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1 对《双城记》中象征手法的再诠释王沁(常熟理工学院,江苏常熟21 5500)
An Interpretation of the Symbolism in A Tale of Two Cities WANG Qin
(ChangShu Institute of Technology,Chang Shu 215500,China)
Abstract: A t ale of Two Cit ies has long been viewed as a hist orical novel about love and self- sacrifice, which implies t he wr it er’s unsuccessful marriage and his frust rat ion of being haunt ed by t he past . The t hree maj or charact ers-Dr. Manet t e, Charles Darney and Sydney Cart on-indirect ly reflect t his
pessimist ic depression. Thought he novel does have a gloomy t int , sadness and pain should not be deemed as t he mainst ream of ATale of Two Cit ies.
Through it s bleak shell is a firm belief in man’s st rengt h of t ranscending his limit at ions and breaking t hrough his ment al prisons or t he human bondage. This paper, t hrough an analysis of t he t hree main charact ers’painful experiences as well as a comparison wit h Dickens’s personal life, at t empt s t o set fort h t he opt imist ic spirit and posit ive at t it udes t owards life.
2 《双城记》中的象征艺术探析廖衡(华中农业大学外国语学院,湖北武汉430070)
3 谈《双城记》中人物的象征意义马莹 ( 陕西师
摘要: 文章探讨了象征手法在《双城记》中的运用。
象征的意义具有不确定性,依赖于特定的文化、艺术家的描述以及读者的解读( 廖衡, 143,2009) 。
4 论双城记的美学特征黄庭月 (河南省政法管理干部学院, 河南郑州 450002)
摘要: 双城记是狄更斯晚年的力作, 这部小说通过描写法国大革命前后发生在巴黎和伦敦的故事, 反映了各种各样的人和所表现出来的人性。
出一系列的美学特征: 强烈的人道主义倾向,悬念迭生的故事情节以及沉稳凝练的语言风格, 从而体现了狄更斯独特的创作个性。
On the EstheticsCharacteristic of A Tale of Two C ities HUANG Ting yue
Abstrac t: A Tale of Two C ities is w ritten by D ickens in h is o ld age. Th is novel has re flected var ious person and the ir hum an natures by describing som e stories wh ich occured in London and Par ies around the French Revo lution. The nove l dispays a series of esthetics character istics such as hum an itaran ism tendency, steady language style, etc. This novel manifests unique Creation individuality of Dickens
5 三、《双城记》的艺术特色
6 论《双城记》中狄更斯的宗教观宗红梅 ( 西北师范大学文学院, 甘肃兰州730070)
内容摘要: 《双城记》是狄更斯后期最有代表性的作品。
促使作者精心创作这一故事的动机除了真实反映人民疾苦和谴责贵族的残暴行为外, 更旨在宣扬、歌颂自己的宗教情感———基督的仁爱和永生。
Dickens' Religious Views Implied in A Tale of Two Cities
Abstr act: A Tale of Two Cities, one of Dickens' masterpieces in his old age, whose aim is to propagate his passion of religion: Christ's benevolence and eternity reflects a truth of
people's sufferings and denounces noble's atrocity.
7 摘要:作为忧患之作,《双城记》以法国大革命为载体借古喻今地反映了尖锐的阶级对立和激烈的阶级斗争;通过各种人物的遭遇及其人性剖析,展示了人道主义视野下革命的合理性与复仇的疯狂性,并提倡用仁爱和宽恕的精神来化解仇恨、改变那些被扭曲的心灵。
Abstract: With the French and the Eng lish society of the last years of the 18th cen tury as the background, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens shows effectively the nov elist’s aim to point out the injustice of oppres sion and the justification of the revolution. H owever, Dickens shows his strong criticism on the excess of bloodshed during the French Re volution, especially in his consideration of the innocent(like Charles Darnay) being punished al
ong with the guilty. He feels that the old wa ys of oppression must be changed, and that m uch oppression and much misery inevitably lea d to revolution, but when the revolution actual ly comes, he thinks that it is too violent and that the less bloodshed the better. The chief and the best portrayed figure is the leader of the revolution,Madame Defarge. She has l ess sympathy for the innocent,and she incarn ates the author’s logos thinking about the ext reme vengeance.。