



ted增强自信心的三个小技巧英文回答:1. Speak slowly and clearly. When you speak slowly and clearly, you project an image of confidence. This is because you have time to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. You also give your audience time to process what you're saying, which makes them more likely to understand and remember it.2. Make eye contact. Making eye contact with your audience is another way to project confidence. This is because it shows that you're engaged with them and thatyou're not afraid to look them in the eye. Eye contact also helps to build rapport with your audience, which can make them more receptive to what you have to say.3. Use positive body language. Your body language can also communicate confidence. Stand up straight, make eye contact, and smile. These are all signs of confidence thatwill make you appear more confident to others.中文回答:1. 慢速清楚地说话。

ted 怎样相信自己成为可以成为的人演讲稿

ted 怎样相信自己成为可以成为的人演讲稿

ted 怎样相信自己成为可以成为的人演讲稿TED演讲是一种全球范围内广为人知的演讲形式,每一场TED演讲都是经过精心选择的,讲述者们分享了他们的想法、见解和观点。



1. TED演讲中的启发让我们来回顾一下一些TED演讲中最具启发性的部分。




2. TED演讲中的案例分析第二,让我们通过一些具体的案例来进一步分析这一主题。



3. 个人观点和理解接下来,让我分享一下我自己对于这一主题的个人观点和理解。



4. 总结与展望在这篇文章中,我们对TED演讲中的相信自己成为可以成为的人这一主题进行了全面评估,并据此撰写了一篇有价值的文章。








2. 培养积极的心态:积极的心态可以让你更加自信,因为你相信自己能够做到。


3. 大声说出来:在家里或者朋友面前,大声说出自己的想法和意见。


4. 学会接受自己:不完美是人之常情,学会接受自己的不足,并且相信自己有改善的能力。

5. 提高自己的技能和知识:通过学习和实践,提高自己的技能和知识,可以增加自信心。


6. 与他人交流:与他人交流可以让自己更加自信。


7. 锻炼身体:每天适当的运动可以让自己更加自信。


8. 相信自己:相信自己的能力,相信自己能够做到。



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tedhow to build confidence 演讲稿

tedhow to build confidence 演讲稿

tedhow to build confidence 演讲稿嗨,亲爱的朋友们!今天我们要聊一聊如何建立自信这个话题。


























提升自信的技巧ted演讲稿英文回答:Introduction.Confidence is a crucial aspect of personal and professional success. It empowers us to take risks, pursue our goals, and navigate life's challenges with greater ease and resilience. In this talk, we will explore proven techniques to boost our self-confidence and unlock our full potential.Embrace Challenges and Learn from Failure.One of the most effective ways to build confidence is to embrace challenges and learn from our failures. When we step outside our comfort zones and attempt tasks that push our limits, we inevitably encounter setbacks. However, itis our response to these setbacks that truly matters. Instead of giving up or dwelling on our mistakes, we shouldview them as opportunities for growth and learning. By analyzing why we failed and identifying areas for improvement, we can emerge from each experience stronger and more confident in our abilities.Practice Positive Self-Talk.The way we talk to ourselves has a profound impact on our self-confidence. If we engage in negative self-talk, constantly criticizing and berating ourselves, it can undermine our sense of self-worth and hinder our progress. To counteract this, we must make a conscious effort to practice positive self-talk. This means replacing self-criticism with positive affirmations and focusing on our strengths and accomplishments. By doing so, we can gradually rewire our brains to see ourselves in a more positive light, which in turn boosts our confidence.Surround Yourself with Positive People.The people we spend time with have a significant influence on our self-confidence. If we surround ourselveswith negative or unsupportive individuals, it can drag us down and make it harder to maintain a positive self-image. Instead, we should seek out positive and supportive people who believe in us and encourage us to reach our full potential. Their positive energy and belief in ourabilities can help us to see ourselves in a more positive light and bolster our self-confidence.Set Realistic Goals and Celebrate Successes.Setting realistic goals is essential for building confidence. If we set our sights too high and fail to achieve our objectives, it can damage our self-confidence. Instead, we should break down large goals into smaller, more manageable steps. By achieving these smaller goals one by one, we can gradually build a sense of accomplishment and momentum, which in turn boosts our confidence. Additionally, it is important to recognize and celebrate our successes, no matter how small. Each accomplishment, no matter how insignificant it may seem, is a testament to our efforts and a reason to be proud of ourselves.Take Care of Your Physical and Mental Health.Our physical and mental health also play a vital rolein our self-confidence. When we feel good about ourselves both physically and mentally, we are more likely to have a positive self-image and feel confident in our abilities. To enhance our physical well-being, we should engage in regular exercise, eat a healthy diet, and get enough sleep. To improve our mental health, we can practice mindfulness techniques such as meditation or yoga, engage in activities that bring us joy, and seek professional help if needed.Conclusion.Building self-confidence is a journey that requires time and effort. By embracing challenges, practicing positive self-talk, surrounding ourselves with positive people, setting realistic goals, celebrating successes, and taking care of our physical and mental health, we can gradually boost our self-confidence and unlock our true potential. Remember, self-confidence is not a destination but an ongoing process of growth and learning. As wecontinue to challenge ourselves, learn from our experiences, and surround ourselves with positive influences, we can cultivate a lasting sense of self-confidence that will empower us to achieve our goals and live a more fulfilling life.中文回答:引言。






















































| 英文 |In my past life as a soccer coach, once you won a national championship, everyone wants to come play for you.Really not true. Once you paid them $25,000 a year in scholarships, everybody wants to come play for you. And parents would always come to me and they’d say: “Okay, my son or my daughter wants to come play at your university, what is it that we have to do? You know, what are you looking for?”And being the Socratic professor that I am, I say, well, what does your son or daughter do? What do they do really well that we’d be interested in? And typically their answers are, well, they’ve got great vision. They’re really good. They can see the entire field. Or, my daughter is the fastest player, there’s nobody that can beat her. Or, my son’s got a great left-footer. Really great in the air and can hit every ball.I’m like: “Yeah, not bad; but to be quite honest with you, those are the last things I’m looking for. The most important thing? Self-confidence.”Without that sk ill, and I use the word skill intentionally, without that skill, we are useless as a soccer player. Because when you lose sight or belief in yourself, we’re done for.I use the definition of self-confidence to be the ability or the belief to believe in yourself, to accomplish any task, no matter the odds, no matter the difficulty, no matter the adversity. The belief that you can accomplish it – self-confidence.Some of you are saying, “Great, I don’t have it. I’m so shy. I’ll never do that, bla, bla, bla.”A nd you start to drag all the way down here. But, I use the word skill because I believe it can betrained. And I’ll show you a couple of ways in which we do. Hopefully I won’t run out of time. I don’t use any slides because my speech always goes here, or h ere, or here. So we’ll see which way we get to.The easiest way to build self-confidence: there’s no magic button. I can’t say: “Hey, this plane is going down, who can fly? Put your hand up.”“I can, I’m confident!”Repetition, repetition, repetition. Right?What does Malcom Gladwell call it, the 10,000-hour rule? There’s no magic button.I recruited a goalie from Colombia, South America one year. Big, tall 6’3″ man. You know, he had hands like stone. I thought he was like Flipper. Every time I threw him the ball, down, onto the ground. I was like, oh my god, we’re in trouble.Simple solution: get to the wall, kick a ball against the wall and catch it. Kick the ball against the wall and catch it.His goal was 350 a day for eight months. He came back, his hands were calloused, the moisture on his hands were literally gone, he is now playing in Europe. Magic? No.Repetition, repetition, repetition.The problem is, we expect to be self-confident but we can’t be unless the skill, or the task we’re doing, is not novel, is not new to us. We want to be in a situation where we have so much pressure in that and what I mean, because pressure builds diamonds, we want to be in a situation where “Hey, I’ve done this a thousand times”.I did my speech, and I practiced in front of a mirror: bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. Hey I’m sounding good. And then I went in front of my kids, and my wife. I said, oh gosh, I got a little nervous.Then I’d get in front of Glenn Gould, Oh my goodness, I am a little more nervous! By the time I get to the ACG, where 2,500 people, can’t say anymore, right? Twenty-five hundred people,where twenty-five hundred people are there, I won’t have a single ounce of nervousness because of my ability to practice. Right?Over, and over, and over, again.The problem with repetition is: how many of us bail after the first bit of failure? How many of us bail after the first bit of adversity? Edison was on that video, and it depends who you ask, there’s anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 tries to build that light bulb. 1,000 to 10,000.J.K Rowling should be on that video. Do you know how many publishers she took her Harry Potter book to? I believe the number was 12 or 13…I am pretty confident but after two or three no’s I’d be like: “damn it!”.After six or seven, I’m like: “maybe not!” Definitely after nine or ten, I’d be looking to be a soccer coach or something else besides an author. Right? I mean, twelve times somebody said no. But, practice, practice, practice, and do not accept failure.Maybe it shouldn’t be repetit ion, maybe the answer should be persistence. Because we all repeat something but very few of us really will persist. So that’s one way to build self-confidence.Get out there. Do what you want to do and do not accept no.The other one is self-talk. We all have a self-talk tape that plays in our head. Anybody go shopping and put on a pair of pants this week? If you’re a woman, the first thing that always comes: “Damn I look fat in these pants!.”And if you’re a man, it’s the opposite: “Oh god, I got no muscle, I’m so flabby!” Right? We all have this tape that plays in our head.As a student, if they asked me the question, it was like: “Oh, gee please professor don’t pick me, I don’t know the answer.” I’d look down. Right?If you’re in the b…when I, let me tell you something, and the VP of business admin is here, I shouldn’t repeat this, but when they hired me as an athletics director, I sat in an architect’s meeting, and I am as dumb as a post when it comes to anything to do with numbers and angles.And they are like: the fundibulator valve of the architectural, uh, what do you think doctor Joseph? Uh, let me look into that for you and get back to you. Right? I was in a, oh god god, please don’t ask me, please don’t ask me. We all have this negative self-talk that goes in our head.Guess what? There’s enough people that are telling us we can’t do it. That we’re not good enough. Why do we want to tell ourselves that? We know for a fact that thoughts influence actions. We saw it there with the video Sheldon, Dr. Levy showed.We know that our thoughts influence actions, why do we want to say that negative self-talk to ourselves? We need to get our own self-affirmations. Muhammad Ali, what was his self-affirmation? I am the greatest! Who else is going to tell you?There need to be quiet moments in your bedroom, quiet moments when you’re brushing your teeth. That we need to reaffirm: “I am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate!” That is my affirmation.I came from a school of one thousand people, I lived in a town of one thousand people for fifteen years; there’s no reason that I should be in charge of an Athletics department, building maple leaf gardens. But I am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate.If I don’t say it, if I don’t believe it, no one else will.How do you build self-confidence? Get away from the people who will tear you down. There’s enough of that.Muhammad Ali, I am the greatest! There is no one better than me. There’s a difference between hubris, and ego, and false pride. It’s just reminding yourself in quiet silent moments, I put it down on a list, it’s right beside my mirror, right? about all the things that make me who I am.Because I make enough mistakes, and the newspapers will recognize it, and people around me will recognize i t; and they’ll tear me down, and pretty soon I’ll begin to believe it.There was a time when my confidence was really low. There was a time when I took this job when I came from Iowa, I don’t know if I could do it. I had to bring out my self-confidence letter.A letter I wrote to myself when I was feeling good. Ivan, congratulations on getting your PhD before 40. Congra…I am 40, under. Congratulations on winning a national championship. Good job on raising three good kids and marrying the right woman.I wrote a letter to myself, it was my own brag sheet. My own letter about the things I was proud of. Because there are moments, and we’ll all experience them in our career, in our lives, in our job hunting, in our relationships; when we are not feeling good about who, and what, and where we are.And I had to bring out that letter and read it time and time again, for a period of about two weeks, to weather me through that storm. It was important. Stop the negative self-talk. If you watch you’ll see some athletes that have a little bandage, or a little brand around them.Lance Armstrong is a perfect one. What’s his self-affirmation? Livestrong isn’t a brand, it was to remind him of who he was. Live strong. Then it became a brand. He would move that from one arm to the next arm, when doubt and fear cameinto his mind. Live strong, put it on there, let’s go. We’ll all have it, we place it.Two ways to build self-confidence. I’m worried about my time, I’m going to tell you of one way you can build self-confidence in others. We are coaches and educators, we are teachers, we are people who will create value in the world; and in doing that, we are critical by the nature of what we do.I am a coach, I want you to score a goal. The ball went over high. “Dang it!” The ball went high! “Thank you coach, I know that. Feedback tells me that.” So what do we do? I need you to put your elbow here, I need you to put your knee over the ball, I need you to follow through. Boom. Land. Great.Notice, I never made it as a professional. What can we do? We fix mistakes. When I’m fixing that mistake: “Johnny, this is terrible, you need to bend your knee, you need to do this, this.”What have I done to Johnny’s self-confidence? Bend your knee, then do this, then do this. Next thing you know, Jo hnny’s crushed. Ignore what Johnny does wrong and find Bob or Sally or Freda over here. Great goal Freda, I love how you kept your knee low, you followed through, and you landed like this. Great job!Johnny: “Oh?” Great! Johnny’s not demoralized. His confi dence isn’t shot, and what I’ve done is, I’ve built up Freda’s. Imagine how we could change the way we parented kids. Instead of: “get that glass off the counter, what’s wrong with you?”If we catch the mother, good. Great job! Great job. Thank you Alice for taking your glass to the counter. It sounds simple but we forget about it. Or as educators, or as somebody as a team, if we manage to praise the positive behaviour that we wanted toreinforce. We forget it. It sounds so simple.Catch them when they’re good. We forget it. It’s simple. Here’s what they did.There was a study in Kansas that did this. They did video, and we all do video. And we show the video of them doing the run of the play: “Um, this goal happened because the basket wasn’t protected, we d idn’t rotate here, right? We needed to do this and then cover the slot.”And, if that’s the baseline, improvement of the Kansas State team went like this. Then, they said they ignored all of that and they just showed them the times they did it right. The times they did it perfect. That presented no goals, spoke to the same points, improvement went like that.It changed and revolutionized the way we as coaches interact with our student athletes. We can apply that to the business world, we can apply that to our student group works, we can apply that to our management teams. Easily: catch them when they are good.Last and certainly not least. My son is really good at this. Self-confident people interpret feedback the way they choose to. I ask my son who is by the far a terrible, terrible athlete, gets it from his dad.The game’s…How’s the game? Oh great! I scored three goals, I got two assists. I’m like: “I did not see him touch the puck!” But he has his own perception of how he did! I love it!Right? I’m the…I’m that guy! I’m like: “I remember when I was taking when I met my wife, it was in the commons. “Paulie, would you like to go to the movies? Ladies? Tingly, tingly, tingle.” And she goes: “Ah, no.” I asked her again. Because I think that she just hasn’t see n me in the right light.Maybe, that’s not the wrong shirt on. Right? Because I’m interpreting that the way I want to interpret it.Finally I asked her out again. She gave me this one comment, right? Or, she sent it to her friend. Because that’s the way yo u did it back then. “She wouldn’t date you unless there was the last person on Earth, hell was freezing over, there was a small chance we had to save the planet Earth. Some people, it’s like, there’s no chance.I’m like: “You’re saying there’s a chance.” R ight? Because that’s how I’m going to interpret it. If I could give you one thing to take from this, it is: no one will believe in you unless you do.Listen to the words of that video, here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes. We’re supposed to be different, folks. And when people look at us, believe in yourself.Thank you。



ted提升自信的技巧中英演讲稿Many people yearn to be more self-confident. Yet they have no idea how to achieve that objective. They look at others who have the gift and say, “Hey that's what I want. I hate feeling unsure of myself. I wish I could stop obsessing about what others think of me and quit worrying about disappointing other people. I want to stop anguishing over my decisions and torturing myself about my mistakes. I think it would be so great to feel self-assured, hold my head up high and stand tall. I've never been self-confident. I wish there were a way I could be.”There is a way. You don't have to be born with self-confidence. Self-confidence can grow and flourish and ripen and blossom until you actually come to feel as though there is a different person inside of you. Here are some insights that might facilitate the quest.Learn what a self-confident person is really like. They are not cocky, know-it-all people who don't care what anybody else thinks. They have their doubts. And make mistakes. And are far from perfect. However, they are willing to acknowledge their inadequacieswithout dwelling on them. They do this by maintaining a sense of humor, putting problems in perspective, and focusing mainly on what they've done right, not wrong.Though self-confident people do believe in themselves, they don't try to suffocate others with their ideas or beliefs. They are confident in what they know not only because they read, learn and think but also because they respect their instinct, intuition and the unique body of knowledge that they've developed by living life. They realize that one doesn't have to be labeled an “expert” to believe in one's own truths.Self-confident people don't undermine their own worth by comparing themselves with others, only to conclude that they aren't “good enough”. They appreciate their strengths and accomplishments and can acknowledge, without embarrassment, their weaknesses. They don't live in the “victim” position. Even if something really bad has occurred, they turn it into a challenge, remembering to be grateful for the little things in life.Self-confident people let the world know who they are. If they want something badly enough, they know they have every right to“go for it.” Yet, they also know that the path will rarely be easy. Mistakes, blunders and failures are part of the learning process. They seek to learn from their mistakes and do not waste time torturing themselves over what “could have been”.Self-confident people are not obstinate people. If they have an idea about something and it differs from the way another person is thinking about it, they will usually try to look at it from that person's point of view, see why it makes sense to them. Yet, a confident person's sense of self is grounded. It does not blow in the wind. Their ideas do not fluctuate based on what others deem are important.I hope these insights are helpful to you. If so, perhaps one day you will be able to say what the actress Phyllis Rashad once said, simply but eloquently, ” I am just myself and who I am is a lot.”。


























| 英文演讲稿 |In my past life as a soccer coach, once you won a national championship, everyone wants to come play for you.Really not true. Once you paid them $25,000 a year in scholarships, everybody wants to come play for you. And parents would always come to me and they’d say: “Okay, my son or my daughter wants to come play at your university, what is it that we have to do? You know, what are you looking for?”And being the Socratic professor that I am, I say, well, what does your son or daughter do? What do they do really well that we’d be interested in? And typically their answers are, well, they’ve got great vision. They’re really good. They cansee the entire field. Or, my daughter is the fastest player, there’s nobody that can beat her. Or, my son’s got a great left-footer. Really great in the air and can hit every ball.I’m like: “Yeah, not bad; but to be quite honest with you, those are the last things I’m looking for. The most important thing? Self-confidence.”Without that skill, and I use the word skill intentionally, without that skill, we are useless as a soccer player. Because when you lose sight or belief in yourself, we’re done for.I use the definition of self-confidence to be the ability or the belief to believe in yourself, to accomplish any task, no matter the odds, no matter the difficulty, no matter the adversity. The belief that you can accomplish it –self-confidence.Some of you are saying, “Great, I don’t have it. I’m so shy. I’ll never do that, bla, bla, bla.”And you start to drag all the way down here. But, I use the word skill because I believe it can be trained. And I’ll show you a couple of ways in which we do. Hopefully I won’t run out of time. I don’t use any slides because my speech always goes here, or here, or here. So we’ll see which way we get to.The easiest way to build self-confidence: there’s no magicbutton. I can’t say: “Hey, this plane is going down, who can fly? Put your hand up.”“I can, I’m confident!”Repetition, repetition, repetition. Right?What does Malcom Gladwell call it, the 10,000-hour rule? There’s no magic button.I recruited a goalie from Colombia, South America one year. Big, tall 6’3″ man. You know, he had hands like stone. I thought he was like Flipper. Every time I threw him the ball, down, onto the ground. I was like, oh my god, we’re in trouble.Simple solution: get to the wall, kick a ball against the wall and catch it. Kick the ball against the wall and catch it.His goal was 350 a day for eight months. He came back, his hands were calloused, the moisture on his hands were literally gone, he is now playing in Europe. Magic? No.Repetition, repetition, repetition.The problem is, we expect to be self-confident but we can’t be unless the skill, or the task we’re doing, is not novel, is not new to us. We want to be in a situation where we have so much pressure in that and what I mean, because pressure builds diamonds, we want to be in a situation where “Hey, I’ve done this a thousand times”.I did my speech, and I practiced in front of a mirror: bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. Hey I’m sounding good. And then I wentin front of my kids, and my wife. I said, oh gosh, I got a little nervous.Then I’d get in front of Glenn Gould, Oh my goodness, I am a little more nervous! By the time I get to the ACG, where 2,500 people, can’t say anymore, right? Twenty-five hundred people, where twenty-five hundred people are there, I won’t have a single ounce of nervousness because of my ability to practice. Right?Over, and over, and over, again.The problem with repetition is: how many of us bail after the first bit of failure? How many of us bail after the first bit of adversity? Edison was on that video, and it depends who you ask, there’s anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 tries to build that light bulb. 1,000 to 10,000.J.K Rowling should be on that video. Do you know how many publishers she took her Harry Potter book to? I believe the number was 12 or 13…I am pretty confident but after two or three no’s I’d be like: “damn it!”.After six or seven, I’m like: “maybe not!” Definitely after nine or ten, I’d be looking to be a soccer coach or something else besides an author. Right? I mean, twelve times somebody said no. But, practice, practice, practice, and do notaccept failure.Maybe it shouldn’t be repetition, maybe the answer should be persistence. Because we all repeat something but very few of us really will persist. So that’s one way to buildself-confidence.Get out there. Do what you want to do and do not accept no.The other one is self-talk. We all have a self-talk tape that plays in our head. Anybody go shopping and put on a pair of pants this week? If you’re a woman, the first thing that always comes: “Damn I look fat in these pants!.”And if you’re a man, it’s the opposite: “Oh god, I got no muscle, I’m so flabby!” Right? We all have this tape that plays in our head.As a student, if they asked me the question, it was like: “Oh, gee please professor don’t pick me, I don’t know the answer.” I’d look down. Right?If you’re in the b…when I, let me tell you something, and the VP of business admin is here, I shouldn’t repeat this, but when they hired me as an athletics director, I sat in an architect’s meeting, and I am as dumb as a post when it comes to anything to do with numbers and angles.And they are like: the fundibulator valve of the architectural, uh, what do you think doctor Joseph? Uh, let melook into that for you and get back to you. Right? I was in a, oh god god, please don’t ask me, please don’t ask me. We all have this negative self-talk that goes in our head.Guess what? There’s enough people that are telling us we can’t do it. That we’re not good enough. Why do we want to tell ourselves that? We know for a fact that thoughts influence actions. We saw it there with the video Sheldon, Dr. Levy showed.We know that our thoughts influence actions, why do we want to say that negative self-talk to ourselves? We need to get our own self-affirmations. Muhammad Ali, what was hisself-affirmation? I am the greatest! Who else is going to tell you?There need to be quiet moments in your bedroom, quiet moments when you’re brushing your teeth. That we need to reaffirm: “I am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate!” That is my affirmation.I came from a school of one thousand people, I lived in a town of one thousand people for fifteen years; there’s no reason that I should be in charge of an Athletics department, building maple leaf gardens. But I am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate.If I don’t say it, if I don’t believe it, no one elsewill.How do you build self-confidence? Get away from the people who will tear you down. There’s enough of that.Muhammad Ali, I am the greatest! There is no one better than me. There’s a difference between hubris, and ego, and false pride. It’s just reminding yourself in quiet silent moments, I put it down on a list, it’s right beside my mirror, right? about all the things that make me who I am.Because I make enough mistakes, and the newspapers will recognize it, and people around me will recognize it; and they’ll tear me down, and pretty soon I’ll begin to believe it.There was a time when my confidence was really low. There was a time when I took this job when I came from Iowa, I don’t know if I could do it. I had to bring out my self-confidence letter. A letter I wrote to myself when I was feeling good. Ivan, congratulations on getting your PhD before 40. Congra…I am 40, under. Congratulations on winning a national championship. Good job on raising three good kids and marrying the right woman.I wrote a letter to myself, it was my own brag sheet. My own letter about the things I was proud of. Because there are moments, and we’ll all experience them in our career, in our lives, in our job hunting, in our relationships; when we are not feeling good about who, and what, and where we are.And I had to bring out that letter and read it time and time again, for a period of about two weeks, to weather me through that storm. It was important. Stop the negative self-talk. If you watch you’ll see some athletes that have a little bandage, or a little brand around them.Lance Armstrong is a perfect one. What’s hisself-affirmation? Livestrong isn’t a brand, it was to remind him of who he was. Live strong. Then it became a brand. He would move that from one arm to the next arm, when doubt and fear came into his mind. Live strong, put it on there, let’s go. We’ll all have it, we place it.Two ways to build self-confidence. I’m worried about my time, I’m going to tell you of one way you can buildself-confidence in others. We are coaches and educators, we are teachers, we are people who will create value in the world; and in doing that, we are critical by the nature of what we do.I am a coach, I want you to score a goal. The ball went over high. “Dang it!” The ball went high! “Thank you coach, I know that. Feedback tells me that.” So what do we do? I need you to put your elbow here, I need you to put your knee over the ball, I need you to follow through. Boom. Land. Great.Notice, I never made it as a professional. What can we do?We fix mistakes. When I’m fixing that mistake: “Johnny, this is terrible, you need to bend your knee, you need to do this, this.”What have I done to Johnny’s self-confidence? Bend your knee, then do this, then do this. Next thing you know, Johnny’s crushed. Ignore what Johnny does wrong and find Bob or Sally or Freda over here. Great goal Freda, I love how you kept your knee low, you followed through, and you landed like this. Great job!Johnny: “Oh?” Great! Johnny’s not demoralized. His confidence isn’t shot, and what I’ve done is, I’ve built up Freda’s. Imagine how we could change the way we parented kids. Instead of: “get that glass off the counter, what’s wrong with you?”If we catch the mother, good. Great job! Great job. Thank you Alice for taking your glass to the counter. It sounds simple but we forget about it. Or as educators, or as somebody as a team, if we manage to praise the positive behaviour that we wanted to reinforce. We forget it. It sounds so simple.Catch them when they’re good. We forget it. It’s simple. Here’s what they did.There was a study in Kansas that did this. They did video,and we all do video. And we show the video of them doing the run of the play: “Um, this goal happened because the basket wasn’t protected, we didn’t rotate here, right? We needed to do this and then cover the slot.”And, if that’s the baseline, improvement of the Kansas State team went like this. Then, they said they ignored all of that and they just showed them the times they did it right. The times they did it perfect. That presented no goals, spoke to the same points, improvement went like that.It changed and revolutionized the way we as coaches interact with our student athletes. We can apply that to the business world, we can apply that to our student group works, we can apply that to our management teams. Easily: catch them when they are good.Last and certainly not least. My son is really good at this. Self-confident people interpret feedback the way they choose to. I ask my son who is by the far a terrible, terrible athlete, gets it from his dad.The game’s…How’s the game? Oh great! I scored three goals, I got two assists. I’m like: “I did not see him touch the puck!”But he has his own perception of how he did! I love it!Right? I’m the…I’m that guy! I’m like: “I remember whenI was taking when I met my wife, it was in the commons. “Paulie, would you like to go to the movies? Ladies? Tingly, tingly, tingle.” And she goes: “Ah, no.” I asked her again. Because I think that she just hasn’t seen me in the right light.Maybe, that’s not the wrong shirt on. Right? Because I’m interpreting that the way I want to interpret it.Finally I asked her out again. She gave me this one comment, right? Or, she sent it to her friend. Because that’s the way you did it back then. “She wouldn’t date you unless there was the last person on Earth, hell was freezing over, there was a small chance we had to save the planet Earth. Some people, it’s like, there’s no chance.I’m like: “You’re saying there’s a chance.” Right? Because that’s how I’m going to interpret it. If I could give you one thing to take from this, it is: no one will believe in you unless you do.Listen to the words of that video, here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes. We’re supposed to be different, folks. And when people look at us, believe in yourself.Thank you---来源网络整理,仅供参考。

ted six behaviors to increase your confidence译文

ted six behaviors to increase your confidence译文

ted six behaviors to increase your confidence译文摘要:1.引言2.提高自信心的六个行为a.敢于冒险b.表现自己的感激之情c.保持身体健康d.承认自己的弱点e.专注于自己的优势f.接受反馈3.总结正文:在我们的生活和工作中,自信心对我们的成功至关重要。


在TED 的演讲中,心理学家Andy Molinsky 分享了六个可以帮助我们提高自信心的行为。
























ted英文演讲怎样相信自己可以成为想成为的人演讲稿英语Ladies and gentlemen,Today, I want to share with you the importance of believing in yourself and your ability to become the person you aspire to be. Each one of us carries enormous potential within us, waiting to be unleashed. However, this potential can only be realized if we have unwavering belief in ourselves.Every great achievement throughout history was born out of someone's belief that they had the power to make a difference. They had the audacity to dream big and the conviction to pursue those dreams relentlessly. Think about remarkable individuals like Thomas Edison, Marie Curie, or Nelson Mandela – they all faced countless obstacles and setbacks, but their unwavering belief in themselves gave them the strength to persevere.Believing in yourself is not about having blind confidence or ignoring your weaknesses. It is about recognizing your unique qualities, talents, and strengths, as well as acknowledging your limitations. It requires self-awareness and the willingness to continuously improve and grow. By acknowledging both your strengths and weaknesses, you can work on refining your skills and becoming the best version of yourself.One fundamental aspect of believing in oneself is to silence the inner critic. We all have that voice in our heads that tells us we are not good enough, smart enough, or talented enough. It is crucial to challenge these negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of all the times when you overcame challenges and achieved success. Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage and uplift you, as they will play a significant role in boosting your self-belief.Another key element in believing in yourself is setting goals. Having a clear vision of what you want to achieve provides the necessary direction and drive. Break down these goals into small, actionable steps and celebrate each milestone along the way. By consistently fulfilling these mini-goals, you will gradually build your confidence and reinforce your belief in your abilities.Lastly, be persistent. The road to success is rarely linear, and setbacks are bound to happen. But it is during these trying times that your belief in yourself is truly tested. Use these setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Embrace failure as a stepping stone towards success, understanding that it is a natural part of the journey. Remember, every successful person you admire has faced countless failures before reaching their goals.In conclusion, the power of believing in yourself can move mountains. It is the foundation upon which all great accomplishments are built. Nurture this belief within you, even when faced with doubt or adversity. Trust yourself, your abilities, and your dreams. With unwavering self-belief, you can become the person you aspire to be and create a remarkable impact in the world.Thank you.。



How to Become a Confident SpeakerIntroductionPublic speaking is an essential skill that can help you succeed in both your personal and professional life. However, many people struggle with confidence when it comes to delivering a speech or presentation. This article aims to provide you with practical tips and strategies on how to become a confident speaker.1. Prepare ThoroughlyConfidence starts with being well-prepared. Take the time to research and gather information about your topic. Understand the key points you want to convey and organize your speech in a logical flow. Create an outline or script that guides your presentation. The more you know about your subject, the more confident you will feel.2. Practice RegularlyPractice is crucial to building confidence. Rehearse your speech in front of a mirror or record yourself. Pay attention to your body language, voice tone, and pacing. Practice delivering your speech with confidence, making eye contact, and using appropriate gestures. The more you practice, the more natural and comfortable you will become with your material.3. Connect with Your AudienceConfidence is not just about delivering your speech flawlessly; it’s also about connecting with your audience. Establish a rapport with your listeners by starting with a compelling opening. Use personal stories or anecdotes to engage them. Maintain eye contact with different individuals in the audience and be aware of their reactions. Remember, your audience wants you to succeed, so embrace their support and use it to boost your confidence.4. Master Your Body LanguageYour body language can greatly influence how confident you appear as a speaker. Stand tall with good posture, keeping your shoulders back and chest open. Avoid fidgeting or slouching, as it can undermine your confidence. Use gestures to emphasize key points and make your speech more engaging. Move around the stage or presentation area to command attention. A confident body language will not only boost your own confidence but also leave a positive impression on your audience.5. Control Your VoiceYour voice is a powerful tool in public speaking. Practice articulating your words clearly and speaking at an appropriate volume. Vary your pitch and pace to add interest and emphasis to your speech. Use pauses effectively to give your audience tim e to absorb what you’ve said. When you speak with clarity and control, your confidence will shine through.6. Embrace NervousnessEven the most experienced speakers may feel nervous before a presentation. Instead of seeing your nervousness as a weakness, embrace it as a sign that you care about your message. Use that nervous energy to pump yourself up and project enthusiasm. Take deep breaths before and during your speech to help calm your nerves. Remember, a little nervousness is normal and can actually enhance your performance.7. Visualize SuccessVisualization is a powerful technique used by many successful speakers. Before your presentation, imagine yourself speaking confidently and captivating your audience. Visualize positive reactions from the crowd and receiving applause at the end. By programming your mind for success, you will boost your confidence and increase the likelihood of a successful speech.ConclusionBecoming a confident speaker takes time and practice, but it is a skill that can be developed by anyone. By following the tips outlined in this article, you will be on your way to becoming a more confident and effective communicator. Remember, the key is to be prepared, practice regularly, and embrace your own unique style. With perseverance and a positive mindset, you can conquer your fear of public speaking and become a confident and inspiring speaker.。






















ted six behaviors to increase your confidence译文

ted six behaviors to increase your confidence译文

ted six behaviors to increase your confidence译文TED六种行为提高你的自信心自信心是一个关键的品质,它能够帮助我们克服挑战、实现目标,并在各个方面取得成功。

























如何成为自信的人英语演讲"如何成为自信的人"英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen,Today I stand before you to address a topic that is important to all of us: How to become a confident person. Confidence is a trait that can transform our lives, help us achieve our goals, and bring success in many areas. However, building confidence is not an overnight process. It requires self-reflection, effort, and practice. In this speech, I will share with you some steps that can help us become confident individuals.Firstly, self-acceptance is a fundamental step toward building confidence. We need to understand that nobody is perfect, and that is alright. Embracing our strengths and weaknesses, and loving ourselves for who we are, is crucial. Comparing ourselves to others only leads to self-doubt and undermines our confidence. By acknowledging our uniqueness and celebrating our achievements, we can start building a strong foundation of confidence.Secondly, setting realistic goals can significantly contribute to ourconfidence. It is important to define what we want to achieve and create a plan to reach those objectives. Setting small, achievable goals provides us with a sense of accomplishment, reinforcing our belief in our own abilities. As we meet these smaller goals, we can gradually tackle more challenging ones, further boosting our confidence.Next, self-improvement plays a pivotal role in becoming a confident person. By constantly learning new skills, expanding our knowledge, and seeking personal growth, we can enhance our abilities and increase our confidence. Taking courses, attending workshops, or pursuing hobbies that interest us not only enrich our lives but also provide opportunities for self-development. When we witness our progress and acquire new competences, our confidence levels naturally increase.Moreover, positive self-talk is an effective technique to build confidence. Our inner voice can either be our greatest cheerleader or our harshest critic. By consciously practicing positive self-talk, we can replace negative thoughts with uplifting affirmations. Reminding ourselves of our strengths, acknowledging our accomplishments, and visualizing success will gradually reshapeour mindset, reinforcing our confidence.Additionally, surrounding ourselves with supportive and positive individuals is crucial. We should seek the company of people who believe in us and uplift us. Their encouragement and feedback can boost our self-esteem and motivate us to reach our potential. Conversely, toxic relationships and negative influences can erode our confidence. Recognizing unhealthy connections and distancing ourselves from them allows us to focus on building positive relationships that nurture our confidence.Lastly, practice and experience are key to building confidence. Stepping out of our comfort zones and facing challenges head-on can be daunting, but it is essential for growth. Each small step we take outside our comfort zone expands our confidence, making us more comfortable with taking risks and facing new situations. With each experience, we learn and grow, becoming more resilient and confident individuals.In conclusion, becoming a confident person is a journey that requires self-acceptance, goal-setting, self-improvement, positive self-talk, a supportive network, and practice. Confidence is not aninherent trait; it can be cultivated through deliberate effort. As we embark on this journey, let us remember that confidence is not about being better than others but about believing in ourselves. By following these steps, we can become the best versions of ourselves and radiate confidence in all areas of our lives.Thank you.。



让内向变成自信,让演讲成为你的另一个自我——TED英语演讲稿Let Your Shyness Turn into Confidence: Let TED English Speech Be Your Alter EgoAs an introverted individual, it can be challenging to express yourself in public, especially in a group setting. It is a common misconception that being introverted is synonymous with being shy. However, that’s not always the case. Introverts are often quiet, reserved, and more comfortable in solitary activities, while shy individuals are prone to avoiding social situations or reluctant to initiate conversations. Regardless of whether you’re introverted or shy, public speaking can become an intimidating task.However, there are ways to overcome these feelings ofself-doubt and turn shyness into self-confidence. One such tool is TED talks. TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a non-profit organization that organizes conferencesfeaturing speakers who give presentations about varioustopics like science, business, technology, and culture. TED has been instrumental in helping people develop their communication skills, and it can be a particularly usefulresource for introverted or shy individuals looking to become more confident communicators.Here are a few reasons why TED talks can be beneficial:1. They Provide Opportunities to Learn from Great SpeakersTED talks feature some of the best communicators in the world. Listening to their talks can help an individual learn new communication techniques and become familiar withspeaking patterns and styles. One can learn techniques suchas voice modulation, body language, and eye contact, whichcan help improve the overall quality of their public speaking.2. TED Talks Can Boost Your ConfidenceWatching inspiring talks and seeing how speakers convey their message with confidence and authority can be empowering. When you watch a TED talk, you might feel like you’re in the audience, but in reality, you are learning from the speaker's charisma and confidence. This can help you gain confidence in your communication skills and inspire you to work on your own style of public speaking.3. TED Talks Help You Find Your VoiceAn essential aspect of public speaking is finding one's voice – the ability to speak with authenticity and passionon topics. TED talks can help individuals identify topicsthat excite them and help them craft a story that they feel passionate about. They can also help individuals build their brand and establish a reputation through public speaking opportunities.4. TED Talks Can Help Build NetworksParticipating in TED talks and attending conferences can help individuals build their networks. These opportunitiesoffer chances to meet like-minded individuals, develop friendships, and learn from others' experiences. The atmosphere at TED conferences is supportive and collaborative, which makes it easier to connect with individuals fromdifferent backgrounds and professional settings.5. TED Talks Offer Global ExposureTED conferences are incredibly diverse, with participants and speakers from all over the world. Participating in a TED talk or attending a conference can provide exposure to different cultures, ideas, and perspectives. This exposure can help individuals develop a global perspective and build empathy towards individuals from different backgrounds.ConclusionIn conclusion, public speaking is a crucial skill that individuals need to develop, regardless of their professionor the field they work in. TED talks provide an essential platform for individuals to grow, learn and ultimately, craft their story. They are an excellent resource for introverted and shy individuals looking to build their confidence and improve their communication skills. While it may take time and practice to become a great communicator, TED talks offer an excellent opportunity to learn from the best and hone your skills in a supportive environment. So, don't let your shyness hold you back. Take the first step towards becoming a better communicator today!。

ted six behaviors to increase your confidence译文

ted six behaviors to increase your confidence译文

ted six behaviors to increase your confidence译文【实用版】目录1.保持积极的心态2.改变自己的形象3.学会自我肯定4.培养自我成长意识5.勇于面对挑战6.坚持锻炼身体正文提高自信的六个行为自信对于每个人来说都是非常重要的,它能让我们在生活中更加勇敢地面对挑战。






















































Remark:TED音频下载,网易云音乐搜索主播电台:TED英语演说提高自信的3个技巧来自TED英语演说00:0004:16中英对照演讲稿When faced with a big challenge where potential failure seems to lurk at every corner,maybe you've heard this advice before:'Be more confident.'面对一项艰难的挑战,面临各种失败的可能性,也许你听过这么一则建议:要对自己有信心!And most likely, this is what you think when you hear it:'If only it were that simple.'But what is confidence?但你脑中往往会浮现这个念头:要是有这么简单就好了!自信到底是什么?Take the belief that you are valuable, worthwhile, and capable,also known as self-esteem,add in the optimism that comes when you are certain of your abilities,and then empowered by these,act courageously to face a challenge head-on.相信自己的价值和能力,也就是培养自尊心,能肯定自己,心态自然比较乐观,心中充满正面力量,便能勇于迎向挑战This is confidence.It turns thoughts into action.So where does confidence even come from?There are several factors that impact confidence.这就是自信,它提供实现理想的动力,那么自信从哪里来呢?影响自信的因素很多One: what you're born with, such as your genes,首先是先天的因素which will impact things like the balance of neurochemicals in your brain.像是基因会左右大脑神经化学物质的平衡Two: how you're treated.其次是他人对待你的方式This includes the social pressures of your environment.像是生活中的同侪压力And three: the part you have control over,第三个因素则是你自己the choices you make,你所做的各种决定the risks you take,选择承担的风险and how you think about and respond to challenges and setbacks.以及如何面对挑战与挫折It isn't possible to completely untangle these three factors, 这些因素的关系密不可分but the personal choices we make certainly play a major role 不过个人的决定in confidence development.在自信的发展中扮演关键角色So, by keeping in mind a few practical tips,只要记住以下几个实用的秘诀we do actually have the power to cultivate our own confidence.就能为自己建立自信心Tip 1: a quick fix.秘诀一:快速补充自信There are a few tricks that can give you an immediate confidence boost in the short term.善用小技巧让自己在短时间内自信心倍增Picture your success when you're beginning a difficult task, 先想象成功的样子再开始进行困难的任务something as simple as listening to music with deep bass;或者听听重低音音乐it can promote feelings of power.如此一来可以提升正面能量You can even strike a powerful pose or give yourself a pep talk.也可以摆出胜利的姿势或为自己加油打气Tip two: believe in your ability to improve.秘诀二:相信自己会进步If you're looking for a long-term change,如果你追求的不只是一时的改变consider the way you think about your abilities and talents.不妨想一想自己对才能的看法Do you think they are fixed at birth,能力是受先天因素主宰?or that they can be developed, like a muscle?还是像肌肉一样可以锻炼?These beliefs matter because they can influence how you act 这些想法很重要when you're faced with setbacks.面对挫折的态度会因看法而异If you have a fixed mindset, meaning that you think yourtalents are locked in place,属于「固定型思维」的人认为能力出生时就已经注定you might give up,遇到困难就容易放弃assuming you've discovered something you're not very good at.觉得自己就是不擅长这件事But if you have a growth mindset and think your abilities can improve,若你拥有「成长型思维」相信努力就会进步a challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow.挑战便成了自我成长的好机会Neuroscience supports the growth mindset.神经科学也验证了这项理论The connections in your brain do get stronger and grow with study and practice.透过学习与练习神经元之间的联结确实会增强It also turns out, on average,研究也指出people who have a growth mindset are more successful,有成长型思维的人通常比较成功getting better grades,成绩比较好and doing better in the face of challenges.面对挑战的表现也比较出色Tip three: practice failure.秘诀三:练习失败Face it, you're going to fail sometimes.面对现实吧!每个人都会失败Everyone does.没有例外J.K. Rowling was rejected by twelve different publishersJ.K.罗琳的《哈利波特》被退件了12次before one picked up 'Harry Potter.'才找到出版商愿意出版The Wright Brothers built on history's failed attempts at flight,莱特兄弟记取前人失败的教训including some of their own,自己也失败多次以后before designing a successful airplane.才设计出可以翱翔天际的飞机Studies show that those who fail regularly and keep trying anyway研究指出经常挫败却不轻易放弃的人are better equipped to respond to challenges and setbacks in a constructive way.比较有能力面对打击与挑战They learn how to try different strategies,他们懂得尝试不同的策略ask others for advice,询问他人意见and perservere.并坚持不懈So, think of a challenge you want to take on,想想未来要面对的挑战realize it's not going to be easy,过程中想必会遇到难题accept that you'll make mistakes,可能也会犯下一些错误and be kind to yourself when you do.到时候别对自己太严苛Give yourself a pep talk, stand up, and go for it.给自己一些鼓励克服问题,然后继续努力The excitement you'll feel knowing that whatever the result, 你会意识到重要的不是结果you'll have gained greater knowledge and understanding. 而是过程中的成长与启发This is confidence.那份感受,就是真正的自信。




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| 英文演讲稿 |In my past life as a soccer coach, once you won a national championship, everyone wants to come play for you.Really not true. Once you paid them $25,000 a year in scholarships, everybody wants to come play for you. And parents would always come to me and they’d say: “Okay, my son or my daughter wants to come play at your university, what is it that we have to do? You know, what are you looking for?”And being the Socratic professor that I am, I say, well, what does your son or daughter do? What do they do really well that we’d be interested in? And typically their answers are, well, they’ve got great vision. They’re really good. They can see the entire field. Or, my daughter is the fastest player, there’s nobody that can beat her. Or, my son’s got a great left-footer. Really great in the air and can hit every ball.I’m like: “Yeah, not bad; but to be quite honest with you, those are the last things I’m looking for. The most important thing? Self-confidence.”Without that skill, and I use the word skill intentionally, without that skill, we are useless as a soccer player. Because when you lose sight or belief in yourself, we’re done for.I use the definition of self-confidence to be the ability or the belief to believe in yourself, to accomplish any task, no matter the odds, no matter the difficulty, no matter the adversity. The belief that you can accomplish it – self-confidence.Some of you are saying, “Great, I don’t have it. I’m so shy. I’ll never do that, bla, bla, bla.”And you start to drag all the way down here. But, I use the word skill because I believe it can be trained. And I’ll show you a couple of ways in which we do. Hopefully I won’t run out of time. I don’t use any slidesbecause my speech always goes here, or here, or here. So we’ll see which way we get to.The easiest way to build self-confidence: there’s no magic button. I can’t say: “Hey, this plane is going down, who can fly? Put your hand up.”“I can, I’m confident!”Repetition, repetition, repetition. Right?What does Malcom Gladwell call it, the 10,000-hour rule? There’s no magic button.I recruited a goalie from Colombia, South America one year. Big, tall 6’3″ man. You know, he had hands like stone. I thought he was like Flipper. Every time I threw him the ball, down, onto the ground. I was like, oh my god, we’re in trouble.Simple solution: get to the wall, kick a ball against the wall and catch it. Kick the ball against the wall and catch it.His goal was 350 a day for eight months. He came back, his hands were calloused, the moisture on his hands were literally gone, he is now playing in Europe. Magic? No.Repetition, repetition, repetition.The problem is, we expect to be self-confident but we can’t be unless the skill, or the task we’re doing, is not novel, is not new to us. We want to be in a situation where we have so much pressure in that and what I mean,because pressure builds diamonds, we want to be in a situation where “Hey, I’ve done this a thousand times”.I did my speech, and I practiced in front of a mirror: bla, bla, bla, bla, bla, bla. Hey I’m sounding good. And then I went in front of my kids, and my wife. I said, oh gosh, I got a little nervous.Then I’d get in front of Glenn Gould, Oh my goodness, I am a little more nervous! By the time I get to the ACG, where 2,500 people, can’t say anymore, right? Twenty-five hundred people, where twenty-five hundred people are there, I won’t have a single ounce of nervousness because of my ability to practice. Right?Over, and over, and over, again.The problem with repetition is: how many of us bail after the first bit of failure? How many of us bail after the first bit of adversity? Edison was on that video, and it depends who you ask, there’s anywhere from 1,000 to 10,000 tries to build that light bulb. 1,000 to 10,000.J.K Rowling should be on that video. Do you know how many publishers she took her Harry Potter book to? I believe the number was 12 or 13…I am pretty confident but after two or three no’s I’d be like: “damn it!”.After six or seven, I’m like: “maybe not!” Definitely after nine or ten, I’d be looking to be a soccer coach or something else besides an author. Right? I mean, twelve times somebody said no. But, practice, practice, practice, and do not accept failure.Maybe it shouldn’t be repetition, maybe the answer should be persistence. Because we all repeat something but very few of us really will persist. So that’s one way to build self-confidence.Get out there. Do what you want to do and do not accept no.The other one is self-talk. We all have a self-talk tape that plays in our head. Anybody go shopping and put on a pair of pants this week? If you’re a woman, the first thing that always comes: “Damn I look fat in these pants!.”And if you’re a man, it’s the opposite: “Oh god, I got no muscle, I’m so flabby!” Right? We all have this tape that plays in our head.As a student, if they asked me the question, it was like: “Oh, gee please professor don’t pick me, I don’t know the answer.” I’d look down. Right?If you’re in the b…when I, let me tel l you something, and the VP of business admin is here, I shouldn’t repeat this, butwhen they hired me as an athletics director, I sat in an architect’s meeting, and I am as dumb as a post when it comes to anything to do with numbers and angles.And they are like: the fundibulator valve of the architectural, uh, what do you think doctor Joseph? Uh, let me look into that for you and get back to you. Right? I was in a, oh god god, please don’t ask me, please don’t ask me. We all have this negative self-talk that goes in our head.Guess what? There’s enough people that are telling us we can’t do it. That we’re not good enough. Why do we want to tell ourselves that? We know for a fact that thoughts influence actions. We saw it there with the video Sheldon, Dr. Levy showed.We know that our thoughts influence actions, why do we want to say that negative self-talk to ourselves? We need to get our own self-affirmations. Muhammad Ali, what was his self-affirmation? I am the greatest! Who else is going to tell you?There need to be quiet moments in your bedroom, quiet moments when you’re brushing your teeth. That we need to reaffirm: “I am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate!” That is my affirmation.I came from a school of one thousand people, I lived in a town of one thousand people for fifteen years; there’s no reason that I should be in charge of an Athletics department, building maple leaf gardens. But I am the captain of my ship and the master of my fate.If I don’t say it, if I don’t believe it, no one else will.How do you build self-confidence? Get away from the people who will tear you down. There’s enough of that.Muhammad Ali, I am the greatest! There is no one better than me. There’s a difference between hubris, and ego, and false pride. It’s just reminding yourself in quiet silent moments, I put it down on a list, it’s right beside my mirror, right? about all the things that make me who I am.Because I make enough mistakes, and the newspapers will recognize it, and people around me will recognize it; and they’ll tear me down, and pretty soon I’ll begin to believe it.There was a time when my confidence was really low. There was a time when I took this job when I came from Iowa, I don’t know if I could do it. I had to bring out my self-confidence letter.A letter I wrote to myself when I was feeling good. Ivan,congratulations on getting your PhD before 40. Congra…I am 40, under. Congratulations on winning a national championship. Good job on raising three good kids and marrying the right woman.I wrote a letter to myself, it was my own brag sheet. My own letter about the things I was proud of. Because there are moments, and we’ll all experience them in our career, in our lives, in our job hunting, in our relationships; when we are not feeling good about who, and what, and where we are.And I had to bring out that letter and read it time and time again, for a period of about two weeks, to weather me through that storm. It was important. Stop the negative self-talk. If you watch you’ll see some athletes that have a little bandage, or a little brand around them.Lance Armstrong is a perfect one. What’s his self-affirmation? Livestrong isn’t a brand, it was to remind him of who he was. Live strong. Then it became a brand. He would move that from one arm to the next arm, when doubt and fear came into his mind. Live strong, put it on there, let’s go. We’ll all have it, we place it.Two ways to build self-confidence. I’m worried about my time, I’m going to tell you of one way you can build self-confidencein others. We are coaches and educators, we are teachers, we are people who will create value in the world; and in doing that, we are critical by the nature of what we do.I am a coach, I want you to score a goal. The ball went over high. “Dang it!” The ball went high! “Thank you coach, I know that. Feedback tells me that.” So what do we do? I need you to put your elbow here, I need you to put your knee over the ball, I need you to follow through. Boom. Land. Great.Notice, I never made it as a professional. What can we do? We fix mistakes. When I’m fixing that mistake: “Johnny, this is terrible, you need to bend your knee, you n eed to do this, this.”What have I done to Johnny’s self-confidence? Bend your knee, then do this, then do this. Next thing you know, Johnny’s crushed. Ignore what Johnny does wrong and find Bob or Sally or Freda over here. Great goal Freda, I love how you kept your knee low, you followed through, and you landed like this. Great job!Johnny: “Oh?” Great! Johnny’s not demoralized. His confidence isn’t shot, and what I’ve done is, I’ve built up Freda’s. Imagine how we could change the way we parented kids. Instead of: “get that glass off the counter, what’s wrong with you?”If we catch the mother, good. Great job! Great job. Thank you Alice for taking your glass to the counter. It sounds simple but we forget about it. Or as educators, or as somebody as a team, if we manage to praise the positive behaviour that we wanted to reinforce. We forget it. It sounds so simple.Catch them when they’re good. We forget it. It’s simple. Here’s what they did.There was a study in Kansas that did this. They did video, and we all do video. And we show the video of them doing the run of the play: “Um, this goal happened because the basket wasn’t protected, we didn’t rotate here, right? We needed to do this and then cover the slot.”And, if that’s the baseline, improvement of the Kansas State team went like this. Then, they said they ignored all of that and they just showed them the times they did it right. The times they did it perfect. That presented no goals, spoke to the same points, improvement went like that.It changed and revolutionized the way we as coaches interact with our student athletes. We can apply that to the business world, we can apply that to our student group works, we can apply thatto our management teams. Easily: catch them when they are good.Last and certainly not least. My son is really good at this. Self-confident people interpret feedback the way they choose to.I ask my son who is by the far a terrible, terrible athlete, gets it from his dad.The game’s…How’s the game? Oh great! I scored three goals, I got two assists. I’m like: “I did not see him touch the puck!” But he has his own perception of how he did! I love it!Right? I’m the…I’m that guy! I’m like: “I remember when I was taking when I met my wife, it was in the comm ons. “Paulie, would you like to go to the movies? Ladies? Tingly, tingly, tingle.” And she goes: “Ah, no.” I asked her again. Because I think that she just hasn’t seen me in the right light.Maybe, that’s not the wrong shirt on. Right? Because I’m interpreting that the way I want to interpret it.Finally I asked her out again. She gave me this one comment, right? Or, she sent it to her friend. Because that’s the way you did it back then. “She wouldn’t date you unless there was the last person on Earth, hell was freezing over, there was a small chance we had to save the planet Earth. Some people, it’s like,there’s no chance.I’m like: “You’re saying there’s a chance.” Right? Because that’s how I’m going to interpret it. If I could give you one thing to take from this, it is: no one will believe in you unless you do.Listen to the words of that video, here’s to the crazy ones, the misfits, the rebels, the troublemakers, the round pegs in the square holes. We’re supposed to be different, folks. And when people look at us, believe in yourself.Thank you。
