容之前,为安全起见我们需做设备配置的保存: admin save保存好后,需采集目前设备配置:admin display-config 多按几下回车键,才能采完(3)插板顺序,先插IOM板,再插MDA板(4)在插IOM板时一定要注意,主控板和IOM板上有保护胶套要先卸下才能插入槽位,否则板卡是插不位的, 无法加电。

如图:大卡为IOM卡,小卡为MDA卡(5)按设计的槽位插入IOM板卡,插入设备后,需用命令确认能否工作正常A:7750SR12# show card state/查看刚插好的IOM单板具体型号及槽位号,其中的槽位号是从设备面板上看出来的,也可以用此命令看。

我们刚插上的IOM板的型号及槽位号,在此命令下是有显示的,只是该板的admin state和oper state的状态没有达到UP。

确认IOM板命令如下:A:7750SR12#configure card X card-type XXX/具体板卡情况依实际情况定义第一个X代表设备是槽位号,XXX代表IOM的具体型号.这里就是要用到show card state显示的结果了。

确认IOM板卡后,稍等片刻,可以查看其是否工作正常了,命令如下:A:7750SR12#show card state/查看新插入IOM单板的运行状态,待新插入的IOM单板的admin state和oper state为UP状态后进入下一步操作。



中国移动通信集团山西有限公司7750SR设备常见故障处理指导书上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司工程服务部二零零七年十月1 检查硬件运行状态 (4)1.17750SR硬件介绍 (4)1.2设备启动 (6)1.3检查管理连接状态 (10)1.3.1 Console 口连接 (10)1.4检查机箱状态 (12)1.4.1 机箱状态 (12)1.5检查电源 (13)1.6检查风扇 (14)1.7检查SF/CPM状态 (14)1.7.1 SF/CPM LED状态 (14)1.7.2 SF/CPM 排错命令 (16)1.7.3 检查SF/CPM 状态详情 (18)1.8检查IOM状态 (22)1.9检查MDA状态 (24)2 系统级排错 (25)2.1硬件初始化常见问题 (25)2.2检查文件配置 (27)2.2验证系统管理配置信息 (32)2.3显示系统信息 (32)2.4验证同步和冗余状态 (33)3 OA&M排错命令 (34)3.1LSP诊断命令 (35)3.2SDP D IAGNOSTICS (35)3.3业务诊断 (36)3.4VPLS MAC诊断 (36)3.5OAM命令汇总 (37)4 常见排错案例 (38)4.1硬件常见故障处理 (38)4.1.1 内存损失造成不能正常启动 (38)4.1.2 设备启动不成功 (39)4.1.3 MDA卡无法注册 (40)4.1.4 主控板无法注册 (40)4.1.5 console口无法输出信息 (41)4.1.6 软件升版不当导致CPM反复重启 (41)4.2端口常见故障处理 (44)4.2.1 pos端口常见故障处理 (44)4.2.2 ethernet端口常见故障处理 (46)4.3路由协议常见故障处理 (48)4.3.1 链路无法负载均衡 (48)4.3.2 等价路由情况下的PING问题 (49)4.3.3 访问控制列表配置不当引起路由协议DOWN掉 (54)4.3.4 升级后部分路由无法正常转发 (55)4.3.5 Ospf常见故障处理: (58) MTU配置问题导致OSPF无法与对端设备建立邻接关系 (58) 配置了将直连路由重分发进ospf后,直连路由没有发布出去 (59) OSPF参考带宽与其他厂商互联设备设置不一致引起的路由问题 (59) 移动voip大业务量倒换测试问题处理 (63)4.3.6 isis常见故障处理 (66) MD5的HASH算法版本不匹配导致ISIS验证失败 (66) 与第三方设备(测试仪表类)建立ISIS邻接关系时遇到的问题 (66)4.3.7 bgp常见故障处理 (67) IBGP连接经常重启故障案例 (67) BGP宣告路由不全问题的处理 (71) 7750路由宣告问题的处理 (72)4.3.8 mpls常见故障处理 (72) 由于更改system地址后没有restart ospf导致MPLS-TE FRR故障 (72) 由于不同厂商mpls分发机制不同引起的业务故障 (76)4.4业务常见故障处理 (78)4.4.1 ies常见故障处理 (78) ies割接后业务不通,对端用户无法ping通 (78) subscriber-interface业务无法开通故障 (79)4.4.2 vpls常见故障处理 (81) arp广播引起的网络设备故障 (81) 使用filter-log进行vpls业务丢包故障定位 (83)4.4.3 vprn常见故障处理 (84) vprn的路由限制功能无法生效 (84) vprn通过option a方式实现跨域mpls vpn时,对端asbr无法学到本as内的私网路由。


show router bgp summary
关注bgp up的时间,以判断bgp是否频繁闪断
showrouterrrouter-table summary
show service sdp-using
show routerr interface
show routerr arp
show serviceservice-usingvprn



7750常⽤命令7750常⽤检查项⼀、硬件检查项1、show card //检查槽位板卡配置以及运⾏状态2、show mda //检查槽位⼦卡配置以及运⾏状态3、show chassis //检查机箱、风扇以及电源运⾏状态⼆、软件版本1、show version //检查版本号三、物理端⼝状态以及描述1、show port2、show port description四、三层接⼝状态1、show router interface //检查三层接⼝状态五、路由1、show router isis adjacency //检查isis邻居状态2、show router isis interface //检查isis接⼝3、show router isis routes //检查isis路由状态2、show router bgp neighbor //检查bgp neighbor3、show router bgp summary //检查bgp总体路由条⽬六、组播1、show router pim interface //检查组播的接⼝2、show router pim neighor //检查组播邻居3、show router ldp interface //检查ldp的接⼝4、show router ldp session //检查ldp的回话七、BRAS (更详细的可以看附件BRAS功能篇)show service active-subscribers //检查⽤户明细,家庭⽹关会计算成1个show service active-subscribers sum //直接检查⽤户数量show service active-subscribers subscriber "bjcnc-hgw@hgw-nms" //检查家庭⽹关明细show service active-subscribers subscriber "410008230@8dc55e" //检查⽤户信息show service id 1 pppoe session //检查视频电话⽤户show service id 1 pppoe summary //直接检查视频电话⽤户数量show service id 100 pppoe session //检查上⽹⽤户show service id 100 pppoe summary //直接检查上⽹⽤户数量show service id 100 pppoe session ip //可以检查⽤户在线时间show router dhcp local-dhcp-server "pppoe" summary 查看地址池使⽤量show router dhcp local-dhcp-server "asiainfomod" summary //检查后付费预付费地址池show router dhcp local-dhcp-server "asiainfomod" summary //检查家庭⽹关地址池show service active-subscribers summary //检查所有在线⽤户数量show service active-subscribers subscriber "bjcnc-hgw@hgw-nms"//检查家庭⽹关明细show service active-subscribers subscriber "410008230@8dc55e" //检查具体⽤户信息,如带宽速率,IP 地址,mac地址,从哪个设备接⼊的。



7750SR业务查看目录1. 单机系统查看 (3)1.1查看路由器硬件状态 (3)1.2查看物理端口状态 (3)1.3查看系统环境状态 (3)1.4查看系统日志信息 (3)1.5基本链路检测命令 (3)1.6查看时钟同步信息 (3)1.7查看主副引擎同步信息 (4)1.8检测系统软件版本 (4)2. 网络路由查看 (5)2.1查看网络接口状态 (5)2.2查看OSPF状态 (5)2.3查看OSPF邻居状态 (5)2.4查看OSPF数据库 (5)2.5查看指定的A REA的OSPF工作情况 (5)2.6查看该路由器运行OSPF的端口信息 (5)2.7查看全局路由表及OSPF路由表 (5)2.8查看发送和接受的BGP路由表 (6)2.9查看LDP连接状态 (6)2.10查看MPLS标签分发表 (6)2.11查看MPLS接口 (6)2.12查看MPLS路径 (6)3. VPN业务查看 (7)3.1查看用户信息 (7)3.2查看SDP信息 (7)3.3查看SERVICE信息 (7)4、配置及安全性检查 (8)4.1查看设备配置是否准确 (8)4.2查看系统配置 (8)4.3查看LOG信息 (8)4.4查看当前端口实时流量 (8)1. 单机系统查看1.1 查看路由器硬件状态# show chassis# show card# show mda1.2 查看物理端口状态#show port#show port id(x/x/x,x/x/x..x) [detai l] 1.3查看系统环境状态# show chassis environment#show system cpu#show system memory1.4 查看系统日志信息# show log event-control1.5 基本链路检测命令#ping ip-address( ip-address( ip-address( 查看时钟同步信息#show system sync-if-timing1.7 查看主副引擎同步信息#show redundancy synchronization 1.8 检测系统软件版本# show version2. 网络路由查看2.1 查看网络接口状态#show route interface#show route interface name [detail]2.2 查看OSPF状态#show route ospf status#show route ospf statistics2.3 查看OSPF邻居状态#show route osfp neightbor2.4 查看OSPF数据库#show router ospf database2.5 查看指定的Area的OSPF工作情况#show router ospf area (x.x.x.x)2.6 查看该路由器运行ospf的端口信息#show router ospf interface2.7 查看全局路由表及ospf路由表#show route route-table#show router route-table protocol ospf2.8 查看发送和接受的BGP路由表#show bgp router#Show router bgp neighbor received-routes#Show router bgp neighbor advertised-routes 2.9查看LDP连接状态#Show router ldp session2.10查看mpls标签分发表#Show router ldp binding2.11 查看MPLS 接口# show router mpls interface2.12 查看MPLS路径# show router mpls path3. VPN业务查看3.1 查看用户信息#show service customer customer-id 3.2 查看SDP信息#show service sdp#show service sdp-using3.3 查看service信息#show service id 1000 all#show router mpls lsp#show service sap-using sap 1/1/1:0#show service service-using vpls#show service service-using epipe#show service service-using vprn# show router 100 route-table4、配置及安全性检查4.1 查看设备配置是否准确#info4.2 查看系统配置#config system 4.3 查看log信息#show log 99 4.4 查看当前端口实时流量#monitor port <port-id>。

Cisco 7750 SR Quality of Service 指南页面 925 配置命令 MC-

Cisco 7750 SR Quality of Service 指南页面 925 配置命令 MC-

Configuration CommandsMC-MLPPP Commandsmlppp-profile-ingressSyntax[no] mlppp-profile-ingress profile-id[create]Context config>qosDescription This command creates a profile for the user to configure the ingress QoS parameters of a multi-class MLPPP bundle.A maximum of 128 ingress QoS profiles can be created on the system.The no form of this command deletes the profile.Parameters profile-id — Specifies a specific multi-class ingress profile.Values 1 — 65535classSyntax class class-idContext config>qos>mlppp-profile-ingressconfig>qos>mlppp-profile-egressDescription This command provides the MLPPP class context for the user to configure the ingress or egress MLPPP bundle QoS parameters for this profile.Parameters class-id — Specifies a class for this policy.Values0— 3reassembly-timeoutSyntax reassembly-timeout timeout-valueno reassembly-timeoutContext config>qos>mlppp-profile-ingress>classDescription This command configures the value of the MLPPP bundle ingress per class reassembly timer for this profile.Parameters timeout-value — Specifies a a reassembly timeout for this policy.Values 1 — 1000 in millisecondsdescriptionSyntax description description-stringno descriptionContext config>qos>mlppp-profile-ingressconfig>qos>mlppp-profile-egressDescription This command creates a text description stored in the configuration file for a configuration context.The description command associates a text string with a configuration context to help identify thecontext in the configuration file.The no form of this command removes any description string from the context.Default No description is associated with the configuration context.Parameters description-string — A text string describing the entity. Allowed values are any string up to 80characters long composed of printable, 7-bit ASCII characters excluding double quotes. If thestring contains special characters (#, $, spaces, etc.), the entire string must be enclosed withindouble quotes.mlppp-profile-egressSyntax[no] mlppp-profile-egress profile-id[create]Context config>qosDescription This command creates a profile for the user to configure the egress QoS parameters of a multiclass MLPPP bundle.A maximum of 128 egress QoS profiles can be created on the system.The no form of this command deletes the profile.Parameters profile-id — Specifies an ingress mlppp-profile ID.Values 1 — 65535max-queue-sizeSyntax max-queue-size queue-sizeno max-queue-sizeContext config>qos>mlppp-profile-egress>classDescription This command configures the maximum queue size for each MLPPP class queue for this profile.Parameters queue-size — Specifies the maximum queue size.Values 1 — 1000 in milliseconds of buffer spacemirSyntax mir mir-valueno mirContext config>qos>mlppp-profile-egress>classDescription This command configures the minimum information rate (MIR) scheduling parameter for each MLPPP class queue for this profile.Parameters mir-value — Specifies the MIR scheduling parameter.Values 1 — 100weightSyntax weight weight-valueno weightContext config>qos>mlppp-profile-egress>classDescription This command configures the WRR weight scheduling parameter for each MLPPP class queue for this profile.Parameters weight-value — Specifies the weight scheduling parameter.Values 1 — 100fcSyntax fc fc-name mlppp-class class-idno fc fc-nameContext config>qos>mlppp-profile-egress>classDescription This command configures the mapping of the system forwarding class to the MLPPP classes for this profile. There is a many-to-one relationship between the system forwarding class and an MLPPPclass.Parameters fc-name — Specifies the forwarding class name.Values b3, l2, af, l1, h2, ef, h1, ncclass-id — Specifies the class ID.Values0 — 3。



上海贝尔阿尔卡特7750SR配置标准模板目录一、硬件配置 (5)1.1配置IOM卡 (5)1.1.1 查看已经插入的IOM卡的类型 (5)1.1.2 正确配置IOM卡的类型 (5)1.2配置MDA卡 (5)1.2.1 查看已经插入的MDA卡的类型 (5)1.2.2 正确配置MDA卡的类型 (5)1.3配置MDA端口 (6)1.3.1 POS端口配置 (6)1.3.2 以太口配置 (6)1.3.3 查看port信息 (6)二、设备管理配置 (8)2.1配置路由器名称、LOCA TION、CONTACT (8)2.2配置系统时间 (8)2.3配置SNTP (8)2.3.1 打开SNTP (8)2.3.2 配置SNTP地址 (8)2.4配置SR为TELNET服务器 (8)2.5.1 配置默认动作为允许,因为是所有上主控板的流量。

(9)2.5.2 配置允许IP段的ACL,配置源IP,协议,目的端口 (9)2.5.3 配置一条拒绝的ACL,拒绝其他IP段。

(9)2.6配置用户 (9)2.6.1 配置用户名 (9)2.6.2 配置用户密码 (9)2.6.3 配置用户登陆方式 (10)2.6.4 配置用户所属的组 (10)2.7配置LOG (10)2.7.1 配置log-id (10)2.7.2 配置log信息类型 (10)2.7.3 配置记录log的方式 (10)2.7.4 配置记录log方式的具体配置 (10)2.8配置SNMP (11)2.9配置主备板同步 (11)2.9.1 配置自动同步 (11)2.9.2 手工同步命令 (11)2.10配置空闲时间 (11)2.11配置ANTI-SPOOF (11)三、路由配置 (13)3.1配置路由器系统地址 (13)3.2配置网络接口 (13)3.2.1 配置interface名字及描述 (13)3.2.2 配置IP地址 (13)3.2.3 配置关联端口 (13)3.2.4 查看配置的路由器接口 (13)3.3配置静态及OSPF路由协议 (14)3.3.1 配置静态路由 (14)3.3.2 配置OSPF区域 (14)3.3.3 配置ospf接口cost值 (14)3.3.4 配置一个stub区域 (14)3.3.5 配置NSSA区域 (14)3.3.6 配置虚链路 (15)3.3.7 配置认证 (15)3.3.8 配置路由聚合 (15)3.3.9 配置静态路由注入到OSPF路由协议 (15)3.3.10 查看运行在ospf协议下的接口 (16)3.3.11 查看ospf邻居建立关系 (16)3.3.12 查看ospf路由表 (16)3.4配置IS-IS (16)3.4.1 配置区域ID (16)3.4.2 配置路由器等级能力 (17)3.4.4 查看ISIS下的接口 (17)3.4.5 添加已经配置到ISIS的每个网络接口 (17)3.4.6 查看ISIS邻接关系 (17)3.4.7 查看ISIS路由表 (17)3.5BGP配置 (18)3.5.1 创建AS (18)3.5.2 配置路由器 ID5 (18)3.5.3 配置 BGP (18)3.6配置POLICY (18)3.6.1 配置policy名称 (18)3.6.2 配置从静态路由分布到ospf路由协议中的policy (19)3.6.3 配置commit使之生效 (19)3.6.4 应用policy (19)3.7IP F ILTER配置 (19)3.7.1 创建ip filter (19)3.7.2 指定默认动作 (19)3. 7.3创建条目,指定动作、源、目的IP (19)3.7.4 应用ip filter (20)四、 MPLS 配置以及业务配置 (21)4.1MPLS配置 (21)4.1.1 MPLS接口配置 (21)4.1.2 创建已命名的MPLS路径 (21)4.1.3 配置 MPLS LSP和主路径 (21)4.1.4 查看命令 (22)4.1.5 改变每个网络接口的最大传输单元(MTU)尺寸 (22)4.2 E P IPE 配置 (22)4.2.1 创建客户并将其与提供的业务相关联 (22)4.2.2 指向客户的接口(在我们的网络中由膝上电脑表示)称为“toCustomer”,必须配置为接入接口。



Alcatel7750SR常用命令集1. 简介本文档是关于Alcatel7750SR常用命令集的指南。



2. 登录与退出2.1 登录要登录到Alcatel7750SR设备,可以使用以下命令:login <用户名> <密码>其中,<用户名>和<密码>分别是您的登录名和密码。

2.2 退出要退出登录,可以使用以下命令:logout3. 基本配置3.1 设置主机名可以使用以下命令设置设备的主机名:configure systemset hostname <主机名>end其中,<主机名>是您要设置的主机名。

3.2 设置IP地址要设置设备的IP地址,可以使用以下命令:configure systemset address <接口> ip-address <IP地址>/<子网掩码>end其中,<接口>是设备的接口名,如ethernet 1/1/1,<IP 地址>是您要设置的IP地址,<子网掩码>是IP地址的子网掩码。

4. 路由配置4.1 静态路由要配置静态路由,可以使用以下命令:configure router static-routeadd <目标网络> next-hop <下一跳地址>end其中,<目标网络>是要配置的目标网络,如10.0.0.0/24,<下一跳地址>是下一跳的IP地址。

4.2 动态路由要配置动态路由,可以使用以下命令:configure router dynamic-routeospfarea <区域号>network <网络地址> mask <子网掩码>exitexit其中,<区域号>是OSPF的区域号,<网络地址>是要配置的网络地址,<子网掩码>是网络地址的子网掩码。



SR7750配置步骤-自己总结滴SR7750配置步骤一、基本配置1、在config-system 视图下,1)起名字标示此设备:name liaocheng-842-7750-ar1SystemPort 有两种模式network和access 又都分为输入、输出两个方向ingress egressconfig>system>security>profile 默认为none 不授权修改默认启动文件,确保下次依然生效vrrp配置时要注意主地址和vrrp地址一定要在同一子网下。


2、在config-router 视图下,在router 视图下做autonomous-system 200 AS号,否则bgp 邻居无法建立配置习惯为进config—router ,,interface,bgp,isis等在此视图下。

而不是router bgp 100 ,这个设备的treeRouter id 必配。

Family ipv4 router>bgp# info----------------------------------------------group "to-h3c"type externallocal-as 200peer-as 100neighbor "to-3528"local-address externalpeer-as 100neighbor端口的典型配置接用户的端口port 1/2/5description "GE1/2/5 To SDLC-T600-1 GE1/0/0->OMC&Signal"ethernetmode accessencap-type dot1qmtu 9192no autonegotiateexitno shutdown接上行设备端口port 1/1/1description "POS1/1/1 To SDJN-YXS-N5KE-B1 POS12/0/2 155M JN-LC S-1N7002(backup)"networkegresspoolslope-policy "CU-WRED"exitexitexitsonet-sdhframing sdhhold-time up 30 down 1speed oc3pathmtu 9180scramblenetworkqueue-policy "CU-NetworkEgressQ"exitno shutdownexitexitno shutdown都分为全局配置,具体配置在什么视图下建立的,show的时候就得注意。



中国移动通信集团山西有限公司7750SR设备常见故障处理指导书上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司工程服务部二零零七年十月1 检查硬件运行状态 (4)1.17750SR硬件介绍 (4)1.2设备启动 (6)1.3检查管理连接状态 (10)1.3.1 Console 口连接 (10)1.4检查机箱状态 (12)1.4.1 机箱状态 (12)1.5检查电源 (13)1.6检查风扇 (14)1.7检查SF/CPM状态 (14)1.7.1 SF/CPM LED状态 (14)1.7.2 SF/CPM 排错命令 (16)1.7.3 检查SF/CPM 状态详情 (18)1.8检查IOM状态 (22)1.9检查MDA状态 (24)2 系统级排错 (25)2.1硬件初始化常见问题 (25)2.2检查文件配置 (27)2.2验证系统管理配置信息 (32)2.3显示系统信息 (32)2.4验证同步和冗余状态 (33)3 OA&M排错命令 (34)3.1LSP诊断命令 (35)3.2SDP D IAGNOSTICS (35)3.3业务诊断 (36)3.4VPLS MAC诊断 (36)3.5OAM命令汇总 (37)4 常见排错案例 (38)4.1硬件常见故障处理 (38)4.1.1 内存损失造成不能正常启动 (38)4.1.2 设备启动不成功 (39)4.1.3 MDA卡无法注册 (40)4.1.4 主控板无法注册 (40)4.1.5 console口无法输出信息 (41)4.1.6 软件升版不当导致CPM反复重启 (41)4.2端口常见故障处理 (44)4.2.1 pos端口常见故障处理 (44)4.2.2 ethernet端口常见故障处理 (46)4.3路由协议常见故障处理 (48)4.3.1 链路无法负载均衡 (48)4.3.2 等价路由情况下的PING问题 (49)4.3.3 访问控制列表配置不当引起路由协议DOWN掉 (54)4.3.4 升级后部分路由无法正常转发 (55)4.3.5 Ospf常见故障处理: (58) MTU配置问题导致OSPF无法与对端设备建立邻接关系 (58) 配置了将直连路由重分发进ospf后,直连路由没有发布出去 (59) OSPF参考带宽与其他厂商互联设备设置不一致引起的路由问题 (59) 移动voip大业务量倒换测试问题处理 (63)4.3.6 isis常见故障处理 (66) MD5的HASH算法版本不匹配导致ISIS验证失败 (66) 与第三方设备(测试仪表类)建立ISIS邻接关系时遇到的问题 (66)4.3.7 bgp常见故障处理 (67) IBGP连接经常重启故障案例 (67) BGP宣告路由不全问题的处理 (71) 7750路由宣告问题的处理 (72)4.3.8 mpls常见故障处理 (72) 由于更改system地址后没有restart ospf导致MPLS-TE FRR故障 (72) 由于不同厂商mpls分发机制不同引起的业务故障 (76)4.4业务常见故障处理 (78)4.4.1 ies常见故障处理 (78) ies割接后业务不通,对端用户无法ping通 (78) subscriber-interface业务无法开通故障 (79)4.4.2 vpls常见故障处理 (81) arp广播引起的网络设备故障 (81) 使用filter-log进行vpls业务丢包故障定位 (83)4.4.3 vprn常见故障处理 (84) vprn的路由限制功能无法生效 (84) vprn通过option a方式实现跨域mpls vpn时,对端asbr无法学到本as内的私网路由。



实用文案7750SR路由器配置规范V2.1上海贝尔阿尔卡特股份有限公司互联网事业部二零零六年十一月目录1.概述 (5)2.系统基本配置 (7)2.1.层次化命令结构 (7)2.2.在CLI中获得帮助 (8)2.3.硬件板卡配置 (9)2.4.设备名称配置 (11)2.5.系统时间配置 (11)2.6.NTP配置 (11)2.7.主备卡切换配置 (12)2.8.AAA配置(登录用户) (14)3.端口配置 (16)3.1.Loopback端口配置 (16)3.2.GE端口配置 (16)3.3.POS端口配置 (17)3.4.端口镜像配置 (18)4.安全配置 (23)4.1.ACL配置 (23)4.2.防攻击配置 (24)5.网管配置 (31)5.1.网管地址配置 (31)5.2.TELNET配置 (32)5.3.FTP配置 (33)5.4.SNMP (33)5.5.SYSLOG (35)5.6.配置备份 (36)5.7.SSH配置 (36)Flow备份 (37)6.路由配置 (39)6.1.黑洞路由配置 (39)6.2.静态路由配置 (39)6.3.OSPF配置 (39)6.4.ISIS配置 (44)6.5.BGP配置 (47)7.业务配置 (54)7.1.专线业务配置(IES配置) (54)7.2.MPLS VPN业务配置 (56)7.2.1P路由器配置 (56)7.2.2PE路由器配置(VPRN) (60)7.2.3PE路由器配置(VPLS) (63)8.7750SR常用维护命令 (67)1.概述阿尔卡特7750SR路由器是业内第一个专为高级互联网和虚拟专用网络(VPN)业务而设计和优化的IP/MPLS业务路由器。



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Alcatel 7750 SR 设备查看命令贝尔阿尔卡特股份互联网事业部2006年10月1、系统运行状态查看1.1查看路由器硬件状态# show chassisA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show chassis=============================================================================== Chassis Information=============================================================================== Name : YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01 Type : 7750 SR-12 Location : Coordinates : CLLI code : Number of slots : 12 Number of ports : 60 Critical LED state : Off Major LED state : Off Minor LED state : Off Base MAC address : 00:03:fa:df:fb:56 Admin chassis mode : c Oper chassis mode : cHardware DataPart number : 3HE00104AAAB01 CLEI code : IPME400FRA Serial number : NS061751349 Manufacture date : 05022006 Manufacturing string : Manufacturing deviations : Time of last boot : 2006/11/15 01:39:03 Current alarm state : alarm clearedEnvironment InformationNumber of fan trays : 3 Number of fans : 6Fan tray number : 1 Status : up Speed : half speedFan tray number : 2Status : up Speed : half speedFan tray number : 3 Status : up Speed : half speedPower Supply InformationNumber of power supplies : 2Power supply number : 1 Defaulted power supply type : dc Status : upPower supply number : 2 Defaulted power supply type : dc Status : up =============================================================================== A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01## show cardA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show card=============================================================================== Card Summary=============================================================================== Slot Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Card-type Card-type State State -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 iom2-20g iom2-20g up up2 iom2-20g iom2-20g up up3 iom2-20g iom2-20g up upA sfm-400g sfm2-200g up up/activeB sfm-400g sfm2-200g up up/standby===============================================================================A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show card a detail=============================================================================== Card A=============================================================================== Slot Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Card-type Card-type State State------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A sfm-400g sfm2-200g up up/activeBOF last modified : N/A Config file version : TUE NOV 14 15:46:33 2006 UTC Config file last modified : 2006/11/29 23:23:28 Config file last saved : 2006/11/28 16:15:09 CPM redundancy status : activeFlash - cf1:Administrative State : up Operational state : not equippedFlash - cf2:Administrative State : up Operational state : not equippedFlash - cf3:Administrative State : up Operational state : up Serial number : 146CT066S0763SC0153 Firmware revision : V2.23 Model number : SILICONSYSTEMS INC 256MB Size : 253,932 KB Free space : 68,488 KBHardware DataPart number : 3HE01171AAAA01CLEI code : IPUCAEAFAA Serial number : NS061750736 Manufacture date : 05092006 Manufacturing string : Manufacturing deviations : Administrative state : up Operational state : up Temperature : 43C Temperature threshold : 75C Software boot version : X-4.0.R1 on Thu Apr 27 12:42:18 PST 2006 b* Software version : TiMOS-C-4.0.R3 cpm/hops ALCATEL SR 7750 Co* Time of last boot : 2006/11/15 01:39:03 Current alarm state : alarm cleared Base MAC address : 00:03:fa:ac:ea:da Memory capacity : 2,016 MB=============================================================================== A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01## show mdaA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show mda=============================================================================== MDA Summary=============================================================================== Slot Mda Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Mda-type Mda-type State State -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 1 m10-1gb-sfp m10-1gb-sfp up up2 m10-1gb-sfp m10-1gb-sfp up up 2 1 m10-1gb-sfp m10-1gb-sfp up up2 m10-1gb-sfp m10-1gb-sfp up up3 1 m10-1gb-sfp m10-1gb-sfp up up 2 m10-1gb-sfp m10-1gb-sfp up up ===============================================================================A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show mda 1/1 detail=============================================================================== MDA 1/1 detail=============================================================================== Slot Mda Provisioned Equipped Admin Operational Mda-type Mda-type State State ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 1 m10-1gb-sfp m10-1gb-sfp up upMDA Specific DataMaximum port count : 10 Number of ports equipped : 10 Network ingress queue policy : JSYZ-NIQ Capabilities : EthernetHardware DataPart number : 3HE00026AAAC01 CLEI code : IPPAAANBAA Serial number : NS061350207 Manufacture date : 03272006Manufacturing string : Manufacturing deviations : Administrative state : up Operational state : up Temperature : 41C Temperature threshold : 75C Time of last boot : 2006/11/15 01:39:51 Current alarm state : alarm cleared Base MAC address : 00:03:fa:c6:ff:4c =============================================================================== A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01#1.2查看物理端口状态#show portA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show port============================================================================== Ports on Slot 1============================================================================== Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port SFP/XFP/ Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/1/1 Up Yes Up9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM1/1/2 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/1/3 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/1/4 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/1/5 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/1/6 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/1/7 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/1/8 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/1/9 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/1/10 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/2/1 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/2/2 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/2/3 Up No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/2/4 Down No Down 1518 1518 - accs dotq gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/2/5 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/2/6 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM1/2/8 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/2/9 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 1/2/10 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM============================================================================== Ports on Slot 2============================================================================== Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port SFP/XFP/ Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2/1/1 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/1/2 Up Yes Up 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/1/3 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/1/4 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/1/5 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/1/6 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/1/7 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/1/8 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/1/9 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/1/10 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/2/1 Up Yes Up 1518 1518 - accs dotq gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/2/2 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 10KM 2/2/3 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 2/2/4 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 2/2/5 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 2/2/6 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 2/2/7 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 2/2/8 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 2/2/9 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 2/2/10 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM============================================================================== Ports on Slot 3============================================================================== Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port SFP/XFP/ Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3/1/1 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 3/1/2 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 3/1/3 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 3/1/4 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 3/1/5 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM 3/1/6 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 40KM3/1/8 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 80KM 3/1/9 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 80KM 3/1/10 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 80KM 3/2/1 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 80KM 3/2/2 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 80KM 3/2/3 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-LX 80KM 3/2/4 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-SX 3/2/5 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-SX 3/2/6 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige GIGE-SX 3/2/7 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige 3/2/8 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige 3/2/9 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige 3/2/10 Down No Down 9212 9212 - netw null gige============================================================================== Ports on Slot A============================================================================== Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port SFP/XFP/ Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ A/1 Up No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste============================================================================== Ports on Slot B============================================================================== Port Admin Link Port Cfg Oper LAG/ Port Port Port SFP/XFP/ Id State State MTU MTU Bndl Mode Encp Type MDIMDX ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ B/1 Up No Down 1514 1514 - netw null faste ============================================================================== A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01##show port id(x/x/x,x/x/x..x) [detail]A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show port 1/1/1 detail=============================================================================== Ethernet Interface=============================================================================== Description : 1-Gig Ethernet SFPInterface : 1/1/1 Oper Speed : 1 Gbps Link-level : Ethernet Config Speed : N/A Admin State : up Oper Duplex : full Oper State : up Config Duplex : N/A Physical Link : Yes MTU : 9212 IfIndex : 18907136 Hold time up : 0 seconds Last State Change : 11/15/2006 01:39:53 Hold time down : 0 secondsConfigured Mode : network Encap Type : null Dot1Q Ethertype : 0x8100 QinQ Ethertype : 0x8100 Net. Egr. Queue Pol: default Auto-negotiate : false MDI/MDX : N/A Accounting Policy : None Collect-stats : Disabled Egress Rate : Default Ingress Rate : Default Load-balance-algo : defaultConfigured Address : 00:03:fa:c6:ff:4cHardware Address : 00:03:fa:c6:ff:4cCfg Alarm :Alarm Status :Transceiver DataTransceiver Type : SFP Model Number : 3HE00028AAAA01 ALA IPUIAEMDAA= Transceiver Code : GIGE-LX TX Laser Wavelength: 1310 nm Diag Capable : no Connector Code : LC Vendor OUI : 00:0a:1d Manufacture date : 2006/05/05 Media : Ethernet Serial Number :Part Number : TRPNG1LXDBBS-TM Optical Compliance : GIGE-LX Link Length support: 10km for SMF;=============================================================================== Traffic Statistics=============================================================================== Input Output------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Octets 60 13PacketsErrors 0 0=============================================================================== Ethernet Statistics===============================================================================Broadcast Pckts : 2 Drop Events : 0 Multicast Pckts : 1543727 CRC/Align Errors : 0 Undersize Pckts : 0 Fragments : 0 Oversize Pckts : 0 Jabbers : 0 Collisions : 0Octets : 073Packets :Packets of 64 Octets : 4849684820Packets of 65 to 127 Octets : 7271812018Packets of 128 to 255 Octets : 1838819639Packets of 256 to 511 Octets : 585878818Packets of 512 to 1023 Octets : 1618216965Packets of 1024 to 1518 Octets : 8117037494Packets of 1519 or more Octets : 316907685============================================================================================================================================================== Port Statistics=============================================================================== Input Output ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unicast PacketsMulticast Packets 1208494 335233 Broadcast Packets 1 1 Discards 0 0 Unknown Proto Discards 0 ============================================================================================================================================================== Ethernet-like Medium Statistics===============================================================================Alignment Errors : 0 Sngl Collisions : 0 FCS Errors : 0 Mult Collisions : 0SQE Test Errors : 0 Late Collisions : 0 CSE : 0 Excess Collisns : 0 Too long Frames : 0 Int MAC Tx Errs : 0 Symbol Errors : 0 Int MAC Rx Errs : 0 ============================================================================================================================================================== Queue Statistics===============================================================================------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ingress Queue 2 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 41Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Ingress Queue 3 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Ingress Queue 4 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 44516 2932921 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Ingress Queue 5 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 18029 1693345 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Ingress Queue 6 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Ingress Queue 12 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0Egress Queue 1 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 67Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Egress Queue 2 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Egress Queue 3 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Egress Queue 4 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Egress Queue 5 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Egress Queue 6 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 0 0 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Egress Queue 7 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 581 108066 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 Egress Queue 8 Packets OctetsIn Profile forwarded : 363238 37062560 In Profile dropped : 0 0 Out Profile forwarded : 0 0 Out Profile dropped : 0 0 =============================================================================== A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01#1.3查看系统环境状态# show chassis environmentA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show chassis environment=============================================================================== Chassis Information===============================================================================Environment InformationNumber of fan trays : 3 Number of fans : 6Fan tray number : 1 Status : upSpeed : half speedFan tray number : 2 Status : up Speed : half speedFan tray number : 3 Status : up Speed : half speed =====================================================#show system cpuA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show system cpu=========================================CPU Utilization (Test time 999455 uSec)=========================================Name CPU Time CPU Usage(uSec) -----------------------------------------System 19927 1.99%Icc 1941 0.19%RTM/Policies 580 0.05%OSPF 185 0.01%MPLS/RSVP 2437 0.24%LDP 13339 1.33%IS-IS 3854 0.38%RIP 0 0.00%VRRP 0 0.00%BGP 489 0.04%Services 291 0.02%IOM 0 0.00%CFLOWD 0 0.00%IGMP 0 0.00%PIM 0 0.00%MCast Stack 0 0.00%IP Stack 9250 0.92%MBUF 0 0.00%IGMP Snooping 114 0.01%TLS MFIB 693 0.06%WEB Redirect 131 0.01%Idle 946224 94.67%=========================================A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01##show system memoryA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show system memory-pools=============================================================================== Memory Pools=============================================================================== Name Max Allowed Current Size Max So Far In Use ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- System No limit 56,858,272 66,819,744 46,253,744 Icc 8,388,608 1,048,576 1,048,576 60,704 RTM/Policies No limit 3,145,728 3,145,728 1,809,896 OSPF No limit 1,048,576 1,048,576 433,560 MPLS/RSVP No limit 5,464,464 7,561,616 4,310,728 LDP No limit 4,194,304 4,194,304 3,380,800 IS-IS No limit 4,497,472 4,497,472 3,734,648 RIP No limit 0 0 0 VRRP No limit 1,048,576 1,048,576 72 BGP No limit 12,484,800 12,484,800 11,690,304Services No limit 3,145,728 3,145,728 2,833,144IOM No limit 0 0 0CFLOWD No limit 0 0 0IGMP No limit 0 0 0PIM No limit 0 0 0MCast Stack No limit 1,048,576 1,048,576 32,024IP Stack No limit 29,901,264 29,901,264 28,868,504MBUF No limit 5,837,312 5,837,312 4,831,872IGMP Snooping No limit 1,048,576 1,048,576 135,088TLS MFIB No limit 1,048,576 1,048,576 533,712WEB Redirect 8,388,608 2,097,152 2,097,152 1,361,648-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Current Total Size : 133,917,952 bytesTotal In Use : 110,270,448 bytesAvailable Memory : 1,857,171,136 bytes===============================================================================A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01#1.4查看系统日志信息# show log log-id xxA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show log log-id 99===============================================================================Event Log 99=============================================================================== Description : Default System LogMemory Log contents [size=500 next event=3478 (wrapped)]3477 2006/11/30 02:33:58.22 BEIJ WARNING: SYSTEM #2009 - IP"Status of vRtrIfTable: router 1 interface yajdgs (index 82) changed administrative state: inService, operational state: inService"3476 2006/11/30 02:33:58.22 BEIJ WARNING: SNMP #2005 - yajdgs"Interface yajdgs is operational"3475 2006/11/30 02:33:58.22 BEIJ MINOR: SVCMGR #2103 -"Status of service 21034048 (customer 10) changed to administrative state: up, operational state: up"3474 2006/11/30 02:33:58.21 BEIJ MINOR: SVCMGR #2108 -"Status of interface yajdgs in service 21034048 (customer 10) changed to admin=up oper=up"3473 2006/11/30 02:33:58.21 BEIJ MINOR: SVCMGR #2203 -"Status of SAP 2/1/3:4048 in service 21034048 (customer 10) changed to admin=up oper=up"3472 2006/11/30 02:33:58.21 BEIJ MINOR: SVCMGR #2103 -"Status of service 21034047 (customer 10) changed to administrative state: up, operational state: up"3471 2006/11/30 02:33:58.21 BEIJ WARNING: SYSTEM #2009 - IP"Status of vRtrIfTable: router 1 interface yz-lgbj (index 81) changed administrative state: inService, operational state: inService"3470 2006/11/30 02:33:58.21 BEIJ WARNING: SNMP #2005 - yz-lgbj"Interface yz-lgbj is operational"3469 2006/11/30 02:33:58.21 BEIJ MINOR: SVCMGR #2108 -"Status of interface yz-lgbj in service 21034047 (customer 10) changed to admin=up oper=up"3468 2006/11/30 02:33:58.20 BEIJ MINOR: SVCMGR #2203 -"Status of SAP 2/1/3:4047 in service 21034047 (customer 10) changed to admin=up oper=up"Press any key to continue (Q to quit)A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show log log-id 100===============================================================================Event Log 100=============================================================================== Description : Default Serious Errors Logwarning: 3462 events dropped from logMemory Log contents [size=500 next event=16 (not wrapped)]15 2006/11/29 16:30:58.53 BEIJ MAJOR: LOGGER #2008 - log-id 11 file-id 11"Log file cf3:\log\log18-082916 on compact flash cf3 has been rolled over"14 2006/11/28 16:29:16.94 BEIJ MAJOR: LOGGER #2008 - log-id 11 file-id 11"Log file cf3:\log\log17-081615 on compact flash cf3 has been rolled over"13 2006/11/28 16:15:09.15 BEIJ MAJOR: SYSTEM #2002 - Configuration Save Succeeds "Configuration file saved to: cf3:\config.cfg"12 2006/11/27 16:16:15.26 BEIJ MAJOR: LOGGER #2008 - log-id 11 file-id 11"Log file cf3:\log\log16-075300 on compact flash cf3 has been rolled over"11 2006/11/26 15:53:00.68 BEIJ MAJOR: LOGGER #2008 - log-id 11 file-id 11"Log file cf3:\log\log15-074859 on compact flash cf3 has been rolled over"10 2006/11/25 15:48:59.84 BEIJ MAJOR: LOGGER #2008 - log-id 11 file-id 11"Log file cf3:\log\log14-045323 on compact flash cf3 has been rolled over"9 2006/11/21 11:00:04.78 BEIJ MAJOR: SYSTEM #2002 - Configuration Save Succeeds "Configuration file saved to: cf3:\config.cfg"8 2006/11/15 05:00:44.01 BEIJ MAJOR: SYSTEM #2002 - Configuration Save Succeeds "Configuration file saved to: cf3:\config.cfg"7 2006/11/15 01:39:34.85 BEIJ MAJOR: SYSTEM #2025 - Redundancy"Redundancy synchronization with standby CPM card B has completed. Standby CPM is ready."6 2006/11/15 01:39:34.06 BEIJ MAJOR: SYSTEM #2024 - Redundancy"Redundancy synchronization with standby CPM card B is in progress."Press any key to continue (Q to quit)1.5基本链路检测命令#ping ip-address( ping 56 data bytes64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time<10ms.64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time<10ms.64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time<10ms.64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time<10ms.64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time<10ms.---- PING Statistics ----5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.00% packet loss round-trip min < 10ms, avg < 10ms, max < 10ms, stddev < 10ms A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01##traceroute ip-address( traceroute to, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets1 ( <10 ms <10 ms <10 ms#telnet ip-address( telnet adminPassword:Login: adminPassword:A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01#1.6查看时钟信息#show timeA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show timeThu Nov 30 02:48:24 BEIJ 2006A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01#1.7查看主副引擎同步信息#show redundancy synchronizationA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show redundancy synchronization=============================================================================== Synchronization Information=============================================================================== Standby Status : standby readyLast Standby Failure : N/A Standby Up Time : 2006/11/15 01:39:21 Standby Version : TiMOS-C-4.0.R3 cpm/hops ALCATEL SR 7750Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alcatel. All rightsreserved. All use subject to applicable license agreements. Built on Wed Jul 5 09:06:04 PST2006 by builder in /rel4.0/b1/R3/panos/main Failover Time : N/A Failover Reason : N/A Boot/Config Sync Mode : Configuration Boot/Config Sync Status : Config only synchronized Last Config File Sync Time : 11/28/2006 16:15:13 Last Boot Env Sync Time : Never =============================================================================== A:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01#1.8检测系统软件版本# show versionA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show versionTiMOS-C-4.0.R3 cpm/hops ALCATEL SR 7750 Copyright (c) 2000-2006 Alcatel.All rights reserved. All use subject to applicable license agreements.Built on Wed Jul 5 09:06:04 PST 2006 by builder in /rel4.0/b1/R3/panos/mainA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01#2、路由协议查看2.1查看网络接口状态#show route interfaceA:YZ-SYL-R-AC7750-01# show router interface=============================================================================== Interface Table (Router: Base)=============================================================================== Interface-Name Adm Opr(v4/v6) Mode Port/SapId IP-Address PfxState ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- bwsm Up Up/Down IES2/1/3:401361.177.186.25/29 n/adpybx Up Up/Down IES 2/1/3:4017 n/adxsjqqy Up Up/Down IES 2/1/3:4014 n/afangchanju Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4003 n/afcjys Up Up/Down IES 2/2/1:4012 n/afgb Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4042 n/afzgs Up Up/Down IES 2/1/3:4042 n/aglqzf Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4001 n/ahtzq Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4019 n/ajiansheju Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4002 n/ajiaoH Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4012 n/ajs-hyjz Up Up/Down IES 2/2/1:4008 n/ajyss Up Up/Down IES 2/1/3:4033 n/akygj Up Up/Down IES 2/2/1:4018 n/anfzq Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4005 n/anh-huaiyang Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4029 n/aqhdz-yls Up Up/Down IES 2/2/1:4027 n/arsbx Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4007 n/asgyz-sxh Up Up/Down IES 2/2/1:4004 n/asgyz-zgh Up Up/Down IES 2/2/1:4003 n/aslj Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4010 n/asrh Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4023 n/assy-10m Up Up/Down IES 2/2/1:4011 n/astkj Up Up/Down IES 2/2/1:4015 n/asystem Up Up/Down Network system n/atest1 Up Up/Down IES 1/2/1:4048 n/atlcz Up Up/Down IES 2/1/3:4019 n/ato_DBL12416-1_1 Up Up/Down Network 2/1/1 n/ato_DBL12416-1_2 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/2 n/ato_SYL12416-1_1 Up Up/Down Network 1/1/1 n/ato_SYL12416-1_2 Up Up/Down Network 2/1/2 n/ato_YZ-SFXY-S-HW3928-01 Up Up/Down IES 1/1/4:4002 n/a。
