
对面试官的感谢信英语作文(中英文版)Dear Interviewer,I wanted to extend my heartfelt thanks for the opportunity to interview for the position at your esteemed company.The experience was both enlightening and encouraging, and I appreciated the chance to discuss my qualifications and learn more about the role.尊敬的面试官,我想向您表达我最真挚的感谢,感谢您给予我在贵公司面试的机会。
The time and effort you invested in reviewing my application and conducting the interview are greatly appreciated.Your professionalism and kindness throughout the process made me feel valued and confident, and I am grateful for the insightful feedback you provided.您在审阅我的申请和进行面试时所投入的时间和精力,我深感感激。
Regardless of the outcome, I am truly thankful for the chance to interview with your company.It was an honor to meet you and learn about the innovative work your team is doing.Please know that I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your esteemed team and contributing to your continued success.无论结果如何,我真心感谢能与贵公司进行面试的机会。

我是武娜,来自xx外语外贸大学,14号上午8:50参加了贵公司的group assessment,我想面试者众多,您可能忘了我是谁了,呵呵,不知您有没有印象,那场有位面试者老蹲地上捡胸前名字纸牌。
首先,我很感谢贵公司给我这次group assessment的机会,这是我人生第一次group assessment,让我有机会亲身感受德勤office 的工作氛围和气氛,让我真正体念到了团队合作的重要性和技巧性,让我有机会结交新的7位朋友,让我有机会总结自己group assessment的不足和优点,让我对团队工作方式有了更加正确的认识。
您觉得呢?再次感谢贵公司给我group assessment 的机会,让我终生难忘,希望有机会跟您进行更深的交流!此致敬礼武娜20xx年xx月15日dear lisa:i'm sorry to take up your time, i'm wuna, fromxx university of foreign studies, who had took part in the group assessment with the period of 8:50 on 14th november 15, XX。

英语作文给面试官写一封感谢信【中英文实用版】Dear Interviewer,I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the position at your esteemed company.The chance to discuss my skills and experiences with you was truly valuable, and I am incredibly appreciative of the time you dedicated to reviewing my application.尊敬的面试官,我想对您提供面试机会表示衷心的感谢。
Exiting the interview, I felt a great sense of inspiration from our conversation.Your insights into the industry and the company"s culture have further solidified my interest in joining your team.I am particularly impressed by the innovative projects your company is involved in and the collaborative work environment you have fostered.走出面试室后,我深感与您对话的鼓舞。
Once again, thank you for considering my application.I am very enthusiastic about the possibility of contributing to your team and growing with your esteemed company.Please feel free to reach out ifthere are any further questions or additional information you require.再次感谢您考虑我的申请。

给面试官的一份感谢信英语作文Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the position of [job title] at [company name]. The interview process was a truly valuable experience, and I am grateful for the time and consideration you and your team have invested in evaluating my qualifications.Throughout the interview, I was impressed by the professionalism and dedication of your organization. The thoughtful questions posed by the interview panel allowed me to showcase my relevant skills and experience, and the open dialogue gave me a deeper understanding of the role and the company's vision. I am excited by the prospect of joining a team that is so clearly committed to excellence and innovation.As I reflect on the interview, I am confident that my background and qualifications align well with the requirements of the position. My [relevant experience or skills] would enable me to contribute meaningfully to the [department or team] and help drive the company's continued success. I am particularly passionate about[specific aspect of the role] and believe my [unique talent or expertise] would be an asset to your organization.Beyond the specific job requirements, I was also drawn to the company's [positive attributes, such as culture, values, or mission]. The [positive attribute] that I witnessed during the interview process resonates strongly with my own professional and personal values. I am confident that I would thrive in an environment that fosters [positive attribute], and I am eager to be a part of a team that shares a commitment to [positive attribute].If selected for this role, I am confident that I can make a meaningful contribution to your organization. I am excited by the opportunity to leverage my skills and experience to help [company name] achieve its goals, and I am committed to working diligently to exceed your expectations.Once again, thank you for the opportunity to interview for this position. I sincerely appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to the possibility of joining your team.Sincerely,[Your Name]。
下面是x 整理的中英文面试感谢信,欢迎阅读!范文一尊敬的人事部Lisa:Lisa,您好!在此冒昧占用您几分钟。
我是武娜,来自XX外语外贸大学,14号上午8:50参加了贵公司的Group Assessment,我想面试者众多,您可能忘了我是谁了,呵呵,不知您有没有印象,那场有位面试者老蹲地上捡胸前名字纸牌。
首先,我很感谢贵公司给我这次Group Assessment的机会,这是我人生第一次Group Assessment,让我有机会亲身感受德勤office的工作氛围和气氛,让我真正体念到了团队合作的重要性和技巧性,让我有机会结交新的7位朋友,让我有机会总结自己Group Assessment的不足和优点,让我对团队工作方式有了更加正确的认识。
您觉得呢?再次感谢贵公司给我Group Assessment 的机会,让我终生难忘,希望有机会跟您进行更深的交流!此致敬礼武娜20XX年xx月xx日dear Lisa:i’m sorry to take up your time, i’m Wuna, fromXX University of Foreign Studies, who had took part in the Group Assessment with the period of 8:50 on 14thNovember 15, 2019。

对hr的感谢信篇一:写给HR的中英文感谢信范文写给HR的中英文感谢信范文尊敬的人事部Lisa:Lisa,您好!在此冒昧占用您几分钟.我是武娜,来自广东外语外贸大学,14号上午8:50参加了贵公司的Groupassessment,我想面试者众多,您可能忘了我是谁了,呵呵,不知您有没有印象,那场有位面试者老蹲地上捡胸前名字纸牌.首先,我很感谢贵公司给我这次Groupassessment的机会,这是我人生第一次Groupassessment,让我有机会亲身感受德勤office的工作氛围和气氛,让我真正体念到了团队合作的重要性和技巧性,让我有机会结交新的7位朋友,让我有机会总结自己Groupassessment的不足和优点,让我对团队工作方式有了更加正确的认识.同时,我也想借此机会向贵公司提点意见,从我贴胸牌的那一刻起,胸牌就不断地掉,我想是不是我太紧张连我的胸前纸牌也受不了拼着命想溜啊,讨论过程中我不断地压着它,它还是趁机逃跑了好多次,为了把它抓回来,我连掉在地上的铅笔也忘了捡,最后还是我们的manager捡起来的.回到学校后,我又试了下别的粘性物质,发现我的衣服根本粘不住,在此我能否建议贵公司能否将粘性纸牌换成其他形式,比如立体纸牌摆在会议桌上,这样队友更能清楚地看到互相的名字.以防1%的可能出现我这种情况.您觉得呢?再次感谢贵公司给我Groupassessment的机会,让我终生难忘,希望有机会跟您进行更深的交流!此致敬礼武娜20XX年11月15日dearLisa:i'msorrytotakeupyourtime,i'mwuna,fromGuangdong UniversityofForeignStudies,whohadtookpartintheGroupassessmentwithth eperiodof8:50on14thnovember15,20XX.maybeyoucan’tfigurewhatilooklike,iwonderifyouhaveanimpressionthattherewasacandida tewhosenamecardoftendroppedontothefloor,theniwasjustthatcandidate.To beginwith,pleaseallowmetothankyourcompanyofgivingmetheopportunityf orGroupassessment.Honestlyspeaking,thiswasthefirstgroupassessmentinm ylife.i’mverypleasuredthatihavetheopportunitytoexperiencetheworkingplaceanda tmosphereofdTT,theopportunitytomakenewfriendswithmy7teammates,the opportunitytolearntheimportanceofteamworkskills,theopportunityto reviewmyweakpointsandstrongpointsandenhancemyunderstandingofteam work,allofwhichiappreciateverymuchmeanwhile,wouldyoumindthatimake asuggestionhere,fromthemomentistuckthenamecardonmychest,itbegantod ropontothefloor,iwondermaybeiwastoonervousthateventhislovelynamecar dcouldnotstandit,whenigotbacktomydorm,itestedwithotherstickythings,it wasfoundthatmycoatmaterialrefusedtostickanything,sowouldyoumindmys uggestiontoreplacestickynamecardwithotherwaysincaseforthe1%possibilit yofmycase,forexample,maybewecanuseanamecarddisplayedontheroundta ble,andalsoitismoreconvenientfortheteammatestoknoweachother.Howdoy outhink?Thanksagainforthechanceyourcompanygivenmetoparticipatethis Groupassessment,whichiwillkeepinmymindthroughoutmylife.ihopewecanhaveanopportunityforfurthercommunications.BestwishestoyouanddeloittesincerelyYourssincerewuna20XX-1 1-15.篇二:20XX面试后写给HR的中英文感谢信模板尊敬的人事部Lisa:Lisa,您好!在此冒昧占用您几分钟。

下面就是小编给大家带来的面试后的感谢信范文,希望能帮助到大家!英文面试感谢信一:Dear Interviewer,面试官您好:It was great meeting you today, and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. I'm excited to be considered for the (name the position) as well as all of the opportunities the company presents. I had a good time discussing my [en]passion of (insert what you're passionate about) and really enjoyed learning more about (insert what new tidbit you learned about the company).[/en]今天能见到您很高兴,而且我非常感谢您能抽空面试我。
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to following up with you.谢谢您的关照,我很期待能继续与您联系。
Best regards致上最好的问候Interviewer面试者英文面试感谢信二:尊敬的xx先生:感谢您昨天为我面试花费的时间和精力。

面试后的英文感谢信面试后的英文感谢信15篇面试后的英文感谢信1thank you for interview i dear (bosss name),i appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (company name).i really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. the entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. from our discussion,i gained a strong sense of (company name)s commitment to their clients and their employees. i also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.i feel strongly that i possess the qualities required as a (job title). i believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. i eagerly anticipate our next meeting. thank you for considering me for this opportunity.sincerely,(signature)thank you for interview iidear (bosss name),thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. the interview confirmed what others have told me - that (company name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests.i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. as we reviewed my background, i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction.again, you can reach me (when) (call time) at (telephone), oryou may leave a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly.sincerely,(signature)面试后的英文感谢信2Dear (Boss's Name), Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. The interview confirmed what others have told me - that (Company Name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests. I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. As we reviewed my background, I hope that you came to a similar conclusion. It was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. I thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction. Again, you can reach me (when) (Call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and I will return your call promptly. Sincerely, (Signature) 面试后的英文感谢信3Dear xxx, 亲爱的xxxI want to express my thanks to you again for the opportunity and time to interview with me even though I did not make to the final round. It was a great experience talking to you and the team/department manager and also getting to know your company more. 我想再次对这次您给予的面试的机会以及时间表示感谢,尽管我能进入最后一轮面试。

面试后的感谢信(英文版)【第1篇】面试后的感谢信(英文版)Dear Interviewer,面试官您好:It was great meeting you today, and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. I m excited to be considered for the (name the position) as well as all of the opportunities the company presents. I had a good time discussing my [en]passionof (insert what you re passionate about) and really enjoyed learning more about (insert what new tidbit you learned about the company).[/en]今天能见到您很高兴,而且我非常感谢您能抽空面试我。
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to following up with you.谢谢您的关照,我很期待能继续与您联系。
Best regards致上最好的问候Interviewer面试者【第2篇】面试后的感谢信(英文版)Dear Interviewer,I am very pleased that I was given the opportunity to attend the second interview this morning。
I hope that the conversation could make the manager and you know me further。


英文版给员工的感谢信(精选5篇)英文版给员工的篇1Dear staff,I am writing to show my sincere gratitude for all of you. Now that I am home and on my own again I feel extremely happy. During the time I lived at the Rehabilitation center and was under your tender care, I promised myself I would write a letter of thanks as soon as I was able. Abundant thanks to each one of you for your patience, expertise and genuine concern. It was you who helped me believe in myself and gave me assurance that I could walk again. I would never forget each word you said to me and the things you have done to me. Forgive me for the times I lashed out at you in frustration and thank you for understanding and remaining firm with me.Never stop your beautiful way of working with people. Your help really means a lot to me and anyone who in trouble as well.Affectionately,Sincerely,Fang英文版给员工的感谢信篇2Dear ,Thanks for your support to our company in the last year.We really appreciate our cooperation.and we hope we can continue our good businessrelationship and interactivity for the next year.Sincerely,positioncompany英文版给员工的感谢信篇3First I want to thank my tutor, professor.Teacher knowledge, open-minded, always grasp the forefront of knowledge, under the guidance of him, I know the theory, greatly broadened my view of the academic, also has laid a theoretical basis for this paper. In thesis writing is to give the direction and the direction of constructive opinions and Suggestions.In addition to giving guidance on learning, life also gave me unselfish help and advice, especially during my help let me very moved.Teacher wang yongxiu, rigorous and meticulous work style, earnest, diligent, and tolerance of attitude towards life will always inspire me work in the future continue to work hard, go forward in life.首先我要衷心的感谢我的导师教授。

感谢信英语作文感谢面试官English: I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for taking the time to interview me for the position. I truly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my qualifications and skills with you. Your thoughtful questions and insights into the company's goals and values were truly inspiring. I am confident that my background and experience would make a valuable contribution to your team. Regardless of the outcome of the interview, I am grateful for the chance to learn more about your organization and to meet with such a dedicated and knowledgeable professional like yourself. Thank you once again for your time and consideration.中文翻译: 我想对您抽出时间面试我这个职位表示由衷的感谢。

精选关于求职感谢信的英文范文(精选3篇)精选关于求职的英文范文篇1Dear Interviewer,面试官您好:It was great meeting you today, and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. I'm excited to be considered for the (name the position) as well as all of the opportunities the company presents. I had a good time discussing my [en]passion of (insert what you're passionate about) and really enjoyed learning more about (insert what new tidbityou learned about the company).[/en]今天能见到您很高兴,而且我非常感谢您能抽空面试我。
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to following up with you.谢谢您的关照,我很期待能继续与您联系。
Best regards致上最好的问候Interviewee面试者求职感谢信的英文范文篇三:dear (bosss name),thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. the interview confirmed what others have told me - that (company name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests.i am convinced that i could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department. as we reviewed my background,i hope that you came to a similar conclusion. it was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. i thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction.again, you can reach me (when) (call time) at (telephone), or you may leave a message on my answering machine, and i will return your call promptly.sincerely,(signature)精选关于求职感谢信的英文范文篇2dear (bosss name),i appreciated the opportunity to meet pany name).i really enjoyed meeting our discussion,i gained a strong sense of (company name)s commitment to their clients and their employees. i also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future pany presents. I had a good time discussing my [en]passionof ( pany).[/en]今天能见到您很高兴,而且我非常感谢您能抽空面试我。

面试后写给HR的英文感谢信(精选26篇)面试后写给HR的英文篇1Dear Ms. Grasso:Thank you for interviewing me at Credit Technologies. I was impressed with the company and the type of banking services the corporation provides.Your comments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking.I am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations in detail could be useful to Credit Technologies. If you were to offer me this position, I believe that I could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation.I look forward to talking again with you soon.Faithfully yours,Tom面试后写给HR的英文感谢信篇2Dear (Boss Name),Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. The interview confirmed what others have told me that (Company Name) would be a terrific place for someone with my skills and interests.I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as a (job title) in your department.As we reviewed my background, I hope that you came to a similar conclusion.It was indeed a pleasure to discuss the opportunities with you. I thank you again for the opportunity and look forward to our next interaction.Again, you can reach me (when) (Call time) at (telephone), oryou may leave a message on my answering machine, and I will return your call promptly.Sincerely,Mary面试后写给HR的英文感谢信篇3感谢XX公司给我我一个面试的机会。

I can make it through the rain. I can stand up once again on my own.通用参考模板(页眉可删)写给hr的感谢信写给hr的感谢信是要和大家分享的,欢迎阅读。

写给HR的英⽂感谢信写给HR的英⽂感谢信 随着感恩⽂化的传播,男⼥⽼少都可能需要⽤到感谢信,在写作上,感谢信有⼀定的.书写规范。
dear lisa: i'm sorry to take up your time, i'm wuna, fromxx university of foreign studies, who had took part in the group assessment with the period of 8:50 on 14th november 15, XX。
maybe you can’t figure what i look like, i wonder if you have an impression that there was a candidate whose name card often dropped onto the floor, then i was just that candidate。
to begin with, please allow me to thank your company of giving me the opportunity for group assessment。
honestly speaking, this was the first group assessment in my life。
i’m very pleasured that i have the opportunity to experience the working place and atmosphere of dtt, the opportunity to make new friends with my 7 teammates, the opportunity to learn the importance of teamwork skills, the opportunity to review my weak points and strong points and enhance my understanding of teamwork , all of which i appreciate very much meanwhile, would you mind that i make a suggestion here, from the moment i stuck the name card on my chest, it began to drop onto the floor, i wonder maybe i was too nervous that even this lovely name card could not stand it, when i got back to my dorm, i tested with other sticky things, it was found that my coat material refused to stick anything, so would you mind my suggestion to replace sticky name card with other ways in case for the 1% possibility of my case, for example, maybe we can use a name card displayed on the roundtable, and also it is more convenient for the teammates to know each other。

给面试官的英文感谢信篇1Dear ( ),I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (Company Name).I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about the job. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the work itself seems as rewarding as it is challenging. From our discussion, I gained a strong sense of (Company Names) commitment to their clients and their employees. I also enjoyed our discussion of my opportunities and future within the firm.I feel strongly that I possess the qualities required as a (job title). I believe my education and experiences have prepared me well for a future with you. I eagerly anticipate our next meeting. Thank you for considering me for this opportunity.Sincerely,Eva给面试官的英文感谢信篇2Dear Interviewer,面试官您好:It was great meeting you today, and I appreciate you taking the time to interview me. I'm excited to be considered for the (name the position) as well as all of the opportunities the company presents. I had a good time discussing my [en]passion of (insert what you're passionate about) and really enjoyedlearning more about (insert what new tidbit you learned about the company).[/en]今天能见到您很高兴,而且我非常感谢您能抽空面试我。

给面试官的一份感谢信英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Dear Hiring Manager,I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [position] at [Company Name]. I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation for the time and consideration you have given me throughout the interview process.I am truly impressed by the professionalism and warmth I experienced during my interactions with you and the rest of the interview panel. Your insightful questions and thoughtful feedback have given me a deeper understanding of the role and the company culture. I believe that this role is a perfect fit for my skills, experience, and interests, and I am excited about the possibility of contributing to the team at [Company Name].I also want to thank you for creating a welcoming and inclusive interview environment. The positive energy and enthusiasm I felt during the interview have confirmed my initial interest in joining your team. I appreciate the opportunity tolearn more about [Company Name] and the exciting projects and initiatives you are working on.I would like to reiterate my enthusiasm for the [position] and my strong interest in becoming a part of your team. I am confident that my background and skills make me a great fit for this role, and I am eager to bring my unique perspectives and ideas to [Company Name].Thank you once again for considering me for this opportunity. I look forward to the possibility of working together and contributing to the success of [Company Name].Sincerely,[Your Name]篇2Subject: Thank You Email to InterviewerDear [Interviewer's Name],I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. I truly enjoyed our conversation and learning more about the company and the team.I appreciate the time you took to speak with me about my qualifications and experience. Your insightful questions challenged me to think critically and showcase my skills. I also appreciated the chance to learn more about the company culture and the exciting projects that the team is working on.I left the interview feeling even more excited about the possibility of joining [Company Name]. Your passion for the work you do and the team you work with was evident and inspiring. I believe that my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for the role, and I am confident that I would be able to contribute positively to the team.I also wanted to mention how impressed I was with the professionalism and friendliness of everyone I interacted with during the interview process. From the receptionist who greeted me when I arrived to the team members who I spoke with during the interview, everyone made me feel welcome and valued.Thank you once again for considering me for the [Job Title] position. I am eager for the opportunity to potentially join [Company Name] and contribute to the team's success. I look forward to hearing from you about next steps in the hiring process.Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional information from me. Thank you again for your time and consideration.Warm regards,[Your Name]篇3Subject: Thank You Note to InterviewerDear [Interviewer's Name],I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my deepest gratitude for the opportunity to interview for the [Job Title] position with [Company Name]. I am writing to thank you for your time and consideration throughout the interview process.I truly appreciated the chance to discuss my qualifications and experience with you. Your insightful questions and feedback provided me with valuable insights into the role and the company culture. I was impressed by the professionalism and warmth of the entire interviewing panel, which made me feel comfortable and at ease.I am particularly grateful for the opportunity to learn more about [Company Name] and its innovative projects. I was inspired by the company's commitment to excellence and its dedication to making a positive impact in the industry. I believe that my skills and experience align well with the company's values and goals.I want to express my sincere thanks for considering me for the position. I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and help achieve its objectives. I look forward to the possibility of working together and making a meaningful contribution to the team.Once again, thank you for your time, consideration, and hospitality during the interview process. I appreciate your professionalism and kindness, and I am grateful for the opportunity to meet you and learn more about [Company Name]. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any additional information.Thank you for this opportunity.Warm regards,[Your Name]。

给HR经理的英文感谢信5篇范文第一篇:给HR经理的英文感谢信给HR经理的英文感谢信,你怎么能错过?July 8, 2005Ms.Sandra B.GrassoCredit TechnologiesThree Bala plaza, Suite 500Bala Cynwyd, pA 19004Dear Ms.Grasso:Thank you for interviewing me at Credit Technologies.I was impressed with thepany and the type of banking services the corporation provides.Yourments gave me a good understanding of the business and your expectations for the attorney you are seeking.I am confident that my background and experience in banking law and my ability to analyze statutes and regulations in detail could be useful to Credit Technologies.If you were to offer me this position, I believe that I could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation.I look forward to talking again with you soon.Very truly yours,xiexiebang第二篇:HR经理HR经理,自身修炼五步走美国著名HR专家戴维·奥利奇(Dave Ulrich)教授有一句名言:“通常,人力资源工作者是补鞋匠的孩子没鞋穿,他们设计系统、提供建议、帮助他人,但未能把人力资源的原则应用到他们自己身上。
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写给HR 的中英文感谢信范文尊敬的人事部Lisa: Lisa,您好!在此冒昧占用您几分钟. 我是武娜,来自广东外语外贸大学,14 号上午8:50 参加了贵公司的Group Assessment,我想面试者众多,您可能忘了我是谁了,呵呵,不知您有没有印象,那场有位面试者老蹲地上捡胸前名字纸牌. 首先,我很感谢贵公司给我这次Group Assessment 的机会,这是我人生第一次Group Assessment,让我有机会亲身感受德勤office 的工作氛围和气氛,让我真正体念到了团队合作的重要性和技巧性,让我有机会结交新的7 位朋友,让我有机会总结自己Group Assessment 的不足和优点,让我对团队工作方式有了更加正确的认识. 同时,我也想借此机会向贵公司提点意见,从我贴胸牌的那一刻起,胸牌就不断地掉,我想是不是我太紧张连我的胸前纸牌也受不了拼着命想溜啊,讨论过程中我不断地压着它,它还是趁机逃跑了好多次,为了把它抓回来,我连掉在地上的铅笔也忘了捡,最后还是我们的manager 捡起来的.回到学校后,我又试了下别的粘性物质,发现我的衣服根本粘不住,在此我能否建议贵公司能否将粘性纸牌换成其他形式,比如立体纸牌摆在会议桌上,这样队友更能清楚地看到互相的名字.以防1% 的可能出现我这种情况.您觉得呢? 再次感谢贵公司给我Group Assessment 的机会,让我终生难忘,希望有机会跟您进行更深的交流! 此致敬礼武娜2008 年11 月15 日Dear Lisa: I'm sorry to take up your time, I'm Wuna, from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, who had took part in the Group A ssessment with the period of 8:50 on 14th November 15, 2008.Maybe you can’t figure what I look like, I wonder if you have an impression that there was a candidate whose name card often dropped onto the floor, then I was just that candidate. To begin with, please allow me to thank your company of giving me the opportunity for Group Assessment. Honestly speaking, this was the first group assessment in my life. I’m very pleasured that I have the opportunity to experience the working place and atmosphere of DTT, the opportunity to make new friends with my 7 teammates, the opportunity to learn the importance of teamwork skills, the opportunity to
review my weak points and strong points and enhance my understanding of teamwork , all of which I appreciate very much Meanwhile, would you mind that I make a suggestion here, from the moment I stuck the name card on my chest, it began to drop onto the floor, I wonder maybe I was too nervous that even this lovely name card could not stand it, when I got back to my dorm, I tested with other sticky things, It was found that my coat material refused to stick anything, so would you mind my suggestion to replace sticky name card with other ways in case for the 1% possibility of my case, for example, maybe we can use a name card displayed on the roundtable, and also it is more convenient for the teammates to know each other. How do you think? Thanks again for the chance your company given me to participate this Group Assessment, which I will keep in my mind throughout my life. I hope we can have an opportunity for further communications. Best wishes to you and Deloitte sincerely Yours sincere Wuna 2008-11-15 .。