

致同研究:A+H股公司境内外会计准则差异分析香港于2005 年开始采用国际财务报告准则,香港财务报告准则与国际财务报告准则完全趋同。
中国企业会计准则也已于2007 年实现了与国际财务报告准则在会计原则和实质内容上的趋同。
”财政部于2008年8月7日发布《企业会计准则解释第2 号》,并于2008年12月26日发布《关于做好执行会计准则企业2008 年年报工作的通知》(财会函[2008]60号),要求同时发行A 股和H 股的上市公司,除部分长期资产减值损失的转回以及关联方披露两项差异外,对于同一交易事项,应当在A股和H股财务报告中采用相同的会计政策、运用相同的会计估计进行确认、计量和报告,不得在A股和H股财务报告中采用不同的会计处理。
2009 年11 月4 日,IASB 发布了新修订的《国际会计准则第24 号——关联方披露》,基本消除了与中国关联方准则的差异。




【关键词】企业;会计准那么;差异1 香港会计准那么的开展及现状由于历史的原因,香港早期的会计准那么一直深受英国会计准那么的影响。
2 我国会计准那么与香港会计准那么的准那么差异及对策2.1 资产减值相关规定的差异及对策由于目前我国的市场经济体制还不够完善,资本市场的开展仍不健全,会计信息的使用者往往更为关注企业由过去交易和事项所形成的经营成果,这就导致不少企业把会计处理的重点放在利润表的工程上。
2.2 关联方披露范围的差异及对策由于关联交易在企业经营中的特殊性以及对社会产生的效应,关联方及关联交易的披露,历来是会计准那么中着重强调的一个重要领域。

会计研究ACCOUNTING RESEARCH100浅析国内会计准则和香港会计准则的差异及两地准则趋同建议文/王聪摘要:由于国内和香港在会计市场环境、会计监管等宏观方面以及税收等微观方面存在一定的出入,所以国内会计准则和香港会计准则存在很多差异。
关键词: 国内; 香港; 会计准则; 差异财政部在2008年发布相关文件声明国内会计准则和香港会计准则具有同等效力。

as at 1January 20081TitleIASBequivalentDifferences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences FRAMEWORK Framework for the Preparation andPresentation of Financial StatementsIASBFrameworkN/AN/AMinor textual differences –no practical at 1January 20082HKFRS No.TitleIFRS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKFRS 1First-time Adoption of Hong Kong Financial Reporting StandardsIFRS 1NoNo,except para 47F specifies that paras 23and 27to 30of HKFRS 1(IFRS 1)are effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 2004).Minor textual differences –no practical effect.HKFRS 2Share-based Payment IFRS 2No NoNoHKFRS 3Business CombinationsIFRS 3NoExcept for limitedretrospective application as per para 85,HKFRS 3(IFRS 3)is effective for businesscombinations for which theagreement date is on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004).Noas at 1January 20083HKFRS No.TitleIFRS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKFRS 4Insurance Contracts IFRS 4No No No HKFRS 5Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations IFRS 5No No No HKFRS 6Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources IFRS 6No No No HKFRS 7Financial Instruments:Disclosures IFRS 7No No No HKFRS 8Operating SegmentsIFRS 8NoNoNoas at 1January 20084HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 1Presentation of Financial Statements IAS 1NoNo*Minor textual differences –explanation of legalrequirements which do not give rise to differences.HKAS 1RevisedPresentation of Financial Statements IAS 1Revised No NoMinor textual differences –explanation of legalrequirements which do not give rise to differences.HKAS 2InventoriesIAS 2No No*NoHKAS 7Cash Flow StatementsIAS 7NoHKAS 7(IFRS 7)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1994).No HKAS 8Accounting Policies,Changes in Accounting Estimates and ErrorsIAS 8NoNo*Minor textual differences –no practical at 1January 20085HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 10Events after the Balance Sheet Date IAS 10NoNo*Minor textual differences –explanation of legalrequirements which do not give rise to differences.HKAS 11Construction Contracts IAS 11NoHKAS 11*(IAS 11)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1995).Noas at 1January 20086HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 12Income Taxes IAS 12NoHKAS 12*(IAS 12)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1998with certain amendments effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2001).The explanatory guidance and illustrative examples set out in the boxes within the body of HKAS 12contain material that is expanded on that in IAS 12and considered to be more user-friendly.HKAS 14Segment Reporting IAS 14NoHKAS 14*(IAS 14)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1July 1998).Noas at 1January 20087HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 16Property,Plant and Equipment IAS 16HKAS 16has the following additional transition provisions.1.Para 80Aexempting certain entities that carried their PPE atrevalued amounts before 30September 1995and have notrevalued since that date from making regular revaluation.2.Para 80B allowingthose not-for-profit entities that previously took advantage of the exemption under SSAP 17to deem the carrying amount of an item of PPE immediately before applying HKAS 16on its effective date (or earlier)as the cost of that item.No*Noas at 1January 20088HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 17Leases IAS 17No No*NoHKAS 18RevenueIAS 18NoHKAS 18*(IAS 18)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1995).No HKAS 19Employee Benefits IAS 19HKAS 19has an additional paragraph 153A specifying that the transitionalprovisions set out in paragraphs 154to 156of HKAS 19apply only when an entity had not previously applied SSAP 34(May 2003).HKAS 19*(IAS 19)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1999with certain amendments commencing later).Noas at 1January 20089HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 20Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government AssistanceIAS 20IAS 20has an additional transitional provision (para 40)allowing an entity adopting IAS 20for the first time to apply the accounting provisions of IAS 20only to grants or portions of grants becoming receivable or repayable after the effective date of IAS 20.HKAS 20*(IAS 20)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1984).No HKAS 21The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange RatesIAS 21NoNo*Noas at 1January 200810HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 23Borrowing Costs IAS 23HKAS 23has an additional transitional provision (para 30)allowing entities that expense all borrowing costs to apply new policy prospectively.IAS 23has anadditional transitional provision (para 30)permitting entities that expensed borrowing costs to capitalize borrowing costs prospectively.HKAS 23*(IAS 23)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1995).No HKAS 23Revised Borrowing CostsIAS 23Revised No No No HKAS 24Related Party Disclosures IAS 24No No*NoHKAS 26Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit PlansIAS 26NoHKAS 26(IAS 26)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1988).HKAS 26has an appendix giving guidance on preparing financial statements of MPF schemes and ORSOschemes in accordance with the at 1January 200811HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 27Consolidated and Separate Financial StatementsIAS 27NoNo*Minor textual differences –explanation of legalrequirements which do not give rise to differences.HKAS 28Investments in Associates IAS 28No No*NoHKAS 29Financial Reporting inHyperinflationary EconomiesIAS 29NoHKAS 29(IAS 29)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1990).Noas at 1January 200812HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 31Interests in Joint VenturesIAS 31NoNo*No HKAS 32Financial Instruments:PresentationIAS 32HKAS 32has an additional transitional provision (para 97)allowing an entity not to present comparative information if such information is not available.No NoHKAS 33Earnings Per Share IAS 33No No*NoHKAS 34Interim Financial ReportingIAS 34NoHKAS 34*(IAS 34)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1999).Noas at 1January 200813HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 36Impairment of Assets IAS 36HKAS 36(IAS 36)para 139specifies that an entity shall apply HKAS 36(IAS 36)(a)to goodwill and intangible assets acquired in businesscombinations for which theagreement date is on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004);and (b)to all other assetsprospectively from the beginning of the first annual period beginning on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004).HKAS 36(IAS 36)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(31March2004).Noas at 1January 200814HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 37Provisions,Contingent Liabilities and Contingent AssetsIAS 37IAS 37has an additional transitional provision (para 93)allowing an entity not to adjust opening balance of retained earnings for the earliest period presented and to restate comparative information for the period in which IAS 37is first adopted.HKAS 37*(IAS 37)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1July 1999).HKAS 37contains additional Hong Kong examples 3A,8A,12and 13in Appendix C.No comparable examples are included in Appendix C to IAS 37–no practical at 1January 200815HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 38Intangible Assets IAS 38HKAS 38(IAS 38)para 130specifies that an entity shall apply HKAS 38(IAS 38):(a)to the accounting for intangible assets acquired in businesscombinations for which theagreement date is on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004);and (b)to the accounting for all otherintangible assets prospectively from thebeginning of the first annual period beginning on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004).HKAS 36(IAS 36)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(31March2004).Noas at 1January 200816HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 39Financial Instruments:Recognition and MeasurementIAS 39HKAS 39does not permit retrospective application except in certain limited circumstances whereas IAS 39generally requires retrospective application.Accordingly,thetransitional provisions in HKAS 39aredifferent from those in IAS 39.For details,please refer to the Standards.No Noas at 1January 200817HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 40Investment Property IAS 40HKAS 40has the following additional transitional provisions:HKAS 40paras 80A on fair value model Para 80A of HKAS 40requires an entity that has previously applied SSAP 13(2000)for non-leaseholdinvestment properties and chooses to use the fair value model to reflect the effect of applying HKAS 40on its effective date (or earlier)as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings for the period in which HKAS 40is first applied.No*Noas at 1January 200818HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences Para 80A alsoencourages the entity to adjust the comparativeinformation if the entity has previouslydisclosed publicly fair value of thoseproperties but requires the entity to disclose the fact if otherwise.HKAS 40paras 83A and 83B on cost model Paras 83A and 83B of HKAS 40allow an entity to take thecarrying amount of the investment property under SSAP 13(2000)as the deemed cost on the date that HKAS 40is first applied.Any adjustments,includingas at 1January 200819HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences the reclassification of any amount previously held in revaluation reserve,are to be made to the opening balance of retained earnings.Depreciation on deemed costcommences from the opening balance sheet date.HKAS 41Agriculture IAS 41NoHKAS 41*(IAS 41)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 2003).Noas at 1January 200820HK(IFRIC)-Int No.TitleIFRIC No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HK(IFRIC)-Int 1Changes in Existing Decommissioning,Restoration and Similar Liabilities IFRIC 1NoNoMinor textual differences –no practical effect.HK(IFRIC)-Int 2Members’Shares in Co-operativeEntities and Similar InstrumentsIFRIC 2No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 4Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease IFRIC 4No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 5Rights to Interests arising from Decommissioning,Restoration and Environmental Rehabilitation Funds IFRIC 5NoNoNoHK(IFRIC)-Int 6Liabilities arising from Participating in a Specific Market –Waste Electrical and Electronic EquipmentIFRIC 6No No Noas at 1January 200821HK(IFRIC)-Int No.TitleIFRIC No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HK(IFRIC)-Int 7Applying the Restatement Approach under HKAS 29Financial Reporting inHyperinflationary Economies IFRIC 7NoNoNoHK(IFRIC)-Int 8Scope of HKFRS 2IFRIC 8No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 9Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives IFRIC 9No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 10Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment IFRIC 10No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 11HKFRS 2–Group and Treasury Share Transactions IFRIC 11No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 12Service Concession ArrangementsIFRIC 12No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 13Customer Loyalty ProgrammesIFRIC 13No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 14HKAS 19—The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset,Minimum Funding Requirements and their InteractionIFRIC 14NoNoNoas at 1January 200822HK(SIC)-Int No.TitleSIC No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective Dates Other Textual Differences HK(SIC)-Int 10Government Assistance –No Specific Relation to Operating ActivitiesSIC-10NoHKAS-Int 10*(SIC 10)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1August 1998).No HK(SIC)-Int 12Consolidation –Special PurposeEntitiesSIC-12NoHKAS-Int 12*(SIC 12)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1July 1999).No HK(SIC)-Int 13Jointly Controlled Entities –Non-Monetary Contributions by VenturersSIC-13NoHKAS-Int 13*(SIC 13)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1999).Noas at 1January 200823HK(SIC)-Int No.TitleSIC No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective Dates Other Textual Differences HK(SIC)-Int 15Operating Leases –IncentivesSIC-15NoHKAS-Int 15*(SIC 15)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1999).No HK(SIC)-Int 21Income Taxes –Recovery of Revalued Non-Depreciable AssetsSIC-21NoHKAS-Int 21*(SIC 21)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 15July 2000).No HK(SIC)-Int 25Income Taxes –Changes in the TaxStatus of an Enterprise or its ShareholdersSIC-25NoHKAS-Int 25*(SIC 25)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 15July 2000).Noas at 1January 200824HK(SIC)-Int No.TitleSIC No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective Dates Other Textual Differences HK(SIC)-Int 27Evaluating the Substance ofTransactions Involving the Legal Form of a LeaseSIC-27NoHKAS-Int 27*(SIC 27)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 31December 2001).No HK(SIC)-Int 29Service Concession Arrangements:DisclosureSIC-29NoHKAS-Int 29*(SIC 29)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 31December 2001).No HK(SIC)-Int 31Revenue –Barter TransactionsInvolving Advertising ServicesSIC-31NoHKAS-Int 31*(SIC 31)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 31December 2001).Noas at 1January 200825HK(SIC)-Int No.TitleSIC No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective Dates Other Textual Differences HK(SIC)-Int 32Intangible Assets –Web Site CostsSIC-32NoHKAS-Int 32*(SIC 32)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 25March 2002).Noas at 1January 200826HK-Int No.TitleInternational -Int No.Differences in TransitionalProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HK-Int 1The Appropriate Accounting Policiesfor Infrastructure FacilitiesNo equivalent interpretation under IFRS.N/AN/AN/AHK-Int 3Revenue –Pre-completion Contracts for the Sale of Development Properties No equivalent interpretation under IFRS.N/A N/A N/AHK-Int 4Leases –Determination of the Length of Lease Term in respect of Hong Kong Land Leases No equivalent interpretation under IFRS.N/A N/A N/ANotes*These Hong Kong pronouncements might have additional wording or paragraph(s)specifying that:(i)if an entity decides to early adopt a Standard,the entity is not required to apply all the Standards effective for the same date for that period;(ii)if an entity decides to early adopt a Standard,the entity is required to apply the relevant Interpretation for that period;(iii)early adoption is encouraged;or (iv)the previous version of the Standard is withdrawn.SIC-7Introduction of the Euro is not adopted in Hong KongThe paragraph numbers in HKFRSs generally correspond to the paragraph numbers in IFRSs.。

直至现时为止﹐共有16项《企业会计准则》(以下简称“具体准则”) 已经发出﹐而其它准则仍在制订中。


香港会计准则与大陆会计准则的差异Document number:PBGCG-0857-BTDO-0089-PTT1998香港会计准则与大陆会计准则的差异1、内地会计准则更加偏重历史成本即强调账面价值,而香港会计准则强调公允价值的使用与国际会计准则一致,香港会计准则在涉及资产计价,特别是资产交易的情况下,强调资产公允价值的运用,而内地新《企业会计准则》适度引用公允价值,表现在金融工具、投资性房地产、非共同控制下的企业合并、债务重组和非货币性资产交换等方面均采用公允价值对其进行相应会计处理。

香港会计准则和国际会计准则一、香港会计准则与国际会计准则的概述香港会计准则(Hong Kong Financial Reporting Standards,简称HKFRS)是香港特别行政区财政司署制定的,用于规范在香港上市的公司和其他实体财务报告的会计准则。
国际会计准则(International Financial Reporting Standards,简称IFRS)则是国际会计准则理事会(IASB)制定的,在全球范围内具有广泛影响力的会计准则。
例如,HKFRS 倾向于采用历史成本作为计量基础,而IFRS则允许采用公允价值。
Aebkien中国会计规定与国际财务报告准则之比较(doc 35)

直至现时为止﹐共有16项《企业会计准则》(以下简称“具体准则”) 已经发出﹐而其它准则仍在制订中。
中国会计准则会计准则施行日期实施范围1.关联方关系及其交易的披露1997年1月1日上市公司2.现金流量表(2001年修订﹐只作出了有限度的修改) 2001年1月1日所有企业3.资产负债表日后事项(2003年修订) 2003年7月1日执行《企业会计制度》的企业4.债务重组 (2001年修订﹐作出了重大修改) 2001年1月1日所有企业5.收入1999年1月1日上市公司6.投资 (2001年修订﹐只作出了有限度的修改) 2001年1月1股份有限公司 (2001年1月1日前只实施在会计准则施行日期实施范围日上市公司上) 7.建造合同1999年1月1日上市公司8.会计政策、会计估计变更和会计差错更正(2001年修订﹐只作出了有限度的修改) 2001年1月1日所有企业 (2001年1月1日前只实施在上市公司上)9.非货币性交易(2001年修订﹐作出了重大修改) 2001年1月1日所有企业10.或有事项2000年7月1日所有企业11.无形资产2001年1月1日股份有限公司12.借款费用2001年1月1日所有企业13.租赁2001年1月1日所有企业14.中期财务报告2002年1月1日上市公司15.存货2002年1月1日执行《企业会计制度》的企业16.固定资产2002年1月1日执行《企业会计制度》的企业除了制定具体准则有长足进展外﹐在2000年底﹐财政部发布了新的《企业会计制度》(以下简称“新制度”)﹐并自2001年1月1日起应用在所有股份有限公司上。

直至现时为止﹐共有16项《企业会计准则》(以下简称“具体准则”) 已经发出﹐而其它准则仍在制订中。

IFRS 的目标是提高全球财务报告的可比性和透明度。


业 由于其 拥有共 同的所有 者而 都称 为 关联方 ,从而扩 大 了关 联 方的 范围 ,加 大了 披露成 本 。
3、固定 资产
的 宏观 调 控 以及对 于 企 业 的管 理 机制 ,由国 家财 政 部统 一 制 定会 计准 则 ,具有 极 高 的权 威性 ,同时也 很 容 易受 到政 府 相关 政 策 的影 响 ,且 国 内准 则 的法 制 基础 是 大 陆法 系 ,法 律 条文 多 ,内容 非常 详 细 。香 港 会计 目标 更多 地考 虑 到 企业 与 投 资者 利 益 ,准 则 由
权 ,国 内 准 则 原则 上 采 用 权 益 结 合 法 ,要 求 合 并 方 在 组 织会 计 人 员进 行 业 务交 流 活 动 ,使 得双 方 加 速 了解
合 并 日按 照 取 得被 合 并 方 所 有 者 权 益 在 最 终 控 制 方 各 自会 计 业 务处 理 中的差 异 ,并 且 采 取相 应 的 改 善措
香港 政府 授权 的 民间组 织——香 港会 计师 公会 制定 , 则规 定 只需 预 计使 用 寿 命 超过 一 年 就可 以将 其认 定

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as at 1January 20081TitleIASBequivalentDifferences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences FRAMEWORK Framework for the Preparation andPresentation of Financial StatementsIASBFrameworkN/AN/AMinor textual differences –no practical at 1January 20082HKFRS No.TitleIFRS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKFRS 1First-time Adoption of Hong Kong Financial Reporting StandardsIFRS 1NoNo,except para 47F specifies that paras 23and 27to 30of HKFRS 1(IFRS 1)are effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 2004).Minor textual differences –no practical effect.HKFRS 2Share-based Payment IFRS 2No NoNoHKFRS 3Business CombinationsIFRS 3NoExcept for limitedretrospective application as per para 85,HKFRS 3(IFRS 3)is effective for businesscombinations for which theagreement date is on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004).Noas at 1January 20083HKFRS No.TitleIFRS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKFRS 4Insurance Contracts IFRS 4No No No HKFRS 5Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations IFRS 5No No No HKFRS 6Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources IFRS 6No No No HKFRS 7Financial Instruments:Disclosures IFRS 7No No No HKFRS 8Operating SegmentsIFRS 8NoNoNoas at 1January 20084HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 1Presentation of Financial Statements IAS 1NoNo*Minor textual differences –explanation of legalrequirements which do not give rise to differences.HKAS 1RevisedPresentation of Financial Statements IAS 1Revised No NoMinor textual differences –explanation of legalrequirements which do not give rise to differences.HKAS 2InventoriesIAS 2No No*NoHKAS 7Cash Flow StatementsIAS 7NoHKAS 7(IFRS 7)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1994).No HKAS 8Accounting Policies,Changes in Accounting Estimates and ErrorsIAS 8NoNo*Minor textual differences –no practical at 1January 20085HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 10Events after the Balance Sheet Date IAS 10NoNo*Minor textual differences –explanation of legalrequirements which do not give rise to differences.HKAS 11Construction Contracts IAS 11NoHKAS 11*(IAS 11)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1995).Noas at 1January 20086HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 12Income Taxes IAS 12NoHKAS 12*(IAS 12)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1998with certain amendments effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2001).The explanatory guidance and illustrative examples set out in the boxes within the body of HKAS 12contain material that is expanded on that in IAS 12and considered to be more user-friendly.HKAS 14Segment Reporting IAS 14NoHKAS 14*(IAS 14)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1July 1998).Noas at 1January 20087HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 16Property,Plant and Equipment IAS 16HKAS 16has the following additional transition provisions.1.Para 80Aexempting certain entities that carried their PPE atrevalued amounts before 30September 1995and have notrevalued since that date from making regular revaluation.2.Para 80B allowingthose not-for-profit entities that previously took advantage of the exemption under SSAP 17to deem the carrying amount of an item of PPE immediately before applying HKAS 16on its effective date (or earlier)as the cost of that item.No*Noas at 1January 20088HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 17Leases IAS 17No No*NoHKAS 18RevenueIAS 18NoHKAS 18*(IAS 18)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1995).No HKAS 19Employee Benefits IAS 19HKAS 19has an additional paragraph 153A specifying that the transitionalprovisions set out in paragraphs 154to 156of HKAS 19apply only when an entity had not previously applied SSAP 34(May 2003).HKAS 19*(IAS 19)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1999with certain amendments commencing later).Noas at 1January 20089HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 20Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government AssistanceIAS 20IAS 20has an additional transitional provision (para 40)allowing an entity adopting IAS 20for the first time to apply the accounting provisions of IAS 20only to grants or portions of grants becoming receivable or repayable after the effective date of IAS 20.HKAS 20*(IAS 20)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1984).No HKAS 21The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange RatesIAS 21NoNo*Noas at 1January 200810HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 23Borrowing Costs IAS 23HKAS 23has an additional transitional provision (para 30)allowing entities that expense all borrowing costs to apply new policy prospectively.IAS 23has anadditional transitional provision (para 30)permitting entities that expensed borrowing costs to capitalize borrowing costs prospectively.HKAS 23*(IAS 23)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1995).No HKAS 23Revised Borrowing CostsIAS 23Revised No No No HKAS 24Related Party Disclosures IAS 24No No*NoHKAS 26Accounting and Reporting by Retirement Benefit PlansIAS 26NoHKAS 26(IAS 26)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1988).HKAS 26has an appendix giving guidance on preparing financial statements of MPF schemes and ORSOschemes in accordance with the at 1January 200811HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 27Consolidated and Separate Financial StatementsIAS 27NoNo*Minor textual differences –explanation of legalrequirements which do not give rise to differences.HKAS 28Investments in Associates IAS 28No No*NoHKAS 29Financial Reporting inHyperinflationary EconomiesIAS 29NoHKAS 29(IAS 29)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1990).Noas at 1January 200812HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 31Interests in Joint VenturesIAS 31NoNo*No HKAS 32Financial Instruments:PresentationIAS 32HKAS 32has an additional transitional provision (para 97)allowing an entity not to present comparative information if such information is not available.No NoHKAS 33Earnings Per Share IAS 33No No*NoHKAS 34Interim Financial ReportingIAS 34NoHKAS 34*(IAS 34)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1999).Noas at 1January 200813HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 36Impairment of Assets IAS 36HKAS 36(IAS 36)para 139specifies that an entity shall apply HKAS 36(IAS 36)(a)to goodwill and intangible assets acquired in businesscombinations for which theagreement date is on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004);and (b)to all other assetsprospectively from the beginning of the first annual period beginning on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004).HKAS 36(IAS 36)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(31March2004).Noas at 1January 200814HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 37Provisions,Contingent Liabilities and Contingent AssetsIAS 37IAS 37has an additional transitional provision (para 93)allowing an entity not to adjust opening balance of retained earnings for the earliest period presented and to restate comparative information for the period in which IAS 37is first adopted.HKAS 37*(IAS 37)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1July 1999).HKAS 37contains additional Hong Kong examples 3A,8A,12and 13in Appendix C.No comparable examples are included in Appendix C to IAS 37–no practical at 1January 200815HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 38Intangible Assets IAS 38HKAS 38(IAS 38)para 130specifies that an entity shall apply HKAS 38(IAS 38):(a)to the accounting for intangible assets acquired in businesscombinations for which theagreement date is on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004);and (b)to the accounting for all otherintangible assets prospectively from thebeginning of the first annual period beginning on or after 1January 2005(31March 2004).HKAS 36(IAS 36)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(31March2004).Noas at 1January 200816HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 39Financial Instruments:Recognition and MeasurementIAS 39HKAS 39does not permit retrospective application except in certain limited circumstances whereas IAS 39generally requires retrospective application.Accordingly,thetransitional provisions in HKAS 39aredifferent from those in IAS 39.For details,please refer to the Standards.No Noas at 1January 200817HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HKAS 40Investment Property IAS 40HKAS 40has the following additional transitional provisions:HKAS 40paras 80A on fair value model Para 80A of HKAS 40requires an entity that has previously applied SSAP 13(2000)for non-leaseholdinvestment properties and chooses to use the fair value model to reflect the effect of applying HKAS 40on its effective date (or earlier)as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings for the period in which HKAS 40is first applied.No*Noas at 1January 200818HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences Para 80A alsoencourages the entity to adjust the comparativeinformation if the entity has previouslydisclosed publicly fair value of thoseproperties but requires the entity to disclose the fact if otherwise.HKAS 40paras 83A and 83B on cost model Paras 83A and 83B of HKAS 40allow an entity to take thecarrying amount of the investment property under SSAP 13(2000)as the deemed cost on the date that HKAS 40is first applied.Any adjustments,includingas at 1January 200819HKAS No.TitleIAS No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences the reclassification of any amount previously held in revaluation reserve,are to be made to the opening balance of retained earnings.Depreciation on deemed costcommences from the opening balance sheet date.HKAS 41Agriculture IAS 41NoHKAS 41*(IAS 41)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 2003).Noas at 1January 200820HK(IFRIC)-Int No.TitleIFRIC No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HK(IFRIC)-Int 1Changes in Existing Decommissioning,Restoration and Similar Liabilities IFRIC 1NoNoMinor textual differences –no practical effect.HK(IFRIC)-Int 2Members’Shares in Co-operativeEntities and Similar InstrumentsIFRIC 2No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 4Determining whether an Arrangement contains a Lease IFRIC 4No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 5Rights to Interests arising from Decommissioning,Restoration and Environmental Rehabilitation Funds IFRIC 5NoNoNoHK(IFRIC)-Int 6Liabilities arising from Participating in a Specific Market –Waste Electrical and Electronic EquipmentIFRIC 6No No Noas at 1January 200821HK(IFRIC)-Int No.TitleIFRIC No.Differences in Transitional ProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HK(IFRIC)-Int 7Applying the Restatement Approach under HKAS 29Financial Reporting inHyperinflationary Economies IFRIC 7NoNoNoHK(IFRIC)-Int 8Scope of HKFRS 2IFRIC 8No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 9Reassessment of Embedded Derivatives IFRIC 9No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 10Interim Financial Reporting and Impairment IFRIC 10No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 11HKFRS 2–Group and Treasury Share Transactions IFRIC 11No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 12Service Concession ArrangementsIFRIC 12No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 13Customer Loyalty ProgrammesIFRIC 13No No No HK(IFRIC)-Int 14HKAS 19—The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset,Minimum Funding Requirements and their InteractionIFRIC 14NoNoNoas at 1January 200822HK(SIC)-Int No.TitleSIC No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective Dates Other Textual Differences HK(SIC)-Int 10Government Assistance –No Specific Relation to Operating ActivitiesSIC-10NoHKAS-Int 10*(SIC 10)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1August 1998).No HK(SIC)-Int 12Consolidation –Special PurposeEntitiesSIC-12NoHKAS-Int 12*(SIC 12)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1July 1999).No HK(SIC)-Int 13Jointly Controlled Entities –Non-Monetary Contributions by VenturersSIC-13NoHKAS-Int 13*(SIC 13)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1999).Noas at 1January 200823HK(SIC)-Int No.TitleSIC No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective Dates Other Textual Differences HK(SIC)-Int 15Operating Leases –IncentivesSIC-15NoHKAS-Int 15*(SIC 15)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(1January 1999).No HK(SIC)-Int 21Income Taxes –Recovery of Revalued Non-Depreciable AssetsSIC-21NoHKAS-Int 21*(SIC 21)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 15July 2000).No HK(SIC)-Int 25Income Taxes –Changes in the TaxStatus of an Enterprise or its ShareholdersSIC-25NoHKAS-Int 25*(SIC 25)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 15July 2000).Noas at 1January 200824HK(SIC)-Int No.TitleSIC No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective Dates Other Textual Differences HK(SIC)-Int 27Evaluating the Substance ofTransactions Involving the Legal Form of a LeaseSIC-27NoHKAS-Int 27*(SIC 27)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 31December 2001).No HK(SIC)-Int 29Service Concession Arrangements:DisclosureSIC-29NoHKAS-Int 29*(SIC 29)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 31December 2001).No HK(SIC)-Int 31Revenue –Barter TransactionsInvolving Advertising ServicesSIC-31NoHKAS-Int 31*(SIC 31)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 31December 2001).Noas at 1January 200825HK(SIC)-Int No.TitleSIC No.Differences in Transitional Provisions Differences in Effective Dates Other Textual Differences HK(SIC)-Int 32Intangible Assets –Web Site CostsSIC-32NoHKAS-Int 32*(SIC 32)is effective for AP beginning on or after 1January 2005(on 25March 2002).Noas at 1January 200826HK-Int No.TitleInternational -Int No.Differences in TransitionalProvisionsDifferences in Effective DatesOther Textual Differences HK-Int 1The Appropriate Accounting Policiesfor Infrastructure FacilitiesNo equivalent interpretation under IFRS.N/AN/AN/AHK-Int 3Revenue –Pre-completion Contracts for the Sale of Development Properties No equivalent interpretation under IFRS.N/A N/A N/AHK-Int 4Leases –Determination of the Length of Lease Term in respect of Hong Kong Land Leases No equivalent interpretation under IFRS.N/A N/A N/ANotes*These Hong Kong pronouncements might have additional wording or paragraph(s)specifying that:(i)if an entity decides to early adopt a Standard,the entity is not required to apply all the Standards effective for the same date for that period;(ii)if an entity decides to early adopt a Standard,the entity is required to apply the relevant Interpretation for that period;(iii)early adoption is encouraged;or (iv)the previous version of the Standard is withdrawn.SIC-7Introduction of the Euro is not adopted in Hong KongThe paragraph numbers in HKFRSs generally correspond to the paragraph numbers in IFRSs.。