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( )1. I’m ______ at a bear. A. look B. looking

( )2. He is eating__________ a rabbit. A. like B. on ( )3. She is looking at _________ elephant. A. an B. a ( )4. It’s _______ like a bear. A. dancing

B. dance

( )5. I like ________. A. fly B. flying ( )6. I’m _______ like a tiger. A. running B. run ( )7. I want to ______ a bird.

A. /

B. be


( )1. Is he drinking water? ( )2. Can you take him to the park?

( )3. Whose book is this?

( )4. Are these all ours?

( )5. Where is Fido now? 三、根据汉语提示补全对话。 1. Chen Jie: Whose book is this? Tom: It’s (我的). 2. Lily: This is Yifan’s picture. Lucy: Yes, i t’s (他的). 3. Amy: Look! That’s my dog.

Zhang Peng: Yes, i t’s (你的). 4. Mike: Whose rabbits are these? Tina: These are (吴一凡的). 四、选词填空。

There 1.______ many animals in the zoo. Look! The 2.______ are running. The

two lions 3.______ fighting. The monkeys are 4.______.The fish 5.______ 6.______ 7.______ the river. Many 8.______ are 9.______ in the sky. Look! I t’s a rabbit, and it’s 10._________.

A. Yes, they are.

B. No, he isn’t . He’s eating.

C. He’s in the kitchen.

D. It’s Mike’s.

E. Of course.


一、1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. B

二、1. B 2. E 3. D 4. A 5. C

三、1. mine 2. his 3. yours 4. Wu Yifan’s

四、1. are 2. tigers 3. are 4. climbing 5. is 6. swimming 7. in

8. birds 9. flying 10. jumping
