
History is the teacher of life.2、一切历史都是当代史。
All history is contemporary history.3、历史是国家和人类的传记。
History is the biography of country and human.4、历史是人类的过去的知识。
History is the past of human knowledge.5、历史是说过和做过事情的记忆。
History is the memory of said and done things.6、每一种真正的历史都是现代史。
Every kind of true history is modern history.7、胜利者书写历史,失败者创造历史。
Winners writing history, losers make history.8、无论如何,历史总是一代胜过一代。
However, history is always a generation than a generation.9、历史是安静的,喧嚣的是说历史的人。
History is a quiet, noisy mean history.10、历史又可教我们以智慧和价值的相对性。
History can teach us the wisdom and the relativity of value.11、历史,不过是由胜利者书写的谎言罢了。
History is written by the victors lies.12、历史是一面镜子,也是一本深刻的教科书。
History is a mirror, is also a profound textbook.13、不尊重历史的人,注定要重犯历史的错误。
People who do not respect history, are doomed to repeat the historical error.14、历史是一面镜子,它照亮现实,也照亮未来。

有关历史的英文名言历史的英文名言1.History is the essence of innumerable biographies.-Thomas Carlyle : Essay on History2.No great man lives in vain. The history of the world is but the biography of great men.-Carlyle : Heroes and Hero-Worship3.History is philosophy teaching by examples.-Dionysius4.The history of the great events of this world is scarcely more than the history of crimes.-Voltaire5.History -- which is, indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind.-Edward Gibbon6.There is properly no history : only biography.-Emerson7.We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.-George Bernard Shaw8.After hearing two eyewitness accounts of the same accident or incident, you begin to wonder about history.-Anonymous9.Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total; of all those acts will be written the history of thisgeneration.-Robert Kennedy10.A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.-Mahatma Gandhi11.History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon.-Napoleon Bonaparte12.Observe good faith and justice toward all nations. Cultivate peace and harmony with all.-George Washington13.That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons of history.-Aldous Huxley14.Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it.-John Adams15.The very ink with which history is written is merely fluid prejudice.-Mark Twain感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

History is more or less bunk. -- Henry Ford
Say goodbye to the oldies, but goodies, because the good old days werent always good and tomorrow aint Billy Joel
That men do not learn very much from the lessons of history is the most important of all the lessons that history has to teach. -- Aldous Huxley
关键词: 关于 名言 历史 英语
Women are the only exploited group in history to have been idealized into powerlessness.-- Erica Jong
Every major horror of history was committed in the name of an altruistic motive. -- Ayn Rand
History repeats itself; thats one of the things thats wrong with history. -- Clarence Darrow
英语谚语 我们正在创造历史

"我们正在创造历史" 并不是一个常见的英语谚语,但有一些相关的谚语和格言,强调了个人和集体在行动中塑造未来和历史的重要性。
"The future is in our hands."(未来掌握在我们手中。
"We are the architects of our own destiny."(我们是自己命运的建筑师。
"Actions speak louder than words."(行动胜于言辞。
"You are not only responsible for what you say, but also for what you do not say."(你不仅对你说过的负责,还对你没有说的负责。
"History is written by the victors."(历史由胜利者书写。
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."(成为你希望在世界上看到的变革。

History is the winner.2、历史是知识分子文化活动的结果。
History is the result of intellectual and cultural activities.3、历史不会留下一事无成者的闲言碎语。
History does not leave nothing gossip.4、历史一共就两页,一页沧海,一页桑田。
History only have two pages, one page of the sea, one page.5、那不是历史的必然,而是有人创造了历史。
It is not historically inevitable, but someone made history.6、究竟是我摆脱了历史,还是被历史遗弃了呢?Whether I get rid of the history, or was abandoned by history?7、历史不过是追求着自己目的的人的活动而已。
History is the pursuit of his purpose of human activity.8、历史虽然会一再重演,但人类却无法回到过去。
History will repeat itself again and again, but humans can't return to the past.9、历史给我们的最好的东西就是它所激起的热情。
History gives us the best thing is it's enthusiasm.10、历史不会记住细节的,从来历史只记得胜利者。
History does not remember details, history never remember only the winner.11、历史是严峻的。

英语名⼈名⾔(中英双语)1.You make a living by what you get, but you make a life by what you give.(WinstonChurchill)我们靠所获得的东西⽣存。
2.The true perfection of man lies not only in what man has, but also in what man is.(OscarWilde)真正的完美的⼈,并不在于他拥有什么,⽽在于他是什么样的⼈。
3.The real act of discovery is not in finding new lands, but seeing with new eyes.(MarcelProust)真正的发现之旅不只是为了发现全新的景⾊,也是为了拥有全新的眼光。
4.Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than otherthing.(Abraham Lincoln)随时记住,你想要成功的决⼼⽐什么都重要。
5.No act of kindness. No matter how small, is ever wasted.(Aesop)勿以善⼩⽽不为。
6. A new idea is first condemned as ridiculous, and then dismissed as trivial, until finally itbecomes what everybody knows.(William James)⼀个新的想法是第⼀个被谴责为荒谬的,然后被视为⽆⾜轻重,直到最后,它成为⼤家都知道7. It is not who is right, but what is right, that is of importance.(Thomas Huxley)重要的是什麽才是对的,⽽不是谁是对的。

History is the winner.2、历史是知识分子文化活动的结果。
History is the result of intellectual and cultural activities.3、历史不会留下一事无成者的闲言碎语。
History does not leave nothing gossip.4、历史一共就两页,一页沧海,一页桑田。
History only have two pages, one page of the sea, one page.5、那不是历史的必然,而是有人创造了历史。
It is not historically inevitable, but someone made history.6、究竟是我摆脱了历史,还是被历史遗弃了呢?Whether I get rid of the history, or was abandoned by history?7、历史不过是追求着自己目的的人的活动而已。
History is the pursuit of his purpose of human activity.8、历史虽然会一再重演,但人类却无法回到过去。
History will repeat itself again and again, but humans can't return tothe past.9、历史给我们的最好的东西就是它所激起的热情。
History gives us the best thing is it's enthusiasm.10、历史不会记住细节的,从来历史只记得胜利者。
History does not remember details, history never remember only the winner.11、历史是严峻的。
History is grim. History is not a person dressed little girl.12、一个不懂自己出生前的历史的人,永远是个孩子。

关于历史的英语名言History is a treasure trove of wisdom, with many famous quotes inspiring and enlightening us about the lessons of the past. In this article, we will explore some renowned English quotations about history and reflect on their significance.1. "History will be kind to me for I intend to write it." - Winston ChurchillThis quote by former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill highlights the power of writing history. Churchill understood that history is often written by those in power and that the narrative can shape public perception. By intending to write his own history, he expressed his determination to leave a positive legacy.2. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - George SantayanaThis quote by philosopher George Santayana reminds us of the importance of learning from history. Without knowledge of the past, we risk making the same mistakes and facing similar consequences. Remembering our history allows us to make informed decisions and steer clear of repeating past errors.3. "The more you know about the past, the better prepared you are for the future." - Theodore RooseveltFormer US President Theodore Roosevelt emphasizes the practicality of studying history in this quote. History provides valuable insights into humanbehavior, patterns, and outcomes. By understanding historical context, we can make informed predictions and decisions that positively shape our future.4. "Every great achievement is the story of a flaming heart." - Arnold H. GlasowWhile not explicitly about history, this quote by Arnold H. Glasow encapsulates the essence of historical accomplishments. Behind every great achievement lies the passion and determination of individuals who have left lasting imprints on the pages of history. From scientific breakthroughs to social revolutions, those with "flaming hearts" have shaped the course of history.5. "History, despite its wrenching pain, cannot be unlived, but if faced with courage, need not be lived again." - Maya AngelouMaya Angelou, a renowned poet, illustrates the emotional weight carried by history in this powerful quote. History can be painful, with its scars still influencing our societies. However, facing history with courage allows us to learn from the past and create a better future, free from repeating the same errors.6. "The history of the world is but the biography of great men." - Thomas CarlyleThomas Carlyle's quote may be seen as a reflection of the time in which he lived, with a focus on powerful individuals shaping history. However, it also serves as a reminder that influential leaders and visionaries have indeed played significant roles in shaping the trajectory of human history.7. "History is a cyclic poem written by time upon the memories of man." - Percy Bysshe ShelleyPoet Percy Bysshe Shelley offers a beautiful metaphor for history in this quote. The cyclical nature of history, with its patterns and repetitions, is reminiscent of the rhythmic verses of a poem. Each historical event becomes an indelible memory etched upon the pages of time.8. "History is not a burden on the memory but an illumination of the soul." - Lord ActonMarked by Lord Acton's keen insight, this quote challenges the perception of history as a mere burden. Instead, it encourages us to view history as an enlightening force that illuminates our understanding of the world and shapes our identity.Conclusion:These English quotations about history offer us valuable insights and perspectives on the importance of studying the past. From the power of writing history to the need to remember and learn from it, these quotes inspire us to appreciate the significance of historical knowledge. As we embrace history's lessons, we can enrich our present and shape a brighter future.。

英语历史励志名言警句1. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." — Franklin D. Roosevelt2. "Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking." — William Butler Yeats3. "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." — Eleanor Roosevelt4. "Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." — Confucius5. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." —Steve Jobs6. "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." — Confucius7. "Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston Churchill8. "The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible." — Charles Kingsleigh9. "The best way to predict the future is to create it." —Peter Drucker10. "The harder you work, the luckier you get." — Gary Player11. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." —Franklin D. Roosevelt12. "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge." — Stephen Hawking13. "The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be." — Ralph Waldo Emerson14. "The only way to discover the limits of the possible isto go beyond them into the impossible." — Arthur C. Clarke15. "The best revenge is massive success." — Frank Sinatra16. "The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." — Edmund Burke17. "The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." — Franklin D. Roosevelt18. "The only way to do great work is to love what you do." — Steve Jobs19. "The only way to achieve the impossible is to believe it is possible." — Charles Kingsleigh20. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." —Franklin D. Roosevelt。

《英语名人名句》篇11. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." ——Ralph Waldo Emerson这句话是由美国作家、哲学家爱默生所说,意思是“在一个不断试图让你成为其他人的世界中,做自己是最大的成就。
2. "I have not failed. I"ve just found 10,000 ways that won"t work. Many of life"s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration." ——Thomas Edison这句话是由美国发明家爱迪生所说,意思是“我没有失败。
我只是发现了 10,000 种行不通的方法。
3. "All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think, we become." ——Buddha 这句话是由佛教创始人释迦牟尼所说,意思是“我们所有的一切都是我们思想的结果。

History is quiet, and the people who talk about it are noisy.2、历史,不过是由胜利者书写的谎言罢了。
History is just a lie written by the winner.3、既然不能选择历史,那么就服从历史的选择。
Since we cannot choose history, we must obey the choice of history.4、青年不可坐享其成,应该以自己的行动掀起变化,创造历史。
Youth should not sit back and enjoy their achievements. They should make changes and make history with their own actions.5、每一种真正的历史都是现代史。
Every real history is modern history.6、人类历史只是宇宙中的一瞬间,而历史的第一个教训就是要学会谦逊。
Human history is only a moment in the universe, and the first lesson of history is to learn humility.7、历史多么无情而又有情,不遗忘每一个对历史的贡献,也不宽容每一个对历史的障碍。
How ruthless and affectionate history is, not forgetting every contribution to history, nor tolerating every obstacle to history.8、人类前大半部份的历史,是有神论,后来的历史,是有真理论。
The first half of human history is theism, and later history is truth.9、我更喜欢死的历史。

One point for knowledge, need is gained by accumulation.2、历史是人类的过去的知识。
History is the past of human knowledge.3、行动是知识特有的果实。
Action is characteristic of the knowledge of the fruit.4、知识是人生旅途中的资粮。
Knowledge is the life journey of food.5、知识反不如机智来得重要。
Knowledge against than wit.6、知识才智是实践经验的总结。
Knowledge and wisdom is the summary of practical experience.7、知识深藏在谦虚的大海里。
Knowledge hidden in a modest in the sea.8、要想获得新知识,就必须提出大量的新问题。
If you want to acquire new knowledge, you must be a lot of new questions.9、实践是知识的源泉,知识是生活的明灯。
Practice is the source of knowledge, knowledge is the lightof life.10、有知识不会运用,如同耕耘而不播种。
Knowledge does not apply, as cultivated without sowing.11、心灵的沙漠,需要知识的清泉浇灌。
The desert of mind, knowledge of clear spring water.12、唯一好的是知识,唯一坏的是无知。
The only good is knowledge, the only bad is ignorance.13、我们要像海绵一样吸收有用的知识。

History is the teacher of life.2、一切历史都是当代史。
All history is contemporary history.3、历史是国家和人类的传记。
History is the biography of country and human.4、历史是人类的过去的知识。
History is the past of human knowledge.5、历史是说过和做过事情的记忆。
History is the memory of said and done things.6、每一种真正的历史都是现代史。
Every kind of true history is modern history.7、胜利者书写历史,失败者创造历史。
Winners writing history, losers make history.8、无论如何,历史总是一代胜过一代。
However, history is always a generation than a generation.9、历史是安静的,喧嚣的是说历史的人。
History is a quiet, noisy mean history.10、历史又可教我们以智慧和价值的相对性。
History can teach us the wisdom and the relativity of value.11、历史,不过是由胜利者书写的谎话罢了。
History is written by the victors lies.12、历史是一面镜子,也是一本深刻的教科书。
History is a mirror, is also a profound textbook.13、不尊重历史的人,注定要重犯历史的错误。
People who do not respect history, are doomed to repeat the historical error.14、历史是一面镜子,它照亮现实,也照亮未来。

杰斐逊英文名言1.人人生而平等.(10月19日名言)原文:all men are created equal.出处:《美国独立宣言》2.我喜欢梦想未来而非追思既往的历史.原文:i like the dreams of the future better than the history of the past.3.自由之花需要经常用爱国者和暴君的鲜血来浇灌.原文:the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.4.如果一个国家期望在国民无知的情况下却拥有自由,那么这种期望无论在历史上,还是未来都绝不会实现.如果我们打算抵御无知和捍卫自由,每位美国人都有责任了解一件公共事务的来龙去脉.原文:if a nation expects to be ignorant and free in a state of civilization,it expects what never was and never will be.if we are to guard against ignorance and remain free,it is the responsibility of every american to be informed. 出处:letter to col.charles yancey,january 6,18165.造物主的关爱是至关重要的,因为它使得道德原则成为我们宪法的非常重要的一个组成部分,以至于我们任何理性或思辨的错误都不会导致我们在实际生活中偏离宪法.-- 托马斯杰弗逊原文:creators showing loving concern is veryimportant,because it enables the moral principle to become our constitution an extremely important constituent,down to our any rationality or the speculation mistake all cannot cause us to deviate the constitution in the practical life.-- thomas jefferson6.一切问题均呈两面,一旦决心取其一,孜孜以求,并建立成效,则无可避免地会遭到来自另一面的诟病与仇视.原文:there are two sides to every question.if you take one side with decision and on it with effect,those who take the other side will of course resent your actions.7.人们长期来被剥夺了自治的福址.现在,就要完全看我们自己如何在安泰与和谐中享受这些福址:用实例表明,人类具有充分的理性管理人类的事务,以及多数人的意志,每个社会的自然规律乃是人类权利唯一的可靠监护者.原文未找到【篇二:杰斐逊英文名言】if america peoplefinally let private bank took control ofthe country s currency, so these banks will first by inflation, and deflation, to deprive theproperty of the people, until the day when their children wake up themorning, have lost theirhomes and theirfathers had exploited theland.提问者评价谢谢!【篇三:杰斐逊英文名言】简介:托马斯杰斐逊(英语:thomas jefferson,1743年4月13日-1826年7月4日),美利坚合众国第三任总统(1801年—1809年)。
恩格斯 关于历史的名言

恩格斯关于历史的名言1. "Freedom is the recognition of necessity."自由是对必然性的认知。
2. "The history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles."一切迄今为止社会的历史都是阶级斗争的历史。
3. "The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class."每个时代的统治思想总是统治阶级的思想。
4. "Ideas become a material force when they grip the masses."当思想掌握了群众,它就成为一种物质力量。
5. "The state is nothing but a machine for the oppression of one class by another."国家不过是一个阶级对另一个阶级进行压迫的机器。
6. "The more the division of labor and the application of machinery extend, the more does competition extend among the workers, the more do their wages shrink together."随着劳动分工和机械应用的扩大,工人之间的竞争加剧,他们的工资也越来越低。
7. "The first requisite of the happiness of the people is the abolition of religion."人民幸福的首要条件是废除宗教。


History has its own life, it is like a person, both easy-going and self-esteem.2、历史只倚靠事实来做说明,而从来不倚靠任何推想。
History relies only on facts to illustrate, but never on any speculation.3、死亡面前,再辉煌的成就,再悠久的历史,都变得如此脆弱。
In the face of death, no matter what brilliant achievements, no matter how long history, all become so fragile.4、竞争优势的秘密是创新,这在现在比历史上的任何时候都更是如此。
The secret of competitive advantage is innovation, which is even more so now than at any time in history.5、究竟是我摆脱了历史,还是被历史遗弃了呢?Did I get rid of history or was it abandoned?6、历史是知识分子文化活动的结果。
History is the result of intellectuals'cultural activities.7、什么是历史?我们为什么要学习历史?因为历史会成为后世的智慧。
What is history? Why should we study history? Because history will become the wisdom of future generations.8、历史的第一页是从互相猜忌、搞阴谋和耍手腕开始的。
The first page of history begins with mutual suspicion, conspiracy and manipulation.9、历史著作有开始也有结束,但它们描写的事件却并不如此。

History is the teacher of life.2、一切历史都是当代史。
All history is contemporary history.3、历史是国家和人类的传记。
History is the biography of country and human.4、历史是人类的过去的知识。
History is the past of human knowledge.5、历史是说过和做过事情的记忆。
History is the memory of said and done things.6、每一种真正的历史都是现代史。
Every kind of true history is modern history.7、胜利者书写历史,失败者创造历史。
Winners writing history, losers make history.8、无论如何,历史总是一代胜过一代。
However, history is always a generation than a generation.9、历史是安静的,喧嚣的是说历史的人。
History is a quiet, noisy mean history.10、历史又可教我们以智慧和价值的相对性。
History can teach us the wisdom and the relativity of value.11、历史,不过是由胜利者书写的谎言罢了。
History is written by the victors lies.12、历史是一面镜子,也是一本深刻的教科书。
History is a mirror, is also a profound textbook.13、不尊重历史的人,注定要重犯历史的错误。
People who do not respect history, are doomed to repeat the historical error.14、历史是一面镜子,它照亮现实,也照亮未来。

To overcome the nationality is the victory of culture.2、文化越高,劳动越受重视。
The higher culture, work, the more valued.3、企业文化是找寻新工作的标准。
Enterprise culture is the criterion for finding a new job.4、历史是知识分子文化活动的结果。
History is the result of intellectual and cultural activities.5、我们需要文化,就像需要空气一样。
We need culture, like need air.6、人是人的作品,是文化、历史的产物。
Man is man's work, is the product of culture, history.7、文化是小康之后老百姓才去想的事儿。
Culture is a well-off later people to think about.8、世界文化的未来,就是中国文化的复兴。
The future of the world culture, is the revival of Chinese culture.9、文化,是语言的条件,同时也是它的产物。
Culture, is the condition of language, is also the product of it.10、一个人的文化程度可以表示一个人的心德。
A person's cultural degree can represent a person's heart.11、教育不是产业是事业。
Education is not industry business. Culture is a state not pervert.12、贫农特别吃没有文化的亏,特别需要受教育。

英语作文里关于历史的名言名句Incorporating historical quotes or famous sayings about history into an English essay adds depth and authority to your writing. Here are a few timeless quotes that you can consider weaving into your essay about history, self-discovery, perseverance, or any related theme:1. "History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon."- Napoleon BonaparteThis quote highlights the subjective nature of history and how it is often shaped by the perspectives and interpretations of those who write or tell it.2. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."- George SantayanaThis famous line underscores the importance of studying history to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past and to learn from previous successes and failures.3. "History is a vast early warning system telling us what to do and what not to do."- Will DurantDurant's quote emphasizes the practical value of historical knowledge in guiding our present actions and decisions.4. "History is the teacher of life."- CiceroCicero's words convey the belief that by studying history, we can gain wisdom and insights that can enrich our lives and help us navigate the complexities of the present.5. "The study of history places us in the midst of humanity's heroic struggles against tyranny, poverty, disease, and war. It shows us how, through perseverance and courage, people have triumphed over adversity."- David McCulloughMcCullough's quote highlights the inspiring and empowering aspects of historical study, emphasizing the resilience of humanity in the face of challenges.6. "History is a guide to navigation in perilous times. History is philosophy teaching by example."- Will DurantThis quote emphasizes the navigational and philosophical value of history, suggesting that it can serve as a compass in uncertain times and provide valuable lessons for living.7. "The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there."- L.P. HartleyHartley's quote beautifully captures the idea that the past, while connected to the present, is also inherently different and requires a certain level of understanding and empathy to fully appreciate.Incorporating any of these quotes into your essay can help illustrate your points, add a touch of elegance, and engage your readers with timeless wisdom about the importance and significance of history.。
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History is quiet, and the people who talk about it are noisy.2、历史,不过是由胜利者书写的谎言罢了。
History is just a lie written by the winner.3、既然不能选择历史,那么就服从历史的选择。
Since we cannot choose history, we must obey the choice of history.4、青年不可坐享其成,应该以自己的行动掀起变化,创造历史。
Youth should not sit back and enjoy their achievements. They should make changes and make history with their own actions.5、每一种真正的历史都是现代史。
Every real history is modern history.6、人类历史只是宇宙中的一瞬间,而历史的第一个教训就是要学会谦逊。
Human history is only a moment in the universe, and the first lesson of history is to learn humility.7、历史多么无情而又有情,不遗忘每一个对历史的贡献,也不宽容每一个对历史的障碍。
How ruthless and affectionate history is, not forgetting every contribution to history, nor tolerating every obstacle to history.8、人类前大半部份的历史,是有神论,后来的历史,是有真理论。
The first half of human history is theism, and later history is truth.9、我更喜欢死的历史。
I prefer the history of death. The history of death is written in ink, while the history of life is written in blood.10、无论如何,历史总是一代胜过一代。
In any case, history is always better than one generation.11、历史又可教我们以智慧和价值的相对性。
History also teaches us the relativity of wisdom and value.12、历史是国家和人类的传记。
History is the biography of the nation and mankind.13、历史不应该仅有消除偏见,它还应该孕育热情。
History should not only eliminate prejudice, but also foster enthusiasm.14、历史的星空有群星闪耀,在浩如烟海的人类文明史上,曾经有这么一群英雄存在过。
There are stars shining in the sky of history. In the vast history of human civilization, such a group of heroes once existed.15、人类的全部历史都告诫有智慧的人,不要笃信时运,而应坚信思想。
All human history warns wise people not to believe in luck, but to believe in ideas.16、一切历史都是当代史。
All history is contemporary history.17、不尊重历史的人,注定要重犯历史的错误。
Those who do not respect history are doomed to repeat the mistakes of history.18、我们看到的历史只不过是历史的影子,鸟飞过,有影子留下。
The history we see is only the shadow of history. Birds fly by and there are shadows left behind.19、历史和哲学负有多种永恒的责任,同时也是简单的责任。
History and philosophy have many eternal responsibilities, but also simple ones.20、历史是由每一个毫不足道的瞬间的错误和英雄业绩构成的。
History is made up of errors and heroic deeds at everymoment of insignificance.21、历史是一面镜子,也是一本深刻的教科书。
History is not only a mirror, but also a profound textbook.22、你以为那是历史必然,其实是我们创造了历史。
You think it's a historical necessity. In fact, we created history.23、历史无疑注定要重复自身:毕竟,历史如同人,没有很多选择。
History is undoubtedly doomed to repeat itself: after all, history is like human beings, and there are not many choices.24、历史是人类的过去的知识。
History is the knowledge of human past.25、胜利者书写历史,失败者创造历史。
Winners write history, losers make history.26、历史告诉我们,过去从未发生的事情的确会发生。
History tells us that things that never happened in the past do happen.27、如今山河破败,风雨飘摇。
Now the mountains and rivers are crumbling and the rain is rolling. Who is not the hostage of history, who can guarantee to be a lifelong hero.28、历史是为活着的人们而写的。
History is written for the living. After searching the dead man's pockets, the living people marched on the dead man's body.29、历史是说过和做过事情的记忆。
History is the memory of what has been said and done.30、历史是一面镜子,它照亮现实,也照亮未来。
History is a mirror that illuminates reality and the future.31、历史是生活的教师。
History is the teacher of life.32、到底是因为有我,历史才如此,还是因为历史如此,才有我的故事。
Is it because of me that history is like this, or is it because history is like this that my story is.33、在由强者书写的历史中,历史没有眼泪的位置。
In the history written by the strong, history has no place for tears.34、科学,按其本质,是历史的;历史的继承和批判,无疑是科学的重要特征之一。
Science, according to its essence, is history; the inheritance and criticism of history is undoubtedly one of theimportant characteristics of science.35、历史还不是一门科学,仅仅靠伪造和删节才会被弄得像门科学似的。
History is not a science, only by forgery and abridgement can it be made like a science.36、我们的历史是一份无比珍贵的遗产,是值得我们自豪的。
Our history is an invaluable legacy and deserves our pride.37、人类的历史是很忍耐地等待着被侮辱者的胜利。
Human history waits patiently for the victory of the insulted.38、人类的历史,就是一个不断地从必然王国向自由王国发展的历史。
The history of mankind is a history of continuous development from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom.39、历史早已证明,伟大的革命斗争会造就伟大人物,使过去不可能发挥的天才发挥出来。
History has long proved that great revolutionary struggle will bring about great people and bring out talents that were impossible in the past.40、观念并不一定仅仅是社会环境的征兆与产物,它自身在历史上也是一种力量。
Ideas are not only symptoms and products of social environment, but also a force in history.41、历史上最突出的偶然的机遇是赫赫名人、伟大人物的间歇出现。