


1.What do you like? I like _____ .



2.She ____ this T-shirt.



3.Here’s a shirt ____ you.



4.It’s ____ small.




5.Sam likes this ____ .



6.What does she like?She ____ cars.



7.Do you like this clothes? Yes,I ____ .



8.Does Amy like shoes? No,she____ .



9.Sam’s ____ a party.



10.He ____ like it.

A.don’ t


11.She likes ____ shoes.



12. ____ name is Fangfang.



13.We have Maths ___ the afternoon.



14.Do we have Music ___ school?



15.This ___ my flute.



16.We have English ___ the moring.



17.Look ___ my shool bag.



18.What’s ___ time?




19.I ___ jigsaws.



20.I go to school ___ 8 o’clock.



21. ___ the time? It’s 2 o’clock.



22. ___ Amy like English?




23.What does Fangfang do ___ the weekend?





外研版一年级起点二年级上册英语教案全册I like the ABC song. Module 1 Unit 2 What do you like? Module 2 Unit 1 He likes this T-shirt. Module 2 Unit 2 He doesn’t like this shirt. Module 3 Unit 1 We have English in the morning. Module 3 Unit 2 I like PE. Module 4 Unit 1 It’s 2 o’clock. Module 4 Unit 2 What’s the time? Module 5 Unit 1 I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning. Module 5 Unit 2 It’s half p at 7. Module 6 Unit 1 She watches TV. Module 6 Unit 2 Does he play the flute? Module 7 Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? Module 7 Unit 2 Where do you live? Module 8 Unit 1 How do you go to school? Module 8 Unit 2 I go by train. Module 9 Unit 1 It’s winter. Module 9 Unit 2 It’s warm. Module 10 Unit 1 Happy New Year! Module 10 Unit 2 We have Christmas.


牛津英语二年级英语语法习题集 、There be 句型: (1) There be 句型由There is 或There are 引导,表示 在…地方有 …东西 (2) There is + 单数或不可数名词; There are + 复数 (3) There be 句型遵循 就近原则” There is a table and two chairs in the room. There are two chairs and a table in the room. 填写:am, is, are 1. _ you a boy? No, I ____ a girl. 2. He ___ m y father. He ___ t all. 3. What colour ___ the rabbit? It ___ white. 4. What colour ___ the dogs? They _____ brow n. 5. There __ a bowl in the box. 6. There ____two bowls in the box. 7. There __ some water in the bowl. 8. There __ some apples on the table. 9. There __ a plate and three spo ons on the table. 10. There __ three spo ons and a plate on the table. 、Be 动词 am, is, are 填写 be 动词:am, is, are 1.1 ___ D a nny. You ___ Mary. 2. I ___ tall. You ___ short. 3.She ___ my mother. She ___ fat. 4.He __ my brother. He __ small. 、介词:in 在…里面, on 在…上面,under 在…下面 填写介词:in, on, un der, at, up, to 1.look ___ 2. liste n ___ 3. pick ____ 4. ___ the room 5. ____ the bowl 6. ____ sit ______________ t he chair 7. ______ the plate 8. the floor 9. the seesaw 10. __ the zoo11. ___ the park 12. the childre n s garden13.__ the sky Be 动词用法口诀:我是 am,你是are 。is 用于他她它,凡是复数都用 are 。


小学二年级英语语法知识点归纳(推荐) 一、看中文写英语,看英文写中文: 1、上午( ) 2、下午( )3傍晚( ) 4、晚上( ) 5、太太( ) 6、苹果( ) 7、书包( )8再见( ) 二、写句子: 1、How are you ?-------------------------------------------------------------------- 2、I’m very well.--------------------------------------------------------------- 3、Thank you --------------------------------------------------------- 4、I hope that you are ,too---------------------------------------------- 5、我八岁。 ---------------------------------------------------

--------- 6、你是丹尼 吗?------------------------------------------------- 7、这是一头象 吗?----------------------------------------------------------- 8、我又高又胖。 ------------------------------------------------------------------ 9、我是Linda 你是 Tom.-------------------------------------------------------------- 10、It is a big apple ------------------------------------- 11、I am glad to know you.----------------------------------------------------- 12、I’m very well.-----------------------------------------------------15、Who am I-------------------------- 13、I’m


二年级(上)知识点总结 ---- I like the ABC song. 我喜欢ABC歌。 ---- It’s my favourite song. 它是我最喜欢的歌。 ---I like meat。我喜欢肉。 I like meat,too。我也喜欢肉。 ---You are the football team. 你们是足球队的。 ---Come on ,Team A. 加油,A队。 --- What do you like? 你喜欢什么? I like your bike. 我喜欢你的自行车。 ---Let’s ride my bike. 让我们一起骑自行车吧。 ---Let’s fly my kite. 让我们一起放风筝吧。 ---An ice cream for you 给你冰激凌 (Some rice for you 给你些大米) Thank you. 谢谢。 --- I don’t like onions,I like noodles. 我不喜欢洋葱,我喜欢面条。---Are you a good boy? 你是好男孩吗? OK。(或者回答Yes.) 是的 ---You are good children 你们是好孩子。 ---Sweets are for good boys 糖果是给好男孩的。 ---Noodles and rice are very nice。面条和大米是非常好吃的。---You like ginger。你喜欢姜。 ----My mouth. 我的嘴巴。 ----Sorry. 对不起。 ---Do you like milk? 你喜欢牛奶吗? Yes, I do是,我喜欢。 No, I don’t不,我不喜欢。 ---Do they like oranges 他们喜欢柑橘吗? Yes, they do 是,喜欢 No, they don’t不,不喜欢 ---What’s that? 那是什么? It’s a fruit milkshake.(或者直接回答Milkshake) 是水果奶昔。 ----Here you are. 给你。


小学二年级学生英语语法学习知识点 【篇一】 many,much的用法区别 Many,much都意为"许多", many + 可数名词,much + 不可数名词。How many people are there at the meeting? How much time has we left? Many of the workers were at the meeting. Much of the time was spent on learning. 【篇二】 1.a (an) art. 一个 2.afternoon n. 下午 3.and conj. 和 4.apple n. 苹果 5.arm n. 胳膊,手臂 6.autumn n. 秋天 7. bag n. 书包 8.basketball n. 篮球

9.be(am/is/are) v. (be动词)是 10.bed n. 床 11.big adj. 大的 12.bike n. 自行车 13.bird n.鸟 14.black adj. 黑色的 n. 黑色 15.blue adj. 蓝色的 n. 蓝色 16.book n. 书 17.boy n. 男孩 18.bus n. 公共汽车 19.but conj. 但是 20.cake n. 蛋糕 21.can v./aux. 能 22.cap n. 帽子 23.car n. 汽车 24.cat n. 猫 25.chair n. 椅子 26.China n. 中国 27.Chinese n. 汉语;语文课;中国人adj. 中国的;中国人的 28.class n. 班组;同学们 29.classroom n. 教室 30.coat n. 上衣 31.cold adj. 寒冷的 n. 感冒 32.colour n. 颜色https://www.360docs.net/doc/285588866.html,puter n. 电脑


外研社2013新版小学二年级上册英语单词表Module 1 sonɡ歌曲come on加油,快点team球队,运动队Module2 meat肉noodles(常复)面条rice米饭sweets(常复)糖果children(child 的复数)孩子们ɡinɡer姜nice好的mm呣onion洋葱ice creɑm冰激凌 Module3 bɑnɑnɑ香蕉ɑpple苹果milk牛奶orɑnɡe柑橘,橙fruit水果milkshɑke奶昔Here youɑre给你 everythinɡ每件事,所有事物tomɑto番茄,西红柿reɑlly很,非常their他(她,它)们的fɑvouite最喜欢的事物Module4 T-shirt T恤衫here’s=here is这是hm嗯,唔dress连衣裙too太……one一个doesn’t=does not不trousers裤子pɑrty聚会Module5 ɡet up起床poster海报,粘贴画ɡo to school去上学hɑve吃,喝lunch午餐hɑve lunch吃午餐home家ɡo home回家wɑtch观看TV电视,电视机wɑtch TV 看电视Module6 on在……的时候Sundɑy星期日pɑrk公园ɡreɑt太好了,好极了ɡoɑl进球,得分hoorɑy(表示激烈与高兴的欢呼声),好哇 live居住moon月亮sky天,天空city城市Module7 How怎样,如何trɑin火车chuɡ(发动机)发出咔嚓声bus公共汽车beep (汽车喇叭)嘟嘟声wɑlk步行 by乘,坐(交通工具)Howɑbout…?……怎么样? Work工作地点,工作ɡo to work去上班bike自行车 With与…..在一起;同;跟;和run跑,奔跑holidɑy假期on holidɑy度假then然后ship轮船plɑne飞机love喜爱Module8


小学二年级英语语法总结 动词的过去式词尾变化有几种: 1.一般情况下加ed,如watched, planted, watered, pulled, climbed, picked。 2.以不发音字母e结尾的加d,如liked, mo*ed, tasted。 3.以辅音字母加y结尾的变y为i再加ed,如study——studied。 4.以1个元音字母加1个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节,双写最后一个辅音字母再加ed,如stop——stopped。 词尾读音有3种: a.在浊辅音和元音后读[d],如li*ed, watered, listened, played。 b.在清辅音后读[t],如liked, helped, watched。 c.在[t],[d]音后读[Id],如planted, wanted, handed(上交)。 不规则动词的过去式变化则没有什么规律,请大家背熟记牢: sit —— sat throw —— threw am, is —— was drink —— drank draw —— drew are —— were sing —— sang fly ——flew do —— did begin —— began grow —— grew ha*e, has —— had swim —— swam put —— put may —— might gi*e —— ga*e cut —— cut can —— could ring —— rang let —— let shall ——should run —— ran read —— read will —— would


外研版(一起)英语二年级上册(全)词句练习Module 1 一、写英文单词 1.歌曲____________________________ 2.力口油;快点____________________ 3.球队,运动队_____________________ 二、写英文短语 1.字母歌_________________________________________________________ 2.我最喜欢的歌曲_________________________________________________ 3.加油,快点_____________________________________________________ 4.骑我的自行车___________________________________________________ 5.放我的风筝_____________________________________________________ 6.足球队_________________________________________________________ 三、翻译句子 1.我喜欢字母歌。

2.它是我最喜欢的歌曲。 3.你喜欢什么? 4.我喜欢足球。 5.让我们骑我的自行车。 6.让我们放我的风筝。 Module 2 一、写英文单词 1.肉 __________________________ 2.(常复)面条_________________ 3.米饭 ________________________ 4.(常复)糖果_________________ 5.( child的复数)孩子们_______ 6.姜 __________________________


外研社二年级上册英语 教 学 设 计 2019年8月

Module 1 【单元教学目标】 1.让学生感受英语课堂的活跃性,会唱本单元的英语童谣。 2.乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。 3.通过动静结合的教学方式,使课堂教学收放自如,联系生活实际设计字母教学,营造学习英语的氛围。 4.在游戏中培养学生的合作意识,引导学生主动学习,为学生的书写打下良好的基础。 【单元教学重难点】 1. 使学生学唱ABC的歌。 2. 学会用英语表达喜好。 I like the ABC song. 【教学目标】 1.通过学习字母歌,重点认读26个字母。 2.听懂句子 I like the ABC song. It‘s my favourite song. 3.了解字母在字母表中的顺序。 4.让学生感受英语课堂的活跃性,会唱本单元的英语童谣。 【教学重点】 1.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: I like the ABC song. It’s my favourite song. 2.会说唱本单元的英语童谣《ABC》 【教学难点】 1.熟练掌握字母和句子,能在实际生活中灵活运用。 2.培养学生用英语思维的能力,及大胆用英语交流的能力。 【教学过程】 Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼,师生或学生之间相互问好。教师和学生就爱好用I like…I don‘t like… Step2.Presentation 在师生互相介绍自己喜好的基础上,教师适时呈现本课任务:你们知道我们的好朋友Daming最喜爱的活动是什么吗?他最爱的活动是唱歌。你们想知道是什么歌吗?


二年级英语语法重点知识点 学习是没有尽头的,只有在不断的学习中才能提高自己,给大家分享一下二年级英语,希望对大家有帮助 二年级英语语法知识点 不规则动词的过去式变化规律 sit —— sat throw —— threw am, is —— was drink —— drank draw —— drew are —— were sing —— sang fly ——flew do —— did begin —— began grow —— grew have, has —— had swim —— swam put —— put may —— might give —— gave cut —— cut can —— could ring —— rang let —— let shall ——should

run —— ran read —— read will —— would ride —— rode catch —— caught go —— went write —— wrote teach —— taught eat —— ate drive —— drove think —— thought hear —— heard keep —— kept buy —— bought see —— saw sleep —— slept fight —— fought find —— found sweep —— swept hold —— held wear —— wore feel —— felt tell —— told meet —— met come —— came get —— got mean —— meant become —— became make —— made speak —— spoke take —— took say —— said 1)is, am -was are-were


Module 1 Unit 1 I like the ABC song、 Module 1 Unit 2 What do you like? Module 2 Unit 1 He likes this T-shirt、 Module 2 Unit 2 He doesn’t like this shirt、 Module 3 Unit 1 We have English in the morning、Module 3 Unit 2 I like PE、 Module 4 Unit 1 It’s 2 o’cl ock、 Module 4 Unit 2 What’s the time? Module 5 Unit 1 I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning、Module 5 Unit 2 It’s half pat 7、 Module 6 Unit 1 She watches TV、 Module 6 Unit 2 Does he play the flute? Module 7 Unit 1 What do you do at the weekend? Module 7 Unit 2 Where do you live? Module 8 Unit 1 How do you go to school? Module 8 Unit 2 I go by train、 Module 9 Unit 1 It’s winter、 Module 9 Unit 2 It’s warm、 Module 10 Unit 1 Happy New Year! Module 10 Unit 2 We have Christmas、


小学二年级英语语法归纳 1. What can you do? I can sing. 2. What is that in the net? It's a mouse. 3. What can you see? I can a net. 4. What can you see, Tom? I can see a bee. 5. What colour is your pencil case? It's blue. 6. What's this? It's an apple. 7. What's on the desk? There are books. 8. What's in your room? There is a bed in my room. 9. What's your name? My name is Xiao jia. 10. What's on your desk? The book on my desk. 11. What colour is your bag? It is pink. 12. What's that in your hand? It is pencil. 13. What animal do you like? I like monkey and zebra. 14. What dose it like? It likes to eat fish. 1. How are you? I'm fine. Thank you. 2. How are you today? I'm very well. Thank you. 3. How is the weather? It's windy. 4. How old are you? I'm seven. 5. How many chairs? There are seven chairs.

2017年外研版 英语(一起)二年级上册全册教案

Module 1 单元教学目标: 1.让学生感受英语课堂的活跃性,会唱本单元的英语童谣。 2.乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务,并在成功中体会英语学习中的乐趣。 3.通过动静结合的教学方式,使课堂教学收放自如,联系生活实际设计字母教学,营造学习英语的氛围。 4.在游戏中培养学生的合作意识,引导学生主动学习,为学生的书写打下良好的基础。 教学重难点: 1. 使学生学唱ABC的歌。 2. 学会用英语表达喜好。 单元课时:2课时 第一课时 总课时数:授课时间: 课程名称:Unit1 I like the ABC song. 教学目标:

1.通过学习字母歌,重点认读26个字母。 2.听懂句子I like the ABC song. It’s my favourite song. 3.了解字母在字母表中的顺序。 4.让学生感受英语课堂的活跃性,会唱本单元的英语童谣。 教学重点: 1.能听懂、会说、会读以下句子: I like the ABC song. It’s my favourite song. 2.会说唱本单元的英语童谣《ABC》 教学难点: 1.熟练掌握字母和句子,能在实际生活中灵活运用。 2.培养学生用英语思维的能力,及大胆用英语交流的能力。 教学过程: Step 1.Warming-up 1.教师热情地和学生打招呼,师生或学生之间相互问好。教师和学生就爱好用I like…I don’t like… Step2.Presentation 在师生互相介绍自己喜好的基础上,教师适时呈现本课任务:你们知道我们的好朋友Daming最喜爱的活动是什么吗?他最爱的活动是唱歌。你们想知道是什么歌吗?学习完本单元之后,你就知道了!Step3.Practice 开展“字母顺序接力赛”活动:把两套有字母大小写的卡片分别


二年级朗文英语下册B 语法知识点归纳 This model paper was revised by LINDA on December 15, 2012.

二年级朗文英语下册(2B)语法知识点归纳: 第一单元: 单词: chill fish 麻辣鱼 chocolate 巧克力 ginger 姜糖 potato chips 薯片 lemon sweets 柠檬糖 peanuts 花生 sour plums 话梅 curry beef balls 咖喱牛肉丸 cheese rings 奶酪圈 注意:要能区分哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词。蓝色:不可数名词 红色:可数名词

句型: 1.太多了 too much 用于不可数名词 too many 用于可数名词 2. I like cookies. 我喜欢饼干。 3. Do you like cookies 你喜欢饼干吗 肯定回答:Yes, I do. 否定回答:No, I don’t. 4. I don’t like cookies. 我不喜欢饼干。 5. Beeno likes cookies. Beeno喜欢吃饼干。(Beeno是第三人称单数,后面的动词like加s) 6. Does Beeno like cookies Beeno喜欢吃饼干吗(有了does,like不加s) 肯定回答:Yes, he does. 否定回答:No, he doesn’t.

7. Beeno doesn’t like cookies. Beeno不喜欢吃饼干。有does或者是doesn’t,后面的动词like就不加s了。第二单元 单词: grape 葡萄 grapes 葡萄(复数) orange 桔子 oranges 桔子(复数) egg 鸡蛋 eggs 鸡蛋(复数) sugar 糖 flour 面粉 butter 黄油 注意:要能区分哪些是可数名词,哪些是不可数名词。 蓝色:不可数名词


外研版小学英语二年级上册全册精品优秀教案 like the ABC song、题材(主要)内容Daming 向大家介绍 了自己最喜欢的歌曲,并唱给大家听。教学目标语言知识目标功 能了解字母表的顺序并初步认识26个字母。语法(结构、句子) I like the ABC song、It’s my favourite song、词汇听能够 在听录音的过程中辨别出单词:song, favourite说能够在卡片的帮助下说出单词:song读能够在卡片的帮助下正确认读单词: song写语言技能目标听能听懂26个字母。说能按顺序说出26个 字母并会唱ABC song。读能背诵出字母表。写学习策略在游戏中 感知26个字母及其相应的顺序。文化意识情感态度从字母表起培 养学生们对英语的学习兴趣。任务 1、Chain Game:可以在师生或学生小组间进行“字母接龙” 的游戏; 2、 Letter Family:把字母卡(大小写共52张)打乱顺序 分发到学生手中,让他们按大小写找到自己的搭档; 3、在字母歌的帮助下,让他们按顺序列队; 4、齐唱ABC song,复习、巩固26个字母。按住Ctrl键单 击鼠标打开教学视频动画全册播放Module1 Unit2题目What do you like?题材(主要)内容Panpan 和Baby panda在商店里购买玩具,并谈论各自最喜爱的玩具。教学目标语言知识目标功能谈 论个人的喜好。语法(结构、句子)Do you like dolls/…? Yes,

I do、/ No, I don’t、What do you like? I like jigsaws/…词汇听能够在听对话录音的过程中辨别出单词:jigsaw, toy, bike说能够看图说出单词:jigsaw, toy, bike读能够看图跟录音正确朗读单词:jigsaw, bike写语言技能目标听能够听懂Panpan与Baby panda间关于自己最喜爱玩具的谈论。如:Do you like dolls? No, I don’t、 What do you like? I like jigsaws、等。说在图片或实物的帮助下,会用What do you like? I like…的句型询问和表述喜好;会说唱课文儿歌。读会 认读对话中What do you like? I like jigsaws/pandas…等询问及表述喜好的句子。写学习策略在调查活动及创编儿歌中,增强 运用、实践英语的自信心。文化意识了解中西方孩子喜闻乐见的 玩具。情感态度在创编活动中敢于发表自己的见解,乐于合作, 勇于创新。任务 1、What’s missing:可选用实物或卡片,复习、巩固有关toy的词汇; 2、 Do a survey:在小组中调查同学们最喜欢的玩具; 3、创编儿歌。Module2 Unit1题目He likes this T- shirt、题材(主要)内容Smart 一家人到商店里购物,爸爸妈妈分别为Sam和Amy挑选了各自喜爱的 T恤衫和连衣裙,Sam分开心,但爸爸为Amy 挑选的裙子太小了。教学目标语言知识目标功能谈论他人的喜好。语法(结构、句子)Sam likes T-shirts、He likes this T-shirt、Amy likes dresses、 She likes this


牛津英语二年级英语语法习题集 一、There be 句型: (1)There be句型由There is 或There are引导,表示“在...地方有...东西” (2)There is + 单数或不可数名词;There are + 复数 (3)There be 句型遵循“就近原则”: There is a table and two chairs in the room. There are two chairs and a table in the room. 填写:am, is, are 1. ___ you a boy? No, I ___ a girl. 2. He____my father. He ___ tall. 3. What colour ___ the rabbit? It ____white. 4. What colour ____the dogs? They ____ brown. 5. There ____ a bowl in the box. 6. There ____ two bowls in the box. 7. There____some water in the bowl. 8. There____some apples on the table. 9. There ____ a plate and three spoons on the table. 10. There ____ three spoons and a plate on the table. 二、介词:in在…里面,on 在…上面,under在…下面 填写介词:in, on, under, at, up, to 1.look____ 2. listen ____ 3. pick ____ 4.____the room 5. ____the bowl 6.sit___the chair 7.____the plate 8. ___the floor 9. ____ the seesaw 10.___the zoo11. ___ the park 12. ___the children’s garden13.___the sky 三、Be动词am, is, are Be动词用法口诀:我是am, 你是are。is 用于他她它,凡是复数都用are。填写be动词:am, is, are 1.I ____ Danny. You____Mary. 2. I____tall. You____short. 3.She____my mother. She ____fat. 4.He___my brother. He___small.


小学二年级英语语法知识点 【三篇】 一般将来时 一般将来时主要用于: 表示将要发生的动作或情况 e.g. Tom will have a bike of his own. 与这个时态连用的时间状语常用: tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, next week, in three hours, two days later 等。 一般将来时态与其它结构表将来情况的区别: 一般将来时态:主要从时间的角度表将要发生的动作或情况。 be going to结构:①表(主观上)打算或准备做某事时。②表有发生某事的 预兆时。 e.g. They are going to have a competition with us in studies. It is going to rain. 据以上区别,故下面一句是错的: I am going to be eighteen years old next year. 应改为:I shall be eighteen years old next year. be about to do sth结构:意为”刚要做某事”、”马上要做某事”强调时间之紧迫性。 e.g. We are about to discuss this problem. 不规则动词的过去式变化规律 sit ----- sat throw ------ threw am, is ------ was

drink------- d rank draw ------- drew are ------ were sing------ s ang fly ------ flew do ------ d id begin ------ b egan grow ------ grew have, has ------ h ad swim ------ s wam put ------- put may ------ might give gave cut cut can could ring rang let let shall ----- hould run ran read read will would ride rode catch caught go went write ------- w rote teach ------ taught eat ------- a te drive drove think thought hear heard keep kept buy bought see saw sleep slept fight fought find found sweep ----- swept hold------ held wear ------- w ore feel felt tell told meet met come came get got mean meant become became make made speak spoke take took say said 1) is, am-was are-were 2) begin-began ring-rang drink-drank swim-swam give-gave sing-sang sit-sat run-ran have-had make-made come-came eat-ate 3) write-wrote ride-rode speak-spoke drive-drove stand-stood


一,用am,is,are,have,has填空 1. What ____ they? They ____ police officers. 2. Peter____ my friend. He ____a bicycle. 3. My mother and father ____ happy. They ____ a big car. 4. My little dog ___ black. It ___ four legs. 5. I ___ a teacher. I _____ many students. 6. Peter and I ____ good friends. 7. We ___ new books. We ___ happy. 二,填上正确的单词 1. What are they? They are _____ (sheep). 2. This is ______(insect). It ______ (have) six legs. 3. Look at the _______(flower). They’re white. 4. It ______(have) a short tail. What is it? 5. How many _____(ear) do you have? 6. Tony and Ben like toy ____(bus). 7. It ____(be) my birthday. It’s my mother’s birthday. She’s 35 years old. 8. What are _____(it)? Ducks. 三,比较发音 wi th th in ( ) this is( ) students beds ( ) 四,Fill in “a”, “an” or “ /” and give the plural forms if necessary. ice water orange juice knife bread strawberry 五,Choose “A” or “B”. 1.( ) --- Who are you? --- I’m _____. A. a doctor B. Miss Li


英语外研版二年级上册知识点 Module1知识点 一、本课涉及的单词有: song歌曲team球队,运动队 二、本课涉及的短语有: come on 加油;快点ride my bike骑我的自行车fly my kite放我的风筝 三、本课涉及的重点句子有: 1.I like the ABC song.我喜欢ABC歌曲。 2.It’s my favourite song.它是我最喜欢的歌曲。 3. What do you like? 你喜欢什么?(回答时一定要答喜欢的东西)I like… 例如:---What do you like? ---I like football. 4.I like football.我喜欢足球。当你想表达我也喜欢足球时,要用too. 如I like football, too. 5.Let’s+动词原形。(Let’s=Let us)让我们…。 例如:Let’s fly my kite.让我们放我的风筝吧。 语法:学会用特殊疑问词what来询问别人的喜好。如:What do you like? Module2知识点 本课涉及的单词有: nice好的onion洋葱 不可数名词有:meat肉rice 米饭ginger姜 复数名词有:noodles(常复)面条sweets(常复)糖果children(child的复数)孩子们 二、本课涉及的短语有: ice cream冰淇淋 三、本课涉及的重点句子有: 1.I like meat, too.我也喜欢肉。 2.Noodles for you Tom.给你面条,汤姆。回答一般是Thank you!谢谢! An ice cream for you! 给你一支冰淇淋。an 用在以元音音素开头的单词前。 3. I don’t like noodles.我不喜欢面条。 don’t=do not意为“不…”表示否定含义 4.Are you a good boy?你是一个好孩子(男孩)吗? 肯定回答是Yes, I am. 否定回答是No,I’m not. 语法:学会用句型“I don’t like…”表达自己不喜欢…. Module3知识点 本课涉及的单词有: banana香蕉apple苹果milk牛奶orange柑橘,橙fruit水果milkshake奶昔tomato番茄,西红柿everything 每件事,所有事really 很,非常their 他/她/它们的favourite最喜欢的事物 二、本课涉及的短语有: fruit milkshake水果奶昔 三、本课涉及的重点句子有: 1. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗?(回答是一定要有Yes或者No,用do提问用do回答)
