11级 6-10 单元 全部试题
2012-2013学年第 一学期11级机械基础期末试题

二、判断题:(每题1分,共15分,对者打“√”,错者打“×”)()1. 圆螺母常用于滚动轴承的轴向固定。
( )2、阶梯轴上各截面变化处都应留有越程槽。
( )3.过盈配合的周向固定对中性好,可经常拆卸。
( )5.无级变速机构和有级变速机构都具有变速可靠、传动平稳的特点。
( )6.变速机构就是改变主动件转速,从而改变从动件转速的机构。
( )8.根据实际需要,凸轮机构可以任意拟定从动件的运动规律。
( )10.急回特性系数K值越大,机构的急回特性越明显;当K=1时,机构无急回特性。
( )12.铰链四杆机构中的最短杆就是曲柄。
Lesson 6 Numbers 6~10

/eɪt/ num. (数词) 八 例句:I have eight rulers. 我有八把尺子。
/naɪn/ num. (数词) 九 例句: I have nine pens. 我有九支钢笔。 发音:字母 i 的发音是 /aɪ/。 形近词记忆法: fine (美好的)
每位同学在卡片上写下任意的一个数字,老师发指令说 出一个数字,手拿写有此数字卡片的同学要快速找到和自己 所拿数字一样的伙伴抱在一起。没找到伙伴者出局。
One, two. How are you? Three, four. Open the door. Five, six. Pick up sticks. Seven, eight. Don’t be late. Nine, ten. Say it again.
How many boys?
teacher book
crayon chair
pencil ruler
pencil box
Jenny: Good bye. See you later! Li Ming: Bye!
知识点 2 See you later! 回头见! 用法:用来表示“再见,回头见”等。一般用于熟
2 将How many?和See you later!对话朗读 流利。
人之间。它的回答是“See you later! ”/“See you!”。 例句:—See you later, Wang Fang! 王芳,回头见!
—See you later, Li Dawei! 李大伟,回头见! 拓展 表示“再见”的句子还有 Good bye. (较正式)

C、v=4.5m/s,a=0D、v=7.5m/s,a=04、如图一所示,A、B两细线吊着闭合的铝环,当合上S的瞬间()A、A环向右运动,B环向左运动B、A环向左运动,B环向右运动C、A、B环都向右D、A、B环都向左图一图二5、绕在某铁芯上的三个线圈如图二所示,其同名端是()A、1,4,5B、1,4,6C、1,3,5D、2,4,56、已知RLC串联交流电路的两端的总电压U=15V,U R=12V,U L=15V,则电容器两端电压应是()A、5VB、12VC、18VD、24V7、如果将额定电压为220\24V的变压器接入220V的直流电源,将发生什么现象?()A、输出24V的交流电B、输出24V的直流电C、输出220V的交流电D、没有电压输出8、将一只电感线圈与一个灯泡串接在某一交流电路中,如果激励的工作频率升高,则会导致()A、灯泡变亮B、灯泡变暗C、电感变大D、感抗变小9、有一单相感应式电表,铭牌上注明:1KWh/3000转、220V、2A、50Hz,现在额定电压下接一200W灯泡,则表盘转动两圈要花多少时间()A、10sB、12sC、16sD、20s10、内阻为2x104Ω,量程为150V的伏特表上再串接一只大阻值电阻R之后,接在110V的电源上,读数为5V,则串联电阻的阻值为()A、4.2X102ΩB、4.2X105ΩC、4.2X103KΩD、4.2X105KΩ11、示波器可以观察正弦交流电的波形,从波形中可以直接读出的物理量是()A、初相B、有效值C、频率D、最大值12、使用MF47型普通指针式万用表测量一个约为2KΩ的电阻,万用表的档位与倍率选择开关应旋转到()档位比较合适。

参考答案一(20分) V 表示实数域上次数不超过2的多项式构成的线性空间。
对2()f x ax bx c V ∀=++∈,在V 上定义变换:2[()]3(223)(4)T f x ax a b c x a b c =++++++(1)验证T 是V 上的线性变换;(2)求V 的基2,,1x x 到基2(1),1,1x x --的过渡矩阵P ; (3)求T 在基2,,1x x 下的表示矩阵A ; (4)在V 中定义内积1(,)()()f g f t g t dt =⎰,求基2,,1x x 的度量矩阵G 。
解:(1)设22111222(),()f x a x b x c g x a x b x c =++=++2121212()()()f g a a x b b x c c +=+++++[]212121212()3()2()2()3()T f g a a x a a b b c c x +=+++++++[]121212()()4()a a b b c c ++++++()()2111111132234a x a b c x a b c =++++++()()2222222232234a x a b c x a b c +++++++()()T f T g =+类似可验证: ()()T kf kT f =或把T 写成:2300[()][,,1]223114a T f x x x b c ⎡⎤⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥=⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦⎣⎦(1)再来验证就更方便了。
(2)由22100(1),1,1,,1210111x x x x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎡⎤⎡⎤--=-⎣⎦⎣⎦⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦得基2,,1x x 到基2(1),1,1x x --的过渡矩阵为100210111P ⎡⎤⎢⎥=-⎢⎥⎢⎥-⎣⎦(3) 由22()321T x x x =++,()21T x x =+,(1)34T x =+得T 在基1,,2x x 下的表示矩阵为:300223114A ⎛⎫ ⎪= ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(4) 11431112210011,54g x dx g g x dx =====⎰⎰11221331220011,33g x dx g g x dx =====⎰⎰11233233001,12g g xdx g dx =====⎰⎰ 故度量矩阵11154311143211132G ⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎪= ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭二(20分) 设311121210A -⎛⎫ ⎪=- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭(1)求A 的行列式因子、不变因子、初等因子; (2)求A 的Jordan 标准形J ; (3)求可逆矩阵P 使1P AP J -=;(4)计算Ate 并求解微分方程组。

概率论与数理统计试题11级计算机大队二区队一、选择题:1、假设事件A与事件B互为对立,则事件AB( )。
(A) 是不可能事件(B) 是可能事件(C) 发生的概率为1 (D) 是必然事件答案:A。
2、某人睡午觉醒来,发现表停了,他打开收音机想听电台整点报时,则他等待的时间小于 10分钟的概率是()。
则有S=(0,60), A=(50,60)所以P(A)=AS=1060=16。
3、设连续型随机变量(X,Y)的两个分量X和Y相互独立,且服从同一分布,问 P{X≤Y}=()。
利用对称性,因为X,Y独立同分布,所以有P{X≤Y}=P{Y≤X},而P{X≤Y}+ P{Y≤X}=1,所以P{X≤Y}=1 24、设二维随机变量(X,Y)的分布函数为F(x,y),分布律如下:则F(2,3)=()。
A、0B、14C、716D、916答案:D 。
F(2,3)=P{X≤2,Y≤3}=P{X=1,Y=1}+P{X=1,Y=2}+ P{X=1,Y=3}+ P{X=2,Y=1}+ P{X=2.Y=2} + P{X=2,Y=3}=14+0+0+116+14+0X Y 1 2 3 41 140 0 1162 116140 143 0 116116=9165、下列命题中错误的是( )。
(A)若X :p (λ),则()()λ==X D X E ;(B)若X 服从参数为λ的指数分布,则()()λ1==X D X E ;(C)若X :b (θ,1),则()()()θθθ-==1,X D X E ; (D)若X 服从区间[b a ,]上的均匀分布,则()3222b ab a X E ++=.答案:B 。

2011——2012学年度上学期11级电子班《电工基础》期末测试题班级_________学号_________姓名_________得分_________ (方式:闭卷;时间:90分钟;满分:100分)一.填空题(每题1分,满分35分)1. _________、_________和_________是确定一个正弦量的三要素,它们分别表示正弦量变化的幅度、快慢和起始状态。
2. 一个纯电感线圈接在直流电源上,其感抗X L=______Ω,电路相当于__________。
3. 在电源中性线不接地的电力网中,应将电气设备的金属外壳用导线与____连接起来,称为________;而在电源中性线接地的电力网中,应将电气设备的金属外壳用导线与________连接起来,称为_________。
4 . 交流电压u=14.1sin(100πt+30°)V,则该交流电的最大值为_______V有效值为________V,频率为_______Hz,周期为________s,初相为________。
5. 若对称的三相交流电压u1=311sin(wt-60°)V,则u2=____________V,u1=___________V,u12=_____________V。
6. 一个电感为100mH,电阻可不计的线圈接在220V、50Hz的交流电源上,线圈的感抗是____________,线圈中的电流是____________。
7. 工频电流的周期T=_________s,频率f=_______Hz,角频率w=_____rad/s。
8. 感应电流的方向,总是要使感应电流的磁场_______引起感应电流的_____变化,称为楞次定律。
9. 由于线圈自身的___________而产生的_________现象称为自感现象。

密封线内不要答题2011~2012学年度下学期期末考试《英语》试卷 A 卷(适用班级:2班适用年级:2011全卷:150分答题时间:120分钟)( )1.A catch B game C grade D stage ( )2.A butter B customer C struggleD blue( )3.A pillow B heihgt C knife D prize ( )4.A warm B Park C march D Party ( )5.A corn B airport C for D worse ( )6.A alive B ice cream C living D delight ( )7.A doubt B comb C climb D september ( )8.A choose B moonC bloodD food ( )9.A face B gate C want D grade B name C plane D glad二、单项填空(50分,每题2分)( )1.Tom, please these new books to the classroom. A. put B. give C. take D. have( )2.The box is heavy. I can't carry it.A. soB. youC. theirD. They( )3.Are all the things in the car now? Yes, are.A. weB. youC. theirD. they( )4. Children’s Day a young woman goes to Bei jing Zoo with her little son.A. InB. AtC. OfD. On ( )5.Kate is one of my good .A. friendB. friendsC. a friendD. teacher( )6.Jim, we can’t mend the plane. Could you help ?A. usB. herC. themD. him( )7.Li Lei, do you have a ruler? Yes , I have a short .A. itB. itsC. oneD. two( )8.I’m hurry . What you, Lily?A. andB. aboutC. orD. so( )9.What would you like breakfast?A. atB. withC. haveD. for( )10.I’m not good at basketball. you play basket all?A. AreB. IsC. MustD. Can( )11.May I your dictionary, please?A. borrowB. returnC. turnD. have( )12.Uncle Li, there’s something wrong with my computer. Can you give me a ?A. footB. headC. handD. face( )13.Look! The boys kite by the river.A. flyB. is flyingC. are flyingD. flying( )14.Do you like any ball games, sir? No, I don’t. They are too for me.A. bigB. hardC. smallD. long( )15.What’s your favorite sport, Vicky? I like and basketball.A. swimB. swimmingC. swimsD. swims( )16.I can’t find my box. Look, that box looks very much like .A. youB. yourC. you’reD. yours( )17.What are the teachers doing? They are a meeting.A. bringingB. puttingC. havingD. getting( )18.I want to go to the shop over there. I think the shop is now.A. closeB. closingC. closedD. closes( )19.Her TV is broken. There is picture.A. noB. notC. someD. any( )20. --- Hi,this is xiaoming,can I speak to wangyang? --- his mother speaking.A .this is B. I am C. She is D .that is ( )21. It ’s interesting, but ________ difficult for me.A.littleB. a littleC. a fewD. few ( )22. Everyone ______ here last Monday.A.wereB.isC. areD. was ( )23. Did Julie study _______ exams?A.toB. forC. haveD. at密封线内不要答题( )24. It was a _________ day yesterday.A.rainB. rainingC. rainyD. to rain ( )25. There are also many fast food restaurants in _________ parts of our city.A.otherB. othersC. anotherD. the others得分 评卷人 三、按要求完成下列练习(50分,每题2分)(一)写出下列符号的英语表达方式26. 27.28. 29.30.31.(二) 英汉互译32.charge 33.direct current 34.solar 35.potential 36.apparatus 37.context 38.conductor 39.switchgear 40.international electrotechnical commission 41.electrial circuit42.电流 43.总电源线 44.安培 45.伏特 46.地线 47.相线48.There is an easy way to remember where to connect each wire .Take the second letters of thewords blue ,brown and striped.49.There are two types of electric current :direct current and alternating current . 50.What ’s the difference between fuses and circuit breakers ?得分 评卷人 四、阅读理解(15分,每题1分)(A )Mr Jackson is having a meeting. He looks at the clock on the wall. It is 7:45. “The last bus left fifteen minutes ago,” he thinks. “I ’ll have to stay in a hotel tonight.”Mr Jackson always drives home after work. He lives outside the city. There is something wrong with his car, so today he has to take a bus to his office.The meeting is over. When he goes out of the warm office, it begins to snow. He wants to have some warm food and soup first. Most restaurants are full of people and he has to go into a small one. The waiter shows(出示) him the menu(菜单).“Some hot soup, please,” says Mr Jackson.Later, the waiter brings the soup to him. When Mr Jackson is drinking, he finds something in it.“Come here, boy,” he says. “Look, there is a hair in my soup!”The waiter says, “it ’s usually a fly(苍蝇) in the soup, I remember.” ( )51. Mr Jackson usually goes home ____________.A. by busB.by carC.by bikeD. on foot( )52. __________, so Mr Jackson has to stay in the office.A. There is no busB.There is a very important meetingC.Something is wrong with his carD.It is very cold outside( )53. The last bus leaves at ___________.A.7:30B.7:45C.7:55D.8:05( )54. Mr Jackson wants to have some hot soup first because ___________. A.the restaurant is very warmB. he is hungryC.there are few people in the restaurantD.he feels cold after he leaves his office ( )55. The waiter ’s words mean that __________. A.the soup in the restaurant is nice B.the hair is Mr Jackson ’s C.there are usually flies in the soupD.he has to say sorry to Mr Jackson(BMost children like watching TV . It ’s very interesting. By watching TV , they can learn a lot and know many things about their country and the world. Of course, they can also learn over the radio(收音机). But they can learn better and more easily over the TV . Why? Because they can hear and see at the same time, while they can ’t see anything over the radio.Watching TV helps to open children ’s eyes. Watching TV helps to open their minds(智力), too. They learn new and good ways of doing things. Many children watch TV only on Saturday and Sunday evenings. They are very busy with their lessons on weekdays. But a few children watch TV every night. They go to bed very late, so they can ’t have a good rest. How about you, my young friend?( )56. Children can study better over the TV because they ___________. A. can hear somethingB. can see more things than on the radioC.can hear and see at the same timeD. can see the pictures on TV( )57. Children can see nothing ____________.A.over the radioB. in the TVC. on the TVD. when they watch TV学校年级班级姓名学号密封线内不要答题()58. TV helps children __________.A. open their eyesB. open their mindsC.make their lives busierD. both A and B()59. ___________ children watch TV only on Saturday and Sunday evenings.A.A fewB. A lot ofC. A lotD. A little()60. According to the passage, a few children go to bed late every night because they_________.A. do their homeworkB. watch too much TVC.are busy with their lessonsD. listen to the radio( C )Every year there is a Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. It is themost important festival in China. So before it comes,everyone has to prepare things. They buypork,beef,chicken,fruits and many other things. And they often make a special kind offood—“dumplings”. It means “come together”.On the day before the festival,parents buy new clothes for their children. Children also buypresents for their parents. On the Spring Festival Eve(除夕),all the family members come back totheir hometown. This is a happy moment. Some sing and dance,some play cards and others get thedinner ready. When they enjoy the meal,they give each other the best wishes for the coming year.They all have a good time.()61. Which is the most important festival in China?A. The Mid-Autumn Festival.B. The Spring Festival.C. Children’s Day.()62. When is the Chinese Spring Festival usually celebrated?A. In March or April.B. In May or June.C. In January or February.()63. is the special kind of food for the Spring Festival in China.A. ChickenB. DumplingC. Fish()64. What’s the meaning of the food “dumplings”for Chinese people in the Spring Festival?A. Look up.B. Help yourself.C. Come together.()65. The family when they are having dinner together on the Spring Festival Eve.A. give each other the best wishesB. buy each other presentsC. sing,dance and play cards得分评卷人五、请从方框中选择正确的选项补全对话.(5分,每题1分)Girl : Hi, Vera. How was your vacation?Vera: It was great.Girl: Where did you go?Vera: 66Girl : Really? Wow! What did you do there?Vera: Well, we went to a lot of museums.Girl : Oh, how were they?Vera: 67 But they were also very crowded.Girl : Did you go shopping?Vera: 68Girl : How were the stores?Vera: Oh, they were very expensive.Girl : And how were the people? Did you meet any Japanese people?Vera: 69 My parents have some Japanese friends, and we had dinner at their house.Girl : How was the food?Vera: 70 I love Japanese food!A.Yeah, I did.B.It was delicious.C.They were really interesting.D.I went to Tokyo with my family.E.Yeah, the people were really friendly.得分评卷人六、动词填空.,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(10分,每题2分)71. Jane often ________ (take) the bus to school.72. —What did you do last Sunday?—I ________(study) for the English test.73. Did you enjoy _______ (go) shopping.74. The boy likes English very much, so he ________ (practice) reading English every morning.得分评卷人七、书面表达(10分)根据下列提示,编写一段题为“问路”的对话(60--80个字):Tom想去商店买衣服,但不知如何走,于是就向一位警察询问。

四川省农业广播电视学校资阳市分校直属校 11级计算机班《计算机组装与维修》 2012年春季期末考试试题 考试时间:90分钟 满分:100分 一、选择题(每小题2分,共50分) 1. U 盘的接口标准是( )。
A 、PS/2 B 、USB C 、PCI D 、COM 2. PS/2接口用于连接键盘和鼠标,鼠标和键盘的接口颜色分别为( )。
A 、绿 紫 B 、红 紫 C 、紫 蓝 D 、黄 绿 3. 不可能是计算机病毒传播来源的是( )。
A 、软盘 B 、U 盘 C 、Internet D 、扫描仪 4.在用光盘安装Windows 操作系统时,BIOS 中需将下面哪个选项设成第一启动项( )。
A 、CD-ROM B 、软盘 C 、Hard Disk D 、以上选项都错误 5.计算机在组装调试时,一旦发现有异常响声. 异常闪烁. 焦味等均应( )。
A 、记录下来 B 、找人帮忙 C 、立即断电 D 、关机 6.决定计算机可以支持的内存数量.种类.引脚数目的芯片是( )。
A.南桥芯片组 B.北桥芯片组 C.内存芯片 D.内存颗粒 7.计算机的开机自检是在( )里完成的。
A 、CMOS B 、CPU C 、BIOS D 、内存 8.显示器稳定工作(基本消除闪烁)的最低刷新频率是( )。
A 、60HZ B 、65HZ C 、70HZ D 、75HZ 9.下列设备中,全部是计算机输入设备的是( )。
A 、扫描仪 鼠标 键盘 喇叭 B 、打印机 鼠标 键盘 数码相机 C 、键盘 显示器 扫描仪 D 、鼠标 键盘 麦克风 扫描仪 10.如果一开机就黑屏,故障的原因不可能是( )。
A 、显示卡损坏或没有插好 B 、显示卡驱动程序有错 C 、显示器损坏或没有接好 D 、内存条损坏或没有插好 11.A TX 主板电源接口插座为双排( )。
A 、20针 B 、12针 C 、18针 D 、25针 12.华硕主板开机启动顺序引导键是( )。

十一级教师试题A B1.旁提、立圆 1.旁提、立圆2.双晃手 2.翻身3.大踢腿 3. 平转4.风火轮 4.舞姿5.平转 5. 小跳6.藏族舞 6.傣族舞7.彝族舞 7..东北秧歌目录分析下列组合的风格、韵律及音乐特点。


上海医疗器械高等专科学校辅导卷答案(2012 —2013学年第二学期)医用治疗设备原理与应用(二)试卷(选修)D卷(本卷考试时间90 分钟,考核方式:闭卷)班级________学号________姓名________适用范围11医电/医电(创新)答题部分(答案必须填写在此,否则无效)一.是非判断解答:(1分/小题×30小题=30分,得分:扣分:)(表中数字为小题号,以下2格对应“对、错”。
四.填表说明题1解答(10 %)(得分:扣分:)六.作图说明题解答(12 %)(得分:扣分:)市电(220V)→S1开→变压器→高电压(80 ~ 600V)→S2选择强度→电极→心脏启动开关→脉冲时间控制器(250ms开启脉冲)试题部分(答案写在以下无效)一.是非判断:(30%)1.医用治疗设备的特点决定了其在设计、制造和使用维护中需要特别注重节能。

8、广告活动对媒体形式影响的内容有哪些?1,新广告活动或既有活动.新广告活动对消费者比较陌生,需要较频密的行程,既有活动可以较疏淡的行程.2,新创意或是既有创意.新创意较密行程,既有创意只需提醒式的行程.3,既有知名度.涉及媒体露出的起始点.4,形象塑造或是促销,前者偏向低缓的连续方式,后者短促间歇为主.5,讯息的复杂程度,简单的需要较短行程,复杂的需要较长行程.9、媒体执行方案可以从哪些角度加以变化?1)尝试不同的媒体组合所造成的GRP`到达率`接触频率及CPM上的变化,以及对重组中级和轻级消费者媒体传送量上的差异,从多种方案中选择最优的一种. 2)不同尺寸\\长度的创意材料在组合运用上的变化,评估各种情况对媒体计划在量与质的产出的影响.3)行程与地区策略可能的弹性变化.4)思考执行上任何可能的创新做法,如节目交换`节目赞助`长期合约及折扣`路障等.10、当企业处于低知名度、美誉度想重新塑造应如何选择媒体组合?选择报纸与电视媒体组合。

小学上册英语第6单元真题试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1._____ (绿化) projects improve city landscapes.2. A _______ (小角马) runs swiftly across the plains.3.This puzzle is very _______ (有趣的).4.The ______ (蟋蟀) sings at night.5.An acid-base neutralization reaction produces ______.6.The teacher is _____ the students. (helping)7.The ________ (生态恢复技术) promotes balance.8. A physical change does not alter the _______ of a substance.9.What is the main language spoken in the USA?A. SpanishB. FrenchC. EnglishD. Chinese答案: C10.I like to _____ (play/read) in the park.11.The _______ (The Civil Rights Movement) aimed to secure equal rights for African Americans.12.The milk is in the ___ (fridge).13.The ancient Greeks contributed greatly to ________ and the arts.14.My dad loves to watch _____ (比赛) on TV.15.The process of combining elements is called __________.16.I enjoy _____ (reading/writing) stories.17. A _______ (小猴子) swings from tree to tree in the jungle.18.She is a great ________.19.给下列图片选择恰当的语句,并把序号填在波浪线上。

小学上册英语第六单元真题(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有50小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1 How many colors are in a rainbow?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight答案: C2 My mother is a _____ (护士) providing care with compassion.3 The cat is sleeping on the ______.4 The __________ (历史的情感共鸣) bridge divides.5 I like to ___ new friends. (meet)6 Which animal is known for building dams?A. BeaverB. OtterC. BearD. Fox答案:A7 My grandma has a ______ (宠物) cat named Whiskers.8 What is the color of a typical blueberry?A. BlueB. RedC. GreenD. Yellow9 What is the name of the famous dinosaur known for its long neck?A. T-RexB. StegosaurusC. BrachiosaurusD. Triceratops10 What do we call the part of a tree that grows underground?A. TrunkB. BranchC. LeafD. Root答案: D. Root11 Which animal lives in the ocean?A. FoxB. WhaleC. TigerD. Eagle答案:B12 Plants that grow in water are called ______ plants. (生长在水中的植物被称为水生植物。

“PEP”2024年11版小学6年级英语第6单元综合卷(含答案)考试时间:100分钟(总分:140)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、听力题:The symbol for neodymium is _____.2、grant application) requests funding for initiatives. 填空题:The ____3、听力题:A beam of light can be ______ or absorbed.4、填空题:My cousin is __________ (运动员) in school.5、填空题:The ant colony works together for _______ (生存).6、What is the name of the season when leaves fall?A. SpringB. SummerC. FallD. Winter答案: C7、填空题:A ________ (北极熊) lives in the cold Arctic and is very large.8、填空题:Climbing plants can grow on ______ (墙壁).9、填空题:A cockroach can survive without ______ (食物) for weeks.I like to ride my ___. (skateboard)11、听力题:I want to _____ (go/stay) home now.12、What is the capital of South Sudan?A. JubaB. MalakalC. WauD. Bor答案: A13、填空题:The __________ (历史的心灵) resonate with generations.14、填空题:The first person to invent the printing press was ______ (古腾堡).15、填空题:The ________ can live in water.16、听力题:A __________ is a famous site for outdoor activities.17、填空题:The platypus is an egg-laying ________________ (哺乳动物).18、填空题:A ______ (青蛙) can be found near ponds and lakes.19、Which of these is a water sport?A. SoccerB. SwimmingC. RunningD. Basketball20、填空题:My grandpa enjoys gardening ____.21、What is the process of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly called?A. MetamorphosisB. EvolutionC. TransformationD. DevelopmentWe have _____ (a lot) of fun together.23、What do you call the study of the universe?A. AstronomyB. AstrologyC. PhysicsD. Geography答案: A24、填空题:I enjoy ______ (聆听) different music styles.25、What do we call the animal that says "meow"?A. DogB. CatC. CowD. Sheep答案:B26、听力题:The fish tank is ___ (full).27、填空题:I enjoy _______ (看电视) with my family.28、听力题:The _____ (car/bike) is red.29、填空题:The _____ (虎) is a powerful and beautiful animal.30、填空题:The _____ (湿度) in the air affects plant health.31、听力题:Many planets have _____ that orbit them.32、What is the name of the event where people come together to celebrate a birthday?A. PartyB. GatheringC. CelebrationD. Event答案: A33、What do you call a young cheetah?A. CubB. KitC. PupD. Fawn答案:A34、选择题:What is the opposite of dark?A. BrightB. LightC. DullD. Shadow35、Which insect can make a web?A. AntB. BeeC. SpiderD. Fly答案: C36、What do you call the food we eat at night?A. BreakfastB. LunchC. DinnerD. Snack答案:C37、听力题:The chemical symbol for platinum is ______.38、What is the name of the famous science fiction writer known for "Dune"?A. Isaac AsimovB. Philip K. DickC. Frank HerbertD. Arthur C. Clarke答案:C39、填空题:I write letters to my ____.40、填空题:My sister loves to collect _______ (名词). 她的收藏很 _______ (形容词).41、填空题:The _______ (小青蛙) jumps into the water when scared.42、填空题:The sun is _______ (在升起).43、What is 8 + 4?A. 10B. 11C. 12D. 1344、Which planet is known for its Great Red Spot?A. MarsB. JupiterC. SaturnD. Neptune45、听力题:The Earth's outer layer is called the __________.46、What do we call a scientist who studies the relationships between living things and their environment?A. EcologistB. BiologistC. ChemistD. Geologist答案: A47、填空题:The chameleon has a long, sticky ________________ (舌头).48、填空题:I drink ______ in the morning.49、What is the capital of Belgium?A. BrusselsB. AntwerpC. GhentD. Bruges50、填空题:_____ (thyme) is a common herb used in cooking.51、听力题:The sun sets in the __________.52、What do we call the study of ancient artifacts?a. Archaeologyb. Anthropologyc. Historyd. Geology答案:a53、听力题:I want to ______ my friends at the park. (meet)54、填空题:I can ______ (享受) my hobbies.55、What is the opposite of ‘big’?A. LargeB. SmallC. HugeD. Tall56、What do we call the soft material that covers the ground in a forest?A. SoilB. SandC. GrassD. Moss答案:D57、填空题:Certain trees produce edible ______ that can be harvested.(某些树木可以收获可食用的果实。

小学上册英语第6单元真题(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.The _____ (小型植物) can enhance indoor spaces.2.The clock _____ ticks loudly. (always)3. A ____ is an energetic animal that loves to run and play.4.An example of a noble gas is ______.5.The tree has ___ (leaves/fruits).6.Every Friday, we have ______ (运动会) at school. I like to run in the ______ (比赛) with my classmates.7.The country known for its rich culture is ________ (以丰富文化闻名的国家是________).8.What do we call the process of converting light energy into chemical energy?A. PhotosynthesisB. RespirationC. FermentationD. Decomposition 答案: A. Photosynthesis9.I love to eat ________ (水果) every day.10.The ancient Egyptians built pyramids as _____ for their leaders.11.My aunt is a great __________ (厨师).12.What do we call the chemical reactions that occur within living organisms?A. MetabolismB. PhotosynthesisC. RespirationD. Catabolism答案:A13.What do we call the distance around a circle?A. DiameterB. RadiusC. CircumferenceD. Area答案: C14.The ancient Greeks valued _____ and knowledge.15.Which insect is known for its ability to work together in colonies?A. ButterflyB. AntC. DragonflyD. Ladybug答案:B16.He is a _____ (艺术家) who expresses emotions through art.17.The dog is ___ (wagging) its tail happily.18. A ________ (农场) can grow various crops.19.The invention of ________ revolutionized transportation.20.I _____ (love) chocolate.21.We read _____ (故事) before bedtime.22.I have a ______ in my pocket.23.The _______ (猴子) is clever and agile.24.The _____ (sky/ground) is clear.25.The ______ (植物分类) helps identify species.26.The process of photosynthesis uses __________ and sunlight.27.I like to ___ new places. (explore)28.The ______ helps us learn about health.29.What is the name of the largest land animal?A. ElephantB. GiraffeC. HippopotamusD. Rhino答案:A30.I enjoy _______ my favorite songs.31.How many wheels does a bicycle have?A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 4答案: B32. A rabbit's nose twitches when it is ________________ (警觉).33.Chemical bonds hold _______ together in a molecule.34.My dog likes to _______ (跑) in the park every day.35.What do we call a young dolphin?A. CalfB. KitC. PupD. Chick答案:A.Calf36.The boy has a cool ________.37.The cheetah's speed is an evolutionary adaptation for catching fast________________ (猎物).38.Light can bend when it goes through ______ (water).39.What is the largest mammal in the ocean?A. SharkB. DolphinC. WhaleD. Seal答案:C40.The city of Abu Dhabi is the capital of _______.41.My brother is my best _______ who plays games with me.42.What is the capital of Sweden?A. OsloB. CopenhagenC. StockholmD. Helsinki答案:C. Stockholm43.The butterfly starts as a ______.44.Snakes can be ______ or harmless.45.We should _______ (喝水) regularly.46.The children are ______ a story together in class. (reading)47.The _____ (花期) of this plant lasts for several weeks.48.The ______ helps us learn about cultural differences.49.The invention of the printing press helped spread __________ (知识).50.What is the name of the national flower of the United States?A. RoseB. LilyC. TulipD. Sunflower答案: A. Rose51.What is the name of the fairy tale character who lost her glass slipper?A. RapunzelB. CinderellaC. Snow WhiteD. Belle答案:B52. A __________ (生态旅游) can promote awareness.53.The process of making vinegar involves the fermentation of _______.54. A ______ (蛇) can be colorful and sometimes dangerous.55.She is _______ (running) in the race.56.What do you call a person who studies ancient civilizations?A. HistorianB. ArchaeologistC. GeologistD. Anthropologist答案:B57.I like to _____ (visit) my grandparents.58.The ______ (老虎) is known for its strength.59.How many days are there in a week?A. FiveB. SixC. SevenD. Eight答案: C. Seven60.The ancient Egyptians built their pyramids as _____ for their pharaohs.61.There are many _____ (books) on the shelf.62.We will have a ________ next week.63.I always share my __________ (玩具名) with my little __________ (亲戚).64.She loves to read ________.65. A chemical reaction occurs when bonds between ______ break and form.66.My sister is passionate about __________ (环保).67.I like to play ______ (视频游戏) with my friends. It’s a fun way to spend time together.68.My favorite game is ________ (游戏名称) with my toys.69.What is the process of plants making food called?A. DigestionB. PhotosynthesisC. RespirationD. Fermentation答案:B70. A planet's surface can be rocky, gaseous, or ______.71. A ______ can be very colorful.72.What do we call a person who studies the history of specific regions?A. Regional HistorianB. SociologistC. AnthropologistD. Archaeologist答案: A73.What do we call a story that teaches a moral lesson?A. FableB. MythC. LegendD. Folklore答案: A74.I like to eat ______ (fruit) salads.75.Which month comes after March?A. FebruaryB. AprilC. MayD. June答案:B76.The _____ (植物产品) can contribute to local economies.77. A butterfly drinks nectar with its long ______ (舌头).78.The first man on the moon was _______ Armstrong.79.The skunk has a strong _________. (气味)80.My friend is __________ (非常创新).81. (75) is famous for its beautiful beaches. The ____82.There are ___ apples in the basket. (three)83.My brother loves to play ____.84.The chemical formula for copernicium chloride is ______.85.The cat is ___ (curious).86.ts have a ______ (独特的) appearance. Some pla87.My mom is a ________ (护士).88.The __________ (历史的冲突) highlight the struggles for power.89.What is the name of the famous American singer known for her hit "Bad Romance"?A. Katy PerryB. Taylor SwiftC. Lady GagaD. Beyoncé答案:C90.I love to ______ (讲故事) to my friends.91.The ______ (小鲸鱼) swims in the ocean, communicating with its pod through songs.92. A horse is used for riding and ________________ (工作).93.The _____ (湖泊) is great for fishing.94.What do you call the sweet food made from chocolate and sugar?A. CandyB. ChocolateC. SweetsD. Truffles答案: B95.The chemical formula for capsaicin is ______.96.My favorite book is _______ (傲慢与偏见)。

小学上册英语第6单元真题试卷(含答案)英语试题一、综合题(本题有100小题,每小题1分,共100分.每小题不选、错误,均不给分)1.What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?A. CoreB. MantleC. CrustD. Lithosphere答案:C.Crust2.My brother is a ________.3.The firefighter is _____ (勇敢) and saves lives.4.My grandmother loves to make __________ (手工艺品).5.My dad is a great __________ (谈话者).6.My dad is a skilled __________ (厨师).7.The __________ (历史的变迁) illustrates change.8.I love to ________ (探险) in nature.9.The tree is ______ (tall) and strong.10.What is the term for an animal that hunts other animals for food?A. PredatorB. PreyC. ScavengerD. Herbivore答案: A11.The ________ is a small but fascinating insect.12.What do you use to write on paper?A. PaintB. PencilC. GlueD. Scissors答案:B13. A __________ (化学反应器) is a vessel where chemical reactions occur.14.What is the capital of Niger?A. NiameyB. MaradiC. ZinderD. Agadez答案: A15.The chemical formula for undecanoic acid is ______.16.I want to be a ________ when I grow up.17.My _______ (仓鼠) runs around the cage.18.The __________ (历史的整合) reveals patterns.19.What is the capital of the Comoros?A. MoroniB. MoutsamoudouC. MitsamiouliD. Domoni答案:a20.The _______ (猫) is known for its curious nature.21. A __________ is a mixture of two or more solids.22. A solid has a _______ shape and volume.23.The girl is very ________.24.What do we call the main character in a movie?A. LeadB. Supporting actorC. ExtraD. Director答案: A. Lead25.The puppy is very ________.26.My cat loves to chase _______ (昆虫) in the garden.27.What do you call a group of birds?A. SwarmB. FlockC. PackD. Gaggle答案:B28.The teacher is ______ (helping) us with homework.29.The ________ has a sweet smell.30. A physical property of water is that it is ______.31.I have a great relationship with my ____.32.I saw a ______ (小鸡) in the farm yesterday.33.What is the capital of Luxembourg?A. Luxembourg CityB. Esch-sur-AlzetteC. DifferdangeD. Ettelbruck 答案:A.Luxembourg City34. A _____ (小狼) howls at the moon.35. A __________ (草坪) can be soft and green.36.The _______ of sound can be measured in units of frequency.37.历史上,________ (wars) 往往导致社会的巨变。

2024年11版小学英语第6单元真题试卷考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、Which fruit is red and often used in pies?A, BananaB, CherryC, OrangeD, Kiwi2、What is the primary ingredient in guacamole?A, TomatoB, AvocadoC, OnionD, Pepper3、How many fingers do we have on two hands?A, TenB, EightC, TwelveD, Six4、Which sport uses a bat and ball?A, SoccerB, BasketballC, BaseballD, Tennis5、What is the opposite of "big"?A, HugeB, SmallC, TallD, Wide6、How many sides does a triangle have?A, 3B, 4C, 5D, 67、What color is the sky?A, GreenB, BlueC, RedD, Yellow8、What is the longest river in the world? A, AmazonB, NileC, MississippiD, Yangtze9、What do you call a young cat?A, PuppyB, KittenC, CubD, Chick10、What is the opposite of ‘cold’?A, WarmB, HotC, CoolD, Chilly11、How many states are in the USA? A, 50B, 51C, 52D, 5312、Which season comes after winter? A, SpringB, SummerC, FallD, Rainy13、What is the opposite of "old"?A, AncientB, NewC, RecentD, Young14、What color do you get when you mix red and white?A, PinkB, PurpleC, OrangeD, Brown15、What do you call a collection of stars?A, GalaxyB, PlanetC, Solar systemD, Nebula16、What is 20 15?A, 4B, 5C, 6D, 717、What do you call a tall structure used for climbing?A, TowerB, HillC, MountainD, Cliff18、Which one is a mode of transport?A, TableB, BicycleC, ChairD, Book19、Which instrument is known for playing high-pitched notes? A, TromboneB, FluteC, TubaD, Bassoon20、What do you call a young porcupine?A, PorcupetteB, KitC, PupD, Calf二、听力题(共计20题,共40分)I have a collection of ________.2、听力题:My ______ tells me about different cultures.3、听力题:The chemical symbol for calcium is __________.4、听力题:I like to ride my ______ (scooter).5、听力题:She is my best ________.6、听力题:We saw a ________ in the zoo.7、听力题:My favorite fruit is ________.8、听力题:A zebra has black and ______ stripes.9、听力题:He plays _____ (足球) on weekends.10、听力题:My sister draws ______ (cute) pictures.11、听力题:The invention of the steam engine revolutionized _______ transportation.12、听力题:The _______ of a substance is a measure of how much mass is contained in a given volume.13、听力题:I have one ________ and two cats.14、听力题:We play games on the ___ (weekend/weekday).15、听力题:The weather is very ________ in summer.My dad drives a _____ car. (black)17、听力题:An atom consists of protons, neutrons, and _____.18、听力题:The baby is ___ in the crib. (sleeping, running, jumping)19、听力题:The flowers are ________ and colorful.20、听力题:The __________ is where the sun rises.三、填空题(共计20题,共10分)1、填空题:My family has a ________ (宠物) cat.2、填空题:My brother's favorite animal is a ______ (老虎).3、填空题:I want to _______ a great musician.4、填空题:Many plants have adapted to survive with little ______ (水分).5、填空题:I enjoy watching _______ (蝴蝶) in the garden.6、填空题:I enjoy making crafts for my toy ____. (玩具名称)7、填空题:A _____ (章鱼) can change its shape to fit through tight spaces.8、填空题:My favorite _____ is a colorful butterfly.9、填空题:A ______ (花园) can be a great hobby.I like to create my own designs with my ________ (玩具名称).11、填空题:A chick hatches from an ______ (蛋).12、填空题:My dad is my _______ because he teaches me many things.13、填空题:I love to listen to ______ (古典音乐) while I read.14、填空题:I help my sister with her __________. (项目)15、填空题:I have a collection of ________ (邮票).16、填空题:My dad teaches me how to ________ (骑自行车) without training wheels. It was hard at first, but now I can do it ________ (很好).17、填空题:I have a toy _______ that can spin and make sounds.18、填空题:A _____ (植物活动) can promote environmental awareness.19、填空题:A ________ (植物研究支持) fosters innovation.20、填空题:My cat likes to chase _______ (光点) on the floor.。

十一级考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是正确的语法结构?A. 他去了商店买书。
B. 他去商店买书了。
C. 他去了商店买书了。
D. 他去商店了买书。
答案:B2. 根据上下文,哪个选项填入空格最合适?“我昨天_____去图书馆了。
”A. 已经B. 曾经C. 曾经D. 已经答案:A3. 以下哪个选项是正确的英语表达?A. I am go to the park.B. I go to the park.C. I am going to the park.D. I going to the park.答案:C4. 下列哪个成语用得恰当?A. 他做事总是半途而废。
B. 他做事总是一蹴而就。
C. 他做事总是一劳永逸。
D. 他做事总是功亏一篑。
答案:A5. 以下哪个选项是正确的数学表达式?A. 2 + 3 = 5B. 2 × 3 = 6C. 2 ÷ 3 = 0.6D. 2 - 3 = -1答案:D6. 以下哪个选项是正确的化学方程式?A. 2H2 + O2 → 2H2OB. 2H2 + O2 → H2OC. 2H2 + O2 → H2O2D. 2H2 + O2 → 2OH答案:A7. 以下哪个选项是正确的物理公式?A. 速度 = 距离 / 时间B. 速度 = 距离× 时间C. 加速度 = 速度 / 时间D. 加速度 = 速度× 时间答案:A8. 以下哪个选项是正确的生物分类?A. 动物界、植物界、微生物界B. 动物界、植物界、真菌界C. 动物界、植物界、原生生物界D. 动物界、植物界、细菌界答案:B9. 以下哪个选项是正确的历史事件?A. 秦始皇统一六国是在公元前221年。
B. 秦始皇统一六国是在公元前221年。
C. 秦始皇统一六国是在公元前221年。
D. 秦始皇统一六国是在公元前221年。
答案:A10. 以下哪个选项是正确的地理知识?A. 亚洲是世界上面积最大的大陆。

2024年11版小学6年级下册英语第六单元真题考试时间:80分钟(总分:110)B卷考试人:_________题号一二三总分得分一、选择题(共计20题,共40分)1、Which animal is famous for its speed inwater?哪种动物以水中的速度而闻名?A) SharkB) DolphinC) OctopusD) All of the above2、Which toy can you use to race?哪个玩具可以用来比赛?A. Race car 赛车B. Doll 娃娃C. Puzzle 拼图D. Car 车3、What do we call the process of plants making food from sunlight?我们称植物用阳光制造食物的过程为?A, GerminationB, PhotosynthesisC, RespirationD, Transpiration4、What is the name of the famous battle fought in1066?发生在1066年的著名战役叫什么名字?A) Battle of Hastings / 黑斯廷斯之战B. Battle of Agincourt / 阿金库尔战役C. Battle of Waterloo / 滑铁卢战役D. Battle of Trafalgar / 特拉法尔加战役5、What color is a typical panda?一只典型的熊猫是什么颜色?A) Black and whiteB) BrownC) GreyD) Orange6、What does "黑猩猩" mean in English?A, OrangutanB, GorillaC, ChimpanzeeD, Baboon7、Which one is a vegetable?A, BananaB, CarrotC, Grape8、What is the name of the coldest season?A, WinterB, SpringC, SummerD, Autumn9、What is the name of the holiday in December when we decorate a tree? 12月装饰树的节日叫什么?A. Halloween 万圣节B. Thanksgiving 感恩节C. Christmas 圣诞节D. New Year's Eve 新年夜10、Which one is a kind of tree?A, OakB, DaisyC, TulipD, Sunflower11、What do we call a plant that grows in dry and arid conditions?我们称在干燥和贫瘠条件下生长的植物为?A, XerophyteB, Aquatic plantC, Tropical plantD, Temperate plant12、What sound does a monkey make?猴子发出什么声音?A) Hoo hooB) BaaC) QuackD) Moo13、What do you use to listen to music?A, RadioB, TelevisionC, Computer14、She enjoys swimming in the ocean. 她喜欢在海里游泳。
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6-10 全部试题Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions1. DA. She has a toothache.B. She has a headache.C. She has a stomachache.D. She has a sore throat.2. BA. He is not studying hard nowadays.B. He is studying too hard.C. He has eaten too much.D. He oversleeps every day.3. CA. She went to see a dentist yesterday.B. Her home is close to the dentist's officeC. Normally she is afraid of seeing the dentist.D. Usually she finds the dentist very efficient.4. AA. To go to the Health Clinic to be vaccinated.B. To go to a large hospital to be vaccinated.C. To visit Southeast Asia this summer when there will be no bird flu.D. To visit Southeast Asia this summer when there will be no SARS.5. CA. The man is eating too many potato chips though he is not drinking too much coke.B. The man is drinking too much coke though he is not eating too many potatoes.C. The man is eating too many potato chips and drinking too much coke.D. The man is not interested in junk food.6. BA. To buy anything unusual for a birthday gift.B. To buy a red scarf.C. To buy anything except a red scarf.D. She did not say clearly what to buy.7. DA. Mary liked small souvenirs.B. Their family liked small gifts.C. The small souvenirs were of good quality.D. The souvenirs were far more expensive at the tourism site.8. CA. To look at how students deal with used textbooks.B. To look at how students buy used textbooks.C. To buy used textbooks for next term.D. To find what books are sold at half price.9. DA. One person.B. Two persons.C. Three persons.D. At least four persons. (Tip: At most six persons.)10. AA. He likes to save time.B. He likes to save money like that.C. He likes to shop at three big stores.D. He likes to go to a store where the prices are the lowest.11. BA. She should live with him.B. She should live with his cousin.C. She should live with his cousin's friend.D. She should live by herself.12. CA. The transportation is convenient.B. The rent is inexpensive.C. Both A) and B).D. Neither A) nor B).13. AA. Ask the noisy girl to be quiet during a certain period of time.B. Ask the girl to turn off her stereo.C. Ask the girl to turn down her stereo.D. Order the girl to move out.14. DA. Nothing.B. $75.C. $40-50.D. $90-115.15. AA. A low interest rate.B. An interest rate of no more than 4%.C. An interest rate of no more than 3%.D. An interest rate for most mortgages.16. CA. Most children can speak a foreign language.B. Children are interested in nothing but computer technology.C. Older people have not kept pace with modern technology.D. Older people are interested in technical abbreviations.17. BA. To do research and chat with friends.B. For academic studies and interpersonal communications.C. For contacting her parents only.D. For chatting with friends.18. DA. A heavy fine.B. A small fine.C. A short period in prison.D. A well-paid job.19. AA. Tim Berners-Lee deserves the large award.B. Tim Berners-Lee has got too much.C. Everyone envies Tim Berners-Lee.D. The internet has changed everyone's life.20. CA. It is inconvenient to use a computer.B. It is inconvenient to use the Internet.C. A computer does not accept the slightest error.D. A computer is more intelligent than a human being.21. CA. She will visit Canada.B. She will have great time in Canada.C. She will entertain a visitor.D. She is still considering where to go for the holiday.22. DA. A present they bought from a gift shop.B. A wonderful gift they made by themselves.C. A graduation thesis.D. A two-week trip to Europe.23. AA. A mobile phone and a little money.B. His passport.C. All his money.D. Both B) and C).24. BA. She should take her Chinese friend to attend a Chinese class.B. She should take her Chinese friend to see the university classes there.C. She should show her Chinese friend around the campus.D. She should take her Chinese friend sightseeing.25. DA. Flying is dangerous.B. She will have more contacts with people on the train.C. She can enjoy the view from the train.D. Both B) and C).Part 2 Short passages/dialogs and cloze(Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then fill in the blanks. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time to write the missing words. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 26 to 35 are based on the same passage or dialog.The woman speaker does not look 26well. because she has a 27cold. . Often cold weather gets 28the best. of her, so she is 29sick. from time to time. Usually her cold 30 lasts. only a couple of days, and she has good 31 medicines . . The man believes that she should have more 32. physical exercise so as to get sick 33. less . He even advises her to join 34. a gym. The woman seems to be willing to take his 35. advice this time.Questions 36 to 46 are based on the same passage or dialog.At the 36. yard sale the owner is getting 37. rid of a lot of stuff at low prices. A sofa in good 38. shape is being sold for just $100, and a computer for just 39. $150/one hundred and fifty dollars . So the man wants to make an 40. offer on it. The woman suggests making a 41. lowoffer because she sees that the owner can’t 42. fit everything he owns into the 43. truck . The man agrees, adding that i f the owner wanted to take all this stuff, he’d have to rent 44.two/2 trucks. The woman guesses that two trucks would cost about 45. $400/four hundred dollars. Obviously, a low price at the yard sale is a good 46. deal for both the seller and the buyer. Questions 47 to 58 are based on the same passage or dialog.Philip lives in an apartment 47. downtown . It's quite 48. convenient and there is not much 49. crime . But he can hardly 50 stand. the traffic 51. noise . Dan lives in a 52. house in the 53. suburbs . It's really 54. quiet there, but there is not much one can 55. do , for nothing really 56. happens . Finally the two of them agree to 57. trade places one 58. weekend.Questions 59 to 76 are based on the same passage or dialog.Peter is thinking about going to 59. Germany this summer. He needs Max’s 60.advice because he is 61. German . Peter met a nice 62. girl called Claudia through an 63. online music mailing list, or a discussion group 64. On the Internet . Then she 65. invited him to 66. spend two weeks in Germany. After Peter 67. told her he had 68. studied a little bit about Germany and the German language, he is now in 69. hot water, for she expects him to 70. know a lot more than he really 71. does. Seeing that she will 72. introduce him to her 73. parents, Peter wonders if her parents would 74 accept. an online boyfriend. Max answers that it 75. depends , and the important thing is he and Claudia 76. like/love each other.Questions 77 to 94 are based on the same passage or dialog.Frank has visited a lot of 77. countries . His first overseas trip was to the 78. Far East , where he visited Singapore, 79. Indonesia and the island of Bali. He has also been to Cape Town, 80. South Africa , and Mexico. He liked 81. Singapore best because it was 82. clean and everything was very 83 cheap. . The 84. clothing was good. He enjoyed 85. the food in particular. What 86. disappointed him was the cruise. The ship was well below 87. standard . For the first 88.t wo/2 days it 89. rolled a lot on the 90. rough sea, and he got 91. sick . In the following 92. three/3 days, he still ate 93. next to nothingas the food was very 94. bad.Part 3 Short passages and multiple choice questions(Each item: 1)Directions:Listen to the following recording, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers.Questions 95 to 99 are based on the same passage or dialog.95. Which statement is true according to the passage? AA. Large universities are more likely to provide students with medical service than smaller universities.B. Small universities are more likely to provide students with medical service than larger universities.C. Neither large nor small universities are likely to provide medical service.D. All universities provide a complete range of medical services.96. What may happen if students need a major operation? DA. They can still be treated by all universities.B. They can be treated by large universities.C. They must seek outside help because the universities can do nothing.D. They must seek outside help while the universities may help them make the arrangements.97. What is true of smaller universities? CA. They can provide in-depth medical assistance.B. They can deal with both small and major problems.C. They normally deal with only small problems like housing.D. They assist students to take care of major issues on campus.98. If a university does not have on-campus students, _________B____.A. students can still seek medical help from the universityB. students cannot get medical service from the universityC. students can get the university's medical help after going through certain proceduresD. students can be treated only in emergency cases99. What is the passage mainly about? CA. The advantages of large universities in offering medical service.B. A comparison between large and small universities in medical service.C. Medical service offered by universities.D. The disadvantages of small universities in medical service.Questions 100 to 104 are based on the same passage or dialog.100. What is the speaker's attitude towards credit cards? CA. Positive.B. Neutral.C. Negative.D. A balanced view of their advantages and disadvantages.101. What can happen if your credit card is stolen? BA. The thief is sure to return it to you.B. The card may be used to run up huge debts.C. The police always arrest the thief.D. The thief will go bankrupt.102. What are the interest rates credit card companies charge? DA. Exceptionally low.B. Fairly low.C. Fairly high.D. Unusually high.103. How do people use cards to gain $50,000 credit? AA. They obtain ten cards, each with a $5,000 limit.B. They obtain fifteen cards, each with a $5,000 limit.C. They tell American Express company they need $50,000.D. They go bankrupt twenty-five times.104. What solution does the speaker propose? CA. The credit limit should be set according to one's actual needs.B. The credit limit should be set according to one's credit records.C. The credit limit should be in proportion to one's income.D. The credit limit should be in proportion to one's bank savings.Questions 105 to 109 are based on the same passage or dialog.105. What is the speaker's topic? AA. The plan for various departments concerning the new campus.B. The competition of various departments for the new campus.C. The university's support for certain departments.D. The university's discrimination against certain departments.106. What are the university's arrangements for the History Department? BA. Both students and teachers should move to the new campus.B. Only students will move to the new campus.C. Only teachers will move to the new campus.D. Neither students nor teachers will move to the new campus.107. What is happening to the engineers? DA. They will begin to move soon.B. They are already moving and the move will be completed next year.C. They are already moving and the move will be completed next month.D. They are already moving and the move will be completed next week.108. Which department will take over the old engineering building? CA. The Agriculture Department.B. The Faculty of Law.C. The Philosophy Department.D. The School of Arts.109. Which of the following is true of the Agriculture Science students? BA. They will all move.B. They will not move at all.C. Part of them will move to the new campus.D. They will all move, but the labs will not.Questions 110 to 114 are based on the same passage or dialog.110. According to the speaker, what is the advantage of the electronic post office? CA. It is more convenient than the e-mail service.B. It is less convenient than the e-mail service.C. It is more efficient than the traditional post office.D. It is less efficient than the traditional post office.111. Which of the following is true of the passage? BA. Most American libraries stay open 24 hours every day.B. You can visit Internet libraries any time you like.C. There are only a million books in the electronic libraries.D. There are millions of book in any traditional library.112. Which of the following are mentioned in the passage as online services? AA. Real-time communication, online banking, and listening to radio station.B. Online banking, and listening to radio station, and playing games.C. Real-time communication, online banking, seeing a film.D. Chatting with people, listening to radio station, and playing chess.113. What does the author mean by saying "the Internet is your town in a box"? DA. The Internet is similar to, but smaller than, a town.B. The Internet is like a box in your town.C. Everybody can visit the Internet even in a small town like a box.D. You can do everything on the Internet on your computer.114. What is the passage mainly concerned with? CA. The best possible services on the Internet.B. A comparison between traditional and online services.C. The various functions of the Internet.D. The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.Questions 115 to 119 are based on the same passage or dialog.115. What do people think about the holiday season? DA. They believe it to be joyous.B. They believe it can give them great hope.C. They believe it gives them a lot of stress.D. Their opinions vary.116. According to the speaker, which of the following is true during a holiday? CA. People can work fewer hours.B. People can have a break from household duties.C. People have to do more work in a day.D. People do not have to go shopping.117. What is the second factor the speaker mentions that contributes to the holiday blues? BA. One has to visit many close friends and relatives.B. One has to be generous to many friends and relatives.C. Too many friends and relatives will visit you.D. The prices often go up.118. Which of the flowing is NOT the last factor that causes holiday blues? DA. People may think about their relatives far away.B. People call back to mind those who have died.C. People keep in memory their divorced husband or wife.D. Too much work.119. What solution does the speaker propose? AA. Having varied holiday plans.B. Focusing on one particular plan to forget everything else.C. Listening to only good news.D. Giving up a holiday plan.Part 4 Short passages and True/False questions(Each item: 1)Questions 120 to 124 are based on the same passage or dialog.120. Blood pressure returns to normal eight hours after smoking the last cigarette.T ○F121. If you give up smoking, the chance of heart attack decreases.○T F122. The American Cancer Society recommends one way of stopping smoking in particular. T ○F123. Long walks may help cut smoking.○T F124. The passage is mainly about the advantage of stopping smoking and the methods.○T FQuestions 125 to 129 are based on the same passage or dialog.125. Wal-Marts are food stores.T ○F126. Labor unions have a favorable opinion of Wal-Marts.T ○F127. Wal-Mart does not like its employees to join a union.○T F128. The immigration agents arrested Wal-Mart's night cleaning workers because they were illegal immigrants.○T F129. Wal-Mart will not buy American products if they are above the normal prices.T ○FQuestions 130 to 134 are based on the same passage or dialog.130. In most American universities overseas students are required to live on campus.T ○F131. Dorms tend to be more expensive than apartments.T ○F132. Dorms have many advantages according to the passage.○T F133. It is common for two students to share one room in a dorm.○T F134. In most universities male and female students are not permitted to live in the same dorm.T ○FQuestions 135 to 139 are based on the same passage or dialog.135. The passage is mainly about the various benefits of the information highway.○T F136. On the Internet one can get information on news, weather, sports, airline fares, but not stock market quotations.T ○F137. It is possible to read online newspapers from other towns.○T F138. The passage says that those using the public message board chat areas are mostly young people.T ○F139. One can play computer games only against the computer itself.T ○FQuestions 140 to 144 are based on the same passage or dialog.140. Motels are always near major highways.T ○F141. It is convenient for a person without a car to stay in a motel.T ○F142. Reservations are often required in motels in busy areas.○T F143. Even in less crowded areas reservations are usually required.T ○F144. Motels are popular because they are cheap and convenient.○T FPart 5 Long dialogs and multiple choice questionsQuestions 145 to 149 are based on the same passage or dialog.145. What was the patient's purpose in coming to Dr. Hyde? BA. He came for an X-ray.B. He came to have his teeth examined and cleaned.C. He came to have one of his teeth filled.D. He came to have one of his teeth crowned.146. According to the dialog, what is the patient's problem? AA. There is a hole in one of his teeth.B. One of his teeth is broken.C. One of his teeth has loosened.D. His teeth are dirty.147. What does the patient feel about his bad tooth? CA. He does not feel any pain yet.B. The bad tooth hurts when he drinks something warm.C. The bad tooth hurts when he drinks something cold.D. The bad tooth produces a continuous sharp pain.148. How many possible ways of treating the bad tooth has the dentist mentioned? CA. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.149. What does "local anesthesia" probably mean? DA. A drug in the filling.B. Something that helps to keep the crown in position.C. Something that treats the decay.D. Something that dulls the pain.Questions 150 to 154 are based on the same passage or dialog.150. What pizza does the customer first order? BA. A medium pizza with mushrooms and tomatoes.B. A large pizza with mushrooms and green peppers.C. A small pizza with tomatoes and French cheese.D. A large pizza with Italian sausage and cucumber.151. How does the customer want his pizza served? BA. It should be served as a whole.B. It should be served half-and-half.C. It should be served in four quarters.D. It should be served without cheese at all.152. What drink does the customer order? CA. Grape juice.B. Apple juice.C. Orange juice.D. Either apple or orange juice. 153. How much will the customer pay for the bread sticks? DA. $1.00.B. $1.50.C. $2.00.D. Nothing.154. Who can get free bread sticks? AA. Those who order any large pizza and drink.B. Those who order a large pepperoni pizza.C. Those who have a three dollar coupon.D. Those who bring a large family.Questions 155 to 159 are based on the same passage or dialog.155. Why does Ann want to move out of her apartment? BA. She does not like the present apartment.B. It is a little far from campus.C. The rent is too high.D. It is noisy.156. Why does Ann ask Roger for help? CA. Roger is kind-hearted and ready to help.B. Roger is interested in helping girl students.C. Roger has lived on campus and knows the housing situation around the school.D. Roger knows the chief housing officer of the apartment complex.157. What kind of apartment is Ann looking for? DA. An apartment on campus.B. An apartment she can share with one or two persons.C. An apartment that is within easy reach of the campus.D. Both B) and C).158. How much is Ann willing to pay for the new apartment? AA. Less than $500 a month, including utilities.B. A little more than $500 a month, including utilities.C. Less than $500 a month, excluding utilities.D. A little more than $500 a month, excluding utilities.159. What will Roger do for Ann? AA. He will go to an apartment complex to find a vacancy today.B. He will go to an apartment complex to find a vacancy tomorrow.C. He will go to a vacant apartment complex to find a room today.D. He will go to a vacant apartment complex to find a room tomorrow.Questions 160 to 164 are based on the same passage or dialog.160. What is Mr. Taylor doing now? AA. He is looking for a job.B. He is inspecting a company.C. He is learning computer technology at a company.D. He is talking to a friend. 161. According to the passage, what is the aim of learning "web site authoring skills"? B A. Reading various web pages. B. Creating and managing a web page.C. Surfing from web site to web site.D. Knowing the authors at a web site.162. Which of the following skills does Mr. Taylor have? DA. PowerPoint.B. Authorware.C. Photoshop.D. None of the above. 163. What is Mr. Taylor good at? DA. Managing a web page.B. Managing an operating system.C. Writing programs.D. Playing computer games.164. What is the employer likely to do in the future? CA. He will give Mr. Taylor a job.B. He will give Mr. Taylor another interview before giving him a job.C. He won't give Mr. Taylor a job.D. He will recommend Mr. Taylor to another company.Questions 165 to 169 are based on the same passage or dialog.165. What does the man want at first? AA. He wants to fly back on the 29th on the cheapest flight.B. He wants to fly back on the 29th for whatever airfare available.C. He wants to transfer at Canada on the 28th.D. He wants to transfer at Salt Lake on the 28th.166. What is the airfare for the flight on the 29th? CA. $980.B. $890.C. $1960.D. $490.167. What is the route for the man? BA. San Francisco-New York-Helsinki.B. Salt Lake-New York-Helsinki.C. Helsinki-Washington-Salt Lake.D. Los Angeles-Canada-Stockholm.168. How long will the man stay in New York? BA. 100 minutes.B. 80 minutes.C. 60 minutes.D. 40 minutes. 169. What special requirement does the man have? DA. A window seat.B. An aisle seat.C. A seat in the non-smoking area.D. A vegetarian meal.。