1.肢体语言(Body Language)
2.身体姿势(Body Posture)
3.面部表情(Facial Expressions)
4.眼神交流(Eye Contact)
5.手势(Hand Gestures)
6.姿势动作(Postural Movements)
7.站立姿势(Standing Posture)
8.坐姿(Sitting Posture)
9.交叉手臂(Crossed Arms)
10.倾斜头部(Head Tilting)
举例来说,如果你想描述一个人的肢体语言很自信,你可以说:“His body language conveyed confidence. He stood tall with his shoulders back and his chest out, making direct eye contact with everyone in the room.”
【英语作文】为何肢体语言如此重要 Why Body Language Is Important
![【英语作文】为何肢体语言如此重要 Why Body Language Is Important](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0d415f3253d380eb6294dd88d0d233d4b14e3f1a.png)
【英语作文】为何肢体语言如此重要 Why Body Language IsImportant【英语作文】为何肢体语言如此重要whybodylanguageisimportant?whenyoulearnaforeignlanguage,youmustlearnmorethanthevocabularyandthegrammar“bodylanguage”isatermusedtodes cribefacialexpression,gestures,andothermovementsofthebodythatsendmessages当你自学一门外语的时候,你必须自学词汇和语法以外的东西。
forsomemessages,wordsarenotenoughforexample,noddingtheheadupanddownisagesturet hatagree”andupmeans“idisagree”对于有些信息,言语是不够的。
eyecontactisalsoverymeaningful,butitcanalsomeandifferentthingsindifferentcountriesinothercultures,lookingintoaperson’seyeisexpectedinthemiddl eeast,directeyecontactinaconversationismorecontinuousthaninmanyotherpartsoftheworld眼神接触也很有意义,但是它在不同的国家也可以表示不同的意思。
高中英语必修四《Body Language》教案设计一、教学目标1.知识目标:o学生能够掌握并识别至少10种常见的肢体语言信号及其含义。
面部表情:面部表情就是通过脸色来表达,通过眉、目、鼻、嘴的动作来呈现自己的所要表达的东西,展露自己的感情。面部表情包括两个重点,一个是脸上的微笑,另一个是眼睛里的眼神。脸上的微笑是很重要的一个部分,老师的一个微笑可以影响到学生听课,学生听课的状态也会返回过来影响到老师。再者当学生回答问题时也会需要微笑,回答对了你的微笑给于他肯定他会更认真,回答错了微笑是鼓励不会让他因此害怕回答问题,因此微笑上课是很重要的。眼睛是心灵的窗户,英语里有一句话也曾说“Never trust a person who can’t look you in the eyes”这都说明眼睛是很重要的,在课堂上有学生违纪时,一个眼神就可以给予提示,不需要停下来用语言批评,善意提醒就好了。
二、 研究的目的和意义
英语国家的肢体语言1.付帐(cash ):右手拇指、食指和中指在空中捏在一起或在另一只手上作出写字的样子。
2.“动脑筋”(use your brains )“机敏一点”(being clever ):用手指点点自己的太阳穴。
3.“傻瓜”(fool ):用拇指按住鼻尖摇动,其四指或十指分开。
4.“讲的不是真话”(lying ):讲话时,无意识地将一食指放在鼻子下面或鼻子边时,表示人一定会理解为讲话人“讲的不是真话”或难以置信。
5.自以为是(complacent assertion ):用食指往上指鼻子,还可表示“不可一世”(overbearing )。
6.叫人安静(quietness ):闭住嘴,拇指横掠过双唇。
7.“别作声”(stopping-talking ):嘴唇合扰,将食指贴着嘴唇,同时发出“hush ”嘘嘘声。
8.侮辱和蔑视(insulting and scorning ):用拇指顶住鼻尖儿,冲着被侮辱者摇动其它四指的手势。
9.赞同(agreement ):向上翘起拇指。
10.祝贺(congratulation ):双手在身前嘴部高度相搓的动作。
11.威胁(menace ):由于生气,挥动一只拳头的动作似乎无处不有。
12.“绝对不行”(absolutely not ):掌心向外,两只手臂在胸前交叉,然后再张开至相距一米左右。
13.“完了”(T hat ’s all ):两臂在腰部交叉,然后再向下,向身体两侧伸出。
14.“害羞”(shame ):双臂伸直,向下交叉,两掌反握,同时脸转向一侧。
15.打招呼(greeting ):英语国家人在路上打招呼,常常要拿帽子来致意。
16.高兴激动(happiness and excitedness ):双手握拳向上举起,前后频频用力摇动。
30种肢体语言英语七年级to nod consent 点头表示同意。
to nod one's farewell 点头表示告别to nod as a sign of agreement or as a familiar gre eting 点头表示赞同或打招呼to hold one's head high 昂首挺胸(表示趾高气扬)to shake one's fist 挥动拳头(表示威胁)to shake one's head摇头(表示不知道)to show a V sign由食指和中指构成字母“V”,而"V”是victory 的第一个字母。
to wink at a person 向某人眨眼睛to shrug one's shoulders 耸耸肩膀(表示冷淡或怀疑)to make a face 面部露出厌恶的表情to keep(or have) one's fingers crossed 把中指叠在食指上交叉着,作十字状。
to crook a finger 朝某人弯曲食指。
to thumb one's nose 以大拇指按鼻,其余四指张开,表示轻视。
to twiddle one's thumbs无聊地绕动着两个大拇指。
thumbs down大拇指朝下。
thumbs up翘起大拇指。
Unit 1 They touch noses !他们互碰鼻子!nod our heads点点我们的头shake hands and smile 握手和微笑shake hands 握手some kiss 一些亲吻hug each other相互拥抱put their hands together把他们手放在一起Howclose 多靠近arm in arm手臂挽着手臂move away! 离开,挪开/移开look at 看着..look at each other彼此相互看着对方hold your arm握住你的手臂wave to say goodbye 挥手说再见。
⼀、教材分析 (⼀)教材内容分析本单元的中⼼话题是“肢体语⾔”,介绍了肢体语⾔在世界范围内的⼈们⽣活中所承担的不同⾓⾊及所起的重要作⽤,其中重点介绍了肢体语⾔在不同的⽂化背景下的不同含义及世界通⽤的肢体语⾔。
“热⾝”(Warming up)部分以五幅不同的⾯部表情导出本单元的话题之⼀:⾯部表情是传递某⼈内⼼情感的⼀种⽅式,使他们能在平时注意⾃⼰在与他⼈交往中注意⾃⾝的⾯部表情。
“阅读”(Reading)部分是⼀篇说明⽂,它介绍了We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people./We can learn a lot about what a person is thinking by watching his or her body language。
全⽂可分为三⼤部分,各部分的意思是:Part 1 (Para 1): We use both words and body language to express our thoughts and opinions and to communicate with other people. Part 2 (Para 2-3): Just like spoken language, body language varies from culture to culture. Part 3 (Para 4-5): Some gestures seem to be universal. “读后”(Post-reading)部分设计了两种练习。
日常生活中的肢体语言英语作文英文回答:Body language, a nonverbal form of communication, plays a significant role in our everyday lives. It involves the use of physical movements, gestures, facial expressions, and other bodily cues to convey messages, express emotions, and establish social connections. Body language is a powerful tool that can enhance or hinder communication, depending on how it is used.One of the most important aspects of body language is posture. The way we hold our bodies can communicate a range of emotions and attitudes. For example, standing upstraight with our shoulders back conveys confidence and assertiveness, while slouching can indicate shyness or lack of enthusiasm. Similarly, the way we sit can also reveal a lot about our mood and personality. Sitting upright with our feet firmly planted on the ground suggests attentiveness and engagement, while leaning back orcrossing our arms can convey disinterest or defensiveness.Another important aspect of body language is gestures. Gestures are movements of our hands, arms, and other body parts that can add emphasis or meaning to our words. For example, using a "thumbs up" gesture to indicate approval or agreement is a common gesture in many cultures. Similarly, using a "peace sign" gesture to convey non-violence or pacifism is another widely recognized gesture.Facial expressions are also an important part of body language. Our faces can express a wide range of emotions, from happiness and surprise to sadness and anger. Theability to read facial expressions is crucial for effective communication, as it allows us to understand the feelings and intentions of others.Eye contact is another important aspect of nonverbal communication. Making eye contact with someone can convey interest, engagement, and sincerity. It can also be a sign of respect and trust. However, too much eye contact can be uncomfortable or even intimidating, so it is important tomaintain a balance.Body language is a complex and nuanced form of communication that can be used to express a wide range of messages. By understanding the different aspects of body language, we can improve our communication skills and build stronger relationships with others.中文回答:肢体语言,一种非语言的交流方式,在我们的日常生活中发挥着重要的作用。
The Use of Body Language in Middle Schools1. Body language helps to improve listeningThe Greek philosopher Epictetus ever wittily said: "Nature has given man one tongue and two ears that he may hear twice as much as he speaks." From the saying we can learn how important the listening is in our daily life. To understand others is a basic purpose in English teaching, and teachers often train the students' listening accordingly. In this process, if the body language is used, the effect will be better. When beginning a new lesson, the teacher narrates the story outline in English. The body language may help. For example, a teacher can stretch his arms slowly when he says "She is in a very big room"; he can open his eyes widely with mouth opened when he says "She is so beautiful a lady". As a result, the students will have such an impression: She is very beautiful indeed; a teacher who imitates the crying or the movement of the animals under the premise of teaching order will surely achieve a better effect.2. Body language helps to improve speakingThe spoken language is one of the important ways to communicate, so we should try to develop the students' ability of speaking. Factually they are helped to reach the aim in a certain degree by their teacher's body language.The contemporary emphasis is gradually laid on spoken English teaching. The first lesson of every unit in Senior English begins with dialogue. The teaching programs require the teachers to organize the class to practice English according to the characteristics of dialogue. Generally speaking, the body language can arouse and sustain the students' interest of learning and using English. In the English class, the teachers should not only use body languages themselves, but also ask the students to use them according to the different situation. Take it for example, the first lesson in Unit one, Book one is about the time when the new students first meet, and they don't know each other. So a teacher can introduce himself first, such as: "Hello, everyone, nice to meet you here. Now I'll introduce myself to you. My name is Arthur. I like playing basketball, for, it makes me much stronger;I like playing chess, for, it makes me more clever; and I like reading books, for, 'reading makes one perfect'". During the introduction, the teacher should use the new vocabularies and sentence structures together with a vivid expression and mating gestures as possibly as he can. He smiles when he says hello to the class; he shakes hands with some students saying "Nice to meet you"; he writes name down on the blackboard; he imitates the action of dribbling and shooting at the basketball, playing chess and turning pages to explain his hobby. After his introduction, the teacher can create a circumstance for the students to practice: "Mary and J ack are new classmates. They are walking together in the street, and they meet one of J ack's old friends, Yangpei. Then Yangpei and Mary are introduced to each other by J ack." After the students' practice the dialogue is introduced naturally from it. Usually, the application of body language in different situations will result in an attracting and successful lesson.3. Body language helps to improve readingThe purpose of Senior English teaching is to train the students' preliminary ability of using spoken and written English. In the senior school, we lay emphasis one the reading ability that serves the students' further study. Here we mainly mention the helpfulness for reading aloud(朗读). Reading aloud helps the students to get a correct pronunciation andintonation and to develop the combination of vocabularies' pronunciation, spelling and meaning. Furthermore it also helps the students to find out the article's internal feelings and appreciate the beauty of the language. A linguist ever said: "A poem is not a poem until it is read." Reading aloud is basic in the middle school, and the teachers should make full use of body language to develop the students' ability of reading aloud.When reading the sentences, attention should be paid to where to speak softly, emphasize, and raise or lower our tone. To make it clear, we can imitate the strong or soft pats that are used in music teaching, which means to use the arcs to represent different tones. Generally speaking, we use falling tones in declarative and special interrogative sentence, first rising tones and then falling tones in the choosing interrogative sentence. The students in the middle school are not often accustomed to and always confuse them, however, with the help of body language, they can solve the problem much more easily. For example, they use gestures. As they read the choosing interrogative sentence, they raise their hands in rising tones and lower in falling tones. After training for some times, as soon as they read the sentences, they will remind themselves of the gestures. As a result, there will be no problems in rightly reading the sentences at all.In a word, the vivid gesture together with the fluent English can create a good circumstance of learning, which will surely play an active part in improving the students' reading ability.4. Body language helps to improve writing.Writing is one of the four basic skills of learning language, and it is so important a skill that we can even say without it, people can't communicate with others. Not only should the students get some English knowledge and vocabularies, but also the ability to communicate in spoken and written English as what is mentioned in the teaching programs. T o some extent, writing is much more important than speaking, for it can spread without the limitation of space and time. Since the students learn English as a media for communication, they should have the ability of writing.To get rid of the students' feelings of being dull and tiring, an English teacher has to use every possible method. This is the same to the writing. Teachers use different method in order to improve the students' ability of writing, among which, the application of body language can deepen the object impression, such is magnificent in developing the students' writing ability.The linguist Franklin ever said, "T ell me, I'll forget; teach me, I'll remember; involve me and I'll learn." If we asked the students to write an unfamiliar composition, they would probably be unable to and feel discouraged. However, the students can write excellent articles if they have the experience. In and out of class, we should ask the students to participate some English-related activities, and then ask them to write it down. Take "The First Snow in Winter" for example, having enjoyed themselves in the beautiful snowing and been given some hints, the students can write much better a composition. For contrast to their complete imagination, the students are deeply impressed by the body movement of the teachers and themselves, which surely leads to a better article.。
英语演讲中的肢体语言技巧Body Language Techniques in English Public SpeakingPublic speaking is a powerful tool, capable of captivating and inspiring audiences. While proper language usage and effective delivery are crucial aspects of successful speeches, many speakers often underestimate the power of nonverbal communication. In English public speaking, mastering body language techniques can significantly enhance the impact of a speech, helping speakers connect with their audience, convey messages more effectively, and leave a lasting impression. From posture to hand gestures and facial expressions, this article explores the key body language techniques essential for English public speakers.Posture – The Foundation of ConfidenceThe first impression a speaker makes is often determined by their posture. A confident and upright stance exudes authority and engagement, while poor posture can make the speaker appear disinterested or lacking confidence. In English public speaking, it is essential to maintain an erect posture, with the head held high and shoulders back. This posture not only displays confidence but also allows for better projection of the voice, ensuring clear and impactful delivery.Eye Contact – Establishing ConnectionsEstablishing eye contact is one of the most effective ways to engage and connect with an audience in English public speaking. By looking directly into the eyes of the listeners, speakers convey sincerity, trustworthiness, and a sense of connection. Effective eye contact involves scanning the room andmaking brief contact with different individuals throughout the speech. This ensures that everyone in the audience feels involved and acknowledged, enhancing the overall impact of the speech.Facial Expressions – Conveying EmotionsFacial expressions play a crucial role in conveying emotions and maintaining the audience's interest during English public speaking. A speaker's facial expressions should align with the message being delivered, reflecting enthusiasm, conviction, or empathy when necessary. Smiling genuinely can also help to establish rapport with the audience, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere. However, it is important for speakers to maintain a balance between showing expressions and being mindful of not overly distracting the listeners.Hand Gestures – Enhancing Verbal CommunicationEffective hand gestures can greatly enhance a speaker's communication skills in English public speaking. The proper use of hand gestures facilitates clarity and understanding, emphasizing important points and engaging the audience visually. For instance, using an open palm with extended fingers while making a point can appear more inviting and inclusive, while a closed fist might convey increased intensity or conviction. However, excessive or inappropriate hand gestures can be distracting, so it is important to practice and maintain control over their use.Movement – Engaging the AudienceMovement on stage or within a speaking area can significantly impact audience engagement during English public speaking. Purposeful movementcan help emphasize key points, maintain audience attention, and create a dynamic atmosphere. Speakers should explore the stage or designated area, using gestures and movements to facilitate visual interest and interact with the audience. However, excessive movement or pacing can become distracting, so a balance must be struck to maintain audience focus.Pause and Silence – Power in MomentsSilence and pauses can be powerful tools for effective English public speaking. Pausing before or after an important point allows the audience to absorb information, contemplate ideas, and anticipates the next part of the speech. These moments of silence create a sense of suspense and add emphasis to the spoken words. By using strategic pauses, speakers can add impact and maintain the audience's attention throughout their speech.Reading the Audience – Adapting Nonverbal CommunicationIn English public speaking, understanding and responding to the audience's nonverbal cues is essential for successful communication. Observing the audience's reactions, such as facial expressions or body language, allows speakers to gauge their engagement and adjust their speech accordingly. Adapting nonverbal communication to align with the audience's response can enhance comprehension and increase the effectiveness of the speech.ConclusionIn conclusion, body language techniques are a pivotal aspect of English public speaking. Mastery of these techniques enables speakers to not only connect with their audience on a deeper level but also effectively conveymessages, maintain engagement, and leave a positive lasting impression. By paying attention to posture, utilizing eye contact, expressing emotions through facial expressions, incorporating purposeful hand gestures and movement, strategically using pauses, and adapting nonverbal communication to the audience, English public speakers can elevate their communication skills to new heights. With consistent practice and conscious improvement, every speaker can harness the power of body language to become a truly impactful communicator in the realm of English public speaking.。
一、形容词/ 名词+ 人体部位all ears 全神贯注地听all eyes 聚精会神地看all legs 又瘦又长all nerves 神经过敏all skin and bones 瘦得皮包骨all thumbs 笨手笨脚all fresh 众生free hand 全权处理old hand 内行good hand 漂亮的一手(好字)hot hand 走运的一手(牌)second hand间接地first hand 亲自red hands 血腥的手cool hand 大胆而脸皮厚的人light hand 熟练的手艺black eye 受伤后的黑眼圈glad eye 媚眼snake eyes (骰子中的)双么private eye 私人侦探dry eye 不哭的人evil eye 狠毒的眼光poker face 不动声色straight face 绷着脸sad face 愁容smooth face 讨好的面孔motor mouth 没完没了的说话bad mouth 诽谤big mouth 爱说闲话者good mouth 顺从的马hard mouth 不顺从的马lion's mouth 虎穴swelled head 自满dead head 死脑筋acid head LSD 的常用者long head 先见之明heavy heart 沉重的心情open heart 坦率pot belly 大肚子stiff neck 顽固之人silver tongue 流利的口才mailed fist 暴力devil's bones 骰子loose lips 说话很随便cold shoulder 冷漠cold feet 胆怯green thumb 在园艺方面有才能的人Achilles heel 弱点busy body 管闲事者sweet tooth 爱吃甜食之人family skeleton 家丑二、人体部位+ 名词brain drain 人才外流brain trust 智囊团brain storm 突有灵感brain child 头脑的产物brain wave 计上心头tongue twister 绕口令face card 带人像的扑克牌face value 票面价值knee slipper 使人笑得拍大腿的笑话eye shot 视野bone shaker 老爷车skin dive 只戴眼罩的潜水skin game 赌博骗钱skull session 坐在一起动脑筋nose dive 一落千丈elbow grease 可施展之地chin music 聊天leg work 跑腿lip praise 表面的称赞lip service 空口的应酬话blood debt 血债belly laugh 捧腹大笑skin flick 色情电影三、动词+ 人体部位keep / save face 保全面子preserve face 保持面子maintain face 维护面子lose face 失去面子make faces 做鬼脸make mouths 对人做嘴脸make eyes 漫送秋波make head 前进count heads 点名knock head 叩头gather head 时机成熟change hands 易手join hands 携手联合kiss hands 吻君王之手hold hands 手搀手change foot 换步set foot 行走play footsie 情侣在桌底下碰脚rub elbow / shoulders 与人交往lose heart 沮丧take heart 鼓起勇气gain flesh 长肉lose flesh 消瘦tell noses 清点人数split hairs 作琐细的分析cut teeth 长牙give lip 讲硬话show leg 逃跑give / throw tongue 猫/狗狂吠shake hands 握手四、人体部位对称或并列face to face 面对面from ear to ear 开心limb to limb 肢解mouth to mouth 嘴对嘴heart to heart 交心shoulder to shoulder 齐头并进eye to eye 赞同eyeball to eyeball 面对面hand to hand 逼近head to head 交头接耳nose to nose 面对面back to back 背靠背hand in hand 手拉手arm in arm 挽臂neck and neck 并驾齐驱leg and leg 平分秋色side by side 肩并肩hand over hand 两手交叉使用from hand to hand 用手传递from mouth to mouth 口口相传from hand to mouth 勉强糊口from head to foot 全身from top to toe 从头到脚hand and foot 手脚一起;尽力heart and soul 全心全意tooth and nail 竭尽全力toe and heel 跳舞flesh and blood 人类head and ears 全身hand to fish 齐心协力hand over fist 多而快地赚钱hand over heels 倒栽葱tooth for tooth 以牙还牙eye for eye 以眼还眼五、人体部位在谚语的运用Two heads are better than one . 三个臭皮匠,胜似一个诸葛亮。
不同国家的肢体语言英语介绍Body language is a crucial aspect of communication that varies across cultures. In this article, we will explore some examples of body language in different countries.In Japan, bowing plays a significant role in communicating respect. The depth of the bow is determined by the degree of respect shown. In contrast, in France, kisses on the cheek, or "la bise," is a common form of greeting among friends and family.In the United States, a firm handshake with direct eye contact signifies confidence and trustworthiness. Additionally, good posture and a strong handshake canindicate respect and professionalism. In South Korea, aslight bow with a handshake is the traditional greeting.In India, the traditional greeting involves placingone's palms together in a prayer-like gesture and saying "Namaste." This gesture is a sign of respect and is used among people of all ages and social classes.In many Middle Eastern cultures, it is customary to stand close to others during conversations and touch each other frequently. This type of physical contact is viewed as a way of demonstrating warmth and friendship.In Thailand, the "wai" is a traditional greeting that involves placing your palms together and bowing slightly. This gesture is used when greeting someone, showing respect, or apologizing.In conclusion, understanding and adapting to a country's body language is essential for effective communication. Whilethese cultural differences can be challenging, recognizing and respecting them can help build better relationships and avoid misunderstandings.。
英语作文 肢体语言
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英语作文肢体语言Body Language。
Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that can convey a lot of information about a person's thoughts, feelings, and intentions. It includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, and eye movements, among other things. Understanding and interpreting body language can be a valuable skill in various situations, such as social interactions, job interviews, and negotiations.Gestures are a significant part of body language. They can be used to emphasize a point, show agreement or disagreement, or convey emotions such as happiness, sadness, or anger. For example, nodding the head is often seen as a sign of agreement or understanding, while shaking the head can indicate disagreement or disapproval. Hand movementscan also be used to illustrate a point or to expressoneself more effectively.Facial expressions are another essential aspect of body language. The face is a powerful tool for communicating emotions and attitudes. A smile can indicate happiness, friendliness, or agreement, while a frown can signal displeasure, confusion, or disagreement. Eye contact is also crucial in nonverbal communication. It can convey interest, attentiveness, or sincerity, but it can also indicate discomfort, shyness, or dishonesty.Posture and body movements can also reveal a lot about a person's state of mind. Standing or sitting up straight can convey confidence, attentiveness, and openness, while slouching or crossing arms can suggest boredom, defensiveness, or resistance. The way a person moves can also provide insight into their emotions and intentions. For example, fidgeting or tapping one's foot can indicate impatience or nervousness, while leaning in can signal interest or engagement.It's essential to note that body language can vary across different cultures. What may be considered afriendly gesture in one culture could be seen as offensivein another. Therefore, it's crucial to be aware of cultural differences and to interpret body language within the appropriate cultural context.In professional settings, understanding and using body language effectively can be particularly important. During a job interview, for example, a candidate's body language can influence the interviewer's perception of their confidence, competence, and suitability for the role. Afirm handshake, good posture, and maintaining eye contact can all contribute to a positive impression. Similarly, in business negotiations, being able to read the body language of the other party can provide valuable insights into their position and help in reaching a mutually beneficial agreement.In social situations, being attuned to body language can help in understanding the dynamics of a group or in gauging the interest and comfort level of individuals. It can also aid in building rapport and establishing a connection with others. For instance, mirroring someone's body language can create a sense of familiarity and trust.In conclusion, body language is a powerful form of nonverbal communication that can convey a wide range of emotions, attitudes, and intentions. Understanding and interpreting body language can be a valuable skill in various aspects of life, from personal relationships to professional interactions. By paying attention to gestures, facial expressions, posture, and movements, we can gain a deeper understanding of others and communicate more effectively.。
所以搭车也可以说"to thumb a lift"。
to crook a finger 朝某人弯曲食指。
to thumb one's nose 以大拇指按鼻,其余四指张开,表示轻视。
也可以说"to cock a snook at somebody"。
to twiddle one's thumbs 无聊地交互绕动着两个大拇指。
Example:They kept the manager busy and left me twiddling my thumbs.他们让经理忙得不可开交,而置我于无所事事之中。
thumbs down 大拇指朝下。
thumbs up 翘起大拇指。
the ring gesture 在美国这就是OK,great的意思;在日本这个手势代表money;在法国代表zero 或是worthless;在突尼斯这个手势的手语就是: I'll kill you!我们再来说说与nod(点头)相关的肢体语言:英美人的点头,可以表示多种意思。
浅谈“肢体语言”在英语教学中的作用肢体语言是指通过身体各部分能为人所见的活动来进行表达和交流,也可称之为体态语(Body Language)或无声语言。
如教学walk, run, jump, dance等单词时,我先示范这些动作,然后让学生一起边说边做动作,学生很快掌握了这些单词。
第一,在与西方人面对面谈话的时候要注意保持一定的距离(keep a certain distance)。
第二,在跟英美人第一次见面相互握手的时候,一定要有点力度,如果握起手来有气无力,或者只伸出手指尖来给人握,就会给对方冷冰冰的感觉,英文中管这种握手叫做wet handshake。
第三,必须特别指出的一点是eye contact(目光交流),是否有这种目光交流是表明你自信与否的重要手段。
还有一些body language(体态语言)是西方文化里面所特有的,比如:①winking(眨眼睛,使眼色):to convey a message, signal, or suggestion(传达信息、信号或建议)②shrugging(耸肩):to raise the shoulders, especially as a gesture of doubt, disdain, or indifference(抬高肩膀,尤其作为一种表示怀疑、蔑视或漠然的姿式)③wagging the index finger(摇动食指):disapproval,warning(表示不同意、警告)④thumbing down(拇指朝下):a “no”sign(表“不赞成、不支持”的符号)⑤chewing fingernails(啃手指甲):indicating stress, worry etc.(表示压力、焦虑等)有一些动作是中国文化里所特有的,比如:①covering one’s mouth with one hand while speaking(说话的时候用一只手掩着嘴):saying something secret(说秘密的事情)②staring at strangers(目不转睛地盯着陌生人):showing curiosity(表示好奇)③pointing to one’s own nose with an index finger(用食指指向自己的鼻子):an “It’s me”gesture (表示“这是我”的手势)④holding an object with both hands when offering it tosb.(双手捧着某样东西给某人):showing respect(表示尊敬) 以上种种,在和英美人士交流的时候,你得学会灵活运用。
英语作文 肢体语言
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英语作文肢体语言Body language is a form of nonverbal communication that can convey a lot of information and emotions. It includes gestures, facial expressions, posture, and eye movements. Body language can be just as important as verbal communication, and sometimes even more so.Gestures are a common form of body language. They canbe used to emphasize a point, show agreement or disagreement, or even to express emotions. For example, nodding the head can indicate agreement, while shaking the head can indicate disagreement. Pointing a finger can be seen as accusatory, while a thumbs-up can indicate approval.Facial expressions are another important aspect of body language. A smile can show happiness or friendliness, while a frown can indicate displeasure or confusion. Raised eyebrows can show surprise, while narrowed eyes canindicate suspicion or anger. The eyes are often called the "windows to the soul," and they can convey a lot of emotionand intention.Posture also plays a big role in body language. Standing up straight can indicate confidence and assertiveness, while slouching can indicate laziness or disinterest. Crossing the arms can be seen as defensive or closed off, while open arms can indicate openness and friendliness. Leaning in can show interest, while leaning back can show disengagement.Eye movements can also convey a lot of information. Maintaining eye contact can show confidence and sincerity, while avoiding eye contact can indicate shyness or dishonesty. Rapid eye movements can indicate nervousness or anxiety, while slow, deliberate eye movements can indicate thoughtfulness or contemplation.Body language can vary greatly from culture to culture. In some cultures, certain gestures or expressions may have different meanings than they do in others. It's important to be aware of these cultural differences when communicating with people from different backgrounds.In conclusion, body language is a powerful form of nonverbal communication that can convey a lot ofinformation and emotion. It's important to pay attention to both verbal and nonverbal cues when communicating with others, as they can provide valuable insights into aperson's thoughts and feelings. By being aware of our own body language and understanding the body language of others, we can become more effective communicators and build stronger connections with those around us.。
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一、形容词/ 名词+ 人体部位
all ears 全神贯注地听
all eyes 聚精会神地看
all legs 又瘦又长
all nerves 神经过敏
all skin and bones 瘦得皮包骨
all thumbs 笨手笨脚
all fresh 众生
free hand 全权处理
old hand 内行
good hand 漂亮的一手(好字)
hot hand 走运的一手(牌)
second hand间接地
first hand 亲自
red hands 血腥的手
cool hand 大胆而脸皮厚的人
light hand 熟练的手艺
black eye 受伤后的黑眼圈
glad eye 媚眼
snake eyes (骰子中的)双么
private eye 私人侦探
dry eye 不哭的人
evil eye 狠毒的眼光
poker face 不动声色
straight face 绷着脸
sad face 愁容
smooth face 讨好的面孔
motor mouth 没完没了的说话
bad mouth 诽谤
big mouth 爱说闲话者
good mouth 顺从的马
hard mouth 不顺从的马
lion's mouth 虎穴
swelled head 自满
dead head 死脑筋
acid head LSD 的常用者
long head 先见之明
heavy heart 沉重的心情
open heart 坦率
pot belly 大肚子
stiff neck 顽固之人
silver tongue 流利的口才
mailed fist 暴力
devil's bones 骰子
loose lips 说话很随便
cold shoulder 冷漠
cold feet 胆怯
green thumb 在园艺方面有才能的人Achilles heel 弱点
busy body 管闲事者
sweet tooth 爱吃甜食之人
family skeleton 家丑
二、人体部位+ 名词
brain drain 人才外流
brain trust 智囊团
brain storm 突有灵感
brain child 头脑的产物
brain wave 计上心头
tongue twister 绕口令
face card 带人像的扑克牌
face value 票面价值
knee slipper 使人笑得拍大腿的笑话eye shot 视野
bone shaker 老爷车
skin dive 只戴眼罩的潜水
skin game 赌博骗钱
skull session 坐在一起动脑筋
nose dive 一落千丈
elbow grease 可施展之地
chin music 聊天
leg work 跑腿
lip praise 表面的称赞
lip service 空口的应酬话
blood debt 血债
belly laugh 捧腹大笑
skin flick 色情电影
三、动词+ 人体部位
keep / save face 保全面子preserve face 保持面子
maintain face 维护面子
lose face 失去面子
make faces 做鬼脸
make mouths 对人做嘴脸make eyes 漫送秋波
make head 前进
count heads 点名
knock head 叩头
gather head 时机成熟
change hands 易手
join hands 携手联合
kiss hands 吻君王之手
hold hands 手搀手
change foot 换步
set foot 行走
play footsie 情侣在桌底下碰脚rub elbow / shoulders 与人交往lose heart 沮丧
take heart 鼓起勇气
gain flesh 长肉
lose flesh 消瘦
tell noses 清点人数
split hairs 作琐细的分析
cut teeth 长牙
give lip 讲硬话
show leg 逃跑
give / throw tongue 猫/狗狂吠shake hands 握手
face to face 面对面
from ear to ear 开心
limb to limb 肢解
mouth to mouth 嘴对嘴
heart to heart 交心
shoulder to shoulder 齐头并进eye to eye 赞同
eyeball to eyeball 面对面
hand to hand 逼近
head to head 交头接耳
nose to nose 面对面
back to back 背靠背
hand in hand 手拉手
arm in arm 挽臂
neck and neck 并驾齐驱
leg and leg 平分秋色
side by side 肩并肩
hand over hand 两手交叉使用
from hand to hand 用手传递
from mouth to mouth 口口相传
from hand to mouth 勉强糊口
from head to foot 全身
from top to toe 从头到脚
hand and foot 手脚一起;尽力
heart and soul 全心全意
tooth and nail 竭尽全力
toe and heel 跳舞
flesh and blood 人类
head and ears 全身
hand to fish 齐心协力
hand over fist 多而快地赚钱
hand over heels 倒栽葱
tooth for tooth 以牙还牙
eye for eye 以眼还眼
Two heads are better than one . 三个臭皮匠,胜似一个诸葛亮。
Many hands make light work . 众人抬柴火焰高。
A bird in hand is worth two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜似二鸟在林。
Don't bite the hand that feeds you. 不要去咬喂你的手。
)Every coin has long arms .每枚硬币都有两面。
)Absence makes the heart grow fonder . 久别情深
Justice has long arms . 法网恢恢,疏而不漏。
Everyone has a skeleton in the cupboard 。
Blood is thicker than water . 血浓于水。
It's the last straw that breaks the camel's back .