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m name is haoord.. anjun is m given name. an means seet and jun means person, so m name means a seet-tempered girl. i atuall am! but ou an all me june, for our onveniene, j-u-n-e, it's similar to m hinese name jun. i am from enping, a small

it in the southest of guangdong provine, near hongkong and mXXo. mabe ou have never been there before, it's ell knon for the hot springs there.

m hometon is uhan, so i speak hubei dialet in addition to mandarin and some antonese.

i graduated from guangzhou universit to ears ago. i had great performane in universit, to sholarships, to XXrds of exellent student adre, and one impressive XXrd of full attendane, hih means i never missed a single lass that semester!

m first job as reeptionist and seretar in an eletroni pan, but i left in less than a ear simpl beause i had little ork

to do there. at that time i ould finish a da's ork in several hours. i ouldn't bear the boredom of having nothing to do, so i quit.

m urrent job is a ver bus one. i ork at leshi

pharmaeutial pan. leshi, as ou an see on m resume, speializes in the holesale of hinese mediine, the annual sales are about 50 million rmb. i am one of the eight ustomer servie representatives. i provide servies to about fift ustomers, inputting orders, pushing paments, handling plaints and so on. last ear i ranked number to of the eight representatives in

the annual satisfation surve. sales reps gave me

4.5 and ustomers gave me

4.2 out of the full sore of 5 for the servies i provided.

i'm interested in iba for to reasons. the first reason is that i look forard to joining a big international pan. the seond reason is that i feel i meet our requirements. although i've never orked in fine hemistr panies, the to-ear experiene in a pharmaeutial pan has made me a qualified ustomer servie representative ho an meet the high standards.

i believe ou kno that the pharmaeutial business usuall

has ver strit requirements and high standards. in addition, i am sure i an learn ho to use orale erp in a short time, as i am ver familiar ith hejia erp, hih is quite similar, and i

use the english version at m present job. that's about all.




demonstrated abilit in the provision of sales support servies.inludes establishment of the lient base,extensive ustomer serviing,telemarketing,old alling and sales territor development.

onsistentl metexeeded sales goals and instituted sales programs;sales inreased from $8 to $25 million.

thorough knoledge of management prodution;assure timel and aurate presentation of goods;adept at oordinating deliver proesses,organization of deliver shedules and monitoring deliver personnel.

extensive experiene in failitating operational proedures,respond to ustomer plaints;resolve problem elements;interat ith redit department to asertain ustomer aount status.handle souring of vendors,ontrat

negotiation,purhasing,orrespondene,aount adjustments and inventor ontrol.

exeptional muniationinterpersonal and organizational skills.


1989-present oxbridge,in.

interfae ith merhandising personnel,at all levels,and provide tehnial information on pan produts and servies.
